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Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment

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  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    Risk assessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded

    into a freshwater environment

    W.D. Di Marzioa,b,, M. Sa enza, J. Alberdia, M. Tortorellia, Galassi Silvanac

    aPrograma de Investigacion en Ecotoxicolog a, Departamento de Ciencias Basicas, Universidad Nacional de Lujan, C.C. 221, 6700 Lujan B, ArgentinabComision Nacional de Investigaciones Cient ficas y Tecnicas CONICET

    cUniversita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Dip. di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Milano, Italia

    Received 13 November 2003; received in revised form 14 September 2004; accepted 18 October 2004

    Available online 26 January 2005


    An ecotoxicologic study was performed to assess the environmental status of the Luja n River. It is an important freshwater

    system in the northeast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Surface waters (SWs) and liquids effluents (LEs), before they reached

    the river, and sediments were assessed via acute toxicity screening using a battery of tests with native species. Additionally, the

    presence, in each LE and SW sample, of bioaccumulatable compounds was checked by SPME extraction and gas chromatograph-

    MS determination. An environmental risk assessment of each LE was carried out via toxic units and assessment factors approach

    and through extrapolation methods. Hazardous concentrations for each LE were compared with their river effluent concentrations.

    Ninety-one percent (91%) of the total toxic load of the river was due to 4 of 11 LEs (37%) evaluated. Although SW samples were

    not toxic, a real environmental risk was found for this freshwater environment. Sediment toxicity was found to be related to the

    proximity to pipe discharges. Bioaccumulatable compounds were found in SWs and in LEs. Esters of phthalic acids, morpholine,

    hydroquinone, and nonylphenol were found throughout the river at different sample sites and in different months during the 1-year

    sampling program.

    r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Environmental risk assessment; River; Bioaccumulatable compounds; Acute toxicity; Sediments; Toxic units; Assessment factors;

    Extrapolation methods

    1. Introduction

    The utility of a battery of biotests is well established

    for environmental hazard assessment of chemicals and

    chemical products, and biotests are used routinely to

    evaluate the toxicity of complex mixtures such as

    industrial wastewaters (Baun and Nyholm, 1996). Atoxicity evaluation is an important parameter in waste-

    water quality monitoring, as it provides an overview of

    the response of test organisms to all the compounds in

    the wastewater (Wang et al., 2003).

    The Luja n Rivers basin is situated in the northeast of

    Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. It emerges from the

    confluence of the Los Leones and El Durazno streams

    and runs 130 km through an area of 2300km2. One

    million people are connected to this area. It receives thedischarge of industrial and sewage effluents from its

    source to its outlet in the Ro de la Plata River.

    Furthermore, the Luja n River runs through a region

    with typical agricultural and cattle activity. Its water

    quality had deteriorated throughout the three decades

    prior to this study (Sa enz et al., 1996; Alberdi et al.,

    1996). Sporadic fish die-offs had been observed through-

    out the river. As a result, the interaction of people with

    the river was reduced, since almost no recreational


    0147-6513/$- see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Corresponding author. Programa de Investigacio n en Ecotoxico-

    loga, Departamento de Ciencias Ba sicas, Universidad Nacional de

    Luja n, C.C. 221, 6700 Luja n B, Argentina. Fax: +54 2323 423171x285.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected].

    edu.ar (W.D. Di Marzio).

  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    activities on the river were possible. The people of the

    region feel that the river is polluted and that anything

    originating in its water is contaminated. No one seems

    to be responsible for this deterioration or for halting it.

    As in lotic systems, pollution seems to come from

    upstream; thus, each city and industry minimizes its

    responsibility.Environmental legislation does not include toxicity

    evaluation of liquid effluents (LEs) discharged into the

    Luja n River. To assess the environmental hazard of the

    discharges into the river, both the physico-chemical (PC)

    and toxic characteristics should be evaluated (Grothe

    and Reed-Judkins, 1996). An evaluation of the toxicity

    of the surface water (SW) and the toxic load that is

    being incorporated into the system should give us a

    picture of the rivers status. Studies of wastewater

    effluents indicate that toxicity tests have a viable role

    in water quality monitoring and control in rural areas.

    Sponza (2003) demonstrated that there is no single

    method that constitutes a comprehensive approach to

    aquatic life protection. For this reason, a spectrum of

    toxicity tests containing sensitive microorganisms

    should be applied to complement each other and

    chemical analyses. Wang et al. (2003) indicated that

    bioassays of SW and domestic effluent concentrates

    have considerable potential as a monitoring tool for

    organic contaminants in water. Bioassays of aquatic

    concentrates provide a direct functional response to the

    overall toxic properties of the mixtures of compounds

    present in a sample. Bioassays also are a cost-effective

    alternative to comprehensive chemical analysis. A

    toxicity identification approach allows connections tobe drawn between the toxic effects observed with the

    compounds detected. This type of information can help

    one select appropriate treatments or source-reduction


    We proposed a study to identify zones within the river

    that show acute toxicity to native organisms, to create

    toxic load profiles for the more important industries and

    domestic effluents discharged, and to measure the

    environmental risk via a toxic-unit approach and by

    using extrapolation methods. Bioassays with native

    aquatic organisms were performed. We also conducted

    a qualitative survey of the bioaccumulatable compoundsfound in water samples of the Luja n River and in liquids

    effluents (LEs) prior to discharge.

