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'r------------~-- .... sz.eo A YEAR WILL BRING niE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL ,..------------~ .. A TEAll WlLL IIRIJtG THE PAPER EVERT WEQt BY MAIl. \ 01 1'.0 6-1'<0 42 LI'O'\ B OLDHAM PublIshel GROSSI: POIN1, MICHIGAN lRIDAY SEl?lI:MBLR 30 1932 \VII I J A \f 1< nOR\[ tel tOJ By Mall $200 per year, Smgle CopIes 5 Cents Merchants Play Last Game Sunday - CIVIC WELFARE Professional Building LIONS EDUCATION *Doc Clarke George Ingram Jul Berns Waldo Berns Max Plepp >I< Sam Brownell John Barnes Doc Warren Lynn LaViS Norb Denk Jul Nagel Hugo Glaser The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518 East Jefferson avenue announce the opemng of their new dmmg room It jS operated under the -e~able manage- ment on Glendora Morse They serve an exceptIOnally tasty meal at 1. VClY reasonable pnce You are cotdHl.lly m vIted to V1SIt thiS <delightful place to eat where you Will find pleasant 5ur- roundmgs and excellen1 serVI-ce Opening Announcement PUBLICITY *Lee Oldham I Max Plepp Doc:: Smith Bdl Wledbusch \1uch II1tere'it IS bemg created over a great stunt which IS to take place here October 6th and 7th It IS to be a \Vomal less \\ eddll1g Not a worn al1 111 It-all men J Can you lmagme vour busll1ess men by magIC touch of ltp stIck rouge and eye brow penCIl, suddenly becommg beautiful g1rli (harm og Debutantes stately matrons al d vampmg flappers? The only way to bebeve 1t IS to see It A very capable dlrector of the Symp son LeVIe Producmg company of Bardsto\\ n Ky Will arnve 111our city the first of next week to direct thIS popular rprodu...tlon Gabnel RIchard Counctl Kl11gfuts of Columbus IS spon sormg thlS affaIr and are hearty m theIr co operation and very enthusl3,s tIc over the conte11JU)lated SUCi:ess The Womanless Weddmg IS bemg staged all over thiS section thIS season by th1s company and glowmg reports come from other towns that packe<l houses greeted tihe performance both mghts In Blrm1\"tgham. some ttme a-gc. 1 500 people saw thiS pla) It IS a clean wholesome bit of oM faShlOI ed humor that makes the old laugh YOUlg agam and the young laugh unttl theIr sldes a-che In other \vord<; It lS one contmuous roar of d It,hter \L.l.I1Y beautiful cos1umes ~111 be \\ on by our local men so plan to see the fUl1l11est thmg ever wItnessed 111 DetrOlt Who would you choose for the beautIful blushmg bnde? fl e Grosse POlllte \ler-chants con elude thelr baseball season thiS Sun da} playmg the Cooper Brothers team at the NeIghborhood Clulh at 2 30 o clock The management asks that all our followers be there for their last game We also Wish to take thIS op portul1lty to thank the vanous mer- chants of Grosse Pomte who were sa kmd as to support the local boys I ast Sunday the Merchants defeated the SmIth Pavmg Club by the score of 8 to 2 Rudy Isola pitchIng for the local team allowed the Pavers SIX scat- tered hIts one bemg a home rttn by Hogan Vlce Isola at th1rd an.d Joe ",1111that short made many sparkhng pIa) s to keep the vlsl1:ors 111t total do\\ n Merchants' Final Tilt of Season on Sunday at Neighborhood Club W omanless Wedding To Be Staged Here , , , , , , SHOES , , , Monticello Ballroom I believe that the government. WIthout becommg a prymg bureauc racy can act as a check a counter- balance to thIS ol1garchy so as to secure Im1tatlve lIte a chance to work and the s<lJety at savmgs to men and women rather than safety of exploitatlOn to the exploiter, safety of mampulatlon to the tinan- rial mampulatO'l' safety of un- llcen<:led power to those who would speculate to the bitter end with the welfare and property of other pea pIe • We must make AmerICan in dlvlduahsm what It was mtended to be-equallty of opportumty for all, the. rlgh.t of E>XplOltatlon for Done I beIleve in the sacredness at prIvate property WhIch means I do not belIeve It should be subJected to the ruthle<;s mampulatlOn of profes slOnal gamblers in the stock mar kets in the corporate system ,,, I bell eve that the mdiv dunl should have full liberty of ddlOn to make the most af hlmS?1f but I do not beheve that 111 the nume of that sacred word a few powerful Interests should be permItted to make industrtal cannon fodder of the lives of half the populatlOn 01 the Umted States '.1 BELIEVE that our mdustrial and economIC system is made for indIVIdual men and women and not indIVidual men dnd women for the benefit of the system The Jeffelso 1 Plumbl1g Heatl11g and Fur 1ace Supply Co a 1I10unce the openmg of a branch at 12610 East J ef ferson a\ e me They \\ III sell parts Due to an error we stated m last fitt ngs etc elirect to the oConsum \\eek s Issue of our paper that tJhe new er at a great sai ng The} do first class ly establIshed medical center was 10 \\ ork speclaliz 19 11 plumbll g a 1d cated n the ProfeSSIOnal BUlldmg heat 19 v,hether It s ne\\ \\0r1.:::10bb I g \fack at Bea-consfield The correct ad or mak ng alteratIOns lor further de Dress IS the ProfeSSional Buildmg tall<; see the r ach ertlseme t n thiS Mack at '1\Tottmgham It IS worth your i\eeh. s Issue of the Gros:>e POl1tc Re 1\ihtle to VISIt thts modern eqUIpped V1ev.. mstitutlOn Football Sunday, Oct 2nd DeLaSaHe va St Ambrose De La Salle Field Opening Announcement Tl e palat 1.1 \Ill t ello BdllrooT! \ 11 hold a \\a tz COItest even Friday 11g t 11 ey \\111 also hold speCIal evel ts 01 Saturday and Sunday Those \\~ho pre "ent a copy of theIr advertIsement 111 thIS week s Jsstle of the RevleV\ will be ad!111tted for only 25c ether Saturday or Sundav Floyd Sn) cler and arches tra Detrolt s most popular band \\ 11 furnish the mUS1C \{odem ballroom 1.nd fancy dancll g IS taught by skIlled nstructors ClIp the Coupon and save "'AI Garska LoUIe DeHayes ATTENDANCE >l'Rudy KamlSchke Art Gmch Ed Griffith Ed Cueney Fred Toepel R A Coggan I Angelo Ferrari FINANCE *Frank Flumerfelt Wally Moesta Ed Vernier Fred Toepel Norb Denk V. F. W. DANCE Craves Studios WHAT WnORS I ARE SAYiNG !to lsevelt s po ver liberalism doe'! not mean thdt be wants tbe p 1 )] L to grab all the property and lnvl-'c,t rent of the power companIes rr h w t hi" [I ply means that he '" It t" fd r ra (-'01:> to the p Ibl1c strtn g' r(-'o~llat on and <;uLh use or D ve r (-l~ U PI:> dB wlll In the long r 1tL bp phI thp pf'ople rather thaa IllLf?aqe thf' protlt" ,f the utlllt1efl -1 hila r d ftf>( rrl (Iud) l'\j his memorable address at the ChIcago convention hov f{oose velt used thlS plain Jarq,uage in sp~akll1g ot the plain duty of hIS party tf the lRth An endment JSre pedled and the Democrats are tn LharJe of the bO\ernmpnt When that happens we as dpmocl dts must and will rightlY and morally enable the states to protect themselves dgaJr si the Imp lrtat10n of intoxICatlng I q]Or \'\0 t ere 8ULh r portatlOn<; may VlO late thelr stdle laws We must r !ltly ar d n lrally prevent the 1"0 urn 01 the saloon' I "!f'nt Hoover jn hls aCLept (-l ad{!re<;s atter six v,eeks of 1I t I rdtj('ll and (aretul I terary OIL.!alltl n l"ed thlS I1nhua"e Our opponents, the demo crats pledge the members of the r party to destroy every ves tlge of constlt..ltlonaJ and effective control of the tra'<'f1c Anyor e who ledel the democlatir natl naJ p attorm or who redd trov H.){r~evelt I:> br l:'ecb of ace€,ptance thro 19h nr;>eds no corr n f'nt upon h)w far tn rn tdct Is PreSIdent H, over swords -Hlllvard Wac;h, Inial d l:!..mplre l\Jeva (l D) ENTERTAINMENT ('CHAIRMAN) *Charley Marden Wllhe Stamman Hugo Glaser Ronnie Barrett o D Brownell Doc Smith BIll Banlin Carl Dell On Thursd~y October 6 at the Rolanda Garden'> a dance 11111be held under the ausplces of the General Rmsell A Algel Po,t Veterans of FOlelgn vVars and the Laches AU}"'l1Jarj Ret>ldent" of Grosse P0111te have thIS II eel been e"{tencled an ll1VltatlOn to he present at the danc111g part) The Mane LOUlse Pnvate Shop 10719 East Jefferson spec1altzes 111 ChIldren s dresses Ifor school after noon and kl11dergarten They are mod erately pnced ongl11al and exclUSIVe She mVltes you to VISit her store The Marie Louise Private Shop f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - -,,-- --- ..... -4 1 Grosse Pointe Lions I I 1932 Committee I , I The Grosse POllle LlOns Cluh held NEWSPAPER SALE ACTIVITIES their regular meet1l1g last Thuls lay *AI Garska *Jul Berns at the Turvelll w th about 35 member~ Wally Moesta Al Garska present Phl1 Kahn enjoyed the mee Ed Vernier George Elworthy mg Imme 1sely be ng the proud posses Fled Toepel sor of a small sucklIng (p g) whIch he Bill Krapp had fastenen to a leash and strutted George Ingram around the dllmg room V\ 11a d1d JOt John Kerby do With It Ph P Come on ) au Gro<;se Pomte Lions let s turn out 100 0 \\ e have 10ts of wall to do so lct <; get busy The follow I g commt res VI, el C ClJppomterdby PreSIdent (Doc) ]axtmler ,-------------------------1 I D .N E I I emocratlc ew vents I I I Governor Roosevelt Says: -- ---,---- ----<,---- AHara Recovering GROSSE'POINTE 'f. SOC~ETY ", Fort Pontchartrain Chapter, D. A. R. Notes , De La SaHelWm Play St. Ambr'Ose High Sunday Afternoon \ir and 7I,1rs Ahthur H Buhl Jr have purcha~ed th~J John S Swce le) ]r s home 01 Totfli.'l.l11e Road and wl1 occupy t shortly ::t'l.r and Mr<; Swee 1 C} w II occupy t1'1 Buh! s home a, \-fon 1 Raod Ml:". Joseph J ;layes of koosevelt Place Grosse Popl.te, has returned home after spendullil five weeks m Bos- ton and 1ll Vermont . ~ . Mr and Vfrs Charles T bsher Jr who have been OC\;UP}I go a home a Cloverly Road Gr(!)~,'" POIn (" rarms 'l.1f' "10 19 the 1ftht 0 thf' mon to th -l J\\ard Benn~t 110t..c on Tounm( Reed \fq t'urned Gro~~e tnp to J 01 1 F Allard who recel tlv under V\E: It a ser ous ope.. atlOl at the veter 1,1" \clm Imtr1.tlOt1 1ospltal at \hl\' au kcc s well on th( r01.(1 to recovcry accordl1g to word recclVed here thIS week Dr H D Chffee performed the operahon By ~J'D .. ""'Il- C GI1be:r..,...,~ dIdo J r ha~ re to her h~e on County Cluh Pomte a~t enjoYll g a s l 10rt \ ew Yod~"'~n<l hlcago \ *' Mr and Mrs EJvard A. Barnes, of Be'Verly Road, Grosse Pomte Farms returned home FJr)Ji(ay aHer spending several weeks at ~$i-tk Haybol", Me •• Classes for G~rI$ The A 0 C Glrl<; w I meet as us ual 111l1:heNeighborhood Club Gym dt 7 30 on Thursday even1l1g The Nas1kl and the Waoklya Camp FIre groups wJ11hold the first meet1l1gs of the year on Thursday and .hlday afternoons October 6th and 7th re spechvely at 4 00 The GirlS Gym Class Will hegLn on Tuesday October 4th at 4 00 Th1s class I1lcludes all g1rlS from 11 to 15 MUSIC The M tlSIC Department has announc ed ItS fall schedule mdudmg mstruc hon ll1 plano and vlOhn mUS1Capprec latlOo and theory The apprec at10n and tneory 'Classes Will begm on Monday OctoDer 10th at 4 00 0 clock and they are open to all Nelghbot'hood Club mUSIc pupIls free of charge For further mformahon call NIagara 0771 Blue Bll.d. 