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Bio Book


The following experts are members of ONE AI:

Adam Murray is International Affairs Officer for the Office of International

Communications and Information Policy at the U.S. Department of State. His current

focus is on digital economic policy as a career U.S. diplomat. Prior to his current

position, he has also served at the U.S. Delegation to the OECD in Paris, as well as

in Myanmar, Hong Kong, and Washington, DC. He holds a Master’s Degree in

Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a

Bachelor’s in Science of Foreign Service from Georgetown University.

Tiberio Caetano is Chief Scientist of Gradient Institute and Adjunct Professor at the

University of New South Wales. He has been working in AI for 20 years and held

positions in Brazil, Canada, France and Australia. He has published in the top

academic journals and conferences in machine learning and graduated 10 PhD

students. In his industry work, he led the design of decision-making algorithms that

have touched millions of consumers across several industries. Recently he helped

establish Gradient Institute, a not-for-profit research institute dedicated to the

research, development and dissemination of ethical AI systems.

Karla do Valle A. Cavalcanti has been a civil servant since 2007, member of the

career of Specialist in Regulation of Public Telecommunications Services of the

Brazilian Agency of Telecommunications (ANATEL). She is currently Project

Manager at the Secretariat of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Science,

Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC, previously served as

Technical Advisor in the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of Republic

(GSI/PR) and in various technical functions in ANATEL. Graduated in Business

Administration from University of Brasilia (1999-2003). With over 13 years of

experience in public policies, she is responsible, in the MCTIC, for the coordination

of the project to drafting the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. This function

has required wide participation in forums for discussions on AI.

Elissa Strome was appointed Executive Director of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI

Strategy in January 2018 and Interim VP Research in February 2020. Elissa

completed her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of British Columbia in

2006. Following a post-doc at Lund University, in Sweden, she decided to pursue

a career in research strategy, policy and leadership. From 2008 – 2015 she held

senior leadership positions at University of Toronto's Office of the Vice-President,

Research and Innovation, advancing major institutional strategic research priorities,

including establishing and leading the SOSCIP research consortium. At CIFAR, she

is working with the three AI Institutes in Edmonton (Amii), Montreal (Mila), and

Toronto (Vector Institute) and researchers across the country to advance Canada’s

leadership in AI research and Innovation. She is a member of the Federal

Government’s AI Advisory Council.


Samuel Marleau Ouellet is the director of Innovation, Science and Economic

Development’s AI Hub. His team is in charge of AI-related bilateral and multilateral

initiatives, such as the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) and supports the

Government of Canada AI Advisory Council. Prior to that at ISED, he was the

manager of the trade policy unit and senior industry analyst. He was also a senior

trade policy analyst at Global Affairs Canada. Samuel graduated with a PhD in

Business Administration from HEC Montreal and a MA in political philosophy from

Ottawa University. His research interests are in internationalization strategies and

cultural management. Before joining the Canadian federal public service, he served

as a political advisor in the government of the province of Quebec.

Alžběta Krausová is a legal scholar at the Department of Private Law of the Institute

of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Head of the Center for

Innovations and Cyberlaw Research (CICeRo project), an external lecturer at the

Faculty of Informatics of the Czech Technical University and at the Faculty of Law

of the Charles University in Prague, a public speaker, and a member of the Expert

group on New Technologies and Liability at the European Commission. Her

research specializes on legal aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics, brain-

computer interfaces, and merging technology with organic life. LinkedIn. Twitter.

Marek Havrda is Director of AI Policy & Social Impacts at GoodAI, a private AI R&D

company. Marek contributes to IEEE Ethically Aligned Design, Global Governance

of AI Roundtable and AI4EU. He is a member of the Regulatory Impact Assessment

Board of the Czech Government. He also served as an advisor to the Czech Ministry

of Finance and Ministry of Education. Marek is on long-term personal leave from the

European Commission, where he focused on Impact Assessment. He held

leadership or consultancy positions at non-profit and private sectors. He studied at

Charles University, Warwick Business School, Johns Hopkins University and

Georgetown University. Linkedin

Frederik Weiergang Larsen is a government official within the Danish Business

Authority mainly working with the global and European digital economy especially

on issues regarding data ethics, trustworthy AI and uptake of technology for

businesses. Professionally engaged in the relations between technology,

economics and sustainability and how organizations shape those relations.

Golestan "Sally" Radwan is a Computer and Biomedical Engineer. Until recently,

she led the AI product portfolio at London-based health tech start-up Babylon

Health, leading a team of doctors, engineers, AI scientists and designers to create

an intelligent mobile platform for medical diagnosis, predictive health, and chronic

disease management. Prior to Babylon, Sally spent over 10 years in the technology

industry in Germany, the UK and the USA, where she held various positions in

engineering management, strategic planning and product management for the likes


of Canonical/Ubuntu, Avaya Inc and NTT Data. Sally holds a BSc in Computer

Engineering from Cairo University, an MBA from London Business School, and an

MSc in Clinical Engineering and Healthcare Technology Management from the

University of London, where she is currently finishing her PhD in AI and

Computational Biology. She is also working on launching her own AI start-up, which

is currently in stealth mode. LinkedIn. Twitter.

Renaud Vedel has been the Ministerial Coordinator for Artificial Intelligence of

France since 2018. From 2005 to 2007, he was Legal Advisor to the Director

General of the national police, from 2007 to 2012 Deputy Director of the cabinet

then Secretary General for the administration of the police headquarters (Paris). In

these positions, he participated in the development of numerous legislative and

regulatory projects, but also contributed to developing legal regulation within the

police administration. He also participated in the creation of the police force of the

Parisian agglomeration, that is to say the extension of the legal competences of the

prefect of police to the whole of the Parisian urban plate. From 2012 to 2014, he

served as Deputy Director of the office of the Minister of the Interior in charge of

security policies, then, from 2014 to the end of 2016, as Advisor to the Prime Minister

for internal affairs, security and intelligence. Under the authority of the Prime

Minister, he contributed to the development and implementation of the 2015

Intelligence Act.

Bertrand Braunschweig is ENSIIE engineer, PhD from Paris-Dauphine University

and Habilitation from University of Paris VI. After a career as a researcher in systems

dynamics and artificial intelligence in the petroleum industry, he joined IFP Energies

Nouvelles to lead the research activities in AI and to coordinate international projects

for defining interoperability standards for processes modeling and simulation.

President of the French Association for Artificial Intelligence for four years, he joined

the National Research Agency in 2006 as Head of several research programmes

and then from January 2009 as Head of ANR’s ICT department. He then held the

position of Director of Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique research centre for four

years and was advisor to the President of Inria in the field of artificial intelligence,

before becoming Director of Inria Saclay- Île de France research centre in early

2016 until early 2019. Since December 2018, he is the Coordinator of the research

component of France’s AI plan.

Andreas Hartl is Head of Division AI 1 (Strategy Artificial Intelligence, Data

Economy, Blockchain) in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

(BMWi). He is concerned with economic and digital policy aspects of artificial

intelligence, block chain technology, the policy of open data and other issues of data

economics. His division is responsible for the Artificial Intelligence strategy and the

Blockchain strategy of the Federal Government. It is also the national coordinator

for the EU's free-flow of data regulation and is responsible for implementing the

Open Data and Public Sector Information Directive in national law. He studied Law

at Marburg University and took the second state exam in 2004. From 2004 until

2011, he entered employment at the Federal Network Agency, most recently

involved in frequency regulation. He joined the BMWi in 2012 as Deputy Head of

the division responsible for general issues of telecommunication, competitive and


regulatory issues of digitization. There he inter alia coordinated the drafting of the

Green Paper and the White Paper on Digital Platforms.