    2. Materials and methods

    During 2003, water samples were taken from the

    surface of the Luja n River at 2-month intervals. During

    each sampling period samples were taken for 15 days at

    six sampling points. Fig. 1 shows the area under study

    and the sampling sites that cover the run of the river

    from sources to outlet. These sites are characterized as

    follows: Site 1 (Los Leones), an unpolluted stream. Site

    2 (El Durazno) is a stream that is influenced by effluents

    from the milk industry. Site 3 (Suipacha) is where the

    Luja n River rises from the confluence of the Los Leones

    and El Durazno streams. Site 4 is where the river

    receives effluents from chemical industries and from the

    city of Mercedes, which had no wastewater treatmentplant at the time of this study. At Site 5 (Las Tropas) the

    river receives effluents from the textile, meat, tannery,

    and enzyme purification industries. At Site 6 (La Loma)

    the river receives the effluents of the sewage plant of the

    city of Luja n, of textile, chemical, and food industries.

    At each point water samples were taken at 1 m below

    the surface by a horizontal water bottle made of

    polyvinyl chloride (Wildco Beta). The river flow

    measurement was obtained from an automatic flow

    meter placed downstream of the city of Mercedes by

    personnel of the Department of Hydrology of Buenos

    Aires Province. PC parameters of water samples were

    measured in situ by a water quality checker for

    simultaneous multiparameter measurement (HORIBA

    U10). These parameters were dissolved in oxygen

    concentration, turbidity, salinity, conductivity, tempera-

    ture, and pH. We also evaluated the chemical oxygen

    demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

    of each water sample according to APHA-AWWA-

    WPCF (1998). An Ekman dredge was used to take

    sediment samples. All sediment samples were compo-

    sites of five grab samples at each sampling point. They

    were characterized by pH, ammonia, sulfide, and

    organic matter. Standard methods for these parameters

    were according to APHA-AWWA-WPCF (1998).

    2.1. Toxicity tests

    Acute toxicity assessment of water samples was

    performed with the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda

    and the following native organisms: the microcrustacean

    Daphnia spinulata, the amphipod Hyalella curvispina,

    and the poeciliid Cnesterodon decemmaculatum. Tests

    were performed following the United States Environ-

    mental Protection Agency (US EPA, 1991) and OECD

    (1981) guidelines for receiving waters and LEs.

    2.1.1. Algal toxicity tests

    The strain S. quadricauda CCAP 276-21 was used in

    96-h algal toxicity tests. Algal stock cultures were

    maintained in modified Detmers nutrient medium (pH

    7.5) under controlled conditions in a climatized room at

    2271 1C, 3000 lx/cm2 of continuous cool-white fluor-

    escent lighting, and 100 excursions/min on a shaker

    (Walsh, 1988). The inocula were prepared from these

    cultures to provide an initial cell density of 5 104 cell/

    ml in treated and control flasks. Test solutions consisted

    of enriched river water samples with algal medium

    nutrient solutions. Control cultures were incubated in


  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    the same medium. Control and treated cultures were

    grown under the same conditions of temperature,

    photoperiod, and shaking and were carried out intriplicate. Each toxicity test was conducted three times.

    Cell counts were correlated with absorbance (750 nm) on

    a Shimadzu MUV 240 spectrophotometer (Walsh,

    1988). Definitive protocols for toxicity testing using this

    species are described in Sa enz et al. (1996).

    2.1.2. Microcrustacean toxicity test

    Microcrustacean tests were performed with D. spinu-

    lata, a native Argentine cladoceran zooplankton that is

    widespread in freshwater environments of Buenos Aires

    Province. Acute toxicity tests under static conditions

    were carried out with D. spinulatao

    24h old. Testconditions were static or without the renewal of

    medium, 48 h in duration, and conducted at 2071 1C

    in the dark. Organisms placed in artificial pond water

    (pH, 7.870.2; total hardness, 95.876m g CO3Ca/L;

    conductivity, 475.5746.3mS/cm; and alkalinity,

    189.3714.5 mg CO3Ca/L) served as controls. Definitive

    protocols for toxicity testing using these species are

    described in Alberdi et al. (1996).

    2.1.3. Amphipod toxicity tests

    The native amphipod H. curvispina was selected as the

    test organism. H. curvispina were collected from a

    population in an artificial pond in a field of Universidad

    Nacional de Luja n. They were placed in laboratory

    tanks of 500 L with a continuous flow of groundwaterunder natural conditions (water quality: hardness,

    126mg CO3Ca/L; conductivity, 800mS/cm; pH, 8.26;

    alkalinity, 412 mg CO3Ca/L). Ten-day-old individuals

    were chosen because of there relative sensitivity [EC50,

    96 h in 0.31 mg potassium dichromate/L (confidence

    interval of 0.120.53 at Po0:05)] and size appropriatefor test handling (Simionato et al., 1997). An age control

    was made using the equation Tlen 0:71 0:037t;where Tlen is the total length in millimeters and t is the

    time in days. The dilution water (DW) proposed for

    Borgmann (1996) was used in the experiments because it

    includes the bromide ion essential to Hyalella sp. Thewater quality for the DW was hardness, 82 mg CO3Ca/

    L; conductivity, 500mS/cm; pH, 8.3; and alkalinity,

    212 mg CO3Ca/L. Other conditions were a temperature

    of 2171 1C and a 12-h dark/light photoperiod. SWs and

    LEs were assayed with 10-day-old and adult organisms.

    A 96-h static test was carried out in darkness with 40

    amphipods of each age per sample. Definitive protocols

    are described in Di Marzio et al. (1999).

