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Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween

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  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


    Top Mag is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visithttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to CreativeCommons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA..All clip-art is courtesy of http://www.openclipart.org/ with the exception of our logotiki-toucan. Photo on page 2 is courtesy of http://commons.wikimedia.orgEditor: Maya Brennan (age 13).Journalists: Ryan Curley (age 13), Anna Barnwell (Age 13), Caoilte Brennan (age 9),Creevan Brennan (age 11)

  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


    The Vampire BatThese amazing creatures are (as you will learn) one of the str angest bat s that everlived. Unlike other bats, the Vampire bat, can walk, run and j ump!There are t hree species of vampire bat one feeds on cows, pigs, horses and birds,the other two feed only on birds.These bats are sosilent that they can feed on an animal for more thanthirty minutes without being detected.One of the species is about 9 cms long with the wingspan of as much as 18 cms.Vampire bats are the only bats that have a special

    ' t humb' at the back of their legs for taking off andgripping onto cows. They also have heat sensors ontheir nose to detect a good spot to feed. Vampirebats have such good eyesight that they can see their prey from 130 meters away!I f you' re scared one of t hese lit t le vamps might give you a bit e, t hen st ay out of

    sight , on Halloween night !

    by Caoilte Brennan

    Dear Readers, we hope you will enjoyTop-Mag's latest horror-ificHalloween edition! Whether it's boo-ging with your ghoulish friends ata spooktakular party, whipping up some revolting recipes for a midnightfeast, waiting to sink your teeth into the latest terror-ific reads orjust feel like laughing your head off to some halloween jokes, this issuehas everylast bit of Halloween covered. Have a happy...Im

    ean horrible


  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


    The def init ion of a Vampire, in case you didnt know,


    basically a blood- sucking monst er t hat t er r or izes hum


    They only really got their name in the 18th century but prac


    every nation had a name for them ('Vrykolokas' in Greece or

    'strigoi' in Romania) long beforethis time. Legends of these

    creatures were frequent in western europe where they were m


    famous through such well knownbooks as 'The Vampyre' by Tho


    Polidoris and the one and only 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker.

    Speaking of which, I'd like to introduce you to the true 'Dracu


    also known as Vlad Dracul, a lunatic prince who seized power af


    his father's death, Vlad, and turned his kingdom upside down (b


    murdering around ten thousandpeople and destroying everythin

    g in

    his path). He was nicknamed 'Vlad the impaler' and, as legend has,

    it he enjoyed his dinner in the midst of his screaming victims run

    through by a pointed wooden spike fixed to the ground (talk abo


    a dinner and a show)!!

    Well, I can't judge him afterall we all have our own tastes. B


    personally, I (and I'm sure you would too) would definitely be pu


    of my supper!By Cr eevan Br ennan

  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


    Did youknow?

    1. Transylvani

    a is incentra

    l Romania. Th


    regionhas a p

    opulation of a

    bout 7,2 milli



    2.It is of

    ten associated

    with vampires


    mostly because ofBram S


    Dracula. Did

    you know Bram Stoke

    r was


    3. Theword T

    ransylvania me

    ans through

    the woods.

    4. Theblood-s


    Dracula is a

    legend the id

    ea thathes re

    al is ri-

    draculous! How

    ever, Vlad Tep

    es wasa man

    from 15th ce

    ntury Transylv

    ania who got t


    nickname V

    lad theImpale

    r for killing

    people and stickingtheir h

    eads on stick


    Many people b

    elieve this is wherethe ide


    of Dracula ca

    me from.

    5. Transylvani

    a is actually no

    t scaryat all!

    It hasa beau

    tiful landscap

    e, a rich histo


    and normal ki

    ds likeyou and

    me livethere!

    By Anna Barn


    Shepherds living near Sibiu in Transylvania make a trip to a mountain close by tothe town called Mount Jina. They make Balmos which is traditional Transylvanianfood and then tell tales of legends such as one that tells of Romanians shelteredfrom invaders on the top of Mount Jina and that they were guided there byfairies and outlaws. The shepherds hold many competitions once on top of MountJina like a sheep-milking contest, a wool clipping contest and making of the best

    cheese. It is an annual celebration and is loved by many shepherds in Transylvania.By Ryan Curley

    Moldovian Croquettes:These usuallyreplace steakata Transylvanian dinnertable because theyare soeasyto prepare.

    Youwillneed: 1 lb /500gmincedmeat 3 onions 1 egg 2 sliceswhite bread 1 tablespoon lardandextra forfrying Choppedparsleyanddillor

    garlic SaltandPepper Breadcrumbs

    1. Mix togetherthe meat with a raw onion, soaked

    and squeezed

    bread and two finely chopped a

    nd lightly fried(in a tablespoon of

    lard) onions.

    2. Place the mixture in a bowl,

    add an egg, salt, pepper and he


    Mix everythingwell.

    3. With lightlyoiled hands, sha

    pe mixture intoround patties.

    4. Then bread them and fry in

    hot lard.

