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UKK Bahasa Inggris

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  • 8/10/2019 UKK Bahasa Inggris




    Skill Covered Basic Competence

    Listening Picture

    1. Describing Peoplephysical


    The man have both hands

    on the floor


    You can see eight steps in

    the picture


    The man is wearing a blue



    The mans head is touching

    the floor

    Deskripsi sederhana tentang orang, tempat

    wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

    2. Describing PlacemonumenA. There are


    monumen in

    front of the

    city hall.

    B. The color of

    the roof is


    C. There are

    no trees on

    the picture.D. You can see

    a mountain on



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    3. Describing Peopleaction

    A. They are riding


    B. The man in the

    middle is holding

    a bag.C. They are

    dancing to the


    D. Only one man

    is wearing glasses.

    4. Describing Placetourism area


    The sea is very rough.


    There are many people there.


    The sky is clear.


    The island is crowded.

    Short Conversation/Dialogues

    5. Introducing one self

    Teacher: Oh, hi. What was your name again. I can'tkeep straight all the students'

    names this being the second day of school.

    Dialog lisan yang mengandung ungkapan

    pemaparan jati diri (Self Introduction)

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    Student: It's okay. I have a hard time remembering names myself.

    Teacher: How, uh, Karen, right?

    Student: No, it's Nancy. My mom's name is Karen.

    Teacher: Nancy. Okay. I think I heard you were from England.

    Student: Well, I was born there, but my parents are American. I grew up in France.

    Teacher: Oh, a world traveller!Student: But then we moved here when I was nine.

    Teacher: So, what does your father do now?

    Student: Well, he's a college professor, and he is in Scotland at the moment.

    What is the girl's name?

    A. Kathy

    B. Karen

    C. Nancy

    D. Nanny

    6. Complimenting

    Darla: Hey, Alfalfa. You were great tonight.Alfalfa: Thanks. So were you. But what about Waldo?Darla: He just became a solo act. And I'm looking for a new band to sing in. Any


    What did the girl said about him?A.

    That he should go tonight.

    B. He can be the new singerC.

    She want to join the band

    D. She said he was great

    Dialog lisan dan tulis yang mengandung ungkapan

    memuji bersayap (extended compliment)

    7. Talking about plan

    Scott: Dave. I'm going to thesupermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday'spicnic later. Any suggestions?

    Dave: Well, everyone has beentalking about having a barbecue down by the river, so

    why don't you pick up some hamburger and hot dogs?

    Scott: Okay, but how much hamburger meat are we going to need? And hot dogs too?

    Dave: Uh, I don't know. How about threepounds of hamburger and a couple

    Dialog yang mengandung Willingness/intention

  • 8/10/2019 UKK Bahasa Inggris



    packages of hot dogs?

    Where is the picnic being held?

    A. at a park

    B. by a river

    C. at the beach

    D. at Dave's house

    8. Asking about a past activity

    Emily: Welcome home, Dad.

    Dad: Oh, Emily. How are you today?

    Emily: Fine.

    Dad: Good. And how was school today?

    Emily: Really fun.

    Dad: Good. And what did you do?

    Emily: We made things.

    Dad: Like what types of things did you make?Emily: We made books.

    Dad: You made books! Okay. And what else?

    Emily: We . . . we made paper kangaroos.

    Dad: You made paper kangaroos? Okay, and what did you need to make your paper

    kangaroos? What kind of supplies did you need?

    In addition to paper books, what did the little girl make with paper at school ?

    A. an animal

    B. a building

    C. a person

    D. A cake

    Dialog yang mengandung ungkapan dalam Simple

    Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfecttentang

    pengalaman pribadi

    Short Talk / Monolog


    Monolog lisan berbentuk deskriptifsederhana tentang orang.

    Hi. My name's Greg, and I'moriginally from Denver, Colorado, but my family moved to Arizona when I was about 3, so I grew up there. I

    graduated from high school about three years ago, and I amcurrently attending a university in my city. I'm ajunior,and I ammajoring

  • 8/10/2019 UKK Bahasa Inggris



    in economics with a minor in Spanish. I also work part time as acashier at agrocery store.Life is really busy, but I enjoy hiking, reading,

    andhanging out with friends in my free time. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this area.

    Where does the man work?

