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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-23 [p...

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fnimmt. E ¦AMPI BD 'CHAMBER HmNITURE.- ¦Jlin r r-BaiNoroK-s Pen.ittrre w,-*- . # o * .»<. - W"""« I»» «*» CANAL-trT, iyii?Wv^>» *«.*--_ EMAMELel) CHAMBER FlIR.VniJKE- K,. ,nd beefi.ul r>llM of eaameled. wivd oaA at .^-TrHAMBFB KVRNfrl'RK. Hr>.-a.*,.-,, to «waa<jf EZrt*-~t " hie i'ji" ..i B*di -.in roiohor*. win STi, .itrnrlT* a**..itmeut at H r FA RAI »OTON* Wer» iJjr- No *t» lv«l .t oypoette Wooatoe-ot, Now Vort ÖN BEDSTFADS.-Thfl Jfrw-Y-wrk iron kt.w«l .Mai otaeti.iiag Coaneaa*. No WJ Ueetre (f . near * e»*''be ett, utaoti *f Boroi*»*ti the* UMI P. wJtieh rb. y h III dispute 'A at whoii Bale Bad rated at IIa* I aoah pii.» i_ pBELAN» IMPROVED * BILLIARD TAIILKS. r**>«trd F.b is, irrae. 8eia*Too«r*v Km and«¦ B.roeeV wwy Matrf.- wry, No. *3 ana st New York if ujkrn, wfarotoarr and Iron. CUTLER T, PLATED WARE, dVa- AsMtWe end English iTOfy-Handled tUMlVr.O e»d PG.t KS. KtiWe* only Beef end Oara* CarreTB Table Bteale B'Ner-ae*i~d Forka, Spooni, Casters, Ac and aVartera la treat variety and a Larfi assortment of TWa fraya i H'M'SH f'R'.MIIMI H A RDVV'AKE Bete»»» By CH AB 8 LITTLP % Ov. Moa 3f artJ M Fnttow-al OÄMEÖ at BON + SHOVELS and SPADR8- . *j JOHN W Q'TNCV. No 9* 'VHHem-t*, QPELTER, ANTIMONY, BANCA TJN, gm PWAILB-Bor aaie by john W QU1NCY, BJ vvmiam-tl THOMAS P10 IRON.Soft fret), atr^of mmi B w^anantaA anhatttots for Scotch JPU tl.u _ JOHN W. G'NNCT Na W WArhaej at ¦¦¦aBNBBBTAw I-1-BEM -= (TU can ßttamere, CTEAM b6tt»r«i NEW-tfORK »nd GLASGOW. awS ft")NH1rm»U. t.Ktt tana, Wm. Cummin*, Commander | BurTW YORK. 9,1*" tun«, Robart Craig, Commander; _ »JLASOOW 1,892 tuBi Jobii Dunoac, <k>rjninaudc*r. OVteeew aad New-York Bteamabtp Comt«ny Intend tkeat new and powerful »teamet» fron New-York to w direct aa follow! i raoai aaw-roaa. raoa oLtteow. Bkrw York, Baturosy, Oct. 17. Edinburgh...Oat, Mtabwak, Saturday, Oct. SI. Glasgow.Oct. 31 batbi or ranaaa. RwBt Olaaa.pwS third Ciaaa, round with Cooked froTtrlooa.RBO texpeiietioed Burgeoi attaabed to each Steamer. fMctt or paaaafe apply to 'ARfEH RAEBtTIN, Ageaat, _ _ . No. If Broadway. BJew Tort CHy BUla or Oold only received for Pa PfHE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL X MAIE BTEABfftHIPB. Proaa New-York to Llvvarpooli Chief Cabin Paaaaae.RtjO Baeoad Cabka Paaeaga. M Prfm Bo«ton to Liverpool: Chief CeWn Pateare..f no Second Cebtn Puaaaye. SO The thip* fr-ro Button caU at UeJtfaa. MAO AR A, WliAmau.. Lewvet Boston... vVw^neaday, Ott. T1 ASIA. I.- u . Iy»a\i . N. York.. Wedo'-tday, Oct. RPKOPa Leite«.Li-sTfH H'<e*rn.. Wednrtrtay, Nov. 4 PBRMA. Jodkina..... Leavet N V-,-«. Wwin. -dav. Nov. 11 CANADA, 1 m ,.Lean. Br non...W',.dn<«''av, Nov. 18 ARABIA, Stone.Lvaeea N York..Wednoaday, Nov. BS Ebbt not at<cBred until raid for. aap. rtecfvd Bnrteou on hoard. owet -a of these afaipa will not be eeeoontabie for OolA Bullion, Bpecie, Jewelry. Procloat Btonea or Metala. bCla of ladiug ait- tlgm-d utertdor and the value thereof i eapreeaed. Vor freight or paraage apply to _E. CCNARD. No. 4 Bow!in| Oreea. BpROSKEY & CO.'» LINE of STEAM ERP RTRW-TORK, BOITR AMPTON, LONDON end BREMEN Owned by the European and Auierican Steam Bbipping Co of London and Soutbampt.*, are app.dnt.-d to eaii fr»>m KKW TOBh <«, evory aitcmate WKDNKSDAY for LONDON and BBRMLN. .. g at Southampton to land paaacugera and ¦ailaf'ir England aud Pranm They will remain one day al ana and turn pror. < d u, Bremen. Rotorning, they wtll leave MEN for NV.u vol. K on every alternate BATORDAT dug only at Sontbainpton ae .t.-BBMbipt are of the firtt elate and hare ertparlor ae ix.datioM for putaengert 7'h y will Juko a limited numbel af third niest or ttecrtge pjaengert. A aorteon it attached to each ahlp. Theiat..of fre'ght to Loudtiu will be hut llitlo higher that Bhoas of aaiiiug ships. BtTEt or ratBACB. fhatCaMn.$ 801 Second Cahlu.... g>M I Btenrage.mm. Trie steamship JASON, v. ill sail frotn New-York on WED- MIOAV. Ort atamtng TV ae Ret n-eieht tr pasese*. *fV^AND. No. 11 South tVrlliara-at, FOR LIVERPOOL -The U. 8. Mail steain- thlp ATLANTIC. Other Kldridge, Comrnand.<r,wi!l deprat With the t ailed Staloa mailt for Europe positively oB SATUR- BAY, Oi t. 94 at It o'clock m , froan ber beith at the foot of Oaaai et Pur frtdght or passage, having unosjualed aoooouno aalon. for elegance and comfort, apply to EDWARD K COLLINS. Na. M W»U ,t Passen re r. ail! pi, ae b. no "..aid at 11 u oioc-k am. AH let- kws mt.i (....« tbrtHig.. the P...t Od.»-. Bay otlera will be re- BOTICE..The ateemera of this Una have Improved water Bgkt Meupartioi Bts. Re eapeo~ hat heeu tpaxed to make the ateamert of this lint hall retpeet. as good at new. Tho thorough rxamination given BHBtprovrs their mode of ncrnstmctlon yet itnequtled. B. . . Hereafter the regular built ablpt for fbda line wiR pep haw the entire aerrloe, Si^TlvEDUCTU)N Id FARE to EUROPE Aj-rtrtt Cabin, Beeond Calds »80. lo the fintektai laMli iiheel tt.-ainthlps ARIEL t,0o0 (not, C D. Ladlow. Canmai der and NOBTb 'TAR, t,*l0 tuna, P E, Lefevpa, Ckem^Bder, to sail from Pier No 8 North Rivet, at noee a»Z, cairylng tho t'NITED STATES MAILS, via. illTW^TOREforSOrTH-l Bremen fo HAVRE end BRE Hoathatnpton Bat'y, Oot m Safy Nov 28 Uavre and SoutOamatot fog N Yurh. Wed Nov. 4 Wed-, Deo f BORTH STAR,Saturday Oot »1 Taust tt.wiuthipt touoh at Havre Spt rte delivered rn Loo Bay aad Paria. Po« peseaee or freight atiply to D TtlRRA NCE No. * Bowling r|R LIVERPOOL NEW-YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'! Clyde hiU* Iron screw att'tm.nipe CITY OP BALTIMORE.JSArtuot.Oapt. R. I^itch CITY OK WASHINGTON->,38n taut....( apt. P. T Bettle CITY OrM\NCHE8rER....2io»tuut....i,ap:. j Keun.viy KANGAROO.I V4ti;ua.Capt Jeflrwa The nnderuoted or other vetsela are intended to tail at M- tewt. Prom L'vrarooL RANO AROO.Wrdne.day.Out, A' deTerj tl'erxate Wednetdey. FaoM N v. y. v BAwH;ARIH).Tknr.dev.Oc*. 39 And every a'timateThursday, at 12 o'clock in .PCTBaae Caant Pt^aut.- From New York aid PhHade. akia, 4>7.-a Pr. m Met rye at, 31 guineas, 17 guiiiias and It Baaeat s cording to the MTommodation in the StatavrcKPina alhavitg the atme piivilrg* ia the Badooav Iacludlng Stew ¦4ra f. ia Tniao Cltit PattEtanaas .aJimlted ntroiber of Third Ota*. Beeatmgtra will b. taken and founo in at mu-h BtWfi TSn. Jtmm Philadelphia and N. w Volk, R30. t pool. These .i. v. en »recoTittn eted with improved wa'er tight BaerraarlaM ttcb vetwiraiiies aa etporiencod targeon Bite etaiy .iieutton p^id to the comfort and acaxKniaod-tioo of Paeaeieats. Drafts i* IJvrrpool from AI upward. Bar fi. i<ht or BMaeje apply at the OrRoe of the Company, JOHNO DALE. No IMfio. lw.v. N. w Yora Ag-oit r> WtL INMAN. land 13 Towte Bu'ldiagt Liverpool a,«nt. NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL ONITEL RTATES MAIL hTLAMERS -Tbt tbJpa oropoahtg thli -ret ATLAPrTTC Oapt Oliver Elflrldte. BALTIC. Capt Joaeph i ¦-. a. ADRIATIC. Capt. James Weet .hear ships hating been built by eontraet eapteteiy ret the IB* at iailstlI aervloe, every care hat been taken In toelr ooa Baaeliuu, as also la their engine*, to tutor* strength and speed aaa thett »<wv>n. mocatif >ta for eaaaei gert are aaaeualiad for eta Baas aad ooafort Pito* of paseate from New Tort to Ldt*>ryool, kn firtt oabtr BBR; la tenotid do B)75 Exoloalve uae of extra tieed ttat* .kaa, msiS r?, 9 Liverpool to New York. 30 and 90 guinea* ¦a teraevteuoed torfeoo attached to eaeh thip No bertha ras htaerearwd ..orll paid foe. The ehipt ol this line here Lmpruted .atet 'Jgh.lujti. ,d. PROPOSED DATES OP 8AIUNO. »bo» tie eon. rst a LivaarooL BATCRDAY.O.U |ü, 1W7 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 30, 1*57 IrfVBDAY.... Ort U 57 H c i)NEfil»AY..Oct IA 18» .DAY.N.v. 7, 1BN7 WEDNESDAY..Oot 28, t*S> 541£OT- «>. 1«* WEDNESDAY..Not 11, WI »RT.,...l)ea. Rittn \vki<nesdaT..Not. 9a, tstrr WEDNESDAY..bed B, la"? B^ekabtaxP W>PNEBÜAY,.D*e. «1 lay* |DW ; RD*T cTiL^tNB No. M WeB at PI f ¦ROVYN. shipley A U, LU-.nwoL BTEPHEN renn A rd k \J£ B 0- WAJNWRIOirTHA etaSvaV*" L^°* _BBw owwetB«.f thaae thip* wiii not he accountable to* cold fi* hii'Htei. rpeej*. Jewelry, pteaiout ttona inrmeta,! nul..- ^¦¦aaaa^ara ttgned therefor and the valaa u*Ut^ F^r?!:^-^..10 SP^HAMl^^^nt Si-: ¦BMeiBBaTawSJ»*7*lB«,"t ttretnthlp VANDERBILt ^ ^, U,Y(l' ^,J', » mioandet .Til »I. HAMrittir. A tfav'.. lrronl HAVRE and SOUTH MgenVN A Ha\ rp. I ampton for NEW yore *Z.** Satcrdey .»»ov. M ¦»iB^Braa,.De,-2d ... rWl» 'ataaua i ^»afJaMtaaW e e » a* e » * oe*eeee*ee*>... -av* Bjaati oahta.%Jr yaate detfrared In Lou5 >n ted P^ie ""**..........>». Bat at ¦ wer er frvaaht. bb»It to pi fr**gpjh:. apply to e/-*«-**MA Btwte-i i t fan.' . c Y. »"rtaaJACB, AaerA. ea. . ,i: -r .-o r.pa, pafAaa],aj*mV gK'"" ' '.' of.P^tat* ra^p. *Tt*BMi p*> PJa). mm Be recefred et No SoejE.-g,, _ "froa othet e'aiooh of aaa asorjiae of eallbta **. '.*.* Yotrn. lay J5t«omb0fjte or^ HaUroautj. ^.-41 4»»m **m tOJUigi Ayebt, Noa TVaoA *. vu^etea .m.T.rTii 'K -CHANGE of I IME of !.>*» NfJW- Nt<M«M BOtTT'aN KXPREtfl TRAIN-On and eftar C< .mi. »v (Vt I*. th* Eveutug Expo** Train for H .v.u.. vie K v?ll.v« Harlf-d end Sprit.;'*-, I, will letve tfth et «al itb .. a that* too (3:11| p. m ii».t^d ..f four tventy (4-.V) pn! JAS H WHITE. Hurjeriut.-odero, IAkt kOli tE.*EW YORK is PBOVI- j nr«fK. A...On end *r>«r o^. « ism. Train o/ th* pKtiViliKM K, HAKTKORD end KISHKIL.L) HMLRIAO will le.v- Hertford aft-? tb<- arrival there of the K.'pf .. Tialo ol lb* hew York anil N.w Hav.n Mmi N.-w-Hewn aud Hert¬ el id and Sprinah« Id Radr-au» «hieb Im*» New York a'. I a tu. . H VMI'EL NOTT, S.i,**intexideut. CENTRAL. RAILROAD tf^EW^EkiSKY- Connecting at New Hampton with the D. lawara, Wa> .anua and W >!.¦: u Ballt< ad, and at Beaton with leebifk Vltin Ballrvaad SUMMER ARRANGEMENT oomu.et>etrnj May 19. 1887- umw New-York foi Fa.ton and lrt-rn » ab* oia, .* from Paai No A North River, at 7.JO am 13 a*, aud J.tb'pm for Bo e-vlll* by above train, and at 5 a m Tue above train* cuttert at Rllxabwlh With train a an tba New Jerery Ballroad. whlrh leare New York fron, the foot <v Coortlandt-et. at 7-St' and 12 a m and > *. and 5 a m ". eea *- .. ' r the Delaware, Lacxawanne and Weitam Bab I ad will leere at I f an,, only Pot Lchigh Valley BaLroac A 12 m aajf._JOHN O RTF.RNS. Sr.nerintrDdaDt FLUSHING RAlI.R JAD-Loavea Fulton Mar- ket wharf by etramer laland Cite, at SrfaV * and 10 a m.. and I. 4 and fttaw p m.; the car* leave Floehiog (L I ) at the aainr Innra, u ting and exchenxing paeeengere with the boat a' Hunt, r"e Point, Through in SO minute* Pare 25 cent*. _ WM »I. SMITH. BecefTar. fHE REGULAR MA TL LrNETria STONING - A TON, for BOSTON and PROVIDENCE. Inland roajta- ihe (horteat aud moat dirart^-oarrrlnp the Eaatern Mall. The «träniere PLYMOPTH ROCK. Capt Joel st-ne. aiV COMMODORE. Capt W. H. Fraxe*, In counerHoai wttr the Stonhirtcm and Providence and Boeton aad Providence R*£ The COMMODORE, from New York Monday, Wedae*- key and Friday. Pruts Btoningtou, Tue*dap, Thursday and (atorday. The PLYMOUTH ROCK, from New York, Tueaday, Thor* Jay ard Saturday. From Stonington, Monday, VVedaoaday aaad Paeerngert procewd (rotn Btaiulngtoo pot railroad to Frort- keno* and Boaton in tbe Expiea. Mail Train rra. hing aald plane* 7i advance of tboee by other route e, and in ample time for aT *>« early n on '».*. Hare connecting Norto and Eaät. Pa., ijera Aat prefer It remain «n board the aOamer. enjoy * nlghVe real ¦bwbWbbTbwA breakfa*t If deetred, and leave BtoniDgeori in the l,tt a n. train, connecting at Prorldono* with the 1! *. m. wain for Boatoo. A baggage.maater atoocipaniei the «teamer and train tbroafb aaeh way. Vor paaaage, berth*, .t*t*-rooma or freight, apply on board the Hoamet, or at toe freight Office, Pier No. 2 North Biver. or at tba office. No. 10 Battery place,_O, t .bar 23. H~Ä~R" LEU RAILROAD BL'MMEB ARRANOEMENT. Comn ett nx WTDNESDAY. June 3, 1857. Train* leave Depot corner of White and Centre.ta., B| a. Da. . iapiea* Mail Train for Alban cuuet ting at Croton Pali* with lire of »lege» for Lake Mahopec, at Purdy'a f >r Bidge- fj. ld. at Brewate r'» for Danbury, at Chatham Pool Corner* with W'tatem Railroad for A'bany Tr v.S .n oga and the Waat. St p. rn .Mi lerton Train, atopping at all atationa. 5J p. m W iiliama Bridge Train, atoppiug at ad atationa. Gj p. ran. Wl.ite Pla<r.a Tra'n, atopping at all a'uti»na. Liave S6th «t. Station: 7J a. ni . Williame Bridre Train, «tcpp.ng at all itation* 11 a. m .William* Rridge j.atop- pint at all »tati< n«. ll| a m .White Plain. Train, (topping at a atationa. 2> p. m . WillUma ririd.e T.a n. at ippiug at ill atat n na 5 p m.Cioton Kalle Train, atopping at all atationa U p. in V\ 1 .r. Bridie Train, at. ppin« at all atationa. WM. J. CAMPBELL, Superintendent. HT'DSON RIVER RAII^ÖAD~Frr.m Octo¬ ber >9, 1857, fraina will leave Cliamber*-«t. Station a* foi- kuwgi Expreee traina fi a m and 5pm., Albany Mailand Fi naht Train 7 a m.: Al'-auy Paa." gee Train, ll:»ia m : for Stng Bing, 9:45 a ui. and 4 p m for Pou.ok.. .. 12:ti0and l:M p ¦ f..r Petkaaill, 5:5fi p. m. Tte Poiigtikeepele, Perk- .»ill and Sit g Sing Ttaina atop at 'he way etationa. P*ee»ri«"T* taten at Cbembe e. Caial Cbrief ,pi)r r and Sletet*. Tta<n« for New York have Troy st 6:30 a in. and 12.»4 and 5:45 p. m ; r.»»t Albany at 7 and it? a m and 1 end C:|0 p m. _A P SMITH. Superintendent. NEW-YORK and NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. 1257. EALL ARR vNOEMENT. 1»57. Co «MraciN« OcTOBBB l9, 1£7 Paaaixger Ptation iu Nt w-York, cotuer 27th*t. and 4th »V., entrance on 27th-et TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK For New HaveD, 7:«> 8:i">, a m (ex » ISMS,3:10 (ex) 3:45 aiid4:3(»p m For Bridgi pjtt lit*. S:M)a. at, (.«.). IltfB SIO «:46.'ex.l and4:3Hp. m. rn M»tf«g«t Bflatitreyd ra'iBiII South- port andAVrHp.it. 7 :.f>a in .Ii:l5 8:4t.4:SOpm F .rNorwal», ?:2flam ; 12:45, S: 10 (n ), 3:45. 4:VI, p m For Darl. n aofl Oreanwieh, 7:i?ia m ; 12:45 3:45 4.W 5: tip ro. Fnr *t*m- f,*C, 7:20, P:i0 (ex ), a m 13:45. S:l<i (ex). 3:45, 4:30,5:35 For Port Che.tor aud Intermediate SUtione, 7:20 a. m. j CONNElTIVO TRAINS. 3:45, 4:«0, 6:35, 6:3^j p m 12:45, For "oetoTj, 8:20a m. (ex.). 3:10 p. m (ex.). For Hartford and Springfield *. e. m (ex ), U:4io m b:|0p m (ex ) Fir Connecticut River Reliroad to Montreal, 8:20 a m » ), and S:l«p.m (rx ) to Northampton F<r Canal Rotlr. ad, 8:20 a. oi (>x)and 2:4f p. tn to Morthampton Kor II P.ailr, ad. 8:20 a tn. Fnr Naogatnrk Railrou.1. 8:20 a on, l«:45 and 3:10 p. aa. For Danbury and Notwalh Railroad, 7:1W a. m., 3:46p m. TRAINS TO NEW-YORK. From New Haven, 6.30,7, 9 S5 a. m.: l:*i(ea ), 4:30 |:dj p. en (ex ) From BrUfeport 6:10.7:40, 10:1» a. ro.; 2 07, (ex.) ¦< p m (ex) From Norwalk, b 6:41 815, |0>JS a. m t:5A lex ), 0:45, Or.V p bo. (ex ) Kroin fort Cheater, 5;x7, 6:43, T:28, 8:58, ll;S4a. to.; 6 27 p MM JAMES U. HOTT, Soraerluteodent. fAJTiW^ORkTiid ERIE RAILKOADy^On aai t* afta-r Monday. June 16 1837, and uutii furtaer notioe. Pa* aenper Tralne will leave pier f.w>t ol Duane-at ea I r-owa, via. I DUNKIRK EXPRESS, at « a m., f r DunklrE BITPFALO EXPBEB9. at 6 am, for Bnflalo MAIL, at 9 abl, for Daniirk and Bulfak) aud lntertaedi»»* etatton a. BOCKLAND PAS8ENOF.R at 3:30 p.m., lYotp foot of crxaa »ere-at via Plermont for Snfferne end Intermediate etatios*. WAY PASHENOER at 4 p m., forNewburgb, Mid.lUt/owa, aad hit« rtnodiat* atattou*. EM 10RANT at 6 p.m., for Dunkirk and Buffalo and Interaa* State etatione. THE ABOVE TRAINB RON DA I LT, (SDN DATS EXCEPTED). NIOHT EXPBESB at 5 p.m., for Dunkirk, every day. NIGHT EXPRESS at 5 p m., for Buffalo, every day. These Expreee Tralne connect at Elmira with the Ehntro Canandalgua and Niagara Kalla Railroad, far Niagara PaTIa; mi B'ngbamton with the Byracuee and BIAghamton Railroad, foi dyracuea, at Coming with Buffalo, Oornrna aud New-York tailroad, for Rorhrelor; at Great Bend with Delaware lAnkjfl »et-i a god Weatern Ballroad, foi Scranton; at Rorreallrvfll* .itb the BiiflaJoand New-York City Railroad, for SafJfaloi at I Ufa], and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad, for Ca**» and. Clnclunatl, Toledo, D. trtiit, Chicago, ktn. ~J_HUM ICR RAMSDELL, Prealdmt NEW-JERSEY KAlLKWAD. For PHILA- DELPH1A and the SOL'TH and WEST, via JERBET CITY..Mail aad Expreee Line«: Leave New-York I and 11 l nt and 4 aud 6 p. m.: fare, ft'l, Um, RS 25, »Tovpio« e< all ay etatkina 11 and 4 go to Kenaington. Tbrongn Tackoti f.'.i tor Cincinnati (#17 and IB I" 501 and the Weit, and for balttroore, Waabtiigauti, Norfo'k, An and tnrough ^gg-f» Aaaeked to Weattington in 8 a m. aud 6 p. m. W WOODBDFP. Aealetart Bup't llo Baggagt* will ho reeeived for any train unleee delivered and checked 16 minute* in advene* of *A* time of ca .-ana IbJEW WIDE-UAtÜE ROUTE from NEW- H YORK to RflfHF.STFR -The ROCHE9TER and . ENF.BRF. VALLEY RAILROAD now open, and, in ooa veotlnn wwh tAe Bufleio, Cornliig and New York, and New York and Erie RaUroada, form* a direct root* from Raw-York to Aonneeter. Tbe direx tneee of tbta route, together wtth the acperW n*aa .ort afforded by tbe wide aart, render* It by tar the moat deefr* >)r between tfae ab<rve-named-(-ltiee. Ticket* can be procured at tbe New-York and Erie Railroad Picket Office, foot of D.ov.c at and No 19h Broadway; alaa n Jnraey SNtp. Baggage checked through freight* will be Uanaport.^d between New York and Ronho* ** wirb dUpatctt. Any information deefred tn regard therat* ma be obUiBed by calling on tbe General height Ag. nt of th* Bew York and Erie BallroaA Erie Bulldiac«; or C R TAP- PAN. Expraae Fralgbt Agent. No 193 Broadway. No train, on the Buffalo. Corn lug and New York Railroad aa tbanda*. J. A. REDFIELD, 8uparrtjit«ad*xra. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..Tbc« GREAT OENTRAL BOinrE, oonnectlng the At la. t-c eitle* «rttb .Ve*t*rn, North-weatern and Booth weatern State* by * coo Bnooue Railway direr*. Thla Rc«d aiao eoanecta at Pfttabargk .itb dally llue of 8learneri bo all port* in th* Weatern River* and at Cleveland aud Bandaakp with etaiamer* to all port* *x a*** North weatera Lake*; making the moat direct oheapael .id reliable route by whlnh FREIGHT oao be f.rwarded W add from the Great Wear. BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA axed PITTS HI RGB frarr Cnaaa. Boot*. Shoe*, Hat* aad Cap*, 1«. _ Bookg Dry Good* ftn boxra bale* i.du.»i.i ,1, Drage (in bosee and balee), Peathera. Pure ba.. > twcoiD CLaie.Demeetin 8bee ting. D»rtlu« -. .. TVhti.* on ongmal balee). Drrge(Tneaaka) Hard I BkaentaP we*r\ Leather (iu roll* or .. v. a), Wool and Bbeep f lot ft. Pelta, Eaetward. Ae Phixd Ci oj Hem. Toi v. o Pqv^tii Cl*»».CoSe*, Flab, Beoon, B*ef and | Pork (Id VaraU 01 b"1**- E».t»- ., Lard aud(*fteeaUP «-»yd Ol Nsni. «od» M German Clay, Tar, [ IM». ptuA. R<wta, Ao.I fLoa-a.BI 9 Mi oiitll further noUne. taaib.atitM Ute^ It" Pi until further ootb-a. apyroa.6)3 4P bale ant exceeding 6u0 m weight, catU tertAaJ l^'ähiPfliigGv. from arty pntrt eaal of Priliadea pAla k* par ^ular fTrJK tie p* knge f' f!* PeuuMlvanla ab road - Al T7 JllLlJIBlf to tte ageoteof thla Boad at Ph«Jad*ip*ua .. P ttabuigh will he forwarded without ^e**«iöoix Bar ai'iT A*t»T«-fl«iT>. *'-«iniey l Ca. M«w»pAl». Ta«A t P Aa.. k Co.. St IrntiU. J. S. bf tcholl A Boo, Cv»'u ad i Dnmeauitl. Bell b Co., and Carter k Jrwet* l^ct.rW* tv h C Meldnoa. Madleon InA: Sprurrp«^ A Br wn, eta* trwtn fcc<. aurinnatJ N W. Grab-^, k Co Zam evill*, phloi L-jkA A Co., No. N RUbv At \\mmw Lemh k Co.. N«, r^ar^J"*' f& CA tio . William*'.., New Yorhi H a*. *" - nttahurrA 7 .-.°l "TON, Orn.ral Freiebt Agant PbfiadavlaBi'. o. J. LQwa a raw av,aera,i»»Tw1*nt. Al'noa* Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE ORE AT CENTRAL ROUTE. e-koPeaie.alvkrila Railrr^c^^ M pnuburca Wtth r»X jaAfjhl and frnc, fat Uula M. Alton, Galatia and Cfct« ia, r.aaiwaru. ao... I D Cl*»».. Arvile, Bteel, Cbaine (ia e»ki ,)M^ _ sip, Bacon and Pork oalted (looae at tneacke). J aAaw?* ¦acoo, r. ii -..1 ./ red except ('...ere or cut. An. S < paefcrt ooata from and >o NewOrteai^. Bt Lcale. L.2h» 411* and Cia Uioa'l Ti.r Tkakat) bag taM Raeg ess aa bad at any of th* ab. ee aantioned i !». ..* In Ibe Writ. Paaarag ia will ^nd tM» the ebrrteet mm. exprOlixo* ajjg a>anfort*b:.