    2.1.4. Fish toxicity tests

    Fish toxicity tests were performed with species C.

    decemmaculatum. It is a native member of the Family



    20 kmSuipacha



    Buenos Aires


    Rio de la Plata

    Lujn river



    1 2 3


    sampling sites

    Fig. 1. Map of the study area (the Luja n River basin). Numbers are the SW and sediment sampling sites.


  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    Poeciliidae that is widespread in the temperate water

    region throughout Buenos Aires Province. Its regional

    distribution reaches larger rivers in the Patagonia area,

    such as the Neuque n River, which has colder waters.

    Ninety-six-hour semistatic acute tests were conducted.

    Fish captured in an artificial freshwater pond were

    acclimated in groundwater (pH, 7.9; conductivity,400mS/cm; dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration.

    8.20 mg/L; hardness, 98 mg CaCO3/L) for 20 days under

    environmental test conditions. During this period

    they were fed daily with natural (algae+Daphnia sp.)

    and artificial food, not exceeding 5% of their total

    individual weight. Tests were made using ground-

    water in glass aquaria at 2071 1C and a photoperiod

    of 12 h light/12 h dark. The final volume was 2 L in order

    to get a loading rate of 0.5 g of fish/L. Samples and the

    control were quadruplicated. Eighty individuals of 1

    month in age were used for each sample (40 males/40

    females). Each aquarium was aerated to ensure a

    DO concentration greater than 5 mg/L. The solutions

    were renewed daily. Every 24h the mortality was

    recorded. The definitive protocol is described in Di

    Marzio et al. (1996).

    2.2. Sediment test

    Sediment toxicity was assessed with H. curvispina in a

    10-day test. Sediment test conditions are summarized as

    follows: river sediment/control sediment; homogenized

    50 g/250-mL DW; eight replicates; 1015-day-old H.

    curvispina. The overlying water was aerated and cleaned

    every 24 h. Mortality and growth were recorded at theend of exposure. Sediment of an unpolluted stream

    containing less than 3% organic matter was used as the

    control in the experiments. Sediment organic matter was

    measured according to APHA-AWWA-WPCF (1998).

    Further details of the protocol used are in US EPA

    (1998) and Di Marzio et al. (1999).

    2.3. Analytical determination of bioaccumulatable

    compounds in surface water and liquid effluents

    Grab samples for analytical determinations were

    collected at each sampling point or effluent. They wererefrigerated at 4 1C and kept in glass containers that

    were rinsed with tap water followed by high-purity

    water prior to the addition of the samples. They were

    filtered across a 0.45-m-fiber glass filter and pH

    corrected at 7.5 according to Gert Jan de Maagd

    (2000). Samples were placed in 4-ml vials with a Teflon-

    faced septum. A manual solid-phase microextraction

    holder was used with unbonded fibers of polydimethyl-

    siloxane (PDMS) at a stationary phase of 100- and 7-mm

    film thickness and one of 85 mm of polyacrylate (PAC)

    (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). These were conditioned

    as follows: PDMS 100 at 250 1C for 1h, PDMS 7 at

    320 1C for 3 h, and PAC 85 at a 3001C gas chromato-

    graph (GC) injector temperature for 2 h. The fibers were

    immersed into the sample, which was heated to 25 1C

    and agitated with a magnetic stirring bar at 560 rpm.

    The adsorption time was 1 h. The fibers were then

    immediately inserted into the GC injector and the

    analysis was carried out. The desorption time was 4 minand the desorption temperature was set at 2801C. A

    Shimadzu gas chromatograph 17A V 1.3 model with

    mass spectrometer QP 5050A and an MS Workstation

    Class 5000 (Shimadzu Corp., 1999) were used. Experi-

    mental conditions included PTE-5 fused-silica capillary

    column 30 m 0.25 mm 0.25-mm film thickness (Su-

    pelco); a linear velocity of carrier Helio, 36.2 cm/s,

    splitless, with sampling time of 4 min and total flow of

    11.7 mL/min; a temperature program of 100 1C for 2 min

    heated to a final temperature of 280 1C at 10 1C/min and

    held at this temperature for 10min; an injector

    temperature of 2801C; and a capillary interface tem-

    perature of 280 1C. The mass spectrometer detector scan

    mode ranged from 50 to 350m/z.

    Computer searching of the acquired mass spectral

    data against libraries of reference mass spectra was used.

    The NIST (1998) and Wiley Library (1995) libraries of

    mass spectra were used. The NIST database reference

    mass spectra was of 142,341 compounds with 99% of

    molecular formula associated. Wiley had 229,119

    compounds with more than 40% of the molecular

    structure associated. PBM o probability-based matching

    algorithm for calculating the similarity index (SI)

    between spectra was used. The SI quantitatively

    expresses the difference between the spectrum of anunknown sample and a spectrum registered in a library.

    In general, the differences between the respective

    intensities of the spectral peaks at a certain mass

    number are determined and the smaller those differences

    are, the greater the degree of similarity. The following

    equation was used:

    SI 1 Ium=z Itm=z Pm=zm=z

    Ium=z Itm=z






    where Ium=z is the relative spectral intensity for massnumber m=z of the mass spectrum of an unknownsample. Itm=z is the relative spectral intensity for massnumber m=z of the mass spectrum registered in a library.If the patterns of the two mass spectra are identical the

    SI is 100, and, conversely, if they are completely

    different the SI will be 0. We take into account

    compounds with a SI greater than 70. The coefficient

    of partition octanol/water log Por log Kow was obtained

    for each compound by using the Clog P program.

