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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY)...

Date post: 14-Feb-2020
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IHK In KW-YORK TRIBUNE. Tille »KW-VOHR » «II. V TKIRI-VR aa ptBLlrJHKI» EVERY MORninu ANl» EVENING <St it..,. K.icb.-aa), By NtiRAi K OnKELEY . Co. mj ea* *wt»i '"*' *. '"»¦« <>». «i»»-.»r 4.1D nrrnpca *.". «».»«'?'tb TNü CITT » Bad ar_m're4 te Ujj Sakarafhwa « «, p., wfwi. M. !¦*¦¦'« **¦ aawau», »n -dsaiePe, t>" for sta ioouU* mm* ».KK MKKKI.T TBIRI ir A **by la BOi PtPER for tut rxii'-rRY Iri»».!».--«-^!, .»,,»!,,,,,,», a tJ»* i»w-»?»» w #i f*l ».>..'. 1" advance: Tr-Trw («alt fW ?»; F»Tf, rot»W fn, (. Tratapte-fn Twenty trt,..e_.u, .ne addre.. ,..1 larger B..i-ber M tb» rat« yf s>| p_ ummm). Tweult «. fcar* <*Vk«U,-1r-*, <?*-) .ny s.rr- H-kira. flh, rate af »1 »n e^,,,, #»4. Al|_ ..._, ,. , rVfh o( m***l ** m0r* " 111 .** *-"*Vd an rltra »osy. Mi^ -rliHl»«! tmj SBBnWunoe at muv tu,- r* » Lja^TTTva-a . ?___" *».»»*¦ »00t ONE DOL JfciA 1KB LINE fr>r each raeertioo. TBK »I1I.WKKKI.Y TRIRI «R .».»*¦ ¦1 " .**-r7 Tt aSvnAt »4 Earn it MwRBia«. Prtea «i BTI B.b» TwotowWefur *». ritBC«B»eafor »U 24. TBK NftW-YORK I KUH W FOR II'IOPr.AN CIRCULATION iBBBh-b-H ab Iba departare «fmh Mail SteMMI hr LiYerpttoJ a Bl pei aaaaat, t'mUß Wasoded. Mug* Cop**, SU («aia. ' TM at MRW.\OltK T Kl Hl MX, FOR california, OREOON AND THE SANDWICH im.andh fcsa>e.r-.r,ed n the departure uf ajj Vi Mail S»e*inar for A apt a *aaa\ at t) i ke par annum. Sins.* ( oplet. »t_ OaU ftpuutl Kohir*. TS "Tits' HI* (.real UnrM.nn. »f |,|fe.'>-Mrs. CORA V V llATt H arluiM. vrry \\ 1l>.N EHIU 1 rYf*N|NO_t 7 a'swa-k, at Clr.tu- Hail, Attor pls/e fjbjtet for HI IS EV Jt.V IMM: ¦ latax.iU.rty." TkksU Kaan*». TR« (.enaaa Heps V.Iran War«]? TuKa of ptsaTtatk mmi V* k)rtaa.«t..r«k SS, o-eel at lh«ir regular im.'Im plate* ou tBlVRRIlAY ftvRfclMO. 1 rc tat, Tara» l>. ant TaiM alraraaia« rare, to IBM* Onm-ai. LrpuMiran fIraatraJ <la>a> aataata tat lOta. By arorr of tUr O.-rum Kr.pubtinau t>atral H. KACKaf ANN, rrtsaideat : ht BBSiosa. r-'rr'y. "Tbr Kt «1. h. I) Mnrrbartl. D I».,' mtu Artrfii .tat Ol R~r of PHtHT l.KA. rt'BEs, hr to" benrfit of to* f. Y i ITY LIBRARY A^StK iAni). »ttb-M t . a*r*M af Martonand Britord «U. .... WEDNESDAY EVEN IJkO I'tB. U. at 1, o'rtort f»utyrrt- Notrl. and Noraf RaaatlTif.'' Adu-i.tt.-a »ctut». TtcasU for tbo ( oarta *U A.F. Dow, -r<-r. ury 8. URISWtILD, U. «., _I Mrmaa <>f La at, t onriitt**. ~B«aali>t t .nrrnttan.- I br NATitiNAu Hr.al.rti a4- ttXlAllON. araaaiard in t»,mc bMa aaaaial public aaatri .tralto. 1 abb radn.-nt »rrwi. will hold a ttraiid Maa- flaaSkB« in tbr I oowr lB>tltut<-, ou TCKiDtY, Da«. «7, IBM, at7a.au, awd Wk.DM>DAY, l>re 2. at t p. in. and 7 p m. A4trra>r« »u; hr Jrlivrtr.1 ou PrT«onal llabita filial OasBBaaB, IWa, DWt, Dnara, NtMirum*. Hy«lsno. MrJi-a] Sy.tani*, tt, 4t ADj..na tL. 'l>rak» r* i nratrd ara Jauir« C. Jaraaoo, M. D t A t.otioa. kt. d Mr*, hiibiob Pace, M and M.a Harrknt P. ABotta, AI. M. Adn.UsioB fr. On FRIDAY, Dec »1, at 7 B. m. Dr. Jtrttoii w ji adorr*. tl:r propir 111 Ina Bruotlyu «lerry f brUtmrta. Tk* fact that tart" B-Jinben of tbn p.ircl.uera «f tickets to the .IRBBY tHRis'lMAS V N'l T UTA i N ME.Vf -it.-n fy Ply ataatk ktbbatli .-rhool. at Ptyntontn < hurrh, Bnmklyu. on Mt.n awyrtroiur.wri. pta-saatM frrni etru enteric« the hn me by tkw tLroBt af tuA*e * ho bad uo ttckon. and wti" rou.d uot he taetruried (rot:, rrv wding tbreufb the doora ba< kajeSetl the aJketrtaf tka> SthtK.1 to trranfe for a re|*tition o the eti!"itain- .eat R tti* n.tert . nn.. 11 toaalit* of t dorrs or morn tableant. lUna- trattfe of f>eriptnrBI .obj.-tt*. ¦lur.tif wi.i.aare The ¥ludiax of Maeto; Bamael before KM; D«virf nlayit.t before said; The fkepherta on ihr l.nwn. an.I Paul hetotr Ariippa and en Bfl atl aaaiVr of intirurthrly snoiai and anmelus uldeaux. *urb aa Tka Mateb Obi) eeanona),!.- Ylttteaal Washmttoa'a Dream; The Ftse Krr.ea tod Santa ( iai.t'a MtU; lntrr>per«e>d tritb racrtatiuue ai.d tiorU.' of a ChrttttBat Carol, and other tppropii- Bto wuale. *l a-tele for adott«. 25 rentt; for rlnluren, IS re tt To be bad tttly at M-fhewa . l iann atoie, No. tjlton et., Brooklyn, eatin iii R.-dA 1 KVENIMi. Tbe proc-M the Saokatb Sri.d llon.e Mlaei .n«rr Sard. Deer-optu at V, o'clock ; *uteri\ibineu;- to coii.n>auce at 6 tVtlork Tkketa narrhaeed for Monday Et>enln| wjli he food on tl... BB- eattea, tad tbc a* a bo bold Ibeii. wui b~ adb.itte-1 at any li ve afktr i o'rioTk- half an hour before the doort era opened to the pah be._ _ Jeha llrasn ( autlou. Tha . nae to solicit anJ All atart. 10 Brooklju for the JOHN BROWM rifOTOdllAPll. Batst afore hold by the yobuc B>an J. II. WARD, Is herewith rasotea. As Kr W a/d has had no Photographs «iu. e the 9th hast it avald be a rli for UUI to r> p > I htnmelf to BtalBBBBa .lately. 1 be p iblt-- bis luformed that there a-e now no Travel, fctt AteuU anvwbeie hy u.y authority.--New York, !>>c. Id, MM. _iHApDEUd ufATT. ~Hcalib~K.ar«iion Ihr WouieaT-in 'ritAH PAOE, M. D Piotea.or of Pbytioloty and Hyglea" In th" New York Uyaiepatbir kledir.i 1 o ). r. will adJtr.. the paople 011 this .mmi iuipertat.t tabjact, 'I HI d I) * N (tt . dne».Uy) *t 7 p. 01., tn tha tei-e bail of the Cooper Institut«. Admission free. "BwlUkeiua NtM»ce7.I'LYMOIJTM CIIt'Rl'H, UroetWn. ^U«, HENRY ward ItrlKliIKH 1'a.tar. All the WB la this ( harrh a 11i b.. oflrnsl for SALE t<> the hijjuwst far *»s year, «a Tl KnUAl I.VK-.NINO, Jei. 1, eoui at 74 . tlork. No poatrwiietn'-nt on aeooaul of tea 1 a.» st wart tt isarr stf iste Hnbtea tts-Stetioal «f twr atecand-t.1. *<1. I Church, between Ateno«- t au.l I), wall he br. d rHla IV km no, Her 20 IHM. IV ! IIIM.kv . ill pre.ide st tL. ft,no. »uu »tue srtaral cf his popalar soug*. Eiet. lerr to rownieuce at < o'clock, lirke'.., kVi reult, children, half price The »-unit.i t-Nchtiol «I the l ot «»1 b-«i. >1. K t hutch a hi .i«ti4i r.-'iueat, rep«-at tneir Annivwrsary Rat reist« I HIS »V LMM*. Doors cpsa at bj o'clock. In tisietsrs BBiutneDca st "t o'clock. Admlatioil fns«. C*u»- sari), fiieBds. If you would secure seats. Lecture ho the Hot. \ta». II. Mtlhuni in the BRl-ohLYS AllirM I M, on TIIURSDA1 RVBNINli, Btthtri.t., alt o'< lock Suhjrrt. " Aarou Hurr." 'I lckrt«, 2.'. aaats for sale at tbr door. _ I 'Ceatral M M. L'harclt.Jtb-at. and Ittktt..The Aao saissrv of th<- -unday f>eh.e>l r. 111 >. ted with this t burcb s i Ba be.i on 1 11 IS (Wednesday I RVKNIMO, >saaBBB** ins at 7 .'clock Btu.i. si sud »ther e'terrmet by the < bolr at.J >cb..o and Addresse. bylhe Hr». ih.o. K. KKlTKLI.of P,.ii(hkeep als. and the Rat. J. P. Di'RIHN, D D.. of New-York Admit alaw traa. The *««bb«lh-MrhAol connected with the CaatrtJ M. K Chait b ,lh »t between .Mb and Itth «ts will hold their third BBBCal Airiiterssrt rn VI KDNEBDAY EVEN1.NO, ten. 2d. to etava.rui a at '{ o'clock. 1 ritudi of r>tbhatb-Schools nte iut lied Btatleuu Aduii*s,..|i fiBW. ~The I'hrlstniaa Anniversary el the U ilici . i. ,T|. B. ( karcb "sunditt-s»rhonl. ttlUbet.y reqiasi. repeetivl sa Till R*l>Ai K\ KNINO, Dee. Poors open at bp. m. fc«etr,«««t.. cainutietiee) at 7 p. m. Tickets ii oeott- CLuIdren «MtMMh._' _ I "A Wieke« uutt Fereerae (;eaeniti*a lawketh Bar a .»(.. ; " - \V kick, heios tutetuieted. Biotins those ue.W tMsihllUVS cARDH. MAMMOill l'OSTEKB, aid olataut SIC nx sad l>»ION"< of ev.ry nr.- sn.l p».'.r-i f.M p wVb so .ash lasts By IBs El RI KA SHOW CARD to No. iU Broaawsy. opposite lb*> St. Nicholas. Rate a.'u.bii.atl'.u. the his tst sttle af art. tad the lowest Bksd af pnee JOHN S. WHAUP. p'rinctpal ttt-st. t svaL*tpe<< Ilaatta. B tVT T 01 LET, JlMD FÖR CHlLDRJUk*. Para Old PALM Hh Cakes each IVsrktfa. t. ka katl of Drnttyksw. and , L. noJf% Manaiv-tarera, No. it*J lattl-aj N. T. KwuDtalnV India Htare. 81LEF, ( HINA. LAt ul t it t I RIOBfTIBB, A Asoriicar.. ludian, and Krench KANd. No. «3M kROADWaY1_ <%rlatauwa anal rWer-Y eurVt Preaenta. THIRTY YEAR* IN ONE PLACE. LCCIl'S 11A BT, Not. 4 and a Rnrttnc »ftp. A Bsriss aaaortsr-aat af nrhly k ILVK It PLATED WkRE micLTd ItKAt MM HOLI'tAk and BIO «I. ÜIFT«. RETAU.INO at WHOLEBAX.B PRICKS Cefa» and 1 r* t'ras rrom »» ta Castars ftoai... #7 to .*» ft. K»U frou..»:teetO Cak. Ba^tU »J^*« faj.«,4 U. aw Pitchers.tWo * Aaw ( hiidree's t'usw In triat ssrissv Farks and Spoons. Bat. Teta Ret .Botler l'irke» HresAfastCaotari to. CwwtraT Park Hhale KaaisttrlaBa. SKATES ¦RAI Es' «RATES! for Ladl«a ai.d lesatssatea. tiirlt and Rsya I ntluh l.erruao, An.ertcaui (tiford l luo I'm r~ Albett. thsHak loa Korkrr Hail Ko t»r Shsiafka« Rtseker Ootta Per _a. Beaoi. Rismisar. Patent Kotarstbla. ha. PldUdalahaa link CONOVER t WALKER. No. MJ Broadway TOOl THEBTKafall sites, for Hoy. torn AjnaU'Ut. of tstr tWSB Bttine sp. A asofnl pretent_ Wltteelna ef Wartb-ac. n - < o-ua»\u- »(.: ut. t st a asssu.iol the proporty owi.ns u> fsror of said iinp«o_sui.oC SaJke . trport U lb. o«.eef JohB Sherwood. No. 0* .way. THIS DAY (Wednesday*, at 3 o'clock. u.n_ Partis- eotsd kt. and at fator of ihr wtdenutg of Worth sc. are od to attend. Vtw IJnblirotiorMJ. T fWT FfJBUSHED, UKW AND Br AITin i. EDITION «r tkb ESSAYS OK ELIA. B* Cataia* i.*s«. kt oa* sal Itaoo heaNtlfally prtuUtd OB tiated pspar- Erice «1 »*. A lew larfa Pap. ' ( opt*-, cioth fist bopa. Price it SO. W11 NMhhea by WILLIAM V EA/IE, No*, tt and ft CorabhL^ s*c salt hy all Bt)***a-kar» _ Hue home joijTWsUs, m ^______ A PA PK R EO« THE HOMES OK (JOOD TAhTK. _, Moaau A W tu it. Ed.'.ora. R'kfc the Jaaasx-v nuaibtrfor 1W will heain the pol liratlon .f a aew _d'-aot'ifBl ot.,l__l work-f l_rta-.dli -t.J- w..t«i WSai.0/ loi 'J'aa llot-e Jourosl «nt.'.lru A Rob sat s or Aaaai. ts rl "TOBT. |saoB.r.rec.,pir.'oi tb«n.-» »..!utna will be »riBtssl lhau ar . "del. ih**,, who .lasirato beta, wuh the ,u .-.u-ot o .t year Will tetltle to do so bj fo.wa'dtn» ti. I SB - -l|S|on ttaarr. Tara>s-Eor one ropy, t>t. '»r three . ooie., or on «Mw three years, ti. f«r a rlab af aattrn twplea. t>M; far a .abef htteenro. ie* t>M; and that rata for a Isrget el.ib.-wsy. -adtanra. Addre«« ilOBRItA vViLLl», IC. Eultec si. AMTES &~kon>' PIBI.ICATIONS. B »IPLFa TEKTAtf FNT^ t'ONCORDA Nt'Et i.cxi- fOKH, MEADINO LESBOMM, hr.. la llehtew, Chald~s JTrlaa, Arabic, Oreek. Laliu. at^ all Modalb Lancoaaet, kjr aal« JOHN WILEY. No. W Walk, r .1., Afenl f.O tka Ct.ted Slatea fctaiigatt gratis, tad mallet) < b fee el pi ef p*»u ¦' w .1 1 Vou XIX.N« tym. mam .... . . I****' ThU Moraine,: UK SEA LIONN; Or, THE I.OST SEALERS. r-i.-v . H-MUnai cooper. B«*»f XII. I or jttgir, of U New Kdltioa of < oop., ««««., Im I Da.*-,. (rown ^#AK TV_,. , «».*. Priee, «1 bp. ate precedlai toltrnee arn: 1. the P10NEBR& It THB RED ROVER* in. THK last OP THK MOHlOANtt. IV. THK H1»Y. V. W YANDOTTF.. VI. THE MKAVO. Vll. .mi; PILOT. VUL THE wej'T OF W I rill 1 ON wi8h. IX. THE headmman. X. THE l'KAIUIE. XI. LIONEL LINCOLN. I'nifoTm Volume* in alte, binding, aud i>r >. .. ($| it eanh). They wul i.» »hi bp mail, j-oet paid, to ui »ad.-ee*. on rnee.irt of #1 5e ptr volume. .*- I'AKI.KY'N OOOPEB VIGNETTES. At the tug..tloa of ntimerou* Arliat* and Amateure, too Pub- .u v ,... ,'KOom ne'ore Utter .* <-l two of tb« beautiful Stool V .gnetie., engraved from J)AHi»n ¦ Iimlgn. lor tpjt New lllu.tr»:. j Kdition ol CiuriH't \Suhk- ?b**e thev prepaea to iaeuc in f.uio*. each containing tight proof*, «nd ce. b pro«! aecenipanied wltu o pace of >-.i.,r plea* draoipine ol the picture 1 he proof, are being printed with the uiuioot coro, ob India, and batted oa the n-eet breach 1'ialo I'eper. ha h foUo » i.i be m a cover of h<ulr otuaiueutai de.lfo printed in tint. ftiLlue USB a nil l wo are now ready for Subscriber*, and the rtu.aimn," r-u *»iil .