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Park Ridge Redevelopment Presentation

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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The Redevelopment Plan for BLOCK 1516, LOT 2 BLOCK 1801, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BLOCK 1802, LOT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 BOROUGH OF PARK RIDGE, NEW JERSEY

The Redevelopment Plan for

BLOCK 1516, LOT 2BLOCK 1801, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

BLOCK 1802, LOT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


1) October 15, 2014: Governing Body referred the Applicant’s rezoning request to the Planning Board

History of Planning for this Area

2) January - March, 2015: Planning Board analyzed applicant’s request for 290 DU & 40,000 sq. ft. of retail

3) March 19, 2015: Planning Board recommends redevelopment as planning tool to the Governing Body

4) April 28, 2015: Governing Body pass resolution authorizing the redevelopment study

5) July 14, 2015: Redevelopment Investigation completed

6) September, 2015: Governing Body declares the area “An Area In Need of Redevelopment”

7) October, 2015: Governing Body authorizes Planning Board to prepare Plan

8) March 2016: Planning Board refers Redevelopment Plan to Governing Body

9) April, 2016: Governing Body first reading of the ordinance to adopt the Redevelopment Plan.


Background Information

• The Redevelopment Area is comprised of 13 parcels,

• It is split by the New Jersey Transit rail line.

• The area is approximately 5-acres in total, and isdeveloped with a variety of uses including retail,auto-service, fast-food dining, residential, office, andthe vacant waste transfer facility.

• On the western side of the rail line is a 115 spacesurface parking lot, which is owned by the Borough

• Overall, the area is fully developed in terms of landdisturbance, almost 100% impervious coverage andis free of environmental constraints.

Description of Redevelopment AreaBackground Information

The study area is within the NB-Neighborhood BusinessZone which was created in 2011 to encouragerehabilitation of the downtown. The area is also overlaidan Affordable housing zone.

The purpose of a redevelopment plan is to encourage theredevelopment of the area that has been designated. It isclear after several years in place the NB and the AH-3district regulations are not necessarily the mostappropriate regulations to accomplish this. However sincethey have resulted in one or two new developments,which are similar to the visions for the downtown area,these regulations serve as a good background and basisfor the plan moving forward.

Current Zoning of Redevelopment AreaBackground Information

• Strongly encourages higher density development near mass transit, the train station, and the center ofthe municipality.

• Supports redevelopment in the downtown area, and the inclusion of affordable housing as part of thisdevelopment. All of these efforts are in-line with the principles of “smart growth”.

• Calls for the enhancement of the the Kinderkamack Road commercial area, between Park Avenue andthe Borough of Montvale, through improved storefront and streetscape standards, encouraging theassemblage of small properties to foster an efficient and attractive design, and encouraging theconsolidation and expansion of off-street parking to provide greater convenience for shoppers andreduce conflicting traffic movements.

• Designate areas that are appropriate for infill development, such as underutilized commercial parcelson the Park Avenue and Kinderkamack Road corridors, and develop new zoning and land usestandards that will ensure smart growth in infill and redevelopment areas.

• Encourage the consolidation of off-street parking lots along the Kinderkamack Road CommercialCorridor to provide greater convenience for shoppers and reduce the number of curb cuts alongKinderkamack Road.

2009 Master Plan Goals for Redevelopment AreaBackground Information

The 2009 Vision Plan specifically addressesTransfer Station: Redevelopment of this site offersopportunities to remove a nuisance; reinforcedowntown, transit-oriented housing; perhapsprovide additional retail; and create newpedestrian links between Kinderkamack and theother side of the tracks.

The redevelopment plan below is designed toeffectuate the purposes of the ComprehensiveMaster Plan and is substantially consist with thatdocument as well as the Borough’s Vision Plan asnoted above.

Master Plan Goals for Redevelopment AreaBackground Information

Findings of Redevelopment Investigation

• A portion of the Area was subject of a preliminary investigation in early 2000’s and since therehas been no notable development;

• Upgrades to the area had been impeded by smaller undersized lots with numerous ownersAnd it exhibits a lack of proper utilization caused by the diverse ownership;

• This has resulted in a stagnant and unproductive condition of land potentially useful andvaluable for contributing to and serving the public health, safety and welfare.