Gergely Szertics is the professional leader of the AI Coalition for Hungary which is

responsible for developing the AI strategy for the Hungarian government. He is also

a lecturer at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Central

European University teaching digital transformation and AI in business. Originally

as an economist, he ran a start-up developing AI and was engaged in AI

implementation consulting in Hungary and Germany.

Aviv Zeevi Balasiano is a VP and Head of the Division - Technology Infrastructure

in the Israeli innovation authority. Until two years ago, Dr. Balasiano served as the

Head of the ICT department in the Israeli Directorate for EU FP – A government

agency aimed at promoting joint Israeli-EU R&D ventures within the EU’s R&D

Framework Program. He has a PhD in Information Systems from Tel Aviv University.

His research field involves estimating the value of information of R&D. Aviv has also

taken part in an international research definition of the productivity of ICT in the Era

of Cyberspace, Internet, Open Information and Shared Knowledge in cooperation

with Stevens Institute of Technology. He holds degrees in Economics and Political

Science. Dr. Balasiano has 16 years’ experience in the IT industry mainly in

software development and simulation. Linkedin.

Luigia Spadaro, lawyer, is currently Head of Staff of Secretary of State at the Italian

Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE). Since 2004, she has been an Official at

the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority (AGCOM). Short term National

Expert of EU projects carried out by AGCOM in the Balkans and in the MENA area.

From 2015 to 2018, she was a Seconded National Expert at the Board of European

Regulators for Electronic Communication (BEREC).

Osamu Sudoh is Professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information

Studies (GSII), The University of Tokyo. He received his PhD from the Graduate

School of Economics, The University of Tokyo. He was appointed as Professor of

Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden (1995), Research Professor of the NTT

Research Institute (1997-1999), Dean of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary

Information Studies, the University of Tokyo (2012-2015). He has been engaged in

research of social informatics, medical-care informatics and applied economics. He

had attended the meetings of the AI expert group at the OECD (AIGO) on behalf of

Japan since 2018. He also has been invited to various committees and councils held

by the government of Japan and advised the development of relevant policies.

These include his service as the Chair of the ‘Conference toward AI Network

Society’ held by the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications of Japan since



Yoichi Iida is the Director of International Research and Policy Coordination, at the

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC-Japan). He has been

long engaged in the international policy coordination and discussions at G7, G20

and ASEAN and IGF, as well as through bilateral dialogues. In the course of 2019,

he chaired G20 Digital Economy Task Force meetings and led the G20 discussion

toward the adoption of “G20 AI Principles”, which is drawn from OECD AI Principles.

He was elected as the Chair of the Committee on the Digital Economy Policy

(CDEP) at the OECD in November 2019.

As a part of Luxembourg’s department for media, telecommunications and digital policy, Max Gindt is working on implementing Luxembourg’s strategic vision for AI

presented to the public in 2019. His current projects include access to AI technology

for Luxembourg’s research ecosystem, driving AI adoption among Luxembourg’s

administration as well as developing a diverse offer of AI training courses for the

civil workforce. He has a formal background in social sciences combined with a

considerable thirst for knowledge on computer and life sciences.

Wim Rullens is Senior Policy Coordinator for International Relations at the Digital

Economy Directorate of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

Before taking up his current position, Wim held various executive positions within

the Dutch government, including Economic Counsellor at the Dutch Embassy in

Rome, Coordinator for International Organizations and Deputy head of International

Affairs at DG Telecommunications and Post. He received his Master’s degree in

Political Science and Economics from University of Nijmegen in 1980. Wim

participates in AIGO on behalf of the Netherlands.

Christine Hafskjold is a Senior ICT policy adviser at the Norwegian Ministry of

Local Government and Modernisation. Christine has a background in computer

science, and worked ten years as an IT consultant before going into IT policy. Before

joining the ministry, she was responsible for ICT policy at the Norwegian Board of

Technology, a think tank that advises the Norwegian Parliament and Government

on new technology. At the ministry, Christine has led work on ICT research policy,

Cloud computing policy and cyber security. Christine's most recent project was the

Norwegian AI strategy.

Nuno Feixa Rodrigues is an Associate Professor of Science and Technology of

Programming at the School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado e

Ave (EST-IPCA). In April 2019, he assumed the position of Member of the Board of

Directors of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and, in August,

General Coordinator of the National Initiative for Digital Skills (INCoDe.2030). Nuno

Rodrigues obtained a PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Minho

and was the first programme director of the Digital Game Development Engineering

at IPCA. He coordinated and participated in different research projects in the area

of programming and digital technologies, having published more than 50 scientific

articles and participated in several international scientific committees. He was


director of EST-IPCA and DIGARC - Digital Games Research Center, from IPCA,

between 2011 and 2017. In 2009 and 2010, he had a post-doctorate grant for

researching programming methods to support the validation of cryptographic

software in the European project CACE (Computer Aided Cryptography

Engineering). He currently coordinates digital projects of strategic interest for the

country, such as the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy and the National

Advanced Computing Strategy. He is also the Portuguese representative in several

international digital forums, namely the OECD Blockchain Expert Policy Advisory

Board, the European Commission Digital Single Market Strategic Group, and the

OECD Network of AI Experts.

Gregor Strojin holds an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law and a

specialization in IT&IP legal issues. His main interests lie in the crossroads of

technology, information, and law, and he is particularly focused on human rights

implications and on opportunities to improve effectiveness, quality and access to

justice. Gregor has worked at the Supreme Court of Slovenia since 2002,

contributing to many acclaimed projects, and was appointed State Secretary at the

Ministry of Justice of Slovenia in 2018. In 2019, Gregor was elected Chair of Council

of Europe Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI). Twitter:


Dunja Mladenić works as a senior researcher and a project leader at Jožef Stefan

Institute, Slovenia, leading Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and teaching at Jožef

Stefan International Postgraduate School, University of Ljubljana and University of

Zagreb. She has extensive research experience in study and development of

Machine Learning, Big Data/Text Mining, Sensor Data Analysis, Internet of Things,

Data Science, Semantic Technology techniques and their application on real-world

problems. She spent a couple of years (1996/97, 2000/01) as a visiting researcher

at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. She has published papers in refereed journals

and conferences, co-edited several books, served on program committees of

international conferences and organized international events. She serves as a

project evaluator for European Commission, Finish Science Academy, Swedish

Research Council, Science Foundation Ireland and USA National Science

Foundation. From 2013-2017 she served on the Institute's Scientific Council, as a

vice president (2015-2017). She serves one the Executive board of Slovenian

Artificial Intelligence Society SLAIS (as a president of SLAIS (2010-2014)) and on

the Advisory board of ACM Slovenija. LinkedIn

Edward Teather is the Head of Strategy and International for the UK

Government's Office for Artificial Intelligence (OAI). The OAI has oversight of

the implementation and renewal of the UK Government's priorities on Artificial

Intelligence, and acts as the Secretariat for the AI Council (an advisory panel made

up of leading industry and research experts). Prior to his current role, Edward was

a senior adviser to the BBC Executive Board on strategy, public policy, and

international relations, and worked for the UN Refugee Agency, the British Council

and in the UK Parliament as an adviser on international development. Twitter:



