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Union Agriculture Minister Shri Sharad visits Jan

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qr.q.qt.3T.H. IGFRI IItr'3IET ICAR Vol. 17 No. 1 lssN 0973-7960 January-March 2011 Union Agriculture Minister Shri Sharad Pawar visits IGFRI on Jan 30, 2011 Shri Sharad Pawar, Hon'ble Union Minister for Agriculture and Food Processing lndustries, Government of lndia visited Indian G rassland & Fodder Research lnstitute, Jhansi on January 30, 201 1. He was accompanied by Shri Pradeep Jain 'Aditya', Hon'ble Union State Minister for Rural Development, Govt. of lndia. Dr S Ayyappan, Secretary DARE and Director General ICAR, Dr PK Basu, Secretary DAC, Dr AK Singh, DDG NRM, Dr SK Datta, DDG Crops Science, ICAR were present on the occasion. Dr KA Singh Director IGFRI and Dr SK Dhyani, Director, NRCAF, Jhansi welcomed the dignitaries. During the visit, Hon'ble Minster of Agrilculture laid the foundation stone of Golden Jubilee Gate of lGFRl, Jhansi. Hon'ble Ministers, visited the research fields of IGFRI and NRCAF to see the ongoing research activities, took an overview of IGFRI museum and appreciated the efforts made by the two o rgan isations. ln his address Shri Sharad Pawar expressed that he was eager to visit these lnstitutes for a long time and congratulated the scientists of IGFRI and NRCAF for their constant efforts for the cause of the farmers in this difficult soil and climatic conditions. He stressed need for development of fodder and feed resources so that the huge livestock population in the country is fed adequately. He pointed out that the dietary habits of people are changing and the demand for milk, meat and eggs is increasing which has put a greater responsibility upon farmers to meet the growing demand. The demand of milk is increasing by 5% whereas the production is increasing by only 3%. There are 11% of the animals of the world in lndia with 3% of Iand area. The priority of the farmers is to grow food grains to feed the human beings and growing fodder crop is generally neglected. There is a deficit of 60% green fodder, 21"/" dry [, wi w; ' .Ei ffi* Sqi*, * ffi* g- ffir* ffi: A scientists-farmers interaction was organised with the Hon'ble Ministers. A large number of farmers, press and media persons attended this programme. ln this session the Director's of both the lnstitutes presented a brief note of the activities being undertaken at their respective lnstitutes. Shri Pradeep Jain 'Aditya', MoS Rural Development, Govt. of lndia, in his address informed about the keen interest and concern of Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture towards the problems of farmers and the conditioris of Bundelkhand region. fodder and 64% concentrate mixture. Thus, inadequate feeding of animals result in lower productivity and poor health of the animals. Hence, every effort should be made to increase the forage and feed supply so that livestock productivity is increased and the growing demand of milk and meat is met. New forage varieties of fodder crops should be developed, and the seeds should be timely made available at adequate prices. For this the 40 agricultural Universities in the country should come forward to produce the seeds required by the farmers. He also showed concern '-\.,tbJ%,.*... Contd on page 3
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Vol. 17 No. 1 lssN 0973-7960 January-March 2011

Union Agriculture Minister Shri Sharad Pawar visits IGFRI on Jan 30, 2011

Shri Sharad Pawar, Hon'ble Union Minister forAgriculture and Food Processing lndustries, Governmentof lndia visited Indian G rassland & Fodder Researchlnstitute, Jhansi on January 30, 201 1. He was accompaniedby Shri Pradeep Jain 'Aditya', Hon'ble Union State Ministerfor Rural Development, Govt. of lndia. Dr S Ayyappan,Secretary DARE and Director General ICAR, Dr PK Basu,Secretary DAC, Dr AK Singh, DDG NRM, Dr SK Datta,DDG Crops Science, ICAR were present on the occasion.Dr KA Singh Director IGFRI and Dr SK Dhyani, Director,NRCAF, Jhansi welcomed the dignitaries. During the visit,Hon'ble Minster of Agrilculture laid the foundation stone ofGolden Jubilee Gate of lGFRl, Jhansi. Hon'ble Ministers,visited the research fields of IGFRI and NRCAF to see theongoing research activities, took an overview of IGFRImuseum and appreciated the efforts made by the twoo rgan isations.