- mntr between 'be E.art and Weat. PROM V K 'V YORK TO CINtt'f'N \TI IN'SO Hiutoa PROM NRW VORK TO CHK'At O IM * HOPrjt, prom SPW.vork TO «T LOl'lS IM «t iiC.'BA. Par* a* low a* ax.v M bgf f ., - lew ?ranJ'.iiia blA* bartela t UMettl Thrct fi *i ».,, .,. .-.t ,: .- nation ir»y be be* al IV. . wef -A* PbNKi> a IU * "'I'" K » Aa'..' >i '.»e Bl J L. ewUsatOPl vgaa» LOMi ISLAND RAILROAD..'ALL mmi WINT? R ARRaNOEMENf..iS today* *x .¦*"-> v- feaint tyuif Ea»t. Leave grMitti fox f>e*tn».»rt at .0 ¦ av | btn Pro. k'V; '"' Vapbank ulli tn. tad 1:45» m '"»»» *¦<. y vi. "r -j.i. > »t 4 y p n lean tr-ni^T" fog Hmua. It . at .' KM 13 an t »... '. p m laOva .> -t yj 'or Ja. taxlae at 10 and 13 a. at 3*4 4i3R 5 aad » »' p ¦ itUöiral. HFLMB0LT)"*» EXTRACT of BTJCnU.". I M Vl:(i|,[, s Rx'ra-tof Siehe tatet Gravel H f LMBULD'B Extract of Ba.hu c.ret Dieea*** of the |»llat In I.M HOLD'S Extractor Buehu eure* D.**»*ea gf Iba ftW- at-ji ll r LM HOLD'S Extract nf Bo«ho .nre* Droeay. ». t " HOLD'S Ex'ract of Btvh>» for g-t» .. Weakr*** HEIM HOLD'S ExWaet of b bo for all di* aaet u . tj fron i \,...... HI I vi'ul.D'S Eitraat of H .- >. for all trtib&g H1 i*< LD'fl Eitrart of Bo- hi for all diteatet arittca from In r radttaaa. HE LAI HOLD'S Extract of Boe.hu for h- and D-.t.-ate Dl**e*t.. HELMBGLD'S Extract of Buehu Ii takes by male aad fe- .na'a. bELMPOLD'S Ei':».! f Bncba f rLoetcl Memory. Hh H HOLD'S Extract of Bivho 'or L-aa* a' Purer. Hkl M HOLT'S Extra-:of Bncba for Univertel Laatttede of Hi M '.cular Byatern HELMBGLD'S Extract of Bocka for Nervosa aad DeWlHasad Bufferer» i! 1- M HOLD"? Rxtrv-t of B h., f Dims*** of V . H r LMBOLD'S Extra, t of Bucbu for DtSkylly of Breetk- tefl HELMBOLD 8 Eatraot of Buehu for Week Nerve* aod IV'. ' Htia HPl-Vrol.D'S Extractor Bochii lor Wrte*:rn**e. HCLMBOLD3 Extract of Bocka fur ail u..: .atog All- Berta HELMB4JLD S Extract of Booko. prioe $1 par bottle, 4e- Bvered to any addreti. Addre** lerterr*, II D HELM90LD. Ch**n«*t. Depot, No. 32 Sontb l*th at below Cheatunt at, Phi.adelpbta Bold by Druggirt* aad Dealeit everywhere. Biwwt af c >ea> Uri.il« Care» guaranteed H EG KM AN, CLARK k Co., Agent*. Broadway, N. T. R.~R..DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MOR- R. . it Bl'S, or pairful Dlecbargea trots Iba Bawelx. are iva to In fifteen or tweity o.raute* by RADWa?'9 RKADT PLIEP For Hredeohea. wteiber tick or arrvooa, BJieutaa- ¦i ii Paralyii». Lumbago. Gout, Nettraigla. Tcoab- Acke, Svoi- ler. Joint* aid Paint and BVeakaea* to the Back Spin* or KWney. Pali* around the Liver, f - .-a* pj.-.thnm and P. . of all kirdi RADWAY'8 REaDY RELIEF will rn a few momenta ( bange tbe mtaertea you tuffar to Joyt of pleat ir*. B K. R No. 2..RADWaY'S RFNOV ATlNO RESOL- fFNT, fr* 'be Core nf Chruui* Dieeat-a.tuck at Serofiloat ¦ad r>jpbil>ti<- CxnplalnU, CoaeamptiTe end other Afi*t,*4*nt of me Luur* and Thmat, ladorattoa and Ealaraaa>eBt of Part*. Reart gia Enrptlee aad tarioaa Dia*aaae *f ah* Baia. ttyt- TI R R No 3..EADWAY'8 REGULATORS are the moot tafe i--. n liable PlUt in ute. aad «.:.. enre effectivily and q.iluk -Cottivroeat Indigettinra. Inflttutnattoo of tbe Baa.'it Dv* pe,. Liter Con.plaint, Di*<w*e« of tlie Heart, Rlioey* Pa- Complalott Ac Wbone*er the tytten It out nf trier, t deaeol KADWAY'S REOL'LATORS will rettara it to reaw- larBy. RADWAY k Co., No. IBS Fbltaw at,, ap-ttafrt. New-York. CANDfc' SARKAFARILLA, thf oriKioil and fp.n- v um e trtic'e, it infinitely t iperior to til oth-rt: pleaaaot to thetaite. composed f purely v.-g.'auje utrv*. andmiyh* token at a.l m-aiont with peif. ct aafety Prepared and t- d Sv A B A D SANDS, DniKtittt, No. DO P ,!ttn *t. New Y .rk. L'cgal Notices. IN ITRSL'ANCE of an ordarof the giirrotat» of tke Conn'.y oi New Yark. notice kereke given to til p.-r»OLt having, lalu.t tgalDtt WILLIAM ROBERTSON, late or tL* City otNew-Yoik, de. eeerd, ta preient tbe taoit with vaueher* thereof t* the tuhai riber. at the . or» of HENRY V. BCHENCK. No. Wetl-it in the City of New York, on or betöre tke third dav of April aext .Dtttd Ntw York, th* Iir*1 da> of October, i«-7. PETER BCHENCK, 08 1 «aiP^_Tiec .<U*. IR PTJS SUANCE t.f iin OToVr of th! B«1T*)|*BB of I the Connty of New York notiee it hereby given to all par- . aw*rag eleta t aaaintt NAMif.L a WATF.R^ Ute .f'.ae City of New-Y. rk, dec.atrt), to pr.tent th* IBM wl'h vooebeji th- rrof tae tubteriber at the offlc* of Wallace E. CatdwtP, No lil Wall ttiett. la th* City of New Ycrk, ou or kelLre tbe tfcird dty of April next .Dated Naw York, tea tint day of Oc¬ tober IHM. «3 lewilne*_OEOP.QE WATERS Adn.'jiUliewir. IE PURSUANCE of an nr.Wof the Surrt>fB»*j of the Ctuniy o( N*w-Yoik, Noti-e It hereby given to all par toai lavh.g eUmi againtt PRInClLI.A HUAD'ORD, lata of tb* City of Nt w-Y. rk. dceeeiet! to preitut the tern* with von ben thereof to tb* BnbtcTihrr, at hli retidenoe, N >. IIB Allen it., In tk* City of New York, on or btf >re the M'h dav ->f Me. h next Dtted New York, thejld day of 8«oiemher. lkS7. 82.". lawfmPri CHAB U REDMAN, Exeoetor. IN PURSUANCE of bb order of the Surrogate of the Comity of New-York, nottc* Ii herebv glvea to aB aertona having elaimt egaiait El.I/A TRACY, lata of th* City of New-Y ork. deaeaaVd. to preeant the »am* with vear.ben pateof to the inbi' rib.-r, tt bit mm a of t. ttrlu-i* Not Bit and tIA Broadway, la 'h* City of N»w V.wh, on or before tb* tL'itJrth day of Novaaubar aext..Dated Naw York, the 27th iay of May. 18». FREDERICK TRACY, Exeeetet. my2» lawBn.Fii*_ MEW-TORI SUPREME COURT..HORACE A> B CLAFLIN, WILLIAM iL MELLEN, DaNIBL H <«)N(KLINO NATHANIEL F. MILLER tad HRNRf SrtJNK teataat DAVID THOMAS aad EDWARD DOL- SoN rBuwrrutn* tor m. ney du- aad on oantrtet.Lota, not a. r )-To the datendaut EDWARD DOLBON. abova named: fee)an beaehj » " r. end rrqulradtoiciwarthaaoaipiiint in thtt action, erhteB wfU be filed In th* OSir* ol tbe Clerk of Ni" City at.d Ceuly of New York, at the City IlaH ka the C.'v (t New Yeik, and to tarve a eopy of vonr aataer te the **'d con.), alnt un the tubtotib.ea, at their ofT>e, No HI I; acw a In tke City of New York, within twentt dayi alter the äaerviee of tkii lommotii on yae etchitlv* of the day of n.cb tcrvVe; and if you fail to aotwer the laid aomplamt nl., the lime »: -f aaij the plalntiffi in thil artv.a will take jt.dgn ent againit you for tbe turn of twenty li hntidrad and itv.i.tv f. i.t dollar! and ff*r teuti and mterett thereon Rom ttii- 14th diy of September, IV 7 beiidat the cott* of thil totioa. -Dated New Toih Sept 14.1857. BARNEY, HUMPHREY A BUTLER, PlamtiBi' Attorawyi. The rwipUlnt la th* above eotitbrd tatt n wti Bled ia tb* cRre 11 th* Clerk cf tl.a City end O.nnty of Ntw York eA>re- tead OB tar 17th day nf Sept- tubrr 18.17. BARNEY, HLMf HREY k BUTLER, . II lawlwF. Plaintiff*' Attorneya. rVTEW-YORK SUPREME COURT-RICH- i.1 AnD FIELD, J( HN J. MERR1TT. DANIEL KARR, Jg..CHAILEB M FIEnD tnd JoUN J. MORRIS tgaluit JONATHAN L. PIERCE .Sumnient for money detnaud on ocntti.it (Coax, tot ier ) .To the *aid defeadiat: Yoa are henby nimi .-.nid and rtouired te anawer the io«plalit la »W. at lion, whkb WÜ1 be bled la tbe ottic* of the C'cik of the Camrj'y if New York, tt tbe City flail >o the City of Now York, and to terve a ropv atycor antwtr Ba ta«> BBhl crnptelat oa the aaheetlhat at kit on No. lixty icveo (61) Wall ttreet, New- Totk within twenty rtayi tftrr the |tl 1100 of thil umti. >nt an a ... i x. luiiv* of tb* dav ol to. 0 aerviea; tad if *ea fall to tu- iv. at khi .i id aimnli'tt within tb» tioie tforenld '.ne pi tint St la tb't txti-.i. will take judgm-nt ataintt yon lor tue turn ot foir tbmiaind ne l.ndrrd and t*ven:v acven dollara and forty itvea cult with ii Iat aal from the uiuetoentb day ot Angutt. aae tb. utanc' eigbt iisdred and tlfty atteaV battue the aoitt at thit ettb a-Dated New York, Aug. *2, I8Ö7. A. R. DANA, P'.tinlitt,' A' The tmaaajalel in thit trtiaa wet Bled in the ..flucofth.- CI. k of he Coiu ty oi New Yolk, October SB. ItVtl Oil Hafw I .. It. loll. I .11, 1,.,, A. H DANA, riain'.i t-'Att.roe NY. SUPREME COlliT.SIMEON R. e CIIITTNRDFN. WALTER T HATCH, TIMOTIIY P, CHAPMAN and CHARLES S aMITHagaiurt jOVATUAN L. PIERCE. Summon* for mttiey drmand on contra «. n'ta 0>'t let To 'be deftmoant. abo.e tauaed: Yau are b.-n iy tun.n Otted and required to antwer tb" uotiipialut in thil a^tioa, which w ill he filed la Iba orTice of the Clerk I the City ami OotavOJ ol New Y< tk ut Lbc City Hall In kbe City of N. w-Vork, and toative a c..|.y of your aaiwer to the aaid compleint ot. tb. »ubn rib. t», »tto.it fti.e. No. Ill Droidway, in the City of Hew York, within tweuty data aller tt.u aurrice oi' ¦hit aotr.mceit on ynm, exclot've (4 tie day of rich a. tvice; tl.d II you tail to eatwer the *aid rotupluii* e tuiia tin-time atoti tnd. the pi«intiO* in thil action wi:l take jodxtr.eot afah>at pea Bat the tan, ot'iht h.iud'. d and tttry-aeeati dot In tad ..vi it; thru ii Ltt, with Int.reit krou in- ITth day ol ts. jteu.her, l!t'7 be-idri the cawti of thit tctio,. .Dtted Now- Yoik. Sepien h. r It>. 18*7. BARNES', Ht'.Ml'HREY A BtTLFR, riaintlfTV Attovneva Th* aval plaint in tbe aboro ec'itl.yi action vi a* ailed in tbe eBBt e of the Cleat of tie Cltv and Coonty of New Tora e/jre- ilir. or. th* lPtb dtv of Septemb. r, Itil7. RABNEY, III Mi'HREY BUTLER, Ple^tiät'Attorneys alt krwBwfVI PUBLIC NOTICE is hfri«hv oivwn, thTt JUSEPH I BA :L h«th tbii day madtiu ASS 1(1 RUBHT to the 11.barnh*ra i.nJ»r the awvialettt of the Art t!,- Sta. . I New Ji in y, eiitltb I "An AA . ire t -edtt-iri an eijaal aau jae! ditttun of the retateaof debn who < . uvey to at tkyiiee* far il.« b»nefit of t-. dlt.Tt. ' approved Ar ri! 10, 1846, and uV aeveeal araadeaacatt tttretu. r^v vroiitjrt of teld PA I.'. .¦'* i l.: I 'i' u»:.t f.. ts^d Atta, to B gSBBt thtylf .'Vu.titaiftMic JC^EPH E R ALL nader o.'fa of aflat baV ",. ictaeriheri th» "fti.s ot JOHN WHlPEHRaO No leSMafket at.,Newtak, N. J. JOHN WriiTKHE \ D, . '.! AagB, Ha». SAMUEL SMITH SUPREME COURT-Ct.Bnty s| 'ItOuA.THE O CUNTON PIRE IN 5*7RANCI C^faVPaNT, Pit.nt.fi. agaiaet tAMUEL COrfaed MART B hiawifa Defmiautt .uir Bm rtRaC fOaaa ^iwit.T.. the abovr- nair.d D leadaatt; Ton baIfb, .. taad an I required to t**Wi i M a e.^.a.r ,. lh|, eetl i, rh, -.. ill ht 6 i iu "' '.' «. it* Cloth il t> Co .nty ol laut* at . hwCtty Bed w.b* Ore ifBi. k .; tad to tatv* a --py of y.mr iihwot In .b» t»M plaint bb th* te^atathef, a', lira Ai-e, No. il W»: -*V.. t. m tie dtp of N.-w York, vi.r.':n tueatv dayt after tl.a ., .. I 'lit . j,,ii b. in ton. -v. !u. ve ..f h o aarviaai >i J fail f" ai «Wer the aaid c tuBlaiat WHu.u tb. tin if ratali U ipBttritl i»i t'oa trfü ttvtv th* Gbuat bar ll ... n,*tnled ia the exnpUrr.t..Datei N a* Yoik Oct..l,i lA-I W'LLIA.M B LECaM ftilalir» ItaaiBiji TV i. t iiMt hi tat- action w*» uled .n the aSlaa oi tUa Ci tk .; the Cuuti tf Kuita. t'. tee City H.il .u :h: City ,f Brc Han. ta 'A* EM d*y O. t ».. u . ..Jl.tael' WILHAM B LZFUS Wmmtf. SUPREME CO' RT.C;tv atir! Co.iDtv .f New- _ York.-AtlilrSTl/S MtlRRo and OfjARLEI I Nl !i NL1ER eamttit LEHMAN IBRAELSaatdJACQCaaf VAN HOl 'lEM- SuE:B»eM for a morr\ d-^terjw oi c ntrtt'.(Coon oui f aha**, aaaw tVAvadeatat I ¦ ate hereof aunn ' ar.d reoairatJ N aniw. r the t> rap a>,t ir, thit ttlioo. which wl'l ha Bird kl the B<Rc«- of the Cera »f tiae I'. j an 1 Cot. it I N. w-Y»-»k, at the C U Haü k. U I ait] vid to woe * coy i . venr sntwer lo tae eatd complaint ui ttie .u^ ......... ii Umn aSaYw, at No 7d VatWal hi w,« dty ../ N.w-Yotk ai'.btn taet.lv daj* Bft*r tin tvralaa of thi* .um- B>r*j* ou ye*j exeluatv. tf fbe day af tweh Befvtat; aad If yoa ». . .. .«an ibu «BiJ eon pttml wiibintke um., af .roeaiA K p'ttutHTe U.'* at* .:- »«1 taae i-^atrat-t 4*>la»t j-»a f.; L Jov, of Free Nun fred aal Frr't tara »^^tdi.ll, Et ta with httciiBt fnin toe IM Bel eT AnguM, .17. b*. lei I, mati.f ti.'. «ei rj iKt'd \ 'i ll I1*1 . »,-vN 2 POSTER PlaiatlaV ariwaeja t g -.ii*, üm: to' mm «*> «"*io f°** * tkm v tb. i ry end C ttrtv<*f New-Yett, . ha i . * a> tf ' - ,;!...mi rotr i BwaatAvlBari rtakaj h AAVw >a OTTERS ON THE CRISIS. WILL THE CANADA H.iNKs SUSPEND I Cocrr.Pvr 4eav* of TV« N 7. Trib^aa. Tobovto. Tuesday, 0>t %% 1*57 Lastff-rsday, the B-»wd af trade, <^ieb«, held a Y*»y a/; uipftü», pre*eiit HaaaTB. Co-), WarteU, Wn.iH-ri n N«iad. MH.o-, Me-inar, in%.. aor, Macpherson, Da x-ro. Patereoo, M Hide-, MaokaA tic, Leajcraft, Motu lau«, a;d many o:ii«r.Yum* PrtjiKciit Siawd, a m at*-; of tu« L;gmm-ve A> .eoibly. in the chair. wnen atr Joeeps, «-t-omimi bp Mr. Jeffer}, moved to reeoke, in sak*ra*v-a, »j,,» t)je Bjoteytd lnatiiuU es ol Caoaia are ia "a m>$: p^ot- P*tc:< mJ,tu>» " but that the scarcity of c*«h, wnich bae caneed the American banks to raa.*e to redeem tbtir oyj'gatione in uvney, will oe certain to draw a bvgr amount of the coin vud bullion of Ctnada to tbs I'niteo States; and therefore the Board of T \ m ua ii- an us y requests the bar ke of t'enaca »o to pay their debts ic specie. Tbe llovd of Trale la Mo - treal ar>d tb* bark* of l>uebeo w-re ad.ieed of the ab>ve propocilioD, and a few reeidenut have asked tbe l;u k- for specie, and bu' a tiw. Meeting» dt Hnuk tuaoagers have been held f> con- iiö>r tbe eipedi-rcy of retu-aing to pay bsxk debts w tb gold and «il»er; and mobe of Jaoa-j ibb-f* aal .took jobbers, of nen doieg mach basiaest with to ru( I'm, or nut to none, an I of gabblers and br >kers, cry luudly for bar k eu'penaion, becauee IhrAJBMtS ar«» lew, mmi notes pact Quo Bead under pioteet. Waat is likely to be done/ Our cabinet, as some r-all it, has met, Bad ope**** bark snapeneJon, bankruptcy, and non-payment of debt. 1 am, for one, witn them. Way ebouid the batks suepeLO t Will BeWBWMl >u fla*nle)ii or e]jili/.a tDe<urieic>T Will i: help t.ade * Will t not Do dis- boi. .'.r.i , if the banks are able to pay .' The 'uiluxi) of your bunk-1 i. r t.i.uo to pay stiele, as a. r<* d on, win let lojee the gold fir the u*e of ling Una, Fronde ana (le'uiarij, to wniob tmm r,ei Auien- eon n inbauts a:e probably incetjte I. Tney aw* very bttla to Cat a«Je, therefore >our»u le-n-iuns wll neither ii jure our bat tor mir t> adere. If foal b . ,k < d-> n >t rt-qB re go d wh-rcvvith to pay >ii-i- oaf oeita, oaf will now b«- tbe better »l)lc lj buy th*". anii-1, from them. V 11,341^14« fieial valoe of Una rt«liet tar.-e m intn*, at Toronto f;«'! '* 899 trere ft »oithe Uoi td S'at^. NVe rvr.d )on eotue whea* aoo lum>:r, and a gr.iat inany bille on I^udi'u, wb-re we Bre p rpi-'uilly borroriu^. Yi.nr (Urpei eion will rairm the' vaiue of oar ex/'ti'irtjr-j oil Lowland. Your hanilrtd millions a year of Federal ivrenu» are collected ato paid out ia hard cash. Oil **\ en mill¬ ion ot C'vloLial reVe'UU'', limue, A "., are rs anl paid away in the iiotea of our chartered bank'. If they fail, and reduce Lb»> pre\i,-.i rt to barter, our Oiv- erniLtiit oupht at once to abotidoo all n,>nr.e;tiun with banks, and ktepiu treasure in real money. At this tort iTottaBto), 80 yeara MaOB, tbe annual im portB niignt auiouat tn %75 DM; duriuir tue Itvat nine montbs IMP amounted to *l 311 Iff, showing a dr- OTt gee of $1 IO S56 as compared to iaaia nine month ;' in ports iu I8öt> Tue decrea*» in the nine m >ottn' revenue, as con pan-d with 1856, i' |I90 Tti t de- creaee in revenue on the Ureat Weetern Ktilivityof Canada, duiinp; the the we^k ending on the Itifh nut., i* 184,230, ana yet the L- ndnn uiana^cs are to author lM a in dividero The batk-, I am told, will Bed f im;»ly with tin raw ijtie-t ot tbe (Quebec mer..iiar.fd, wbo oi'tst bj hard fjtieLed. Kreit;bt« are 1'iw, nnd UnebT atatpla aad hunh 'T wile nt itinoue ratee in EaglaJld llu tsalldt C> hire cu'ponota. at tfui bec, oamg a tu llion, bu: there w rt silent pa.iner ia the ba§li*a Bank, where tbeir funds lay, nbo ran be made reepjtwble; if h t-ioreforo poi aible that they may foon re»ume. OihtT falluree in tli' Ii ti,In r trade At',' i"' are nieu ioced. Your SltUe Cot etiturj.'d, I pre- inie, peevents eunh or, ftgBAB bargaire ae tbe fowwltrf: Hauiilcea City hae kwid ite b u ds, bearing «»x per cent of lnreroet, »70.W», f/7J for each $100. alaayoth'ro rp »ra¬ tio! a do even mm re than tan, und equaoder the pro¬ ceeds without a b!u¦ h of ebuuie. Tbtie are now c.level iucorporat id bauks where ctticerc rep. rt montMy; the lagt nie being" the Outario lut.k at li.iwmativille, joat cbarteteal and in excellent buride. Sir. Auditor LaDgton ha<i just y >\ -4 a etarniKDt Hb"wiog their camdi'ioa, an :ne average durii.g last N«ptember. It is not nworu to, and may be souiewbat unreliable; but here it is in doiltia: rjwidfi .Vjeirr/Bont Clreulatinti. D-po.lt«. Hlle^r tjueber Bm I. tj&n .iX |l >; « «.rij.bil City Bai k af Monti.al. 61)0,* S tiOont» PM 612 Bank .1 Montreal. a.»l -lai J 7iiiRi5 787. C-ti.m'l Hank Kli.«.tf.« 1.67*61] 1 rtfl,lOS JRflniJ Bank of t j,p*r Canada. '2 S63 USA 2,Wö e5 »71.1.1 hei,*¦ P. epl. *ts:^ SnilJ . 106,032 M.leVi Bank. tOl 7n| 2b\3\ l 17.118 Z mnein B.nk. 0-t 'e>i II!) « 7,.i« Pi-.keiaDi.iii(t Bank.. '2>«ojt »4,2*9 29 3512 Be. k cl Teiotito. 4JJ 510 ^4d ^15 59 172 Oit-rmbenk. a07.54 2",t9J IBM Total.BlfeMiBel BS,8i>io«3 B 2 004,55o Heir capital, eaid to have been paid in, ia $17,'v'i'i, MS, at ini-nate of |15L,S13 during the raonta. Tie di |>oiits bad inert oeefl 1 169 during 8*pt on fb« 11 barks; but Iba deposits iu the LI«' k of L'[»per Canddt a 11 have inert as* d 613, It is the p<>l tioal bark of tbe farm n it' office and IBJ stock ia, ia my riow, a doubtful iro petty as tbe world An i a tree tig at too ie now Koin«t on as to tbe (Jueheo bratr.-h management cwirg to a>ni(i mutttffrtmtn*ions arising during tba artful alrer turer nincks's financi »ring. M tOtiffoy, the Noithem Kailway Director, who ({ovo bail that h> woulo stand tital with Cummings for robb ry ot the i. lra Inn k < tmm h< ro, aid then i ro»sid the lini«, has his beadquarteid at Iiloomer'e, a gimbliog hotel in Huflalo. Die ctuire! unjiloyed in the g&m) at tbe Iff. eizce «lo K>t iooicate au intentiou in bank ur govero- n nt to pro^e the qu^ition very deep. .lohn Hall eaijAf ur^'iut Lin optici acd button up bin purse. 1be t iu ulation of our 11 chartert.of bat ks increanol $7ll,('i7 laet Sept. beiond the Aug a*ora<e. The golu and rlvt r dtcretaet', ramo month, by t'iV' 19ft, Iccluded in the two millions oi sp ei« is the wbdo Dessure cl the g. vernm-nt aud of uiaoy rorporatijos. How a ucb cf the depoeits are epectal I know u't. All tl.e barn* >u.«ptnderj in .'¦'¦7 and tbuj increased the ur certainty in al buskee* transactions. Witt they whI do now you can us readily gufra as I. We have had eii fl'eit pricen for our produi e during -everal jearv. Why should the bank*, which havd protit-d rtrt at,) by the good times, turn bank:apt the m uaent ttf re is a slight reverse .' Much of our baxk capital is lookelnp in profitie r stctiobs of the wi'derBere it is the saun in the I ; it'll States. Ytry little grain is offered Cat sale h>re, ana kvtM of our leadirg merohants are wincirg up iht ir aöair« and lelling out to potl >n« in their conff de nee. Perrons in trace cooipiaia bit xrly of hard times. Mr. Kecord'- widow got $I J 000 damtges at UV; lato Br«nlIt rd a*-izes, fiom the (lieat Western KvUay iitij, fur ttgleot eti thoii part l.tat l'Jtb of Marci, at the Dtejwcins Cana! budge, by which Mr. fc>. lost bi« life. Tbe Gtre Hark, HamiltoB, w-.ll net tell it? condition. Its bra ck in London Lad a break up, torou^h ul-- honest spenis, the o'her dav. Tha head quwters of the Hark of Uritieh Xnnh Arrierii^ L" in L mdon. I do rot -te how it couid easpend ken, and thereby absve its öepotittrs and note hulderf, while pav:ng -pecie iu Louden. Another m-nth, however, will bbow th« eflcct <d bueiness-bou.'es in Earope of your grand finer cial eia»h. Toe value of your laports at ih* p »rt of New-York, within a few months, would toad .i.tSH) atagSM with Spanith dollars, at one tun Der wagoo. Too much by fai BOBBB SeVIUI LB. BANK KKFOKM. f ' TA« ,\. f. Tulwar. Sir I e ii!i to pr.; In taec^n'id'.ra»ion of tbote in'rrertrd cbd versed in barking acd curr^n^j nflairs, the fo^owirg p'an of a change in t :e orginiiation aid ma«»r;er.eit of tbe New-York CeftJ bukt. It is Iff a u paralbn o' oaafa bank into two depart- tnrc's, Watt' Depoeit uxd liie*. unt lVpartnieLt, aad '. Drue DepartmeLt. I). p.»