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TEACHING FOR CRITICAL & CREATIVE THINKING TWEET: #tc5815 Stephen Brookfield University of St. Thomas www.stephenbrookfield.com www.the99ersband.com Facebook: The 99ers
Page 1: TEACHING)FORCRITICAL)&) CREATIVE)THINKING #tc5815! · 2015. 8. 24. · TEACHING)FORCRITICAL)&) CREATIVE)THINKING! TWEET:!#tc5815! Stephen!Brookfield! University!of!St.!Thomas! field.com!


TWEET:  #tc5815  

Stephen  Brookfield  University  of  St.  Thomas  

www.stephenbrookfield.com  www.the99ersband.com  Facebook:  The  99ers  

Page 2: TEACHING)FORCRITICAL)&) CREATIVE)THINKING #tc5815! · 2015. 8. 24. · TEACHING)FORCRITICAL)&) CREATIVE)THINKING! TWEET:!#tc5815! Stephen!Brookfield! University!of!St.!Thomas! field.com!

Someone  Who  Thinks  Cri/cally  Can  …  

• IdenFfy  AssumpFons  Behind  Thinking  &  AcFons  • Check  AssumpFons  for  Accuracy  &  Validity  • Take  Informed  AcFon  

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Someone  Who  Thinks  CreaFvely  Can  …  

•  View  Ideas  &  AcFons  from  MulFple  AlternaFve  Viewpoints  •  Generate  InterpretaFons  &  AcFons  that    Differ  from  the  Usual  Mode  of  Thought  or  PracFce  •  Communicate  Learning  Through  a  Variety  of  ModaliFes  &  Forms  –  Visual,  KineFc,  Auditory,  Symbolic    

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•  One  Based  on  Evidence  /  Experience  that  Can  be  JusFfied  •  One  That  Has  Its  AssumpFons  Known  &  Checked  •  One  That  Stands  a  Chance  of  Achieving  Its  Intended  Consequence  •  One  That  Has  Been  Viewed  from  MulFple  PerspecFves  •  One  That  is  Enacted  Via  MulFple  ModaliFes  

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• CAUSAL  -­‐  purport  to  explain  a  sequence  of  events    • PRESCRIPTIVE  -­‐  assumpFons  about  how  things  should  happen,  we  should  behave  • PARADIGMATIC  -­‐  framing,  structuring  assumpFons  viewed  as  obvious,  common  sense,  taken  for  granted  

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4  Key  Intellectual  TradiFons  

•  ANALYTIC  PHILOSOPHY  –  logical  fallacies,  argument  analysis  –  inducFve,  deducFve,  analogical,  inferenFal  reasoning  

•  NATURAL  SCIENCE  –  hypotheFcal-­‐deducFve  method,  principle  of  falsifiability  

•  CRITICAL  THEORY  –  uncovering  power  dynamics  &  ideological  manipulaFon  

•  PRAGMATISM  –  experimental  &  creaFve  pursuit  of  beauFful  consequences  (E.g.  democracy,  inclusion,  connecFon)    

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An  Example  

•  Clinical  Depression  is  Caused  by  External  Circumstances  

•  The  Way  to  Deal  With  It  Is  To  Reason  Through  It  &  Tell  Yourself  To  Snap  Out  of  It  

•  MedicaFons  Are  For  Those  Too  Weak  To  Deal  With  The  World  

                                 Rooted  in  Ideology:  PATRIARCHY  (Men  are  to  be  entrusted  with  making  decisions  by  virtue  of  their  superior  raFonality  &  logic)  Counter:  A  Flaw  in  Chemistry,  not  Personality  CreaFvity:  MedicaFon,  MeditaFon,  Music  


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An  Example  •  I  Am  Free  of  Racism  •  I  Don’t  See  Color  or  Race  •  I  Treat  Everybody  the  Same  

Rooted  in  Ideology:  WHITE  SUPREMACY  (The  norm  for  leadership  is  White  &  Whites  are  not  racial  beings.    They  can  escape  racism  by  moral  determinaFon)  Counter  View:  Whites  as  Raced,  Engaging  in  Racial  Micro-­‐Aggressions,  H.E.  as  Racialized    CreaFvity:  What  Would  Classrooms,  Teaching,  Content  Look  Like  Racialized  in  Favor  of  Other  Racial  Groups?      