• A significant portion of the area, .72 acres is the vacant waste transfer facility. These vacantbuildings are in a state of disrepair and untenantable.

• The circulation in the area is highly inefficient, which creates an unsafe environment forpedestrians, in inefficient use of the land in the Borough’s main commercial area;

• The designation of the delineated area is consistent with smart growth planning principles

Background Information

Findings of Redevelopment InvestigationBackground Information

Currently there is Poor Circulation Design in the Redevelopment Area

Goal 1: Enhance the Kinderkamack Road area through improved storefront and streetscape standards, encouragingthe assemblage of small properties

Goal 2: Improve the amount and the convenience of the parking supply for commuters, commercial patrons as wellas employees by encouraging the consolidation and expansion of off-street parking.

Goal 3: Address the faulty circulation design along the Kinderkamack Road Corridor by reducing the number of curbcuts.

Goal 4: Reduce auto dependence by creating a walkable environment with wider sidewalks, connections to masstransit facilities and streetscape improvements, include benches, bus shelters, bike racks, and landscaping.

Goal 5: Complement the existing zoning regulations but also allow for a more intense development to ensure thegoals of the Redevelopment Plan are achieved.

Goal 6: Include public improvements as part of the overall plan, such as recreation facilities, public plazas, andpublic parking to provide an overall benefit to the community.

The 2016 Redevelopment Plan Goals & ObjectivesRedevelopment Plan

Redevelopment Plan ConceptsRedevelopment Plan

Redevelopment Plan ConceptsRedevelopment Plan

• Public improvements- community center, public parking, streetscape improvements

• Safer Pedestrian Environment with wider sidewalks

• More commuter parking areas

• Improved Circulation for vehicles

• Reduction in curb cuts on Kinderkamack Road

• Improved streetscape including a new plaza area

• More parking for the Downtown area

• Provision of affordable housing to help meet affordable housing requirement

• Additional tax revenue to the Borough

Benefits of the Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

Proposed regulations of the Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

Zoning Regulation Requirement Sites with Frontage on Kinderkamack Road(Block 1801 & 1802)

Requirement Sites without Frontage on Kinderkamack Road(Block 1516)

Min. Lot Area (sq. ft.) 25,000 25,000

Min. Lot Width (ft.) 100 100

Min. Lot Depth (ft.) 100 100

Max. Building Height (stories) 5* 3*

Max. Building Height (ft.) 58 * 40 *

Max. Building Coverage (%) 85 90

Max. Impervious Coverage (%) 95 95

Min Front Yard (ft.) 5 0

Max Front Yard (ft.) 20 20

Min. Rear Yard (ft.) 0 0

Min. Side Yard (ft.) 0 0

Maximum Floor Area Ratio (%) 3.5 2.5

Minimum Unit Sizes (Market Rate)Studio One Bedroom Two Bedroom

500 square feet700 square feet

1,000 square feetN/A

Minimum Unit Sizes (Affordable)One BedroomTwo BedroomThree Bedroom

650 square feet850 square feet950 square feet


Proposed regulations of the Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

Proposed regulations of the Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

Proposed Design Standards of the PlanRedevelopment Plan

Estimated Impacts of Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

• Current assessed value of the subject area is $6,470,500,which generates $161,957 of tax revenue, ofwhich $36,559 goes to the Borough and $108,187 goes to the school district.

• 16-26 school children will be generated from this project as currently anticipated which will result in anestimated cost of between $337,840 - $548,990 to the district.

• 384-414 persons will be reside the estimated 220 dwelling units.

• The 22,776 square feet of retail space will potentially results in 56 full time jobs.

• Estimated assessed value of the project is $54,000,000, over 8 times what the current assessed value ofthe area.

Benefits of Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan

• Safer Pedestrian Environment with wider sidewalks

• More commuter parking areas

• Improved Circulation for vehicles

• Reduction in curb cuts on Kinderkamack Road

• Public improvements- community center, public parking, streetscape improvements

• Improved streetscape including a new plaza area

• More parking for the Downtown area

• Provision of affordable housing to help meet affordable housing requirement

• Additional tax revenue to the Borough

Redevelopment Plan

