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Puppet Camp New York 2014: Streamlining Puppet Development Workflow

Date post: 27-Aug-2014
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"Streamlining Your Puppet Development Workflow" given at Puppet Camp New York by Tom Doran, Yelp
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Streamlining your puppet development workflow Tomas Doran @bobtfish 20140707
  • Streamlining your puppet development workflow Tomas Doran @bobtfish 2014-07-07
  • Why invest in your workflow? 2
  • More time 3
  • To concentrate on 4
  • The important things in life 5
  • Like dwarf fortress! 6
  • Why invest in your workflow? Productivity! Work smarter, not harder You spend a lot of time writing/testing/debugging code Optimizing that is worthwhile Faster development cycle is more productive 5% faster cycle 5% more time for testing Less bugs 7
  • Revision control You must have your code in revision control git is preferred fast + cheap branches everyone else uses it github gitolite ! svn is also workable 8
  • How do you run puppet? I like cron (daemon also fine) Two possible approaches noop mode automatically + manual apply Automatic apply 9
  • How do you run puppet? I like cron (daemon also fine) Two possible approaches noop mode automatically + manual apply Automatic apply 10
  • How do you run puppet? I like cron (daemon also fine) Two possible approaches noop mode automatically + manual apply Automatic apply I recommend automatic apply Scary (dont push to master unless youre confident!) puppet agent disable (monitor this!) Testing workflow Eventual consistency 11
  • Move just fast enough to not break everything Test so that youre confident Branch for every significant change Reduce batch size Small scary change easier to test Easier to roll back Otherwise - applying months of changes at once Really scary! Dont even know desired effects! Communicate! 12
  • Standalone mode puppet apply --modulepath modules/:vendor/modules/ --show_diff -- hiera_config=./standalone-hiera.yaml $@ manifests/site-standalone.pp ! 13
  • noop Use noop mode for testing! ssh -A "$HOST" -- "sh -c 'cd $DESTDIR/ $PUPPET_DIRNAME; ./tools/puppet-standalone --verbose --show_diff noop'" tools/what-would-happen-on 14
  • Dynamic environments git branch => puppet environment puppet agent -t environment my_test_branch ! puppet >= 2.7 has environment support Use puppetupdate or r10k to push branches (Links at the end!) 15
  • 16
  • Reporting Need to know what puppet did Puppet has logs + reporting functionality Push reports to: irc email (eww!) elasticsearch mysql puppetdb Saves compiled catalogs to disk tools/what-just-happened-on 17
  • Foreman 18
  • Norman 19
  • Puppet enterprise 20
  • puppet-syntax Ruby gem Trivial to add to your project Checks .pp, .erb, .yaml Fast enough to run pre-commit echo bundle exec rake syntax >.git/hooks/pre-commit chmod 755 .git/hooks/pre-commit 21
  • r10k/librarian - Puppetfile Awesome module deployment - with robots! Easy vendor/modules directory for modules from the forge Makes module = git repository pattern easier Not every module from the forge is useable immediately Fork on github (and make your changes open source)? Pull request and get them back upstream! Fork into internal git and modify. gitolite mirrors Improve performance No external dependencies Private forge (puppet-library) 22
  • Module template puppet module generate uses a template Start from the GDS example one: github.com/gds-operations/puppet-module-skeleton Modify to your taste! 23
  • Real testing No hard rules. Invest to the level thats right for you! Dev heavy teams Know about unit testing! Sysadmin heavy teams Less enthusiastic Do what provides value! 24
  • Feedback! Tighten your OODA loop! Dont care how! N.B. Automated tests dont work unless theyre automated. I.E. MUST run on commit Whatevers effective for your org 25
  • rspec-puppet Unit testing At least write a compile test for your code! Put it in your module template. Explicit dependencies FTW ! Use puppetlabs-spec-helper Inject mocks into spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp echo define my::complex::dependency ($foo, $bar) {} >> spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp 26
  • serverspec Spin up Vagrant VM and apply your code Check properties of: files ports services Acceptance testing Slower and heavier weight than unit tests Can be highly valuable! 27
  • Jenkins - simple Put your tests together so that they can be run as one job ! rake test task :test => [:syntax, :spec, :integration] Get Jenkins to run it on commit to master git polling + add a post-receive hook to curl Jenkins Shout in email + irc! 28
  • Jenkins - less simple If branches are cheap (i.e. git!) Encourages people to push branches Code review++ Adhoc Or pick your poison Run syntax checks and unit and/or integration tests on every branch. Report back to committer irc notification write in code review 29
  • Jenkins integration branches Jenkins can merge branches! Push a branch Jenkins picks it up Merges with master Runs tests If they pass, pushes results 30
  • Jenkins integration branches Jenkins can merge branches! Push a branch Jenkins picks it up Merges with master Runs tests If they pass, pushes results 31
  • Do everything in irc 32
  • True believers 33
  • 34
  • Policy vs Automation Testing is awesome Code review is awesome Process is the scar tissue from previous problems Empower people to change the process! If you make the tools simple to use People will use them! Make doing the right thing a no-brainer 35
  • Were hiring! NY, SF, Dublin, London! ! https://slideshare.net/bobtfish/ http://puppetlabs.com/blog/git-workflow-and-puppet-environments http://garylarizza.com/blog/2014/02/17/puppet-workflow-part-1/ http://garylarizza.com/blog/2014/02/18/puppet-workflow-part-3/ https://github.com/youdevise/puppetupdate https://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html http://puppetlabs.com/puppet/puppet-enterprise/ http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/reporting.html http://theforeman.org/ https://github.com/youdevise/norman/ https://github.com/youdevise/puppet-logstash-reporter/ https://github.com/gds-operations/puppet-module-skeleton https://github.com/drrb/puppet-library 36
