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26 RESEARCH REPORT Copyright Q 2006, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 0883-1351/06/0021-0026/$3.00 Trilobite Taphonomy and Temporal Resolution in the Mt. Orab Shale Bed (Upper Ordovician, Ohio, U.S.A.) BRENDA R. HUNDA Cincinnati Museum Center, 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45203, E-mail: [email protected] NIGEL C. HUGHES Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 KARL W. FLESSA Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 PALAIOS, 2006, V. 21, p. 26–45 DOI 10.2110/palo.2005.p05-01 Clay-rich units, locally termed ‘‘butter shales,’’ contain the best-preserved trilobites in the richly fossiliferous Cincin- natian Series and likely provide the highest temporal reso- lution available within these rocks. Sedimentological and taphonomic evidence indicates that the 0.46-m-thick Mt. Orab ‘‘butter shale’’ bed of the Arnheim Formation is com- posed of a series of stacked event beds, each representing rapid deposition from a flow bearing fine-grained sedi- ment, most likely associated with distal storm processes be- low storm-wave base. It contains sedimentary structures similar to those of distal mud turbidites, and comprises a total of at least seven, and possibly many more, alternating silt and clay couplets. These clay and silt layers are inter- preted to represent the products of different energetic re- gimes in a series of discrete depositional events accumulat- ed within a common depositional regime. Trilobites within individual clay beds represent census assemblages of ani- mals alive at the same time, and evidence from sedimentol- ogy, taphonomy, and stratigraphic architecture are consis- tent with accumulation of the whole bed within a period from 10 1 to 10 3 years. Silt layers of the Mt. Orab events beds are interpreted to represent parautochthonous assemblag- es, while clay layers, although displaying reorientation of specimens, are interpreted as autochthonous assemblages. Both layers are deposited in a shallower-water environment than the comparable ‘‘granulosa’’ trilobite cluster of the Kope Formation, which represents an autochthonous as- semblage with in-situ burial of trilobites. INTRODUCTION The Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician; Ohio, Ken- tucky, and Indiana) contains certain shale horizons that are famous for their unusually abundant and exception- ally well-preserved trilobites. These beds, commonly re- ferred to as ‘‘butter shales,’’ occur at numerous strati- graphic horizons throughout the Cincinnatian succession. They are composed of mudstones that contain well-pre- served and articulated fossil remains that commonly in- clude marked concentrations of articulated trilobites pre- served in postures assumed during life. The exceptional preservation of trilobites in multiple butter shales offers an opportunity for a detailed analysis of morphological change through time within the Series. Accordingly, un- derstanding the nature of butter-shale preservation, and the differences seen among butter-shale trilobite assem- blages, is a critical step in realizing the potential of these deposits for evolutionary analysis. Individual event beds within the butter shales contain individuals that were alive at the same instant, affording a standard comparable to samples of live animals, by which to assess patterns of morphological variation seen in other deposits, such as limestones, occurring throughout the Cincinnatian Series. Hence, a detailed understanding of the characteristics and variability of trilobite assemblages within butter shales is a prerequisite for a more complete utilization of the Cin- cinnatian Series as a chronicle of evolutionary change. Despite being well known, relatively few studies of Cin- cinnatian butter shales and their fossil assemblages have been published (e.g., Brandt Velbel, 1985; Schumacher and Shrake, 1997; Hughes and Cooper, 1999). Each of these studies documented different patterns of trilobite articulation and posture, but the factors responsible for these differences remain poorly understood. Furthermore, the varied trilobite assemblages of the Cincinnatian but- ter shales provide an opportunity to compare trilobite preservation within the Cincinnatian Series with the tri- lobite taphofacies of the Devonian Hamilton Group of New York (Speyer and Brett, 1986). Previous ecological and taphonomic analyses of the fos- sil assemblages enclosed in the butter shales have treated each shale as a single depositional unit (Brandt Velbel, 1985; Feree, 1994; Rosenkrantz, 1999), but recent analy- ses have noted that these beds may contain several epi- sodes of deposition. Based upon taphonomic analyses, Schumacher and Shrake (1997) concluded that a fossil- rich shale unit from the Waynesville Formation represent- ed numerous separate depositional events, rather than a single large event. Contrasts between concentrations of disarticulated remains, interpreted to represent periods of low sedimentation, and the presence of distinct horizons of accumulated articulated trilobite and ostracode carcasses, representing rapid burial within the shale bed, served to mark the boundaries between event beds. In Schumacher and Shrake’s (1997) study, thin-section analysis revealed a single interval of graded bedding, a characteristic of tem- pestite sedimentation, but did not reveal additional diag- nostic sedimentary structures commonly associated with
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Copyright Q 2006, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 0883-1351/06/0021-0026/$3.00

Trilobite Taphonomy and Temporal Resolution in theMt. Orab Shale Bed (Upper Ordovician, Ohio, U.S.A.)

BRENDA R. HUNDACincinnati Museum Center, 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45203, E-mail: [email protected]

NIGEL C. HUGHESDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

KARL W. FLESSADepartment of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

PALAIOS, 2006, V. 21, p. 26–45 DOI 10.2110/palo.2005.p05-01

Clay-rich units, locally termed ‘‘butter shales,’’ contain thebest-preserved trilobites in the richly fossiliferous Cincin-natian Series and likely provide the highest temporal reso-lution available within these rocks. Sedimentological andtaphonomic evidence indicates that the 0.46-m-thick Mt.Orab ‘‘butter shale’’ bed of the Arnheim Formation is com-posed of a series of stacked event beds, each representingrapid deposition from a flow bearing fine-grained sedi-ment, most likely associated with distal storm processes be-low storm-wave base. It contains sedimentary structuressimilar to those of distal mud turbidites, and comprises atotal of at least seven, and possibly many more, alternatingsilt and clay couplets. These clay and silt layers are inter-preted to represent the products of different energetic re-gimes in a series of discrete depositional events accumulat-ed within a common depositional regime. Trilobites withinindividual clay beds represent census assemblages of ani-mals alive at the same time, and evidence from sedimentol-ogy, taphonomy, and stratigraphic architecture are consis-tent with accumulation of the whole bed within a periodfrom 101 to 103 years. Silt layers of the Mt. Orab events bedsare interpreted to represent parautochthonous assemblag-es, while clay layers, although displaying reorientation ofspecimens, are interpreted as autochthonous assemblages.Both layers are deposited in a shallower-water environmentthan the comparable ‘‘granulosa’’ trilobite cluster of theKope Formation, which represents an autochthonous as-semblage with in-situ burial of trilobites.


The Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician; Ohio, Ken-tucky, and Indiana) contains certain shale horizons thatare famous for their unusually abundant and exception-ally well-preserved trilobites. These beds, commonly re-ferred to as ‘‘butter shales,’’ occur at numerous strati-graphic horizons throughout the Cincinnatian succession.They are composed of mudstones that contain well-pre-served and articulated fossil remains that commonly in-clude marked concentrations of articulated trilobites pre-served in postures assumed during life. The exceptionalpreservation of trilobites in multiple butter shales offers

an opportunity for a detailed analysis of morphologicalchange through time within the Series. Accordingly, un-derstanding the nature of butter-shale preservation, andthe differences seen among butter-shale trilobite assem-blages, is a critical step in realizing the potential of thesedeposits for evolutionary analysis. Individual event bedswithin the butter shales contain individuals that werealive at the same instant, affording a standard comparableto samples of live animals, by which to assess patterns ofmorphological variation seen in other deposits, such aslimestones, occurring throughout the Cincinnatian Series.Hence, a detailed understanding of the characteristicsandvariability of trilobite assemblages within butter shales isa prerequisite for a more complete utilization of the Cin-cinnatian Series as a chronicle of evolutionary change.

