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Volute Casing Pumps Installation Operation Servicing2

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  • p j z i O

    Installation-, Operation-, Servicing-lnstructions

    Volute Casing Pumps

    Type: VOGEL-ICB

    ICB 50-32-160 S1VV2-222 Ex

    VOGEL-order no.:


    Customer: EJK SP.Z.O.O:

    Pos. no. / Item no.:

    Your order no.: SJ/CH/85/03

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • Compliance Declarationas defined in EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC, Appendix II A

    We herewith declare that the pump units in model series

    as supplied by us, comply with the fo llow ing relevant requirements:

    EC Machinery Directive, 93/44/EEC

    the relevant harmonized standards, especially

    EN 809 EN 292 Teil 1 EN 292 Teil 2 EN 60204 Teil 1

    the relevant national technical standards and specifications, especially

    DIN 31001



    Pumpenfabrik ERNST VOGEL G m bH A-2000 Stockerau, Ernst Vogel-Str. 2

    Stockerau, 30.04.03

    Engineered fo r lifeITT Industries

  • Data Sheet

    T y p e : IC B 5 0 -3 2 - 1 6 0 S 1 V V 2 -2 2 2 E x V O G E L -o r d e r n o .: 8 ,5 8 1 .5 1 2

    Y o u r o r d e r n o .: SJ/CH /85/03 Po s. n o . / Ite m n o .:

    C u s to m e r: E J K S P .Z .O .O :

    Handled liquid: H ydro carbon sTemperature: C 15Density (rho): kg/d m3 0,840Viscosity: cP 1.400Capacity: m3/h 75Discharge: mFLS 24Power consum ption at rho:

    kW 1,66

    M otor power requiered:

    kW 2,2

    Speed: min-1 2873Impeller diameter: mm 142Suction flange: D N 50, PN 16 Direction: axialDischarge flange: DN 32, PN 16 Direction: upw ardsMax. test pressure: bar 24Max. casing- operation-pressure:

    bar 16

    Lubrication: G rease lu b rica tio n - the p u m p sh a ft is g u id e d in the b a ll bearin gs o f the m otor.

    Shaft sealing: Sin g le m ech. sea l w ith o u t sh a ft s le e ve - fo r sin g le m echanical sea ls with installa tion d im en sio n s acc. to D IN 2 4 9 6 0 / EN 12756, D esig n K. API Plan 02 / ISO Plan 00.A dditional data Cra ne 2 1 00, Gr.33, KBS, B Q 1VGG,

    Carbon/SiC/Viton, u nb alanced


    Motor:Nominal power: Voltage: Frequency: Speed:Model:Isolation class: Protection class: Additional data:

    Im peller Casing Casing cover Shaft

    1.44081.44081.4408 1.4462



    Sound pressure level pump with motor: W eight unit:



    M 2JA 90 L2 2,23 x 3 8 0 V Y 502 8 73V IFIP55Ex-pro tectio n EEx D ll BT4, incl. C ertifica t LC IE9 9 A T E X 6022, w ith 3 PTC-therm istors,su ita b le fo r o p e rating w ith fre q u e n cy converter,w ith o u t cable g la n dA BB

    6 7 3

    - 6 8

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • Data Sheet

    A D evia tio n s from the ab ove design data m ay lead to overloading. This c o u ld su b se q u e n tly cause accid ents w here p e o p le co u ld be h u rt an d p ro p e rty dam aged. Fo r this reason, o u r w ritten a g re em en t is req u ire d fo r a n y changes.Documentation:

    CoverManufacturer's- or Compliance-DeclarationData SheetOperating Instructions pump M ounting Instructions shaft sealingPerformance curve Dimension drawing Sectional drawing Table o f connections Permissible loads and torques on pump flangesRecommendation o f lubrication Branch offices and service centres Operating Instructions motor QS-Documentation

    Quantity o f Documentation(s) Date


    ICB 1 00/3-deutsch/englisch X

    X7200.1A 6 1 0 7200.1A 700 L 7124-400 T 701-400

    T 011-810 XA B B 6 (3000Ex) + A TEX Zertifik a t X


    30 .04.2003

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • ICB

    Table of Contents


    1. G E N E R A L 4

    1.1 Fo r e w o r d 4

    1.2 G u a r a n t e e 4

    1.3 Sa f e t y r e g u l a t io n s 4

    1 .4 Sa f e t y in s t r u c t io n s 5

    Da n g e r s o f n o t f o l l o w in g s a f e t y in s t r u c t io n s 5S p e e d , Pr e s s u r e , T e m p e r a t u r e 6Pe r m it t e d f o r c e s o n f la n g e s 6N PSH 6S e a l in g , Fl u s h in g , C o o lin g 6M in im u m f lo w s 7

    Pr o t e c t io n a g a in s t r u n n in g d r y 7Ba c k f lo w 7

    2. D E S C R IP T IO N 7

    2.1 M o d e l 72.2 S h a f t s e a l in g 72.3 B e a r in g a n d L u b r ic a t io n 82 .4 Pe r m is s ib l e p r e s s u r e s a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s 82 .5 W a t e r o f c o n d e n s a t io n 9


    3.1 T r a n s p o r t , H a n d l in g 93 .2 S t o r a g e 10

    4. in s t a l l a t io n , o p e r a t io n 10


    4 .2 C o n n e c t in g t h e p ip e s t o t h e p u m p 10S u c t io n a n d d is c h a r g e pipe 104 .3 E l e c t r ic a l c o n n e c t io n 11

    4 .4 S t a r t in g up 11St a r t in g u p fo r t h e f ir st tim e 11

    R e s t a r t in g 124 .5 O p e r a t io n a n d M o n it o r in g 12Pe r m it t e d n u m b e r o f sta r ts 124 .6 S h u t t in g d o w n 12

    5. m a in t e n a n c e , s e r v ic in g 13

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 1

  • O perating In stru ctio n s

    M e c h a n ic a l s e a l s 13M o t o r b e a r in g 13C l e a n in g th e pu m p 13

    6. L O N G E R P E R IO D S O F N O N -O P E R A T IO N 13

    6.1 D r a in e d p u m p s 136 .2 F il l e d p u m p s 13

    7. F A U L T S - C A U S E S A N D S O L U T IO N S 13

    8. D IS A S S E M B L IN G T H E P U M P A N D R EP A IR 15

    8.1 Sa f e t y in s t r u c t io n s 158 .2 . G e n e r a l 168 .3 D is m a n t l in g a n d m o u n t in g o f s c r e e n o f t h e m o t o r la n t e r n 168 .4 D is m o u n t in g o f t h e Ba c k P u l l O u t A s s e m b l y 178 .5 Im p e l l e r r e m o v a l 17

    8 .6 Re m o v a l o f t h e S h a f t S e a l in g 188 .7 D is m a n t l in g o f s t u b s h a f t 188 .8 R e c o n d it io n in g 188.8.1 C l e a r a n c e a t im p e lle r 188 .9 In s t a l l a t io n 198.9.1 G e n e r a t e 198 .9 .2 N e w m o t o r 198 .9 .3 M o u n t in g o f stu b s h a f t 19

