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NEWSLETTER of The Edgar Cayce Centre: Durham Number 45. Summer 2003 13, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham, England. DH9 7TR 01207 237696 fax 01207236398 Dear friends, It is good to be writing to you again. Thanks to all of you who support our work here in Durham so well. I keep what we do here tied to God at all times and he does bless all we do. All peoples of the earth are coming into a very challenging period at this time and I'm sure we'll all come out of it well as long as we keep God with us. His love for us is so great He will not go against our free wills in anything we decide to do. The decisions we ourselves make, will determine how our future evolves. Should every one of you be able to lift your own vibrations by doing the assignments and by doing the listening process, you will raise your vibrations to a higher level than they've ever been before. Because we are all one, this raises the vibrations of others and God can then work with them in a way He could never do before. In this way, others will slowly change and you won't get into fights with anyone in your efforts to change them. God never asks much of us: just love people and love Himself. Do a different assignment every week and listen to the God mind inside yourself. This tells God that you do love Him. Those of you who asked me to include you on the study group starters list and have changed your minds please let me know and I can take you off. However, if you still hope to start a group, please leave your name and so on, with us. To start, all you need is one other person to join you. We've lost the London group in St. James's

NEWSLETTERof The Edgar Cayce Centre: DurhamNumber 45. Summer 200313, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham, England. DH9 7TR 01207 237696 fax 01207236398

Dear friends,It is good to be writing to you again. Thanks to all of you who support our work here in Durham so well. I keep what we do here tied to God at all times and he does bless all we do. All peoples of the earth are coming into a very challenging period at this time and I'm sure we'll all come out of it well as long as we keep God with us. His love for us is so great He will not go against our free wills in anything we decide to do. The decisions we ourselves make, will determine how our future evolves. Should every one of you be able to lift your own vibrations by doing the assignments and by doing the listening process, you will raise your vibrations to a higher level than they've ever been before. Because we are all one, this raises the vibrations of others and God can then work with them in a way He could never do before. In this way, others will slowly change and you won't get into fights with anyone in your efforts to change them. God never asks much of us: just love people and love Himself. Do a different assignment every week and listen to the God mind inside yourself. This tells God that you do love Him.Those of you who asked me to include you on the study group starters list and have changed your minds please let me know and I can take you off. However, if you still hope to start a group, please leave your name and so on, with us. To start, all you need is one other person to join you. We've lost the London group in St. James's Church in Piccadilly: maybe someone would like to restart it there. All you need is a Search For God Book 1 for each person in the group or just photocopy a couple of pages for each person for each meeting. You also need the ‘‘study group formats’’ one for each person who comes. I supply as many of these as you will need. Then you make sure that as many people as possible take their turns at leading the group. However, if anyone should not wish to, that's fine and let the next in order lead that meeting. Encourage everyone to share their views as explained in the leaflet. No-one should put themselves on a pedestal. One person's views are just as good as those of others. You don't have to prepare anything. By being patient with others, it will surprise you how much you will learn. It's so easy and so well worth doing. It took Beverley Martin and myself two to three years of cajoling to get that group started some 15 years ago. It would be worth starting again should the good vicar there allow this to happen.

Our Summer conference is coming up in the last week-end in August.

Charles Thomas Cayce, the grandson of Edgar Cayce and president of the ARE in America, will be one of our main speakers. He will speak on various aspects of transforming your life. He will explain to you how to tune into your higher self, how to get your mind working for you, the role of hypnosis, your 7 year ideal, life between lives, the Christ in our lives, what to do before you go to sleep, your ideals, your relationships, visualisation and the benefits of support groups. He will also fill in any material that is relevant to helping you transform your life in every way and its all 'down to earth' material, easy to learn and easy to do. He's a very inspiring speaker and he tells it all with a smile that makes you want to follow his guide lines. Should you forget what he says, you'll remember his smile and this alone will lighten your journey in the years ahead.Also coming from Virginia Beach will be Tom Johnston, the owner of The Heritage Store, who will be speaking about the remedies his company makes: he will explain their best uses. He was the first person to have the courage and determination to manufacture the products we sell and many of you know how much they have helped you down through the years.Santosh Jassal, from Kent, the therapist who has based all her miracle cures on the Cayce readings will speak, in a very easy to understand way, about how we can best apply the cures that came through Edgar and keep our bodies healthy in the years ahead. She will also show you easy osteopathy techniques that you can do at home to alleviate problems you may have thought were beyond help.For those who are interested in man's journey in the earth, John Walsh will speak about how we've tied the journey closely to our chakras by tying them to fairy tales and stories such as The Labours of Hercules. But he will also take you through the journey and explain why life today is the way it is. When we see wars and rumours of wars, we may be tempted to think otherwise but John will explain how the process we are going through is the result of how we planned it long ago. Edgar said that there are very few accidents on Earth. He said that our plan was the best we could create at the time and seemingly nothing has changed. The above four speakers will share the main conference platform.We also have a marvellous group of speakers supporting those in the main auditorium: Patricia Brewster who will do regression: Allan Wilkinson will explain the uses of and show you how to make colloidal silver. He will also do readings to help you understand where you are on your spiritual journey. Should he not have time for everyone, he can give you a reading by post. This will be sent on a tape. Jean Coult will show you how to do basic muscle testing but will also share with you her insights into how to keep a very healthy body. We will not overlap the health and healing talks, so anyone who is very interested in health will be able to hear all the

health speakers at this conference. So also, should you not be interested in learning more about health, you will still be able to enjoy a full programme.

Should you have a health problem you want covered during the conference, please write to me at the Centre and let me know what it is. We will not be doing therapies for anyone who is sick, for one off therapies are in the long term, useless and spoil the conference for the speakers. All healing takes place over a period of time and Santosh will advise you what to do or who to go to, to get help, as part of her talks.I'm looking forward to seeing you all again and I do hope you keep up your own good work wherever you are.To leave space for more writing and to put in items sent to me, I've cut the study group list, the therapists list and some of the books. The last newsletter has all the information on those subjects you might need.A special word of thanks to all of you who support this work so well. We do need your help. Surviving on donations and the money we make selling the products and books, I still feel to be the very best way forward for a group such as our own. The process protects us. Thanks a million to you all, with much love from us all here in Durham, sincerely, John Walsh.



AUGUST 29th, 30th and 31st. 2003COLLEGE OF ST. HILD AND ST. BEDE.


Please read my opening letter.SPEAKERSCharles Thomas Cayce: Transforming your life.Tom Johnston: The Edgar Cayce RemediesSantosh Jassal: Good healthJohn Walsh: Man's Journey In The EarthPatricia Brewster: RegressionAllan Wilkinson: Colloidal Silver and personal readingsJean Coult: Basic Muscle Testing plus...Chris Korycinski: will do about 8 - 10 astrological charts: any more requests will have to be done by post. Details later.

CONFERENCE INFORMATION CONTINUEDWhen you send your deposit, we'll send you a form and you can then fill in the details that we will need to get everything right for you. We will also send you a map. Many thanks.

1. The cost for the full conference including lectures, accommodation and meals will be: £95. This includes a buffet starting at 6 PM on Friday evening the 13th, up to and including afternoon tea on the Sunday.2. Conference only, no accommodation or meals but does include morning and afternoon teas: £15 per day. Friday evening no charge. Friday buffet: £7. Other meals £7 each. Please book what you want on the form.3. B and B per night £22, both before and after the conference.4. Mid-day or evening meals: £7 each.

Deposit: Day Attendees £10. Full conference attendees £20. Cheques to be made out to Edgar Cayce Conferences A/C. Please send cheques to the Centre. PLEASE MAKE ALL PAYMENTS BY CHEQUE. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS COST £5 TO CASH. If you live abroad we will accept credit cards. Our margins are very fine.

The college is a five minute taxi ride from the railway station and is an even shorter distance from the coach station.

Coming from London, the trains leave Kings Cross. There are good discounts on the trains when you buy your ticket well in advance.

Let us know if you are coming into Newcastle airport. Day and time: and we may be able to put you in touch with others coming at the same time, so that you can share a taxi if you so wish.

Coming by plane to Newcastle, the metro goes into Newcastle and there are very frequent trains to Durham.

Should a group be coming together to Newcastle airport, a taxi can be shared and may be the easiest way to travel to the college. We may be able to meet some of you.

Should you be coming to London and then on to Durham, the train service is very good. You take it from Kings Cross.

Should you wish to stay in the college either before or after the conference, you may do so. You will just pay for extra bed and breakfast. Should you change your schedule, having arranged it with us, let us know immediately..

Thanks again to Virginia Beach we are able to give a book gift to those attending.


12th, 13th and 14th of SEPTEMBER 2003

The people who do the Cayce work in Germany have a full programme of good speakers and they have translators into English to help you understand what's going on.At the moment, should you wish to go, please contact Renate Werner, Halkerzeile 158, D-12305 Berlin, Germany. She will send you directly all the relevant material as soon as she has put it together. It is best to write.

HARROGATE.WE ARE HAVING A ONE DAY IN THE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, 14 PRINCES SQUARE, IN HARROGATE, ON SUNDAY THE 21ST OF SEPTEMBER. The day begins at 10.30. There is a £10 charge to attend. Food and teas are included. Please book with Hazel on 01423734337. If she has space, there will be no problem. We have a study group explained at 3.30 and we'll have a study group meeting after that. JOHN WALSH is the speaker. He is speaking about Man's Journey in the Earth and will include items such as spiritual healing, the role of the Bible in our lives, how the 3rd chakra dominates our lives with its demand to exercise power over others, to be angry, to fear, to be feared, and to be jealous and so on. Many other similar type topics will also be included.




ASSIGNMENTS. Choose any assignment at random from the list and do it for a week. Write it in your diary so that you remember it. Do the one you are attracted to, even though you are repeating the same one again. At every opportunity, listen to your own still small voice. You'll hear nothing, but if you do this, when you need to give others answers that will help them in life, you'll be able to give the right ones.

The process only works if you do both the assignments and the listening. The first is loving people, the second is loving God.