    Bioconcentration factors (BCF) were determined by


  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    Connells equation (Connell, 1990) as follows:

    log BCF 6:9 103log Kow41:85 101log Kow


    1:55log Kow2 4:18 log Kow 4:79:

    2.4. Physico-chemical characterization of liquid effluents

    The following parameters were used according to

    APHA-AWWA-WPCF (1998): COD, BOD, pH, alka-

    linity, sulfide, sulfate, conductivity, free chlorine, am-

    monium, salinity, chloride, reactive phosphorous,

    nitrate, hardness, and residual solids after 10 and

    120 min of settling. The majority of these are included

    in the official regulations for LEs discharged into SW.

    2.5. Statistical analysis

    A one-way statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA)

    (Po0:05) in conjunction with Dunnets test was used tocompare responses with the control using the computer

    program Toxstat V 3.5 (WEST, Inc., 1996). Regression

    analysis in conjunction with ANOVA was made

    between mortality and organic matter data from

    sediment toxicity tests using the program Statistica for


    LC50 or EC50 and their fiducial limits at 95% were

    determined by a probit method using the US EPA

    program V5 1.4 (US EPA, 1991; Berthouex and Brown,

    1994; Sparks, 2000). Effluent samples were analyzed by

    principal component analysis (PCA) to explore the

    degree of correlation in the toxicity tests and PC

    parameters. Two matrices were constructed, one usingthe PC parameters alone and the second considering the

    PC and the toxicity indices for all species assayed. The

    11 LEs were the horizontal rows of the PCA data

    matrix. The PCA was performed using StatGraphics

    Plus software V 2.1.

    3. Results

    3.1. Water quality

    The range of in situ physicochemical parameters

    measured for 1 year is shown in Table 1. The arithmetic

    mean of the flow of the Luja n River is 1.159 m3/s with a

    standard deviation of 4.513 and a coefficient of variation

    of 389%. The COD and BOD values are plotted with

    DO concentrations in Fig. 2.


    Table 1

    The range of physico-chemical parameters measured in 150 water samples from the Luja n River

    Parameter Summer Autumn Winter Spring

    Total flow (m3/s) 07.44 1.312.3 110.4 0.2314.69

    Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 018.95 1.946.76 2.597.34 0.5313.11

    Conductivity (mS/cm) 159011790 12006500 10205000 6005500

    Salinity (%)[AU: What unit intended here?] 0.013.00 0.011.90 0.011.79 0.012.5

    Turbidity (nephelometric units) 90 to 1000 50700 50400 120 to 41000

    Temperature (1C) 1827.5 1219 813 1024

    PH 8.511.4 89.2 7.69 810.9

    Fig. 2. The DO concentration, BOD, and COD averages of all sampling sites. Values are in mg/L.


  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    3.2. Surface water toxicity tests

    Nontoxicity effects were observed for the algal tests in

    the majority of the samples. On the contrary, a

    stimulation of algal growth ranging between 20% and

    70% with respect to the control was observed for all

    samples taken in winter and spring. This could berelated to the accumulation of nutrients or their

    improved bioavailability, which occurs during this

    period in aquatic environments (Margalef, 1983).

    Samples taken in the summer close to pipe discharges

    of chemical industries, in the cities of Mercedes and

    Luja n, showed toxicity of about 60% inhibition,

    conductivity values of 12,000mS/cm, and a pH of 11

    (Fig. 3).

    In the majority of experiments with D. spinulata,

    immobility was not observed in the organisms exposed

    or was lower than 15%; only in five experiments was the

    immobility 100% after 48 h of exposure. Nontoxicity

    effects were observed in D. spinulata in the majority of

    samples, excepts in Sites 46 in the summer samples and

    Site 4 in the winter samples (significant differences,

    ANOVADunnettest at Po0:05). These results coin-cided when high values of conductivity and salinity and

    low values of DO were recorded. Fish mortality was not

    recorded in any surface samples.

    3.3. Effluent toxicity tests and physico-chemical


    Physicochemical data and the results of toxicity tests

    for each LE are reported in Table 2.Fig. 4 shows the PCA results taking the PC data of

    each effluent. Three groups were obtained: Group a,

    Mme, MCMe, and MS formed for domestic liquids;

    Group b, TL1, TL2, TMCMe, FS, Cme, ML, and CL

    (this joined mainly chemical effluents or mixed with

    organics); and Group c, with only BL as a member (M,

    municipal; T, textile; C, chemical; F, food; B, biotech-

    nology; L, city of Luja n; Me, city of Mercedes; S, city of

    Suipacha.; 1, component 1; 2, component 2). Group b

    was discriminated in PCA analysis according to specific

    PC values regarding pH, conductivity, sulfate, ammo-nium, BOD, and COD variables.

    However, PCA performed with all parameters, PC

    plus the toxicity index (Figs. 5 and 6), defines the

    following groups: Group a, MCMe, Mme, and MS;

    Group b, FS, TMCMe, and Cme; Group c, TL2, TL1,

    ML, and CL; and Group d, BL. The latter is the more

    toxic effluent assayed and between Groups a, b, and c it

    is possible to say that there are differences in both PC

    and toxicity values, defining the rank of toxicity as


    3.4. Sediment toxicity tests

    Sediment samples were toxic in sites close to industrial

    and municipal discharges (Sites 46). There was a

    relationship between organic matter concentration and

    individual mortality (Fig. 7). Sediment pH values ranged

    from 6 to 7.6; sulfide concentrations were not detectable;

    ionized ammonia (NH4+) was 50600 mg/L. Higher

    values of NH4+ were found next to higher organic

    matter contents (OMC) and ranged between 350 and

    600 mg/L for sampling Sites 46.