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QuesFon  …  

• What  most  helps  your  students  to  think  cri/cally  &/or  crea/vely?  

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Circle  of  Voices  (5  people)  

•  Individuals  reflect  on  the  discussion  topic  (1  min)  •  ParFcipants  go  round  the  circle  in  order  -­‐  each  person  has  up  to  1  minute  of  uninterrupted  air  Fme  to  give  their  viewpoint  on  the  topic.    No  interrupFons  are  allowed  

•  Move  into  free  discussion  with  the  ground  rule  that  every  comment  offered  must  somehow  refer  back  to  a  comment  made  by  someone  else  in  the  opening  circle  of  voices.    This  need  NOT  be  agreement  -­‐  it  can  be  a  disagreement,  a  quesFon,  an  elaboraFon  or  extension,  an  illustraFon,  etc.    

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How  Is  CRITICAL  THINKING  Learned?  What  Students  Say  …  

• By  Instructors  MODELING,  MODELING  &  MODELING  via:-­‐  • CriFcal  Incident  QuesFonnaire  • AssumpFon  Inventories  • Ending  PresentaFons,  Discussions  &  Exercises  with  QuesFons  • Chalk  Talk  –  Visual  Discussion  

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An  Example:  Chalk  Talk  

•  Instructor  writes  a  quesFon  in  the  middle  of  the  board  •  5-­‐10  minutes  of  silence  is  declared  •  Students  write  responses  to  the  quesFon  on  the  board  whenever  they  feel  ready  •  Students  &  instructor  draw  lines  linking  comments  &  add  quesFons  &  reacFons  

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Cri/cal  Incident  Ques/onnaire  (CIQ)  


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•  Last  5  minutes  of  Class  •  Anonymous  •  Frequency  Analysis  of  Main  Themes  •  Reported  Out  at  Start  of  Next  Class  • NegoFaFon  NOT  CapitulaFon  

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How  Is  It  Learned?  What  Students’  say  

• Consistently  Providing  Real  World  IllustraFons  /  Examples  •  Instructor  Point  –  Counterpoint    •   Structured  Devil’s  Advocacy  (Solo  Point-­‐Counterpoint)  •   Speaking  in  Tongues  

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How  Is  It  Learned?  What  Students’  Say  

•   What  do  YOU  think  Professor?  •   Drawing  Discussion  •   Musicalizing  Discussion  •   Incremental  -­‐  Begin  With  Basic  Mental    Protocol  /Inquiry  Applied  to  Topics  Well  Away  From  Students’  Experiences  then  Gradually  Move  Closer  to  Home  (c.f.  Vigorous  Exercise)  

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How  Is  It  Learned?  What  Students  Say  

•  When  Students  Have  to  Face  &  Respond  to  a  ‘DisorienFng  Dilemma’  (Mezirow)  -­‐  a  situaFon  engineered  to  take  them  by  surprise    /  reverse  /  upset  their  expectaFons  

•  Dangerous  (Appropriate)  Disclosure  •  Classroom  Geography  –  Teach  from  Siberia  •  Clashing  ContradicFons:  Defining  Democracy  •  No  Speech:  Visual,  Musical,  Graphic,  Symbolic,  KineFc                        SILENCE  as  NORMAL  

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QuesFon  …  



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CIRCULAR  RESPONSE    (10-­‐12  members)  

•  Go  round  the  circle:  each  person  has  up  to  a  minute  to  talk  -­‐  NO  INTERRUPTIONS  • What  you  say  must  respond  to  the  previous  speaker’s  comments  (can  be  a  disagreement  or  expression  of  confusion)  •  Once  all  have  spoken  move  into  open  conversa/on  with  no  ground  rules  

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Follow  Up  …  •  www.stephenbrookfield.com  


 •  THE  SKILLFUL  TEACHER  (2006,  2nd.  Ed.)    •  [email protected]  