ln his address Shri Sharad Pawar expressed that hewas eager to visit these lnstitutes for a long time andcongratulated the scientists of IGFRI and NRCAF for theirconstant efforts for the cause of the farmers in this difficultsoil and climatic conditions. He stressed need fordevelopment of fodder and feed resources so that the hugelivestock population in the country is fed adequately. Hepointed out that the dietary habits of people are changingand the demand for milk, meat and eggs is increasing whichhas put a greater responsibility upon farmers to meet thegrowing demand. The demand of milk is increasing by 5%whereas the production is increasing by only 3%. There are11% of the animals of the world in lndia with 3% of Iandarea. The priority of the farmers is to grow food grains tofeed the human beings and growing fodder crop is generallyneglected. There is a deficit of 60% green fodder, 21"/" dry

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A scientists-farmers interaction was organised with theHon'ble Ministers. A large number of farmers, press andmedia persons attended this programme. ln this sessionthe Director's of both the lnstitutes presented a brief note ofthe activities being undertaken at their respective lnstitutes.

Shri Pradeep Jain 'Aditya', MoS Rural Development,Govt. of lndia, in his address informed about the keeninterest and concern of Hon'ble Minister of Agriculturetowards the problems of farmers and the conditioris ofBundelkhand region.

fodder and 64% concentrate mixture. Thus, inadequatefeeding of animals result in lower productivity and poor healthof the animals. Hence, every effort should be made toincrease the forage and feed supply so that livestockproductivity is increased and the growing demand of milkand meat is met. New forage varieties of fodder crops shouldbe developed, and the seeds should be timely madeavailable at adequate prices. For this the 40 agriculturalUniversities in the country should come forward to producethe seeds required by the farmers. He also showed concern


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r'*'- ---**'i ,-'==*, ?'*houghts from IGFR

Potential and Oppoftunitiesparticularly the energy, fat, protein, amino acids and minerals.Forages are good sources of carotenoids and xanthophyllspigments to improve carcass and egg quality. Theyare important for intestinal motility and thus preventconstipation. They are natural sources of nutrients and otherneutraceutical agents like omega 3 fatty acids andecono mtze non-ruminant production by sparing use of cerealgrains and cakes in their diets.

There are a large number of sources of forages for non-ruminants like bluegrass (Poa prafensis, P. annua),bromegrass (Bromus inermis), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), redclover, beans, banana (Musa cavendishii) and plantains(Musa paradisiacat), cassava (Manihot esculenta), sweetpotato 0pomea batafas) , yam (Dioscorea spp), cocoyam ortaro (Coocasia esculenta), Nacedero (T gigantean), leucaena(Leucaena leucocephala), Gliricidia sepium, stylosanthesmeal, ci-:laya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius), pigeon pea (Cajanuscajan), aquatic plants like duck weed and water spinach(lpomoea aquatica) etc. which can be used in the diets ofswine, poultry and rabbits to prepare economical diets togive higher return to the farmers.

Non ruminants require higher nutrients density diets(more requirements for minerals and vitamins) than ruminantsdue to their digestive differences. Due to deficiency of thesenutrients in cereal grains and cakes, diets of non-ruminantare frequently imbalanced. There seems to ample scope toharness the nutritional potential of forages (from cultivatedcrops, tree leaves/shrubs and other aquatic sources) to makethe non-ruminant production more sustainable, economic andmarket oriented/driven. Following are some of the grey nichesthat need to be explored/focused/targeted to realize theimportance of forages in non-ruminant nutrition. There isneed to screening of forages for amino acids balance andmineral contents, exploitation of forages for carotenoids andxanthophylls contents to improve marketing quality of poultryproducts, breeding of forages for higher mineral and vitamincontents, screening of leaf meals from unconventionat feedresources for non ruminant feeding and exploitation of antioxidant and other neutraceutical properties of foragesparticularly for pigs and poultry.'