'f1he Blue Bmls wh1ch IS the club for ltttle gIrls from 6 to 10 Will resume theIr actlvlttes on Saturday October 1st from 10 00 11:011 30 The time 1S dIVIded between gymnasIUm work and handcraft Cornerstone Laying The cornerstone of the new butldmg of the Enghsh-Lutheran church of Our SavIOur located at 6th and Wall street'- Port Huron MIch WIll he laId Sun day pJternoon October 2 at 3 00 P M The new church of GothiC -design WIll cost ..,bout $3000 when completed Geo L Harvey a local archItect IS the deSIgner The general contrador was awarded to Arthur J Glllch Inc of DetrOIt M1ch Work began earty m August and it 1S planned to have the dedicatIOn sihortly before Xmas The speCial ceremony Sunday after noon WIll be condJucted on the tempor ary floor of the new church Many c1engymen frotn DetrOit and theIr con gregatlorts have !been InVIted to attend Rev A Loeber a member of the MeSSIah Lutheran Church Detr01t WIll dehver tlhe iPrt11clpal message Com. Robert L. Butts r-------------------------- Reviews .Activi~iesof t TITA N TOP Ie S I Year In LegIon Post I , - I I By RUDOLPH C SCHMIDT I News TIdbIts of the Umverslty of DetrOIt VarsIty I It IS my prlvtlege at this hme to gl\e i Football Team i you a bnef repont 'of the conduct of Grosse Pomte Post ~o 303 of the By E A BATCHHELOR In gettmg the call over L 11 "1yfarsh IS AmerIcan Legion durmg the past year Just when Coa'Ch Charles E DoraIs a superIor blocker V.ihICh IS somdhll1g It has been an acttve year Many of the umverslty of DetrOIt football that any team can use Pegan al Ann thmgs have been attempted and some team thought he had hiS lme up for the Arbor l-hgh School product 1" al In ¥ thmgs have been 1ccomphshed Every early game virtually settled an upns splrlng leader on the f elcl Bt tler ¥o effort has been made to make Grosse mg among the candidates for the back shows a large amount of all around POlrte Post /Useful and helpful to Its field upset the appleGart The result IS ablltty without excellIng 111 an) one rrembers-to lend asslstu ... VIlereH'r that DoraIS IS s1111guessmg who WIll thmg pO$~lble SJ tnat the legIon standards start m the hall carrymg bngade and It Campeau has the aDvantage of ex of the -country- mIght be raised Many 15 pOSSIble that some of those who get perIence on the squad AnthOi y ::,kovu de~31nd;s have been made upon our the call at the openmg of 'tqe season t:e;t'mpletes the 11st and has shown <;ome Post and these demands have been WIll be {h.spla.ced later real ab11tty met as far as poss1ble We have trIed T'here are seven -excellent halfbacks Although the Sophom.pre cla~s has to handle the affaIrs of our Post on on the squad and to pick two of lhe produced some live exceptlOnally prom an economical ami btIsmesshke baSIS seven 1S gOing to be a hard Job Of Ismg matenal Jt 1S no\-V re5::,arded as There are many thIngs that can and course a lot may develop III the course probable that tl e start1l1g lllle up wlll ought to be done whIch reqUIre the of scnmmage practIce between no\\ conSIst e 1t rely of vetera'1 forv.ards spendlOg of money and care must be and the openmg game \-VIth \1lchlgan Fortunately the replaceme 1t m1.ten<l.l taken at all hmes Ita keep these matters Normal on Septemlber 30 to g ve the WIll be so ~tro 19 that Lt e loach wlthm reason -coaches more of a hoe on the matenal Bud Boen 1ger Will not have 0 wor N.or do Coach DoraiS 4nd backfield ry 1f one of h s starters 1 s to leave Although no mtenslve campaIgn for Coach Lloyd BraZil regard th s a<; an the game In tl IS respect the T ta 15 members has been held <durIng the first embarrassment of nches They can use are better fort fied tl a 1 ever before year oi our (InceptIon It IS very gratI all the good backs that they can find Harvey v\ rathell who \\ 0 h s let fymg to know that our membersh~p has Men who are not In the start ng line ter at e 1(1 but who has had S0111eex 1Dcreased to such a number that we are UiP WIll not have to feel that they are penet cc as a s upper back wlll pt ob no wa marked post at LeglOn Head second stringer eIther The r11les only ably start 11 at Pivot POSItlOl1 Wrathel quarters and all eyes are centered on 300 ' allow 11 on the field at one 1:lme but IS a fine wIlhng type of worker and 1e DetrOIt IS gomg to give every capable IS sure to see some service at center The number of ehgtble members 1S man a chance to play plenty of football even though he does not start all the Itmlted, by that I mean we have set our In the course of the season games Other candidates who are stIll goal at 150 members Not that we have Douglas Nott a 190 pound halfback very much In the race are George to ad'here 11:0thIS rule but 1t really IS one Sophomore who seems almost Makt Paul Duker Dave Metzger anD slgl11fies that when askmg a comrade certam to wm a place m the startmg PhIl Conway to jom our PoSit, make sure that lite IS I N tt of the fIght ttmber and! feel that you me-up 0 IS a supenor passer a It IS Just about a CInch that Healy can caU hIm a brother and want hIm to good kIcker an<d a ball earner who has Sharkey and "N"orbert Rets1:erer WIll the speed to >CIrcle the ends and the start the season as the ends Both won call you 'brother U that standard 15 d t h th t kl H rive a ammer e ac es e IS letters last year ano both are coml11g aImed at there 1S 1110 questton 0'£ the also a spleIlld'1d defenSIVe player ""ar I f II:' a ong ast R1pley 1S another D man caItber of men we Will always have m tlcularly ,!lto"amstthe forward pass ~ who 15 111 the fight for a Job He IS our Post In another year our member ~hlP WIll be on a stable !basIS and Will Another sophomore who has sho\\n much IJJghter than the other veterans not fluctuate lirom year to year great form !n scnmmage practice IS but IS a 'hustler Walter Campeau also I Howard Young of Concord M1chLgan has won a letter as a flanker but l' Great 'Credit should be gIven to Com I rade Schnildt for hiS splendid work m Young 1S a talI rangy fellow who looks now listed a.s fluarteflback matena 1 De L, ~fl.lle and, Sot Ambrose J-Itgh h dl h 'I f \1.. fragIle but Who IS WIry and strong He George Hess who wean two Ds has football teams Will Llash on Sunday af an 109 t e ptIiulC1ty 0 tue Post In h I IS a fast step.per a good pass recetver been shifted from the guard to end He terll00 1 't ?_ 30 "I De La Salle field suc a cap.ab e manner always proving '" -a that he 15 read.~ and w111mg to do all and an alert aggresslve man on de 15 a big strong boy who ought to be Connors a\ld GIG fekl Oppos1te thc Mr Cla"es of the Craves Dancmg "'b~ tCan/'-tort~oetterment and advan.ce. sff.n\'3.e 'Pher,.e...are -O'rJly two letter m-en, a. s1:att'as .in of!-el1sIve end A nong the IVtU11UpdJ AIrpOrt $tuchos at 11028 Kercheval avenue has ment of the Post, and It IS WIth deep among the halfback candIdates Ghns new men aV1.tlable for flaThk duty IS ThlS oroml..,es to be a hotly contest been respo 1Slble for the development Schearer, who wears two D sand PaJul Storne a Wyandotte boy He re I '[ fiB " regret that I accept hIS reslgnatton ed game by both teams and the fact of hUl {reu~ 0 :.ucc(,~~ u roauWa} Todker Wlho won the award last sea ported I,crht th fall a It f from these duhes -e IS as res'll 0 that It s the SC1son s opener for St stars (;rUS and \V 11 who \-Vere the Now we cotne Ita a new step l'I1 out' son Schearer IS a good passer .and hustlIng Ice all summer but he IS fast Amblose and a 1re league assIgnme 1t Italk of the town m S\\ cet Adell 1e Me We are ab01It to celebrate our kIcker Tooker IS a iblg hard hit and a fighter and w 11be he1.rd from for De I a ::'1.lle \\ 11 lOt detract frol1 attr bute tl elr s l('ce~~ to \1 en\ e~ tmg 190 pounder who needs only a Ph}slcally Edward Skr.lYthl I" one of [ I second annIversary and must take our t) e k crm t I of (' tl ('I tc. t 1 t) Tl e) also lla I 1. 1 tit e 1 ct'l1rL more senous {:onceptlOl of football to the best look ng ('1 ds on the squad f 1 '1 place 111 the eyes of the AmerIcan use h -lull bug of tr CI{S to v\ 1 Gold Diggers a Broa \\1.) .~I Legion as a man and not as a !boy To 'become a star !If he ever gets proper He 1S6 feet 2 1l1ches tall al d we1ghs 205 partlct. 1.r game Craves IS well 1110Vd to Hroac1V\a) do dus more funds must be forthcom ly aroused he WItI be hard to keep out pounds If he develops a Ieal zest for St Ambrose 1as a 1e of the 1es Producers of the hne >Up football he may turn out to be as great h 1l1g'by way OIfbtgger and better SOCIal look11g squads of rece 1t years and De HIS chIldren s classes \\ 11do muc to Earl M'OCracken a midget spr111'ter a star as he was 111basketball for the functIOns La Salle \\ III show an almost complete develop the health of the child as \\Cll wlho was on the squad last season but U of D last W1l1ter Durmg thiS perIod O!f' econom1C ~- ly new team bUllt arotInd ItS only re as make them gracetul "-ou are 111 Injured so much that he did get hIS let Bt B I h h preSSion that we are now gomg U oerInger smI es w en e ma1l11lg veterans Captam Earl Fortam vlted to VlSlt ibiS moder 1 StudIO ter has been one of the sensatlOns of I k h kl I H thro .. ....4. I hl~t.ly oomplIment the <com 00 s over I~ tac e matena ere 1<; Z k I h Id I "'OJ! ~~I tlhe practIce season Earl weighs only and George ur T 1JS S au put t 1e rades w~o .s~ood so lfa1thfuIty behmd one pos hon 111 WhICh the U of D WIll two '>U 001:' 0 I an even bl eaK for tIe 140 pounds and 1t 1S unhkely that he t k dd f bd C H me m all undertakmgs of the Post and no as 0 s0 any 0 y apt Vletras vIctory can stand the stram of playing full d J B II < h fi I must' trwthfully SiRy that every £U'11C- an oe eer WI l.le t erst stnng Dc La Salle defeated St Rose HIg'o games Bu1. he IS a streaik In an open d th U h hon we held If not a finanCIal success men an e l11Verslty tS appy ll1 last Sunday and on October 14th WIll field, passes and kIcks faIrly well and h 1 dd I It surely was soclal1y, so what more aVl11g tv\o sp en 1 rep acements 111 tackle Lmcoln Park hlgh It WIll open hand1es hIS defenSIve duties excellent!} L Mh d Ed dS J I could we ask lior In our first year of awrence a er an war t u Its League schedule October 30th WIth tncepbon ~r:~e:ss::~ 'P::Sl~~S h~l~~:cko~S ~h~ Ian who came up <from the freshman Holy Redeemer and the balance of the The financ1al condItIOn or the Post team of 1931 There prohahly lS 110 schedule as follows squad two seasons WIthout ever getting II th t h b t 1S '!lot al1 we can ask for but due to co ege 111 e coun ry Wit a et er NTovember 6th St Catl,erllle De La mto a.chon Coa'Ch Dorals looks for kl h dB condit1:1ons M1d glancing over the re paIr I11tac es i an Metras an eer Salle field g reat thmgs of 111mtillS season d I I h f b ports of other Posts I beheve we are an cer am y none Wit our any etter November 11th CatholIc Central to be hlglhly comphmented ood you Pete RajkoVI<:h a ]uulOr letter man than these two and the soplomore will hear a complete report from your now seems the first chOIce for fullback named Even thIS quartet does not ex awNa y b 2011 St J h C but J1e 1S facmg stIff co ...... ""etthon !from h h bI f E I ovem er 1 osep am Fmance Officer u-w aust t e POSSI 1 Itles or mman'lle mercia! De La Salle field DUil'lUg the past year the Post has Ed Turashoff a JunIor D man Har GIUha11l the biggest man of the squad November 24th (ThanksgIVmg Day) bought and paId for Colors, .upon old Ryan and Robert Burns sopho 210 pounds Dan Barrett Paul Sulhvan St Anthony De La Salle field WhiCh we re-celyed great pra1se from mores Ryan m partIcular has 1m George H1l1es 1vfan1l1 Campbell an11 NatIonal Hea.dquarters pressed Brazil thIS year and there IS a Victor Ganey are entitled to senom Dunng the p-ast year we have estab posslb1hty that 'he WIll wm the regular c011S1derat1On ltshed permanent Headquarters and berth If not he WIll see plenty of ac Thet:e IS also a lot of good guard ma eqti1lpped same wtth vanoos artl-cIes hon as a rehef man He s 6 feet tall terml headed by J m \1c'\amara ad at very ltttle cost to the Post and weighs 172 Joe Koe11lg leiter men These guard~ At no hme d1d we ask the aId of out The quarterback squad IS the largest are not very big welghll1g appro).. Soc1al activIties of the fall season are s1de help tasrked no pu'bhc 'Subsefliption of all SIX men strugglIng for POSltlOI11Smately 175 pounds apIece but they are begll1t1l11g 111 Fort Pontchartra1l1 Chap of anyone and everything we own IS WIth BIll RaJkovlch now leadmg the aggressive fast and sh ftv quahtle~ ter D<\.ughters of the Amencan Revo ours and no 11ldebtedness hangs over Itst Edward Butler Cliff \farsh and that count for more 'than weight 11 the lutIan our Jhead BIll Pegan wlll gIve RaJkovlch hiS style of football played by the L of \irs John \1arshall of West Grand The Post has made rapId progress m hardest competItIon and It IS entlrely D avel ue H~gh1and Park who expects the past It IS our duty at the present poss1ble that one of them WIll succeed lContlnued! :>n Page Two) to leave next week wlth Y.fr Marshall time to look to the future SUCi:ess O'f all fIiJ-------------------------------------fiil for an October VISIt 111 their natIve 1ts a'CJtlv1ttes For the 1l1terest enthus state of Vlrgmla enterrtamed at d1l1 lasm and generos1ty demonstrated by ~ e.- ah b()rh ()()d ner m her RJpartment Wednesday (Sep (Conunued on Page 2) I""IIIIIIiIII telnber 21) \Irs Edward J Savage ________ state regIstrar Mrs Russell V All Club Ac:::tl -vl-t.-es man regent of Fort Pontchar'ram Chapter DA Rand 1Irs R R RId die and \1rs 0 D Heavennch past regents of the chapter Mrs Herbert F Poehle new SOCIal cha rma 1 of Fort Pontchartram Chap ter D A R was hostess Bnday af ternoon (September 23) at the Park stone where she reslde<; to the forty or more memihers of the combmed so clal commIttees of the chClipter She was asslsrted by Mrs Charles E Holmes \irs CD Macpherson Mrs H J VIbbert and 10:rs Glen Patter son VIce chaIrman of the s1l1 commIt tees for the annual guest day annual bridge party socral teas and otl er Women"s Gym Class I functIons The Women S Gym Class Will begll1 The ~ltest of honor was Mrs Russell on Wednesday October 5th The class V Allman chapter regent who poured wtll be hekll from 3 00 to 4 00 and the program mdudes calistheniCS and group games All women mterested Football Sunday, Oct 2nd DeLaSaHe are lllvited to attend vs St Ambrose De La Salle Field \ I
Page 1: sz.eo WEQt PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIl. BY MAIL ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Jul Nagel Hugo Glaser The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518 East Jefferson avenue