Despite being well known, relatively few studies of Cin-cinnatian butter shales and their fossil assemblages havebeen published (e.g., Brandt Velbel, 1985; Schumacherand Shrake, 1997; Hughes and Cooper, 1999). Each ofthese studies documented different patterns of trilobitearticulation and posture, but the factors responsible forthese differences remain poorly understood. Furthermore,the varied trilobite assemblages of the Cincinnatian but-ter shales provide an opportunity to compare trilobitepreservation within the Cincinnatian Series with the tri-lobite taphofacies of the Devonian Hamilton Group of NewYork (Speyer and Brett, 1986).

Previous ecological and taphonomic analyses of the fos-sil assemblages enclosed in the butter shales have treatedeach shale as a single depositional unit (Brandt Velbel,1985; Feree, 1994; Rosenkrantz, 1999), but recent analy-ses have noted that these beds may contain several epi-sodes of deposition. Based upon taphonomic analyses,Schumacher and Shrake (1997) concluded that a fossil-rich shale unit from the Waynesville Formation represent-ed numerous separate depositional events, rather than asingle large event. Contrasts between concentrations ofdisarticulated remains, interpreted to represent periods oflow sedimentation, and the presence of distinct horizons ofaccumulated articulated trilobite and ostracode carcasses,representing rapid burial within the shale bed, served tomark the boundaries between event beds. In Schumacherand Shrake’s (1997) study, thin-section analysis revealeda single interval of graded bedding, a characteristic of tem-pestite sedimentation, but did not reveal additional diag-nostic sedimentary structures commonly associated with

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storm-related deposition. In contrast, Hughes and Cooper(1999) identified two distinct gradational beds in a 3-cminterval within a 15-cm shale bed that apparently was ho-mogeneous in hand specimen. Taphonomic evidence sug-gested that these layers apparently represented deposi-tion in rapid succession, most probably as different phasesof a single gravity-flow event generated by storm activity.Trilobites within these beds were interpreted to representa contemporaneous population smothered alive by storm-related deposition (Hughes and Cooper, 1999). Previousstudies in the Cincinnatian Series (Brandt Velbel, 1985;Jennette and Pryor, 1993; Holland et al., 1997; Hughesand Cooper, 1999) have established that storm-related de-position was responsible for the rapid burial and excep-tional preservation of organisms that are characteristic ofbutter shales. Nevertheless, individual butter shales varymarkedly in details of trilobite size distribution, articula-tion state, posture, attitude, and density. For example,whereas trilobites in most butter shales in the Cincinna-tian Series exhibit enrollment, Hughes and Cooper (1999)documented dorsal flexure (upward arching of thorax) in anew species of Gravicalymene (which they compared toFlexicalymene granulosa) from a butter shale in the KopeFormation. Understanding the factors that contribute tothese differences between butter shales, and their rela-tionships with depositional settings, may help to decipherdifferences in specimen posture.

Depositional Setting of Butter Shales within theCincinnatian Series

Numerous authors (e.g., Hay, 1981; Kriesa, 1981; Tobin,1982; Frey, 1987), citing evidence from sedimentary fa-cies, sedimentary structures, and the fossil biota, have in-ferred that the entire Upper Ordovician exposed in theCincinnati area represents shallow-marine, mixed silici-clastic-carbonate subtidal deposition on an extensive,gently sloping shelf. This shelf was located in a low-lati-tude area subject to powerful storms. The result was astratigraphic succession in which all facies are interpretedto show some evidence of storm activity. Siliciclastic mudsoriginated from the Taconic highlands to the east, andlimestones resulted from storm processes that concentrat-ed bioclastic material on open-shelf bottoms (Tobin, 1982).

The Arnheim Formation is characterized by alternatingbeds of limestone and shale and is divided into two mem-bers: the Sunset Member, which contains an informal unitcalled Mt. Orab butter-shale bed (hereafter referred to asthe Mt. Orab bed), and the overlying Oregonia Member(Fig. 1). The Sunset Member is within the highstand sys-tems tract of the C4 third-order cycle in the CincinnatianSeries (Holland, 1993), and is characterized by medium- tothin-bedded fossiliferous packstone and mudstone beds.These beds belong to the Mixed Packstone-Shale facies ofHolland (1993), and are characterized by the presence of awide range of storm beds, a diverse assemblage of brachio-pods and bryozoans, and articulated trilobite and echino-derm remains. These strata were interpreted by Holland(1993) to have been deposited in the transition-zone envi-ronment between shoreface and offshore facies.

Conditions favoring the preservation of event beds arenot random with respect to stratigraphy. Smothered-bot-tom deposits are recognized most frequently in the late-

transgressive to mid-highstand deposits of many succes-sions because these phases of third-order cycles representthe time in which the shelf and epicontinental seas wereflooded to depths greater than wave base (Brett, 1995).Storm processes carried sediment into deeper portions ofthe basin, where it was protected from later reworking byall but the most powerful storms. Smothered-bottom as-semblages consistently occur in the basal portions of par-asequences. Trilobites of the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster from theKope Formation occur within the basal portion of the par-asequence (Hughes and Cooper 1999, fig. 4), and the Mt.Orab bed occurs in a similar basal position within a par-asequence of the Arnheim Formation (Fig. 1). These por-tions of parasequences represent the maximum availableaccommodation space and the lowest energy conditions,favoring the preservation of census assemblages.


The Mt. Orab bed, near the town of Mt. Orab, Ohio (Fig.2), is an informal unit that is locally well known for theabundant enrolled trilobites (Feree, 1994) that occurthroughout its 0.46-meter thickness. It was selected fordetailed analysis because the taphonomic condition of thetrilobite assemblage appears to be representative of mostbutter shales from the Cincinnatian, and because of theavailability of the site.

A one-m2 block of mudstone (a general descriptor for theunit), 0.46-m thick, was dissected by hand at the Mt. Orabsite. Every piece of fossil material, along with carbonateconcretions and burrows, was recorded on a series of clearplastic pages within a horizontal grid system consisting of20 individual squares. Information recorded in situ beforeremoval of the specimen, where applicable, includedheight above base, orientation, attitude (upside-down,right-side-up), posture (prone, enrolled, partially en-rolled), articulation, and fragmentation. Specimens wereplaced in plastic bags to limit the rate of drying, and laterprepared with an air-abrasive unit using a combination ofsodium bicarbonate and dolomite as the abrasive mediumat a low pressure. Thin sections were made throughout thethickness of the Mt. Orab bed. Due to the friable nature ofthe mudstone when dry, 6 cm of the total thickness of thebed was lost during thin sectioning.


At outcrop scale, the Mt. Orab bed appears to be litho-logically homogenous, as is typical of all butter shales (Fig.3). However, thin-section analysis of the Mt. Orab bed re-veals at least seven repeated alternations of discrete clayand silt layers within the 0.46-m unit (Fig. 4). These layerswere recognized based on the ratio of coarse- to fine-grained sediment, and their boundaries were defined byabrupt transitions from fine- and coarse-grained sedi-ment. Each layer is characterized by a couplet consistingof a basal, quartz-dominated, silt-sized layer overlain by athicker layer of clay. The basal layer is characterized by;90% quartz grains, and ;10% feldspar grains encasedwithin a carbonate cement. In several cases, the base ofthe quartz-silt layer is characterized by an irregular con-tact that cuts into the bed beneath (Fig. 4A). The silt layer

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FIGURE 1—Graphic log of section containing the Mt. Orab bed (labeled ‘‘Butter Shale’’) within the Sunset Member of the Arnheim Formation.

appears as either a single, ungraded layer with cross sets(Fig. 4A), or as a series of finely graded layers (Fig. 4B). Di-vision of the units into seven couplets represents a conser-vative estimate, based on the presence of seven distinctclay/silt transitions. Other, more minor, silt horizons in-terspersed within clay layers likely represent additionalcouplets, but these silt layers commonly form discontinu-ous stringers associated with fragmented skeletal debris(Fig. 4C), so their status as discrete events of silt deposi-tion is equivocal. The silt stringers possibly result frombioturbation.

