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OMAE2013 10635 VIV Marine Risers Sheared Flow Final

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  • 7/28/2019 OMAE2013 10635 VIV Marine Risers Sheared Flow Final


    1 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    Proceedings of the 32rd

    International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic EngineeringOMAE2013

    9-14 June 2013, Nantes, France

    OMAE2013- 10635


    F. Van den AbeeleCranfield University

    Cranfield, UK

    J. Vande VoordeOCAS N.V.

    Ghent, Belgium

    F. KaraCranfield University

    Cranfield, UK

    ABSTRACTThe increasing demand for oil and gas, currently estimated at

    135 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, keeps pushing theboundaries of offshore engineering into ever deeper waters.

    Exploration and production activities in the Gulf of Mexico, for

    instance, are performed in water depths exceeding 3000 meters.

    For such deepwater developments, the suspended length of themarine risers adds up to several kilometers. When designing

    and installing risers in (ultra)deep water, the length/diameter

    aspect ratio of the marine riser can exceed L/D > 1000, and the

    features of the fluid flow in depth direction can no longer be

    neglected. Indeed, both the magnitude and the direction of thecurrent change with water depth, giving rise to higher

    harmonics in the VIV response.

    The prediction of vortex induced vibrations for deepwater risers

    is very challenging, owing to the fact that the incident flows arenon-uniform and the associated fluid structure interaction

    phenomena are highly complex. These complex conditions give

    rise to a non linear coupled system with a large number ofdegrees of freedom, which depends on several physical and

    mechanical parameters.

    In this paper, 3D CFD calculations are performed to evaluate

    the effect of the third dimension for risers subjected to uniformflow and sheared currents. For a uniform current velocity at the

    inlet boundary, it is shown that vortex shedding in the wake of

    long slender tubulars can give rise to the development of

    vortices with horizontal axis, resulting in a fluctuation of theflow in the Z-direction. These three dimensional vortices are

    strong enough to modulate the vortex shedding on the riser as a

    function of depth. The 3D simulations with uniform current

    velocity are then compared to marine risers subjected tosheared currents. It is shown that the presence of sheared

    currents invokes a shift in both phase and frequency of the

    vortex shedding.

    VORTEX INDUCED VIBRATIONS IN MARINE RISERSWall thickness design for marine risers is based on Barlows

    formula [1]

    2 (1)which states that the hoop stress expressed as a function ofthe internal pressure , mean diameter and wall thickness ,is limited by the specified minimum yield stress of thematerial, multiplied by a safety factor 0.6 for hazardousservice. Additional design guidelines are applied to account forcorrosion allowance and continuity of the internal diameter.

    Barlows formula (1) indicates that a smaller diameter riser

    can convey hydrocarbons at a higher internal pressure. Hence,multiple small diameter risers are typically preferred over one

    single large diameter riser. During the design of floating

    production platforms in deepwater, it has been recognized [2]

    that there is a risk of interference between adjacent production

    and export risers, or possibly between other combinations of

    tendons, drilling risers and production risers.

    This paper presents numerical analyses to predict vortex

    induced vibrations in marine risers subjected to sheared flow.The paper subsequently addresses

    Wake interference and proximity effects. First, 2Dsimulations on fixed rigid cylinders are performed to

    investigate wake interference and proximity effects formultiple marine risers in tandem arrangement. The

    influence of end spacing on the flow pattern is studied,

    and the drag and lift coefficients for both the upstream

    and downstream riser are compared to evaluate

    proximity effects.

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    2 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    Multiphysics modeling of fluid structure interaction. Inorder to predict the displacements of marine risers

    experiencing vortex induced vibrations, multiphysics

    modeling of fluid structure interaction is needed. Fluidstructure interaction requires co-simulation of astructural solver and a Computational Fluid Dynamics

    (CFD) code. In this paper, a weakly coupled solution

    is presented to estimate the VIV response of marinerisers in close proximity.

    Slender risers subjected to sheared flow. Whendesigning and installing risers in (ultra)deep water, the

    length/diameter aspect ratio of the marine riser can

    exceed 1000, and the features of the fluid flowin depth direction can no longer be neglected. Both the

    magnitude and the direction of the current change with

    water depth, giving rise to higher harmonics in theVIV response. At the end of this paper, 3D CFD

    calculations are performed to evaluate the effect of the

    third dimension for risers subjected to uniform flow

    and sheared currents.


    The simulations, reported in this paper, have been performedwith OpenFOAM, an open source CFD solver. This solver uses

    the generalized version of the Navier-Stokes equations [3],

    solving for the velocity field , and the pressure .When the fluid flows past a fixed cylinder like a marine riser, aregion of disturbed flow is formed, like schematically shown on

    Figure 1.

    In this simulation of laminar flow, the free stream velocity

    is shown in green. Lower velocities are depicted in blue,

    whereas yellow indicates values higher than the stream

    velocity. Evidently, the velocity varies in terms of magnitude,

    direction and time, and four regions can be distinguished:

    1. The retarded flow is a narrow region in front of thecylinder, where the local (time-averaged) velocity islower than the free stream velocity

    2. Two boundary layers attached to the surface of thecylinder

    3. Two sideway regions where the local (time-averaged)velocity is higher than the free stream velocity

    4. The wake, which is the downstream region ofseparated flow where the local (time-averaged)

    velocity is less than the free stream velocity

    The fluid flow around a circular cylinder, as shown on Figure 1,is a well-known and documented [4-6] problem in

    computational fluid dynamics, and often used as a benchmark

    for CFD solvers [7].

    Figure 1: Regions of disturbed flow

    The flow pattern in the wake of the cylinder is primarily

    governed by the Reynolds number

    (2)which expresses the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces,

    with the fluid flow velocity, the total outer diameter and (3)

    the kinematic viscosity as a ratio of the dynamic viscosity with the density . A detailed analysis of the different flowregimes around subsea structures can be found in [8-9]. In

    summary, the regimes of fluid flow across a smooth subseastructure can be divided in

    Unseparated flow for very low ( 5) Reynoldsnumbers

    The regime for5 40 , where a pair of Fpplvortices develop in the wake

    The transition range (150 300) from laminarflow to turbulence

    The regime where the vortex street is fully turbulent(300 3 10)

    For even higher numbers 310 3 10,the laminar boundary layer undergoes turbulent

    transition, and the wake will be narrower and


    At very high Reynolds numbers ( 3 10), re-establishment of a turbulent vortex street occurs

    For the range of Reynolds numbers relevant to offshore

    pipeline engineering, the flow is fully turbulent, and it becomes

    increasingly difficult if not impossible- to predict the transient

    flow behavior with a laminar solver for the Navier Stokesequations.

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    3 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    The possible options for CFD simulations at very high

    Reynolds numbers are:

    Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), which solves the

    Navier Stokes equations for the pressure and thevelocity components in a time-dependent domain. Thisapproach requires a very fine mesh size and very small

    time steps to resolve the smallest eddies and capture

    the fluctuations in the turbulent flow [10]. As a result,this approach is not economically feasible for pipeline


    Large Eddy Simulation (LES), where large turbulenteddies are computed in a time-dependent simulation,

    whereas small eddies are predicted with a compactmodel. Indeed, smaller eddies have an isotropic (and

    hence more universal) behavior, but larger eddies in

    the turbulent flow tend to be anisotropic, and their

    behavior is directly influenced by the problem

    geometry. The viability and accuracy of Large EddySimulation for complex turbulent flows at high

    Reynolds numbers is investigated in [11], but has

    proven to be not feasible for full 3D analysis ofoffshore structures [12].

    Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) turbulencemodel. In the RANS approach, all flow characteristics

    are decomposed as the sum of a steady (mean) value

    and a fluctuating term. This decomposition gives riseto a Reynolds stress tensor, which adds six unknowns

    to the system of equations. As a result, turbulence

    models are required to provide additional transportequations to close the system [13]. In this paper, an

    enhanced model is used to simulate vortexinduced vibrations in multiple marine risers. The

    mathematical details of the turbulence model appliedare given in the Appendix.


    During the design of floating production platforms in

    deepwater, it has been recognized [2] that there is a risk of

    interference between adjacent production or export risers, orpossibly between other combinations of tendons, drilling risers

    and production risers. The consequences of most concern arethe possible increase in fatigue damage due to vortex induced

    vibrations (VIV), and the likelihood of contact between

    adjacent risers.

    A large body of work has been published addressing

    measurement, modeling and analysis of marine risers in tandem

    arrangement [14]. A careful review of flow interferencebetween two circular cylinders in various arrangements has

    been presented by Zdravkovich [15-16], including an extensive

    list of references on this subject. He has also introduced a

    classification of flow regimes around two circular cylinders,

    depending on their relative position.

    Different studies for the tandem arrangement of two

    adjacent risers [2, 17-19] have shown that the changes in drag,lift and vortex shedding are not continuous. Instead, an abrupt

    change for all flow characteristics is observed at a criticalspacing between the risers. An exhaustive description onproximity effects and wake interference can be found in [20],

    and a comprehensive summary of VIV in tandem risers is

    provided in [2]. Recent research results have been published ina.o. [21-23].

    In this paper, the published data on riser interference tests

    for flexible tubulars [2] will be used as experimental validation.

    To simulate these experiments, a 2D CFD model is constructed,assuming fixed rigid cylinders with an outer diameter of 114.3

    mm. The simulation setup, with a grid of 50 by 15, isshown on Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Simulation setup to study wake interference

    For the simulations of fluid flow around marine risers in

    tandem arrangement, the computational grid comprises some250 000 cells. Depending on the end spacing, the dimensionless

    wall distance is in the range of

    20 y uy 30 (4)with the distance to the nearest wall, and the frictionvelocity defined by



    where is the average wall shear stress. As long as (4) issatisfied, the problem is well conditioned. The enhanced model, presented in [24] and detailed in the Appendix, was

    used to simulate vortex induced vibrations in multiple marine

    risers in tandem arrangement.

    On Figure 3, the turbulent eddy viscosity is shown for very

    high ( 2.5 10) Reynolds numbers, clearly indicatingthat this enhanced eddy viscosity model is capable ofsimulating a turbulent wake with significant separation.

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    4 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    Figure 3: Distribution of turbulent eddy viscosity

    The parametric approach, suggested in Figure 2, enablesthe investigation of risers in staggered arrangements as well, for 0. In this paper, we focus on risers in tandem arrangement( 0 with different end spacings 2 6. It has beenshown experimentally [16-18] that there is strong interference

    between two cylinders in tandem arrangement for spacing

    ratios with 3.5. At a spacing 3.5, a suddenchange of the flow pattern in the gap between the adjacent

    risers is observed.

    On Figure 4, the influence of the end spacing on the fluidflow pattern in the wake of the tandem risers is shown for a

    Reynolds number 10, i.e. the two-bubble regime of thetransition in the boundary layers. These simulation results

    indeed endorse the experimental observations of Allen [2],

    Zdravkovich [16] and King [17]:

    For small end spacing ( 3), vortex sheddingonly occurs in the wake of the downstream riser: thefree shear layers which separate from the upstream

    riser are permanently re-attached to the downstream

    riser. In [25], Zdravkovich refers to this type of wake

    interference asquasi-steady re-attachment


    Figure 4: Tandem risers with different end spacing

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    5 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    When increasing the gap ( 3) between bothrisers, a turbulent vortex street appears in the wake of

    both the upstream and the downstream riser. The

    vortices shed by the upstream riser coalesce with thevortex street of the downstream riser, andbinary eddystreets are observed. It can be clearly seen that there is

    no re-attachment of the free shear layers separatedfrom the upstream riser to the downstream one.

    Drag coefficient data [16, 18] shows that the upstream riser

    takes the brunt of the burden, and that the downstream riser haslittle or no effect on the upstream one. For different values of

    spacing , the drag coefficient is shown on Figure 5.

    Figure 5: Drag coefficients at Re = 105

    Apparently, the drag coefficient on the upstream riser is not

    significantly influenced by the downstream one, but asignificant change in drag is observed on the downstream

    cylinder for 3. In [2], drag coefficients are measured onrisers in tandem arrangement with increasing end spacing for

    Reynolds numbers from 1 10 up to 2.5 10. OnFigure 8, for instance, the measured drag coefficients for both

    upstream and downstream riser are shown for a spacing 3. The drag coefficients, predicted by the CFDsimulations at 1 10, are indicated as well, showing avery good agreement with the experimental data.

    Figure 6: Drag coefficients for L = 3D [2]

    Figure 6 shows that for the upstream cylinder, the drag

    crisis occurs somewhat earlier (i.e. at a lower Reynolds

    number) than traditional measurements of this phenomenon

    [17, 18], which could be attributed to the combined effects offree-stream turbulence and cylinder displacement. Thecombination of an early drag crisis on the upstream riser and

    large displacements of the downstream riser produces a larger

    total drag force on the downstream riser for 1.7 10.MULTIPHYSICS: FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION

    The CFD simulations, presented in the previous section,

    were performed on fixed, rigid cylinders. Although such

    simulations are capable of identifying the proximity effects

    between adjacent risers by revealing their influence on dragcoefficients and flow pattern in the wake, they cannot predict

    the VIV response of the riser.

    Blevins [26] pointed out that the cross-flow cylinder

    vibration can significantly affect the vortex shedding. In

    summary, the cylinder displacement tends to

    Increase the d rag on the cylinder

    Shift the vortex shedding frequency to the cylindersvibration frequency

    Increase the strength of the vortices

    Alter the vortex pattern and hence the vortex sheddingfrequency

    Some quantitative details can be found in [26-27]. In

    addition to drag coefficients, Allen [2] reports measurements

    for the transverse displacements of the upstream anddownstream cylinders as well. In order to predict the

    displacements of marine risers experiencing vortex induced

    vibrations, multi-physics modeling of fluid structure interactionis needed.

    Fluid structure interaction requires co-simulation of astructural solver and a CFD code. In a strongly coupled

    solution, the fluid flow will dictate the displacements, which in

    turn will influence the flow pattern. The structural

    displacements are used as an input for the CFD simulation, and

    the resulting pressure distribution is fed back to the structural

    solver [28]. When simulating large displacements (e.g. vortexinduced vibrations), the moving mesh is severely distorted and

    the strongly coupled solution procedure is prone to numericalinstabilities.

    In a weakly coupled solution, the structural solver and the

    CFD solver are executed sequentially. This approach provides a

    better balance between accuracy and computational expense,but is only applicable when the structural response does not

    significantly influence the fluid flow. In this paper, weakly

    coupled simulations of fluid structure interaction are conducted

    to estimate the VIV response of marine risers in closeproximity.

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    6 Copyright 2013 by ASME



    Figure 7: Comparison between weak and strong coupling

    In the sequentially coupled simulations, we first calculate

    the flow patterns to estimate the lift and drag forces exerted on

    the structure. The CFD simulations are performed according tothe approach described in the previous section: the fluid domain

    is modelled in 2D, and the cylinders are fixed and assumed to

    be rigid (cfr. Figure 2).

    On Figure 8, the calculated lift and drag forces are shown

    for the downstream riser at a spacing 3, for a Reynoldsnumber 1 10. The oscillating signals reflect a fullydeveloped turbulent wake. Note that the average lift force is

    zero, while the average drag force is a measure for theresistance against fluid flow.

    On Figure 9, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the lift

    and drag forces is shown, to reveal the frequency content of thesignals. Clearly, the dominant frequency of the drag force is

    twice the lift frequency: 2 0.42Hz.

    Figure 8: Lift and drag forces on the downstream riser

    For the top-tensioned risers used in [2], the n-th eigenfrequency

    can be estimated by [29]

    f 2 (6)

    with the length, the tension, the distributed mass andthe bending stiffness. In (6), the tubes are assumed to be simply

    supported, straight and with constant tension. As a result, the

    computed eigenfrequency is omni-directional and corresponds

    to the first bending mode of the cylinder. Note that the natural

    frequency (6) is a function of the tension, but is predominantlycontrolled by the bending stiffness [30].

    The lowest natural frequency is calculated as = 2.35 Hz,while the measured frequency (by means of Pluck tests) was

    found to be = 2.23 Hz. Numerical modal analysis (solvingthe eigenvalue problem) confirmed a lowest natural frequency

    of = 2.225 Hz.

    Figure 9: Frequency spectrum of lift and drag forces

    As indicated in Figure 9, the drag frequency 0.42 Hzis still significantly lower than the first natural frequency of the

    test tubes, so only moderate displacements are expected.

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    7 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    To predict the response of the downstream riser when

    subjected to the lift and drag forces shown on Figure 8, the

    principle of virtual work [31] is applied:


    where is the boundary of the Lagrangian body , are thestress components, the strain components, the externalforces (including lift and drag ), and the unknowndisplacements. The top-tensioned test tube is modeled as a

    compliant structure, with Youngs modulus = 2700 MPa anddensity

    = 1050 kg/m. The displacements are simulated with

    a finite element code using a transient dynamic explicit solver.

    Figure 10: Predicted cross-flow displacements

    The predicted cross-flow displacements of thedownstream riser are shown on Figure 10. After some 20

    seconds, the signal reaches its maximum amplitude

    y 0.15 (8)For the same situation (end spacing 3 diameters and

    Reynolds number 105), the maximum measured transverse

    displacement [2] was 0.163.On Figure 11, the transverse RMS displacement

    measurements for both the upstream and downstream test tube

    are shown for the range 10 2.5 10. Apparently, forthe lower Reynolds numbers ( 1.7 10, thedisplacement of the downstream cylinder is smaller than for theupstream cylinder. For higher Reynolds numbers, the down-

    stream cylinder vibrates at larger transverse amplitudes than thedownstream cylinder. However, other tests have shown [32]

    that for higher vibration modes [33], the downstream cylinder

    always vibrates less than the upstream one, when the magnitude

    of the displacements is sufficiently large.

    Figure 11: Transverse displacements for L = 3D [2]

    The prediction of the fluid structure interaction (FSI)

    simulation is included in Figure 11 as well, showing a goodagreement with the experimental observation.


    In the CFD simulations presented in the previous sections,

    the risers were assumed to be fixed and rigid, and the lengthdirection was not taken into account. However, when designing

    and installing risers in (ultra)deep water, the length/diameter

    aspect ratio of the marine riser can exceed 1000, andthe features of the fluid flow in depth direction can no longer be

    neglected. In this section, 3D CFD calculations are presented to

    evaluate the effect of this third dimension for risers subjected touniform and sheared currents.

    In order to assess the effect of the length direction on the

    flow pattern, a 3D CFD calculation was performed on a riser

    with a diameter 1 meter and length 50 meter. Thecalculation grid comprised 616 000 cells. On Figure 12, the

    pressure distribution on the riser is shown, and the

    corresponding flow pattern is visualized as well.

    Figure 12: Fluid flow simulation around 3D riser

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    8 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    Vortex shedding in the wake of the long slender tubular

    gives rise to the development of vortices with horizontal axis,

    resulting in fluctuation of the flow in the Z-direction. This

    could be expected, as it is known [3] that the transport of avortex creates in itself a new vortex with perpendicular axis.The simulation shows that these 3D vortices are strong enough

    to modulate the vortex shedding on a riser as a function of

    depth, although the inlet boundary has a uniform currentvelocity.

    On Figure 13, the lift coefficient integrated over the entire

    riser length is compared with a 2D simulation for the same riser

    diameter. While the dominant frequency is the same, the 3Dsignal exhibits higher harmonics, corresponding to a shift in

    vortex shedding frequency as a function of depth. The

    amplitude of the lift is also lower than expected based on the2D calculations. A similar trend is observed when comparing

    the drag forces for a 2D and 3D simulation. In conclusion, a 2D

    simulation will give rise to conservative predictions.

    Figure 13: Comparison of lift forces between 2D and 3D

    The prediction of vortex induced vibrations for deepwater

    risers is very challenging, owing to the fact that the incident

    flows are non-uniform and the associated fluid structureinteraction phenomena are highly complex [34]. These complex

    conditions give rise to a non-linear, coupled system with a large

    number of degrees of freedom, which depends on severalphysical and mechanical parameters. While a great deal of

    attention has been devoted to riser VIV modeling andprediction, most of the studies presented in literature [35-38]only account for a uniform incident current.

    A good introduction on the subject of marine risers

    subjected to sheared flow is given by Vandiver [39-41], and a

    limited set of experiments [29] and simulations [34] have been

    published on VIV predictions for linearly sheared currents. At

    the end of this paper, a 3D CFD simulation is performed on a

    riser span of 50 meter, subjected to sheared flow. For thecurrent profile [42], a one-seventh power law


    0 (9)

    Figure 14: Marine riser subjected to sheared current

    was chosen, where the flow velocity varies from 0 at theseabed to at 2 . On Figure 14, the resulting fluid

    pattern around the marine riser is shown. The vortex street is

    visualized in five horizontal planes, uniformly distributed overthe length of the riser. The influence of the current gradient

    over the length of the riser can clearly be observed in Figure 14.

    On Figure 15, the lift and drag coefficients are shown as a

    function of depth. Close to the seabed ( 5 m), the riserexperiences little or no fluctuating lift, and only moderate drag.

    When approaching the still water level, the lift and dragcoefficients asymptotically converge towards the 2D solution.

    The presence of sheared currents invoke a shift in both phase

    and frequency of the vortex shedding. As a result, the lift and

    drag will be lower compared to the 3D simulation with a

    uniform current speed, shown in Figure 13.

    Figure 15: Lift and drag as a function of depth

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    9 Copyright 2013 by ASME


    In his pioneering paper [43], Prof. Vandiver presented the most

    stringent research challenges in the prediction of vortexinduced vibrations for marine risers. In addition to the need ofacquiring high quality full-scale response data and developing

    cost effective mitigation measures, he highlights a more

    profound understanding of fluid structure interaction and thesimulation of sheared flow as important research topics.