1. I will give a thought of love to every person I speak to this week.2. This week I will be courageous when I have to make difficult decisions.3. I will see a peace giving white light round everyone I speak to this week.4. This week will I will avoid fining fault with others no matter how irrational they seem to be behaving.5. I will look for as many good things as I can find in all my friends and relatives.6. I will give a smile to as many people as I possibly can, this week.7. When anyone upsets me this week, I will send them a thought of love.8. I will go out of my way to say very kind words to everyone I speak to this week, no matter how negative their gossip might be.9. This week I will think right and think as I would were God holding my hand.10. I will see myself as a spokesperson for God this week and I will live accordingly.11. Whenever I feel troubled this week, I will stop my thinking and say: ‘‘Be still and know that I am God.’’12. I will every person on Earth as being one with one another and I will imagine myself to be a part of that oneness.13. I will send thoughts of forgiveness and thoughts of love to all those I can ever remember hurting me.14. This week I will see the funny side in every event, without letting others know what I am doing.15. This week I will see myself to be a channel of love and peace to the whole earth.16. I will imagine myself to be a healer and a teacher for others this week.17. I will imagine white light coming into my body and going out to all the universe through my third eye centre.18. I will God in every person I meet this week and I will behave accordingly.



In every living cell in the human body we find both protein and water molecules. For every single protein molecule there are 10,000 molecules of water. This is why we need to drink plenty of water. Should you drink tea, coffee or alcohol, because these dehydrate the body, you should replace the loss of liquid as often as you can remember to do so.

PEOPLENEW HEALING PRACTITIONERSCAMBRIDGE: Mrs. Heal, 1, Petersfield, CB1 1BB 01223 319310 Reflexology, Bach, Healing, Massage.ESHER, SURREY: Sue Cox, does colonics. 0208 398 7592KENT. Rochester: Santosh Jassal. Cayce Osteopathy and Cayce Remedies. Cranial Osteopathy. 01634 721548MACCLESFIELD. Jane Bennett, Chestergate Clinic 01625 502840 Metamorphic Technique TherapistSELSEY, WEST SUSSEX. JEAN JACOB: Flower Essence Therapy. Astrology (White Eagle School), To help you find your spiritual path and direction. 31,Horseshoe, 01243 604687

OTHERSLLANDYSUL, Carms. SA44 5XB Melin Dolgoch, Drefelin, Felindre: Alec Hoare and Anne Evans: Cayce Therapist and Spiritual Healer. Four miles from Newcastle Emlyn.EDINBURGH: Lynn Ogilvie, 11 Spottiswoode Rd. 0131 447 7781. Uses Cayce remedies.IRVINE, Ayrshire. 0129 4271076. Kim Tan, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Colonic Irrigation, Stress Management, Bach Remedies, Registered Nurse, Counsellor. 127, Sillars Meadow. ARTHRITIS: Kim has a very good alternative medicine cure for this disease. It will be well worth while your making contact with her.

IrelandDOWN. CO: Bangor, Mike and Cecilia Megrath,Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cayce Remedies,Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Sports Injury Massage,Therapeutic Massage. 12 Hamilton Road. BT20 4LE. 02891 467 467. CORK. CO: Brendan.Murphy. Carrigaline, 021 371 058.Reflexology and Tthe Edgar Cayce remedies.

SOME OTHER ADDRESSES AND CONTACTSARE: Virginia, USA Email: www.edgarcayce.com and www.edgarcayce.orgH. Q. The A.R.E., P.O. Box 595, Virginia Beach, Va. USA 23451Internet Study Groups: [email protected] is located in Belgium [email protected] is located in the USA.

CHALK FARM, Gloria Allen, 0207 419 4425. This is a London group.

BLACKPOOL: 26, Lord Street. FY1 2BD. 01253 29 29 38 Vernetta Collings runs a guest house at this address. Her rates are good. Newsletter readers are made very welcome but tell her who you are.LONDON. Peter French 219 Winchester Road, N9 9ES 0208807 4928: Clairvoyant Readings.PLYMOUTH: AVRIL ISGROVE: New phone number 01752 221855VIOLET RAY : Louise Pilsbury would like to but a Violet Ray from anyone who is finished with theirs 01564 776810

SWITZERLAND:Regula Fuhrer, Im Heuried 74 CH-8055 Zurich. Cayce Reilly Massage. Phone and fax: 01 451 65 67.Regula is now also a counsellor and can do this for you in writing or in person but not over the phone. Write and ask her what her best skills are and decide then if she can help you..

ALLAN WILKINSON AND STUDY GROUPS.Should anyone wish to start a study group in the Durham area, I would like to offer my services. I can help you get your group started. I do Tarot Card readings. These work hand in hand with the study group work. I use the cards to help you communicate with the part of you that never left God. The process helps you take charge of one's own destiny. Cost £10 on tape. For a reading ring 01388 450 014. Write: 17, Scott Road, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham. DL14 6PU. If you want the colloidal Silver machine, I sell these and will organise one for you. Then you can make your own. If you can't face the idea of doing this, I also sell it at a reasonable price.

Father to mischievous son:Bad luck, you're not adopted and you will look like me when you're 42.



THE HONEY ANTIBIOTICPupils at Manchester Islamic High School For Girls, wanted to know if an ancient folk tale about the benefits of eating honey was true. They were amazed to find out that it can be more successful at killing off harmful bugs than some common

antibiotics. The Koran states that honey has healing properties for sore throats, blisters and for many other ailments.As part of their study the girls grew different kinds of bacteria and then added various types of honey to some and antibiotics to others. They found that organic honey had the greatest effect, that antibiotics much less but the cheaper blended honeys had no effect at all. A technician in the school had a blister that all treatments had failed to cure but the honey had it cleared in 2 days.The girls won a £300 award from GlaxoSmithKline against competition from all over Europe. Thanks Norman.


Cancer, Laetrile/Amygdalin and AlmondsDoctor Chester Stock, head of Sloan-Kettering's cancer drug testing division says that when the Japanese biochemist Kanematsu Sugiura tests a product and reaches a conclusion, then that conclusion can be believed. After 5 years or research, Kanematsu reached the conclusion that laetrile stops the spread of cancer. Laetrile is found in almonds and to a lesser extent in other nuts. Professor Etore Guidetti of the Turin medical School makes the same claim. He says it combats cancer of the cervix, the breast, the uterus the rectum as well as a number of other kinds of cancer as well. Almonds are also a very good source of calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin E. It has also been found that they lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease. When tested on 31,000 Seventh Day Adventists in California, taking a small portion 3 days a week, the risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by 25%. When the people had a small portion five days a week, the risk was reduced by 50%. The size of the portion wasn't given in that report but in another report, eating 5 ounces a week, reduced the risk by 36%.

CHURCH NOTICE: The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

GLOBAL WATER CRISISIn the course of the past four years we've lost millions of square miles of arable land, right across the planet, because of a lack of water. 80 countries have already reported shortages and a billion people world-wide don't have safe drinking water any more. 80% of all sickness on Earth, has its origins in bad water. The Vice President of the World Bank said in 1995, that the wars of the future will be fought over water, not over oil. In the past four years, thousands of farmers have shut down their farms in America, because of drought. The Summer of 2002 was the worst for

fires and was the driest in 100 years: the scientists expect this process to go on for another twenty years. Because we're on the planet, we're all a part of this process.We can only change world consciousness by changing ourselves. Telling people what's wrong, just gets their backs up. The higher vibrations that come into your body when you do the assignments and the listening, raises the vibrations of all those around you and even affects souls as far away as the edge of the universe. The God mind inside these people, can then work with them in a way it could never do before. Why can't we all here in Britain, where things are so good that we do have the time available to us, do something positive for those in starved bodies who can only think of food. We do have the time. The assignments are on page 6: pick a different one each week and listen to your own God mind as often as you can. If you don't believe in God, listen to your mind. The listening is just a process. What you do is a process. God couldn't give us something that can only be used for good by those who believe in Him. He is totally just and I sometimes think that He loves the unbelievers more than He loves people like myself who believe they know all the answers. But of course, He loves us all equally.

PROFESSOR ROBERT ENRIGHTRobert is professor of educational psychology at the university of Wisconsin in Madison. He says that people heal faster from any sickness as long as they give forgiveness to all those people who have hurt them in the past. His experiments began with people who had suffered from traumas caused by others. Now studies are being made of forgiveness in other areas of sickness. Sixth grade children who did a 12 week forgiveness course were found to cope better with school than did those who had medication. The Mendota Mental Health Centre in Madison, has now shown that forgiveness training improves heart functioning in hospitalised cardiac patients. The investigators now believe that forgiveness may extend much further beyond anything previously conceived and that the practice may be essential for physical health.Those of you who do the Tibetan exercises as explained in our second last newsletter, will remember that the 8th exercise includes forgiveness.


The power that is God's, is a part of us and no matter who we are or what we believe, this God mind in us carries out our orders, right or wrong and by doing so, you make your own hell or your own heaven. No one or no thing outside you, controls what you will ever do. We live inside love; we live inside the law; but this law and this love is no different to the beings we truly are. Many say that this is all an illusion and the problem is, it's not. As Cayce said, some souls will probably

never return and they'll be taken out of existence at the end of time as we know time, because they are free to make their own decisions and for them, what they are going through now is no illusion. The bottom line is that on a number of occasions in the past, this mind almost took us all out of existence. Had we not argued with God and won, He would have done so. Had He not needed volunteers and then got those volunteers, we would not be here today. The volunteers were totally free and they could have said no. The contamination we created inside this love being was just about more than He could bear. But as Edgar said in one reading, his only complaint was that we were taking too long. At that point we took action and planned and now we're here, living out the final years of that plan. We can thank the volunteers who paved the way for the rest of us. The sweat and the blood on the face of Jesus on the cross tells a story we don't like to face up to, because we were the perpetrators of that scenario. So, at the subconscious level in ourselves, we try to believe that the whole journey is an illusion, but the reality is: we can't hide.

A PSALM OF LIFE by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.Tell me not in mournful numbers, life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers and things are not what they seem.Life is real and life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal,Dust thou art, to dust returneth, was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destined end of way,But to act, that each tomorrow, finds us further than today.