«. * ,t luterval* uf iwjor ihrre uioutht 1 KU K lu II b»( itU;Kits. I'llKEK Dui.LARd l_t I OhiO. A. the proof, are limited lo a .aiall number .'only 4*0 impree tiou* fiotu eaeb ph.. ), a'ter wnicb the plain* are lettered, *o th»t no more i to ue taken, no *ubeeriptio_ will bo received ea- irj ! .jr IL.- u ,1 .el. W. A. T0WN8ENT) k Co., P.hiinlner., _ Ho. 40 Walker at, New Yeik. JUIali KAVANACIl'" HEW W0RK.~~ Ü. APPLKTON k Co., No*. M and 348 Broadway, Have now ready: (iEV E N V IG 4B 9i By Jl Lit KaVana.ih true volume, l?mn., Ui pare*. Uith, 61 r. nta Paper, % rent*, rroni tb« Boston Dally Aovertleer. Miss Ravane|h la *u,qti*.tiun«bly one of trie moat agreeable roe.ur.rrr. ol it,e day. There 1* a remarktnle charm and fa.. i-a- tiou in Ler atoriet, which au« know* hoe to male iuterc'.mg. She live* a great reality to bar pereonagn., goihg into toeb ml nute detail ol their action* and moii.i . Ci.-.i her reader* »>;ii roiiir to l|.,«itiHe that ibey are dnaliup with real tuen aad women and find tbein^Ive* ayn pethialag mo*t »lacerely with then ivy* and »o.'iow*. D. A. k Co. have rererrtly publlahed new edition*. Id onlforui ityle, ot |haj following u 'eieating work, by the eatno author: All! I K: ATale. I (hick v. l. |2uiO. Uloth.Al 25 WOMEN tl> CURlSllANIl>,k.templaiy for Piety and Charity. ]2ruo. Cloth. 0 H N.\ IIAI.IK: A Tale. 12mo. Cloth. 1 on MAIIKLINE. !2mo. Cloth. 0 HAJ.«V l.l'KNh. 12mo. (ilvta. 1 Oft tlHA. K LEK. I rol. 12uto. Cloth. ... I HO RALtil.L ORAY. Wmo. Cloth.. 0 75 I? LIQaBT HOItlO A|Y B o o K . " Live ever, rweet hook ' be who wrrde thee wat the eaera- tary of eloquence, the bretuh olpliin Muane, and the houay >ee ol rja* daintleet llowere.ol wit aaduait.".(Gabriel Harvey. sir PH*uUP flOEiri MlSCKU.ANKOUh WOHK8. The aunui.uevu.euA of* whn h i,...beeu »o etloaAreiy oopaed by the l.-aduir paper* ol the eotuilry, ARE NOW READY, toevAuuae at* DFPENCE OP POESY, LETTERS. POEM8, At 1LI.I STKAT IV i N«»TE8, 4RI. At AUHIHARtP. LIKE ai IHK At I IIOR, I , U mi Okai. ..*.]., Of M*id«J. iet v !ene and the Inner 1'eiapbk One hanuaeute voliuua*, HVO. Ch lh Beveled Hoard..IN to* «2 36. The puMLber fee!* a .<t pridedu iutrsducliui tbie editi;>a of Sir Philip Mdney'a wark* te the publir. It 1. annfeaaedly one of the ftue.t a peel men* of ho.ikintkiux ever produced iu thi* count.y. 'I be cuar auliqi.eejrpe, tbernrii black iak and the II- luu Uiated title and "preiac*.. a'ter the old tt>l«, cainoi fail tu pleaee all lover* of hue booka. It i. pruiled on an decently tinted laid paper a uf» ttylo, aad never bt tore mtJiufacturedyiutuit eountry. T. O. H. P. BURNHatMt l'uhli*ber. No. Ii» \\'a»hin;tou .t., Ho.ton. Till moat fnH.iniitini! HOOK of TRAVEL eve; publtahed In thie country. HiiiM V\ ALI-M lt'EKT TO CASHMERE. A Jot aatt. or Kita \ BAM n Ei aora, Aha, abd ArmiCA, ll| MINI. V I.ITB l> IUI, '2. "*, '4, '& AAD '6, to TUB Dax- bboka Ibub Miaaa, Taov, " Thb Sbtbh CHracaaa," Jem ..un, am. I'kika att. trk k'Imiii or tub Rat aar Mt riaipe, Cawbpou, Lrt K.iow, Ac., CatHBBBB, KlilBBB I'as« TO APOttABaf TAB, JATA. CHI.VIA, ah. M. . t: With nearlv 100 fullnago Uluatratious. By JO.i.N B. I It ELAN D, aaq. Trier, iu tuueiin binding. »I; half-call eaira, t>4 60. M. DOOLA0T, No Walk-i-et. " Tbl. e work of .urTauaing &t traction to all who feel *u In- terett in the countries auii people* which it de*criueo. Th.» Aa- tkor a.v* the narrative 1* taken from a journal 14 hi* mother. trUi h i|daip* the familiar etyl*. The illuatrationt are a pleating frat- re ol the toIbcm eAU-mely apirited in de.irn. and eieculed v. Ith r. ii a.k«bie htuili. We prnnuirnro it oue ot the moot enter tainlBf and vtlnahle booka of Ita kind.". N. O. Delia. O V READY: AN OVKKLAND JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA, IN THE St'MMKR OK 1«>3. ¦JfRRiftPf AN ACCOUNT OF THE PRESENT MORMON I R 0 H IN UTAH. BY HORACE QKEKLLY. ONE NOLl'ME. Wreo. CLOI'H. PRU E«|I. C. Ma SAXTON, BARKER * Co., At.Uli I Lit KAI. BOOK l'l'öLISHERÜ, Aar. raoraiBTOBt or THE II OK T II Ii LT I' Rl SI, No. 2i TAMM ROW, New York. The moel valntble and complete tatcitmeat of BOOKS ae AORICÜI TCRE, HOR I H l l.TCRE. KI'KAL ART. aud llOMksT K llOSOMi that can be fuund in the country, coo- .taxlly on baud. Book, aeut by maü. CeAehvie* pali*. I R ROHAN'" GHOST. BY A CONTRIBUTOR TO " THE ATLANTIC." The Pub.<aiiera, allhouth aware of the wonderful merit*af thio book, art not nrrparej for the l. RKAl DKM AND, Aud Ihr larie edition they puhli^ied h exltanete-l REt on'd EDITION IN PUM AND NEAKLY READY. r. T I I. TO N tt Co., pi el.lSHKRS, No. 161 W eahnifton *t optvoeile Milk. Boetou. N s 1'IDE TO THE CENTRAL PARK. THE SKATING .POND I .: PITT ON, Cootainu.g aatbvritatire lu.irurtion* to vieitor*. Price i lent.. C. M. HAXTON, HAHKER * Co., Agricultural Book Pobluh. r.. No. *AA PAKN ROW, New York. . Taa Kr.t Nbw-Ybab'i Pk«h«t lo. ,-tat make u> a Sot of W a \ BELE v NOV E L8.TICKNORA Tl PIRJ Ml kaiUn, JtiTOla. Half calf, lima., *>.>; "all eel/. *.!«'. Portale by M DOoL(AI>y, Ntw W'ALKP.R-BT. N. R .A liberal eieeeunt for eaah oa all bojk* danuf toe boWaya_ 1 KVINC» WORKS..rp-town derxwitory for ,. _ ... _r r_,.,.. \\ p,,r ibe convenience of up-tnwa eeaid »' tr .£'_cv& been e.uoi.ahed al MILLER. kfxtU «WS A^ .i VsbAt T-iZon*,ot tlroadeav tad f-ta-.t waere ihe beet and bvteaiTeditlon. of Irvluf* Work, iu »aitod. plain and oleaant haadlntv uity iw btl fie.h Pa. h work put up in ceaee A*", rTkOANT t.lKV liirnKS iu rith bladimy, eompneu.« the neweet ill atrat-d work* of the day. af WARD POETS AND PRlVsfc W KITERS. OAMEa. WRITl.iO DEsKS AND KANlY ARTICLES. N I I w WO R K .-SPECIFICATIONS AND a.4 tiiNTRAlT-. Br Pkorai*oa I)o»ald»ob, Arrhitecl; t_dtfef.-.t K.ic-!. .:.d >¦.'.. .'< .-hite »ed *»t\»'. contributed their Seecibc-aiooa, with iWhp» I an. Re.. Mtl.evret.hed hv N. VrtM-ta aid other*. AI*o. THE LAW tif TotSttV By W. C. Lt.«. Btt.i-- A.il U twa v.u. Maa AtA Altlil.r. T tt to., rrloe *. No iog (rrral Rueeoll-et, Leaden. VOU-WILlTT1NI) RD RewWrtOrerit of GOOD I BOOKS r..r PK KSK. NTS Je/hlidr-n *ud oth-r. at " rOWLSK * wTXXt*** N->. Hr.»adwty. Abe Steraotcop*' and . variety ef the el«reot'«au- NEW-YORK, WEDNE8DJ r i 0 <,KM ,NK a'"1 .'».MAHLE HKHiUA- ,_j rB' "tiH.ni«. by, tod for the BENEFIT of um k AM- LIFE OF CAST. JOBB Bk<)\V*N BY JAJdfcr. REDI'ATH. In oneeiegtat Ilm« Toi-is* af als.t f»> p_/w,i printed M «j-rfine paper a-:d handsomely bound ia gUt -Jot., f «)y nla.tiaien .ad e_heUl»hed with a MAUNIKHENNT Si EKL-EaORAVED PORTRAIT OK THE OLOalOfd OLD MAN. by (he beet artist ia America, from a dac-erreope entirely _f ferei.t fron, pbotogrtphs. and be.at the only ant._-nt.e )ike:.e*a uf Ike 1 Uilantiuopun aad Pain, t which baa y.-t ar-pearvd. FrV-e «M * Id Pre., end t., re Umed iai.;.ed_telv f>n.pi Ising m areouBl of bis Early Life In Y notb aad Ma, hovd up to the period if _ta »..in» to Kansas, together with an Intensely interetttn. Nsrrative at hit t sr*. i n tnat T-rnt.,ry, givit-g auifcf nllr. irciaua cf hit Earn .ut harte-» »Uli til trat da- tada of hie Ui.t Attempt to Liberate the Sla-ea at Harper". Feus. Va., inclcding .1. -utlre i'rieea Corr*aj>nnd*te-e. and lbs Private Letter* tu bit Family, not hitherto pn.ii.hed. Alto. AN A'COl'NT OK HIS eAKLY LIFE, BY CAPT BROWN HIMSELF. Tl.». important doer.mcii! hat not and will uot appear in tna pabliv prea., a. it L the d»aiir of bit friend* woo own it that it t-oobl «irpe«r. ir!n«iTely in cor pub i-aiioa Pf)R THK BENE¬ FIT ua HIS FAMILY , tod any leprintlngof K wiU the prot¬ ested an tn UiMngetnent afC. vj: unt. Uf tills Autobitrraphe it «uuV.. ut to a*y that nuihir.e ..f the kind, tine^i tha A.tooiofr» r'.j of Krsnkiiu bat t«.i, p.a.b.b.J, which it at one* to . barac- trrvtir and -n inters «ring. A l»r«e per .. mit,. n .^ry trvpy anid it ...r-«l by <v.nt -v t '¦'.".".ily of < apt Blown, aad lkit work ia putdktfard uaaer tb.ir sanction and approval, at may be eeen r»y u»e flowing lettert: * Extract of a Utter from Mary A. Brows, widow of Lent. John brown. . _ " "»OKTa El«» Dec* 1W. Messrs Tmir.R A Ei nailH.r IV.: Friend. I am tali- tied that Mr. Redpath it the man to write the life of uuy biaoved bi.eb.i_d, at be wt. parton&ily aeoualuti-d with him. and taint v. i.l do mm jiittioe, * * . I think that tiw Portrait it a tery goou one. . * .. .' Yourt re-pectfoUy. MARY A BROWN." Letter fr«m Salmon Blown, °on of I apt. John Brown. " NoatTH Elb». December. 1*49. Maarrt Th.tbb A ELnaiDtta. Dear Sirs: I wt> nwaktl trq.il.icd with Jamet Kedpath in Kitnsaa. I am al.o faruihax w ii. hi. writinft. and I mmider hi nan ante Moirapher, and taa man above all otb- rt to write the Hfe of bit beloved Lubar 1 believe hin. to be a man of undoubted veracity, and fuby believe h>- e il) d>. ju.tice the work he has nndertu.n Yoon respectfully, ^ALM<»N P.ROWV " W e under.land thai tbe-r I* in ciretiUiion, in an underbai d manner, a work porportinr to he a Ltf- of Drown. wai.-li merely a eonpiU'eSn from the ntrw>|«per« of the day. coi.f tee 1. contradictory, and t.ery way unaatitfartoey. The public a s i.>,turned acuiottail twh tpuriBua, mercenary, and deoepli>e p'ibllrateona. BE NOT DECEIVED. Lawaaa or üri aiott ¦ Lira« or Btuwv" WAIT AND (IET THE LK-t Tbr only Antbentic and Reliable Work, wiitteu by Browa-'i old oomiade in Kanaaa, JAMEH REI>PA i ll, and f.ubiitl.rd by THAYER A E .DRIDOE Not. 1M fid 116 V\ aahiiijTloo at., Kotloa, M at G OBIBV IB" HOLIDAY Ii Od KS. Now Itr.«r v thb Saoc.-n EniTieia. WILD FLOWERS. Dkawb mi i .urn raoa Nati kb. By Mra. Baruaa. 1 vol., larrs folio, with Ztpaae colored llh a traltona. In 'I ntkey Dior a Ii. lu Aioeni uu f <orac«o, Bit M. M ra. Sienniney .a . We catill ea the annaia of woman't history, in all a|«a, la .radure a parallel Utalance of artiaüe taste, genius, aad indos try" Itwlüba hard to produce a Btore elej-not, attraetiea. aad partnaheBtiy beautilul tolunie than this." |N. Y. Otteresr. * It it a repository of l<.»ebast beauty. sti:o tu (Saasa atary refined taste. * * * A more appropriate welcome fiA la a parses of refined sentinient it would b" hard to iu_t(ii.a " .|B. Y. ("ourisi and Eonuirei " VA e liaie never se-n to (nrtaous s volume, ur ,. ue which was lb itai if «o elat.orste a work of art, or so aaset a reproduc¬ tion of nature.".J Hu.tan Couirefatfoualist. TITf'oMH'S, TITMOTil» -onl.li ml!.; La-ra_u tw Yoi si. Ps..ei K. l7mo., vols. rloth, full fill * BlTTk K-fWIKI Llath, fall fjfkt «113. SAUNDERB, F.-.MOSAlI'M. One vol.. Umo. PI i'-i'natrd Tltss, sad fall tih. S>2 in plsio rlotb. 9 I ti. 1)1 A H N OF 1 hi- RRVUJ 1 It i.V. By > rsuk Woore. » vsit. Svo. s>i. (Sold hy ajhacrtptinn. I TWO NEW JUVENILES. THE STOBY OK IIIKt,KA\ AIHKAN PABROT, \t ho waa r~sttaed by the little Sailer Bo; in ih. Hi., i tsbeaa how ho wtUiile«, and bow he talked, inelodlna bit treat bat- lie w ilh the Monkey., w hi h la-ted six weeks and bow ae hahavt d durUis the awful sbisrwreea, laf-thar witb souaa as aonut of his latter data. iiv Harry firingo. Una vol. bvat sauatr 12uio illustrstion. Trire 45rsnts. Mrt 1 IUI Li.'S NEW BOOK. EDITH, THE BACRWOODd OIRL. Oat sal sSaaa. fBa. t Bt Hill.NEK, No. lJ4 I.