-it and Din: »uut Depv> neit to have the keeping and mananement of all the atTeirgcf tbe bank, ej'.ept vho i«sue and lodonji'ijo t'f tbe :in atatir^ BolaB. In rt-ard to d«i>osite, j>*rbsrH MBBB chan^-' »' w tbe r,?Af of depoeiUirs call for "specie on deoiind" is detirablc, eaj the bath, to ||tj j the rfgVw to Cro or Un (Jays totire or. "r.i per c«r.t. of amonnt called f»r ia tpei ie, provMed tbq anionnt exceeds $tU*i. I-.-ne D JattBlllJ to have the a«tjn ke-piag and eci Ii i ot* I OBJ LtC "eTn iNe^llogf. "ll '-de'iiptivU Of the rc'anon c:ly. , Sj. 1.1 l.artc- as i amed wi I no J >.>''< rv'lu,,ra ,vs" '.live action to ovet the case. I ha\e cjt at em >v»d fo f B ii.ti, 'ail, only to give 2siiera' .«otrnes a>. I aeh t»oe«ft«ie coinpettLt |.» lum.sh lb I '!¦ -i-'saU Aid ai.itndue.nts. _ BT.mu.i.. IS IT HH.HT TjaVriJu-e ,f TU S 1 Trab.iu HIB: Ar j. a pref-ve sju.j*»?;y »«* *** m c'a-ee- ai.il I tvelicveir- mm ratet) U 1 »~* mm m 1 ',r ipil. .B tl" {..eft-p.-''-1 m ' " .»"'t B^Btatatf hM,e,t...... rtpj '"i- ' DaVB k IM pajat W.,M :u . .. I 4f tt i IM -a ¦ Ml a*. Ii >. Society .. i fit to po* th* finpl^ioi h-if 'in»- .»...>.'..,. th->** VtM earred |II per w.»*k to k..-. ** »..» »* «an ttvt« wbo m»mm§ got §4 per w*. l *»»- bat tl it| vbuV 'It* vwVoot tu«*nntend*!.:* of e*> pajtnxnia form tag. ' , htnJia«. e^mpöaü»«. ?. ¦ adlng ««- Uotypu « m l, with *a arvt y SI,eO"at I Bl am, »od loe 6*t>eraJ rfupm»vo«>ni Treeeerer. C«*b*er. l--rks »od geaer » «>'a - .a ... .tjiw.-.. »»...i ?. .»' bu4 e. v, »ja », < »ed/uii pay Tt« t- are ib.- ffit tt given to av by thoee tt tbe ottah'itb- avtt » b arnf'-*» to kaarw «"»e.eo/ tJi.-y tpe.k and tf it la to, I feel it a / it* to l*t th* v*r rkit.*m.n anr tee pir .i . tno» whet tort of a r*Pgle »» asd benevol- ut institution ia being I »ttorwl by their btrd 'Stnad dtiiar* Tea Ao rii -»d Hi Me it- ciety reeeirea about ba t' a ran.: 'u of aVIlai» )**ily, atd .honld Lot keep a 'und cu'y t.. r-.nre-- c«»,,r- it't, *bo turn tbe hard worker. ..ff »Ith half a loaf, or arttBoct ary »f at til. for fear Iba li»*y may. by the " pre««u e." rua aboit of a/au^lowaaee. It it ti#bt ' Jl'trice. 'No. Su.«e make do suchprelVasion; we ad vocal* jit'.ire tVn all, whether of thit eiatt or that; aud v. * think the diatiDetioB joo Ba sp'ain of nnjuat I t'd. GREAT FIRE AT CHICAGO. TVYKLVE STORKS DESTK( )YID.LOSS 00,000. FEAHFFL LOSS OF UTE. Wo Condon** from TW Chicm« Pmt the more im¬ portant rttvrticulare of the late appalling. t!am :y n Chicago. A calamity moat appalling in ta nature hat boret uion oar city. ! ». u ae vtb I ave be-on for year* p»*t among our «Uber c-i'iea fro n conflagration of * ?a roue character, a fearful exemption to what has been tl e nile a: n ue, ia thit riMpttct, hat jtat vi*ited na aid loft Hi radtracea io rained block* and thoi. aocds of dollar* ot property io rt<be- Du» more sadly tban all in tbe record* »coied on griefotneken himao heart-. Tb - destruction of propurty, in amount before UDpaialMed, but far more the lo*a of probably not lets than twenty human lives, wi I btj enrolled in our um- ngair *t Oct. 1SÖ7, and make it ever mourn¬ fully memorable. About SJ n't lock yesterday inon>!rg a fife brok« out in the biiMtct« block Bfi BV 100 nod III 8mth Water elrttt, therce r- n ¦; to right And left, and oxt« ml inj? flon n.a tbe vnlley to t he f rlbr ''"f it ftTlt 1tf tit bock nrlil twelve Mon < of the Int cite*, fier and live alone s h'gh. am: tiled fiom c-liar fo roof wi'b Vh'll.'lblt' a a- »' 1 merchandise, were ltid in Stllolll- dV nv: aWaMM t i;n.a. Vfir*e'ban nil a tear^iil lo*» of human li'e wt< io- vi vt d The tuuilrar who perieheii can be km>wo only by a lap. t of time ttAflcMBl t.i \ncirate 'he ini.i'rg. or by 11- ,;i 11» tbe fcere of cAtvtmph". I'o to dark Inat gvti rn nil* bt dio. had be«Blawtraradi and ."it mom wi io knowi> to be inlheruixn It is uot tu b.« b-lit v. ,i, aye are mrry to ear, lbat th kM fj<rurea toootBal for tho ls-cer tbtr.i uf the victim* Io the t al»mity. It i* in fad. but too painfully »tioi g evidence that the Cre, whichMifioatew in tN-live atory bnildlDflj \n«, Iv9bSb] 111 Scu'h WflfBTB root wab cau*ed by ctre- !t iBBBBBi f r irui ken ratUBBaMBI of the pArtit i.mnt- id a drunken dobaa: h of clerk* ar.d abaxdoncd foBMat i they bad made their companion.*, and a-**o.'taten in a Sibba'h r.ij,'ht'* revel. Kiily after tbe alarm era* jjittr, tLoae ii<*t < n the BTBOM naw fatJMlia iu a ttata of tii-habii!e atd nonio of Umqb, with other to -uptnU of the npner ütotif*, well nit;ti in aa'.ate of nudity nitk- inj? their hutried er-cip" fnn.i the b ¦ildinjj. [tshOSiaJ be acded that 'be. *nme ph -nomens were «ritnemiad ia the l.'.kr 8M< et b ock*. The Uro di a»toyi d tirvf tlie hardwor» s'n-o in whi'-h it oiioit aftd, owt.ed bv Me*i«r* Cormiek, Cruni «V ('>., an«l a readj-nmde clothini? ttook in tha mwi badUbtff. Pae?ii B w. at alt rg Sou'h Water etn "f. it rapifly . >n- aun ed No 113 oc upi-^d by L>wL* A Paff«, dcaletn in Mh*t| anl t ili», and No. 115, tbe croc-rv a'ore of Kdward II mp^tearj To the eastward <>f lie pnir t of cr'jfin it butn-d the wlioleea'c- {rroceryof Meoura ("trk \ Irtfer. Ihn vueant *tore> N<> 1«"' nod-eiiaualv ilttn- »ired No. 103, oceopied by HaTJOM ,v Cj., wholenalo d'«-.'(.'irtH. Ou Lake etreet It attai kod tbo apterdid rivo ato-y marble b'cck' f Meaara. Wtigbt. Si a. 114 aad Ho occupied by J. B. Shay. Thit wu tbe " StewattV of CklOBflJO, The lire from Mr. S'iBy'a extend*d to X >. Iff, tbe eittreive 1k« ki.tore and publirilinu b<>u*) of Motara. I) 11. ('i«k A Co.. rccupyirjr » ahare of the n*.tne tit.iform b*0fk with the pr«c*cint». The eta re b>xt to tbia, N>) 110, waa oct upted bv thn Merara. llarnum an oxfen.iv* variety etoeo. While Bl tr*t'ed ir clf-arin;? it tbe wa 1 of No. 112 foil up m It, cruel'irp i' in, and caualrtr tbo terrible butt of life, of a b cb we tipotik fur'her on. The loea of property bore w»h total. No. 108, occupi. d by Tappan Hroe., clolhiers wn* aeriou*ly danruicd bv wtter. T ie other 'oeeee of property are comparatively email, but the up e.V.. we pllhlfab bolow -how many at'' ier* of joint occapanta of the building* named. 1 he riet» ojyth the folli wing do-crijrt'on of the ter¬ rible act idenf, which hae thrown into inei»rii':i:anco the äst tificet f rroperty: Fri m the great hi^bt of tho block la*! named it tow- er» d biiih above tbe lone mtvteni and lunihle block on 'be tart, one of the o'deet in tbe cify. The store No. 110 wan ort opied by the Meaarr. Uarnum at an >x ttrfivc variety ctore. HAvirgacc.'inmodtted itself to the hange < f grade, the building wa* but throa -to- lien atiote tbe piteei t aidcwalk. It Wa* tbt Dfijtrt mlvi*able to clear the store, and a Ir.rge for.e ol men, iiremen and others, were aiding in lbs removal of tl OOOdSa Numbers of firemen and t ifi'/.enti wt re upon the roof. I'robably atone time i>ot'ets tbun two hundred persona were within and opon the bui'dicg. It wa thought tbat the BtaWB was coiriparatively »nfe doubtlees thoee who so foarleriely ruehad in bort ro thought of peril. Mu.ierh a I' 'inI crath nnnoar.ced a new phase of the calamity, lie heavy and t vrering wall of tho acjoiririg *tore had fallen outward upon the roof of Honshu s tain -} 'in n', aud had carried all before it to the barcment; iiremen atnl citinens, wall, roof act m»rcbsndi.-e, with the burning ruins from tke store BrtjoiciBaT, "all mlrglini;," fe'l. A (earful eceie of Urror and dUmay eatued. The portion of tbi wall left ataiicirg had fo'taoatily pro- acived tie front portion of the etore. which wasdeoavly thronged by a cot fused crowd. Many of them were pio'tratfd by tlie tl>irg n >.-.;... meny were trtmplcd aid bruiful iu the iligut of their .mj -.i. r.-. bit »Dt t all was eh ar for a apteo extenditg abodt thirty tu t ftt ui the front. The store was very deep aad for m Ail) twn Ibirdfl of its who'e 1 rg:h the buildintf wtt a mars of niir.H, now loginning 11 burn briskly, at the tlun BB conM'jf d iu the tall hastened tt feed on tho »nfl wirk ami tie light and con.bu*tiblo pirtiomt of the nart*. Tbe loss of the Messrs litrotim wa* to'al. nraonnt- ing tti *l j,000 Qoflbj H. S. Kradley occapied a por¬ tion ot their preai.-t* as BJobber tf jtweiry. Hii liMta we did not h.-arn. The buil ling was owned by Jrhn l! \ h, trq. K. H. Berr.um, the foorger of tbe broilers, was Bteu bury about midway of the .atore when tin cranh came, lie j* nutotg the lobt, ti *li up to a late hour lart e>t nii.g hie rruiaina were -til lying benetath the confused heap of matonry and charred tiiibvrs. He lenves a wife. He was about SH year* of a^'s. Mr. rtaninm, the elder brother only a week .-in ^e, io Statt; ;tiett tiie, sut!"-rcil a heavy IsSB ia the bulling of hid retirJcBc:*. T:!U record bl >w ha' Ukeu fr«n. his tide a brother, ard Inid tbtiritore iu roina.^ Ytttetday wae a mourtfut day in our antal*. We »nrttide» our ppace Ibis morLicg to an imp»rf.'Or hk i tch of the calamity to tbe e.v lu-i m of w^ll nigh all other city newa, aud it well ltdicatet how all othtr evtnla in Cbkago were awailoweJ up and lost io this the great and appalling theme of auiiou* baawy. Ibrtuth tbe hours of dayiigbt, and far into the 11 the iiteie.t of onr citizens attached iJ0S8*TIB the ?n'oking rnim". They clu^ured r.tar thom, BOiaWOO the tbeets aditce.nt. They whisp'red with wbit* lipe atd raddttes brow* of the loet. EfSB unu'ed t »tears wept jesttiday. Here aotm. b'otbers, hu*bainla, fatlers fcllow cili/'nt, brother Iiremen, bad met a In rnb e fate in a boriii f; builcing Wbo were th*y I A'.d r.<- ii -; ar.' tli»r ;.. .uturBeet, aoint barkened loipae n'd be born* on to th* Crt-d Jury rSOaa. at lbsCwWl'BotWw, where Coroner H ;n*en Lad «au- m'ttd hi-Jury, and awai'eai fteth additiona to tha kLoar. list of'Le Ivt, B»hu'lder would pa-.t along tbe Oti'WI f d 'treat. fi etorr ay « a* a day of at ii»h, of woo anl of for- n r, ol ceatciaea anxie y, and to thoie wh > iab.r.d in lleiniBB of riavy toilj and at the b .nr of re-t, whea ISN p f> 11 like a D'tntle, sli Bjfss whicb dii not wtk* to wr.p w.n c'o-ad wearily np^n a day uiemoralle io th- bnti ry of ( hicago. Rir trim iTios, nf Lijr..John Hlth. jr ar-d-.** vearv-, H. S Bredler, 5*i E R. CUrke *<i; E Ii BaiT.i.o.. 25; Ir a Watt*, 22, j ,0b X.Diekar SJ| Timctkr Buckley 2B; Ifearv M Ruaer-il 21, A'.; ..<? M ile, .«; J '-ha Terr, ü, Jean J teger, dl;-, lL.*?fI jjia»| fjaBSaia I A.tel'tlCo, ialSJEt» atikii. tap e; II H Magie, fjutai toterBBoe Batate; j. H. Bb.y. a)l«"6ii, latai nut ITrTi H-' ¦*"* **s.»io. Iniurat .* b-0 OtO, Atter. He. Lt A to.. *o."fU, UWBraai ktown; D B. Cook h C->.. Ol"»'in*, intoraaoe #tB.i»t0i N. . rf.^o. 8)1 Mt, ii.auran*e not *t»t. d ; E O flieene, #i.W, la- ¦atiae* i.t auit-l Eiben. »2."X». iawartav nt ttetgti M' .vt«l l-iott, oataj. atioeartdi W. St*.'v. jr. k, it, hi"*1 ui.inn.iefl ; \\ tit. i t\ rgbt e>.<iC-<0. lOMtrtae* n'^j t«* '** i btraare Baiataa. OMXBBB avasr« Iatetedt J" . 11 -i. Bradlea. »!»»* .. **»>. i tied ttewr*. Typten OiOOtai ? -tla'; A U. T.tfa.,rtB4.«:.. . K' «. ;"' Dr On. lit OVJO.I taraa . ^ '.' St| Water atreal #.'»«» awavwea fcarBaa a 1 ;». . i ,....|,i leys* itji * « *T'l n ,e..rj-^*w.^*..b-'",»--^»> I ..->. "afei , I* C -Me- H .. I.'"' r- a J.-lMg'-y U-.«rta.-et.iaB..'l MAMJ'.'E AFFAIR* TO* CAAJ or"IA. Tie itaaat.hq, 8t L- iiW, Capt Hatto«, hfl paw;, wterday, with neatly o00 psat'etga/e tor Ca«<o«a«a. gretook out jx. , p, .a oatffi ' Major BoaM. Am*rg lb* paaeer<(,», ¦(¦.¦...t 8 M. - af N>.aiaaaaaraovlnat7| u4 Admiral VaJ K-.->;a U tka> Perv*ien i avy. arrivai or TUB aortiu »TAB A»f ..K-Aaoa. Tie Crated S-atea Mad rteaawt North S;ew, Cap*, bra, f:m Sulharrip'ori un :t v.\ but »«r»«a>i at UM pert Tbonsoay MBjjay*, Her -.nun an BfA »o Mt« by hN days *. tfcoae broach* By lbs k j-p*. Tbe Kaigaroo, from Liverpool ..Q tba ?ta ia#'., aiso arrived cn Tbnrrray n^rnine". TRIAL or A RAW UVB BOtT. A new lelfiighMng I (t boat wa< exfuk* «4 .rt th* Battery, yesteroay, in tbe prevoaoa» of a Uraw ama-av biege, crnbraucg repreeentativi | ffjtn ni;-i of tba Marne iLtuiaece Companies, a* ajajfj « manr w^ <¦*-¦¦ aid menxhants. fbis boat wasdaee^awdby K. C. Hola.es of Cape May, eooed aar fat*, of Urga txperienoe on tbe a ji:' .. ouaat. Ir foraa, AB b w BLd etero are alike enarp a*, each awd. haw a wBafa- b- at, with a very bigb sheet. Kayo .:. i la fried with crrk oaf i,t acd «< up thoroughly. Tbe s.»* ia 2l< bat lot g, 0 fact 9 inches aide, aad J toe* d .aeiaw dtep. Like the tattoo.* I .:... Branch b-»ets, wBeAiat tone* let rerrmblee, it ia < taker hunt, of waaj, aad exceedingly buo)ant; the weight of the or* on ex hiliitioawaa I,'AM .be. I: *.!..< pn»i» i ed hr haw watet with murh eaae. To Bs. t its baoyaaew and aatf. rpbticg qualities whew capsized, aerea of toe Battery beatmen ifipped aad got totv it. By staadisg ea th* pBBtt and throwing all their *. ¦ oa oa* »><.>, they were able to bring t upon iU K-a .. tbanby boldirg the mac r pew and s»u gh g bath, astrated by others to boa's on the otm r side, they soee ed-ei after maty a't»n pts, in turtiog i' bo'iom up va'd. As Pi went over the men in-ide chin,; to the t i v»r>, aai kt instantly rolled overaoc BBBM r.ght aide up, the Davy ar.t tnd* cJ'-ariog c .* pun-rule of the w.i'cr befo*e thai other was iinnu iM'd T is «->^eiiatieat, BfA lojmmtmi, elicited much applause I; i- said tha' lie b >»'. mvm*4 carry öl» peno s with eve we -a » over W laker yesterday at one time, and there teemed t> b* rowi eiough for as many more. 11 is b*>at will Ba vajraabe* for OOAwt serx-ioe in rer.deriog aa«astauce to the ibip- wietked, as it obsiout that she wtu'ti nlot'e htuv.' sttnif light ne'e op. haw « <ti mat. loB lAaUa Anmrg the novelties of the present day is talk tea* railing v.'.. M. Kondanet, captain of 'Ae Kraalk- 'in cf la Ro<belle, reiKirte that rik eaiaj pinaaa strtngth, dexibiliiy aud Mruirreee; they abe<ai> Uaa water than other saih>, Mai dry quicker; waea wet- Iha) lese cone of their flexibility, und in the roegHeet of weather ara ao aaraatf bandied that ta mn woald rather leef one of them several tituea that any ether otce. a ntnrtnT riscBi. rn nr| vr tr sta. The Bfaa p Brandywice, -f WiJuiiDg*oa, M.i-aware v 'b i MS bushels of wheat on hoard, shipped at Cog gin'* Pout laiidirg, James Kiver, Va , Oy K KaiMa, jr tor the firm of Hern. [Htntaer A Cj., ef N ». 12t T I'cnrl street, m toia city waa piek'd op by t;ap'a:~._ Ch'o-lts il> rn a p, of tbe steamer Wave, ab>a° a roikt east from tbe l^bt ship ofT riiwdy II nk M laeaday 0 ornirg last, and by him towed to Jors y City, wberw she tow lies (Apt (lermain say* that during the p. *. us i.igh it blew a perfect gale, arul when tb« veivel »vi1 ci veied bj bim at daylight in tbe morning Uta a*a> was making a clean sweep over bar ber BMH rlyinat loose in the water; she was heavily laden, aud must r<Ave sui k in one hour Inter No p- r was fjaad oa board, tot even any trunk*, clothing, booke. aor aay avidettta of ownershio, eicept a eopr of th* bill of la'hitr, which, being shown to the tamsifnoeM, p.'jve* to be correct, they having received duplicates of tbe mm e by Ii..nl Ine bib of lading states the *e#*eJ to have bti-n loaded w th wheat, aa above stated at tbe K'ace nairo-d, auo ia signed " ('apt John S Curaa, by lary K. Curne," in whose handwritiog the bill la. The ci apasn waa found on the cabin fl or, yawl boat {lone, ore anchor gone and another ftnyarYi we ghtd at the bow. A large sis*) ¦iiaaket Wae Oft ¦I a '1 be hatehts were duly itMteaed aud eau^adb Since brugiiglh« veasel in BAdbtaTJ baa beeo bsartfof the crew or of whom it was compo-ed, or >f the pree- OBCO of BB) * n else on le nr.I lie carg . ietOeBrad) iu the OtkaJ Mutual Insurauou Company, Wallatraot. W btlber the vessel is iisured or B it is u t *..>.-. Full paiticulais wid gir*n, so far a* ia kaoara, I the fuel ds of the miaetng at tho»« in'ereat-'d byeail- irgin Woi, JelhtTs, «sq., the c luoeel <>| Obm «Wp> n ain, af Jeney (,'ity b> whoj) thb Vissel and oargo will lie a> ttiaed f r salvage RTrAMMt lltorii' St Vk Tf.N 11H TWELVE I.IVt» LOST. Jty t>-¦ ,-i np.'i-e ctepati-h-s, uatt-l at I. .,,/ii^> the 17th iist, we learn rbat tie I. ii«- i.g l.-.ae »>. kei Tri pic, ('apt. Msrehall, I. b-eu emik in tba Mi-*aoari BlvthTt lte accidiLt of which no pa>\ .. -v- aro oOBtaited in tbe oi«pttel es, oe.-itujrvd on the 11 ,L last., at YVaverU y. One aisp>>tch to C. W. Ford of the IMtatJ N'ateei Exprrsa Corxpany sta'ea tha' eight or tea Hree woia lott, bat that Um tr mesaenger ano bis go<Kis w-r * aa/e. Aiotbtr dispatch to M-jor Biyant i t-.| S A'»e Al -t: In Matin tbe ot life to le- ten ef twelve fit- ¦ens Neither of the dispatch) . gi«e any furtaer ae- count ot tbe sinking or 11>» of life. Tbl n«it ar.ival from the Mis-oun should hm g fud par. ultra, aid, aa the reeidetit happened on tue 1 Ito last., steh aa ar rival is due. The boa' i< doub l a* a total bat the n c«t melancholy etrcuoietaoce .-. rn." '-»-i wick the) disastt r is tbe loss of hie attenr Ifta it. The b>tA wao n< t a valuable one, acd was one < f the r-gnler line of packets b*tw*e» Jrfierrou ( i'y anJ VV~*t.xi. fh> Irofiir was on fcer way IrM W.-tou to J'.tTer*» Ci'y when the BawMaSf occurred (it, Leim« Kip., i'Mn NAVAt. lite I'cited Statee C«a>t Karxey -U \n.-r Bibb re¬ turn d to thie j. it on Tt ur-day moraiuf. The B.ah is at preaent engaged in tiling up c M n. e-s kt the Suivey als ut flay llea-l aid Nooiao's l^o J. I', u the c ir;,!. tinn of ftbif wora she bae »r tors t.i pro- ctd v.Lb 'ho lituiography of the coast of N<arth Carolina [V. B. Meroury. lie tte'am fitgate Powba»tan in bow prepviag krt .it at the <;<ieport Navy YapI, deatiked |B be the Aaeg t\ip af tbe Eruit India squadron Tbe following h b> lift of b»r r frieers i j.: i" f V V »:"t. l> '.tecaaU D. J'Anrtia, S>. hi i. 11. Treurhaid U i iiaw w~ u Taoseaw K ¦. A. * Hemm.., A W II hereham fr.eet a .,» ,, \V A W. Sp. :.».. -1, Paeeed Ae.iat-ir.t Hor.e ,a.Carl. . II <Vll iaa.*.d; AeeUttLt <!.,.j>hn W «auai..id Papaav.t. f. ».**.<. A. ire M«.t< i.Robert B«j«l, jr Ch.al4in-rte..ry IPtWdj B. et-a^'u- CdWetd KeBt.yi <J>iunel. Heat) fiti-^hwae; f eip'LWr- loeepb fi 'Ikoavae, »el.iu«e>r. X A Ware», Ct.tl Btftueer. Waa II Bh/.sA I.t tu . wi d-> -*V«. rt It .'. M Am.iaiit 1-, .< t *V. CttJ; Jl BaafapaWS Ot -W. W buosan, kt. A Ar ... , U. 8 Bitaoi. ... 1 W. 11. hup H At'M Ml ff WH4LC-SIIIM Ttw trnm-Brntywrd avWewry harm mat out of twea- ty eight whalitkj-abipe now in that p rt ti^ateoa anil be* baultd up in dock duiiug the Winter, aadj tb«w refitting Gelayed tinii! tbe ensoirg Spring, tu « oo*aree has be.cn re lue tan Ay adopted by their owLera ta « >»- ttqawAaia i f the nun« pre-aure aad Uc ¦> . -ant high rates ol obuiiiti g nearly every an nie f s| (].. (OMMLKIfc or LAKE SLekRI.R Only a'jout a m-v'<: of yet»r« ago tn» go >d seb^rwer A'g' r.)U;n ebil. d from thi- port, wa- bamed aoaWaWfaW ft Us-.- of Sjaut S't. Mar i i,y a i>»r*y cf eoieir^-i^; Ciev»TtDder»,aiid laum bed spot) L k- rj.j|er«<ir Wae wss Ihr tu st craft from Ibe btrei lak-s-ta* pi iae«r of a C4.mn>trce fh.t ba« atiea/*y it wa into r>o««*v»«i- iigim?o.unce. Mr Ban aeWrBof M.WfP ( Ana! I Ba fjrei.befl an tfti Ul sUf^ae-n« f tae aaa- ber of etearxers am. vesseJs tot have BBB^tMB Car.al 'r. m ihe opeciog of ua*^»ti " .'.' "«'t 7* v To tte let of ofh-ber. TeB wfjAW nunt^r is Dtal Bf .be «iue 3 propel^s and «*<*^i*Si down laced wdb noli ore m lb- Ma-p^wa* mmnUirs. barrig Na?d BJ agrafe of -idoAr fnis and 2S -teauiers, 0 v«>c«\Wt. aad b *to«M ha'vmg'ot board an \\+*& * < ^'^^ Lahr.IDOR rlSHEBBtl. , JiwJUlBjaWJW'1 II-'"'! stj* thtt tha lA<t af tmm I^ab-ador fJe.t has arrived No BaaiffaBd haahApuoawd tothe veiselacr ihcircrewB. Trie catch of deb aad aftiittt of oil obtained Is f ally tq ill to l*v>: year. bat . I,.- i -i. is very mo« h lower tbati laat »*<»/, Aai oo*> ft qneitiy the fleet wul not do aa wtb aa tn^ waeter«« Beet. .mmmmm____ Yui atioi or ITlBCOSBIB .Hal R'ate BoaWfl^f K iue! /'r» have tubl rbed Ueir valaavija ot a I the r»nl aid persona! pioporrv in Wi«c r. u a»^ ^""VT* ripert wa ob'ain 'te folkja-iutf ogurea. Iwa^J^ilf rtr.pe»'! f ' th* SU»e U cqta7aBad at 4'J" wl i.-h we may -ay is .tuite a checg* ». ¦ *»*'",*»rt*C Ota Mad few yeawoi - i .: aeree tti-d. Bl eB vait r. rr-r.mtmm ' . .n i keadt . »*nZ5 a ... a. leaf . tead ri ... . a i*., ii A reeedt iraailaa ..r er*« tl pmmf*}. . " 0|Ml ¦'¦ i .ii ¦. » . 1 . ,***». a*) ftOiTlra. Bel -. mwaam