Art is long and time is fleeting, and our hearts though stout and brave,Still like muffled drums are beating, funeral marches to the grave.

Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime!And departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time!Footprints that perhaps another, sailing oe'r life's solemn main,A forgot and shipwrecked brother seeing, shall take heart again.Let us then be up and doing, with a heart for any fate,Still achieving, still pursuing, learn to labour and to wait.


SLEEP.Because of the high pressures in the workplace and in schools, a group of sixteen year olds in a well known school, now stay behind every Monday after school and take a nap together. They were laughed at when they started but the idea soon caught on and the group expanded. They find that naps improve their ability to remember previously learned material.

When I have a nap in the afternoon, I feel great afterwards. When I did all those long days of driving in the 80's and 90's, I used to have a 10 minute nap at least once every day, but only when I felt the need to do so. This is what Edgar recommends in the readings.

QUOTE from Caroline Myss in Venture Inward

"People need to be serious about prayer. At the end of the day, all eyes should point upward because if we ever needed divine intervention, we need it now. As long as human beings feel the need to be better than other human beings, we will wage war and the world will be a powder keg."This paragraph has ideas from Kevin Todeschi's item on the last page of Venture Inward. A quote from the readings when Edgar was asked about the outcome, just after the second world war began. ‘‘This again is a problem, and depends - as we have indicated - upon whether individuals, peoples, groups, masses, live as they pray, or pray as they sincerely desire in their hearts.’’ When Cayce was asked how long the conflict would last he said ‘‘As has just been indicated.’’ I sometimes just about give up because I know of so few people, relatively speaking, who truly do their assignments every week and listen to the God mind in themselves a number of times every day. We just don't do these two assignments often enough and I include myself here. This is why I believe that there's no going back. We can do something about the future but, at the same time, our humanity blocks our ideal. "To live as we pray:" that's the problem. I pray for world peace and in my mind I get upset with my neighbour's child because he shouts too loud when I want to have a rest.


READING 262-21 and PEACE‘‘Let that peace that has come today, in thine heart, find a resting place there. Not by thy relying upon just the sentiment of those hopes, but by creating by thy daily activity that hope in the heart and life, in the mind and purpose of those about thee. For the Lord will keep thee in that way which will bring greater blessings to thee, as ye give unto others that joy, that hope ye have found today. Then let thy life be so filled with that love, that tomorrow brings the greater joy, the greater glory, the greater beauty of a life of service in the present.’’

‘‘Mommy, will you sleep with me to-night?’’ ‘‘No, dear, I must sleep with daddy.’’ The child replied in disgust: ‘‘The big sissy.’’

REAL LIFE.The 5 year old was lying in bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, petrified because of the thunder and lightning storm that was worse than ever heard or seen in Bishop Auckland before. The only objects moving were his eyes as his mother came into his room to comfort him and tell him that it wouldn't do him any harm because it was nothing more than thunder and lightning. At that point the little voice piped up: ‘‘No it's not, it's a ghost on a skateboard.’’ Thanks Pauline for the story. "He" is her grandson and we sometimes think we know what goes through a child's mind.

SNOW AND SUNSHINEJames was leaving the snow in Seattle and going to a meeting in warm Miami. The snow had created all kinds of problems and he was forced to take a later plane. His wife would join him two days later when his business meeting would be over. Next morning he sent his wife an E-mail but in his hurry he keyed in the wrong E-mail address.Mary's husband was a preacher. He had died the day before andat last Mary could read her E-mails from friends offering sympathy. Then she fainted. Her daughter in the kitchen heard the noise andhad to give her two glasses of brandy to bring her round. The daughter then read the E-mail on the screen. "Dearest wife,departed yesterday as you know. Got checked in with difficulty.Some confusion at the gate. Appeal was denied. Receivedconfirmation of your arrival to-morrow. Your loving husband.P.S. Things are not as we thought. You're going to be surprisedat how hot it is down here."



When I got osteoarthritis in 1974 I was shattered, because I knew I would have to live with it for the rest of my life. It runs in our family. After two years had gone by, I had to pull myself up stairs. At that point I found Cayce.I added salads to my diet, rubbed cold pressed peanut oil into my hips where the arthritis was and did the castor oil packs on my stomach in cycles of 3 days on, 3 days off, 3 days on an 3 days off. On the 7th night the pains were now down my legs

and below my knees and I realised I would never be cured because the Cayce cure had made me worse. I woke up the 8th morning with no pain at all in my body and I felt strong enough to play football on the 11th day. I was running 3 teams in a school at the time and having not played for so long I just had to play. I played for the next 12 years. The osteoarthritis has never come back. Sure, I get aches and pains now and then but when I do, I adjust my diet, use Egyptian oil and I'm usually back to normal in two days.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITISLoretta Godbout of Virginia Beach had rheumatoid arthritis for 8 years.. I read The Sleeping Prophet. She read There Is A River. This is a much more serious condition when we realise that the point had come when her doctors were advising her to have joint replacements. She started by purifying her body with a 30 day diet. She tried to leave out sugar, starch, alcohol, red meat, pork, fried foods, preservatives, cabbage and bananas. She slowly moved from cooked vegetables to as many raw vegetables as her consciousness could handle. She was strict with her diet within reason.She did the Epsom salts baths once a week for about 6 weeks. 5 pounds weight in a hot bath for 35 minutes, rubbing her sore joints while in the water. Then she rinsed her body and rubbed in the cold pressed peanut oil. She would then rest or sleep. She then began the Atomidine treatment. We do have instructions. You use the cycle that suits you individually. She did one drop every morning, five days on, five days off for a year and a half. She also had a colonic once a month and she had two spinal adjustments every week. In those days she used to look in the mirror and cry because in those early days she could feel no improvement. Then one day, she noticed an improvement and a year and a half after she began the cure, she was free of pain: except for a aching fingers before rain. She doesn't mention the castor oil packs but these are advisable to speed up the process.She had been an atheist as I had been myself. The cure changed all that for her. It was the philosophy that changed everything for me.

CHURCH NOTICE: The ladies psychic study group will be held this week at...

‘‘Share your knowledge: it's a good way to achieve immortality.’’‘‘Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.’’


I'm leaving out a number of titles this time, so that I can put in more written material. I'll have them back in the next newsletter again.

To Eire and Europe, we will charge actual postage. Cheques should be made payable to The Edgar Cayce Centre. Please pay in advance or use a credit card. Please include the expiry date. This helps us a lot. P and P for one light book is £1 and for the heaviest books: £2 each. Maximum for one order to anywhere in Britain: £6.

3. ARE WE LISTENING TO THE ANGELS. Robert Grant. The next step to understanding angels in our lives. 240 pages. £9.35.4. ARMAGEDDON AND EARTH CHANGES. I've nor read better, despite the fact that you may have to push my original dates back. John Francis Walsh. 240 pp. £7.5. ATTAIN PEACE. Mark Thurston. Pocket sized book. 80 pages. Helps when stressed. £4.7. AURAS by Edgar Cayce himself. .20 pages. The only book he wrote. This booklet connects colours in the aura with notes, with planets, with possible health disorders. Thomas Sugrue persuaded Edgar to write it. £2.508. BEGINNING THE SEARCH FOR GOD. Edgar Cayce's Approach by Fields and Clement. A great support book for study group work. £7.9. THE CHRISTMAS STORY as told by Edgar Cayce. Includes beautiful art work. An ideal gift. Hardback. 52 pages. £5.10. CITY OF GOLD. By John Francis Walsh. The four amazing stories you can only ever read. I don't tell them any more. The philosophy with them cannot be surpassed. 310 pp £7.11. COLOUR AND THE EDGAR CAYCE READINGS by Roger Lewis. Quotations and commentary on Cayce's information on how COLOUR affects our lives. 48 pages. £3.95.12. COMING EARTH CHANGES by William Hutton. William is a geologist. He points out the patterns for change and covers a wide range of concepts. 339 pages. £9.0014. CREATIVE MEDITATION. Richard Peterson. A unique approach to meditation. 250 pages. £8.50.

16. DISCOVERING THE SOUL: Robert Jarman. Amazing findings of a Psychiatrist and his patients. The true causes of their problems are revealed; then the healing takes place. 215 pp. £10.50.18. DREAMS; THE LANGUAGE OF THE UNCONSCIOUS. Hugh Lynn Cayce and his friends. This book is very helpful should you be interested in dreaming. 94 pages. £5.50.19. DREAMS: YOUR MAGIC MIRROR. by Elsie Sechrist. The best book on dreams that we know of. It has started many people on their dream journeys. 241 pp. £9.00.21. EDGAR CAYCE'S ASTROLOGY FOR THE SOUL. Margaret Gammon and W.H. Church. The authors look at astrological influences on people given readings by Edgar Cayce. 200 pages £9.5022. EDGAR CAYCE COMPANION. by B. Ernest Frejer. A comprehensive reference treatise, taken from the Edgar Cayce Readings. The result of 15 years of

research. 264 topics. Plus quotations from the readings from Earth Changes, health, and purpose of life etc. Ernest took 20 years of his life to put this material together. 485pp £15.00.23. EDGAR CAYCE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FOODS FOR HEALTH AND HEALING. Brett Bolton. Reprint of Edgar Cayce Speaks. This book covers the whole range of foods, but especially those to be used to help cure specific sicknesses. This book is worth having. £12.00.24. EDGAR CAYCE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HEALING by Reba Ann Karp. Edgar Cayce treatments for 190 common ailments. Taken from many readings. 644 pages. £7.00.27. EDGAR CAYCE HANDBOOK FOR HEALTH THROUGH DRUGLESS THERAPY by Dr.Reilly. A must if you wish to understand what is going on in physical healing. Includes many treatments. Reilly worked with Cayce. 348 pages. £11.00.30. EDGAR CAYCE ON SOUL MATES. By Kevin Todeschi. All about the one you are waiting for, the one who will fill the lonely places in your heart. 189 pages. £9.00.31. EDGAR CAYCE ON THE REINCARNATION OF FAMOUS PEOPLE. By Kevin J Todeschi. Edgar gave past life readings for Alexander The Great. St. Cecilia. Cromwell. Benjamin Franklin. Joan of Arc. Captain Kidd. Moliere. Nero. Pocahontas. Rubens. And more than 60 others. Exciting. 132 pages. £4.50.32. EDGAR CAYCE ON THE AKASHIC RECORDS: by Kevin Todeschi: This book is all about the storehouse of information for every individual who has even lived. 180pp. £7.9933. EDGAR CAYCE ON THE POWER OF COLOUR, STONES AND CRYSTALS. By Dan Campbell reveals the mystical forces within these elements. 206 pages. £5.5034. EDGAR CAYCE PRIMER. Herbert Puryear. Sources of Psychic Information; Citizens of the Universe; Attunement and Application; Nature of Man; the Temple of the Living God; Mind, the Builder; Laws of Oneness, Space, Time and Patience; Free Will and Choice; Self-Transformation; Prayer and Meditation and the Decision Making Process; Sexuality and the Spiritual Path, and much more. 247 pages. £5.25.

