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Unit g321

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Page 1: Unit g321


By Fahad Nazor

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5a: Who watches thrillers? & Target Audiences (TA)The Thriller is one of if not the biggest film genres ever to exist and

be invented, as you may already know it contains many subgenre’s within itself that can all be categorized into completely different movie types that contain many different codes and conventions but all meeting the same success criteria, which is; using scenes from the movie/film to effectively engage the viewers in order to create feelings of: suspense, tension, anxiety, fear, curiosity, excitement and the stimulation of an adrenaline rush which are all the ingredients that add up to create the important emotional aspect that make Thriller movies such a thrill to watch to the people who enjoy the experience of having all those feelings built up into them during a special period of time, whether in the cinema or at home.

Although the codes and conventions of each and every sub thriller genre may be very similar, there are some differences to them that make each distinct from each other. These different rules often have the purpose of attracting and fulfilling the pleasures of a many different but certain audience types with similar audience demographic information. For example…

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5a: Psychological thriller’s ‘TA’

The psychological thriller is one of the most technical and complicated thriller subgenres because of the demand of its codes and conventions.

The target audience of a psychological thriller would include BOTH male and females aged 18+, age is very important in this subgenre because it commonly includes a large use of violence and some psychological issues and events that can be too disturbing and explicit for younger viewers. However it is said that psychological thrillers tend to be very popular with men aged 18-25 who are in the process of facing the transition from teenagers to young adults but still have the elements of a teenager’s characteristics within them that would give them that urge and dare to test there emotions with the bonus of pleasurable violent scenes through this type of movie. But it would mainly consist of viewers of that specifically enjoy and get pleasure from watching blood filled, super natural and mysterious moving pictures.

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5a: Famous Psychological Thrillers

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5a: Action thriller’s ‘TA’

The Action thriller is definitely one of the most popular of the many thriller subgenres that we can be familiar with. This is mainly due to its very large ‘mass target audience’ and pleasurable features as well as its exciting although very expensive codes and convention baseline rules.

This chart shows a number of different types of movies released on one weekend in the U.K (Weekend 11 - 13 October 2013 UK box office)

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5a: Action thriller’s ‘TA’ Continued

Just by looking and studying that table which I found from http://www.bfi.org.uk/education-research/film-industry-statistics-research/weekend-box-office-figures

I could see that just in that week a total of 10 out of the 15 movies released were action thrillers of some sort which is 2/3rds equaling about 67 % showing how the genre took up the majority in the type of movie genres released in that week itself. Looking further on into the chart, I could also see that most of the action thriller movies e.g. white house down and insidious 2 made a Total Gross income (to date) of numbers way over the 1million mark in terms of profit. This researched information itself justifies my point that action thriller movies are one of the most popular of the thriller genre as the demand from its mass audience is very high which therefore allows me to come to the conclusion that, the reason why thrillers like these are so successful is because of its mass target audience, the more people that want to watch your movie which in this case is nearly everyone, as it can distribute many different type of pleasures through the thrill in its action for people of all ages all backgrounds, all races and both genders.

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5a: Famous Action Thrillers

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5a: Horror thriller’s ‘TA’

There are those thrillers that are borderline horror films, they contain very similar codes and conventions but with abit more suspense and excitement. Films such as M. Night Shyamalan films , Signs, The Village are all very typical good examples of the this as they make it easy to tell the difference between a basic horror and a thriller under the subgenre horror. Since they're close to horror (and horror films tend to mainly target teenage girls to get the best out of the thrill they try to distribute), the demographic would be slightly different... probably younger and a bit more male based/ focused school kids and teenagers. This because of the extra inclusion of violence and highly tense scenes which young males like to challlenge themselves with.

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5a: Famous Horror Thrillers

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5b: Who would be the audience for your film?..My target audience profile:The genre of my opening sequence will be a horror thriller. I will first of all make

sure this will be easily recognizable by viewers and my targeted audience by using sinister music, non diagetically, with a few diagetic sounds added in, rare viewing of the main characters in the sequence which will add mystery and intrigue the audience. The lighting will be low key with a large and consistent use of the color black white and grey not only to keep the viewers guessing and create suspense right from the beginning but to also how that the film will not be comedic or upbeat with possible violence. The camera shots will be jumpy and will quickly cut between different angles.

The target audience for my title sequence will be people who like dark, exciting, suspense filled ‘scary’ horror thriller movies with confusing plot twists and bloody action. YouTube statistics on some trailers of horror/thriller movies has told me that my main target audience would be females between the ages of 13 and 19, and males between the age of 18 and 30. This is a very specific round up due to the fact that the element of horror within this type of movie will be shown to be most effective when shown to young female because of how they’re known to be easily frightened although very daring when it comes to watching horrors which is perfect. Whilst the audience young men are easily attracted to such movies because of their willing urge to challenge themselves and their emotions by watching films of high emotional capability and demand.