    9. S P A R E P A R TS. S P A R E P U M P S 21

    9.1 S p a r e p a r t s 21O r d e r in g s p a r e p a r ts 219 .2 St a n d -b y p u m p s 21

    1 0 . P L A N T M A N A G E R LIS T 22

    1 1 . LO G B O O K 23

    2 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

  • Pump Name PlatePumpenfabrik Ernst Vogel GmbH A-2000 Stockerau/Austria

    ITT Industries

    Tvoel I

    ^ S/NI ] Year---------- --- I$ G H Z Z V / h P| kW O

    HI nC ZJmin 1

    Pallw c Q ^ ]b a r tnax a)l[^ r c 2

    M atC ifp ^ C . i 1" M

    Type *) Type o f the pumpS/N *) Serial numberYear Year o f construction

    Q Rated capacity at the operating pointP Rated power at the operating pointH Head (Energy head) at the operating pointn Speed

    Pall wC Max. permitted casing-operation-pressure (=h igh est discharge pressure at the rated op erating temperature to w hich the pump casing can be used).

    fmax all Highest permitted permanent temperatureMat Material o f the pump casing (volute casing)Im p 0 Outer diam eter o f the impeller

    *) Required information when ordering spare parts.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 3

  • O peratin g In stru ctio n s

    1. General

    1.1 ForewordThis product complies with the safety requirements o f EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC, 91/368/EEC, 93/44 EEC and the Austrian Machine Safety Order (MSO) of 27 April 1994.

    A The s ta ff e m p lo yed on installation, operation, in spection a n d m aintenance m u st be ab le to / | \ p ro v e that th ey kn o w a b o u t the relevant a ccid en t p re ven tio n reg u la tio n s a n d that th ey are

    / \ su ita b ly q u a lified fo r th is w ork. I f th e sta ff does n o t have the relevant kno w ledg e, th ey sh o u ld be p ro v id e d w ith su itable instruction.

    The operating safety of the pumps or units (i.e. pum p plus motor) supplied is only guaranteed if these are used in accordance with the provisions given in the attached Data Sheet and/or Point 4 in "Installation and Operation".The operator is responsible for follow ing the instructions and com plying with the safety requirements given in these Operating Instructions.Sm ooth operation of the pump or pum p unit can only be achieved if installation and m aintenance are carried out carefully in accordance with the rules generally applied in the field o f engineering and electrical engineering.If not all the information can be found in these Operating Instructions, please contact us.The manufacturer takes no responsibility for the pump or pump unit if the Operating Instructions are not followed.These Operating Instructions should be kept in a safe place for future use.If this pum p or pump unit is handed on to any third party, it is essential that these Operating Instructions and the operating conditions and w orking limits given in the Confirm ation o f Order are also passed on in full.These Operating Instructions do not take into account all design details and variants nor all the possible chance occurrences and events which m ight happen during installation, operation and m aintenance.Alterations or changes to the m achine are only permitted by agreem ent with the manufacturer. O riginal spare parts and accessories authorised by the manufacturer should be used for greater safety. We bear no responsibility for the consequences o f using other parts.We retain all copyright in these Operating Instructions; they are intended only for personal use by the owner o f the pump or the pum p unit. The Operating Instructions contain technical instructions and draw ings which may not, as a whole or in part, be reproduced, distributed or used in any unauthorised w ay for competitive purposes or passed on to others.

    1.2 GuaranteeThe guarantee is given in accordance with our Conditions of Delivery and/or the confirm ation o f order. Repair w ork during the guarantee period may only be carried out by us, or subject to our written approval. Otherwise the guarantee ceases to apply.Longer-term guarantees basically only cover correct handling and use o f the specified material. The guarantee shall not cover natural wear and tear and all parts subject to wear, such as impellers, shaft sealings, shafts, shaft sleeves, bearings, w ear rings etc., or dam age caused by transport or improper handling.In order for the guarantee to apply, it is essential that the pump or pump unit is used in accordance with the operating conditions given on the type plate, confirm ation o f order and in the Data Sheet. This applies particularly for the endurance of the materials and smooth running o f the pump and shaft sealing.If one or more aspects o f the actual operating conditions are different, w e should be asked to confirm in w riting that the pum p is suitable.

    1.3 Safety regulationsThese Operating Instructions contain im portant instructions which must be followed when the pump is assembled and comm issioned and during operating and maintenance. For this reason, these Operating Instructions must be read by the skilled staff responsible and/or by the operator of the plant before it is

    4 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

  • ICB

    installed and com m issioned, and they must be left permanently available at the place where the pump or pump unit is in use. The operator must ensure that the contents o f the Operating Instructions are fully understood by the staff. The operator must confirm this by signing the "Plant M anager List" (see Point 10).These O perating Instructions do not refer to the General R egulations on A ccid en t Prevention or local safety and/or operating regulations. The operator is responsible for co m p ly in g w ith these (if necessary by callin g in additional installation staff).Equally, instructions and safety devices regarding handling and disposal o f the pumped media and/or auxiliary media for flushing, lubrication &c, especially if they are explosive, toxic, hot &c, are not part o f this operating instruction.For the competent and prescribed handling only the operator is responsible.The safety instructions contained in these Operating Instructions have the follow ing special safety m arkings as specified in DIN 4844:

    A W arning against p e rso n a l accid ents w hich co u ld o ccu r i f th e sa fe ty in stru ctio n s g iven in this

    p a rt o f the O perating In stru ctio n s are n o t follow ed.

    A W arning a g a in st d a n g ero u s e lectrica l voltage.

    A ttention W arning against p o ss ib le dam age to p ro p e rty o r th e environm ent.

    It is absolutely essential that safety inform ation affixed directly to the pump or pump unit is followed and maintained so that it is always easily legible.All operation instructions o f accessories (e.g. for m otors) po ssib ly enclosed m ust be fo llow ed and held available in the sam e w ay as this operation instruction.

    1.4 Safety instructionsD an gers o f not fo llo w in g safety in stru ction s

    If you d o n 't follow the safety instructions it can result in the fo llow ing, for example: People being at risk because o f electrical, mechanical, therm ionic and chemical factors. Important functions o f the pump or pump unit failing. Dangers to the environm ent as a result of dangerous substances leaking out.

    Safety instructions for the operator Depending on the operating conditions, wear and tear, corrosion or age will limit the w orking life of

    the pump/pump unit, and its specified characteristics. The operator must ensure that regular inspection and m aintenance are carried out so that all parts are replaced in good time, w hich w ould otherwise endanger the safe operation o f the system. If abnorm al operation or any dam age is observed, the pum p must cease operation immediately.

    If the breakdown or failure o f any system or unit could lead to people being hurt or property being dam aged, such system or unit must be provided with alarm devices and/or spare modules, and they should be tested regularly to ensure that they function properly.

    If there is any risk o f injury from hot or cold m achine parts, these parts must be protected against contact by the user, or suitable w arning signs must be affixed.

    Contact protection on moving parts (e.g. coupling guards) must not be removed from systems that are in operation.

    If the sound level of a pum p or aggregate is above 85 dB(A) an ear protection has to be used when staying near the pump for some time.

