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Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    Ogwell Issue 1Spring 2013

    The Parish Plan(Page 5)

    Ogwell Nature Park(Page 8)

    Win a meal for 2(Page 11)

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    Contents Contents

    A Message from the Chairman 3

    About the Parish 4The Parish Plan 5News 8Village Life 10Important Information 11Competition Time 12

    Publishing DetailsThis newsletter is published quarterlyby the Ogwell Parish Council to keepparishioners informed upon issues

    which affect our community andprovide information on news andevents.Visit Ogwell.org to keep updated.

    CopyrightOgwell Parish Council

    [email protected]

    The Ogwell Brook Development

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    Welcome to the first Issue of the Ogwell Newsletter. A place where we can sharenews, views and keep you up-to-date on village life.

    The Parish Council consists of 8 volunteers and a clerk who collectively seek to actin your interest to ensure that those issues and matters that affect us all are


    Village Life does not revolve around the Parish Council but around you. It is yourinvolvement with village life that gives the village its life.

    We have lots of organisations and societies within the village who are run andsupported by people just like you and ultimately village life relies on its people

    and their support.

    We hope therefore that this first issue of our Newsletter can introduce you towhat is available within the village. If there is something that you would like tosee in the village, get in touch.

    We are your Parish Council, here for you.

    Michael Simmons (Chairman, Ogwell Parish Council)

    A Message fromthe Chairman...

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    About the Parish Ogwell Parish Council is a local authority that makesdecisions on your behalf. It is your authority, the firstplace you should go with your concerns & ideas.

    We have a wide range of powers: to look after communitybuildings, open spaces, allotments, play areas, street-lighting and much more.

    We are consulted on planning applications & both Districtand County strategic planning. These bodies know theParish Council reflects the local community, so we canmake your views heard and influence decision making.

    We have the power to improve the quality of community

    life by spending money on things we consider are to thebenefit of the community and directing the wider localauthorities on what is important within our community.The Parish Council has the power to raise money throughtaxation, shown on your Council Tax Bill as The Precept;Councillors are unpaid, & with minimal bureaucracy weaim to ensure every penny we receive is spent on theparish.

    You control us! You elect us every four years, with anyvacancies arising between elections filled through by-election or co-option.

    If you have any ideas or suggestions or wish to see ourcommunity change for the better we would love to hearfrom you. You can raise any issues at the beginning of monthly Parish Council meetings (second Monday of everymonth at Ogwell Memorial Hall) or write to Rita, our ParishClerk.

    We are here to listen and you can make a difference!There are many opportunities to become involved in thecommunity through various village groups and societies andif nothing appeals, why not start one?

    Ogwell Geography

    Ogwell is a small communitysituated midway between theSouth Devon coast andDartmoor National Park, closeto the market town of NewtonAbbot.The Parish comprises Ogwell,West Ogwell and Holbeam withover 2500 residents and 900homes. The old village of Ogwell has 150 homes with over650 homes to the east of Canada Hill. The remainder of

    the parish population live inrural areas. The Ogwell Brookdevelopment will eventuallyprovide a further 178 homes.The geography of our villagemeans there is a physical dividebetween the "old" and the"new" village, which takes a lotmore voluntary effort to ensurethe unity of the village.

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    The Parish PlanThe Ogwell Parish Plan is the result of a major consultation in 2008 that sought viewsfrom the community as to how the parish might best develop in the future.

    The questionnaire identified issues which the residents of Ogwell wanted tackled,such as a pathway between the two main parts of the parish and the need for moreevents within the parish.

    The feedback from the consultation has allowed the Parish Council to create 'TheOgwell Parish Plan' which guides us, the Council, in the direction that you, thevillagers, want the village to take.

    Of course, the last consultation was 5 years ago, and issues and needs change, soplease attend Parish Council meetings to update us!

    The following pages show a breakdown of the objectives of the Plan, the actionstaken by the Council and any further follow-up that is needed.

    Remember! The Parish Councillors are all volunteers. If everything on the Plan is to be fulfilled itwill need everyone in the parish to lend ahand where and when they can: fromkeeping the pavement clean outside yourhouse, or litter-picking as you walk, you can

    do your bit for your parish.

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    What People Want Action Taken Proposed Next StepsThe Parish Plan

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  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    Nature Park Opening

    Ogwell Nature Park is a success story forthe village. From first pitching the idea of a park somewhere in, or near, the oldvillage for young children, parishioner RobBallard and a team of volunteers hasoverseen the project to its fulfillment. Thedesign has placed an emphasis on bothplay and nature with over 20 treesand many bulbs planted, as well as birdboxes and the encouragement of otherhabitats. There was overwhelming supportfor the idea from the beginning, and after

    consulting, designing, liasing, the parkopened officially on 23rd March with aspecial ceremony and celebration.Funding was generously given by the ParishCouncil, the District Council and theCounty Council, as well as donations of time, materials and work by many localvillagers and businesses.


