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Presentation,brand strategy

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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Primary Target Market

18-35 year olds, predominately male and Caucasian, Hispanic or African American.


• Very individualistic. They want to be seen as their own person.

• They are cynical of major institutions and tend to be somewhat anti-establishment. Some are blatant about this aspect of their personality, while others are more passive in their expression.

• Much of our market is short on loyalty & wary of commitment. They view “values” as something that is relative and personal to each individual.

• They are on the skeptical side and tend to be unimpressed with authority.

• Much of our market has never known a world without computers! They get all their information and most of their socialization from the Internet.

OPPORTUNITIESVisually motivated group, most of whom understand their world primarily though information and interaction that happens via technology. Will reach them online, if you speak with them and allow them to participate. Create interesting and entertainingonline content that encourages sharing. Reach them anywhere there is Wi-Fi, on college campuses, and attention grabbing end caps and front-of-store bins and displays (impulse buyers). The older subset of this group is looking for sales and specials online. Relate to them where they are: super busy and exhausted much of the time. They are always looking for ways to do more in lesstime.

Secondary Target Market

35-50, also predominately male and Caucasian, Hispanic or African American


• A strong desire to reset or change the common values for the good of all, but are often too busy to act

• Tend to be optimistic, driven and team-oriented

• Envision technology and innovation as requiring a learning process.

• Tends to be more positive about authority, hierarchal structure and tradition.

• Many are very entrepreneurial. They want to contribute to the world and make a large impact.

• Are concerned about their health and the kind of foods they consume. Still, taste is king.


Has more disposable cash than any of our other markets and responds well to cash-back savings programs and the like. They also respond well to discounts for bulk purchases. Consider offering Canna by the case for a discounted rate. This group is big online shoppers and is more likely to use email to stay in touch and look for deals than social media. Twitter is a huge untapped outlet for reaching this group. There has been a dramatic influx of older generations using twitter in the last couple of years. Reach one and you can reach their entire follower base with product info and special offers.

Secondary Target Market

Young mothers


• Young busy moms are now competing against teenage males as the largest consumers of energy drinks

• Their habit, is to slurp one down as a “quick afternoon ‘pick-me-up’ before the kids come home

• 4 in 10 working mothers with children under the age of 18 report that they always feel rushed

• 86% of mothers say that they experience daily stress

• The majority of mothers drink their energy drinks on the sly. They want to keep sugary drinks out of kids reach and be a healthy role model


This group is likely to be more open and interested in the health benefits of Canna. They are calorie conscious and interested in keeping the amount of sugar and artificial colors and flavors at a minimum. Consider designing a can/ flavor specifically for this group that minimizes the marijuana leaf and emphasizes the health benefits. Canna might be able to break into this market as an energy drink mothers are willing to drink in public. The challenge lies in educating them on the benefits of hemp and providing them with the right way to explain to their kids that they are not “drinking marijuana”. One idea: launch a campaign (or partner with an existing campaign) that helps parents know how to talk to their kids about drugs.

Additional Market To Watch

In 2006 there were a record number of births in the US and 49% of those born were Hispanic.

This will change the American melting pot in terms of behavior and culture. The number of births in 2006 far outnumbered the start of the baby boom generation, and they will easily be a larger generation.

What our brand must achieve

• Set a new standard for energy drinksWe are not about fighting against what people want. We are about giving people more of what they want.

• Be the brand that eliminates fear about hemp products and propels them into the mainstreamOur brand must be a signal of truth. We must be trusted as a source of honest information about hemp and hemp products.

• Disrupt the status quoOur brand must grab our audience’s attention in a way that shakes up their thinking about what hemp is and what an energy drink should be.

Business Identity

Who we are

• Blatantly transparent

• Our message is bold

• Irreverent and rebellious

• Question the status quo

• All about freedom and personal choice

We want our message to inspire people to not settle. Every communication with customers should cause our audience to stop and consider their own life experience and applaud the life experience of others. We want our message to inspire our audience to do something different and try something new.

Here’s how we will accomplish that…

Break free

Every conversation we have with customers starts here. We are about empowering our customers to do something different. Take a chance. Decide what you want and go after it. Live life on your own terms.

The Break free message is a conversation opener. It’s the reason for talking with our audience about the key elements of our message:

• Canna Energy tastes fucking great

• We are nutritional hemp experts and advocates

• Our product is better for you than other energy drink options

Break free

When someone tells you it can’t be done, it’s a reflection of their limitation. Not yours.

Anthony Robles was born without a leg, but he didn’t let that stop him from becoming a national high school and college wrestling champion. In March of 2011, the All-American Arizona State University student won the NCAA championship title for the 125-pound weight class division.

“My spirit is unconquerable… I don’t care what’s probable. Through blood, sweat and tears, I am unstoppable.”

