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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · TITC SAX FR^ 1909. I^. JIL*SX£Ji15i^*xJP_3l5J ORCYCI'ES 11 CJRTISS...

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TITC SAX FR^ 1909. 11 I^. JIL*SX£Ji 1 5i^* x JP_3l5J ORCYCI ' ES CJRTISS •<#. txria with magnet. «n>irped with «nio »ire«; Al wmfiitlon; will exchange for laticrh: pty fiigeren<-e. 521 16th Bt.. Oakland. "g«Si iffT.ietv;^ 8 * c>mpl ° g optflt> - HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGONS AAA— PUBLIC NOTlCE—Building to be torn dctra cooa; must sell stock quickly. Other terrains besides these: New rosd buggy, including a ulce bar- oe»*. robe aad whip, complete $(54 50 P.ubber tire tuggies, were $100. n0w.... $71.60 Canopy top surreys, were $100, now $SS.M Csnorr tcp surreys, ww $185. now $110.00 saddles, btrmi and robes «t prices that yoa never can refuv. SPIBO HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO.. \u25a0 309 Market St.. g. F. AAA— r.5 head cf cheap city horses snd mules. $10 up. the aU purpose kind; 41 vehicles, top \u25a0nacoas, camp, light epring. platform spring, double exnre**, buggies, bike and steel tire Mirers, $10 up; horse, wagon.* harness, $35 Ui>;.bor*«. bujrgr. barr.e>«. $25 up; horse, nd- <l'e, hridle. $25 «rp; cheap span mules at *ae- rtace; fcar«e«ii, $2.50;- wast money;/ tcake viler; -will trade; open Sundays. Auction Wetlaenday at 11 a. m.. 565 4th St.. Oakland. SECOND HAND wsgoas and bnsgles. all kinds: lowest prices. WILLIAM WERTSCH COM- PANY. 24 Page «=t. \u25a0_ fecoad fcand top wagon, exp. wagoes. bus. bng- cles. Ncgect-Ccvey Waccn Co.. 3i9 Valeocia st. CALL BRANCH OrFICE, 1651 FUlmore st- near TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Vlslfc'e Tprewriter—ln tbe Monarch vtf'.bl* Tpyewrtter all the writing is in full ficht all the time; other makM, second hand. at very reasostble prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring up Douglas 4113, or call at 307 Bush St. WOLF k ISENBUrCK. Dealera. GREAT targt!ss ia r*btti:t trpewrltera reating $2 S3.j*« per raontb. See NEW YOST VISIBLE. I The Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery *t. SPECIAL rental rates: rebuilts second baa 4« at bargains; tupplies, repairs, desks. ALE^HN- DER k CO.. S;2 Market et. TeL Douglas 2157. BRAND sew Vis'.b'.e. $40, Sua No. 2; other makes gheap. Pacifig Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery. NEW aad eecend tand typewriters tmugbt and *old. rented, repaired: guaranteed. SMITH RRO?.. *85 ia»h «t.. Osk'.aad Ftone Osk. 12. INTI^^*^ JJ^APE^HANGINSJ_^ PAiNTTNO. pr-pez bangSag, tinting, plastering, repairing: se?i for estimate. J. P. HUNTER, lTni Geary. ">!. Wt^t VTff: re?. West Re33. INITCD GLASS WORKS be. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC CLA^S. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. ROOFING^ w/w R^hjFS. acy kind, repaired, painted. A. HILI^- MAN. Kf, K. 12th «\u25a0\u25a0 Oakland. Drop postal. LOCKSMITHS DOOR epeac-r* and keys. Key Works. 555 Clay >• Ph<-:-Ps— OiV^sri TTIT. AIT.TJ. BUSINESS CHANCES . A— GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. Buslnees Brokers. 11l Pacific buildl&g, San Francisco. Phore Douglas 4317. BroactraT, corner 7th ft-, Oakland. Pbomt,— Oaklasd Home A 2213. CXIFFrn. tea, extracts aad premium store, $I.«CK'. Al locstioa. Oakland; old established; cas 500 steady customera; large etock; re- celp'R $400 monthly. See GLOBE CO. ~\ AN lcvema«at of $500 and services will secure a btlf sntere« in old e«tablished bjjsiEes* which Till clear you from $200 to $200 month- ly; j-onr Itvestmeat will be secured: if you are d»<rocs of entering a good, legitimate t>a»ir:«T«* «cc this at ence. Particulars GLOBE REALTY CO. - : PAHTNES. $750 Teaming and hauii&g busine»»; 4 liorte*. barsess. wagons, etc.: cleara $223 per mosth; plenty of vrark oa band. See culck. GLOBE REALTY CO. * 12.750— Rofio'oouse. Sonoma county; one of the N^t in Calif orsla; established 2S yeara; fine Trade; lew rer.i: loag lease; urgent business rails onucr r«st. Investigate. GLOBE CO. tit** Lunch ronnter, located end cf ear llae war popular :#•->:-:: loor rvr.:; fixtures almost r.»-w; i---.-i trarte. This a bargain; nrcst sell. sfe GLOBE REALTY CO. FOR bargains act! <;uick ssles fee GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. 211 Psrinc buiklisc. ssa FraacUco. ' SLB Broadway, oonwr -7tii-et.. Oakiaad. i:\IOV INVESTMENT COMPANY. 532 MARKET ST.. ROOM 207. NEAR ELLIS. PHONE DOUGLAS 30C0. LICENSED BUSINESS BROKERS. j BAKEIUi. ATTENTION— V»> bare a bakery that i* doicc over $35 a day; all cash «<ire trade: 1 * jrood living rooaii 1 : rt-asonabie rent, aad a 4 j ;e»rs" leaw; l*it r'»r'nc place in San Fran- '\u25a0s<-o for S:.OC*i. UNION INV. CO., 802 Mar- L«-i <-t. FJU.oON. NR. MARKET: a nest little place for «n» mis: rent $2j: g«>od fixture* and etock; I'.cen** paid to Aug. 20: owxer leaviar the rit?: trill wM for »4r* tv« week. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market St. - »sr.«>—PARTNER In well cstab. PLUMBING and .•"'KEET MF7TAL works: am be handy with to.>!s. TNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market. CANDY f*TOKE AND ICE CRF.AM PARLOR— Clears $2° to S2O week otw all exp<*nf<e»; other t.T3«lne«» tmrtt- sale; price $SOO. UNION. INV. CO.. 532 Market St. CESTATRANT AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE— I>ovrntown location: 3 year lease: rent $35; c?«rplete flxtcrre; pric* i"-"; large trade. I.NIQN INV. CO.. £J2 Market et. PACIFIC BEAL ESTATE CO., Keamy Sll2. Bcsrne*s Brotera I>_»»es Rentals Mechanics' Bank BWg., P<< Market «t. Room 421. ATTENTION. BUTCHERS If you are U>otins . Terr a meat market, of course you want a good one: ttc cave rrhat you want: will w-11 for J»>** tbun invoice; cleara $I<X> per month. 421 M«><-baßi<*t' Bask bcliqigg. &4S Market ft. MAN with mere pu«h than capital for a -half Interest ia a tnsnnfactnrißs plant clearing 5200 prr ns^atli and trowing. 421 Mechanics' Bank halldin*. S4S Slartft tt. VTZ CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH. GIVE CS A CALI>- PO6 MAEKET ST.. ROOM T. A STEADY ram wanted with $200 as partner; bnisine** e^tabllPD<*d 15 r»trf; tight, plain work: will pay at lean $125 raocth each: only reliable men accepted. Call VA Market, rm. 7. $!sO—Stpxdy Bi»a wantri to ettrnd H».ar *tore; will pay him at least $7."> r*w rooath; nperi- ecce unnecewsrj-. Call !><W Market St., rm. ~. / . /OK SALEi FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAINTAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. '\u25a0ft acres, oa Russian river.' -st foot of Fitch Mountain; plenty of spring* end $IS.OOO worth of new Improve- . nx-nts; clnb booise and- license goes w:Ui tcls place;- not a vacant room •-ottage or tent for July; good reason for KHSnf. If you are Interested, come up. Don*t write, as I bave no FITCn MOtJNTAIS' TAVERN, FITCn MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, - FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, HEALDSBCBG, CAT* . HEALDS-BURG, CAL. HEAIJJSBUBG. CAL. HEALDRBURC. CAI- HEALDSBUR^. CAI. ! tx i. '.•.•..\u25a0..\u25a0•.tx : Gnwr.RY BUSINESS" ANI» UEI-ICACIES—i •jU»rsT» hc«y: rent ouly fSO: nic«> . fixtareß; rend.* he»»r stock;' 2 pleasant living room*: price $1.1(«6. rjc :. X .CONFFXTIONECY AND NOTION BUSINESS— 3 1 living twwnn:. frrtl 1 f urnh4M*d : \u25a0 vice. clciin »I<k\: evcrrthJng flrat das*; prkr JiuO. "OCO.J A. * II CRRICK." IfW5 MA RKXT \ ST.* COUNTRY- REAL laTATC^aatlßßei 160 ACRES land aear BrsotwooU; 45 acres bear-; ing vineyard, balance ia corn toti ether prod-* sets; 6 room house, good barn and NoatbuUd- . tags; running stream 'Of water plp«d to htnux* \u25a0 and barn; & horses; all farming implements 3 everything ready to do business. This is «. . soap; do not overlook it. Price $3,500. *;, cas:* for quick sale. ." McTAUL k EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bids- WE have I.OSO acres land, 200 under cnltrratloaj 3 mile* from towa and railroad: tbe best cma-' bined stock ranch and farm in CallfornU : run* nlag stream of water; fenced and itossi fenced; price $20,000- term*. If yoti are looking for a farm, stock or frn: j ranch at the right price rail and «•»•» us. McFACL * EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle hHg. ONLY $B,soo— Fine 10U acre Napa dairy ranch: sain. $200 per acre Subdivisions of cream of »!- not Creek land: - terms: valo« inrreasing rap- Idly. Foe ranches. - large .or small, take ad- vantage of my 25 years' familiarity witb . California. tend*. Sediment land my specialty. \u25a0 HENRY STIRRING, room 118. Kirn building. CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre ea«h payment, balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre:' eloas San Francisco: no taxe*. oo tnremit: 3 acre tract*; l«vel. rich, clear, ready to plow. - irrigated: perpetual wafer right: immedUt« p*»<»essl«>n: partbrniars. mapn. photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market ot.. S. F. LEAVE the <ct ties. Come to Shasta county th<» place for man of small meaoa; orchard, berry, alfalfa, clover and timber land: $5 acre «nd up; mountain climate: free water for Irriga- tion; sawmill wita timber cheap. Bis Bar- raina imp. ranches. J. R. KINS Eft. Fera, Shasta county. CaL SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling land from 3 tracts i.*ear Santa Rom: $10f> an acre p: also big lint of properties of all kinds: call or write forbooklet. OfSi-e 38-40. Klft Market st., San Francisco; office & Elk*' 'build- lag, Santa Rosa. Cal. TUEiOCK IBRIGATEI> FARMS IA aer»s Ia this district" will keep a family in luxury. Tola is tUe beat land ia Califora!». WATER RIGHTS FREE. FARMERS OWN TUB WATER. Get information from the Central California Land Agency, dept. *. 759 Market »t. LOS GATOS. Saratoga. Santa Crts minima in\u25a0« property for »ale or rent. STRONG, BEHjE.N" A FARR. Inc., R. H. McKaij maasKer. Ageota for Idjtwild. Los Gatos. 40 r >-.:> st.. San Francisco. $90 an acre for Contra Coata county alfalf.t lands; adjacent lands selling for $1W ar> acr»; this offer a bargala; act quick. REALTY EX- CHANGE. 1047 Fbelaa building. ~~" OIL LANDS ~~V 40 acres proving oil lands for sale la 2S-2*. Baiernueld. Kern county.- \u25a0 Fur particular* SW> Monadnock building. T. F. A. OBF.RMEYER. IMPROVED country property f<v sals or e\- change: unimproved lands 00 easy terms. W. A. MARXLEY & CO.. 12S8 Broadway. Oaklana. 5 and 10 acre homes ia Alarae<!& cortnty: *-'» down, $10 montbly: '2 niVromAa, RICH VAL- LEY LAND COMPANY. 54S Market »t. "- "" HOTEL and 3 cottages: separately or together : a bargain if sold aoon: \u25a0•a".«- of s«lliug Hi health. A. JENSEN. Newman. Cal. FOR farms, stock ranches aad timber lands *?* MeFAtX k KDWARDS. 330 Chronlcl* bulUlhig. . OAKUXP REAL ESTATE < SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1.100 New 4 room cottage, near 14th st. »srline: a *aap. $3.600 20 acres ia Contra Conta c<wnty: U acres ia vines: good improvement*. $4.200 6 room cottase: Biake st.. Berkeley!' on easy terms. W. A. MARKXEY k CO.. 12n« Bmadwar. Qalc. VERY desirable modern < 7 room couse; smalt. barn; lot 40x120 feet: 35tb st. near Grove. OakUad: wUI take $4,500: $1,500 can remain indefinitely. $1.5C0 cash aad balance la laad »? vacant property of equal value; this 1* Just a* represented. Address Owner. CCS 33ta St.. Oakland. WHY PAY RENT? when yon can bar a cottag- near the Key Route; small payment down, tho balance easy payments. See owner. RICHARI* J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner 40th st.. central Oaklaad. LOT tn good residence section near Piedmont Key Route station: is situated on h!gh grons*! with beautiful view; 1 block from Oaklaail .-»•.-. rarliae; sUe 30x110 feet; price $1^:50; easr term*. ELIJ3 BROS., ,4&j 11th »t.. Oatlaml. $100 DOWX—S2O PER MONTH. Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottage: street work done; sidewalks in: price $1,400. Ad- dress 1420 Brctiway. Oakland. FIVE room cottage; $2.e*>o: only $250 cash; near Key Route Grove st. station. Apply 5401 Grove St.. Oakland. W. A. T7HJTAKER. designer aad builder: artis- tic homes; easy terms; phone Merritt 87C. REAL ESTATE, collecting, typewriting ami art- > vertUtng uoce at Kd\ Clay St.. Oakland. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE "$7,000^ 7 room house; 2 Bathroom*; beautiful garden; electricity and gas; so foot front- age; transportation, steam aad electric; furnUhed. $4,500— NE. corner lot. 45x120: Ke> Route. S. P. and Grove «. cars. REALTY EXCHANGE. 1047 Phelan bldg. FOR rent Beautiful home- of 11 rooms; yard: 50x160; in most desirable residence district «? Berkeley; on eew earltne conaeetlasr with all city train*: $75 per month: lease z years or longer. See mvner. 21*10 II illegal ay. ALA3IEDAIIKAL ESTATE F^R~SaTe^PECL^S4?SOO " Beautiful, modern, bunsalow style iaterinr. exterior fine fiaish. palated white: slz» 30x54 ft.; done ia S large room*: hall, bath ac-i porches; beam cellins In dining room, ball and living room: dining room and ball paneled with art shelf, oak flaiaa: two fireplaces: lot 50x150 ft.: sunny: swell neighborhood: owner mest sell; cost $3,800; $2,800 can re- main on mortgage. See owner. 937 Pacific ay.. Alameda. $3.650 A bargain; S room modem nous*; $850 in cash, only 6 per cent Interest. Look at this place. W. H. POLLARD. 1428 Part «r. 2 LOTS ia Fourth Addition. Saa Bruno park. $230 each. ' Box 3339. Call office. HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tle«. BROWN * WILSON. Sant-i Cms. Cat MARIX COUNTY REAL ESTATE COMPELLED br S. F. bo«tn#»s tn ra!*e ca»a: I will sell 10 lots for*esan and 10 on fair t»rm«. around my home in "Laurel Dell* Tract." San Rafael, at sacrifice price*. $10T> aad up: tverr lot heavily wooded: some redwood trees; flne sMI. grand view: all improvement*: <!e«d f^rta- wlth: 7 to 15 minutes' walk to B st. station or to my temporary ortW. opo. Union depot. San Rafael. W. L. COURTRIGHT. owaer; no »genta. BARGAIN at $10,000 This beautiful hema mas: .be seen to be appreciatsd. Telejicae Kearay BTS.awt a*et p»rttew!ir«. POINT RICHMOND REAL. ESTATE RECENT announcements of vast importance wake Investors up to Richmond's unlimited future possibilities for profits; the Saata Fa tract easily leads all other eSeringa be for? the public today.' Particulars writ* R. T. - SHANNON, at MeEwen Brow.'. 473 Pine st. JgAy ANSELMO REAI^ESTATE $250 San \Anselmo snaps— l level wooded lot. 100x110; $200 for I level lot 62x100; $293 beautiful wooded lots 50x1301 11. V. MANN. app. depot. ' MILI.^ VALILET R*^t ESTATS, FOR SALE Large corner lot. 05x120: 5 room house, bath, cement cellar, city water, electric light*/ sewer connection, garden young fruit trees, vines and berries, chicken yards ami coops; 3 minutes " from electric cars; $2,600; ' $900 cash, balance $00 per mouth. Call or ad- dress MRS. W. J. FAREY. Evergreen ay.. MillVaD»r: leave train »t I.«*n«t ay. *- ' - PROPERTY WANTED WANTED—Your property tn sell or ex- change. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 255 Mont- - gomery st. . ' - ' - - RE.4LESTATETO EXCH.INGE C ACR£S of Improved sn.l irrigated laad. * . miles from county seat of orer 6.000 inhab- itants; will exchange for modern cottage in \u25a0vicinity «f 4Ota and Grove sts.. Oakland. F<»r particulars call at 44 Bacon Muck. Oakland; phono Oakland «304. . RANCH of 320 acres. 12 miles from Saa Mate •>. la the redwooUd: timber and pa.nure land; price $23 p*f acre, or will tak* Income prop- erty In exchange. W. W. CASEY. 32(5 3*l ay., Saa Mateo. .. . FOR exchange— General merchandise stock: Urge buildingand lot. 10U miles from S. F.. for bay Improved: best proposition In state: will bern. 8. F. this week. , Box 735. Call. Oakland. LOT— soxl27. tB central Oakland, will exchange for flats in Richmond district. Saa Frrvi \u25a0«.->; $3,000. . Realty Exchange. 1047 Pbelaa bid*. WANT SeatUe or sound property for rottsge- 1014 Eagle. AUmeda; make offer. Box 3451, Call office. '" . - , ' . \u25a0.. '.*.