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Social Technology and Science Museums

Date post: 11-May-2015
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The what, why, how of social technology for science centers, as presented at the TELUS World of Science Calgary on 9-22-08.
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science museums and social technology nina simon, museum 2.0

science museumsand social technology

nina simon, museum 2.0

the outline

what is social technology

why I care (and I think you should too)

how to incorporate it into the museum

but first: why i’m here

To share my expertise applying social technology design patterns to museum practice

By discussing examples and frameworks for strategic thinking

So That the new science center can be the guest directed, technology-enhanced, Delta museum of your dreams

what is social technology?

tools that enable people to create, share, and connect with each other

the Web isn’t necessary, but it makes some things easier

easier to publish easier to distribute

the Web isn’t necessary, but it makes some things easier

easier to access easier to track

the Web isn’t necessary, but it makes some things easier

zine blog

radio show podcast

group project wiki

word of mouth ratings-enabled site

address book social network

and as things get easier,users can depend on each other

old relationship new relationships

Authority is content provider Authority is platform provider

me-to-we design

why should museums care?

because it’s already happening

because we can use it to connect with guests in new ways

because it can help us do our jobs better

because we think it’s a fad that doesn’t affect museums

because we’re afraid to lose our content authority

because technology investments can be expensive and risky

in Canada, 66% of people use the internet every or every other day. And of those active users...

it’s not a niche fad

57% read blogs (of which 64% are personal, 23% are about travel/recreation, 13% are about science*)23% have started a blog36% think more positively about companies with blogs* 59% belong to a social network 43% share photos27% upload videos78% watch video clips 29% listen to podcasts18% use RSS

source: social media tracker wave. 3* entries reflect worldwide statistics

it does affect museums

on the guest experience side, there are new expectations for personalized, on-demand content

it’s going to drive the new science centre

“Each learning space can have a specific change strategy assigned to it, and be designed as an “Experience Platform” that includes built-in systems and infrastructure to facilitate the changing of content according to that strategy.”

so how can you do it?

be a participant

be an authority

(or do both)

first, listen

find out where you are... and where your guests are

and decide what kind of relationship you want

what would this look like?


online and onsite social network

museum as dynamic feed of real-time content

alternate reality games

museum as locus for shared narrative

citizen science

museum as aggregator of guest data contributions

personalized maps and “trails”

museum as customizable mix tape

innovative social programming

museum as a safe space for difficult conversations

guests as exhibit designers

museum as facilitator of community co-design

museum without walls

museum giving away content for remix

three recommendations

1. engage all kinds of participants

1. engage all kinds of participants 2. start small with something that excites you

three recommendations

1. engage all kinds of participants 2. start small with something that excites you3. be clever about ways to get away from the web

three recommendations