E¦AMPI BD 'CHAMBER HmNITURE.-¦Jlin r r-BaiNoroK-s Pen.ittrre w,-*-

. # o * .»<. - W"""« *» .» I»» «*» CANAL-trT,

iyii?Wv^>» *«.*--_EMAMELel) CHAMBER FlIR.VniJKE-

K,. ,nd beefi.ul r>llM of eaameled. wivd oaA at

.^-TrHAMBFB KVRNfrl'RK. Hr>.-a.*,.-,, to «waa<jfEZrt*-~t " hie i'ji" ..i B*di -.in roiohor*. win

STi, .itrnrlT* a**..itmeut at H r FA RAI»OTON* Wer»

iJjr- No *t» lv«l .t oypoette Wooatoe-ot, Now Vort

ÖN BEDSTFADS.-Thfl Jfrw-Y-wrk ironkt.w«l .Mai otaeti.iiag Coaneaa*. No WJ Ueetre (f . near

* e»*''be ett, utaoti *f Boroi*»*ti t» the* UMIP.wJtieh rb. y h III dispute 'A at whoii Bale Bad rated at IIa* I

aoah pii.» i_pBELAN» IMPROVED* BILLIARD TAIILKS.r**>«trd F.b is, irrae. 8eia*Too«r*v Km 7« and«¦ B.roeeV

wwy Matrf.- wry, No. *3 ana st New York

if ujkrn, wfarotoarr and Iron.

