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Ob seminar 10_leadership

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Yuwei Mao Yuhan Liu Nanzhu Ji Yichen Yue Leadershi p --Lincoln and Nixon
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Yuwei MaoYuhan LiuNanzhu JiYichen Yue

Leadership --Lincoln and Nixon

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Abraham Lincoln The 16th president of the United

States from March 1861.

One of the great American leaders

The first assassination of a U.S.

president on April 15, 1865 ( Harold,

2008) .

Extinction of slavery by proposing

compensated emancipation.

( Work, 2009) .

(Cundiff, 2011)

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Physical characteristics for Lincoln

Appearance (Belz, 2006) :• 5’ 10’’ high• A well-rounded face• Dark hazel eyes• Heavy growth of beard• Coarse black hair• Slightly stoop-shouldered

Intelligence :• Self-education (Guelzo, 2003)

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Richard Nixon The 37th president of the United

States from 1969 to 1974.

The 36th vice President of the

United States from 1953 to


The only one to resign from

office , following the Watergate

scandal . ( Morgan, 2002) .

(Garneau, 2011)

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Physical characteristics for Nixon

Appearance (Ambrose, 1989) :• 5' 11" tall • Brown wavy hair• Guarded brown eyes • Thick eyebrows• A prominent ski nose• Sagging jowls• A slightly protruding jaw

Intelligence: • A highly intelligent man(Black, 2007)

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Knowledge, skills and abilities

Abraham Lincoln

Proficient in legal knowledge

Persuasiveness( Gettysburg Address ) Self-study ability Social experienced

(Carwardine, 2003)

Richard Milhous Nixon

Proficient in legal knowledge

Persuasiveness( the Great Silent Majority ) Good diplomatism Proficient in military

(Boger, 2005)

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Dominant personality traits

Abraham Lincoln

Insistent (Goodwin, 2005)

Merciful (Carwardine, 2003)

Honest (Goodrich, 2005)

Richard Milhous Nixon

Suspicious Prudent Selfishness

(Black, 2007)

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What kind of leader are these people?

Richard Milhous Nixon (Dallek, 2007) ──── Autocratic Leadership

Focus of power is with the leader.

The leader alone exercises decision-making .

Authority for determining foreign policy and decision making


( Mullins, 2010 )

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What kind of leader are these people?Abraham Lincoln (Goodwin, 2005)

──── Transformational Leadership Individualized Consideration -leader who developmental needs of follow Intellectual Stimulation -leader who solicit new approaches in policy Inspirational Motivation -the behavior of leader inspire the people Idealized Influence -the charisma of the leader, and the respect of the followers

( Mullins, 2010 )

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( Supreme Commander)

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Effective Ineffective


Proficient in legal knowledge (Carwardine, 2003)

Good eloquence (Carwardine, 2003)

Insistent (Goodwin, 2005)

Honest (Goodrich, 2005)

Merciful (Carwardine, 2003)


Proficient in legal knowledge

Good eloquence

Good diplomacy

Prudent (Boger, 2005 and Black, 2007 )



(Black, 2007 )

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Two Theories

Trait Theories

The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders - both successful and unsuccessful

Be used to predict leadership effectiveness.

( Mullins, 2010 )

New Theories

Describes how leaders influence subordinates

Transactional leadership: focus on motivating followers to perform desired behaviours through rewards

Transformational leadership: focus on transforming

( Mullins, 2010 )

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Reference • Ambrose, S. E. (1989). Nixon: The Triumph of a Politician 1962–1972. New York:

Simon & Schuster.

• Belz, H. (2006). "Lincoln, Abraham". In Frohnen, Bruce; Beer, Jeremy; Nelson, Jeffrey

O. American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia.

• Black, C. (2007). Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full. New York: PublicAffairs Books.

• Boger, J. C. (2005). School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back. Chapel Hill, N.C.:

University of North Carolina Press.

• Carwardine, R (2003). Lincoln. Pearson Education Ltd.

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Reference• Cundiff, M, 2011. Leadership Shorts-Abraham Lincoln [image online] Available at:


[accessed 8/3/2013]

• Dallek, R. (2007). Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power. New York: HarperCollins.

• Goodrich, T (2005). The Darkest Dawn: Lincoln, Booth, and the Great American

Tragedy. Indiana University Press.

• Guelzo, A.C. (2003) Abraham Lincoln. Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

• Goodwin, D. K. (2005). Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln.

Simon & Schuster.

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Reference• Garneau , E , 2011. Duke Students Pay Musical Homage to Nixon [image online]

Available at:


xon.html [accessed at 3/8/2013]

• Harold, H. (2008) Lincoln president- elect. New York: Simon& Schuster

• Morgan, I. (2002) Nixon. First edition. London : Oxford university press

• Mullins, L. J. (2010) Management & organisational behaviour. London: Prentice

Hall. Ninth Edition

• Work, D. (2009) Lincoln’s Political Generals. First edition. London : Board of

Trustees of the University of Illinois

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Thank you!
