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NITZAVIM םיב צנ - Parshasheets · 2020. 9. 6. · Bonus: _____ Total Gematria value )די ,ל...

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For Youth נר לאפריםNITZAVIM נצביםwww.parshapages.com To subscribe for weekly emails, write to [email protected] Collection compiled hopefully for the elucidation of Torah CONTENTS Parsha Word Search Parsha Sudoku Parsha Life Forms & Places Parsha Gematria It All Adds Up Parsha Teasers Sheva Kolos Answer Sheets Parsha Review Parsha Flashcards Parsha Pizzazz
  • For Youth נר לאפרים

    NITZAVIM נצבים


    To subscribe for weekly emails, write to [email protected]

    Collection compiled hopefully for the elucidation of Torah


    Parsha Word Search

    Parsha Sudoku

    Parsha Life Forms & Places

    Parsha Gematria

    It All Adds Up

    Parsha Teasers

    Sheva Kolos

    Answer Sheets

    Parsha Review

    Parsha Flashcards

    Parsha Pizzazz

    http://www.parshapages.com/mailto:[email protected]

  • מ נ ש א נ צ ב י ם ג ג ז

    ש ש מ א ה ש ה ט ה נ ק ה

    ה ב ה ל ק ט ב ש ה ג ע ע

    ל ע ט ח מ ר נ נ ר מ מ ה

    ג י ו י ל י מ ג י ר נ ל

    ה ת ע ק כ כ ב י ל ם ו ה

    ז ק נ י כ ם ר נ ס ת ר ת

    א ז ב ת ח ל ב ו ד ב ש ק

    ל א ע צ ד ל ב ו ק ב ל מ

    ו ש ב ע ך ה ו ת י ר ך ת

    ל ע ש ת ו ל ת ר ן ש ו מ

    כ ת מ י ן ל ה י מ ו ם ב

    שבטיכם זקניכם שטריכם משה

    עמנו שררות נסתרת נגלת

    קבצך הותירך קרוב לעשתו

    Hint alluded to את לבבך ואת לבב



    פרשת נצבים

    Place the letters (or image) into each box so that each row across and each column

    down and each box-square will contain all the letters (or images).Remember that

    each letter or image may appear only once in any row, column, or box-square.


    ע ץ ו א ב ן

    א ו

    ן ץ

    ן ב

    ו א

    ו א

    ץ ע


    מ ת ך ב פ ר י א ד

    ך א ת י

    ר פ ך ד א

    מ ר פ

    ת י א ב ד

    פ מ

    ת ד ב א ך

    ב ר ד י

    ר ת מ ב

    א י ך פ


    מ ת ך ב פ ר י א ד

    For aspects of Terumah & Maaser, one can use an estimate

    ד ב א

    ך א ת

    ר ד פ

    מ ד פ

    י מ

    ר א ך

    מ ת ב

    ד ב ת

    ת מ א

  • In the Parsha Nitzavim

    Plants Places Animals

    Compiled from: http://bible.ort.org/ The Living Torah by Aryeh Kaplan



    The Hebrew Rosh of Deuteronomy 29:17 is considered by some scholars to be a reference to hemlock. Other scholars dispute this and suggest instead that it refers to a gall poppy. The term is used in the passage in which God warns the Israelites of the growth of heretical forces from within. He likens them to the poisonous characteristics of the above plant.

    Habitat: Near East, Europe.



    The Hebrew Rosh of Deuteronomy 29:17 is considered by some scholars to be a reference to hemlock. Other scholars dispute this and suggest instead that it refers to a gall poppy. The term is mentioned in the passage in which God warns the Israelites of the growth of heretical forces from within. He likens them to the poisonous characteristics of the above plant.

    Habitat: Near East, Europe.



    Wormwood is mentioned in Deuteronomy 29:17. In this passage G-d warns the Israelites of the growth of heretical forces from within. These forces are likened to the bitter oil that is extracted from wormwood.

    Habitat: North Africa, Central Europe and Asia.



    NITZAVIM נצבים

    6+2+30+2+2+20 כי

    2+80+10+20 קרוב

    30+70+300+6+400+6 אליך

    100+200+6+2 הדבר

    20+10 45 מאד

    1+30+10+20 בפיך

    40+1+4 45 ובלבבך

    5+4+2+200 לעשותו

    Bonus: __________ Total Gematria value

    )דברים ל, יד( כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד בפיך ובלבבך לעשתו

    Instructions: Using the key below for the numeric value of each Hebrew letter, determine:

    1. On the left side enter the numeric value of each word taken from a portion of a verse in the Parsha; then place that value in the blue column.

    2. On the right side determine the product of the math operations; then place that value in the tan column.

    3. Then match the numbers from the right side to the left side by drawing a line.

  • It All Adds Up – Pashas Netzavim

    Fill in the missing numbers so each row, column, and diagonal add up!

    • The missing numbers are Hebrew letters valued between 1 and 400.

    • The numbers in each row add up to the number at the right of the row.

    • The numbers in each column add up to the number at the bottom of the column.

    • The numbers in each diagonal line add up the number to the right and above or below the


    • Use Hebrew letters to enter the missing numbers.