CUTLER T, PLATED WARE, dVa-AsMtWe end English iTOfy-Handled

tUMlVr.O e»d PG.t KS. KtiWe* only Beef end Oara* CarreTB

Table Bteale B'Ner-ae*i~d Forka, Spooni, Casters, Ac

and aVartera la treat variety and a Larfiassortment ofTWa fraya i

H'M'SH f'R'.MIIMI H A RDVV'AKEBete»»» By CH AB 8 LITTLP % Ov. Moa 3f artJ M Fnttow-al

OÄMEÖ at BON+ SHOVELS and SPADR8-. *j JOHN W Q'TNCV. No 9* 'VHHem-t*,

QPELTER, ANTIMONY, BANCA TJN, gmPWAILB-Bor aaie by john W QU1NCY, BJ vvmiam-tl

THOMAS P10 IRON.Soft fret), atr^of mmiB w^anantaA anhatttots for Scotch JPU tl.u _

JOHN W. G'NNCT Na W WArhaej at¦¦¦aBNBBBTAw I-1-BEM -=

(TU can ßttamere,

CTEAM b6tt»r«i NEW-tfORK »nd GLASGOW.awS ft")NH1rm»U. t.Ktt tana, Wm. Cummin*, Commander |

BurTW YORK. 9,1*" tun«, Robart Craig, Commander;_

»JLASOOW 1,892 tuBi Jobii Dunoac, <k>rjninaudc*r.OVteeew aad New-York Bteamabtp Comt«ny Intendtkeat new and powerful »teamet» fron New-York tow direct aa follow! i

raoai aaw-roaa. raoa oLtteow.Bkrw York, Baturosy, Oct. 17. Edinburgh...Oat,Mtabwak, Saturday, Oct. SI. Glasgow.Oct. 31

batbi or ranaaa.RwBt Olaaa.pwSthird Ciaaa, round with Cooked froTtrlooa.RBO

texpeiietioed Burgeoi attaabed to each Steamer.fMctt or paaaafe apply to

'ARfEH RAEBtTIN, Ageaat,_ _ .

No. If Broadway.BJew Tort CHy BUla or Oold only received for Pa


Proaa New-York to LlvvarpooliChief Cabin Paaaaae.RtjOBaeoad Cabka Paaeaga. M

Prfm Bo«ton to Liverpool:Chief CeWn Pateare..f noSecond Cebtn Puaaaye. SO

The thip* fr-ro Button caU at UeJtfaa.MAOAR A, WliAmau.. Lewvet Boston... vVw^neaday, Ott. T1ASIA. I.- u . Iy»a\i . N. York.. Wedo'-tday, Oct. 2»RPKOPa Leite«.Li-sTfH H'<e*rn.. Wednrtrtay, Nov. 4PBRMA. Jodkina..... Leavet N V-,-«. Wwin. -dav. Nov. 11CANADA, 1 m ,.Lean. Br non...W',.dn<«''av, Nov. 18ARABIA, Stone.Lvaeea N York..Wednoaday, Nov. BSEbbt not at<cBred until raid for.

aap. rtecfvd Bnrteou on hoard.owet -a of these afaipa will not be eeeoontabie for OolABullion, Bpecie, Jewelry. Procloat Btonea or Metala.bCla of ladiug ait- tlgm-d utertdor and the value thereofi eapreeaed. Vor freight or paraage apply to

_E. CCNARD. No. 4 Bow!in| Oreea.

BpROSKEY & CO.'» LINE of STEAMERPRTRW-TORK, BOITR AMPTON, LONDON end BREMENOwned by the European and Auierican Steam Bbipping Co

of London and Soutbampt.*, are app.dnt.-d to eaii fr»>m KKWTOBh <«, evory aitcmate WKDNKSDAY for LONDON andBBRMLN. .. g at Southampton to land paaacugera and¦ailaf'ir England aud Pranm They will remain one day al

ana and turn pror. < d u, Bremen. Rotorning, they wtll leaveMEN for NV.u vol. K on every alternate BATORDATdug only at Sontbainptonae .t.-BBMbipt are of the firtt elate and hare ertparlor aeix.datioM for putaengert 7'h y will Juko a limited numbel

af third niest or ttecrtge pjaengert.A aorteon it attached to each ahlp.Theiat..of fre'ght to Loudtiu will be hut llitlo higher that

Bhoas of aaiiiug ships.BtTEt or ratBACB.

fhatCaMn.$ 801 Second Cahlu.... g>M I Btenrage.mm.Trie steamship JASON, v. ill sail frotn New-York on WED-

MIOAV. Ort 3»

atamtngTV ae

Ret n-eieht tr pasese*. *fV AND. No. 11 South tVrlliara-at,

FOR LIVERPOOL -The U. 8. Mail steain-thlp ATLANTIC. Other Kldridge, Comrnand.<r,wi!l deprat

With the t ailed Staloa mailt for Europe positively oB SATUR-BAY, Oi t. 94 at It o'clock m , froan ber beith at the foot ofOaaai et Pur frtdght or passage, having unosjualed aoooouno

aalon. for elegance and comfort, apply toEDWARD K COLLINS. Na. M W»U ,t

Passen re r. ail! pi, ae b. no "..aid at 11 u oioc-k am. AH let-kws mt.i (....« tbrtHig.. the P...t Od.»-. Bay otlera will be re-

BOTICE..The ateemera of this Una have Improved waterBgkt Meupartioi Bts.Re eapeo~ hat heeu tpaxed to make the ateamert of this lint

hall retpeet. as good at new. Tho thorough rxamination givenBHBtprovrs their mode of ncrnstmctlon yet itnequtled.

B. . .Hereafter the regular built ablpt for fbda line wiR pephaw the entire aerrloe,

Si^TlvEDUCTU)N Id FARE to EUROPEAj-rtrtt Cabin, Beeond Calds »80.lo the fintektailaMli iiheel tt.-ainthlps ARIEL t,0o0 (not, C D. Ladlow.Canmai der and NOBTb 'TAR, t,*l0 tuna, P E, Lefevpa,Ckem^Bder, to sail from Pier No 8 North Rivet, at noee

a»Z, cairylng tho t'NITED STATES MAILS, via.illTW^TOREforSOrTH-l Bremen fo

HAVRE end BRE HoathatnptonBat'y, Oot mSafy Nov 28

Uavre andSoutOamatotfog N Yurh.Wed Nov. 4Wed-, Deo fBORTH STAR,Saturday Oot »1

Taust tt.wiuthipt touoh at Havre Spt rte delivered rn LooBay aad Paria. Po« peseaee or freight atiply to

D TtlRRA NCE No. * Bowling


hiU* Iron screw att'tm.nipeCITY OP BALTIMORE.JSArtuot.Oapt. R. I^itchCITY OK WASHINGTON->,38n taut....( apt. P. T BettleCITY OrM\NCHE8rER....2io»tuut....i,ap:. j Keun.viyKANGAROO.I V4ti;ua.Capt JeflrwaThe nnderuoted or other vetsela are intended to tail at M-

tewt.Prom L'vrarooL

RANOAROO.Wrdne.day.Out,A' deTerj tl'erxate Wednetdey.

FaoM N v. y. vBAwH;ARIH).Tknr.dev.Oc*. 39

And every a'timateThursday, at 12 o'clock in

.PCTBaae Caant Pt^aut.- From New York aid PhHade.akia, 4>7.-a Pr. m Metryeat, 31 guineas, 17 guiiiias and ItBaaeat s cording to the MTommodation in the StatavrcKPinaalhavitg the atme piivilrg* ia the Badooav Iacludlng Stew¦4ra f. iaTniao Cltit PattEtanaas .aJimlted ntroiber ofThird Ota*.

Beeatmgtra will b. taken and founo in at mu-h BtWfiTSn.Jtmm Philadelphia and N.w Volk, R30. tpool.These .i. v. en »recoTittn eted with improved wa'er tight

BaerraarlaM '« ttcb vetwiraiiies aa etporiencod targeonBite etaiy .iieutton p^id to the comfort and acaxKniaod-tioo ofPaeaeieats.Drafts i* IJvrrpool from AI upward.Bar fi. i<ht or BMaeje apply at the OrRoe of the Company,JOHNO DALE. No IMfio. lw.v. N. w Yora Ag-oit r>WtL INMAN. land 13 Towte Bu'ldiagt Liverpool a,«nt.

NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL ONITELRTATES MAIL hTLAMERS -Tbt tbJpa oropoahtg thli-retATLAPrTTC Oapt Oliver Elflrldte.BALTIC. Capt Joaeph i ¦-. a.

ADRIATIC. Capt. James Weet.hear ships hating been built by eontraet eapteteiy ret the

IB* at iailstlI aervloe, every care hat been taken In toelr ooaBaaeliuu, as also la their engine*, to tutor* strength and speedaaa thett »<wv>n. mocatif >ta for eaaaei gert are aaaeualiad for etaBaas aad ooafortPito* of paseate from New Tort to Ldt*>ryool, kn firtt oabtr

BBR; la tenotid do B)75 Exoloalve uae of extra tieed ttat*.kaa, msiS r?, 9 Liverpool to New York. 30 and 90 guinea*¦a teraevteuoed torfeoo attached to eaeh thip No bertha ras

htaerearwd ..orll paid foe. The ehipt ol this line here Lmpruted.atet 'Jgh.lujti. ,d.

PROPOSED DATES OP 8AIUNO.»bo» tie eon. rst a LivaarooL

BATCRDAY.O.U |ü, 1W7 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 30, 1*57IrfVBDAY.... Ort U 57 H c i)NEfil»AY..Oct IA 18»

.DAY.N.v. 7, 1BN7 WEDNESDAY..Oot 28, t*S>

541£OT- «>. 1«* WEDNESDAY..Not 11, WI»RT.,...l)ea. Rittn \vki<nesdaT..Not. 9a, tstrr

WEDNESDAY..bed B, la"?

B^ekabtaxPW>PNEBÜAY,.D*e. «1 lay*

|DW ; RD*T cTiL^tNB No. M WeB at PI f¦ROVYN. shipley A U, LU-.nwoLBTEPHEN rennA rd k \J£B 0- WAJNWRIOirTHA etaSvaV*" L^°*

_BBw owwetB«.f thaae thip* wiii not he accountable to* coldfi* hii'Htei. rpeej*. Jewelry, pteaiout ttona inrmeta,! nul..-

^¦¦aaaa^ara ttgned therefor and the valaa u*Ut^

F^r?!:^-^..10 SP^HAMl^^^nt


¦BMeiBBaTawSJ»*7*lB«,"t ttretnthlp VANDERBILt^ ^, U,Y(l' ^,J', » mioandet .Til »I.HAMrittir. A tfav'.. lrronl HAVRE and SOUTHMgenVN A Ha\ rp. I ampton for NEW yore

*Z.** Satcrdey .»»ov. M¦»iB^Braa,.De,-2d

...rWl» .» 'ataaua

i ^»afJaMtaaW e e » a* e » * oe*eeee*ee*>...-av*

Bjaati oahta.%Jryaate detfrared In Lou5 >n ted P^ie ""**..........>».Bat at ¦ wer er frvaaht. bb»It topi fr**gpjh:. apply to

e/-*«-**MABtwte-i i t fan.' . c Y.

»"rtaaJACB, AaerA.

ea. . ,i: -r .-o r.pa, pafAaa],aj*mVgK'"" ' '.' of.P^tat* ra^p. *Tt*BMi p*>

PJa). mm Be recefred et No .» SoejE.-g,, _ "froa othete'aiooh of aaa asorjiae of eallbta **. '.*.* Yotrn. lay

J5t«omb0fjte or^ HaUroautj.

^.-41 4»»m**m tOJUigi Ayebt, Noa TVaoA *. vu^etea

.m.T.rTii 'K -CHANGE of I IME of !.>*» NfJW-Nt<M«M BOtTT'aN KXPREtfl TRAIN-On and eftarC< .mi. »v (Vt I*. th* Eveutug Expo** Train for H .v.u.. vieK v?ll.v« Harlf-d end Sprit.;'*-, I, will letve tfth et «alitb .. a that* too (3:11| p. m ii».t^d ..f four tventy (4-.V)

pn!JAS H WHITE. Hurjeriut.-odero,

IAkt kOlitE.*EW YORK is PBOVI-j nr«fK. A...On end *r>«r o^. « ism. Train o/ th*

pKtiViliKM K, HAKTKORD end KISHKIL.L) HMLRIAOwill le.v- Hertford aft-? tb<- arrival there of the K.'pf .. Tialool lb* hew York anil N.w Hav.n Mmi N.-w-Hewn aud Hert¬el id and Sprinah« Id Radr-au» «hieb Im*» New York a'. I a tu.

.H VMI'EL NOTT, S.i,**intexideut.

CENTRAL. RAILROAD tf^EW^EkiSKY-Connecting at New Hampton with the D. lawara, Wa>

.anua and W >!.¦: u Ballt< ad, and at Beaton with leebifkVltin BallrvaadSUMMER ARRANGEMENT oomu.et>etrnj May 19. 1887-umw New-York foi Fa.ton and lrt-rn » ab* oia, .* from PaaiNo A North River, at 7.JO am 13 a*, aud J.tb'pm for Boe-vlll* by above train, and at 5 a mTue above train* cuttert at Rllxabwlh With train a an tba

New Jerery Ballroad. whlrh leare New York fron, the foot <v

Coortlandt-et. at 7-St' and 12 a m and > *. and 5 a m". eea *- .. ' r the Delaware, Lacxawanne and Weitam Bab

I ad will leere at I f an,, only Pot Lchigh Valley BaLroacA 12 m aajf._JOHN O RTF.RNS. Sr.nerintrDdaDt

FLUSHING RAlI.R JAD-Loavea Fulton Mar-ket wharf by etramer laland Cite, at SrfaV * and 10 a m..

and I. 4 and fttaw p m.; the car* leave Floehiog (L I ) at theaainr Innra, u ting and exchenxing paeeengere with the boata' Hunt, r"e Point, Through in SO minute* Pare 25 cent*.


WM »I. SMITH. BecefTar.

fHE REGULAR MATL LrNETria STONING-A TON, for BOSTON and PROVIDENCE.Inland roajta-ihe (horteat aud moat dirart^-oarrrlnp the Eaatern Mall.The «träniere PLYMOPTH ROCK. Capt Joel st-ne. aiV

COMMODORE. Capt W. H. Fraxe*, In counerHoai wttrthe Stonhirtcm and Providence and Boeton aad Providence R*£

The COMMODORE, from New York Monday, Wedae*-key and Friday. Pruts Btoningtou, Tue*dap, Thursday and(atorday.The PLYMOUTH ROCK, from New York, Tueaday, Thor*

Jay ard Saturday. From Stonington, Monday, VVedaoaday aaad

Paeerngert procewd (rotn Btaiulngtoo pot railroad to Frort-keno* and Boaton in tbe Expiea. Mail Train rra. hing aald plane*7i advance of tboee by other route e, and in ample time for aT*>« early n on '».*. Hare connecting Norto and Eaät. Pa., ijeraAat prefer It remain «n board the aOamer. enjoy * nlghVe real¦bwbWbbTbwA breakfa*t If deetred, and leave BtoniDgeori in thel,tt a n. train, connecting at Prorldono* with the 1! *. m.

wain for Boatoo.A baggage.maater atoocipaniei the «teamer and train tbroafb

aaeh way.Vor paaaage, berth*, .t*t*-rooma or freight, apply on board the

Hoamet, or at toe freight Office, Pier No. 2 North Biver. or attba office. No. 10 Battery place,_O, t .bar 23.


Comn ett nx WTDNESDAY. June 3, 1857.Train* leave Depot corner of White and Centre.ta., B| a. Da.

. iapiea* Mail Train for Alban cuuet ting at Croton Pali*with lire of »lege» for Lake Mahopec, at Purdy'a f >r Bidge-fj. ld. at Brewate r'» for Danbury, at Chatham Pool Corner*with W'tatem Railroad for A'bany Tr v.S .n oga and the Waat.St p. rn .Mi lerton Train, atopping at all atationa. 5J p. mW iiliama Bridge Train, atoppiug at ad atationa. Gj p. ran.Wl.ite Pla<r.a Tra'n, atopping at all a'uti»na.Liave S6th «t. Station: 7J a. ni .Williame Bridre Train,

«tcpp.ng at all itation* 11 a. m .William* Rridge j.atop-pint at all »tati< n«. ll| a m .White Plain. Train, (topping ata atationa. 2> p. m . WillUma ririd.e T.a n. at ippiug at illatat n na 5 p m.Cioton Kalle Train, atopping at all atationaU p. in V\ 1 .r. Bridie Train, at. ppin« at all atationa.

WM. J. CAMPBELL, Superintendent.

HT'DSON RIVER RAII^ÖAD~Frr.m Octo¬ber >9, 1857, fraina will leave Cliamber*-«t. Station a* foi-

kuwgi Expreee traina fi a m and 5pm., Albany MailandFi naht Train 7 a m.: Al'-auy Paa." gee Train, ll:»ia m : forStng Bing, 9:45 a ui. and 4 p m for Pou.ok.. .. 12:ti0andl:M p ¦ f..r Petkaaill, 5:5fi p. m. Tte Poiigtikeepele, Perk-.»ill and Sit g Sing Ttaina atop at 'he way etationa. P*ee»ri«"T*taten at Cbembe e. Caial Cbrief ,pi)r r and Sletet*. Tta<n«for New York have Troy st 6:30 a in. and 12.»4 and 5:45 p. m ;r.»»t Albany at 7 and it? a m and 1 end C:|0 p m.

_A P SMITH. Superintendent.


Co «MraciN« OcTOBBB l9, 1£7Paaaixger Ptation iu Nt w-York, cotuer 27th*t. and 4th »V.,

entrance on 27th-etTRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK

For New HaveD, 7:«> 8:i">, a m (ex » ISMS,3:10 (ex) 3:45aiid4:3(»p m For Bridgi pjtt lit*. S:M)a. at, (.«.). IltfB SIO«:46.'ex.l and4:3Hp. m. rn M»tf«g«t Bflatitreyd ra'iBiII South-port andAVrHp.it. 7 :.f>a in .Ii:l5 8:4t.4:SOpm F .rNorwal»,?:2flam ; 12:45, S: 10 (n ), 3:45. 4:VI, p m For Darl. n

aofl Oreanwieh, 7:i?ia m ; 12:45 3:45 4.W 5: tip ro. Fnr *t*m-f,*C, 7:20, P:i0 (ex ), a m 13:45. S:l<i (ex). 3:45, 4:30,5:35

For Port Che.tor aud Intermediate SUtione, 7:20 a. m. j

CONNElTIVO TRAINS.3:45, 4:«0, 6:35, 6:3^jp m12:45,For "oetoTj, 8:20a m. (ex.). 3:10 p. m (ex.). For Hartford and

Springfield *. e. m (ex ), U:4io m b:|0p m (ex ) FirConnecticut River Reliroad to Montreal, 8:20 a m » ), andS:l«p.m (rx ) to Northampton F<r Canal Rotlr. ad, 8:20 a.

oi (>x)and 2:4f p. tn to Morthampton Kor IIP.ailr, ad. 8:20 a tn. Fnr Naogatnrk Railrou.1. 8:20 a on, l«:45and 3:10 p. aa. For Danbury and Notwalh Railroad, 7:1W a. m.,3:46p m.

