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o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162 ,m • "'"I n ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ..... .\<, I'h' ~ Ihl' \ 'Ill ( ...u1' \ tL '5 ( h' -t 1 A' h Heart Attack Proves Fatal To Stone ---- 0 To Hear Report M-O-R-E LOCAL ADVERTISINC LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATTER D o .-"1.1. H'.RT~ '''' r ~',., Krau" 71\ 12,\<) "I~') ,tl Ql" tnpp,'t1 IIn,1 10 \l \\ h"r 1\ all. ,n~ (',"'I \\"3\ hurn north "t Jf ffc r <on I'l"ro1utl' to church ~lIn,1a" H, 1\ a' t.e~I"1 liT ParI. P"l" .t~ Il,on for sh,;ht brUllle< \0 hIS no" According to Mrs. Rl(:hner, !ler daughter Sue, who was hostess broke out with the measle. short. Iy after the gIrls went home, Thursday evenmg, Dec 30. Campfire GIrlII at GroIlIt tPoiDte Park who atten4ed tfle du':stznaa party at the Alter road bome of Mrs Cednc A. RIchner were ex- posed to measles. Hostess Gets Measles At Holi4al Party There's an array of valuable gIfts awaIting thIS &Tea's ftrst 1949 baby Il.I1dhis or her parents. In order to qualify for the many IPfta .. letter from !.he a.ttendlng phySICIan givin3 the exact tune of blTth must be med at office of The Grosse Pointe ReVIew, 115121 Ker- cheval. There a.re no other rules and the deciSIon of the JUdges WIll be final. Consequently tbe dIaper derby Is stili wide open to parents resid- mg In Grosse POinte or Gratlot TownshIp. The Grosse Pointe' Town- ship's proposal to convert Alger House into a commu- rnty center to be used by the people of the fIve local muni- I clpallties will be placed be- fore members and represent- Although s eve r a 1 candIdates abves of the Alger Family at have been rumored to be m the a War Memorial Library As- runnmg, no o1flClal contestant.& sociation meetmg at 8 p.m. have entered The GroS.5e POinte . RevIew's 7th Annual FIrst New Friday, JaIt. 7. Year's Baby Contest. "\.:: 11 t"l R ll'l'1d hll1\d BY CARRIER 15c A MONTH - SINGLE COPIES ::;c Calls Small Fry Admit Wrecking New Home Fl~ht oo\. ~ 8 In 1Z \ ~ .. " n, ~~l (f''1f('' .. oq~,1 to hr('ak _ ",nlio\\." llTd I'llU""';;:: oth"r nil) .. ~r at ~ .. \\ hllm! 11'111 r I flf'" 1." t)n At 2')'" Kl t \\ 1)0\. ' .... arnl.... p, j I rr ltOr" J Th( \01lrg-,t. r.... 'I"" t" n~\ fOI \h. ri~I1111Z R('l-=, {"It' \\tlltdtt, \l"h. I.,,, hL hUl11£. Noted Medical Official Speaks Police The meeting wa.s ca.lled by Al- ger Sbelden. chairman of the as-- sociatlon followmg these new de- velopm~nts. 1-The Alger Farmly has de- fInitely WIthdrawn theIr offel of the Alger Man~on on La.ke Shore road to the school d15tnct ThJ.s elulIInat"d my posSlblllty of speCial referendum Z--After dlscusSlng zonmg a.nd legal technicalities at a. speClal meeting last '"'Wednesda.y, the Fa.nns CounCil approved the TowshlP plll.l1. Alger House IS located m !.he Farms, 3-Ju~ Berns Townslup attor. The young heir may be offlcially ney h&S alSJ studied the legal as-- a.nnounced UI next week's Rev1ew. pects of the proposal a.nd has found no discrepanCIes. Leadmg up to these new de- velopments was the storm of con. troversy that followed the school boa.rd's rejectIon of the Alger gift. The Alger FamIly h.opmg to &1d the War Memonal ASS<K'Iau\)1l after It feU short of their $560,- 000 goal to erect a new mealorW Jlbta1'1" '.rKercli'n'&l and 1I'l8IMr._ offered their mansion free and clear to the scbool d15tnct to be used m accord WIth the assocla- tlon's plans. After conSIderable study the school board ruled to turn down the offer deemmg tha.t the bwld- mg would not be practlcal a.s .. llbrary nus a.cllon aroused the wrath of the ll.SlIOClatlonand prIvate clb. Sue also went to a party oit zenll and a Specla.l meetmg was John Slattery's home Wednesda.y held hopmg to overrule the school At Rotar -v C"ub noon. exposmg 11 etuldren there boa.rd's actIOn / I, I a.nd lIhe a.lso attended the "Snow At Uu.s mpptlng several propt>- Queen" program a.t the Masomc sals ~ere offered mcludmg one Dr Harvey 1>1 "rerker, supenn. Templl." Tuesday afternoon. to hold a. speCIal referendum and tendent of manufacturmg at -"0 further contact Wlth other I let the voters decIde and the Parke DaV1S & Company, was en- chIldren W&S made TownshIp plan, proposed.by Carl thuslastlcally receIved by members Mrs. RIchner saId that as !lOOn I Schweika.rl, TownshIp superVIsor. of the Grosse PomtE' Rotary Club as !he knew of her daughter's The gIst of the proposal IS tha.t I Monday at the Whlttler when he lllness, she notified parenta of the I the TownshIp vnll SUpervise the aadressed the group on thp sub- chIldren exposed. bulldmg as a. community center Ject • The Romance of Medlcme." Among the Campfire gIrls at- for all the Pomtes Il.I1d to Jom Dr ~1E'rker traced the known tendmg Sue's par~y accordIng Ul, In furthermg the alms of the War Mrs RIchner were Carole stone-I Memonal Ass:>ClatlOn h,storv of medlcme a.nd pharmacy k Co P "Ann Bacon ----- broadi y through some 5600 years lng, nrue a\'e) , Jll.I1et Rae, Ann Mane Hellstrom. 1 In Its never-endmg fIght a.gamst S Uy Pluth k C.. Frances Butterfield, a ps, R omm""""on pam, Sickness a.nd dIsease The Sharon Davis andoJuile Fox. '(Ir ~. \ear 3.00 BC markpd the date I , ~f the earllest known prescrIptIOn Mrs W Rae, cha.perone of th18 troop was not able to attend The sppakpr (',plamed that the ~o further cases were re- Ihlston- of the SClonees may be dl- portea. I v.ded • mto s,x dlfterent penods, Grosse Pomte Park s Planmng namely The AnCient ppr'od. . ComlnlSSIOn ~,II comene Thurs- marked b'o' .upers,tltlOn Th(' Bo.1 LIB d day, Jan 6 at 8 pm at the You- tanlca.1 P;nod, of roots a.nd hE'rbs, OC a oa r nlclpal Bulldmg A speCial com- the be!t'mmng of of research. I mlttee studym!t' the vlllage's trans- I ThP BlOlolitlCal PE'nod. whIch m-. Tell 134 I portahon system WIll report I troducl'd LoUIS Pasteur. who gave loa ThIS meetmg I~ one of se\-era.1 Ius pastpunxatlOn, stE'nhzatlOn and lithe commiSSion WIll conduct to ImmumzatlOn, Tho G I and uIa~ Draft Board 87 whIch covers I complete neccssaI') data. In prp. Pennd rnarkm~ the nl.covery oi Grosse Pomte a.nd East DetrOIt parm~ a ma"ter plan for long I tho f,r"t ~land hormonc \ .... '11 call 134 young men for pre.' ran~e Impro"l'm~nt and develop. Th~ Vltamm Penoo resultln" In Il"ductlOn exa,mmatlon Monday, l1"cnt Ir, thc \\llage ~hp <1lSCO\(,~ of ... tamm. In fOO<!IJan 10 Thill l\gure mcludel' a Thc COl1"m,'''lOn IS comprised of fnut.< cod I,Hr oll. mIll. \ (';;'E't- conSiderable number from Grosse S,", pnvat(' re.ldents a.nJ three \11. I ablE'S ele and Th~ C'hemothera. Pomtp Ila~p of!'IClal" P(ut'c ann .\ntlb".,tlc P('rlod I Thl' men ~,11 report to the On ~'on.;a\ Jan 10 th .. Park mllrklT1g" the IT1tr"ductlon of such Army RE'Crultl11~ StatIOn at Dfoar- CounCil \\ 111 hold a rp$rula' m ..et- nw drul:< a' <ulfa< antl-all<'TglC' bnm ~hchll;an Tho." who pa.'IS Ir~ at :I pm m th" :'otU'I.Clpa.1 antibIOtiC" I'Ic the ..xammatlOns ~,Il bE' mdueted BUlldm" I Dr ~{('rker' addr,'" wa' hlj('h- on Jan 25 1 1';;::ht('() h\ col"rful r",ampll''' 11' ~al'h p,'r'()oi ann IT1ll'r".tm,l: A""C- Auto Sends Child dotl' " frnm the hl "ton or phar mae) and rn..dH'ml' To Bon Secours ~arJon :'\l'\\ bern :I (l( &rl.le\ Ed\\ m ~to~, ')2 "f 11),~ ",,:\(" .. \1. "IlDRY."" \{,eh <llffer..d I~ll: brulSCll \\hE'n "u("cumb"n to ~ h('art Re\ Annr('\\ F Raulh pll'ot,'r of "h.. " II" _truck by a car nTlven b\ Thur"ril\\ at th. "t'flC" of the Gro .... Pmnte \\ OM" Pr".b\ I Fr:lnl. PaquE'tte of D('trmt nE'ar A Krohll 151H K,'n hl'\'a! I. nan church .pohl' on 'fan'''<If; Rivard Bh'd Thl' Iitul ..... a" I" II 1'\ ., ft!t"m")t to fl'\ I\e him, R"lllZ.on m hI" annual me<OlIj1;e tre~tpcl 8t Bon Shour" ho"p\tal Park FlremOIl u" d a pull motor, lo fE'l1o ..... -m~mb<'l. of lh.' G('O'l,,(' I (",tv of Grm'" Pomt~ Pol,cl' Park Poll~ .. r,,")'rt. i Po n:1' Rot:lT\ Cluh ''b1101a: Dr- 'Illd thAt ~tanon nartl'ri ,')to thc I ('.'mbl'r 27 .' th' \\hlltll'r H"t,,\ .'rrl't rrom bl'hmd ft nark ..d Cllr (OI.I.t;CrOR ... 'It.tT Thl"\ !'xo'''",,''r3tNl P"qu("tt,.. \\hl' \11 1 l) -, ... ,".'1 l.,r ',,"::.'" 1~'" ri"'r,,,rt,,..l tT:4,o"'hnlt ,ht'lul 1\ 1" it l (.. .... (,1'" • ..-,.. 111/"," rrr h""'llr n 1 ... t r I It. .. ;It PI'l ("r' ~.f1'rl '\(~flnn \\ ~c;;; \ 1(;;1t1! ;:. th h "l'n ,; \11 r t ~. h, r l<ranrlpllt"nt. Mr IIn'1 'Ir. Fo': R 1110' ,f1-, , II "I,' III ~ r .a\, Carl &ran of thl' Rlvll.rrl addrell< Ju ~ Suffers Ankle New Yates Brokelt Othl'r fir't da \ r('port. re- cNv('d b\ pollec lneluden a dOl/; hou"(' on tirc In the ~arag~ at JamE's Aner" 1.47 LIUll'stonl' Nelghbnr" WIth palls of ~lIter put thc tire out Herb('rt ~lllthew" 2008 Coun- trv ClUb drl\ t' repnrted that .o.rncon~ "hot a nfi .. at hl< hou"e Th(' bullet l,)dg.'d near a storm \\,ndo\\ A hu"ban(l aft ..r hll\ tn~ an- arj1;Ument \\1th hI" "p<1u'E' fl'll a.Il'l'p on hI" chaIr \\ hill' 'mok- mg; HI" \nf .. jmt the tlr~ out b<'forl' "'onrl" firemen arnv~n but not befMt' h" at 1('3,..t <uf. fE'r..d a hot <('At A wmdo\\ pI" 1'('r II a' report- eel lT1 thc Lakl'pomte-J,'f'frr"<lll area Shores Poltce'~ IT1Itlal entry of thp year wa" a stray dog re- porL recE'I\'pd at 3 45 pm, Jan 1. CIty of Grosse Pomte's In1tlal entry Involved a prowler report from George Beraneck. 801 Rivard He said that he hpard a strange nOl~e at hIS rear door Police dIscovered that the dIS- turbance wes caused by the WInd blo~,ng- a tm thermometer agamst the door A NE'w YE'ar s c.E'lcbrator who took that one too many too often was an early mommg guest of Farm~ Police and un- Wlillngly he l'ngmeered theIr first offICIal report m the record book. The first report to bp entered a In the oft'lclal records of any of the Grosse POinte five police de- partment was recorded by Woods Pollce five mmutE's after the New Year arnved It con- cerned a. )'oungster who was locked out of hIS homp at 2081 Lanc8.!lter Pollee helped hrm gll,m entrance. A Jughly spIrited celebrator wa.s the subJect of Park Pollee's first offICIal act In 194.9 He ar- nved at 3 45 a.m. Johl 1\ "t a I' f,1\ 0' ;;1\8 \ ! nl('T c::n(ff'l t"' I it brp} ... f'n :::lInhl(' "hr' h< "I rnt',1 Tn fr,'nl of h. door \\h 1 IrVIng' '" ('1t,r h < horn" H, "'" tal., , t" ("I\a ..' U,)<pllal h\ \\ node;; P{\l. (' Po1.I" .all thAt \11 Yal" I. I: for \\ <)rk 111 tho mOTl1I')i:' hu' !I' turn!"'.! hI)""" <.h 'r~h ,ftf"'r he "uf ,ferr I a mIld ht'arL atl~, I. Marks System Grone Pointe'. FIRST New,oaper GROSSE P<)INT{30,MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1949 OffICIals from Gros~e Pomte Park, Fa.rms and Shores are ex. I pected to confer WIth members of the Grosse Pointe \Voods Counc.l e&Tly next week m an effort tn convmce them to adopt the pro. I posed Inter-:'ofumclpal Pobce Ra. I dio system, A A Ghesqulere, Wo.:lds president dIsclosed. I Woods Satisfied With Present Radio Variety --------------_.Q Woods-I. Fi1'6t in '49' WJR's Warren Kelly, who resides on Rivard Blvd. visited Grosse Pointe's Buick dealer, Harry Turner at Kercheval at Maryland last week to see how soon he could expect dehvery on a new 1949 model. Well one word led to another and as a gag the disc-jockey found himself behind the wheel 0f tbis 1906 model, one of the first Buicks ever built. A far cry from modern design, Mr. Turner started the car with the use of the outmoded but still reliable crank:. T he ladies m waiting are Marilyn Lynch. seat- ed; and Shirely Ball of Turner's staff. This histoncal car which lS attracting many visitors to Turner's showroom has been on display in museums at New York, Chicago and other leading Cltles. According to Jimmy Lynch, of Turner's, the auto 18 m top mechan- Ical conditlon and can travel at least 15 nules per hour. PREP."-&E PETITIONS Carl Schwelkart, TownshIp SupeTVISOr, disclosed that peb.. tlOns asking that the question of consolidating the ftve Pomtes be placed on the TownshIp bil.l lot next February are still bemg readled for clrculal10n by pn- vate reSIdents SEE EDITORIAl .. PAGE % Unlike the other munclpa.lltles, the Woods expressed satIsfaction I WIth the present service super- VISed by the Townstllp. I ) Plans for the nE'W systE'm Ca.'l not be completpd unll'ss thE' {our The idea was approved, how- I TownshIp communitIes Jom forces ever, by Woods CounCIlman Ar- along WIth the City of GroSJ<?I nold Dlesmg. "proVldmg Its not, PomtE' I ma.de a block.out political foot- \ ball a.nd have more people playm~ I The Ia.tter declme~ to entcr mto In the game But the umflcatlon any dISCUSSIon until the four should be to boll thmgs down to Township membcrs r I' ach 'U1 one head over thIS department,: agreement one hea.d over that department, I G hE'S qUI" r (' also announcE'd and pure little political grOUt!!l that thl' $H (}to ?hlk Rl\'er d,'- that ar!' - WE'll-- not too Mild" velopment prOject ~a. awardeJ "I doubt If the peopl!' \\,11 ac- to two contractors bw bll:kl"r~ CE'pt It at thl'l tlmC', howE'ver' at a counCIl meptmg Tuesda) e\(" Councllma.n DIpSlng a.dded "1 , mng thmk it.~ s,methm~ that WIll bl' : Hc saId that th(' counert I. n')\\ UltImately, but not In the too l4ear I acceptm" bIds for a ncw fire en. futur~.. I gme vphlcle 'It ~~m~ to mp that anythln~ that would b<' to f'onsohdate Sl'T- Olbcials Disaotee on Meroer 0'Pointes!To Discuss :Ii" () () 'J [Proposal Fear High 0 HE PROMISED IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Hey Mr. Stork! I At Meeting Taxes, Pro 1949 Diaper Politics Derby Still Wide Open Whether a unification of the five Villages would prove I , an advantage to G r0s8e II Pointe remains a pro and con subject with many of the of- ficials of the various Vill- ages, a poll taken by the Re- view thia week revealed. Mayor Ralph Netting of the CIty expressed a definUe "No!" Because, In Ule fll.lIt place, I thmk It would be too much of a llCram- bled mel!lll to get them all to- gether. Someday It ma.y come, but I Uunk that there are too many rugged indlVidua.llSts out there who won't want to relln- , qwsh their own IitUe Villages for a large City." CiRCULATION PAID MONTHLY F. R. PICONE APPOINTED Young Driyer Strikes Pole, Wrecks GM Car Local Man on Staff of New Prosecutor "I don't llimk 110. 'hey would 1tIote somel\.ing', in becoming l!O "'. We ~ Pomters have, In an fIve communItIes, a. faIrly good government that is qUIte effiCIent -you get & lot of servlce for your tax dollar. And it is because you are closer to your Village of- fICIalS and CllII keep tabs on them e&Slly and ma.mtam a clo¥r con. tact," said AIOIs Ghesquiere, Wayne County's new prosecutor, Woods President. Gerald K. O'Bnen, Democrat, an. "And If they combme into one, nounced the appomtment of a that mdiVldual coopt'ral1on WIll Grosse Pomte man ILl assIstant be lost," he &dded. 'Also, It is prosecutor. He IS Frank R Picone, true th&t the larger the munlci- of M7 Barrington mad, wtlo -pa!tty;'"'1!I8"'~ the t&Xet!_ We llened in the same capacity dur- don't not1cfl it now, but If we mg O'Bnen'll 1944-46 term combme, the tax cost would grow PIcone who has a law oft'lce In ra.pldly, And the thIrd pomt 1 the Barium Tower bUlldmg In De- want to stress Is that when a trolt recelvE'd hI' dE'grep at the mUnicipality gets bIgger, the so- Umversltv of Pittsburgh after at- called "career polltlcllUls" move tendm~ Duquense Uruverslty He m, takmg over the pUblic offIces wa.s admlttE'd to the bar In 1935. and only work to perpetuate The new local prosecutor stated themselves. As it is now, all the that he Intends to help foster a Pointe offICials are JUst on:hnal'y better relation among GroSliC CItizens who are more keenly m- Pomte offICIals, pnvate reSIdents terested m ruruung theIr Villages and hIS offIce rIght, and give theIr time pra.ctl- "Whenever they have any qul's- cally freel)' to 00 so. So its these tion or problem that mIght concern three factors that I'm agamst m thIS offIce, I WIsh they would call consolldatlng 111one large lrI'Oup.' on me," he saId. "I'll do my ut. most to cooperate" PIcone succeeds another Grosae Pointe man, Harold E Emmons, who was a.sSlstant to Republican James N. McNally, also of Grosse Pomte Mc~ally was defpa.ted at the November ('Iectlon after one term as prosecutor. PIcone, who IS the only man irom thIS area to be on O'Bnen's staff, lives a~ the Barnnglon ad. dress WIth hIS two chIldren. HIS WIfe dIed two months ago. o MPLETE of ALL Homes Polate & Gratiot Twp8. IYE-- AIRAPHS lMPoiIIter--- van pausen, wIdely .• a.uthor Il.I1d lecturer all: at PIerce School. 2~ under the aus- f the Grosse Pomte Churoh Men's Club. bJect W1U be "The Cruris" the author of "Days of ears," wtnoll sold a coples in the United alone a.nd was trans- in 18 Ir.nguages. a.uthor also penned Day Alone," "The For- Ally," "Ea.rth Could Be "The Tower of Terzel" Afraid of VICtory. - NO 24 rtly, Tbe Gro9lle Pointe ist Club WIll announce plans for a gala mni'otl'.al ntation directed bJ pro- nals and featuring local t. bably takmg a que from rough Ice tactics of the It Red Wmgs, Ronny er, 17, of 10159 Lake- , .mffered a head inJury e playing hockey &t the erfront P&I'k He WILl ed aL-the Park PQ11~ n, by Dr. L. A. Krob&. allte LoUIS C. Rabaut among the back slapping rats \WIo enjoyed re- M at the fIrst sessIon of 81st Congress early thIS . He represents the 14th ct. Farms President ~ay Retire From ~. Public Service itiough he declined to make any complete 'ltatement • ,.hether he would be a candidate for re-election at ~ spring election, Presi'aent James K. Watkma said . did not think he would run for offlce again. ° WatkIns IS serving his sixth one-year term as ~d"t R. Sutton, Jr., former Farms Pollee and FIre 'oner who was defeated by Mr. Watkins last year, 1 to- make any complete statement. . JIl8.y run", he said. r rding to some reports reaching the Review office Connelly Farms' commissioner has been mentioned didate for the top village posItion. 20 YEARS AGO sse Pomte thea.tre followers enjoying motion pIcture star 5 Hames in hIS latest re- "Smart Set," current attrac- t neIghborhood theatres 15 YEARS AGO sse Pomte women were ac- a dnve of the Women's Or- E talOn for NatIonal Prohlbl- Reform callmg for a general 'on to repeal the prohibItIon !l!adment :". TEN YEARS AGO It- Golden Gloves amateur box- (touTn&l1lent wa.s held &t the libborhood Club lJilosse POinte Police urged all I nts inrmg domestIC help m- that they be finger-pnnted , can be done free at a.ny of lice departments. ,. m-E YEARS AGO' ' Paul H Essert, supennten- of public schools preSlded at ond cOTfml'ncement rites at POInt" High School ~; O:'\E YEAR .o\GO ll'alber G Fntsch, Park com mls- A Gros~.. POIntl' youth who .... , mdl(~ated that he would be I WIthout pl'rml'\510n droVE' off ~,th CUldldatl' for preSident at th~ a car aS~l~nl'd to hiS fathcr, maary electIOn In March Hc l'X-1 stnlck and knock ..d down a tE'IE'- ell to filE' shorth. I phon(' poll' and then abllndonl'd Prel'ldpnt Ho~a~d P Parghal1 thp WTE'ck('(! car wa.s 1';..'OUE'd a Ited that he WIll not seek re-I' tlck!'t for rcckless dnvm~. Fartns !dion Pohcl' dl~c110wd ~hos.. Countn' h Thl~ Any- Farm~ Det Georc;l' (,hamolT1(, .".,. Will b<' the subJE'ct of for-I rpportc<l that G..ra.ld Earl 18 of I VIC('Swould be II I'\'oo<! thmg was 'Vault"V Drz°1.,br .. Gov('mor EIlI~ G Arnall s '217 Tourame "truck th.' poll' on i thl' opInion ('xpre8-~ by Dr Xl"/ ,.~ .r(' at PIE'rce School aUlllto-! Moran r08rl bl'tw('cn L~k" Shore I Thoma'! Davle~ Townsh,p HC811" I •. um!l'r the au"plc,," of Grossc and Gro<;."(, POIntE' Blvd when h(' I Commlss,onE'r 'HavlTllI' all th(' C S h T T lintI' Commuml~' vcturl''' I lo"t control of th .. car V,Illlj1;E'''mto one w(>uld bf' bettp" I auses mas -L/P __ I After th(' mlsnllp. the youth I and I II 1\'0further IT1tO!'&~'1T11\' that ",.ho .."capN! 1T111lrV drovl' tJH" GrossI' Pmntl' ought T'E'ally to b". R8\'monn L ~"'. morc of Romu Rut... to Gros~ Pomtl' BI\'d npar I part or DE'trolt But I thmk It II''' ~flchl~an "'R" ,,,""cd II tICI..'t I ~oran where h .. Rbannnne<l ,t I would b<> more efflCIE'nt to com- for r ..ckl,,"" drl\I'1g \\h ..n he falki DRmag-.. to lhe eRr ,,! "stl' I bme mb one It dOl'emt mRk., to ~top fnr (,harle"nlx al ':'nrc, mated al 5300 b\ pohce anv dlff"rpnce m m~' own pt'T'S<>n. ~fll.. <lr\\".. cau"1T1g an aCCl<!('n' Th .. vl'h,ell' '" ownl'd bv Gpneral I al j\'am'! nr In'!"",'I, I m for an\,- Park p...lIce r('!"Hled \totor" ftnd :I<Olgn('{\ to Gerald s thm~ that ~111 rE'ducp the tllX"" Th .. <Irt'l'r of the "1'<01'<1 car fathpr H~rky Earl I or make thlng'l mor!' "ff,clpnt and Albert E G("t1. :1> of 3011 D'ck I b<'ttef e('"on DetrOIt .... a. tal. ..n 10 Ron' B<-h nd the fro.,t pa;;::e Ihl" \\ I'l'k lUT-Rl "" IlR" Y.R I Poll I' l' (' hIe f Arthllr LOll' 8. cour .. ho'pl!:ll fnr lln ('\ I' In ~ PW'II~'. alln "tone. ahollt Fa~",. T', c orr \oo\(lns:- for a "I'r" nr lhl' ParI. thmk" that J"n -0." \\Il\n~mG Ac{'r-nt n! You11, h,.= ::::1"""'11 (",1,1"'" ,-hH"h ... tr,,('~ ~ 11'hr ~n\1hl1"l~ l"'lcr .... 1111 rU"R,'If'H, 1"= T~"111l,", '::- I th~' lh" mPA(: ~(' ".a n1\ ~(j('llt\c; .... ~t1Fl\ ("'h"n(f"" r::tr n"nr-rl h\. "lCO' (-;I"'rtruof' fAr tlf'ttrr th~n 01\H1 ..... (1 ~rl"."lnl~~ ( ..(',11 7 " (tll h'lIll1_ " t th(' 1'\' ! 1""\1\111'1 \\"rl'l \\ar III 41111111, .... h<hcl ,"a<l IIhlk It 'I"~t>on H. hl'lle\I''' th:lt th(' ,no ~t ,,'q Thr"1' \III' oI~m:l;:-Il1l:' 1.. 'I" ~hllrch Ob'l'n (. Q\h Rlrt hlla\ II a. pat I., <I near her home corporation of thr fl\ c m llec k. lln,1 hl'oI::,'. 'Ill"n f)1\orr .. ')elel'\"" ""1'1d' pllrtment. ImdH onl' lluth,nl" R<1lh ('In' IIl'r~ ""I ,oll.l, dam ~ ~or .. ~u"ple "u .. Thfln \\ IVC" , I.O"Y,.. ('O"TROI. j would functiOn h... tN' thlUl th 6 \ lH{N! 1,i1mplOn '\g" n' Ru\' H<1ml' 1111 Farm. 1',1", 011<,\,.",1 that <io to<ia\ lInrl~r thc five n,ffl'r ,I, \r\hlll \.111 H"II.'h.l" Po:;1\\A\ I 'lit pollC, ~\.l~m< "F'T IIT\ 'n:"TI"n 18", "1\ an,\ duh 1'\1''11'' Ihurn rlr\l,l:' :In f1'llo I".t on Other Gro ... 'lI' POln\, 0[f1l1,l,!< ~",h!tt ,off (" 1\ (1,,1. 1 ",.1' ldlT1~. lln,1 troth ann",mc(' \{al'k lo.t cnnlrol An,1 .Inl< k t",o rl('c1ar~d th ..v d,,! not knOll pnr\, n lh1t the ,. x\ ('mmcll 111"- I t. I car" g'<1ml: II, the oppn"tl' rl,rer ,n(111lith f1bout It to I'"pr .."" I'om I'll: of Ih" (' t\ ,f (;c.''''c P'll1 PH 'll 11arl " rrturn t" :lctlon t,011 P"l" <alii h(' II "'. ,<sued a ml'nt. ah"ut It :Inri others de I' '1 he ill 1 \ to hI' h( 1.1 on ~I 'I" (a "ue BeginS Horn .. strpleh j tlckct {or rrcklc<s dTl\ lntl I chncd for p':'htlcal rca."ons, I ria). Ja. 1., RHINO PAGE 1 This Week's Review
Page 1: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\