'llf prices of milk, eggs and meat are to be containedthe government should take concrete steps to reduce thecost of livestock feed. lt must eliminate the high duties onimported feed additives and aminoacids, slash expcrtincentives given to oil meal traders and remove excise dutyon molasses used in cattle feed."




(K.A. Singh)Director

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Western Hegilomal Research Station rcFml, Avikanagar

The western Regional Research Station (WRRS) ofIGFRI (Avikanagar, Rajasthan) was established in 1gB7 tocater to the needs of semi-arid regions of lndia.

Mandate$F Applied research on range species, fodder trees and

cultivated fodder speciesq* Seed production of range grasses, legumes and fodder

tree spp.# Transfer of technology related to forage production

Research ProjectsStation has completed two network collaborative projects,one AP Cess Fund project and 06 institute funded projects.At present 05 lnstitute funded projects are in operations

Research AchievementsYarieties released

Pearl millet variety AVKB-19 (dual type) developed byselection, has been released for cultivation as a dual purposevariety for the tropical and sub-tropical areas of north-westzone comprising the states of Haryana, Rajasthan, punjaband Gujarat. This variety is resistant to lodging and majordiseases and pests.

Plant Genetlc Hesourcs (PGn) Activities231 germplasm lines of cluster bean were collbcted

from Rajasthan and Karnataka and 70 germplasm lines of

pearl millet from Rajasthan. 280 lines of C. ciliaris and 45lines of C. setigerus were obtained from lGFRl, Jhansi.Promising lines were identified for development of superiorgenotypes. Seeds of cluster bean and pearl milletgermplasm lines were deposited with NBPGR, New Delhifor long term storage and with lGFRl, Jhansi for mediumterm storage. lC nos. have been given to the germplasmlines deposited with NBPGR.

Entries in co-ordinated trials: Five entries of pearlmillel,2 entries of Cenchrus ciliaris and 3 entries of clusterbean were evaluated in the AICRP(FC) trials during 2003 to2007.

Genetic variability among 30 pearl millet genotypes:The genotypes widely varied in their mean grben fodder yield(256.1-426.1 q/ha), dry matter yield (47.2-80.5 q/ha) andseed yield (9.78-16.93 q/ha). High green fodder and drymatter yielding genotypes were VIPT-2023, JBV-2 andAVKB-19 while high seed yield were obtained in VIPT-2023,wCC-75 and D-23. vlPT-2023 (fodder- 5.90 q/ha) and pusaBajri-266 (grain-1.91 q/ha) were highest protein yietdinggenotypes.

Effect of N level (0, 30, 60 & g0 kg/ha) and cuttingschedule (no cut, cut at 30 & 40 DAS) in pearl milletvar., AVKB-I9 : There was significant increase in the greenfodder yield with the application of 30 kg (29 .z%) & 60 kgN/ha (20.9%) over 0 kg (133.9 q/ha) and 30 kg N/ha. Theincrease in GFY was non-significant when the nitrogen dosewas further increased from 60 to g0 kg N/ha. Green fodderyield was significantly higher in cut at 40 DAS (1 .T times)over cut at 30 DAS (134,7 q/ha). Application of nitrogenincreased the yield significantly by 24% at 30 kg N/ha overcontrol (38.5 q/ha).

Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on Cenchrusciliaris : Application of 60 and 90 kg N/ha producedsignificantly higher dry matter (3.53 and 3.BB tlharespectively) over 30 kg N/ha (2.94 t/ha). lncreasing trendin yield of grass was also recorded with increasing doses ofphosphorus.

Effect of fertilizer and spacing on seed productionof C,setigerus : The seed production of C. setigerus wassignificantly higher (2.42 q/ha) in 80x20 cm spacing andfertilizer level N: P 30:60 kg/ha as compared to othertreatments.