    Bonus: After completion, circle the Hebrew word for the number of classes of Jews mentioned in the

    first verses in the Parsha.


    202 נ צ ב ם

    562 ס ר א א

    380 כ ה נ

    578 ע ר ה

    74 ח ו ל ך

    69 395 513 601 208 948

    Hebrew Letters’ Numerical Value

    א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ך

    20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    ן נ ס ע פ ף צ ץ ק ר ש ת ל מ ם

    400 300 200 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30

  • Parshas Nitzavim

    1. This Parsha begins with a description of the Jewish people "standing" (netzavim)

    before HaShem. What 4 other places in the Torah are people described as

    "standing" (netzavim)?

    2. Which two ancient professions appear in this Parsha?

    3. In what context is salt mentioned in this Parsha? What 3 other places in the Torah

    is salt referred to?

    4. Which four cities are mentioned in a single verse in this Parsha, and also in a

    single verse in the book of Genesis?

    5. Which three people appear together in a single verse in this Parsha - on two

    separate occasions?

    6. In what context is a root (shoresh) mentioned in this Parsha?

    7. What item in this Parsha is referred to both in the masculine form and the



    Seven Questions for Seven Aliyos

    Parshas Nitzavim

    Intended for use prior to each Aliyah so that a child (or anyone) would pay attention

    First Aliyah

    What two ancient professions appear in this Parsha?

    Second Aliyah

    Which three people are mentioned together in one pasuk?

    Third Aliyah

    Which Hebrew letter in which word in written larger than the rest of the text?

    Fourth Aliyah

    A secret hint is in a verse that is not a blessing and not a curse; but is is the month in which

    we will find HaShem. Which verse?

    Fifth Aliyah

    Where is a two-letter word that has only the same letter?

    Sixth Aliyah

    Which one of the 12 pesukim are in this Parsha?

    Seventh Aliyah

    With what are we supposed to choose?


    No one is left out; we all are included, even a grou not born to it; who are they?


    מ נ ש א נ צ ב י ם ג ג ז

    ש ש מ א ה ש ה ט ה נ ק ה

    ה ב ה ל ק ט ב ש ה ג ע ע

    ל ע ט ח מ ר נ נ ר מ מ ה

    ג י ו י ל י מ ג י ר נ ל

    ה ת ע ק כ כ ב י ל ם ו ה

    ז ק נ י כ ם ר נ ס ת ר ת

    א ז ב ת ח ל ב ו ד ב ש ק

    ל א ע צ ד ל ב ו ק ב ל מ

    ו ש ב ע ך ה ו ת י ר ך ת

    ל ע ש ת ו ל ת ר ן ש ו מ

    כ ת מ י ן ל ה י מ ו ם ב

    Bonus Answer: אלול

  • Answer sheet BEGINNERS LEVEL (6 X 6)

    ע ץ ו א ב ן

    א ע ץ ן ב ו

    ו ן ב ע ץ א

    ע א ן ב ו ץ

    ב ץ ו א ע ן

    ן ו ע ץ א ב

    ץ ב א ו ן ע


    מ ת ך ב פ ר י א ד


    מ ת ך ב פ ר י א ד

    ך א פ ד מ ת י ר ב

    ב ת ר פ ך י ד א מ

    מ י ד א ב ר ך פ ת

    ר ך מ ת י פ א ב ד

    א פ י ב ר ד ת מ ך

    ת ד ב מ א ך פ י ר

    פ ב ך ר ד א מ ת י

    י ר ת ך פ מ ב ד א

    ד מ א י ת ב ר ך פ

    ת ד י פ מ ב א ך ר

    ך ב פ ר א י ת ד מ

    א ר מ ת ד ך י פ ב

    מ ת א ב ך ד ר י פ

    ד פ ך י ר מ ב ת א

    ר י ב א פ ת ד מ ך

    פ מ ר ד ת א ך ב י

    י א ד ך ב פ מ ר ת

    ב ך ת מ י ר פ א ד



    202 נ צ ב י ם

    562 ס ר א ש א

    380 כ ה ש נ ה

    578 ע ש ר ה ג

    74 ח ו י ל ך

    69 395 513 601 208 948

  • Parshas Nitzavim Questions with answers

    1. This Parsha begins with a description of the Jewish people "standing" (netzavim)

    before HaShem. What 4 other places in the Torah are people described as "standing"


    (1) The angels who come to Avraham in Parshas Vayerah are standing (netzavim) over him (Genesis 18:2). (2) In Parshas Vayigash, men are standing near Yosef when he wishes to reveal himself to his brothers (Genesis 45:1). (3) In Parshas Shemos, when Moshe and Aharon leave

    Pharaoh after their unsuccessful meeting, men are standing outside the palace waiting to meet them (Exodus 5:20). (4) In Parshas Korach, Dathan and Aviram stand outside their tents when

    Moshe comes to speak to them (Numbers 16:27).

    2. Which two ancient professions appear in this Parsha?

    The professions of a wood-chopper and a water-carrier are in Deuteronomy 29:10.

    3. In what context is salt mentioned in this Parsha? What 3 other places in the Torah is

    salt referred to?