-, IF yoa want to sell or exchange- your ranch nnvt - me .description; v* charge* nnleas d«al i* mad*. J.iH. -F.DSON,- 106* Broadway. Oakland. LIST vT»nr«>itmtry. properties w|ta us:-w4 seil and exchaagp sam*>. , JACQUES REALTY CO.. ~ - 2.*»*> ?l«atg"TOmr «t. _.___^___. PASTURAGE -...-; 11 . '. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 i_ 1 1 \u25a0 . '. »~ FINB'> pasture, green feed. H. B. MAYO. TSI bldj.. 3. r. t or P. O. box •M,\T»H»Jg. THE FULLER CO.. < 918 Broadway, Oakland. Telephones Oakland 270S and Al9Ol. STATIONERY, cigars and candy, laundry route; located opposite postofflce. In good country town, snort distance from Oakland; the only \u25a0tore In this lice of business in town; must sell; come and make us an offer, or will ex- change for improved or unimproved property in Alameda county; rent $25; lease. 2 years; 2 Uriog rooms; price, $2,650. THE FULLER CO. has It. 918 Broadway. Oakland. ". .. ; DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY—S6OO; rent $30, and 2 livingrooms; good^coroer; do- ing business of $25 dally; stock and fixtures trill invoice $700; a good place for a party who is not afraid to work; lpcation one of the best. THE FULLER CO. can explain every- taiag to yoa. 918 Broadway. Oakland. BEST LUNCH COUNTER in Alameda. county; rent $29; guaranteed to clear $150 monthly; will sell half Interest for $400; do opposition; act culrkly; partner wants a good, active man. -Full Information with THE FULLER CO.. Cit> Broadway. Oakland. LIVERY. FEED and BOARDING STABLE— . $2,500; leave. 3 years; rent $C5; clears $250 monthly at the present time; 11 horses, 2 sur- reys, 8 buggies, 2 spring wagons; everything I complete; 13 boarders at $20 a month; estab- lished for yean; illfcealth cause of sale. See my agents for particulars, THE FULLER CO., 818 Broadway. Oakland. FANCY GROCERIES and DELICATESSEN— $SCO; rent $25: good corner, doing a nice butt- ress; reason for sale, party in hospital; good place for maa and wife: locatloa can not be beat; if you mips this you miss an opportunity of a lifetime: act quickly. See THE FUL- I.ER CO.. 918 Broadway, Oakland. _^ DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY—S4OO: rent $25, with 3 living rooms; nicely fitted up: located In cue of the principal streets of Berkeley; doing a good business; best of rea- sons for selling; excellent place for man ami wife: will uot Ia« long at this price, so act quickly. THE FILLER CO., 91S Broadway, Oakland. BAKERY—S7SO; rent $30; lease for 8 years; 5 furnished rooms; dally receipts $2S; all cash r counter trade, no delivery; located in one of the best country towns in state; make v* an offer; party sick and must sell. See THE FULLER CO.. 818 Broadway. Oakland. . CANDY and ICE CREAM—SI,OOO; rent $22.50: l»ase; clears at the present time $250 to $300 monthly ; party has broken his arm aad must- sell; come and xtiake us an offer; don't miss this If you want a good business. THE FCL- LER CO.. SIS Broadway. Oakland. LIVERY, FEED and BOARDING STABLE— $2,000: rent $00; one of the best locations In Oakland; 18 boarders; 6 livery horses, 3 run- abouts, 3 top buggies. 3 surreys. 2 *ets doable harness. 7 clugle sets. 1 motor pumping plant w:tl» well: more than value in eight; good place frJr 2 good hustlers. Ask THE FULLER CO. about It.918 Broadway. Oakland. ATTENTION! TUe manufacturers, contractors, bnilders and architects Robinson's metallic Tile Fastener is an eatirely new and valu- able Invention that saves 50 per cent the cost cf "laying" the' old way. Requires no ce- ment, aud csa be quickly cud cecurely laid in ceilings, walls or floors even by a novice. An Invention of real merit. Will ?e!l exclu- sive rights to all or any portion of the U. 8. en exceedingly favorable terms. See model In our offices, or write for particulars. PACIFIC PROMOTION k DEVELOPMENT CO., Mocadnock building. San -Francisco. Cal. GILLIES &MAGNUS BUSINESS BROKERS 102S MARKET ST. NEAR JONES. ROOM 22. TELEPHONE MARKET 1409. NO CHARGE FOR-LLOTING A BUSINESS. $I.OSO— LODGING. HOUSE: located on principal street in Santa Crux; IS sunny outside rooms; party boyisg now can ciear purchase price in next 4 months: owner ha« to go east. GIL- LIES k MAGNUS. Hi 23 Market sr. ROADHOUSE: Sau Mateo county; good, steady transient trade: you will buy quickly after a persAnal investigation. Only with GIL- I.IES k MAGNUS. 1028 Market >t. DRUG STORES FOR SALE $4.000 Fine store, clean stock and good buM- nes* ia Saa Francisco; also one at 52,500. $3,000. $3,500; dreg stores In Berkeley. San Jose, Pescadero and ia Lake county. Huaiboldt county. Sonoma county and others; also a splendid offer in a thriving town in Oregon for $6,500: if you are looking for a business, or have one for rale, communicate with us; over 50 years' experience In the drug trade in California. TUE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, ' 2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley, Cal. FOR 6*!e Only opera house and dance pavilion in town of 1,500; soft drinks, cigars, cigar- ette*, gum, etc.. in connection; also well equipped saloon adjoining. The opera house is liew and furnished up to date. This property |. ft.inds oa 4 lots, next to corner on principal business street; good reasons fcr felling. This proposition bean full investigation. Will not cell separately. For -particulars address "Tracy Press." Tracy. Cal. WE buy. oell and make expert examinations -and reports or. mines and mineral lands, manufac- turing c:rl mercantile plants, patents, etc.; or- ganize. Incorporate and promote «tock com- panies on a commission or percentage basis; if you have a meritorious propoeitloa- submit It to us and we will tell WHAT to do and HOW to do it. Pacific Promotion and Development Co., 589-571 Moncdnook building. S. F.. Cal. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store— s2,2so or invoice; rent $25. with 7 room cottage at- tached: doing a business of $1,000 monthly; very little opposition: good stock; party is compelled to sell on account of sickness; borne acd wagon; this is the best proposition ever oa our books; don't miss thl*. but act quickly: •see my agents. THE FULLER CO.. 918 Broadway. Oakland. COMPLETE up tn date printing business for I sale, including 1 pres?. new type, furniture, ; storte, etc.; price $425: press alone worth ; $200: good location: street with window and i 2 furnished living rooms; rent $15 a month; a . great rbance to t»ur an established little : bt:*lnes» for $425: must sell at once account i leaving town. Address owner, hex 3475. Call. 1 GROCERY end prodnce— J2.Ooo: rent $45; lease; h-n location in Oakland without a doubt ; very close in; good reasons for selling; nice clean stock; we can highly recommend this I'la^-p to any one wanting a good business. See THE FULLER CO. for full particulars, SIS Broadway. . Oakland. RESTAURANT—Busy street: daily receipts $75; located close to large theater: seating capacity 7C; .fixtures alow* worth more than the price asked: investigate this, as it is a genuine proposition and the price is right; cheap rent: full Information with my agents. THE FULLER CO., SIS Broadway. Oakland. FOR SALE BY J. W. ELROD. :' " $l,C>OO will liar a grocery notr running and dolcra good business. Call at 341S Eatt 14th «t.. Fruitvate. Telephone Mcrritt 545-. GROCERY— Trade established: doing over- $OO trainees dally; fixtures completa; 100 feet from postoffice. corner location; 4 living rooms in rear; low rent; horses, wagoas, buggies, ; etc.; a snap for cash; will invoice $3,500: cause for selling, ill health. Address box-754, Call, Oakland. s !-.'-•' FOR SALE - ~" -\u25a0 : . :."\u25a0 In the best.cily of 6.000 population in Cali- fornia an entire sew meat market and pro- duce rtore; CVi ton cold storage plant; e-very- tbing new and up to date. Owner has other business. Address : J. G. BRIGGS. VisalU. Cal. BUTCHER chop for sale On account of dissolu- tion cf partnership one of \u25a0 the best shops in wFruitvale will be sold; floe 'trade: full equip- ment. Inquire LYMAN HARFORD. 3110 E. ;<th ft.. Frultvxle, or H. J. McISAAC. Hum- bcldt Bank bldg.. S. F.. Cal. l GROCERY. DELICATESSEN. LUNCH AND CANDY STOtIE with living rooms; rent $15; a nl'-e little burlnefts for - workiagrnan and wife with a little money. Call 2C73 San Bruno rosd. . I need money, will sacrifice first mortgage of $1,250. draws. 7 per ceut. will take $1,150; this will net you 15 per cent on your money and t*cured -by over $30,000 worth of real estate. Address box 3465, Call offlce. ,-f $350 Light mfg. business; Al: proposition; mo- nopoly oa household necessity; 200 per cent profit; clears $40 weekly; all cash trade; pre- vious' expjrfccce unnecessary.- 1175 7th st., Oakland. * FOR sale- Ice cream, i candy. . cigar, and station- ery stor*. "at Niles, : CaL: must be sold at once; bargain: don't miss this chance. See or addre*. FRANK MORTIMER CO. \u25a0 HOTEL and bar; doing . good business; - loag lease; reason, for selling, other business. Ad- dress MB. N. TOMASEVICB, -Hotel St. Anne, Mountain View. Cal. FOR sale— Price $500: \u25a0 business suitable for brizht energetic - office - man who has good " local reputation; ' present owner has other - affairs to look after. - Box 3433, Call. SALOON—SI,2SO; transfer corner; 1 block, from Ocean Shore* B. R.; 2 years' lease; $20 month; this Is a grand opportunity; now in the time to buy. Inquire 1201 Market at. jHARDWARE and sporting goods stnre 'in fine town .of : 2,000; . Joins postoffice; . an excellent opening: '. must sell : /be»t . reasons. -. BAIRD * k PETERSON.- S3O Market st. - PARTNER wantedrln manufacturing;: well «\u25a0«- tablfftbed; guaranteed' $100 per month salary; ! besides large profits;. $1,500 required. Ad- dress box "3487, -.Call office. .-\u25a0.-. FOR *ale Complete j fixtures for a .candy, store, or will consider partnership: I am experienced candy maker. . Box 3491, , Call office. ; BUSINESS CHANCES— S2O per" month will start you \u25a0';-. tor make V> independent : - living-; raising p'geonv. near Sen Francisco. Box ' 31!»3,', CalL -". STATIONERY, notion, and booV *tore in * Oak- land: rent* only $1S;. value "<s3.rt»o:itell.- for $I,O>to. BAIUD k PETERSON. S3U Market st. FOR \u25a0 sale— Half Interest: of well paring nick- *>lodeon;: will :\u25a0 give, on 'trial. . See;owncr. 1724 Bryant ft..'-5.t0,7 |». . m. - . . -- [ SALOON for- Mle:also.rew elegantly famished i -tux. Cail «r eddress 2795 Diamond f st.; phone I - MlmJou 14C*. : ~: \u25a0 ;J1 I;«XESS'CHA\CK'B--CootlnnfdI ;«XESS'CHA\CK'8--Cootlnnfd THE PRETTIEST 6 room fiat In Oakland, only $350: cheap rent; house U always full^only- >i block from Broadway;' very central; car- pets and furniture good; mu?t bo seen. to appreciated: will uoi last long at this, price: - act - quickly. See THE FULLER- C 0., -; 918 Broadway. Oakland. . -\u25a0 T SALOONMEN! \u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0': LOOK! Partner wanted with $1,000 to $1,500 in saloon and building; 00 agents. .Box 3474, Call offlce. -_ \u25a0 '\u25a0•-'. t - \u25a0-.•-\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0•..-\u25a0; ONE-HALF or whole, interest in a rubber stamp and printing business, not ' because of failure, but owing to a trip belpg necessary to settle < an estate or lose heavily: established for over 15 years. Address box 7CO, Call. Oakland. LUNCH room and dairy kitchen; good business; neat and clean; fine location; $350, balance ea«y payments. 1181 O'Farrell St., or. Gough. PART of market for rent for grocery or delica- tessen, cheap; good locality. 570 Waller st. near Pierce. -';.-;. '-<: : .:,--'- '.''-,\u25a0\u25a0• ' : ' -*-.- JOB printing office; well I equipped; good loca- tion ; . low rent : . entaollshed. For particulars write owner, box 798, Call office, Oakland. IF you have $4,000 to luvest-I can- show you where you tan make $5,000 per year. For * information address me today, box 3407, Call. $SOO buys good paying country newspaper: j near the city; would sell half interest: must be sold this week. - Box S4?O. Call office. CORNER saloon, half block from Ocean Shore R. R. depot; good business. Apply Hibernta brewery.- . ' . \u25a0 - BITCHER shop, with all equipments: willrent for $25. or s?ll: Inquire at once. 3386 19th st. near Mission. . -.-. \u25a0__ WILL sell rooming bouse of 54 rooms, clears $350 per month; always full: In busy dls- •- lrict of city. Address box 3469. Call office. KOB sale A good newspaper route in a ' good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LBS- HART, circulation department. 3. F. CalL WANT to buy restaurant in busy district in city, have $1,500 to Invest. Address box 3460. Call office.— . . r -v FINE stock of gents' furnishings and fixtures at a bargain. Inquire at box 3495, Call o^ce. PAPER route for sale or exchange for real es- tate. Owner, 1515 19th ay.. East Oakland. $350— Saloon and dance hall; snap. BAIRD & PETERSON. SSO Market st. GOOD paying lunch counter with dining room; sale cheap. Call 282 13th st., nr. Minna. WANTED Small business: will invest $1,000 to $1.500 or more. 949 Phelan bldg. A. CAMERON & CO.. 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING, Opposite The -Call.' Room 301 Phone Douglas 4379. Where Be«t Bargains Are -Found. In Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses. Flats. BEST BARGAIN— This 60 room honw; central; fine corner; rent $2<X»: new, well furn.: north Market: opportunity of lifetime; offer wanted. SNAP This 54 room house, strictly modern: private baths, elegant furn.: cost $7,000 to furn.; If taken this week, only $3,800. DON'T miss this 44 room house; modern, close in: reasonable rent; always full; money maker; now only $2,700. SEE this 19 room house: good location and furniture: rent $70: yours for $70Q._^ >-^ j _^_ | $175 Partner wanted In good paying restaurant; trial given; closed on Sundays. 436 Bosh_st. EDUCATIONAL A—PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting in '•America; position secured: C months' graduating coursee; catalogue. Countryman bldg.. 915 Van Ness. A— TUE LYCEUM. 2500 Pine St., prepares for university or any examination. Open during summer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here you save time- aud money. JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and ! NOEMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exams., civil serv. Laboratory courses. Day, cv. 943 Van Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course in Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer- ing. mining, etc. HEALD'S, 425 McAllister st. DANCING— FINDLAY'S. 8241 16th St., ballroom ! or stage: adults- Monday au«t* Friday eveaigs; private lessons dallys; open every evening. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, meeh., survey, assay, cyanifie, day, eve.;est. 1884. Van der Naillen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington st. near Fiilmore; send for circular. . ~ SPANISH." French or Italian 'taught; accurate translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409, 830 Mkt. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, IndlvKL instr. math., bookkeeping, Eng.. etc.; day.. eye. 507 Halght.' PROF. O. MANSFIELD, teacher tjf "violin, mau- dolia and guitar. 1706 Geary st. . FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High school, university. West Point. Annapolis. 554 Baker. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; nnlv. prep. -1350 O'Farrell. Phonw West 8160. A Metropolitan Business College 1490 Market at Van Ness. Reduced rates. 6 months. $50. AFTER Aug. 2 the San Francisco Business "Col- lege willbe at corner of Market and Eddy sts. MERRILL-MILLER College, 733 FiUmore it. Term opens Aug.: 2; day and eve, segslong. AKITH. penmanship by expert; bkpg., grammar, etc.; individual lustruc., $5 mo. 915 Van Ness. AH court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 12^» Market Ft. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITS,systems, special investigations. COOP- ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearney 595». Cert laed Public JOHN R. RU^K^TCLLT^rp?AT^O^3OS~CIaus Spreckel* ICain bldg. Phone Kearny 4151. NOTARY PUBLIC MARK LANE." Notary. Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 245 Bush st. : pbone Kearajr 2629. UNDER McEncrney act, complete, $35. Title Co., 953 Monadnock Mdg.. 9th floor. 3d and Market. DETECTIVES West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded): conducts cases secretly: cor. confidential. 596 FHlmore. Tel. Park KiS6. T. C. GRAY. Prin. . ATTORNEYS AA— DIVORCE; costs, ;$12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy;- probating of es- . tate; general practice. 102S Market Bt. ; r.12. A QUICK. qule*t,~complete divorce for $20; open evenings until 8. 1112 Market St.; room 122. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. ". W. T. J3e»s. Notary Public. Roomg 11-12 Call bldg. L. 6. CLARK, attorney at law. S5l Jackson st.; Oakland. Consultation free: open : evenings. PATENT ATTORNEYS * ' - \u25a0-' DEWEY. STRONG k CO.—Founded 1S00; U. 8. and foreign patents; .Inventors* guides; 100 mechanical movements \u25a0 free. .1105 Merchants' Exchange -bldg,' San Francisco. . •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-'\u25a0-\u25a0_ CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat- ent office, -. 1201-2 : Metropolis •• bank; - Patents, tradesmarks and copyrights. \ Tel. Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 415 First na. bk.. Oakland ;. tel. O. 5575. SONTAG Patent Agency Established 1599. Bal- - boa bidg..- cor.' Market acd 2d sts.. 10th -floor.' BILL COLLECTING: V SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. '. We" get ! the money for you oa all kinds of claims anywhere. Adj. and Law A»s'n..<!ls Pacltic bid BILLS - and ' notes -'\u25a0 collected ; : tenants - ejected. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. No« and - 16th sts. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS, 739 Market St., acknowledged to the easiest and. best 'pain- - less extraction in S. F.- Full:set of teeth, $2; gold crowns, $2; silver fillings; 50c. All work . guaranteed 20 'years. * Open daily: till 9 p. m.' DR. H. P.- DAVIS. PAC : BLDG..: rms. r 301-2-4, ' cor. ' 4th " and Jlkt. : \u25a0 latest ' in \u25a0 dentistry ; : first class ; work; mod. ;charges; CONSULT.- FREE. DR. C. W.-DECKEB. Phelan bldg.; rooms 30S- \u25a0 9-10. . 760 Market : st. ; phone ; Kearny: 1630. »; DR. R. L.' WALSH k CO.. 961 Flllmore cor. Mc- sAUister; formerly 872 McAllister; Park 5330. , MEYER." Dr.,? 1990 ' Sutter— Fillings \u25a0 50c.'. crowns .-, $;>; bridge work; 'gas 'given;. open; evenings."' DR. 1 I RA ' O. LEEK—AII ' kinds of ' dental work." . :r515 Flllmore st;-near.Oak;t*."-- ' . \u25a0 v' ; ; . DR. U.G. BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- "-\u25a0 -moved to 323 Geary cor. "Powell: Douglas 4300." '-\u25a0;'_ : r. ;.-\u25a0':•'\u25a0;:: r.PHYSiciAX*H\u25a0•',;\u25a0_:-; --".r;-.; ..-..". > A— DR. ': THIELE,"' German rpnysicla'b : and \ sur- \u25a0'\u25a0'. geon ; *\u25a0 specialist '\u25a0\u25a0 . chronic * and 5. private diseases' .'.of both . sexes ; ' cures guaranteed. ' . 1732 Geary." DR. WONG HIM-- V ' :^, \u0084 - / .: >'•\u25a0 HERB ' DOCTOR. Pennant! v located " \u25a0.;-. 1268 O'Farrell : 6t'"ibet.-Oough!and ; OcUvla. JEE ' WO^DRUG ' CO.— High \ grsde^berbs. .drug< and "teas ; ' all 'chronic . and I private i dlteasea \u25a0of .;.-' both teies cured, * 93S Stockton fit.'- j : ; \u25a0'"'^ \u25a0\u25a0 'IX VESTMEXTS--Coßtiane' ~ - '" ' KOR'sale-— 4 riots* at Granada.- the" coming sea- -*.plde r resort . en 'iralfmoon-baiy, v for" sale '.for $800. including all street; work,.: or '.will ex-, - change for. Ocean ' Shore * bonds, "Brookshire." Plnal or Palmer oil stocks- i- W.E.J BARNARD. * . -. 17 ; Bacon -block. :\u25a0 Oakland.'. *. \u25a0: 'MB. .INVESTOR— If you will^ Join us a, national bank will ~ guarantee . your money - back, with i Inteirst:. we. will : double ;your, purchase, in', a ! - short - time. May vre ' explain ? \u25a0 Address *>r call. A. \u25a0\u25a0 I.- ic D.» Co., 258 Bacon biulding. Oak- 1- land. -^ :.._.i. t -;\u25a0:.:, -..,' .-..-\u25a0:\u25a0.;•-\u25a0\u25a0. '.- ...:^::x.7>:.--i"^ CAN furnish you -'ANY'unlisted stocks and bond* you may want AWAY UNDER regular quota- tions: \u25a0 will' buy any - active stocks if CHEAP; largest dealers on the Pacific coast : corre- spondence invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO*..- 714 Market st.- opp. Call building. HAVE i 10 p«r: cent Income. I SURE; speculate on 50 per cent additional. That is what a limited ; supply 1 of choice local manufacturing, stock means. Inquire D. A. KNAPP, 417 First Na- tlonal Bank bldg.. Oakland. : EUCALYPTUS TIMBER—SmaII tracts in plan- tation of thousands of . acres; easy term?: loca- tion on railroad, in San Joaquln valley. Euca- lyptus Timber Co., 414 First Nat. Bank. Oak. SPECIAL investment. Marin county; large, bean- r tlful tracts . of - land. - JOHN W. GRAY, 923 Linden st., Oakland. " -'\u25a0" OCEAN SHORE" railroad- bonds for sale: pr.ee \u25a0-'netn 7?*i'%. D. E. BESECKER. -243 Pacific bid. 'I^^^^3?[ A^ : ?Al^.^ "ABBOTT buys bonds" Ocean Shore. Market st. bank and Cal.- safe dep. books.' 414 Mar- ket st. »..\u25a0\u25a0-' - '\u25a0 CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D. E." BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC BUILDING. We buy California safe deposit accounts; buy '- and sell Ocean Shore bonds. 44S Montg'y st. AND MIXIXG DO yon want reliable Information about mines and land? . . \u25a0 Do you want your investments and Interests* protected? ; - In buying or selling, do you want to deal direct with principals? If so, call or write us. We have clients and they know we are reliable. - -WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU, -Chronicle Bldg., Ban Francisco. Cal. y HIGH CLASS gold mine for sale: easy terms: write jor jsee \u25a0 owner. R. E. LAMBERSON, . . room ' 4945/. Winchester hotel, city. We buy and cell mines, make examinations and •furnish reports of mining properties. WEST- ERN MINES EXPLOIt. CO.. 226-223 Lick bldg. GOLD, amalgam, rich r»re bought: cash: assay- ing 60c. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 sth M. nr. Howard. , . ", -: - GOING -to new "discovery in California: want rjartner^JUtleinoneTneeded^Bo^SSftT^Call. STOCKS AND BONDS FOR SALE , ARE you buying or selling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTiS t BURBECK. 333 First Na- tional Bank UMg.. Oakland. MONEY TO LOAX AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANS Do you need a vacation and have not the money to spare? we are loaning all SALARIED people strictly upon ' their plain note, without Indorser or security. - You can, repay In weekly or monthly payments to suit yourself. ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM AND LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. GET OTHERS* RATES, THEN SEE US. Your .employer or friends never know of any transactions at our office. LOANS STRICTLY TO SALARIED PEOPLE. WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call Bldg.. 3d and Market Sts. Open 6:30 to 6 p. m.; also open Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings until S p. m. NOTE THIS Salaried people and others may upon own responsibility (no indorser) get fol- lowing loans, to be repaid in small 'Weekly In- I stallments, viz: $1 per week pays $15 loan, $2 per week pay $30 loan, $3 per week pays $45 loan, $4 per week pays $60 loan. $5 per week . pays $75 loan. Phone Douglas 3244. 433 Phe- - -lan building.' (Keep this for future reference.) MONEY LOANED TO ALL SALARIED-PEO- PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTELS; save money by getting our rates; confidential: private office for ladles. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO.. INC., 521 Phelan building; 8:30 to ! 6; Mon. and Sat, till 8 p. m.; Kearny 3247. MONEY loaned -on furniture . pianos and other security; lowest rates; most favorable terms' - in the city; see others, then see me and be convinced; I will save yoa money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER, 8009 16th St., south- west corner Mission, room 85. '' XX— LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING. . 35 Montgomery St.. room 101. Douglas 3016. Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages, improved or unimproved, at 6 per cent; second mortgage and building loans in any part of city. small or large. .. - MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon ; their own name without security: cheapest \u25a0••\u25a0': rates; easiest payments; offices in 68 principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms first- TOLMAN. room 951, Phelan bids., S. F., and room 9, 460 13th St.. - Oakland. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.—Loans on FURNI- TURE, PIANO 3, etc.; low rates; private, 357- 359 Pacific bids.. 4th and Market sts.; phone Douglas 8265. Oakland office CIS-519 First \u25a0 National Bank bids.- \ - - MONEY—MONEY— MONEY. ~ T ~~ ANY PROPOSITION. , i r . Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co., - 443 PINE ST. ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second ' mortgages -on real estate, legacies, . undivided Interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Me- . COLGAN. 26 Montgomery St.. rooms 314-815. ADVANCES made oa diamonds aad Jewelry at lowest rates; . safe deposit vaults; greatest possible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Van Ness and Sutter. .-..»,'!. R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ple; Investigate our- credit system. Rooms 353-5. ' Pacific building. 4th and Market sts. ' ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W.; BECKER. 705 Monadnock. 631 Market. SALARY loans— Ladles and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phono Douglas 1411. A FIRST and ' second mortgagas, estate, lega- cies and security. SHADBURNE CO.. 45 Post. SALARY loans;' other propositions. San Fran- Cisco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st. WANT to borrow $1,900; 2 flats: 7 per cent; value $4.500. Box 3304, Call office. I MAKE real estate loans, any ' kind, any size. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without tn- dorser. MORRELL. 922 Monadnock building. Wn loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO., .' "55. Montgomery St.. . ; ON- furniture : and -pianos; no removal. TRK- MAIN. room 811, 833 Market, next Emporium. ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., Monadnock building. 681 Market st.. room 705. ,, MOXEYiWAXTED .- WANTED-^55,000 to $125,000. | to improve coun- property; best of security and terms. Call or address LOUIS L. QORR. 186 «th St.. B. T. * LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE-r-That I, Charles J. Jaeger, on tb# 17th day of. July, 1909, - have sold my half interest of the. saloon situated at the southwest corner of 20th and Bartlett streets, tn R. Glotfelder, .-\u25a0 who assumes all debts. CHARLES T.JAEGER. DEED and abstract" of homestead property. San Antonio, Tex., stolen' from my trunk; worthless to any one but owner. , MßS. E. B. .FRANCE. . PROPOSALS. AXD BIDS SEALED BIDS WILL BE \u25a0 RECEIVED at" the office jof the 1 Secretary >of ' the . Regents.- Univer- sity of California, Berkeley, on of 'before 5 p. i m;-;Monday,- July.' 28, 1909. ' for ' portions of '. the \u25a0 heating : and ventilating ' system. - including cal vaulted iron- work, for the new - University ! Library oa the . University Campus lat Berkeley. as \u25a0 per , plans . and : specifications .on file ? at ' said , office.^: .^-.- •-•\u25a0 t j'.-'i; > i^i*-.'y', -.'\u25a0;- -;\u25a0:.-; ;/-.."\u25a0, ; 'i \u25a0--*•'. No , bids will be . received ', unless accompanied by a-certlfled; check or -bond Tin favor, of the ; undenigned, '. equal ; to', ten \u25a0\u25a0 per cent of the : bid. , to assure execution \u25a0of contract \u25a0 by successful bidder. \u25a0\u25a0: The right ' to - reject ; any/ or - all bids . is reserved.' s . I',1 ', -* r.v--. -.'. •"-- \u25a0- . ; '---.: '- --• - -\u25a0--•.-•\u25a0 TELE ? REGENTS OF. THE i UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA. CITY- REAL" ESTATE k, CO.. : 521 - Valencia - st. --\u25a0;\u25a0 Phone Market 7109. \u25a0"-..;\u25a0 | Cheap - building\u25a0 lots ' in - Hartford Ist., •. near 19th .-\u25a0 and ' Castro - sts. ; , $2,000 : and up; make. oCer. . $3,250 - cash— Modern : high - class : 5 room house. ; \u25a0-,\u25a0, \u25a0 t . .. with garage: t near v ISth:\u25a0 and Castro sts. ; '.-'mortgage can remain; make offer.. . ': - f $5,500— Store and •5 < room fl* t ; large - attic and ' .--ft-, ' stable ;: Mlssidn,- near 29 1 h : terms. " : -\u25a0\u25a0 $1.000 Floe building lots; nr. Hill and Sanchez.*! $5,000 ? cash— 7 . flats f ; in . Grove " Bt.; :- mortgage 1 ='.-$7,500; pays 15 per cent net: bargain. -• j2 t OO0 Fine clear buildinglot: Natoma nr.'lsth/ $4.200 1 cash— 6 l flats; I central I location; j mortgage $4,500; Income? $1,440;r snap. ~ / •--.', :.:-r~': --- . W. J. tDOWLIXG ;& - CO. ; . 521 j Valencia st. v- :O3CAR.HEYMAN,'&' BROTHER, ' v > 113 Montgomery st. '-., \u25a0 V $15 monthly;:'4. room cnttace in nthe Mission": <•](•*«>, to csr line.' 2 -; ' \u25a0 ".;" : ; - -';' ' j , . \u25a0 '; Five, room -andibath; cottager on ? Point; Lol>oi« ay.*; between ; 35th and \u25a0 36th ,a vs. ; \ easy. : tersus.',-~-. $5.500- ;L 8 i room.>.modern ? residence: i perfect j con- •*diUon;',S«jtt HDd',McAlll<«ter'iit».; ! ground worth '^ $4,500:. biggest bargain in;town.- ,-,T.' E.''HAT- MAN, First National Bank builiiios. ' " \u25a0 \u25a0' CITY*REAL ESTATE—Continued SOL GETZ AND SONS ... Real Estate Dealers Boom S2S Chronicle -Bldr. ' $150 to $200—Gets Addition to Lakevlew; level Oceaa View and Excelsior Homestead lots; $5 ,monthly. * --;—\u25a0 $250 to $400— Near Parkslde; new Sloat boule- vard and carltnes; superb view; very easy terms. Bargains In residence lots la Richmond Dis- trict; 12ta ay. bet. A and B stm. AU street work dose. Can't be beat. On ' easy terns. Look :at them today. Choice" lota In'sunset district, $SOO to $1,250. lOta ay. near L St.; fine view; Stb ay. near al »t. Easy terms. Bth ay. bet. M and N sU. - Richmond Heights lots $500 and up. $3,250. fise cor. 14th - and C sts. on * uew boulevard. 27th to 33th ayes. B and C sts. $600 to $I.6oo— Choicest Oceaasldc and boule- vard lots; Installments. $1,400 to $3,ooo—Splendid cottages; good loca- cations, easy terms. - Oceanslde Branch office. Cor. H st. and 47tb ay. Open Dally and Sundays. Call for diagrams .and- sriees. SOL GETZ £ SONS. Owners and Dernier*. Room 328 Chronicle Bldg. 24 HOMES SOLD-IN 60 DAYS. Kntlre Block. Sth and i*th ays.. A and B sts. Being Built 'Upon With 7 and S room dwellings..... $5,400 6 room dwelling* ..$4.700 to $5,100 5 room dwellings $4,'J00 to $4,400 :4 room cottag**. $3,700 Store and 4 room f1at...... $4,00) U All in very *>*y terms. ; Apply on premises to K. NELSON, builder. Turk and Eddy st. oars pass toe block. McAllister, Geary, 6th ay. aad Clement st. cars within 2 block?. - NOTICE— A RARE CHANCE for $3,000 caaa. balance installments; $10,000 6 yrs. 6 per cent. A NEW HOUSE. 10 rooms, large sunny lot: fine view: Pacific heights. Address JOSEPH NASH, 353 Bush at. " ' ;BIG snap, EASY TERMS; new. 1 room house: I : fine view; every convenience; Prospect ay. near 28th and Mi«*Wra sts. FYFE 4 DEPAOLI. ; 3297 Mission st. . FOR sale cheap Neat cottage. 4 rooms and bath; terms same as rent. Lumber office. Army snd Condon ata. . . $I.6so— Masonic ay. nr. Fulton st; fine building lot. 25x150; snap. E. J. SULLIVAN CO.. 145 Montgomery st. . . WANTED 5 or 6 room cottage. Sunset or Rk-b- . mond dist.; must sell on terms. 949 Phelan bldg. FROM $350 to $273 each for a quick sale, 2 lots. 25x70 feet. 507 Andover ay. FOR sale or lease^ Elegant home of 7 roomi, large grounds. 1265 ISth ay.. Sunset district. PICKUP—Fine lot In Crocker tract; cost $700, for $400 cash. Owner. 3550 25th. \- 3. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy V. 3- surveyor. 