    If dangerous media (e.g. explosive, toxic, hot) leak out (e.g. from shaft seals), these must be directed aw ay so that there is no danger to people or the environment. The provisions of the law must be observed.

    Measures should be taken to exclude any danger from electricity (e.g. by com plying with the local regulations on electrical equipment). If work is carried out on live electrical components, they should be unplugged from the mains or the main switch turned off and fuse unscrewed. A motor protection switch is to be provided.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 5

  • O peratin g In stru ctio n s

    Basically, all work on the pump or pum p unit should only be carried out when the pump is stationary and not under pressure. All parts must be allowed to return to am bient temperature. Make sure that no-one can start the motor during such work. It is essential that the procedure for stopping the system described in the Operating Instructions be observed. Pumps or pump systems that carry media that are dangerous to health must be decontaminated before being taken apart. Safety Data Sheets for the various liquids handled. Immediately the work has been completed, all safety and protective devices must be replaced or restarted.

    Under EC Machinery Directives, every machine must be fitted with one or more emergency command devices by w hich situations w hich represent an immediate danger or w hich could later be dangerous can be avoided. This does not include machines in which the emergency switches cannot reduce the danger, either because they do not reduce the time required to stop the machine or because the do not allow the measures required by the danger to be taken. This emergency switch must:

    have controls that are clearly marked, easy to see and within easy reach; stop the dangerous movement as quickly as possible w ithout causing any additional danger; trigger any specified safety movements or allow these to be started up. If the emergency com m and device is no longer operated after an em ergency "off" switch has been

    triggered, this must be maintained by blocking the emergency command device until it is released again. It should not be possible to block the device w ithout this triggering an emergency "off" switch. It should only be possible to release the device through an appropriate action; this release should not start the machine up again - it should only make it possible to start it up again.

    If the power supply is interrupted or restored after being interrupted or if it is changed in any other way, this should not cause any danger (e.g. pressure surges).

    Speed, Pressure, Tem peratureSuitable safety measures must be taken at the plant to ensure that the speed, pressure and tem perature o f the pum p and the shaft sealing do not exceed the limit values given in the Data Sheet. The given adm ission pressures (system pressures) must also be sufficiently high.In addition, the pum p must be protected against pressure surges such as can be caused by switching off the plant quickly (e.g. by non-return valve on the pressure side, flywheel, air vessel).Quick temperature changes must be avoided. They may cause a temperature shock and therefore lead to destruction or impairment of the function of several components.

    Perm itted forces on flan ge sBasically, the suction and pressure lines should be such that the forces on the pum p are kept to a minimum. If this is not feasible, the figures given in the Appendix "Permitted forces and moments" should not under any circum stances be exceeded. This is valid as well for the operation as for the standstill o f the pum p and therefore for all possible pressures and temperatures o f the unit.

    NPSHWhen entering the impeller, the liquid being handled must have a minimum pressure NPSH to prevent cavitation or breaking off of flow. This requirement is met if the unit NPSH value (NPSHa) is well above the pum p NPSH value (NPSHr) under all operating conditions.Attention must be paid to the NPSH value in particular when liquids close to boiling point are being handled. If the value falls below the pump NPSHr value, this can lead to dam age resulting from cavitation or serious dam age from overheating.The NPSHr for each pum p type is given in the sheets of characteristic curves.

    Sealing, F lu sh in g, C oo lin gSuitable facilities for the regulation and m onitoring o f sealing, flushing or cooling are to be provided. When handling dangerous liquids or if temperatures are high, care should be taken to ensure that the pum p ceases operating if the sealing, flushing or cooling system fails.Sealing, flushing and cooling systems must always be operational before the pump is started up. They should not be taken out o f operation until the pump has stopped, provided that the nature of the operation allows this at all.

    6 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

  • ICB

    M inim um flow sIf the pump is started against a closed pressure line valve, it should be noted that the power taken up by the pum p is transmitted to the liquid handled in the form o f heat. This can cause the liquid to heat up excessively w ithin a relatively short time, which will then cause dam age to the pump's internal fittings. After the pump has reached operating speed, the discharge valve should therefore be opened as quickly as possible (within 30 seconds). Note instructions about m inim um flow s in the Data Sheet. If operating conditions mean that Q = 0 is unavoidable, or if hot water is circulating, a free flow nonreturn valve, or, on sm aller systems, a by-pass pipe, should be provided. W e should be pleased to advise on determ ining the minimum flow or designing the by-pass line.

    Protection a g a in st ru n n in g dryThe pumps must not run dry under any circumstances, since overheating can dam age pump com ponents (e.g. m echanical seals).

    Back flo wIn systems where pum ps are operating in closed circuits under pressure (gas cushions, steam pressure), the pressure o f the gas cushion must not be reduced via the pump, since the back flow speed may be much higher than the operating speed, w hich w ould destroy the unit.


    2. Description

    2.1 ModelICB-Pum ps are single stage endsuction pumps in block design with electric motor acc. IEC. The hydraulic design complies with ISO 2858/EN 22858, the technical design complies with ISO 5199/EN 25199.The motors com ply with DIN 42677-IM B5. motor and pump shaft are rigid coupled.

    The permissible operation conditions and details of design are specified in the Data Sheet.

    The m atching sectional drawing, with the designation o f parts, and the appropriate dim ensional draw ing (for e.g. shaft sealing), for the delivered pump, you will find in the Data Sheet and the enclosures.

    Position o f installation: the ICB pump is intended to be used with horizontal shaft, discharge branch up. Other positions of installation have to be released by the manufacturer.

    2.2 Shaft sealingThe ICB pum p design is exclusively sealed with mech. seals. You can use all mech. seals with installation measures regarding DIN 24960/EN 12756, design K, shape U. The actual installed mech. seal is m entioned in the Data Sheet.

    Attention The m ech. sea l u se d in the sta n d a rd version is n o t resista nt against m ineral oil.

    Attention M ore in form ation a b o u t m ech. sea ls a n d the risks o f accid ents that m ay be in vo lve d y o u w ill f in d u n d e r p o in t 4 .5 "Operation a n d M o n ito rin g " as w ell as u n d e r p o in t 5 "M aintenance, Se r


    You can learn the nom inal size (d,) o f the mech. seal from follow ing chart:

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 7

  • Zula







    - Pr



    de se


    e a










    l w





    O perating Instru ctio ns

    TypeN om inal size

    d,ICB 50-32-160 33ICB 50-32-200 33ICB 50-32-250 43ICB 65-40-160 33ICB 65-40-200 33ICB 65-40-250 43ICB 65-40-315 43Icb 80-50-160 33ICB 80-50-200 33ICB 80-50-250 43ICB 80-50-315 43

    ICB 100-65-160 43ICB 100-65-200 43

    TypeNom inal size


    ICB 100-65-250 43ICB 100-65-315 53ICB 125-80-160 43ICB 125-80-200 43ICB 125-80-250 43ICB 125-80-315 53

    ICB 125-100-200 43ICB 125-100-250 53ICB 125-100-315 53ICB 150-125-250 53ICB 150-125-315 53ICB 200-150-250 53

    2.3 Bearing and LubricationThe pump shaft is guided in ball bearings of the motor. The bearings are lubricated with grease for life and therefore d o n 't have to be maintained.

