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Using Social Media For Fundraising

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Slides from Social Media for Fundraising workshop for Cambridge CVS on 19th August 2014
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Cambridge CVS 19 th August 2014 Cambridge Paul Webster – Digital Skills Advisor & Community Builder @watfordgap Using Social Media For Fundraising
  • 1. Cambridge CVS 19th August 2014 Cambridge Paul Webster Digital Skills Advisor & Community Builder @watfordgap Using Social Media For Fundraising
  • 2. Telling your story online The importance of a social media plan Funding websites, some of the platforms What is Crowdfunding and examples of use How to use social media websites to boost income Some ideas for the future Session Topics
  • 3. How can we raise funds on-line? Channels - Websites - Social Media / Networks - Mobile Platforms Important to look at how all 3 combine
  • 4. Do you raise money from the community to support the work of your organisation? Does your organisation use ICT? Do you use any Digital Tools for fundraising? About You
  • 5. Lets play a game!
  • 6. Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences with: Did you know you can.. The rest of us just want to get on with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want to talk about the people we work with, the communities were in and the issues were passionate about. We want to find and talk to people who can help us get change, deliver services or make a difference. Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having conversations, having a space to do that it just happens that the space is on a computer. (From How to use New Media - Media Trust). On line collaborative conversations.. 'The Conversational Web', not a Broadcast. Listen more than talk
  • 7. Social media is online media that starts conversations, encourages people to pass it on to others, and finds ways to travel on its own. Idealware - http://www.idealware.com
  • 8. Is your organisation on Social Media? No? Probably Yes! Who is using Social Media? Does your organisation have a website that is interactive? Have you got a blog? Do you use YouTube or Flickr? Are you on Facebook? Do you Tweet? Do you use web tools to improve organisational efficiency? Have you checked?! How are you being represented? How are others marketing what you do?
  • 9. Youre Famous!
  • 10. http://socialmediatoday.com/kate-rose-mcgrory/2040906/uk-social-media-statistics-2014 - @socialmedia2day Not something to be ignored. Now is always the right time ... tomorrow isn't 96% of internet users aged 18-34 are on one of more social networks Use of social networks is 64% of all the time spent on the internet in UK The main networks Facebook 31.5 million users, 26% are Aged 25-34 (Comscore Dec 2013) Twitter 15 million users, 40% just read & don't post (Twitter Sept 2013) Linkedin 10 million users (Linkedin Mar 2013) Google+ 3.9 million active users (12.6 mill reg'd) (Weare.social Dec 2013) For media YouTube is the second most popular search engine Pinterest massive growth from 200k in 2011 to 2 million in July 2013
  • 11. Why use Social Media? We're all 'content creators'. Our message is as valid as anyone's whatever size organisation. Our fundraising activity can be just as effective Increased Reach - traditional reporting barriers broken down and communities empowered Tasks that took days, take hours, News that took minutes takes seconds! Conversation not Broadcast. Listen more than you talk. 'The leveller'. All community voices can be heard together.
  • 12. Increases speed of communication fastest way to (Action) spread messages than through social networking. Less of financial cost - expense may be time Widens message to people/groups that could be missed (Awareness) using traditional methods viral marketing campaigns hugely powerful creating awareness extremely efficiently. Friends tell their friends. Deepens to build new and different networks (Fundraising) communities of interest to bounce ideas off and share experiences, increase commitment and belonging for campaigning activity. Show understanding and start some conversations! Think of an activity your organisation does ... How could it be helped by social media?
  • 13. Generate on-line conversations, promotion and awareness (Change) about the work or latest campaign by the organisation. Use RSS and Google Alerts to stay ahead of developments in your area of interest Joins together communities who are interested in similar (Action) things, have the same likes or are striving for the same objectives. Tell your visitors and supporters about your work in a new way Consider all Five of these together and you have tools that are very powerful Social Media For Social Good Commoncraft Video explaining Social Media Think of an activity your organisation does ... How could it be helped by social media?
  • 14. Giving Digitally to Charities 30% of all UK web traffic from phone/tablet (ComScore Dec 2012) 48% of traffic to JustGiving is from mobile device of which 17% is from Facebook alone Most popular Charity Interactions Facebook 55.9% Female Youtube 31% Male But only 11% of donations by text Large charities spend as much as 12% of their income on generating funds (for small charities its around 5%). (2013 'Give As You Live' Digital Donor Survey http://www.giveasyoulive.com/digitaldonorreview http://www.flickr.com/photos/intelfreepress/9070772122/sizes/o/in/photostream/
  • 15. Which Tools do you use now? In pairs share how you would fundraise for a cause now What is your cause or campaign? Which tools & methods of communication are you using? Face to Face, Direct Mail, Print, E-mail Why these? What are their limitations? Which are effective? How much do they cost? Which is best value? What are the issues and challenges you face? What is holding you back?