    Moshe states that when later generations view the destruction of the land, they will see "sulphur and salt, a conflagration of the entire Land" (Deut. 29:22). Elsewhere in the Torah: (1) Salt is

    mentioned in Parshas Vayera when Lot's wife turns to look at the destruction of Sodom and turns into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). (2) In Parshas Vayikra, we are commanded to add salt

    to every offering (Leviticus 2:13). (3) In Parshas Bamidbar, the eternal covenant with the kohanim is referred to as a "covenant of salt" (Numbers 18:19).

    4. Which four cities are mentioned in a single verse in this Parsha, and also in a single

    verse in the book of Genesis?

    Sodom, Amora, Adma, and Tzivoyim are all mentioned in a single verse in this Parsha (Deut. 29:22). They are also mentioned (twice) in single verses in Parshas Lech Lecha (Genesis 14:2, 8).

    5. Which three people appear together in a single verse in this Parsha - on two

    separate occasions?

    Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov are mentioned together in Deut. 29:12, and in 30:20.

    6. In what context is a root (shoresh) mentioned in this Parsha?

    Moshe compares those who have in mind to serve other gods to a "root flourishing with gall and wormwood" (Deut. 29:17).

    7. What item in this Parsha is referred to both in the masculine form and the feminine?

    A Torah scroll (sefer Torah) is referred to in the feminine form (Deut. 28:61), and in the masculine form (Deut. 29:20) See Rashi (Deut. 29:20) for an explanation.


    Seven Answers for Seven Aliyos

    Parshas Nitzavim

    Intended for use prior to each Aliyah so that a child (or anyone) would pay attention

    First Aliyah

    What two ancient professions appear in this Parsha?

    Wood cutters and water carriers (29,10)

    Second Aliyah

    Which three people are mentioned together in one pasuk?

    Avrohom, Yitzchak, Yaacov (29,12)

    Third Aliyah

    Which Hebrew letter in which word in written larger than the rest of the text?

    (29,27) כםלוחש

    Fourth Aliyah

    A secret hint is in a verse that is not a blessing and not a curse; but is is the month in which

    we will find HaShem. Which verse?

    (The first letters spell Elul (30,6 בבאת לבבפ ואת ל

    Fifth Aliyah

    Where is a two-letter word that has only the same letter?

    (30,9) שש

    Sixth Aliyah

    Which one of the 12 pesukim are in this Parsha?

    (31,14) כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאוד, בפיך ובלבבך לשזות

    Seventh Aliyah

    With what are we supposed to choose?

    With life )20,19)


    No one is left out; we all are included, even a grou not born to it; who are they?

    The righteous converts who became Jews by choice!

  • Even though Bnei Yisrael would sin and would be sent into

    exile in the future, HaShem promised that they would repent.

    He would then return them to Eretz Yisrael.

    The Torah is close to every Jew. No one should think that it

    is impossible for one to learn Torah or fulfill the Mitzvos. It

    is close to everyone to do it in deed.

    HaShem gave Bnei Yisrael two choices: either to follow the

    ways of the Torah, which is the straight and proper path; or,

    to choose the bad path of Avodah Zarah. HaShem begged

    them to choose the path of Torah, the path of life.

  • Concepts

    The Nation Enters HaShem’s Covenant

    Ingathering of the Exiles Foretold

    Accessibility of the Torah

    Charge to “Choose Life”




    Arvos Moav


    Year from Creation Timeline 2488

    1ST of Shvat until the

    6th of Adar Moshe expounded Torah (36 days)


    51th of the 54 sedras; 8th of 11 in Sefer Devarim

    Written on 87 lines in a Sefer Torah; 52nd of 54

    4 parshios: 1 open, 3 closed

    Comparison to the other sedras:

    40 pesukim – 53rd of 54 (10th of 11 in Devarim)

    657 words – 51st of 54 (8th of 11 in Devarim)

    2575 letters – 51st of 54 (8th of 11 in Devarim)

    Notes: Oversided Lamed in the word Vayashlikehem (29;27)

    Eleven dots above the phrase lanu ulevaneu ad (29,28)


    PARSHA POINT – Why does Moshe have to redo the covenant, the agreement between Hashem and the Jewish people? What makes this one different? The Or Chayim haKodesh explains that until now, each Jew was responsible for his or her actions alone. Now, each Jew has to take responsibility for each other, and not just themselves.

    After hearing all the curses that would happen if they didn't listen to Hashem, the Jewish people

    became very frightened. Moshe reassured them that Hashem would never forget them, and make sure that the Jewish people repent, do teshuvah. When that happens, Hashem will bring them to

    Israel, and give them many blessings. Therefore, Moshe tells the Children of Israel, remember that keeping the mitzvoth is easy to do. The Torah is not far away in the heaven or over the sea.

    PARSHA POINT – Why does Moshe tell the Jewish people that the Torah isn't in Heaven or across the sea? Rabbi Avdimi bar Hama in the Talmud (Eruvin 55a) explains how important it is to set aside fixed times to study Torah. If the Torah had been in Heaven or across the sea, we would

    have been required to go get it.