Comparison of fodder yield in oat and barley: outof 6 entries of oats and 5 entries of barley evaluated forfodder yield contributing attributes, it was observed that GFYand DMY (q/ha) were significantly higher in oats, oS sz4by 36 .B% and 28.4% respectively over Kent (132.2 and21 .2q/ha). GFY and DMY of JHO 851 were lower in single cutbut sum of the two cuts was highest among all entries tested.Higher biomass (6.5%) and grain yield (18.8%) was recordedin JHO 822 over Kent (88.9 and 20.2 q/ha),

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ln barley signif icantly higher GFY (38 .S"h), DMy(ix#7%) and grain yield (29.1%) were recorded in KTsBover RD 2552 (check) (103.4, 18.1 and 15.1 q/ha).

Role of vAM fungi in management of root-knot andstunt nematodes on berseeffi, lucerne and cowpea: Themost common endophyte, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal(VAM) fungi species recorded in the rhizosphere of the plantswere Glomus fasciculatum, G. aggregatum, G. mosseae.Host specificity was recorded in terms of per cent rootcolonisation at inter and intra specific levels in Medicago,Trifolium and range grasses.

DAP @ B0 kg/ha with vAM gave maximum fodder yieldin followed by DAP @ 80 kg/ha alone. The percent rootcolonisation was not affected by the source and levels ofphosphorus.

Network Collaborative ProiectCrop based animal production systems: The relativedensity of Cenchrus ciliariswas highest in rotational (39.80)followed by deffered (35.15). Rotational system gave highestforage yield (7.75 Vha) and lowest in cut & carry system(2.35 Vha). ln December, biomass was lowest in all thesystems. Run-off was highest in bare plot 52.36 m3. lha.

Role of BiofertilizerEffect of nitrogen levels and Azospirillum (a

biofertilizer) on yield of pearl millet : Green fodder yieldsignificantly increased by 10.8% (330 q/ha) with theapplication of 30 kg N/ha to 13.9% (339 q/ha) at 60 kg N/haover no application of nitrogen (298 q/ha). Seed yieldsignificantly increased by 9.8% (14.0 q/ha) with theapplication of 30 kg N/ha to 12.0% (14.3 q/ha) at 60 kg N/ha over no application of nitrogen (12.7 q/ha. Combinedapplication of 30 kg N/ha and biofertilizer increased GFY(13 .0%) and seed yield (1 1 .6%) over control (no nitrogen,no biofertilizer) (287.9 and 12.3 q/ha GFY and seed yield,respectively). Application of 30 kg N/ha and seed inoculationwith Azospirillum was a better fertiltzer combination foroptimum fodder and seed yield.

Effect of biofertiltzer on seed production ofCenchrus ciliaris : Seed yield significantly increased by14,8% (1 .46 q/ha) with the application of 20 kg N/ha to30.8% (1 .66 q/ha) at 60 kg N/ha over no application ofnitrogen (1 .27 q/ha). Seed inoculation with Azospirillumsignificantly increased seed yield by 1 3.5% (1 .58 q/ha) andwith Azotobacterby 9.1% (1 .52 q/ha) over no inoculation (1 .39q/ha).

Organic Fodder Production

Lucerne : Highest green fodder yield 333.0 qlha(49.63%) was recorded in the treatment seed soaking inPanchgavya (10%) + Panchgavya foliar spray (10%).Similarly, seed soaking with Ghomutra (10%) + foliar sprayGhomutra (10%) enhanced the GFY 324 q/ha (45 .69%).

Guinea grass : There were significant differences inthe varietal response to treatments. Variety Makueni yieldedhighest green fodder amongst the three varieties yielding

236 q/ha in two cuts with the treatment vermicompost (5 t/ha) + Panchgavyal0/", excelling by a4.1% overthe control(163.8 q/ha); followed with Panchgavya and Ghomutra alone.There were significant differences in response to foliar sprayover the control.

Seed productionSeed production of range grasses/legumes : The stationhas a major responsibility for seed production of rangegrasses and legumes. During the period 1989-2010, thestation has supplied 195 q seeds of Cenchrus species todifferent organisations and has generated revenue of aboutRs. 14 lakh for the lnstitute. The station has produced 23,9q breeder seed of Institute released cluster bean varietiesas per DAC indents. The Station also produced 62.5 q TFLseed of the pearl millet variety, AVKB-19.