Ph 41p,attackDr L.

I I'\ '

VA 2.1162

,m • "'"I n ...1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~

\ T ... \ .....

.\<, I'h' ~Ihl' \ 'Ill( ...u1' \

tL '5 ( h' -t 1 A' h

Heart Attack ProvesFatal To Stone

---- 0

To Hear Report




.-"1.1. H'.RT~ ''''r ~',., Krau" 71\ 12,\<) "I~') ,tl

Ql" tnpp,'t1 IIn,1 10\l \\ h"r 1\ all.,n~ (',"'I \\"3\ hurn north "t Jf ffc r<on I'l"ro1utl' to church ~lIn,1a" H,1\ a' t.e~I"1 liT ParI. P"l" .t~

Il,on for sh,;ht brUllle< \0 hIS no"

According to Mrs. Rl(:hner, !lerdaughter Sue, who was hostessbroke out with the measle. short.Iy after the gIrls went home,Thursday evenmg, Dec 30.

Campfire GIrlII at GroIlIt tPoiDtePark who atten4ed tfle du':stznaaparty at the Alter road bome ofMrs Cednc A. RIchner were ex-posed to measles.

Hostess GetsMeasles AtHoli4al Party

There's an array of valuablegIfts awaIting thIS &Tea's ftrst1949 baby Il.I1dhis or her parents.

In order to qualify for the manyIPfta .. letter from !.he a.ttendlngphySICIan givin3 the exact tune ofblTth must be med at office of TheGrosse Pointe ReVIew, 115121 Ker-cheval. There a.re no other rulesand the deciSIon of the JUdges WIllbe final.

Consequently tbe dIaper derbyIs stili wide open to parents resid-mg In Grosse POinte or GratlotTownshIp.

The Grosse Pointe' Town-ship's proposal to convertAlger House into a commu-rnty center to be used by thepeople of the fIve local muni-

I clpallties will be placed be-fore members and represent-

Although s eve r a 1 candIdates abves of the Alger Family athave been rumored to be m the a War Memorial Library As-runnmg, no o1flClal contestant.& sociation meetmg at 8 p.m.have entered The GroS.5e POinte . •RevIew's 7th Annual FIrst New Friday, JaIt. 7.Year's Baby Contest.

"\.:: 11t"l R ll'l'1d




Small Fry AdmitWrecking New Home

Fl~ht oo\. ~ 8 In 1Z \ ~ .. " n, ~~l

(f''1f('' ..oq~,1 to hr('ak _ ",nlio\\."llTd I'llU""';;:: oth"r nil) ..~r at ~.. \\ hllm! 11'111 r I flf'" 1." t)n At2')'" Kl t \\ 1)0\. ' ....arnl.... p, j I rrltOr" J

Th( \01lrg-,t. r.... 'I""t" n~\ fOI \h. ri~I1111ZR('l-=, {"It' \\tlltdtt, \l"h.

I.,,, hL hUl11£.

Noted MedicalOfficial Speaks


The meeting wa.s ca.lled by Al-ger Sbelden. chairman of the as--sociatlon followmg these new de-velopm~nts.

1-The Alger Farmly has de-fInitely WIthdrawn theIr offel ofthe Alger Man~on on La.ke Shoreroad to the school d15tnct ThJ.selulIInat"d my posSlblllty of •speCial referendum

Z--After dlscusSlng zonmg a.ndlegal technicalities at a. speClalmeeting last '"'Wednesda.y, theFa.nns CounCil approved theTowshlP plll.l1.

Alger House IS located m !.heFarms,

3-Ju~ Berns Townslup attor.The young heir may be offlcially ney h&S alSJ studied the legal as--

a.nnounced UI next week's Rev1ew. pects of the proposal a.nd hasfound no discrepanCIes.

Leadmg up to these new de-velopments was the storm of con.troversy that followed the schoolboa.rd's rejectIon of the Algergift.

The Alger FamIly h.opmg to &1dthe War Memonal ASS<K'Iau\)1lafter It feU short of their $560,-000 goal to erect a new mealorWJlbta1'1" '.rKercli'n'&l and 1I'l8IMr._offered their mansion free andclear to the scbool d15tnct to beused m accord WIth the assocla-tlon's plans. •

After conSIderable study theschool board ruled to turn downthe offer deemmg tha.t the bwld-mg would not be practlcal a.s ..llbrary

nus a.cllon aroused the wrathof the ll.SlIOClatlonand prIvate clb.

Sue also went to a party oit zenll and a Specla.l meetmg wasJohn Slattery's home Wednesda.y held hopmg to overrule the school

At Rotar-v C"ub noon. exposmg 11 etuldren there boa.rd's actIOn/ I, I a.nd lIhe a.lso attended the "Snow At Uu.s mpptlng several propt>-Queen" program a.t the Masomc sals ~ere offered mcludmg one

Dr Harvey 1>1 "rerker, supenn. Templl." Tuesday afternoon. to hold a. speCIal referendum andtendent of manufacturmg at -"0 further contact Wlth other I let the voters decIde and theParke DaV1S & Company, was en- chIldren W&S made TownshIp plan, proposed.by Carlthuslastlcally receIved by members Mrs. RIchner saId that as !lOOnI Schweika.rl, TownshIp superVIsor.of the Grosse PomtE' Rotary Club as !he knew of her daughter's The gIst of the proposal IS tha.t

I Monday at the Whlttler when he lllness, she notified parenta of the I the TownshIp vnll SUpervise theaadressed the group on thp sub- chIldren exposed. bulldmg as a. community centerJect • The Romance of Medlcme." Among the Campfire gIrls at- for all the Pomtes Il.I1d to Jom

Dr ~1E'rker traced the known tendmg Sue's par~y accordIng Ul, In furthermg the alms of the WarMrs RIchner were Carole stone-I Memonal Ass:>ClatlOn

h,storv of medlcme a.nd pharmacy k Co P "Ann Bacon -----broadiy through some 5600 years lng, nrue a\'e) , •Jll.I1et Rae, Ann Mane Hellstrom.


In Its never-endmg fIght a.gamst S Uy Pluth k C..Frances Butterfield, a ps, R omm""""onpam, Sickness a.nd dIsease The Sharon Davis andoJuile Fox. '(Ir ~.\ear 3.00 B C markpd the date

I,~f the earllest known prescrIptIOn Mrs W Rae, cha.perone of th18

troop was not able to attendThe sppakpr (',plamed that the ~o further cases were re-

Ihlston- of the SClonees may be dl- portea.

Iv.ded • mto s,x dlfterent penods, Grosse Pomte Park s Planmngnamely The AnCient ppr'od. . ComlnlSSIOn ~,II comene Thurs-marked b'o' .upers,tltlOn Th(' Bo.1 LIB d day, Jan 6 at 8 pm at the You-tanlca.1 P;nod, of roots a.nd hE'rbs, OCa oa r nlclpal Bulldmg A speCial com-the be!t'mmng of of research. I mlttee studym!t' the vlllage's trans-

I ThP BlOlolitlCal PE'nod. whIch m-. Tell 134 I portahon system WIll reportI troducl'd LoUIS Pasteur. who gave loa ThIS meetmg I~ one of se\-era.1Ius pastpunxatlOn, stE'nhzatlOn and lithe commiSSion WIll conduct toImmumzatlOn, Tho G I and u I a ~ Draft Board 87 whIch covers I complete neccssaI') data. In prp.Pennd rnarkm~ the nl.covery oi Grosse Pomte a.nd East DetrOIt parm~ a ma"ter plan for long

Itho f,r"t ~land hormonc \ ....'11 call 134 young men for pre.' ran~e Impro"l'm~nt and develop.

Th~ Vltamm Penoo resultln" In Il"ductlOn exa,mmatlon Monday, l1"cnt Ir, thc \\llage~hp <1lSCO\(,~ of ... tamm. In fOO<!I Jan 10 Thill l\gure mcludel' a Thc COl1"m,'''lOn IS comprised offnut.< cod I,Hr oll. mIll. \ (';;'E't- conSiderable number from Grosse S,", pnvat(' re.ldents a.nJ three \11.

I ablE'S ele and Th~ C'hemothera. Pomtp Ila~p of!'IClal"P(ut'c ann .\ntlb".,tlc P('rlod I Thl' men ~,11 report to the On ~'on.;a\ Jan 10 th .. ParkmllrklT1g" the IT1tr"ductlon of such Army RE'Crultl11~ StatIOn at Dfoar- CounCil \\ 111 hold a rp$rula' m ..et-nw drul:< a' <ulfa< antl-all<'TglC' bnm ~hchll;an Tho." who pa.'IS Ir~ at :I pm m th" :'otU'I.Clpa.1antibIOtiC" I'Ic the ..xammatlOns ~,Il bE' mdueted BUlldm"

I Dr ~{('rker' addr,'" wa' hlj('h- on Jan 25


1';;::ht('() h\ col"rful r",ampll''' 11'

~al'h p,'r'()oi ann IT1ll'r".tm,l: A""C- Auto Sends Childdotl' " frnm the hl "ton or pharmae) and rn ..dH'ml' To Bon Secours

~arJon :'\l'\\ bern :I (l( &rl.le\ Ed\\ m ~to~, ')2 "f 11),~",,:\(" ..\1. "IlDRY."" \{,eh <llffer ..d I~ll: brulSCll \\hE'n "u("cumb"n to ~ h('art

Re\ Annr('\\ F Raulh pll'ot,'r of "h .. " II" _truck by a car nTlven b\ Thur"ril\\ at th. "t'flC" ofthe Gro .... Pmnte \\ OM" Pr".b\ I Fr:lnl. PaquE'tte of D('trmt nE'ar A Krohll 151H K,'n hl'\'a!I. nan church .pohl' on 'fan'''<If; Rivard Bh'd Thl' Iitul .....a" I" II 1'\ ., ft!t"m")t to fl'\ I\e him,R"lllZ.on m hI" annual me<OlIj1;e tre~tpcl 8t Bon Shour" ho"p\tal Park FlremOIl u" d a pull motor,lo fE'l1o.....-m~mb<'l. of lh.' G('O'l,,(' I (",tv of Grm'" Pomt~ Pol,cl' Park Poll~ .. r,,")'rt. i

Po n:1' Rot:lT\ Cluh ''b1101a: Dr- 'Illd thAt ~tanon nartl'ri ,')to thc I('.'mbl'r 27 .' th' \\hlltll'r H"t,,\ .'rrl't rrom bl'hmd ft nark ..d Cllr (OI.I.t;CrOR ... 'It.tT

Thl"\ !'xo'''",,''r3tNl P"qu("tt,.. \\hl' \11 1 l) -, ... ,".'1 l.,r ',,"::.'"

1~'" ri"'r,,,rt,,..l tT:4,o"'hnlt ,ht'lul 1\ 1" itl (.. .... (,1'" • ..-,..

1 11/"," rrr h""'llr n 1 ...tr I It. .. ;It

PI'l ("r' ~.f1'rl '\(~flnn \\ ~c;;; \ 1(;;1t1! ;:. th h "l'n ,; \11 r t ~.h, r l<ranrlpllt"nt. Mr IIn'1 'Ir. Fo': R 1110' ,f1-, , II "I,' III ~ r .a\,Carl &ran of thl' Rlvll.rrl addrell< Ju ~




Othl'r fir't da \ r('port. re-cNv('d b\ pollec lneluden a dOl/;hou"(' on tirc In the ~arag~ atJamE's Aner" 1.47 LIUll'stonl'Nelghbnr" WIth palls of ~lIterput thc tire out

Herb('rt ~lllthew" 2008 Coun-trv ClUb drl\ t' repnrted that.o.rncon~ "hot a nfi .. at hl< hou"eTh(' bullet l,)dg.'d near a storm\\,ndo\\

A hu"ban(l aft ..r hll\ tn~ an-arj1;Ument \\1th hI" "p<1u'E' fl'lla.Il'l'p on hI" chaIr \\ hill' 'mok-mg; HI" \nf .. jmt the tlr~ outb<'forl' "'onrl" firemen arnv~nbut not befMt' h" at 1('3,..t <uf.fE'r..d a hot <('At

A wmdo\\ pI" 1'('r II a' report-eel lT1 thc Lakl'pomte-J,'f'frr"<lllarea

Shores Poltce'~ IT1Itlal entryof thp year wa" a stray dog re-porL recE'I\'pd at 3 45 pm, Jan1.

CIty of Grosse Pomte's In1tlalentry Involved a prowler reportfrom George Beraneck. 801Rivard He said that he hpard astrange nOl~e at hIS rear door

Police dIscovered that the dIS-turbance wes caused by theWInd blo~,ng- a tm thermometeragamst the door

A NE'w YE'ar s c.E'lcbrator whotook that one too many toooften was an early mommgguest of Farm~ Police and un-Wlillngly he l'ngmeered theIrfirst offICIal report m the recordbook.

The first report to bp entered aIn the oft'lclal records of any ofthe Grosse POinte five police de-partment was recorded byWoods Pollce five mmutE's afterthe New Year arnved It con-cerned a. )'oungster who waslocked out of hIS homp at 2081Lanc8.!lter Pollee helped hrmgll,m entrance.

A Jughly spIrited celebratorwa.s the subJect of Park Pollee'sfirst offICIal act In 194.9 He ar-nved at 3 45 a.m.

Johl 1\ "t a I' f,1\ 0' ;;1\8 \ !

nl('T c::n(ff'l t"' I it brp} ...f'n :::lInhl(' "hr'h< "I rnt',1 Tn fr,'nl of h. door\\h 1 IrVIng' '" ('1t,r h < horn" H,"'" tal., , t" ("I\a .. ' U,)<pllal h\\\ node;; P{\l. ('

Po1.I" .all thAt \11 Yal" I. I:for \\ <)rk 111 tho mOTl1I')i:' hu' !I'

turn!"'.! hI)""" <.h 'r~h ,ftf"'r he "uf,ferr I a mIld ht'arL atl~, I.



Grone Pointe'. FIRST New,oaperGROSSE P<)INT{30,MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1949

OffICIals from Gros~e PomtePark, Fa.rms and Shores are ex. Ipected to confer WIth members ofthe Grosse Pointe \Voods Counc.le&Tly next week m an effort tnconvmce them to adopt the pro. Iposed Inter-:'ofumclpal Pobce Ra. Idio system, A A Ghesqulere,Wo.:lds president dIsclosed. I

Woods SatisfiedWith PresentRadio


Woods-I. Fi1'6t in '49'

WJR's Warren Kelly, who resides on Rivard Blvd. visited Grosse Pointe's Buickdealer, Harry Turner at Kercheval at Maryland last week to see how soon he couldexpect dehvery on a new 1949 model. Well one word led to another and as a gag thedisc-jockey found himself behind the wheel 0 f tbis 1906 model, one of the first Buicksever built. A far cry from modern design, Mr. Turner started the car with the useof the outmoded but still reliable crank:. T he ladies m waiting are Marilyn Lynch. seat-ed; and Shirely Ball of Turner's staff. This histoncal car which lS attracting manyvisitors to Turner's showroom has been on display in museums at New York, Chicago andother leading Cltles. According to Jimmy Lynch, of Turner's, the auto 18 m top mechan-

Ical conditlon and can travel at least 15 nules per hour.

PREP."-&E PETITIONSCarl Schwelkart, TownshIp

SupeTVISOr, disclosed that peb..tlOns asking that the questionof consolidating the ftve Pomtesbe placed on the TownshIp bil.llot next February are still bemgreadled for clrculal10n by pn-vate reSIdents


Unlike the other munclpa.lltles,the Woods expressed satIsfaction

IWIth the present service super-VISed by the Townstllp. I

)Plans for the nE'W systE'm Ca.'l

not be completpd unll'ss thE' {ourThe idea was approved, how- I TownshIp communitIes Jom forces

ever, by Woods CounCIlman Ar- along WIth the City of GroSJ<?Inold Dlesmg. "proVldmg Its not, PomtE' Ima.de a block.out political foot- \ball a.nd have more people playm~ I The Ia.tter declme~ to entcr mtoIn the game But the umflcatlon any dISCUSSIon until the fourshould be to boll thmgs down to Township membcrs r I' a c h 'U1

one head over thIS department,: agreementone hea.d over that department, I G hE'S qUI" r (' also announcE'dand pure little political grOUt!!l that thl' $H (}to ?hlk Rl\'er d,'-that ar!' - WE'll -- not too Mild" velopment prOject ~a. awardeJ

"I doubt If the peopl!' \\,11 ac- to two contractors bw bll:kl"r~CE'pt It at thl'l tlmC', howE'ver' at a counCIl meptmg Tuesda) e\("Councllma.n DIpSlng a.dded "1 , mngthmk it.~ s,methm~ that WIll bl' : Hc saId that th(' counert I. n')\\UltImately, but not In the too l4ear I acceptm" bIds for a ncw fire en.futur~.. I gme vphlcle

'It ~~m~ to mp that anythln~that would b<' to f'onsohdate Sl'T-

Olbcials Disaotee onMeroer 0'Pointes!To Discuss:Ii" () () 'J · [ProposalFear High 0 HE PROMISED IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Hey Mr. Stork! IAt MeetingTaxes, Pro 1949 DiaperPolitics Derby Still

Wide OpenWhether a unification ofthe five Villages would prove

I,an advantage to G r 0 s 8 e II

Pointe remains a pro and consubject with many of the of-ficials of the various Vill-ages, a poll taken by the Re-view thia week revealed.

Mayor Ralph Netting of theCIty expressed a definUe "No!"Because, In Ule fll.lIt place, I thmkIt would be too much of a llCram-bled mel!lll to get them all to-gether. Someday It ma.y come,but I Uunk that there are toomany rugged indlVidua.llSts outthere who won't want to relln-

, qwsh their own IitUe Villages fora large City."