Lynne Parker is Deputy United States Chief Technology Officer at the White House

Office of Science and Technology Policy, and also serves as Assistant Director for

AI, leading national policy efforts in AI research, governance, and education and

workforce training. Dr. Parker is a Professor of computer science at the University

of Tennessee (UT) (on leave). She has held leadership positions at UT (Interim

Dean), at the National Science Foundation (Division Director), and at Oak Ridge

National Laboratory (Distinguished R&D Staff Member and Group Leader). She

received her PhD from MIT, and is a Fellow of AAAS and IEEE. Twitter:

@WHOSTP. LinkedIn

Erwin Gianchandani is the National Science Foundation (NSF) Deputy Assistant

Director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). In this role,

he contributes to all aspects of the management of the CISE directorate, including

formulation and implementation of the directorate’s approximately USD 1 billion

annual budget. In the last several years, he has led the development, launch, and

implementation of several new NSF initiatives, including Smart & Connected

Communities, Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research, and National Artificial

Intelligence Research Institutes. He earned his PhD and MSc in biomedical

engineering and BSc in computer science from the University of Virginia.

Eric Badique is Adviser for Artificial Intelligence at European Commission, DG

Connect. Eric Badiqué was educated in France, the US and Japan where he carried

out research in Digital Image Processing. Before joining the European Commission

he worked for Philips Communications in Germany for four years, contributing to

early work on digital coding. In the European Commission, he was a Project Officer

in the Digital Media area and moved to the Coordination and Strategy Unit in 2004

where he was Deputy Head of Unit in charge of work programme preparation.

Emilia Gómez (Telecommunication Engineer, PhD in Computer Science) leads the

Human Behaviour and Machine Intelligence (HUMAINT) programme at the Centre

for Advanced Studies, Joint Research Centre, EC. This programme contributes to

the AI WATCH initiative of the EC to monitor the advancements, uptake and impact

of AI in Europe. She is also a professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.

Along her research career, Emilia Gómez has developed data-driven algorithms to

support music listening and creativity. Starting from music, she researchers on the

social, cultural and ethical impact of AI systems and related aspects such as

diversity, fairness and trust. Twitter: @emiliagogu. Linkedin. Google Scholar.

Yannick Meneceur is advisor in digital transformation and artificial intelligence at

the Council of Europe, seconded from the French judiciary. He is also an associate

researcher at the IHEJ (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice) and a former

student of the IRA (Institut Regional d’Administration – specialised in computer

science). As a magistrate, he has carried out criminal functions, particularly in the

fight against cybercrime and counterfeiting. He also managed a major national IT

project at the Ministry of Justice. At the Council of Europe, he contributed to the

comparative analysis of European judicial systems and developed an expertise in


digital transformation, in particular with regard to the regulation of artificial


Cristina Pombo is a strategist, Colombian Economist and firm believer

in innovation and creativity as key tools for social development. She advises the

Manager and Division Chiefs on operational issues and special strategies. Cristina

also leads the digital transformation strategy for the social sectors in Latin America

and the Caribbean. In this capacity, she spearheads initiatives that leverage digital

technologies to improve social services such as fAIr LAC, the first public-private

alliance for a responsible use of artificial intelligence in the region, with a special

focus on mitigating gender bias in the use of machine learning. Previously, at the

IDB she served as Advisor to the Office of External Relations, where she pushed

forward a culture of innovation and creative solutions to approach regional

development challenges. Earlier, she worked as a Specialist of the Office of

Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness, and as Advisor to the Vice

Presidency for Countries. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Pombo was Special Advisor

on youth innovation projects to the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, as well

as Academic Advisor to the Economics Department of Universidad del Rosario.


Moez Chakchouk has served as UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for

Communication and Information since May 2018, where he is responsible for the

Organisation’s programmes on fostering freedom of expression and building

inclusive knowledge societies. From 2015 to 2018, Mr Chakchouk was Chairman

and CEO of the Tunisian Post, a leading institution for social and financial inclusion

in Tunisia. In February 2011, after the Tunisian revolution, Moez was appointed

Chairman and CEO of ATI (the former Tunisian Internet Agency), the leading

internet operator in Tunisia since 1996. In 2015, he served as a member of the

Global Commission on Internet Governance. He obtained an MS in

Telecommunications and a PhD in telecommunications and applied mathematics in

2009 from Paris Descartes University, France. Moez is a strong defender of human

rights online and offline, has led technology transformations in his country and

beyond, and participated in numerous international forums and conferences.

Twitter: @mchakchouk

Zaki Khoury is a Senior Digital Development Specialist at the World Bank. His focus

is on helping governments in advancing their data-driven digital economy, providing

thought leadership on enabling policies for digital infrastructure of the future (AI, 5G,

Cloud); strengthening digital government platforms and supporting investment

operations in MENA and AFR regions. He is an active leading contributor to the

flagship work on AI for Development and Data Governance initiatives. A trendsetter

with a growth mind-set, Dr. Khoury authored and spoke extensively on issues of

Digital transformation, Disruptive Technologies, Digital Development. Dr. Khoury

holds a PhD in Planning (UdeM), MSc in Economics (UCL), and BSc in Engineering

(AU). He has also continued his executive education in Business (Harvard) and

Management (McGill).


Lisa Dyer is the Director of Policy at the Partnership on AI. She leads PAI’s policy

activities to collaborate closely with policymakers, Partners, and other key

stakeholders to advance PAI’s mission of benefiting people and society. Lisa also

represents PAI’s work to a global audience of stakeholders, including the general

public and the public policymaking community. Lisa previously worked at the

Department of State, where she collaborated with global companies, small and

medium-sized enterprises, academia, civil society, think tanks, and foreign

governments to achieve consensus in resolving challenges facing the global

community. Twitter. LinkedIn.

Yeong Zee Kin, Assistant Chief Executive (Data Innovation and Protection Group),

Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore; Deputy Commissioner,

Personal Data Protection Commission. As Assistant Chief Executive, Zee Kin

oversees IMDA’s AI and Data industry development strategy, including developing

forward-thinking governance, promoting adoption, and building capabilities. As

Deputy Commissioner, Zee Kin oversees the administration, formulation and

implementation of Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act. He also spearheads

activities to raise awareness and compliance in data protection. Zee Kin has

participated in multiple expert-level platforms on AI Ethics issues, including the

OECD Expert Group on AI and the European Commission’s High-Level Expert

Group on AI (as an observer participant). He has also spoken at many international

and domestic platforms on AI ethics and legal issues. LinkedIn

Barry O’Brien is part of IBM’s European government affairs team, representing the

company on a range of policy and regulatory issues, with a particular focus on

artificial intelligence. He is active in the OECD’s work on digital economy policy

through Business at the OECD, where he is a Vice Chair of the Committee on Digital

Economy Policy. He was a member of the AI Expert Group that drafted the OECD’s

AI Recommendation and principles. Barry has over 30 years’ experience in IBM in

a variety of technical and non-technical roles.