    2.4 Permissible pressures and temperaturesBasically the specified datas regarding pressures and temperatures that are mentioned in the Data Sheet are valid. It is not permitted to exceed or fall short o f this value. If no pressures and/or temperatures are mentioned in the Data Sheet, the follow ing pressure and temperature limits are valid:

    Suction pressure (System pressure) = Pressure at suction branch: m ax. 5 bar A m bient tem perature m ax. 40C.

    Observe also local regulations (e.g. DIN 4747 or DIN 4752, para 4.5).

    For all p um p sizes, except: O nly for:65-40-315 65-40-31580-50-315 80-50-315100-65-315 100-65-315125-80-315 125-80-315

    125-100-315 125-100-315

    t [*F]MPa bar . 100 o 100 200 3003.0 -

    2.5 -

    2 . 0 -

    1.5 -

    1 . 0 -

    0.5 -

    0 -

    A.B.C B.C



    C CA


    - 400

    - 350

    - 300

    - 250

    - 200

    - 150

    - 100

    - 50


    D Q) O) c_ - a c_

    c r c_ cn x

    MPa bar . jqo3.0 -i 30

    2.5 -

    2 . 0 -

    1.5 -

    1 . 0 -

    0.5 -

    0 -


    t [*F]

    200 300







    A.B.C B.CVJ


    C CA


    - m

    - 350

    - 300

    - 250

    - 200- 150

    - 100

    - 50

    0-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

    Temperatur - Temperature - Temperature t [ C]

    -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

    Temperatur - Temperature - Temperature t [*C]

    8 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

  • ICB

    Curve M aterial Casing Description

    A 1.4408 Austenitic Stainless SteelB 1.4517 Duplex Stainless Steel


    (0.7043)Ductile Iron

    The mentioned pressure and temperature limits are valid for standard mech. seals.Operating conditions for other materials on request.

    2.5 Water of condensationIf motors are exposed to variations of temperature or other extreme climates, we recommend the use o f a motor with an anti-condensation heating to prevent the rise o f w ater of condensation. During the operation o f the m otor the anti-condensation heating must not be switched on.

    3. Transport, Handling, Storage

    3.1 Transport, Handling Check the pump/pump unit immediately upon delivery/receipt o f despatch for dam age or missing

    parts. The pump/pump unit must be transported carefully and by competent personnel. Avoid serious im

    pacts. Keep the pump/pump unit in the same position in w hich it was supplied from the factory. Take note of

    the instructions on the packaging. The intake and discharge side o f the pump must be closed with plugs during transport and storage.

    A ttention D isp o se o f a ll p a ck in g m aterials in a ccordan ce w ith lo ca l regulations.

    Lifting devices (e.g. fork-lift truck, crane, crane device, pulleys, sling ropes, etc.) must be sufficiently strong and must only be used by authorised persons. The w eight o f the pump/pump unit is given in the Data Sheet.

    The pump/pump unit may only be lifted by solid points such as the casing, flanges or frame. The fo llow ing illustration (pict. 3.1.) shows the correct method of carrying by crane.

    Attention S lin g ropes m u st n o t be fix e d to en d s o f sh a fts o r r in g lo o p s o f the m otor.

    Do n o t sta n d u nd ernea th su sp e n d e d loads. Take note o f the g e nera l reg u la tio n s on p re v e n tio n o f accidents. The pum p/pum p un it m u st be se cu re d a g a in st tip p in g over a n d s lip p in g u n til it h a s b een fixe d in its fin a l location.

    ICB 100-en

    pict. 3.1.

    Artikel Nr. 1999991 9

  • O peratin g Instru ctio ns

    3.2 StoragePumps or pump units that are stored for a long time (6 m onths max) before use must be protected against moisture, vibrations and dirt (e.g. by w rapping in oil paper or plastic sheeting). Pumps must basically be stored in a place where they are protected from the weather, e.g. under cover. During this time, all suction and discharge branches and all other intakes and outlets must be closed with dummy flanges or plugs.Please contact factory for storage instructions for storage periods longer than 6 months.

    4. Installation, Operation

    4.1 Assembly of pump unitICB pumps must be fastened with screws on a solid foundation (e.g. concrete foundation, steel plate, steel girder, a.s.o.) The foundation must withstand all loads arising during operation.Position and size o f pump feet and foundation screws you can take from the dimension drawing.As foundation screws you can use concrete expansion bolts, epoxy capsle anchor bolts or foundation anchors (stone screws).

    A ttention S u ffic ie n t sp a ce m u st be p ro v id e d fo r m aintenance a nd rep a ir w ork, esp e cia lly fo r rep lacin g ~ t h e drive m o to r o r the co m p lete p u m p unit. The m o to r fan m u st be able to take in en ough

    co o l air, a n d the intake g rille m u st th ere fo re b e at least 10 cm aw ay from any wall, etc.

    If vibrations are transmitted to the foundation from adjoining com ponents, it must be guarded through adequate vibration dam ping paddings (vibrations from outside can impair the bearing).

    To prevent vibrations being transmitted to adjoining components, the foundation should be laid on a suitable insulating base.

    A ttention The s ize o f th ese in su la tin g pa nels w ill vary, d e p en d in g on circum stances, a n d sh o u ld there- fore b e de te rm in e d b y an e xp erien ced specialist.

    The unit has to be levelled horizontal. If levelling shins are used they must be inserted next to the foundation anchors.

    4.2 Connecting the pipes to the pumpSu ction and d isch arge pipe

    The pipes must be o f a size and design that liquid can flow freely into the pump and that the pump functions w ithout problems. Particular attention is to be paid to ensuring that suction pipes are airtight and that the NPSH values are observed. Under suction lift condition lay the suction pipe in the horizontal section towards the pump so that it is slightly inclined upwards so that no air traps occur. Under positive suction head condition install the suction pipe w ork slightly declined towards the pump. Do not install fittings or bends right before the suction nozzle.

    In most cases, it is recommended that a check valve be installed in the discharge pipe shortly after the pump.

    If the suction supply is under vacuum and entrained gas may be present in the liquid, it is recommended that a vent line be considered upstream o f the pump suction with return to the suction supply, above the max liquid level. This vent will prevent air binding problem during operation and facilitate proper filling and vent o f the pump during start-up.An additional flushed piping - - discharge branch-vent line - makes it easier to de- aerate the pump before start-up.

    When laying the pipes, make sure that the pump is accessible for maintenance, installation and disassembly.

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    Notice "Permitted Forces on Flanges" (point 1.4). If expansion joints are used in the pipes, they have to be supported in such a w ay that the pump is not

    loaded unduly high because o f the pressure in the pipes. Before connecting up to pump: remove protective coverings from suction and discharge branches. Before starting up, the pipe system, fittings and equipment must be cleaned to remove weld spatter,

    scale etc. A ny pollutants are to be completely removed from pum p units that are directly or indirectly connected to drinking water systems before being installed and taken into use.

    To protect the shaft sealing (especially m echanical seals) against foreign bodies, it is recommended that a sieve, 800 micron, be installed in the suction/intake pipe when the motor is being started up.