Young DriyerStrikes Pole,Wrecks GM Car

Local Man onStaff of NewProsecutor

"I don't llimk 110. 'hey would1tIote somel\.ing', in becoming l!O

"'. We ~ Pomters have, Inan fIve communItIes, a. faIrly goodgovernment that is qUIte effiCIent-you get & lot of servlce for yourtax dollar. And it is becauseyou are closer to your Village of-fICIalS and CllII keep tabs on theme&Slly and ma.mtam a clo¥r con.tact," said AIOIs Ghesquiere,

Wayne County's new prosecutor, Woods President.Gerald K. O'Bnen, Democrat, an. "And If they combme into one,nounced the appomtment of a that mdiVldual coopt'ral1on WIllGrosse Pomte man ILl assIstant be lost," he &dded. 'Also, It isprosecutor. He IS Frank R Picone, true th&t the larger the munlci-of M7 Barrington mad, wtlo -pa!tty;'"'1!I8"'~ the t&Xet!_ Wellened in the same capacity dur- don't not1cfl it now, but If wemg O'Bnen'll 1944-46 term combme, the tax cost would grow

PIcone who has a law oft'lce In ra.pldly, And the thIrd pomt 1the Barium Tower bUlldmg In De- want to stress Is that when atrolt recelvE'd hI' dE'grep at the mUnicipality gets bIgger, the so-Umversltv of Pittsburgh after at- called "career polltlcllUls" movetendm~ Duquense Uruverslty He m, takmg over the pUblic offIceswa.s admlttE'd to the bar In 1935. and only work to perpetuate

The new local prosecutor stated themselves. As it is now, all thethat he Intends to help foster a Pointe offICials are JUst on:hnal'ybetter relation among GroSliC CItizens who are more keenly m-Pomte offICIals, pnvate reSIdents terested m ruruung theIr Villagesand hIS offIce rIght, and give theIr time pra.ctl-

"Whenever they have any qul's- cally freel)' to 00 so. So its thesetion or problem that mIght concern three factors that I'm agamst mthIS offIce, I WIsh they would call consolldatlng 111one large lrI'Oup.'on me," he saId. "I'll do my ut.most to cooperate"

PIcone succeeds another GrosaePointe man, Harold E Emmons,who was a.sSlstant to RepublicanJames N. McNally, also of GrossePomte

Mc~ally was defpa.ted at theNovember ('Iectlon after one termas prosecutor.

PIcone, who IS the only manirom thIS area to be on O'Bnen'sstaff, lives a~ the Barnnglon ad.dress WIth hIS two chIldren. HISWIfe dIed two months ago.



MPLETEof ALL HomesPolate & GratiotTwp8.


van pausen, wIdely .•a.uthor Il.I1d lecturerall: at PIerce School.

2~ under the aus-f the Grosse Pomte

Churoh Men's Club.bJect W1U be "The

Cruris"the author of "Days ofears," wtnoll sold acoples in the United

alone a.nd was trans-in 18 Ir.nguages.

a.uthor also pennedDay Alone," "The For-Ally," "Ea.rth Could Be"The Tower of Terzel"

Afraid of VICtory.• • •

- NO 24

rtly, Tbe Gro9lle Pointeist Club WIll announce

plans for a gala mni'otl'.alntation directed bJ pro-nals and featuring localt.

bably takmg a que fromrough Ice tactics of the

It Red Wmgs, Ronnyer, 17, of 10159 Lake-, .mffered a head inJury

e playing hockey &t theerfront P&I'k He WILled aL-the Park PQ11~n, by Dr. L. A. Krob&.

• • •allte LoUIS C. Rabaut

among the back slappingrats \WIo enjoyed re-

M at the fIrst sessIon of81st Congress early thIS. He represents the 14thct.

Farms President~ay Retire From~. Public Serviceitiough he declined to make any complete 'ltatement• ,.hether he would be a candidate for re-election at


spring election, Presi'aent James K. Watkma said. did not think he would run for offlce again.

° WatkIns IS serving his sixth one-year term as

~d"t R. Sutton, Jr., former Farms Pollee and FIre'oner who was defeated by Mr. Watkins last year,

1 to- make any complete statement.

. JIl8.y run", he said.r rding to some reports reaching the Review office

Connelly Farms' commissioner has been mentioneddidate for the top village posItion.

20 YEARS AGOsse Pomte thea.tre followersenjoying motion pIcture star

5 Hames in hIS latest re-"Smart Set," current attrac-t neIghborhood theatres

15 YEARS AGOsse Pomte women were ac-

a dnve of the Women's Or-

EtalOn for NatIonal Prohlbl-Reform callmg for a general'on to repeal the prohibItIon

!l!adment:". TEN YEARS AGOIt- Golden Gloves amateur box-(touTn&l1lent wa.s held &t thelibborhood ClublJilosse POinte Police urged all

Intsinrmg domestIC help m-that they be finger-pnnted

, can be done free at a.ny of• lice departments.



Paul H Essert, supennten-of public schools preSlded at

ond cOTfml'ncement rites atPOInt" High School

~; O:'\E YEAR .o\GOll'alber G Fntsch, Park com mls- A Gros~.. POIntl' youth who.... , mdl(~ated that he would be I WIthout pl'rml'\510n droVE' off ~,thCUldldatl' for preSident at th~ a car aS~l~nl'd to hiS fathcr,maary electIOn In March Hc l'X-1 stnlck and knock ..d down a tE'IE'-ell to filE' shorth. I phon(' poll' and then abllndonl'dPrel'ldpnt Ho~a~d P Parghal1 thp WTE'ck('(! car wa.s 1';..'OUE'daIted that he WIll not seek re-I' tlck!'t for rcckless dnvm~. Fartns!dion Pohcl' dl~c110wd~hos.. Countn' h Thl~ Any- Farm~ Det Georc;l' (,hamolT1(,.".,. Will b<' the subJE'ct of for-I rpportc<l that G..ra.ld Earl 18 of I VIC('Swould be II I'\'oo<! thmg was 'Vault"V Drz°1.,br.. Gov('mor EIlI~ G Arnall s '217 Tourame "truck th.' poll' on i thl' opInion ('xpre8-~ by Dr Xl"/ ,.~.r(' at PIE'rce School aUlllto-! Moran r08rl bl'tw('cn L~k" Shore I Thoma'! Davle~ Townsh,p HC811" I

•. um!l'r the au"plc,," of Grossc and Gro<;."(, POIntE' Blvd when h(' I Commlss,onE'r 'HavlTllI' all th(' C S h T TlintI' Commuml~' vcturl''' I lo"t control of th .. car V,Illlj1;E'''mto one w(>uld bf' bettp" I auses mas -L/P__ I After th(' mlsnllp. the youth I and I II 1\'0further IT1tO!'&~'1T11\'that

",.ho .."capN! 1T111lrV drovl' tJH" GrossI' Pmntl' ought T'E'ally to b". R8\'monn L ~"'. morc of RomuRut... to Gros~ Pomtl' BI\'d npar I part or DE'trolt But I thmk It II''' ~flchl~an "'R" ,,,""cd II tICI..'t

I ~oran where h .. Rbannnne<l ,t I would b<> more efflCIE'nt to com- for r ..ckl,,"" drl\I'1g \\h ..n he falkiDRmag-.. to lhe eRr ,,! "stl' I bme mb one It dOl'emt mRk., to ~top fnr (,harle"nlx al ':'nrc,

mated al 5300 b\ pohce anv dlff"rpnce m m~' own pt'T'S<>n. ~fll.. <lr\\".. cau"1T1g an aCCl<!('n'Th .. vl'h,ell' '" ownl'd bv Gpneral I al j\'am'! nr In'!"",'I, I m for an\,- Park p ...lIce r('!"Hled

\totor" ftnd :I<Olgn('{\ to Gerald s thm~ that ~111 rE'ducp the tllX"" Th .. <Irt'l'r of the "1'<01'<1 carfathpr H~rky Earl I or make thlng'l mor!' "ff,clpnt and Albert E G("t1. :1> of 3011 D'ck

I b<'ttef e('"on DetrOIt ....a. tal. ..n 10 Ron'B<-h nd the fro.,t pa;;::e Ihl" \\ I'l'k lUT-Rl "" IlR" Y.R I Poll I' l' (' hIe f Arthllr LOll' 8. cour .. ho'pl!:ll fnr lln ('\ I' In

~ PW'II~'. alln "tone. ahollt Fa~",. T', c orr \oo\(lns:- for a "I'r" nr lhl' ParI. thmk" that J"n-0." \\Il\n~mG Ac{'r-nt n! You11, h,.= ::::1"""'11 (",1,1"'" ,-hH"h ...tr,,('~ ~ 11'hr ~n\1hl1"l~ l"'lcr.... 1111 rU"R,'If'H, 1"= T~"111l,", '::- I th~' lh" mPA(: ~(' •".a n1\ ~(j('llt\c; .... ~t1Fl\ ("'h"n(f"" r::tr n"nr-rl h\. "lCO' (-;I"'rtruof' fAr tlf'ttrr th~n 01\H1 .....(1 ~rl"."lnl~~ ( ..(',117

" (tll h'lIll1_ " t th(' 1'\'

!1""\1\111'1 \\"rl'l \\ar III 41111111, .... h<hcl ,"a<l IIhlk It 'I"~t>on H. hl'lle\I''' th:lt th(' ,no ~t ,,'q Thr"1' \III' oI~m:l;:-Il1l:'1.. 'I"

~hllrch Ob'l'n (. Q\h Rlrt hlla\ II a. pat I., <I near her home corporation of thr fl\ c mlleck. lln,1 hl'oI::,'.

• 'Ill"n f)1\orr .. ')elel'\"" ""1'1d' pllrtment. ImdH onl' lluth,nl" R<1lh ('In' IIl'r~ ""I ,oll.l, dam


~or .. ~u"ple "u .. Thfln \\ IVC" , I.O"Y,.. ('O"TROI. j would functiOn h... tN' thlUl th6

\ lH{N!1,i1mplOn '\g" n' Ru\' H<1ml' 1111 Farm. 1',1", 011<,\,.",1 that <io to<ia\ lInrl~r thc five n,ffl'r,I, \r\hlll \.111 H"II.'h.l" Po:;1\\A\ I 'lit pollC, ~\.l~m< "F'T IIT\ 'n:"TI"n

18", "1\ an,\ duh 1'\1''11'' Ihurn rlr\l,l:' :In f1'llo I".t on Other Gro ...'lI' POln\, 0[f1l1,l,!< ~",h!tt ,off (" 1\ (1,,1. 1

",.1' ldlT1~. lln,1 troth ann",mc(' \{al'k lo.t cnnlrol An,1 .Inl< k t",o rl('c1ar~d th ..v d,,! not knOll pnr\, n lh1t the ,. x\ ('mmcll 111"- It. I car" g'<1ml: II, the oppn"tl' rl,rer ,n(111lith f1bout It to I'"pr .."" I'om I'll: of Ih" (' t\ ,f (;c.''''c P'll1PH 'll11arl" rrturn t" :lctlon t,011 P"l" <alii h(' II "'. ,<sued a ml'nt. ah"ut It :Inri others de I' '1 he ill1 \ to hI' h( 1.1 on ~I 'I"

(a "ue BeginS Horn .. strpleh j tlckct {or rrcklc<s dTl\ lntl I chncd for p':'htlcal rca."ons, I ria). Ja. 1.,


This Week'sReview

Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\







try, etc.), Mechanlca' Dra""Millinery. Play Produc' Pil!!'mentary Law, Photogl hy IS,and MoVIes), Plano (!It, I

(Women), Rhythml Eller(Wom('nl, Swim (Wo t'll ~

Ing (Beglnmng). Shp ( '\~r ~lng. Speech (Practical' Spar(Advance<l), S h 0 r tl a ~ d I(Avancedl, Slide Rule and ShMath, Typln.. Tailoring, Wshop.

llany of the above r .~lseabe offeree!. durU1g the da) Itadvisa.ble to make rese" atlOllJi fall clusel u many of 'h,' ela!have a limited mem h"!h pyou do not see the c1as.o;or a.ct I'blted in which you arc ~te'ercall the Board of Edunt 01 ~Is qUIte posslble that ~ 'h l Cor group can be orga.n z,d

j. 8cla... idt ~O •10450 Kercheval It St. Clair-Detroit

Undercoating protects your ell Ilainst rust, -corrosion Ind rattles.Our finer undercoating and workmanship isgUlranteed for the life of the elr.

FREE - Pi.-U, .. DeliY", - FREE-YA.3-M01-

onunder eoaiing

fIf You Mention This Adl

\ ' , \\-:-i


The 1949 wmter program ofAdult Activities sponsored by theGrosse pointe Board of Educationwill offer a WIde va.rlety of coursesof Interest to many adults In thecommunlt)' The purpose of theAdult Education program Is toserve tJ1e deslrel and ne. of aUthe adults In the commWllty

If you find In the following listA coUrse that IJlterests you, pleUl!call the Groue pointe Board o~Education, TU. 5.2000, Extenswn25 for m!ormatioD re&,arding c1a.lllreservations and It.&rt1ng date ..

I AM THE WANT ADBy Ban7 Gwaltney

_ Y MISSION is to serve humanIty without regard toIlJi creed or position or time or place • I herald the

arrival of the new bom, I serve them through life and an-noun~ .their demise. I am the servant of the poor, thecommISSIoner of the rich • With each sunrise and eachsunset I go forth with new mi!sions to perform • Each newday new thousands rely upon me to fill their needs andsatisfy their wants • I search out all manner of things for allmanner of persons • I find the castle for the newlyweds.a home for those grown weary and aged • I find a businessfor a future giant of industry and a little shop for a widow'slivelihood • 1 alter the course of millions, and many timesthe future of maid and man is of my determination • 1 re-cover the lost pets of weeping children, and restore lost per.sons to anxious friends • I sing the praise of artisans pro-claim the skill of craftsmen • I find labor for the ~n of~rawn as well as opportunity for trained and active minds •

Warn the Fabled Dwarfs. Aladdin's Lamp and the Magicand of modem tim • 1l.1'11' . dees IV I Ions In tra are consummated

throu~h me. yet the value of my service is not to be meas-ured In Sliver or gold • Even rogues avail themselves of mypower and filch from those who trost me • I arn an indexof trends, a barometer of hath. .commerce, a Inger of commgevents • I am a brei' Ih . . y-wo In count eS5 thousands of homes.t e flTStthought In many times of need • My speed of action.the sureness of my h

blsuccess. mate es the completeneM of my

pu ICacceptance • \\,'.th' l'1 In my mes are the sad stories and~hel glad sto~es of everyday Ih,;ng that goes to make up life

perform In my own individual way and for me there isno substitute • i': th d'h 0 0 er me mm, no other method plan or:o:l;e can duplicate my service • In multiple, I ~me' the

s ~test market of seT'\;ees and things • I am bomof the people and h • I' d dl'l'\ie Ive an grown by their insistence;:d 0\ er the protelltll of tholle who held my destiny • I have

come an mstltution of lleTVlcebIg enough and broad t'noulZh~~o anythmg for anybody at any time - I am the WANT

The regular monthly meetlll~ ofthe Women's Alliance of UleGroase Pomte UlIltarian Churehwill be held Tuesday, January 11at the church house on Jeffersonat Rivard.

},Irs. Raymond Kidnie, programch&1nn&n of the day, WlU intro-duce Mr. Harry TrlV&Cof WayneUniversity 1I\i1o will speak on"Better Rela.tlons Wlth Ru.BL"TbUI is the third in a serlea ofprograma on the BrotheztJood otllan.

Tea will be eerved following theprogram. GUests and friends ofthe churcll are cordially invited.

Women' ~AllianceTo Hear Speaker

The Groue Pomte CongregA.tlona.1 Church is to celebrate theninth anniversary of their churchon Jan. 10, Wlth a II 30 p.m,"Blrthd8.~' Dmner" to be servedin ehnlt (}burch. GroSlie pointeBlvd.

The program promillel to be en-tertainIng and en1Jghtenl!l1 Thechurch choir will amg "0 La4yBe Good." the )'outh choir. "Jen-lIle with the LIght Brown Halr,"and "M)' Allee Blue Gown ..

A timely skIt, "Pullmg thePurse Strings" will be presentedby the Women's ASSOCiation.It 18rumored that the )len's Club w1l1 The WInter program will in.also be on the program. MOVIesof elude: Art - 011 P&U1tmg andthe recent ground brealung and Water Color, Badmmton (Instruc-progre.. of their new church bon and Open Play), Bookkeeping,whIch Is under constn1ctlon at the Book Reviewl, B a It Cutin&"corner of Chalfounte and IAothrop Bridge (Beginning and Duplicatel,\VlI1 be shown Call Mrs, Fred A. C era m I c s, Chorus (Women).Tomlin, Tn 1-2560 or :!olrs. George Chorus (Women), Chorus (Men),Turnbull. Va. 2-~517 for reserva- Cb.11d-Parent Relationships (Pre-tlons. School, Elementary and Adoles-

cent Age Levels), DanC1ng (BallRoom and Square), Dog Obedt-IlIIce Training.

AlIO Effective speech (Wo.men). English for Forel3T1 80m.Food Preparation. Gym and SWlIll(},Ien), Hooked Ru&,s. IntenorDecoratlng, lMtrwnentaJ. MU51C,Jewelry (Silver), Knlttin&,. LamP-shade Making. Kaehine S hop(Metal). Mathematics (Refrellh-er _ Arithmetic. Algel)ra, Geome-

Church Observes I Adult Education9th Anniversary Offers Variety of


Steel manufacturers estimate I

that ingot productlon should be a Ipeace time record of 78 nullion ItoNl thi. ).e&Z', i


AID PA.TIENTSWhile the Southeutem Mlchi-

gan Division of the Amencan can-cer Society was busy dunng theholld&y.!ldelivering special ChrIst-mas packages to hWldredll of can.cer patients m greater Detrolt •the DetroIt Instltute of cancerResearch Itself was the reCIpientof a 1150,000 check from the na-tional offIce of the Amelrcan can-cer SocIety In ~ew York

• Bumptnr• PainUDr• \\;I5blllI • SlmolliEinr



Grosse Pointe Woods Custom TailorLadies' and Men's Suits and o'Coats Made to Order


"USING SOViet ¥nULE YOU WAIT21011 Mack Aye., nr. Ras_,. RNd TU. 1-0221

Meantime, with the patient'spermission and cooperatlon. shehad followed up on some cluesprOVided by the soldIer's cluldhoodmemones and had located the

The worker got buay. First shespoke to the medlw officer Aboutthe 101dler'1Ifear of blmdness. Asa result, the officer was able totalk to the man with greAter un-derstandIng about the probablefuture of his eye condItion. ThIsgave t.:le soldier a baatll for plan-nmg, and the Red Cross workerreferred hIm to a vocational ad-VIser who could help bun choose asui table Job.

Factory Trained ExpertsGeame Pane aod AccessorII.

SHEUSomething's Eating That Guy"

Describes Sick Soldier



• Met« - Brakes• eom"ete Front AlIgnment

• Wbtel Balaae1Dl


7:30 A. M. To 12:00 MidniteSAT. 7:3' A..". TO 6:" P_1\I.

I., AboutOur S'lISon,' Specitlll

PEa BOST SPEA.K8Per Host. famoul ScandinaVIan

explorer, will show color motionpictures of "~orway Out-of-Doors" for the Wor1c1 Adventure ISenes at 3:30 next Sunday after-noon, Jan. 9, at the Detroit InstI-tute of Art&. I

Pointers CitedIn World Memoir

All m&.med coup1el are inVItee!to A new clASS, the "Psychology ofPerwnahty" wblch "''111 meet atGI'OIII! PoinU HIgh on Tuesc1&Yeven!nl. at a p.m. begU1ll1nl Jan.11

)(1'1. Mo~ Sherman WlU COJI-'1uct the clall which II an out-rrowth of a day time course whereIt wu realIZed how much fathel'lwere Interestee! m this field ofPf'rsonality also what an lDlpor-tant part the father has or &houldbave Il\ personality guidance bothIn the home aneSoutllde.

The understanding of perlOlIal.Ity-what caUll!Ilpeople to be theway they are and what can bedone to change and l!D?rove themwill be studied. Emphasis WIll beplaced on the guidllJlCl!of c:hi1drenof all agea.

Fathen are urged to atteneS,ADc1 to lUUantee that the malelan not lUbD'le!'le4 by women. no1a.diea will be admitted to the antmeetinr withoUt their hu.bancll.

PersonalityCourse SetFor Couples



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20% Discount on Records

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Ranges .Ironers -

----...----10% Discount



: • He lSIl't worned about what lus wife knows-it's how.•• Ihe learned It that bothers hIm.

MERGER PLAN IS PREMATURECarl Schweikart. Grosse Pointe Township supervisor,

deDied reports that he and other Township offiew. are be-• biDd the movement to place the question of consolidating

tbe five P01l1t.es into one city_He said the men engineering the plan are privaie res-

idents who are interested in uniting the municipalities intoODe economical and effIcient administr&tion.

tw. _


_I Office at 15121 Kereheval between MarylaDd and La.kepomte"The Only Weekly Newspaper Covering All the Homea

in Grosse Pomte and Gratiot Townships"1. S. OLDH.A!& ., .•••• _•• __ • • • • • • • •• PublisherCHARLES MANOS ••••••• _• , ••••• , •• _. EditorPAUL J. BLACKBURN •••• AdvertiatDC ManagerROBERT P. OLDHAlrI Adverti.&ing

.". DEE HEBERT ...•.••••••••• -. Clauified Adv.;:" JOHN J. BROWNE ••••••••••• CircUlatioD Mgr.• Snbbcnption Rates: By Carrier, 15c Month; By Mail $2,00

per year; 5c per eopy.r • Published Every Thursday by The Gl'0688 Pointe PrintiDI Co,

VAlley 2-1162 - 2-1163 - 2-4558 - ~

Be added that the men will be identified as BOOn astbeir organization hi completed and & chairman is named

. to aet &II official spokesman.~ Despite the supervisor's statements it must be record-

: ~ eel bere that many officials and private residents feel that Two Gro.. Poltlte ruieSent. re- l'et~an, the move is motivated by Township offieiala in an effort c:elftd IJltematlonal recop1Uon by y • .., I

1lo discourage the Farms from leaving the Township. the 1Jlc1Ulionof their blocraPhiU;- 1ft ''World Blcrr&Phy." the Iar;ut "Something's eating th&t 1lI1," Aunt. wIIo wu del1ghte4 to hUrThey contend that Township officia1a know that such mterna.tional bloiBph.ie&1 refer- .. 101dier told the soel&1worker. &boUtber nepbew and invited him

aetioD would hasten the end of the Townalup adminiatra- eftee book, just pubU8bed. COm. holAtlDg bim!elf In hil bed to nod. to VJJ1t her, Soon patients in thetion &8 it would only be a matter of time before Park, pn.tng two volumes to~ 5,12(1 in the chr1Jctionof a patient ae:t'OlIII ward noticed thAt the IOldler bAdon. .I Woods .1•• decide to form indi'V}'dual • .1_4 .. 4... .-res ''World BiOcraphy" 1iItlI the wArd. ''X think maybe be'l le&med hoW to lIIIille md even___ lUlU amu MIILI •.....- Ikl~ of ~,OOO UvinI men an4 ConnA blow lua top." 1&Ufh out loud.traDOD&. womeD cUstiftIa1Ihed IJl the artI 'l"he worker, one of a stall' of 20 • • •aDd IeiI'lftCd, poUtica, edUeatkln. Red CrolLl professional workers at Why W&II the lonely man's prob-

Tbeee conflicting statements indie&te one important t1terature. commerce. aDd ind.us- Percy Jones Army ~era1 Boa- lem important! Bee&l1ll! medical:factor and that is & merger of the five municipalities now try, mllIt&!7 and naval da1rl, pltaJ, east a quick look ac:ro.. the lIeiellet bu lonr known that a«in the Dear future is virtually an impoaibility. and. other Ildda 01. ende&'f'Or. The aisle where a young man lay Ii. patient'. speedy reeovery is de-work is pubUah84 by IuUtute for lently. nervously pJuekinI' at the pendent on good morale. TIlWJ, the Education Backbone

.... SUCh • giant undertaking entails Bineete cooperation ReIe&r'Ch in BkJCrIIIh7, New York becl.elothes. Th1a wall an. old stol'7 I01dier's problem M4 to be eelved._ DI1-~ ~ __ tho ,dmi.i_ mol "'t1. to "". -- -"...... ..... ....... pO""'" """"'" of AdYertising

........ta of the five Pointe&. IIlclUded f%om G~ Pointe 1ft wall worried aboUt lIOmethlnr; an- welfar& orpntzation go to so "Advertising 8lI It existll today:; 1fV"&- Walter FraDeiII RockWell. Preat- other worry wu beginnl.n&'to shoW mueb trouble for one 1I01dierTThe would not be poMible were it not:: At the present we do DOt poaeIS those traits aDd any 4eat and. Director, TlIIIken-Detroit itself in a mUd form of anxiety; answer can be found. in the 58th for our educational .system", Frank:: ..I.... to p:Iaee sueh & to'ft80lidation before the voters next ~e Company, aM Aleuncl.er another atck soldier needed to talk CongrelLl of t1le United Btates Braucher, president, Perlodieale,....-- Girard, areldteet. to her about hiI trouble. which in 1905 cbartet'ed the Red Publishers AuoeiatiOIl, declares in= tpriIIg is premature and synonymoua with placiDg the cart ''World. BiOcrapb7" wall pre- • • • Crolll and eommlasloned it. &IlIong an article, KINSFOLK: EnUCA-:=: before the horse. pared with the cooperation of nu- From hiI chart, the wortter other Uunp. to act &II a medium TION AND ADVERTISING apo_ MeroU IIClentlile, cultural eel. learned that the yOWlg mm WU of communtcation between the pearing in the Tre&SUl'7 Depart-or Perh&ps someday sueb. a merger ean be sueeessfu1- learned llGeieties, and ".. com. lIU1rerlng from a 4iaeue ot the armed forces and. the people. Now, ment's Spring IM9 School Sav-=: .But finIt an outstanding leader must emerge from the ranb pUed with the aid of lonrnmentaJ. eye, and bad been tranaferred to '4 years later. the organiZation. lngI' Journal Just off the pre.= of chic lIe1"V&Dts who has the complete trust and confidence apnc:iq in sixty countries. Percy Jonu from overseas. Afur dnaneed. by one annual fund cam- the Joumal goes to a minl~:: of all the Pointes and who is ..,.;n;.... to accept such & onwat referring to the a:dm1S1iOnrecord, palgn, II still c&rrylJlg out thAt teachers to promote the School...~ e-- ,,. , she found to her mterest that the Congressional obUptlon. S Pro f -the sa: .= ~D8ibility. L B perlIlln named .. hie next of kU1 avmgs gram 0 'VUIgs..... etter OX by the IOldier wu the aupertnteD- Augmenting the work of the 8ond8 Division.... With well a penon as a .eh&trmaD, a pJl1Ul.llIC com- dent of the orphaDqe 1.11 which Red CroIS profeasional sta1! at "The foregoing statement 18 be-E__ be __ with..,.-m- __ ..._ _ ..... "n ......."""""",..... ""'" Jnu _... ""...tal. -~. _n "'" ~" day'. "' .