    A. at a school

    B. at a bookstore

    C. at a restaurantD. at a grocery store


    Monolog lisan berbentuk pengumumansederhana (announcement)

    Hello. Passengers of flight 17 bound for Caracas, with stops in Atlanta and Miami. The departure gate has been changed to 30B. Also, there

    will be a slight departure delay due toinclement weather outside. The groundcrew is in the process ofdeicing the wings in preparation for

    departure. It also looks like the flight is slightlyoverbooked,so we are offeringcomplimentary round-trip tickets to a few passengers

    willing to take a later flight. We should beboarding about a quarter to the hour. Thank you for your patience.

    What change has been announced?

    A. the arrival timeB. the flight number

    C. the boarding time

    D. the departure gate


    Monolog lisan berbentuk recountsederhana tentang tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa.

    Hi, I'm Randall, and I'm here up in the mountains in Utah enjoying sledding on this cold day, and when doing so and enjoying sledding,

    there are several things that you want to keep in mind. Number one, uh, make sure that you check the terrain and uh, make sure there are

    no hidden rocks or that you're going to be running into trees. Number two, you want to be careful like right now . . . oh! You want to be

    careful that you take with you hot chocolate and some snacks to keep up your energy level and, uh, so you stay hydrated. And number

    three, make sure that you tell family and friends where you are going and what time you'll be back so they know when to expect you.

    It is important to tell family and friends where you are going and __________.


    what you eat


    who is going with you

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    what car you are driving


    what time you will arrive home


    Monolog lisan berbentuk naratifsederhana tentang cerita pendek sederhana

    Ali and the magic carpet


    Monolog lisan berbentuk naratifsederhana tentang cerita pendek sederhana

    Ali and the magic carpet


    Monolog lisan berbentuk lagusederhana

    Dont give up Bruno Mars

    What does the singer trying to say to the listener?


    No matter what obstacles you find, you should never quit.


    He is angry because people always force him to do things.C.

    He is so sad that there are many things he cannot do.


    He is happy to play with so many friends.


    Monolog lisan berbentuk lagusederhana

    Dont give up Bruno Mars

    What does the singer means when he said ?

    Reading Error Recognition


    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan pemaparan jati diri (Self Introduction)Firouz : I dont thinkI know your name. Are you new in the neighborhood?

    A B

    Wardana : Of course not. I just moved in from Probolinggo.


    Firouz : Really? Welcome to Malang, then!

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    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan memuji bersayap (extended compliment)

    Izzul : Mom, look at my report card! Im one of the top 10 students at my class.


    Haqi : Thats terrific! I am glad that you have finnaly made it to the top.B C

    Izzul : Well, I havent beenlearning very hard this semester.



    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan perhatian (care)

    Irvan : Why are you so sad? Is everything okay with you?


    Oni : No, I have a bad score on Mathematics this morning. I dont like Math.


    Irvan : Oh, Im gladto hear it. Lets study together sometimes, Ill helpyou!

    C DReading 19.

    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan Willingness/intention

    Rahmad : Oh no! I think the tire of my motorcycle have just blown up.


    Ulil : Let me see it Ah, its only a little flat. Its okay, I wont helpyou pump it.

    B C

    Rahmad : Thank you, thats very niceof you.



    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan ucapan selamat bersayap (extended gratitude)

    Sulaeman : Fajri, I heard you won the debate competition. Is that true?A

    Fajri : Yes, thank you. But I only won the second position.


    Sulaeman : That is great! You should be ashamed of yourself. Congratulation!

    C D

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    Incomplete Dialogues


    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan pemaparan jati diri (Self Introduction)

    Irwan : Hi, are you in X PD-D class too?

    Fajar : Oh, hi. Yes, Im in PD-D. My name is Fajar. How do you do?


    How do you do? Im Irwan.B.

    Imfine. My name is Irwan.


    No, Im okay. Are you?


    Im fine, thank you.


    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan memuji bersayap (extended compliment)

    Jihan : Is that a new shirt that you wear?

    Trisha : Oh, actually its my mothers shirt. I borrowed it for the occassion.

    Jihan : ..... It makes you look taller.


    Its not a good shirt.


    Its a very old shirt.


    It fits you nicely.D.

    I dont like it.


    Dialog yang mengandung Willingness/intention

    Indradi : Im very thirsty. Im going to the canteen. Are you coming?

    Bagas : No, I dont bring any money. ...

    Indradi : Sure, no problem. Ill get you some bottled water.


    Can you help me with my homework?


    Would you buy me something to eat?


    Can I come with you to the movie?


    Could you please buy me drink?


    Dialog yang mengandung ungkapan dalam Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfecttentang pengalaman pribadi

    Nadia : Hows your trip to Bali?