    5. Serve hot, with mashed pot

    atoes, sautd vegetable or lett


    Anna Barnwell

  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween



    CurleySkulduggeryPleasantisa greatandgrippingstoryofa youngteenage girlcalledStephanieEdgerlywhosuncle wasmurdered

    mysteriously. Stephanie meetsastrange man who covershimselfup to disguise the factthathe isactuallya livingskeleton. He isaskeleton detective calledSkulduggeryPleasantandhe andStephanie are on a questto seewho murderedStephaniesuncle.Ifyoulike a grippingthrillerthen

    thisun-put-down-able seriesisforyou. The seriesgoesup toseven differentSkulduggerynovels.


    By R. L.Stine

    Review by Maya B


    Goosebumps is a series of

    childrens thrille

    r and horror novels

    writtenby Amer

    ican author, R. L


    Stine. Each book


    different spooky

    story about kids

    in very creepy si

    tuations, that

    really dogive you

    goose bumps

    (trust me). Wha

    ts more, every

    story has a brill

    iant twist at the

    endleaving t

    he reader shock


    spooked and hungry for more

    ! Plus,

    there are so man

    y books in the

    series, you wont

    have tostop

    readingfor a lon

    g time.

    So, if youre a fa

    n of haunted

    houses,cursed m


    spooky graveyar

    ds, thentake it

    from me, this se

    ries is to die fo



  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween


    Use b la ck she e ts

    o f c a rd , o r stro ng pa p e r, a n

    d write

    yo ur c hose n m e s

    sa g e o nthe m wi

    th c ha lk o r white

    p e nc il. Ma ke sure

    the writing re a lly

    sta nd s out a g a in


    the b la ck. De c o

    ra te withlittle p la s

    tic sp id ers o r

    witc he sha ts a nd

    p ut yo ursc a ry inv

    ita tio ns in a b la c


    e nve lo pe .

    Bo b b ingfo r Ap p l

    e s: This is a

    ve ry ea sy g a m

    e to p rep a re

    a nd itsa lso re a lly fun to

    p la y!

    Yo u willne e d :

    Ab o ut10 a p p

    le s

    A la rge p la stic


    First, fill the p la st

    ic tub with

    wa te r. The n , a d d

    a fe w

    a p p le sto it a nd

    c a ll in yo ur

    g ue sts.O ne b y

    o ne , m ake

    the mtry to c a

    tc h a s ma ny

    a p p le sa s p o ssib le withi

    n 30

    se c o nds, in the

    ir m o uth! If

    the y c atc h a n a

    p p le , g ive

    the m aswe e t

    the m o re

    a p p le s,the m o r

    e swe e ts!

    bb yy AAnn nn aa BBaa rrnn ww e

    e llll

    C h o c o la te C u p s:Th e se de lic io u stre a ts a re a b it tric ky to m a ke b u tth e yre de lic io u s! Th is willse rve 1 0 p e o p le .

    Yo u will n e e d:

    1 0 b a llo o n s Ab o u t 5 b a rs o f c h o c o la te Strin g A p in C h o p p e d u p fru it Swe e ts

    1 . First b lo w u p a ll th eb a llo o n s a little b it. Tie th e e n ds.

    Th e n , m e lt th e c h o c o la te a n d dipth e b a llo o n s in c h o c o la te u n tile a c h is h a lf c o ve re d. Th e n tie th eto p o f e a c h b a llo o n to a p ie c e o fstrin g .

    2. Ha n g th e m fro mso m e wh e re h ig h u p to dry. Wh e nth e yre c o m p le te ly dry,u sin g th ep in , p o p th e b a llo o n a n d p u ll ito u t o f th e c h o c o la te .

    3 . Yo u sh o u ld h a ve a p e rfe c tc u p sh a p e , m a de o f c h o c o la te !Fill e a c h o n e with swe e ts a n d fru ita n d g ive th e m to p e o p le wh e nth e yre le a vin g yo u rp a rty.

    Sp o o ky M um m ies: Th e se

    a re su p e r e a sy to m a ke !

    Yo u w ill n e e d :

    Sh o rt-c ru st p a stry

    Sa u sa g e s

    Bla c k p e p p e rco rn s

    1 . First, ro ll o ut th e

    sh o rt-c ru st to a b out 2m m

    th ic k. Th e n c ut th e p a stry

    into lo n g , th in strips.

    2 . Wra p th e strip s

    a ro u n d yo u r sa u sa g e s

    a nd le a ve a sm all g a p

    w h e re yo u r m umm ie s

    fa c e is g o in g to be .

    3 . Stic k 2 b la c k

    p e p p e rc o rn s intoe a c h

    fa c e fo r th e e ye sa n d

    c o o k th e sa u sa ge s in th e

    o ve n .

  • 7/31/2019 Top Mag Issue 11 - Halloween



    You will need:

    A plain white sheet

    Fake blood


    Cut a hole, bigenough f or you


    head, in t he sheet. Put st r eaks

    of f ake bloodin r andom places

    all over it . Then put it over

    your head andyour e inst ant ly


    spooky ghost !


    You will need:

    A witcheshat A long, blackcape A sweeping brush orabroomstickifyou have one White andblackface paint

    Put your cape around you. Paintyour face white with darkcircles under your eyes. Then,put on your hat, get on yourbroomstick and fly away to dosome serious scaring!

    By A nna Barnwell

    Why didnt t he skelet on

    go swimming?

    Because he had no body to

    go with.

    What do devils dr ink?


    What did a ghost say to

    his friend?Get a life dude

    What did t he cannibal

    say when he saw someone


    Aah! Breakfast in bed
