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TP10-Support Document-Purple Umbrella

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Version 3

31 May 2019

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Melbourne Wizards Support Document 31 May 2019


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2

2. Product overview ...................................................................................................... 2

2.1. Product Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2

2.2. Target User ....................................................................................................................... 2

2.3. Key Feature ...................................................................................................................... 2

2.4. Constrains ........................................................................................................................ 3

4. System Configuration .............................................................................................. 3

4.1. Set up Operation Environment ..................................................................................... 3

4.2 Set up Development Environment ................................................................................. 4

4.3. Set up Database .............................................................................................................. 5

4.4. Data Pipeline Architecture ............................................................................................. 5

5. Security & Privacy .................................................................................................... 5

5.1. Installed Security Measure Description ....................................................................... 5

5.2. Security Problem Response Guideline ........................................................................ 6

5.3. Backup & Recovery Guideline ...................................................................................... 6

6. Training ....................................................................................................................... 7

7. Future site/drive ........................................................................................................ 7

8. How to look after the data ........................................................................................ 7

9. How to make future changes ......................................................................................... 8

10. Testing Information ..................................................................................................... 9

Appendix A: Step-by-step Guideline about Setting Up A Development Environment in Microsoft Visual Studio .................................................................. 11

Appendix B: Step-by-step Guideline about Setting Up A Database on Azure .. 13

Appendix C: Step-by-step Guideline about Building A Data Pipeline ................ 15

Appendix D: Documented Testing Details .............................................................. 25

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1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide detailed and specific operation description to help the audience understand the feature of the “Purple Umbrella” application and operate it effectively and efficiently.

2. Product overview 2.1. Product Introduction As shown by statistics, more than 50% of the female have experienced street harassment in Australia. Newspapers also suggest that street harassment is a considerable social problem in Melbourne. “Purple Umbrella” committed to providing young women with an easy-to-use and effective mobile website to help them avoid the risk of suffering from street harassment in Melbourne city center, especially at after dark. The main value of “Purple Umbrella” is delivering a carefully curated map which shows the safety index of streets by considering factors that concern women and help them to plan a route. It also allows the user to report any incidents of street harassment and along with that, we have provided a one-click button for dealing with an emergency instance. Moreover, “Purple Umbrella” provides support information to victims of street harassment or sexual violence. Additionally, the website is developed as responsive so that it can run well on both on a personal computer and a mobile device. The underlying support of achieving the above function is a list of datasets from multiple open data platforms. Link of the build: www.purpleumbrella.ml

2.2. Target User The target audience of the Purple Umbrella is young women pedestrians within Melbourne. Such as those who living in Melbourne CBD, who meet friends in the city center at night, female students studying in Melbourne and young female traveling to Melbourne. 2.3. Key Feature The main features of “Purple Umbrella” is

• Visualize data about the location of bars, night clubs, and construction sites • Visualize pre-calculated safety index • Visualize data about real-time pedestrian flow (update every 30 mins) • Visualize the circle user can arrive in 10 minute by walking • Provide navigation and show the shortest route • Allow user to use current location to plan a route • Visualize user selected factors on their route • Allow user to report an incident and select time, address and incident type • Allow user to guarantee an incident reported by others • Visualize different incident on the map with different marker

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• Show a step-by-step tour to user to explain functions • Sound a noise and/or call police when emergency • Provide information of organizations which may help

2.4. Constrains • Limited by the availability of current open source data sets, the calculation of the

safety index is not accurate enough. Which only take four elements into consideration that street light, security camera, stores, and bars. These limiting factors can affect the credibility of the calculation results.

• Limited by the availability of current open source data sets, the scope of system service only cover the Melbourne city center.

• Limited by time, budget and human resources. The system is not able to provide an alternative route to the user or show any comparison information of two routes.