    Dangerous ParkingDangerous parking in the Parish delayed the FireService attending an emergency call at Ogwell Brooklast month, with similar parking noted at variouspoints around the village.Resolution will require fines and parking restrictionsbut simply making sure your vehicle does not restrictemergency access would be better.The situation is now being closely monitored and we

    are liaising with the police and Devon County Councilto see what measures can be put in place.

    Community BookExchange

    Plans are afoot to adoptthe phonebox on CanadaHill and create acommunity book exchangeand information point forlocal residents. It willmean free access to books

    24 hours a day, 7 days aweek. Keep an eye on thewebsite for updates.

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  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    St Bartholomew's

    The church holds regularSunday Services 10:30am

    offering a warm welcome toall new members.

    The Parochial Church Councilalso organises regularfundraising and social events.

    The Garden Society

    The Garden Society hosts a

    programme of talks andevents during the year.Meetings take place 2ndWednesday of the month@7pm, Ogwell Memorial Hall.Visit Ogwell.org for moredetails.

    The Jolly Sailor

    A traditional country pubmeeting the demand of todays customers for bigscreen live sports andlandlord commentary.The restaurant has anextensive menu - from barsnacks to 3- course meals,and a popular Sunday Lunch

    and can cater for WeddingReceptions, familygatherings, or any excuse fora party!

    Ogwell Tennis Club

    Ogwell Tennis Club is a small friendly clubwith a macadam court open to all regardlessof age or ability. The Club welcomes newmembers and has a very active social life.Visit ogwell.org for details on how to join.

    Canada Hill School

    Outstanding! OFSTED, our community schooland one of the best in Devon. The schoolengages and contributes to many parishevents. www.canadahill.devon.sch.uk

    Ogwell Pre-School

    An attractive and stimulating learningenvironment, OFSTED registered andprofessionally staffed to offer relaxed andhappy atmosphere for children aged 2-5.Session based at the Ogwell Memorial Hall.The pre-school is a registered charity & needshelp if it is to survive & thrive!Contact: 01626 367696

    The Country Pannier

    The Local Shop & Newsagents stocking theessentials.Opening hours:Mon-Sat: 6am -7:30pmSun: 8am - 2pm.

    Contact 01626 368316

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013



    1 1

    Ogwell Parish Councilcontact: [email protected]

    Michael Simmons (chairman): 01626 361018Rita Hannaford (clerk): 01626 367 313Richard Broome: 368 270Tim Flower (planning) : 363 606Harry Godwin (magazine, events): 330 443Ann Hall: 355 617Denis Hyne: 355 267

    Barry Long (footpaths & website): 363 496Ian White (highways liason): 07823 442780

    The Parish MagazinThe Ogwell Parish Magazine is anexcellent source of up-to-date

    information, providing moreinformation on wider parish issues.

    Available through subscription (orindividual copies 50p from theCountry Pannier, Church or the JollySailor). To subscribe please contact:[email protected]

    Councillor ProfileMichael Simmons (Chair)

    Michael has been a Councillor sinceand Chair for 1 year . His familymoved to Ogwell after purchasingand restoring Cappys Cottage andThe Pound House. Michael is anArchitect and Passive HouseDesigner by profession and hispractice is also based in the village.Michael enjoys cycling and spendingtime with his twin boys. He feelspassionately about bringing the

    community together and ensuringOgwell is a thriving village andparish.

    In the next issue... Neighbourhood Planning... VolunteeringOpportunities... Meet a Councillor... EventReports... Things to do in Ogwell...

  • 8/13/2019 Ogwell Parish Newsletter, Spring 2013


    Competition Time! Send in your feedback for a chance to wina meal for 2 at The Jolly Sailor. Fill in yourdetails below, add your feedback & send it

    to: Rita Hannaford, Higher StubbinsFarmhouse, TQ12 6DA. Alternatively, e-mail your details [email protected] draw will be held at the May ParishC il M ti g


    Events Diary May Mon 6th - Denbury May FairWed 8th - Gardening Society - Afternoon coach tour to the Garden House,Yelverton. Guided Tour. Cost 12.00 per person.Mon 13th - Parish Council Meeting, Ogwell Memorial Hall - 7pm

    June Sat 1st - Annual Tennis Club Golf Tournament, at Stover Golf Course. ContactRob 01626 354770 or Gwyn 01626 351961.Sat 8th - Ogwell Duck Race at Holbeam MillMon 10th - Parish Council Meeting, Ogwell Memorial Hall - 7pm

    Wed 12th - Gardening Society - Talk by Julia Tremlett of Bickham House atKenn on the National Garden scheme in Devon. Ogwell Memorial Hall - 7pmFri 28th - Canada Hill School Fayre - 5pm-7.30pmFri 28th - Sun 30th - St. Bartholomew's Art & Craft Show

    July Mon 8th - Parish Council Meeting, Ogwell Memorial Hall - 7pmSat 13th - Ogwell Summer Event, check the ogwell.org website for furtherdetails from Ogwell Fair Committee


    Telephone #:E-mail Address:
