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RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM Please call to schedule an appointment. (641) 228-1071 BAPTISM Please contact the parish office. MARRIAGE Please contact the parish office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. MISSION STATEMENT Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Eucharistic Community called by God to be faithful, welcoming, and serving all with love and compassion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please contact the parish office. (641) 228-1071 WORSHIP LOCATION 106 Chapel Lane, Charles City, IA 50616 (641) 228-1071 www.iccharlescity.com WEEKEND & DAILY MASSES are Broadcast on Facebook www.facebook.com/iccharlescity TIMES: Please see calendar inside. PARISH & SCHOOL OFFICE STAFF Liturgy & Music……..….Chris Cleveland [email protected] Office Administrator.....Brenda Nordman [email protected] Coord. of Volunteers……...Sara Hrdlicka [email protected] School Secretary…….……..…Ann Crook [email protected] Gift Shop Manager........Pat Palmersheim [email protected] Pastor……………..Fr. Tom Heathershaw [email protected] Deacon………...…....Deacon Mike Ward [email protected] Pastoral Assoc…Sr. Diana Blong, PBVM [email protected] Principal……...………..…….Laurie Field [email protected] Faith Formation……......Wendy Wandro [email protected] Together is a monthly parish bulletin which features messages from Archbishop Jackels as well as initiatives and happenings from around the archdiocese. Copies of this bulletin are available at the church entrances.


Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM Please call to schedule an appointment. (641) 228-1071 BAPTISM Please contact the parish office. MARRIAGE Please contact the parish office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office.

MISSION STATEMENT Immaculate Conception is a

Catholic Eucharistic Community called by God to be faithful,

welcoming, and serving all with love and compassion under the

guidance of the Holy Spirit.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please contact the parish office.

(641) 228-1071


Charles City, IA 50616 (641) 228-1071


WEEKEND & DAILY MASSES are Broadcast on Facebook


TIMES: Please see calendar inside.


Liturgy & Music……..….Chris Cleveland [email protected]

Office Administrator.....Brenda Nordman [email protected]

Coord. of Volunteers……...Sara Hrdlicka [email protected]

School Secretary…….……..…Ann Crook [email protected]

Gift Shop Manager........Pat Palmersheim [email protected]

Pastor……………..Fr. Tom Heathershaw [email protected]

Deacon………...…....Deacon Mike Ward [email protected]

Pastoral Assoc…Sr. Diana Blong, PBVM [email protected]

Principal……...………..…….Laurie Field [email protected]

Faith Formation……......Wendy Wandro [email protected]

Together is a monthly parish bulletin which features messages from

Archbishop Jackels as well as initiatives and happenings from around the

archdiocese. Copies of this bulletin are available at the church entrances.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 2 July 4th, 2021


THE SANCTUARY CANDLE this week is in loving memory of

Margaret (Marge) Lundblad

Monday, July 5th St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest; St. Elizabeth of Portugal Gn 28:10-22a/Ps 91:1-2, 3-4, 14-15 ab [cf. 2b]/Mt 9:18-26 …………………………………….………….No Mass The Parish Office is CLOSED Today! Tuesday, July 6th St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b and 15 [15a]/Mt 9:32-38 5:15 PM...……….……..……………Nikole Helgeson Wednesday, July 7th Weekday Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a/Ps 33:2-3,10-11,18-19/Mt 10:1-7 9:15 AM…………………...….…The Steimel Family Thursday, July 8th Weekday Gn 44: 18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21/ Mt 10:7-15 5:15 PM………………...……..…….…..Clara Hebert Friday, July 9th St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, &Companions, Martyrs Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40/Mt 10:16-23 8:00 AM…………Deceased friends of Carolyn Gary Saturday, July 10th Weekday Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7/Mt 10:24-33 4:30 PM…………...…………………..August Zacher 6:30 PM……………..Mass at St. Michael in Nashua Sunday, July 11th Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13 8:00 AM…………....…..…..Wes & Donna Koebrick 10:30 AM………….…….………People of the Parish

Scripture Readings

Holy Baptism at Immaculate Conception

Saige Kathryn Herrick, daughter of Jason & Molly Herrick,

was Baptized on Sunday, June 27th, 2021. Congratulations to Saige and her family!