Carolyn Nguyen is Director, Technology Policy at Microsoft, focused on policy

issues related to artificial intelligence, digital transformation and internet

governance. Her work aims to shape technology policy globally, encouraging

evidence-based policy making and raising awareness of the role of technology in

economic growth, through participation in public policy dialogues, including at the

OECD, UN, Internet Governance Forum, World Summit on Information Society,

B20, and World Economic Forum. She works at the intersection of technology,

economic development and policy, collaborating with researchers, subject-matter

experts and others to encourage more holistic approaches to policy making.


Kuansan Wang is managing director of Microsoft Research (MSR) Outreach,

responsible for Microsoft Academic Services (MAS). He joined MSR speech

research team in 1998 where he participated in research and then product efforts

while serving as a contributing editor to W3C, ECMA and ISO standards. He

returned to MSR in 2007 to conduct research on machine cognition for Bing, with

MAS project, commissioned in 2014, an offshoot of this endeavor. Kuansan

received his BS from National Taiwan University and MS, PhD from University of

Maryland, College Park, all in Electrical Engineering. LinkedIn Twitter: @kuansanw

Lama Nachman is an Intel fellow and Director of Anticipatory Computing Lab in

Intel Labs. Her research is focused on creating contextually aware experiences that

understand users through sensing and sense making, anticipate their needs and act

on their behalf. Lama has 24 years of experience in the areas of context aware

computing, multi-modal interactions, sensor networks, computer architecture and

embedded systems. Lama led a team of researchers who developed a new platform

to help Prof Hawking communicate and took that technology to the open source

community, enabling people with disabilities worldwide to communicate using

limited input and live as independently as possible. Lama received her MS and BS

in computer engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Lynette Webb is Google's Senior Manager for AI Policy Strategy in Europe, where

over the past three years, she has helped shape Google's policy positions on AI.

She has worked for Google since 2007, first as a researcher and then speechwriter

for the head of Google Europe. Previously, Lynette spent six years working within

Aegis Media, advising agency teams on emerging digital media and

communications trends. Prior roles included business development for News Corp’s

European arm and four years consulting for McKinsey. She has an MBA from New

York University and a B.Sc(Hons) majoring in Mathematics from the University of

Melbourne. She is currently based in London, England.

Marc-Etienne Ouimette is Head of Public Policy at Element AI, a global AI

product company headquartered in Montreal, Canada. He advises organisations

and governments on R&D, scale up support, and

technology governance policy, both domestically and internationally. He sits on the

board of the Quebec AI cluster, on the AI advisory board of Tortoise Media, and is

a deputy board member of the World Economic Forum's Center for the Fourth

Industrial Revolution. He has given numerous talks on AI and data policy, notably

for the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global AI Summit, and MozFest, Mozilla's annual

gathering. He builds and manages multi-stakeholder coalitions, supporting

regulation to frame data collection and AI deployment using a human rights



Michel Morvan is Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Cosmo Tech, a company

developing Augmented Intelligence software solutions helping decision makers to

make optimal decisions in the most complex environments. He is also President of

the Institute for Technological Research SystemX. Before co-founding Cosmo Tech,

Michel was Chief Scientist and Vice President for Strategic Intelligence and

Innovation at Veolia Environment. He is a former Full Professor of Computer

Science at École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, former Chair of Complex Systems

Modeling and Senior Scientist at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

in Paris, and former External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico. He

is an Eisenhower Fellow.

Norberto Andrade is a Global Public Policy, Ethics and Privacy Expert, and a Legal

Scholar and Researcher, with over 18 years of international experience in

government, academia, regulatory agency, and corporate positions. Norberto works

at the intersection of Privacy, Ethics and Public Policy at Facebook as Global Policy

Lead for Digital and AI Ethics, having previously worked as Global Data Privacy

Program Manager at Workday, as Public Policy Contributor at Mozilla, as Scientific

Officer at the European Commission, and as Legal Policy and International

Relations Manager at the Portuguese Regulatory Authority for Electronic

Communications (ANACOM). Norberto is also Professor at IE Law School, and an

Affiliated Scholar at Stanford Law School - Center for Internet & Society (CIS).

Norberto holds a PhD in Law, Policy and Technology and a Master of Research in

European, International and Comparative Law from the European University

Institute (Italy), an MA in International Relations and European Studies from the

Central European University (Hungary), and an LLB from the University of Lisbon.

Verity Harding is the Head of DeepMind’s Policy and Partnerships team, a research

and engagement unit established to explore the real-world impacts of artificial

intelligence so that it works for the benefit of all. Prior to this Verity was Head of

Security Policy for Google in Europe, and before this the Special Adviser to the

Deputy Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Sir Nick Clegg. Verity is the Treasurer of the

Board for Partnership on AI and in her spare time is a Director of the Friends of the

Royal Academy of Arts and a founding board member of Girls Who Code UK. Verity

is a graduate of Pembroke College, University of Oxford, and was a Michael Von

Clemm Fellow at Harvard University.

David Sadek is Vice President for Research, Technology & Innovation at Thales.

He was Vice President for Research at IMT (“Institut Mines-Télécom”) and,

previously, Vice President for Research at Orange. Doctor in Computer Science and

expert in AI and Cognitive Science, he created and ran at Orange Labs during more

than fifteen years the R&D activities and the laboratory on intelligent agents and

natural human-machine dialogue. He also directed several industrial transfer and

service deployment programs. He got France Télécom Award for Best Technology

Innovation, Orange Award for Best Service Innovation, European Customer

Relationship Forum Award, and Blondel Medal in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive



Clara Neppel is the Senior Director of the IEEE European office in Vienna, where

she is responsible for the growth of IEEE’s operations and presence in Europe,

focusing on the needs of industry, academia, and government. Clara serves as a

point of contact for initiatives with regard to technology, engineering and related

public policy issues that help implementing IEEE’s continued global commitment to

fostering technological innovation for the benefit of humanity. Clara joined IEEE

after many years with the European Patent Office where she was involved in various

aspects relating to innovation, intellectual property and public policy in the field of

information and communication technologies. She co-authored publications both in

the field of patentability of computer implemented inventions as well as possible

future scenarios of the patent system. Before joining the Office she worked in

research, in the area of parallel database optimization, and in industry, as program

manager for archiving solutions. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the

Technical University of Munich and a Master in Intellectual Property Law and

Management from the University of Strasbourg. LinkedIn

Heather Benko is a senior manager at the American National Standards Institute

(ANSI), where her work includes the role of Committee Manager for the International

Organisation for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission

(IEC) Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 1, Subcommittee 42 on Artificial Intelligence.

JTC 1/SC 42 develops standards for the entire AI ecosystem. She received her BA

degree from Denison University in Granville, Ohio, and her MTS degree from the

Divinity School at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. ANSI is a not-for-

profit membership organisation that brings together organisations from both the

private and public sectors dedicated to furthering U.S. and international voluntary

consensus standards and conformity assessments. ANSI accredits national

standards developing organisations and approves American National Standards. It

is the sole U.S. representative to the International Organisation for Standardization

(ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), via the U.S. National

Committee. Linkedin Profile: Linkedin.com/in/heather-benko-a224b747

Jack Clark is the Policy Director for OpenAI, an AI research organisation ensuring

that the benefits of artificial general intelligence are widely and evenly distributed.