3. Check List Task Code

Check Frequency Task Description Result

D-1 Daily Check if the system is working properly D-2 Daily Check if the backup content/ time is normal D-3 Daily Check if the status of web sever is active D-4 Daily Check if all process are running or waiting D-5 Daily Check and review records which are marked as error D-6 Daily Check and review errors/ warnings in the system log D-7 Daily Check if critical background jobs are working properly D-8 Daily Check for illegal operation D-9 Daily Check the database log D-10 Daily Check firewall alarm W-1 Weekly Back-up the Reports table

M-1 Monthly Check the status of database growth, analyze growth trends and apply for capacity expansion if necessary

M-2 Monthly Check the table space size and record the remaining space percentage

Q-1 Quarterly Conduct quarterly backup Q-2 Quarterly Conduct system recovery test Y-1 Yearly Conduct third party IS audit

4. System Configuration 4.1. Set up Operation Environment The website show good performance on the following browsers (include mobile browser):

Ø Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11.0.115 and above, Ø Google Chrome version 54.0.2840 and above, Ø Safari 12.1.1 and above

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4.2 Set up Development Environment The system is developed in the IDE Microsoft Visual Studio. The location of code sets in this handover package is list at next page: Category Issure Name Description Location User Interface/ View

NavigationMap.cshtml The HTML file about the map page

TP10-Handover Package-Purple Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Views /Iteration3

Support.cshtml The HTML file about the support page

Reports (Folder) The cshtml files about creating, editing an incident report and display report details

TP10-Handover Package-Purple Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Views

Road_Segment (Folder)

The cshtml files about displaying road segment and

Front-end Navigationmap.js The JavaScript file which content major functions about features on map, include visualize factors, plan route, show report result.

TP10-Handover Package-Purple Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Scripts /Iteration3

mapControl.js The JavaScript file which content major functions about map controlling, include responsive gesture change

cookies.js The JavaScript file which content major functions about collecting and using user cookies

bootstrap-**** The JavaScript file about page element and related operaters, corporately run with html file

Datebox (Folder) The JavaScript file about allowing user to select a time

Back-end ReportController.cs The C# file which used to control report incidents and update related table in database

TP10-Handover Package-Purple Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Controllers /Iteration3

JsonController.cs The C# file which used to transfer json file between database and front-end

CookieController.cs The C# file which used to create and remove cookies

TP10-Handover Package-Purple Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Purple_Umbrella /Controllers

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The recommend developing and changing configuration is:

Ø Processor: 1.8 GHz or faster. (Dual-core or better) Ø RAM: Recommended 4 GB Ø Hard Disk Space: 20-50 GB free space of typical installation

See details about how to set up a development environment in Visual Studio at Appendix A in this document. 4.3. Set up Database In order to set up the database, this instruction is separated into two parts. The first part talks about how to create a database on Microsoft Azure, the second part talks bout how to set a connection string to your build. See details about set up a database on Microsoft Azure at Appendix B in this Document. 4.4. Data Pipeline Architecture

In order to build the data pipeline, this instruction is separated into two parts. The first part talks about how to set up an AWS instance to accommodate wrangling programming code and flask server. The second part mentions how to deploy the wrangling programming code and flask server in this AWS instance. See the step-by-step instruction of launching data pipeline at Appendix C of this document.

5. Security & Privacy 5.1. Installed Security Measure Description

• SSL certification: The current system has install SSL to encrypt the process of data transfer between our web server and users’ browser. So that this secure link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

The current SSL is installed by using the service provided by Cloudflare.com. In details, the steps of this process can be summarised as:

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Ø Create an account on Cloudflare Ø Add complete website URL to Cloudflare and waiting for scan Ø Select a free plan once the scan is done Ø Point the name server of Purple Umbrella to Cloudflare, delete the existing

entries, and add the DNS that Cloudflare provided. Ø Go to the ‘Crypto’ page, select ‘Flexible and the rules “always use https”

• Limit user input Use present options instead of text input from users to realize user input. So that the risk of XSS attack is reduced.

In details, for the navigation feature, all input address need to match an address which confirmed to exist. For the report feature, time and report type are selected by user rather than be inputted.