    3.5. Bioaccumulatable compounds

    Table 3 indicates a qualitative screening of the

    bioaccumulatable compounds and suspected hormonal

    disruptors found.


    Time relative scale (days)











    -5 5 15 25 35 45 5

    algal growth

    Stimulation growth %

    Inhibition growth %


    winter springsampling points order






    Fig. 3. Algae growth responses in the Luja n River samples. Control growth at 96 h is considered to be 100%. Growth lesser or greater than that of

    the control is considered inhibition or stimulation, respectively. Growth o80 or 4120% was significant at Po0:05 (ANOVADunnets test).

  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    4. Discussion

    Acute toxicity of SWs was infrequent for animals (fish

    and invertebrates) and related to special environmental

    conditions, such as samples with heavy conductivity and

    salinity. On the other hand, algal growth stimulation

    was observed in many of the assayed samples. It is

    possible that this stimulation is related to phosphorous

    (P) bioavailability, since it is a key factor that defines the

    algal growth. Phosphorous is usually the limiting

    nutrient for algal growth in freshwater environments.

    In the regional legislation, before discharge an effluent

    must meet a limit concentration of total phosphorous

    (TP) of less than 10 mg/L. But TP alone is not the best

    criterion for eutrophication control measures (Ekholm

    and Krogerus, 1998). Fig. 3 shows that a stimulation of

    growth, with respect to the control, was largely

    observed, despite all controls and river samples being


    Table 2

    Physico-chemicals parameters of assayed effluents, all values are expressed in mg/L

    Parameter TL TL BL ML CL T+M+CM MM M+CM CM MS FS

    COD 548 190 1754 468 240 792 216 36 71 159 250

    BOD 300 40 890 140 50 270 110 10 20 54 90

    SS 10 min 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 4 0 0.25 0 0

    SS 120 min 0 0 0.1 0.9 0 0 4 0.1 0.25 0 0pH 11.42 8.26 7.6 7.82 8.1 7.12 6.84 7.15 7.91 7.20 7.09

    Conductivity 2900 1200 8000 1480 12,000 631 210 152 158 251 184

    Salinity 2 1 5.3 0.9 5 0.32 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.08

    Free chlorine 0 0.06 0.05 0.09 0.04 0 0.06 0.05 0.09 0 0.06

    Sulfide 0.13 0.08 13.9 0.04 0.2 0.072 0.052 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.032

    Ammonium 5.4 5.4 1214.2 28.4 100 12.5 12.9 0.20 0.25 2.9 13.6

    Nitrate 4.8 3.5 11.4 1.1 3.5 13.2 10.5 32.9 13.7 14.7 14.9

    Reactive phosphorous 0.14 1.49 54.13 12.33 0.1 0.81 6.53 2.09 0.68 3.21 8.88

    Sulfate 103.7 147 2647.2 121 40 86 90 112 25 79 120

    Alkalinity 170 65 135 60 400 600 580 510 470 630 700

    Chloride 15 35 20 25 2,000 200 35 20 22 38 20

    Hardness 0 17.1 58.5 19.5 130 258.1 325 334.5 152.9 372.8 219.8

    Algae 17.32 100 35 4.25 71 5.61 100 100 4.3 100 6.89

    Cladocerans 16.52 100 4.95 71 17.32 NT 17.32 70.71 NT NT NT

    Amphipod adult 17.32 70 4.24 28.98 70.7 NT 30.33 55.82 NT NT NT

    Amphipod young 3 4.24 1.97 50.86 17.32 NT 11.77 43.75 NT NT NT

    Fish 6 100 3 71 35.35 NT 2.22 6.86 NT 71 NT

    Conductivity is expressed in mS/cm, salinity in %, acute toxicity endpoints as effluent percentage (%). SS are solids at 10 and 120 min of

    sedimentation. NT, not acute toxicity; T, textile; B, biotechnology; C, chemical; M, municipal; F, food effluents. Superscripts: L, city of Luja n; M,

    city of Mercedes; S, city of Suipacha.

    Component 1 (62 %)











    -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3-1.8






    Fig. 4. Two-dimensional scattergrams corresponding to the distribu-

    tion of the PC parameters of each effluent. M, municipal; T, textile; C,

    chemical; F, food; B, biotechnology; L, city of Luja n; Me, city of

    Mercedes; and S, city of Suipacha. The two components explained

    75% of total variance.

    Component 1













    -2 0 2 4 6 8






    Fig. 5. Two-dimensional scattergram corresponding to the distribu-

    tion of the PC parameters of each effluent and the toxicity indices for

    all assayed species. M, municipal; T, textile; C, chemical; F, food; B,

    biotechnology; L, city of Luja n; Me, city of Mercedes; and S, city of

    Suipacha. The two components explained 75% of total variance.


  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    spiked with the same PO4-P concentrations. Algae are

    able to use several sources of P, such as reactive and

    nonreactive phosphorous and particulate P. In addition,

    increased bioavailability due to strongly alkaline condi-

    tions likely occurs during toxicity testing carried out

    with algae (Persson, 1990). Also, algal toxicity may be

    correlated significantly with some components of SWs.Graff et al. (2003) found that parameters like COD,

    hardness, conductivity, total suspended solids, and

    dissolved organic carbon were significant factors affect-

    ing toxicity from river waters.