'r------------~--....sz.eo A YEAR WILL BRINGniE PAPER EVERY WEEK


,..------------~.. A TEAll WlLL IIRIJtGTHE PAPER EVERT WEQt


\ 01 1'.0 6-1'<0 42 LI'O'\ B OLDHAM PublIshel GROSSI: POIN1, MICHIGAN lRIDAY SEl?lI:MBLR 30 1932 \VII I J A \f 1< nOR\[ tel tOJ By Mall $200 per year, Smgle CopIes 5 Cents

Merchants Play Last Game Sunday•



Professional Building

LIONS EDUCATION*Doc ClarkeGeorge IngramJul BernsWaldo BernsMax Plepp

>I< Sam BrownellJohn BarnesDoc WarrenLynn LaViS

Norb DenkJul NagelHugo Glaser

The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518East Jefferson avenue announce theopemng of their new dmmg room It jSoperated under the -e~able manage-ment on Glendora Morse They servean exceptIOnally tasty meal at 1. VClYreasonable pnce You are cotdHl.lly mvIted to V1SIt thiS <delightful place toeat where you Will find pleasant 5ur-roundmgs and excellen1 serVI-ce

Opening Announcement


IMax PleppDoc:: SmithBdl Wledbusch

\1uch II1tere'it IS bemg created overa great stunt which IS to take placehere October 6th and 7th It IS to bea \Vomal less \\ eddll1g Not a wornal1 111 It-all men J Can you lmagmevour busll1ess men by magIC touch ofltp stIck rouge and eye brow penCIl,suddenly becommg beautiful g1rli(harm og Debutantes stately matronsal d vampmg flappers? The only wayto bebeve 1t IS to see It

A very capable dlrector of the Sympson LeVIe Producmg company ofBardsto\\ n Ky Will arnve 111our citythe first of next week to direct thISpopular rprodu...tlon Gabnel RIchardCounctl Kl11gfuts of Columbus IS sponsormg thlS affaIr and are hearty mtheIr co operation and very enthusl3,stIc over the conte11JU)lated SUCi:ess TheWomanless Weddmg IS bemg staged

all over thiS section thIS season by th1scompany and glowmg reports comefrom other towns that packe<l housesgreeted tihe performance both mghtsIn Blrm1\"tgham. some ttme a-gc. 1 500people saw thiS pla)

It IS a clean wholesome bit of oMfaShlOI ed humor that makes the oldlaugh YOUlg agam and the younglaugh unttl theIr sldes a-che In other\vord<; It lS one contmuous roar ofd It,hter \L.l.I1Y beautiful cos1umes ~111

be \\ on by our local men so plan tosee the fUl1l11est thmg ever wItnessed111 DetrOlt Who would you choosefor the beautIful blushmg bnde?

fl e Grosse POlllte \ler-chants conelude thelr baseball season thiS Sunda} playmg the Cooper Brothersteam at the NeIghborhood Clulh at 2 30o clock The management asks thatall our followers be there for their lastgame We also Wish to take thIS opportul1lty to thank the vanous mer-chants of Grosse Pomte who were sakmd as to support the local boys

I ast Sunday the Merchants defeatedthe SmIth Pavmg Club by the score of8 to 2 Rudy Isola pitchIng for thelocal team allowed the Pavers SIX scat-tered hIts one bemg a home rttn byHogan Vlce Isola at th1rd an.d Joe",1111that short made many sparkhngpIa) s to keep the vlsl1:ors 111t totaldo\\ n

Merchants' Final Tiltof Season on Sundayat Neighborhood Club

Womanless WeddingTo Be Staged Here











Monticello Ballroom

I believe that the government.WIthout becommg a prymg bureaucracy can act as a check a counter-balance to thIS ol1garchy so as tosecure Im1tatlve lIte a chance towork and the s<lJety at savmgs tomen and women rather than safetyof exploitatlOn to the exploiter,safety of mampulatlon to the tinan-rial mampulatO'l' safety of un-llcen<:led power to those who wouldspeculate to the bitter end with thewelfare and property of other peapIe

• We must make AmerICan indlvlduahsm what It was mtendedto be-equallty of opportumty forall, the. rlgh.t of E>XplOltatlon forDone

I beIleve in the sacredness atprIvate property WhIch means I donot belIeve It should be subJected tothe ruthle<;s mampulatlOn of professlOnal gamblers in the stock markets in the corporate system, , ,

I bell eve that the mdiv dunlshould have full liberty of ddlOn tomake the most af hlmS?1f but I donot beheve that 111 the nume ofthat sacred word a few powerfulInterests should be permItted tomake industrtal cannon fodder ofthe lives of half the populatlOn 01the Umted States

'.1 BELIEVE that our mdustrialand economIC system is made

for indIVIdual men and women andnot indIVidual men dnd women forthe benefit of the system

The Jeffelso 1 Plumbl1g Heatl11g andFur 1ace Supply Co a 1I10unce theopenmg of a branch at 12610 East J efferson a\ e me They \\ III sell parts Due to an error we stated m lastfitt ngs etc elirect to the oConsum \\eek s Issue of our paper that tJhe newer at a great sai ng The} do first class ly establIshed medical center was 10\\ ork speclaliz 19 11 plumbll g a 1d cated n the ProfeSSIOnal BUlldmgheat 19 v,hether It s ne\\ \\0r1.::: 10bb I g \fack at Bea-consfield The correct ador mak ng alteratIOns lor further de Dress IS the ProfeSSional Buildmgtall<; see the r ach ertlseme t n thiS Mack at '1\Tottmgham It IS worth youri\eeh. s Issue of the Gros:>e POl1tc Re 1 \ihtle to VISIt thts modern eqUIppedV1ev.. mstitutlOn

Football Sunday, Oct 2nd DeLaSaHeva St Ambrose De La Salle Field

Opening Announcement

Tl e palat 1.1 \Ill t ello BdllrooT! \ 11hold a \\a tz COItest even Friday 11g t11ey \\111 also hold speCIal evel ts 01Saturday and Sunday Those \\~ho pre"ent a copy of theIr advertIsement 111

thIS week s Jsstle of the RevleV\ will bead!111tted for only 25c ether Saturdayor Sundav Floyd Sn) cler and archestra Detrolt s most popular band \\ 11furnish the mUS1C \{odem ballroom1.nd fancy dancll g IS taught by skIllednstructors ClIp the Coupon and save

"'AI GarskaLoUIe DeHayes

ATTENDANCE>l'Rudy KamlSchkeArt GmchEd GriffithEd CueneyFred ToepelR A Coggan

IAngelo Ferrari

FINANCE*Frank FlumerfeltWally MoestaEd VernierFred ToepelNorb Denk


• • •


Craves Studios


!to lsevelt s po ver liberalismdoe'! not mean thdt be wants tbep 1 )] L to grab all the property andlnvl-'c,t rent of the power companIesr r h w t hi" [I ply means that he'" It t" fd r ra (-'01:> to the p Ibl1c strtng' r(-'o~llat on and <;uLh use orD ver (-l~ U PI:> dB wlll In the longr 1tL bp phI thp pf'ople rather thaaIllLf?aqe thf' protlt" ,f the utlllt1efl-1 hila r d ftf>( rrl (Iud)

l'\j his memorable address at theChIcago convention hov f{oose

velt used thlS plain Jarq,uage insp~akll1g ot the plain duty of hISparty tf the lRth An endment JSrepedled and the Democrats are tnLharJe of the bO\ernmpnt

When that happens we asdpmocl dts must and will rightlYand morally enable the states toprotect themselves dgaJr si theImp lrtat10n of intoxICatlng I q]Or\'\0 t ere 8ULh r portatlOn<; may VlOlate thelr stdle laws We mustr !ltly ar d n lrally prevent the1"0 urn 01 the saloon'I "!f'nt Hoover jn hls aCLept

(-l ad{!re<;s atter six v,eeks of1 I t I rdtj('ll and (aretul I teraryOIL.!alltl n l"ed thlS I1nhua"e

Our opponents, the democrats pledge the members ofthe r party to destroy every vestlge of constlt..ltlonaJ and effectivecontrol of the tra'<'f1cAnyor e who ledel the democlatir

natl naJ p attorm or who redd trovH.){r~evelt I:> br l:'ecb of ace€,ptancethro 19h nr;>eds no corr n f'nt uponh)w far tn rn tdct Is PreSIdentH, over swords -Hlllvard Wac;h,Inial d l:!..mplre l\Jeva (l D)


*Charley MardenWllhe StammanHugo GlaserRonnie Barretto D BrownellDoc SmithBIll BanlinCarl Dell

On Thursd~y October 6 at theRolanda Garden'> a dance 11111beheld under the ausplces of theGeneral Rmsell A Algel Po,tVeterans of FOlelgn vVars andthe Laches AU}"'l1Jarj Ret>ldent"of Grosse P0111te have thIS II eelbeen e"{tencled an ll1VltatlOn to hepresent at the danc111g part)

The Mane LOUlse Pnvate Shop10719 East Jefferson spec1altzes 111

ChIldren s dresses Ifor school afternoon and kl11dergarten They are moderately pnced ongl11al and exclUSIVeShe mVltes you to VISit her store

The Marie LouisePrivate Shop

f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - -,,-- --- .....-4

1 Grosse Pointe Lions II 1932 Committee I, I

The Grosse POllle LlOns Cluh held NEWSPAPER SALE ACTIVITIEStheir regular meet1l1g last Thuls lay *AI Garska *Jul Bernsat the Turvelll w th about 35 member~ Wally Moesta Al Garskapresent Phl1 Kahn enjoyed the mee Ed Vernier George Elworthymg Imme 1sely be ng the proud posses Fled Toepelsor of a small sucklIng (p g) whIch he Bill Krapphad fastenen to a leash and strutted George Ingramaround the dllmg room V\ 11a d1d JOt John Kerbydo With It Ph P Come on ) au Gro<;sePomte Lions let s turn out 100 0 \\ ehave 10ts of wall to do so lct <; getbusy The follow I g commt res VI, el C

ClJppomterdby PreSIdent (Doc) ]axtmler

,-------------------------1ID . N E II emocratlc ew vents II I






AHara Recovering



Fort PontchartrainChapter, D. A. R. Notes

,De La SaHelWm Play

St. Ambr'OseHighSunday Afternoon

\ir and 7I,1rs Ahthur H Buhl Jrhave purcha~ed th~J John S Swce le)]r s home 01 Totfli.'l.l11e Road and wl1occupy t shortly ::t'l.r and Mr<; Swee 1

C} w II occupy t1'1 Buh! s home a,\-fon 1 Raod

• • •Ml:". Joseph J ;layes of koosevelt

Place Grosse Popl.te, has returnedhome after spendullil five weeks m Bos-ton and 1ll Vermont.~.

Mr and Vfrs Charles T bsher Jrwho have been OC\;UP}I go a home aCloverly Road Gr(!)~,'" POIn (" rarms'l.1f' "10 19 the 1ftht 0 thf' mon toth -l J\\ard Benn~t 110t..c on Tounm(Reed

\fqt'urnedGro~~etnp to

J 01 1 F Allard who recel tlv underV\E:It a ser ous ope.. atlOl at the veter1,1" \clm Imtr1.tlOt1 1ospltal at \hl\' aukcc s well on th( r01.(1 to recovcryaccordl1g to word recclVed here thISweek Dr H D Chffee performed theoperahon

By ~J'D ..""'Il-

C GI1be:r..,...,~dIdo J r ha~ reto her h~e on County CluhPomte a~t enjoYll g a sl10rt\ ew Yod~"'~n<l hlcago

• \ *'Mr and Mrs EJvard A. Barnes, of

Be'Verly Road, Grosse Pomte Farmsreturned home FJr)Ji(ay aHer spendingseveral weeks at ~$i-tk Haybol", Me• • •

Classes for G~rI$The A 0 C Glrl<; w I meet as us

ual 111l1:he Neighborhood Club Gym dt7 30 on Thursday even1l1g

The Nas1kl and the Waoklya CampFIre groups wJ11hold the first meet1l1gsof the year on Thursday and .hldayafternoons October 6th and 7th respechvely at 4 00

The GirlS Gym Class Will hegLn onTuesday October 4th at 4 00 Th1sclass I1lcludes all g1rlS from 11 to 15


The M tlSICDepartment has announced ItS fall schedule mdudmg mstruchon ll1 plano and vlOhn mUS1CappreclatlOo and theory The apprec at10n andtneory 'Classes Will begm on MondayOctoDer 10th at 4 00 0 clock and theyare open to all Nelghbot'hood ClubmUSIc pupIls free of charge

For further mformahon call NIagara0771

Blue Bll.d.'f1he Blue Bmls wh1ch IS the club for

ltttle gIrls from 6 to 10 Will resumetheIr actlvlttes on Saturday October1st from 10 00 11:011 30 The time 1SdIVIded between gymnasIUm work andhandcraft

Cornerstone LayingThe cornerstone of the new butldmg

of the Enghsh-Lutheran church of OurSavIOur located at 6th and Wall street'-Port Huron MIch WIll he laId Sunday pJternoon October 2 at 3 00 P MThe new church of GothiC -design WIllcost ..,bout $3000 when completedGeo L Harvey a local archItect IS thedeSIgner The general contrador wasawarded to Arthur J Glllch Inc ofDetrOIt M1ch Work began earty mAugust and it 1S planned to have thededicatIOn sihortly before Xmas

The speCial ceremony Sunday afternoon WIll be condJucted on the temporary floor of the new church Manyc1engymen frotn DetrOit and theIr congregatlorts have !been InVIted to attendRev A Loeber a member of theMeSSIah Lutheran Church Detr01tWIll dehver tlhe iPrt11clpal message