Canna Energy. The energy drink for those who live life on their own terms.

Break free

Your body. Your health. Your choice. Your life.

Meet Adrian. Adrian was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 41. Adrian has undergone 16 cycles of chemotherapy treatments and a bilateral mastectomy. She’s had 37 radiation treatments, along with a full hysterectomy and reconstruction surgery. And yet, during her treatment, she started a chapter of Sisters Network Inc., an African American breast cancer survivorship organization, because she wanted to educate other women about making their health a priority.

“Being diagnosed with cancer can be devastating… no matter what you may feel when you are sick, you will need help… I am able to smile every day as I am learning, loving and laughing with my family and friends at my side.”

Canna Energy

The better-for-you energy drink … that tastes fucking great.

Idea – Home page

Break free

Good for you. Won’t get you high. Tastes fucking great.

We think you can have it all. At least when it comes to your energy drink.

No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners

Low sugar

Delivers “sustainable” energy by infusing 50 mg of hemp seed oil into every can

Includes essential fatty acids including Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s in the right proportion for optimal benefit.

WILL NOT get you “high” and WILL NOT a cause a positive test for any illegal substances!

Flavor that will rock your world

Break Free – on the can

Add the tagline “Break free” and various quotes supporting that message on the cans.

• “Your mind can be either your prison or your palace. What you make is yours to decide.” –Bernard Kelvin Clive

• “Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.

• “The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back, you have indeed begun to set yourself free.”

• “Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.”

Content is an asset, not an expense

Our biggest recommendation for Canna Energy is to develop a Strategic Content Marketing Plan.

Content marketing is simply a strategic approach for building lasting, loyal relationships with customers. It’s about having a process for engaging with more customers through valuable and compelling content under the objective of driving more profitable customer action.

When you choose to invest in content marketing it’s important to understand that you are not acquiring content expenses. You are acquiring assets. Just like any other asset, your content should be viewed as an owned resource expected to provide future benefits. It’s something that can (and should) increase in value over time.

Challenges your content marketing must overcome

Appeal to your target market in a way that is attention grabbing and participatory while bridging the gap between those who are drawn to the marijuana leaf in your logo on it and those who are hesitant about consuming a hemp product.

Explain why Canna Energy is different without creating content that is all about Canna. Your marketing should focus on the customer, talking to, with and about them. In other words, stay away from marketing that starts with “Canna energy is….” “Canna energy is different….” It’s not all about Canna. It’s about your customer.

Educate consumers about hemp and hemp products without sounding preachy or boring.

Get your audience involved and invested in your brand by creating ways for them to contribute to the Canna Energy story. People support the things they’ve helped to create.


• Keyword research

• Sales materials for distributers– Frequent purchase reward program

– Attention grabbing end caps and front-of-store bins

– “Break Free” posters

– Develop sales pieces that are designed to grab people’s attention while they wait in line.

• Promo girls

• Blogging– Increase web traffic

– Great platform to talk about why Canna is better, build trust and establish position as market and thought leader

– Should be the hub of your content marketing

– Categories and tags are keywords

– Post should answer a question, concern or need your customers have

– Engage customers by asking them to contribute their own “break free” stories


• Social Media: Facebook, twitter, Google plus, pinterest, instagram

– Share “break free” stories

– Use “break free” to discuss uses for hemp

– Showcase strategic partners and their products.

– Ask fans to contribute their “Break free” pictures and stories.

– Publish weekly awards for the winner of the best “break free” story.

– Get distributers involved by asking them to share the break free stories they hear while out talking to customers. Educate distributers about how to use social media in a way that will support their own distribution area.

• Email/ Newsletter

– Generate email lists based on location through frequent purchase reward programs and special offers.

– Generate general email lists based on free offers on your website.

– Use an automated email system to alert subscribers to special deals, new products, and new places where Canna Energy is available in specific areas.

– Publish a monthly newsletter (perhaps positioned as a Digital Magazine) that highlights: news in the hemp industry, new products (yours and those of your strategic partners), “break free” stories, comics that use humor to disrupt the status quo, feature a fan, feature a distributor, highlight upcoming events.


• Online advertising/ PPC– The strategy: Use keyword research to find out what type of information your markets are looking for Create

content that answers that need Drive traffic to the content through PPC campaigns.

– Re-targeting

– Targeted “Break Free” ads that are strategically placed on hemp industry and non-hemp industry websites

• Public Relations– Hire a public relations agency or independent consultant when you want to begin building your reputation through

the media. A good agency or PR practitioner can analyze your organization, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive media stories.

• Speaking and Sponsorship Opportunities – Consider adding several speaking and sponsorship opportunities to your calendar at both hemp industry events and

non-hemp industry events, such as those that are about health and nutrition.

– Use these events to position Canna Energy as an industry leader and educator about the use of hemp in products.
