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Social Media Basics+

Date post: 08-May-2015
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This is the slidedeck I prepared for the Social Media Basics+ webinar I led on behalf of ICCFA (iccfa.com). The objective of the webinar was to highlight some of the most recent tools, helpful trends and insights into how funeral homes, cemeteries and death care providers can improve their presence, interaction and engagement across LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. If anyone has any questions about the material covered in this webinar, I can be contacted directly at [email protected] or via Twitter at @mayraruiz.
by Brand Journalist & Digital Strategist Mayra Ruiz-McPherson of Ruiz McPherson Communications, LLC ruizmcpherson.com | deathcarepublicist.com | [email protected] | 703.798.2619
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by Brand Journalist & Digital Strategist

Mayra Ruiz-McPhersonof Ruiz McPherson Communications, LLC

ruizmcpherson.com | deathcarepublicist.com | [email protected] | 703.798.2619

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@mayraruizBrand JournalistDigital StrategistContent Director

LinkedIn• Company Pages• Your Profile• Profile vs. Pages

Twitter• Approaches• Tools & Help• Advertising


Webinar ObjectiveThis webinar will uncover numerous features, engagement approaches, tools & trends to ensure you are maximizing your participation on the most-used social media platforms.

What we’ll be covering today …

• News Feed & Engagement• Profile vs. Pages• Calls to Action

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Much More Than For Job Search

• Professional Networking• Market & Industry Research

• Lead Generation• Advertise

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Tool: LinkedIn Intro(only available for Apple iPhone)

Intro gives you everything you need to put faces to names, establish rapport and write the most effective emails.

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Feature Enhancements: Company Pages

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Tool: “How You’re Connected”(new tool, *just launched yesterday* … January 29, 2014)

Aims to make the connecting and collaborating process much easier by helping you find the best path or strongest commonalities shared between you and the individual that could be the key to obtaining your next success.

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Tool: Topsy.com

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Tip 1: Embed Tweets Into

Your Content

Tip 2: Organized / Categorize

Your Tweets• Links• Images• Quotes• Retweets• Questions or comments of your own

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Tip 3: If You Tweet Your Facebook Statuses…

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Source: Social Hospitality.com

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1 Old posts show families you are “not around” … be mindful to keep your Facebook page active and current

2Be a bit more personable with your “page like” requests; pictures of urns and caskets aren’t very warm photos to use for “page like invites”

3 Engage! Comment! Create and respond to conversations to build relationships.

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4 Using your Facebook news feed to publish only obituaries is not a form of conversation or engagement. This is a “broadcast message” focused activity and can be viewed as anti-conversational.

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5 When someone from your community takes the time to take many photos, post and share them AND tag your funeral home, at the very least thank them, leave a comment and share photoswith others.

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ofAffairson 7 Don’t use personal Facebook

profiles for your funeral or death care business. Not only is it against Facebook’s terms of use but you can’t benefit from the many Facebook Pages features intended to help you market your business.

6 Use cover photos as opportunities to showcase your grounds, property upgrades or highlight a recent community event. To leave your cover photo area like this is a lost visual opportunity.

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8 Interesting use of a press release. There are some good intentions here but execution could have been improved in the following ways:

1. The complete release should have been posted on the funeral home’s site or blog, not on Facebook as a status update

2. The update on Facebook should have been used to drive the traffic to the funeral home web site or blog so users could view full release

3. Despite the many comments shared and posted on Facebook with this news, the funeral home itself did not comment

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9 While not always an easy thing to do, cemeteries, funeral homes and death care service providers MUST respond to Facebook users who leave positive or unfavorable reviews. Leaving a review unattended gives a bad impression; it makes your operation looks as if it doesn’t care to respond, is incapable of providing service or follow through.

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1. When posting events to Facebook, upload a “cover photo” for your event listing.

2. Upload additional photos related to the event if available and provide more detail about the event.

3. Include links to your site where event details can/should also be available.

4. If and when appropriate, consider Inviting your fanbase to the event.

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“Building up a Facebook fanbase just for the sake of itis often just a waste of time and money!”

• Ask yourselves …– Why is building a Facebook fanbase important to our business?– What content will we post? And how often?– Have we already made good use of all the existing Facebook features

and functions before enhance our Page with additional bells and whistles?

– Are we prepared to invest in Facebook advertising to help our content reach critical mass?

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Any Questions?

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Thanks for attending this webinarby Brand Journalist & Digital StrategistMayra Ruiz-McPhersonof Ruiz McPherson Communications, LLCruizmcpherson.com | deathcarepublicist.com | [email protected] | 703.798.2619
