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NEHP Winter Newsletter 2013

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Page 2: NEHP Winter Newsletter 2013

The focus of this year’s FNCE

session was on moving from a

teacher-centered approach to

instruction toward a learner-

centered learning experience.

Teaching strategies of the

past century are inadequate for

preparing health professionals of

the future.1 Frenk et al argues

that education of health profes-

sionals has not kept pace with

the changing demographics,

complexities, and environmental

influences on the health care


We can no longer rely on

teaching strategies that focus

mainly on the acquisition of fac-

tual knowledge and professional

socialization; we must move to-

ward transformative learning

strategies that enhance collabo-

rative skills, leadership attributes,

and critical thinking.1

In addition, the Academy rec-

ognized the need for change in

the 2011 Future Connections

Summit report stating that “…the

profession must foster learner-

centered and transformative pro-

fessional education that empha-

sizes leadership development,

critical thinking for decision mak-

ing and change, and competency

in the continuum of future prac-


Implementation of learner-

centered instruction strategies

has the potential to better pre-

pare health professionals for the

future. Learner-centered instruc-

tion (LCI) puts the responsibility

for learning in the students

hands. The focus of LCI is on

what the student will do to learn,

and less on what the teacher


The predominate teacher-

centered learning (TCI) model

has been highly criticized for sti-

fling students’ emotional and in-

tellectual maturity as it leads to

an emphasis on passive learning

and learned helplessness.3,4

Wright outlines five key factors

that differentiate LCI from TCI.

The first factor is the balance

of power. In TCI the teacher has

all of the power and makes all of

the decisions whereas LCI allows

for a shared balance of power

and gives students room to

choose how and what they will


Guidelines and expectations

are provided but how students

choose to learn and demonstrate

learning is less prescriptive. This

puts more control of learning on

the learner and less on the

teacher. Teachers entrenched in

TCI models may find it difficult to

relinquish control.

The second factor is content.

In TCI, there is a heavy focus on

covering content in contrast to

LCI that takes a less is more ap-

proach with a focus on conceptu-

alization rather than memoriza-

tion of facts.3 Conceptualization

requires use of higher order

thinking skills, which may lead to

enhance critical thinking.

The role of the teacher is the

third factor described by Wright.

Using a LCI approach, the

teacher becomes a facilitator or

learning coach as opposed to the

teacher as a giver of information.

This leads directly into the fourth

factor of responsibility for learn-

ing. The LCI model requires stu-

dents to take an active role in the

learning process and take re-

sponsibility for learning in con-

trast to the teacher taking all the

responsibility for whether or not

students learn.3

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The final factor is how learn-

ing is evaluated. A TCI approach

relies heavily on summative

evaluation strategies, primarily

exams. Since LCI is more of a

coaching model, evaluation is

more formative in nature and oc-

curs at multiple steps in the

learning process while utilizing a

greater variety of evaluation tools

such as brief summary papers,

peer debates, peer teaching, or

culminating projects. Additionally,

students are given tools for self-

evaluation and peer evaluation.3,5

The LCI model that takes the

above five factors into account

leads to a different learning ex-

perience for the student. Under a

LCI model, students actively en-

gage in applying, practicing, dis-

cussing, reflecting, and creating

products in contrast to listening

passively to lectures under the

TCI model. The aim is to make

learning more relevant and

meaningful using real world con-

text for enhanced problem solv-

ing and decision-making. Col-

laboration and social interactions

between students and instructors

are cornerstones of LCI as op-

posed to the individual, competi-

tive environment of TCI.

Students work together to cre-

ate, find resources, and teach

each other. LCI attempts to fos-

ter intrinsic motivation by asking

questions that peak curiosity and

giving students more control over

their learning experiences. This

interactive environment engages

more of the students’ senses in

the learning process and fosters

the use higher order thinking

skills. Lastly, LCI recognizes the

possibility of more than one way

to accomplish a task in allowing

more creativity in problem solv-

ing in comparison to TCI in which

there is typically only one right

way and answer.3,5,6

There are many established

and potential benefits of LCI.

Benefits include increased un-

derstanding, retention, engage-

ment, and interest in learning.