Our Deepest Sympathy is extended to the family & friends

of Art Hunt, who passed away recently. God, grant him eternal peace.

Confession and Children Question: Our Catholic grade school is doing a penance service this Lent. Do young children really need to go to Confession? How much sin can they really have? Answer: Ask any mom about her children, and see how many would say she has a brood of perfect an-gels! Parents know that kids do things that are wrong … and they often know they’re doing it! Even toddlers have a sense of right and wrong. The Church recog-nizes that their minds and consciences are not yet fully developed, however, and typically waits until age seven to offer the sacrament of Confession. Around that age and beyond, most young people, when asked, can easily explain why something is wrong. Confession for children is an excellent way to help them reflect on their actions and accept responsibility for their behavior. It helps them to grow in their under-standing of sin and how it affects others. This helps them to form their consciences and make better choic-es in the future. Most importantly, they learn the value of forgiveness, both given and received. Rather than singling out what’s wrong, Confession offers hope and a new start! Children can grow in understanding God’s unconditional love and develop a sense of inner digni-ty that transcends their failings. Not bad for five minutes and an “Our Father” or two! ©LPi

Wedding Blessings Jacob Huebener & Ellen Wandro

were united in marriage at Immaculate Conception Church

on Saturday, June 26th, 2021. Congratulations, to Jacob & Ellen!


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 3 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time



July 4th, 2021 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time It’s all so ordinary that we can easily miss it. The seagulls hunting and diving for mollusks at the beach offer a display of determination and precision as they gather their food for the day. It’s simply what these creatures do. Yet, there’s a magical artfulness and skill to their work that speaks volumes about the One who breathed life into their being. This is pretty much the way it is with God’s presence. God comes in common ways through common things and ordinary people. Sadly, we are so engulfed in our little worlds of order and ideas to notice the beauty and wonder of it all. Many have numbed themselves to the Divine spark at the essence of all life because that’s just the way it is. What’s so special about it? A sunset is a sunset and a seagull is a seagull. That’s precisely what they thought about Jesus too. After all, isn’t he just the carpenter’s son? What merit can his words possibly have? If we’re looking for God to come in an event that is so dramatic and intense that it knocks our socks off, then think again. When pondering God’s relationship with His people and God’s action in our lives, we have to go back to the stable and the recurring, creative, unending power of God’s presence. It was a quiet, run of the mill kind of night. There was nothing spectacular or extraordinary. To the naked eye, a woman gave birth to a child and there wasn’t anything extraordinary to see. We have a hard time understanding God’s ordinary-ness. Jesus grew up in an ordinary town, had neighbors and did normal human things. Perhaps that’s why we don’t always like the Gospel. It doesn’t dazzle us with extraordinary things but simply challenges us to take a different look at our ordinary stuff. That makes us uncomfortable. We prefer things as they are. Our lack of faith can even cause us to take offense at what Jesus says and does, dismissing it as folly. God’s life-giving presence continues to sustain that seagull in flight and keep all things in being regardless of whether we have the faith to see and understand this. Our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, misconceptions, and expectations can often cause us to be hardened and blinded to what God is doing or desiring to do. While God continues to do what he has done for all eternity, faith is needed for God’s presence to bear fruit. The blinders we wear and the expectations we bring to life can often prevent us from seeing graced moments that radiate with God’s graceful presence. They also prevent God’s transforming, healing, and hope filled vision for our world from being realized. Without faith, God won’t be able to do much for us either.

The IC Parish Office will be CLOSED

on Monday, July 5th, in observance of

Independence Day! MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND SAVE THE DATE for the I.C. Fall Festival

Saturday, September 18th, 2021, at the Columbus Club (502 Clark St.)