TRAINS TO NEW-YORK.From New Haven, 6.30,7, 9 S5 a. m.: l:*i(ea ), 4:30 |:dj p.

en (ex ) From BrUfeport 6:10.7:40, 10:1» a. ro.; 2 07, (ex.)¦< p m (ex) From Norwalk, b 6:41 815, |0>JS a. m

t:5A lex ), 0:45, Or.V p bo. (ex ) Kroin fort Cheater, 5;x7, 6:43,T:28, 8:58, ll;S4a. to.; 6 27 p MM

JAMES U. HOTT, Soraerluteodent.

fAJTiW^ORkTiid ERIE RAILKOADy^On aait* afta-r Monday. June 16 1837, and uutii furtaer notioe. Pa*aenper Tralne will leave pier f.w>t ol Duane-at ea I r-owa, via. I

DUNKIRK EXPRESS, at « a m., f r DunklrEBITPFALO EXPBEB9. at 6 am, for BnflaloMAIL, at 9 abl, for Daniirk and Bulfak) aud lntertaedi»»*

etatton a.BOCKLAND PAS8ENOF.R at 3:30 p.m., lYotp foot of crxaa

»ere-at via Plermont for Snfferne end Intermediate etatios*.WAY PASHENOER at 4 p m., forNewburgb, Mid.lUt/owa,

aad hit« rtnodiat* atattou*.EM10RANT at 6 p.m., for Dunkirk and Buffalo and Interaa*


EXCEPTED).NIOHT EXPBESB at 5 p.m., for Dunkirk, every day.NIGHT EXPRESS at 5 p m., for Buffalo, every day.These Expreee Tralne connect at Elmira with the Ehntro

Canandalgua and Niagara Kalla Railroad, far Niagara PaTIa; miB'ngbamton with the Byracuee and BIAghamton Railroad, foidyracuea, at Coming with Buffalo, Oornrna aud New-Yorktailroad, for Rorhrelor; at Great Bend with Delaware lAnkjfl»et-i a god Weatern Ballroad, foi Scranton; at Rorreallrvfll*.itb the BiiflaJoand New-York City Railroad, for SafJfaloi atI Ufa], and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad, for Ca**»and. Clnclunatl, Toledo, D. trtiit, Chicago, ktn.



CITY..Mail aad Expreee Line«: Leave New-York I and 11l nt and 4 aud 6 p. m.: fare, ft'l, Um, RS 25, »Tovpio« e< allay etatkina 11 and 4 go to Kenaington. Tbrongn Tackoti

f.'.i tor Cincinnati (#17 and IB I" 501 and the Weit, and forbalttroore, Waabtiigauti, Norfo'k, An and tnrough ^gg-f»Aaaeked to Weattington in 8 a m. aud 6 p. m.

W WOODBDFP. Aealetart Bup'tllo Baggagt* will ho reeeived for any train unleee delivered

and checked 16 minute* in advene* of *A* time of ca .-ana


veotlnn wwh tAe Bufleio, Cornliig and New York, and NewYork and Erie RaUroada, form* a direct root* from Raw-Yorkto Aonneeter.Tbe direx tneee of tbta route, together wtth the acperW n*aa

.ort afforded by tbe wide aart, render* It by tar the moat deefr*>)r between tfae ab<rve-named-(-ltiee.Ticket* can be procured at tbe New-York and Erie Railroad

Picket Office, foot of D.ov.c at and No 19h Broadway; alaan Jnraey SNtp.Baggage checked throughfreight* will be Uanaport.^d between New York and Ronho*

** wirb dUpatctt. Any information deefred tn regard therat*ma be obUiBed by calling on tbe General height Ag. nt of th*Bew York and Erie BallroaA Erie Bulldiac«; or C R TAP-PAN. Expraae Fralgbt Agent. No 193 Broadway.No train, on the Buffalo. Cornlug and New York Railroad aatbanda*. J. A. REDFIELD, 8uparrtjit«ad*xra.

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..Tbc« GREATOENTRAL BOinrE, oonnectlng the At la. t-c eitle* «rttb

.Ve*t*rn, North-weatern and Booth weatern State* by * cooBnooue Railway direr*. Thla Rc«d aiao eoanecta at Pfttabargk.itb dally llue of 8learneri bo all port* in th* Weatern River*and at Cleveland aud Bandaakp with etaiamer* to all port* *xa*** North weatera Lake*; making the moat direct oheapael.id reliable route by whlnh FREIGHT oao be f.rwarded Wadd from the Great Wear.BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA axed PITTS HI RGBfrarr Cnaaa.Boot*. Shoe*, Hat* aad Cap*, 1«. _

Bookg Dry Good* ftn boxra bale* i.du.»i.i ,1,Drage (in bosee and balee), Peathera. Pure ba.. >

twcoiD CLaie.Demeetin 8beeting. D»rtlu« -. ..

TVhti.* on ongmal balee). Drrge(Tneaaka) Hard I BkaentaPwe*r\ Leather (iu roll* or .. v. a), Wool and Bbeep f lot ft.Pelta, Eaetward. Ae

Phixd Ci oj

Hem.Toi v. o

Pqv^tii Cl*»».CoSe*, Flab, Beoon, B*ef and |Pork (Id VaraU 01 b"1**- E».t»- ., Lard aud(*fteeaUP«-»yd Ol Nsni. «od» M German Clay, Tar, [ IM».ptuA. R<wta, Ao.I

fLoa-a.BI 9 Mi oiitll further noUne.taaib.atitM Ute^ It" Pi until further ootb-a.apyroa.6)3 4P bale ant exceeding 6u0 m weight, catU tertAaJ

l^'ähiPfliigGv. 1» from arty pntrt eaal of Priliadea pAla k* par

^ular fTrJK tie p* knge f' f!* PeuuMlvanla ab road - AlT7JllLlJIBlf to tte ageoteof thla Boad at Ph«Jad*ip*ua ..

P ttabuigh will he forwarded without ^e**«iöoixBar ai'iT A*t»T«-fl«iT>. *'-«iniey l Ca. M«w»pAl». Ta«A

t P Aa.. k Co.. St IrntiU. J. S. bftcholl A Boo, Cv»'uad i Dnmeauitl. Bell b Co., and Carter k Jrwet* l^ct.rW*tv h C Meldnoa. Madleon InA: Sprurrp«^ A Br wn, eta*trwtn fcc<. aurinnatJ N W. Grab-^, k Co Zam evill*,phloi L-jkA A Co., No. N RUbv At \\mmw Lemh k Co.. N«,r^ar^J"*' f& CA tio . William*'.., New Yorhi

H a*. *" - nttahurrA7 .-.°l "TON, Orn.ral Freiebt Agant PbfiadavlaBi'.

o. J. LQwa a raw av,aera,i»»Tw1*nt. Al'noa* Pa.

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADTHE ORE AT CENTRAL ROUTE.e-koPeaie.alvkrila Railrr^c^^ M pnuburca Wtth r»X

jaAfjhl and frnc, fat Uula M. Alton, Galatia and Cfct«

ia, r.aaiwaru. ao... I

D Cl*»».. Arvile, Bteel, Cbaine (ia e»ki ,)M^ _

sip, Bacon and Pork oalted (looae at tneacke). J aAaw?*¦acoo, r. ii -..1 ./ red except ('...ere or cut. An. S

< paefcrt ooata from and >o NewOrteai^. Bt Lcale. L.2h»411* and Cia Uioa'l

Ti.r Tkakat) bag taM Raeg ess aa bad at any of th* ab. eeaantioned i !». ..* In Ibe Writ.Paaarag ia will ^nd tM» the ebrrteet mm. exprOlixo* ajjg

a>anfort*b:.- mntr between 'be E.art and Weat.PROM V K 'V YORK TO CINtt'f'N \TI IN'SO HiutoaPROM NRW VORK TO CHK'At O IM * HOPrjt,prom SPW.vork TO «T LOl'lS IM «t iiC.'BA.Par* a* low a* ax.v M bgf f ., -

lew ?ranJ'.iiia blA* bartela t UMettlThrct fi *i ».,, .,. .-.t ,: .- nation ir»y be be* al IV..wef -A* PbNKi> a IU * "'I'"

K » Aa'..' >i '.»e BlJ L. ewUsatOPl vgaa»

LOMi ISLAND RAILROAD..'ALL mmiWINT? R ARRaNOEMENf..iS today* *x .¦*"-> v-

feaint tyuif Ea»t. Leave grMitti fox f>e*tn».»rt at .0 ¦ av |btn Pro. k'V; '"' Vapbank ulli tn. tad 1:45» m '"»»»*¦<. y vi. "r -j.i. > »t 4 y p n lean tr-ni^T" fog Hmua.It . at .' KM 13 a n t »... '. p m laOva .> -t yj 'or Ja.taxlae at 10 and 13 a. at 3*4 4i3R 5 aad » »' p ¦


HFLMB0LT)"*» EXTRACT of BTJCnU.".I M Vl:(i|,[, s Rx'ra-tof Siehe tatet Gravel

H f LMBULD'B Extract of Ba.hu c.ret Dieea*** of the|»llatIn I.M HOLD'S Extractor Buehu eure* D.**»*ea gf Iba ftW-

at-jill r LM HOLD'S Extract nf Bo«ho .nre* Droeay.». t " HOLD'S Ex'ract of Btvh>» for g-t» .. Weakr***HEIM HOLD'S ExWaet of b bo for all di* aaet u . tj

fron i \,......HI I vi'ul.D'S Eitraat of H .- >. for all trtib&gH1 i*< LD'fl Eitrart of Bo- hi for all diteatet arittca

from In r radttaaa.HE LAI HOLD'S Extract of Boe.hu for h- and D-.t.-ate

Dl**e*t..HELMBGLD'S Extract of Buehu Ii takes by male aad fe-

.na'a.bELMPOLD'S Ei':».! f Bncba f rLoetcl Memory.Hh H HOLD'S Extract of Bivho 'or L-aa* a' Purer.Hkl M HOLT'S Extra-:of Bncba for Univertel Laatttede of

Hi M '.cular ByaternHELMBGLD'S Extract of Bocka for Nervosa aad DeWlHasad

Bufferer»i! 1- M HOLD"? Rxtrv-t of B h., f Dims*** of V .

H r LMBOLD'S Extra, t of Bucbu for DtSkylly of Breetk-teflHELMBOLD 8 Eatraot of Buehu for Week Nerve* aod

IV'. ' HtiaHPl-Vrol.D'S Extractor Bochii lor Wrte*:rn**e.HCLMBOLD3 Extract of Bocka fur ail u..: .atog All-

BertaHELMB4JLD S Extract of Booko. prioe $1 par bottle, 4e-

Bvered to any addreti. Addre** lerterr*,II D HELM90LD. Ch**n«*t.

Depot, No. 32 Sontb l*th at below Cheatunt at, Phi.adelpbtaBold by Druggirt* aad Dealeit everywhere. Biwwt af c >ea>

Uri.il« Care» guaranteedH EGKM AN, CLARK k Co., Agent*. Broadway, N. T.

R.~R..DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MOR-R.. it Bl'S, or pairful Dlecbargea trots Iba Bawelx. are iva

to In fifteen or tweity o.raute* by RADWa?'9 RKADTPLIEP For Hredeohea. wteiber tick or arrvooa, BJieutaa-

¦i ii Paralyii». Lumbago. Gout, Nettraigla. Tcoab- Acke, Svoi-ler. Joint* aid Paint and BVeakaea* to the Back Spin* or

KWney. Pali* around the Liver, f - .-a* pj.-.thnm andP. . of all kirdi RADWAY'8 REaDY RELIEF will rn afew momenta ( bange tbe mtaertea you tuffar to Joyt of pleat ir*.

B K. R No. 2..RADWaY'S RFNOV ATlNO RESOL-fFNT, fr* 'be Core nf Chruui* Dieeat-a.tuck at Serofiloat¦ad r>jpbil>ti<- CxnplalnU, CoaeamptiTe end other Afi*t,*4*nt ofme Luur* and Thmat, ladorattoa and Ealaraaa>eBt of Part*.Reart gia Enrptlee aad tarioaa Dia*aaae *f ah* Baia. ttyt-TI R R No 3..EADWAY'8 REGULATORS are the moottafe i--. n liable PlUt in ute. aad «.:.. enre effectivily and q.iluk-Cottivroeat Indigettinra. Inflttutnattoo of tbe Baa.'it Dv*pe,. Liter Con.plaint, Di*<w*e« of tlie Heart, Rlioey* Pa-n» Complalott Ac Wbone*er the tytten It out nf trier, t

deaeol KADWAY'S REOL'LATORS will rettara it to reaw-

larBy. RADWAY k Co.,No. IBS Fbltaw at,, ap-ttafrt. New-York.

CANDfc' SARKAFARILLA, thf oriKioil and fp.n-v um e trtic'e, it infinitely t iperior to til oth-rt: pleaaaot tothetaite. composed f purely v.-g.'auje utrv*. andmiyh*token at a.l m-aiont with peif. ct aafety Prepared and t- d SvA B A D SANDS, DniKtittt, No. DO P ,!ttn *t. New Y .rk.

L'cgal Notices.

IN ITRSL'ANCE of an ordarof the giirrotat»of tke Conn'.y oi New Yark. notice I» kereke given to til

p.-r»OLt having, lalu.t tgalDtt WILLIAM ROBERTSON, lateor tL* City otNew-Yoik, de. eeerd, ta preient tbe taoit withvaueher* thereof t* the tuhai riber. at the . or» of HENRY V.BCHENCK. No. 1« Wetl-it in the City of New York, on or

betöre tke third dav of April aext .Dtttd Ntw York, th* Iir*1da> of October, i«-7. PETER BCHENCK,08 1 a» «aiP^_Tiec .<U*.

IR PTJS SUANCE t.f iin OToVr of th! B«1T*)|*BB ofI the Connty of New York notiee it hereby given to all par-

. aw*rag eleta t aaaintt NAMif.L a WATF.R^ Ute .f'.aeCity of New-Y. rk, dec.atrt), to pr.tent th* IBM wl'h vooebejith- rrof r» tae tubteriber at the offlc* of Wallace E. CatdwtP,No lil Wall ttiett. la th* City of New Ycrk, ou or kelLre tbetfcird dty of April next .Dated Naw York, tea tint day of Oc¬tober IHM.«3 lewilne*_OEOP.QE WATERS Adn.'jiUliewir.

IE PURSUANCE of an nr.Wof the Surrt>fB»*j ofthe Ctuniy o( N*w-Yoik, Noti-e It hereby given to all par

toai lavh.g eUmi againtt PRInClLI.A HUAD'ORD, lata oftb* City of Nt w-Y. rk. dceeeiet! to preitut the tern* withvon ben thereof to tb* BnbtcTihrr, at hli retidenoe, N >. IIBAllen it., In tk* City of New York, on or btf >re the M'h dav ->fMe. h next Dtted New York, thejld day of 8«oiemher. lkS7.82.". lawfmPri CHAB U REDMAN, Exeoetor.

IN PURSUANCE of bb order of the Surrogateof the Comity of New-York, nottc* Ii herebv glvea to aB

aertona having elaimt egaiait El.I/A TRACY, lata of th*City of New-Y ork. deaeaaVd. to preeant the »am* with vear.benpateof to the inbi' rib.-r, tt bit mm a of t. ttrlu-i* Not Bit andtIA Broadway, la 'h* City of N»w V.wh, on or before tb*tL'itJrth day of Novaaubar aext..Dated Naw York, the 27thiay of May. 18». FREDERICK TRACY, Exeeetet.my2» lawBn.Fii*_MEW-TORI SUPREME COURT..HORACEA> B CLAFLIN, WILLIAM iL MELLEN, DaNIBL H<«)N(KLINO NATHANIEL F. MILLER tad HRNRfSrtJNK teataat DAVID THOMAS aad EDWARD DOL-SoN rBuwrrutn* tor m. ney du- aad on oantrtet.Lota, nota. r )-To the datendaut EDWARD DOLBON. abova named:fee)an beaehj » " r. end rrqulradtoiciwarthaaoaipiiintin thtt action, erhteB wfU be filed In th* OSir* ol tbe Clerk ofNi" City at.d Ceuly of New York, at the City IlaH ka theC.'v (t New Yeik, and to tarve a eopy of vonr aataer tethe **'d con.), alnt un the tubtotib.ea, at their ofT>e, No HII; acw a In tke City of New York, within twentt dayialter the äaerviee of tkii lommotii on yae etchitlv* of the dayof n.cb tcrvVe; and if you fail to aotwer the laid aomplamtnl., the lime »: -f aaij the plalntiffi in thil artv.a will takejt.dgn ent againit you for tbe turn of twenty li hntidrad anditv.i.tv f. i.t dollar! and ff*r teuti and mterett thereon Romttii- 14th diy of September, IV 7 beiidat the cott* of thil totioa.-Dated New Toih Sept 14.1857.


The rwipUlnt la th* above eotitbrd tatt n wti Bled ia tb*cRre 11 th* Clerk cf tl.a City end O.nnty of Ntw York eA>re-tead OB tar 17th day nf Sept- tubrr 18.17.

BARNEY, HLMfHREY k BUTLER,. II lawlwF. Plaintiff*' Attorneya.


ocntti.it (Coax, tot ier ) .To the *aid defeadiat: Yoa are

henby nimi .-.nid and rtouired te anawer the io«plalit la»W. at lion, whkb WÜ1 be bled la tbe ottic* of the C'cik of theCamrj'y if New York, tt tbe City flail >o the City of Now York,and to terve a ropv atycor antwtr Ba ta«> BBhl crnptelat oa theaaheetlhat at kit on No. lixty icveo (61) Wall ttreet, New-Totk within twenty rtayi tftrr the |tl 1100 of thil umti. >nt an

a ... i x. luiiv* of tb* dav ol to. 0 aerviea; tad if *ea fall to tu-

iv. at khi .i id aimnli'tt within tb» tioie tforenld '.ne pi tint St latb't txti-.i. will take judgm-nt ataintt yon lor tue turn ot foirtbmiaind ne l.ndrrd and t*ven:v acven dollara and forty itveacult with ii Iat aal from the uiuetoentb day ot Angutt. aae

tb. utanc' eigbt iisdred and tlfty atteaV battue the aoitt at thitettb a-Dated New York, Aug. *2, I8Ö7. A. R. DANA,

P'.tinlitt,' A'The tmaaajalel in thit trtiaa wet Bled in the ..flucofth.- CI. k

of he Coiu ty oi New Yolk, October SB. ItVtlOil Hafw

I .. It. loll. I .11, 1,.,,A. H DANA, riain'.i t-'Att.roe


CHAPMAN and CHARLES S aMITHagaiurt jOVATUANL. PIERCE. Summon* for mttiey drmand on contra «. n'ta0>'t let To 'be deftmoant. abo.e tauaed: Yau are b.-n iytun.n Otted and required to antwer tb" uotiipialut in thil a^tioa,which w ill he filed la Iba orTice of the Clerk I the City amiOotavOJ ol New Y< tk ut Lbc City Hall In kbe City ofN. w-Vork,and toative a c..|.y of your aaiwer to the aaid compleintot. tb. »ubn rib. t», »tto.it fti.e. No. Ill Droidway, in theCity of Hew York, within tweuty data aller tt.u aurrice oi'¦hit aotr.mceit on ynm, exclot've (4 tie day of rich a. tvice;tl.d II you tail to eatwer the *aid rotupluii* e tuiia tin-timeatoti tnd. the pi«intiO* in thil action wi:l take jodxtr.eotafah>at pea Bat the tan, ot'iht h.iud'. d and tttry-aeeati dotIn tad ..vi it; thru ii Ltt, with Int.reit krou in- ITth day olts. jteu.her, l!t'7 be-idri the cawti of thit tctio,. .Dtted Now-Yoik. Sepien h. r It>. 18*7.BARNES', Ht'.Ml'HREY A BtTLFR, riaintlfTV AttovnevaTh* aval plaint in tbe aboro ec'itl.yi action vi a* ailed in tbe

eBBt e of the Cleat of tie Cltv and Coonty of New Tora e/jre-ilir. or. th* lPtb dtv of Septemb. r, Itil7.RABNEY, III Mi'HREY BUTLER, Ple^tiät'Attorneysalt krwBwfVI

PUBLIC NOTICE is hfri«hv oivwn, thTtJUSEPH I BA :L h«th tbii day madtiu ASS 1(1 RUBHT

to the 11.barnh*ra i.nJ»r the awvialettt of the Art t!,- Sta.. I New Ji in y, eiitltb I "An AA t» . ire t -edtt-iri an eijaalaau jae! ditttun of the retateaof debn r» who < . uvey to attkyiiee* far il.« b»nefit of t-. dlt.Tt. ' approved Ar ri! 10, 1846,and uV aeveeal araadeaacatt tttretu. r^v vroiitjrt of teldPA I.'. .¦'* i l.: I 'i' u»:.t f.. ts^d Atta, to B gSBBt thtylf.'Vu.titaiftMic JC^EPH E R ALL nader o.'fa of aflat baV

",. ictaeriheri th» "fti.s ot JOHN WHlPEHRaONo leSMafket at.,Newtak, N. J. JOHN WriiTKHE \ D,

. '.! AagB, Ha». SAMUEL SMITH

SUPREME COURT-Ct.Bnty s| 'ItOuA.THEO CUNTON PIRE IN5*7RANCI C^faVPaNT, Pit.nt.fi.agaiaet tAMUEL COrfaed MART B hiawifa Defmiautt

.uir Bm rtRaC fOaaa ^iwit.T.. the abovr-nair.d D leadaatt; Ton baIfb, .. taad an I requiredto t**Wi i M a e.^.a.r ,. lh|, eetl i, rh, -.. ill ht 6 i iu"' '.'

