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Tweeting the news. Breaking news Hudson River plane crashplane crash Fort Hood shooting Hurricane...

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Tweeting the news
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Tweeting the news Slide 2 Breaking news Hudson River plane crashplane crash Fort Hood shooting Hurricane Irene Aurora theater shooting Slide 3 Twitter use More than 175 million users.175 million users Up from 58 million in 2009. Adding 370,000 a day! Slide 4 Twitter as a news source News travels fast. Osama bin Ladens death: 12.4 million tweets an hour. Sense of immediacy. Slide 5 How journalists use it Provide real time news. Engage audiences, create community. Connect with people, sources. Develop personal brands. Link to their work. Crowd source content. Get questions answered. Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 More ways to use Twitter Interviews Man on street Interviews Newspapers Use Twitter to link to stories Newspapers NYTimes on Twitter Curate with Storify Neil Armstrong + Hurricane IreneNeil ArmstrongHurricane Irene Humor/news Top 17 D.C. quake tweets + Pizza in newsroomsTop 17 D.C. quake tweetsPizza in newsrooms Slide 9 Understand Twitter terms RT Retweet (Repost someone elses message) Automatic retweets cannot modify the message MT you have retweeted a tweet but modified it. DM Direct Message (Private message sent to a specific person) # - Hashtag Precedes a keyword and makes it easier to search for particular topics Slide 10 Understand Twitter terms @Reply -- a tweet sent in direct response to another tweet. (@ followed by their Twitter name) Your @reply message will only show up in your followers tweet timelines if they also are following the person to whom you sent the reply. If they are following you, but not following the person you replied to, they won't see your reply tweet. Slide 11 Understand Twitter terms How to get all of your followers to see? Slide 12 Understand Twitter terms Place a period before @username. Or post a direct tweet, but use the @username somewhere other than the beginning. Be judicious with @reply tweets. Slide 13 Using hashtags Automatically groups tweets identified with that hashtag, making topic search easy. Great way to share information at conferences, events and during breaking news. Find out if an event has an official hashtag; if not, you can create one. You can save searches, to make it easy to review. Slide 14 Some hashtag examples Twitterfall Hootsuite Slide 15 What to live tweet Twitter works well for breaking news and for the blow- by-blow account of an event. government meetings public forums press conferences speeches sporting events Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Live tweeting tips Consider your live twitter stream a story it needs a beginning, middle and end. The first tweet should announce to your followers that youll be live tweeting. Describe briefly what youll be covering. Slide 19 Live tweeting tips Slide 20 Once the event begins, be sure you have an opening tweet that sets the stage location, what is happening, what is expected, etc. Slide 21 Live tweeting tips Cover the event on Twitter just as you would a story. You wouldnt write a story that includes everything that was said at a meeting or event. Be discerning use your reporting instincts to decide what is relevant and pertinent. You only want to report the highlights. Slide 22 Live tweeting tips Be a careful observer and have an eye open for novel and important information that might be relevant to your audience. Slide 23 Live tweeting tips Each tweet should cover one point at a time. Think subjects, verbs (like headlines). You can drop articles for space. Strive to make each an understandable, self- contained message. Slide 24 Live tweeting tips Use good grammar. Punctuate for clarity. Dont over-abbreviate if message too long consider using a follow-up tweet to clarify Slide 25 Live tweeting tips Be useful provide information or insight. Be judicious about your links. Slide 26 Live tweeting tips Always be professional. Avoid using exclamation points, emoticons, jargon and slang (including LOL) Slide 27 Live tweeting tips Try to be consistent and concise in how you use attribution. Slide 28 Slide 29 Slide 30 Dont be afraid to use color in tweets to help readers feel like they are there. This one could have indicated the person was angry and shouted. Slide 31 Live tweeting tips Visuals either photos or videos are always good to include if they contribute to the story. Slide 32 Does this one contribute? Slide 33 Does this one? Slide 34 Live tweeting tips End with a wrap-up tweet indicate to your followers that the event is over. Then tweet to tell readers to look for an upcoming web story on the event. Slide 35 Encourage the conversation Let your followers know ahead of time that youll be live tweeting. Slide 36 Hashtags Also send tweets to interested hashtags know ahead of time that youll be live tweeting search for those that might not be obvious by topic. #LNK #UNL #OMA #immigration Slide 37 Hashtags Slide 38 Encourage the conversation But be courteous when using others hashtags and dont flood them with tweets. They consider it spam when you over tweet on their line or frequency. Slide 39 Encourage the conversation Good idea several times during the course of your live feed to repeat a summary tweet that tells new followers who have joined what you are covering live. In that tweet, you could also include other hashtags that might be interested. Slide 40 Encourage the conversation Try to watch for responses or direct messages to get reader comments and questions. Retweet or respond when its appropriate. Slide 41 Using hashtags When selecting a hashtag for a live event, try to keep it short and relevant. But be sure to explain it well in any promotional tweets and when you begin the live tweet. And be sure to use it in every single tweet. Slide 42 Using hashtags Slide 43 Hashtag confusion Slide 44 Nuts and bolts Correcting tweets: If notice a typo, delete and retweet. If a factual error, correct with new tweet and delete the original. Slide 45 Nuts and bolts If using a phone, make sure your battery is fully charged; take charger in case. Arrive early to scope out best location locate power supply. Be sure to check out Wi-Fi access beforehand. Slide 46 Do your prep work Find out before the event as much as you can. Interview people, if necessary, to get background info. If its a speech, can you get an advanced digital copy? Slide 47 Be Cautious Source of breaking news but be cautious. Slide 48 Ethics still apply Verify before you Tweet. Verify before you Tweet Admit what you dont know. Credit what youre using. Remember its public. Tweets can be libelous. Tweets can be libelous Slide 49 Your ideas for live tweeting? Slide 50 Your assignment Live tweeting practice assignment due in your Dropbox folder Sept. 4. Once you have tweeted, you will need to copy and paste your tweets into a Word document in Dropbox, but also bring in a printout to class. http://unlnnn.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/live-tweet- examples.pdf http://unlnnn.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/live-tweet- examples.pdf Slide 51 See what journalists are doing Muck Rack is compiled of real-time Twitter activity by journalists. See what journalists are reading, following and talking about. The site is searchable by news organization, tweets, links and photos. Muck Rack Slide 52 Study live tweeting examples WaPo live tweeter CoJMC immigration forum @TBD D.C. death The Lede on Twitter Storify @BreakingNews Slide 53 Resources Mashables guide Twitter for Journalists 20 Tips for Journalists 10,000 Words Twitter etiquette 10 commandments Twitter for newsrooms #TfN