5.2. Security Problem Response Guideline

5.3. Backup & Recovery Guideline Category Issue Recommended backup frequency Database Table “RoadSegment” Seasonally or when data update Database Table “ReportType” Yearly or when data update Database Table “Report” Daily System Overall system Before system updating, function expansion

and/or publishing a new version See step by step guideline about backup an Azure SQL database at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mast/2013/03/03/different-ways-to-backup-your-windows-azure-sql-database/

Type Problem description Handling & Post hoc measure

Data damage System crash/ disruption, Trojan virus file damage caused data problems

Regular data backup based on the frequency of data update (see detail at Section 5.3 in this document); Doing offsite data backup when necessary.

Data lost

Mis-operation , server is attatcked, system instability, system vulnerabilities, malicious attacks, data deletion, etc.

Strengthen the security settings of the server operating system, security detection of its own code, security settings of the database system

Data leakage The server is illegally invaded; information transmission based on Internet access is leaked.

Security detection of software self-encoding, enhanced security settings of database system, encrypted storage of critical data.

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See step by step guideline about recover an Azure SQL using backups database at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/sql-database/sql-database-recovery-using-backups

6. Training For end user, using the service provided by “Purple Umbrella” do not require specific training since this application does not need to be installed, and functional operation does not require any expertise and special knowledge. Normal citizen who are familiar with operating mobile and personal computer can use the service provided by “Purple Umbrella” naturally.

7. Future site/drive After publishing the application to Azure app service, it will use purpleumbrella.azurewebsites.net as the domain name by default. This domain name is taking Azure as the main part so that it may lead to the misunderstanding that this application is published by Azure. It is also not user-friendly and not easy to remember. To avoid this misleading domain name, it needs to be mapping to a customized domain name. A domain site is required to register from domain providers. There are few domain providers offering free domain hosting, such as Godaddy.com, Freenom.com, etc. Depends on the rank of domains, the price is charged differently. For the current product, it is using .ml as domain suffix.

8. How to look after the data As mentioned in Section 2.4 above, the pre-calculated safety index is based on four factors namely, stores, bars, street lights and security cameras. All the four data sources are updated annually and the update needs to be done manually. The wrangling code for the data sources has been included in the handover package.

Data Source URL Update Frequency

Cafes and restaurants, with seating capacity



Bars and pubs, with patron capacity



Feature Lighting (including light type, wattage and location)



Safe City cameras https://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/community/safety-emergency/Pages/safe-city-cameras.aspx

Not Applicable

Apart from the above, we also show pedestrian flow, location of bars, night clubs and construction sites on the navigation map. The pedestrian flow updates every 30 minutes and the code for fetching the data via pipeline from the API has already been included in the package.

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The construction sites location needs to be updated every quarter. This task is a manual process too. Any new construction sites or old sites whose development is complete needs to be updated on the map. The wrangling code has been included in the package.

Data Source URL Update Frequency

Major development projects (Development Activity Monitor)


3 months

Finally, the location of various amenities (bars and night clubs, in our case) can be obtained from the below link:- https://overpass-turbo.eu/

The snapshot below shows a simple example of how you can locate bars in Melbourne.

This can be further extended to include other amenities like, cafe or library in Melbourne (or, any other city). The list of amenities that can be viewed for a city can be obtained from the below link:- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:amenity

As a final step, the list is exported as GeoJSON (you can also do - GPX, KML, raw OSM). This data can be updated as per user discretion (we suggest doing it annually).

9. How to make future changes For system maintenance and/or secondary development of “Purple Umbrella”, more support

can be accessed from the Maintenance Document of Web Application - Purple Umbrella ,

Which should locate in the same package of this document.

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Identification and explanations of all necessary issuers about the system are documented into

the maintenance document, which includes: system organization/ architecture, development

environment configuration, system design artefacts, functional decompaction, key function

explanation, system data processing, how to add data into pipeline, system database structure

and characteristics, troubleshooting procedures and testing related information.

Possible skills needs for future changes are summarized in the table below:

Category Skill

Operating System Windows, Linux

Software Engineering Tool Microsoft Visual Studio

Front-end Development JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Back-end Development C#

Database Operation SQL

Data Processing Python

10. Testing Information Category Date Tester Method Description Result



8 April 2019;

29 April 2019;

16 May 2019;

Real end


The usability tests were completed by real

target user without instructions in every

iteration after publishing the build.