The clay component of each major couplet lacks distinctsedimentary structures, and contains varying amounts ofcoarse silt, ranging from pure clay to intervals containinghigh fractions of silt. Discrete Chondrites burrows are vis-

ible in outcrop as distinct, light-colored branches. In thinsection, the degree of bioturbation is low—ichnofabric in-dex ii of Droser and Bottjer (1986)—with the major basalsilt layers remaining undisrupted. Dispersed silt grainsthat occur sporadically within the upper clay layers maysuggest some mixing of silt and clay components due tobioturbation.

Disarticulated skeletal remains are concentrated pre-dominantly in the finely graded silt layers (Fig. 4B) andthe silt stringers (Fig. 4C, D), and often contain clay andsilt grains within internal cavities beneath the doublure ofvarious trilobite skeletal elements (Fig. 4E). The clay lay-ers have a lower overall abundance of skeletal material.Where present in the clay layer, the skeletal material com-monly is articulated, with internal voids of completely en-

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FIGURE 2—Locality map for the Mt. Orab collection site, Ohio, USA.

FIGURE 3—The 0.46-m-thick Mt. Orab bed. Arrows point to carbonate nodules that occur at specific horizons throughout the shale.

rolled specimens lined by pyrite (Fig. 4F), often showingsecondary sparry calcite mineral precipitation (Fig. 4G,H).

Carbonate nodules occur in specific horizons through-out the 0.46-m interval. They are characterized by aslightly lighter color in hand specimen and thin section(Fig. 4I). Clay particles within the nodules have a randomorientation, whereas clay particles within the mudstoneshow alignment parallel to bedding. This suggests thatnodules formed prior to significant compaction. Deforma-tion of silt stringers around carbonate nodules indicatesthat the sedimentary fabric in the clays is partly diagenet-ic in origin, resulting from compression around in-situnodules (Fig. 4I).

The entire set of sedimentary structures associatedwithany one of these couplets is rarely seen in a single layer. Aschematic representation of a couplet, constructed fromrepresentative layers within the Mt. Orab bed (Fig. 5),shows a distinctive gradation of structures, with the high-est content of silt fractions at the base of the couplet andcontinual decrease of silt content upwards within it. Thebasal layer consists of an approximately 1-cm-thick lentic-ular cross-bedded silt lamina, followed by regular, thin,parallel silt laminae interbedded with muds containingdisarticulated remains. Silt content decreases above thislevel, passing into muds containing indistinct silt lenseswith disarticulated material, which become finer and thin-ner upwards, yielding finally to ungraded muds contain-ing articulated trilobite remains.


There is no indication that these individual coupletsrepresent distinct taphonomic grades within a similar de-positional regime. Therefore, in order to characterize thetrilobite taphonomy of the Mt. Orab bed adequately, en-

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FIGURE 4—Graphic log of thin sections of the 0.46-m-thick Mt. Orab bed, showing the presence of seven identifiable couplets, numbered #1–#7. (A) Coarse-grained silt layer with ripple cross lamination and a microscoured base. (B) Series of finely graded layers. (C) Discontinuousquartz-silt stringers within clay bed; note brachiopod shell with pyrite infilling. (D) Trilobite sclerites and other skeletal debris associated withcoarser silt stringers. (E) Cross-section of trilobite sclerite with infilling of clay and silt grains. (F) Trilobite thoracic pleura with pyrite infilling.(G) Cross-section of trilobite sclerite with pyrite infilling and secondary calcite mineral precipitation. (H) Close-up of calcite crystals insidesclerite. (I) Carbonate nodule (lighter color).

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FIGURE 5—A complete sedimentary couplet reconstructed from representative layers within the Mt. Orab bed. (A) Schematic cross-sectionof a complete couplet. (B–E) Thin-section images of sedimentary fabrics of a complete couplet. (B) Basal quartz-silt bed with cross-ripplelamination and microscoured base. (C) Quartz-silt stringers with interlaminations of clay. (D) Isolated quartz-silt lenses with predominantly claygrains. Note internal pyritization of articulated brachiopod shell. (E) Ungraded clays with internal pyritization of trilobite thoracic pleurae (upperright) and additional unidentified skeletal remains.

able analyses with a large sample size, and provide a di-rect comparison with additional butter shales, the taphon-omy is discussed utilizing the whole-bed approach (i.e., thetrilobite taphonomy for all silt layers and all clay layerswill be treated together).

Disarticulated cranidia and pygidia from the silt layersof each couplet at Mt. Orab indicate that there was no pre-ferred orientation in the long axes of this material (Fig. 6).Disarticulated sclerites of Flexicalymene retrorsa show lit-tle evidence of fragmentation. On average, the percentageof individuals represented by articulated remains (car-casses) of Flexicalymene retrorsa within the Mt. Orab bedwas 22.7% (n 5 101 for completely or partly articulated in-dividuals, carcasses, and molts for all couplets), indicatinga higher proportion of individuals represented by disartic-ulated remains (counts based on numbers of pygidia; totaldisarticulated n 5 328). Partially articulated exoskele-tons, represented by thoracopygidia, constitute, on aver-age, 45.5% of articulated remains (total n 5 101). Disartic-ulated sclerites show equal ratios of convex-up and con-vex-down orientations (on average, 51% are convex-up; to-tal disarticulated n 5 328), as well as approximately equal

ratios of cephala to pygidia (on average, 61% are pygidia;total cranidia and pygidia n 5 261; Table 1).

Completely articulated, well-preserved enrolled andprone specimens of Flexicalymene retrorsa, all holaspids,are common within the clay layers of the Mt. Orab bed. Intotal, within the 1-m 3 1-m 3 0.46-m block, 14 such spec-imens were recovered, with an additional 38 specimenscollected from adjacent beds. Complete specimens show arange of shape deformation, with little to no deformationrecorded in the majority of specimens, and the greatestamount of deformation occurring in the few specimenspreserved on their sides. Orientation measurements of ar-ticulated specimens also indicate a lack of preferred ori-entation along the long axes of the specimens (Fig. 6).

Fully articulated specimens of Flexicalymene retrorsashow a variety of postures and attitudes with respect tobedding (Table 1). Of the 52 specimens, 25 (48%) were en-rolled, 23 (44%) were prone, and 4 (8%) exhibited partialenrollment, ranging from postures III to V, as defined byBabcock and Speyer (1987); 41.4% of enrolled specimenswere cephalon-up, 41.4% found cephalon down, and 17.2%were found on their sides (n 5 29); 52% of the 23 prone

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FIGURE 6—Orientation of specimens from clay-layer assemblage 6of the Mt. Orab bed, illustrated here because this bed contains themost material for orientation measurements. All event beds show noclear preferred orientation of trilobite material. (A) Orientation of 12Flexicalymene carcasses. (B) Orientation of articulated (carcassesand thoracopygidia) and disarticulated sclerites of Flexicalymene.

specimens were inverted. Size, as expressed by cranidiallength, ranged from 3.4 mm to 14.2 mm within the surveyarea. Sample sizes recovered from each of the individuallayers at Mt. Orab were too small to assess whether layersdiffer significantly in mean size, but no marked variationin trilobite size between event-bed layers was evident. Dis-tribution of sizes for the 0.46-m interval, as represented bytotal cephalic length, exhibits a unimodal distribution,with the largest specimens almost four times the length ofthe smallest (Fig. 7).

Feree’s (1994) study provided a larger-scale look at thetaphonomy of complete trilobites within the Mt. Orab as-semblage, but treated the entire 0.46-m interval as one ho-mogenous unit. His analysis considered 29 m2 and 605specimens of Flexicalymene. Of the articulated remains,54% were prone, 28% were enrolled, and 18% were consid-ered molts (Table 1). The cephalon was uppermost in 46%of the enrolled specimens. Of the prone specimens, 77%were inverted. These results concur with this smaller-scale study, with only small differences in the proportionsof different trilobite postures and attitudes.