Com. Robert L. Butts r--------------------------Reviews .Activi~iesof t T ITA N TOP Ie S IYear In LegIon Post I ,

- I IBy RUDOLPH C SCHMIDT I News TIdbIts of the Umverslty of DetrOIt VarsIty I

It IS my prlvtlege at this hme to gl\e i Football Team iyou a bnef repont 'of the conduct ofGrosse Pomte Post ~o 303 of the By E A BATCHHELOR In gettmg the call over L 11 "1yfarsh IS

AmerIcan Legion durmg the past year Just when Coa'Ch Charles E DoraIs a superIor blocker V.ihICh IS somdhll1gIt has been an acttve year Many of the umverslty of DetrOIt football that any team can use Pegan al Annthmgs have been attempted and some team thought he had hiS lme up for the Arbor l-hgh School product 1" al In ¥thmgs have been 1ccomphshed Every early game virtually settled an upns splrlng leader on the f elcl Bt tler ¥oeffort has been made to make Grosse mg among the candidates for the back shows a large amount of all aroundPOlrte Post /Useful and helpful to Its field upset the appleGart The result IS ablltty without excellIng 111 an) onerrembers-to lend asslstu ... VIlereH'r that DoraIS IS s1111guessmg who WIll thmgpO$~lble SJ tnat the legIon standards start m the hall carrymg bngade and It Campeau has the aDvantage of exof the -country- mIght be raised Many 15 pOSSIble that some of those who get perIence on the squad AnthOi y ::,kovude~31nd;s have been made upon our the call at the openmg of 'tqe season t:e;t'mpletes the 11st and has shown <;omePost and these demands have been WIll be {h.spla.ced later real ab11ttymet as far as poss1ble We have trIed T'here are seven -excellent halfbacks Although the Sophom.pre cla~s hasto handle the affaIrs of our Post on on the squad and to pick two of lhe produced some live exceptlOnally proman economical ami btIsmesshke baSIS seven 1S gOing to be a hard Job Of Ismg matenal Jt 1S no\-V re5::,arded asThere are many thIngs that can and course a lot may develop III the course probable that tl e start1l1g lllle up wlllought to be done whIch reqUIre the of scnmmage practIce between no\\ conSIst e 1t rely of vetera'1 forv.ardsspendlOg of money and care must be and the openmg game \-VIth \1lchlgan Fortunately the replaceme 1t m1.ten<l.ltaken at all hmes Ita keep these matters Normal on Septemlber 30 to g ve the WIll be so ~tro 19 that Lt e loachwlthm reason -coaches more of a hoe on the matenal Bud Boen 1ger Will not have 0 wor

N.or do Coach DoraiS 4nd backfield ry 1f one of h s starters 1 s to leaveAlthough no mtenslve campaIgn for Coach Lloyd BraZil regard th s a<; an the game In tl IS respect the T ta 15

members has been held <durIng the first embarrassment of nches They can use are better fort fied tl a 1 ever beforeyear oi our (InceptIon It IS very gratI all the good backs that they can find Harvey v\ rathell who \\ 0 h s letfymg to know that our membersh~p has Men who are not In the start ng line ter at e 1(1 but who has had S0111eex1Dcreased to such a number that we are UiP WIll not have to feel that they are penet cc as a s upper back wlll pt obno wa marked post at LeglOn Head second stringer eIther The r11les only ably start 11 at Pivot POSItlOl1 Wrathelquarters and all eyes are centered on300 ' allow 11 on the field at one 1:lme but IS a fine wIlhng type of worker and 1e

DetrOIt IS gomg to give every capable IS sure to see some service at centerThe number of ehgtble members 1S man a chance to play plenty of football even though he does not start all the

Itmlted, by that I mean we have set our In the course of the season games Other candidates who are stIllgoal at 150 members Not that we have Douglas Nott a 190 pound halfback very much In the race are Georgeto ad'here 11:0thIS rule but 1t really IS one Sophomore who seems almost Makt Paul Duker Dave Metzger anDslgl11fies that when askmg a comrade certam to wm a place m the startmg PhIl Conwayto jom our PoSit, make sure that lite IS I N ttof the fIght ttmber and! feel that you me-up 0 IS a supenor passer a It IS Just about a CInch that Healycan caU hIm a brother and want hIm to good kIcker an<d a ball earner who has Sharkey and "N"orbert Rets1:erer WIll

the speed to >CIrcle the ends and the start the season as the ends Both woncall you 'brother U that standard 15 d t h th t kl Hrive a ammer e ac es e IS letters last year ano both are coml11gaImed at there 1S 1110 questton 0'£ the also a spleIlld'1d defenSIVe player ""ar I f

II:' a ong ast R1pley 1S another D mancaItber of men we Will always have m tlcularly ,!lto"amstthe forward pass~ who 15 111 the fight for a Job He ISour Post In another year our member~hlP WIll be on a stable !basIS and Will Another sophomore who has sho\\n much IJJghter than the other veteransnot fluctuate lirom year to year great form !n scnmmage practice IS but IS a 'hustler Walter Campeau also I

Howard Young of Concord M1chLgan has won a letter as a flanker but l'Great 'Credit should be gIven to Com I

rade Schnildt for hiS splendid work m Young 1S a talI rangy fellow who looks now listed a.s fluarteflback matena 1 De L , ~fl.lle and, Sot Ambrose J-Itghh dl h 'I f \1.. fragIle but Who IS WIry and strong He George Hess who wean two D s has football teams Will Llash on Sunday afan 109 t e ptIiu lC1ty 0 tue Post In

h I IS a fast step.per a good pass recetver been shifted from the guard to end He terll00 1 't ?_ 30 "I De La Salle fieldsuc a cap.ab e manner always proving '" -a

that he 15 read.~ and w111mg to do all and an alert aggresslve man on de 15 a big strong boy who ought to be Connors a\ld GIG fekl Oppos1te thc Mr Cla"es of the Craves Dancmg"'b~ tCan/'-tort~oetterment and advan.ce. sff.n\'3.e 'Pher,.e ...are -O'rJly two letter m-en, a. s1:att'as .in of!-el1sIve end A nong the IVtU11UpdJ AIrpOrt $tuchos at 11028 Kercheval avenue hasment of the Post, and It IS WIth deep among the halfback candIdates Ghns new men aV1.tlable for flaThk duty IS ThlS oroml..,es to be a hotly contest been respo 1Slble for the development

Schearer, who wears two D sand PaJul Storne a Wyandotte boy He re I '[ fiB "regret that I accept hIS reslgnatton ed game by both teams and the fact of hUl {reu~ 0 :.ucc(,~~ u roauWa}Todker Wlho won the award last sea ported I,crht th fall a It ffrom these duhes -e IS as res'll 0 that It s the SC1son s opener for St stars (;rUS and \V 11 who \-Vere theNow we cotne Ita a new step l'I1 out' son Schearer IS a good passer .and hustlIng Ice all summer but he IS fast Amblose and a 1 re league assIgnme 1t Italk of the town m S\\ cet Adell 1e

Me We are ab01It to celebrate our kIcker Tooker IS a iblg hard hit and a fighter and w 11be he1.rd from for De I a ::'1.lle \\ 11 lOt detract frol1 attr bute tl elr s l('ce~~ to \1 en\ e~tmg 190 pounder who needs only a Ph}slcally Edward Skr.lYthl I" one of [ Isecond annIversary and must take our t) e k crm t I of (' tl ('I tc. t 1 t) Tl e) also lla I 1. 1 tit e 1 ct'l1rLmore senous {:onceptlOl of football to the best look ng ('1 ds on the squad f 1 '1place 111 the eyes of the AmerIcan use h -lull bug of tr CI{S to v\ 1 Gold Diggers a Broa \\1.) .~ I

Legion as a man and not as a !boy To 'become a star !If he ever gets proper He 1S6 feet 2 1l1ches tall al d we1ghs 205 partlct. 1.r game Craves IS well 1110Vd to Hroac1V\a)do dus more funds must be forthcom ly aroused he WItI be hard to keep out pounds If he develops a Ieal zest for St Ambrose 1as a 1e of the 1es Producers

of the hne >Up football he may turn out to be as great h1l1g'by way OIfbtgger and better SOCIal look11g squads of rece 1t years and De HIS chIldren s classes \\ 11do muc toEarl M'OCracken a midget spr111'ter a star as he was 111basketball for thefunctIOns La Salle \\ III show an almost complete develop the health of the child as \\Cll

wlho was on the squad last season but U of D last W1l1terDurmg thiS perIod O!f' econom1C ~- ly new team bUllt arotInd ItS only re as make them gracetul "-ou are 111Injured so much that he did get hIS let B t B I h hpreSSion that we are now gomg U oerInger smI es w en e ma1l11lg veterans Captam Earl Fortam vlted to VlSlt ibiS moder 1 StudIO

ter has been one of the sensatlOns of I k h kl I Hthro .. ....4. I hl~t.ly oomplIment the <com 00 s over I~ tac e matena ere 1<; Z k I h Id I"'OJ! ~~I tlhe practIce season Earl weighs only and George ur T 1JS S au put t 1e

rades w~o .s~ood so lfa1thfuIty behmd one pos hon 111 WhICh the U of D WIll two '>U 001:' 0 I an even bl eaK for tIe140 pounds and 1t 1S unhkely that he t k dd f b d C Hme m all undertakmgs of the Post and no as 0 s 0 any 0 y apt Vletras vIctorycan stand the stram of playing full d J B II < h fiI must' trwthfully SiRy that every £U'11C- an oe eer WI l.le t erst stnng Dc La Salle defeated St Rose HIg'ogames Bu1. he IS a streaik In an open d th U hhon we held If not a finanCIal success men an e l11Verslty tS appy ll1 last Sunday and on October 14th WIllfield, passes and kIcks faIrly well and h 1 d d IIt surely was soclal1y, so what more aVl11g tv\o sp en 1 rep acements 111 tackle Lmcoln Park hlgh It WIll openhand1es hIS defenSIve duties excellent!} L M h d Ed d S J Icould we ask lior In our first year of awrence a er an war t u Its League schedule October 30th WIth

tncepbon ~r:~e:ss::~ 'P::Sl~~S h~l~~:cko~S ~h~ Ian who came up <from the freshman Holy Redeemer and the balance of theThe financ1al condItIOn or the Post team of 1931 There prohahly lS 110 schedule as follows

squad two seasons WIthout ever getting II th t h b t1S '!lot al1 we can ask for but due to co ege 111 e coun ry Wit a et er NTovember 6th St Catl,erllle De Lamto a.chon Coa'Ch Dorals looks for kl h d Bcondit1:1ons M1d glancing over the re paIr I11tac es i an Metras an eer Salle fieldgreat thmgs of 111mtillS season d I I h f bports of other Posts I beheve we are an cer am y none Wit our any etter November 11th CatholIc Central

to be hlglhly comphmented ood you Pete RajkoVI<:h a ]uulOr letter man than these two and the soplomorewill hear a complete report from your now seems the first chOIce for fullback named Even thIS quartet does not ex awNa

yb 2011 St J h C

but J1e 1S facmg stIff co......""etthon !from h h b I f E I ovem er 1 osep amFmance Officer u-w aust t e POSSI 1 Itles or mman'lle mercia! De La Salle fieldDUil'lUg the past year the Post has Ed Turashoff a JunIor D man Har GIUha11l the biggest man of the squad November 24th (ThanksgIVmg Day)

bought and paId for Colors, .upon old Ryan and Robert Burns sopho 210 pounds Dan Barrett Paul Sulhvan St Anthony De La Salle fieldWhiCh we re-celyed great pra1se from mores Ryan m partIcular has 1m George H1l1es 1vfan1l1 Campbell an11NatIonal Hea.dquarters pressed Brazil thIS year and there IS a Victor Ganey are entitled to senom

Dunng the p-ast year we have estab posslb1hty that 'he WIll wm the regular c011S1derat1Onltshed permanent Headquarters and berth If not he WIll see plenty of ac Thet:e IS also a lot of good guard maeqti1lpped same wtth vanoos artl-cIes hon as a rehef man He s 6 feet tall terml headed by J m \1c'\amara a dat very ltttle cost to the Post and weighs 172 Joe Koe11lg leiter men These guard~

At no hme d1d we ask the aId of out The quarterback squad IS the largest are not very big welghll1g appro).. Soc1al activIties of the fall season ares1de help tasrked no pu'bhc 'Subsefliption of all SIX men strugglIng for POSltlOI11Smately 175 pounds apIece but they are begll1t1l11g 111 Fort Pontchartra1l1 Chapof anyone and everything we own IS WIth BIll RaJkovlch now leadmg the aggressive fast and sh ftv quahtle~ ter D<\.ughters of the Amencan Revoours and no 11ldebtedness hangs over Itst Edward Butler Cliff \farsh and that count for more 'than weight 11 the lutIanour Jhead BIll Pegan wlll gIve RaJkovlch hiS style of football played by the L of \irs John \1arshall of West Grand

The Post has made rapId progress m hardest competItIon and It IS entlrely D avel ue H~gh1and Park who expectsthe past It IS our duty at the present poss1ble that one of them WIll succeed lContlnued! :>n Page Two) to leave next week wlth Y.fr Marshalltime to look to the future SUCi:ess O'f all fIiJ-------------------------------------fiil for an October VISIt 111 their natIve1ts a'CJtlv1ttes For the 1l1terest enthus state of Vlrgmla enterrtamed at d1l1lasm and generos1ty demonstrated by ~ e.-ah b()rh ()()d ner m her RJpartment Wednesday (Sep

(Conunued on Page 2) I""IIIIIIiIII • telnber 21) \Irs Edward J Savage________ state regIstrar Mrs Russell V All

Club Ac:::tl-vl-t.-es man regent of Fort Pontchar'ramChapter D A Rand 1Irs R R RIddie and \1rs 0 D Heavennch pastregents of the chapter