-rand s?., N. Y. HOLIDAY I' It I I E N ] B RAVRO TRO.M THE EIRE. THE AMERICAN TRAUT SOCIETY has on hand a Urge stock ol its on n rubiicatita t tbitabss for Hall.lav Presents to all eJaaaea. Kessral thonaurd dollars worth of Otlf BOORS in the wliut of the uiaiu budding were saved ft-.in lb" fare in perfect condiiun. Amol..- tl.e allgi.tly daauagi-d (hit Voiume* ... dufer- sot t«w a, 1 undieds are beiug foond acoeptabie for rraernu to tbr i I.Dd., no, t-uwion and other Manbath ScbovU, and are told at redoesd pri.-et. The Society hat a beaotifnl assortBtest of the Usnet of the [*OKDOM RELlt.KH I TltAtT bOt li TY, and of THoS. NELSON k SONS of Edinburgh, many of th-m with richly- colored and othe. eugTatmg*. Alao. a large end hue aaaortutent af RIBLEB aiaJ TEStT.AME .\ I S fi»ui t._- t.- . tVEK ICAM |BIBI.E SOCIETY. EYRE k SPOTTISWOODE. aad THOS. NELSON ft SONS. TRACT HOUSE, No ltf NastBiett., N. Y. NATIONAL HOLIDAY OUT BOOK . AMERICAN HI-TORICAL AND LITERARY t I RIoSITIEs. Edited by Juni Jtt Sbith. sjkj. Hacond Series. Its sonteDta rante throusb the entire period of Anw-neaa "is lorv. re.u.iiinr with He Brr't Engraving of IV.lomhua, naaar »e fora copied. d.K-onx'uta of latereat relating to the various esio- »ia«, si d msny ORit.lNAl. MEMENTOES OF THE REVOl.t t luN It outaint 64 plalet of far- limiiiea af c.nout and inter»atlng reit, t A apleudid volume for the renter table or the library. in penal Uuart«. Eine ( >tb Binding. Out.# < Half Mororeo, Utlt. 10 Full Morocco Aatiaae. 1} A few soi ls* auly have been printed oa eatrs thick paper, rural folio, hao'dsouiely bound ui half mori,>oo, gdt. IJ l HARLES B. RICHARDSON, Pnbliabar, Nc J4d Broadway. Far sale hy Bnoksrllers everywhere. jVKW REYOLVINQ STEjAJJOSWrii, I tonted In Amerhsa by Iba London Staraosooptc tosnaatry, Dee. 10. ltMt. FOR CONTAININO ANT NUMBER OF VIEWS, raoa FIFTY TO THREE Hl'NDRlSD. OLABfl OR PAPER. WALNl'T. DoaheS I . asse Shaded.*>» MAHOOANt. Dwabkl l.eiwet. <!eded. V ROSEWOOD Doahis Lause«, Shaded. A BhessJ dwaoant oa all woods > ipplied to tha Ttada. UJNDON STKREtsst'OI'lc CO. Mo. J. « SRO AI» \\ AT ^suart. TUE TBIBUBI ALMANAC FOR lMHs, Will ho ready in s few days, and wfll tsaaaaklt Tha asaat ASTRONOMICAL CAleCL'LATTONS aad CAle ENPARS. UOVERNMENT OF TUR CNITID «7TATRR.FaitMlii, LiatBasttrvr aad JatwttaL CONHENSED STATERTEMT OF TTTE IMTORTAJTf ACTS OF THE RXXVtfc CONORJCSR, at tot Ssooad I Alao, tha btstary mt soma imporunt b.a whiah wars Bab's hat Btiled ta heeaane ktwa. A BRIEF SKETCH sf Iba lata WAR IN IT ALT. ¦ATI RNS OF KLECTIONS sa ail the fkatas noidkag) Oaw- artd RiastJoaa darin« tha ywar 1«W, eavet-ly eotnisissd uprsaakj k>r THE TRIBl'NE ALMANAC, aad aotnparad wtU form** atari rat for aswveadeot ratatwaca A LIST OF n ATES-CaisXals, Osrswratam. Thaiaa af Hold hag GassstV Elrcoant and LtwisUtf.' Seasr.oat ac THR POPI'LAH TOTE FOR PRESIDENT, ky Btaawa. fat ass yaart lMt, IS**, Bad ItSB aad athar ktt^satiaf ao-trad mm> «Mo« (y^sssaas arwpald). shnjU aa-iaa, II rs-ts, AsTtarioaa osat .opt«w.Rlil«wtwak».RA L-eeat oy Esprwse, »7 pee 10*; lie*****Set .1" OrtVva. lüiimti1 J wah tha eaah. r~«pertfairy iiHahil -JJJJ" HORACE ÜREELET k Co.. Tnhuaa Buildiatw, New Tar*. i BEAl TIU'L PBEnENT for tht L »T8 i J \ OIR1B.-MEBRY-S MCSECM and PARLE v S M AO V- NE new everv moath in the year. Each month rootaisr g'n'pMetot eirallent reading and aeariy at ruatiT b*«uti-ij! ".tniri'n., etited he that priora of writer, for ehtyrea ROS- KT kl K.RkY. for orly an. JslMrBVaBg Tse l^ataart nuwojr t.it.a s stee! eogrtviaj of I NI LE FRA.Nh. t> 1 a yaar. t^E*B^v^^ei7ia for THH YEAR now ready roa- i*lr.ln*'c.ulv W eng-avuigs and fillsi with cj >i.read_t- . gfor.NKU Y K Ail s PRaRERI Ao ... sat tat lt,«y^"8TEAR>ia _ tt>., No. II» Waats-tt-.N. r k MiTHLK NEW HOTOU FOR THE STEREOSCOPE! aTEREOSCOPIC ILLI SION, how yoa tea h; aaw yow daut" LORDON rrTERROSttfFIC Ca.. ¦» AJ4 BlJQAlJWAT. Y, DECEMBKK '28, 1K>9. £ i< r r i ~d i 5 THE »KD ROYRR-H DACtJUfBE DY NED RUNTLINE. A BOM AN CS OR NEW-TORE «bktj tu INKER Lint t>»- A OREAT CITY WW**ctt b»a. the ore* of Ue Reader* a r-ar LlVINfi PICTT/RM. Owaani ekbtao Ml W-YEAR .-I NUMIiER 99 Tea NEW-YORK MERCURY. (NOW ; EADY AT ALL NEW8 DB/OTr). TkU pew.-r.'o! ftOTj, morr eiri-iaajp drenW » tMa DVAn-rt " Tar of iko Two CRie.,* j a roojj »i- 1.1 FT I NO of THE VAIL from -war of tb* rarioci and i< »p'7 late: erlag epUoeVt Wuieh loaf to ibe Li-torj of < Mr ropul* Ifta tort, bat a. which the i uu) obterrer »e*« tad boar* aethrnp I: hat beoa »od ee- »rrrrd hai lbare U a SKl.I.K'lON IN EVERY C LOH KT; rod lb* tnUor a.' Etfitda 'ojane the rloatt cow*, and taewt the tirlttoa* to Ibe world. ¦VERY < LAI** U* SOC1KTY, a»*rr tu fi. oi ckavtMter, aad mrj iaeJdkaK tad adroalare whicbtr I aiU.i* Citr Liar, are (reaped wAh . aawter hand la U.U UVB ROMANCE The Morj, wide It »iRlMu, with lerrtbJa Uatafaiaa«. TUB f LAY OR THE PARdlONri, Will bo cuaJ la ra**lT iat*v«*tia| aa a Raoaaaa, >uJ MMl If* *a a EIRBH1DB LaWBOM t botb te.ea, kitd *»*rj rata* of *aadaaa Taa bVasaa r* RLfRJDA, HIE RED ROVERS D.UOUTBR Ara kid baU aa SEA AND LAND, ted Uo Proprietär» of ibo NEW YORK alERUUBT aaueipei* for It a pcooatrfej aarar bam Mara aabtarad bp tarr Morr oi MeUoauJtan Life publUied at Uda ooontrr. THE ILLUBTRATlONrJ BY DARLEY. WUl atamp adallblr spaa the atiada of *R who road the Taio tt* Bm*t ftartuai uectdcat*; tad law pabdaaVar* feol araarod laot, a* a Uinaipii « LITERARY QENIUti, ruitirilib-J w ih aaaj .EMS OY riCTURlAL ART, -ELTBIDA, TUE RED ROVBB'R DAl'OHTBE. wM boibo OEEAT EVENT Of THE TEAB la lAe *Vr*avta>cal »f **t*ra-rt to »k_k dWJeeaa, PRICE TWO CE.ViS. 'J'HE I>DFJ'tKl'E\T of THIS WEEK. pibtUAod TOMORROW WORMNl.. wi_e-»Uiü A blEENDLD NEW-Y1 LB- POBM it JOHN O. WHITTLER. Btbjeet: "THK I'KKACHl'.l;; be lag a papai*. peetae d**criptioe of Whitaead. MRS HARRIET BEECHES STOWS eeatribetee toother freeb ar.d eparl-: t LF.TTEIl FKOM ITAL^. TLa aat aap«« wul cantata A BKUMOK By tea REV HENRY WARD BESCHER. JOSEPH U. RICHARDS, PaMlther, No. 5 8-knmoet.N C H aUJ'EK'S lMI'EXDIJG CRISIS. A live book #*,«. COPIES have been SOLD. Plow i* the lime. Too* W *b* Week teat i* ereeiiBg to larieh.xrttcrjjetat IN com. I!! *s Lor. Mate. »01, *** patoot. t loth. Priea »L Oeteve edrtieu. Paper (.overt, Sa cent*. Poa Saui at hn(*««u aa* ibb Nawt a..b«t« Bvbbt-wkbvb. Ai 'I I^ B AU1 KTB » vn i'm) to onR thee* work* the oooetry throe.'h. ftrmt liberal, blagie cup*** iocl to any addi-**, oo»t paid, on ic-eipt of price. AAdBMB A. R. Bl'RDIl'K. PabiUbrr. _No. Ml Ntaaan at. Now Tor*. ~«h E iTeW^YORK TRIBUNE. THE TRIBUNE.now atorotanataRMoBBI 7..rt old. and neeeag ever . .tutor of a B-itica of aah.Iben or constant porch.ere, i toted through every K.it* and Territory of oar I'atoa.trill ettattnot a, itweott what k baa been.tbo earned ehauipton of Liberty, Protpeta, asd of whatever will roaduce to oar net. mal growth ta Vtrtae, Indaatry. Ruowledg*. tod Proepervty. It will emi'anoe to arte the *4nej« ipoiiue uot only of the Block laborer wees thalteat. and letal impotence, bot of tbo Wane Ukawiaa {reai Land Monopoly. Intemperance. Ltuurance. and liial depend oaee oa reiueto Markeuwbioh peralyaeo eiertioo by denying to Pail any adequate and morally rartaatt reward. Rauevuix thai tee clJuef evil of oar time ia the Inordinate uultipticalioe and dio- pr.portico of Now Producer*, it will ooutinue to war again t*. » aal¬ et er lentil to degrade Manual Labor, or deprive it of ite juot aad Pail r-compaain. Il will inflexibly rouuneud tbo policy of win- aaag art bar from Europe iho Ceerai Art«, and, wherever ihey may be needed, lb* Artieanooe well, lor whoee produce our ooaatry m now running roeAleealy into debt, while our laboren ruaai Rt B etil «et qoett of empwyruent, leaving their ekddren in waul of biiod, though the farmer a, loo often compelled to tell hit rropt at aaeet beaoVftvaaU ptieea. Ia ehort. whtie healing againol Ptiatue- verlern ead every other manaleetaCioa ef tiial evil tptrtt which eaeka through tbe . poHe'.ioa of other eountrle« thai tgi-ptiidiaeuiaai which I* to be trtily att.ined aaly through tbo die derelopemaot tad rufUvatioa of oar internal reeoarcoe, it will urgently adv., at* t aiore ewectiTely dieruroinativ* Tarif tbe freedom of tbe Pab- ae I aade, the loaatreetinn of a Railroad (rum Lie navigable wa¬ it. of the Mieataippt to Ihoeo of lb* Parlfi ai d every other aMarare which aeeaot ta «a calculated to oaiiaace tbo diguitr or Boo reeoa.penee of Labor, and promote the well-be nig of Mankind Tbe .. meoreeelble ronAiet" between Darkaew end Light Inertia and Progroot. Slavery and Preedorn, movte etetdily ua- aare. I.oaxled ac' tot lo lv aud nanlne** i»a) 'or tbe moment give e eeeinmt advantage to \Y rong; but Ovd tltll reigne, aad toe A4OS are true to Huroaiaty and Rignk The year ISau uiutl vntaaaa a BUBBotlblii eoattirt be-.wee* iheae irreexiiarUabU »uUg.e^l.la. The oaoetlea " Snail Hutuaa Slavery be farther didueed by the power aad endet lue dag of the federal Uuion t" it now to a> terre a auune.oee If not a oeteriuaive anawor. " fjtnd fur the Laadleaa. venue Nearoee lor the Neaioieoe," ia tbe bauW-ery of tee oaabtvtuod Milboat who, luting jiwt 1 wept Penntylvarda, Ohle aad tee Hürth-Weet, appear ia too new t ongreee, sacked by aeaeiy eve. brae beata. la iliattnd a r~ ognVtWo ef every avau'e rlahl 10 eaJtivate and Improve a Bardlcuju ol the earUi't tarfaca waarevoaBe baa not tna enlletgedad bp lawSeataVe tmu 11 to another. Prem Heute*, and the ooiewrration of tbe nrgta *o4l of the Territoriee to Pre* Labor.two reqa.'iienetl, but one policy. ¦Beat larptiy tbewrb U>e ai'.i atiou of Coa/reet lh:ough tli* entuutg teeeaea, aa of tbo People m the *n««eodi,i| Presidential oaurtte; tad, whatever lb* iiiimediele leeue, we rvutnot d >ubt that the ulti¬ mate verdict will be iu accord at oe.ee with the dictate* of Impar¬ tial Philanthropy and the inalienable Rigbtt ef Maa. Utvlag made arrangement* fur toiler aud mure graphic report* mt ike duUun 0/ 1'ougieM, u*d of whatever eua uaueptnag at tea federal Malropoha .hat! b*tjBl worthy of public nvgard. and htr- Ug extended both our KorrlfB and Doinootic t'orT**pood*tii« and etrenatbria-d oar Editorial tuj. wa believe Tas Taiai aa may eafeiy rhauVng* a oomparitun with any rival, wltetaer a* an et, *- aaat of phtkripiea or a* * rebaide mirror of tlie pauing world. We purpoee not to be i irpae-'d nor a»t.cipated la tbe rollectien or praaeatatiou of mtoiligeixe. tiiough we etchow that reputation let aatarpne* which 1* *ro,ub,d by brlhuig ineatengor* and oitrka la pebkk eoTtooe to eorialva at the preniatar* pobtioatbat of traaaaa or ether ofhcaU doemnenta. VS * yrta» a&urauy ut atalecieut emie a* highly a* promptitude, b it endeavor not to Oacriflce the bvtier while Mcurinr tl.e fum.er **eaaa*M(7, Tbb TanarBB will be what K ha* beeu while we aualj c. .».'!'. to l.i:prov» be every featnie, tad " make -arh day a ritic _bj Utt." Tbe gameral verdkl of ta* Pre** and the Pcl Uc hat *flurn"d the totv eeee of our peat ktaert, and tboee of lite tut ore ahall b* chart.,taf- iaed by eajuai eeraaaiiieee and aeaidmty. We *ak thoee wbe ba> R*v* the general Influence of uar joarnal to bo -aiiatary la aid aa ta uleading that Biflaeete tauuaah ta uaereaae of ear aubeetip- aVaaa. THE NEW YOKK DAIEY TR1HUNE It printed oa t larr* Imperial theot, aad pabkavaed every m.inJaf and evening (riuneU)t eic pied). It c«ot*ant Editonaa* oa the lepat* of the time*, .