Jack predominantly works on policy and safety issues. He also helps develop the AI

Index, an AI forecasting and progress initiative that is part of the Stanford One

Hundred Year Study on AI. In his spare time, he writes an AI newsletter, Import AI

(importai.net) which is read by more than ten thousand experts. Twitter:


Marko Grobelnik is a researcher in the field of AI. Focused areas of expertise are

Machine Learning, Data/Text/Web Mining, Network Analysis, Semantic

Technologies, Deep Text Understanding, and Data Visualization. Marko co-leads

AI Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia and is the CEO of Quintelligence.com

specialized in solving complex AI problems for the commercial world. He

collaborates with major European academic institutions and major industries. Marko

is co-author of several books, co-founder of several start-ups and is/was involved


into over 50 EU funded research projects on various fields of Artificial Intelligence.

In 2016, Marko became Digital Champion of Slovenia at the European Commission.

Taylor Reynolds is Technology Policy Director of MIT's Internet Policy Research

Initiative where he oversees the operations of the initiative and focuses his research

on the nexus of cutting-edge technological developments, economics and policy.

He was previously a senior economist at the OECD focusing on the Internet

economy. He also worked at the ITU, the World Bank and the National

Telecommunications and Information Administration of the United States. Taylor

has an MBA from MIT and a PhD in Economics from American University

in Washington, DC.

Cyrus Hodes is a Partner at FoundersX Ventures, a Silicon Valley VC firm focusing

on AI and robotics. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of the AI Initiative

of The Future Society, a non-profit, incubated at Harvard Kennedy School, where

he leads the Global Governance of AI Roundtable at the World Government

Summit, as well as the Global Data Commons project, together with UN Global

Pulse, AI Commons, and McKinsey. He served as Advisor to the UAE Minister of

Artificial Intelligence. Cyrus is a member of the Aspen Institute Roundtable on

Artificial Intelligence, the Council on Extended Intelligence (MIT-IEEE), member of

the OECD Expert Group on AI (AIGO), and a co-author of IEEE Ethically Aligned

Design. Sciences Po Paris, MA (Hons) Paris II University, M.P.A. Harvard.

Eva Thelisson is the co-founder and CEO of the AI Transparency Institute. She is

also a Visting Scholar at MIT Connection Science. Her research areas include Legal

and Ethical aspects of digital technologies (IoT, AI, Blockchain, autonomous

systems), with an emphasis on AI Governance, quantification of AI Trustworthiness,

Safety and Liability. She defended her PhD in Law at the University of Fribourg in

Switzerland on the General Data Protection Regulation, and hold a Master degree

from ESSEC Business School in Paris. She is invited expert at the EU Commission,

at the Swiss Government and at international conferences.

Jonathan Frankle is PhD candidate in the Computer Science and Artificial

Intelligence Laboratory at the MIT, where he investigates the basic science of

modern artificial intelligence and studies applied cryptography and technology

policy. He also teaches "Programming for Lawyers" at the Georgetown University

Law Center, where he previously served as a staff technologist and adjunct

professor of law (2015-16). He earned his Bachelor's (summa cum laude, top

departmental prize) and Master's degrees in computer science at Princeton



Marc Rotenberg is the President of the Electronic Privacy Information Center

(EPIC) in Washington, DC. Over many years, Marc has worked closely with the

OECD to develop policy frameworks to address challenges and opportunities in the

technology field, in areas such as computer security, encryption policy, privacy

protection, risk assessment, consumer protection, and AI Policy. He has worked

with NGOs around the world. Marc established Civil Society Information Society

Advisory Council (CSISAC) to ensure civil society participation in the ongoing work

of the OECD. Marc also teaches information privacy and GDPR at Georgetown Law.

Marc has served on expert panels for many national and international organisations.

He is the editor of several leading reference books on AI and privacy law.

Marc-Antoine Dilhac is professor of philosophy at the Université de Montréal and

held the Canada Research Chair in Public Ethics and Political Theory (2014-2019).

In 2017, he instigated the project of the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible

Development of AI, and chaired its scientific committee. Since 2013, he has been

Director of Ethics and Politics at the Centre de recherche en éthique (Center for

Ethics, Montréal). He specialized in theories of democracy and social justice, as well

as in questions of applied ethics. His current research focuses on the ethical and

social impacts of AI and issues of governance and institutional design, with a

particular focus on how new technologies are changing public relations and political

structures. Marc-Antoine Dilhac has recently joined Mila as associate member and

is director of Deliberation at the Observatory on the social impacts of AI and digital

technologies. He holds a PhD in political philosophy from the Université de Paris 1


Michael Sellitto is Deputy Director of Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute. From

2015-2018, Michael served in the White House as Director for Cybersecurity Policy

on the National Security Council staff. In that role he led international engagement

on cybersecurity policy and strategy, promoted international adoption of a

framework for strategic stability in cyberspace, and advanced U.S. interests on

issues related to the digital economy and Internet governance. He also led

international negotiations to develop cybersecurity partnerships. Michael previously

served as Special Assistant to Deputy Secretaries of State William Burns and

Antony Blinken, advising the Deputies on political, energy, security, and trade issues

related to South and Central Asia and on worldwide cyber and counterterrorism

policy and operations.

Nicolas Miailhe is the Co-founder & President at The Future Society. He co-

founded The Future Society in 2014 and incubated it at the Harvard Kennedy School

of Government. An independent think-and-do-tank, The Future Society specializes

in questions of impact and governance of emerging technologies, starting with

Artificial Intelligence through its "AI Initiative" launched in 2015. A recognized

strategist, thought-leader, and implementer, Nicolas has lectured around the world,

and advises governments, international organizations and multinationals. He is the

co-convener of the AI Civic Forum (AICF) organized in partnership with UNESCO

and Mila, and of the Global Governance of AI Roundtable (GGAR) organized yearly

during the World Government Summit in Dubai. He is also a Steering Committee

member of the AI Commons partnership, a member of the AI Group of experts at


OECD (AIGO), and of the Global Council on Extended Intelligence (CXI). Nicolas

teaches at the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po). Twitter:

@_miailhe. Linkedin

Ryan Budish is an Assistant Research Director at the Berkman Klein Center for

Internet & Society, where his current research areas include the ethics and

governance of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on global governance, corporate

and multistakeholder governance, and algorithmic transparency and

accountability. Since joining Berkman Klein in 2011, he has worked with national

and international organizations on a range of important topics such as contributing

to the OECD's development of AI governance principles, the United Nations's

creation of a System Wide Action Plan for AI, and the NTIA's review of ICANN's

accountability mechanisms. Prior to arriving at Berkman Klein, Ryan was an

associate at the law firm of Covington & Burling LLP, in Washington, D.C., where

he focused on privacy, media, technology, and health care. Ryan served as a law

clerk to the Honorable Karen Nelson Moore of the United States Court of Appeals

for the Sixth Circuit, based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Suso Baleato (PhD Political Science, Linux Engineer) is Secretary for CSISAC and

specialised in the application of computational methods to support scientific inquiry

and policy analysis. His research focuses on Internet measurement and the

causality of digitalisation, and has been published in academic outlets such as

Science. He contributes to the global digitalisation policy-making process in the

context of the OECD and G7/ G20 dialogue, with an emphasis on privacy and data

protection, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Suso participated in AIGO on

behalf of CSISAC.