    This results, presented in this paper, want to contribute to the

    numerical simulation of VIV for marine risers in close

    proximity. The main conclusions from this work read:

    Given the high Reynolds numbers involved in deep waterriser design (10 10), turbulence modeling isrequired to capture vortex shedding. The enhanced

    model, proposed in [24], proves to be the most appropriateRANS closure to predict VIV.

    For two risers in tandem arrangement, there is a suddenchange in flow characteristics for a critical spacing 3.5. The upstream riser takes most of the burden,while the drag coefficient on the downstream riser is lower

    at 1.7 10 Multiphysics modeling of fluid structure interaction allows

    predicting the VIV response of marine risers in tandemarrangement. For high Reynolds numbers, the downstream

    riser often experiences higher transverse displacements

    than the upstream riser.

    For low Reynolds numbers, there is little effect of endspacing on the drag coefficients and displacements,

    whereas the effect of end spacing is obvious and distinct

    for 1.7 10 Fluid flow simulations in 3D indicate that 2D CFD

    calculations will yield conservative predictions: the

    amplitude of lift and drag are slightly over-estimated in 2Dsimulations.

    The presence of sheared currents invoke a shift in bothphase and frequency of the vortex shedding. As a result,

    the lift and drag will be lower compared to a 3D simulation

    with a uniform incident current.


    The Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible Newtonian

    liquids could be used for turbulent flow simulations. However,

    once the flow becomes turbulent, all quantities fluctuate in timeand space with widely varied time scales and length scales. It is

    theoretically possible to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for

    all scales, yet the required computer resources render this

    approach impracticable.

    Therefore, the turbulent influence is modeled, and the most

    commonly used models are the Reynolds Averaged NavierStokes (RANS) models [13]. In this RANS approach, all flow

    characteristics are decomposed as the sum of a steady (mean)value and a fluctuating term. This decomposition gives rise to aReynolds stress tensor, which adds six unknowns to the system

    of equations. As a result, turbulence models are required to

    provide additional transport equations to close the system.

    In this paper, the turbulence model was selected tosimulate wake interference in adjacent marine risers. This

    model is frequently used to model turbulent flow, and was

    identified by [11] as the most appropriate RANS model to

    predict vortex induced vibrations in marine risers for Reynolds

    numbers up to 10.The

    turbulence model [44-45] is a two equation

    model, providing a transport equation for the kinetic energy kt ukx ux x kx2 kd


    and an additional expression for the viscous dissipation rate

    t u

    x Cf

    k u

    x Cf

    k x x2 d expd2 (11)

    where is a non-local function [45] of distance to the wall.The auxiliary functions read 1 and

    f 1 0.41.8 exp Re

    36 (12)with

    Re k (13)The turbulent eddy viscosity is computed from

    Cf k (14)with 0.09 and 1 exp0.0115. The valuesfor the other model constants are listed in Table 1.

    Table 1: Values for the k- model constants

    1.35 1.80 1.0 1.3

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    10 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    This standard model is widely used in computationalfluid dynamics, and was adopted by [11, 46] to predict vortex

    shedding around circular cylinders at high Reynolds numbers

    ( 10). The model performs quite well for boundary layerflows, but is less accurate for risers in which a high mean shearrate is present or massive separation occurs (which could beexpected for risers in tandem arrangement). In these cases, the

    eddy viscosity is over-predicted by the standard formulation.

    Moreover, the dissipation rate equation (11) does not always

    give the appropriate length scale for turbulence.

    To improve the ability of the standard model topredict complex turbulent flows, an enhanced eddyviscosity model is proposed in [24]. This model consists of a

    new formulation for the viscous dissipation rate

    t ux x xCS C k (15)

    based on the dynamic equation of the mean square vorticityfluctuation at large turbulent Reynolds numbers. In addition, a

    new eddy viscosity formulation is introduced

    C k (16)with

    C 1A AU k (17)based on the positivity of the normal Reynolds stresses and the

    Schwarz inequality for turbulent shear stresses [24]. In (17),

    the coefficient is determined byU SS (18)

    with 2 (19)and the parameters


    6cos, where

    13cos6W (20)where

    W SSSS (21)with

    S SS (22)The other constants, calibrated in [24], are listed in Table 2.

    Table 2: Values for the enhanced k- model constants

    max0.43, 5


    1.0 1.2


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