-nipe.yiag t large crpe of tbo beet aewepeper writeri ef the day , Domcotic aad Poraige Correepotvnwce; Pro- 1 id Longreea | Report* of Lecture* City Now*; Caula, Horte, aad Produce RUrkeU Review* ef Beoaa; Ularary Intoi- Bgew-a; Papert on Merhemr* ai.d the Art*. Ite., Ac. W* euive to Baak* TUE TRJB i. NE t %*v*popT to meet the wan'¦ of tbe pnbbc. ktt Tee arapbae a»wt alone ftoatmg era* $lk,utB) per TERMS: THE DAILY TRIBUNE la uvalled to tuboertbert at per ¦MB, in advance Rl Par tlx month*. THE NtVV-YOKK SKMIWEKKLY TKIHL.N R b poMbaned every Traaaar and Eaiatr, tad reeaibn aB ta* EdltotioJo of the Daily, »lib the Cettia, Horaa, aad tieaeral Mar beta, relumty reported taprataiy (or THE TRI 4{.'.'<£ Poreaaa and Dotneelit Cor raepondotwo; and danag t_< teeatue* ef < mgiiiee k euavuvia* t autuinarv of Cengroto taatl duiaga. » BA IU* aea uc- p*uruat rpaecJa-a We thali, a* berotofore, mat* TilR dr.MI- WEEEL Y TRIBUNE a Literary, a* wed ta a Pabriaai oewapa- per, and wo are totem iaed that It aaoai laiaiiB a* tbe Aaat rank of eatnily papara lyeer.RS Rlra Coptee. one year..# | 1 AR laut vpne, one year... 5 .¦!> n ..vr aUJr - dO IMI Tee op**, or e. «r, to eifdrr** u/ eavA **,>*rri6er, t>% *JjO irtöh Any pereue erawng a* a club of twenty, or ewer, «HB be eetatlod ta aa extra rcpy r or a tlab at tfty, w* wttT toad The Daily TraV THE 8EMI-W EEELr TRIBUNE la teat to Clarry-taa at RS per Mino*. THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE. t atrp* eigiitrjoge aaxtw far tb* onuotry. la ptthlaabed evwry Botaa. day, aad aonuvmt lUhiotiala aa ta* ioxportaat toptet of the ttrsea, lb* new. ef lb* week eutereetacg oorreopoi.danow Rvan aR pant of the world, tbe Nrw-Yert Cevtie, Horte, and Produce Marteat, atnrnibig aad rtaattde PoÄlkai, Mwibaaaea), aad Ag^aarf eral trtaraea, Rc W* akeJu. during that year, aa laerateaara, ana altar ly labor at aupeova tbe oaaabty of the haBliBillia etue.-U.aae.eil tafarded by THE WEEELT TRIBUNE, whiea, we uvuavd. wxell eoetanea taae the beet Faadiy Weekly Ne-wtpaper paaatbed at the Wetai, We laadlar tea Cattle Martet Report* taoa* rWaty wtrtA at «am* raja*.-. * peer a atxbaanprtan priea. TEEMd: Ob* top* ^i*ye«r.%>i * '.** r<.o*e*. oao year.fRB Three topte*. one year. S \ Tea Co pee*, oao year.. |M Tweary t epio*. at eaa 1 dA'iea. Ja) tad tey ia.geraee.ber. t> I eaotV Tweelj Cepioo, ev eddret* ./ auvA latoariaai. A4 aad any aarpar uember. el A J dO eeea. Aay pertaa teaaaaa; a* a *r*A of Tweary, er et ere. wfR be eaaaV tted u ta extra aupy. f-r a club of ferry, wa erti nod The Baad- Weekly Trabone aad tar a dob ef one baatii i Tee Dady ¦Siena* wilt b* oaat frtal*. W* narrte* ta taad Tea Waarv.it Taaarat ta Cliiajaiie aril *V*a>*eripraea« may ewnarer at tap vkate. Teiatt arwayt aaah hHwiaaii. AX avtvart meal be ilrlraaiid la HORACE KiKhXXmtJ 4 Co., TVibexae ' -""r New Yoaa- BOW AMm.IRLn m\vn MA'rA/.IVK-Ptih- 5.bed encnthly. The Three M<d.h<pmea. by the aadtor ef Pater the VV baler, fee, fainii ui'i** tbe lacuvrv naaoaer. WM. L. JONES. PnnlUher. No IK Ah .». »EITER k COMPANY. Whoi-aal* Agent*. BCILIiERS, CARPENTERS, ARCHITECT* ¦ ni l bae* THE AR' HI rEt Ti' AND MB< HANICR' JOt. RNAL. euk Ut practice- lUaetrvMava* aad lafea-TeaueB .aeon every t lidiauj. Ae wacAaaical aad PHo An* Par weekir S«ad ten ceataUtt aaaaaaaaaee ta A HARTH ILL. Re jaiS Palt*«»-««.. N. Y. NO. 1 VESEY>T..BOOKS, BOOK^BOOKS, FOR HOLIDAY (Mm. ArkUttWrpleadid awirtaeial AJao laaal «nrr»*Ae*rUcy Ne. 1 Vatey at-, A^ter Uoeava. a 0. LAW RZ.NtlS. A. tartsn I h*b4.. ,AMILY iiELioiuu!< Kcw^rAPr.a ' of übt«.' tkoagfct tad U»- iitsst advajtrod CeUwttaa ui» I , e:u,«.D* »..."i by laovr. »I *>, by oj.X ES Mparts* na*.. Arrest HOBitll» INQUIRE*, f H 111 Br tdwas, Ft. T. "Tk« ^ocrtam and a*W «jp_ af tla* l uil w aws aWa>> I atlas} tiUhnt; -[NewAatwTAiBa. A ne «1*1 gaper. *.f Bootes Jo oraal I lit* ..>.*»< r*.«.*»SJ MWS»aaaasaj BaSl aand BB Antes+. ea'-IYcBter. H.rtld. ^ _ lib M td Uio, iatWWAtg. BB-BuBBwBty.,,-| , a conduced araaa af aar l'_Urk_ Cb1Vw<V<*» Lax.*.' MoBtiee! Herald- _ , . l «. ,6.. I LltBXilB jOBTBBl* In the Ce*»tViT7."-( MeW>» ^ °'Tmtp?«p^i^MBK in BOf slew, w th» beat rtdatTioaa aaarnat « >> di-asrriop, of list »uf«ii«*u»JtfiaB» oa t**. part of a.' abepra-eailorw UbarM V h. ltaatB* I:. BttactY .yaa- ftfhy with raterprlssa a aieh are Par th ir obre« Ihe aueetr- A . aakiaJ aBaaaaat ggtaaa or a.-**, . ,d it, .araatt aad bewity r»cosBi-J,.u -fail thai U r>sd »«J"« taaHtai »br. ild *oa>aw>ad it t.i thoeo who ben«»a in preaiees, both in re.lgW an« aorial naattara Ita aeleetiaaa are f a re*y blah erav: «** -teell*B*>> "-| Daaaaai Oat-tte, " Ihia ahleioaraal p-bueoedaeeAl; b. t e l aiuirtaa Ataa- ctatlenof Oe State of Ns« York teoil m«iafaina tu rhjraelat at a eau.'.d. liberal s d Bllatll robg.oua sewigtfwr Tim itsfe- pet.d.s*e an.! tigoto... earneatnaaa x its wh.ek It dlitaaastlhl r~ luoua quo'tuav* af ihe tiasta, avaA* A a pow-wful aiaaattary to> that* ma* ara at ruing for tha atuianaani a. a TWal ptaty. Itaae- lertKua ate earnestly ludt inu and i> ant aha ara a* a* 'a ha Bomber, a among tta pair.,tat have pre^n ed ta it* trail BUeat page*, tl «. | a.* o'lbougni ottered he the) ouea' and B**e>.uad reitatsat CaiuAtte af aha east- -4 0118 at a f«a i'y »1 bar Wa .re (lad to *i 'hat ha aaaaea* iaai- catea i apt recia.ion of ut atari-a.".(ttoetaa Trtntra-ipt f'e. ... '.vr '. ,.nirer. tha organ of tne I tutanaa Aswarus» t cc cr the Male r'New ! ort ksaSrtaaad a'.le oppartar af ihm Stoai hueh j>ct»uh ut. «ehotarry tad auuav'ariaa ia taaav .**£- f niat Ma.it ¦! ti» artm-i«e *aW«r .--arch and tnt h ot tha Beate« that, it aaaal la fta- ptra af ttt clt-a It on* j( tS* rery be*< rsdagwaa aapirt wkh) . hn-h are ut ajfqcaiated.".(i hrvatiaa I'niaa V eat p.per it the rlchett of oar retiaioa* «eekha-. *-lEa«. Thee,tore t lapp. ':¦».-'¦¦,. a, both ornttnai and teUcted puna high Waarary men: uad the | ihatuaiaBat tetatariaa ta ttaaar taaa, but are tor iut hriatiiaa at* aii aeaoaiioatioaa aaat agraa arah and approve ".[fannda Trihone " I ba< arittiaa it oneaf the "Ideat atei aaaat BtBHBadl theelogi-al po .., > ..i t .f the day K-.ery hharai fajhtllila ¦boald patr.:nue It "--(Ttptoa (loara) JiioxBal Kl.Mi SOLOMOIT* TEMPLE, NOW ON rxillBITJON AT DR. VAN ZaNPT'H CHURCH, NIRTtl-ST., ONE OJOB I ROM BROAUWAT, It the ORKATrsT WONl EK Of THE WORLD. Many af oar Kminaut Iritriaet hara rahiiery Reeammenaad it fror, tile PBlpit It hat rweeited tile aarartita of Tha Entire Clergy .ad MUtUtaga ef the Gospel. Of tteiy Sect and Craed. W ho hate V Mit« I thia Tempts. Here Kiay the Am-h-nt Kraternity rateten tha 'Bllratlisn aa tta alient tesctein*- that h.« t"-. " l ent of C'atariea" saaBassVsal T>. Coraaata H othrrho-id. Tbia BinmifceBt Vorb-l w ¦» built in i altfornia, aftar tha ataat ra ibis tau rltlat tha lalj Bibla, Joasphaa and other t je»i»h hitto.-y, AT A COST OP «41,000. There are S! \ HUNDRED Ktt.t'RES, Anangad in the Or.giuai t oatuma of thia The greater potti.« af tha ornamental work it of CALIFORNIA (HI l>, whilo the loart art of heaatifai aortiuaaship. had la Mosaic. 1 1!f toi KT OF ISRAEL. THK i OCBT OF PRiF.STS, THK i OUST ot- Wt>MEN. \M» IH( HOLY OF HfH.IR0. THK OREAT OOLDF.N CANDLtVnCX. rUE BRAZEN t.WkR. THE BKAZKN ALTAR, 1 HP TABLE OK "HEW-HRK VI», TUE BKA.'EN SEA, THE. . IIERHHlM. AND THE ARK. ARE FAITlfrCLLV ports kTRa IN THE F\ EMI NU, R. THETEVI'I.» WILL K II LI'MIR 'TBD BY t.o OAS BI'R.NKBH, Lighted hy Osrdnei'i sy.lemof Eieetiiei'y. LI.' Tt hE.> st II a. in., tp. at,, and I B. at, staaly, by 'Jst Re* J, S. DIEHL. AM., Ad-nittance. 19 rest». I blidran ander Ii years It strata N B.Liberal arrangrmeuti maJa with SaDbaAh atad Dar» fi.-hoola Sox li). i)olibane. A SKÖLD, GQWRABUE A Co. Will opea, ob MONDAY. Dec lw, tha THEIR FALL IMl'ORTATION op LAßM OOOPtai AT LOW PRICR8, Caasstastlag at POINT IV AI ENCON, PltlNT a l-aoimllk, RRUBBEItS POINT, MECHLIN atai IIONTrTOH, la Cap.- MsM rta, Harths, t'otfarsa, aaa., ota. This wul be > ...ity 'or persons wlthiag ta laakt) . r. a i MAB PRESEN FR I ANAL, ,-orata of Mseeaw. A'kl lMlC l'uh>f.MS ftsf the HOLIDAY*, A CARD. '1 bs awtaenber politely caiw tha attention of tha pokBs tatsb Brge and t eastifui colle, tl.,n of /RAMPIi F.NORAi INOS,FAINTIN08, PHOTOflRAFrl sf the PALMER MARBLES ü. HASSE I'AR TOUTS, WR l*K and OIL-OLOR BOXES, DRAW NO INSTRU MEMS, DRAW;.so BOORS. As,' oraiin« tha aaaat ft> tbeuhs prsaantt ttr the coailng HolidaTi W. St HAG'S Na. 4R» Brawtraray. BEAlTllFUl. PA1K of 8KATH6, now-tv- rVLABOQ HALE. WATCHER, JEWKI.HY, PLATED WARE> NO. «0 JOHN-ST. _HIRAM YOCRO.^ /SONEECTIOiNEKY, WHOLESALE \m4 KJaV- \j TAIL..LECOMTES, No MB Oraa.aU-.fesV-, has aw kwsat] i avge saaortmaat of Confsctl ro«-ry for the HaBdaya. Jost ra* sslsod. aa lasoios of French Boa Boas, Pasta, Teyt, ha. 17»IK> 1 büM tot th* II()LII>AYH.--4<pl»rid»fI ispeatry bru«*sl». : 4 plr. 7^ aad tj i Super. lac., B/ J beautL'ul Ingrains, bright colara, 2/B, '*;. il,«js»r y«d; OU CltHlBf, % h, 4 ami 4 a' per yard i eitet Hat* and Mate, all alias, tloaow Mats, (roid-kand Wmdow Sbadea, al par pau, at i.A.^DO.N'S No. Had*.)u»t. GOODS for the H0LIHAYH . CALHOHN Ju ROPrilNS, Noa. tt and » Vsaey at., tta aLairs, have joaj re. etvsd s larse aseSMmrut of hue Ersuch BAUS, PURSEA I'oRTKMo.n'Naip FANCY BoXES, HEAD PINS, HEAD NETo. COIFFURES, aad other Geods tuitaBi* for tkw HtisksJ trade, which they idler at very low ptiaaa tat cash. ta tha tradst taair_,_m F"0K THE HOLIDAYS. II ALL A W ETMORE. No. ati ¦ ROADWAY, Offer d .ring tha Holiday seaaoa, W Hol,>."ALE AND RETAIL, A tary large a*seitue-ut of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOL*, -i itable fwR oirrs. Fish SLk CmbreUas, Brtdal Paraaats, larry ilsadla Cmbraiias, Roaaatt Partatst, I'arigoa Umbrellas, La Potat i'aiasoas, krenc-Q LmNtrha*, kr. ietae Ptiaawla, tut. |_£OLJDAY PRESENTS AltNOLD, CONSTAÜLK at OO. Will open aa Uduioaal ktt of MUHL. N DELAINES, CALICOES, PARAMATTAB, WOOC» rLAlDS, STUFF OAXIDS, Ac, km., SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESERTB, Oa MONDAY, Dat, RR For the ctTBTsnlstwa of cusUmart, tkaas as tit ara BWt BS at Dttas FtUcrut, and soul at a »«parate coauler. CANAL, assrawr af Maraar. HOLIDAY EKi sENTS.S1'E( IAL HALE . No. SSI Broadway-UBtil tha list last. I r aui An.»-..an DaVhalNRd.1*A Eng tad tsnerteaa CALICOES..14f Sr. -L t.i.st.liAait*.U, EOiL de i HE. RES.tt tvuta. SILa. ALENt IA.It strata, Kot ARD SILKS tworth«71 eastta).M strata. i KAN < U/l US H yuda aid*)) .it) tWSWB. Black and White SlLR. bandsosto .tt twata. POPL1KC ai.d V Ai.EJ.ClAB. sathtead.tt pat eawt Kleb Blwt SILKS.4»'. kMbKi.IHF.RIES. VAILS, ac, equally aJtaatn. re POt KAT HANDKERChiKF.a....4 eaata Preetawal» taha at R ii. Obserte W ACKsON. Import-f of Moamiua; Otiaa, No. ttl Broadway, batwaea Spring and r'riaf) ati HOLIDAY (ilETS. HOLIDAY (HEFH, aUeatrad aar StaamtMa Asia, achotos aarnlwaail af PARIS EM8stolIi: SAD it III BALD!" ( i/LLaRS. aad C 'LLARS sal CVrYS la .natch, POINT HONIION M U.TK>>: and v ALKNCIENNER tETB. '.OJ.LAa.h an«; HANItREaXtllEFal BLACK THREaD > ElLS. < oik f i Kr.S saal BtRBfAt), MEDALLION, INSERTION aad v ALE.Nf IENNES COLLAKj *ad -ET-i with li AN URt.kCHlEFs to AH very prat y and sppt opt late for holiday oifts. BAILEY, FARRlROTtAM k LESLIE, Ra. Broadway. H0UDAY liOODfl AT RETAIL by IRANC1B A LuUTREL. llaHiaarat, _No. 4R MA I PRE LAKE. 4^ 1 E S it USC0PE8 FOE HOLIDAY OIFTR. MASLRY A whiton, Ma. Ill Fajgaa-at., OtW their awry kvas ttaek af _ BlEREUfi.OPK- PICTURE", AT PRICES much BELOW TBE tOsT OF IMEORTAliUN.
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-12-28.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1859-12-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · IHK In KW-YORK TRIBUNE. Tille »KW-VOHR »«II.V TKIRI-VR