Mrs Herbert F Poehle new SOCIalcha rma 1 of Fort Pontchartram Chapter D A R was hostess Bnday afternoon (September 23) at the Parkstone where she reslde<; to the fortyor more memihers of the combmed soclal commIttees of the chClipter Shewas asslsrted by Mrs Charles EHolmes \irs C D Macpherson MrsH J VIbbert and 10:rs Glen Patterson VIce chaIrman of the s1l1 commIttees for the annual guest day annualbridge party socral teas and otl er

Women"s Gym Class I functIonsThe Women S Gym Class Will begll1 The ~ltest of honor was Mrs Russell

on Wednesday October 5th The class V Allman chapter regent who pouredwtll be hekll from 3 00 to 4 00 and theprogram mdudes calistheniCS andgroup games All women mterested Football Sunday, Oct 2nd DeLaSaHeare lllvited to attend vs St Ambrose De La Salle Field


Page 2: sz.eo WEQt PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIl. BY MAIL ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Jul Nagel Hugo Glaser The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518 East Jefferson avenue


IhUtto and SweetWhat 1s to some sad ahl,1 bItter, may

s'eem to oth'ei.'SpartIcularly sweet-T~ucretius

Before GqnpQwderThe ctossbow \v.{'S uSE}d ~llle:fly in

the T\\ elfth c( ntury but was not unknown 1n the 1enih and DIe' euth centUlles

And Will TomorrowTh'E!man v,. ho spends today braggmg

about what he is going to do tomorrow dId exactly the sante thID&, yesterday antl the day ~efore

Old Roman Postal SystemA postal system was in e~tstence 1ll

the Roman empire It was known asthe Cursus Publ1cus and was estabhshed by Augustus for dIspatches bet\veen the government and the provlntes Pre\ !ously messages were earded by tabellnru or orderlies knownas statares At a later period carriages were employed for messengerfl:and the tost was borne by the citlMand the dlStr4ctS 'There was an exprpss post known as Cursus VeloxPostal boats also pUed between certam ports The postal system was notemployed by the general pubUc

The AffeclU)lJ8Hearts may b'e attracted by as

surned qua-Htles but the affections arenut to be fi'(ed but by those that arereal-De Moyse

Ireland" AppellationInnlsfall IS the Insh name appheu

by the blltd'l!l to Irelantl it tn'eans the.(sland of Destmy

Hampton Roads in Hu~toryBampt6n Roads received its name

from \he town of Hampton on thehear by shore of VIrgInia says Pathfinder Magazine "Rani'll I 1n eitherits singular or plural form is used innnutical affaIrs for a ship roadsteadthat is. a 'place outSIde a harbor orotherWIse less sheltered or inclosedthan a harbor where ships may rideat anchor Hampton roads Is a clJ,annel through which the waters of th'eJames Nansemond and Ehzabethrlvers pass toto Chesapeake bay ItWAs the scene of the historic battlebetwe~n the first ironclad vessels theMerrImac and the Momtor on March9, 1862

Golf's Remarkahle GrowthGolf had humble beginnings In thIs

counhy and was very slow to catchpopular fancy Count1~ clubs werpfew in Dumber back m the 9O~ \ eryhumble in a1)rll~arance and most ofthem consisted of ninfl hole courseslaId out III somedne's spare pastureThere Is no need to point out tha ~golf Is one of the g'Iants of the sportmg ,,",orld todav that country clubsth'Ousands of tb..em present resplendent courses to their members and th'ltmany mUlllcipalitles have found thepublIc enthusiasm grent enough toJustify the eJ.pendlture of pubhcmoney for the maintenance of pubhcUnks

~'Nap's" Distinct ValueThe nap may serve as a plcl~ me

up :B:enry l\! Stegman suggests tothe readers of Hygeia Magu7ine Alittle I snooze for the nervous tiredman In the afternoon may make hisnight sleep more soothing

MaDY persons who have long rideson elevated trams or subwa, s catchan hour or t\'t 0 of sleep in thIS wayIt is S\H'prlSlllg how ODe can mechanleally tram oneself not to sleep pastone s destmation Others before goIng out In the evening catch a fewwinks of sleep HOllSE'wlves ha\ efound a Short nap after the lunchhour of great benefit

One can get a better qualIty ofsleep in a nap than In tHe averageof a full mght s 1est for the firsttwo hours of sleep are the deepestThe nap is hardly in C(lnSOD1.nCewIththe bustllng American spIrIt but thatts all the more reason for It

Sword6.h No EO'.t P•• yCatching swordfish IS consldereq to

be the greatest sport in the watersof New Zealand They call them thegladIators of thE' ocean. They run upto a thousand pounds in weIght and12 feet in length and to land one(always a marlt of great honor) oftenreqUires many hours df haid ana careful flghtmg on the part of the fisherman Often the fish leaps as much as20 feet out of watel aftel beihghoolted S003etimes the fish finally getsaway taking thE>enthe Hne With hun

How's Yotf.r "Currency"?We stamp our own ,alues up'On our

selves and cannot ('~Delt to pass forPH)le-r\.('hona:p

Grealellt Presldent.tTwo elderly men at the village

stQre had been reading convention)je'w~ and had faUen into an at'gumenton the relatIve merits of PreSidentsWashlllgton and Lincoln Finally theYcalled in it local nabob who haa a reputatIon for being a well read man tosettle the dIspute

Well gentlemen said he I I knowthat Washmgton Was a great Presldent and so was Abraham L1ncolnBut I have always been mclmed totllink that Stone\\all TaC'ltson was thegreatest PreSIdent we ever had '

To wh~ch after some further argt.ment the others nodded assent -Indillnapol1s News

Senatorial ElectionsWhen the COnstitutIon was tlrst

wrItten it provided that senatorsshould be elected by th\! legi'slature&of the states Gradually the opimoDgamed ground that senatorS should btelected by direct vote of the peopleand gradually the states atlopted lawsprovIding for the name of the peopIe s chOIce for senator on the ballotsThe members of the legislatureswould then pledge th'eln$elv~s to casttheir votes for the person who ,ecured the largest Dumber of votes 101"the people s cholc'e As a matter offact long bofo". the coti~tlfutlonalamendment pl;'Ovldl:hg for dli...ect e1ecflon of sehators by the people the pea[)le in most of the states were actuallyelectlng their si'::!hators by d1rect votein this loundabout method

._<l4IlII- ... o .... _ ... i4liioo ..... ....l.t'o_ -- - -- - - -.,

I I3ran~h ()peninQ II -AT THE- II Punch and Jud~ Thllatte I, 17939 Kercheval Avetiue II Ballet, Interpretive, Character, Classical, Ballroom and I, Tap Dancing II, DANCE DIRECTOR OLGA FRICKER I

Dramatic training for children over six years and adults


I -Of' 1'HE:- I It Danc'e and Drama ,I COLUMBIA 27~O ,_0 0_0 ... _ ~.,.. _ -!<!!P' _0 __ 0 0_0_ ... ~ .t

;;: ""' -.. 11 ~~~I4Il\HI---U-O __ 0_ --~1m,., orr iic II ,t I, II I

I, 14518 East Jefferson, Next Door to Cassells I,Luncheon, 35c.50t Tea Dint'ier, 65c.85c

I SPECIAL: SUNDAY DINNER I, A LA CARTE II A Delightful Place for Family and Friend. , II FIRST.CLASS FOOD I" Cooked by Women-N,cely served-We Are Prepared to Serw I

Bridge Lunches-T(;a or Dmner Parties-LEnox 2149 ,, .. "Il_~_-'__~•.__~__ ~ u__


Java's "Sacred Cannon"Reverenced by Natives

OutSide the gate of Old Batavia onthe island of Ta\a lies the SacredCannon or IMariam Beear' as the naUves can It half trodden In the earthIt serves to remind the world travelerof the superstitions under WhICh theJavanese still labor

While barely 50000 square mIlesthe islan"d supports a p-opulatlOn ofmore than 40000000 persons makingtt one of the most densely populated[anUs in the world The history ofthe Sacred Cannon 1S unknown and itbears no date The breech representsa closed fist with a pecuhar turn ofthe thumb An inscriptIon ('a'St ill thebronz~ reads Dx me Ipsa renatnsum ' which means lOut of myseJf 1was reborn" Natn es beheve the gunto possess the power of granting fertlhty to humamty aod for dus +ea$00 chi1dles~ wQmep go there andbuto incense as an otf.e~lng

The inscrlphon, it is told 1$ a reference to a. rec.ushn$ of the gun fromSonJ,e othE'r cannon and 1n 1\ way furDIshes some reason why It should pos-sess the power which the Javanesehold sacred

According to another nath ~ suPP)"stltlOn thlS old gun will some day bejomed by Its mate Which is beHevedto be the old cannon found in "antamon another part of the Island and thaton that day the rule of the Hollandersin Java WIll termmate

the fact that 75% of the voters casttheir ballots for repeal candIdates mdl ...cates the success of the Red White andBlue re.peal petition measure at th'f:polls tn November

Titan Topics

Crusaders, W.O.N.P.R.Answer Drv Leader on

Primary Poll ResultIn spIte of the mls1eadmg statement

Issued by James Schermerhorn chaIrman of the Vv ay 1e County U l11ted DryCampaIgn Committee the Crusader sand the Women s Orgal11ZatlOl1 for },J atIonal ProhIbition Reform .are of theop1111Onthat the recent Pnmary EIectton gave the prohlb1tton cause one ofItS worst setbacks 111 MlCihtgan s b1story

The Crusaders and the WON PRafter complhng the latest electIonreturns are pleased at the enormouSmaJonty of antt~prohLblttol1 votes castIJ;lthe CongresslOnal electIons On the'basts 0,,- i eturns avaIlaJble today over75% of the voters 111 the last electtoncast their ballots for <CMldtdates faYQtmg repeal And m makmg these~mputMlons straddlmg and non commlttal candidates were credIted to theprohIbItIOn SICk of Itthe ledger In oi"derto glVe the dry groups any posslble ad'Vantage

In only three CongressIonal d~stnctsdId repeal cand~dates fall to secure amajorIty of the total vote cast In therema1l1mg dIstncts t.he percentages ranfrom 53% all the way to 100% Furermore 'Such outstandmg drys as Repsentahve Michener and RepresentatIveMcLaughlm ran far behmd their~9rmer totals RepresentatIve M1clhen

ftonly polled some 15000 votes as

mpared WIth 26 000 In 1930 whilepresentattve McLaughlm s support

:if 1 from 31000 to 15000 a decrease ofover 50%

On the other hand RepresentatIvePerson and Wolcott Crus-ader and Wo N P R candIdates sUDcessfully reslsted the dry onslaughts olf theIr defeated predecessors, Rb,presentMIvePerson wmnmg m the !tWo ~ount1es he£aued to carry In 1930 Increasn1g htslead by 1 000 whIle RepresentatIve\Volcott was gammg 2000 votes overhIS 1930total

We are or the opml0n that the num-ber of antt-<prohlblhon votes cast con--stitutes- sucee,Ss tor the movemJ;nt~ .q.nd

(Contl11ued from Page One)Edgar A Guest Amenca s most pop

ular wnter of verse and Charles FGus Dorals Athletic DIrector at the

U111verslty of DetrOlt look so muchahke that they are constantly bemgmistaken for each other

Almost every day durmg the football season somebody stops EddIeGuest on the street and wants to knowhow Jus team IS commg on Just as often somebody tells Gus how much heliked the vel"3es that a'P'Peared m themOl mng paper

One day Just before the begmnmgof f<ill football 1Jracttce Gus wasp1aymg a round of golf at the Detr<ntGolf Club '\M.htch 1$ also the scene ofEddIe slinks rabors and several members of the dub came up and said theywere glad to see Mr Guest back mtown after hIS summer at Po1nte Au:)':Barques

Fortunately both Gus and Eddiefeel flattered when Wl,staken for theother fellow Well I dIdn t get anythe worst of It when I was mIstakenlor you sald the popular poet the tinttIme he met Gus The pleasure ISall mme rephed Gus I can t flunkof anybody 1 dr rather hke or 'be hkethan BdidIe Guest

These two famous men not only beara strong faClal rcsscmblance to eachother but are of about the same bUIldEddle 1S corJ.s1derably older than Gusbut looks remarkably young wlule-Gus after hIS team has been

through a particularly hard gamesometimes looks a lot older than he IS

The resemblance does not stop atphYSIcal appearance either for bothmen are by una111mous opmIOn of allwho know them regular guys

Page Two

(Contmued from Page 1)t'l-tose who contnbuted of their throeand money to make thIs Post what It15 today I caft say no more thanTha'1k You

Dunng the commg year we shouldmtens1fy the work and every comradewho has been 'Chosen to serve m am offrelal capaclty should see rthat rt:4e workassIgned 10 hIm IS faIthfully and consre1el}¥QlUsly .q..one Ti}lls .should be att'en~edY..JtoWIth aU the prorniPtness andcare that Que woulp gwe hIS personalbusul.ess I feel that the comIng yea"WIll be one of great activity on the partof all

I cannot close ihls report wlthout e"l{pressmg my smcere thanks to the offleers of our Post as welt as the members o~ all the commIttees for thetrwonderrful ,help and complete -eo operaboo The machmery of our Post hasfunctIoned well and not once has any'.thl11g but i1:hemost complete harmonyeXIsted

Comrades I want to thank you aUfrom the bottom of my heart for allyou have done to make th1s p.ost whatIt 15 today WIthout your help and asSlstance thiS Post could not fun-ebonand If 1t 15 the WIll of you men to agaHlplace me 11 the High Chair of honorI \\ 111accppt thIS greq.t honor of agalUbecom ng your feader only under theassuranc,~ that I ho.ve the good gracesof everyone ~n thIS Hall Thank yOU

Com. Robert L. Buttl\ReYiews ActMties of

Year in Legion Post

Page 3: sz.eo WEQt PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIl. BY MAIL ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Jul Nagel Hugo Glaser The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518 East Jefferson avenue



Pagl: 1'Ilree


She WouldA Wife is somebody whQ thought

you had jotted down the street nufJ.ber of t1 e peoplf' you are drIving ontto visit for the first time -DetroitNews

Forglveneu'Ve read that ',e ought to for:give

our enemies but we do not read thatwe ought to forg!,e our fllends-Cosmus


that next

Entries to Old RomeAncient Rome had five great avenues

of approach-the Flaminia Praenestina Aurelia, Ostensis, and AppianWays

Poorer Than PovedY'He '''ho has (lnl" f'mpt\ \\Oldo:; to Length of CUbit

offer in symp'lthy \',}th need sald Hi A cui it is h{> dlst'1nCe flom theHo the sage of Chm'lto\'i n IS poorer pomt (f ti (11 \ t the tIp of thethan Povett, her«:elf _ '''a"h ngton ffil](1j{ fir L n i 1-' \f\rJ( usly estiStar mnte(l It 1~ t 2 Ill( hE'':!-----------------------------

Oldest Enghsh HOUle

England s oldest occupIed bouse hasbeen establIshed as the FIghting Co~kinn at St Albans Part of it is belHwedto be 1110 years old

---- -------

.~--- ~- - - -~_;;:;";L~;2;~;;T~..~;~~.;--1i You e,ther noghl for Ihe ' .. 0 Specoal events Salurday. 'It Oclober 1st and Sunday, October 2nd No ChargeI for dancmg Waltz Contest every Friday night.