The silt/clay couplets are the characteristic sedimentarypackage within the Mt. Orab bed. The proposed schematiccomplete sequence for these couplets is similar to thoseconstructed for distal mud turbidites (e.g., Einsele andSeilacher, 1991; Piper and Stow, 1991). Mud tempestites

often are associated with a high degree of bioturbation,which destroys primary sedimentary structures andmakes recognition of these deposits in the fossil record dif-ficult. In the Mt. Orab bed, bioturbation has been limited,and silt laminae associated with these thin deposits com-monly are preserved. While mud tempestites are initiatedby storm processes, they are interpreted as mud-ladengravity deposits that travel downslope beyond storm wavebase, acquiring characteristics of a turbidity flow (Brettand Seilacher, 1991).

Sedimentological features alone do not indicate whetherthe components of the couplets observed in the Mt. Orabbed, namely the basal silt layer and the upper clay layer,are (1) different phases of a single depositional event; (2)representatives of different phases of a similar deposition-al process, but not deposited during the same event; or (3)deposition resulting from two distinct processes, possiblyarapid influx of coarser-grained sediment, represented bythe basal layer, followed by normal background sedimen-tation associated with deposition of fine-grained clays.The lack of sedimentary structures in the clay layers, re-sulting in an ungraded appearance, makes interpretationof the genesis of these layers difficult based on sedimen-tological criteria. However, different taphonomic attri-butes of trilobites with the different types of layers in theMt. Orab bed can provide additional insight into the de-positional processes associated with these deposits.

Silt Layers

Thin-section analysis of the Mt. Orab bed has revealedsedimentary structures within the silt layers that can beinterpreted to represent lateral transport of sediments.These include micro-scours at the bases of the silt layersand ripple-formed cross-bedding in thicker silt layers,both indicating that energy was sufficient for tractivetransport of silt. The source of this coarser-grained mate-rial is unclear. It could be the in-situ concentration ofcoarser sediment fractions reworked from local beds orfresh input from an extrinsic source.

Additional evidence of transport is provided by the dis-articulated sclerites found within these layers. Isolatedand disarticulated sclerites suggest the absence of organictissues holding the exoskeleton together at the time ofburial. Because all sclerites were articulated during thelife of the animal that bore them, there must have been aninterval between their being freed from binding by organictissues (in either an exuvium or carcass) and their em-placement in the silt layer. Complete infilling of all voidspaces of skeletal elements with clay and silt grains andsubsequent post-burial diagenetic alteration of the infill-ings confirm that these voids were devoid of tissue at thetime of burial. The absence of fragmentation and abrasionin these disarticulated sclerites suggests that predation orscavenging may not have been a significant factor (Bab-cock, 2003), and that the residence time of disarticulatedsclerites within the portion of the sea floor subject to re-working was relatively short.

Orientation data and the ratios of disarticulated scler-ites also may provide insight into the depositional dynam-ics of these layers because some modeled dissociated ceph-ala and pygidia have distinctive hydrodynamic behaviors(Hesselbo, 1987; Speyer, 1987). Disarticulated sclerites

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TABLE 1—Comparative trilobite taphonomic data from butter shales in the Cincinnatian Series. Taphonomic data from Brandt Velbel (1985)are taken from frequency histograms because raw data were not provided. Size-range data for Brandt Velbel (1985) and Hughes and Cooper(1999) were standardized to cephalic length (mm), based upon relative proportions of trilobite body segments, as measured by numerousspecimens of Flexicalymene. N 5 number of specimens; ENR 5 enrolled; PR 5 prone; PART ENR 5 partially enrolled; FLEX 5 flexure;CEPH UP 5 cephalon up; CEPH DOWN 5 cephalon down; SIDE 5 sideways; RSU 5 right-side up; INV 5 inverted; INCL 5 inclined; CONVUP 5 convex up; CONV DOWN 5 convex down; CR 5 cranidium; PY 5 pygidium.


Trilobite taphonomy

Size range(Sagittal

cephalic length)











This study 3.4–14.2 mm; no sizesegregation

52 48 44 8 partial to full enroll-ment

29 41.4 41.4 17.2

Hughes and Cooper(1999)

8.0–12.75 mm; sizeconsistency withintaxa

37 0 97 3 dorsal and ventralflexure (50% ofspecimens) torsion


Schumacher andShrake (1997)

no data 15 40 60 0 partial to full enroll-ment

6 100 0 0

Ferree (1994) no data 788 27.7 65.5 6.9 partial to full enroll-ment

partial to full enroll-ment

272 46 54 no data

Brandt Velbel (1985) ,5.86 mm–.11.7mm varying sizerange at all locali-ties

A: 14B: 10C: 12D: 5






A: 27B: 54C: 12D: 6




TABLE 1—Continued.


Trilobite taphonomy






Disarticulated remains



(%)N (CR

& PYG) % CR; % PYG

This study 23 48 52 N/A 328 51 49 261 39%; 61%

Hughes and Cooper (1999) 37 32 54 14 0

Schumacher and Shrake (1997) 9 66 33 0 18 39%; 61%

Ferree (1994) 516 23 77 N/ABrandt Velbel (1985) Attitude data for enrolled and prone

specimens of Flexicalymene are in-cluded in the enrolled


A: 41B: 6

41.5%; 58.5%33%; 66%

that settled from a suspension cloud after rapid depositionoften exhibit concave-up orientations (Speyer, 1987). Incontrast, persistent surface currents resulted in scleriteswith a hydrodynamically stable concave-down orientation(Speyer, 1991). Similar results were obtained by Lask(1993) who utilized a model of the dorsal cephalic shield(i.e., cranidium with attached free cheeks) in his experi-ments rather than an isolated cranidium. This makes in-terpretation of the applicability of these results to fieldstudies difficult because isolated dorsal cephalic shieldsare rarely found articulated in the field. The approximate-ly equal proportion of concave-up and concave-down scler-ites within these layers does not support high-velocity cur-rent transport or reworking of skeletal material under ag-

itated conditions. Speyer and Brett (1986) suggested thatequal proportions of concave-up and concave-down scler-ites represent deep, intrastratal bioturbation. The preser-vation of original sedimentary fabric in these mudstonesindicates that overall bioturbation was quite low; there-fore, extensive bioturbation is not a plausible explanationfor the trilobite sclerite orientations seen in these layers.It is more likely that the attitudes exhibited by the disar-ticulated cranidia and pygidia within the silt layers resultfrom settling in the absence of a persistent surface currentduring the interval between settling and final burial. Theshapes of different sclerites can result in strikingly differ-ent hydrodynamic behaviors (Hesselbo, 1987) and conse-quent shape-related sorting. The cephalic/pygidial ratios

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FIGURE 7—Size-frequency distribution of 43 specimens of Flexica-lymene retrorsa from all Mt. Orab couplets, sizes range from 3.4 mmto 14.2 mm in cephalic length. Size-frequency plot shows a normaldistribution. Size-frequency plots for each event bed were not possibledue to low sample numbers.

of disarticulated Flexicalymene retrorsa sclerites show adeparture from the 50:50 ratio expected from an unsortedassemblage (Speyer, 1987), suggesting some degree ofshape sorting. However, the lack of fragmentation andabrasion of the sclerites argues against strong persistentcurrents as the sorting agent.

Sedimentological and taphonomic evidence indicatesthat transport of silt and disarticulated trilobite remains,while at relatively low energies, was responsible for depo-sition of this basal portion of the couplet. Entrainment ofskeletal debris during deposition indicates that the mate-rial within the silt layers is parautochthonous, represent-ing the mixing of disarticulated material, perhaps derivedlocally, into the silt layer.

Clay Layers

The manner of deposition of the clay layers is difficult toascertain because they appear ungraded in thin section.However, taphonomic evidence, such as the presence of ar-ticulated, multi-element skeletons, can provide further in-sight into the depositional processes associated with rapidburial in the stratigraphic record.