35 EDGAR CAYCE PRODUCTS BOOK 20 years of research. Letters from people telling how the remedies affected their lives. £4.36. EDGAR CAYCE REMEDIES. Dr.McGarey. This is the book that fills in the gaps left out by Reilly. Dr. McGarey also lets us have an account of his personal successes, using the Cayce products. He tells you how to use them. 271 pages. £5.25.37. EDGAR CAYCE’S STORY OF JESUS. Jeffrey Furst. The story of Jesus as found scattered through the Edgar Cayce readings. A great read. 413 pages. £7.2538. EDGAR CAYCE’S STORY OF KARMA. Mary Ann Woodward. Edgar Cayce’s explanation of the powerful life forces generated by personal actions which can bless or plague us through many lifetimes. 256 pages. £6.50.39 FROM BIRTH OF SOULS TO DEATH OF MOSES. 225 pages. £7.25. See 38.

40. FROM JOSHUA TO SOLOMON. 201 pages. £7.25. See 38.41. FROM SOLOMON TO JESUS. 278pages. £7.25. See 38.45. ENEMAS by Sonia Rowley. Sonia tells you all about them, how to do them, how to get the materials you need to do them etc. Cost £3.50. 48. GEMS AND STONES. By the staff of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Based on the readings. Many quotations. Stones for healing; for attunement; and how to choose your stone, etc.73 pages. £5.00.49. THE GOSPEL OF THE ESSENES. Edmund Szekely. Lost scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood. Jesus was an Essene. A translation. 222 pages. £6.95.50. THE GOSPEL OF PEACE OF JESUS THE CHRIST. About the Essene teachings. 62 pages. Cost £2.5054. HEAL ARTHRITIS by Doctor William McGarey. Do it physically, mentally and spiritually. The Edgar Cayce approach. (I did it 26 years ago and I've never looked back: John) 146 pages £5.55. HEALING HANDS, HEALING WORDS. BY RAY CULLIS. Positive suggestion and loving touch for family and friends. 175 pages. £9.9556. HEALING PSORIASIS. Dr.John Pagano.Medical Book of the Year etc. The best there is; and has been the number one best seller in America for the past four years. Follow the instructions and you will heal psoriasis.300 pages.£18.00 plus £2 post. Not in stock until late August.60. INDIGO CHILDREN by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. The new kids have arrived. A very helpful and informative book. Helps parents and teachers understand and help some of the extraordinary children being born today. 248 pages. £9.9562. INSPIRED LIVING. Keith Vonderohe. A message for you from the Edgar Cayce readings for every day in the year. They will bring you new hope and vision for each day.377pages.£8.50.63. IN THE PRESENCE OF ANGELS. Robert C.Smith. This book contains stories based on research into angelic influences.It includes references from the Edgar Cayce readings. 224p. £9.50.

64. JESUS: A CLOSER WALK. By William A. McGarey. Edgar recommended we all read Chapters 14 to 17 of John as often as we could. Dr. McGarey has worked with the principles in these four chapters of John all his life. He shares his wealth of information with us. 175 pp. £7.5069. LIVE WELL, SLEEP WELL. By Dan Campbell. Dan tells you how to solve the bane of modern life: restless sleep. He explains what sleep is, why we need it, what happens when we don't get enough. He then tells us how to solve any problem we may have, in a natural way. 187 pp. £9.5072. LOVE RELATIONSHIPS by Charles and Leslie Cayce. Charles Cayce is now president of the ARE in Virginia Beach. They write about the great challenges that life faced them with this time round and they tell it all and how they overcame. They are now in an ever enriching. 214 pages. £5.50 73. MANY MANSIONS. Gina Cerminara. A classic on reincarnation.Guides you to recognising much of your own past.Has helped many people.240 pages. £5.50.

76. MEDITATION, GATEWAY TO LIGHT. Elsie Sechrist.The ideal book on meditation for beginners. 52 pages. £4.0079. MYSTERIES OF ATLANTIS REVISITED. By EDGAR EVANS CAYCE. Edgar explained the Lost Continent and it's destruction very well. 212 pages. £5.1581. NO DEATH. By Hugh Lynn and Edgar Cayce. Compiled by Graham McGill. Life and the after life are one continuous experience. 193 pages. £9.1582. NOURISHING THE BODY TEMPLE. By SIMONE GABBAY. Comprehensive diet and nutrition guide to achieving good health. 164 pages. £9.1583. OCKHAM'S UNIVERSE by JOHN WALSH. This book gives the reader a new understanding of how the universe was created. It also explains the challenges orthodox science cannot answer. 320 pages £8 plus £2 p and p. Overseas Europe by air: p and p £4. Overseas America and other countries by air: p and p £5. 84. THE OIL THAT HEALS. Dr. McGarey. All about Castor Oil; it replaces the book called The Palma Christi. 232 pages. £9.50.91. THE PHYSICIAN’S REFERENCE NOTEBOOK. Dr.McGarey. Hardback. Once only sold to the medical profession, it is now the authority on a number of diseases that are difficult to cure.436 pages. £15.50.92. THE PLACE WE CALL HOME: by Robert J. Grant. Exploring the soul's existence after death. 207 pages. £10.50.93. POLE SHIFT. John White. The reasons why we may have earth changes are given here. 413 pages. £7.50.95. RELIEVE YOUR ACHING HEAD by Anne Hunt. Excellent advice on how to keep away headaches and keep your stomach and body in good working order. £4.00.99. THE SECOND COMING. Kirk Nelson. The best available on earth change predictions; helps you to make your own.149 pages. £9.50.101. SLOW DOWN. Mark Thurston. The basic principles for happy living. 87 pages. £4.00.

103. SLEEPING PROPHET by Jess Stearn. The best life of Edgar Cayce in paperback. £5.99104. THERE IS A RIVER. Thomas Sugrue. Tom was Edgar’s friend and wrote this brilliant biography while Edgar was still alive. It is still a best seller today. 384 pages. £5.50.107. UNICORN ISLAND. Mary Bartlett. A story to help children enjoy and wonder at the world we live in. £3.50. We stock it but it can be bought direct from Mary: 1, Martins, Dartington hall, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6EP. Add 85p for post.110.. WEIGHT NO MORE. Anne Hunt. A weight loss programme that can work. 76 pages. £4.00.114. YOURS FAITHFULLY. Fred Proctor. One man’s story; an inspiration to all of us. 40 pages. £1.95.


97. SEARCH FOR GOD Book 1. This is the book we use in our study groups but anyone can use it by themselves. It makes excellent reading and gives you oceans of material to dwell on. 130pp. Hardback. £7.98. SEARCH FOR GOD Book 2. A continuation of Book 1. It takes you deeper. Hardback. 145 pp. £7.8. BEGINNING THE SEARCH FOR GOD. Edgar Cayce's Approach by Fields and Clement. A great support book for study group work. £7.

TAPES TO HELP YOU122. HEALING NIGHT TAPE by John Walsh. £3. This tape is to be played last thing at night. It helps with all sicknesses.123. HOW TO RUN A STUDY GROUP by John Walsh. Tape. £3.124. NIGHT TAPE for 5 to 12 year olds with problems. £3. They should be going to sleep while it is being played, otherwise it will not help so good. This point applies to most night tapes. The soul needs to hear the words before it leaves the body for the night. This means the child has about 5 to 7 minutes of listening to the vital words. This is why the key words are repeated a number of times. Most tape recorders will switch themselves off.125. NIGHT TAPE for 12 to 18 year olds. £3. Read about the previous tape above.126. STEPPING STONES AND NIGHT TAPE. £3. Play one side of this tape at night as you go to sleep. Play the other side the next night. It has helped many people whether they’ve had problems or not.

To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it. ConfuciusCHURCH NOTICE: The peacekeeping meeting scheduled for today is cancelled due to a conflict.

Sorrow is a fruit: God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it. Victor Hugo


Postage is 30p. in the £, with a maximum of £6 per package to all places in Britain. We send a maximum of 4 castor oils, because of their weight, for £6. ALL PACKETS ARE SENT FIRST CLASS. Any small item ordered separately, no matter what the cost, such as a wool flannel or gold cream etc, include £1 only for postage in Britain. For the rest of Europe send £2. In this situation please use your discretion and we will see how this works out. To Eire and Europe, for normal size packages, we will charge actual postage. Small packet rate up to 2 kilos: e.g 3 castor oils, is the cheapest way to do this and is now rather expensive, but it's still worth it. Cheques should be made payable to The Edgar Cayce Centre. Please pay in advance

or use a credit card. Please include the card's expiry date. If you wish to use castor oil packs for the first time, please ask for the instructions.The instructions are on the medicines brought in from America. 1-2 tablespoon, usually means half of one dessert spoon. In USA, TABLE = DESERT.