  • 16. There's a 'problem' with social media fundraising in the sector Where to start Knowledge Confidence / Fear Capacity / Resources Access Time Cost Scepticism Any more?
  • 17. Have a plan for your storytelling Know your objectives and have a clear message Help local homeless community people to live and eat well Research where your audience are do you know? Listen to find out, work in spaces where your target audience are Tie together a strategy for the story who / how Which voice is best to tell What style of conversation best to use Choose tool to match audience and implement Look at what other organisations have done & works well? Don't neglect your 'offline' spaces and use 'hooks' to this content Sustain the conversation and say thank you Encourage people to return, keep it new, links from websites Engage with people on line, be receptive, respond, react
  • 18. Start Conversations - Build a following It can be difficult to get people to come to you... ...its easier to go to where people are To participate, people are reluctant to learn a 'new network AND new topic' Question - Ask yourself and your organisation: Do you know who is your audience is & how they communicate? Are they already using social media sites (and which ones)? Build a genuine open relationship first, engagement follows
  • 19. Media Channels Make it Personable Press releases are dull (OK at Start & End) Use Mixed Media and combinations by audience Audio - Audioboo Photos - Instagram Video - Youtube Have a website even just a Wordpress, Squarespace or Weebly site to Tell your Stories
  • 20. Media Channels Takes web or paper based giving to the next, immediate level. Create a buzz! Use Facebook to build a Group and conversation for the Page about your fundraising campaign Use Twitter to discover what others are posting about your fundraising campaign But make sure they all point back to your website the space you have control on look and feel as 65% of donors check this before donating.
  • 21. Build your Narrative and Build Success 1.
  • 22. Build your Narrative and Build Success Started by Scottish 9 year old Martha Payne in April 2012 as a school writing project to document lunchtime meals Seen by social media users but as not all reviews of the food were good the local council tried to close it down which generated MORE interest! Martha appeared on TV & Newspapers and always replied to many comments on blog and featured worldwide meal pictures Chef Jamie Oliver supported campaign to get better school meals and link to the Mary's Meals JustGiving campaign raising funds for school food in Africa. Small targets set to support this campaign But...
  • 23. Build your Narrative and Build Success Initial target of 7,000 now at 142,738 for Mary's Meals A book of the story has been published to raise more funds A local council changed it's social media policy The blog has over 10,000,000 hits But the important part... Children who would have been hungry in African schools are now being fed!
  • 24. Bring in Mobile - All the tools in one place All the tools we had are are now part of our mobile devices http://q-ontech.blogspot.co.uk Here are some we can use to raise funds or
  • 25. Audience for Mobile http://www.textsprout.com (2013) By 2013 : 900 million Android Devices 600 million iOS Devices 82% of all UK mobile phone sales are smart phones 21% of US web users use ONLY a mobile device to go on-line 17% of Global Web Traffic from mobile devices 81% never turn their phone off, 30% check when they wake up Mobile IS overtaking the Desktop for web access
  • 26. Mobile Websites By 2015 mobile overtakes desktop for web use How does your website look on a smartphone? Make website responsive (test across platforms) Avoid excessive text, images & tiny buttons & Flash / Animations Make donor sign up very easy with clear call to action Make it 'Socially Sharable' Minimise data entry no long forms Remember visitors may be on slow connection
  • 27. Giving by SMS Offered choice of 1, 3, 5 & 10, most frequent donation is 5 (Instagive Feb 2014) Make the Action Clear and the Transaction Simple Can be a one-off 'appeal' or regular monthly SMS which donor can respond with amount or 'SKIP'
  • 28. Jack Draws Anything 6yr old Jack Henderson - drawing pictures for friends for Sick Kids Friends Hospital in Edinburgh who were caring for his brother. Local Media Coverage National Media 2 weeks 536 requests, 10k raised Built on a free website Link together social network sites & make it easy for visitors to Like or to Follow. 7400 Facebook Likes, 1000 Twitter Followers 2000 emails a week, 400k website visits, 5.8 million Facebook views! Wanted to raise 100 - over 59,000 raised Uses a Just Giving page to manage donations Completed 500 drawings Book of 290 drawings published
  • 29. Audio charity shop awareness raising Visit Less intrusive way to let people know about uour work & campaigns Embed in website Comments make conversations Instant reporting when editing not a concern Audacity free software for recording and converting to MP3 to load to the web http://audioboo.fm/boos/191031-snapped-by-the-charity- shop#t=0m37s