Pyritization of several Flexicalymene retrorsa exoskele-tons in the form of localized patinas, pyrite infilling ofskeletal remains, and the presence of carbonate nodulessuggests that early (pre-compaction) diagenesis occurredwithin the Mt. Orab bed, possibly triggered by the burialand decay of organic remains. Anaerobic decay of freshlyburied organic matter (such as in trilobite carcasses) mayhave generated concentrations of ammonia, locally raisingpH levels of the surrounding sediment and creating a mi-croenvironment for the localized precipitation of intersti-tial carbonate cements (Brett et al., 1993). In addition, theconcentration of decaying organic material in dispersed,discrete patches within sediments, in the presence of re-active microbial biofilms (Borkow and Babcock, 2003), im-mobilizes reduced sulfur at or near sites of bacterially me-diated organic decomposition (Dick and Brett, 1993). Re-active iron introduced into the sediment in the form of ironhydroxides becomes reduced under anoxic conditions, re-

sulting in the formation of early diagenetic pyrite (Dickand Brett, 1993). The presence of pyrite in void spaces andon the outer surface of skeletal remains as thin pyritecrusts indicates the formation of a chemical microenviron-ment around the carcasses due to the localized concentra-tion of decaying organic material.

Additional secondary calcite precipitation within thesevoids indicates that sediment did not penetrate completelyall voids left after soft-tissue decay. Penetration presum-ably was inhibited by the presence of tissue at the time ofburial. Although the mechanisms by which clay-sized sed-iment can be deposited rapidly are contested, the degree ofarticulation of trilobites within the clay layers of the Mt.Orab bed suggests that burial had to be rapid. The multi-element exoskeleton of trilobites could be preserved intactonly if individuals were buried rapidly (usually withinhours to weeks), as demonstrated by actualistic experi-ments on decay processes within arthropods (Plotnick,1986; Babcock et al., 2000). It seems unlikely that gradualsettling of clay grains from suspension would have result-ed in the quality of preservation observed because clay-settling rates are too low. Rapid burial may occur if thesuspended clays flocculated or were within a dense sus-pension cloud (Brett et al., 1993).

It is difficult to constrain the amount of transport of theskeletal elements associated with the deposition of theselayers. The chaotic arrangement of trilobites within eachof the clay assemblages is the clearest evidence for somelevel of transport or minor reorientation during emplace-ment. The articulated specimens in the Mt. Orab bed, aswell as in other Cincinnatian butter shales (Brandt Vel-bel, 1985), exhibit of a variety of attitudes with respect tobedding (Table 1). The lack of bioturbation in these bedssuggests that these positions were not the result of trilo-bites living and burrowing into the mud, and therefore in-dicates that the pre-disturbance position of these speci-mens was disrupted, possibly during the burial event.

The rare occurrence of intact molt ensembles in the clay-layer assemblages provides evidence to the contrary.Thoracopygidia indicate the lack of a substantial period ofdisarticulation, with burial occurring relatively quickly af-ter formation. Disarticulation of the cephalon from therest of the animal suggests an element of transport, butthis configuration also may reflect the disturbance of theexuvium after molting. Although this cannot exclusivelyrule out transport in deposition of the clay layers (see Cis-ne, 1973), articulation of the sclerites of the thorax and py-gidium suggests that if transport occurred, the energy as-sociated with deposition must have been low. However,sclerites that were disarticulated, yet remain in close as-sociation within the clay layers, suggest the absence of anytransport.

This dichotomy of pattern suggests that depositional en-ergy either was low enough not to disrupt these molt con-figurations and still high enough to result in minor reori-entation of carcasses in the layer, or that there may be amix of transported individuals with individuals that wereliving and molting at the final site of deposition. Anotheralternative might be that different clay layers have differ-ent taphonomic properties. While this could be true, anydifferences between clay layers would be subtle becausenone was observed in outcrop. Therefore, because the as-sociated molt configurations provide the most compelling

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FIGURE 8—Sedimentologic and taphonomic indicators of degrees of transport, water depth, and temporal resolution in distal mud tempestitesof the Cincinnatian Series. Trilobites within the silt portion of a couplet represent a parautochthonous assemblage, as indicated by the sedi-mentologic indicators of tractive transport and the degree of disarticulation of trilobite remains. The clay-layer assemblage represents anautochthonous assemblage with reorientation of specimens during emplacement, as indicated by the chaotic orientation of trilobites withinthese layers. The ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster from the Kope Formation (images from Hughes and Cooper, 1999) also is an autochthonous assemblagewith in-situ burial, as indicated by the degree of articulation and prone posture of the trilobites.

evidence for the lack of significant transport, indicatingthat these trilobite assemblages were most likely formedin situ, these assemblages are considered autochthonous(Fig. 8).


Sedimentological analysis of the Mt. Orab bed indicatesthat butter shales in the Cincinnatian Series can comprisemultiple episodes of deposition. Previous studies (BrandtVelbel, 1985; Feree, 1994; Rosenkrantz, 1999) have treat-ed butter shales as single beds, which could confound theinterpretations of these studies by compounding informa-tion from multiple, separate events. However, althoughthe sample sizes from each couplet at Mt. Orab are small,there is no evidence of marked variation in either the mor-phological or taphonomic characteristics of the trilobitesbetween any of the couplets within the bed. The Mt. Orabbed thus represents a distinctive facies rich in articulatedtrilobites and other fossils composed of multiple episodesof deposition, with each providing a similar record.

Depositional Dynamics of the Mt. Orab Event-Bed Layers

The sedimentological and taphonomic evidence present-ed above is consistent with the tempestite depositionalmodel of Miller et al. (1988), whereby fine-grained sedi-ment below storm wave base is suspended during thepassing of a storm, carried basinward, and deposited rap-idly in deeper water as broad sheets, thinning in distal set-tings. Distal portions of the flow often are associated withsettling of mud from a fine-suspension cloud (Miller et al.,1988).

The presence of intact thoracopygidia (Fig. 9N) and ad-ditional sclerite configurations likely associated withmolting (Fig. 9L) challenge the idea that both the silt andclay layers were deposited during a single event. Tractivetransport is evident in the basal silt layers that containdisarticulated sclerites. This contrasts with the articulat-ed material in the clay layers, and it is unlikely that con-figurations associated with molting would remain intactduring transport unless deposition occurred while the ar-ticulating membranes connecting sclerites within thesemolts were still intact. While transport might be possible

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FIGURE 9—Various sclerite configurations exhibited by articulated specimens of Flexicalymene retrorsa from the Mt. Orab bed, Ohio. Allspecimens were coated with ammonium chloride sublimate prior to photography. (A, B) Dorsal and lateral views of completely articulated,enrolled specimen (MO-039 31.39). (C) Dorsal view of complete prone specimen (MO-063 31.14). (D) Dorsal view of prone specimen withdisarticulated and slightly rotated 13th thoracic segment and pygidium (Feree #484 31.14). (E, F) Dorsal and lateral views of prone specimenwith disarticulated pygidium and rotated 13th thoracic segment (Feree #45 32.12 and 32.51, respectively). (G) Dorsal view of prone specimenwith telescoping 7th thoracic segment (Feree #529 31.14). (H) Enrolled specimen with disarticulation and slight rotation of the pygidium (MO-128 31.45). (I, J) Lateral and posterior views of enrolled specimens with missing pygidium (MO-066 31.43 and 31.29, respectively). (K)Dorsal view of specimen with missing librigena, disarticulated and rotated cranidium from the thorax, and disarticulated pygidium (Feree #108

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FIGURE 10—Water-depth profile of butter shales in previous studies of sedimentology. Exact stratigraphic position of each study shale withinformations is unknown; gray rectangles bracket known stratigraphic interval in which study shales occur. The butter shale of the ‘‘granulosa’’cluster represents deposition and preservation of articulated trilobites within the deepest water depth of all previous studies of butter shales inthe Cincinnatian Series. The water-depth curve is from Holland (1995).