ATOMIDINE. The best antiseptic for sores and cuts. Gets the thyroid and other glands functioning right. Ask for instructions if product is new to you. £8.50.ANIMATED ASH: £14.AURA GLOW. A skin massage lotion. The most popular Cayce item sold in the USA It is the all purpose cosmetic. 2oz. Almond, Jasmine, Rose or Lavender. £1.40.AURA GLOW 8 oz. bottles. Almond, Rose, Jasmine or Lavender. £5CALCIOS A brilliant calcium supplement. Used a lot by pregnant women and older people, but it is marvellous for everyone. Many people with bone problems have solved them using this item. The 2 oz. pack is enough for 50 days. £7.50.CAMPHODERM. Relieves minor backaches, congestion & colds. Clears the lungs of mucous etc. Rub into chest and or spine. £5.50CAMPHOR . Natural. 1 oz. £5.50. To mix with olive oil to make camphorated oil. One of the best rub ons for aches and pains that one can get. Mixed with olive oil cures cold sores.CARBON STEEL Carry it in your groin pocket and you will not get a cold or flu easily. Women need to hang it on a string from their waists or attach it to the outside edge of either pocket of their bra; do not hang it around your neck. It has a hole in it for a string. £3.50CASTOR OIL. Half litre. Cold pressed. £6. Maximum 4 bottles for a total of £6 postage charge.

CHARRED OAK KEG. £59. Apple Brandy, Calvados, can be bought in some Sainsbury stores for under £16. Also from Somerset Cider Co., Ltd. Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, Somerset. 01460 240782 The English is as good as the Calvados. We do have one left.CHROMIUM VANADIUM. Helps diabetics. Jar of 60 tablets £7.50CIDER BRANDY for The Charred Oak Keg: Somerset: 01460 40782 or SainsburysCOCA COLA SYRUP. 1 pint. Excellent for the liver: £8.50COLLOIDAL SILVER. Ring Allan Wilkinson on 01388 450 014COLLOIDAL SILVER GENERATORS. Ring Allan Wilkinson on 01388 450 014CRUDOLEUM OIL. This helps you to grow your hair. £5.95. Ask for instructions or I can tell them to you on the phone. 450 mlsCRUDOLEUM RINSE. Helps to take oil out after treatment. 470 Mls £4.65.CRUDOLEUM SHAMPOO. Excellent for general hair care. Revitalises dry brittle hair. 240 mls. £6.CRUDOLEUM HAIR CONDITIONER: Helps with dry itchy scalps and excessive hair loss. Excellent in helping to manage one's hair: 540 Mls. £6.50

DERMAGLOW. It stimulates the circulation and prevents acne. £4.25.DETENSE. Brings down blood pressure and improves eliminations. When taking it do not eat beef or fried foods and don’t drink carbonated drinks. £9.00EDGAR CAYCE PRODUCTS BOOK 20 years of research. £4.EGYPTIAN OIL. Stimulates circulation. It is very good for stiff muscles and sore joints; it helps a lot with mild attacks of arthritis. £6.00.FORMULA 545 . It clears toxins from the system and aids digestion; the readings say it is good for everyone. 8 oz. £8.50.FORMULA 636. Originally created to restore natural colour to grey hair but users found it to have a rejuvenating effect on the system; it also aids digestion. £9.95.FORMULA 637 As for 636 but for vegetarians. £8.95.FORMULA 208 It soothes the internal tract and helps with diarrhoea. 8oz. £8.95.GLYCOTHYMOLINE. It is a gargle for nasal and throat passages. Cures sinus problems: 3 drops in half a glass of water at bedtime will alkalinise the system. Can be used as castor oil is used for many problems that can be reached through the skin. £8.50.GOLD CHLORIDE. Used mainly for nervous problems. When used with the Wet Cell or Bio Cell or Impedance Device: 1 grain £8. 1% or 5 grains: £30. The 5 grain bottle needs to have 12oz. of distilled water added to it to give 5 x 15 day treatments. Total 75 days of use.GOLD CREAM. Clears wrinkles and gives the skin fresh elasticity and health. £15.95.INNERCLEAN LAXATIVE. Herbal base. 80 tabs. £4.95.INSPIROL: An inhalant for asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, bronchitis. It has no side effects. £6.95.

IPSAB: Liquid. A gum treatment; squeeze one drop, at a time, into the gums. Use the thumb and first finger. It solves most gum problems. 2oz. £6.50.IPSAB Liquid 1oz. Concentrated: to be used as above. £4.50.IPSAB Liquid 4 ounce: £9.50IPSAB TOOTHPOWDER. An excellent tooth cleaner; to be used about 3 times a week. 4 oz. is £4.95. 2 oz. is £2.95.JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES. for diabetes. 250 tablets. 500 mg. Includes Jerusalem artichoke whole plant powder, plus Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystaline cellulose, stearic acid, croscarmelose sodium, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, and pharmaceutical glaze. £8.60.LIQUID LANOLIN. A base for many formulas that are used for body rubs; excellent with peanut oil. £5.50MOTHER EARTH’s Herbal Cough Mixture. 4 oz. £4.50.MULLEIN LEAVES. Used as a tea for most skin problems. They are also used in a poultice for most skin, muscle and tissue complaints. £4.25.MUSCLE TREAT For backaches, sprains, strains, sore fatigued muscles and varicose veins. 4oz. £3.75.NATURAL CAMPHOR SPIRITS: £4.

OPTIKADE. Helps the whole body but especially the eyes. When using it for the eyes you are advised to eat extra carrots and do the head and neck exercises at the same time. £10.95PATAPAR PAPER. Can be used over and over again. 5 sheets. £4.50.PEANUT OIL. Half litre. Cold Pressed: Virgin peanut oil in heavy green glass bottle. Cost £6 plus £3 p and p. The same oil in plastic bottle £6 plus £2 p and p. Excellent for arthritis and other pains in the body.PEDICURE. For athlete’s foot and other foot problems. 2oz. £3.95.RAYS OINTMENT. For most skin problems including eczema and psoriasis. £6.50.RAGWEED TINCTURE. Liver tonic and non-habit forming laxative. Recommended in 100 Readings. 4 oz. £9.95.SAFFRON. American Saffron. The best drink for liver and skin problems. £4.50SCARMASSAGE. It heals nearly all scars. If the scar is new rub it on the side of the scar only. 2 oz. cream in a jar. £4.50. 3 oz. Liquid with a roll on cap on bottle. £5.95.SELENIUM. People in Britain are short of what is required to be healthy. Our soil is deficient. One a day. 60 in box. (200ug plus A,C and E. each) Cost: £4.95 per box. SHAMPOO. Olive Oil. Excellent for all hair problems. 240 mls £4.95. Please keep away from eyes.SHAMPOO. Tannenbaum Pine Tar. Excellent for scalps that are prone to eczema, etc. £4.95. Please keep away from eyes.240 mls.SHAMPOO. Crudoleum: Excellent for general hair care. Revitalises dry brittle hair. 240 mls. £6.SILVER NITRATE for Wet Cell or Bio Cell. 3 oz. £14.

SLIPPERY ELM BARK. A drink, mainly for skin problems. 2 0z. A half-gramme is enough in a glass of hot water. If you wish you can leave it to thicken for 20 minutes. Take it three times a week. 4 oz. £6.50.SOLE SOOTHER. For aching and tired feet. £3.50.SULFLAX. Brilliant laxative that heals as it works. Very good when you have any skin problem. £5.25.TEMPLE HEALER. A remedy for headaches. It is applied externally. 2 fl.oz. £5.50.TIM. The best cure for Haemorrhoids I’ve met. £5.95.VANADIUM and CHROMIUM. 60 tablets in a jar. £7.50VIOLET RAY Combs, Round Bulbs and Vaginal attachments £19 each. Limited stock.VITAMINS. NATURE'S BEST. A - Z Multi Vitamins and Minerals. 60 in a pack. One tablet a day. They were created to fill the gaps in our diet, left because of the kind of food most of us now eat. £5.95 per pack.WATERMELON SEEDS. A tea. It purifies and clears the ducts through the kidneys. 4 oz. £5.50.WOOL FLANNEL. or the Castor Oil packs. The wool is undyed. It should be cleaned after using it 28 times. Boil it before using. £7.50.ZILATONE. 50 tablets. Digestive aid with natural enzymes. £9.95.

IMPEDANCE DEVICE AND WET CELL. Should you wish to buy an impedance Device or Wet Cell, contact P. J. Brookman, 73, Conway Drive, Shepshed, Leicestershire LE1 29PP 01509 821906 or Email, [email protected] or [email protected] or Tel 038300879 or write: Leopoldslei, 31, 2660 Hoboken, Belgium. Or Bruce Baar in the USA on 001 610 873 4591.COLOIDAL MINERALS Andrew Carter Reay. 01234 269 089 SILVER: for the colloidal silver machine:Allan Wilkinson 01388 450 014.COLLOIDAL SILVER IN BOTTLES: Allan Wilkinson 01388 450 014.ITEMS FOR WET CELLHALF POUND WILLOW CHARCOAL: £7.COPPER SULPHATE 1.5 LBS: £4.00GOLD CHLORIDE 1 GRAMME £7GOLD CHLORIDE 5 GRAMMES £27SILVER NITRATE £12ZINC £2.50SOLUTION JAR £6.

Child: Dear God, are you really invisible or is it just a trick?Gerry Jampolsky: "There are only two emotions: love: our natural inheritance and fear - an invention of our minds which is illusory." Edgar says it's based on what is real for without fear, the human race would not have survived the bad times..

TWO TRUTHSAnthony de Mello SJ. ‘‘What is love?’’ ‘‘The total absence of fear.’’ ‘‘What is it we fear?’’ ‘‘Love.’’

THEY'RE SINGING YOUR SONGThanks for the help of Alan Cohen and Universal World Harmony

When a woman in a certain African village knows she's pregnant, she goes out into the plantation with a few friends to meditate until they hear the song of the child. They know that every soul has its own unique vibration. When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud, return to the village and teach it to everyone else.When the child, let's say a girl, is born, she has her song sung to her by the villagers. The village sing it again to the child at every important step she takes in life starting with school, going through her initiation into adulthood, when she marries and finally when she dies.But more than that, at any time in her life when she commits a crime, the villagers sit her down in the centre of the village and sing her song to her again. They believe that when you are in touch with your own song, you have no desire or need to do anything that might hurt another person or yourself.