.; llUJDicipality to join in a compzehewsive study of the matter. It hubel!n our pleuure to serve ~ orJlbana&'e, she ~scovered tJo.:;.:. ~.:' :~r::::.=u:: Braucher continues. "not only be-_ you with the SaVUlgI Bondi mat his mother wu believed dead and IIOIt& i arts d crafts d&1l awe of the fOWldaticm upon:: Their recommendation would be given to each council advertiaements for ~rship that there "IVaS no information !I.S proVlOn'<l paU:ts by Rea: Cro~ which our educational system= for further eovsidera

tionand then to the votenl for fiDa1 dlll'iDJ' the put year. to his father's whereaboUts. Here voluntet>rL At many army and rests but also because the simple

~-I0!l. Through etreet1ft pubJieat10ll of wu the Arlit clue to the melan- na ......1o.-ital8 i - t d truth is that advertising is com-_ ~ choba thAt agg'~vated Jus eye 'J -!' n coun ry an I tel '-eft... these W, the newspaper industrv abroad. volWlteers Wlder the sup- p e y w. ecUve unless our pUb-t: Tbia may appear to be a tong drawn out proeesa sim- has been of great benellt in he'p- condition .•• a broken home, a ervision of the professional staff he aen read. wnte and understand..' i1Ir to the Army's 'through the chain of commmlnd'" taco ing with the manarement of the lo~IY cblldhood. carry on this work which has been There IS a kmship between ad-;: tics but' th I 't baa to be tb moat national debt. At the same time ncouraged to talk, the IOld1er approved by the medical lJtai! In verbsmg IIJld education. AI our....;-Ml--t. m e ong run I proven e they have built up the holdings of told her about his lonellnelLl and one recent year for example ~L1d educational system unproves. it::: ~ financial reserves among their bow much he wanted a famtly. Red Cross w;rkers in military raises the level of the expeetan-_, readers and in their comnllmitles. The only relative be rem~red hospitals had the help of about des and' desires of the public and:: COOD LUCK GOV. WilLIAMS We again thank you and wish W&ll an aunt. but he d1~ t leno,,: 10,000 volunteers each month. To. adve~SlD.g helps to fulftll thoae..... you many years of continued good. what happened to her. Go on, g th th 'ded expenences and de51res."-. bUllnell the worker urged him, "What eLse e er, e"! &l approxJ.m&tely

:: Groae Pointe's G. Mennen Williams, :MichigaD" new . ~:JOUl'I, 15 bothenng you?" H2.000 patients.=..: I'C'"fDO!' began l!ia new administratiOIl Wlth youthful vigor II. A. ~~ ewer He was afr&ld of going blind, he Says the organization. the serv-_ .. mthwdasm. Newspaper alii! KeW1 told her. and wu worried about ice wl1l continue as long as the_ ~ 8eet:laa ~tting a job IJl Clvillan Ufe, All armed forces and the Amencan= Be gives promise that not only is he aware of the .......t ---- alone In t1le world and going blind. pubtic-'that supports the Re4 Cross_ 'b e'- Cd D d fa Wasn't that reuon enough for be- believe it to be neceasuy •..... ~ ilities eonfronting him, but also that he is deter- om, rummon r ing nervous? ----c:miDed to work for the best interests of all the people. Detroit Town Hall= The youthful state executive deeerva the fullest eo- C&ptain 'Bill" Oc1om famous_ • record - malong round - the - world

< _ opention from everyone in Mlchigan, partieularly thOle who flyer, ill the speaker when The De-=:can Grosae Pointe, home. trolt Town Hall resumel the FrI-= Republicans and Democra"- -"auld offer -.... h- to day n'IOrning lectures at The casa_loa IN1 ~ """ Theatre, January 7th, at 11.... Gov. W1lliams for success. o'clock. Ria IUbjeet ill ''The Future= Of Air Power."..... On January 14th, Roac:oe Drum-_. JUST COMMENT mond, Washmgton BureAU Chief

of The Christian Science Monitor,; : Tact has been defined as the art of uymg only part of will have as hil IIUbJect'"I'he State== what one thinks. or The Nation" - covering the

• • • eSal1yWuhl!lgton lIeene

::: Life must be worth lIving, the cost has doubled and we ~~~~l~-r:.eCuI Tbeatnl-Or':'"'~&till hang on.


Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\

DoWi.town TnIIIIand Camera SIlIR

IZI w. an...OllIe __ NadIa ..

'hiler ...

CAMERAS-.....Flat tireoI caUR tbe IDllM. ...

failures ot a.utomobilel, • .LLA:reporta, with mecblDteal tNaIlIeIrunn.ing second.


Realtors InstaIINew Officen

Omcers and Directon of t1MEastern Detroit Realty .A.-d&-tlon for 1949 will be Installed at •baI1quet to be held on Wednad&J.January 19, at 15PM. in tbt Pc.oopela.n room at the Whittier IIotIL

The new offlcera are: .JolIn ~zett, Preltdent; Julius D1tuau.Vice-President; M. LeRo7 AAIItt,secretary; and Jqhn Abdoo, ~urer. John Hammond ta tile ,.jU.Ing President.

The, officera with the foJIoowtlW" mem~rs, make up the 1148 ....

ot Directors: John Palmer, a..rs.Erb, Harry Sme, Robert Bartlett.Walter Keller, Bernard C. YoaDdr,Gerald Gunn, R1clw'd JIAcR, ..and John Hammond.

PRODUCEIn,efnit __----4 fir 211..., "rII__2 •••


SMALL CANSLIBBY'SPi........ ;-25'

$1•• DoLTEXSUN 46-0Z. TINS............ :. 3SCDOMINO

SOlAR 45c





PRIZE LAMBSAll Blue Ribbon Winners


Ideill FD,Dee~FreezenNO EXTRA CHARGEFor Specia' Cuffing. WrappinM

En' and ~harp FreezingJOY LUSCIOUS Roasts • Juicy Steilts

Tasty Chops from the finestMeats Available

OM DISPlAY BEADYAfter many months of planning

and construction, General Motors'huge "Transportation Unlllmted"display, due to open In the Wal.dorf.Astoria in New York, Janu.ary 20, Ia approaching the 1Inalstage of Installation .





)be Columbia, Mara• and Mocha


UPlIIS • 2 "'II- 25'Star KistTUNAFISH45C




1* Sewing Machine-L~Conversion SPECIAL 7':

I Make Your Sewing Machine $1151Into An Electric, only .. ,....... 66-

AI v_ CIMMn .... I.... IMdo .. hpllinclflEE _ I'icbp _ ~ - FIE£

P.. lewill......VA. 2-7710 Of,'::!.' :..~

SUCCESSOR TO1&822 KERCHEVALsn.. ,. DdrotI 8Mft _ W.• elfiRillll u-mI. I"'.


Rib Roast Beef


Pork Loin Roast

Ready to Eat


IJIIID 0' LUCES Sweet C......

BUnER •••••• 74~.R.ady to Eat Smoked


PricesEffectiveThurs .• Fri.. Sat.Ian. 6 - 7 - 8

Experiments in. England recent-ly completed showed that hand.kerchief. spread cold germa &II

much as sneeztng .

Localite InOrgan RecitalAt Michigan

WAYNE PROFESSOR NA.~DDr. Robert F. Steadman, profes-

sor of government at Wayne Um-versity. took office .January 1 ucontroller or the State or Mlchi.gan, follOWing hIS appomtment tothat offIce by Gov G. Mennen WIl-hams, who took over the gubl'r-natonal responsllnhties on thesa.me day

Before Jomlng the Wayne fac-ulty In 1947 Professor Steadmanwas a 90Clal sCIence adVIser to thePreSldl'nt's sClent,ftc res ear c hboard He al90 served as concml-tant to the NatIOnal Hou~mgAgency and thf' Federal PublicHousmg Authonty

Earl of DwyforTo Speak Here

Richard Lloyd George, secondEarl of Dwyfor, will be the speak-er at Detroit Town Hall, Wednes-day mommg, January 12th, ateleven o'clock In the FIsher Thea-tre HIS subject WIll be 'Outlookin Europe"

Advance reservatIons tor thetalk are available at Gnnnell's,Wd. 2-1124.


.(~~;.-- ~ ./.. ,. Repaired, Replaced audC1eaoed-

Mf"taI Decb-PorehesFlat Roofing


Pio_ Boolbag .. SlaeetMetal4708 EASTLAWN VAney 2-8548


WILLIAMS' ACCENT ON YOUTHChampion AgentBuys New HomeIn G. P. Woods


That'. What • Brand-Ne.fireball ........ (em Make of

luick. IuIt Since 1937

Wby just imasine the pleasure of .poto-the.minuce performance aDd _ •car zip and go? Or only dream of a fallrasb of fireball energy under tbe boo-net of your faithful old Buu:k?

You can have tbe surgmg power 01a brand.new Fireban enS'M at the

beck of your treadle-toe-1ft any Buick made Since 1937.

We lift out your old engine-put 1ft a new Flteban freslsfrom the faaoty as,~mbly bne. Out you roll OD your bappyway in I~ts nme -and even at leu cost -tban it caka for athorough overhaal.

Come 10 and talk it ov~r. And ask about our eaty 1"'1'ment plan, wilb paymenu lust a few dollarl a mooch.




vAtJJlY' 2-7812


113 1Ir_1I p*, fA. 1.5411


ANN ARBOR - Miss PatriciaAnn Baumga.rten, 15637 Wind-mill POinte, Will give an organrecital at the Un:vcrslty ot '"MichIgan in Hill AudItorium on

, Thursday, Jan 8, at B pm.MIss Baumgarten Will open her

recital With three numbers byBuxtehude: Prelude and Fugue inG minor; Chorale Prelude on"Lobt Gott, Ihr Cbnsten;" andFugue a Ill.Glgue

These will be tolloWl'd by Chor-ale on ":Meine Seele Erhebt DenHerren" and Toccata In F byBach.

After an Intermission, she wlllplay Introduction, Passacaglia. a.ndFugue by WlIham; E1egJe by Tom Boyd, Grosse Pointe Ford dealer, was recentlyPeeters, and Cortege et Lltanie by appointed dealer for Perfect and Angelia passenger cars and

Here is & picture taken of Grosse Pointe's G. Mennen Dupre. Thames vans built by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. of Dagenham,Williams, Michigan'a new chief executive shortly before he A fonner pupil of CharlIe Vo- England. Standing in front of one of the English built autosaccepted the governorship. These youngsters are Kerby gan, MISS Baumgarten is now f left to . ht T Eo d E F Williamson siststudying WIth FrederIck Marriott, are rom ng: om y, . . ,as-Soldier En)- Oy5 School pupi18 and with the youthful Williams typify the lecturer In organ in the School of ant sales manager, Ford Motor, Dearborn district; and A. R.state's new "accent on youth administration which promises Music The recital is presented in McKay, Boyd's general manager.

H Iida- J partIal fulfillment of the require- Io y m apan to face the many tasks ahead with vigor and enthusiasm ments tor the degree ot bachelor BETUBN8 TO PBAOTICIl

PrIVate Milton E Karsack, IOD of music. Orland H. E1h8. former &dmln-

~~::.~,:eee~~'C~: Arm.", Scientists Stud", Chances I1C~a.:::~~:o~~::o~~~~:=~~~~/_ '/ bon WUOM, Ann Arbor.Sakai which Ia near Osaka the M.ich.), &nnOUDCe<l hia return toaecoDd largest city in'Japan. He O~ S · I T. lIT ld 11'1 L11 ---recently enjoyed a day of rest on umva ~n rr or rr ar UNITED FUND PLANS the jraeUce of law at 1532 Buhl......__•• ..... D -~te __.. I I BuJ.ld1Dg, DetI'Olt, Klcblgan............ S6.vmg ay... r __ c - A state-WIde mobllLzation rally, Ipatlng In maneuvers a.t the Abeno It war WIth Ruasi& comes, couldt wreck some hlghly important to be attended by directora andManeuver Area near Lake Biwa, you and your family survive? Or target, but the disadvantages county commIttee members of the

ubbs Are Hosts the la.rgeat fresh water lake in can A-bombs, guided missiles, weigh ags.lnst It. However, Amer. Umted Health and Welfare Fund. and Mra. Paul D. Grubbs, of Japan. germ warfa.re, and ga.s wipe out lca WIll have to guard 1t.s borders cf Miclugan, will be held III Lan-

Uworth Road, were hosts last The hIghlight of the day wa.s whole American cities and toWIJ!l? to eliminate even that anal1 smg, Thursday, January 13, pre-at a cocktaU~trotha1 hon- the old fallhioned feast. The menu The A:tmy General Staft', aided by chance. paratory to the first annual state-

ring their daugter Helen Neal, consisted ot Turkey Rice Soup, scientlata, has calculated that ''The second way to use the A. Wide ca.mpaign of the UmtedDc! fiance, W. Tom ZurScbmlede. pickles and olives, roast turkey, bombing casualties tor any ot our bomb is to create an atomic cloud, Fund, it has been announced byr Lincoln Road. baked ham, dre.ssing, 1Il0w&ke thirty-seven large8t cities would by explOldmg & bomb In water. J. M. Shackleton of SagIDaw, pre~A junior b1 the U. of M:. School potatoes, sweet potatoes, giblet be less than tour percent, and that Careful patrol and floodlIghting ident ot the Fund.

r Buslnesa Administration, Helen gravy, cranberry l5&uce, green an adequate civIl defense program of the waterfront areas wouldJail- to wed the lIOnof Mr. and peas, cauliflower, frult aalad, rolls should bold them to lell8 than one make it d11ficult to plant such a~ Tom ZUl'Schmiede, Sr.. in and bUtter, coffee or tea, pump1dJ1percent. time.bomb.line. pie, mincemeat pie, Ice cream, Here are the General Staft' ellti- "So far. there Is no solution toTom 1& a graduate of the Un!- fruit cake, candy, mixed nuts IlDd mates of the destruCtion In life the trick of hldmg a bomb in &

• ratty ot Klchigan. fresh fruit. and property, con1lnned by atomic freighter or passenger ship. UnW'. Pvt. :Marsaek ill a member at sclentisU: ":More than n!Dety-six there ~ some device to reveal &

PACKABD'8 PBESIlNTS Company A, 27th Infantry Reg!- pe' cent of the people would be bldden bomb or plutonium charge,I Packard dealen of Greater De- ment of the fa.moUl 2S~ Infantry entirely Ul1lI1jured.Eighty~two per all ship~ ma.y have to be held in~It will launch a weekI half- (TropIc LIghting) Divi81on, oom- cent of bwldmgll would 8till stand. quarantine until they and their~ televillion show, ~g manded by Major General Wilham Sixty-six per cent of the target car g 0 have been thoroughly

Sc tti .th" kind 8. Kean. areu would be undamaged. 8e&1'Ched. ,rge t 0 tW1rt. a nt,e~ "Present civil-defense pIa n s ''The combination of all tactors,VlJ'Jey en e auunen over rob 1 h 1 ds ilitary.J-TV (Channel 4) from 8 to Lost time can sometimd be would p ab y save ninety-nine owever, ell. some m

30 pm Thursdav

Jan 6 mtLdeup, but death ta permanent. per cent of CIty dwellers In such planners to believe the aerial burst. . ,,,' . an A-bomb attack. Al!Io. in a real would be most favored by an

attack, placing thirty.seven bombs enemy. You can safely discountaccurately over as many Amencan any fear ot '& superbomb bigcities would be DO easy matter. enough to wipe out a large etty.requiring at least fifty-five A- Accordmg to a report of the Re-bombs. The most conservative au- search and Development Section,thority will tell you that Ru.sa1&A:tmy Genen.l Sta1l' a limltaUon 18could have but a few A~mb.l, if soon reached where two smallerany. bombs are more deSirable and et-

"There are two real dangers flcient than one larger bomb.now. First, panic; if war comes, "We can expect some bombs toenemy agents may try to 8taIn- hit clty targets, but our long-rangepede city dwel)ers with nunon ot civil defense program, if earnedA-bomb attacks Second. unpre- out, should hold casualtIes to apa.rednesa. We a.re at work on a. traction of one per cent. TIlls pro-5OO-ml1eguided mls.siIe. Some of gram includes:our experts say it will take "1. Gradual d1spersal. of vitaltwenty-five years; with an all-out industries and key Governmentproject we might do it III ten or offices, with a trend to reduceless. Expert opimon 18that we are large cities.far ahead at Rusllia, WIth even a "2. Bulldmg of deep sheltersplanned deteuee againSt enemy where lnlls and parks make suchrocket& constructIon poSSIble Wlth~ut ex-

"Genn warfare l8 a more realls- cesslve cost. Creation of ftrebreakstic threat, but the dangers of na.. where poSBlble.tionwlde - epldemic8 caused by "3. Bla.st-resistant bUIldmg con-t!lousands ot germ saboteurs have struction.been exaggerated. DJSeUe tocl "4. Dispersal of many hospitals,might be established at several fI.re-flghtmg and rescue sel'Vlcessepara.ted point.. trom which it to suburbs or fringe areas of largemight spread WIdely. But pUbhc cities.health !lervices are behevecl com- "5. Organization of all the pea-petent to check such a spread. ple for CivIl defense"with a nation-wide program forquarantine and inocula.tion.

"Should oUr water-supply sys-tems become polluted, there is a.simple remedy: Boil all dnnkingwater.

"A complete ~nse air raidattack on our clUe! citIes is almostimposllible. Our State Department,Central Intelligence. and the FBIwould almost certa.mly see SIgnSof impending attack at lea.st a fewdaY1l ahead. It Ia believed thatAmencan cities would have somewarning, probably several hours.

"At th1s wrltLl:lg, no one canmore than gueu how many bomb-en might attack us The odds a.refor an all-out strike at Americanba.sea and cities If 300 bomber9came over at least 200 enemyplanes would probably get close totheir targets, many etose enoughtor accurate hits.

''Would the Reds try to gLlI ourclttes? Defense pla.nnen do notdeny that IOme gas may be used,for panIc effect, but there are In-dIcatIOns thu top ptannen do notexpect gas attacks.

"It we escape war tor sometime, WIll our .. eunty end utterlywhen Russia. has the A-bomb?There are three ways tor RUSSiato try an attack. once she has the MystenoUll statIC In your car -arc. Me.bomb. Ii. few bombs ml~ht ~ I radIO can now bf' ehmmatt'd \~ th •Ilnuggled Into the country to a powder Injected mto the tlrrs II IVORY2 for 31, I "DRY 2 fir III

- ~\




A young man wtJo hu aold morethan a mUhon dollars Insurancea.nd during 1941 and 'U baa ledtIbe enUre Mles torce of Pruden.U&I in the United St&teI and can-II4a ocrmpn8U1g ot nearly 18,000agenta. recently bealme a 10eaUtewhen he purchased a new lloDlein Grosse Pointe Wooda.

He l8 Albert F. FloreUo, wbowill celebrate bUs 32n4 birthdaYon January 10 at In8 new home

A. F. Fio&ELLO at 1725 Ma.nche.st.er Blvd. with__________ -<ohts wife and daughter.

I b H Id F. Ii. graduate of SoutbeutemU 0 5 trst High School, Mr. FtbreUo later at-leeting in 1949 tended Wayne University and t.be1'IIe tlrst meeting ot Northeast- University of Klch1gan.Il Woman'lI Club in the New I>uring World War 11, he llerndat will be a sandWich party a.t In the Navy for three year •.:30, on Jan. 10th at St. Mark's He entered the ranks of Pru-LUteh. dent1al in December, 19411.

The lIUbject to be dISCussed by'. Agnes Chamberlam, "Educa.m tor SUrvIval in the AtomICre." shoUld prove timely and In-resting. Dr. Chamberlaln becameterested III radio-active subjectsIIlJe a research student In the~vendlsh La.boratories 1D. Carn-Ilda'e, England. She has been anItrUctor at Wayne Unlver&ltyr twenty yea.ra.

ate_s for the meeting areClarke StevelUlOIland :Mrs.

A. KcGlnt1.



Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\

C.L ...



13101 ... VA. 3.02100...-1 IIl4I,...., ......


11103 GAINEIIC*), ~ AVON




Many Important Additionc



..- Kttchevtl ..... ~ 'oi.. tW.)