825 Bn«h st. : phone Douglas 2104. THE HYDE RANCH. 5, 10, 15, 20 AND 30 ACRE TRACTS. BEAUTIFUL SONOMA VALLEY. The Hyde Ranch or 600 acre* of rich, level and rolling lsnd. orchards and vineyards, is for sale in small tract* to rait. We csve an abstract. . Elegant, rich lands, covered with oaks, which raUe Immense crops of hay. corn, beans, tomatoes, etc.. for $100 to $150 per sxre. Choice vineyards of Zinfandel. Cabernet. Semillon, Burgundy, etc.. for $175 and $200 per acre. \u25a0- . Full bearing orchard* of cherries, prunes. . pear*, for $250 and $300 per acre. J Each piece a positive snap. - . Very easy terms. - ... . Moderate restriction in order to keep the property up in nice shape. Write or call for circulars. G. U. CMBSEN * CO., 20 Montgomery St., - San Francisco. " Cal. 80 acres : choice fruit and vineyard land near Fresno: 20 acres of it in vineyard and orchard; fine pumplog plant; plenty of water; house, etc.: $11,000. 2SO acres grain land, suitable for orchard »r vineyards: good orange land: adjoining proper- ties have pumping plants and plenty of water; a bargain; $35 per acre. 2,335 acre stock ranch, Stanislaus eecnty; plenty of water: timber enough to pay for the land; owner made fortune on this ranch; $7 per acre buys it. $15,000 General merchandise stock; doing a ; ' profitable business in a very prosperous, grow-: . lug . town, surrounded by * very productive fruit country. Above properties FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY by F. L. DARROW. manager of Coast Car- riage Co.. cor. l'J and Jackson sts., Oakland. Cal. TEN acre farms 20 acre farms 40 acre farms. For quality and price see the \ Atwater District. Irrigated by Crorker-lluCman canal system. Rich, taady loam world's moat productive son. I Raises Strawberries. Melons, Tor-iatoes. Beans. Grapes, Sweet Potatoes. Irish Potatoes. Alfalfa. Peaches. Apricot*.Bartlett Pears, Figs. Olives. Almonds. ' Note Our land is oa main county road 2 miles from town and the railroad station; large tan- nery, general store, school, lumber yard, hotel and postofflce. Our land U $75 and $S5 an acre; very easy terms. It requires little or no leveling. Ditches and roads are there; no waiting for them. We run excursions EVERY SATURDAY AFT. ERNOON. CROCKER'S IRRIGATED LANDS, 525 Market St., San Francisco. SMALL TRACTS OF GLENN COUNTY LAND AT WHOLESALE PRICES ON MONTHLYPAT- MENTS OS" $1 PER ACRE i By . forming a syndicate of eight to buy 160 acres we "can -sell you 20 acre* each. S miles south of Orland, of the ehoieest land in the district at wholesale price. This is immediate- ly in the orange section, -will grow any kind of deciduous fruits, vegetables, grain, alfalfa. etc. Deep, level, gravelly loam, entirely free from alkali.' adobe aad hardp&a. Plenty of water for irrigation; price $50 per acre. Terms $1 per acre per month. FEHREN. ROBINSON COMPANY. 925 . First National Bank bids.. San Francisco. PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 405-406-407 Metropolis Bank bulldlag. San Francisco, Cal., will put you in touch with the best country and suburban lands on th« Pacific coast. -: Careful attention given to each inquiry. Full and - accurate - details of every property. Easiest and best way " to get honest Information. . State your requirement, we will fill It at once. Thousands of properties listed, with maps, views, etc.. oa display. NO FEE. NO COMMISSION. FOR ««!« A fine orchard in the. famous Santa Clara valley, near Stanford university aad doge to the county road and in line with the proposed electric railroad; crop of fruit this year will net 15 per ceut on price asked for I place, which goes with place if sold at once; will sell. off in 5 or JO acre tracts; buy now and get the crop and the Increase in the values which sure to* come. Address W. B. BROWN. Pal* Alto, or W. A. WHIT- MER. 344 Emerson St.. Palo Alto. Cal. MEXICAN- and Texas .timber colonizing land. 350.000 acres pine and oak and hardwoods; choice: well located for export; $2.50. 154,000 pine, oak, asb. hardwood. $3. \ 696,000 Improved stock ranch and timber. 100.000 acres Irrigable land and stock, f 1.75. 1.000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c up. - Texas and Mexico, all - size tracts and all . classes of timber and stock ranches. , Reports sent; information at once. DAVIS BURN- HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. FOR "sale,- or exchange for city flats. 5 acres, .chicken ranch; S room bouse,- completely \u25a0 fur- nished; barn, chicken bouse, 2 Incubators. 73 ft. brooder house; windmill. - tank, and about 1,400 chickens; 10 minutes' walk from railroad . . station and proposed ' electric car line. Inquire at NE. corner of Mission st. and Onondaga \u25a0; ay.,- or" San Ramon .Valley - Poultry - Yard. C. "F. FINNEN. Walnut Creek, . Contra Costa county. CaL ' :\u25a0--.-,/. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. I S acre borne in main part of San L*sndro, on the rarllna, all. la fine cherries 10 years old; im- provements worth $3,000; , would make fln« sub- division proposition ; adjoining . lots sell for $900. The place has averaged over 10 per cent oa $I*. - 000 Investment last 5 years; price $14,000. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATIONBUREAU, 944-946-94S Uonadnock.bldg.. San Francisco. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. We are running a free information bureau, giving \u25a0 reliable, detailed .'information .oa all .California lands; we have many desirable prop- <?\u25a0 ositions ; in ' every county; : many fine bargain*. If you are looking for Information, write us or \u25a0 rail at our office and It will be freely given. CALIFORNIA, LANDS. INFORMATION BU- REAU: 946-945 Monadnock bldg.. -.8. P.v IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERMS " % . Five :to 40 acre farms in . Sacramento; valley; rich, deep.' sandy loam - soil for fruit, walnut*, vegetables, .alfalfa.- etc;. 26 ;~ dally : passenger trains ; *\u25a0no\u25a0 f 1 nn more .-*. than 20 ; minutes walk from a station: the best land and best living conditions in California; a 10 ,acre farm. means independence; excursion every : Saturday.' - T 'I. 'HILL &CO., 6 East st-,;opp. Ferry bldz. Phone \u25a0KesrnyjBo2^.'.-.- \u25a0-\u25a0 - - j'-.-:"' \u25a0 -. -•\u25a0' .'.- - -.- . r \u25a0- - DO \u25a0' not ' overlook this—4oo ' acres . on Eel river, * 'Mendocino: county; 15 acres under cultivation; .'. balance •- rolling hills.*, with plenty,of yak tim- : "ber:; good, hodnev. and "barn; .one of. the -best - little :. cattle . and . bos ranches in the iuti of - California : - would f. make \u25a0an ideal summer re- sort: .'fir«..hunting. ' ; b«<*ttar .and^fishing; : no trouble to 1 cstch 'the -limit: price- $5,000. Mc- r FAUL:&;EDWABD3,:33Q;CaranicIe bldg. MEDICAL . '\u25a0--\u25a0 '-'•-- A\^ ;ATTENTION." LADIES:.-. \u25a0.' '^ \u25a0 ' - Dr. and Mrs. Woody.-'lTlS^eary'st." between Fiilmore and Webster: tel. \West 5887. World Renowtted: Specialists for ' Women Only. >.'\u25a0• No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guarantee ' ' Br Mo*t Superior Painless Methods Known to , ..i Medical Science. %:;-x \u0084. Most oostinate cases .treated; .utmost privacy; have no hesitancy If In ;need of my: Bervices; absolutely harmless;^low^ fees;- by consulting . an eminent - : specialist t: you v save : time and money; all female complaints cured; advice ' -free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and C to 9 p. m.- :\u25a0. DR. EMERSON, ", . .. - 1304 FILLMORE ST., CORNER EDDY ALL DISEASES OF; WOMEN treated by most scientific methods: positively po charge unless patient is #atißfled with results; private sanato- rium l for parties wishing to remain under our care: advice and exam. ' free; lady assistant. Hours. 10-5; evepings. S-9; Sundays. 12-2. \u25a0-'\u25a0 SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief guaran- teed: paid when cured; advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3*52 19th st. near. Mission. \u25a0;.\u25a0 | MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. Advice free. Hours 9 to 8. 744 Turk st. nr. Van Ness ay. ' CHIROPODISTS \u25a0> DR. DUNCAN, ISO Sutter corner Kearny. rooms* 303-4 Absolutely cures- without pain-ordraw- ing blood all foot_allments ; corns removed 25c. ' Dr. R. L. Meyer. S3O Market St.. rooms 603-4-5; 1 Chronic and nervous dis.: . impotency. sterility. HE.U.TH MOYEME\T "VIA\T SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural, non- surgical; cloth bound 400 page book, free. Ap- ply by mail. CSC Pine 6t. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m. * -.SAXATORIUMS ; A PRIVATE home for the sick; confinement specialty; adoption: special treatment for all female trouble. 1303 Market St.. Oakland. HOME and care for I invalids or aged persons." 3421 25th st. pear Mission; phone Mission 4620. JW ATIERN yrY^HOMES S F. LYING-IN HOME,' II9I Oak st.— Adoption; diseases women and children; confinement. $25.' EDI ES RICORD CELEBRATED PR^PARATIONT^foT men's private diseases. Sold only by E. B. JORGENSON, 644 Kearny, st.. Sau Francisco. Mall orders a specialty. -Send for clrcnlar. TRUSSES TRUSSES that fit; 'seamless elastic hosiery. CLARK -GANDION-TRD3B CO., 1103 Market st.. op. 7th. ALSO ear holbos positively cured; one week free. DR. COTTINGHAM. 1900 Sutter st.: hr«. 10-4. '-CAXCERS AND TU3IORS TREATEg> IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. -MADAM L. F. LAMB, resldenee and offlce.' Uklah. Cal. - \u25a0• - v^^yPjggJJt^g£g v^ H AIR REMARKABLE new discovery; kills hair roots; absolutely' permanent or no pay. - PHYSICIAN, office S4 Ellis st.. rm. 307:. te1. Douglas 777. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAIi FINEST equipped; animals boarded: I ambulance fnro.: special rates. -1371 Fulton: West 5312. - MATRIMONIAL YOUNG man of good. habits. earniDg $120 a month salary and. owner ; of a. ranch of 160 acres, wishes to meet nice working girl not over 25; object matrimony. Box 3470. Call. DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.; established In 1900. HONEST men and women seeking life mates can find their Ideals at 252% Hollis. Oakland; in- formatlon 25c. SOCIETY. LADY. BUSINESS PERSONALS AA— WIGS. TOUPEES. I HAVE MADE WIG MAKING A LIFE STUDY. .My wigs and toupees defy detection; I guaran- tee every one I make. I make them ventilated and porous; perepiratloa don't aSect them. Gen- tlemen's private wigdepartment. .2271 California "st. near Webster, Mr..Lederer In charge. A large stock of pure human hair goods on band;, transformation switches, puffs, etc., con- stantly on, hand. I mate wigs 'and front pieces any style desired and In the latest styles. Hair dressing, dyeing, scalp treatments., etc., by spe- cialists only, j LedererV' Qulntonlca . stops ( hair, falling. ~ Mall orders prompt attention. G. LED- ERER, established ISCC. . LADIES-S TORE AT .- '. ISO9FILLMORE ST. NEAR SCTTER. ' WATCHES,. diamonds, silver ware. ' Jewelry, cut glass, etc.: come to our office and tell sales- man you would like to open confidential charge account and pay weekly or; monthly; he will arrange "the matter for you la a very few ! minutes and ' yoa can wear while paying for same. BRILLIANT JEWELRY I COMPANY, 704 Market St.. ' upstairs, rooms 611-612.- SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by absorption; $1: free ; treatment any time- to prove the merits of absorption.. BEATRICE ST. JOHN, skin Bpecialtst, 1380 Sutter st, cor. Franklin, suite g-6; phone Franklin 491 L MME. FRANCINE. greatest . European authority on beauty culture; .most scientific akin treat- ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed eatlrely; city refs. 628 16th st.. Oakland; pbone 7511: best skin foods. MRS. L. E. HARTUAN, manipulation, vibration - and electricity for rheumatism and nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. Open Sunday*. PCJ&j$!-»'-.- UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CIIAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. SOLDIERS can \u25a0 file on reservation ' land. without ;: leaving San Trancisco; money advanced. ' Call now. SS5 a Grove st. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. 124 Turk. St., room 210. first floor..rear; 11-10. MAGNETIC physical healing— Mrs. Holshouser. 351 Pacific ,bldg.. tel., Douglas 4440. \u25a0\u25a0 - GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tnmea: «nc. ' to Jahn. costnmer. - 821 : Van New. ADOPTION Confidential Maternity Villa—lnfante adopted. Dr. K. FUNKE. 1416 Ptb >t.; phone 1632. Alameda. spiritualism; A—MOVED " MISS M. WILLE. ordatned meaium and crystal reader: consultation ( dally. . 1164 O'Farrellx 8t- Tel. Franklin 5024. ; . j AA— MRS. .J. J. .WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation - dally at her - home. $1; by letter, 4 qnes.. $1. 1164 O'Farrell. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD.ordained medium; con- Kultatlna daily, 10-4; circles Sunday. Monday. :-. Wednesday," Friday.-; 8 p.: m.' 11439'1 1439 ' Fiilmore St.. FRED P.; EVANS.- noted psychic, now located . at : 1890 . Telegraph : ay.. Oakland; Interviews ' daily. Phone Oakland 5476; send for circular. LOTTIE BUSWELL. ; trance tipiritual medium; reading*, lessons \ dally. ; . circles every night. , 1359 Webster, inr. O'Farrell. -' .; DR. HOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read- ings today. .1230 FiUmore Bt.-J . ' - ; MRS. S. SEAI., spiritual minister; consultations dallr: officiates marriages, funerals. 786 -McAl- j clairvoyants' *V *"- .". \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0'.., \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0• . BACK'AGAIN. \u25a0 :\ ." \u25a0.>-'.> \u25a0\u25a0. GARLAND, world's " greatest seer and clair- voyant, tells \u25a0; full :-•. names \u25a0' and " everything you wish to know without you writing a word. 1445 FUlmore st. near Ellis. Hours 10 : a. v m. ,to - 8 P>.m.Vj, ' \u25a0 V ";-- : **'l'-.>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_-'-."\u25a0-':-' \u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0' ' '\u25a0 ..' MISS ZEMDAB, young, ; gifted clalr. and palm.; l member O. R. A: of Cal.; L. 50c. :G. $1; hours 10 to 10." -1279 Fulton sL.near Devisadero. \u25a0', :~.- MME. PORTER; - O. •R. *C. Cards,' palmistry. readings \u25a0 daily. ..- 1025 Ellis Bt.. near, Gongh. - ; MME. STARR. 1241 Broadway, Oakland, on vaca- ! tlon starting July I;V Return Ang.-l: 1909. : //-I ;; ';./ palmistry'- :;„ _\u25a0; \u25a0>- ;; CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card' reader; 25c. BOe. \u25a0 »!>'• Pl 3 Broadway. Oakland. -- : \u25a0 \u25a0:-- : S : J PHREXOLOGY, '-''. EXAMINATIONS'and lessons.; PROF. DUNN,| \u25a0- 1122 Market St.: Gage bldg.. facing 7th st. -j . -\u25a0'- '' \ :: - -^ : -.: investments}' \u25a0_'.-_._'_\u25a0'\u25a0 V_' ' M \u25a0 '-;v«; v « \u25a0-\u25a0>-, $500 to $5,000. v .:. ~ ;: - .-..-" A : twentieth century gilt edge Investment op- portunity 4 for * small or ; large 5 investors 5 desiring absolute safety; -ailarge guaranteed.net Income; also 60 2-3 > per i cent •of 3 net profits,'; and ?on an average of : 10 .per cent Tannual increase of principal; i security, the. safest in.the ; world, \u25a0 via., inside r Income '< producing \u25a0 strictly „: modern - brick and concrete -property,' as complete as any in any large | city : no * stock 1proposition ; * you absolutely own and control ': you/ ) investment ; £ approved Sby ! bankers,'- judges -and careful ; .--iAddress the authorised -financial agents' for fur- ther gold - producing particulars.- :*>.;•;- . •<".?; -. --•-:' ' HOLCOMB REALTY - : CO.;* INC., - - ,306 San ; Pablo av.,s--. -, :V>: Oakland. : Cal/ ' ] Sl.C'iO cash Ure«d.r -for .Immediate delivery of U,o"or shares* of Bmokshire. ;>...' - •-..-\u25a0- ,-.'. . :-.i W. \u25a0 E. '.BARNARD. - "~ 17 Bacon "block. ? Oakland. ; . = ;
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · TITC SAX FR^ 1909. I^. JIL*SX£Ji15i^*xJP_3l5J ORCYCI'ES 11 CJRTISS •irped with «nio »ire«; Al wmfiitlon; will