Theodoros (Theos) Evgeniou Professor at INSEAD, working on Machine Learning

and AI for more than 20 years. Research and teaching on Data Science and

Machine Learning/AI for Managers and Executives. Focusing on the broader topic

of AI, business and society, working on areas ranging from AI and regulation, to AI

innovations for business process optimization and improving decision making, to

new Machine Learning methodologies. Advisor for hedge funds, consultant for

businesses, regular events speaker. Four degrees from MIT, two BS degrees

simultaneously, a Master and a PhD degree in CS on Machine Learning and AI.

LinkedIn. Website.

Anna Byhovskaya is a senior policy advisor to the Trade Union Advisory

Committee to the OECD (TUAC) covering digitalisation, the digital economy & future

of work policies in the OECD, G7 & G20 context – including labour market and

organisational change, frontier technologies and AI, and the platform economy.

Anna is a member of the OECD Going Digital Steering Group, the former OECD AI

Expert Group and had set up the 1st & 2nd Trade Union Forum on Digitalisation and

the Future of Work. She worked as a policy coordinator on the Global Partnership

for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), at the OECD and as a TV

journalist in Paris and Berlin. The TUAC is the interface for trade unions with the

OECD and its members, representing more than 58 million workers, as well as


associate members in Brazil, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and South Africa.

Twitter: @AnnaByhovskaya, @TUACOECD

Christina Colclough is Director of Platform and Agency Workers, Digitalisation and

Trade at UNI Global Union. She is responsible for UNIs advocacy and global impact

in relation to the future world of work, with a particular focus on workers’ data rights,

data governance and the ethics of AI. With a long history in the union movement

and a background in research, Christina engages with global institutions, workers,

experts and companies to raise awareness of the need to innovate digital policies

and practices to make sure that the work of tomorrow is empowering, inclusive and

transparent for all. She is a much sought-after keynote speaker, trainer and

workshop leader, and initiator of UNIs Young Workers' Lab – a lab aimed at

developing and deploying new technologies to strengthen the voice of workers.

Valerio De Stefano is the BOF-ZAP Research Professor of Labour Law at the

Institute for Labour Law of the University of Leuven. His research focuses on

Artificial Intelligence, People Analytics and the workplace and platform-based work

in the gig-economy. In 2011, he was awarded a PhD in Law of Business and

Commerce from Bocconi University (Milan). From 2014 to 2017, he was an officer

of the International Labour Organization. He recently edited a special issue on AI at

work for the Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal. He has been consultant for

the ILO, several EU institutions, and national governments.


The following participants were invited as speakers to the February 2020

meetings of ONE AI:

Michael Schönstein is Head of Strategic Foresight and Analysis at the Policy Lab

Digital, Work & Society. He co-ordinates the German Federal Ministry of Labour and

Social Affairs’ activities on the digital transformation in labour and social affairs,

including the German AI strategy, and the German AI Observatory. Prior to this,

Michael held various positions in the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social

Affairs, the German Federal Ministry of Health, and at the OECD. Michael holds

degrees in Economics, International Relations, and Public Policy from the University

of St Andrews (UK) and the Hertie School of Governance (Germany).

Makiko Yamada leads the Ministry’s international policy co-ordinations and co-

operations. Before taking up her current position, she served as Director-General of

several bureaus within the Ministry, including Director General of the Global ICT

Strategy Bureau (2015) – she led the organisation of the G7 ICT Ministerial Meeting

held in Takamatsu, Japan, in April 2016 (where the international discussion towards

AI guidelines began). She has been engaged in various policy fields and showed

her expertise, including her service as the Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister

Shinzo Abe (2013) and Deputy Mayor of Setagaya City, Tokyo (2004).

Lucilla Sioli is the Director for Digital Industry at the European Commission. The

mission of the Directorate is to strengthen Europe's competiveness ensuring that

any industry in any sector in Europe can make the best use of digital innovations to

grow, compete on a global scale, and create jobs. She is responsible for the

coordination of the European digitisation of industry strategy. The directorate also

supports R&D&I in key digital industrial technologies including AI. Lucilla holds a

PhD in Economics from the University of Southampton (UK) and one from the

Catholic University of Milan (Italy) and has been a civil servant with the European

Commission since 1997.

Sasha Rubel is programme specialist in the Digital Innovation and Transformation

Section of the Communication and Information Sector at UNESCO. In this

framework, she coordinates the Organization's work on artificial intelligence, digital

transformation, and internet governance. From 2013-2018, Sasha was liaison

officer to the African Union and Economic Commission for Africa and Advisor in the

Sahel for issues related to digital transformation and innovation. A former student

of the École Normale Supérieure, she holds an MA in anthropology and new media

studies, and has undertaken a PhD in the anthropology of new technologies and

digital transformation.


Aki Enkenberg is Senior Digital Development Specialist with the Digital

Development Global Practice of the World Bank. Currently, he leads the Practice's

work in Southern Africa and its project on AI policy. Recently, he has been a lead

author for reports on the digital economy in Russia and South Africa. Before joining

the bank, he held the position of Senior Adviser for Science, Technology and

Innovation at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. He has an extensive

background in working with emerging technologies, innovation policy and practice

in both developed and developing contexts.

Dewey Murdick is the Director of Data Science at Georgetown University’s Center

for Security and Emerging Technology. Dewey leads a team of data scientists &

engineers and language & survey specialists to help leaders make scientific,

technical, and related mission-critical decisions. Dewey's research interests include

connecting research and emerging technology to future capabilities, emerging

technology forecasting, strategic planning, and portfolio management in support of

data-informed policy analysis. Prior to joining Georgetown, he was the Director of

Science Analytics at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, where he led metric

development, data science, and machine-learning and statistical research for Meta

and science-related initiatives. Dewey led research and development portfolio

analysis and advised on forecasting system development as Chief Analytics Officer

and Deputy Chief Scientist within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Dewey holds a PhD in Engineering Physics from the University of Virginia and a BS

in Physics from Andrews University.

Russel Mills leads the engagement with its global constituency of leading national

business organizations, their respective member companies, and with the OECD

and member governments on global governance. He oversees Business at

OECD’s strategic dialogue with the OECD Secretary General and senior

government officials. Mr. Mills previously chaired the Environment and Energy

Committee of Business at OECD for over 5 years, representing the organization in

several Ministerial meetings. He is a physics graduate of Oxford University.

Nicole Primmer oversees taxation and fiscal affairs, digital economy policy, and

G7. She is also responsible for Business at OECD’s engagement to the Annual

Consultation with OECD Ambassadors, the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting

(MCM), and the engagement with the G7. Prior to joining Business at OECD in 2000,

Nicole worked for the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), for

NEC Corporation, and at the Columbia Business School Centre on Japanese

Economy and Business under the direction of Professor Hugh Patrick. Nicole holds

a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, and a B.A. in

French and Political Science from Duquesne University. She also completed

graduate studies at Sciences Po in Paris, and is a former Rotary Ambassadorial

Scholar at Sofia University in Tokyo.


Anand Rao is a Partner in PwC’s Advisory practice. He is the Global Artificial

Intelligence Lead and the Co-Sponsor for the AI Center of Enablement within PwC.

With over 33 years of industry and consulting experience, Anand leads a team of

practitioners advising C-level executives on a range of topics including global growth

strategies, marketing, sales, distribution and digital strategies, behavioural

economics and customer experience, and statistical and computational analytics.