&r_ I'ei"'"

HouIehold Pumilhinp


H. o. ~£Nierne,.APPR&Jaa

Complete Household must be sold,ircluding baby grand piano and refrigerator

Sunday, January 9th, from 10:00 A. M.• ••

Sund.y, )anuJry 16th fro'" 10:00 A. M.




VAHey 2-1162

COMPANY15121 KERCHEVALBetween l.akepotnte And Marylind

• ~.,1tmJ,

• 811tJelopa

• 81a_ten"

• IntJOka


25 Years of Service to em- Petit"and .. East Side

Garden Club HoldsWinter Meeting

The Winter Board m"~ 01.the Federated GaMUl Club. ofMlchi,an, Inc., wu .chedultd tobe at 10:30 a.m., 'l'InInd:ay, Jan.e at tbe llcKlnl.,. roM hom' oflIrs, Henry L. NIWDl8IL

)lnr. Theodore Hunt, llnr. R.. e.Diehl, and )(1'1. Paul Kolvoo~ wU1Ml'V' the d.... rt.


M. £ve\yn Butl.rtor-'" .. ~ck ,. ....

Announces..... el bulIna'

!hIt .n. "'" ~teO 11\ the.nd Ia nll'll ply S_Ion

£squire 8e8 1101')ts8cand floor t-quite ~ ",. 133S

15~\\ E. lefferson


The boIrte... were to lie the

Hammel's Entertain :=.:u:e:~-II=~Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hammel Mrs. Newman, llrL HIIU7 r. wu.

f S dal d. t rtained llama, Krs. Fred J. 8cJl.UIIl&IlDt

o unmng e nve en e KrL OI'D1OM Hunt, JIn. W. It.54 guests at "their home sunday Wheelock, )In. Cbarlton N...,.-evenIDg. 10m, &Ild KrL Lloyd Hu,htL

~:ft 'il-' .....:Hoffett St\ldio

MRS, DONALD JEROME HAIGHMrs. Donald Jerome Haigh (formerly

Constance Joyce Fitch) daughter of Mr, andMrs. Ferris Fitch, of 205 Merriweather.whose wedding was held on Wednesday, De-cember 29th, services at the Christ Church.The groom is the son of Mrs. Ruth E. Haighof San Francisco and Arthur J, Haigh ofDetroit.

President To SpeakTo Farm, Garden Club

Mrs. Hubert 1.. Cartel', NationalPreSIdent of the Woman's FarmlUld Garden A.lNiOClabon, Will speakon "Why I Believe in the Fannand Garden .Association," at themeeting of the Grolllle PointeFarm8 and Garden ClUb at thehome of Mrs Standish Backus725 Lake Shore road, at 2:30 p.m'Tuellday, Jan. 11.

Hoste_ wlll tie :M:nr.BackusMrs. Floyd Ballantyne, and :M:n:Thomu L1tUe.

Repeat Vows OnNew Year~Day

The Balfour road home of Bar-bara Ann Brinkman, daughter ofMr. and Mra. lrfilton George Brink-man, was the .lCene of her ex'change of nuptial vows on NewYear'a Day wlth John A. Jeffrey,aon of the Stanley J. Jeffrey .. ofBrantford, ontario •

The nuptial VOWIl were read bythe Rev. Richard H. Wilhams be-fore a candlelit altar of greenlland white rosea.

The bride wu gowned In ebif-fon, of the Grecian st)rle, wlthpear1.ll and bugle beads studdingthe .. tin W&1St girdle. The samebead &l!omment trimmed her ftn-ger-tip ven crowned wlth a Julietcap. Belmont gardenias and ivycomposed her bouquet.

A cana.ry yellow SlI.tln and mar-qulsette gown, With drop shoul-den, was worn by matron of hon-or, Mra. John W. Butcher, thebride'. only attendant.

The groom chose Patrick H.Barry for best man.

For the honeymoon trip to SkyTop, Uniontown, PI.., the bridechanged to brown pbardme, withbl'OWDanll beige acceuonea.



Women's GroupSponsor Review

The Women's Auoclatlon of theGrosse POUlte Wood. PresbytenanReVIew to be gwen by Mrs. FredChurch Is sponsonng a BookHauck on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at1:15 at the church. All women ofthe community are Invited to hearMrs Hauck reVIew the newestnavel by Frances Parkinson Keys."Dmner at Antomes.... ThIs .Itory1.5 o[ New Orleans.

This Is the first of the month-ly book reviews unde!' the newafaflrll of 1919 Mn. James AlIusIS the preSident of the A..I.Ioc:lation,Mrs Gerald Schroeder chalnnanof the Ways and Means Commit. A E'tee, MI'!!. Conrad Istaoh, leader of nnounce venlngthe Rachael Group who ILI'8 holl. Bridge Coursestesses this month, and Xnr. G. N. Be(laners and adVllDce bridgeCameron, clwnnan of the Book leSSOM will be given at DenbyReVIews High Scbool begtnn1ng Jan 10

All women who are interested 111and 11. . Iattendmg these reviewlI, which are Both coune. WIll continue for Ialways held the aecond Wedne8-


12 weeks and will be conductedday afternoon of each month, are by Xl'll Freda Gillett, of the Den-wdcome W at c h The Groue by faculty and widely known au-Pointe ReVll'W for fUrther notices. thonty on bndge.

your speech together, rea.trtrmIngthe purpose of the meeUnc, andwhat la expected of "-'-mean.Ing the audien~ and you, thespeaker,

''When the big day oomea, re-member to speak plAlnly. St.re8Ithe peak word or phrase In eevrysentence. Take each new bre&thbefore you need it. Remember notto wear conspICOOUIl clothes wtl.iehmight draw the attention of theaudience away from wbat youSlI.y.

"When speaJdIl.g (JD tbe &I.r, for-get tbe emtence ot the 'littleblack box.' Be aJre no to leanforward into the microphone ..you speak. T!us b1Ura the wieleand ruins many a normally goodtone. Speak &8 you would If youwere conversing wlth a friend inthe most Informal and frleDdlyfasbloll."

......,. t ...' .../ ....~~~<<< 'I

, <. , ~ ,I ::,,~..J(. • 'N" ''lc} 1l'l>,:;i;: ~~"I"'" eX"?h,~",,~;z ..J....f,;» x4 $' t fug~


On a. honeymoon to Uniontown, Pa., wereMr. and Mrs. John A. Jeffrey who wereunited in marriage by the Rev. Richard H.Williams at home of the bride'~ parents'Mr. and M1'8, Milton George Brinkman ofBalfour road on New Years Day. Mrs.Jeffrey is the former Barbara Ann. Mr.Jeffrey is the son of Mr. and Mrs, S. J.Jeffreys of Ontario.

repea.ted eentenee 111 Americanwas 'WbadJa .y!' To Cortect alazy upper lip, masaage it fromteh cornel'!! of the mouth to thecenter aoo baclt With thumb andfore-finger. Practlce pbra.aes hke'plclung up paw-paws" puttmgthem m your pocket.' SAy lI10wlyat first, then futer. 'plck-It-up,plck-It-up" To aV&ld manglingwords, like .ymg 'Qemmn' forgentlemen, listen carefully.

Set amde 20 mmutes tWlCe aday to practice at home. Practicepo8tUre and correct breathing infront of a tall-length mirror. Itwill give you confidence to standand walk well. The best yardstickfor measuring your progress isyour cluldren'. apeech: If theirvoices are Improving, it meansyours J.I too.

"When you have gamed poiseand eelf-confldence through bheUIe of effectlve speech, you can[ace any audience. Good platfonnspeech IS9 unply amplifIed conyer.SlI.Uon. No von Hesse studentreads a apeech ~ commits it tomemory. Every student's speechl.s bUllt accordmg to a down.to-earth fonnula which 1.5 use[ul inall .!II.tuatlons.

"Compose the begullung andlast sentences With care. Openyour mmd to all phases of thesubject. 'Tuck them mto yoursubconscious mind ceeh mght be-fore you go to sleep,' says Ml'!!von Hesse. 'WhIle your phYSicalbody rests in sleep, your subcon-SCioUs mmd to some degree doesthe drudgery for you."

''In organizing your 8PtflCh, fol-low this pattern:

"Prelurunary: Add r e 8 s thechalnnan by name Recognize thehonored guests. Greet the aUdi-ence

"Introduction: S tat e clearlywhat you are going to talk about.State three mam POUlts withoutcomment.

"Body' Then take each fact, oneat a tlml'. and elaborate Strength-en your opmlon Wlth that ofothers Dnve homl' with aptB.nl'cdotes and 11lustrat!ons

"ConclUSIon: Tie the whole of


Openhouse at Kellys'Warren Kelly, popular WJR disc

jockey, and Mrs. Kelly held openhoUie at thehlr Rward blvd. homeNew Year's Day.

A June wedding Is planned bythe recently eJrlanced Sally MUirPotter, of RIdge Road. and JackM. Cudllp, of Rivard Blvd, thedaughter of M!'lI John H. potterand the late Mr. Potter, and theM.erlUl A.. Cudhps.

MlU potter, a proV18ional mem-ber of the JUDlor Les.gue, III agraduate of Grosse Pointe Coun.try Day School and Endicott Col.lege. Her tlance Is a member ofAlpha Delta l;'bl, and Is now at-tending Harvard BWIlJleu School.

Sally PotterPlans Wedding

Roberta of the audlo-Vlaual de.partment of Wayne Unlvel'llty,will dlolCUlIlI the rellOurces of hladepartment.

l\[lI8tc: The Student League ofTuesday MUllcale will present theprogram.

Badio: Mr. campbell R1tchle,dlrector of program and produc-tion for CKLW calls hi' talk"Meet the Mike."

Soc1&I weUa.re: MIllS lolarie Roe,repre.sentatlve In Michigan for theAmerIcan Milllion to Lepers, Inc.,Will speak on the subject "Freethe World of Leprosy'"


TU 1-2100

Plume us for an A pf'Ointmtnt with ourDecorator in Your Home

Vl!lIT VI 1]1 Ot,_ !'fit. !l1"llDiO l\T

16726 E. W"rert-3 Blocks East ot Outer DrlY8

W~~~M~UW~~1~~1~16726 E. Warren - 3 BIO<'L'I E.\St of Outer DrIVe

g tetiotS. cti\1- 1\ ~tices

U\isttll latefJ..J 'rJvtOUet Upholstering

at Slipcovers


'DIe prospect at llpeaking iJl.pablic t.errlf'1elI most. people, bUtueedless!.y, &OQOrd\Ili to EUaabethJ'efIUIOIIl 'fOIl He.e, the great-tee teacher. Public I(Ie8k1ng i.Imel"llly "empllfied convel'll&t1on,"..,. the noted authority. WhosepupilII have mclUded IIUch world-famoUs tigurelI u )(ra. RooaeVeltcd LoweI1 'n!Dmu. In an i.Ilter-~ IIhe teu. how to re1&X nen'eI.ad muaclelJ, correct. ~ andImprove the voice:

"'1'be world jud«e.I you ill threeWIIl'J'.It

"1. By Wb&t they - - yourpenlOII8l. appearance.

'I. By wb&t tiley bear - yourwIItce.

"3. By what tIley feel - yourpenIOD811ty.

"'!be tecbn1que.r Krs. von HesseUIIl.I to unprove her clients on allU1ree counts are the basls of hertextbook, "So to Speak." A. fewyean ago Mra. _ Hesse came In-to the new:I wilen l!Ihe lowered)In. Roo.Ievelt'lI valce four notesin two week!!. Yet Krs. Roose.ye]t's was no uncommon problem.'1be VOICes of most American'MlIllen are too hlgh.plt.ched. Thetrouble, ays Mra. YOn Hesse, liesm too 8ha1low breat:luni" andthroe.t tensLon. She teaches herpupUa to breathe deeply at the1nI1st - a habit which decreaseafatigue because It Increases oxy-gen Intake at the same time ItiIn:proVe5 vOIce control.

"To acqUIre throat release. startby domg a polite yawn, SlI.ymg'ah4-h" Follow t IU8 wit h'&-e-l-D-U.' spoken With yawnmgbreath, open throat and relaxedjaw. Thls will teach those tightthroat muscles to concern them-selves With swallowmg only andnot to Ultel1'ere WIth llOWId. Thenhum 'Coh-m, e-h-m-m, e-h-m"Repeat !lUoo eentences u '9Ilventime. one are seven' and '90megreen b<'ans for dmner' to devl'lopl'e!lOna.nce.

"Our greatest speech fault Ismumbling A survey made a fewyl'al'!! &l;~ by Funk & Wagna.lIsdlscloscd that the most fN'quently

ublic Speaking Mere Iy "AmplifiedConversation", Says Famed Teacher

Followll'lg' 1.8 the complete pro-(t'&m of the Detroit Fedel'1ltlon ofWQ/l1en s Clubs' Janua.r)' AdultEducatlon Oar. January 13

The club 1S located at 4811 Sec-ond avenue, Detroit.)IonWI&' DI,1l>ious-10:00 A. M-

Art: Three films from the audl:l.VL!iual department of the DetroitPubhc LIbrary will be shown,'Artisans of Florenceft." "Art Sur-ViveS the Times." and "NatlonalG&llery of Art."

Garden: Mrs Herbert A. Dyerw,ll g1VI' an inSpirational talk on• My Garden. my Paradise"

InterDattODal R e ,& t Ion 8: Dr.George L. Hagman, OrthopedicSurgeon at Cranbrook In[lrma.ry,who has spent U ye&l'1l Ul China.WIll tell a.bout ''The CommonPeople of Chma"

U-.ture-D-: Mr. PaulJlornson. pastor of Tnmty M~'l-o<Uat Church in Highland Pa.rk,will speak on "Current Fiction"Mrs. Wm 0 Merrill. divi.sIon~. Mil give suggesUoJIIIfor dlrec:Ung' amateur plays

1'ecklnld0ll Bour -11:15 A.M.:)(rs. James B. CJI,ri8t1&lUIen ca.llsher IUbject "R0Un4 Trip Ticket."It w & detlcrlpUoD, from a clubwoman's V1ewpolnt, of a recentweat\Orl trip to lllUrope.

LuDcJteoIl - 1 P oM: Will ~.-ved lD the Camellia DinIngRoom. 1mIcheOJl ticketll Ihould

purehalled upoI1 entering thebo\I8I.

Dl'fUloo& - ! P.M.J4iIIaUve: Allnette T h .. y e r

, a.ssistant division cluur-will prlllgeJlt .. speaker on ..

- lega.l .ubject.PIcture: ){r. Tbona.



Page Four


Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\

Special ReportA most unusual cocktail party

was given last wCf'k for BarbaraBrmkman and John AIE'xa.ndel'Jeffery The event started at thehome or Mr and Mrs Joseph B.Hester, of Lewiston Road. Dur-Ing the festivities. the partywusuddenly mterrupted by a tele-phone call, stating that every-one In the group should u.tellto a very Important broadcastwlthm the next five minutes. Apre-arranged VIctrola recordhad been made, outluung a fewImportant mutonal event&of thepast, but nonp. &s important ..the one about to be made.the one about to be made. '1"bereport announced the engac ..ment of Barbara to John.


Pot Luck SupperAt Maire School• The Grog~e Pomt!' ~lpt.ho(\,~t

Church Villi hold a Church Fam IyPot Luck Supper at TftE MAlP.ll:SCHOOL on }i'rHlayevening, Jan-uary 7, at 6'30 0 m

The spr'aker of the evemng WIdb" Dr Paul Morrison of TrinityMethodIst Church, Highland Park.,who WIll review thl' book "Cry TheBelovrd Country' by Alan Paton.Thpre Will be movies tor the ehll-dren proVIded by Mr. ComelluaHuysken preSident of the GrouePomte K,wanls Club

The BUilding Enterprise COm.miSSion Will present a report w1tJ1defimte plans leadmg up to tlwground breaking date for the eon-structlOn of the new churcb bUild.Ing

Mrs Wayne D Wetzel 421Cloverly Road Is In gener&1chargeof the Pot-Luck and 1hou1c1 becalled at Tu 1.0904 for conlNlta-t10n a~ to what to brJlg All mem-bere and trlPnd- are cordLally in-v.ted to attc'1d thiS OCC&ll10'l1.

:ME..SIAH Lt:THER"'XSo.tI,eut Comer ..I KerrhevlOI .od

Lakewood A,eaaellTelephone VAlley %-2121A. H A. Loeber, I'••tor

If. L. lllartia, AeSlitaat Putor'Our Work lor 1949" will be the

theme 01 the sermOnto be dell\eredIn the t'\\o s€'r\lCf'S of Bunda' Jay-uar\' 9 The earl> aerHce ,..,11 begm ~EW I'EPS SHOW~~~~ \1~ and the late .er....ee at The BlOW Advertl.SlIlg a&ene,.

The Sunda) School IS In sesSIon\ bas arranged a network prot:rame\er' Sundal mvrnmg Irom 9 15 to between PesJ.~la. ~ IDI110 1;; 0 c1oek, .. Ith clll..!!se.pro\Ided ABClor cluldren of all aces


Venor DllIh....y E. lit Lake.le..Calvi. F. Stleklu. D. D, !'""lor

JIlIIi Beatrl~ !li..no .... Fansh W.rker9 30 A M-Church School Classes

lor all ases Come and brIng }'ourchildren

The S&cramentof the Lord's Sup-per will be adnunl.tered .t 8 00 AM and 1100 A. M, Sunday, January9th

6 00 P II{ -SeDlor Luther League7 00 PM-Young People. Luther

LeagueJanuary 11th. 8 00 P. M -Rev

Sillgeo Tanabe who Is In ch"rge 01miSSionwork &munll'the Japanese InDetroIt Will be the speaker at ameeting 01 the Sunday School teach-era anc1 offlcera Everyone 1.8 cord'allyIn\.ted to attend

'zocal ehurches

Impromptu Stuff


Horace Greeley was an earlychampIon of women's nghts.

STEAL SHAVERA Renungton electnc shaver

was stolen from the showcase atTItus Droll'S, Kercheval at FIsher,on FrIday, Dec. 31, City Policed1Sclosed.

- EcIcUeAIIclenoa. who play. Jack BeaD,'. 'abulollS valetIoehester, aDd bucl1eader-eomic Pbil Barria clve &be drwns andeYlIlbals • 1I11lt workoDt duriJIC • bRallier 1D lIie rehearsal of*be "Jaek BenD,. Procram," I10W heard everJ Soda,. OIL CBS.

FAITH LLTHERAN CHlBl.HI'blhp at E. Jell .... oD

The Be,. C. D Lan!:," P •• l ...Fnda .....7 00 P :M -Vlcton Lutner

LeagueSaturday, 8 30 A. J4 -<:atedllSln

IlIlltruttlonSunday, 9 30 A. )( -Church School

tor 1011 age •.Sunda~ 1100 A. H -Morning Wor. r "'. ~ ii'~" }",,*Rk'S ", , '"l' "'"...~....,..,. S-

ship WIth ~rmon on elmst, the ~. '" , ". .~King'. ) -I s?~f~...ltll:-' ~..~...; .. ~Monda)-, ., JO P Jd -Teachers' Itl- I a;;~1.. ~;;;N,. '~:;"'~i~"";.~~...

5tructIOn S ;'r .j1'",~.;-. "N ~ """' p . eTuesdel. 600 P M Glrl Scuul.5 , ..' ' " Ne." LouJ l'tC 0"Tuesda) 7 00 P )'[ Be' Swut. '/ ......

U:~,~~~daY. 1230 P M. Ladles AI- r , I: ~ I.\.\.C:~~I~e.day, 8 00 P. M-churcb t 1. " I.\.1' \J I' ~ ~G£

Thursday. (15 P M-J~nlor ChoIr" fPJllI' lL~ nl\.~~.Thursday, 7 00P M-Chapel Cho,r 1 ,~ ~Thul'llda), 8 00 P. iii -Seroor Chulr

THE--O-B088--:r.:-ro-Df-'l'B I ~OONGBEGAGTIONAL CHUBCB IU~ 9 C~h.a&, iJl B.iebrd 8<:.....

Jldilaky oear :acrebe.. lCbarles W. 8<:behl, I'est ..r

Sunda}, 11Lm -WorShip Sernce \eESunday.11LtIl.-Church SchoolSundayevemng-Youth Group.Monda}-,7 pm-Youth ChOir ~MThurad.y. 730 pm -church Choir &IEThe C'n'C Club Will meet SundaY

eveDlng,6 p In. at the home of IilaryLou Henderson,559Washmgton

The U DC'. w111 meet Sunday eve-ning, 7 p m at the borne of CarolCooper.223 McMillan

Sunda}'. January 9th. ..m be tbeN,nth Anniversaryof the Church TheBirthdayDinner wlll be held In ChristChurch on Thursday. January 13thReservation. are being taken b\ Mr.Frederick A. ~omlln, TU 1-2560orMrs. George ~-urnbull, VA. 2-5517.


oIellenoll A,ell1Ul .t Klfard Blvd.Be,.rend lIIerrlll O. B.tea, MinisterChurch.Se" Ice Sunday.January 9th

19t9at 11 00 .... II! , ChurchSchool at1030 A. M.

Thursda>, January e. ~, ChoirPractice at 8 00 P )(

SUlld.y. January 9. IN .... DlocWl.lonGroup at 8 00 Pill:, pubhc cordiallyInvIted, Subject Monopoly\s Dem-ocracy. IIlr G LeolleTield ChalrmanTue.day. January 11th, 1949-WomenaAlliance Rerular lIleeting at 1 30 p-Ill, Speaker Mr Harry Trl\ac ofWayne Lnl\erSI~ SnbJect . BetterRelation. WIth Russia"

Tuesda\ JanUAry11th, 1949at 8 30P. II! , Bridge Lecture by Mr. Hsanborn Browon

Thursday. January tsth 19(9 at2 30 P !>l. Cradle Roll, Mothers Tea.All mothers of young chIldren arecordially In-Ited Subject 'Children sCommonProblems '

Durmg the month. or January, theRe\erend Mr Bate. Will speak eachSunda) mornmg at 11.00 P. M on'The Great Rellg101J" of the World."



ISotOt b.t lefferson TV. I-teooat Nottincham

a.".rt Senlce on All Makes of Cars

Navy Mothers Club No. 68 wlUhold its annual lnstallatloll of of-fleere Wednesday, Jan. 12, at theVeter&lll' bullding. The followingotficet'll will be inItalled:

Commander, loin. R. H. Wnght;Vlce-Command e r., Mrs. H. J.Pfeltfer, )Irs. A. Grauman; AdjU-tant, Mrs. 1'. Marketta; ~F1nanceOtftcer, Mra. L. .T.Nadeau; Chap-lain, Mra. P. Burgher; Judge Ad-vocate, Mrs. A. 1. Kuhlman.

Also as Matrons-at-.Arms, Mrs.K. Hansen, Mrs. Edw. Newhouse;COlor Bearers, Mrs. Frank Mid-den. Mn. J. ab,endan; Board ofDirectors, Meldame.s: M. Schnu-pbase, R. W. Nagle, W. H. Dyck,N. Robertson; Board of Trustees:Mesdames: R. Brabyn, E. Bishop,L. Dunford.

Navy MothersInstall Staff

A Tea given by Joan Howardon the day after ChrIltmall seemedto be qulte the thing. Ann HIg-gins, Joe.n Korte, Mlldgalan Pa-gota, Sally Zeck, Pat A: BettyWalker, Nancy Bushwmka, Max-ine McHugh, .Toan Korte, LouiseClancy, and Joan McCarthy ar-rived to Idd their bit of IOplllsti-cation.