I Monticello Ballroom

I "America's Most Palatial"Ea8t Jefferson at ChaIMl:'1'sAvenue

l-..~~o~~~~:.~~~~::..:1~:I:~~:~~:~~~_.f --- - .....- - -_ .._- -- - - - - - _ ....-- -_ .._,I Your Fur Coat! I

;; H HWT 71 :

Diles it need Remodeling, Relining or Rand Cleaning? Or,if wOrn abd shabby it can be made into a Stylish Jacket at aVery Low Cost.I Ladies' Cloth Coats and Suits made - also Remodeling

I and Altering of all kinds. Low overhead enables me to do allwork at Low Prices.

I Just telephone and I will gladly call and give you an e ..timate on any work desired.


l G. J. CHARWATFurrier - Ladies' Tailor i

::~ ..::~:w':.::' J.:r::~_:~ K:cheval ~I.:k~:: .6~5:R_J

Printing Co.tS12,1Kercheval Avenue

LEnox 1162

The Grosse Pointe

FORorder of


Foot Pound Calc;ulahoDA foot trounl1 1s a 'JOlt of energy

equal to the wotk ild~~ In raIsing onepound a"oirdtljlo~ aJl~l~st Ihe forc. ofgravity the height of Olle foot

PJ'O,r~~5iv.C'olonuts.A.nattempt to mahutacture iron w~

liIide by the VirtiJnla colony near.1amestown~s earl.t ~s the year 1620

SlIlipl. ~p.. cl!An Afriean explor~r finds a tribe

with a vocabulary of only ten lettersThe grunt ~ust be ~verworked 10 thattrIbe -South Bend Tnbune

Sol'n. l\,.,il Wor ••The w(Jm~Jlwho says aU men Rre

aHle is 'all Wrong-some of th~m area heap worse to hve with than others-Cincmnatl FnqulreJ

f- - - --_.-._-_......_-- - - -- -- - - - - -Q'"

I ~~~,~1NO~ II Featuring the newest dances from the National Convention of 'I

tlil! Dancing MAsters of Alnerica.

Private and class lessons fQr beginners and advanced children III aAndabdul;ts inMBdallet, GTap, MuTsicahl. Comeadnyd,CBhalalrraocotmer'I

cro abc, b ern erman ec mqueDancing.

P,oneer Au'o,,' I ELAINE MARIE ARNDT IElwood Balnes of K61.omo, Ind, re- I

celved In lSgg tbe first hcense tb oper Dance Studioate aD automobile I

For YOlli' ScraphooK: I 919 BarrIngton Road LEnox 7639 •Remember ,hIS 1hh very nltle 1. d I dl I dneededto makea happy ute -Marcus !~ :::::=n-::. :p.:,::.g: : :a:.e J

AureliUS .....

ti: aOJICII n at; !! 'Oc:rO' 'Oc::x.O' 'Or:::::rO0


Onwor-llIt may be SAU] of some men that

tbelr moulis ar~ in excellent condlHon ha\ ipg been used $0 seldom-Columbus <Qhio) stnle ToU!nal

Worlel'. MODetory Gold1~h€'monetary gold in the", orla cast

tn one soUd block would form a cube'U feet tD earh ihmenslOn


Trallic lel~. Not N...ExCa\1atol~ have found that a one

way stle~t eXIsted i~Pompell, thp Ital1a:n city \'vhich was destroj C'd by anM'uption of 'fount V('o;;U'dUS Ln /9

• Blrd of ParadIse sitarrtng the lovely Dolores Del Ibo and .the handsomeJoel McCrea 1<5'tlhe current featureattra'CtlOl1 art: the RIVIera theatre 10cated on Grand RIVer and Joy Road

Ftlmed tn Hawall IS a plc1ure that1S filled With sensuous beauty of thetropICS and has been glVen the laVIshprodiuotlOn by Kmg VIdor creator ofauch outstandmg :pIctures as The BIgParav.e The Champ and StreetScene An underwater fight \\ Ith a"hark the fllght of alent re \IJ1agetlom the deadly Id.vd of an empt11g\ o1cano and a dan 19 vcrSlOn of thehula are among the other I1ghhghtsof Blrd of Paradl"e 1 he love scenesbetween Dolores and McCrea are saldto be estpeclally enohantmg and abea1.1tlful score orf natIVe ffilUSlC runntng through the e ltlre productlOl1 1~

an adtled appealAdded s-ereen treats mc1udes the

latest MIckey \1o'Use Cartoon \1lckey s 'l\T1gthtmare an ° the r unusualGranil:land Rlce Sporthght ParamountSound News COtn1)letes the program


ProgressTo impro\ e IS to ,c.:han%e To be ;Qer.

teet is to 1Il!;v, cMpgell ",!'!en- Wla-ston ChurchLif. _

Be ContentThe best thiug~ in Itfe are those

nearest you the sun in the sky, theflowt!rs at tour feet frIends at tourSid~ Then do not grasp at the starsbut do hfe s plain, common work as 11comes certam that dany duttes anddaily bread are the sweetest thingflIn hfe-GrIt

Poi.onou. Lion ji.hA lion fish, ~ow on display in Ihe

Field Museum of Nathral History, Chicago, is exceedingly pOISOnOUs. It isto be found in large numbers along theshores of Islands in the Paclftc AlongIts back, the fish has Il row of splheswhich can be raIsed so that: theystand up Uke a picket fence 1:hetIps will pebetrate fish at a sllghttouch and in so doing win smear POlson Into the puncture The flsh arebrllli.ntly colored but so wen do lhelrcolors blend with the surroundingsthat tlIey are almost invisible

, u

'"Mr.. Alhgatcir'. F\\tUyA female ..,.l1igator;is eA~2me1Y bel

Ugerent as libe cS,tan4s gudil'd over hernest of eggs Her nest which 18 constructed without the aId of the maleresembles very much the nest of amusklat It IS made by the pllmg together of swamp vegetation Then itis hollowed out in the center and theeggs deposited numbering from ~5 to75 Contrary to common bellef thegrowth of the allIgator is fairly rapIdDoctor SchmIdt, aSsistant curator ofzoology, is authority for the statementthat a 'gator often attains a length of12 fe.t by the time it reach.. Itsfifteenth year

BegInning of BakmgAt fil~t lhe Stone .ge men ale lhelr

wlld gtiimS iaw, as their ape1ike ancestors had done The next step wasto pound them and mix thl:!tll WIth water to make them more dIgestIble S3.jsan article 10 Popular Science MontlHySome cavemen d110pped a bIt of thISmIxture on a hot stone tastQd the resuIt and found It good l'J.~hISfellowaCCIdentally invented both the gnddleand the wheat cake Later they improved on the process by covering th~cakes With hot ashes, that really wasthe begmDmg of bakIng The newdelIcacy mus! have been a welcomechange to people who lived on ltttleelse but meat and soon became popular

"Punic Falth"One of the pIctures Ihat have per

".ted ~ince anci~nt Um.s i~ that l>f.. ll ~Ie"en year old HMhl»al sWe.rlllll.. oath of eternal h.tred towlr4Rome, saWs the Boston Globe <\'\.mongthe lI~ople Of the Etetnal city theoaths of Carlh'ginlans were not takenparticular1~ $eriQusly- 'Punic faith'was a byword !\mong them for t~eaehery It::

There is a ~nd not very well sut)stantlatell of one Roma.n who brokean oath glorIOusly RegUhlS, captu'tedby Carthage, was sent hom~ on pllroleto uT~e the Roman senate to negotlllh~peace Arriving he told the s~lJ.atorsto keep u~ the fight Then having"'iolated hiS'\. olJth, he returned toCarth.g~ to il'cJl"pt death by tortuteOther prisoners sent by Carthage onthe same errand did someiingel crosslng

, "-How Coiflibtm hI 'Ti\'!;'/B

'had Their t3egil1h.1Iti$Admiral JS not an ltngl1sh word its

origin was Ermr el Bagh whIch isArabic tor 'Lord of the sea" says theMontreal Family Herald The termcaptain corneS to us direct from theLatlll caput the m-eanlll¥' head The:coxSWain was originally the man whopulled the after 9ar of the captain sboat then known as the cock $ bOatCocl~boat Itself is a corruption of theword coracle a small round boat usedfor fishing Commodore IS nothIngmore than the Ital1an commendatol eor commander Frequently we healabout Davy Jones 'lhere was ofcourse no such pelson but should youspeak of Duffy Jonah s I ocker ~ouha\e the onginal phrase Duffy 1sthe West IndIan naglo term for thespIrit of Jonah Theter-ID 'dog "atchis a COIrUptlOn of dodge ",atch the'dodge' bemg an artangement to prevent men ft'ull1 bemg on duty everyday at the sa1$e hours 'ihe starboardslde of a slnp was at one time thesteel board ~1de in ruemOlY of theAnglo Saxons who tlse~ to steer theirboats by puttmg out an oar on therIght hand Side of the stern The larboard (how known as the port side)is a cOlrttptidn of lower board whichwas always considered ihferlor to theIll.tboard

If'hl$~(>ric Oxford"T lI"ern

BlocOb'UIS Mere MemoryThe anuent ~lar of the Swyndle

stock tavern the scene of the outbreak of the most VIOlent 'To" nandGown I riot in OXford hu;tory, ba~bMn dotltoh~hed to make way tot th~strong toom 'Of • bsb1< On 8tScholaslica ~ day 13qa an under-graduate compl1hned to the keeper oftIle Swyndlestoe!> inn that hIS be~rwas bad The mnkeeper was so annoyed that he struck tlle customefon the head wltll a tankatd and killedhim The bells of tIle Unlvetsilychurch were rung to s~mmon the undergraduates and those of St Martfn~$ church to Summon the townspeopIe, and In the enaulng battle manylives Were losl on both sides Vntil100 yea.. ago the corporallo. of Oxtord hail t. a. penance llnce • yearIn the universIty !'I expiation of theolrl!hse-London Mall

G R, O~S;>E~ ~ OJ ~I K II:r;.n.K\~L,

"Bird of Paradise" ,At the Riviera!

One of the strarngest dramas everunfolded IS presented 111the statithrtgmotIon plCiture The Blonde Captivenow playmig' at the Para.mount theatre

The story cdnc:eh1S a whIte womanlost 111 the wilds of Austraha amonga tribe 6f pnmltlve peo1;>le descendedfrom the Neanderthal Mah of the OldStone Age of 50 DbD years ago Awhite woman ltvmg naked m a caveWIth the oldest hvmg race 111 eXistence I

The pIcture IS said to have not onlya dramatic ~ppeal but IS of msrtructlbnal value as welt, It bell1g a motIonpIcture record of the exped'thbn o:f DrPaul W1thmgton of Harvard to seeIf the ancient Neanderthal Man sttllhved

Lowell Thomas radio VOll:e orf Literary Digest wrote the <lIaldg.ue ahddid the talkmg for The Blonde CaptlYe and he mtrodlUces you wl'th ammture of fact and h'11mor to manystrange ammals SCIentific d1scovenespeoples and cbsrtoms .......ahd to the amaz111gstory of the blonde capttve

A larke program 0 f surroundnhgslhort su'b)ects mclud'es eomedles cartooll>S nmv,S and other mterestmg en~tertamment

Story of Wh,'e Wdman L.vlng W.lhNaUveo

"The 810nde Captive"Now lit the Paramobnt

Grand Hotel IS now 111 Its secondrecord break1l1g week at the UnttedArtists Theatre The great popularttyhf VhlS pl.c1ure was proven by the factthat on the opel1lng days the theatreattendance record was broken a recordthat has 5otood for over two years

The pIcture With Its amazll1g arrayof screen stan. cont1l1ues to thnll theDetrOIt pubhc Many people havcbleen 1 t two and three hmes The£amous stars appeanng- 111 It mc1udeGreta Garbo John and LlOnel Barrymore Watlace Beery, Joan CrawfordLeWIS Stone a.l1d 1ean Hersholt

The shOWing of Grand Hotel atthe Umited Aritlsrts marks the .finsthme that thIS pIcture has been shownat >tihe regular pop'Ular prIces Thefilm IS bemg run exactly the same astt was shown at the WIlson theatreseveral montlbs ago For the conve1l1ence of the patrons the last complete even111g shows on week naysstart at 9 45 p m

"Grand Hotel" inSecond Big WeekAt the United 'Artists

The showl11g of George Arll~s newest pIcture (':::'uocessful Calamity atthe FIsher thIS week IS dn event ofreal Importance ThIS outstandtn'gplcture would ordll1anly have playedm a downtown run theatre 'but dueto ak special arrattgement It was secured for thiS one week showmg atthe FIsher