Extension Actlvitiesii{s Participation in Sheep Mela(s) organized by CSWRI,

Avikanagar, exhibitions of ICAR institutes and otherorganisations.

iw Participated in the exhibition in state level programme'Jal Utsav' organised by CECOEDECON and otherorganisations at Jaipur on 19.03 .2004.

qr Organised Kisan Mela avam Chara Sanghosti on24.08.2005 and Kisan Mela avam Chara Sanghosfi on03.09 .2007,

:= Supplied seed of Cenchrus ciliaris and C. setigerustodifferent Jal Grahan Samaitis in Tonk District (SoilConservation Department, Govt. of Rajasthan), and toother institutes/organizalions for soil and waterconservation.

#, Seed of bajra, AVKB-19, Cenchrus spp. and root slipsof hybrid Napier and Guinea grass were supplied fordemonstration/fodder production to different goshalasin Rajasthdn, Krishi Vigyan Kendras of MPUA&T,Udaipur and Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner(Rajasthan).

Other activities+il Organized Herbage Seed Workshop sponsored by the

lndo-UK forage production project from Sept.29-30, 1999at Jaipur.

,,g& Organized6th meeting of Research Advisory Committee(RAC) for IGFRI on April3,2000 at Jaipur.

iffs Organised National Symposium on 'Augmenting ForageResources in Arid and Semi-arid Regions : Long TermStrategies' in association with RMSI, Jhansi at Jaipur(Rajasthan) from Nov. 19-20, 2005.

Honours/awards&r The Station was awarded first prize in the Kisan Mela -

cum - exhibition organized by CSWRI at Avikanagar on04.01 .2005.

ffi The Station was awarded 2nd Prize in Western RegionalKisan Mela and Exhibition at IGAU, Raipur (Chattisgarh)from February 1 4-17,2006.

Dr RK Jain, PS & OIC and Dr RP Nagar, Scientist (SS)

...Contd on page 7

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tMcThe xxxlv meeting of !nstitute Management

committee was held on i"o February 2011 ,,io.r thechairmanship of Dr KA Singh, Director, lGFRl, Jhansi.Shri Sharma Puran, Dr RP Singh Director Animal Husbandry,Lucknow, Dr SK Gupta, Dr SK Sharma, Dr Amresh Chandra,Dr vK Gupta, Dr uP singh PS and Sr.Ao, IGFRI, Jhansi

Meetingattended the meeting. The members appreciatedurn.research activities at IGFRI and its regional researchstations. The committee approved the proposals forpurchase of equipments, revised the estimate for constructionof office-cum-lab Building at WRRS, Avikanagar, conversionof discipline of scientific posts and redeployment ofadministrative posts besides taking up other matter.

The XXXV meeting of Institute Management Committeewas held on N/arch 4, 2011 under the chairmanship ofDr KA Singh, Director lGFRl, Jhansi. Shri Sharma Puran,Dr SK Sharma, Dr Amresh Chandra, Dr VK Gupta,Dr BK Bhadoria and Dr UP Singh PS & SAO, lGFRl, Jhansiattended the meeting. The committee approved theproposals for purchase of tractor operated mower-chaffer-loader having hydraulic control, security proposal at lGFRl,Jhansi, construction of office-cum-lab building at HillyRegional Research Station, Srinagar.

(GP Nigam and Shailendra Sinha)

NICRA: Technology demonstration in participatory demonstration and actionresearch projectlaunched at village Kadesara of District Lalitpur