By MARY CIABI!: MvGLYNNBeYlllw lutdor Cor~t

It was the Chrl.tmas and NewTear Huon and everybody want-ed to attend the partie. liven byeveryone else. That'. impo'llble 10here are Ju.t .. few who w~eredto many actiVIties opened to all.

Ken Walker had open houle forthe whole Sopbomore C1U8 onNew Year's Eve. Among the con-fetti. balloons, and noise makerswe laW Lee ReSllgule, Julie stock-poole, Chuck Peterl, MargaretDeRoo, Mike Dolan. Grayce AnnFerry, Ed Grant, Tom AltN, Jer-ry St. Gennain, Maureen Wade,John Carroll, the writer and ju.tloadl more who dropped in to ex'press Hobday Greetlngl.

QUite a number trekked out toyour. truly'. abode where EdGrant wu providing most of theamusement.

On thIS same evemng DeneBradly entertamed the JUZliorland Seniors wlth food 'n run (aloe.We heard Dick G&110,Pat Walker,Don Bums, Betty Walker, GlenNossel, Ann Hlggllll, Dick Moran,There8&Pellrlto, Harry McFayden,Maxme McHugh, Bob Arata,Nancy Buswmka, Elmer Valez andJoan Mccarthy had a real 1lnetime.

Barbara Meyers had a real lineCbrlstm&l Party wlth all the trim-mmg. on the Tuelday followmgChrl.tm .... Those wbo all came In-dependenUy were Jim Korte, Slur-ley Kilbride, Buzz McAndrew,MlU'garet DeRoo, Marlin Justm,Belluomo, Jerry Gill, Ruth Can-non, John carroll, Grayce AnnFerry, Don Curt1Jl, Louise Dakos-ke, Dennie Van, Maureen Wade,Bob De Mattio, Julle Stackpoole,Ralph Trudel, Joyce ChenoWlthand PhI1l Walters.

Accordinl to the latest gossIpDon Bum. W&S qUite the centerot attraction at a party given bythe Walker twinl on ChnstmasEve.

1 St. Ambrose SetAttend Parties



Mra. Harria i. the chapter'sregistrar and }{rs. Erwin 11 chap-1&ln.


Mr. and Mrs. C. FrancisGouer of Roslyn road beganthe new year by announcingthe engagement of the irdaughter, Jacqueline, to Don-ald Roy Converse, son of Mr.and Mrs. Roy J. Converse ofGirardin Ave., Detroit.


20% diseoont S 00 REMEMBER, TOO-on all

lUMPING NO Other ChargesMer~handise


Wright s giftand

~amp 8hop1.. 10 MACKat WARRIN Phone-'Uo sa.

Young AudllhonsGoOn 'Hike'

DAR Board To MeetHarris ResidenceAt

Club PlansBoard members wbo will attend.

U n01 que Party are Mra. Paul J, MeIser, regent;)(r •. NeU A. Cameron, 1IrlIt vlce-regent; Mrs. Ralph Edwin Thom-

A. mI:ad bridle party combined u, Ie con d Vice-regent; Mra.with dinner and • falhioll IlIow Charles H. Rose, recording secre-win be held at: the GroNe Pointe tuy; Mrs. Macdougl&l Oldford,Yacht Club, Saturday, Jan. 8, be- corresponding s e c r eta r y' Mra.Iinnlnr at e:80 p.m. for membera Harry B. Alger, t.reuurer;' Mra.and their rueats. Theodore L. Danielson, bandal

A.ecord!ng to the club HCretar)' II!!cretary: Mra. Rudolph E. Hofel-th1I tm~11 party will lItart the Ich, hlatorian; )Ira. O. Dale Rey-gay 1Ocl&1 1I!!&IIOIl of the New Year nolds, librarian; Mrs. Harry R-at. the club. It 11 the first time a Matheny, Mrs. Gilbert K. Pulliamclub In t:hiI diltrict has arranged and Mrs. Harold C. Belf, dlrec.an event of the kind for a mixed tors; Mrs. Merrill F. Cros., ....group of ladle. &Ddcentlemen. slstu. chaplain; Mrs. Elmer .Tohn_ Stlndt, president, ChIldren of the

Walter Irvln&', fashion author. American Revolution; Mrs. Ed-It,., has made elaborate plana to ward H. Zeller ehainnan Juniors'make W. lIbow the moat 1Ipiendid Mrs. Robert Hale Pete~n chalr:produc:tlon. ever offered a private man of the Er:ning Group. Krs..

~. Ibow will be staged to the Peterson 11 & put regent of the.tra1u of WIJteI and bmeI of chapter.UYelymu.lc, and 1'1' lovely modell Other past regents to attendwill lIbow the lateet 111resort and will be Mrs. Roy R. Riddle, Mrs.Cl'llIM wear form. the Irving Shop. Charles E. Holme., MIll Pearl

_____ Lockhart, Mra. Osmond D. Heav-enrich, Mrs. Henry Bates Kellogg,Mrll. Charles Lonng Hall, Mr•.Marvin L. Hoagland, and Ma.Wllllam H. L. Everard.

lira. Zn111t C. H&rril will be Mrs. Arthur C. ErWin, sister ofboIt.e.. to the Board of Manare- Mrs. Harrill 11 to be CO-boStell atment of J'ort Pontehartraln Chap- the luncheon meeting, scheduledter', Dau(hters of the American for 12 o'clock sharp. The proceedsRevolution In her Kenaington road of which wlU go to the DAR 'UnitlIome OIl TueIc1a1, January 11. in Redwood Forest in California,

known u National Tribute Grove.The grove 11 comprised of uvb1gmemorials' to Service Men andWomell ot World War n.

Young DeweyAt Creigbton

Jolan I.. Dtwey, lOll 01 Mr. andKn. 'l'bomu A.. Dewey of 294IUdlemont, of Grone PointeJ'a.rma. iI at.tending CrellhtonlhUftl'liLy III omah&. NebraskaW. aemeet.er.

A rraduat.e of Zeeland HighIchool in zeeland, Klchl,an, Dew-.y let t.erecl tour yeln in ,oU andW&I &1.cl a member of the ' ... ket.ball 1qua4. He was • m.mber ofthe NaUonal Honor 80elety andHi.Y. Before comln, to Crel,hton I)w attended WIUlamI CoUere InWlWametown, KulacbUl4lttl. HeiI now enrolled as .. Mnlor in theCOller' of Kldlcin •.

Crel(hton 11 a CathoUc Umver-ilLy, fOUllckdin 1871 b)' John andIldward crelrhton, pioneer bu.l.ne.umen ill the mtdwllt. It 11 ad.ministered by the Jesuit Fatherland 11 the OIl1yprivate 'UniverSitybetween the MI.. I.. lppl River andthe W.lt Cout. Tbe preHnt en-rollment In the nine COUegei thatmake up Ute lTlUverBityII 2M1.

He II a Navy veteran and "rvedJ ,earl Ia t2ae V-U program.


CUles for Wayne Unlvenity willtake place thll year at MuonlcTemple 011 Tuelday, J'ebruary 1,otflclw of the UDivenity Jaaveannounced.


.., NOUU ....

Wilt lIS err IES1ILn '" I.DIZ

HoII,wood 'nf.rlor Sf""'o.U26 IlACK .&VB.



LO. 7.....

III the earlIeIIt haurI of the New Tear JD( B'l'OVIlB .en'I4to Karcy Wetherbee. Dori.I R.emp* 'JllUtlp VQleaellft.,

~ CWe!1u 'Il B:d Kaver, Pat Vemmcmd 'Il Tom J'eUIU, JIla1lJ'rua 'n Ted 0&Iua, C&r1& LipKe '11 Dick Kitcbel1, 8aJ1y Me-

'Il Dick IIoeIa, SWIIle Jolm.IoIl 'Ii Dick Wlckh&m, u4 Lola't'J!,Jlm~.

• VAN' OElDOL resI4eIlo. OIl TorIuIhlN wu ab1Ue witJl• I&t11rda1 IliPt .. PIlTia'I paJa and tJIIir __ came ill

ItI1p hlm _ W. WOIIdertal yacaUon. A.I we wat back torldI at tbe cIinmg room. tU1e we bumpecllDto JUDIl1e Denner

Butc1l JIldgar, .haD Wright '11 Jim Barker, It&t!l1 Streit 'Jl1Uclltmel1, June lIo1fatt 'J\. BIll Huter, Meeky Vea ZIDeJt ..Ie Bel1ItfOm, Bartl Orphal 'n DImly Burke, KIrk &lid Chm.II, JIarIeu ButtOll .. J':rltll mo1. an4 8a11y ADdnIa 'Il TedI.

Oil ;y.. , the dance! II It wu wonderfUl 48DdDI to KOBTON'8 cIream7 muae and IIe1nC ~ decked aut ta tJIeIr

Ter- 1M erutry. ~ ml4DtPt approall1ll4 till bIl1I1lepIlriDe, Mnul tootlnI', CODfettt 171Da'. ad tJIa ta walb4 J1We

r 1M1.





The reeenU, organized Youthi'Group of the (1Cut SIde Dlatrlct)Detroit A1Idu1lonSociety met at

~r~~;:;e ..~~ Announce Trothprogram wbich Included nature.study, a IoIlI' hike and .upper. 27 An eggnog party on New Year'schI14ra wiWn the ~e bracket Day announced the forthcoming

Crosby Show DA.TS roa NIllWOOIIIlII8 of 12 tD 18 and 12 adulta, all from J~uary nuptial r1tea of Janet.A.re you a newcomer to Detroit! tJu. area, partldpat.ecl. Ellll', of Harvard Road, to James

WJR's Music Hall .. or tJM penon whoM NI'W Mn. Clarence Messner, 308 Me- Velthuysen, of Bluebill Road.• Ia Bing CroabY," the new- Year's reaolutlon 1wl to do with Kinley road, preaident of the East MJss ElliS, daughter of the

Crosby musical variety meeting new peopleT T'Jlen th1a fa SIde unit, stated that the Youth's Cha.rle.s Thomas Ellis', W1ll wed, premiered over WJR-I:Ui your inVltation. Two g&la daneu, Group 18 part of .. new program the son of the John celthuysens

anuary InS. the first m 1949, are scheduled for sponsored by the National Audu- on January 29 In Grosse Pointecentral Branch YWCA, 2230 bon Society to encourage boys and Memorial Church.

tranlIcribed .leriu will be WItherell. Saturd&}' IUId Banday girla to becaome Interested lD Na-Monday UlrO\Jg!I FrIday nJghU, , to 1J. ture Study. TOO MANY OPINIONS

II tD 8:30 a.m.-replacing. AdmiIIIon rate. are low, tile lira. Me.. er laid that John HaV1Jlgtoo many opinions about01. the Warren MIchael dance lIoor WIlarge the orchestra Baker, national president may at- things can give you a headache,

"MUSe Hall" program. good. Young Ac!1dte Unlimited tend a future meeting. r&l9l!!your blood preSllUreand keep"peanng with Bing Will be hIli sponsors the Satorday dance and Boy. and. girls interested in you awake mghts. That's the con-

onal annoUllcmg mate Ken Sunday Cavalcade the other. Both joining tlus group can contact elusion drawn by Leonard M.nter. Format of the ~w in. are weekly dan'll ot which all M1"lI.Messner at her home or by Leonard in the January Journal

witty bUltering between 10Wl( employed penlODl are In. c:alling Tu. 2.2M&. of Living.and Ken with the Incompar- Vited.ing doing a few vocals. Bing

also Introduce selected re-of other mul1cal atan.

That New Year's Eve that we've btIA walUll' for for W"Unow j~t a memory-but what a memory!lll Part1II, pVt1t.,

II were held III all p&rtt of tIUI Pointe before P<l after Utece at the h1Ib ICbool.JDl HZNJ(JNG served a Illper 41nner oC 1aul ud ...uopecl

tatoe. at '1':00 to Nancy WethlMe, hi. date, MlU'i&DM TroID,.'n Dave ConneU, carroU GryUa 'Il C1&rk XcPhall, and Bob

'II rll.IUDo eNbe. After the danCI th11 crowd WNat to ear-'. for more fun.OYer at BARB ORPHAL'S ho~ ~r dinner were Dannye, Barb Baum&l1 'n Butch Edgar, Jlarlene Hutton 'n FrItz, and A.nnie Candler 'n Sparky Farquhar. Following the din-tbe OrpJl&1g&lllhe&4ed for JUCH O'CONNELL'S boUle where

8\rek played boeteM to .. rVl.DC c:oku. After the d&llce1111adjourned to the BIl8TIlR abock where BILL u4 Jue

att. IU date, .. rved .. lIIIh bre&Jtfut.L018 HOLTZ atarteci another crowd of k.Ics. off before tillce. &be and Dick Lord held the welcome 11m out u K&t1I

'n CIWclc Wqnel.', NaIlC1 Voorheu 'J!, JoJumy Wild,W.UWU 'n IMrb Brown, Joyce Wiele 'D Jim Kut, X&l)'

nr 'J!. Bob .trlker began arriving. After W. X&l)' 1llY!tedto Jler hoUM OIl TouraIne Road tor dlJmer.

Ginny Gl'UR 'n Vince SdIOeck, r..ow.. Deely '11 Allan Bryant,H1U Pierce '11 Shena KaoRae helpe4 KILTON 8Il'1'ZJ:R .Am)

LOWlCRY .tart. the New Tear npt over at Klltoll'.before tbe blC party at acho01.

"Come one, come aUo" wu the m..... e Mrlt arolm4 town byANDIlR80N about ~ coketall party. AmOIII' tbI many

aPt Martin 'Jl J.,:k Conleld, Gloria Jam.. 'II Bertie Spur-, Buck1e Buck 'J1 Jim HoMiDI, Sum. Wheelock 'n Tom Antol1,

DoJaertJ 'n Joe I'romm, 8mdI Martin 'n Tom A.ucIl, Irae'B K1kI 811'1e1, Jeu Cori»ltt 'Jl B1Jl JOGp, ad AJm.\e

If 'n BD1 CarUthen.

Daft .. thick rave .. pre-dance 4in.ael' party tor lOme 01 )WItnd8 at the GI'OIIe Pointe Yacht ClUb. AtteD4lDr were Bowie

II: '11 AJm YOUJII', Ray Bolo 'n Phy1Ua I'IUk, DUl K&n.tonJudy N8ll1.. Jolin J4ack 'II. Pat Mornuy, Mert 8toIMzl:feJd 'n

U11rick, Ted Hlellon 'II. Karp B:mmert, Chuck GbMquleNJOUl 1Iaulty, Don LandiJI '11 carol Cooper aa4 0." U4 Ja1a

, Dime Mouton.

Is sponsored by the'a •• u m F 0 0 d I Corporatlon_h the Doberty, Clltford an4~ld Agency of New York.


.UZ1II Kl'1'8ON'B "open bo\aII" 'l'ue1d&7 BiPt after tIMatlity.AJumnl bUkeu.n game ... OM of toM bilbliIbtl 01

tlDu ~tIDll. GoIM or k.Il1a came to dUce, eat, u4 p1aJppldy Cbop ~p." 8eeA U'OWl4 tbe recnaUoD room wen

Mohr', 1lW4 Corfteld, Bayard Joe.on, Mimi DeBrul, JlmlUuun.t, !IIarY Hardleban, Susie lUll" lhertl BroWft, Gallright, Barry Munro, Leroy PepUnlk1, Sum8 K&rtlD, Tom A\lch,

nle Doner, and Danny Burke,

On '1'Iwuday afternoon PAT McKINNIlY U4 blr frludar for bridge, cok.. and potato cAlp1. At the door Pat , .... te4

lyn Roll, Jaaet ZurSchmlede, Barb BeUsal, Pat CJoyette,nda and Madge Wmter, BetllY Arnold, and aue KalN.

Thurll1&y nlpt followmr the moYie at the PIaDc!l .II Judy,ylU. RuM, )(r ••llyn Ross, Sharon Crawford, .~ KlJ'clsner,11 M&C&uley,Claire Weaver, AD4 Pat KcKlMeI ... t owr to

HOLLlS'lB'S bOUle for IOme Ift&PP1 ..... 01 Piq !'oAI.

rsday, January 6, 1949

Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\



The way to do It 18 to start now to buy U 5 SaVIDgs Bondsregularly

Figure how much you 11need In 10 years Then put osldethe amount each week thnt wt1l equal the total-remember-mg of course, that you get fourdo1lars bad: foret-ery thn:e yOUmvetrt, after 10 yearsl

Then If you hllve II pat project for the future, hke sendmgyour httle gtrl to college, the money will be readywhenshelSl

lfyou are on 11pnyroll,Jom the Pllyroll SaVIDge Plan whereyou work Ifnot,mquueobouttheBond A MonthPlanatyourbank. EIther way, don t let the tune shp by Remember •

AUTfJIfIATlC, &4VINS 18 8UR£ $AVlN~-"$. &4VING.f BfJNM

Funny Ihlng aboUl lime - the dsYR and weeks often seemlong but the yeam Bbp by bite crazyJ

In Just ten years, our ptg tatled heroine on the left, whonow llpma tops 80 bapptly will be sptnlUDg yOUDg men 8heada-Justashapptlyl She'll be all grown up cuger IUldannoua to go to college. But, as you know collegt;. or anyother design for hvmg workJ.ng or plllymg takes muney_10taofiL

Lucloly 10 yenra can make a dtfrerence mother tlungstoo Money for U1lItam:e. If yOU go about It nght, you canmake your money grow, ngbt along WIth that youngeter

Th,a/,l .nn olficJa/ U S Tre.,1UI')" adverl/lamr:nt-PhJpitt"ed under llulJpicrot or Tra/lIw:P' DapartmMt and AdvortlainA CaunelL




It 15 Mtoundlng bo.... mul:h togcan settle on a narrow mind.



.. .th.t hili sentence wos tbe result of allllOClalion With bad

STORM -company wme:h lIhe had not bem abk to abll:ld him from.

She said further that the snng" (orced him to commit the

WINDOWS offc:nse which ~~nt him up and that be alone was payIng thepCtlahy that the more expenenced esC::lped.

Com.blnaUonSo wate:h your c1l1ld I playmates If there IS a child wltllWood or Aluminum- natural leader~llp who dot's lIot wldd the nsht Inf1Uenc:e your

...... 10' SI."" S.. k I clllid Will suffer from :u;soCIQuon WIth h m Maybc: you can help

• n.. NI .. U.", ... I .... I .. ~ fothll bOj If you "'III give the time to him but you cant afford

,.....,... .. T"' ..... 11.. 1 w- • .a •• , to ~cn(ice your ehdd.-Phone For 1 IRONER - VACUUM CLEANER ANDFree Eslimales WASHER SERVICELAkeview 7-37110

• Niagara 0995C/tr Sash " Screen Can Moralap ... E.... I,I

14000 E.1.M1LE RD AL JARCHOW • fl••, Will"MlnDT El'KbiqJco Clmpta =... R,p.lnItOMI'HOHI T\j , .. ,ft

8 Man Wrestle Royal Ip. 5 hiM .T~ ~~e:,l;,?~'l£a~d.1terce C 00 usclans~ -:: "'.::,='=1To Present Joint Concert~ ~ ~ ~:~ Tb.~ P1~:= Band and the Pi~n::~ TamboUrlne "CoDcerta for atleld Arena. Gmt!olIle&r' lG-Ytle Ordtutra w1U pIl'settt a joint one Armed Paper Hanger JoeftltI4. ccnC'e1't lU the P1erce Juniar Blll'b Glatzer soloist, and eonelucUng'

1n a !ta1Ure of th1J, kina, aU ISeboal Auditorinm on Wednesday with BraJunstedt s ~ten In Gnly'::e-=:d~~:::::: :=~:::e8U::r.m.theBo: '~fOllOWlng Plcl'ell mualcllUl5=~eY~~~ :Ire~n OO~h~:;:~u;:=~e~e::e~:~I:lIo:a:~~~that 11 meant. the rur- two eIl..ln! Idrat half and w1U open with a Elaine Blln1eur Ronald CinderJl&te4 appear In a 3O-a:ll:Ulte 'lludI," fnlm the ~OeculllnD1Robert. CU!e11, Ruue1l Gragg Joeaw:dl. the n!St two 1D. aDOl.her Oratarla" by Bandel Thill will be Gent::er Robert Howe Sby 'leek3O-JUfnUte bout, the fo11awtegtItu f~ed by Four Clank Dances er and D ck Caunden.tnaol6-rn1nUtl!~t-tc.andtMfinalland" HR~an-Charale and Over ---~ are ~ m tht oM-h= ~ .. tw T.llclla1kaw1lkL Tom 1..Ll LE..4.Gt:E ~IEETS

=-in In- :'~be -r:en.5=u.~; string !lli:g:d~UA~r l~pp:

'l,"EW "T' 'I'EIDI Tile 75-~ee Band will appelU' ChIldren will meet In the Fort~ ope%ll!dthl.I ~ek aft,eH Ule mte:mIss:Ioll begiIJning Shelby Hotel for their annual

~~go!te~ ~:; ~~~ =~o~:,,~0~senll~~f01lO~a.~~~~~~~an~:le~l:en~~~ ~~The term beg1n.J Februuy 7 great 'Pnhtde and Fugue In B cal1ed at :l 00 pm bv th" pt'!'s

nay ""ld even!og c1a55"s lC'!ll b" 1h MInar' by Bach. On th~ light d~nt 11l'l1 Alfred W Benderofrr.....d In Cll dU!'erent mhjects &.I: et dde wiD be Andtnon II 'The Th~Il' \1.'111bp a board m"etil:lg atcording tD!llrL S.anley F Dol" Sp:copated Clock. 'Danc:mg 10:111 a..m.

~~YW~f;ElJbd ~"~cananattw.&cl.a5satthel ~

No" At I AutnOl"cf16330 E. Warren "HOW Ta WIN "limos ..,..I INR.lJDICE P£OPlr(BetweeD 3 alb 1& CoarrilJe)


Radio Service WHAT land of compaD) are )our children l..ecplng' All ofBolISe calls Made I you probably have read or had told to \ou the ~torv 01

s';::e ~~ ~Jc::et the tather who warned hiS son ag;1 n~t orne of h15 pla.\mat.es

ROBERT'S 30d the "On wl~l1~:h~~:::e e~er:u~o~;h w~~~e :~:Y;:I~:RadiO Service thm aample. Then the b.tber took tbe boy

TU. z..4SSO to the storage bin picked up a half rotted appic and placed It 10 a box at sounrt ':1pples A

Fall is Camln 'I'" "eek later I e to.k tl c boy back to that stor~OW S TOE g age bin-and the expected h:ul happened TheTIUE fortner good apples were now panlv rotted.

I'll Yesterday a woman who works now andTo S then In my home asked to change ber regular

CONDITION ~ day rOT another On the day she Wall lIupposed~t~:~li~::~.S allowed to VISIth~r C:o~e ~ m?onh:::l:h:~:~~:;~I:O=~O~

IpIU .. TIT.. He wu sent thc:re wh"n he wu:. one month past Ius eighteenth="S:~lce : blrthdaj [badn t known about t1IB hut I had known that theCALL DmECI Imother reared 111m In Harlem New Yorks so-callc:d den ofTU. 1-9813 Inequity HuJem I~ considered such a tough section 01 the City

L I S that R. H \1acv s deh\l'ry man told me once that they IEAR R CHARD ~ ne\er went tllere to make: deliveries Without an anne:d bodySHELL SERVICE ~ guard In th~ van With them

20397 Mack A,e ~ Th. molb" R.d tb" b" ~ bad ... " .p.n' • n.gb'~~""~~~"~~;...:~;'~~~-:r~ away from bome until he wall sent away by the QuthontlC'S

Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\


Pale Seven



14730 KercheYllDetroit

L Ope.Deer

"Beiltk oi Plice

v.... ..--.Infan(UJtion ~ ".