Success.ful CalamIty t&'1Ves Arhssone of hIS finest roles It IS a plcturethat 15 packed WIth htltnanness andr1ch With .comedy It 1S the story ofa ve r y wealthy busmess man whofinds that ibiS money keeps the famllvso busy SJPendlng It that there IS nohome Me To solve the problem hedeclares that ihe IS tumed--and by~blS me.h. he Mally brlhil's baok ,hefamuy group thM: he loves so wellHIS pretendmg he IS rumed 1S mdeeda sUrC'Ces&£u1calatti1lty The role rthatArhss plays combInes all the talentand arhs1try he has .shown 10 TheMtlhonalre' and The Man Wh 0Played God U

On the rStage there is a special s.tarreVIle he.dod by hOlte other thlln BabyRose Marle <the taletrled ten. yeaT oldJuv'etlUe r a d i a sm'ger Baby RO'seMa'rle has 'been heat'd over the nahdhalNBC fladlo hoak up and she cettam1ywms a way to anyones> heart WIth herpeJ:lf6rmance The Four Ortons area group of sens,atlOnal European wire ..walker<5 and the bnlhant adagiO teamof Bryant Rames and Young aremost unusual There are others WIthEvans Ba:llet Samuel BeilJaVle con~ducts the bverture and Slegel IS at theol'\gan

he cwed She brmgs home enoughh'l"ney <he M.t 01%1\<to sena It'ethuSlband away and tells him she re-ceIved the money as an <advance although sthe adU'ally secured 1.t from aman who had befru~nded her Thehusband: goes off whIle the new ftrendSlhlp rtpens to love When the husband returns cured he dIscovers thetruth and deman.(}s that hIS WIfe return their Chlld and leave hIm Sheruns off wlth the boy and IS houndedby detectIVes until s<he finally giveshIm up She smks to the lowestdepths and "'hen nses to the highestlevels When her former lover dlScovers 'her and she agrees to marryhim She goe~ to 'ISlt her chlld an0find~ th4t she love" her first husban-oand they arc United by the dhI1d

A huge musI.cal revue features SIdManon and Mane Duval BernIce andLmdy Three LIttle Words rthe Lambert GIrls and many others Loulorbes wffI"> all the musical honors\\"rth hlS overture whIle Merle Clarkhas all the audience smgll1g' to thISorgan Short sub]e'Cts and the latestnews conc1ude the program

Messiah LUtheran


Southeast corner of Kercheval andakewood avenues A H A Lo'cllerstar 1434 Lakewood avenue Tele

hone Lenox 2121[here 15 ForgIveness 'VI Ith Thee I

hIS word of the psalmIst WIll be thebJect of the sermon next Sunday 0<:ber 2 be1l1g the first of several ser~ons on Gems from the PsalmserVlces ¥.-1I1be held as follows Geran at 9 A \1 El1ghsh art 11 15 A Munday School at 10 15 A MThe first \!IouthIY"131];tte HOUl of then S~aSOl1wlJJ take J}h.ite next Sundayltmthetlll will be seI"~d at 5 1C; P M

nd the study period Will beg n at 6 15clock and last one hO'll1'

Marlene DIetnch 1 n Joseph vanSlernberg s Blonc\~ ,\e~~~' WIth Herbert Marshall Gaty Grant and Dlc1beMoore IS the current screen attracHon for one week only a1: the M'lch19'an theatre It IS one of the mostmterestmg a11d enr\:ertammg xlramas tocorne out of Hollywood thIS year Thestory revolves about a beaUtiful youngactress who marries a )'loung SCIentistand are extremely ha~py The husband dIscovers thart hIS work haspOIsoned hIm ahd he IS about to .dIeand the fW1ue resolves tQ go ~ack tovne st-agl 1\:0 earn suffiCIent money t.osend hIm to Germany where he can

Gala MuSlcal RevUe Od t&. Mlchl,.nStage-For-bes 'MusIc

4427 Radner avem« at 'Mack F Etf>r!1 pastor Sunqay Schabl at 9 30

m ServIces 11 00 a m Mt Ohv€fhurch cordlaHy 1m fits a'11d welcomessltors to all Its servIces


East Grand Boulevard and PrestOL1Street :Melrose 09i;75 Alfred SamuelNIckless Minister

Sun1lay, Oc\q,her 2, 19329 3D a m -BIble School10 45 a m -MOTlllllg worshIp Ser'"on theme The Splendor of God7 45 p m -Evenmg \iVorshlp The

peaker Mr Os~ar W Hagen ofhlcago Subject Eternal Prospery Mr Hagen IS a dIstinguIshedres'byterlan layman and IS a memberf the OhUfiC!h ExtehslOn B6ard of thehlcago Presbytery and a Dlredor ofhe Presbytenan 1 heologlcal Semlary of ChlCa.gO We S hall havepeclal mUSIC by the members of the

Men s Fnendshlp Bible Study Classt thIS senTlceOn Monday evenmg October third

Mr Hagen WIll be the >speaker at amner for men m the ~htIrch dlhmgoom to which all ta~n are Invited

1lhe meti s work aJt Covenant for theaU and wmter WIll be lauhched at this

g<ilthehl1g Mr Hagen WIll speak dnThe Forward Look and Mr NIdcess Will show movmg plctures he tookn the Rocky Mountatns thIS summer

/ > tMarlene Dietrich in

"Blonde VenusllAt the Michigan

Presbyterian ChurchOf the C6venant

Jefferson AvenueBaptiu Church

Members and :frIends of the Jeff'eron Avenue Baptist Church Will }01l1

WIth the pastor the Rev WaylandZwayer m celebratmg hIS first Anmversary thIS Sunday ~ Mr Zwayercame to DetrOIt last October from theCl1l1tol1 Avenue churdh of TrentonNew Jersey The Anniversary sermon\1/111be at 11 00 a m and wlil be falowed !by the Communion at wh1ch aU

who are WIthout a regular church homen th1S VICil11tyare cordlally mVltetl

God s Love and the Cross Will bethe subJ"'ct at the 7 3'0 p m service

The church school opens Its full pro-gram of class Il1structlOn tl115 Sundaymorn1l1g at 9 45 a m The attendancelast Sunday was 731 conSiderablyhlgher than the !Usual September matkThe Young Peop1e's groups meet at6 IS p m

Ea.tftHtl.t~rP,~ib,..feriah GhUi'cth

- 'TI'Next $ullday morllb{( IS the Cdm11 1011 serVice at' tH'€ Eastmmstei

resbyte'rlan -church All the congre~:atlon are urged to make a spec1al efort to be present At 7 30 we ~I1kely have the long deferred ialktllglctu'res all A Place LIke Heavenlhleh has had to be postponed before

Unle~s these are shown SundlaY tllghthey WIll not be shown at an and theompany rdemonsttahng them hasrormsed there w111'be no mIstake thiSme In addItIon Mr Tom Rhod~she ex pohceman tenor solOist of Mon ..oe MIchigan WIll glVe several numers He IS a great faVOrite at OUfhurch MondJay WIll be t1le meeltlngrf DetrOIt Presbytery the d5strrctody of 00< churcb from 10 DO ttll 4 OD

P M The Tn'tertneniate Christian En.eaV'ors wtll ~esume actlvlties SundayIrght 10 addition to the JUUlor Iriter

mediates and the SenIOrs who are 13,1e~dy meet1l1g on Sabbath ~'Ven1l1S'sat30 and the }UtllO'r Endeavors Satur

day mornmrgs


14797 M


FabriC hats a <; )E'C1alty RemodehugiTel Ielo ......80b 1035 Marlborough mAp1.r ment 101

Wanted-Real Estate sC

CA'iH-Good trade 1l1cludmg small Itfarms f 1r houses and flats ~ Close p

qUick!). Open evel11rigs 817 rox brdg 0Cherry 1244 C

-For Rent tII

FOR RENT-fModern home 6 fOom,> Sbath French doors natural fireplace

garage very convement to stores a~-chools a 1d 'Cars Call 1130 Wayburn

FOR REl\IT-3 room furl11shed cottage near Kerby Road Tel NI 3806 d

rFlats-For Rent


WAYBURN 1272--lJpper corhermodern roorrts newly decorated $20

Hlekory 8881 J \Roofits - For Rent I

ROOMS--Pnvate home Call r enax8118 address 979 Lakepol11te 2nd

home south of Jefferson

YOU'fG COUPLE would hke to rent3 or 4 robms for hght housekeepll1g

m Grosse Pomte VIllage rent reasonable Call NI.gara 9807,

two'tl-OOM FOR RENT-One ori ~gentlemen or employed couple 130(l.-J¥aryland avenue

~~! For Sale-PetsFOR SALE - Ped1greed Pekmgese

pansy face Call Mr Johnson manager Tlffen Hotel C11fford 3349 98Wmder street

Situations Want~d,BOOKS OPENED ..nd kept, s:\,stems

Installed cost moderate Apply BoxJ Grosse pOInte ReView

MICHIGAN U111verslty graduateyoung woman WIll tutor Enghsh be

compamon good reader wnter typIstdrive car low rates FItzroy 5324 W

COWRED !(~ w"'b,ts ,day wc>rk Referenees aI! .1aturaay FItzroy


BUliness ll"eetory--------.....,-----Emergency Service Co. L

Automobile RadiospOp

Westinghouse RetaIl StoYeIf Its Radio Trouble Call T

Lenox 4242 1-?888 E Jet'ferson Ave su__ 0_____ ,, __ 'i_;)__

toNIAGARA 0198 m



COAL and COKE .,.,17 Ridgemont Grosse Pie F.nh. ~,

1.. -, -_ ..- "'....,,--The Mary-Way Patllry 0

15023 Kercheval Ave at MarylandA Compietr LIne of Home

Baked Good~SpecIal Orders FI~d ,

Businessmen's Lunch, 35c ,_"_0_ ,.,_ .. 0- _, . • 1Z :j 5 aTNIAGARA 2047 I


17131 Kercheval AvenueGrosse POInte Village

Modern Equl~tnent mJOHN GRAUBAUGH PAuthorIzed MQrtlclan g

Day aIId Night Service fWe wdl be glad to give advIce or quote Ii

price-No obhgatlon"I 3 pUn> t: w

Tuxedo 2 0200 La~y Atfe\tdantt

MARTIN E. MILLeR cLicensed Funeral Director p

Funeral Home at 1468 Wayburn Ave 'It

Grosse POinte Park, Mlch rAutos for All OccasIons b



First Class Workmanship dPony Chair for the Chddren IT

15005 Kercheval near WayburnGrosse Po~nte Park r


JACOB VAN ZANENGeneral Carpenter Work

We Sp.cialize in Repair Work

14 Ridgemont Nlqara 07"ar-•• Pointe F~f Mich.


1Maryland Electric

teutraetinc and Repali'inC

Tuxedo 2.3090 475 St ClaIr Ave.Gross. Poibte Park

'" I


Daniel G. AHor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

Pile... N...... _

7. Kerb:r ReacI Go P. , ....

Review Liner.



Page 4: sz.eo WEQt PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIl. BY MAIL ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Jul Nagel Hugo Glaser The Glen Cote Dmmg Room at 14518 East Jefferson avenue

Page Four

r- -

GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Friday, Septemher 30, 1932


, 1

• 'I

75., $1 00 and $1 5045c and 65c

OpPosite Hudson Motors

NEW YO~K SflOE REPAIR339 Fisher Rd., opp HIgh School

Shoes repalrea. whIle you waltBest leather used In all work

PrIces ReasonableHat CleanlDg and Shoeslu.ne


12610East Jefferson

Announce the Opening of aBranch at

Jefferson Plumbing,Heating and Furnace

Supply Co.

Special All Next Week

Furnace and BoilersCleaned for $1.50

-----~...---- --'"JUNE BEAUTY ,SHOPPE

15324 Mack Ave,.. at Nottingham301 ProfeSSIonal Blelg

Telephone TUxedo %",1325Call Now for YQlIr AppointmentSPECIAL FOR MON, TUES,

and WED. ONLYShampoo and Fanger Wave .sOShampoo, Marcel and Curl 75 IHot Od Shampoo and Finger

Wave $1.00Contoure Faclill. and Free I

Arch 100ManIcure 35

____________ 4

Will carry a full hne of parts for e.llboIlers and furnaces Enamel warepIpeS, fittings, furnace pIpes, sold chreetto you. We alsQ: speclahze In Jobbing,alteratlorts and new work.