    Cak Sin : Oh, it was fun. We had a great time. Too bad you werent there.

    Nadia : I know, but I had a lot of things to do last week.

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    Why cant Nadia go to Bali?


    Nadia felt sorry.


    Nadia is very busy


    Cak Sin didnt ask her


    Cak Sin had a good time


    Dialog tulis yang mengandung ungkapan perhatian (care)

    Alethea : What is the matter with you, Rani? You look pale.

    Maharani : Im not sure. My stomach hurts.

    Alethea : ...?

    Maharani : Yes, I think I should. Thanks for the advice.


    Do you have a stomachache


    Shouldnt you drink iced tea


    You should go to school now.


    Why dont you go to the clinic


    Dialog yang mengandung ungkapan dalam Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfecttentang pengalaman pribadi

    Winata : Mayos, have you watch the latest episode of Sherlock Holmes

    Mayos : Of course! I watched it several days ago with Wiwik at Cinema51.

    Winata : Aww Why didnt you take me with you? I wish I could go, too.

    What can you conclude from the dialog?


    Wiwik likes Mayos


    Mayos hates Winata


    Winata likes Sherlock Holmes


    Rosita hates Sherlock Holmes


    Dialog yang mengandung Willingness/intention

    Teguh : Have you done with the task? Im hungry.

    Yogi : No, I still have three more questions.

    Teguh : Okay, Ill ask Yudi to drive me to the canteen.

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    What will Teguh probably do next?


    Teguh will buy some food.


    Yudi will drive Teguh to school.


    Teguh will go to canteen on foot.


    Teguh will help Yogi with the task.

    28Dialog lisan dan tulis yang mengandung ungkapan perhatian (care)

    Suci : Hi, Sulis! I havent seen you for a long time. How are you?

    Sulis : My dad passed away last week. I miss him a lot.

    Suci : Oh, Im so sorry to hear it Is there anything I can do for you?

    Why did Suci ask if there is anything she can do for Sulis?


    Suci felt pity for her.


    Sulis wanted to help her.


    Sulis was not a good friend.


    Suci tried to make her happy.

    29Dialog yang mengandung ungkapan dalam Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfecttentang pengalaman pribadi

    Nur : Did you go anywhere on the last holiday?

    Dewi : I went to a seminar Universitas Grafika two days ago. It was great.

    Nur : Really? Well, I went to the beach with my friends. It was a lot more fun!

    From the dialog above, what can we say about Dewi and Nur?


    Dewi doesnt like to go to the beach.


    Nur likes beach better than seminar.


    Dewi and Nur is from the same class.


    Dewi and Nur is from the same school.


    Dialog yang mengandung ungkapan dalam Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfecttentang pengalaman pribadiAyu : Mom, can I go to my teachers house this afternoon? My teacher invited us to come to her birthday party.

    Mom : Of course, you can go. But you shouldnt you bring something?

    Ayu : Oh, I forgot it!

    What will Ayu probably do before going to the party?


    Go to the party with her Mom.

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    Asked for her Moms permission.


    Buy some present for her teacher.


    Invite her friend to come to the party

    Reading Comprehension

    Miss Salwa is as beautiful as a movie star. Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefullyfalls down to her shoulders. She has smooth, clear complexion and high cheek bones.

    Her brown eyebrows highlight her emotions by moving up and down as she talks. Her

    large eyes, remind me of a lake on a bright day. She usually wears pink lipstick. When

    she smiles, her white teeth brighten up her whole face. I really like my English

    Teacher, Miss Salwa.

    31. What kind of text is this?


    Recount text


    Narrative text


    Descriptive text



    32. Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefully falls down to her shoulders.

    Which words from this sentence are adjectives?


    thick, wavy, hair


    thick, long, falls


    wavy, gracefully


    wavy, long, black

    33. her white teeth brighten up her whole face .

    What is the antonym of the underlined word?





    Make up


    Lighten up

    Monolog lisan berbentuk deskriptifsederhanatentang orang.

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    Attention all debaters!

    Due to the electricity blackout, the practice session for today is cancelled. Please

    come tomorrow at 11.30 a.m. to GVED basecamp for the next practice session. Dont

    forget to bring your materials. Thank you, and have a nice day!

    -Yudi Yu, GVED Captain-

    34. Why is the practice session cancelled?

    A. Because the captain is absent

    B. Because theres no electricity

    C. B Because theres no laptop

    D. because its dark

    35. What is the purpose of this text/

    A. To entertain the readers

    B. To amuse the readers

    C. To give information

    D. To express feeling

    36. Due to the electricity blackout

    What is meant by due to?