In our so-called advanced civilisation, a friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten what it is. When you feel neglected, or ugly or broken or bullied or rejected, they will sing your song to you and put you back on your feet again. When I think of the children who've just committed suicide here in the North East, I know that they had no-one to sing their songs to them. And who could have sung their songs? Only the tiny whispering voices inside each one of them, the only part they own that truly knows their songs. But if they've never listened in there in the good times, how can they hear those voices when times are bad. Edgar said that it's like playing international football: if you don't practice that listening, how can you play in the big game?

Quotes from accident claim forms: ‘‘I knew the dog was possessive about the car but I would not have asked her to drive if I had thought there was any risk.’’‘‘I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.’’‘‘An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished.’’

WE SHAPE OUR BUILDINGS, THEREAFTER THEY SHAPE US: Winston Churchill.In dream interpretation, buildings represent the mind.


Thanks for the help of James Twyman and Universal World Harmony

I've met many psychic children these past few years and they are different. Some of them master computers before they can walk and so on. Others say things that make us sit back and think. I think you will find that their answers might well tell us why they've come.Here are some adults and their children speaking: ‘‘My son Jason is 7. He has an uncanny wisdom beyond his years. The last message he got was on the 31st of March, 2001. He was six then.’’ ‘‘Now, Mom, they are talking about ancient secrets about God and love. The ancients hid them and you will learn them in my mind. This will happen in three years time, be patient. God's love is everywhere - there's nowhere where God's love is not. There isn't even a tiny sliver the size of my hand in all the universes where God's love is not. Holy love is the only true love. There is no love the same or better for you than your own love. Your mind is always working with love at its centre. You are always protected by God's love. Your joy is growing bigger every second. You can never hurt God because God is love and love is unhurtable.’’ ‘‘At that point he said he was done and wanted to go to sleep.’’

When Nikki's father asked her what she would like to say to the adults of the world, she said: ‘‘Why don't people let go? They hang on too tight. Know that the world as we know it is not real. Spirit is real. If you let go, you will reconnect with spirit.’’Fifteen year old Steven said: ‘‘If I had to say one thing to everyone it would be that f you pretend it and believe that it is true, it will happen. You have to have faith in it and not just hoping that it will happen.’’Shalah, aged 11, when asked how to get world peace said: ‘‘Everybody has to get together and make one big family. Pretend everyone is family, give hugs and help each other. We have to respect each other and accept each other for who we are. And that's it.’’Max aged six, when asked what he would tell the adults of the world, said: ‘‘Love is the only thing that matters, nothing else does. Love is the thing.’’ Then I asked him: ‘‘Who are we really?’’ and Max said ‘‘Angels.’’ ‘‘Why are we here, what is our mission?’’ Max: ‘‘To bring love.’’

You know you're middle-aged when the dog lets you get to the stick first. They say that life begins at 40 but so does arthritis, lumbago, bad hearing, bad eyesight, and the bad habit of telling the same story to the same people, three times in one day.

I WISH YOU ENOUGH.Sylvia Haberfeld: healer member of J.A.S.H.

At an airport I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together. The plane's departure had been announced and his words to his daughter were: ‘‘I love you; I wish you enough..’’ ‘‘Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love was all I ever needed. Daddy, I wish you enough too.’’ They kissed good-bye and the girl walked away.I was seated at the window; he came to the empty seat beside me and looking in my eyes he said: ‘‘Did you ever say good-bye to someone, knowing it would be forever.’’ ‘‘Yes, I have:’’ I replied. Saying that brought back memories of all that my dad had done for me. I had told my own dad how much he had meant to me, so I knew what this man was going through.‘‘Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?’’ ‘‘I am old and she lives much too far away. In my real world I know that her next trip home will be to my funeral.’’ ‘‘When you were saying good-bye, I heard the words: ‘I wish you enough,’ may I ask what that means?’’ His words came with his smile: ‘‘That's a wish that's been handed down from past generations. My parents said it with their good-byes to everyone.’’ Then the man smiled even more: ‘‘When we said ‘I wish you enough,’ we were hoping that the person we were speaking to would have

enough good things in life to sustain them.’’ And then he went on as if he'd said these words many times before:‘‘I wish you enough sunshine to keep your attitudes right. I wish you enough rain to help you appreciate the bright days more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirits alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life will appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all the good things you possess. I wish you enough hello's to get you through your final good-byes.’’ Then he stood up and as he walked away I saw the tears come to his eyes and in sharing his "enoughs" with me, he truly helped me on my way.

SCAM Number 1.If we didn't have problems, we'd have nothing to worry about. Should you get a phone call from the Post Office or any other office, offering you gift vouchers because you are a lucky winner and they ask you for your post code, don't give it. 90% of those who do, are eventually robbed. The P.O. have confirmed that they are doing no surveys.


SCAM Number 2,The second scam I'm mentioning here is operated by people saying they work for BT. They ask you to dial 90 and hit the hash key and then hang up. They have now opened your line and they can make long distance calls or go on to chat lines for months at your expense and you'll have to pay the bill. Don't ever press 90 for anyone. Tell your friends.

BEFORE THE MOUND BUILDERSWhen Edgar Cayce gave his dates for the coming of human beings to the Americas, everyone knew that he was completely wrong. Archaeologists knew that the first people to come to the Americas couldn't have come there before 4,000 BC. Then the dates changed in 1927 when a spear point was found wedged in the bones of an extinct bison that was killed in 8,000 BC. Then in 1932, the excavators found that a mammoth had been killed in New Mexico in 9,200 BC. But mainstream archaeology wouldn't move past 9,500 BC for a very long time.Then, in 1997 in Chile, a site was found that was dated back to 35,000 BC. At this point, with more ancient sites being found, the barriers collapsed. Today, we know of particular waves of migration that go back to 47,000 BC. Cayce had stated that the first migration to the Americas came in 50,000 BC, the 2nd in 28,000 BC and finally the third in 10,000 BC. And now, with modern technology to back up the

findings of the archaeologists, the unbelievers have no option but to accept the more ancient dates.

CRANIAL OSTEOPATHYThe reason cranial osteopathy works so well is because we have 28 different bones in our skulls. These bones are joined together like the tectonic plates that cover this Earth. They are held together by tough fibrous membranes called "dura" and these dura extend down the spine as far as the tail bone. It only takes one pound weight of pressure to move one of these bones, but because they are a unit with the spine, pressure in the wrong way on the spine, can also affect them. I think you may now see why doing the Tibetan exercises (mainly to do with the spine) even helps the memory. When things go wrong in the bones that make up the skull, we can have headaches, dizziness, high or low blood pressure, feelings of anxiety or depression, digestive problems, hormonal disturbances, dyslexia, sinus problems, balance problems, mood swings and even low back pains.I've had cranial osteopathy from Santosh Jassal and I can assure you it's very gentle, non-invasive, and easily tolerated and I know it's the tops for babies and young children, no matter what their problems might be.


WARS AND RUMOURS OF WARSBefore a war begins on the outside, it has to start on the inside first. We fail to realise the value of being alive. Governments are blamed for starting wars but they only reflect what the human beings in their countries have in their hearts. Our problem is that in our conscious thought processes we don't know what we really want or need. Our new generation gets bored so fast when they eventually get something they've always wanted. I see this most of all with the young overpaid footballers and their stream of new cars: buy one week, sell the next. I see it with the five year olds and their one day old toys. Next day they're looking for a new one.My father was a miner once. Like his fellow workers he had to dig deep for what he wanted and the pattern carried over into the lives of those people. They tended to dig deep inside themselves for their emotional needs in everyday life also. I think that we will all, one day have to do the same. The older generation from all countries, tended to give to others and to then listen deep in themselves when they needed good company. I think they hit on the right pattern for living, maybe by accident, but I don't think so. That hidden mind inside each one of them, where their power lay, was allowed to express itself in their lives. They couldn't lose. After years of sickness, in the weeks before he died, when he wasn't praying, my father was explaining to me how to build a house when he wasn't telling me funny stories. Two

weeks before he left the west of Ireland for good, he made me promise that I would take him back to Durham before he died: even after 50 years away, he still wanted to see the old coal mine again. It was the mining that had left its mark. No wonder I too, had to come to Durham.

GOD! REMIND MEby Ella Wheeler Wilcox.God and I in space alone,And nobody else in view,

‘‘And where are the people, O Lord?’’ I said,‘‘The Earth below and the sky above o'erhead,

And the dead whom once I knew?’’‘‘That was a dream,’’ God smiled and said,

‘‘A dream that seemed to be true,There were no people living or dead,

There was no Earth and no sky o'erhead,There was only myself and you.’’

The man told his wife that the lake was good for fish: he couldn't catch any.

THE PARADOX OF THE 21ST CENTURYWe now have taller buildings but shorter tempers; wider roads but narrower viewpoints. We buy more but enjoy it less; we have bigger houses but smaller families; we have more conveniences but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; we have more knowledge but less judgement; we have more experts but fewer solutions. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values; we talk too much, love too little and hate too often. We can now make a living but not a life; we can go to the moon but won't cross the street to help a neighbour. We've cleaned the air but polluted the soul; we have more leisure time but less fun; we have many grand houses but more broken homes; we have hundreds of acquaintances but very few true friends.


Edgar said that the poles would shift in 2000, 2001. As I've explained to you before, these years are probably two years late. If we've prayed right they may be even more. We've known for some time that the positive magnetic field in the southern hemisphere has been weakening under the Atlantic Ocean for some time. Just a couple of months ago it was found that the field is now weakening under South Africa. Physicists now believe that a switching of the poles could come at any time. Right now, the part under the northern hemisphere is the negative half of the Earth's magnetic field. This is because it is comprised mainly of electrons and electrons are

negative energies. Protons are a positive energy and under the southern hemisphere we have mainly protons. All of these particles come from the heart of the Sun and are the left overs when the hydrogen bombs explode.Most of us know about the healing powers of magnets. In the right environment I've seen them working miracles. Should the pole shift happen here on Earth, we'll have the positive magnetic field surrounding us for the first time in our lives. I have a feeling that it will bring a healing process to us all. Edgar said that there would be progress made here on Earth when America and Russia become real friends, which they are not right now. Maybe we need the pole shift. When it comes it will probably shift the position of the Earth in the heavens and if it does, the most likely outcome is that the present north pole will move in a south easterly direction and will finish up to the east of the centre portion of Baffin Island. That's a movement of about 800 to 1,000 miles. Of course, it will then become the south pole. It will have a positive charge and will attract the negative half of your compass needle. The positive half of the needle (magnetite) will then point to where the South Pole is today. We'll soon get used to the changes.