21 May 2019 System


The acceptance test was completed by

system acceptor after the final

improvement. This test cover all activities

an end user can make.


Backup and



7 April 2019 –

9 April 2019;

28 April 2019-

20 April 2019;

15 May 2019–

17 May 2019;


Full backup system and database;

Executed manually;

Back-up versions store at local disk;

Recovery were usually executed two days

after the backup.


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23 May 2019-

25 May 2019

See Documented testing Details at Appendix D in this document.

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Appendix A: Step-by-step Guideline about Setting Up A Development Environment in Microsoft Visual Studio Step 1: Decompressed the file TP10-Code_The build-Purple Umbrella.zip and get the folder Purple_Umbrella

Step 2: Open the folder Purple_Umbrella

Step 3: Double click the file Purple_Umbrella.sln to open the project

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Step 4: Now you can view the panel

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Appendix B: Step-by-step Guideline about Setting Up A Database on Azure Step1: login to your Azure account, and click “Add a resource”, then select “SQL” database on the menu.

Step2: Now you are in the Create SQL Database page, firstly, click “Create new” in the Project Details section ; Secondly, enter your database name in the Database name filed in the Database Details section; then create a new server by clicking the “Create new” button which under the server field; Finally, select a storage plan based on your real need.

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Step 3: Now you are in your dashboard page, set a connection strings links your project.

Step 4: Paste the connection string to the connectionString part of web.config file which is in the root directory of the build.

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Appendix C: Step-by-step Guideline about Building A Data Pipeline In order to build the data pipeline, this instruction is separated into two parts. The first part talks about how to set up an AWS instance to accommodate wrangling programming code and flask server. The second part mentions how to deploy the wrangling programming code and flask server in this AWS instance. l PART 1: How to set up the AWS instance Since the data pipeline architecture is independent from the frontend and backend of the website, it is necessary to set up a server for this data pipeline architecture. In our product, we employ the data pipeline on AWS cloud service. The detailed instruction is described below. Step 1: Create an AWS account

Step 2: Open the EC2 dashboard

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Step 3: Click Launch Instance

Step 4: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Since our data pipeline is operated on an Ubuntu system, you have to choose Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

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Step 5: Choose an instance Type

Step 6: Configure Instance Details

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Step 7: Add Storage: Since this data pipeline does not need a huge storage space, you can use the default setting.

Step 8: Add Tags: Under the Key section, please enter “Name”. Under the Value section, please enter “Data Pipeline”

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Step 9: Configure Security Group This step relates to who can access to this server. Here, please set two types of connect method. The first one is SSH. This allow you to use putty (in Window system) or SSH command (in Linux system) to connect to this server and set up the environment for the data pipeline. Another one is Custom TCP rule. Since you only allow your website server to access this server and retrieve the data, please set up the IP address of your website server (as the picture describes).

Step 10: Review and Launch

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Step 11: Create a key pair for this server

Step 12: use PuttyGen to generate the login key In this part, you have to open Putty Gen, load the .perm file, and create the key for log in the server.

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Step 13: use Putty to access to your server In this part, please type your AWS EC2 Public DNS in the host column, and also choose the key you create in the previous step to log in the system.

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Step 14: Log in your server

l PART 2: How to deploy the wrangling code and flask server Due to the reason that the data pipeline is written by Python 3, you have to install the python 3 package so that you can properly run the program. On the other hand, you also need to install the flask to make the rest API. After you install this two packages, you can run the python code (“ped_sensor_python.py” and “flaskapp.py”) we provide for you. Then, you need to use Crontab to have some settings so that you can access to the government API to get CSV file every 30 mins. Step 1: Install the python3

Step 2: install the flask

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Step 3: put ped_sensor_python.py and flaskapp.py into this system

Step 4: Run Crontab

Step 4: Crontab setting

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Step 5: start flask server

Congratulation, now you can operate the data pipeline on your AWS server. If you encounter problem, please check the instruction again and make sure you follow all the steps one by one.