    If the pipe system is tested with the pum p installed, do not exceed the maximum permitted casing pressure o f the pump and/or shaft sealing (see Data Sheet).

    When emptying the pipe after the pressure test, make sure that the pum p is treated properly (danger of rust and problems when starting up).

    4.3 Electrical connection

    A E le ctrica l co n n ectio n w o rk m ay o n ly be ca rrie d o u t b y an a u th o rise d p ro fe ssio n a l. The ru les an d

    reg ula tion s va lid fo r e lectrica l technology, e sp e cia lly th o se co n ce rn e d w ith safety m easures, m u st be observed. The reg u la tio n s o f the nationa l p o w e r su p p ly com pa nies o p e ra tin g in that area m u st a lso b e observed.

    Before starting work, check that the information on the motor rating plate is the same as the local mains network. The power supply cable o f the coupled drive motor must be connected up in accordance with the w iring diagram produced by the motor manufacturer.A protective motor switch is to be provided.

    A ttention The d irectio n o f rotation sh o u ld o n ly be ch e ck e d w hen the p u m p is full. D ry ru n n in g w ill cause dam age to th e pum p.

    4.4 Starting up

    A The p la n t m ay o n ly b e sta rted u p b y p e o p le w ho are fam iliar w ith the loca l sa fe ty regulations a n d w ith these O peratin g In stru ctio n s (esp ecia lly w ith the sa fe ty reg ula tion s a n d sa fe ty in stru ctio n s g iven here).Startin g up fo r the firs t tim e

    You d o n 't need to lubricate the pum p before the initial start-up. Pump and suction pipe must be filled completely with liquid when starting up. Open isolation valve in suction/intake pipe. Set discharge side isolation valve to approx. 25% o f rated flow quantity. With pumps with a discharge

    branch rated w idth less than 200, the isolation valve can remain closed when starting up (see also Point 1.4 "Minimum quantities").

    Check direction o f rotation by sw itching on and off briefly. It must be the same as the directional arrow.

    Start drive device. A s soon as it reaches normal operating speed, open discharge valve imm ediately and adjust the re

    quired operating point. You must observe the area o f application given on the Data Sheet.


    On sta rtin g -u p w ith o u t ba ck-pressu re, the b a ck-p re ssu re m u st be p ro d u ce d throug h th ro ttlin g at the d ischa rg e side.A fte r rea ch in g fu ll b a ck-pressu re op e n slide.

    I f p u m p d o e s n o t reach a tten d ed he a d o r i f a typ ica l so u n d s o r v ibrations do occur:S w itch o f f p u m p (see p o in t 4.6) a n d se e k fo r cau ses (see p o in t 7).

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 11

  • O peratin g Instru ctio ns

    RestartingBasically, the same procedure should be followed as for starting up for the first time. You d o n 't need to check the direction o f rotation.The pum p should only be autom atically restarted if it has been made sure that the pump has remained filled w hilst lying idle.

    4.5 Operation and Monitoring

    Be p a rticu la rly ca re fu l n o t to touch h o t m achine pa rts a n d w hen w o rk in g in the u n p ro tected sh a ft sea l area. R em em ber that autom atica lly co n tro lle d system s m ay sw itch them selves on su d d e n ly a t a n y time. Su ita b le w a rn ing s ig n s sh o u ld be affixed.

    A ttention R eg u la r m o n ito rin g a n d m aintenance w ill exte n d th e life o f y o u r p u m p o r p u m p system .

    The operating data mentioned in the Data Sheet or in the order confirm ation must be followed. Do not exceed the output given on the motor rating plate. Avoid dry running, running against closed discharge valves or operation w hilst the liquid handled is in

    the vapour phase. Avoid sudden changes in temperature (temperature shocks). The pump and motor should run evenly and w ithout vibrations; check at least once a week. Check oil level at least once a week and top up if necessary. Pumps which are exposed to corrosive chemicals or to wear through abrasion must be inspected peri

    odically for corrosion or w ear and tear. The first inspection should be carried out after six months. All further inspection intervals should be determined on the basis o f the state of the pump.

    Perm itted num ber o f startsDo not exceed the pump's permittednumber o f starts - see diagram . Withelectric motors, the permitted numberof starts is given in the attached motoroperating instructions. 2oIf two different figures are given, the clower fiqure is valid. s3 | 10



    11 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500

    m o to r p o w e r P [kW]

    4.6 Shutting down Close the isolation valve in discharge pipe right before (max. 30 seconds) sw itching off the motor. This

    is not necessary if there is a spring-loaded check valve. Switch o ff motor (make sure it runs down quietly). Close the isolation valve on suction side. On danger o f freezing drain pump and pipes completely. If the pump remains on stand-by during standstill test drives (in the length o f at least 5 min.) should be

    made in regular intervals. The span between the test drives depends on the unit, but they should be made at least once a week.

    12 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

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    5. Maintenance, Servicing

    a W ork sh o u ld o n ly b e ca rried o u t on the p u m p o r p u m p u n it w hen it is n o t in operation. You / | \ m u st o b se rve P o in t 1.4 Sa fe ty instructions".

    A ttention M aintenance an d serv icin g w o rk m u st o n ly be ca rrie d o u t b y trained, e x p e rie n ce d sta ff w ho are fam iliar w ith the co n te n ts o f these O peratin g Instru ctio ns, o r b y the M anufacturer's ow n serv ice staff. The w o rk ca rried o u t m u st be d u ly e n te re d in the "Log B o o k" (see P o in t 11) an d co n firm e d b y b e in g signed.

    M echanical seals

    A B efo re o p e n in g th e pum p, it is essen tia l that y o u n o te P o in t 1.4 "Safety Instructions" a n d P o in t 8


    If the liquid being handled drips out at the mechanical seal, it is dam aged and must be replaced. For replacement o f mech. seal refer to instruction in the appendix.

    M otor bearingOn an average the grease in the motor bearings is so dirty after five years that it is recommended to change the m otor bearings.

    C le an in g the pum pDirt on the outside o f the pump has an adverse effect on transm ission o f heat. The pump should therefore be cleaned with water at regular intervals (depending on the degree o f dirt).

    A ttention The p u m p m u st n o t b e clea n ed w ith p re ssu rize d w ater - w ater w ill g e t in to the m otor.

    6. Longer periods of non-operation

    A ttention W hen startin g up, fo llo w th e in stru ctio n s fo r sta rtin g u p fo r th e first tim e (see Point 4.4)!

    6.1 Drained pumps Rotate shaft at least 1x week (do not switch on because o f dry running). Replace motor bearing after 5 years.

    6.2 Filled pumps Switch stand-by pumps on and immediately off again once a week. Possibly use as main pump. Replace motor bearing after 5 years.

