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Social sciences

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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Abhijeet Kulkarni

4th BDS

guided by

Dr. Abhishek Talathi

It is the science concerned with the organization or structure of social groups

It is the science of behavior of man in a society or group of human beings

Sociologists define society as a system of uses and procedures of authority and mutual aid of many groups coupled with division of control of human behavior and liberty.

Though animals live in group human society is one component namely the elelment of culture

It can be simply understood as an art of adding experiences

Social Institution

It is a social structure and machinery through which human society organizes directs and executes the multifarious activities required to satisfy human needs

Eg. School, Hospital, Parliament etc

Family is a social institute


It is defined as a group, small or large, living together in such a way that the members share not one or more specific interest but rather the basic condition of a common life

Eg. People living in residential layout


They are group of people united for a specific purpose or a limited number of purposes and are based on utilitarian interest

Eg. Indian Dental Association

Social Norms

The rules that a group uses for approprate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.

These rules may be explicit or implicit. Failure to stick to the rules can result in sever punishments, the most feared of which in exclusion from the group.




Folkways are the patterns of conventional behaviorin a society, norms that apply to everyday manners.

They are conventional and habits learned from childhood

Breaking or questioning a folkway does not cause sever punishment but may cause the person to be laughed at.

Eg. Welcome guest with respect

Mores are much more strictly enforced than folkway.

They are norms or customs which express fundamental values of society.

Mores derive from the established practices of a society rather than its written laws

Mores are distinguished from folkways by the severity of response they invoke.

While breaking a folkway is likely to turn heads of passerby,breaking a more will offend observes and possibly bring punishment

Some are converted into laws to ensure implment

It is a strong prohibition against words, objects, actions or discussions that are considered undesirable or offensive by a group, culture, scoiety or community

Breaking a taboo is considered objectional or abhorrent

Eg: abstinence from beef, pork and smoking in Hindus, Muslims and Sikh respectively

Custom is a broad term embracing allthenorms classified as folkways or mores

It refers to practise that have been repeated by a number of generations, practise that tend to be followed simply because they were followed in past

Habits are habituated routines of behaviour that are repeated regularly, tendto occur subconsciously, and tend to occur without directly thinking consciously about those behaviours.

Habit is purely personal affair not entailing any obligation

eg: smoking a cigarette after dinner

Etiquettes is a code that governs the expatations of social behaviour, according to the contemporary conventional norm within a society, social class, or group

It is denpended on culture

Eg: the manner in which fork and knief are used in upper class whereas some use hands to eat

A convention is a set of agreed, stipulated or generally accepted standards, norms or criteria, often taking the form of a custom

Eg: 1.manner in which people met each other by shaking eachothers hands etc

2. laws which determine which which side of road the vehicals should be driven

This is an important part of selective behaviour of man

It refers to those standerds of judgements by which things and actions are evaluated as good or bad

Personal values from circumstance with the external world and can change over time

This is learned early in life.

Meaning of Social Science

Social Science :

The field of human knowledge that deals with all aspects

of the group life of human beings. So it is subject to

change with the changes the human behavior.

Various Social Science Disciplines


•Business studies





•Industrial relations



•Political science


•Public administration


•International studies

•Library Science


Anthropology is the holistic "science of man," - a science of the totality of human


1. Physical Anthropology

2. Cultural Anthropology

1. Ethnology: comprative study of cultures

2. Archeology: study of past cultures and civilization usingtheir remains as principle sources of information

3. Linguistic: study of speech patterns of man


is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption

of goods and services.

Scarcity or excess affects human behaviour

•Political Science

Is the study of social arrangement to maintain peace and order within a society.

It deals with constituent, government, laws of state which impose some disciple

on mans movementsor behaviour


Is the study of human soul/ mind/ behavior/ personality and how these are

effected by individuals environment

It deals with human nature and attitudes

It studies effect of environment on human behaviour

Text book of public health dentistry (Soben Peter)