    Because of







    Monolog lisan berbentuk pengumuman

    sederhana (announcement)

    I have a very humiliating experience. Several weeks ago, I went to Calisosok Fried

    Chicken with my friends Tiara and Dimas. We were there to celebrate his birthday.

    We talked and ate a lot. It was not only rice and chicken; we had coffee and donuts,

    too. Oh, and a lot of soda drinks! I really like cold soda so I drank a lot of it. Afterseveral glasses of soda, I felt uneasy. I needed to go to the bathroom. So, I ran

    hurriedly to the bathroom. What a relief! After that my stomach was okay again. But

    when I got out from the bathroom, many boys were staring at me. Oh my God! It

    turned out that I went to the male toilet! I was so ashamed. The boys were laughing

    at me. That is definitely my most humiliating experience ever.

    Monolog lisan berbentuk recountsederhana

    tentang tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa.

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    37. What is the generic structure of this text?

    A. Introductioneventsconclusion

    B. Introductioncontentconclusion

    C. Introductioncomplicationmoral message

    D. Introductioncomplicationsolutionconclusion

    38. What is the writers intention in telling this story?

    A. to teach the readers a lesson

    B. to entertain the readers

    C. to give information

    D. to express feeling

    39. We were there to celebrate his birthday. (Line 2)

    The word his refers to


    Tiara and Dimas


    The writerC.




    There lived once upon a time, a beautiful little girl named Anise. She lived by

    the river near a forest. She came to the river every morning to fetch some water. One

    day, from a reflection on the surface of the water she saw a face of a boy up in the

    tree. She was so surprised! She almost screamed but the boy jumped down the tree

    and smiled at her.

    Im so sorry to startle you like this. I see you everyday from my tree house

    there. Do you live in the village? asked the boy.

    Yes. Do you really live in the tree house? Whats your name?Yes, I do live in the tree, said the smiling boy. and my name is Bayou. Whats

    your name?

    Anise, Anise answered. thats how my parents call me.

    Anise and Bayou became good friends. However, Anises parents didnt like the

    boy who lives alone in the forest. They prevented Anise from seeing Bayou. They

    Monolog lisan berbentuk naratifsederhana

    tentang cerita pendek sederhana

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    wouldnt let Anise fetch water anymore. Anise were very sad, but she had to follow

    her parents order.

    Then one day...

    40. What is the social function of narrative text like the one above?

    A. to motivate the readersB. to entertain the readers

    C. to express feeling

    D. to tell a story

    41. What do you think is going to happen next?

    A. Anise and Bayou will become friends

    B. There will be problems

    C. There will be a solution

    D. The story ends.

    42.She came to the river every morning to fetch some water

    .(Line 2)

    What is meant by fetch?


    To catch some fish


    To pipe in the water


    To drink some water


    To get water using bucket

    Reading I may not know it

    But these are the moments that

    I'm gonna remember most, yeah

    Just gotta keep going

    And I, I got to be strongJust keep pushing on

    'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain

    I'm always gonna wanna make it move

    Always gonna be an uphill battle

    Monolog lisan berbentuk lagusederhana

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    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there

    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

    It's the climb, yeah!

    (The ClimbMiley Cyrus)

    43. Social Function

    44. Content of the text

    45. Vocabulary

    The Must-see Ambarawa Railway Museum

    You can easily be accused of committing a tourism sin if youre in Semarang and failed

    to visit the Ambarawa Railway Museum.

    This museum is situated less than an hours drive from the capital of Central Java.

    During the Dutch colonial days, Ambarawa was a military zone and the railway station

    was used to transport troops to Semarang through Kedungjati. It is at 474m above sea

    level, giving you unpolluted fresh air to breathe.The Ambarawa Railway Museum is well-maintained. It is a medium-sized building. The

    railway route is offered to visitors. You can enjoy the beautiful panorama during the

    route. All in all, this is a truly exciting treasure to visit.

    46. Generic Structure

    Monolog lisan berbentuk deskriptifsederhana

    tentang tempat wisata

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    47. Content of the text

    A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle.

    Girl: Slow down. I'm scared.Guy: No this is fun.

    Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary!

    Guy: Then tell me you love me.

    Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a big hug. (Girl hugs him)

    Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me.

    In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake

    failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that

    halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to

    let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time,

    then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.

    48. Content of the text49. Vocabulary

    50. Social Function

    Monolog lisan berbentuk naratifsederhana

    tentang cerita pendek sederhana