J'&lblic ~. c1lurca .m-.fIIIIl rttJwr CIrriMiGn ~_

.m..z.o _il,We

WritUlp that meal the actulScieace of Chmtianity, ...thereby have meant the ~.;c. bet..... icku .. eelhealt1Jl, failun aDd ~ ..nit md rieb utiafIetioa,.thouaanda, are .v.nabJ. ,.you at the nearest ChrimDScience Reading Room.

H.re tile Blbl. and 0 .•Cbri.tian Science textbook.-Sc::ieDce aDd Health with x.,.to the Sc:ripturea" b,. :MaryBaker Eddy -contaiDma' thecomplete .:r.plu.atioll 01Christian ScieDce-u wen.otUr Chri.tiaD 8<:ieDce u-..t::an. may be nad. baaow..ClI'parcbued.

srNDA ~ SI.KVICESlO 1lO L" IlId 11'00 1I.1lI.

Swtday Scbool~'lrlt lelIStoD-10'~ LllI

ieeond dea1on-U;~ .. lIl.

lNedneil1&7 a:.ellJ~ THtI!lIOIda1ltleetl nc II 00 ".ll1.

t'.ead1111 kWOm Oped .eea eso;,.LO:110 a.ID. to 9 00 •• m.~""~'30 .0 5.00 p.m.


t&731 1(..... .,.. a......

TU. 5-8013


Un,venel P.. ce is en impoe-.ibility 1hrough hUJM1l end_!eriel ogeMiell It I'I'IUIt _

thfOlJllh oplrt1ue1 ~.

Ope.. Sandall-and &ery DIY-9 to 9

............ ace - c-....... - ea-utI GalE ..


Grosse Pte. Woodslarket

It. """1 GIla....~DICOPAL)

LI!' ." ....... rauw.yJ)rhoe

Rev. Edgar H. Yeoman, VicarNL .au !II. tle

BUIlcl&,. 8uviCeti'.00 4. IL-Bol:r CDmlDun10nI 30 A H -<:hllJ'Cb 8cbool

U 00 A. K.-.~ ~ .....ISenllOll(Narary Dartar Ber'lioe)

BAH .... I WOBLD FAITH1S! )fora .. &oed

Ph.lle TC, 2-331.Frida;,. Ja,".ury 7th. 8 J() P ~l Dls-

cusllon Group Bvok Poe,i.w or )100-EP.N MAS'S COXYLICTS." re\iewedby Mr )'Ioyd MurMn. !lunda). Jar9th 10 3Q A :l4 Sur day rlass Sub:ect,. Ob.dlerr> To DIYi~> LlI..a" l!:xp-rl.menU In ee'enee I

II ~ro •• ;- JDintr 'II_ttbobi.t t:buttt


lI.erbt _' lI.e ..... e.al

10:45 A.M.I Morn,nll Woran,p

Nur .. ry Kind.,glrlen :Prttl'lery end JU/llor durinll .. rYle. I

People'l I


II" .... ,.1•• 41 at Goe'he (.r.lI" P"I"t. W""d.Bev. M Oell'!ala. r..tor W. J. (,.lff"rt. p•• tor

"rlda~. 7 ()o P !ol Go.pel serYle> at Sut',jay 8 J/) !l n, - T~' 8u"daythe ~ar:np Hospital. Alter Road at Seh',',l rneets (or all 1\11:' 1J."upt N ....Lake flt (lair pupils may be enrolle 1 ~t a, I time

Sunday Senlcf's 11 ()() a D'1 -'11 p rr()rll~r9: .M!r"lC4lr}OOA~-'lr' Chrlstla" 'd:ot<lal. 8(j{) pm to 900 P WI-II ~OA ~ -S1mda, Srnool A<lult Blbl' c1..... Th,. I. an open7 00 P :10{ -E.',erlnll' Worahlp dl'ICuulon rl .... 9 and Is Copen to theL sten 10 lhe n.ck To GotJ Hour." put,lIc

Ing Tue,JIl:r. S 00 P m -Vot>n meetlnl.113~ Conyour dl.1 at 8 30 8udn.,. morn- Thruld.y. 8 3/) P m - Adult dMltr

practiceWednt.day Janaury !2th & 00 p. III

The Ladles All%ll.ar:r 1Il'111 Install ttene .... "meers tor 1949

Adolph L. Damman,Treasurer,Grosse Pointe T ownshtp.


Pay Your Taxes Before January 10th, 1949 andAvoid the Penalty.

A PENALTY OF 4%will be added after January lOth, 1949 •• provided bylaw.

Thi. tax includes the County and School taswell a. the Township Tax.

Payment can be made up to and includinl' Jan-uary lOth, 1948.

To TaxpayersGrosse Pointe Township

The 1948 Townahip Tax is now payable at dieoffiee of the Treasurer at 15115 E. Jeffenon AvenueGroue Pointe Park, Michigan. (GroNe Pointe ParkMunicipal Buildina.)

.JEFFERSON &''l:SVI: .. rRODI8'1'CHti8CB

leUenea .b ..... E. -* .... 1>0,. .. ,11BI:V_ IIWNJ:t' D. ZVA. D.D.,

JlimterSt'XDAY, JANUARY ..-

l(l00 am -:!l4orntng Worahlp with Ithe ReT Rudolph ]JOyce, :CZeeutive I'Secretu:r at the Weele:r J'ouu4etlonat Way n e 1Jnlnrelty. .. lIUutpreac:ber

A clau wtll be r_l.,ed mtl) the Imemberlhlp of the chureh.

10.lJO..12 00 nocm-<:burcb oebool tor Ithe children.

11 15-lj 00 1l00D-<: bur e b lICboolelUllell for Interuoe4latell, 10Wl. peo.pie ud. Itdult.l.

1,00 p.m.-Youth Fellowship .eet- Itn~.TUESDAY.

7 30 p m -etaM 011 J'amUY Lln!lltled by II,.. Dorotby Boan 01 the De.trott Baud or Public KUlth.WEDNESDAY;

4 00 P m -.1W>1or choh' rebeanaLTHURSDAY

12.30 p m.-etrelea 01 tlle ....-'eloelet:r wlll ban lImdleoD ~CIin the bomes

1 ()().10 00 pm -lteere&t1OD tor theteen ... e youth of the cltu.rdl &lidcommunltl.

7 ~ p m.-eholr reheanal


Heed.r !fow la "",,11)' eclooolKerb) Xea. Kerehuel

SeU,lalf Hlte. ..,... B.. d .e.'"e"howel

Bev. lIu,lo (.. "hUe. PutotBe.. ::MI V.. AlItlll'er, Bd.

Tel. Tl. 1.1UBFrida). J .... ty " IIN9

5 30 P Y -<:hurch F&!'nl!, pot-lucksupper at the MAtR!: SCHOOL Theapeaker ot th~ eUlnlnr will be DrPaul Morrls"n Cot Trinity llhthodlst(;hurch IlIgnllnd Park. who .m re-\Ie", the book . Cry The Be!,,\ edCCountrj" Ther. ""Ill be mo\'left torthe CI,lIdren The BUlldlnr Enterpr.seCummllllo (In win report on planswhleh will lead. ta • d.etlnlte date torbreaking ,round fCor the ne .. bulldlr g

buada)'. Ja •• ary I. ~to 46 a 111 -!4ornlr, ,,'orshlp and

Rermon The Expendability at God'An Infant Nurlery Is maIntained dur-Inl the Church Ser,lee Nur.sery chll-eren up to three year. of &&,e meetIn t"e Klndorgarten Room In thebaaf:mt:nt or the Ich(,(jJ

All o! the departmenU or TheC'.urch Sch",,1 trom the Klnaergar.l~n up to "nd including the JuniorLJepartment meet durin", the Churchbenlce and han their o.. n pro.ramIncluding .'1 opening worship "mceand cl.... perlCods. YonoARCcBp<-ere"pWa

12-12 3O-The Young People. Cluatl"pets under the dlreetlon Of Mr'fhol2\&ll MunlOn

3 pm-The Bulldtn. J:nterprloe 12 to 1230 YO<JnllCoommllllion ot The Groue PoInte Cia"Metbodl.t Chureh wlll meet for " \ •..ery ltnportal't meetlnr at the home T ••• A_ 001 for Allof 1>Ir Willis Bugbee. 36 Beaeoll Hill ........,.,... ........

Weot.... ot.y. oJaauary n. 1... I Dep&rtme:rlt.~10 A M -cabinet Meetmg of '!'he ,

Woman', Society ot Chrt.tlan Senlee I REV> BUGH 0. WIII'tE.~d the par.onqe. 20d V.nAntwerp 1 Putor

TlI.n4a:r , ""UIT D, 1MI 1-••~ BL 'I'll. 1-11.4 P M -Jllllior Choir ll.aheareal. BuUI~ ~~~hr_8 P. !II -&lnior Cbolr Rebeanel.


~ocal ~hurches


VA 1771" - vr.. 2 Ci3B1003 MAR'I'tr..ND I' E JEFFERSON


So""enel n.. r '" Ie.8u Ide .. 'er"'l $.650

MOlP"ln..(.nl1fonte cO"'r\er, '1"1'''';'. Te,""",

An,.. ,..~.. r C"'a~ ,.,....o ..~ II' '''e ..'-oed,,-"'g.~

GROSSE POINTE FARMSKerby Roed. 340 L.rge loi d brick, I65 ff f-or •• ge I bnry, powder rOOmflm flC>Ot. 4 bedroom. 2 1>.11>1. Me- Iond. Recr .. '_ You cannot eppre- ICia,. the I.rg. spae,ous rooml. unle'ls 1you Slip ,nslde l,v,"ll room 32x18. !PrIce ,,"der $18.000 j


HANSONChevrolet Co:


I Severll 60 f •• ~d 7~ f. 10'$ on la.~I polP"ltf'. P.MbI' ••on. ., 10.'-, Jefferson I


FOR SALE. Dry cle&nIQI' bUS1ne.ell lDGrOl!se POlllte Wood. Forced toaell Yake 1.11 &11 olter. Call VA ....61&:l

I "A !l.o." $1"\'"\1

I Vovr 0 ......'" CC'i1""1v"'l t","~, lq~ \l' \ ,.::: I "l~e;;;:

J <'1-.~I'TO:" Sl~ M cuh ('.. n KrHom.n. TR. .. ~



WANTED USED CAllS4ItKY Veteran bu aU cub tor c1eaD I

CllI'. PI.... Dhone Chen 1653.

Cars WantedLate Models

Highest Prices Paid

GROSSE PO INTE 'vVOODS II Srv- DrlVl. 1312 S.. ck ~\oII,.t. bv II I,19~2 Ch'Yl er G., fJr~lce l v ngj room II 22xl.5 F'rsl floor Ilv.10C(I 8edroo""s I.rge enocgn for tw ... beds

Ge. mc,ne,.lOf 2 elr gar. go w," II large apron, 10' 71 It I

8') .. Orlve e. 'k Co a" I' bu I' 19~1I 3 large bedroo""1 p en"y of cia''''

INew C.rpel1\g mroughC>Ul S,orml .nd.CNlens GI\ fum.ee l'1'1mea I'. oc:CUfMncy i

8'1'. PAUL LUTBD.L'tl' ~Jad<Ioa School &e.utod ..W...-eaey ... Kadl>o"'lll

..... CUrlee W. BaUnek" I'utu~A lpeel.l feature or the Sund&)'

School .emce l1ext SUDday .t St.Paul Luther&%> Church wlll be theobo'llrlng of • IItC'lll'&rdeh1P tUm c.utled 'Two Dollarll." The picture tep.rt of the eonsnptioll'l lltudy ofthe lNbjeet of etllwardahip. duringthe month 01 January. Sunc1a:r Schoolcla.ues lar ell ageJ!l inclllclboa adultlare held at 9'30.

At the ElIgll.h aernce et U o'clock.Pastor ~leJI W Ban4roc1t will.peak all the IUb)Kt "We Are God'.ManalJer. .. Putor Pblltp Scbzn1dtwlll conduct the German Sen1c:e at8 o'clock.

Durtng the month of .1a.1Iuary. the1948 CADILLAC~2 4-door sedUl. a Chlldr.n'. Churcb held IIoCh SWl4&)'

beautitul cypress gl'6ell. :Radio., at 11 o'c1oe1t for children bet'IIl'_heater &1Id hrdra'JllA1.Ic. New car the qe. ot three &lid Its wtn be III~tee. ;3495 00. ;l. down or charge of loln. Ro:r Xt'auM and JIf.rs


1li601 E Warren i!TU.2.56(O

1948 0LD8. 118, Demon.traton. Twoto ehooee trom. $2495 &lid $2085.N_ eal' gt1UII!Itee

:ltOTCH!lll: OLDS CO.15601 E Warrell

TU. 2-5&tO1tf,S BUICK. • door sedan. black. R&-

ello, heater. many utru 9000 miles.S mal. old. Can't be told trom newU.350 TU 2-9324

PONTIAC. 1947 ConTertlble. Exeel-tct c:ond.lt1on, PL 0331

C4DILLA.C. '46 model •• door eedanEse.Ueat mechanical condition. Nodealei'll TU. 1-1936

n&CII: LUTHEBAN CHllBCBWarree aaot Belt ....

REV. ]!;NNO G. CLAtS, :PMto~1lIl&. OVmK .t_ XZBJtE1ll8. Vicar

FRIDAY, JANU~Y 7-The moYie . L11' A.bf'er" will be

.hown tn the Peach church .udltorlum.t 7 30 p.m.. Adults .30 &lid chll4reD.15, I. the price of adm1eIIOn.SUNDAY. JANUARY ..-

R.... EnDO G Claus .-111 d.lIver theaddress Oft the tbeme ..... ther. andMothe"" take ~e ot your bora andririe" Re.,. Claus will .pealt at baththe 8 30 and 11 00 • In semcell.

Sunday lIChoot and bible duael at9 45 a.m "The mlt or the Wile lI.n"te the Sunday achool story of theweek

ST. I&MES L£THEBAN CHVBCR111 ](ellllll.aa &o ..d

BEV. GEORGE E. IHl&Z, Pa.torlJ,vlne .semce.. Snuday at 11 00 LEn

~onducted by Putor KurzSunday School at 9 (5 a.mChoir rehlllJ'lla1 at 8 15 P Irl Jan-

uary 7B.uketbal!-St James vs Rcde:np-

!leon at 2 00 pm Januar)' 9 at SalemChurch, ,"oreet and IroquoIs

Voter-. meet1Jlll' at 8 00 pm Jan 10St. Jamfll bo ... lIn~ team (women) at

8 30 p m. January 10 .t DowntownRecreation-71h tloor

Women' I Gul1d m.etlllr at 1 30 p m.January lj

5t James bowll11~ team (men) .t7 4S P III January 13 at East WarrenRecreation.


1119:10 ~ael, "'.1111> at Touey .. &4blada), J.ADa". B

~.~ A 'd -Church SehCoCol torlho% nln~ years Co( II!:' and Cold.r

1100 A M.-Cl1lu('h \\"orahlp l!f"r-m(Jn thun,po I Dell .....e III G(jd ~rlt.~rml'jn ill a serip", o! thn: ae:rmanaCHI 'f1Ii: APOS'l'Lt~<; Cl-Ck.:I!.1J

11 (I) A M -Churrh Se n0r,I tvrchtldr4"rl t'l\.() to ~ ght >( arB or age

7 ) P M -Tuxl. ClUb Will mt:et.t the Churth W0rHbl~nv.s :4arr,Pr(~rarn-l)l1tlY Lff:, l~...fr(sblnrl tB,Gall> Aihtvn o.nd Harhara UrlnkaUH

b 00 P )II -~emll.,s and friend!Cof The Song Fest will me.t .t tnehome o( Mrq AltJ<rt V Lancaster.1421.) En g urn e

MOlld.), JalIDIor) 10P ~'-Cl.ruf 11 ::'Cll (..1 A...!lo-

meetl "g at WeatmlOsttrUa,nllton at GI) I n CCourt

at 6 15 P m by ,.serlatlonTuesd.y. JaAD .. 'y 11

~ ()o P !>I -The lloard of Dea-cons Will me't .t tI,e hume of Wea-Icy B Orr Jr

\\ edoeld.). Janua,y l!8 00 PM-Tho 1> ••• I',n will meet

at the hr,'Ile of (,eCorge COUIllard,MIS Younl( Lane

Friday, Ja.e.". 14~ 30 P :'1-Tho Ihlll or and Annu.

al meelllllJ 01 the con"reg.t1on andcCorporation at the Church j~eport •.e!teWJ',s and tulure plans "'"111 be onlhe docket (or the ... nlng EldeuThComu A. Dewey and John M Eu-tCon. at the S ... lon. are worlung .. IthMra Richard P Lehmann .nd MrsGeorge E JennIng •• ot the Women'.All sCo<.latlon, In the malung ot pllLrLltor the dmner The follOWing memobe". of & committee Will plan Cor thepresentation or necessary bus1nuaRo}. Nel.on. :llu:well Bal"bun'. EarlPete ..... lIar.hall Jameaon and Char!eaSchank. Jr.


Per. ~~;~o~Oln""er

East Warren



Dollar E1ectrc Moto'Re:>a,r Se'V ce

WA 1-4.S~0112~ Hlrpe. Ave


Tuxedo 2-5640

Friday, January 7





Kotcher OldsmobIle Co.


A TnDll A."iI> MO~"ET SAVINGCONVll:NlltNCE - rn ...estlpte Today

22700 Harper AvenueTel. R_,11e 0456S-W


By the :va.rd or we wlll replace Itror you

STANDARD WINDOW SHAoe COSerrmlJ your neIghbors o...er 30 yre

15915 E. W.rren at Buck,ng+.IMTUxedo 2.S440

TRAVERSe ROD COIIDby the yard or

we wlU replace it tor you

STANOAIID WINDOW SHADe COMPANYSWTlnr your nelll'hbors o.... r 30 year>

15915 E W.rren " BuckInghamTUxedo 2 5~~O

Brightest Spot on Warren Avenue

1M7 DODGE, • door custom. ~Iohe.ter. _t coven, .poUIght, logllrht.l; 10111" mileage, $1750 00 Ulledonly ... tamily ~. OwDer. Tll'. 2r-813(

1136 Chry.ler Atr-i1ow ~oor. Radlo.heater, onrdTln NI. 1llt9

llHO OLDS. 70 Hrlee. Uoor, radIo.heater and 8e&t eonTll Cleanest ellrin town. f795 00. " down or trade.

KOTCHER OLDS CO.15601 E. W&nel1

TU 2-5640NASH 1!H8 "600". $300 worth of ..,.-

tru. nc.l1ant c:ondlt1an--nnmt .. 11beat offer. VA. 2-1132

PLYMOUTH. 47 ....door. A.1 condi-tion No dulel'll. Tt: 5-5929.

AuthOrIzed Olds and CaddlacDealer

announces the Grand Opening of

Our Used Car Lot


Bendix Washersand

Drying Facilitiesat lI>e

Woods Launderette21138 Mack Ave.

Between Brys & RO.lyn- HOURS -

liton. Tue.e , Wed. J'rI. 9.7' 80(CultoDlera accepted tll 7 3() pm)

Batur4ey 1-' CJoeed '!'hW1lclaYR06lol=4ro... Pie Park for cenUe-

man. Private home Good. trall.por-tatlon. Brtnlr referencu 1.... W.y-burn KI ~

LOWER 6 Room fiat III Gra ....Pointe. Newly decorated A4l11u~ 00 Tll'. 1.3063

BOOM Groaae Pointe Parlt~OD""Jitent loe&UoD. Pr\ ... te bome Beachmemberablp. Gafl. .. e opUow KU.&460.

GROSSE POINTE. 1'Ieaaan.t. eleeroom, llncle or double. printehome. rood ~POrWtlol1. Gera&'eoptional TU 2.2MB

2r-CAR GAP.AGE tor rent, Also ApexWuher for ale 1.91' Fleet .. oodDtwe

LEAVING ltlchl(lon. acceptlnc utter.on Cold.pot refrlilerator. walnutbed. che.t. dre.Nr. oak dinette, hotpl.te. lure Iron Iklllet. ladlea rid-Ing boCoU .llae $11.. J odhl>ur. 16b.b, lCale. toilet le.U. BabuuudhI-ch"lr. welker. twa mallie crlllll.9.toot folding lite: .Ize It tran.-parent nlnt black hOltee. rColII'n.and. 2 piece plum dre... excellentC<lndltlan. 1762 AIl.rd. TU 2-1170

GIRLS White figure patei. 3 pal,...lzu 1 and lJ-347 Kerby Ro.d TV.6-6710

BLACK Per.lan pa.. coat .Ise 14Barg.ln. 535 00. Good condition

10m. :lW7WRGE 14'3"x11'4" orlent.l rur

leet eondltlon TV 2-6270

Direct Ma I Aovert.smg

I\olary Pub' c \' ., Se!1

V.on~b:y Boo,.;keep,r'g Serv,ce



WANTEDHou18hold Furniture and RUlli



UPAIRIN'G A SPltClAL'l'Y I1552 Brys Drive I

Grosse Pol!1te Wood.~ MIcb.UPBOL8Tll:RING by ,\ R T C R AFT

era!tslllen Two p:ecea as 10... U IS4I 95 ,..,th .... ot mat~rlel .. lectlOD.t mill cost. \., .!.~

CARPET A"1ol h",'!euro 1.. li and re-IpaIred StaIr ca~t eh,tted. Ul. SEW\NG MACHINES064~ REPAIRED

800KK8~Ef~~~os~~RV1CE I Fr~ =~:at~:a;:Il::<lnom-Tn and Rep(>rt S-rY\Cll SEWISG HACltrnF.

Federal State lInd C ..nadl ..lIl SALES ('O!>lPA ....,.~otary Publlc Wlth Seal IrA 118.'l TF 1 7"; I

HARRY HAAS Tax Conc;ultant CO':PLlI:Tf.: T)-plt'g and t.'_" -,'ulln KF.RCHEVAL II\'E. "nice Grolle P"lr.t~ Se"-'''' a' I

OonIer Alt.~ Roed \ A. 2-'711' S_n1~ 15.~24 MlIcJc n. 1-2277 II

: ~ JC"C ClF)d Sta' .." TaX R~1l.ol"'ns


l\.O\V ~'0\ tD Oi\~ 8_0CK EAST to

1'-"." ~'A-,'rLAND AT Jt:F~t.~ON

SEltl'lCESct1STOIrl-KADE Illp conn. G\W"&"l-

teed wClrIaaaDlblp. Fl_ qaullt:v ma.terla1. FrM ..umatu. E:e:pert liP.hoblter!.,*. TUudo ~118.

Ui'lUGIlllUTOR - And motor lIV"rice. LleenHd and beDded. Kel'rina-tor. I'rtgtd.lre. Le<>nard. COldlpot.U'01_1 lUId oUIera. wuuamaV~:r 2-311l.


call 01 for tlle Be1It udFutest Appliance Serrtce


APPLIANCE CO.1C!lU 1118dr et W .... tmnl

LYc::iS'tf POlllblJ13 and bumnr. ADtype. of metal artleles poll.hed aelllWred 2639 Lyeute. VA ",7S14

Phone TUxedo 2.1048

wANTED TO BUJrcraNITURJ!l WantecL If you ban

&I1yth!nr Ia the line of hOWMlboldtumlture IlLIld ru... call Iaae K .. t•w&)' 7unl1ture. 18830 Kerche.,aL VA.2-211&



~ dUI, for 4KC obe4teaeetrWa. A. V&Jl zecb. WI!. a......,.