TITC SAX FR^ 1909.11


CJRTISS •<#. txria with magnet. «n>irped with«nio »ire«; Al wmfiitlon; will exchange forlaticrh: pty fiigeren<-e. 521 16th Bt.. Oakland.

"g«Si iffT.ietv; 8* c>mpl°g optflt>-HORSES, HARNESS AXDWAGONS

AAA—PUBLIC NOTlCE—Building to be torndctra cooa; must sell stock quickly. Otherterrains besides these:

New rosd buggy, including a ulce bar-oe»*. robe aad whip, complete $(54 50

P.ubber tire tuggies, were $100. n0w.... $71.60Canopy top surreys, were $100, now $SS.MCsnorr tcp surreys, ww $185. now $110.00saddles, btrmi and robes «t prices that yoanever can refuv.

SPIBO HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO..\u25a0 309 Market St.. g. F.

AAA—r.5 head cf cheap city horses snd mules.$10 up. the aU purpose kind; 41 vehicles, top\u25a0nacoas, camp, light epring. platform spring,double exnre**, buggies, bike and steel tireMirers, $10 up; horse, wagon.* harness, $35Ui>;.bor*«. bujrgr. barr.e>«. $25 up; horse, nd-<l'e, hridle. $25 «rp; cheap span mules at *ae-• rtace; fcar«e«ii, $2.50;- wast money;/ tcakeviler; -will trade; open Sundays. AuctionWetlaenday at 11 a. m.. 565 4th St.. Oakland.

SECOND HAND wsgoas and bnsgles. all kinds:lowest prices. WILLIAM WERTSCH COM-PANY. 24 Page «=t. \u25a0_

fecoad fcand top wagon, exp. wagoes. bus. bng-cles. Ncgect-Ccvey Waccn Co.. 3i9 Valeocia st.

CALL BRANCH OrFICE, 1651 FUlmore st- near


MONARCH Vlslfc'e Tprewriter—ln tbe Monarchvtf'.bl* Tpyewrtter all the writing is in fullficht all the time; other makM, second hand.at very reasostble prices; we rent, repair andinspect. Before purchasing ring up Douglas4113, or call at 307 Bush St.

WOLF k ISENBUrCK. Dealera.

GREAT targt!ss ia r*btti:t trpewrltera reating$2 t» S3.j*« per raontb.


IThe Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery *t.

SPECIAL rental rates: rebuilts second baa 4« atbargains; tupplies, repairs, desks. ALE^HN-DER k CO.. S;2 Market et. TeL Douglas 2157.

BRAND sew Vis'.b'.e. $40, Sua No. 2; other makesgheap. Pacifig Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery.

NEW aad eecend tand typewriters tmugbt and*old. rented, repaired: guaranteed. SMITHRRO?.. *85 ia»h «t.. Osk'.aad Ftone Osk. 12.

INTI^^* JJ^APE^HANGINSJ_^PAiNTTNO. pr-pez bangSag, tinting, plastering,

repairing: se?i for estimate. J. P. HUNTER,lTni Geary. ">!. Wt^t VTff: re?. West Re33.




R^hjFS. acy kind, repaired, painted. A. HILI^-MAN. Kf, K. 12th «\u25a0\u25a0 Oakland. Drop postal.


DOOR epeac-r* and keys. Key Works. 555 Clay>• Ph<-:-Ps— OiV^sri TTIT. AIT.TJ.


Buslnees Brokers.11l Pacific buildl&g, San Francisco.

Phore Douglas 4317.BroactraT, corner 7th ft-, Oakland.

Pbomt,— Oaklasd Home A2213.

CXIFFrn. tea, extracts aad premium store,$I.«CK'. Al locstioa. Oakland; old established;cas 500 steady customera; large etock; re-celp'R $400 monthly. See GLOBE CO. ~\

AN lcvema«at of $500 and services will securea btlf sntere« in old e«tablished bjjsiEes*which Tillclear you from $200 to $200 month-ly; j-onr Itvestmeat will be secured: if youare d»<rocs of entering a good, legitimatet>a»ir:«T«* «cc this at ence. Particulars GLOBEREALTY CO.

- :PAHTNES. $750

—Teaming and hauii&g busine»»;

4 liorte*. barsess. wagons, etc.: cleara $223per mosth; plenty of vrark oa band. Seeculck. GLOBE REALTY CO.


12.750— Rofio'oouse. Sonoma county; one of theN^t in Califorsla; established 2S yeara; fineTrade; lew rer.i: loag lease; urgent businessrails onucr r«st. Investigate. GLOBE CO.


Lunch ronnter, located end cf ear llaewar popular :#•->:-:: loor rvr.:; fixtures almostr.»-w; i---.-i trarte. This i« a bargain; nrcst sell.sfe GLOBE REALTY CO.

FOR bargains act! <;uick ssles fee

GLOBE REALTY COMPANY.211 Psrinc buiklisc. ssa FraacUco.

'SLB Broadway, oonwr -7tii-et.. Oakiaad.



BAKEIUi. ATTENTION—V»> bare a bakery thati*doicc over $35 a day; all cash «<ire trade: 1* jrood living rooaii1:rt-asonabie rent, aad a 4j;e»rs" leaw; l*it r'»r'nc place in San Fran-'\u25a0s<-o for S:.OC*i. UNION INV. CO., 802 Mar-L«-i <-t.

FJU.oON. NR. MARKET: a nest little place for«n» mis: rent $2j: g«>od fixture* and etock;I'.cen** paid to Aug. 20: owxer leaviar therit?: trill wM for »4r* tv« week. UNIONINVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market St.

-»sr.«>— PARTNER In well cstab. PLUMBING and

.•"'KEET MF7TAL works: am be handy withto.>!s. TNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market.

CANDY f*TOKE AND ICE CRF.AM PARLOR—Clears $2° to S2O week otw all exp<*nf<e»; othert.T3«lne«» tmrtt- sale; price $SOO. UNION.INV.CO.. 532 Market St.

CESTATRANT AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE—I>ovrntown location: 3 year lease: rent $35;c?«rplete flxtcrre; pric* i"-"; large trade.I.NIQN INV. CO.. £J2 Market et.

PACIFIC BEAL ESTATE CO., Keamy Sll2.Bcsrne*s Brotera

I>_»»es RentalsMechanics' Bank BWg.,

P<< Market «t. Room 421.

ATTENTION. BUTCHERS—If you are U>otins. Terr a meat market, of course you want a good

one: ttc cave rrhat you want: will w-11 forJ»>** tbun invoice; cleara $I<X> per month. 421M«><-baßi<*t' Bask bcliqigg. &4S Market ft.

MAN with mere pu«h than capital for a -halfInterest ia a tnsnnfactnrißs plant clearing5200 prr ns^atli and trowing. 421 Mechanics'Bank halldin*. S4S Slartft tt.



A STEADY ram wanted with $200 as partner;bnisine** e^tabllPD<*d 15 r»trf; tight, plainwork: willpay at lean $125 raocth each: onlyreliable men accepted. Call VA Market, rm. 7.

$!sO— Stpxdy Bi»a wantri to ettrnd H».ar *tore;will pay him at least $7."> r*w rooath; nperi-ecce unnecewsrj-. Call !><W Market St., rm. ~.

/ .



'\u25a0ft acres, oa Russian river.'-st footof Fitch Mountain; plenty of spring*end $IS.OOO worth of new Improve- .nx-nts; clnb booise and- license goesw:Ui tcls place;- not a vacant room•-ottage or tent for July; good reasonfor KHSnf. If you are Interested,come up. Don*t write, as Ibave no




tx i. '.•.•..\u25a0..\u25a0•.tx :Gnwr.RY BUSINESS" ANI» UEI-ICACIES—i

•jU»rsT» hc«y: rent ouly fSO: nic«>. fixtareß;

rend.* he»»r stock;' 2 pleasant living room*:price $1.1(«6.


1 living twwnn:. frrtl1 furnh4M*d:\u25a0 vice. clciin»I<k\: evcrrthJng flrat das*; prkr JiuO.


COUNTRY- REAL laTATC^aatlßßei160 ACRES land aear BrsotwooU; 45 acres bear-;

ing vineyard, balance ia corn toti ether prod-*sets; 6 room house, good barn and NoatbuUd- .tags; running stream 'Of water plp«d to htnux*

\u25a0 and barn; & horses; all farming implements 3everything ready to do business. This is «.. soap; do not overlook it. Price $3,500. *;, cas:*for quick sale. ."McTAULk EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bids-

WE have I.OSO acres land, 200 under cnltrratloaj3 mile* from towa and railroad: tbe best cma-'bined stock ranch and farm in CallfornU:run*nlag stream of water; fenced and itossi fenced;price $20,000- term*.Ifyotiare looking for a farm, stock or frn:j

ranch at the right price rail and «•»•» us.McFACL *

EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle hHg.

ONLY $B,soo— Fine 10U acre Napa dairy ranch:sain.

$200 per acre—

Subdivisions of cream of T»»!-not Creek land:

-terms: valo« inrreasing rap-

Idly. Foe ranches. - large .or small, take ad-vantage of my 25 years' familiarity witb.California.tend*. Sediment land my specialty.

\u25a0 HENRY STIRRING, room 118. Kirn building.

CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre ea«h payment,balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre:'eloas San Francisco: no taxe*. oo tnremit: 3acre tract*; l«vel. rich, clear, ready to plow.-irrigated: perpetual wafer right: immedUt«p*»<»essl«>n: partbrniars. mapn. photographs free.STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market ot.. S. F.

LEAVE the <ct ties. Come to Shasta county—

th<»place for man of small meaoa; orchard, berry,alfalfa, clover and timber land: $5 acre «ndup; mountain climate: free water for Irriga-tion; sawmill wita timber cheap. Bis Bar-raina imp. ranches. J. R. KINSEft. Fera,Shasta county. CaL

SANTA ROSA REALTY CO.Selling land from 3 tracts i.*ear Santa Rom:

$10f> an acre p: also big lint of properties of allkinds: call or write forbooklet. OfSi-e 38-40. KlftMarket st., San Francisco; office & Elk*' 'build-lag, Santa Rosa. Cal.

TUEiOCK IBRIGATEI> FARMSIA aer»s Ia this district" will keep a family

in luxury. Tola is tUe beat land ia Califora!».WATER RIGHTS FREE. FARMERS OWN TUBWATER. Get information from the CentralCalifornia Land Agency, dept. *. 759 Market »t.

LOS GATOS. Saratoga. Santa Crts minima in\u25a0«property for »ale or rent. STRONG, BEHjE.N"A FARR. Inc., R. H. McKaij maasKer.Ageota for Idjtwild. Los Gatos. 40 r >-.:>st.. San Francisco.

$90 an acre for Contra Coata county alfalf.tlands; adjacent lands selling for $1W ar> acr»;this offer a bargala; act quick. REALTY EX-CHANGE. 1047 Fbelaa building.


OIL LANDS ~~V40 acres proving oil lands for sale la 2S-2*.

Baiernueld. Kern •county.- \u25a0 Fur particular* SW>Monadnock building. T. F. A. OBF.RMEYER.IMPROVED country property f<v sals or e\-

change: unimproved lands 00 easy terms. W.A.MARXLEY& CO.. 12S8 Broadway. Oaklana.

5 and 10 acre homes ia Alarae<!& cortnty: *-'»down, $10 montbly: '2 niVromAa, RICH VAL-LEY LAND COMPANY. 54S Market »t. "- ""

HOTEL and 3 cottages: separately or together :a bargain if sold aoon: \u25a0•a".«- of s«lliug Hihealth. A. JENSEN. Newman. Cal.

FOR farms, stock ranches aad timber lands *?*MeFAtX k KDWARDS. 330 Chronlcl* bulUlhig..



New 4 room cottage, near 14th st.»srline: a *aap.


20 acres ia Contra Conta c<wnty:U acres ia vines: good improvement*.


6 room cottase: Biake st.. Berkeley!'on easy terms.

W. A. MARKXEY k CO.. 12n« Bmadwar. Qalc.

VERY desirable modern <7 room couse; smalt.barn; lot 40x120 feet: 35tb st. near Grove.OakUad: wUI take $4,500: $1,500 can remainindefinitely. $1.5C0 cash aad balance la laad »?

vacant property of equal value; this 1* Just a*represented. Address Owner. CCS 33ta St..Oakland.

WHY PAY RENT? when yon can bar a cottag-near the Key Route; small payment down, thobalance easy payments. See owner. RICHARI*J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner40th st.. central Oaklaad.

LOT tn good residence section near PiedmontKey Route station: is situated on h!gh grons*!with beautiful view; 1block from Oaklaail .-»•.-.rarliae; sUe 30x110 feet; price $1^:50; easrterm*. ELIJ3 BROS., ,4&j 11th »t.. Oatlaml.

$100 DOWX—S2O PER MONTH.Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottage: street

work done; sidewalks in: price $1,400. Ad-dress 1420 Brctiway. Oakland.

FIVE room cottage; $2.e*>o: only $250 cash; nearKey Route Grove st. station. Apply 5401 GroveSt.. Oakland.

W. A. T7HJTAKER. designer aad builder: artis-tic homes; easy terms; phone Merritt 87C.

REAL ESTATE, collecting, typewriting ami art-> vertUtng uoce at Kd\ Clay St.. Oakland.


7 room house; 2 Bathroom*; beautifulgarden; electricity and gas; so foot front-age; transportation, steam aad electric;furnUhed.

$4,500— NE. corner lot. 45x120: Ke> Route. S. P.and Grove «. cars. REALTY EXCHANGE.1047 Phelan bldg.

FOR rent—

Beautiful home- of 11 rooms; yard:50x160; in most desirable residence district «?Berkeley; on eew earltne conaeetlasr with allcity train*: $75 per month: lease z years orlonger. See mvner. 21*10 IIillegal ay.



Beautiful, modern, bunsalow style iaterinr.exterior fine fiaish. palated white: slz» 30x54ft.; done ia S large room*: hall, bath ac-iporches; beam cellins In dining room, balland livingroom: dining room and ball paneledwith art shelf, oak flaiaa: two fireplaces:lot 50x150 ft.: sunny: swell neighborhood:owner mest sell; cost $3,800; $2,800 can re-main on mortgage. See owner. 937 Pacific ay..Alameda.


A bargain; S room modem nous*; $850in cash, only 6 per cent Interest. Look atthis place. W. H. POLLARD. 1428 Part «r.

2 LOTS ia Fourth Addition. Saa Bruno park.$230 each. 'Box 3339. Call office.

HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper-tle«. BROWN *WILSON. Sant-i Cms. Cat

MARIX COUNTY REAL ESTATECOMPELLED br S. F. bo«tn#»s tn ra!*e ca»a: I

will sell 10 lots for*esan and 10 on fair t»rm«.around my home in "Laurel Dell*Tract." SanRafael, at sacrifice price*. $10T> aad up: tverrlot heavily wooded: some redwood trees; flnesMI. grand view: all improvement*: <!e«d f^rta-wlth: 7 to 15 minutes' walk to B st. stationor to my temporary ortW. opo. Union depot.San Rafael. W. L. COURTRIGHT. owaer;no »genta.

BARGAIN at $10,000—

This beautiful hema mas:.be seen to be appreciatsd. Telejicae Kearay

BTS.awt a*et p»rttew!ir«.

POINT RICHMOND REAL. ESTATERECENT announcements of vast importance

wake Investors up to Richmond's unlimitedfuture possibilities for profits; the Saata Fatract easily leads all other eSeringa be for?the public today.' Particulars writ* R. T.-SHANNON, at MeEwen Brow.'. 473 Pine st.

JgAy ANSELMO REAI^ESTATE$250 San \Anselmo snaps— llevel wooded lot.

100x110; $200 for Ilevel lot 62x100; $293beautiful wooded lots 50x1301 11. V. MANN.app. depot.