    The importance of using a battery of species in the

    LEs evaluation is remarked upon in this study. PCA

    analysis was a good tool to express how PC parameters

    and TI can together give a complete understanding of

    each effluent. LEs could be grouped regarding their

    organic, industrial, or mixed nature based on their

    toxicity. Results from toxicity tests performed with

    aquatic invertebrates seem to be explained by some PC

    variables like COD or ammonium (Fig. 7). Fish and

    algae were not linked with any effluent-based PC

    measured. This would confirm the idea that an effluent

    might be within permitted PC limits yet still be toxic.

    The discharge of sewage into SWs represents a major

    source of pollutants globally (Walker et al., 1996). Wang

    et al. (2003) showed that municipal sewage treatment

    plants were contributing to the total biological toxicityemission of receiving water bodies. They remarked that

    the preservation of the ecology of rivers and lakes

    requires regulations that consider ecotoxicity.

    Domestic wastes are discharged mainly into sewage

    systems. Industrial wastes are discharged either into

    sewage systems or directly into SWs. Several treatments

    may be applied to these effluents to improve their

    quality before they are discharged. The more popular

    wastewater treatment plant consists of a suspended and

    aerated culture of microorganisms forming microstruc-

    tures called flocs or activated sludges. Others include

    oxidation lagoons, biofilters, and bed reactors. All of

    these treatments improve the water quality of the

    effluents in terms of COD, BOD, and suspended solids

    removal; further treatments will remove mainly phos-

    phate and nitrate. Before effluents are discharged, they

    must meet the threshold values for these parameters as

    defined on environmental legislation. The aim of this

    regulation is to prevent oxygen depletion and eutrophi-

    cation of water bodies. But it does not include limits on

    toxicity and the toxic load of effluents into the

    environment. Buenos Aires Province has no regulatory

    protocol to measure either acute or chronic ecotoxicity.

    In this work, we have shown that LEs being discharged

    into the Luja n River are ecotoxic even when they meetthe legal requirements for an authorized discharge.

    The toxic unit (TU) measures the strength of each LE

    assessed. It is expressed as a fraction or proportion of its

    lethal or effective threshold concentration: actual

    percentage of the (LE)/L(E)C50. If this number is


    Component 1













    -2.1 -0.1 1.9 3.9 5.9 7.9






    Fig. 6. Biplot of two-dimensional scattergram corresponding to the

    distribution of PC parameters of each effluent and the toxicity indices

    for all assayed species. The partial correlation for each variable is

    shown. The two components explained 75% of total variance.

    Organic matter OM (%)










    0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32

    Regression95% confid.


    = 0.905

    M = 3.929 * OM - 10.85Fisher's value = 36.06 p < 0.05

    Los Leones S1

    Suipacha S3 El durazno S2

    Las Tropas S5

    Mercedes S4 La Loma S6

    Fig. 7. Regression analysis (significant at Po0:05) between OMC in sediments and mortality recorded for the amphipod H. curvispina. The Fvaluewas 14.11 at Po0:05; the confidence interval of the slopes was 1.096.61 at Po0:05: S1 is Site 1, S2 is Site 2, etc.

  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    greater than 1, more than half of a group of aquatic

    organisms will be killed or affected by the LE. TUs were

    used to calculate the toxic load of each effluent as

    ToxLoad UT FLE, where FLE is the flow of LE (see

    Table 4).

    A frequent approach to defining an environmental

    threshold of LE to avoid acute effects on native

    organisms is to consider that no effect occurs when thepercentage of LE dilution in the river water is lower than

    0.3 TUs (Grothe and Reed-Judkins, 1996). The toxicity

    index for the more sensitive species is taken and is

    compared with the expected LE dilution, taking into

    account its flow and the mean flow or some critical flow

    value for the river and to obtain a river concentration

    value (RCV). [The RCV could also be termed the

    predicted environmental concentration for each efflu-

    ent.] The RCV in our study was calculated according to

    the following equation:


    where FLE is the flow of LE and FRM is the mean flow

    for the river. Table 4 shows the RCV and TU for each

    LE evaluated. Six of 11 of the LEs studied represent a

    hazard in terms of acute toxicity to aquatic organisms.

    The assessment factor (AF) may also be used to

    extrapolate from the lowest chronic no observed effect

    concentration (NOEC) to the field situation, from short

    to long exposure time, and from the concentration with

    acute effects to the NOEC. For each extrapolation step

    a factor of 10 is suggested. Consequently, if a data set

    contains only one LC(E)50 for one species, the environ-

    mental concern level is estimated from LC(E)50/

    10 10 10 (OECD, 1995). We use also this approach

    taking an AF of 100 since our scope was to define an

    acute environmental threshold. We have taken for each

    LE the more sensitive species and divided it by 100 as

    the acute AF. Obtained data are shown in Table 3;

    according to the AF approach, we find environmental

    risk only for one effluent, a chemical industry discharged

    near the city of Mercedes.Another approach to defining a hazardous concentra-

    tion (HC) for the substances or LEs is through

    extrapolation methods. A common feature of these

    methods is that they use the toxicity data for all tested

    species instead of those for more sensitive species and

    derive a maximum tolerable concentration or a HC

    (OECD, 1995). The variability in the sensitivity of the

    test species is assumed to be representative of the

    variability of all species in the aquatic community. Table

    4 indicates these HC values according to the models of

    Wagner and Lkke (1991) and Aldenberg and Slob

    (1993), both recommended methods by OECD (1995).In this case, all LEs will be hazardous for the aquatic

    organisms present in the waters of the Luja n River, at

    least with respect to their potential to exert acute


    Although the SWs have not produced an acute

    toxicity it is probable that a real environmental risk

    exists in this freshwater environment. However, from an

    empirical point of view, we must also remark that the

    three approaches overestimated the environmental risk

    for the assayed LEs in the order TUoAFoHC. The

    breach between the LEs and SW toxicity could be

    explained by chelation and the distribution process. It is


    Table 3

    Organic compounds found in surface water and liquid effluents

    Log Kow Log BCF Compound Effluents Sample

    4.51 3.35 1,2-Dichloronaphtalene TMCMe Mercedes (4)