DeLux DlttnersSpeCial Luncheons

Announcing the Opening of theSQcialSeason

11,1, "Hold tqat soeud fune:tlOl'\ w)lere qualIty foodIS served at reasonablE" prIces. We specialIzeIn Weddmg Breakfasts, Dansl'9\ts, BridgeLuncheon~, p.uhes and speCial entertain-mf'nts

1415 Parker AvenueJ"'tmes V Comas, Catering Mgl"e

Phone fot RcsE"rvahons F1t;roy 6110;

4.dvantageAdvantage is a bl.tter soldIer thon

rashness -,",h'11 {'c;pellre

Health Seal Idea TakenUp in Delaware in 1907

The idea of a health seal or the antituberculOSIS seal was suggested bVJacob RIls, the SOCial reformer andauthor In an artIcle In the Outlooltfor 1907 he told hqw Christmas stampsor seals had been sold 10 Denmark forthe support of a children s hospItaland hIS artirle suqgested the adoptionof the idea in thiS country

His idea was taken up 10 that yearby MISS Emily P Bissell of Wllmington Del tn a local campaign By thismethod she raised n,.ooo toward paylng for the site of the first tuberculosls sanitallum in Delaware-Hopefarm

.rhe natIon wide sale of seals wasthel eafter sponsored as a means ofraising funds by the Red Cross Thedistribution of them now however IsiD the hands of the 1\'atlonal £ubercl1lasis aSSOCIatIOn and Its 2100 stateand local branches The double barredcross WhICh appears on the Christmasseals is the symbol of that organizat10n

Professor Finds Tomb I Drugs From Cactus Plantsof Egypt's First Queen cactus pl'lnts form the basis ot a

The great pyramId discovered at new mdnstry I rom them are producedGl.t:eh by Prof Sehm Hassan Is be :~~~~us drugs soap anC! water softhev-ed to be the tomb of Queen Khentkawes who was pOSSIbly the WIfe ofKing Nefererkara the third king ofthe rUth dynasty ThIS ancient mon -- - - ---- ---ument hes near the Great Pyramid of I Children's DressesCheops and is the tomb of the ftPstllDressesforschool'AfternoonEgyptian lady to bear the tltle of and Kmdergarten _ OrJKlnal, e~.Queen" It is bUIlt against the solid IelusIve and very mexpenalve.

rock which forms one Side and Itlr THE MARIE LOUISE PRIVATEbase measureS about 150 feet SHOP

The superficial area of the pyramId 10719 East- JeffeTson at MontclaIris about 3300 squar;e yards 'WInch ~ ..- .._....-..-c_shows that it is somewhat smallerthan the thIrd pyramid It il alseslightly different in formatIOn

The eXistence of a fourth pyramidhas been suspected for a conSiderabletlme The pyramId now discoveredprobably disappeared from Hew morethan twenty centuues ago

The location and history of thefourth pyramid has for ages been am~stery Professor Hassan recentlyunearthed a brick temple not far from Lenox 2903the third pyramid and as every pyramId had its temple he was convincedthat hiS discovery was the key to thewhereabouts of the fourth pylO.mld-Philadelphia Record

Money to Be AdmiredMonej said HI Ho the sage 01

Chinatown, is most to be adnllredwhen It seel,s usefulness -instead ofentertalllment -Washington star

Terrier's Long SWimA fox terrier that fell into an aban

doned coal Pit at Wrexham Englltndswam a!Jout for 20 hours before It wasI ('scne I

American Engineers atWork on Big Projects

To read the names of the placeswhere American engllleerS llave beenor are carrving on great projects islIke readmg at random through th~index of a modern atlas

The ancient city of Lublm Polandwas 10 the MIddle ages a flourlshmgwealthy municIpallty seekmg to heepabreast of its bmes In order to supply ItS people With needed convenlences contracts were entered intoWIth its master men calling for thelaymg of water pipes

These anCIent pipes were made otlogs and the water was forced throughthem by the use of a force Wheel Onan antient parchment, written inLatm in 1506 there is a contract between the Clty authorities and oneJan RurmIstrz calling for the canstructlOn of the pipes and thell' laymg

That such methods were usedAmerican engmeers discovered whenputtmg mto operittion the hrst modern waterworl ..s Some of the pIpe"!were unco' ered ancient tunnels werecut across

Some of these tunnelS were onceused as seuet means of escape during the numerous ",ars and rebellionsF..en tre'lsure was unearthed

Dlbgmg III the streets of Athens toinstall sanitary systems funeral urnswere found of the year qOOB C Alsea very old sarcophagus was noted

Theatrical Rovers inChina Well Patronized

Like an Amerl(an Clrcus perhapsthe most interestmg thmg about atravelmg Chmese theatrical troupe ISthe erectIOn of the bIg top in WhlCbthe performances ai e held Althoughnot as bIg as I the Greatest Show onLarth the ollental structure isumque 10 that it is constructed entirely of bamboo fiber mattmg andnative wood One I head canvasman'c1almed that not one nail was usedin erectmg the temporary playhouse..The framework was entIrely of woodbound together with thm strips 0fbamboo bark peeled off and driGd..fhe enormous skeleton was then cov{'red With fiber mattmg The tentwas over 60 feet high. and had a largeseating capacItv

The performances given by the Itlnerant players are a source of greatamusement to the many Chmese patrons who flock to the mam entranceThe scenE'1y is practically ml the spectator being called upon to supply inhis imagmatIOn the lack of stageeqUIpment Costly costumes and pantOillime are the prmcipal stock In tradeof the Chmese stage fa\orltes Theexcruclatmg mUSIC of the natIve orchestra is mdispensable in making theplaya hIt and the hnes of the \arlouscharacters are punctuated by ferocIouSclanging of gongs or by the" eIrd outburst of flutes and strmged mstruments -Pathfinder Magazllle

Olga FrIcker WIll chrect classes at the bl anch of the Bon-stelle School now operatIng at the Punch and JudyTheatre Classes In Dance and Drama openIng Oct 19

Well Watered StateThe mamland of Massachusetts has

a water flont of 420 miles IIhe ISland frontage pf the commonwealth is200 miles

Highest Flymg Bu.dThe Dgyptmn goose which has been

Qbserved at an altItude esbmated at35000 feet IS the highest flyer Craneshave been hnowr to ~ at an altitudeof five mIles

Red IndIan SurgeonsIt is evident that Ahlencan Indians

had kno," ledge of surgery o::mcetrepanned skulls {If aborigines are stIllIn existence It IS probable that their~urgeons also performed ampntatiom:

Halifax Another Termfor the JNI'ther World

J Hahfa",-' in the phll~~e 'go to Hallfax is plerely a euphe:lmsm for hell'Centurie~ ago the town and pansh ofHalifax in the west ridlllg of Yorkslm e L-nglandl establtshed R severelaw to protect ts cloth mdus-try Under thIS law known 'Us.;IaUfax or glbbet law~ the tnhabltRiD-ts"had the power of executlDg any person taken withlD theIr hberty who after being triedby a jury of J.,,6,was found gUIlty ofstealIng goodS of the value of 1q penceor more The e"ecutlons took placeon a hill outSIde the town on marketdavs A pnnt (of the old HalIfax glbbet a gulllotllle like machme for decapitation was- reproduced in a bookentItled I HalIi'"",q."{and its Gibbet LawpublIshed 10 17,08

Although thtt last execution on theHalIfax gibbet tQol{ place III 1600 thet€1m Hahfa-x law stIll surVIves inthe sense of a speedy or summarytraIl followed by Immediate pumshment Becaus~ of the seventy of Itslaws HalIfax \Vas caI efully avoided bythieves beghars and vagabonds Hulltn YOll..shlre also had a reputatIOn forstrict law enforcement and to the underworld chm acters m ltJngland durmgthe Sixteenth and Se..enteenth centurles Hull H'll]~ax nnd, hell were synonymous terms The.., allIteratIOn inthe names aided to UnIt them togetherIn the popUlar m1l1d~eOf the threehell was probaply the tea,.st feare.d beeause the most dIstat\t -rxchange

Better Than Forgetfuln~ssJ' Tain so important to fohgit yoh

troubles hUld Uncle Cben as it isto zamm into em an find out howto ('llre Jp~_~"lhin".ton o;;:tar

IWIll endorse and approve what youhave been gettmg and ask for more t

But If you are SIck and tIred ofspeCIal pnvllege weary and dIsgustedWIth Government for the benefit of thefew at the expense of the many usethiS orpportumty to come on mto theDemocratIc pnmary and exerCise yourright of chOIce 111the selectton of themen vvfu.oare to conduct your state andcounty government

And after the prImary stay rIght mthere and let s try that new deal thatGovernor Roosevelt has promIsed us

Should any man ridicule you forleavmg the RepublIcan par1:y tell hImhe IS mIstaken that the Republtcanpiarty left you and there IS no othelplace on earth for a natIOnal man togo

Democratic NewsEvents

I We who have been Repubhcans WIllhave to admIt that we have beenwrong

We cannot Ignore the fact that after three Repubhcan admIn1stratlO11SthIS >country IS facmg rum And th1srum was not caused by flood or fire oracts of God but by mIsgovernment

I If anyone had told me 20 years agothat I would ever speak at a Democrabc meetmg I would have thought hewas crazy But hfe play.:> strangepranks and time bnngs about manynecessary changes And we would <haveto dIsregard the eVIdence of our owneyes to deny that changes m government are very necessary at thIS time

I When gram IS hardly worth hauhngto market and people are starvmg forbread when cotton and wool arescarcely worth gathermg and peopleare ragged wlhen millIons walk thestreets and hIghways 01 the land seekmg work not to be had somethmg IS

wrongI There are many causes of these con

dIhons which I haven t hme to analyzehut every cause IS the result of rnlSgovernment And 50 I say to you tomglht fflends that If we are to expectany rehef from these mtolerable condlhons we must look elsewhere thanto the !present admmlstratlOn It ISfully to eXipect that the vandal whowrecked your house Will rebUIld It orhe that stole your horse Will restore It

At the Repubhcan NatIOnal convenhon composed pr nClpally of Federaloffice holders the conventwn endorsedevery ad of Herbert Hoover renom nated hIm and Charles CurtIs placed hIScabmet officers m charge of hIS campalgn and 111 effect saId to you and me_There It IS we have no apology tomake Take us as '" e are Just as wehave been and we 11give you the sametreatment you have been gettmg thepast four years

And so I ask you folks who hkc:myself are trymg to make a ltvmg fromyour farms your small bUS1l1essenterpnses your professlOns your labor IStJhISwhat you want?

If It IS go ahead and vote the Repubhcan ttcket Just be.cause you always have before and 111domg so you

Speakmg a1 Laddoma as pubhshedm part by the M1ssourl Democrat MrKennen saId

A recent speech by A L Kennenlong actlVe m Republican pohtlcs ofAudram county MISSOUrI whose father IS a well known lawyer of LacLdomaseems to answer the bmely queryWhat are the reasons of the great

bodY of Repubhcans who are reportedfrom an sections of the country asturnmg to the Democrahc party m thIScampaIgn for chamng theIr allegiance?Mr Kennen s reasons seem to be sucha composite of the vIews of averagemtelhgent Repubhcans who m massnumbers have deCIded to cast theIrvotes agalnst the Hoover adml11lstrahon and the present leadershIp of theIrparty m many State and COUIty contests as to desene more than local circulation

Grinning NatureNature seems to wear one unlYersal

'1"ln -Henry ll'ieldlng

Spider LoreWolf splders are the hunting spl.

ders that chase their prey and maybe "Seenrunning through the grass orlurking under stones especially indamp places A variety lycosa DIdlfix is also classed among the turretbuIlders and Is sometimes called thl;\turret spIder Its home is a tunnelin the ground topped by a small turret of whatever materlRl may be athand held together WIth silkenthreads Turret spiders mahlllg' th81rhomes along rmlroad tracks ha ..e beenknown to bulld the~e turrets of cin(lers, whl1e small stones and twigs aretrIi.\soused for tbis purpose

Woman SuffrageSince England launched III 1847 the

earliest known handbill for women sSUfflage, the crusade for equal rIghtshas Circled the globe The Woman sRights convention at Worcester Mass,in October, 1850 followed seven vearslater by the formation of England sFemale PoUtlcal associatIOn strength.ened a movement that continued tomal\e history Formation of the EngUsh organization resulted after manyviCISSItudes, in conferrmg the fran ..chise on women property owners inthe lsle of Man about 1880 But notuntil 1918 was full suffrage granted tothe" omen of England

Desert MenDay after day, the Silent men of the

desert go forward across its monotonous horizons their mouths areflanked wIth these two deep lIneS ofpatience and of sorrow :yhich you maynote today in all the gliettoes of Eu.rope. their smile when they smile, isrestramed by a sort of Ironic strengthIn the muscles of the fage Their eyelare more bright than should be eyes othappy men, they are as it were, in-ured to sterility, thele Is nothmg Inthem of that repose WhICh we westernors acqUIre from a continual con-templatIon of deep pastures and of innumerable leaves they are at war notonly among themselves, but againstthe good earth, 10 a Silent and power.ful way they are also afraId -HilaireBelloc

"PassIng th~ Buck"J It Is our observahon that every

tIme we get into trouble it IS due tonot havmg been lazy enough' saysChristopher Morley In the GoldenBook Magazme tf fhe man who isreally thoroughly and phIlosoplncallyslothful Is the only thoroughly happyman It Is the happy man who bene--fits the world The conclusion is inescapable MlDd your business IS a good counsel but mind youridleness also It s a tragic thing tomake a busmess of your mind Saveyour mind to amuse yom self withThe lazy man does not stand in theway of progress When he seeS progress roarmg down upon hIm he stepInimbly out of the way The lazy mandoesn t (in the VUlgar phrase) passthe buck He lets the buck pass him"

Fly Seen as Scavengerin Scheme of Nature

'Ve know now, as the anCIents QfOld Testament days dId not know,how dangerous files are to health byreason of their fondness for foul ordecaying matter In fact their functIon III nature would appear to be thedestruGtIon of corruptmg material bytheIr maggots The danger of theirpresence especially of their bitlllgor stmgmg comes from the <:ontamination they bring from theIr connection with the pOisons of decaYlllg materlal How terrIbly diseases may bespread by the swarmmg myriads offlJes of varIOUS species in hot countrIes we in our temperate climatescan only imagine

I Flies of Death" is the striking fi~ure I the Preacher, the Son of DavidKing of Jerusalem" Solomon the WIseuses (EccleSIastes 10 1, margin) whenhe would Signify the awful damageInslgmficant things may do f Fliesof Death cause the Ollltment of theapothecary to lilend forth a stmking:savour so doth a little folly hIm thatis in reputatIOn for Wisdom andhonor"


Swordfish Capable 0'Piercing Steel Plate

In length the t\..o types of swordfish are about 15 feet and they Rretound in aU ~ '" seas ot the worldIn shape tlns ~ ish is beautltullystream lined triWae on that speCieskno\'n also as the sfillfish there IS atong fin runmng do,..n the \\holelength of the bacIt The creature usesthis as a sRII when tra,el1ng on thesmface

It is not easy to realize the tremendous power the SWOIdfish IS ableto generate when it attaclts ror someunknown reason it Will charge suchlarge prey as whales but if, by ra--peated thrusts With Its sword It managed to kill one it ~ould be lmpossible for It to make a meal for theswordfish has no teeth and swallowstts prey whole

The sword is about a jurd III lengthand looks lIke a long pointed nosebut It is as hard as ivory and hasgleat penetrating powers In 1795 aBritIsh warship was bemg repairedand It was found that a swordfishhad attacked It leaVing the broken offsword embodied In the hull ThIS hadpierced one inch of sheathing and hadgone through mne Inches of solJdwood In the South Kensington mllseum London there is a block ofwood which has been penetrated to adepth of 27 lllches while there ar€'records of this sword gomg throughmore than a foot of timber





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