aa ptBLlrJHKI» EVERY MORninu ANl» EVENING<St it..,. K.icb.-aa),

By NtiRAi K OnKELEY . Co.mj ea* *wt»i '"*' *. '"»¦« <>». «i»»-.»r 4.1D nrrnpca

*.". «».»«'?'tb TNü CITT »

Bad ar_m're4 te Ujj Sakarafhwa « «, p., wfwi. M.!¦*¦¦'« **¦ f« aawau», »n -dsaiePe, t>" for sta ioouU*

mm* ».KK MKKKI.T TBIRI irA **by laBOi PtPER for tut rxii'-rRY

Iri»».!».--«-^!, .»,,»!,,,,,,», a tJ»* i»w-»?»»w #if*l ».>..'. 1" advance: Tr-Trw («alt fW ?»; F»Tf, rot»W fn,(. Tratapte-fn Twenty trt,..e_.u, .ne addre.. ,..1

larger B..i-ber M tb» rat« yf s>| p_ ummm). .» Tweult«. fcar* <*Vk«U,-1r-*, <?*-) .ny s.rr- H-kira.

flh, rate af »1 »n e^,,,, #»4. Al|_ ..._, ,. , rVfh o(m***l ** m0r* " 111 .** *-"*Vd t« an rltra »osy. Mi^ -rliHl»«!tmj SBBnWunoe at muv tu,-

r* »

Lja^TTTva-a . ?___" *».»»*¦ »00t ONE DOLJfciA 1KB LINE fr>r each raeertioo.

TBK »I1I.WKKKI.Y TRIRI «R.».»*¦ ¦1 " .**-r7 Tt aSvnAt »4 Earn it MwRBia«. Prtea «iBTI B.b» TwotowWefur *». ritBC«B»eafor »U 24.


iBBBh-b-H ab Iba departare «fmh Mail SteMMI hr LiYerpttoJa Bl pei aaaaat, t'mUß Wasoded. Mug* Cop**, SU («aia.



im.andhfcsa>e.r-.r,ed n the departure uf ajj Vi Mail S»e*inar for A apta*aaa\ at t) i ke par annum. Sins.* ( oplet. »t_ OaU

ftpuutl Kohir*.


"Tits' HI* (.real UnrM.nn. »f |,|fe.'>-Mrs. CORAV V llATt H arluiM. vrry \\ 1l>.N EHIU 1 rYf*N|NO_t 7

a'swa-k, at Clr.tu- Hail, Attor pls/e fjbjtet for HI IS EV Jt.VIMM: ¦ latax.iU.rty." TkksU Kaan*».TR« (.enaaa Heps V.Iran War«]?TuKa of ptsaTtatk

mmi V* k)rtaa.«t..r«k SS, o-eel at lh«ir regular im.'Im plate* ou

tBlVRRIlAY ftvRfclMO. 1 rc tat, Tara» l>. antTaiM alraraaia« rare, to IBM* Onm-ai. LrpuMiran fIraatraJ <la>a>aataata tat lOta. By arorr of tUr O.-rum Kr.pubtinau t>atral

H. KACKaf ANN, rrtsaideat: I« ht BBSiosa. r-'rr'y.

"Tbr Kt «1. h. I) Mnrrbartl. D I».,' mtu Artrfii.tat Ol R~r of PHtHT l.KA. rt'BEs, hr to" benrfit of to*f. Y i ITY LIBRARY A^StK iAni). »ttb-M t .

a*r*M af Martonand Britord «U. .... WEDNESDAY EVENIJkO I'tB. U. at 1, o'rtort f»utyrrt- Notrl. and NorafRaaatlTif.'' Adu-i.tt.-a »ctut». TtcasU for tbo ( oarta *UA.F. Dow, -r<-r. ury 8. URISWtILD, U. «.,

_IMrmaa <>f La at, t onriitt**.

~B«aali>t t .nrrnttan.- I br NATitiNAu Hr.al.rti a4-ttXlAllON. araaaiard in t»,mc bMa aaaaial publicaaatri .tralto. 1 abb radn.-nt »rrwi. will hold a ttraiid Maa-flaaSkB« in tbr I oowr lB>tltut<-, ou TCKiDtY, Da«. «7, IBM,at7a.au, awd Wk.DM>DAY, l>re 2. at t p. in. and 7 p m.

A4trra>r« »u; hr Jrlivrtr.1 ou PrT«onal llabita filial OasBBaaB,IWa, DWt, Dnara, NtMirum*. Hy«lsno. MrJi-a] Sy.tani*, tt,4t ADj..na tL. 'l>rak» r* i nratrd ara Jauir« C. Jaraaoo, M. Dt A t.otioa. kt. d Mr*, hiibiob Pace, M I» and M.a HarrkntP. ABotta, AI. M. Adn.UsioB fr. On FRIDAY, Dec »1, at 7B. m. Dr. Jtrttoii w ji adorr*. tl:r propir 111 Ina Bruotlyu 1»

«lerry f brUtmrta.Tk* fact that tart" B-Jinben of tbn p.ircl.uera «f tickets to the

.IRBBY tHRis'lMAS V N'l T UTA i N ME.Vf -it.-n fy Plyataatk ktbbatli .-rhool. at Ptyntontn < hurrh, Bnmklyu. on Mt.nawyrtroiur.wri. pta-saatM frrni etru enteric« the hn me bytkw tLroBt af tuA*e * ho bad uo ttckon. and wti" rou.d uot hetaetruried (rot:, rrv wding tbreufb the doora ba< kajeSetl theaJketrtaf tka> SthtK.1 to trranfe for a re|*tition o the eti!"itain-.eatR tti* n.tert . nn.. 11 toaalit* of t dorrs or morn tableant. lUna-

trattfe of f>eriptnrBI .obj.-tt*. ¦lur.tif wi.i.aare The ¥ludiax ofMaeto; Bamael before KM; D«virf nlayit.t before said; Thefkepherta on ihr l.nwn. an.I Paul hetotr Ariippa and en Bfl atlaaaiVr of intirurthrly snoiai and anmelus uldeaux. *urb aa

Tka Mateb Obi) eeanona),!.- Ylttteaal Washmttoa'a Dream;The Ftse Krr.ea tod Santa ( iai.t'a MtU; lntrr>per«e>d tritbracrtatiuue ai.d tiorU.' of a ChrttttBat Carol, and other tppropii-Bto wuale.

*l a-tele for adott«. 25 rentt; for rlnluren, IS re tt To be badtttly at M-fhewa . l iann atoie, No. tjlton et., Brooklyn,eatin iii R.-dA 1 KVENIMi. Tbe proc-Mthe Saokatb Sri.d llon.e Mlaei .n«rr Sard.Deer-optu at V, o'clock ; *uteri\ibineu;- to coii.n>auce at 6

tVtlorkTkketa narrhaeed for Monday Et>enln| wjli he food on tl... BB-

eattea, tad tbc a* a bo bold Ibeii. wui b~ adb.itte-1 at any li ve

afktr i o'rioTk- half an hour before the doort era opened to thepahbe.__Jeha llrasn ( autlou. Tha . nae to solicit anJ All

atart. 10 Brooklju for the JOHN BROWM rifOTOdllAPll.Batst afore hold by the yobuc B>an J. II. WARD, Is herewithrasotea. As Kr W a/d has had no Photographs «iu. e the 9thhast it avald be a rli for UUI to r> p > I htnmelf to BtalBBBBa.lately. 1 be p iblt-- bis luformed that there a-e now no Travel,fctt AteuU anvwbeie hy u.y authority.--New York, !>>c. Id,

MM. _iHApDEUd ufATT.~Hcalib~K.ar«iion Ihr WouieaT-in 'ritAH PAOE,M. D Piotea.or of Pbytioloty and Hyglea" In th" New YorkUyaiepatbir kledir.i 1 o ). r. will adJtr.. the paople 011 this.mmi iuipertat.t tabjact, 'I HId I) * N (tt . dne».Uy) *t 7 p. 01., tn

tha tei-e bail of the Cooper Institut«. Admission free.

"BwlUkeiua NtM»ce7.I'LYMOIJTM CIIt'Rl'H, UroetWn.

^U«, HENRY ward ItrlKliIKH 1'a.tar. All theWB la this ( harrh a 11i b.. oflrnsl for SALE t<> the hijjuwst

far *»s year, «a Tl KnUAl I.VK-.NINO, Jei. 1, eoui

at 74 . tlork. No poatrwiietn'-nt on aeooaul of tea

1 a.» st wart tt isarr stf iste Hnbtea tts-Stetioal «f twr

atecand-t.1. *<1. I Church, between Ateno«- t au.l I),wall he br. d rHla IV km no, Her 20 IHM. IV ! IIIM.kv. ill pre.ide st tL. ft,no. »uu »tue srtaral cf his popalar soug*.Eiet. lerr to rownieuce at < o'clock, lirke'.., kVi reult, children,half priceThe »-unit.i t-Nchtiol «I the l ot «»1 b-«i. >1. K

t hutch a hi .i«ti4i r.-'iueat, rep«-at tneir AnnivwrsaryRat reist« I HIS »V LMM*. Doors cpsa at bj o'clock. In

tisietsrs BBiutneDca st "t o'clock. Admlatioil fns«. C*u»-sari), fiieBds. If you would secure seats.

Lecture ho the Hot. \ta». II. Mtlhuni in theBRl-ohLYS AllirM I M, on TIIURSDA1 RVBNINli,Btthtri.t., alt o'< lock Suhjrrt. " Aarou Hurr." 'I lckrt«, 2.'.aaats for sale at tbr door.


'Ceatral M M. L'harclt.Jtb-at. and Ittktt..The Aaosaissrv of th<- -unday f>eh.e>l r. 111 >. ted with this t burcb s i

Ba be.i on 1 11 IS (Wednesday I RVKNIMO, >saaBBB** ins at 7.'clock Btu.i. si sud »ther e'terrmet by the < bolr at.J >cb..oand Addresse. bylhe Hr». ih.o. K. KKlTKLI.of P,.ii(hkeepals. and the Rat. J. P. Di'RIHN, D D.. of New-York Admitalaw traa.

The *««bb«lh-MrhAol connected with the CaatrtJ M. KChait b ,lh »t between .Mb and Itth «ts will hold their thirdBBBCal Airiiterssrt rn VI KDNEBDAY EVEN1.NO, ten. 2d. toetava.rui a at '{ o'clock. 1 ritudi of r>tbhatb-Schools nte iut liedBtatleuu Aduii*s,..|i fiBW.

~The I'hrlstniaa Anniversary el the U ilici. i. ,T|.B. ( karcb "sunditt-s»rhonl. ttlUbet.y reqiasi. repeetivlsa Till R*l>Ai K\ KNINO, Dee. Poors open at bp. m.

fc«etr,«««t.. cainutietiee) at 7 p. m. Tickets ii oeott- CLuIdren«MtMMh._'_

I"A Wieke« uutt Fereerae (;eaeniti*a lawketh

Bar a .»(.. ; " - \V kick, heios tutetuieted. Biotins those ue.W

tMsihllUVS cARDH. MAMMOill l'OSTEKB, aid olatautSICnx sad l>»ION"< of ev.ry nr.- sn.l p».'.r-i f.M p wVb so

.ash lasts By IBs El RI KA SHOW CARD to No. iU

Broaawsy. opposite lb*> St. Nicholas.Rate a.'u.bii.atl'.u. the his tst sttle af art. tad the lowest

Bksd af pnee JOHN S. WHAUP. p'rinctpal ttt-st.

t svaL*tpe<< Ilaatta.B tVT T 01 LET,JlMD FÖR CHlLDRJUk*.

Para OldPALM

Hh Cakes each IVsrktfa.t. ka katl of Drnttyksw. and

, L. noJf%Manaiv-tarera, No. it*J lattl-aj N. T.

KwuDtalnV India Htare.81LEF, ( HINA. LAt ul t it t I RIOBfTIBB, A

Asoriicar.. ludian, and Krench KANd.No. «3M kROADWaY1_

<%rlatauwa anal rWer-Y eurVt Preaenta.


LCCIl'S 11A BT,Not. 4 and a Rnrttnc »ftp.

A Bsriss aaaortsr-aat af nrhly k ILVK It PLATED WkREmicLTd ItKAt MM HOLI'tAk and BIO I» «I. ÜIFT«.

RETAU.INO at WHOLEBAX.B PRICKSCefa» and 1 r* t'ras rrom »» ta Castars ftoai... #7 to .*»

ft. K»U frou..»:teetO Cak. Ba^tU »J^*«faj.«,4 U. aw Pitchers.tWo * 1»

Aaw ( hiidree's t'usw In triat ssrissv Farks and Spoons.Bat. Teta Ret .Botler l'irke» HresAfastCaotari to.