    2 1.26 Phenol, 4-methyl ML, CL La Loma (6)

    NC NC Phenol, 2-chloro-5-methyl CL La Loma (6)

    0.59 2.83 Hydroquinonea TL1, TL2, ML La Loma (6), Las Tropas (5)4.79 3.33 Phenanthrene Not found La Loma (6)

    8.23 3.9 p-Nonylphenola MS, FS, ML, TMCMe La Loma (6)

    NC NC Nonylphenol diethoxylate ML Las Tropas (6)

    3.53 2.28 4-Heptanol TL1, TL2 Las Tropas (6)

    5.29 4.07 Phenol, 4,40methylethylidene,bis- Not found Las Tropas (5)

    3.80 2.58 1-Butanol, 4-butoxy TL1, TL2 Las Tropas (5)

    4.98 3.81 3,3-Dimethyl, 14-heptanol Not found Las Tropas (5)

    3.42 2.17 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid MS, ML, Cme La Loma (6)

    5.19 4.32 di-n-Butyl phthalatea Ml, CL, MS, MMe Mercedes (4)

    1.08 NC Morpholinea TL1, TL2, ML Mercedes (4)

    4.79 3.99 Diethyl phthalatea ML, TL1, TL2 Mercedes (4), La Loma (6)

    3.02 1.78 Furanone, 5-ethyldihydro-5-methyl Not found Las Tropas (5)

    BCF, bioconcentration factor; Kow, coefficient of partition for octanol/water; NC, not calculated; M, municipal; T, textile; C, chemical; F, food; L,

    city of Luja n; Me, city of Mercedes; S, city of Suipacha; 1, component 1; 2, component 2. In parentheses are the numbers of each site sample (referFig. 1).

    aDetected throughout the sampling year.

    W.D. Di Marzio et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 61 (2005) 380391388

  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    known that humic and fulvic acids reduce the bioavail-

    ability of heavy metals. Organic compounds could reach

    bottom sediments by being adsorbed by suspended

    solids. Biodegradation of these compounds is also

    possible, but the results showed a permanent deficit of

    oxygen in all sampling sites, indicating an oxygen-

    stressed environment with a COD:BOD:DO relation-

    ship as high as 350:25:5 (see Fig. 2). In that way, aerobic

    processes could be reduced, resulting in an increasing

    environmental half-life for these organic chemicals.

    In this scenario, one would expect to find toxicity in

    the sediments. This is related to interstitial waterconcentrations of chemicals and is a function of the

    concentrations sorbed to sediment organic carbon under

    equilibrium conditions. It has been reported that the

    toxicity of sediments is largely due to interstitial water

    (Swartz and Di Toro, 1997). Organic matter plays an

    important part in determining chemical bioavailability.

    Higher OMC increases chemical sorption, reducing the

    final concentration in interstitial water (Power and

    Chapman, 1992; Swartz and Di Toro, 1997). The

    positive relationship between OMC and sediment

    toxicity on H. curvispina would be related to higher


    concentrations, which were measured in samplingpoints with lesser DO concentrations. High values of

    NH4+ concentrations could be able to mask chronic

    effects due to other organic and inorganic chemicals. In

    these environments nitrification processes could be

    reduced. The results obtained with sediment toxicity

    tests can be an important tool for making decisions

    regarding the extent of remedial action needed for the

    Mercedes, Las Tropas, and La Loma contaminated

    sites. Lethal effects on fish were not found in any of the

    water samples assayed. Toxicity tests with different

    aquatic organisms indicated that zones with potential

    acute toxicity were near the points of discharge of LEs

    from the cities of Mercedes and Luja n. This acute

    toxicity could be related to high conductivity, salinity,

    and pH and low DO concentrations. This study

    indicated that toxicity and possible eutrophication

    problems were mainly located in the lower river due to

    the discharge of both industrial and sewage effluents

    from the cities of Mercedes and Luja n.

    As was shown in Table 3, potential bioaccumulatable

    compounds were found. Ester of phthalic acids,

    morpholine, hydroquinone, and nonylphenol (NP) were

    found in all samples taken at Sites 46 and in many of

    the tested effluents. NP, an estrogen agonist, is theultimate degradation product of nonylphenol poly-

    ethoxylate nonionic surfactants (NPE) and has been

    reported to be an endocrine disruptor. Long-chain NPE

    also breaks down into shorter-chain NPEs, with toxicity

    inversely related to ethoxyl chain length. It has been

    suggested that disruption of endocrine balance due to

    exposure to NP might compromise the reproductive

    fitness and survival of fishes (Purdom et al., 1994). NP

    reduced fecundity, disrupted testosterone metabolism,

    and increased production of larval storage protein in

    aquatic invertebrates (DeFur et al., 1999).

    Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) is another suspectedcompound that shows a weak estrogenic activity and

    can adversely affect the endocrine systems of animals

    (McNeal et al., 2000). DBP is used mainly as a specialty

    plasticizer for nitrocellulose polyvinyl acetate and

    polyvinyl chloride. It also is used in coatings, adhesives,

    lacquers, and paper coating (WHO (World Health

    Organization), 1997). DBP is biodegradable in natural

    SWs with an estimated half-life in the range of 114

    days, although longer in anaerobic or anoxic conditions.