A new project on Technology demonstration in aparticipatory demonstration and action research lGFRl, wasinitiated under the guldance of Dr KA Singh, Director underthe umbrella of nationwide programme on, "National lnitiativeon Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)", with CRIDA,Hyderabad as the lead centre. A workshop was organizedat the Kadesara village of Lalitpur district of Bundelkhandregion on 16.03 .2011 to sensitize the farmers about theclimatic vulnerabilities and its impact on the predominantcrops of the region. On this occasion two leaflets on the'Project Profile' and'Berseem Cultivation' were released byDr. Sunil Kumar, Head Crop Production Division. The projectwill focus on the technologies like real time contingencyplan implementation, rain water harvesting and its judicioususe, efficient energy use and alternate land use systems

for carbon sequestration. ln the initial phase the core activitywill comprise of the PRA and benchmark survey of 30beneficiaries and finalization of interventions at farm levels.The project also emphasises on adoption of all the improvedpackages of practices for each crop and improved packagesof practices/real time crop contingency plan based on theexperience and feedback from the farmers. The aboveprogramme has convergence with the ongoing programmeslike ATMA, National Horticulture Mission (NHM) and Statedepartment of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry and DASPLalitpur. The Project is expected to create awareness andequip farmers with climate resilient technologies and climaticrisk management in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh.

(R K Agrawal, Satyapriya, JB Singh,SK Rai and Sunil Kumar)

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An off campus training programme sponsored by NAlp.v

ofl, "Vraksh adharit padhyati dwara chara utpadan avamsanraksharl', with focus on tree based fodder productionand conservation through various systems, was organi zedfor 50 participants on March 1 s,201 1 at Bamhori, Kulpahaadof district h/ahoba.


Dr Kumar Durgesh, Scientist(Plant Breeding) joined IGFRI on18.01.2011,


ICAR zonal Sports Meet, western zone - zone v wasorganized at lG FRI, Jhansi f rom 1 5-1 9 Feb ruary , 2011 . 1 osports contingents from ICAR lnstitutes of west zonecomprising of more than 600 sports persons and officialsfrom various states like Maharashtra, God, Gujarat,Rajasthan, Delhi and UP participated. The inaugural functionwas held on 1Sth Feb ruary 2001 1 in which Dr VS Tomar, ViceChancellor Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindhia KrishiVishwavidhalaya, Gwalior, graced the occasion as the ChiefGuest. Shri Ashok Kumar (Dhyanchand) former Olympianand Arjuna award winner (Hockey) and Dr SK Dhyani,Director, NRCAF also graced the occasion as Guest ofHonour. The inaugural function started with various culturalprograrnmes and tableaus of various states were displayed

by children of Krishi Nagar Colony which was highlyappreciated by the dignitaries and sporls persons. Duringthe sports meet a total ol 34 sports events (including indoorand outdoor events) were organized. The best contingentaward in the march past was awarded to CIRCOT, Mumbai.Dr (Ms) G Smitha, DMAPR, Anand was adjudged the bestathlete (woman) and Shri Bhuvnesh Verma , CAZRI, Jodhpurwas adjudged the best athlete (men). Outstanding athleteof the sports meet was conferred upon Dr (Ms) G Smitha,DMAPR, Anand. lGFRl, Jhansi was adjudged the overallChampion for the all round performance during the meet.

The closing ceremony took place on 19th February 2011in which Shri Subodh Khandekar, former olympian (hockey)graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

...Contd from page 5

received Certificate of Merit on lnstitute's 46th FoundationDay (1 .1 1 ,2007) for their contribution in release andnotification of variety Avika Bajra Chari (AVKB-19) inthe year 2006.

E The Station was awarded 1't prize for Exhibition in theSheep Mela and Exhibition organized by CSWRI,Avikanagar on 4.1 .2009.

PublicationsThe station has to its credit 31 research papers (in

national & international journals); 53 abstracts in national orinternational seminars/symposia; 01 edited book; 17 bookchapters; 01 status paper; 02 calalogues and 12 leaflets/bulletin in Hindi,

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Published by the Director, lndian Grassland and Fodder Research lnstitute (lndian Council of Agricultural Research), Jhansi -.?84 003

Telephone:0510-2730666 Fax:05'l 0-2730833 E-mail:igfri@ igf ri.ernet.in;igf [email protected] Website: http://igf ri.ernet.in;http://www.igfri.org and printed at M/s Royal Offset Printers, A€9/1 , Naraina lndustrial Area, Phase-1 , New Delhi-1 10 028

Editors: Anil Kumar, AK Dixit, AK Rai, N Shahid, AK Saxena and Shailendra Sinha Assistance : AK Singh

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