CwwtraT Park Hhale KaaisttrlaBa. SKATES¦RAI Es' «RATES! for Ladl«a ai.d lesatssatea. tiirlt and

Rsya I ntluh l.erruao, An.ertcaui (tiford l luo I'm r~ Albett.

thsHak loa Korkrr Hail Ko t»r Shsiafka« Rtseker Ootta Per

_a. Beaoi. Rismisar. Patent Kotarstbla. ha. PldUdalahaa link

CONOVER t WALKER. No. MJ BroadwayTOOl THEBTKafall sites, for Hoy. torn AjnaU'Ut. of tstr

tWSB Bttine sp. A asofnl pretent_Wltteelna ef Wartb-ac. n - < o-ua»\u- »(.: ut. t st a

asssu.iol the proporty owi.ns u> fsror of said iinp«o_sui.oCSaJke . trport U lb. o«.eef JohB Sherwood. No. 0*

.way. THIS DAY (Wednesday*, at 3 o'clock. u.n_ Partis-eotsd kt. and at fator of ihr wtdenutg of Worth sc. are

od to attend.

Vtw IJnblirotiorMJ.




B* Cataia* i.*s«.kt oa* sal Itaoo heaNtlfally prtuUtd OB tiated pspar-

Erice «1 »*.A lew larfa Pap. ' ( opt*-, cioth fist bopa.

Price it SO. W11

NMhhea by WILLIAM V EA/IE, No*, tt and ft CorabhL^s*c salt hy all Bt)***a-kar»


Hue home joijTWsUs, m ^______A PA PK R EO« THE HOMES OK (JOOD TAhTK.

_,Moaau A W tu it. Ed.'.ora.

R'kfc the Jaaasx-v nuaibtrfor 1W will heain the pol liratlon.f a aew _d'-aot'ifBl ot.,l__l work-f l_rta-.dli -t.J- w..t«i

WSai.0/ loi 'J'aa llot-e Jourosl «nt.'.lru

A Rob sat s or Aaaai. ts rl "TOBT.

|saoB.r.rec.,pir.'oi tb«n.-» »..!utna will be »riBtssl lhau ar .

"del. ih**,, who .lasirato beta, wuh the <¦ ,u .-.u-ot o

.t year Will tetltle to do so bj fo.wa'dtn» ti. I SB - -l|S|onttaarr. Tara>s-Eor one ropy, t>t. '»r three . ooie., or on

«Mw three years, ti. f«r a rlab af aattrn twplea. t>M; far a

.abef htteenro. ie* t>M; and that rata for a Isrget el.ib.-wsy.-adtanra. Addre«« ilOBRItA vViLLl», IC. Eultec si.


fOKH, MEADINO LESBOMM, hr.. la llehtew, Chald~sJTrlaa, Arabic, Oreek. Laliu. at^ all Modalb Lancoaaet, kjr aal«

.»JOHN WILEY. No. W Walk, r .1.,Afenl f.O tka Ct.ted Slatea

fctaiigatt gratis, tad mallet) < b fee elpi ef p*»u .« ¦' w

.1 1

Vou XIX.N« tym.mam .... . . I****' ThU Moraine,:UK SEA LIONN;


r-i.-v . H-MUnai cooper.B«*»f XII. I or jttgir, of U New Kdltioa of < oop.,««««., Im I Da.*-,. (rown ^#AKTV_,. ,

«».*. Priee, «1 bp.ate precedlai toltrnee arn:

1.the P10NEBR&


in.THK last OP THK MOHlOANtt.




Vll..mi; PILOT.

VULTHE wej'T OF W I rill 1 ON wi8h.

IX.THE headmman.



I'nifoTm Volume* in alte, binding, aud i>r >. .. ($| it eanh).They wul i.» »hi bp mail, j-oet paid, to ui »ad.-ee*. on rnee.irtof #1 5e ptr volume.


I'AKI.KY'N OOOPEB VIGNETTES.At the tug..tloa of ntimerou* Arliat* and Amateure, too Pub-

.u v ,... ,'KOom ne'oreUtter .* <-l two of tb« beautiful Stool V .gnetie., engraved fromJ)AHi»n ¦ Iimlgn. lor tpjt New lllu.tr»:. j Kdition ol CiuriH't\Suhk- ?b**e thev prepaea to iaeuc in f.uio*. each containingtight proof*, «nd ce. b pro«! aecenipanied wltu o pace of >-.i.,r

plea* draoipine ol the picture 1 he proof, are being printedwith the uiuioot coro, ob India, and batted oa the n-eet breach1'ialo I'eper. ha h foUo » i.i be m a cover of h<ulr otuaiueutaide.lfo printed in tint.ftiLlue USB a nil l wo are now ready for Subscriber*, and the

rtu.aimn," r-u *»iil .«. * ,t luterval* uf iwjor ihrre uioutht1 KU K lu II b»( itU;Kits. I'llKEK Dui.LARd l_t

I OhiO.A. the proof, are limited lo a .aiall number .'only 4*0 impree

tiou* fiotu eaeb ph.. ), a'ter wnicb the plain* are lettered, *oth»t no more i to ue taken, no *ubeeriptio_ will bo received ea-

irj ! .jr IL.- u ,1 .el.W. A. T0WN8ENT) k Co., P.hiinlner.,


Ho. 40 Walker at, New Yeik.


No*. M and 348 Broadway,Have now ready:

(iEV E N V IG 4B9iBy Jl Lit KaVana.ih

true volume, l?mn., Ui pare*. Uith, 61 r. nta Paper, % rent*,rroni tb« Boston Dally Aovertleer.

Miss Ravane|h la *u,qti*.tiun«bly one of trie moat agreeableroe.ur.rrr. ol it,e day. There 1* a remarktnle charm and fa.. i-a-

tiou in Ler atoriet, which au« know* hoe to male iuterc'.mg.She live* a great reality to bar pereonagn., goihg into toeb mlnute detail ol their action* and moii.i . Ci.-.i her reader* »>;ii

roiiir to l|.,«itiHe that ibey are dnaliup with real tuen aad women

and find tbein^Ive* ayn pethialag mo*t »lacerely with then ivy*and »o.'iow*.

D. A. k Co. have rererrtly publlahed new edition*. Id onlforuiityle, ot |haj following u 'eieating work, by the eatno author:

All! I K: ATale. I (hick v. l. |2uiO. Uloth.Al 25WOMEN tl> CURlSllANIl>,k.templaiy for Piety

and Charity. ]2ruo. Cloth. 0 HN.\ IIAI.IK: A Tale. 12mo. Cloth. 1 on

MAIIKLINE. !2mo. Cloth. 0HAJ.«V l.l'KNh. 12mo. (ilvta. 1 OfttlHA. K LEK. I rol. 12uto. Cloth. ... I HORALtil.L ORAY. Wmo. Cloth.. 0 75

I? LIQaBT HOItlO A|Y B o o K .

" Live ever, rweet hook ' be who wrrde thee wat the eaera-

tary of eloquence, the bretuh olpliin Muane, and the houay >ee

ol rja* daintleet llowere.ol wit aaduait.".(Gabriel Harvey.


The aunui.uevu.euA of* whn h i,...beeu »o etloaAreiy oopaed bythe l.-aduir paper* ol the eotuilry,

ARE NOW READY,toevAuuae at*



LIKE ai IHK At I IIOR,I , U mi Okai. ..*.].,

Of M*id«J. iet v !ene and the Inner 1'eiapbkOne hanuaeute voliuua*, HVO.

Ch lh BeveledHoard..IN to* «2 36.

The puMLber fee!* a .<t pridedu iutrsducliui tbie editi;>a ofSir Philip Mdney'a wark* te the publir. It 1. annfeaaedly one

of the ftue.t apeelmen* of ho.ikintkiux ever produced iu thi*count.y. 'I be cuar auliqi.eejrpe, tbernrii black iak and the II-luu Uiated title and "preiac*.. a'ter the old tt>l«, cainoi fail tu

pleaee all lover* of hue booka.It i. pruiled on an decently tinted laid paper a uf» ttylo,

aad never bt tore mtJiufacturedyiutuit eountry.

T. O. H. P. BURNHatMtl'uhli*ber.

No. Ii» \\'a»hin;tou .t., Ho.ton.

Till moat fnH.iniitini! HOOK of TRAVEL eve;

publtahed In thie country.HiiiM V\ ALI-M lt'EKT TO CASHMERE.

A Jot aatt. or Kita \ BAM n Ei aora, Aha, abd ArmiCA,ll| MINI. V I.ITB l> IUI, '2. "*, '4, '& AAD '6, to TUB Dax-bboka Ibub Miaaa, Taov, " Thb Sbtbh CHracaaa,"Jem ..un, am. I'kika att. trk k'Imiii or tub

Rat aar Mt riaipe, Cawbpou, Lrt K.iow, Ac.,CatHBBBB, KlilBBB I'as« TO APOttABaf

TAB, JATA. CHI.VIA, ah. M. . t:

With nearlv 100 fullnago Uluatratious.By JO.i.N B. I ItELAN D, aaq.

Trier, iu tuueiin binding. »I; half-call eaira, t>4 60.M. DOOLA0T,

No 4» Walk-i-et." Tbl. 1« e work of .urTauaing &t traction to all who feel *u In-

terett in the countries auii people* which it de*criueo. Th.» Aa-

tkor a.v* the narrative 1* taken from a journal 14 hi* mother.trUi h i|daip* the familiar etyl*. The illuatrationt are a pleatingfrat- re ol the toIbcm eAU-mely apirited in de.irn. and eieculedv. Ith r. ii a.k«bie htuili. We prnnuirnro it oue ot the moot enter

tainlBf and vtlnahle booka of Ita kind.". N. O. Delia.



IN THE St'MMKR OK 1«>3.¦JfRRiftPf




Aar. raoraiBTOBt or

THE II OK T II Ii LT I' Rl SI,No. 2i TAMM ROW, New York.

The moel valntble and complete tatcitmeat of BOOKS ae

AORICÜI TCRE, HOR I H l l.TCRE. KI'KAL ART. audllOMksT K llOSOMi that can be fuund in the country, coo-

.taxlly on baud. Book, aeut by maü. CeAehvie* pali*.


The Pub.<aiiera, allhouth aware of the wonderful merit*af thio

book, art not nrrparej for thel. RKAl DKM AND,

Aud Ihr larie edition they puhli^ied h exltanete-l


r. B« T I I. T O N tt Co.,pi el.lSHKRS,

No. 161 W eahnifton *t optvoeile Milk. Boetou.




THE SKATING.POND I .: PITTON,Cootainu.g aatbvritatire lu.irurtion* to vieitor*.

Price i lent..

C. M. HAXTON, HAHKER * Co.,Agricultural Book Pobluh. r..

No. *AA PAKN ROW, New York.. Taa Kr.t Nbw-Ybab'i Pk«h«t

lo. ,-tat make u> a Sot of

W a \ BELE v NOV E L8.TICKNORATl PIRJ Ml kaiUn, JtiTOla. Half calf, lima., *>.>; "all

eel/. *.!«'.Portaleby M DOoL(AI>y,

Ntw W'ALKP.R-BT.N. R .A liberal eieeeunt for eaah oa all bojk* danuf toe


1 KVINC» WORKS..rp-town derxwitory for,. _ ... _r r_,.,.. \\ p,,r ibe convenience of up-tnwa

eeaid »' tr .£'_cv& been e.uoi.ahed al MILLER. kfxtU«WS A^ .i VsbAt T-iZon*,ot tlroadeav tad f-ta-.t waere

ihe beet and bvteaiTeditlon. of Irvluf* Work, iu »aitod. plain and

oleaant haadlntv uity iw btl fie.h Pa. h work put up in ceaee

A*", rTkOANT t.lKV liirnKS iu rith bladimy, eompneu.«the neweet ill atrat-d work* of the day.afWARD POETS AND PRlVsfc W KITERS.


NI I w WO R K .-SPECIFICATIONS ANDa.4 tiiNTRAlT-. Br Pkorai*oa I)o»ald»ob, Arrhitecl;

t_dtfef.-.t K.ic-!. .:.d >¦.'.. .'< .-hite »ed *»t\»'.contributed their Seecibc-aiooa, with iWhp» I an. Re..

Mtl.evret.hed hv N. VrtM-ta aid other*. AI*o. THE LAW tif

TotSttV By W. C. Lt.«. Btt.i-- A.il U twa v.u.

Maa AtAAltlil.r.T tt to.,

rrloe *. No iog (rrral Rueeoll-et, Leaden.

VOU-WILlTT1NI) RD RewWrtOrerit of GOODI BOOKS r..r PK KSK. NTS Je/hlidr-n *ud oth-r. at

" rOWLSK * wTXXt*** N->. Hr.»adwty.

Abe Steraotcop*' and . variety ef the el«reot'«au-


0 <,KM ,NK a'"1 .'».MAHLE HKHiUA-,_j

rB' "tiH.ni«. by, tod for the BENEFIT of um k AM-


In oneeiegtat Ilm« Toi-is* af als.t f»> p_/w,i printedM «j-rfine paper a-:d handsomely bound ia gUt -Jot., f «)ynla.tiaien .ad e_heUl»hed with aMAUNIKHENNT Si EKL-EaORAVED PORTRAIT OK

THE OLOalOfd OLD MAN.by (he beet artist ia America, from a dac-erreope entirely _fferei.t fron, pbotogrtphs. and be.at the only ant._-nt.e )ike:.e*a ufIke 1 Uilantiuopun aad Pain, t which baa y.-t ar-pearvd.

FrV-e «M*

Id Pre., end t., re Umed iai.;.ed_telvf>n.pi Ising m areouBl of bis Early Life In Y notb aad Ma,hovd up to the period if _ta »..in» to Kansas, together with anIntensely interetttn. Nsrrative at hit t sr*. i n tnat T-rnt.,ry,givit-g auifcf nllr. irciaua cf hit Earn .ut harte-» »Uli til trat da-tada of hie Ui.t Attempt to Liberate the Sla-ea at Harper". Feus.Va., inclcding .1. -utlre i'rieea Corr*aj>nnd*te-e. and lbs PrivateLetter* tu bit Family, not hitherto pn.ii.hed. Alto.


Tl.». important doer.mcii! hat not and will uot appear in tnapabliv prea., a. it L the d»aiir of bit friend* woo own it that itt-oobl «irpe«r. ir!n«iTely in cor pub i-aiioa Pf)R THK BENE¬FIT ua HIS FAMILY , tod any leprintlngof K wiU the prot¬ested an tn UiMngetnent afC. vj: unt. Uf tills Autobitrraphe it

«uuV.. ut to a*y that nuihir.e ..f the kind, tine^i tha A.tooiofr»r'.j of Krsnkiiu bat t«.i, p.a.b.b.J, which it at one* to . barac-trrvtir and -n inters «ring.A l»r«e per .. mit,. n .^ry trvpy anid it ...r-«l by <v.nt-v t'¦'.".".ily of < apt Blown, aad lkit work ia putdktfard uaaer

tb.ir sanction and approval, at may be eeen r»y u»e flowinglettert:

* .¦

Extract of a Utter from Mary A. Brows, widow of Lent. Johnbrown.


" "»OKTa El«» Dec* 1W.Messrs Tmir.R A Ei nailH.r IV.: Friend. I am tali-

tied that Mr. Redpath it the man to write the life of uuy biaovedbi.eb.i_d, at be wt. parton&ily aeoualuti-d with him. and taintv. i.l do mm jiittioe, * * . I think that tiw Portrait it atery goou one. . *..

.' Yourt re-pectfoUy. MARY A BROWN."Letter fr«m Salmon Blown, °on of I apt. John Brown.

" NoatTH Elb». December. 1*49.Maarrt Th.tbb A ELnaiDtta. Dear Sirs: I wt> nwaktl

trq.il.icd with Jamet Kedpath in Kitnsaa. I am al.o faruihaxw ii. hi. writinft. and I mmider hi nan ante Moirapher, and taaman above all otb- rt to write the Hfe of bit beloved Lubar 1believe hin. to be a man of undoubted veracity, and fuby believeh>- e il) d>. ju.tice t» the work he has nndertu.n

Yoon respectfully, ^ALM<»N P.ROWV "

W e under.land thai tbe-r I* in ciretiUiion, in an underbai dmanner, a work porportinr to he a Ltf- of Drown. wai.-li i»merely a eonpiU'eSn from the ntrw>|«per« of the day. coi.f tee 1.contradictory, and t.ery way unaatitfartoey. The public a si.>,turned acuiottail twh tpuriBua, mercenary, and deoepli>ep'ibllrateona.