  • 30. Use the camera - Photos Posts on Facebook with an image get 53% more Likes than without. (Social Media Examiner) Use visuals in blogs, tweets and posts .. share pictures on Instagram & Pinterest Include message to donate, to announce hashtag and to Thank
  • 31. Use the camera - Video 66% of world's web traffic will be video by 2017 25% of videos on Youtube are watched on mobile Instagram videos - twice the engagement as pics https://vine.co/v/b5tnVIVjt2M
  • 32. Important to meet people where they are and they platforms they are already on - A generation like(d) mailed / e-mail campaigns - Current 'Baby Boomers' use with social media - 'Millennials' have only known SMS and mobile as a way to communicate and engage! If your online presence doesn't allow 'share & connect' then it's invisible to many 67% of donors hear about a campaign via TV or Radio, only 28% via social media Social Media reaching the right people
  • 33. Social Media Shortens cycle Meet people where they are and on the platforms they are already on A generation like(d) mailed / e-mail campaigns Write or call Get donation pack Complete forms Post to Charity Cash Cheque Wait for Clearance ... (From www.pinterest.com/markphillips/old-charity-ads)
  • 34. Social Media Shortens cycle Current 'Baby Boomers' use social media 'Millennials' have only known SMS and mobile as a way to communicate and engage! If your online presence doesn't allow 'share & connect' then it's invisible to many Thanks - @jon_bedford & JustGiving
  • 35. Important to make profile 'followable' - DO add Pictures (logo, background, recent images), Place, Profile and Page - DON'T leave these blank or over-sell and push advertising See content of tweet, not the tweeter Accounts to follow - @fundingcentral. @ukfundraising, @justgiving A small network of quality followers often results in better conversations through shared links/knowledge than a large network of followers who never share ideas.
  • 36. Created a Twibbon based campaign with a target to raise 1000 Simple call to action Low effort tools Viral message supporters wanted the Twibbon on their avatar Reached target in 48 hours Added 2000 new followers on Twitter 2320 page views of website Dogs Trust have a very clear and simple logo, colour scheme and message across all social media sites
  • 37. Facebook on PC and Mobile Use the space on the Facebook header to promote your charity Embed links & Apps to external donation sites for fundraising Works across mobile platforms too
  • 38. Tell your story & Have Conversations
  • 39. Consistency across all websites & social networks Link closely with offline promotion
  • 40. Use website to show progress Add direct fundraising 'ask' to your website Or show multiple people who are fundraising for you in one place.
  • 41. Measuring Fundraising Success - Check how many times links are clicked on Bit.ly - Listen what's said about your organisation using Topsy - Monitor Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Wordpress visits - Measure Tweetreach, SocialBro, Social Mention, Sparkwi.se - Visualize Infographics on Visual.y, Infogr.am, My Social Strand BUT . real success is not just about the numbers - Tell stories of real people and real changes - Build relationships & success by joining in conversations - Social media presence an reflection of your organisation - Engage press, funders, supporters with pictures and video Say Thank You!
  • 42. Just Giving BmyCharity Virgin Money Giving Online Giving Sites Have different pricing structures / fees check which is best for you Very 'social' - easy to involve others from outside your fundraising campaign Buttons and widgets you can include on your own website, blog to chart progress Short cod SMS donations. Amount & campaign code (e.g. 3 DEMO12) to 70070 Small amounts on 'Click Through' and Affiliate sites can generate funds slowly
  • 43. Mobile Fundraising Ingredients A compelling story Emotive & with Actions Present Challenges, Creativity & Connections Feedback loop people like to see difference their donation makes on-line enables this to be immediate
  • 44. Recent Successful Campaigns Stephen Sutton raised 3.9million on JustGiving for Teenage Cancer Trust (aim was just 10,000) Give anywhere show friends your fundraising page in the pub or coffee shop. Work social media! Show progress updates maybe a blog, include pictures (funny or for sympathy and support) (But do check charges e.g. JustGiving 5% of donations)
  • 45. Mobile Apps for Fundraising Fundraising Dashboard and Donation Platform, e.g. Virgin 30% of their traffic from mobile in 2013 Made to be Sociable for sharing with friends and simple to get donations. Games With an action and a donation e.g Porchlight Raises awareness of rough sleepers through game-play that makes the donor think
  • 46. Kiva (loans) Crowdfunder (UK), Sponsume, Indiegogo Peoplefund.it Many People + Small Donations = Crowdfunding Ideal for a short fundraising 'push' as part of overall fundraising strategy. Inbuilt mobile social network links, but don't forget off-line promotion too. May have a money can't buy incentive. e.g. signed copy of book or visit. Some make loans (Kiva) or pledges (Pledgebank) to help developing countries realise their aims or make purchases.