Large corner lot. 05x120: 5 roomhouse, bath, cement cellar, city water, electriclight*/ sewer connection, garden young fruittrees, vines and berries, chicken yards amicoops; 3 minutes

"from electric cars; $2,600;

' $900 cash, balance $00 per mouth. Call or ad-dress MRS. W. J. FAREY. Evergreen ay..MillVaD»r: leave train »t I.«*n«t ay.

*- '- PROPERTY WANTEDWANTED—Your property tn sell or ex-

change. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 255 Mont-- gomery st. . ' - '- -RE.4LESTATETO EXCH.INGE

C ACR£S of Improved sn.l irrigated laad. *. miles from county seat of orer 6.000 inhab-

itants; will exchange for modern cottage in\u25a0vicinity «f 4Ota and Grove sts.. Oakland. F<»rparticulars call at 44 Bacon Muck. Oakland;phono Oakland «304. .

RANCH of 320 acres. 12 miles from Saa Mate •>.la the redwooUd: timber and pa.nure land;price $23 p*f acre, or will tak* Income prop-erty In exchange. W. W. CASEY. 32(5 3*l ay.,

Saa Mateo. .. .FOR exchange— General merchandise stock: Urge

buildingand lot. 10U miles from S. F.. forbay

Improved: best proposition In state: will bern.8. F. this week. ,Box 735. Call. Oakland.

LOT—soxl27. tB central Oakland, will exchange

for flats in Richmond district. Saa Frrvi\u25a0«.->;

$3,000..Realty Exchange. 1047 Pbelaa bid*.WANT SeatUe or sound property for rottsge-

1014 Eagle. AUmeda; make offer. Box 3451,

Call office.'" . - , ' . \u25a0.. '.*.-,

IF yoa want to sell or exchange- your ranch nnvt-me.description; v*charge* nnleas d«al i*mad*.J.iH. -F.DSON,- 106* Broadway. Oakland.

LIST vT»nr«>itmtry. properties w|ta us:-w4 seiland exchaagp sam*>. ,JACQUES REALTY CO..~ -2.*»*> ?l«atg"TOmr «t.


PASTURAGE-...-; 11. '. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 i_ 1 1 \u25a0 . '. »~

FINB'>pasture, green feed. H. B. MAYO. TSIbldj..3. r.t or P. O. box •M,\T»H»Jg.

THE FULLER CO..< 918 Broadway, Oakland.Telephones

—Oakland 270S and Al9Ol.

STATIONERY, cigars and candy, laundry route;located opposite postofflce. In good countrytown, snort distance from Oakland; the only\u25a0tore In this lice of business in town; mustsell; come and make us an offer, or will ex-change for improved or unimproved propertyin Alameda county; rent $25; lease. 2 years;2 Uriog rooms; price, $2,650. THE FULLERCO. has It. 918 Broadway. Oakland. "... ;

DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY—S6OO;rent $30, and 2 livingrooms; good^coroer; do-ing • business of $25 dally; stock and fixturestrill invoice $700; a good place for a partywho is not afraid to work; lpcation one of thebest. THE FULLER CO. can explain every-taiag to yoa. 918 Broadway. Oakland.

BEST LUNCH COUNTER in Alameda. county;rent $29; guaranteed to clear $150 monthly;will sell half Interest for $400; do opposition;act culrkly; partner wants a good, activeman. -Full Information with THE FULLERCO.. Cit> Broadway. Oakland.

LIVERY. FEED and BOARDING STABLE—. $2,500; leave. 3 years; rent $C5; clears $250monthly at the present time; 11 horses, 2 sur-reys, 8 buggies, 2 spring wagons; everything

I complete; 13 boarders at $20 a month; estab-lished for yean; illfcealth cause of sale. Seemy agents for particulars, THE FULLER CO.,818 Broadway. Oakland.

FANCY GROCERIES and DELICATESSEN—$SCO; rent $25: good corner, doing a nice butt-ress; reason for sale, party in hospital; goodplace for maa and wife: locatloa can not bebeat; if you mips this you miss an opportunityof a lifetime: act quickly. See THE FUL-I.ER CO.. 918 Broadway, Oakland.


DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY—S4OO:rent $25, with 3 livingrooms; nicely fitted up:located In cue of the principal streets ofBerkeley; doing a good business; best of rea-sons for selling; excellent place for man amiwife: will uot Ia« long at this price, so actquickly. THE FILLER CO., 91S Broadway,Oakland.

BAKERY—S7SO; rent $30; lease for 8 years; 5furnished rooms; dally receipts $2S; all cash

r counter trade, no delivery; located in one ofthe best country towns in state; make v* anoffer; party i« sick and must sell. See THEFULLER CO.. 818 Broadway. Oakland. .

CANDY and ICE CREAM—SI,OOO; rent $22.50:l»ase; clears at the present time $250 to $300monthly;party has broken his arm aad must-sell; come and xtiake us an offer; don't missthis Ifyou want a good business. THE FCL-LER CO.. SIS Broadway. Oakland.

LIVERY, FEED and BOARDING STABLE—$2,000: rent $00; one of the best locations InOakland; 18 boarders; 6 livery horses, 3 run-abouts, 3 top buggies. 3 surreys. 2 *ets doableharness. 7 clugle sets. 1 motor pumping plantw:tl» well: more than value in eight; goodplace frJr 2 good hustlers. Ask THE FULLERCO. about It.918 Broadway. Oakland.

ATTENTION!TUe manufacturers, contractors,bnilders and architects

—Robinson's metallic

Tile Fastener is an eatirely new and valu-able Invention that saves 50 per cent the costcf "laying" the' old way. Requires no ce-ment, aud csa be quickly cud cecurely laidin ceilings, walls or floors even by a novice.An Invention of real merit. Will ?e!l exclu-sive rights to all or any portion of the U. 8.en exceedingly favorable terms. See modelIn our offices, or write for particulars.

PACIFIC PROMOTION k DEVELOPMENT CO.,Mocadnock building. San -Francisco. Cal.



$I.OSO— LODGING.HOUSE: located on principalstreet in Santa Crux; IS sunny outside rooms;party boyisg now can ciear purchase price innext 4 months: owner ha« to go east. GIL-LIES k MAGNUS. Hi23 Market sr.


ROADHOUSE: Sau Mateo county; good,steady transient trade: you will buy quicklyafter a persAnal investigation. Only with GIL-I.IES k MAGNUS. 1028 Market >t.



Fine store, clean stock and good buM-nes* ia Saa Francisco; also one at 52,500. $3,000.$3,500; dreg stores In Berkeley. San Jose,Pescadero and ia Lake county. Huaiboldt county.Sonoma county and others; also a splendid offerin a thriving town in Oregon for $6,500: if youare looking for a business, or have one for rale,communicate with us; over 50 years' experienceIn the drug trade in California.

TUE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, '2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley, Cal.

FOR 6*!e—

Only opera house and dance pavilionin town of 1,500; soft drinks, cigars, cigar-ette*, gum, etc.. in connection; also wellequipped saloon adjoining. The opera house isliew and furnished up to date. This property

|. ft.inds oa 4 lots, next to corner on principalbusiness street; good reasons fcr felling. Thisproposition bean full investigation. Will notcell separately. For -particulars address"Tracy Press." Tracy. Cal.

WE buy. oell and make expert examinations -andreports or. mines and mineral lands, manufac-turing c:rl mercantile plants, patents, etc.; or-ganize. Incorporate and promote «tock com-panies on a commission or percentage basis; ifyou have a meritorious propoeitloa- submit Ittous and we will tell WHAT to do and HOW todo it. Pacific Promotion and Development Co.,589-571 Moncdnook building. S. F.. Cal.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE store— s2,2so orinvoice; rent $25. with 7 room cottage at-tached: doing a business of $1,000 monthly;very little opposition: good stock; party iscompelled to sell on account of sickness; borneacd wagon; this is the best proposition everoa our books; don't miss thl*.but act quickly:•see my agents. THE FULLER CO.. 918Broadway. Oakland.

COMPLETE up tn date printing business forI sale, including 1 pres?. new type, furniture,; storte, etc.; price $425: press alone worth; $200: good location: street with window andi 2 furnished living rooms; rent $15 a month;

a .great rbance to t»ur an established little: bt:*lnes» for $425: must sell at once accounti leaving town. Address owner, hex 3475. Call.1GROCERY end prodnce— J2.Ooo: rent $45; lease;

h-n location in Oakland without a doubt ;very close in; good reasons for selling; niceclean stock; we can highly recommend thisI'la^-p to any one wanting a good business.See THE FULLER CO. for full particulars,SIS Broadway..Oakland.

RESTAURANT—Busy street: daily receipts $75;located close to large theater: seating capacity7C; .fixtures alow* worth more than the priceasked: investigate this, as it is a genuineproposition and the price is right; cheaprent: full Information with my agents. THEFULLER CO., SIS Broadway. Oakland.


$l,C>OO will liar a grocery notr running anddolcra good business. Call at 341S Eatt 14th«t.. Fruitvate.Telephone Mcrritt 545-.

GROCERY— Trade established: doing over- $OOtrainees dally; fixtures completa; 100 feetfrom postoffice. corner location; 4 livingroomsin rear; low rent; horses, wagoas, buggies,

; etc.; a snap for cash; will invoice $3,500:cause for selling, illhealth. Address box-754,Call, Oakland. s

!-.'-•' FOR SALE- ~"

-\u25a0 :. :."\u25a0In the best.cily of 6.000 population in Cali-

fornia an entire sew meat market and pro-duce rtore; CVi ton cold storage plant; e-very-tbing new and up to date. Owner has otherbusiness. Address

:J. G. BRIGGS. VisalU. Cal.

BUTCHER chop for sale—

On account of dissolu-tion cf partnership one of \u25a0 the best shops in

wFruitvale will be sold; floe 'trade: full equip-ment. Inquire LYMAN HARFORD. 3110 E.;<th ft.. Frultvxle, or H. J. McISAAC. Hum-bcldt Bank bldg.. S. F.. Cal. l

GROCERY. DELICATESSEN. LUNCH ANDCANDY STOtIE with livingrooms; rent $15; anl'-e little burlnefts for - workiagrnan and wifewith a little money. Call 2C73 San Brunorosd. .Ineed money, will sacrifice first mortgage of

$1,250. draws. 7 per ceut. will take $1,150;this will net you 15 per cent on your moneyand t*cured -by over $30,000 worth of realestate. Address box 3465, Call offlce. ,-f


Light mfg. business; Al:proposition; mo-nopoly oa household necessity; 200 per centprofit; clears $40 weekly; all cash trade; pre-vious' expjrfccce unnecessary.- 1175 7th st.,Oakland.


FOR sale-—

Ice cream, icandy..cigar, and station-ery stor*. "at Niles, :CaL: must be sold atonce; bargain: don't miss this chance. See oraddre*. FRANK MORTIMER CO. \u25a0

HOTEL and bar; doing.good business;-loag

lease; reason, for selling, other business. Ad-dress MB. N. TOMASEVICB,-Hotel St. Anne,Mountain View. Cal.

FOR sale— Price $500: \u25a0 business suitable forbrizht energetic -


man who has good"local reputation; ' present owner has other-affairs to look after. - Box 3433, Call.

SALOON—SI,2SO; transfer corner; 1 block, fromOcean Shore* B. R.; 2 years' lease; $20 month;this Is a grand opportunity; now in the time tobuy. Inquire 1201 Market at.

jHARDWARE and sporting goods stnre 'in finetown.of:2,000; . Joins postoffice; .an excellentopening: '.must sell:/be»t . reasons. -.BAIRD *kPETERSON.- S3O Market st.

-PARTNER wantedrln manufacturing;: well «\u25a0«-

tablfftbed; guaranteed' $100 per month salary;! besides large profits;. $1,500 required. Ad-

dress box "3487,-.Call office. .-\u25a0.-.

FOR *ale—

Complete jfixtures for a.candy, store,or will consider partnership: Iam experiencedcandy maker. . Box 3491, ,Call office. ;

BUSINESS CHANCES— S2O per" month will startyou \u25a0';-. tor make V> independent :- living-; raisingp'geonv. near Sen Francisco. Box'31!»3,', CalL -".

STATIONERY, notion, and booV•*tore in*Oak-land: rent* only $1S;. value "<s3.rt»o:itell.- for$I,O>to. BAIUDk PETERSON. S3U Market st.

FOR \u25a0 sale— Half Interest: of well paring nick-*>lodeon;:will:\u25a0 give,on 'trial..See;owncr. 1724Bryant ft..'-5.t0,7 |». .m. -. .

--[ SALOON for-Mle:also.rew elegantly famishedi-tux. Cail «r eddress 2795 Diamond f st.; phoneI-

MlmJou 14C*. : ~: \u25a0

;J1 I;«XESS'CHA\CK'B--CootlnnfdI;«XESS'CHA\CK'8--Cootlnnfd

THE PRETTIEST 6 room fiat In Oakland, only$350: cheap rent; house U always full^only-

>i block from Broadway;' very central; car-pets and furniture good; mu?t bo seen. to b«

appreciated: will uoi last long at this, price:-act

-quickly. See THE FULLER- C0., -;918

Broadway. Oakland. . -\u25a0

T SALOONMEN! \u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0':LOOK!

Partner wanted with $1,000 to $1,500 insaloon and building; 00 agents. .Box 3474,Call offlce. -_ \u25a0 '\u25a0•-'. t

-\u25a0-.•-\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0•..-\u25a0;

ONE-HALF or whole, interest in a rubber stampand printing business, not

'because of failure,

but owing to a trip belpg necessary to settle< an estate or lose heavily: established for over

15 years. Address box 7CO, Call. Oakland.LUNCH room and dairy kitchen; good business;

neat and clean; fine location; $350, balanceea«y payments. 1181 O'Farrell St., or. Gough.

PART of market for rent for grocery or delica-tessen, cheap; good locality. 570 Wallerst. near Pierce. -';.-;. '-<: :.:,--'- '.''-,\u25a0\u25a0•

':' -*-.-

JOB printing office; wellIequipped; good loca-tion;.low rent:.entaollshed. For particularswrite owner, box 798, Call office, Oakland.

IF you have $4,000 to luvest-I can- show youwhere you tan make $5,000 per year. For* •information address me today, box 3407, Call.

$SOO buys good paying country newspaper: jnearthe city; would sell half interest: must besold this week.

-Box S4?O. Call office.

CORNER saloon, half block from Ocean ShoreR. R. depot; good business. Apply Hiberntabrewery.- . ' . \u25a0

-BITCHER shop, with all equipments: willrent

for $25. or s?ll: Inquire at once. 3386 19th st.near Mission. . -.-. \u25a0__

WILL sell rooming bouse of 54 rooms, clears$350 per month; always full: In busy dls-•-lrict of city. Address box 3469. Call office.

KOB sale—

A good newspaper route in a'good

district in this city. Apply to J. R. LBS-HART, circulation department. 3. F. CalL

WANT to buy restaurant in busy district incity, have $1,500 to Invest. Address box3460. Call office.— . . r-v

FINE stock of gents' furnishings and fixtures ata bargain. Inquire at box 3495, Call o^ce.

PAPER route for sale or exchange for real es-tate. Owner, 1515 19th ay.. East Oakland.

$350— Saloon and dance hall; snap. BAIRD &PETERSON. SSO Market st.

GOOD paying lunch counter with dining room;sale cheap. Call 282 13th st., nr. Minna.


Small business: will invest $1,000 to$1.500 or more. 949 Phelan bldg.


Opposite The -Call.'Room 301

—Phone Douglas 4379.

Where Be«t Bargains Are -Found. In Hotels,Apartment and Lodging Houses. Flats.

BEST BARGAIN—This 60 room honw; central;fine corner; rent $2<X»: new, well furn.: northMarket: opportunity of lifetime; offer wanted.


This 54 room house, strictly modern:private baths, elegant furn.: cost $7,000 to furn.;

Iftaken this week, only $3,800.DON'T miss this 44 room house; modern, close

in: reasonable rent; always full; money maker;now only $2,700.

SEE this 19 room house: good location andfurniture: rent $70: yours for $70Q._^




Partner wanted In good paying restaurant;trial given; closed on Sundays. 436 Bosh_st.


Largest training school of acting in '•America;position secured: C months' graduating coursee;catalogue. Countryman bldg.. 915 Van Ness.

A—TUE LYCEUM. 2500 Pine St., prepares foruniversity or any examination. Open duringsummer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here yousave time- aud money.

JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and! NOEMAL CLASS. High school, all branches.

Prep, for college, teachers' exams., civil serv.Laboratory courses. Day, cv. 943 Van Ness.

ASSAYING; special commercial course in Span-ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer-ing.mining, etc. HEALD'S, 425 McAllister st.

DANCING—FINDLAY'S. 8241 16th St., ballroom!or stage: adults- Monday au«t* Friday eveaigs;

private lessons dallys; open every evening.

ENGINEERING—CiviI, electrical, mining,meeh.,survey, assay, cyanifie, day, eve.;est. 1884.Van der Naillen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland.

THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES—2531 Washington st. near Fiilmore; send forcircular. . ~

SPANISH." French or Italian 'taught; accuratetranslations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409, 830 Mkt.

PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, IndlvKL instr. math.,bookkeeping, Eng.. etc.; day.. eye. 507 Halght.'

PROF. O. MANSFIELD, teacher tjf"violin, mau-dolia and guitar. 1706 Geary st. .

FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL—High school,university. West Point. Annapolis. 554 Baker.

RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages;nnlv. prep. -1350 O'Farrell. Phonw West 8160.


Metropolitan Business College—

1490 Marketat Van Ness. Reduced rates. 6 months. $50.

AFTER Aug. 2 the San Francisco Business "Col-lege willbe at corner of Market and Eddy sts.

MERRILL-MILLER College, 733 FiUmore it.Term opens Aug.: 2; day and eve, segslong.

AKITH. penmanship by expert; bkpg., grammar,etc.; individual lustruc., $5 mo. 915 Van Ness.

AH court reporters recommend Gallagher-MarshBusiness College. 12^» Market Ft.

ACCOUNTANTSAUDITS,systems, special investigations. COOP-

ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearney 595».

Cert laed PublicJOHN R. RU^K^TCLLT^rp?AT^O^3OS~CIaus

Spreckel* ICain bldg. Phone Kearny 4151.


MARK LANE."Notary. Public and Commissionerof Deeds. 245 Bush st.:pbone Kearajr 2629.

UNDER McEncrney act, complete, $35. Title Co.,953 Monadnock Mdg.. 9th floor. 3d and Market.

DETECTIVESWest Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded):

conducts cases secretly: cor. confidential. 596FHlmore. Tel. Park KiS6. T. C. GRAY. Prin.


AA—DIVORCE; costs, ;$12; quick, quiet; advicefree; no charge unless successful; title to realestate restored; bankruptcy;- probating of es-. tate; general practice. 102S Market Bt.;r.12.

A QUICK. qule*t,~complete divorce for $20; openevenings until 8. 1112 Market St.; room 122.

HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law.". W. T.J3e»s. Notary Public. Roomg 11-12 Call bldg.

L. 6. CLARK, attorney at law. S5l Jackson st.;Oakland. Consultation free: open:evenings.


DEWEY. STRONG k CO.—Founded 1S00; U. 8.and foreign patents; .Inventors* guides; 100mechanical movements \u25a0 free. .1105 Merchants'Exchange -bldg,' San Francisco. . •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-'\u25a0-\u25a0_

CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat-ent office, -.1201-2 :Metropolis •• bank;


tradesmarks and copyrights. \ Tel. Kearny 4815.HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat-

ents. 415 First na. bk.. Oakland ;.tel. O. 5575.SONTAG Patent Agency

—Established 1599. Bal-- boa bidg..- cor.' Market acd 2d sts.. 10th -floor.'


SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US.'. We" get !themoney for you oa all kinds of claims anywhere.

Adj. and Law A»s'n..<!ls Pacltic bid


and 'notes -'\u25a0 collected ;: tenants - ejected.FRED J. SCHMIDT.Market. No« and

-16th sts.

BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS, 739 Market St.,acknowledged to the easiest and. best 'pain-- less extraction in S. F.- Full:set of teeth, $2;gold crowns, $2; silver fillings;50c. All work.guaranteed 20 'years. * Open daily:till9 p. m.'

DR. H. P.- DAVIS. PAC:BLDG..: rms. r 301-2-4,'cor. '4th "and Jlkt.:\u25a0 latest 'in \u25a0 dentistry;:firstclass ;work; mod. ;charges; CONSULT.- FREE.

DR. C. W.-DECKEB. Phelan bldg.; rooms 30S-\u25a0 9-10. . 760 Market:st.;phone;Kearny: 1630. -£»;

DR. R.L.' WALSH k CO.. 961 Flllmore cor. Mc-sAUister; formerly 872 McAllister; Park 5330. ,

MEYER." Dr.,? 1990'Sutter— Fillings\u25a0 50c.'. crowns.-, $;>; bridge work; 'gas 'given;.open; evenings."'

DR.1 IRA'O. LEEK—AII'kinds of'dental work.".

:r515 Flllmore st;-near.Oak;t*."-- ' . \u25a0 v' ;;.DR. U.G. BARTLETT,extracting specialist, re-

"-\u25a0 -moved to 323 Geary cor."Powell: Douglas 4300."

'-\u25a0;'_ :r. ;.-\u25a0':•'\u25a0;:: r.PHYSiciAX*H\u25a0•',;\u25a0_:-; --".r;-.; ..-..".>A—DR. ':THIELE,"'German rpnysicla'b :and \ sur-\u25a0'\u25a0'. geon ;*\u25a0 specialist '\u25a0\u25a0.chronic

*and 5.private •diseases'

.'.of both. sexes ;'cures guaranteed.

'.1732 Geary."


:^, \u0084

-/ .:

>'•\u25a0 HERB'DOCTOR. Pennant! v located"

\u25a0.;-. 1268 O'Farrell :6t'"ibet.-Oough!and;OcUvla.JEE 'WO^DRUG

'CO.—High\grsde^berbs. .drug<

and "teas ;'all'chronic .and Iprivate idlteasea \u25a0of

.;.-' both teies cured, * 93S Stockton fit.'- j : ;

\u25a0'"'^ \u25a0\u25a0 'IXVESTMEXTS--Coßtiane' ~ - '" 'KOR'sale-— 4riots* at Granada.- the" coming sea--*.plde rresort .en 'iralfmoon-baiy, vfor" sale '.for

$800. including all street; work,.:or '.will ex-,-change for. Ocean ' Shore *bonds, "Brookshire."Plnal or Palmer oil stocks- i-


-. 17;Bacon -block. :\u25a0 Oakland.'. *. \u25a0:

'MB..INVESTOR—Ifyou will^Join us a,nationalbank will

~guarantee .your money

-back, with

iInteirst:. we.will:double ;your, purchase, in',a!



•May vre 'explain ? \u25a0 Address *>r

call. A.\u25a0\u25a0 I.-ic D.» Co., 258 Bacon biulding. Oak-1- land.-^ :.._.i.t -;\u25a0:.:, -..,' .-..-\u25a0:\u25a0.;•-\u25a0\u25a0. '.- ...:^::x.7>:.--i"^CAN furnish you-'ANY'unlisted stocks and bond*

you may want AWAY UNDER regular quota-tions: \u25a0 will'buy any

-active stocks if CHEAP;

largest dealers on the Pacific coast : corre-spondence invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS &CO*..- 714 Market st.- opp. Call building.

HAVEi10 p«r:cent Income. ISURE; speculate on50 per cent additional. That is what a limited

; supply 1 of choice local manufacturing, stockmeans. Inquire D. A. KNAPP, 417 First Na-tlonal Bank bldg.. Oakland. :

EUCALYPTUS TIMBER—SmaII tracts in plan-tation of thousands of. acres; easy term?: loca-tion on railroad, in San Joaquln valley. Euca-

lyptus Timber Co., 414 First Nat. Bank. Oak.

SPECIAL investment. Marin county; large, bean-

r tlful tracts .of-land.

-JOHN W. GRAY, 923

Linden st., Oakland. " • -'\u25a0"

OCEAN SHORE" railroad- bonds for sale: pr.ee\u25a0-'netn 7?*i'%. D. E. BESECKER. -243 Pacific bid.

'I^^^^3?[A :?Al^.^"ABBOTT buys bonds"

—Ocean Shore. Market

st. bank and Cal.- safe dep. books.' 414 Mar-ket st. »..\u25a0\u25a0-'



We buy California safe deposit accounts; buy'- and sell Ocean Shore bonds. 44S Montg'y st.

AND MIXIXGDO yon want reliable Information about mines

and land? . . \u25a0

Do you want your investments and Interests*protected? ;-

In buying or selling, do you want to dealdirect with principals? If so, call or writeus. We have clients and they know we arereliable. -

-WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU,-Chronicle Bldg., Ban Francisco. Cal. y

HIGH CLASS gold mine for sale: easy terms:write jor jsee \u25a0 owner. R. E. LAMBERSON,..room

'4945/. Winchester hotel, city.

We buy and cell mines, make examinations and•furnish reports of mining properties. WEST-ERN MINES EXPLOIt. CO.. 226-223 Lick bldg.

GOLD, amalgam, rich r»re bought: cash: assay-ing 60c. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 sth M. nr.Howard. , . ", -: • -

GOING-to new "discovery in California: wantrjartner^JUtleinoneTneeded^Bo^SSftT^Call.


ARE you buying or selling stocks or bonds?Call on PETTiS t BURBECK. 333 First Na-tional Bank UMg.. Oakland.


AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANSDo you need a vacation and have not the

money to spare? we are loaning all SALARIEDpeople strictly upon

'their plain note, without

Indorser or security.-

You can, repay In weeklyor monthly payments to suit yourself.


Your.employer or friends never know of anytransactions at our office.LOANS STRICTLY TO SALARIED PEOPLE.

WESTERN LOAN CO..40S Call Bldg.. 3d and Market Sts.

Open 6:30 to 6 p. m.; also open Monday.Wednesday and Saturday evenings until S p. m.NOTE THIS

—Salaried people and others may

upon own responsibility (no indorser) get fol-lowing loans, to be repaid in small 'Weekly In-Istallments, viz: $1 per week pays $15 loan, $2

per week pay $30 loan, $3 per week pays $45loan, $4 per week pays $60 loan. $5 per week. pays $75 loan. Phone Douglas 3244. 433 Phe--

-lan building.'(Keep this for future reference.)

MONEY LOANED TO ALL SALARIED-PEO-PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTELS;save money by getting our rates; confidential:private office for ladles. GREAT WESTERNINV.CO.. INC., 521 Phelan building; 8:30 to !6; Mon. and Sat, till 8 p. m.; Kearny 3247.

MONEY loaned -on furniture. pianos and othersecurity; lowest rates; most favorable terms'-in the city; see others, then see me and beconvinced; Iwill save yoa money; $2.25weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 3029.GEORGE W. MILLER, 8009 16th St., south-west corner Mission, room 85.

' '

XX—LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING.. 35 Montgomery St.. room 101. Douglas 3016.Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages,

improved or unimproved, at 6 per cent; secondmortgage and building loans in any part of city.small or large. .. -MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon;their own name without security: cheapest

\u25a0••\u25a0': rates; easiest payments; offices in 68 principalcities: save yourself money by getting ourterms first- TOLMAN. room 951, Phelan bids.,S. F., and room 9, 460 13th St.. -Oakland.

HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.—Loans on FURNI-TURE, PIANO3, etc.; low rates; private, 357-359 Pacific bids.. 4th and Market sts.; phoneDouglas 8265. Oakland office CIS-519 First

\u25a0 National Bank bids.- \- -



. Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co.,-443 PINE ST.

ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second'mortgages -on real estate, legacies, . undividedInterest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Me-. COLGAN. 26 Montgomery St.. rooms 314-815.

ADVANCES made oa diamonds aad Jewelry atlowest rates; . safe deposit vaults; greatestpossible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRYCO.. Van Ness and Sutter. .-..»,'!.

R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo-ple; Investigate our- credit system. Rooms353-5.

'Pacific building. 4th and Market sts.'ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort-

gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates.O. W.;BECKER. 705 Monadnock. 631 Market.

SALARY loans— Ladles and gentlemen withoutsecurity; notes and commercial paper bought.313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phono Douglas 1411.


FIRST and'second mortgagas, estate, lega-

cies and security. SHADBURNE CO.. 45 Post.SALARY loans;' other propositions. San Fran-

Cisco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building.

FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies,etc HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st.

WANT to borrow $1,900; 2 flats: 7 per cent;value $4.500. Box 3304, Call office.IMAKE real estate loans, any 'kind, any size.

AUSTIN.1018 Broadway. Oakland.

CASH loaned to salaried men on note without tn-dorser. MORRELL. 922 Monadnock building.

Wn loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO.,.' "55.Montgomery St.. . ; •

ON-furniture : and -pianos; no removal. TRK-MAIN. room 811, 833 Market, next Emporium.

ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co.,Monadnock building. 681 Market st.. room 705.


WANTED-^55,000 to $125,000. |to improve coun-property; best of security and terms. Call

or address LOUIS L.QORR. 186 «th St.. B. T.


NOTICE-r-That I,Charles J. Jaeger, on tb# 17thday of. July, 1909,

-have sold my half interest

of the. saloon situated at the southwest cornerof 20th and Bartlett streets, tn R. Glotfelder,

.-\u25a0 who assumes all debts. CHARLES T.JAEGER.

DEED and abstract" of homestead property. SanAntonio, Tex., stolen' from my trunk; worthlessto any one but owner.,MßS. E. B..FRANCE.


office jof• the 1 Secretary >of'the .Regents.- Univer-

sity of California, Berkeley, on of 'before 5p.im;-;Monday,- July.'28, 1909.

'for 'portions of '.the \u25a0 heating :and ventilating'system. - includingcalvaulted iron- work, for the new - University!Library oa the .University Campus lat Berkeley.as \u25a0per ,plans .and:specifications .on file?at 'said ,office.^: .^-.- •-•\u25a0 tj'.-'i;> i^i*-.'y', -.'\u25a0;- -;\u25a0:.-; ;/-.."\u25a0, ; 'i

\u25a0--*•'. No,bids will be. received ', unless accompaniedby a-certlfled; check or -bond Tin favor, of the ;undenigned, '. equal;to', ten \u25a0\u25a0 per •cent of the :bid.,to assure execution \u25a0of contract \u25a0 by successfulbidder. \u25a0\u25a0: The right'to

-reject ;any/ or -all bids.is

reserved.' s . I',1 ', -* r.v--. -.'. •"-- \u25a0- . ;'---.:'- --• --\u25a0--•.-•\u25a0



k, CO..: 521

-Valencia -st. --\u25a0;\u25a0 Phone Market 7109. \u25a0"-..;\u25a0|

Cheap-building\u25a0 lots 'in

-Hartford Ist.,•. near • 19th

.-\u25a0 and'Castro -sts.;, $2,000 :and up;• make. oCer..

$3,250 - cash— Modern :high-class :5 room house. ;


t... with garage: tnear vISth :\u25a0 and Castro sts.;• '.-'mortgage can remain; make offer.. . ':-


$5,500— Store and •5 <room fl*t;large -attic and'

.--ft-,'stable ;:Mlssidn,- near 291h:terms.

": -\u25a0\u25a0


Floe building lots; nr. Hilland Sanchez.*!$5,000 ? cash— 7 . flats f;in.Grove " Bt.;:- mortgage 1

='.-$7,500; pays 15 per cent net: bargain. -•


Fine clear buildinglot: Natoma nr.'lsth/$4.2001cash— 6lflats;IcentralIlocation; jmortgage

$4,500; Income? $1,440;r snap. ~ / •--.', :.:-r~':---.W. J. tDOWLIXG ;&

-CO.;.521 jValencia st.

v- :O3CAR.HEYMAN,'&'BROTHER, '• v >113 Montgomery st. '-., \u25a0

V $15 monthly;:'4. room cnttace innthe Mission":<•](•*«>,to csr line.'2-;' \u25a0 ".;" :;


'j,. \u25a0

'; Five, room -andibath; cottager on ? Point; Lol>oi«ay.*;between ;35th • and \u25a0 36th ,avs.;\easy.:tersus.',-~-.

$5.500- ;L8iroom.>.modern ? residence: iperfect jcon-•*diUon;',S«jtt HDd',McAlll<«ter'iit».;!ground worth'^

$4,500:. biggest bargain in;town.- ,-,T.'E.''HAT-MAN,First National Bank builiiios.




SOL GETZ AND SONS ... Real Estate DealersBoom S2S Chronicle -Bldr.

'$150 to $200—Gets Addition to Lakevlew;

level Oceaa View and Excelsior Homesteadlots; $5 ,monthly. * --;—\u25a0

$250 to $400—Near Parkslde; new Sloat boule-vard and carltnes; superb view; very easy terms.

Bargains In residence lots la Richmond Dis-trict; 12ta ay. bet. A and B stm. AU streetwork dose. Can't be beat. On 'easy terns.Look :at them today.

Choice" lota In'sunset district, $SOO to $1,250.lOta ay. near L St.; fine view; Stb ay. near al»t. Easy terms. Bth ay. bet. M and N sU.- Richmond Heights lots $500 and up. $3,250.fise cor. 14th - and C sts. on*

uew boulevard.27th to 33th ayes. B and C sts.

$600 to $I.6oo— Choicest Oceaasldc and boule-vard lots; Installments.$1,400 to $3,ooo—Splendid cottages; good loca-

cations, easy terms.-

Oceanslde Branch office. Cor. H st. and 47tb ay.Open Dally and Sundays.

Call for diagrams .and- sriees.

SOL GETZ £ SONS. Owners and Dernier*.Room 328 Chronicle Bldg.