    7. Faults - Causes and Solutions

    The fo llow ing notes on causes of faults and how to repair them are intended as an aid to recognising the problem. The manufacturer's Custom er Service Departm ent is available to help repair faults that the operator cannot or does not w ant to repair. If the operator repairs or changes the pump, the design data on the Data Sheet and Points 1.2-1.4 o f these Operating Instructions should be particularly taken into account. If necessary, the written agreem ent o f the m anufacturer must be obtained.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 13

  • O peratin g Instru ctio ns

    Faults Code no. for cause and m ethod o f repairDischarge too low 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15Discharge stops after a time 8, 10, 11, 12, 24Head too low 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 28Head too high 3, 5, 28Drive mechanism overloaded 2, 3, 5, 15, 19, 21Pump not running quietly 7, 10, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27Temperature in the pump too high 7, 10, 24Temperature in the shaft sealing too high 16, 17Temperature at the bearing too high 2, 14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26Pump leaking 19, 22Leakage rate at shaft sealing too high 17, 18, 19

    M eaning o f co d e n u m b er fo r cau se an d m ethod o f repair

    1. Back-pressure too high open discharge valve further reduce resistance in discharge pipe (e.g. clean filter if necessary) use larger impeller (note available motor power)

    2. Back-pressure too low, discharge too low throttle discharge valve

    3. Speed too high reduce speed compare speed o f motor with specified pump speed (rating plate) when adjusting speed (frequency transformer) check reference value setting

    4. Speed too low increase speed (check available motor power) com pare speed o f motor with specified pum p speed (rating plate) when adjusting speed (frequency transformer) check reference value settings

    5. Impeller diameter too large use smaller impeller

    6. Impeller diameter too small use larger impeller (check available motor power)

    7. Pump and/or pipes not completely filled with liquid fill vent

    8. Pump or suction/intake pipe blocked clean

    9. Air pocket in pipeline vent improve course o f pipe

    10. NPSH of system too small increase liquid level increase adm ission pressure reduce resistance in the intake/suction pipe (change course and rated width, open shutoff

    valves, clean filters)

    11. A ir being sucked in increase liquid level check suction pipe is vacuum -tight provide spindles in suction pipe fittings with water seal

    12. A ir being sucked in through shaft sealing replace shaft sealing

    13. Direction o f rotation is w rong swap over two phases o f power supply (to be done by a specialist electrician)

    14. Inner com ponents suffering from wear replace worn parts

    15. Density and/or viscosity o f liquid handled is too high

    14 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

  • ICB

    seek assistance

    ' 5 Shaft sealing worn replace mechanical seal avoid dry running

    17. Deposits on mechanical seal clean replace mechanical seal if necessary if necessary provide additional rinsing or quench

    18. Impeller out o f balance remove blocks/deposits replace if broken or unevenly worn check shafts to ensure that they are running true

    19. Forces in pipeline too high (pum p unit under strain) change (support pipes, use compensators, etc.) pump correct mounted on foundation?

    20. Too m uch, too little or the w rong type of lubricant change

    21. Electricity supply not right check voltage o f all phases (2-phase running) check cable connections check fuses

    22. Sealing insufficient tighten screws replace sealing

    23. Bearing dam aged replace

    24. Discharge too small increase minimum am ount carried (open slide valves, bypass)

    25. Discharge too high reduce am ount carried (throttle slide valve)

    26. Relief fittings insufficient clean relief openings in impeller replace worn parts (impeller, split rings) adjust in line with the system pressure/intake pressure given on ordering

    27. System-related vibrations (resonance) seek assistance

    28. Manometer indicator wrong check manometer get rid of blockages put manometer in suitable place (no flow distortion or burbling)

    8. Disassembling the pump and Repair8.1 Safety instructions

    W hen d isa ssem b lin g the p u m p p a y atten tion to p o in t 1.4 "Safety instructions" a n d p o in t 3.1AA

    "Transport, Handling".

    R ep a irs to the p u m p o r p u m p system m ay o n ly be ca rrie d o u t b y a u th o rise d sk ille d p e rso n n e l o r b y the m a n u fa ctu rer s sp ecia list staff.

    For m ounting and repair you can order specialized personnel if you want.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 15

  • O perating Instru ctio ns

    The sp e zia lize d sta ff o f the op era to r o r m anufacturer m ust be in fo rm e d a b o u t the h a n d le d liquid. I f da n g ero u s liq u id s are p u m p e d the a p propriate d isp o sa l o f the h a n d led liq u id is ne cessa ry b efore the d isassem bly o f the p u m p . Pay attention to the fact, that even in dra in ed p u m p s there are rem ainders o f the h a n d led liquid. I f necessary the p u m p m u st b e flu sh e d o r d eco n ta m inated.

    Before the disassem bly the pum p has to be secured in such a way, that it can't be started. The pump casing must be drained and w ithout pressure. All locking devices in the suction- and discharge-pipe must be closed. All parts must have taken on the temperature o f the environment.

    Se cu re d isa ssem b led p um ps, u n its o r sin g le pa rts against tip p in g o ve r o r ro llin g off.

    W hile d isassem blin g the p u m p u se o f an open flam e (blow lam p, etc.) only, w hen there is no da n g er o f se ttin g fire, cau se an exp lo sio n o r cause in ju rio u s vapours.N eve r a p p ly heat to rem ove the im p eller nut. Use o f heat m ay resu lt in severe p h ysica l in ju ry a n d p ro p e rty damage.

    Attention Use o n ly orig in a l spare parts. Pay attention to the rig h t m aterials an d the m atch ing design.

    8.2. GeneralCarry out Disassem bly and m ounting according to the appropriate secrional drawing.You will only need com m on tools.Before disassem bly check if required parts are ready.Disassemble the pump only so far, as required for the replacement of the repair part.

    8.3 Dismantling and mounting of screen of the motor lanternThe guard plates (680) are fixed in the windows of the motor lantern (681).For dism an tlin g insert a screwdriver about 4 cm into the last row with punches o f the guard plate. Then pull up the screwdriver until the lower edge of the guard plate lifts off the window . Now you can remove the screwdriver together with the guard plate from the w indow (see pict. 8.1.).

    On b u ild in g in insert the screwdriver about. 4 cm into the last row with punches o f the guard plate. Then put the upper part o f the guard plate into the upper edge o f the w indow . Now pull up the screw driver until the guard plate is bent through so much, that it can be inserted into the lower edge of the w indow o f the motor lantern.

    Attention P u ll u p screw d riv e r o n ly so far as is a b so lu te ly necessary to in sert the g u a rd p la te into the w indow . I f the g u a rd p late doesn t stick fast in the w in d o w a fte r b u ild in g in :D ism antle g u a rd p la te once again, flatten it an d b u ild in again.

    pict. 8.1.

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    8.4 Dismounting of the Back Pull Out AssemblyThe Back Pull Out Assem bly includes all parts o f the pump except the volute casing (102V). Because ICB-pum ps are constructed for process design the volute casing (102V) can stay on the base fram e and in the pipes unless the volute casing itself must be repaired.

    Drain volute casing (102V) through the drain plug (912.11). Loosen screws o f support food (183) from the base frame. Hang the Back Pull Out Assem bly onto a lifting device, so that it w on't sink down or press into the vo

    lute casing during the dism ounting. Example see pict. 8.2. for lifting recommendations.

    Using the jack screws provided (901.42), separate the Back Pull Out Assem bly from the casing.

    8.5 Impeller removal If the impeller has back vanes check the axial

    clearance "a" between the impeller (230) and casing cover (161) before you continue the dism ounting. Refer to Sect. 8.8.1.