3ll6a. Domutto belp. 1l'OIII111 rOl'laundrY and c:11&1l11l.. Part-tlme 01'neII1,. Good I&Und.... IIld e1eUl-...

Jl'iJELbS i!Siiplo)'m.llt for competIJItcolored belp. eoou. m&lcb, lia:r or...u work call TRlnlt, 3.'1170.

BOOKKEEPER and Typ~t lor je,,'elr}'Itore, experienced In reneral ledger.

at.temenl. State experIence .nd 1&1-Il')' to atal't "nOUr week Inlorm.-110n canlldentlal Wrlte Box ZY Gro .. ePoInte Review. 1&121 KerchevalLOOKING tor a cleanlnr woman.

Saturday 9 • m to 1 pm 7f>c hr.VIcinity Kercbenl &Dd Bef.C()n.-tleld NI. ~

SALEaWOlolEN ,... n!>~ by • cosme.tic nrm. p.rty \l1.n eJ:lllrlenc.helpfuL but not t'~cu.ery .. traln-in. ...lll be glun C.r nec ..... ryCall TV 1-2796 jor appt

OFFICE AlI.l.tant. afternoon. tram3 30 to 8 pm tor ema.!! Eut Sidehoapltal. VA 2.1418-

SALESGIRL and Stock Girl combln.-tlon. ODe who can mark. keep detall

.nd. aeU State I&tary to .tart Nocomml .. lon Wrlle Pon~&e1I Jewelere.~700!l Kerehe>at





NI. 0446

EXPER1EXC"ED TypIst and get'~ralorrtce AN,I) '1r SI"1!fer Tra<:y'tolar Salea 130 KercheTal TV 1-'000

SITTER' ... "nte<l ta -Jt .-lth ~hn.dr~- "e-,r>;' oc-caulon.ll) Please('".... " ::l-b t't"ti'

NEED 4 YOlong men to ~!'o ..el snowea<'! lITlo..-fall $1:::; .,.. >'our Rell:.

Cl:~,... Rot 't"'Q~ nf":\r()n~ f"1d

WOllA~ ....ants ~hlng and lronlr.gat home «352 Maryland ~I 5226

EXPII:RIEl\CED. ettlclent typist de-.Iree typing to do at bome. CallNI &461

YOt,G Woman ... ith otflce trplr!\'.recc~tionist eKper.lence aval1abl.9 30-3 00 dally eKtePt 8&t1Irday.Prerer ete&dy pcmtloll. Pholle NL86.12

YOTHER wm b"b... sit and Ir,m.$100 per halor I.Ake\lew 6.25:'>9

DAY WORK .... nLed or ... ork byweek Cookln!\' - Irot',lng_te. k-p" .... -ced rolll TR 2.259(\





SERVIClIlPlano and Appllanee 1il:&rln~

ModeI'D Eqwpment14621 KerchllVal VAlley 2-2171

Tree RemovingJrimming - Guying


Greater Detroitlandscape Company


J'ree Bst1m&teITUxedo 2-2275

PL.t.ST!:JUNG-Any klnCl of rep&\l' SISSONworlL ReuolI&ble reteo. J'tee uti-mateo. Call NL 0343. LeoII. Vermn- U621 K.. cheve' VAlley 2-2171 YOUNG WorkIng Couple de.lre 2 or Slebo W.ui'TED. Lu~e balloon tire or room furnilhed .P&rlmlftt V.to. t-6St1.

WINDOW SIlADES tnlek bleyele TO. 1-1l181 .INSURANCE EzecuUve and wite wet3 or • room .pt. fiat 01' Income.

WI'" 'OOW SHADE FOB. SALE ubfunllabed-no children or pets-I ~ $llO 00 to $0.00 WOo 5-:u30

CLEAN INGi'Oa .&. BE'l'TEB erad.e of \Wed fUr- TlUNSPORTATION Irl~r lJJ'oo

ultun, tee Iaae Neatwa1 FurtI1ture ,ently Ilee&l • room f1&t or hotIR.~ 13800 KerchIYel. We el ...aTl haft unfurnlehed. Adulle. Refereneu.

Repairing and Replacing the t.hinP you'" looklq tor. VA. MU. 18392-2lU. :II or S BZDRooM HOIIH. fiat. or

Pick Up and Delivery ILUoF-G..u.LON - Famil:r pack Ice apt.. by polltoftlee employee. a:4dCream I'lc. 81% tla\"oro. WlI.eon'. tamlly of • adulte NI 5935DatJ'7 Store, 179CM Xaclt at W~-tOIl. ()pen 8undA, TO 1-88&3.

THAYER Baby cart1qe, ulte II.....

blue &!Id era:r two-tone; col1aplllble.PI NI. 6695.

DINING :Room ehal,., :II arID. • aide,mahorany. $50 00. 3D Bal'Cluk rur,$36 00. ChiII_ lamP. $10 00 TV

2-9SlI3KONKEY J'UR Jacltet. lise 18-$18.00

Boudoir cb&ir. Deed.l recoverm..$S 00. TO. 2r-2S36SKl8-2 pro Very .hort and very

lo.n.. ZXeeUent concUtion $15 topo. COmplete with steel edrea andblndlnp. Nt. :lI2lt.

iitffi80N Seal coat, & 14. pertKtel)lldlt1ot1. $'101U'0 Pull liP dIIIIr •$15 00. TIt, 2-567L

tiDiES COAT. dre ... .1odhllUl'l. 0151ll. FIgure akate .. IItIle S, )[&n'. top-coat. I1se 40. Bookend.l. touter eel.bazlel mlzer. pm up IamPII. thl'll'lll'ruP. Z pro cJrapea. 1I boudoirchal,., 2 radlOll, julce ldn~. electricc:loclt. cellarette. chlldll mall ear.II1tchen ute~. dtabes. 2 eleslta.3tS7 Fa1r'I1ew • VAlley 4-6301.

CHROKE Settee. Large ... wlthleather alr cush!oDl. removableseaU ed badt. TU. 2-mB

LARGt PlaYpen. eueu~at COlldltlOD.Thayer bull'l'Y. IarP co11&~ble.Reuonable NI. m9

:tENITH Conaole r&<lla ....Ith reeordplayer atuehment. like new. 1&00

:Roe!yn ReI G. P WoodsANTIQUE marble topped. walnut

druetll. table wlth lul'e mirrorwhich can hanK IlIdepelldellUy; Irla-b&pJlY wa.rdrDbe. Beuonable TU.1-nl :S:.,enInp

lIlAHOGANT Duncan Ph)'fe drop.lea1table. U' 101de. 3 lelTee. tallle pa4and 4 eb&trs Tll' 2-3863

lC>-P'C1i1Ci mahopny dllltlll' roomIIU1te, $lIOO 00. Harvut mahoPllYbrea1<froDt $75 00 Electric redUCJnl'machIne, $75 00 C&!I TV 2-2391


u.Lo KINDe

rree 1!'oSt1m& tesPRospect 2952WALL WASHING

WALLS and CelUDP ... Iled and""per cl .. aell. Wrh qaullty 1II'0rlldOIMl IIY uperlenced IDeL V4.4-18U.

I:l1tiHLt recouunencMG .. II .... hI"-.. met 01 retlne4 .. ll.Ite mea. 001ARlln~oD 419'.1.

VlRcD\T'8 W.. ll Wuhlnr .nd CPObOlateJ'7 Cleanlnl. lI.eeblne Metllod&I'lxper1eDl*! worken. I M\lre11. Com-mere.lal and R ... ldenl1aL J'ree 1letI.matea Call \.Enlce 9-0770


A. c. ROUJ(, II_Una, ""tntlnl. la-terior .nd nterlor. III'.JlIJ.per II'mO\ld waehlDC and clnnlnc 1139Lakepolnle V A ~

AM-I Wall lII'ulllDr. PIper h.n"mr.1•• lntIllC. lloor undln". Flret c1Ull.. rvlee Household Oeeoretore TO.8-8772



Reason&ble - work' GUAra.oteedVA 2-6588

CUrt;NTEB WO&KIUIJPAIR. Interior al14 eaterklr. !!In-

c10ae IrOllt or reu' poreh Kitchencabtnete recr .. tloa room.. atticroom.. remodeling Prompt eervlce.Gooa workmansblp. 8 E 8erber,aooso Ne.blt. Nt. """

S11lEMENT bare and recreaUonroom. built or ttDlebed ~'ree eltl-lII:l.tca. Prhate party l.AJ<.,lew 6-0379

VA. 2-5159



aTDlR PTG. .. DI!lC. co,Interior and &'Kter1ordentlal and Commercial

I'ree EstImates.JOHN FORTIER

w.u.. 1-4P7



Grosse Pomte

Q'BR1EN BROS.Window Cleaning

.ILBC'.l'BICAL 1IBP&m8 - CompanyKELLY • SOH StanD SUb and screen sen1ce

1Deetriea1 OOIDtaetor wan waab.1ncL1eenaed Paper aDd caJc1m1ne Cleaned

etdal • llesldem41 Bltter1tJr HOlDe Waahlng • b.Plup • I'1ztUreI • 8W1t.cbei per1encer'l Yen for Jl:Yer1 .Tab.

Bouse W1r1nI BIt1mates CheertuU:v GivenI'!uorescent F1ztUreI Alwan A GOOd .Tol)

RRY v~_ 2-;;:rSLOCKI VA 2-8180Bleett1eal Contlaetor 2925 BoIeomb

Licensed LANDSCAPINGaDd Repa1rtng Lamps

All K1ndI FIXedPiek.Up and Del1very

No Job Too smallLAkeview 6-4864


ooRUTDBBC!lR OOR8ll'1'8 - bMl!"'~

eel ~ aDd -.teal ....w; ewer 1& ,..,. ~

.. BaDaert, ML ., • TO.t. 1168 loIeJD1l1eY.

.... ONAtS'l'S t1I1orm. III QenlI&D. Day.

DlnCl NI '1719. !>etective .. eaey. LtnclllMd

de4. Sb&d.ow1Jl~. complet. Ill-pUOIl8. NL 83:L1

lnBtruatOllo :L1M :se.eoaaneld.Xt: 5706.

Pl&l'fO 'l"VNING'I"OlfIKG, .-.na oJeutD&',.mce. Co I. Ildwar«ll

II 1~73.Twled and Mn1eelt R.uOll-

ntee. AIl work cuaranteed. L.lIeJ1Iet't. ro. 1-m9.

O'RUSUAI;:DtGDo 11 '!dne. IadiU and dill.

c:1lltM1. Bpeela1lJlnI III Vosue.uteratloDll u:P8I'Ur doDL

• 1-1513.1UXING. TallorlllC. .alten-• Beet retereneu WIn workyour home. !olnI. 1Ibar'lI. .."

VA. S-M6.'l'IONS. •• and

otmI. :Reuou!lle. M!'L IU1lble.enew 6-MOt.


~~ Color SChemes• tWO Malden

QIIilnln~ . 8teIUJ11~ • Glaztlll'DRARDT & McDONALD

LAtenew 1h'l1111

Neat, Clean Decoratingand Paperhangmg

. ft'st Class "'ork GuaranteedetPmT WItJ.L CLEANING


,.tEORGE 5 DALLYFineJtit Interior DecoratIng

Exterior Painting

VA. 4-8004


P,\IN'I'ING Buell'enU .1'ra..-edan .... hlng Pal'u tllrl' q:lied colot'~<l .-orkere I.if-Io. It

Tlenee Best clt.. referenc ••canton at f;yll e\l~r ,It; OIS2

1II t OL 1173$ Cradord


PartIcular DistInctivealntlng ecoratlng

Modem Color Deslgmng

&day. January 6. 1l}49- _.- -

CA8J;l RAn:be m1n1mum cbarp for

ads 1.1 50e for 15lOrdS. four centl for eacbdd1t1onal word.

CHARGE RA'I'E~.a cOl1ven1enee ads wUl be~~ O'I'er t.be telephone.~e__m1nlmWD eharce rateI 60C tor 15 'Rord.s. fourants for eacb add1t1onal;.;rd. Payment can be made!'...cub. check or money\ier.


Uoon ReauestWANT AD

)EADLINEp. m. Tuesday

IE! Crosse Pointe RevIew15121 Kercheval

.. Lakepolnte aDd MatJland

Altey 2-1162sa, "ChatP It,"

Page 8: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · o Ph 41p, attack Dr L. I I' \ ' VA 2.1162,m •"'"In ... 1 nu ... 1 ) ... l l'" ~ \ T ... \ ......\


Thursday, lanuar\, 6 I

We Cater ToParties - Clubll, etc,


Free I!.arkin2







- ,j

24 HOllr Ser\ice(Closed Tueadall)

• Dlllner"• Luncheo""• Break/aS/if• Short Order"

The East Side's Most Beautiful Restaurant



KOTCflER OLDSMOBILE CO.TU.2-564I15554 E. Warrell at Somenet

BLOSSOM ID BESTAUBMTlWM E. Warrea, corDer JkoacoDlfleld

~ ~•• r Ho.~WlTO Gain" •• 1 G.. u. I'ol.t. .....



Mea's aad Ladies Suits Tailored to OrderAlteratioll5, BeliDlD,. CleaDinr and Pressinr

1831 II. J.ff .... on, .t City LimitsFred II. Schumm EsL 1925 Open E,,~. TiU 1:01 VA.2.3QU


Guaranteed Workmanship - Low PriceBUMPING and PAINTING


Available to Serve You NOW on All Chrysler Cars

Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON VAlley 2.118~

""tween Philip an,l Mani ..tN1ne

man hires a detective agency toshadow hl8 WIfe, the chances areat le&&t even Ulat nothing W1ll betound.


Tracking' down straying hUS-bands and erring WIves Is Mrs.Frances Macdonald's bUSIness, butthIS ace New York detectIvewould still prefer to save a mar-riage than break It GIving some "Apparently h u 8 ban d I a.ndof her conclUSIOns In Redbook WIves fmd 1t very difficUlt to keep

a secret from one another - evenMagazine for January, after ~5 h th t 1 th f t th tyears as an mvestlgator, Chve w en I' seerI' ~ I' ac &Howard says that men are more one of them hlL!l hired a detectivesuspiCIOUS than women and that to shadow the other. On numer.women tend to be more forgiving ous OCC8.S1ons bWJbands or WIves,than men: I even those most senously seek-

Ing' proof of their spouses' way-wardness, have unWIttingly nulli-fIed Mrs. Macdonald's effectIve-ness.

Woman Divorce Detective FmdsMen More Suspicious Than Wives

Mrs Macdonald became II. de-tective shortly after her twentleL'lbirthday, when she was thrown

~~ ~r s~:o~~I~I:e I~:t :u~~; "In one case the wJfe of a busi-gone on to explore almost every ness execubve became SUSPiCIOUSphase at the detectIVe busllless because her husband was rarely,She earns the same as her male if ever, in the office When she Irivals - from fifteen to fifty dol- phoned In the afternoons, She Wll.S

lars a day. On occaSIon, she has lughly gratIfIed to learn that herexpense-free hvmg In a big resort I hUSband slipped away every at.been prOVIded WIth SIX months of ternoon to watch t he baseballhotel or WIth a free maid and game alone She was also a lItt!esecretary as necessary to the as- ashamed of her suspicions. andsignment she was tackling. swore Mrs. Macd:lnald to secrecy.

Yet the very next day she could"The erring husband, Mrs Mac- not refralll trom saying at the

donald has found, IS much less dmner-table' 'It certaInly mustgay and dashing than many mod- havl' been excltmg when Joe Iern novels make him out to be DIMaggIO hIt that home run yes-When caught - and he IS easy to I terday"-thus splllmg the whole t

catch because he exhibits little secret. IImagmatlon and makes the ama-Iteur's t)rPICal blunders _ he al- "In a plulosophlcal mood re-most mvarlably begs forgiveness cently, Mrs Macdonald &a.ld. "I I

don't know Whether I'm a good"Mrs. Macdonald has discovered Influence or blld. As I flgure It,

that a wronged Wlfe IS qUick to m)' work has been dIrectly re-forgllre, even when she has con- sponslble for twenty dIvorces Onclusl\'e eye-Wltnl'SS eVIdence of the other hand, I've stopped theher husband's infidelity As for suspiCIOns or helped a reconcilla.the men, they almost always plead tlOn In at least fIfty other mar-for a reconc.hatJon. actmg like nages And I've kept at least anaughty and tearful boys caught halt-dozen bad marnages fromat a cook.e Jar The 'other woo ever talung place.'''man' IS almost mV&I"lably castaside

"The SUspICIOUShusband. on the I JET RACERSother hand, IS the exact 0pposlle Boys, don't forget Friday mght,of the injured WIfe ~trs Mac- January 7. at the N'elgohborhoodd!)nald has nl.'Vl'r had a case In: Club. The Jet Racers Will be com-which shl' \\a~ hlrl'd to prove' petmg and workmg' hard to add tothat a "'Ife was dallymg With I their POlDt~ toward the Trophy toanother man. WhIch did not end up be presented thIS spnng Racesn dIvorce. ~tart at 7 00 pm Come early to

"lIIore men than \\'Clml'n. a.q II wflgh Ill'

matter of fact ar", needlessly sus-pICIOUS of th"lr mak.;' \Vhen awoman SUSPl'cL~ ph\landerln!':'. sht'19 almost alwa) ~ right When III

J .. mOM IImu co , OETllOfT 26 "'lOt.

Immltable Red Skelton head.lines a doUble feature program atthe New SharI'S Theater. Mack atNine Mile Road, scheduled to opentor A three day run next Sunday,Mondav and Tuesday

Tea~ed With BrLan Donlevy,"Red' was never bl'tter as hemasterfullv plays the part at "ASouthern Yankee", In true Skeltontarce style

Also ;n the lighter vein. thesecond tl'ature brings together10vl'Iy Geraldme Brooks wLth DaneClark co-starring m EmbraceableYou.

A late newsreel and cartooncomplete the fine double-featureprogram,


Skelton Stars }nSouthern Yankeeat Shores Theatre

Opera Presentsc'Bloomer Girl"v 1 I' tor Herbert's "Red Mill'

starnng Dorothy Stone, BusterWest and Charles Colllns con-clUdes Its engagement all secondof CIVIC senes at M&llODlc Tem-ple Sunday evemng. CommencingWith thiS attractlon Managl1\g DI-rector Bame O'Danlels announcesthat children accompanied by anadult Wlll be admItted to the Sat-urday matmees at half price.

Commenclng Monday, January10 "Bloomer Girl" Will be the billfor the customary seven nightsand Saturday matlnee Fresh fromIts long ron on Broadway "Bloom-er Girl" along Vl-1th "Song ot Nor-way" and "Carmen Jones" pomtllup CIVIC'S policy of o1fenng thelatest New York successes alongwith the more venerable but welllcved shows such as "Red Mlll'and "Flrefly:'-

tor G. P. A C. Wlth a score of32.17 Jewell Stirdt and MarianDuncan were top scorers for theG P. A. C, team and dId a b&nglip Job despite the fact that MISSMunel Kreskl and Miss AltaBruno-theIr standbys were awayon Chnstmas vacation.

Next games scheduled are forThursday, Jan 6 WIth Betty'sDead Eyes playmg St Paul Sen-IOrs and Christ Church playmgSt. Paul Freshman. G. P. A, Cdrawmg a bye. Games are open tospectators. . ..

Floyd MunS(JnTo Review Book

Mr Floyd Munson ot FisherRoad Will review the new book ofDane Rudhyar, "Modern Man'sConll.1cts" at the Baha'I DiSCUSSionGroup Fnday mght. January 7that the home ot Mr and MI1I.George R. True on Moran Road.

A composer since 1912 and ap&ltner smce 1938, Mr Rudhyarhas recently written several books,Of his latest book "Modern Man'sConthcts," Dr. Wrltz Kunkel, thePsychologist say3, "I feel qUitesuer that Modern Man's ConflictsWill help many people find the an-swer to their most puzzlmg ques-tlons" Frank Waters the novelllltsays, "The last part nngs a newtone on the conception ot globalharmony and places !um In 1mI'With such creative tlunkers of ourtime as MacKmder, Toynbee,Northrop, Schweitzer"

KXITTINGA grand' opportumty for girls

to learn how to kmt IS bemg of-fered at the Npighborhood Clubunder the expert lDstructlOn ofMrs McClenahen of the YarnCraft Shop If you would hke tokmt argyles, sweaters, mIttens 01

socks, Mrs. McClenahen has thev.hv and wherefore of all kmttmg

Ipr';blems. ThIs group meets everyFrIday from 4.5 pm at the NeIgh-

I bcrhood Club 17145 WaterlooI


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Fn, Sa, J.n 7.-Henry Fonda • Annabella


pluslau'el and Ha,d~


Chap 3 of New Se".1-"ADVENTURES OF FllANK .ND




NeighborhoodClub News

W.d, Thun. J.n 12Fred MacMurray Madele,ne Ca"

Bvddy Rogen

Th...... Jan 6 Loll TIm. Ton'lIhtRosalind Russell




V Clure M.'Vl"e RIchard Conte

QUESTIONAs YOU know, Jack Benny !Iu

mo\'ed h.s show to CBS, How doyou feel about .t.,.

ANSWERSGypsy Rose Lee. oJulhclI' "I've

been settingawa' \11thmllidu v,Ilh aG sll Jnl:, but Itakc m~ hat off10 JoJck Bl.'nnvHe ~ blen gel-tIng a"oJ" \\1111mUldcl "I t hfOUl 511 mg~ fOI~cnrs"

,"burice 1:vans, nOled 510l1<' aI'-lor: "As a stu-dent of Shakes-peare, I doff mvtoga to JackBenny HISdeep un de r-standing of thespml of H~tl\letIS Simply amaz.Ing The Mel.ancholy Dan eIIas high Stl un/: and so IS BennyAnd they hal e In common afaVOrite solJloquy- To Bee 01'Not to Bee'"I.acille Ball, rad.o and screen

co m edllnne'Now Mary

Llvlng~toneand I havesomethwl: Incommon I have'My F.avonte

l Husband' onCBS too I'm soglad You knowhow .t 15-

misery loves comp~ny"Joseph Szigetl, \ !Ohmst and Co.lumbla Recordsarllst • l hal'ealwavs admm'dJ a c k Benny'splaYlll~ on thefJdd1f - sosmooth Onlyhe shouldn'tstram so muchfor lhe dollarnotes!"I. Carrol Naish, radiO and screen

actor' "It's likethiS For my-self. LUigi, ofCBS' 'Life WIthL U I g I,' I notcare, and 1t'Snot my beesl-ness But 1 bevel ra happy 1the'd Justa slopp I a Y I n g 'The

ee' once In a whIle-and maybeplay 'Chl-rnblrn-BEE:"


Com'm, 'lAM llUTt4 STOtty",


"OY OF TltE CITY"c:._


~ ., .,• • •

S-. Mon, T... Jon '.10-Red 5.ellon 8nan Donle"y

on". SOUTttnN Y.NKEE"

plu •Dane Clark • Geraldrne 8rook.


The games scheduled for Thurs-day night, December 30th, resulted1Jl & dIsappoIntment for the St.Paul Semor team when !!Ill' ChnstChurch team tailed to appearTheir only consolatIOn was thattbey won by a forfeit. The sec-ond game between the GrossePomte AthletiC ClUb and the St.Paul Freshman resulted In VICtory

s.--- .....Slick ...... _ fHe

Phone VAlley 2-1103



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