31.14). (L) Dorsal view of specimen with cranidium disarticulated from thorax and missing librigena; note the inverted librigena (MO-01231.57). (M) Dorsal view of prone specimen with disarticulation of cephalon and 1st thoracic segment from the thorax (MO-033 31.14). (N)Dorsal view of thoracopygidium (Feree #58 31.78).

for thoracopygidia, it is most unlikely in cases where thedisarticulated sclerites that apparently belong to a singleindividual remain associated. Therefore, the articulatedremains in the upper clay layer indicate burial under low-er energy conditions than those indicated by the erosivebases and cross-ripple lamination of the basal silt layers.Therefore, these stacked events are interpreted to repre-

sent different depositional events of different energetic in-tensity resulting from a similar depositional process. Suchvariations may represent variations in storm intensity orminor changes in base level. At this point, there is no com-pelling evidence to suggest that at this centimeter scale,these variations could be attributed to changes in waterdepth.

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Mt. Orab Taphofacies

In their study of the Devonian Hamilton Group of NewYork State, Speyer and Brett (1986) defined a series of tri-lobite taphofacies applicable to that region. The Mt. Orabbed is most comparable to their taphofacies 4B, but differsfrom it in the higher percentage of disarticulated trilobiteremains. Indeed, the taphonomy of trilobites in the siltlayers at Mt. Orab does not compare directly with any sin-gle taphofacies described by Speyer and Brett (1986). Thismay be due, in part, to the different setting and fauna ofthe Hamilton Group, and to differences in the scale atwhich the analyses were conducted.

While Speyer and Brett’s (1986) focus was on large-scalespatial trends among broadly defined taphofacies, thisstudy of trilobite taphonomy within the Mt. Orab butter-shale bed has revealed that distinct trilobite taphofaciesalso can occur as stacked microfacies at a higher strati-graphic resolution within a similar environmental setting.

Identification of Molts and Carcasses

Fully articulated and enrolled trilobites within the Mt.Orab bed apparently were alive at least for some portion ofthe events that led to their burial. Fully enrolled speci-mens from Mt. Orab show no evidence of telescoping of thethorax or rotation of the pygidium, criteria that have beenused previously to relate them to exuviae or to invokepost-mortem disturbance (Brandt Velbel, 1993). The pres-ence of in-situ librigenae and hypostomes in these animalsis strong evidence that these specimens represent carcass-es (Fig. 9A–C) because these sutures must have openedduring exuviation. Specimens exhibiting partial enroll-ment have been interpreted to represent either individu-als that were buried in this state, completely enrolled car-casses that partially unrolled, possibly due to tissue decay,or as exuviae (Brandt, 1993). Most partially enrolled spec-imens within the Mt. Orab bed are fully articulated, withlibrigenae in place, and are considered here to be carcass-es. While the dorsal cephala are intact, several specimensexhibit dislocation between the thorax and pygidium (Fig.9D–F). Post-mortem disturbance of a carcass, possiblyduring soft-tissue decay as outlined by Speyer (1987), isthe most parsimonious explanation for these specimens.

While most prone specimens are preserved in perfectcondition, a few show evidence of minor disarticulationamong sclerites, including slight rotation of an articulatedcranidium with respect to the rest of the exoskeleton,missing librigenae or pygidia in an otherwise intact ani-mal, and/or slight telescoping of thoracic segments. Formsinterpreted as exuviae show separation and rotation ofsclerites. However, dissociation of sclerites does not nec-essarily imply ecdysis (Brandt, 1993). In several speci-mens, the absence of librigenae in an otherwise intact an-imal suggests that these were molts. Such a pattern com-monly is interpreted as a molt configuration in other tri-lobites (e.g., Henningsmoen, 1975), and is consistent withfunctional arguments because the sole apparent functionof the dorsal sutures was to facilitate molting. However,other specimens show intact cephala, with disruption rep-resented by telescoping of thoracic segments (Fig. 9G) and/or dislocated pygidia (Fig. 9H–J) occurring in the trunk ofthe animal. Prone specimens with intact cephala but dis-

located or missing posterior sclerites are interpreted ascarcasses, with taphonomic disturbance resulting frompost-mortem decay processes (Speyer, 1987), scavenging(Babcock, 2003), or physical disruption, possibly by low-energy transport, bioturbation, or compaction of sedi-ments. These cannot be interpreted with confidence asmolt configurations, and so are not taken to indicate evi-dence of a wide variety of molt configurations in these tri-lobites (cf., Brandt, 2002).

Some prone specimens show sclerite configurations con-sistent with previous interpretations of molting patternsin Flexicalymene retrorsa. These include disarticulated li-brigenae coupled with rotation of the cranidium with re-spect to the rest of the animal (Fig. 9K) and, sometimes,inversion of the free cheeks (Fig. 9L). These specimensmight represent disturbed carcasses, but their configura-tions also are consistent with inferred molting behavior.Because the juncture between the cephalon and thoraxusually is the first to break in an intact exuviae, it alsomay be argued that rotation and dislocation of the crani-dium away from the thorax (Fig. 9M) did not play an orig-inal role in ecdysis, and simply reflects disturbance beforeor during burial (Whittington, 1990).

Occurrences of isolated thoracopygidia have been inter-preted to represent biological configurations left in situfollowing molting rather than the product of separation ofcephalon and trunk during transport (Speyer, 1991).Thoracopygidia within the Mt. Orab bed are interpretedas molt exuviae (Fig. 9N) according to this model. Theseconfigurations thus may represent partial exuviae ratherthan carcasses. If they were the products of molting, theylikely were bound originally by articulating membranes(Whittington, 1990) and their intact preservation maysuggest preservation prior to the decay of these mem-branes.

Comparison with other Cincinnatian Butter Shales

In most features, the Mt. Orab bed appears representa-tive of typical Cincinnatian butter shales, but detailedcomparisons reveal differences that could bear on the in-terpretation of these beds. The coarse-sediment fractions,represented by silt, and the delineation of couplets basedon the presence of these coarse layers distinguish the Mt.Orab bed from all previously studied Cincinnatian buttershales (Table 2). In addition, upward-fining grain sizesand parallel laminations—characteristic sedimentary fea-tures found in other butter shales (Brandt Velbel, 1985;Schumacher and Shrake, 1997; Hughes and Cooper,1999)—are absent from the Mt. Orab bed.

Despite these minor sedimentological differences, trilo-bite taphonomic patterns are similar among all buttershales, although the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster forms an outlierfrom all other occurrences (Table 1). Trilobites in the but-ter shales of stratigraphic horizons from the Corryville,Arnheim, and Waynesville formations all show varyingdegrees of enrollment postures (partial to full enrollment),representing what is inferred to be the typical response oftrilobites to adverse environmental conditions. Inversionand flexure of specimens from the ‘‘granulosa’’ bed (KopeFormation) are interpreted to indicate vigorous move-ments by the trilobites in an attempt to escape after rapidburial. This indicates an interesting contrast between the

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TABLE 2—Comparison of various stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and faunal aspects of Cincinnatian butter shales compiled from several studies.





This study Sunset Member ArnheimFormation

basal portion of bedwith microscouredbase and cross-ripplelamination; upperportion of bed withquartz stringers andungraded muds

carbonate nodules; py-rite patches on skel-etal remains; void-filling pyrite


Hughes & Cooper (1999) Southgate Member KopeFormation

2 units: upward-fininggrain size in lowerand upper units;parallel laminationsin upper unit

pyrite-filled tubes;void-filling pyrite;pyrite patches onexoskeletons

horizontal traces; pyri-tized tubular bur-rows

Schumacher & Shrake(1997)

Blanchester MemberWaynesville Formation

upward-fining grainsize

carbonate nodules; py-rite patinas on outersurface of fossils

Chondrites Rusophycushorizontal traces

Ferree (1994) Sunset Member ArnheimFormation

carbonate nodules; py-rite patches on skel-etal remains


Brandt Velbel (1985) A—Ft. Ancient MemberWaynesville Formation

B—Blanchester MemberWaynesville Formation

C—Corryville FormationD—Corryville Formation

upward-fining grainsize

Chondrites Rusophycus

TABLE 2—Continued.