Lawaaa or üri aiott ¦ Lira« or Btuwv"

WAIT AND (IET THE LK-tTbr only Antbentic and Reliable Work, wiitteu by Browa-'i oldoomiade in Kanaaa,

JAMEH REI>PA i ll,and f.ubiitl.rd by

THAYER A E .DRIDOENot. 1M fid 116 V\ aahiiijTloo at., Kotloa, M at


Now Itr.«r v thb Saoc.-n EniTieia.WILD FLOWERS.

Dkawb mi i .urn raoa Nati kb.By Mra. Baruaa. 1 vol., larrs folio, with Ztpaae colored llh atraltona. In 'I ntkey Dior a Ii. lu Aioeni uu f <orac«o, Bit M.M ra. Sienniney .a .

We cat ill ea the annaia of woman't history, in all a|«a, la.radure a parallel Utalance of artiaüe taste, genius, aad indostry"

Itwlüba hard to produce a Btore elej-not, attraetiea. aadpartnaheBtiy beautilul tolunie than this." |N. Y. Otteresr.* It it a repository of l<.»ebast beauty. sti:o tu (Saasa atary

refined taste. * * * A more appropriate welcome fiA la a

parses of refined sentinient it would b" hard to iu_t(ii.a " .|B.Y. ("ourisi and Eonuirei

" VA e liaie never se-n to (nrtaous s volume, ur ,. ue whichwas lb itai if «o elat.orste a work of art, or so aaset a reproduc¬tion of nature.".J Hu.tan Couirefatfoualist.TITf'oMH'S, TITMOTil» -onl.li ml!.; La-ra_u tw

Yoi si. Ps..ei K. l7mo., vols. rloth, full fill * j«

BlTTk K-fWIKI Llath, fall fjfkt «113.SAUNDERB, F.-.MOSAlI'M. One vol.. Umo. PI i'-i'natrd

Tltss, sad fall tih. S>2 in plsio rlotb. 9 I ti.1)1 A H N OF 1 hi- RRVUJ 1 It i.V. By > rsuk Woore. » vsit.

Svo. s>i. (Sold hy ajhacrtptinn. ITWO NEW JUVENILES.

THE STOBY OK IIIKt,KA\ AIHKAN PABROT,\t ho waa r~sttaed by the little Sailer Bo; in ih. Hi., i tsbeaahow ho wtUiile«, and bow he talked, inelodlna bit treat bat-lie w ilh the Monkey., w hi h la-ted six weeks and bow aehahavt d durUis the awful sbisrwreea, laf-thar witb souaa as

aonut of his latter data. iiv Harry firingo. Una vol. bvatsauatr 12uio illustrstion. Trire 45rsnts.


t Bt Hill.NEK, No. lJ4 I.-rand s?., N. Y.


THE AMERICAN TRAUT SOCIETY has on hand a Urgestock ol its on n rubiicatita t tbitabss for Hall.lav Presents to all

eJaaaea. Kessral thonaurd dollars worth of Otlf BOORS in

the wliut of the uiaiu budding were saved ft-.in lb" fare in perfectcondiiun. Amol..- tl.e allgi.tly daauagi-d (hit Voiume* ... dufer-sot t«w a, 1 undieds are beiug foond acoeptabie for rraernu to tbri I.Dd., no, t-uwion and other Manbath ScbovU, and are told at

redoesd pri.-et.The Society hat a beaotifnl assortBtest of the Usnet of the

[*OKDOM RELlt.KH I TltAtT bOt li TY, and of THoS.NELSON k SONS of Edinburgh, many of th-m with richly-colored and othe. eugTatmg*. Alao. a large end hue aaaortutent


TRACT HOUSE, No ltf NastBiett., N. Y.


t I RIoSITIEs.Edited by Juni Jtt Sbith. sjkj. Hacond Series.

Its sonteDta rante throusb the entire period of Anw-neaa "islorv. re.u.iiinr with He Brr't Engraving of IV.lomhua, naaar »e

fora copied. d.K-onx'uta of latereat relating to the various esio-»ia«, si d msny

ORit.lNAl. MEMENTOES OF THE REVOl.t t luNIt outaint 64 plalet of far- limiiiea af c.nout and inter»atlng

reit, t A apleudid volume for the renter table or the library.in penal Uuart«. Eine ( >tb Binding. Out.# <

Half Mororeo, Utlt. 10Full Morocco Aatiaae. 1}

A few soi ls* auly have been printed oa eatrs thick paper,rural folio, hao'dsouiely bound ui half mori,>oo, gdt. IJ

l HARLES B. RICHARDSON,Pnbliabar, Nc J4d Broadway.

Far sale hy Bnoksrllers everywhere.

jVKW REYOLVINQ STEjAJJOSWrii,I tonted In Amerhsa by Iba London Staraosooptc tosnaatry,





WALNl'T. DoaheS I . asse Shaded.*>»MAHOOANt. Dwabkl l.eiwet. <!eded. VROSEWOOD Doahis Lause«, Shaded. *»

A BhessJ dwaoant oa all woods > ipplied to tha Ttada.UJNDON STKREtsst'OI'lc CO.

Mo. J. « SRO AI» \\ AT ^suart.


Will ho ready in s few days, and wfll tsaaaaklt





Alao, tha btstary mt soma imporunt b.a whiah wars Bab's

hat Btiled ta heeaane ktwa.A BRIEF SKETCH sf Iba lata WAR IN ITALT.¦ATI RNS OF KLECTIONS sa ail the fkatas noidkag) Oaw-

artd RiastJoaa darin« tha ywar 1«W, eavet-ly eotnisissd uprsaakjk>r THE TRIBl'NE ALMANAC, aad aotnparad wtU form**

atari rat for aswveadeot ratatwacaA LIST OF n ATES-CaisXals, Osrswratam. Thaiaa af Hold

hag GassstV Elrcoant and LtwisUtf.' Seasr.oat ac


ass yaart lMt, IS**, Bad ItSB aad athar ktt^satiaf ao-trad mm>

«Mo« (y^sssaas arwpald). shnjU aa-iaa, II rs-ts, AsTtarioaa osat

.opt«w.Rlil«wtwak».RAL-eeat oy Esprwse, »7 pee 10*; lie*****Set .1"OrtVva. lüiimti1 J wah tha eaah. r~«pertfairy iiHahil

-JJJJ" HORACE ÜREELET k Co..Tnhuaa Buildiatw, New Tar*.


NE new everv moath in the year. Each month rootaisr

g'n'pMetot eirallent reading and aeariy at ruatiT b*«uti-ij!".tniri'n., etited he that priora of writer, for ehtyrea ROS-

KT kl K.RkY. for orly an. JslMrBVaBg Tse l^ataart nuwojrt.it.a s stee! eogrtviaj of I NI LE FRA.Nh. t> 1 a yaar.

t^E*B^v^^ei7ia for THH YEAR now ready roa-

i*lr.ln*'c.ulv W eng-avuigs and fillsi with cj >i.read_t-. gfor.NKU Y K Ail s PRaRERI Ao ...

sat tat lt,«y^"8TEAR>ia _ tt>., No. II» Waats-tt-.N. r


aTEREOSCOPIC ILLI SION,how yoa tea h; aaw yow daut"



Y, DECEMBKK '28, 1K>9.

£ i< r r i ~d i 5




>¦ «bktj tu


WW**ctt b»a. the ore* of Ue Reader* a



Owaani ekbtao


99 Tea



TkU pew.-r.'o! ftOTj, morr eiri-iaajp drenW » tMa DVAn-rt

" Tar of iko Two CRie.,* j a roojj »i-


from -war of tb* rarioci and i< »p'7 late: erlag epUoeVt Wuieh

loaf to ibe Li-torj of < Mr ropul* Ifta tort, bat a. which the

i uu) obterrer »e*« tad boar* aethrnp I: hat beoa »od ee-

»rrrrd hai lbare U a


rod lb* tnUor a.' Etfitda 'ojane the rloatt cow*, and taewt

the tirlttoa* to Ibe world.


a»*rr tu fi. oi ckavtMter, aad mrj iaeJdkaK tad adroalare

whicbtr I aiU.i* Citr Liar, are (reaped wAh . aawter

hand la U.U


The Morj, wide It »iRlMu, with lerrtbJa Uatafaiaa«.


Will bo cuaJ la ra**lT iat*v«*tia| aa a Raoaaaa, >uJ MMl

If* *a a


t botb te.ea, kitd *»*rj rata* of *aadaaa

Taa bVasaa r*



Ara kid baU aa


ted Uo Proprietär» of ibo


aaueipei* for It a pcooatrfej aarar bam Mara aabtarad bp tarr

Morr oi MeUoauJtan Life publUied at Uda ooontrr.


WUl atamp adallblr spaa the atiada of *R who road the Taio tt*

Bm*t ftartuai uectdcat*; tad law pabdaaVar* feol araarod laot, a*

a Uinaipii «


ruitirilib-J w ih aaaj



wM boibo


la lAe *Vr*avta>cal »f **t*ra-rt to »k_k dWJeeaa,


'J'HE I>DFJ'tKl'E\T of THIS WEEK.pibtUAod TOMORROW WORMNl.. wi_e-»Uiü



Btbjeet: "THK I'KKACHl'.l;;be lag a papai*. peetae d**criptioe of Whitaead.


eeatribetee toother freeb ar.d eparl-: t

LF.TTEIl FKOM ITAL^.TLa aat aap«« wul cantata



No. 5 8-knmoet.N C


#*,«. COPIES have been SOLD.Plow i* the lime.

Too* W *b* Week teat i* ereeiiBg to larieh.xrttcrjjetatIN com. I!! *s

Lor. Mate. »01, *** patoot. t loth. Priea »LOeteve edrtieu. Paper (.overt, Sa cent*.

Poa Saui at hn(*««u aa* ibb Nawt a..b«t« Bvbbt-wkbvb.Ai 'I I^ B AU1 KTB » vn i'm)

to onR thee* work* the oooetry throe.'h. ftrmt liberal,blagie cup*** iocl to any addi-**, oo»t paid, on ic-eipt of price.AAdBMB A. R. Bl'RDIl'K. PabiUbrr.

_No. Ml Ntaaan at. Now Tor*.

~«h E iTeW^YORK TRIBUNE.THE TRIBUNE.now atorotanataRMoBBI 7..rt old. and neeeag

ever . .tutor of a B-itica of aah.Iben or constant porch.ere,i toted through every K.it* and Territory of oar I'atoa.trillettattnot a, itweott what k baa been.tbo earned ehauipton ofLiberty, Protpeta, asd of whatever will roaduce to oar net.mal

growth ta Vtrtae, Indaatry. Ruowledg*. tod Proepervty. It willemi'anoe to arte the *4nej« ipoiiue uot only of the Block laborerwees thalteat. and letal impotence, bot of tbo Wane Ukawiaa{reai Land Monopoly. Intemperance. Ltuurance. and liial dependoaee oa reiueto Markeuwbioh peralyaeo eiertioo by denying to

Pail any adequate and morally rartaatt reward. Rauevuix thaitee clJuef evil of oar time ia the Inordinate uultipticalioe and dio-

pr.portico of Now Producer*, it will ooutinue to war again t*. » aal¬

et er lentil to degrade Manual Labor, or deprive it of ite juot aadPail r-compaain. Il will inflexibly rouuneud tbo policy of win-

aaag artbar from Europe iho Ceerai Art«, and, wherever ihey maybe needed, lb* Artieanooe well, lor whoee produce our ooaatrym now running roeAleealy into debt, while our laboren ruaai RtB etil «et qoett of empwyruent, leaving their ekddren in waul ofbiiod, though the farmer a, loo often compelled to tell hit rropt at

aaeet beaoVftvaaU ptieea. Ia ehort. whtie healing againol Ptiatue-verlern ead every other manaleetaCioa ef tiial evil tptrtt whicheaeka through tbe . poHe'.ioa of other eountrle« thai tgi-ptiidiaeuiaaiwhich I* to be trtily att.ined aaly through tbo die derelopemaottad rufUvatioa of oar internal reeoarcoe, it will urgently adv., at*

t aiore ewectiTely dieruroinativ* Tarif tbe freedom of tbe Pab-ae I aade, the loaatreetinn of a Railroad (rum Lie navigable wa¬it. of the Mieataippt to Ihoeo of lb* Parlfi ai d every other

aMarare which aeeaot ta «a calculated to oaiiaace tbo diguitr or

Boo reeoa.penee of Labor, and promote the well-benig of MankindTbe .. meoreeelble ronAiet" between Darkaew end Light

Inertia and Progroot. Slavery and Preedorn, movte etetdily ua-

aare. I.oaxled ac' tot lo lv aud nanlne** i»a) 'or tbe moment givee eeeinmt advantage to \Y rong; but Ovd tltll reigne, aad toe A4OSare true to Huroaiaty and Rignk The year ISau uiutl vntaaaa a

BUBBotlblii eoattirt be-.wee* iheae irreexiiarUabU »uUg.e^l.la. Theoaoetlea " Snail Hutuaa Slavery be farther didueed by the

power aad endet lue dag of the federal Uuion t" it now to a>terre a auune.oee If not a oeteriuaive anawor. " fjtnd fur the

Laadleaa. venue Nearoee lor the Neaioieoe," ia tbe bauW-ery oftee oaabtvtuod Milboat who, luting jiwt 1wept Penntylvarda, Ohleaad tee Hürth-Weet, appear ia too new t ongreee, sacked byaeaeiy eve. brae beata. la iliattnd a r~ ognVtWo ef every avau'erlahl 10 eaJtivate and Improve a Bardlcuju ol the earUi't tarfacawaarevoaBe baa not tna enlletgedad bp lawSeataVe tmu 11 to

another. Prem Heute*, and the ooiewrration of tbe nrgta *o4l ofthe Territoriee to Pre* Labor.two reqa.'iienetl, but one policy.¦Beat larptiy tbewrb U>e ai'.i atiou of Coa/reet lh:ough tli* entuutgteeeaea, aa of tbo People m the *n««eodi,i| Presidential oaurtte;tad, whatever lb* iiiimediele leeue, we rvutnot d >ubt that the ulti¬mate verdict will be iu accord at oe.ee with the dictate* of Impar¬tial Philanthropy and the inalienable Rigbtt ef Maa.Utvlag made arrangement* fur toiler aud mure graphic report*

mt ike duUun 0/ 1'ougieM, u*d of whatever eua uaueptnag at tea

federal Malropoha .hat! b*tjBl worthy of public nvgard. and htr-

Ug extended both our KorrlfB and Doinootic t'orT**pood*tii« andetrenatbria-d oar Editorial tuj. wa believe Tas Taiai aa mayeafeiy rhauVng* a oomparitun with any rival, wltetaer a* an et, *-

aaat of phtkripiea or a* * rebaide mirror of tlie pauing world.We purpoee not to be i irpae-'d nor a»t.cipated la tbe rollectienor praaeatatiou of mtoiligeixe. tiiough we etchow that reputationlet aatarpne* which 1* *ro,ub,d by brlhuig ineatengor* and oitrkala pebkk eoTtooe to eorialva at the preniatar* pobtioatbat of traaaaaor ether ofhcaU doemnenta. VS * yrta» a&urauy ut atalecieut

emie a* highly a* promptitude, b it endeavor not to Oacriflce thebvtier while Mcurinr tl.e fum.er **eaaa*M(7, Tbb TanarBB willbe what K ha* beeu while we aualj c. .».'!'. to l.i:prov»be every featnie, tad " make -arh day a ritic .« _bj Utt." Tbegameral verdkl of ta* Pre** and the Pcl Uc hat *flurn"d the totv

eeee of our peat ktaert, and tboee of lite tut ore ahall b* chart.,taf-iaed by eajuai eeraaaiiieee and aeaidmty. We *ak thoee wbe ba>R*v* the general Influence of uar joarnal to bo -aiiatary la aid aa

ta uleading that Biflaeete tauuaah ta uaereaae of ear aubeetip-aVaaa.THE NEW YOKK DAIEY TR1HUNE