    Loosen impeller nut with a sensitive hit on the wrench (right-hand thread). If necessary back up with a pry bar in the cross boring o f the stud shaft (in clam p area).

    For further dism ounting the Back Pull Out Assem bly should be placed in the vertical position (with vertical shaft, see pict. 8.4). Attention: Precautions should be taken to prevent the Back Pull Out A ssembly from tipping!

    Draw off the impeller (230) with two screw drivers or pry bars (pict. 8.4.). Remove key (940.31).

    A ttention Be su re to locate p ry bars u n d e r im p e lle r vanes to p re v e n t dam age to the im peller.

    pict. 8.4.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 17

  • O peratin g Instru ctio ns

    8.6 Removal of the Shaft SealingThe dism ounting as well as the assembly o f the shaft sealing is described in the enclosed operation instruction for the particular used shaft sealing (see Data Sheet).

    8.7 Dismantling of stub shaftLoosen screws (920.41) and pull motor with stub shaft (210) out of the motor lantern (341).Loosen radial stub shaft screwing (904.41 and 904.42) (stud bolts) and deduct stub shaft (210) from motor shaft. For support (break loose) you can insert a solid screw driver into the cross boring, press it against the front face o f the motor and move both shafts against each other.

    8.8 ReconditioningAfter disassem bly all parts must be cleaned and checked for wear carefully. Worn or dam aged parts must be replaced by new parts (spare parts).It is recommended in most cases to replace mech. seal, ball bearings and seals (flat seal, O-rings). Deposits on the impeller (230), in the volute casing (102V) or on the casing cover must be removed.

    8.8.1 C learance at im pellerSuction side at im peller Back vanes o f im peller

    Drive side o f im pelleronly for pump size

    ICB 100-65-315 ICB 125-80-315

    ICB 125-100-315 ICB 150-125-315

    Nom inal diam eter 0 D (mm) 68 85 100120135



    Radial clearance s (mm) new min 0,15 0,17 0,20 0,22 0,25max 0,19 0,22 0,24 0,27 0,30

    wear limits 0,78 0,85 0,90 1,05 1,15

    Axial clearance a (mm) new 0,8 - 1,2wear limits max. 1,7

    W hen the w ear limits has been reached or exceeded, the worn parts must be replaced.

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    For volute casings (102V) with a wear ring (502.11) and cover casings (161) with a w ear ring (502.31) there are the fo llow ing possibilities to restore the correct clearance:a) Renew impeller (230) and wear ring. Then the original measures are restored.b) A custom ized w ear ring (bored to fit) can be supplied to avoid replacement o f the impeller. Please

    contact factory for details.

    When volute casing (102V) or casing cover (161) w ithout wear ring must be repaired, a w ear ring can be installed to renew pump performance. A remachine to the volute casing and/or casing cover is required. Please contact the factory for details and assistance.

    8.9 Installation8.9.1 Generate

    Re-assemble the pumps using the reverse order o f steps as completed for pump disassembly. However the follow ing observations should be considered:

    Pay attention to the utm ost cleanliness when reassembling the pump. For tight tolerances, e.g. between stub shaft (210) and motor shaft or impeller (230) and shaft (210) as

    well as thread use a suitable anti-galling com pound (e.g. Molykote/Never-Seeze), so that the assembly and the next disassem bly will be easier.

    a A n ti-g a llin g co m p o u n d m u st be co m p a tib le w ith the pum page.

    Screws should be tightened, with the follow ing torque:

    Location Screw sizeScrew to rq i

    Lubricated threadsie in Nm

    Dry threads

    Casing screwsM12 35 50

    M16 105 150

    M20 210 305

    All other screwsM10 35 50M12 60 90

    M16 150 220


    D o n 't forget any sealing or key (see sectional drawing).M ounting o f stub shaft see point 8.9.3.For m ounting o f mech. seal refer to separate discription (see point 8.6.).For impellers with back vanes the axial clearance between the back vanes and the casing cover (161) should be checked after m ounting the impeller (230) and tightening the impeller nut (922) (see point 8 .8 . 1) .After the m ounting of the back pull out assembly, and its assem bly into the volute casing, turn the shaft and contrail the free moving o f the pump in this way. The shaft sealings will cause slightly resistance when turning, but there must not be any contact between metal parts.

    Before sta rin g the p u m p do n o t fo rg e t to in sta ll a n d co n n e ct all se cu rity d evices (fo r g u a rd p la te re fe r to p o in t 8.3).

    8.9.2 New m otor If a new motor is installed during the repair, the follow ing must be noted: The motor must com ply with the requirements in list T 623 (if required order from manufacturer). Clean motor stum p and motor flange o f the new motor carefully (remove remainder o f varnish).

    8.9.3 M ou n tin g o f stub sh aft Insert key into the motor stump. Put anti-galling com pound onto the m otor stump (see point 8.9.1.). Push stub shaft up the motor shaft to measure A (see pict. 8.6. and chart).

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 19

  • O perating Instru ctio ns


    9 0 4.4 2

    pict. 8.6.

    Type80 90


    re A b 112

    y mot 132

    or size 160 180 200

    ICB 50-32-160 157 157 197 197 197 232ICB 50-32-200 157 157 197 197 197 232ICB 50-32-250 162 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 65-40-160 157 157 197 197 197 232ICB 65-40-200 157 157 197 197 197 232 232ICB 65-40-250 162 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 65-40-315 202 202 197 237 237 237ICB 80-50-160 157 157 197 197 197 232 232ICB 80-50-200 157 157 197 197 202 232 232 232ICB 80-50-250 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 80-50-315 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 100-65-160 162 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 100-65-200 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 100-65-250 162 202 202 206 237 237 237ICB 100-65-315 206 206 202 241 241 241ICB 125-80-160 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 125-80-200 162 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 125-80-250 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 125-80-315 206 206 241 241 241ICB 125-100-200 202 202 202 237 237 237ICB 125-100-250 216 216 216 251 251 251ICB 125-100-315 206 241 241 241

    ICB 150-125-250 216 251 251 251ICB 150-125-315 241 241 241ICB 200-150-250 251 251 251

    Drill countersink into motorshaft, appr. 2-3 mm depth, through the radial bore in the motor shaft (see pict. 8.6.), by useing a twistdrill w ith 90 tip.

    20 Artikel Nr. 1999991 ICB 100-en

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    Remove cuttings out o f the stud hole (e.g. with compressed-air), screw in and make safe thread pins (904.41 and 904.42) (e.g. with Om nifit 100 M or Loctite).

    Check smooth running o f stub shaft opposite to motor flange with a dial gauge (see pict. 8.6.). The pointer deflection o f the dial gauge must not exceed 0,1 mm.

    9. Spare parts. Spare pumps

    9.1 Spare partsSpare parts should be selected to last for two-years continuous operation. If no other guidelines are applicable, we recommend that you stock the number o f parts listed below (in accordance with VDM A 24296).

    A ttention To en su re op tim u m availability, w e reco m m en d that su ita b le qua ntities o f spare pa rts are h e ld in stock, esp e cia lly if these are m ade from sp e c ia l m aterials a n d in the case o f m echa nica l se als, beca u se o f the lo n g e r d e livery times.