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Appendix D: Documented Testing Details Usability Testing Given Agile is the underlying philosophy of the development of “Purple Umbrella”, the usability of the system has tested in every iteration. The details are below:

• Iteration 1 Test date: 8 April 2019 User role: Real end user Test device: PC-Google Chrome & Mobile-Safari Test strategy: user test the website without any instruction Link of Iteration 1 system: www.purpleumbrella.ml/iteration1 Test Video: http://bit.ly/Utest-Iteration1-TP10 Test Result:

No. Category Function point Problem Description /Feedback Problem


1 UI Layout The layout is not good especially on mobile, When user want to change the preference, they cannot see the map


2 UI Slider Bar The slider bar only have 2 or 3 stops, so it is not a real “slide” operation.

Function deleted

3 Function Safety Index Display

The safety point can be aggregated, but the map only show the count of how many point here rather than the average point. which is useless to user.

Function deleted

• Iteration 2

Test date: 29 April 2019 User role: Real end user Test device: PC, Google Chrome Test strategy: user test the website without any instruction Link of Iteration 2 system: www.purpleumbrella.ml/iteration2 Test Video: http://bit.ly/UTest-1-Iteration2-TP10 http://bit.ly/UTest-1-Iteration2-TP10 Test Result:

No. Category Function point Problem Description /Feedback Problem


1 UI Set preference

The heading is too large, and the checkbox is too small.

Function deleted

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3 Function Navigation Bar of the webpage

When user click the “home” from the navigation bar, it seems to do not response. Then user can know, it is because of I already on the homepage. But, if user can see a system response, it will be better.


3 Function Set preference

After user click the “confirm” button from the dropdown menu, the menu is still here and what is not expected. Again, when user click somewhere else on the screen, it will not disappear until user click the “Settings” button again.

Function deleted

4 Function Set preference

After user save my preference, the view of the map seems to do not change

Function deleted

5 Function Navigation

When user’s address is out of the range of Melbourne CBD, the safety navigation seems useless. If the address is not in the service scope, the system should give an immediate feedback.


6 Function Navigation User don’t understand what the “draw my route” function stand for. Also, the icon of this function is not familiar in my mind.

Function deleted

7 Function Navigation

When user draw my routes and click the point user want to involve with my route, the remark dialog will automate appear, and it is quite confusing.

Function deleted

8 Function Remarks When user submit my remark, user cannot have a look with that.

Function deleted

9 Function Remark

When user submit my remark, user can know it submits successfully, but I cannot have a review in an easy way. In other words, user must click that part of the street again to see the review and most of the street section is look the same so that it quite confusing.

Function deleted

10 Function Remark If user submit a wrong remark, user cannot cancel it.

Function deleted

• Iteration 3

Test date: 16 May 2019 User role: Real end user Test device: Mobiel & PC, Google Chrome Test strategy: user test the website without any instruction Link of Iteration 3 system: www.purpleumbrella.ml/iteration3

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Test Video: http://bit.ly/Utest-1-Iteration3-TP10 http://bit.ly/Utest-2-Iterayion3 Test Result:

No. Category Function point Problem Description /Feedback Problem


1 UI Factor visualization

When Click the “pedestrian” button, user cannot understand what the bubble mean. Especially the size and color.


2 UI Buttons design

When open the website, user have no idea about what should she do, there are a lot of buttons and seems not consistent. Actually, user don’t know the sequence of clicking those buttons.


3 UI View of the map

The first view of the map real confused user. There are a lot of information on the map, a lot of icons. After user notice the filter menu on right bottom then user can understand she can cancel to view those icons.


4 UI Safety Index User don’t understand what it stand for, and there seems no explanation. YES

5 Usability


User cannot change the direction of the map after I set a route YES

6 Function Navigation

When user input the destination and obtained a route, the route will no change when user drag the marker of destination.


7 Function Factor visualization

Sometimes when user select a factor, the view of map is not change. But sometimes it works.


Integrate Test Test date: 21 May 2019 Test device: Mobiel & PC, Google Chrome Test Result:

Epic 1: Rachel wants to know which area has less possible to happen street harassment.