Additionally, motivation, sense of

empowerment, critical thinking,

and ability to apply new informa-

tion is also increased.4,5,7 Both

students and faculty report

greater satisfaction with LCI.

An important aspect of LCI is

that it accommodates multiple

learning styles which may ac-

count for many of its benefits

mentioned above. Anxiety, desire

to cheat, and learned helpless-

ness is likely to be reduced when

LCI strategies are applied.4,5

Furthermore, LCI encourages

curiosity, desire for lifelong learn-

ing and self-regulated learning3,7;

traits that are essential for the

career advancement and growth

of health professionals. Both the

Academy’s Education and Work-

force taskforces conclude that

the future needs of dietetics pro-

fessionals require critical think-

ing, lifelong desire for learning,

increased understanding and in-

tellectual capacity, adaptability,

leadership, and collaboration

skills to name a few.8

Adopting LCI strategies within

dietetics or other health profes-

sional education will assist in cre-

ating professionals prepared for

future roles in the healthcare


Page 4: NEHP Winter Newsletter 2013

In summary, moving from a

predominately TCI model to an

LCI model can help move the

needle to traits that are desirable

for future dietetics and other

health professionals. LCI is ac-

tive learning and allows students

to take charge of how and what

they will learn. Hansen and

Stephens believe LCI pro-

vides a blueprint for empowering

learners to become independent,

self-critical thinkers, leaders with

courage to take risks and be dif-

ferent, value collaboration and

involvement, and instill intrinsic

value for continued personal

growth and learning.4

“I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide

the conditions in which they can learn.”

Page 5: NEHP Winter Newsletter 2013

NEHP Member News

Laura Matarese, PhD, RD, LDN, FADA is Guest Editor on malnutrition for the Journal of the Academy

of Nutrition and Dietetics’ newly launched Resource Center. The Malnutrition Resource Center (http://

malnutrition.andjrnl.org/) offers peer-reviewed content that may be used as educational tools for health


The site is a free-access forum and features a journal article collection, educational videos, Abbott Nu-

tritional Health Institute educational webcasts and resource links, Academy webcasts, quick polls, and

many other references and resources on malnutrition.

Page 8: NEHP Winter Newsletter 2013

Obesity causes informa-

tion - Concise research

summaries on issues and

factors that contribute to

the obesity epidemic.

The Healthy Weight

Checklist - Healthy diet

and lifestyle tips for obe-

sity prevention.

In The News - RSS feed

of obesity prevention

headlines from around the


Nemours’ KidsHealth.org

offers an individual site for par-

ents, kids, teens, and educators

that includes age-specific games,

experiments, FAQs, and re-

source kits for teaching kids to

lead a healthy lifestyle. The kids’

and teens’ sites allow them to

explore how the body works,

easy recipes, and general health


TogetherCounts.com is a

similar resource geared towards

nurses and teachers

Nutrition.gov compiles tools

such as the:

National Nutrient Data-

base (http://ndb.nal.

usda.gov/ndb/foods/list) -

Search 8,000 foods for

their nutritional content.

Information on Farmer’s

Markets (http://







Resources for easier,

healthier, and cheaper

food-shopping (http://






The USDA collected a variety

of resources to coincide with

June being National Dairy Month.

Resources include:

A PDF (http://www.



TenTips/DGTipsheet 5Go-

tYourDairyToday.pdf) with

10 tips to help you eat and

drink more fat-free or low-

fat dairy foods.

Games for kids and mate-

rials for teachers (http://



aspx) to help make learn-

ing about dairy fun.

Calcium and bone health

resources (http://






The Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics names and reviews top-

rated, free smart-phone apps for

managing weight, gluten-free di-

ets, and diabetes: http://



Foundation HealthCare Net-

work created an app for users to

look up nutritional information

from over 100 popular restau-

rants and over 15,000 food

items: http://www.healthyandfit



The Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics also offers radio PSAs

in both English and Spanish at


These 30 second segments

cover everything from portion

control and eating healthy as you

age to grocery tote safety.

A new whey protein microsite


dairycouncil.org) contains

downloadable educational infor-

mation and resources about

whey protein, including:

The latest research on

whey protein, exercise re-

covery and healthy aging.

Fact sheets, recipes, and


Q & A section on nutrition

issued addressed by a

Whey Protein Advisory


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