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5c: my target audience profile continued…

Examples of other films that the audience I am intending to reach might have watched include the following, Scream, Seven, Woman in black and insidious. These are some of my influences to the type of film I am planning on creating an opening sequence for. They have psychological elements to unnerve and confuse the audience, causing suspense meeting the horror success criteria.

With my target audience overall, I am looking to connect to a wide range of people from young teenage girls still in school who enjoy typical girly hobbies like sleep over's who will be easily tempted to watch my sequence but also easily scared allowing it to come to full affect, to young pride filled male adults who enjoy watching such tension packed, suspense building, emotion challenging movies for the fun and thrill of it.

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5c: What is film distribution? The distribution of a film (or movie) is the

process through which a movie is made available to watch for an audience by a film distributor. This task may be accomplished in a variety of ways; for example, with a theatrical release, a home entertainment release (in which the movie is made available on DVD-Video or Blu-ray Disc) or a television program for broadcast syndication and may include digital distribution. The main aim of the company by distributing the film is for it to reach the target audience intended at the most effective time and with the most efficient way if this is done successfully then the film companies benefit as they make profit from its release to consumers who will bring the money.

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5c: The process of film distribution

Someone has an idea for a movie. They create an outline and use it along with big name actors to promote

interest in the idea. A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights to the film. People are brought together to make the film (screenwriter, producer,

director, cast, crew). The film is completed and sent to the studio. The studio makes a licensing agreement with a distribution company. The distribution company determines how many copies (prints) of the film to

make. The distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buyers

representing the theaters. The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on which movies they

wish to lease and the terms of the lease agreement. The prints are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day. The theater shows the movie for a specified number of weeks

(engagement). You buy a ticket and watch the movie. At the end of the engagement, the theater sends the print back to the

distribution company and makes payment on the lease agreement.

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5c: Examples of major film distributors

Cbs films All star pictures American film intitute Columbia pictures Universal studios 20th century fox Warner Bros Paramount films

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5d: Independent and major distributors

An Independent Distributor is a person who sells products for a multilevel marketing company while acting as an independent contractor. They are also sometimes called an Independent Representative (IR) or an Independent Sales Representative.

a distributor is an individual or organization who will represent your film at festivals and markets around the world and who will attempt to sell it to television (including terrestrial, cable and satellite), airlines and other companies that show short films. The major short film distributors in the UK are (in alphabetical order): Dazzle, Futureshorts, Network Ireland TV and Shorts International.

Whereas a major distributor is generally an organization who handles the theatrical release of a film in a particular country as well as the marketing and circulation of films for home viewing (DVD, Video-On-Demand, Download, Television etc). Often feature films have different independent distributors representing them in different territories and different distributors handling the home-viewing circulation. Independent film distribution in the UK is generally managed by indie distributors such as Metrodome, Optimum Releasing and Momentum.

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5d: Research on 2 independent film distributors - 1

Metrodome Group Ltd: is a London-based company that owns, manages and distributes film, TV and digital content. The Company operates through two divisions: Metrodome Distribution (features films and home entertainment in the UK) and Hollywood Classics. The Company's library of rights includes over 300 feature films. This successful compoany have distributed many films such as the very successful and popular ‘Scarface’ and ‘Blow out’ and Alfred Hitchcock's ‘Sycho’ for example. Metrodome represent Warner Bros. (MGM titles from before 1986), Universal Studios and Twentieth Century Fox 

They’re main methods of distribution are international exhibitors, broadcasters and home entertainment distributors. This group are also involved in distributing a growing number of studio classic films for the DVD markets as well as a library of over 700 (mostly European) films for television, DVD and VOD.

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5d: Research on 2 independent film distributors - 2

Ignite films: is a B2B distribution company for a world-wide market. 

Ignite films has more than 20 years of broad experience in the restoration, marketing and distribution of (American) Classic Film. Formerly known as TV Matters, IGNITE owns, maintains and sells media rights to more than 200 Classic titles world-wide. From 1996, the company had significantly upgraded over 100 Classic films from its Digital Library through digital wetgate transfer from film to tape, color correction and digital audio and video restoration. Starting in 2004, IGNITE FILMS began the exciting transition to High Definition standard; performing film transfers from the original film elements (held at UCLA Film & Television Archives) of its Select Features Library. IGNITE is dedicated to the films of the past and committed to using the best technology available to present them far into the future!

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