It printed oa t larr* Imperial theot, aad pabkavaed every m.inJafand evening (riuneU)t eic pied). It c«ot*ant Editonaa* oa the

lepat* of the time*, .-nipe.yiag t large crpe of tbo beet aewepeperwriteri ef the day , Domcotic aad Poraige Correepotvnwce; Pro-

1 id Longreea | Report* of Lecture* City Now*; Caula,Horte, aad Produce RUrkeU Review* ef Beoaa; Ularary Intoi-

Bgew-a; Papert on Merhemr* ai.d the Art*. Ite., Ac. W* euiveto Baak* TUE TRJB i. NE t %*v*popT to meet the wan'¦ of tbe

pnbbc.ktt Tee arapbae a»wt alone ftoatmg era* $lk,utB) per

TERMS:THE DAILY TRIBUNE la uvalled to tuboertbert at R« per¦MB, in advance Rl Par tlx month*.


b poMbaned every Traaaar and Eaiatr, tad reeaibn aB ta*

EdltotioJo of the Daily, »lib the Cettia, Horaa, aad tieaeral Marbeta, relumty reported taprataiy (or THE TRI 4{.'.'<£ Poreaaaand Dotneelit Corraepondotwo; and danag t_< teeatue* ef < mgiiieek euavuvia* t autuinarv of Cengroto taatl duiaga. » BA IU* aea uc-

p*uruat rpaecJa-a We thali, a* berotofore, mat* TilR dr.MI-WEEEL Y TRIBUNE a Literary, a* wed ta a Pabriaai oewapa-per, and wo are totem iaed that It aaoai laiaiiB a* tbe Aaat rankof eatnily papara

lyeer.RS Rlra Coptee. one year..# | 1 ARlaut vpne, one year... 5 .¦!> n ..vr aUJr - dO IMITee op**, or e. «r, to eifdrr** u/ eavA **,>*rri6er, t>% *JjO irtöhAny pereue erawng a* a club of twenty, or ewer, «HB be eetatlod

ta aa extra rcpy r or a tlab at tfty, w* wttT toad The Daily TraV

THE 8EMI-W EEELr TRIBUNE la teat to Clarry-taa at

RS per Mino*.

THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE.t atrp* eigiitrjoge aaxtw far tb* onuotry. la ptthlaabed evwry Botaa.

day, aad aonuvmt lUhiotiala aa ta* ioxportaat toptet of the ttrsea,lb* new. ef lb* week eutereetacg oorreopoi.danow Rvan aR pant ofthe world, tbe Nrw-Yert Cevtie, Horte, and Produce Marteat,atnrnibig aad rtaattde PoÄlkai, Mwibaaaea), aad Ag^aarf eraltrtaraea, RcW* akeJu. during that year, aa laerateaara, ana altarly labor at

aupeova tbe oaaabty of the haBliBillia etue.-U.aae.eil tafarded byTHE WEEELT TRIBUNE, whiea, we uvuavd. wxell eoetanea

taae the beet Faadiy Weekly Ne-wtpaper paaatbed at the Wetai,We laadlar tea Cattle Martet Report* taoa* rWaty wtrtA at

«am* raja*.-. * peer a atxbaanprtan priea.TEEMd:

Ob* top* ^i*ye«r.%>i * '.** r<.o*e*. oao year.fRBThree topte*. one year. S \ Tea Copee*, oao year.. |MTweary t epio*. at eaa 1 dA'iea. Ja)tad tey ia.geraee.ber. t> I eaotVTweelj Cepioo, ev eddret* ./ auvA latoariaai. A4aad any aarpar uember. el A J dO eeea.

Aay pertaa teaaaaa; a* a *r*A of Tweary, er et ere. wfR be eaaaVtted u ta extra aupy. f-r a club of ferry, wa erti nod TheBaad- Weekly Trabone aad tar a dob ef one baatii i Tee Dady¦Siena* wilt b* oaat frtal*. W* narrte* ta taad Tea Waarv.itTaaarat ta Cliiajaiie aril

*V*a>*eripraea« may ewnarer at tap vkate. Teiatt arwayt aaahhHwiaaii. AX avtvart meal be ilrlraaiid la

HORACE KiKhXXmtJ 4 Co., TVibexae ' -""rNew Yoaa-

BOW AMm.IRLn m\vn MA'rA/.IVK-Ptih-5.bed encnthly. The Three M<d.h<pmea. by the aadtor ef

Pater the VV baler, fee, fainii ui'i** tbe lacuvrv naaoaer.WM. L. JONES. PnnlUher. No IK Ah .».

»EITER k COMPANY. Whoi-aal* Agent*.


JOt. RNAL. euk Ut practice- lUaetrvMava* aad lafea-TeaueB.aeon everyt lidiauj. Ae wacAaaical aadPHo An* Par weekir S«ad ten ceataUtt aaaaaaaaaeeta A HARTH ILL. Re jaiS Palt*«»-««.. N. Y.


ArkUttWrpleadid awirtaeial AJao laaal «nrr»*Ae*rUcyNe. 1 Vatey at-, A^ter Uoeava.

a 0. LAW RZ.NtlS.


I h*b4..,AMILY iiELioiuu!< Kcw^rAPr.a

'of übt«.' tkoagfct tad U»- iitsst advajtrod CeUwttaa ui»

I , e:u,«.D* »..."i by laovr. »I *>, by oj.X ES Mparts*na*.. Arrest

HOBitll» INQUIRE*,f H 111 Br tdwas, Ft. T."Tk« ^ocrtam and a*W «jp_ af tla* l uilw aws aWa>> I atlas}

tiUhnt; -[NewAatwTAiBa.A ne «1*1 gaper. *.f Bootes Jo oraal

I lit* ..>.*»< r*.«.*»SJ MWS»aaaasaj BaSl aand BB Antes+.ea'-IYcBter. H.rtld.

^ _lib M td Uio, iatWWAtg. BB-BuBBwBty.,,-|

, a conduced araaa af aar l'_Urk_ Cb1Vw<V<*»Lax.*.' MoBtiee! Herald- _ , .

l «. ,6.. I LltBXilB jOBTBBl* In the Ce*»tViT7."-( MeW>»^ °'Tmtp?«p^i^MBK in BOf slew, w th» beat rtdatTioaa aaarnat

« >> di-asrriop, of list »uf«ii«*u»JtfiaB» oa t**.

part of a.' abepra-eailorw UbarM V h. ltaatB* I:. BttactY .yaa-ftfhy with aü raterprlssa a aieh are Par th ir obre« Ihe aueetr-

A . aakiaJ aBaaaaat ggtaaa or a.-**,. ,d it, .araatt aad bewity r»cosBi-J,.u -fail thai U r>sd »«J"«

taaHtai »br. ild *oa>aw>ad it t.i thoeo who ben«»a

in preaiees, both in re.lgW an« aorial naattara Ita aeleetiaaaare f a re*y blah erav: «** -teell*B*>> "-| Daaaaai Oat-tte,

" Ihia ahleioaraal p-bueoedaeeAl; b. t e l aiuirtaa Ataa-ctatlenof Oe State of Ns« York teoil m«iafaina tu rhjraelat at

a eau.'.d. liberal s d Bllatll robg.oua sewigtfwr Tim itsfe-pet.d.s*e an.! tigoto... earneatnaaa x its wh.ek It dlitaaastlhl r~luoua quo'tuav* af ihe tiasta, avaA* A a pow-wful aiaaattary to>

that* ma* ara at ruing for tha atuianaani a. a TWal ptaty. Itaae-lertKua ate earnestly ludt inu and i> ant aha ara a*

a* 'a ha Bomber, a among tta pair.,tat have pre^n ed tait* trail BUeat page*, tl «. | a.* o'lbougni ottered he the)ouea' and B**e>.uad reitatsat CaiuAtte af aha east- -4 0118at a f«a i'y »1 bar Wa .re (lad to *i 'hat ha aaaaea* iaai-catea i apt recia.ion of ut atari-a.".(ttoetaa Trtntra-ipt

f'e. ... '.vr '. ,.nirer. tha organ of tne I tutanaa Aswarus»t cc cr the Male r'New ! ort ksaSrtaaad a'.le oppartar af ihmStoai hueh j>ct»uh ut. «ehotarry tad auuav'ariaa ia taaav .**£-

f niat Ma.it ¦! ti» artm-i«e *aW«r

.--arch and tnt h ot tha Beate« that, it aaaal la fta-

ptra af ttt clt-a It >¦ on* j( tS* rery be*< rsdagwaa aapirt wkh). hn-h are ut ajfqcaiated.".(i hrvatiaa I'niaa

V eat p.per it the rlchett of oar retiaioa* «eekha-. *-lEa«.Thee,tore t lapp.

':¦».-'¦¦,. a, both ornttnai and teUcted puna high Waararymen: uad the | ihatuaiaBat tetatariaa ta ttaaar taaa,but are tor iut hriatiiaa at* aii aeaoaiioatioaa aaat agraa arahand approve ".[fannda Trihone" I ba< arittiaa it oneaf the "Ideat atei aaaat BtBHBadl

theelogi-al po .., > ..i t .f the day K-.ery hharai fajhtllila¦boald patr.:nue It "--(Ttptoa (loara) JiioxBal




Many af oar Kminaut Iritriaet hararahiiery Reeammenaad it

fror, tile PBlpitIt hat rweeited tile aarartita of

Tha Entire Clergy.ad

MUtUtaga ef the Gospel.Of tteiy Sect and Craed.

W ho hate V Mit« I thia Tempts.Here Kiay the Am-h-nt Kraternity rateten tha 'Bllratlisn aa

tta alient tesctein*- that h.« t"-. " l ent of C'atariea" saaBassVsalT>. Coraaata H othrrho-id.

Tbia BinmifceBt Vorb-l w ¦» built in i altfornia, aftar tha ataatra ibis tau rltlat tha lalj Bibla, Joasphaa and other t

je»i»h hitto.-y,AT A COST OP «41,000.

There areS! \ HUNDRED Ktt.t'RES,

Anangad in the Or.giuai t oatuma of thiaThe greater potti.« af tha ornamental work it of

CALIFORNIA (HI l>,whilo the loart art of heaatifai aortiuaaship. had la

Mosaic.1 1!f toi KT OF ISRAEL.








Lighted hy Osrdnei'i sy.lemof Eieetiiei'y.LI.' Tt hE.> st II a. in., tp. at,, and I B. at, staaly, by 'Jst

Re* J, S. DIEHL. AM.,Ad-nittance. 19 rest». I blidran ander Ii years It strataN B.Liberal arrangrmeuti maJa with SaDbaAh atad Dar»


Sox li). i)olibane.A SKÖLD, GQWRABUE A Co.

Will opea, ob MONDAY. Dec lw, thaTHEIR FALL IMl'ORTATION



Caasstastlag at

POINT IV AI ENCON,PltlNT a l-aoimllk,


la Cap.- MsM rta, Harths, t'otfarsa, aaa., ota.This wul be > ...ity 'or persons wlthiag ta laakt)

. r. a i MAB PRESEN FRI ANAL, ,-orata of Mseeaw.

A'kl lMlC l'uh>f.MS ftsf the HOLIDAY*,A CARD.

'1 bs awtaenber politely caiw tha attention of tha pokBs tatsbBrge and t eastifui colle, tl.,n of/RAMPIi F.NORAi INOS,FAINTIN08, PHOTOflRAFrl

sf the PALMER MARBLES ü. HASSE I'ARTOUTS, WRl*K and OIL-OLOR BOXES, DRAW NO INSTRUMEMS, DRAW;.so BOORS. As,' oraiin« tha aaaat ft>tbeuhs prsaantt ttr the coailng HolidaTi

W. St HAG'S Na. 4R» Brawtraray.BEAlTllFUl. PA1K of 8KATH6, now-tv-




_HIRAM YOCRO.^/SONEECTIOiNEKY, WHOLESALE \m4 KJaV-\j TAIL..LECOMTES, No MB Oraa.aU-.fesV-, has aw kwsat]i avge saaortmaat of Confsctl ro«-ry for the HaBdaya. Jost ra*

sslsod. aa lasoios of French Boa Boas, Pasta, Teyt, ha.

17»IK> 1 büM tot th* II()LII>AYH.--4<pl»rid»fIispeatry bru«*sl». : 4 plr. 7^ aad tj i Super. lac., B/ J

beautL'ul Ingrains, bright colara, 2/B, '*;. il,«js»r y«d; OU CltHlBf,% h, 4 ami 4 a' per yard i eitet Hat* and Mate, all alias, tloaowMats, (roid-kand Wmdow Sbadea, al par pau, at

i.A.^DO.N'S No. r« Had*.)u»t.

GOODS for the H0LIHAYH .CALHOHN JuROPrilNS, Noa. tt and » Vsaey at., tta aLairs, have joaj

re. etvsd s larse aseSMmrut of hue Ersuch BAUS, PURSEAI'oRTKMo.n'Naip FANCY BoXES, HEAD PINS, HEADNETo. COIFFURES, aad other Geods tuitaBi* for tkw HtisksJtrade, which they idler at very low ptiaaa tat cash.ta tha tradsttaair_,_mF"0K THE HOLIDAYS.


Offer d .ring tha Holiday seaaoa,W Hol,>."ALE AND RETAIL,

A tary large a*seitue-ut ofUMBRELLAS AND PARASOL*,

-i itable fwR oirrs.Fish SLk CmbreUas, Brtdal Paraaats,larry ilsadla Cmbraiias, Roaaatt Partatst,I'arigoa Umbrellas, La Potat i'aiasoas,krenc-Q LmNtrha*, kr. ietae Ptiaawla, tut.





For the ctTBTsnlstwa of cusUmart, tkaas as tit ara BWt BS atDttas FtUcrut, and soul at a »«parate coauler.

CANAL, assrawr af Maraar.

HOLIDAY EKi sENTS.S1'E( IAL HALE .No. SSI Broadway-UBtil tha list last. I

r aui An.»-..an DaVhalNRd.1*AEng tad tsnerteaa CALICOES..14fSr. -L t.i.st.liAait*.U,EOiL de i HE.RES.tt tvuta.SILa. ALENt IA.It strata,Kot ARD SILKS tworth«71 eastta).M strata.

i KAN < U/l US H yuda aid*)) .it) tWSWB.Black and White SlLR. bandsosto .tt twata.POPL1KC ai.d V Ai.EJ.ClAB. sathtead.tt pat eawtKleb Blwt SILKS.4»'.kMbKi.IHF.RIES. VAILS, ac, equally aJtaatn.re POt KAT HANDKERChiKF.a....4 eaata

Preetawal» taha at R ii.Obserte W ACKsON. Import-f of Moamiua; Otiaa,

No. ttl Broadway, batwaea Spring and r'riaf) ati

HOLIDAY (ilETS. HOLIDAY (HEFH,aUeatrad aar StaamtMa Asia, achotos aarnlwaail afPARIS EM8stolIi: SAD it III BALD!"

( i/LLaRS. aad C 'LLARS sal CVrYS la .natch,POINT HONIION M U.TK>>: and v ALKNCIENNER

tETB. '.OJ.LAa.h an«; HANItREaXtllEFalBLACK THREaD > ElLS. < oik f i Kr.S saal BtRBfAt),MEDALLION, INSERTION aad v ALE.Nf IENNES

COLLAKj *ad -ET-i with li AN URt.kCHlEFs toAH very prat y and spptopt late for

holiday oifts.BAILEY, FARRlROTtAM k LESLIE, Ra. t» Broadway.




MASLRY A whiton,Ma. Ill Fajgaa-at.,

OtW their awry kvas ttaek af_BlEREUfi.OPK- PICTURE",