Degree ofbioturbation Faunal diversity

Spatial distributionof articulated trilobites

Orientation ofarticulated trilobites

This study low (ichnofabricindex ii)


lack of preferred speci-men orientation

Hughes & Cooper(1999)

low (ichnofabricindex ii)


spatial restriction oftrilobite positions(‘‘cluster’’)

lack of preferred speci-men orientation

Schumacher & Shrake(1997)

sparse/low FlexicalymeneIsotelusLeptaenaOrthodesmaZygospiraGraptolitesChitinozoansScolecodontsOstracods

predominantly northorientation

Ferree (1994) low same as current study (see above)Brandt Velbel (1985) low Flexicalymene


cluster of two or morerather than singleoccurrences

roughly NE–SW orien-tation

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autochthonous assemblage of the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster ofthe Kope Formation (Hughes and Cooper, 1999) and theautochthonous trilobite assemblage in the Mt. Orab claylayers. While autochthonous assemblages preserve indi-vidual spatial relationships due to in-situ burial, it is clearthat the autochthonous assemblages of the Mt. Orab claylayers have had some degree of reorientation and disrup-tion of the original spatial and behavioral relationships ofindividual trilobites. The question then becomes to whatdegree trilobite stance and posture is a reflection of the dy-namics of burial associated with different conditions ofmud-tempestite deposition.

Inversion is a common occurrence in trilobite clusters(e.g., Speyer and Brett, 1985; Hickerson, 1997), yet thereasons for such occurrences remain unclear. Suggestedexplanations include molting posture, post-mortem reori-entation of specimens, possibly due to the release of decaygases or bioturbation, scavenging, settling of carcasses af-ter transport and/or transport-mediated inversion due tocurrent dynamics, behavioral responses to burial or pre-burial disturbances, or simply taphonomic artifact (Speyerand Brett, 1985; Speyer, 1987). Prone trilobites in both the‘‘granulosa’’ cluster and the Mt. Orab clay-layer assem-blages exhibit inversion, yet if inversion were related totransport, a low percentage of specimens exhibiting inver-sion in the autochthonous assemblage would be expected.However, inverted specimens comprise the majority ofpostures in the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster. Although transportmay provide a likely means of inverting exoskeletons, itdoes not explain inversion in autochthonous clusters. Be-havioral responses to pre-burial disturbance, inversion as-sociated with molting behavior, or inversion due to releaseof decay gases slightly before burial are scenarios dis-cussed by Hughes and Cooper (1999). Because inversion isa common phenomenon found in assemblages with vary-ing burial scenarios, inversion of prone individuals as a be-havioral response to rapid burial is considered as the mostlikely scenario.

Most trilobite smothered-bottom assemblages havebeen interpreted as specific behavioral aggregations asso-ciated with spawning or synchronous molting (Speyer andBrett, 1985; Hickerson, 1997; Karim and Westrop, 2002),often characterized by monospecific clustering and rela-tively restricted size ranges of specimens. While speci-mens from other butter shales exhibit no apparent size-sorting, the ‘‘granulosa’’ bed of the Kope Formation con-tains a spatially localized, dense aggregation of trilobitesthat show specific size segregation (Table 1). Based uponthese features, the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster also has been inter-preted to represent a congregation of trilobites assembledfor a specific biotic function (Hughes and Cooper, 1999).This clustering, defined as an assemblage with spatial re-striction and a relatively high concentration of individuals(Hughes and Cooper, 1999), is in marked contrast with thetrilobite assemblages of the Mt. Orab clay layers. When allbeds are combined, trilobite specimens exhibit a unimodalsize distribution, with a broad range (Fig. 7) and low den-sities, suggesting that the Mt. Orab mudstone taphofaciesmay permit an estimate of normal densities and size dis-tributions within a population of Flexicalymene retrorsa.

The wide range of exoskeletal sizes, relatively low den-sity of specimens, and the presence of numerous enrolledor partially enrolled specimens (as opposed to the dorsally

flexed posture in the ‘‘granulosa’’ example) suggest differ-ences in the nature of the trilobite assemblages of the‘‘granulosa’’ bed and those at Mt. Orab. The enrolled pos-tures at Mt. Orab may reflect minor transport and reori-entation of live trilobites within storm-induced flows, incontrast with the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster, which is a deeper-water, autochthonous assemblage with in-situ burial oftrilobites. These differences aside, the quality of preser-vation and degree of articulation of the trilobites in the Mt.Orab bed (and the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster) suggest that theyrepresent populations of trilobites that were alive at thetime of the initiation of events that led to their burial.

The increase in coarse-sediment fraction, evidence oftractive transport, and disarticulated shell and scleritelags within basal silt layers suggest that the Mt. Orab lay-ers are shallower-water representatives of tempestite de-position than the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster of the Kope Forma-tion (Fig. 10). Published water-depth curves for the Cin-cinnatian Series (Holland 1993; 1995), as well as faunalanalyses (Holland, 1997), provide independent support forsuch a conclusion. The Kope Formation was depositedwithin the offshore zone, whereas the Arnheim Formationwas deposited within the transition zone between shore-face and offshore environments (Holland, 1997).

Patterns of flexure within trilobites have been suggest-ed to correlate with proximality, with enrollment behaviormore likely to occur in shallower-water environments(Chatterton and Ludvigsen, 1998). Hughes and Cooper(1999) noted that enrollment is more typical of later depos-its in the Cincinnatian Series, and is associated with aslightly coarser matrix and possibly a more-oxygenatedsetting. The patterns of flexure in trilobites within the Mt.Orab bed and other previously studied butter shales areconsistent with this suggestion, where a higher proportionof trilobites exhibit full or partial enrollment than pronespecimens.


Because processes of skeletal accumulation occur at dif-ferent rates and vary among environments, careful atten-tion to taphonomic features permits estimation of the rel-ative order of temporal magnitude represented within dif-ferent sedimentary units (Brett and Baird, 1993). Time-scales spanning several orders of magnitude arerepresented by the various strata within the CincinnatianSeries (Table 3). The preservation of abundant articulatedexoskeletons in Cincinnatian butter shales suggests ahigh degree of temporal resolution. In this section, con-straints on estimates of the degree of time-averaging invarious Cincinnatian beds are considered in order to placebutter-shale horizons in their temporal context within theSeries. With the exception of individual event beds, it isdifficult to place firm constraints on the amounts of timerepresented in beds, although the combination of evidencefrom various approaches, when viewed collectively, can beused to define reasonable estimates of depositional inter-vals over which beds accumulated.

In the literature, single-event fossil beds have been con-sidered to constitute the record of intermittent short-termprocesses, spanning minutes to a few days (Brett andBaird, 1993). Estimates of how much time is distributed

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FIGURE 11—Rafinesquina valves found within the Mt. Orab bed. These pavements of flat-lying valves are found in the basal portion of theshale, and have been exposed over tens of meters at the site. The valves are found disarticulated, but mainly unfragmented. Arrows point todisarticulated, but complete, Rafinesquina valves. Lens cap is ;2.8 cm across.

within these butter shales should include not only theamount of time represented by the stacked individualevent beds, but also the time recorded between rapid in-fluxes of sediment, represented by background sedimen-tation or by intervals of no deposition.

Given that the genesis of the clay and silt component ofeach event-bed couplet within the Mt. Orab bed is derivedfrom distinct depositional events, with unique taphonomicsignatures, discussion of the amount of time representedby each portion of the couplet must be considered indepen-dently. As noted previously, the exceptional preservationand degree of articulation of trilobite specimens within theMt. Orab clay-layer assemblages indicate that these spec-imens were buried rapidly. A temporal resolution of hoursto days has been attributed to other similar event-bed de-posits possessing a high degree of articulated remains(Hughes and Cooper, 1999; Behrensmeyer et al., 2000).Even if the clay layers contain exuviae in addition to thecarcasses of animals killed during burial, the rapid decayof articulating membranes in exuviae of modern arthro-pods, which can take up to three or four weeks (Babcock etal., 2000), suggests that all specimens must have been con-temporary in a biological sense.