24 HOMES SOLD-IN 60 DAYS.Kntlre Block. Sth and i*th ays.. A and B sts.

Being Built 'Upon With7 and S room dwellings..... $5,4006 room dwelling* ..$4.700 to $5,1005 room dwellings $4,'J00 to $4,400:4 room cottag**. $3,700Store and 4 room f1at...... $4,00)

U All in very *>*y terms.; Apply on premises to K.• NELSON, builder.

Turk and Eddy st. oars pass toe block.McAllister, Geary, 6th ay. aad Clement st.

cars within 2 block?.-

NOTICE—A RARE CHANCE for $3,000 caaa.balance installments; $10,000 6 yrs. 6 per cent.A NEW HOUSE. 10 rooms, large sunny lot:fine view: Pacific heights. Address JOSEPHNASH, 353 Bush at.

" '

;BIG snap, EASY TERMS; new. 1room house:I: fine view; every convenience; Prospect ay. near

28th and Mi«*Wra sts. FYFE 4 DEPAOLI.; 3297 Mission st. .FOR sale cheap

—Neat cottage. 4 rooms and

bath; terms same as rent. Lumber office.Army snd Condon ata. . .

$I.6so— Masonic ay. nr. Fulton st; fine buildinglot. 25x150; snap. E. J. SULLIVAN CO..145 Montgomery st. . .


5 or 6 room cottage. Sunset or Rk-b-. mond dist.; must sell on terms. 949 Phelanbldg.

FROM $350 to $273 each for a quick sale, 2

lots. 25x70 feet. 507 Andover ay.

FOR sale or lease^—

Elegant home of 7 roomi,large grounds. 1265 ISth ay.. Sunset district.

PICKUP—Fine lot In Crocker tract; cost $700,for $400 cash. Owner. 3550 25th. \-

3. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy V. 3-surveyor. 825 Bn«h st.:phone Douglas 2104.


5, 10, 15, 20 AND 30 ACRE TRACTS.


The Hyde Ranch or 600 acre* of rich, leveland rolling lsnd. orchards and vineyards, isfor sale in small tract* to rait.

We csve an abstract.. Elegant, rich lands, covered with oaks,which raUe Immense crops of hay. corn, beans,tomatoes, etc.. for $100 to $150 per sxre.

Choice vineyards of Zinfandel. Cabernet.Semillon, Burgundy, etc.. for $175 and $200per acre. \u25a0-. Full bearing orchard* of cherries, prunes.. pear*, for $250 and $300 per acre.

J Each piece a positive snap.-

. Very easy terms. - ... .Moderate restriction in order to keep the

property up in nice shape.Write or call for circulars.

G. U. CMBSEN * CO.,20 Montgomery St.,

-San Francisco.


80 acres :choice fruit and vineyard land nearFresno: 20 acres of it in vineyard and orchard;fine pumplog plant; plenty of water; house,etc.: $11,000.•2SO acres grain land, suitable for orchard »r

vineyards: good orange land: adjoining proper-ties have pumping plants and plenty of water;a bargain; $35 per acre.

2,335 acre stock ranch, Stanislaus eecnty;plenty of water: timber enough to pay for theland; owner made fortune on this ranch; $7per acre buys it.


General merchandise stock; doing a ;'profitable business in a very prosperous, grow-:.lug .town, surrounded by * very productive

fruit country.Above properties FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY

by F. L. DARROW. manager of Coast Car-riage Co.. cor. l'J and Jackson sts., Oakland.Cal.

TEN acre farms—

20 acre farms—

40 acre farms.For quality and price see the \

Atwater District.Irrigated byCrorker-lluCman canal system. Rich,

taady loam—

world's moat productive son.I Raises

Strawberries. Melons, Tor-iatoes. Beans. Grapes,Sweet Potatoes. Irish Potatoes. Alfalfa.

Peaches. Apricot*.Bartlett Pears,Figs. Olives. Almonds. '


Our land is oa main county road 2 milesfrom town and the railroad station; large tan-nery, general store, school, lumber yard, hoteland postofflce.

Our land U $75 and $S5 an acre; very easyterms. It requires little or no leveling. Ditchesand roads are there; no waiting for them.


CROCKER'S IRRIGATED LANDS,525 Market St., San Francisco.




iBy. forming a syndicate of eight to buy 160acres we"can -sell you 20 acre* each. S milessouth of Orland, of the ehoieest land in thedistrict at wholesale price. This is immediate-ly in the orange section, -will grow any kindof deciduous fruits, vegetables, grain, alfalfa.etc. Deep, level, gravelly loam, entirely freefrom alkali.' adobe aad hardp&a. Plenty ofwater for irrigation; price $50 per acre. Terms$1 per acre per month.

FEHREN. ROBINSON COMPANY.925 .First National Bank bids.. San Francisco.

PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU.405-406-407 Metropolis Bank bulldlag. San

Francisco, Cal., will put you in touch withthe best country and suburban lands on th«Pacific coast. -:Careful attention given to eachinquiry. Full and - accurate

-details of every

property. Easiest and best way"

to get honestInformation. . State your requirement, we willfill Itat once. Thousands of properties listed,with maps, views, etc.. oa display.


FOR ««!«—

A fine orchard in the. famous SantaClara valley, near Stanford university aaddoge to the county road and in line with theproposed electric railroad; crop of fruit thisyear will net 15 per ceut on price asked forIplace, which goes with place if sold at once;

will sell.off in 5 or JO acre tracts; buy nowand get the crop and the Increase in thevalues which i« sure to*come. Address W.B. BROWN. Pal* Alto, or W. A. WHIT-MER. 344 Emerson St.. Palo Alto. Cal.

MEXICAN-and Texas .timber colonizing land.350.000 acres pine and oak and hardwoods;

choice: well located for export; $2.50.154,000 pine, oak, asb. hardwood. $3.

\ 696,000 Improved stock ranch and timber.100.000 acres Irrigable land and stock, f1.75.1.000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c up.-Texas and Mexico, all

-size tracts and all. classes of timber and stock ranches. ,Reports

sent; information at once. DAVIS BURN-HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F.

FOR "sale,- or exchange for city flats. 5 acres,.chicken ranch; S room bouse,- completely \u25a0 fur-nished; barn, chicken bouse, 2 Incubators. 73ft. brooder house; windmill.

-tank, and about

1,400 chickens; 10 minutes' walk from railroad.. station and proposed'electric car line. Inquire

at NE. corner of Mission st. and Onondaga\u25a0; ay.,- or" San Ramon .Valley

-Poultry - Yard.

C. "F. FINNEN. Walnut Creek, .Contra Costacounty. CaL '


BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME.IS acre borne in main part of San L*sndro, onthe rarllna, all. la fine cherries 10 years old; im-provements worth $3,000; ,would make fln« sub-division proposition ;adjoining.lots sell for $900.The place has averaged over 10 per cent oa $I*.

-000 Investment last 5 years; price $14,000.CALIFORNIALANDS INFORMATIONBUREAU,

944-946-94S Uonadnock.bldg.. San Francisco.ATTENTION—BUYER AND HOME SEEKER.

We are running a free information bureau,giving\u25a0 reliable, • detailed .'information .oa all

.California lands; we have many desirable prop-<?\u25a0 ositions ;in

'every county;:many fine bargain*.

Ifyou are looking for Information, write us or\u25a0 rail at our office and It willbe freely given.• CALIFORNIA,LANDS.INFORMATION BU-

REAU: 946-945 Monadnock bldg..-.8. P.v


%.Five:to 40 acre farms in .Sacramento; valley;rich, deep.' sandy loam

- soil for fruit, walnut*,vegetables, .alfalfa.- etc;. 26 ;~dally:passengertrains;*\u25a0no\u25a0 f1nn more .-*.than 20;minutes walkfrom a station: the best land and best livingconditions in California; a 10,acre farm.meansindependence; excursion every : Saturday.'

-T 'I.

'HILL&CO., 6 East st-,;opp. Ferry bldz. Phone\u25a0KesrnyjBo2^.'.-.- \u25a0-\u25a0

- - j'-.-:"' \u25a0 -. -•\u25a0' .'.-- -.-. r \u25a0-

-DO \u25a0' not

'overlook this—4oo 'acres . on Eel river,* 'Mendocino: county; 15 acres under cultivation;.'.balance •- rollinghills.*,with plenty,of yak tim-:"ber:; good, hodnev. and"barn; .one of. the -best-

little :.cattle . and .bos ranches in the iuti of-California:

-would f.make \u25a0an ideal summer re-

sort: .'fir«..hunting.';b«<*ttar .and^fishing; :notrouble to 1cstch 'the -limit: price- $5,000. Mc-

rFAUL:&;EDWABD3,:33Q;CaranicIe bldg.

MEDICAL . '\u25a0--\u25a0 '-'•--A\^ ;ATTENTION." LADIES:.-. \u25a0.' '^


'-Dr. and Mrs. Woody.-'lTlS^eary'st." betweenFiilmore and Webster: tel. \West 5887.World Renowtted: Specialists for

'Women Only.

>.'\u25a0• No Delays or Disappointments.Relief Guarantee '

'Br Mo*t Superior Painless Methods Known to, ..iMedical Science. %:;-x \u0084.

Most oostinate cases .treated; .utmost privacy;have no hesitancy If In;need of my:Bervices;

• absolutely harmless;^low^ fees;- by consulting. an eminent-:specialist t:you v save :time and

money; all female complaints cured; advice'-free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and C to 9 p. m.- • :\u25a0.


ALL DISEASES OF; WOMEN treated by mostscientific methods: positively po charge • unlesspatient is #atißfled with results; private sanato-rium

lfor parties wishing to remain under ourcare: advice and exam.

'free; lady assistant.

Hours. 10-5; evepings. S-9; Sundays. 12-2. \u25a0-'\u25a0

SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief guaran-teed: paid when cured; advice free. MRS. DR.PHILLIPS. 3*52 19th st. near. Mission. \u25a0;.\u25a0 |

MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures allfemale complaints without delay. Advice free.Hours 9 to 8. 744 Turk st. nr. Van Ness ay.


DR. DUNCAN, ISO Sutter corner Kearny. rooms*303-4

—Absolutely cures- without pain-ordraw-

ing blood all foot_allments;corns removed 25c. '

Dr. R. L. Meyer. S3O Market St.. rooms 603-4-5;1 Chronic and nervous dis.:. impotency. sterility.

HE.U.TH MOYEME\T"VIA\TSCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural, non-surgical; cloth bound 400 page book, free. Ap-

ply by mail. CSC Pine 6t. Lecture for womenThursday at 2:30 p. m.




PRIVATE home for the sick; confinementspecialty; adoption: special treatment for allfemale trouble. 1303 Market St.. Oakland.

HOME and care for Iinvalids or aged persons."3421 25th st. pear Mission; phone Mission 4620.


diseases women and children; confinement. $25.'


men's private diseases. Sold only by E. B.JORGENSON, 644 Kearny, st.. Sau Francisco.Mall orders a specialty. -Send for clrcnlar.


TRUSSES that fit;'seamless elastic hosiery.CLARK-GANDION-TRD3B CO., 1103 Marketst.. op. 7th.

ALSO ear holbos positively cured; one week free.DR. COTTINGHAM.1900 Sutter st.: hr«. 10-4.


IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needlemethod; cure guaranteed. -MADAM L. F.LAMB, resldenee and offlce.' Uklah. Cal.




REMARKABLE new discovery; kills hair roots;absolutely' permanent or no pay.


office S4 Ellis st.. rm. 307:. te1. Douglas 777.


FINEST equipped; animals boarded: Iambulancefnro.: special rates. -1371 Fulton: West 5312.


YOUNG man of good. habits. earniDg $120 amonth salary and. owner ;of a. ranch of 160acres, wishes to meet nice working girl notover 25; object matrimony. Box 3470. Call.

DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo-nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL-TER'S. 1752 Geary St.; established In 1900.

HONEST men and women seeking lifemates canfind their Ideals at 252% Hollis. Oakland; in-formatlon 25c. SOCIETY.LADY.



.My wigs and toupees defy detection; Iguaran-tee every one Imake. Imake them ventilatedand porous; perepiratloa don't aSect them. Gen-tlemen's private wigdepartment. .2271 California

"st. near Webster, Mr..Lederer In charge.A large stock of pure human hair goods on

band;, transformation switches, puffs, etc., con-stantly on, hand. Imate wigs'and front piecesany style desired and In the latest styles. Hairdressing, dyeing, scalp treatments., etc., by spe-cialists only, j LedererV' Qulntonlca.stops (hair,falling.

~Mall orders prompt attention. G. LED-

ERER, established ISCC..LADIES-S TORE AT .- '.


WATCHES,. diamonds, silver ware. 'Jewelry, cutglass, etc.: come to our office and tell sales-man you would like to open confidential chargeaccount and pay weekly or;monthly; he willarrange "the matter for you la a very few!

minutes and'

yoa can wear while paying forsame. BRILLIANT JEWELRY ICOMPANY,704 Market St..

' upstairs, rooms 611-612.-SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by

absorption; $1: free ;treatment any time- toprove the merits of absorption.. BEATRICEST. JOHN, skin Bpecialtst, 1380 Sutter st, cor.Franklin, suite g-6; phone Franklin 491 L

MME. FRANCINE. greatest .European authorityon beauty culture; .most scientific akin treat-ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger;wrinkles removed eatlrely; city refs. •628 16thst.. Oakland; pbone 7511: best skin foods.

MRS. L. E. HARTUAN,manipulation, vibration-and electricity for rheumatism and nervous-ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. OpenSunday*. PCJ&j$!-»'-.-

UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers atless than cost at CIIAS. LYONS', the Londontailor. 1432 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell.

SOLDIERS can \u25a0 file on reservation'land. without

;:leaving San Trancisco; money advanced.'Call

now. SS5 aGrove st.

MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths.124 Turk.St., room 210. first floor..rear; 11-10.

MAGNETIC physical healing—Mrs. Holshouser.351 Pacific ,bldg.. tel., Douglas 4440. \u25a0\u25a0

-GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos-

tnmea: «nc. 'to Jahn. costnmer.-821 :Van New.

ADOPTIONConfidential Maternity Villa—lnfante adopted. Dr.

K. FUNKE. 1416 Ptb >t.; phone 1632. Alameda.



MISS M. WILLE. ordatned meaium and crystalreader: consultation (dally. . 1164 O'Farrellx 8t-Tel. Franklin 5024. ;. jAA—MRS. .J. J. .WHITNEY, ordained trance

spiritual medium; consultation -dally at her-

home. $1; by letter, 4 qnes.. $1. 1164 O'Farrell.

MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD.ordained medium; con-Kultatlna daily, 10-4; circles Sunday. Monday.

:-. Wednesday," Friday.-;8 p.:m.' 11439'1 1439 'Fiilmore St..FRED P.; EVANS.- noted psychic, now located.at :1890.Telegraph :ay.. Oakland; Interviews' daily. Phone Oakland 5476; send for circular.LOTTIE BUSWELL. ;trance tipiritual medium;

reading*, lessons \dally.;. circles every night., 1359 Webster, inr. O'Farrell. -' .;DR. HOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read-

ings today. .1230 FiUmore Bt.-J .' -;

MRS. S. SEAI., spiritual minister; consultationsdallr: officiates marriages, funerals. 786 -McAl-j

clairvoyants' *V*"- .". \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0'.., \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0• . BACK'AGAIN. \u25a0 :\ ." \u25a0.>-'.> \u25a0\u25a0.

GARLAND, world's"greatest seer and clair-

voyant, tells \u25a0; full:-•.names \u25a0' and"

everything youwish to know without you writinga word. 1445

FUlmore st. near Ellis. Hours 10:a.vm. ,to-8

P>.m.Vj, '\u25a0 V";-- :**'l'-.>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_-'-."\u25a0-':-' \u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0' ''\u25a0 ..'

MISS ZEMDAB, young,;gifted clalr. and palm.;lmember O. R. A: of Cal.; L. 50c. :G. $1; hours10 to 10." -1279 Fulton sL.near Devisadero. \u25a0', :~.-


O. •R. *C.—

Cards,' palmistry.readings \u25a0 daily...- 1025 Ellis Bt.. near, Gongh.

- ;MME. STARR. 1241Broadway, Oakland, on vaca- !

tlon starting July I;VReturn Ang.-l: 1909.

: //-I;;';./ palmistry'- :;„ _\u25a0; \u25a0>- ;;

CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card' reader;25c. BOe. \u25a0 »!>'•Pl3Broadway. Oakland.

--:\u25a0 \u25a0:--:


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and concrete -property,' as complete as any in anylarge|city:•no

*stock 1proposition;* you absolutely

own and control ': you/)investment ;£approved Sby !bankers,'- judges -and careful ;.--iAddress the authorised -financial agents' for fur-ther gold

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,306 San ;Pablo av.,s--.-, :V>: Oakland. :Cal/ ' ]

Sl.C'iO cash Ure«d.r -for .Immediate delivery ofU,o"or shares* of Bmokshire. ;>...'

-•-..-\u25a0- ,-.'. .

:-.i W. \u25a0 E.'.BARNARD.- "~

17 Bacon "block. ? Oakland. ;.= ;