EXPLAIN GODDanny Dutton of Chula Vista, CA, aged 8, was asked to explain God as a part of his school homework. This is what he wrote. Thanks Mike and Cecilia.

One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on Earth. He doesn't make grown ups, just babies. He does this because they are smaller and easier to make. That way He doesn't have to take up His valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times besides bedtimes. God doesn't have time to listen to the Radio or TV because of this.God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your Mom's and Dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church.Jesus is God's son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and people finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him. But, he was good and kind, like his father and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said OK.His Dad, God, appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on Earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road any more. He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing

things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary but more important. You can pray any time you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God. Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong, And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely because your parents can't go anywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or when you can swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.But, you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back any time he pleases. And, that's why I believe in God.

YOUNG AT HEARTby Nick Nicholls

Have you seen my spectacles? I have so many pairs:No, not the pair for reading, or climbing up the stairs.

They're not the pair for seeing when I want to watch TV,They are the other pair I need, the pair that make me see.

Where have I put the pair I've lost: I must have been distracted,I'm sure I put them somewhere, but then my mind reactedAnd closed the door to memory of where I saw them last:

But suddenly I realise and then I am aghast:Of course it was so easy, as everybody knows,

They're where I always find them - balanced on my nose.

Where have I put my glasses? Where have I put my teeth?My bones are all a creaking, my muscles are so weak.

I get up in the morning to find its half past four,Then trip along the carpet as I crash into the door.

I cannot find my hearing aid, my teeth are falling out,Now ask me if I'm getting old? I sometimes have a doubt.

Then I'll enjoy my life each day until I lose my shoes,It's now so easy to forget, I think I'll sing the blues.

Although it is a happy tune, there's one thing I must say,I can't remember all the words, so I whistle through the day.

But, do not be disheartened, for its usual you see,To find that there are those worse off, than either you or me.


THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW states that people who helped with housework, child care, went on errands or did other tasks, reduced their risk of dying by almost 60% , compared with those who didn't help. I knew one old lady who kept on working in a busy house until she was 95 years old. She then slowed down a bit and only stopped working six months before she died in her 97th year.


MEMORIESAlan E. George and Arthrocare news.

We were born before television, penicillin, polio vaccine, frozen foods, photocopiers, contact lenses, videos, frisbees and the pill.We lived before credit cards, ball point pens, tumble dryers, electric blankets, air conditioners and drip dry clothes.We got married first, lived together and knew that you only had crumpet for tea.We accepted that making out was doing well in exams and that you fastened your collar with a stud. We thought that a big Mac was an oversized overcoat and if you went all the way you stayed on the bus until it reached the depot.In those days, grass was mown, coke was kept in the coal bunker, pot was used to cook food in, a joint was a piece of meat, a porn shop was a pawn shop, a handkerchief was a coat sleeve and a gay person was the life and soul of the party.In those days recycling was the rag and bone man, McDonalds just owned a farm, central heating was a fire brick wrapped in a blanket, a duvet was granddad's overcoat thrown over the bed and the top ten were still the ten commandments.Some of us believe there's a generation gap but no, we old folk have just long memories.



It is now in 500 products. Many people are allergic to it like my brother is. It nearly killed him. To save yourself you just stop taking it and that's what my brother did but it has left its mark. He took it in a fizzy drink for too long. Howard Hetzenbaum tried to get a bill that would explain its dangers through Congress but non-supportive people stopped him.It is known to have caused systemic lupus, fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, memory loss, birth defects and deteriorates the neurons in the brain. But it's especially bad for diabetics.Doctors Russell Blaycock and H.J. Roberts should have case histories on the internet by now. You should be able to find their pages.


Carrots are high in vitamin A and C. Carrot juice is good for heartburn, stomach acidity and the eyes. They fight ageing diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and various cancers.. A good sized carrot every day lowers blood cholesterol by 10%.Cucumber can be used as a cooling agent for fever and helps to eliminate unwanted water from the body and is therefore helpful for those who have heart and kidney problems. It also helps to get rid of stones in the kidneys and bladder and is also helps you beat constipation.Lettuce tends to cure insomnia and calms the nerves. It contains potassium, iron and vitamin C. It's best to eat it as fresh as possible but if you can't, eat it anyway.Watercress helps with gout, catarrh but only eat it twice a week. If you eat too much of it, it can harm the kidneys.Avocado is high in monounsaturated fats that resist oxidation and help to neutralise fat in other foods. It also lowers and improves cholesterol. They are a source of vitamin E, C, B6, B3 and potassium.Beans and soybeans help reduce the risk of cancer. Soybeans are a good source of low fat proteins. In the shops you find them in miso, tamari soy sauce, soy milk, tofu and tempeh.Broccoli. Contains good antioxidants, are packed with vitamin C, beta-carotene foliate and vitamin E. Its also rich in chromium and this helps regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Best eaten raw. If you can't, steam it until it's well cooked.Cabbages contain good anti-oxidant and anti-cancer compounds. Take it once a week and it blocks colon cancer: in tests, blocks it by 34%, against those who ate it once a month. Source of vitamin C.Spinach: just as good as cabbage if not better.Onions and Garlic. The Cayce readings praise them so much, you can assume they will help you no matter what your problem is.

Water. You need 2 to 3 litres a day. It is the foundation for good health.

CATSThe people at the Fauna Institute in the USA have discovered that cats purr on the same frequency that heals bones. I think that this may partly explain why so many people instinctively love cats. The Fauna Institute people can measure the vibrations in bones but I also have to believe that the purring helps the whole body.

‘‘Treat the Earth well. It was not given us by our parents. It was lent to us by our children.’’

PRAYER OF A CHRONIC INVALID.Written 20 years before she died.

By the time she died though, she completely understood why she had come to Earth. I found the enclosed in her belongings. I thought I should share her thoughts as they were written all those years ago. Many of us don't truly realise what blessings we have in life.

"I am tired Lord of this everlasting illbeing, of these small afflictions that plague me and of this exhaustion which I have done nothing to deserve. I am tired of continual weakness, which causes those around me to murmur, 'poor thing, always has something wrong with her, poor creature.' And the worst of it all is that there's always something wrong with me. Oh, nothing serious, nothing that requires much attention or care, as if it were a particular case. But always something. Nothing. What I have is nothing. Nothing worth talking about. Migraines, liver troubles, gripe and so on. But really nothing. But it is forever there and I have little patience left. At times I dream of a lifetime without pain or illness, a life where there is no sleep. Would that I could have a beautiful strong life, where I could rise each morning, well rested, awake and alive to smile at the world. Beautiful life of sleep.Next I am going to criticise the others: those who abound in good health. I find their appearance unjust, their complexion so fair, their meals without fears, without consequences. And worst of all, their way of smiling as if to say: 'come dear girl, what's wrong with you today? with the air of people who have no idea what suffering they are spared.'Forgive me Lord for being so unjust. You know what I write is not all untrue. Although I am unkind I don't know why. It is a foolishness within me. Forgive me Lord and understand me as they do not understand me. Give me the energy, the courage of life, that costs so much when one has no desire for anything. The courage, the strength not to reproach the healthy and even more, not to sin. Help me Lord to carry my small miseries to the end, but with Grace."

Comment. We live life forward. We understand it backwards. Then it's usually almost too late. This is why I like to see so many of you doing the assignments and the listening. We need to have the understanding all our lives that the girl had, at the end of her 50 years in a crippled body, a body that denied her more and more of her freedom with every year that passed by. Edgar said that had we known that God only wants us to love, we would never make such sacrifice. But the blessings she brought to her family and the people she lived with were so great, they can never be measured.

"Did you know that God answers knee-mail."


ARE THERE GHOSTS?Thomas Sowerby and Bill Clayton, two very close friends and retired schoolmasters, sat together. Both had been to the same public school. Thomas had read Classics at Cambridge, whereas Bill had read Divinity at Oxford. Neither had married and they had kept up a close relationship and taught at their old public school. Each had published works to his name.This evening they discussed the existence of God and the existence of ghosts. Then Bill said, ‘‘I always used to be frightened of the paranormal but especially of ghosts. Well, many years ago I became lost in the highlands on a cold wintry evening. Up came a very kind looking old man. He asked me my name and I told him and also told him that I was lost. He said he would guide me to where I wished to go. Soon we arrived and I told him that he hadn't told me his name or where he lived. He said he was Lord Henry and quickly walked away. A neighbour told me that Lord Henry had died years before.’’This kind of story is common as many people see ghosts. I've seen quite a few but the strangest ones I ever saw were the little animals that walked by my armchair every evening at 6 o'clock for a whole Winter. They would come when I was watching the evening news. I would look down at them and see them take the same route every evening. After that Winter I didn't see them again. There were about ten of them: one following the other as our ducks used to do when they went away for the day. These animals went through the wall right beside a door so, after a few evenings of this I left the door open, but for them it didn't seem to exist. They never deviated one inch from the pathway they used the first time I saw them. They were about 15 to 18 inches tall. They had snouts that were half dog half pig. They had

short tails and round bodies that were so fat they seemed to reach to maybe 2 to 3 inches from the floor. But the strangest part of the story for me was that this happened when I lived in Wallington in Surrey. My flat was on the fourth level up and I couldn't help but wonder why they were walking so far away from the ground below. The 100 foot drop outside the flat, where they came from, seemed not to exist for them. I sometimes think that maybe the real Earth hasn't yet expanded to where it will reach some time in the future, but the animals in the spirit world have no option but to use it now. The wall of my house meant nothing to them; they went straight through it. For them, maybe our solid Earth