  • 47. Crowdfunding If people give they all win. Builds a Community A clear and attainable fundraising target. A heartwarming story Have 'Crowdfunding Champions' passionate local supporters to generate involvement
  • 48. Crowdfunding Stretch Targets If people give they get. Generates Involvement Supporters can make small donations to the cause. Firstgiving.com includes funding evaluation tools Use video 80% of top CauseVox.com campaigns Create Twitter & Facebook 'buzz' (e.g. Crowdrise.com) Select if donations only taken if goal is reached Commission 5%-9%
  • 49. Crowdfunding Be Aware Some campaigns are not all they seem to be Use a trusted platform Benefits may be too good to be true Do you trust the timescale, amounts & goal? Genuine conversation with other supporters? What happens if goal not reached? Is there a website you can trace back to? Useful Guides on CauseVox (TechSoup) & Kimbia http://www.kimbia.com/need-feedback-crowdfunder-bill-rights/..
  • 50. Does it work for you? Think back to your cause or campaign? In pairs share how you could now fundraise your cause Can you write down your fundraising message in 140 characters, what hooks would you use? Could you blog about it? Make a video? Find a beneficiary to record an audio interview with? Make you website social? How would you interest people in what you are fundraising for? Pitch your message!
  • 51. Some Notes and Tips Think 'Mobile First' when specifying and designing a new website - increasingly where visitors come from. Only 17% of Charities have a mobile giving plan. No Time, Resources, Understanding are main barriers. The campaign may happen around you, be 'part of' it even if you didn't initiate it. Be ready to respond with donation channel if your org gets mentioned Keep community updated using social tools such as a blog during the campaign and after it's ended. (70% said this is important 2013 mGive)
  • 52. http://www.janetejohnson.com/social-media- trends-2014/ Where is the world of Social Media going next ... how can we part of it?
  • 53. NFC Near Field Communications Unicef use NFC Stickers on 'Flag Days' in Hong Kong. Tap an NFC smartphone on the sticker to take donor to the charity mobile friendly 'Donate Button' page. I'm a Volunteer Too stickers 30 times more takeup and increased reach by 6 times as others see them and continue to tap... But cost of stickers needs to be factored and if the audience has NFC enabled phones Also used on movie and music posters
  • 54. Instant giving smartphone swiping Connect via a Jack or Bluetooth App runs on Device Paypal Here (UK) IZettle (Europe) Terminal (49) and Transaction costs (2.75%) Maybe daunting to some orgs & donors Take instant payments Ideal for events and festivals Need a good internet connection
  • 55. Mobile Wallets Register Card details with Wallet service, balance deducted when payment made Google Wallet also integrated with Donate Buttons on NFP YouTube pages Simple Transaction, no need to carry bank/credit card Early adopters FOSS & Activism orgs, also now RNLI 1 bitcoin = 349 but wide variations in value of bitcoin transactions, too risky?
  • 56. Step 2 Pick one goal to pursue 1 Social network use similar to how use of telephone or newsletters was 2 Digital space is the place where people communicate, seek, read, share, purchase & network. Can't ignore it any more 3 Know your Message (WHAT), An Audience (WHO), Your Aims (WHERE) 4 Have Champion/s who can steer, update & reply, allocate time 5 Get full organisation buy-in to social media usage guidelines 6 Be clear, honest and credible. Build Trust. Web is traceable & for ever, if you don't want it in local paper (or your mother to hear!) don't post 7 Select best social media tools as part of your overall resources with added dimension they enable of social actions & conversations 8 Your flyers, your email signature and your website are the hub with many linked social media spokes leading from them 9 Your social media presence is active the moment it goes live. Be prepared! Summary - Social Media Fundraising Plan
  • 57. Key Thoughts & Links Can I tell my story on-line? How do I decide what tools I need? Which tools do you plan to now try out? Start small which one could you try out today? Mobile for Good. http://www.nptechforgood.com/2014/03/02/mobile-for- good-a-how-to-fundraising-guide-for-nonprofits/ Online Fundraising Survival Guide. http://learn.networkforgood.org/OnlineFundraisingSurvivalGuide.html
  • 58. Thank You Paul Webster Digital Skills Advisor & Community Builder @watfordgap [email protected] Tel : 07876743096 Any Questions?