The amount of time represented within the silt layers ismore difficult to ascertain. While in certain depositionalsettings there may be no significant correlation betweentaphonomic condition and age (Carroll et al., 2003), thetaphonomic signature of trilobite material within the siltlayers suggests that these remains had at least enoughtime to become disarticulated and transported prior toburial. Previous studies have shown that age ranges of upto 103 years for shell material can occur in surficial depos-its in nearshore environments (Kowalewski et al., 1998;

Flessa et al., 1993; Carroll et al., 2003). It is therefore plau-sible that the trilobite sclerites entrained within the siltlayers of the event deposits are considerably time-aver-aged, although there is no evidence suggesting such a con-clusion. However, the good state of preservation and lowdensity of the remains, the lack of a preservational gradi-ent among the disarticulated remains, and the thicknessof the silt beds (centimeter scale) are all congruent withthe interpretation of a bed that was deposited rapidly.

The presence of epifaunal suspension-feeding brachio-pods and bryozoans provides additional information onthe sedimentation rate within portions of the Mt. Orabbed. Within the Mt. Orab bed, the presence of a single Ra-finesquina pavement (Fig. 11) consisting of similar-sized,disarticulated but unfragmented valves extending tens ofmeters from the study quadrant at the same horizon with-in the shale, and the presence of Zygospira, suggest thatlow background sedimentation rates between periods ofrapid mud deposition allowed populations of brachiopodsto develop (Schumacher and Shrake 1997). Although it isdifficult to obtain information on the growth rates of an-cient brachiopods, analysis of annual growth rate in Tere-bratalia shows a range of shell growth from 0–7.6 mm peryear (Thayer, 1977). If at least broadly comparable, thissuggests that development of the population of Rafines-quina may have occurred over a few years at most, andthus, at this horizon, the seafloor apparently remainedundisturbed for an interval of that duration. There is onlyone such layer within the Mt. Orab bed. Therefore, the Mt.Orab bed may be characterized by relatively rare periodsof low background sedimentation, possibly representing atemporal scale of a few years, interrupted by influxes ofsediment that rapidly buried benthic organisms. Although

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the exact number of depositional events that constitutethe Mt. Orab bed is unknown because of the possibilitythat later episodes of deposition involved erosion of previ-ous ones, the entire 0.46-m thickness of the Mt. Orab bedmay represent an amount of time on the order of 101 to 103

years.A wide spectrum occurs among limestone deposits of the

Cincinnatian Series, which display a variety of taphonom-ic grades and degrees of amalgamation. Several lines oftaphonomic evidence, such as the low degree of articula-tion, high degree of abrasion of fossil material, density offossil material, thickness, and degree of lateral persis-tence, point to substantial reworking and time enrichmentof these storm beds (Algeo and Brett, 1999). Some lime-stone beds, such as packstones, with low levels of commi-nution and good fossil preservation, indicate shorter inter-vals of reworking, while other amalgamated beds, such asthick grainstones, may indicate substantial periods of re-working.

An important aspect of the Cincinnatian Series is thewide spectrum of degrees of time averaging representedwithin the succession, with the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster andMt. Orab bed representing the most-rapidly depositedend-member, and amalgamated grainstones (cycle caps)representing the least-rapidly deposited end member (Al-geo and Brett, 1999; Table 3). This, coupled with ongoingstudies of depositional architecture, provides a detailedanatomy of how time is recorded within shelf strata (Hol-land, 1993; Holland and Patzkowsky, 1996; Holland et al.,1997). This variety, coupled with the highest temporal res-olution being comparable to that in populations of livingorganisms and the abundant fauna, makes the Cincinna-tian an excellent study system for accessing morphologicalchange in stratigraphic context.


The Mt. Orab bed presents the opportunity for detailedanalyses of the nature of deposition of the world-famoustrilobite-rich shales of the Cincinnatian Series, and fordissection of an exceptional trilobite record at the highesttemporal resolution available within the Cincinnatian Se-ries.

Sedimentological and taphonomic evidence indicatethat the Mt. Orab bed is a series of stacked event-bed lay-ers that form couplets, representing rapid burial by mud-laden flows most likely associated with distal storms. Fea-tures, such as microscours at the base of some coupletsand the presence of cross-ripple lamination in basalquartz-silt laminae, indicate tractive transport of coarser-grained sediment, characteristic of the silt portions of cou-plets. The occurrence of articulated exoskeletons and moltensembles with associated but disarticulated scleriteswithin the clay-rich upper layers of these couplets sug-gests that these stacked components correspond to differ-ent phases of the same depositional process, but not a sin-gle depositional event. A composite model of a couplet con-tains sedimentary structures similar to distal mud turbi-dites, which may form under similar flow dynamicsassociated with the deposition of fine-grained sedimentsduring a mud-laden gravity flow below storm wave base.

There is no evidence of marked variation in taphonomiccharacteristics of the trilobite faunas between each cou-

plet. Size, posture, and position of individuals are similarin each, and apparent taphonomic continuity of shale bedsis justifiable after detailed examination. The silt compo-nent of the couplets from the Mt. Orab bed of the ArnheimFormation are interpreted here to represent parautoch-thonous assemblages, while the clay component is inter-preted as an autochthonous assemblage with some minordegree of disturbance resulting from burial. Both reflecttempestite deposition in a shallower-water environment,in contrast with the ‘‘granulosa’’ cluster of the Kope For-mation (Hughes and Cooper, 1999), which represents anautochthonous assemblage with in-situ burial of trilobitesin a deeper-water environment. The presence of Rafines-quina pavements and other epifaunal suspension-feedingbrachiopods suggests that low background sedimentationallowed for the development of an epifaunal communitybetween periods of rapid mud deposition.

Based upon the good state of preservation, the low den-sity of the remains, the lack of a preservational gradientamong the disarticulated remains, and thickness, the siltlayers are interpreted to have been deposited relativelyrapidly. The exceptional preservation and degree of artic-ulation of trilobite specimens within the Mt. Orab clay-layer assemblages indicate that these specimens wereburied rapidly, and therefore can be classified as censusassemblages (Kidwell, 1993), which have high spatial andcompositional fidelity and a temporal resolution of hoursto days (Behrensmeyer et al., 2000). Although the exactnumber of depositional events that constitute the Mt.Orab bed is unknown because of the possibility that laterepisodes of deposition involved the erosion of previousones, the entire 0.46-m thickness of the Mt. Orab bed mayrepresent 101 to 103 years.

Articulated trilobites within these event-bed layers pro-vide the opportunity to assess morphological variability atthe maximum temporal resolution of the Cincinnatian Se-ries. For studies of microevolution, establishing this high-resolution base level from layers within an individual bedis necessary for the comparison of morphology in a seriesof scaled temporal resolutions, represented by individualbeds and stacked packages of beds, throughout the succes-sion.


Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the AmericanChemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for support ofthis research through grant ACS PRF# 39915 -AC 8, alongwith grants from the Paleontological Society, the Geologi-cal Society of America, and the Dry Dredgers Paul Sand-ers Award. We thank Dan Cooper, who first arranged ac-cess to the Mt. Orab site, was responsible for many hoursof digging to expose the layer, helped with collection of thespecimens, and donated much material to this researchprogram. We also thank Don Bissett, who provided accessto his private property on which the Mt. Orab study site islocated. We also acknowledge the tremendous support ofthe Cincinnati paleontological community, both amateurand professional, throughout the duration of this work.Thanks to Mary Droser and Pete Sadler for comments onearlier drafts of this work. Reviews provided by S.R. Wes-trop and L.E. Babcock served to strengthen this paper.Specimens illustrated in this work were stolen during

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transportation, along with all BRH’s research collections,in Tucson, Arizona, in March 2004, and have not yet beenrecovered.


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