«. it* Cloth il t> Co .nty ol laut* at . hwCtty Bedw.b* Ore ifBi. k .; tad to tatv* a --py of y.mr iihwot In.b» t»M c« plaint bb th* te^atathef, a', lira Ai-e, No. il W»:-*V.. t. m tie dtp of N.-w York, vi.r.':n tueatv dayt after tl.a

., .. I 'lit . j,,ii b. in ton. -v. !u. ve ..f h o

aarviaai >i J <¦ fail f" ai «Wer the aaid c tuBlaiat WHu.utb. tin if ratali U ipBttritl i»i t'oa trfü ttvtv t» th*Gbuat bar ll ... n,*tnled ia the exnpUrr.t..Datei N a*Yoik Oct..l,i S» lA-I

W'LLIA.M B LECaM ftilalir» ItaaiBijiTV i. t iiMt hi tat- action w*» uled .n the aSlaa oi tUa

Ci tk .; the Cuuti tf Kuita. t'. tee City H.il .u :h: City ,fBrc Han. ta 'A* EM d*y O. t ».. u .

..Jl.tael' WILHAM B LZFUS Wmmtf.

SUPREME CO' RT.C;tv atir! Co.iDtv .f New-_ York.-AtlilrSTl/S MtlRRo and OfjARLEI I Nl !iNL1ER eamttit LEHMAN IBRAELSaatdJACQCaaf VANHOl 'lEM- SuE:B»eM for a morr\ d-^terjw oi c ntrtt'.(Coonoui f aha**, aaaw tVAvadeatat I ¦ ate hereofaunn ' ar.d reoairatJ N aniw. r the t> rap a>,t ir, thit ttlioo.which wl'l ha Bird kl the B<Rc«- of the Cera »f tiae I'. j an 1Cot. it I N. w-Y»-»k, at the C U Haü k. U I ait] vid towoe * coy i . venr sntwer lo tae eatd complaint ui ttie .u^......... ii Umn aSaYw, at No 7d VatWal hi w,« dty ../N.w-Yotk ai'.btn taet.lv daj* Bft*r tin tvralaa of thi* .um-

B>r*j* ou ye*j exeluatv. tf fbe day af tweh Befvtat; aad If yoa». . .. .«an ibu «BiJ eon pttml wiibintke um., af .roeaiAK p'ttutHTe U.'* at* .:- »«1 taae i-^atrat-t 4*>la»t j-»a f.;L Jov, of Free Nun fred aal Frr't tara »^^tdi.ll,Et ta with httciiBt fnin toe IM Bel eT AnguM, .17. b*. leiI, mati.f ti.'. «ei rj iKt'd \ 'i ll I1*1

. »,-vN 2 POSTER PlaiatlaV ariwaejat g -.ii*, üm: to' mm «*> «"*io f°** * tkm

v tb. i ry end C ttrtv<*f New-Yett, . ha i . * a> tf' -,;!...mi rotr i

BwaatAvlBari rtakaj h AAVw >a


Cocrr.Pvr 4eav* of TV« N 7. Trib^aa.Tobovto. Tuesday, 0>t %% 1*57

Lastff-rsday, the B-»wd af trade, <^ieb«, helda Y*»y a/; uipftü», pre*eiit HaaaTB. Co-), WarteU,Wn.iH-ri n N«iad. MH.o-, L» Me-inar, in%..aor, Macpherson, Da x-ro. Patereoo, M Hide-, MaokaAtic, Leajcraft, Motu lau«, a;d many o:ii«r.Yum*PrtjiKciit Siawd, a m at*-; of tu« L;gmm-ve A>.eoibly. in the chair.wnen atr Joeeps, «-t-omimi bpMr. Jeffer}, moved to reeoke, in sak*ra*v-a, »j,,» t)jeBjoteytd lnatiiuU es ol Caoaia are ia "a m>$: p^ot-

P*tc:< mJ,tu>» " but that the scarcity of c*«h, wnichbae caneed the American banks to raa.*e to redeemtbtir oyj'gatione in uvney, will oe certain to draw a

bvgr amount of the coin vud bullion of Ctnada to tbsI'niteo States; and therefore the Board of T \ m ua ii-an us y requests the bar ke of t'enaca »o to paytheir debts ic specie. Tbe llovd of Trale la Mo -

treal ar>d tb* bark* of l>uebeo w-re ad.ieed of theab>ve propocilioD, and a few reeidenut have asked tbel;u k- for specie, and bu' a tiw.Meeting» dt Hnuk tuaoagers have been held f> con-

iiö>r tbe eipedi-rcy of retu-aing to pay bsxk debtsw tb gold and «il»er; and mobe of Jaoa-j ibb-f* aal.took jobbers, of nen doieg mach basiaest with to

ru( I'm, or nut to none, an I of gabblers and br >kers,cry luudly for bar k eu'penaion, becauee IhrAJBMtS ar«»

lew, mmi notes pact Quo Bead under pioteet. Waat islikely to be done/Our cabinet, as some r-all it, has met, Bad ope****

bark snapeneJon, bankruptcy, and non-payment ofdebt. 1 am, for one, witn them. Way ebouid thebatks suepeLO t Will BeWBWMl >u fla*nle)ii or e]jili/.atDe<urieic>T Will i: help t.ade * Will t not Do dis-boi. .'.r.i , if the banks are able to pay .'The 'uiluxi) of your bunk-1 i. r t.i.uo to pay stiele,

as a. r<* d on, win let lojee the gold fir the u*e of lingUna, Fronde ana (le'uiarij, to wniob tmm r,ei Auien-eon n inbauts a:e probably incetjte I. Tney aw* verybttla to Cat a«Je, therefore >our»u le-n-iuns wll neitherii jure our bat k« tor mir t> adere. If foal b . ,k < d-> n >t

rt-qB re go d wh-rcvvith to pay >ii-i- oaf oeita, oaf willnow b«- tbe better »l)lc lj buy th*". anii-1, from them.V 11,341^14« fieial valoe of Una rt«liet tar.-e m intn*,at Toronto f;«'! '* 899 trere ft »oithe Uoi td S'at^. NVervr.d )on eotue whea* aoo lum>:r, and a gr.iat inanybille on I^udi'u, wb-re we Bre p rpi-'uilly borroriu^.Yi.nr (Urpei eion will rairm the' vaiue of oar ex/'ti'irtjr-joil Lowland.Your hanilrtd millions a year of Federal ivrenu» are

collected ato paid out ia hard cash. Oil **\ en mill¬ion ot C'vloLial reVe'UU'', limue, A "., are rs anlpaid away in the iiotea of our chartered bank'. Ifthey fail, and reduce Lb»> pre\i,-.i rt to barter, our Oiv-erniLtiit oupht at once to abotidoo all n,>nr.e;tiun withbanks, and ktepiu treasure in real money.At this tort iTottaBto), 80 yeara MaOB, tbe annual im

portB niignt auiouat tn %75 DM; duriuir tue Itvat ninemontbs IMP amounted to *l 311 Iff, showing a dr-OTt gee of $1 IO S56 as compared to iaaia nine month ;'in ports iu I8öt> Tue decrea*» in the nine m >ottn'revenue, as con pan-d with 1856, i' |I90 Tti t de-creaee in revenue on the Ureat Weetern KtilivityofCanada, duiinp; the the we^k ending on the Itifh nut.,i* 184,230, ana yet the L- ndnn uiana^cs are to authorlM a in divideroThe batk-, I am told, will Bed f im;»ly with tin raw

ijtie-t ot tbe (Quebec mer..iiar.fd, wbo oi'tst bj hardfjtieLed. Kreit;bt« are 1'iw, nnd UnebT atatpla aad hunh 'T

wile nt itinoue ratee in EaglaJld llu tsalldt C> hirecu'ponota. at tfui bec, oamg a tu llion, bu: there w rtsilent pa.iner ia the ba§li*a Bank, where tbeir fundslay, nbo ran be made reepjtwble; if h t-ioreforo poiaible that they may foon re»ume. OihtT falluree intli' Ii ti,In r trade At',' i"' are nieu ioced.Your SltUe Cot etiturj.'d, I pre- inie, peevents eunh

or, ftgBAB bargaire ae tbe fowwltrf: Hauiilcea Cityhae kwid ite b u ds, bearing «»x per cent of lnreroet,»70.W», a» f/7J for each $100. alaayoth'ro rp »ra¬

tio! a do even mm re than tan, und equaoder the pro¬ceeds without a b!u¦ h of ebuuie.Tbtie are now c.level iucorporat id bauks where

ctticerc rep. rt montMy; the lagt nie being" the Outariolut.k at li.iwmativille, joat cbarteteal and in excellentburide. Sir. Auditor LaDgton ha<i just y >\ -4 aetarniKDt Hb"wiog their camdi'ioa, an :ne averagedurii.g last N«ptember. It is not nworu to, and maybe souiewbat unreliable; but here it is in doiltia:

rjwidfi.Vjeirr/Bont Clreulatinti. D-po.lt«. Hlle^r

tjueber BmI. tj&n .iX |l >; « «.rij.bilCity Bai k af Monti.al. 61)0,* S tiOont» PM 612Bank .1 Montreal. a.»l -lai J 7iiiRi5 787.C-ti.m'l Hank Kli.«.tf.« 1.67*61] 1 rtfl,lOS JRflniJBank of t j,p*r Canada. '2 S63 USA 2,Wö e5 »71.1.1hei,*¦ P. epl. *ts: SnilJ . 106,032M.leVi Bank. tOl 7n| 2b\3\ l 17.118Z mnein ,« B.nk. 0-t 'e>i II!) « 7,.i«Pi-.keiaDi.iii(t Bank.. '2>«ojt »4,2*929 3512Be. k cl Teiotito. 4JJ 510 ^4d ^15 59 172Oit-rmbenk. a07.54 2",t9J IBM

Total.BlfeMiBel BS,8i>io«3 B2 004,55oHeir capital, eaid to have been paid in, ia $17,'v'i'i,

MS, at ini-nate of |15L,S13 during the raonta. Tiedi |>oiits bad inert oeefl 1 169 during 8*pt on fb« 11barks; but Iba deposits iu the LI«' k of L'[»per Canddta 11 i» have inert as* d 613, It is the p<>l tioal barkof tbe farm n it' office and IBJ stock ia, ia my riow, a

doubtful iropetty as tbe world An i a treetigat tooie now Koin«t on as to tbe (Jueheo bratr.-h managementcwirg to a>ni(i mutttffrtmtn*ions arising during tbaartful alrer turer nincks's financi »ring. M tOtiffoy,the Noithem Kailway Director, who ({ovo bail that h>woulo stand tital with Cummings for robb ry ot thei. lra Inn k < tmm h< ro, aid then i ro»sid the lini«, hashis beadquarteid at Iiloomer'e, a gimbliog hotel inHuflalo. Die ctuire! unjiloyed in the g&m) at tbe Iff.eizce «lo K>t iooicate au intentiou in bank ur govero-n nt to pro^e the qu^ition very deep. .lohn HalleaijAf ur^'iut Lin optici acd button up bin purse.1be t iu ulation of our 11 chartert.of bat ks increanol

$7ll,('i7 laet Sept. beiond the Aug a*ora<e. Thegolu and rlvt r dtcretaet', ramo month, by t'iV' 19ft,

Iccluded in the two millions oi sp ei« is the wbdoDessure cl the g. vernm-nt aud of uiaoy rorporatijos.How a ucb cf the depoeits are epectal I know u't. Alltl.e barn* >u.«ptnderj in .'¦'¦7 and tbuj increased theur certainty in al buskee* transactions. Witt theywhI do now you can us readily gufra as I. We havehad eii fl'eit pricen for our produi e during -everaljearv. Why should the bank*, which havd protit-drtrt at,) by the good times, turn bank:apt the m uaentttf re is a slight reverse .'Much of our baxk capital is lookelnp in profitie r

stctiobs of the wi'derBere it is the saun in theI ; it'll States. Ytry little grain is offered Cat saleh>re, ana kvtM of our leadirg merohants are wincirgup iht ir aöair« and lelling out to potl >n« in their conffde nee. Perrons in trace cooipiaia bit xrly of hardtimes.

Mr. Kecord'- widow got $I J 000 damtges at UV; latoBr«nlIt rd a*-izes, fiom the (lieat Western KvUay

iitij, fur ttgleot eti thoii part l.tat l'Jtb of Marci,at the Dtejwcins Cana! budge, by which Mr. fc>. lostbi« life.Tbe Gtre Hark, HamiltoB, w-.ll net tell it? condition.

Its bra ck in London Lad a break up, torou^h ul--honest spenis, the o'her dav. Tha head quwters ofthe Hark of Uritieh Xnnh Arrierii^ L" in L mdon. I dorot -te how it couid easpend ken, and thereby absveits öepotittrs and note hulderf, while pav:ng -pecie iuLouden. Another m-nth, however, will bbow th«eflcct <d bueiness-bou.'es in Earope of your grandfiner cial eia»h. Toe value of your laports at ih* p »rtof New-York, within a few months, would toad .i.tSH)atagSM with Spanith dollars, at one tun Der wagoo.Too much by fai BOBBB SeVIUI LB.

BANK KKFOKM.f ' B» TA« ,\. f. Tulwar.Sir I e ii!i to pr.; >» In taec^n'id'.ra»ion of tbote

in'rrertrd cbd versed in barking acd curr^n^j nflairs,the fo^owirg p'an of a change in t :e orginiiation aidma«»r;er.eit of tbe New-York CeftJ bukt.

It is Iff a u paralbn o' oaafa bank into two depart-tnrc's, Watt' Depoeit uxd liie*. unt lVpartnieLt, aad'. Drue DepartmeLt. I). p.»-it and Din: »uut Depv>neit to have the keeping and mananement of all the

atTeirgcf tbe bank, ej'.ept vho i«sue and lodonji'ijot'f tbe :in atatir^ BolaB.

In rt-ard to d«i>osite, j>*rbsrH MBBB chan^-' »' w

tbe r,?Af of depoeiUirs call for "specie on deoiind"is detirablc, eaj the bath, to ||tj j the rfgVw to Cro or

Un (Jays totire or. "r.i per c«r.t. of amonnt called f»r ia

tpei ie, provMed tbq anionnt exceeds $tU*i.I-.-ne D JattBlllJ to have the a«tjn ke-piag and

eci Iii ot* I


LtC "eTn iNe^llogf. "ll '-de'iiptivU Of therc'anon c:ly. ,

Sj. 1.1 l.artc- as i amed wi I no J >.>''< rv'lu,,ra ,vs"'.live action to ovet the case. I ha\e cjt at em >v»d

fo f B ii.ti, d« 'ail, only to give 2siiera' .«otrnes a>. I aeh

t»oe«ft«ie coinpettLt |.» lum.sh lb I I¦ '!¦ -i-'saU

Aid ai.itndue.nts._


IS IT HH.HTTjaVriJu-e ,f TU S 1 Trab.iu

HIB: Ar j. a pref-ve sju.j*»?;y »«* *** '» mc'a-ee- ai.il I tvelicveir- mm ratet) U 1 »~* mm m 1 ',r

ipil. .B tl" {..eft-p.-''-1 m ' " .»"'t B^Btatatf

hM,e,t...... rtpj '"i- '

DaVB k IM pajat W.,M :u . .. I 4f tt i IM -a ¦ Ml a*.

Ii >. Society .. i fit to po* th* finpl^ioih-if 'in»- .»...>.'..,. th->** VtM earred |II per w.»*k tok..-. ** »..» »* «an ttvt« wbo m»mm§ got §4 perw*. l *»»- bat tl it| vbuV 'It* vwVoot tu«*nntend*!.:* of e*>

pajtnxnia form tag. ' , htnJia«. e^mpöaü»«. ?. ¦ adlng««- Uotypu « m l, with *a arvt y SI,eO"at I Bl am, »od loe

6*t>eraJ rfupm»vo«>ni Treeeerer. C«*b*er. l--rks »od geaer» «>'a - .a ... .tjiw.-.. »»...i ?. .»' bu4 e. v, »ja», < »ed/uii payTt« t- are ib.- ffit tt given to av by thoee tt tbe ottah'itb-

avtt » b arnf'-*» to kaarw «"»e.eo/ tJi.-y tpe.k and tf it la to,I feel it a / it* to l*t th* v*r rkit.*m.n anr tee pir .i . tno» whettort of a r*Pgle »» asd benevol- ut institution ia being I »ttorwl bytheir btrd 'Stnad dtiiar*Tea Ao rii -»d Hi Me it- ciety reeeirea about ba t' a ran.: 'u of

aVIlai» )**ily, atd .honld Lot keep a 'und cu'y t.. r-.nre-- c«»,,r-it't, *bo turn tbe hard worker. ..ff »Ith half a loaf, or arttBoctary »f at til. for fear Iba li»*y may. by the " pre««u e." rua

aboit of a/au^lowaaee. It it ti#bt ' Jl'trice.'No. Su.«e make do suchprelVasion; we ad vocal*

jit'.ire tVn all, whether of thit eiatt or that; aud v. * think thediatiDetioB joo Ba sp'ain of nnjuat I t'd.



Wo Condon** from TW Chicm« Pmt the more im¬

portant rttvrticulare of the late appalling. t!am :y n

Chicago.A calamity moat appalling in ta nature hat boret

uion oar city. ! ». u .» ae vtb I ave be-on for year*p»*t among our «Uber c-i'iea fro n conflagration of *?a roue character, a fearful exemption to what hasbeen tl e nile a: n ue, ia thit riMpttct, hat jtat vi*itedna aid loft Hi radtracea io rained block* and thoi.aocds of dollar* ot property io rt<be- Du» more sadlytban all in tbe record* »coied on griefotneken himaoheart-. Tb - destruction of propurty, in amount beforeUDpaialMed, but far more the lo*a of probably notlets than twenty human lives, wi I btj enrolled in our

um- ngair *t Oct. 1SÖ7, and make it ever mourn¬

fully memorable.About SJ n't lock yesterday inon>!rg a fife brok« out

in the biiMtct« block Bfi BV 100 nod III 8mth Waterelrttt, therce r- n ¦; to right And left, and oxt« mlinj? flon n.a tbe vnlley to t he f rlbr ''"f it ftTlt 1tf titbock nrlil twelve Mon < of the Int cite*, fier andlive alone s h'gh. am: tiled fiom c-liar fo roof wi'bVh'll.'lblt' a a- »' 1 merchandise, were ltid in Stllolll-dV nv: aWaMM t i;n.a.

Vfir*e'ban nil a tear^iil lo*» of human li'e wt< io-vi vt d The tuuilrar who perieheii can be km>wo onlyby a lap. t of time ttAflcMBl t.i \ncirate 'he ini.i'rg. or

by 11- ,;i 11» tbe fcere of cAtvtmph". I'o to dark Inatgvti rn nil* bt dio. had be«Blawtraradi and ."it momwi io knowi> to be inlheruixn It is uot tu b.« b-lit v. ,i,aye are mrry to ear, lbat th kM fj<rurea toootBal for thols-cer tbtr.i uf the victim* Io the t al»mity.

It i* in fad. but too painfully »tioi g evidence thatthe Cre, whichMifioatew in tN-live atory bnildlDflj \n«,Iv9bSb] 111 Scu'h WflfBTB root wab cau*ed by ctre-!t iBBBBBi f r irui ken ratUBBaMBI of the pArtit i.mnt- id

a drunken dobaa: h of clerk* ar.d abaxdoncd foBMat i

they bad made their companion.*, and a-**o.'taten in aSibba'h r.ij,'ht'* revel. Kiily after tbe alarm era*

jjittr, tLoae ii<*t < n the BTBOM naw fatJMlia iu a ttataof tii-habii!e atd nonio of Umqb, with other to -uptnUof the npner ütotif*, well nit;ti in aa'.ate of nudity nitk-inj? their hutried er-cip" fnn.i the b ¦ildinjj. [tshOSiaJbe acded that 'be. *nme ph -nomens were «ritnemiad iathe l.'.kr 8M< et b ock*.The Uro di a»toyi d tirvf tlie hardwor» s'n-o in whi'-h

it oiioit aftd, owt.ed bv Me*i«r* Cormiek, Cruni «V ('>.,an«l a readj-nmde clothini? ttook in tha mwi badUbtff.Pae?ii B w. at alt rg Sou'h Water etn "f. it rapifly . >n-aun ed No 113 oc upi-^d by L>wL* A Paff«, dcaletn inMh*t| anl t ili», and No. 115, tbe croc-rv a'ore ofKdward II mp^tearj To the eastward <>f lie pnir t ofcr'jfin it butn-d the wlioleea'c- {rroceryof Meoura ("trk\ Irtfer. Ihn vueant *tore> N<> 1«"' nod-eiiaualv ilttn-»ired No. 103, oceopied by HaTJOM ,v Cj., wholenalod'«-.'(.'irtH.Ou Lake etreet It attai kod tbo apterdid rivo ato-y

marble b'cck' f Meaara. Wtigbt. Si a. 114 aad Hooccupied by J. B. Shay. Thit wu tbe " StewattV ofCklOBflJO,The lire from Mr. S'iBy'a extend*d to X >. Iff, tbe

eittreive 1k« ki.tore and publirilinu b<>u*) of Motara.I) 11. ('i«k A Co.. rccupyirjr » ahare of the n*.tnetit.iform b*0fk with the pr«c*cint».