User Story 1: Rachel wants to visualize different factors she cares about when she is walking on the streets of Melbourne CBD so that she can choose to avoid some negative elements and only walk on routes with positive amenities or factors that make her feel more comfortable, and to reduce the probability of being harassed.

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Activity Pass/Fail

Select/Cancel the view of “Pedestrian” Pass

Select/Cancel the view of “Bars” Pass

Select/Cancel the view of “Construction sites” Pass

Select/Cancel the view of “Night Clubs” Pass

Select/Cancel the view of “Our Safety Index” Pass

Select/Cancel the view of multiple factors (mentioned above) Pass

Hide/ Show the menu of data visualization Pass

Epic 2: Rachel wants to have a useful navigation map to help avoid and deal with street harassment.

User Story 2: Rachel wants to use this map to navigate a route so that she needn’t switch screens between this map and other navigation applications.

Activity Pass/Fail

Obtain a route by inputting start point and destination into the input field Pass

Obtain a route by inputting start point and use the current location as the destination.


Change the route by dragging the marker on the map Pass

Visualize factors around the current route by selecting them from the menu.


Visualize the circular area which can be reached in 10 minutes by walking from the current location by clicking the icon of my current location.


Remove the current route by deleting the address from the search bar. Pass

User Story 3: Rachel wants to report an incident in the city of Melbourne that happened in the past so that she can help others to avoid those areas and make them feel more comfortable when walking around.

Activity Pass/Fail

Obtain a clean map by clicking the icon of “report”. Pass

Select the characteristics of the incident. Pass

Select the time of the incident. Pass

Select the address of the incident, if not, use current location as default. Pass

Save a unique incident. Pass

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Cancel an unsaved incident. Pass

Confirm an incident reported by others. Pass

View the reported incident on the map. Pass

User Story 4: Rachel wants to sound an alarm when she believes is under a threat or is in an emergency situation so that she can get immediate help.

Activity Pass/Fail

Click the “call police” icon on the map. Pass

Confirm the call. Pass

Cancel the call Pass

Cancel the noise Pass

User Story 5: Rachel wants to get a quick introduction of the functionalities on the map so that she can understand that the site features when she first uses it.

Activity Pass/Fail

Begin a tour by clicking the icon of “questions”. Pass

View the next function by clicking the next button. Pass

View the previous function by clicking the prev button. Pass

Finish the tour by clicking the end tour button. Pass

Epic 3: Rachel wants to know which organizations can help if she suffer any harassment.

User Story 6: Rachel wants to know how to deal with street harassment or get some support to overcome an incident of street harassment so that she doesn’t end up being a victim of anxiety or depression and can get her self-esteem back.

Activity Pass/Fail

Get the organization list by clicking “support” from the navigation bar Pass

View instructions of the organizations Pass

Jump to the official website of any organization from the list. Pass

Backup and Recovery Testing

No. Date Type Executor Description Result

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7April 2019 – 9April 2019

Full back-up


This is the interation1 system full backup before publishing, to avoid potential cyberattacks and anomaly caused by improper operation by the user. The backup method is manfully and the backup version are stored at local disk; The recovery were executed at 9 April 2019 and every function runs normally.



28 April 2019 – 30 April 2019

Full back-up


This is the interation2 system full backup before publishing, to avoid potential cyberattacks and anomaly caused by improper operation by the user; The backup method is manfully and the backup version are stored at local disk; The recovery were executed at 30 April 2019 and every function runs normally.



15 May 2019 – 17 May 2019

Full back-up


This is the interation3 system full backup before publishing, to avoid potential cyberattacks and anomaly caused by improper operation by the user; The backup method is manfully and the backup version are stored at local disk; The recovery were executed at 17 April 2019 and every function runs normally.



22 May 2019 – 24 May 2019

Full back-up


This is the final version of system full backup before publishing, to avoid potential cyberattacks and anomaly caused by improper operation by the user; The backup method is manfully and the backup version are stored at local disk; The recovery were executed at 24 April 2019 and every function runs normally.