Charles City, IA

# # # TAKE NOTE # # #

The next Spanish Mass at I.C. Church will be on

Sunday, July 18th, 2021, at 2 P.M. (The Spanish Mass is being celebrated on the

third Sunday of July, not the second as usual.)


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 4 July 4th, 2021

Catholic Kidz Camp Grades 1-6 August 2-6, 2021 9 AM- 12 PM at IC School Parents Name: ______________________________ cell phone #________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________ Please register my students: Name: ____________________________________ Age____ Grade 21/22 ____Shirt size_____ Name: ____________________________________ Age____ Grade 21/22 ____Shirt size_____ Name: ____________________________________ Age____ Grade 21/22 ____Shirt size_____ Name: ____________________________________ Age____ Grade 21/22 ____Shirt size_____ Registra!on Fee: $25 per student X _______ (# of students) = $_________ Check #/Cash_____ (Registra!on fee includes camp T-shirt)

I am interested in helping with Catholic Kidz Camp! Name ____________________________________ Phone #_______________________ ____ classroom leader ____ cra"s ____ classroom helper ____ ac!vi!es ____ snack ____ skits ____ music ____registra!on


Return this form & fee to the Parish Office by July 12th!

A group of 17 youth and adults from Immaculate Conception Parish will be traveling to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area in Minnesota, to serve with Catholic Heart Work Camp this July.

We will depart on July 18th and return July 23rd. We ask that you please support us with prayer for our campers and the people we will serve, that we may be beacons of Christ’s love on earth!

In addition, if you are able to support us financially through monetary donations, snack supplies, or tools for our trip we would be most appreciative! Any donations should be clearly marked “CHWC” and dropped off at the Parish Office during office hours. If you have any

questions about CHWC, please contact Wendy Wandro at 641-228-1071.

TOOLS AND OTHER ITEMS NEEDED: · Paint brushes · Roller covers · Drop cloths · Face masks for worksite

· Painters’ tape · Paint tray or small bucket · Paint scraper · Rags for cleaning

SNACK IDEAS: · Snack bars or energy bars · Individual packs of chips or crackers · Individually wrapped cookies or bars

· Bottled water · Gatorade or other juice drinks

· Hand sanitizer or disinfectant · Safety glasses · Work gloves

Our “TABLE OF PLENTY” welcomes garden produce to be shared with those who may enjoy fresh fruit or veggies from the table by the Social Hall. Give what you can….. Take what you wish…..


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 5 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

During this time, we celebrate the independence of our country. We would

do well to echo the psalmist, saying, “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for

His mercy.” May we always recognize and use wisely the gifts of freedom and abundance He has showered upon us.

June 26th & 27th, 2021 535 in attendance

Budget Envelopes...113.….$ 5,282.00 Offertory…….………….....$ 530.75


The Prophecy of You and Me Prophet. There’s a heaviness to this word. It’s weighted down with meaning. We think of prophets and we think of Charlton Heston with wild hair and a booming voice, reaching out his hand to work wonders of nature by the grace of God. We think of prophets and we think of ancient Biblical history — someone far away, someone so removed from our everyday life. A prophet is someone who knows something we don’t. When I let you in on this secret, it might scare you at first: in a way, God is calling you to be a prophet. He is calling me. He is calling any-one who hears the truth of the Gospel. However, there is no need for the megaphone and the wild locusts. This prophet gig might not be what you’re thinking. What does a prophet do? He hears and testifies to the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when it’s unpopular, even when it re-sults in, as Paul says, “weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and con-straints.” A prophet doesn’t have to be smart or rich or ordained; heck, he doesn’t even have to be particularly willing. All a prophet has to do is listen to the truth. The truth we receive from Christ, through the Gospel and the sacraments, is a mighty gift. But it is a gift that we are not meant to simply keep for ourselves. In possessing it, we are compelled to also pass it on, to share it, to let the Spirit set us on our feet. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Thank You . . . to those who contributed to our

Outreach Collection last weekend! A total of $1,316.50 was collected

and will be divided between “Relay for Life” and the

“Floyd County Cancer Fund.”

Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministry Starting July 6th running through August 31st every Tuesday at 7:00 pm we will have a virtual seminar called “El Acontecimiento Guadalupano”. Through God’s providence it is a free event. To register you only have to send an email to [email protected], a message to the WhatsApp of the MH (+1 319 259 2366) or on the Facebook page that says GUADALUPANO EVENT. Places are limited. The information is availa-ble on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mhdubuque

Ministerio Hispano Arquidiocesano A partir del 6 de julio hasta el 31 de agosto tendremos un seminario virtual llamado “El Acontecimiento Guadalupano” todos los martes a las 7:00 pm y gracias a la providencia de Dios será un evento gratuito. Para inscribirse solo deben enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected], un mensaje al WhatsApp del MH (+1 319 259 2366) o en la página de Facebook que diga EVENTO GUADALUPANO. Los cupos son limitados. La información esta disponible en la página de Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mhdubuque

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 6 July 4th, 2021


IC Dinner Club Share food, faith, and friendship as disciples at the dinner table! Sharing meals has long been an ac!vity of great disciples, beginning with Jesus and friends!

IC Faith Forma!on is organizing a dinner club for our parishioners to have the opportunity to gather around a table as disciples and come to know one another as friends. To sign up as an individual or a couple:

1. Submit the form below to the Parish Office, or contact Wendy Wandro, at 641-228-1071, to let her know you are interested. 2. Those who sign up will receive an invita!on to our kick off appe!zer party in August. 3. At the kick-off party, each will be assigned to a dinner group of about 10-12 people, or 5-6 couples. 4. Each group will set its schedule to share dinners over the following season (21/22 school year). 5. Host(s) of the dinner will decide on the menu/theme. They will make the main entrée and have the par!cipants prepare and serve a recipe or single course for the meal. 6. The end goal is to share 5-6 meals within your small group. Be prepared to be amazed at the friendships made, and faith shared as disciples at a dinner table!

Please sign me/us up for the IC Dinner Club! Name(s): _______________________________________ Phone #: _______________ Email:_________________________ Address: ________________________________ I/we would like to join a group that prepares recipes that are (check one): ___ Gourmet ___ Simple Family Favorites ___ Either

Next Baptism Class Tuesday, July 13th, at 7:00 p.m.,

in the IC Parish Conference Room. Please call the IC Parish Office at

641-228-1071 to pre-register.

I.C. CO-ED SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Played at Westwood Fields (Oak Park)

July 6th—6:00 p.m. on East Diamond

I.C. vs Calvary Baptist

July 13th—7:30 p.m. on West Diamond

I.C. vs Amazing Grace



Saturday, August 28th, 2021 11 A.M. at Cedar Ridge Golf Course

4 person Best Shot LIVE Music Special Menu

Please call or text Heidi Pavlovich @ 641-220-3724 or email: [email protected]





8:30 AM—12:00 PM 1:00 PM—3:00 PM

CLOSED on Friday



for the Summer

106 Chapel Lane Charles City, IA 50616

1203 Clark Street Charles City, IA 50616

Phone………………………………….641.228.1071 Fax……………………..……………..641.228.1072 Web……………………....www.iccharlescity.com

Phone………………………………...641.228.1225 Fax……………………...…………….641.228.7692 Web………...……………..www.iccharlescity.org

OPEN Before & After: Weekend Masses & School Mass

or by appointment. Call Pat at 641-257-9545 or Marilyn at 641-220-3257.

ST. THERESA’S GIFT SHOP Stop by before or after the weekend masses

and take a look at all our amazing merchandise!

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Contact Sydney Clayborn to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x3884

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Immaculate Conception, Charles City, IA A 4C 02-1058

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Contact Sydney Clayborn to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x3884