The eta re b>xt to tbia, N>) 110, waa oct upted bv thnMerara. llarnum n« an oxfen.iv* variety etoeo. WhileBl tr*t'ed ir clf-arin;? it tbe wa 1 of No. 112 foil up m It,cruel'irp i' in, and caualrtr tbo terrible butt of life, ofa b cb we tipotik fur'her on. The loea of property borew»h total. No. 108, occupi. d by Tappan Hroe.,clolhiers wn* aeriou*ly danruicd bv wtter. T ie

other 'oeeee of property are comparatively email, butthe up e.V.. we pllhlfab bolow -how many at'' ier*

of joint occapanta of the building* named.1 he riet» ojyth the folli wing do-crijrt'on of the ter¬

rible act idenf, which hae thrown into inei»rii':i:ancothe äst tificet f rroperty:

Fri m the great hi^bt of tho block la*! named it tow-er» d biiih above tbe lone mtvteni and lunihle block on'be tart, one of the o'deet in tbe cify. The store No.110 wan ort opied by the Meaarr. Uarnum at an >x

ttrfivc variety ctore. HAvirgacc.'inmodtted itself tothe hange < f grade, the building wa* but throa -to-lien atiote tbe piteei t aidcwalk.

It Wa* tbt Dfijtrt mlvi*able to clear the store, and a

Ir.rge for.e ol men, iiremen and others, were aiding inlbs removal of tl OOOdSa Numbers of firemen andt ifi'/.enti wt re upon the roof. I'robably atone timei>ot'ets tbun two hundred persona were within andopon the bui'dicg. It wa thought tbat the BtaWB was

coiriparatively »nfe doubtlees thoee who so foarlerielyruehad in bort ro thought of peril.Mu.ierh a I' 'inI crath nnnoar.ced a new phase of

the calamity, lie heavy and t vrering wall of thoacjoiririg *tore had fallen outward upon the roof ofHonshu s tain -} 'in n', aud had carried all before itto the barcment; iiremen atnl citinens, wall, roof actm»rcbsndi.-e, with the burning ruins from tke storeBrtjoiciBaT, "all mlrglini;," fe'l.A (earful eceie of Urror and dUmay eatued. The

portion of tbi wall left ataiicirg had fo'taoatily pro-acived tie front portion of the etore. which wasdeoavlythronged by a cot fused crowd. Many of them were

pio'tratfd by tlie tl>irg n >.-.;... meny were trtmplcdaid bruiful iu the iligut of their .mj -.i. r.-. bit»Dt t all was eh ar for a apteo extenditg abodt thirtytu t ftt ui the front. The store was very deep aad form Ail) twn Ibirdfl of its who'e 1 rg:h the buildintf wtta mars of niir.H, now loginning 11 burn briskly, at thetlun BB conM'jf d iu the tall hastened tt feed on tho»nfl wirk ami tie light and con.bu*tiblo pirtiomt ofthe nart*.Tbe loss of the Messrs litrotim wa* to'al. nraonnt-

ing tti *l j,000 Qoflbj H. S. Kradley occapied a por¬tion ot their preai.-t* as BJobber tf jtweiry. HiiliMta we did not h.-arn. The buil ling was owned byJrhn l! \ h, trq.

K. H. Berr.um, the foorger of tbe broilers, wasBteu bury about midway of the .atore when tin cranhcame, lie j* nutotg the lobt, ti *li up to a late hourlart e>t nii.g hie rruiaina were -til lying benetath theconfused heap of matonry and charred tiiibvrs. Helenves a wife. He was about SH year* of a^'s.Mr. rtaninm, the elder brother only a week .-in ^e,

io Statt; ;tiett tiie, sut!"-rcil a heavy IsSB ia the

bulling of hid retirJcBc:*. T:!U record bl >w ha' Ukeufr«n. his tide a brother, ard Inid tbtiritore iu roina.^Ytttetday wae a mourtfut day in our antal*. We

»nrttide» our ppace Ibis morLicg to an imp»rf.'Orhk i tch of the calamity to tbe e.v lu-i m of w^ll nigh allother city newa, aud it well ltdicatet how all othtrevtnla in Cbkago were awailoweJ up and lost io thisthe great and appalling theme of auiiou* baawy.Ibrtuth tbe hours of dayiigbt, and far into the 11the iiteie.t of onr citizens attached iJ0S8*TIB the?n'oking rnim". They clu^ured r.tar thom, BOiaWOOthe tbeets aditce.nt. They whisp'red with wbit* lipeatd raddttes brow* of the loet. EfSB unu'ed t »tears

wept jesttiday. Here aotm. b'otbers, hu*bainla,fatlers fcllow cili/'nt, brother Iiremen, bad met a

In rnb e fate in a boriii f; builcing Wbo were th*y IA'.d a» r.<- ii -; ar.' tli»r ;.. .uturBeet, aoint barkenedloipae w« n'd be born* on to th* Crt-d Jury rSOaa. atlbsCwWl'BotWw, where Coroner H ;n*en Lad «au-

m'ttd hi-Jury, and awai'eai fteth additiona to thakLoar. list of'Le Ivt, B»hu'lder would pa-.t along tbeOti'WI fd 'treat.

fi etorr ay « a* a day of at ii»h, of woo anl of for-n r, ol ceatciaea anxie y, and to thoie wh > iab.r.d inlleiniBB of riavy toilj and at the b .nr of re-t, wheaISN p f> 11 like a D'tntle, sli Bjfss whicb dii not wtk* towr.p w.n c'o-ad wearily np^n a day uiemoralle ioth- bnti ry of ( hicago.

Rir trim iTios,nf Lijr..John Hlth. jr ar-d-.** vearv-, H. S Bredler,

5*i E R. CUrke *<i; E Ii BaiT.i.o.. 25; Ir a Watt*, 22, j ,0b

X.Diekar SJ| Timctkr Buckley 2B; Ifearv M Ruaer-il 21,A'.; ..<? M ile, .«; J '-ha Terr, ü, Jean J teger, dl;-,

lL.*?fI jjia»| fjaBSaia I A.tel'tlCo, ialSJEt»atikii. tap e; II H Magie, fjutai toterBBoe Batate; j. H.

Bb.y. a)l«"6ii, latai nut ITrTi H-' ¦*"* **s.»io.Iniurat .* b-0 OtO, Atter. He. Lt A to.. *o."fU, UWBraaiktown; D B. Cook h C->.. Ol"»'in*, intoraaoe #tB.i»t0i N.. rf.^o. 8)1 Mt, ii.auran*e not *t»t. d ; E O flieene, #i.W, la-

¦atiae* i.t auit-l Eiben. »2."X». iawartav nt ttetgtiM' .vt«l l-iott, oataj. atioeartdi W. St*.'v. jr. k, it, hi"*1ui.inn.iefl ; \\ tit. i t\ rgbt e>.<iC-<0. lOMtrtae* n'^j t«* '** i

btraare Baiataa. OMXBBB avasr« Iatetedt J". 11 -i. Bradlea. »!»»* .. **»>.

i tied ttewr*. Typten OiOOtai

? -tla'; A U. T.tfa.,rtB4.«:.. . K' «. ;"'Dr On. lit OVJO.I taraa .^ '.'

St| Water atreal #.'»«» awavwea N» fcarBaa a1 ;».

. i ,....|,i leys* itji * «

*T'l n ,e..rj-^*w.^*..b-'",»--^»> I ..->.

"afei , I* C -Me- H .. I.'"' r- a

J.-lMg'-y U-.«rta.-et.iaB..'l


TO* CAAJ or"IA.Tie itaaat.hq, 8t L- iiW, Capt Hatto«, hfl paw;,

wterday, with neatly o00 psat'etga/e tor Ca«<o«a«a.gretook out jx. , p, .a oatffi ' Major BoaM.Am*rg lb* paaeer<(,», ¦(¦.¦...t 8 M. - afN>.aiaaaaaraovlnat7| u4 Admiral VaJ K-.->;a U tka>Perv*ien i avy.

arrivai or TUB aortiu »TAB A»f ..K-Aaoa.

Tie Crated S-atea Mad rteaawt North S;ew, Cap*,bra, f:m Sulharrip'ori un :t v.\ but »«r»«a>i

at UM pert o« Tbonsoay MBjjay*, Her -.nun an BfA»o Mt« by hN days *. tfcoae broach* By lbs k j-p*.Tbe Kaigaroo, from Liverpool ..Q tba ?ta ia#'., aisoarrived cn Tbnrrray n^rnine".


A new lelfiighMng I (t boat wa< exfuk* «4 .rt th*

Battery, yesteroay, in tbe prevoaoa» of a Uraw ama-av

biege, crnbraucg repreeentativi | ffjtn ni;-i of tbaMarne iLtuiaece Companies, a* ajajfj « manr w^<¦*-¦¦ aid menxhants. fbis boat wasdaee^awdbyK. C. Hola.es of Cape May, eooed aar fat*, of Urgatxperienoe on tbe a ji:' .. ouaat. Ir foraa, AB b w

BLd etero are alike enarp a*, each awd. haw a wBafa-b- at, with a very bigb sheet. Kayo .:. i la fried withcrrk oaf i,t acd «< up thoroughly. Tbe s.»* ia2l< bat lot g, 0 fact 9 inches aide, aad J toe* d .aeiaw

dtep. Like the tattoo.* I .:... Branch b-»ets, wBeAiattone* let rerrmblee, it ia < taker hunt, of waaj, aadexceedingly buo)ant; the weight of the or* on ex

hiliitioawaa I,'AM .be. I: *.!..< pn»i» i ed hr hawwatet with murh eaae. To Bs. t its baoyaaew and aatf.rpbticg qualities whew capsized, aerea of toe Batterybeatmen ifipped aad got totv it. By staadisg ea th*

pBBtt and throwing all their *. .¦¦ oa oa* »><.>,

they were able to bring t upon iU K-a .. tbanbyboldirg the mac r pew and s»u gh g bath, astrated byothers to boa's on the otm r side, they soee ed-ei after

maty a't»n pts, in turtiog i' bo'iom up va'd. As Piwent over the men in-ide chin,; to the t i v»r>, aai ktinstantly rolled overaoc BBBM r.ght aide up, the Davyar.t tnd* cJ'-ariog c .* pun-rule of the w.i'cr befo*e thaiother was iinnu iM'd T is «->^eiiatieat, BfA lojmmtmi,elicited much applause I; i- said tha' lie b >»'. mvm*4carry öl» peno s with eve we -a » over W lakeryesterday at one time, and there teemed t> b* rowi

eiough for as many more. 11 is b*>at will Ba vajraabe*for OOAwt serx-ioe in rer.deriog aa«astauce to the ibip-wietked, as it i« obsiout that she wtu'ti nlot'ehtuv.' sttnif light ne'e op.

haw « <ti mat. loB lAaUaAnmrg the novelties of the present day is talk tea*

railing v.'.. M. Kondanet, captain of 'Ae Kraalk-'in cf la Ro<belle, reiKirte that rik eaiaj pinaaastrtngth, dexibiliiy aud Mruirreee; they abe<ai> Uaawater than other saih>, Mai dry quicker; waea wet-

Iha) lese cone of their flexibility, und in the roegHeetof weather ara ao aaraatf bandied that ta mn woaldrather leef one of them several tituea that any etherotce.

a ntnrtnT riscBi. rn nr| vr tr sta.

The Bfaa p Brandywice, -f WiJuiiDg*oa, M.i-awarev 'b i MS bushels of wheat on hoard, shipped at Coggin'* Pout laiidirg, James Kiver, Va , Oy K KaiMa,

jr tor the firm of Hern. [Htntaer A Cj., ef N ». 12t T

I'cnrl street, m toia city waa piek'd op by t;ap'a:~._Ch'o-lts il> rn a p, of tbe steamer Wave, ab>a° a roikteast from tbe l^bt ship ofT riiwdy II nk M laeaday0 ornirg last, and by him towed to Jors y City, wberwshe tow lies(Apt (lermain say* that during the p. *. us i.igh

it blew a perfect gale, arul when tb« veivel »vi1ci veied bj bim at daylight in tbe morning Uta a*a>was making a clean sweep over bar ber BMH rlyinatloose in the water; she was heavily laden, aud mustr<Ave sui k in one hour Inter No p- r was fjaad oa

board, tot even any trunk*, clothing, booke. aor aayavidettta of ownershio, eicept a eopr of th* bill ofla'hitr, which, being shown to the tamsifnoeM, p.'jve*to be correct, they having received duplicates of tbemm e by Ii..nl Ine bib of lading states the *e#*eJ tohave bti-n loaded w th wheat, aa above stated at tbe

K'ace nairo-d, auo ia signed " ('apt John S Curaa, bylary K. Curne," in whose handwritiog the bill la.The ci apasn waa found on the cabin fl or, yawl

boat {lone, ore anchor gone and another ftnyarYiwe ghtd at the bow. A large sis*) ¦iiaaket Wae Oft¦I a '1 be hatehts were duly itMteaed aud eau^adbSince brugiiglh« veasel in BAdbtaTJ baa beeo bsartfofthe crew or of whom it was compo-ed, or >f the pree-OBCO of BB) \» * n else on le nr.I lie carg . ietOeBrad)iu the OtkaJ Mutual Insurauou Company, Wallatraot.W btlber the vessel is iisured or B it is u t *..>.-.

Full paiticulais wid b« gir*n, so far a* ia kaoara, Ithe fuel ds of the miaetng at tho»« in'ereat-'d byeail-irgin Woi, JelhtTs, «sq., the c luoeel <>| Obm «Wp>n ain, af Jeney (,'ity b> whoj) thb Vissel and oargowill lie a> ttiaed f r salvageRTrAMMt lltorii' St Vk Tf.N 11H TWELVE I.IVt» LOST.

Jty t>-¦ ,-i np.'i-e ctepati-h-s, uatt-l at I. .,,/ii^>

the 17th iist, we learn rbat tie I. ii«- i.g l.-.ae »>. keiTri pic, ('apt. Msrehall, I. b-eu emik in tba Mi-*aoariBlvthTt lte accidiLt of which no pa>\ .. -v- arooOBtaited in tbe oi«pttel es, oe.-itujrvd on the 11 ,L last.,at YVaverU y.One aisp>>tch to C. W. Ford of the IMtatJ N'ateei

Exprrsa Corxpany sta'ea tha' eight or tea Hree woialott, bat that Um tr mesaenger ano bis go<Kis w-r * aa/e.Aiotbtr dispatch to M-jor Biyant i t-.| S A'»e

Al -t: In Matin tbe ot life to le- ten ef twelve fit-¦ens Neither of the dispatch) . gi«e any furtaer ae-count ot tbe sinking or 11>» of life. Tbl n«it ar.ivalfrom the Mis-oun should hm g fud par. ultra, aid, aathe reeidetit happened on tue 1 Ito last., steh aa arrival is due. The boa' i< doub l a* a total batthe n c«t melancholy etrcuoietaoce .-. rn." '-»-i wick the)disastt r is tbe loss of hie attenr Ifta it. The b>tA waon< t a valuable one, acd was one < f the r-gnler line ofpackets b*tw*e» Jrfierrou ( i'y anJ VV~*t.xi. fh>Irofiir was on fcer way IrM W.-tou to J'.tTer*» Ci'ywhen the BawMaSf occurred (it, Leim« Kip., i'Mn

NAVAt.lite I'cited Statee C«a>t Karxey -U \n.-r Bibb re¬

turn d to thie j. it on Tt ur-day moraiuf. The B.ahis at preaent engaged in tiling up c M n. e-s kt theSuivey als ut flay llea-l aid Nooiao's l^o J. I', u

the c ir;,!. tinn of ftbif wora she bae »r tors t.i pro-ctd v.Lb 'ho lituiography of the coast of N<arthCarolina [V. B. Meroury.lie tte'am fitgate Powba»tan in bow prepviag krt

.it at the <;<ieport Navy YapI, deatiked |B be the Aaegt\ip af tbe Eruit India squadron Tbe following h b>

lift of b»r r frieersi j.: i"f V V »:"t. l> '.tecaaU D. J'Anrtia,

S>. hi i. 11. Treurhaid U i iiaw w~ u Taoseaw K ¦.

A. * Hemm.., A W II hereham fr.eet a .,» ,, \V A W.Sp. :.».. -1, Paeeed Ae.iat-ir.t Hor.e ,a.Carl. . II <Vll iaa.*.d;AeeUttLt <!.,.j>hn W «auai..id Papaav.t. f. ».**.<.

A. ire M«.t< i.Robert B«j«l, jr Ch.al4in-rte..ry IPtWdjB. et-a^'u- CdWetd KeBt.yi <J>iunel. Heat) fiti-^hwae;f eip'LWr- loeepb fi 'Ikoavae, »el.iu«e>r. X A Ware»,Ct.tl Btftueer.Waa II Bh/.sA I.t tu . wi d-> -*V«. rtIt .'.M Am.iaiit 1-, .< t *V. CttJ; Jl BaafapaWSOt -W. W buosan, kt. A Ar ... , U. 8 Bitaoi. ... 1 W. 11.hup

H At'M Ml ff WH4LC-SIIIMTtw trnm-Brntywrd avWewry harm mat out of twea-

ty eight whalitkj-abipe now in that p rt ti^ateoa anilbe* baultd up in dock duiiug the Winter, aadj tb«wrefitting Gelayed tinii! tbe ensoirg Spring, tu « oo*aree

has be.cn re lue tan Ay adopted by their owLera ta « >»-

ttqawAaia i f the nun« <» pre-aure aad Uc ¦> . -ant highrates ol obuiiiti g nearly every an nie f s| (]..


Only a'jout a m-v'<: of yet»r« ago tn» go >d seb^rwerA'g' r.)U;n ebil. d from thi- port, wa- bamed aoaWaWfaWft Us-.- of Sjaut S't. Mar i i,y a i>»r*y cf eoieir^-i^;Ciev»TtDder»,aiid laum bed spot) L k- rj.j|er«<ir Wae

wss Ihr tu st craft from Ibe btrei lak-s-ta* pi iae«r

of a C4.mn>trce fh.t ba« atiea/*y it wa into r>o««*v»«i-

iigim?o.unce. Mr Ban aeWrBof M.WfP( Ana! I Ba fjrei.befl an tfti Ul sUf^ae-n« f tae aaa-

ber of etearxers am. vesseJs tot have BBB^tMBCar.al 'r. m ihe opeciog of ua*^»ti " .'.' "«'t 7* vTo tte let of ofh-ber. TeB wfjAW nunt^r is

Dtal Bf .be «iue 3 propel^s and «*<*^i*Sidown laced wdb noli ore f« m lb- Ma-p^wa*mmnUirs. barrig o« Na?d BJ agrafe of -idoArfnis and 2S -teauiers, 0 v«>c«\Wt. aad b *to«Mha'vmg'ot board an \\+*& * <^'^^

Lahr.IDOR rlSHEBBtl. ,

JiwJUlBjaWJW'1 II-'"'! stj* thtt tha lA<t af tmmI^ab-ador fJe.t has arrived No BaaiffaBd haahApuoawdtothe veiselacr ihcircrewB. Trie catch of deb aadaftiittt of oil obtained Is f ally tq ill to l*v>: year. bat. I,.- i -i. is very mo« h lower tbati laat »*<»/, Aai oo*>

ft qneitiy the fleet wul not do aa wtb aa tn^ waeter««Beet. .mmmmm____

Yui atioi or ITlBCOSBIB .Hal R'ate BoaWfl^fK iue! /'r» have tubl rbed Ueir valaavija ot a I the

r»nl aid persona! pioporrv in Wi«c r. u a»^ ^""VT*ripert wa ob'ain 'te folkja-iutf ogurea. Iwa^J^ilfrtr.pe»'! f ' th* SU»e U cqta7aBad at 4'J"wl i.-h we may -ay is .tuite a checg* ». ¦ *»*'",*»rt*COta Mad few yeawoi -

i .: aeree tti-d. Bl eBvait r. rr-r.mtmm

' . .n i keadt . »*nZ5a ... a. leaf . tead ri ... .

a i*., iiA reeedt iraailaa ..r er*« tl pmmf*}. . *» "

0|Ml ¦'¦ i .ii ¦. » . 1 . ,***». a*)

ftOiTlra. Bel -. mwaam