doesn't even exist. The second thing that puzzled me was that they seemed to be following my 24 hour clock. I can rationalise that by believing that they were following the Sun or whatever, but I also believed that they couldn't even see the Sun so that would have been a waste of time for them. Whatever, their timing went askew the next year, because I never saw them again.However, the human ghosts I've seen are very much with us and I've even seen them using stairs, just as I would. I saw one going up a stairs two steps at a time. He was even puffing. He had been dead six years when I saw him. Ghosts also get very upset with people who try to exorcise them for no reason, and they let their anger show on their faces.When we die, our first problem will be to understand that we are dead and realise that we have to use our minds to move on and continue this long journey back to God. To get to God we will truly have to be able to love the souls we can't stand today and that process can't be done in a short time. Edgar said that this Earth was specially created by God to help us return to Him. When we have completed here Cayce said, as Christs, we will have to go out into the rest of the universe and rescue the souls who are lost out there. It seems there's no-one else to do it. Because we are all sisters and brothers to one another and also have free wills, God cannot interfere with what we are doing. He is LOVE: He can only give LOVE: He needs us to get our thinking right and be aware that He loves every other soul in creation as much as He loves us, no matter how good we believe ourselves to be. No matter what a person's belief is, because God loves that person, He is saying that for that person the belief he now has is perfect for him. Each one of us has a little part of the mind of God inside us and it is that part of God that makes the decisions that guide us in our lives. This is why I keep asking you all to listen a lot inside your own heads. Some of us have come from so far back that we can only take this journey a step at a time. The steps are encompassed by all the religions working together. The reasons we fight one another will have to be rationalised by us one day and then when we get some sense into our heads we can make real progress. There's always a catch. Jesus said Love people and love God. The listening to the God mind in yourself is loving God. But Cayce said that it only works if we are

loving other people in different ways at the same time. One is dependent on the other. This is why I have the assignments in the newsletter. You should change your assignment every week if you can and if you forget what it is, go back and do one you remember from the past.

Almost back to reality: Columbus's Mother: ‘‘I don't care where you've been or what you've discovered, you still could have written.’’

Exam howlers: taken from a number of exam papers. Thanks to the teacher who compiled these.

Milton wrote Paradise Lost, then his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained. Christopher Columbus discovered America while he was cursing the Atlantic. When the pilgrims went to America it was called Pilgrims Progress. In the early days in America many babies were born and Captain John Smith was responsible for all this. The colonists soon won the war and they no longer had to pay for taxis. Franklin died in 1790 and he's still dead. Lincoln's mother died in infancy and Lincoln was born in a log cabin which he built himself. While at the theatre he was shot in his seat by an actor in a moving picture show. John Wilkes Booth, an insane actor, was blamed and this ruined his career. Gravity was invented by Isaac Walton and you can see it in Autumn when apples fall off trees. Beethoven was so totally deaf, he wrote loud music: he expired in 1827 and later died for this. The Sun never set on the British Empire long ago, because the empire is in the east and the sun sets in the west. Queen Victoria's death was the final event that ended her reign: she was the longest queen.

EARTH CHANGESI don't feel drawn much these days to either write or give talks about future earth changes. If what we do and what we think is good in the eyes of the God minds inside ourselves, we'll be all right, for that part of ourselves knows very well that there's nothing to worry about. No God outside yourself will ever judge you or punish you. And when Cayce and the Bible imply that God will keep us safe when end-times come, if we have earned that right, they were both speaking of the God mind inside ourselves. The Creator, the one who brought us into being is Love and He just cannot get involved in fiddly events, such as Earth Changes, when He already gave us a part of Himself to guide us and protect us along the way. He's been observing whole Solar Systems come and go for billions of years but never intervenes because the Cayce readings said that the dense physical creation is our doing and although God allowed us to create it, his go-ahead was reluctantly given. He was very aware of how far away from Himself we would travel and He was more than right.

THE MAGNETIC FIELD AGAINWhen I wrote the last newsletter, we knew that the magnetic field under the southern hemisphere had significantly weakened in the past 300 years. But, in the past few months, scientists have discovered that it has recently weakened greatly under South Africa as well. This has caused a great number of physicists to become interested in finding out as much as possible about the process. They know that this is a significant

finding from the point of view of a probable pole shift in the near future. I've heard some of them saying that such an event would be disastrous for the Earth. They already know that the poles have shifted many times already in the distant past. They also know that the next shift is now more than 500,000 years overdue. Edgar said that the pole shift would come in the years 2000 - 2001. More than a year ago when I woke up one morning, I heard a voice speaking quite loudly. It said, "everything has been pushed back two years." Because the statement was not specific, I could only guess the meaning of what was being said so, I'll leave the rest to you. Cayce had foretold the shift for 2000 to 2001. Should it come I think it will take about 9 months. Were the poles to shift, the Sun's gravitational pull on the earth would affect it in a way it hasn't done before in our lifetimes and I think it might trigger off unexpected Earthquakes and a whole readjustment. Right now the Earth is finely balanced and might respond in the wrong way to a gravitational pull from the Sun that would destroy its delicate balance.

THE SEVEN TRUMPETSWhat I will do is: I'll take you through the trumpets sounding in John's Revelation again. This may be of some help to you. This is the last book in the Bible and you can read the text I am referring as given in Chapter 8, starting with verses 6 and 7. (1) The burning trees are probably the burning of trees in the Vietnam war. Napalm was used there and it caused significant destruction. It is the only time the Earth has had such a burning in living memory. (2) Verse 8. The Great Mountain burning can only be Mount St. Helen's. Most of you will remember the havoc that caused. (3) Verses 9, 10 and 11. The star fell from heaven and the name of the star is called wormwood. Most of you will know by now that the word wormwood in the Russian for Chernobyl. You will also know that stars are nuclear powered. (4) Verses 12 and 13. This describes great destruction and finishes with an eagle flying overhead. The King James Bible calls the eagle an angel but the original Hebrew is eagle. One way in which America is represented in symbology is by the eagle and ever since the first Iraq war, American planes have flown over Iraq every day. (5) Ch. 9, Verses 1 to 11. This also describes a war with tanks and all that goes with such a war and finishes with the king's name in Hebrew being named: Abadon. In the text Abaddon has 2

d's. The letter A = 1 in numerology. The letters SLO added together in numerology = 1. Change 1 with 1 = SLOBADON. Switch the A and the O and we have Slobodan. This is a regular dream interpretation. (6) Verses 13 to 21. Here the four angels that are bound in the great river Euphrates are let loose and another great war is described. We know that the Euphrates flows right through Iraq, so it would be logical to assume that John is describing the last war in Iraq, in these verses. What kind of pictures John was

looking at in his mind, no-one will ever know but I have to assume that he has described them as well as he could do when the most frightening war vehicle he would have seen in those days would have been a horse with an armed soldier sitting on it.

THE FUTURE and THE WOESAfter the 6th trumpet has sounded, we have another angel coming down from heaven and he has an open book in his hand. He cries out and when he does, John hears 7 thunders speaking. He is about to write what they've said when the Angel tells him not to write it, but then states "that there should be time no longer." That's a very ominous statement for us today. Thunders are very loud noises. We've had 4 that I can easily recall so far: I've not been particularly counting them: one in Indonesia, two in Arabia, one in Casablanca and a dozen other thunders (bombs) but I think they have to be significant before one can count them as one of the 7. Then we have the three woes. The first woe seems to have been Slobodan's war. The second woe seems to be an earthquake, accompanied by great thunder storms, that kill many people. Then we have the third woe that includes the experiences described by the 7th angel sounding his trumpet. This third woe also seems to finish up with another earthquake. This earthquake is followed at this point by more scary activity, but don't let it scare you too much because John seems to enjoy doing this to us all. But most of what he describes is the spiritual upheavals that will take place in many of us as we each go through a period of mind change. Of course, some of it will be physical but I'm almost sure that most of what he speaks of in Chapter 14, will be each one of us trying to get a better way of thinking than we ever had before.

THE ANGELS WITH THE SEVEN VIALSHere we go into Chapters 15 and 16 and I think that this may be describing more serious activity for it sounds very much like a repeat of the seven trumpets that led us into all of this in the first place. Here we have the 6th angel back again in Iraq and this angel describes the Armageddon experience in Ch. 16, Verse 16. This is the new set of seven angels pouring out their vials on the Earth. When the 7th angel pours out his vial we have the worst earthquake the Earth has ever seen and if this is true then we have either just changed our way of thinking or the Earth itself has been

completely shattered. The choice seems to be there in our hands, at all times. I hope that a significant number of people on these islands can do it. Cayce said that 24 truly good people could save a whole country from destruction and if you help to do this, just don't expect any praise for succeeding, because you won't get it. This is something that has to be done with unconditional love.

John now takes us through more activity that leads up to the last of the suffering and we get a sensibly balanced Earth at last: John calls it a new heaven and a new Earth. I still think that the peoples of these islands can lead the way for the rest of the world. The prophecies say we can but they also imply that we might not. It seems to be in hands of all of us working together. As I've explained to you before, the people of these islands are descended from Ephraim the son of Joseph, the man who saved Egypt. Jacob left the inheritance of the Earth to Ephraim and I hope we can live up to the trust he had in all of us.

PEACEBy Yetta Powell

I see peace in the tiny baby fast asleep.Peace in the sheep grazing quietly on the hill.

Peace in the silvery moonlight softly shining down.,As by the weeping willow I stand still.

Peace in the murmuring stream flowing thru' the fields.Peace in the sweet, fresh, fragrant early morn.

Peace in the diamond dew that sparkles on the grass.Peace in each new creature newly born.

Peace in the gentle doves cooing overhead.Peace in the bright eyed blackbird singing in the tree.

The peace we experience in this worldReflects the true peace within you, within me.

May this peace within us, given at birth:Manifest soon in everlasting peace on Earth.

HUGSLee Park. J.A.S.H.

Some people may need flowers or chocolate in a mug,But the thing that does it best for me is a great big hug

A hug will make me warm and safe, secure and feeling smug,But the thing that does it best for me is a great big hug.

I give them out quite freely and some folk call me mug,but the thing that makes me feel the best is a great big hug.

So, if I seem despondent, please, your shoulders do not shrug,The best thing you could give to me is a great big hug

CHILD: Dear God, I still think of you sometimes when I'm not praying.