With his PhD and research career in Artificial Intelligence and his subsequent

experience in management consulting, he brings business domain knowledge,

statistical, and computational analytics to generate unique insights into the practice

of ‘data science’. Prior to joining management consulting, Anand was the Chief

Research Scientist at the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute. He has co-edited

four books and published over fifty papers in refereed journals and conferences. He

is a frequent speaker on Artificial Intelligence, behavioural economics, autonomous

cars and their impact, analytics, and technology topics in academic and trade


Benoît (Ben) Bergeret. Convinced of the potential for positive economic

transformation brought by the maturation of AI technologies, Ben Bergeret recently

returned to Europe from the USA where he spent 17 years running deep-tech

businesses. The founding CEO of Paris-based indust.ai, a private AI R&D lab

dedicated to providing access to scarce deep AI resources and expertise to mid-

size businesses in the industrial and financial services sectors, he is also a founding

board member of Hub France IA. He frequently advises policymakers and public

sector organizations on AI adoption strategies and impacts. Benoit holds a Master’s

degree in artificial intelligence from UTC. Twitter: @benberg @strategies_ai

@industAI. LinkedIn

Daniel Faggella is Founder and Head of Research at Emerj Artificial Intelligence

Research. He is an internationally recognized speaker on the use-cases and ROI

of artificial intelligence in business. Daniel is regularly called upon by global

enterprises in financial services and security, and has spoken for many of the largest

and most reputable organizations, including the World Bank, the United Nations,

INTERPOL, and global enterprises. Emerj tracks and maps what’s possible and

what’s working in artificial intelligence in order to help leaders develop winning AI

strategies. Emerj’s AI Opportunity Landscapes are the industry benchmark of

artificial intelligence ROI across sectors.

Igor Perisic is the Vice President of Engineering and Chief Data Officer at LinkedIn,

the social network for business and employment. He is responsible for the

company's Data and Analytics infrastructure and products. At LinkedIn, he built the

SNA team and is currently working on Search, the Social Graph, Data Infrastructure,

A/B platforms, measurement, modeling, and relevance.


Kathleen Walch is Managing Partner & Principal Analyst at AI Focused Research

and Advisory firm Cognilytica, a leading analyst firm focused on application and use

of artificial intelligence (AI) in both the public and private sectors. She is also co-host

of the popular AI Today podcast, a top AI related podcast that highlights various AI

use cases for both the public and private sector as well as interviews guest experts

on AI related topics.

Douglas Eck is Principle Scientist at Google. He is working on Magenta, a research

project exploring the role of machine learning in the process of creating art and

music. Primarily this involves developing new deep learning and reinforcement

learning algorithms for generating songs, images, drawings, and other materials.

But it's also an exploration in building smart tools and interfaces that allow artists

and musicians to extend (not replace!) their processes using these models. Aside

from Magenta, he is working on sequence learning models for summarization and

text generation as well new ways to improve AI-generated content based on user

feedback. Before joining Google in 2010, he was an Associate Professor in

Computer Science at University of Montreal. He helped found the BRAMS research

center (Brain Music and Sound; www.brams.org) and was involved at the McGill

CIRMMT center (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and

Technology; www.cirmmt.org). Aside from audio signal processing and machine

learning, he worked on music performance modeling.

Wael William Diab is a business and technology strategist with more than twenty

years of executive experience at Fortune 500 companies in Silicon Valley. He has

more than 885 patents to his name in the ICT field and an industry recognized expert

on digital transformation. Skilled in leadership for breakout technology, Diab has

architected strategy, driven industry-wide initiatives, cultivated partnerships,

identified M&A opportunities and orchestrated company roadmaps for

transformational fields including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industrial IoT and ICT

sustainability. Wael has BS and MS degrees in EE and BA in Economics from

Stanford, and an MBA with honors from Wharton. Wael has been active in

standardization and related activities for two decades. He chairs ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC

42, the international standardization committee on artificial Intelligence (AI). Wael

also chaired the AI track of the 22nd Global Standards Collaboration meeting (GSC-

22). At the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), Wael is the Secretary of the Steering

Committee and chairs the Liaison Working Group, Technology Working Group,

Industrial AI Task Group and Global Event Series Task Group.

Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the

University of Massachusetts Amherst USA. He received his PhD in computer

science from Columbia University, and a BA in physics from Wesleyan University.

He has held visiting scientist positions at IBM Research, Technicolor, INRIA and the

Sorbonne University. He has received a number of awards for his research, teaching

and service, including the ACM SIGCOMM Lifetime Achievement Award, IEEE

Infocom Award, and IEEE/CS Taylor Booth Education Medal. He is a Fellow of the

ACM, IEEE and member of the National Academy of Engineering. From 2015 to

2019, Jim served as Assistant Director at the US National Science Foundation,

where he led the Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering.


While at NSF, he also co-chaired the National Science and Technology Council

subcommittee that facilitates the coordination of ICT research and development

efforts across Federal agencies. In 2018, Jim served as the Assistant Director for

Artificial Intelligence in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,

and was a member of the OECD AI Experts Group.

Wendell Wallach chaired Technology and Ethics studies for eleven years at Yale

University's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics and is a fellow at the Carnegie

Council for Ethics in International Affairs. He authored A Dangerous Master: How to

keep technology from slipping beyond our control, and co-authored Moral Machines:

Teaching Robots Right From Wrong. He chaired the World Economic Forum’s

Council for Technology Values and Policy and presently serves as a member of the

WEF AI Council. Wendell is the lead organizer for the 1st International Congress for

the Governance of AI (ICGAI), which will convene in Prague, 16-18 April 2020.

Saurabh Mishra is a researcher and Manager of the AI Index Program at Stanford

Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). He is the Editor-in-Chief of

the AI Index 2019 Annual Report and leading work in measurement science to

inform decision-making on AI. His research interests are at the intersection of AI,

economics, and decision-making. He is leading research on AI for uncertainty

adjusted time-series forecasting to inform public and private investment decisions.

His current research also include understanding cognitive aspects of how

executives interact with AI systems to make decisions and reach sustainable

outcomes. Before joining Stanford, Mishra served as an economist at the World

Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and International Finance Corporation

(IFC). Mishra has consulted for diverse international institutions including

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Trade

Organization (WTO), and advises startups and funds. He holds a BA in Economics,

MS in Applied Economics and Finance from the University of California Santa Cruz,

and PhD in Reliability Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park.

Irene Ek has developed a two-year AI policy programme to inform the Swedish

Ministry for Enterprise and Innovation. Her work focuses on evidence based public

policy guidance to foster AI and digitalisation. She recently managed a ministry

assignment on digitalisation throughout the economy, leading to reports such as

Digital maturity in firms, Man, machine and the future of work and Digital

competence – a foresight. She has also written the book Digitalisation in firms.

Previously, Dr. Ek worked as Policy Analyst at OECD, under the Working Party for

Technology and Innovation Policy, where she managed a project on innovation in

services. Prior to OECD, Dr Ek was Programme Manager in the ICT department at

the Swedish Innovation Agency, where she specialised in all aspects of digital

service research. Her policy oriented competence has been proven during

numerous international assignments as expert. Dr. Ek was appointed to the

European Commission’s expert panel on Service innovation, and she currently

holds the position of innovation expert to the United Nations Economic Commission

for Europe. Dr. Ek has been appointed member to several board of directors and

she holds a Ph.D. in Management from Stockholm University in Sweden.