    The log Kow values of DBP and diethyl phthalate

    indicate that they potentially could be bioaccumulated

    by aquatic organisms. However, their accumulation is


    Table 4

    Environmental risk assessment according to toxic unit and extrapolation methods for each assayed effluent

    Toxic load RCV in TU RA 1 RCV in % HC 5% AS RA 2 HC 5% WL AF RA 3

    ML 1180 2.52 R 10.70 0.02 R 0.02 0.042 R

    TL1 1000 2.24 R 6.71 0.06 R 0.07 0.03 R

    TL2 710 1.58 R 6.71 0.01 R 0.01 0.042 R

    CL 690 1.29 R 22.34 0.15 R 0.18 0.17 RTMCMe 81.99 0.21 NR 1.18 0.01 R 0.02 0.056 R

    FS 59.02 1.27 R 8.75 0.02 R 0.03 0.069 R

    MS 56.40 0.12 NR 8.75 2.29 R 2.38 0.71 R

    MCMe 53.35 0.13 NR 0.87 0.03 R 0.04 0.069 R

    MMe 47.54 1.11 R 2.45 0.00 R 0.01 0.022 R

    BL 40 0.10 NR 0.19 0.01 R 0.01 0.02 R

    CMe 3.41 0.01 NR 0.04 0.01 R 0.01 0.04 NR

    R, acute risk; NR, no acute risk; RCV, river concentration value, obtained with mean river flow; RA 1, risk assessment for toxic unit (TU), if

    RCV40.3 risk; RA 2, risk assessment for extrapolation methods, if RCV in % 4HC (hazardous concentration) risk for 5% of species; AS,

    Aldenberg and Slob (1993); WL, Wagner and Lkke (1991); RA 3, risk assessment for assessment factor (AF) ( OECD, 1995), if RCV in %

    4AF risk. Toxic load is UT FLE.

  • 7/29/2019 Riskassessment of domestic and industrial effluents unloaded into a freshwater environment


    influenced by the capability of an organism to metabo-

    lize them. Several authors have shown the ability of fish

    to metabolize DBP (WHO (World Health Organiza-

    tion), 1997). The laboratory BCF for Pimephales

    promelas ranged between 570 and 590 and for Cyprino-

    don variegatus to 11.7. The greater BCF recorded was

    1400 for the amphipod Gammarus pseudolimnaeus(WHO (World Health Organization), 1996). The theo-

    retical BCF for DBP from Table 2 is 20,890, which

    would confirm the aforementioned.

    Hydroquinone has a multitude of uses; it is used as a

    developer in black and white photography and related

    graphic arts such as lithography, rotogravure, and

    medical and industrial X-ray films. It is also widely

    used in the manufacture of rubber antioxidants and

    antiozonants, monomer inhibitors, and food antioxi-

    dants to prevent deterioration in many oxidizable

    products. With a log Kow of 0.59 it can be considered

    that hydroquinone does not bioaccumulate. The

    logBCF found in the literature for aquatic organisms

    is between 1.60 and 2.94. Biodegradation of hydro-

    quinone is closely related to many variables, such as pH,

    temperature, and whether conditions are aerobic or

    anaerobic. Its BOD/COD relationship is 0.53, indicating

    that it is readily biodegradable under aerobic conditions.

    It is a carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and nephrotoxic


    Morpholine is an extremely versatile chemical. It is

    most important as a chemical intermediate product,

    such as for the production of agrochemicals and

    performance polymers (WHO (World Health Organiza-

    tion), 1996). Morpholine can undergo a variety ofreactions. It behaves chemically as a secondary amine.

    Under environmental and physiological conditions, the

    proven animal carcinogen N-nitrosomorpholine is

    formed by the reaction of solutions of nitrite or gaseous

    nitrogen oxides with dilute solutions of morpholine.

    Among the aquatic organisms tested, cyanobacteria and

    unicellular green algae appear to be the most sensitive

    taxa, with toxicity threshold values of 1.74.1 mg/L

    (WHO (World Health Organization), 1996). Because of

    its log Kow (1.08) it is not a bioaccumulatable

    chemical. Morpholine is biodegraded in aerobic condi-

    tions by a restricted range of microbes, which have a lowgrowth rate and a lag period greater than 8 days. The

    presence of morpholine in the environment indicates the

    lack of treatment of industrial wastewater or bad

    operational conditions in an activated sludge plant.

    5. Conclusions

    A field ecotoxicological study was performed to define

    the environmental status of the Luja n River plain. The

    toxic load was quantified, and four industries of the 11

    evaluated represent 91% of the total toxic load

    incorporated into the river. The environmental risk for

    these effluents exists, but it was overestimated, although

    different risk evaluation methods were used. Even if

    SWs did not show acute toxicity, it is possible that

    aquatic organisms are bioaccumulating organic com-

    pounds. Besides, they are exposed to hormonally

    disrupting chemicals. The environmental half-life ofthese organic compounds could be increased since the

    permanent lack of DO slows all aerobic biodegradation

    process. It is also possible that the sediment remains a

    natural reservoir of chemicals. Although we recorded

    sediment toxicity, this would be an overestimate due to a

    high interstitial ammonium concentration.


    The authors thank Jean Franc-ois Masfaraud (ESE,

    Universite de Metz, Metz, France) for his assistance inPCA analysis. The research was supported by grants

    from the Departamento de Ciencias Ba sicas and

    SECYT of Universidad Nacional de Luja n, Argentina,

    and from the Agregadura Cientfica de la Ambasciata

    dItalia en Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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