Pierre Habbard was appointed General Secretary of the OECD Trade Union

Advisory Committee (TUAC) following his election on 15 December 2017 by the

Plenary of the TUAC representing 59 national trade union confederations based in

OECD Countries. The TUAC is an independent international trade union

organisation which has consultative status with the OECD. The TUAC represents

the views of the labour movement with the OECD and its various committees. In this

capacity, Mr. Habbard is responsible for leading the public policy advocacy of the

trade union movement in the OECD.


In addition, the following are participants of the first meeting of ONE AI in February


Tim Bradley represents the Australian Government’s Department of Industry,

Science, Energy and Resources at the Australian Embassy in Washington DC. His

Department is principally concerned with ensuring the Australian economy remains

competitive in an increasingly digital, global marketplace. Most recently, the

Department released a framework for the ethical use of AI in Australia, and a

technology roadmap to guide the development of Australia’s AI sector. Prior to this

role, Tim was a General Manager with the department’s Office of the Chief

Economist where he has advised on issues relating to innovation, productivity and

the digital economy. Linkedin.

Vagner Diniz is the head of Web Technologies Study Center at NIC.br, in Sao

Paulo, Brazil. He is an experienced ICT professional and had worked in the e-

government field in Brazil for long time before his assignment to NIC.br. Currently

working with web standards and its importance for the future of web, and open data

on the web for machine learning. Extra time of dedication is devoted to artificial

intelligence and the web of things and how technologies can change the way we

live. Vagner Diniz holds a degree in Electronic Engineering at Federal Institute of

Rio de Janeiro, and a Master Degree in Public Policy and Management at Fundação

Getulio Vargas (FGV) in São Paulo. As a doctoral student at FGV his research

project explores the artificial intelligence shaping the future of work. He has

published several articles in Portuguese on open data and e-government.

Dino Pedreschi is a professor of computer science at the University of Pisa, and a

pioneering scientist in data science and artificial intelligence. He co-leads the Pisa

KDD Lab - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory http://kdd.isti.cnr.it, a

joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and the Italian National Research

Council - CNR. His research focus is on big data analytics and mining, machine

learning and AI, and their impact on society: human mobility and sustainable cities,

social network analysis, complex social and economic systems, data ethics,

discrimination-preventing and privacy-preserving data analytics, explainable. He is

currently shaping the research frontier of Human-centered Artificial Intelligence, as

a key figure in the European network of research labs Humane-AI. He is a founder

of SoBigData.eu, the European H2020 Research Infrastructure “Big Data Analytics

and Social Mining Ecosystem” www.sobigdata.eu. Dino is a member of the expert

group in Artificial Intelligence of the Italian Ministry of research and the director of

the Data Science PhD program at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Contacts:

email: [email protected] Twitter: @DinoPedreschi LinkedIn: Dino Pedreschi


Rosa Meo is Associate professor in Computer Science at the University of Torino.

Rosa Meo took a Master Degree in Electronic Engineering and a PhD in Computer

Science and Systems Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She is active in

the scientific research fields of Database, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Now

she is working on methods for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. She published more

than 70 papers in International Conferences and Journals. She participated in many

research projects, applied in Data Mining and Machine Learning, funded by EU and

Piedmont Region. Twitter: @Rosa_Meo_UNITO LinkedIn

Emmanuel Bloch is Director Corporate Responsibility at Thales. He joined Thales

in 2007, and successively held the position of Communication Director of Thales

Communications & Security (until 2012) and of Director of Strategic information

(from 2012 to 2017). Before entering Thales, Emmanuel Bloch spent more than 10

years in various leading French Public Relations agencies as PR adviser for national

and international companies. As Director Corporate Responsibility, Emmanuel

Bloch is defining, in coordination with other Thales’ departments, the Group’s ethical

policy. His work particularly focuses on the impact of the digital transformation – AI,

BigData, IoT, Cybersecurity – on ethics and Human Rights. Emmanuel Bloch is

expert in stakeholders’ management and crisis communication. Emmanuel Bloch

holds a Doctorate in the field of Information and Communication Sciences from the

University of Paris 2.

Gonzalo López-Barajas Húder is an Expert on AI, Blockchain, Internet and Digital

Economy. Head of Public Policy and Internet at Telefónica, where developing the

Company’s public positioning on AI, Blockchain, Net Neutrality, Digital Platforms etc.

Co-author of Telefonica Manifesto for a New Digital Deal, where addressing impact

new technologies and digitalization on society and human lives. Member of

International Chamber of Commerce BASIS Strategy Committee, and Telefonica’s

representative at BIAC Digital Economy Policy Committee, and on Internet

Governance forums at national, regional and global levels (IGF-Spain, EuroDIG and

IGF). As Telefonica’s AI expert Gonzalo has been engaged in the development of

AI related issues on The Manifesto for a New Digital Deal, Telefonica’s AI Principles,

and the EU and OECD consultation processes for their recommendations on AI.

Gonzalo is telecommunication engineer by ETSIT of Polytechnic University of

Madrid (UPM), MBA by ESADE Business School, and Certified European Financial

Analyst (CEFA) by ACIIA. Twitter: @Gonzalo_LB

Marina Geymonat, computer scientist, in the last ten years has been working on

recommendations systems, information visualisation, semantics & knowledge

extraction and big data analytics. She is currently leading the centre of excellence

on AI in TIM, aiming at studying, developing and deploying throughout the Company

a set of solutions based on AI. Since 2019, she is part of the group of experts

appointed by the Ministry of Economic Development for drafting the

recommendations for a national AI strategy.



Karine Perset is administrator of the OECD’s AI Policy Observatory, in the OECD

Division for Digital Economy Policy in Paris. She focuses on trends in development

and diffusion of AI and on opportunities and challenges that AI raises for public

policy and on developing OECD.AI, the OECD's AI Policy Observatory. She was

previously Advisor to ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and yet

before was the Counsellor of the OECD’s STI Directors. Karine is a dual Franco-

American citizen.

Nobuhisa Nishigata is a Policy Analyst on AI at OECD since July 2017. He serves

as an economist and policy analyst on AI on secondment from the Japanese

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC-Japan). Before taking up his

current position, he worked at MIC-Japan in a wide range of senior functions

including regulatory authority of telecommunications and broadcasting as well as

the development of ICT strategies. He acquired his MBA from the Peter Drucker

School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, USA, and Bachelor’s

degree in agriculture from the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Luis Aranda is an Artificial Intelligence policy analyst at the OECD, which he joined

in 2017. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, a Master’s in applied math

and a PhD in economics. Before joining the OECD, he worked as a Strategist and

Business Program Manager at Microsoft, where he conducted executive-level

strategy, operations, and end-to-end accelerated-growth projects. Luis has also

worked as an engineer for Grupo Bimbo and the United Nations. His work and

research interests lie at the intersection between technology, social inclusion and


Laura Galindo-Romero joined the OECD CDEP AI team in 2019. As part of her

work at the OECD AI Policy Observatory, she has worked extensively on Pillar 4

(national AI strategies and policies) by collecting and analysing AI policies from 60

countries. She holds a Master in the Science of Law (J.S.M) from Stanford Law

School, and is a qualified Lawyer. She has pursued further studies in Economics

and Business. Laura has worked as an international legal advisor to the Presidency

of Colombia, and as an international arbitration practitioner for three large law firms.

LinkedIn. Twitter: @lauragalindo