    N um ber o f p u m p s (incl. stand-by pum ps)2 3 4 5 6/7 8/9 10/more

    Spare parts Stuckza il der Ersatzteile

    Impeller 1 1 1 2 2 3 30%

    Wear ring-casing 2 2 2 3 3 4 50%

    Shaft with key and nuts 1 1 2 2 2 3 30%

    Joints for pump casing sets 4 6 8 8 9 12 150%

    Other joints sets 4 6 8 8 9 10 100%

    M echanical seal 2 3 4 5 6 7 90%

    bearing fram e incl. adapter and impeller

    - - - - - 1 2

    O rdering spare partsW hen ordering spare parts, please supply the follow ing information:

    T y p e _____________________________________

    S/N (Order n o .)___________________________

    Part d esign atio n _______________________ in sectional d ra w in g ____________

    All the inform ation is given in the Data Sheet and the relevant sectional drawing.

    A ttention S to re spare pa rts in d ry a n d clean room s.

    9.2 S tan d -b y pum ps

    Alt is essen tia l that a su ffic ie n t n u m b e r o f stand -by p u m p s are ke p t rea d y fo r u se in p la n ts w here fa ilure o f a p u m p co u ld e n d a n g e r hum an life o r cause dam age to p ro p e rty o r h ig h costs. R eg u lar checks sh o u ld be ca rried o u t to en su re that su ch p u m p s are a lw ays rea d y fo r use (see Point 6.2).

    A ttention S to re stand -by p u m p s a cco rd in g to p o in t 3.2.

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 21

  • O peratin g Instru ctio ns

    10. Plant Manager ListEach plant m anager should sign below to confirm that he has received, read and understood these Operating Instructions. He undertakes to follow the instructions conscientiously. If these instructions are not followed, the manufacturer's guarantee and liability shall cease to apply.

    Name: Date: Signature:

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  • ICB

    11. Log Book

    Each plant operator shall duly enter all maintenance and service work that has been carried out, and shall see that the person responsible confirms such work by siqninq below.

    M aintenance work: Date: S ignature Plant operator:

    Confirm ed by Person responsible:

    ICB 100-en Artikel Nr. 1999991 23

  • _______ Mounting Instruction for shaft sealing_______V alid fo r pu m p typ e ICB

    Single mech. seal without shaft sleeve

    For single mechanical seals with installation dimensions acc. to DIN 24960 / EN 12756, Design "K". API Plan 02 / ISO Plan 00

    Because o f the patented Cyclone-seal cham ber no additional flush ing o f the seal cham ber is necessary.

    For description o f materials and operational range o f the mech. seals supplied please refer to the Data Sheet in the Operation Instruction.Internal seal design refer to enclosed seal Data Sheet.

    922 4 1 2 .2 1 433 210

    Index o f parts:

    161 Casing cover210 Shaft230 Impeller412.21 O-ring 433 M echanical seal527**) Fixing ring 560*) Pin904.31**) Setscrew 922 Impeller nut

    *) only for mech. seals with Teflon-O-rings standard**) not for all designs

    This leaflet is subject to alteration!

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • N om inal size 0 d , 0 d 7 11K B33 48 42,5 5043 61 45 52,553 73 47,5 57,5

    Replacement of mech. sealFor that purpose use the appropriate sectional draw ing and the enclosed data sheet o f the mech. seal.

    1. Safety InstructionsPlease fo llo w the in stru ctio n s p ro v id e d u n d e r p o in t 8.1 o f the O peration In stru ctio n !

    AThe follow ing descriptions are only valid comm only, as far as they refer to the inner design of the mech. seal. For possible particularities refer to the Data Sheet o f the mech. seal or instruction o f the mech. seal-manufacturer.

    2. Removal of the mech. seal Remove and disassemble the pum p referring to the repair instructions point 8.4 inclusive. Remove fixing ring (527) (if existing) and rotating part o f the mech. seal (433) from shaft (210). Refer

    to the enclosed data sheet o f the mech. seal, if set screws are to be loosened at the mech. seal at first. Remove stationary part o f the mech. seal (433) out of the casing cover (161). Clean casing cover (161) bore (0 d 7 ) and surface o f the shaft (210).

    Attention The reuse o f m ech. seals, w hich have a lread y been u se d fo r a lo n g e r tim e, can lead to leaking ~~ at the se a l faces a fte r reinstallation. Therefore the rep lacem ent o f the m ech. sea l throug h a

    n e w one is recom m ended. The d ism o u n te d m echa nica l sea l can b e re co n d itio n e d b y the m anufa ctu rer a n d serve as a rep la cem en t m ech.seal.

    3. Installation of a mech. sealAttention ?ay atten tion to th e u tm o st clea n n ess! Especia lly the sea l faces m u st be clean, d ry a n d un-

    dam aged. D o n t a p p ly lu b rica tio n on the sea l faces o f the m ech. seal.

    If a lubricant is provided with the replacement mech. seal, you should use this.

    A ttention Use m ineral g rea se o r o il only, i f y o u are co m p lete ly su re that the elastom ers o f the m ech. seal are o il resistant. Use n o silicone.

    Use o n ly lu b rica n ts w hen y o u are su re that there can t o ccu r any d a n g ero u s rea ction s betw een | \ the p u m p a g e a n d the lubricant.A

    A ttention Make a ll re q u ire d p a rts available, so that a ssem b ly can be co m p le te d qu ick ly . The lubricants are o n ly e ffective fo r a sh o rt time.

    A ttention D on t p u sh e la sto m ers o v e r sh arp edges. I f necessary use m o u n tin g devices.

    Press the stationary part o f the mech. seal in the casing cover (161). For this you can eventually use a stam p with a soft surface. Unequal load can lead to cracking of the seal face.

    D o n 't dam age seal face! Pay attention that the stationary ring is in solid contact with the casing cover. The seal face must be in

    stalled perpendicular to the shaft. If a pin (560) is existing, be careful that it fits into the slot o f the mech. sealing, w ithout touching the

    mech. seal.

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • Push the rotating unit o f the mech. seal on the shaft (210). Com plete the face on the impeller side of the mech. seal exactly w ith the shaft (measure l,K). For mech.

    seals w ithout own set screws the fixing ring (527) serves as a stop.

    Attention Push m ech. sea ls w ith b e llo w s in su ch a way, that the b e llo w is co m p re sse d a n d n o t stretch e d (d a n g e r o f tearing apart!).

    Further m ounting and installation o f the pump referring to the repair instructions.

    ITT IndustriesEngineered fo r life

  • I 2 1 0 0 A Foreword

    Jo h n C ra n eT yp e 2 1 0 0M e c h a n ica l S e a l________In sta lla t io n In stru c t io n s

    1 J4

    ..... .

    This instruction manual is provided to familiarise the user with the seal and its designated use. The instructions must be read and applied whenever work is done on the seal, and must be kept available for future reference.

    I ATTENTION | These instructions are tor the installation and operation of a single seal running against a seat/mating ring of appropriate material and design as used in rotating equipment: the instructions will help to avoid danger and increase reliability. The information required may change with other types of equipment or installation arrangement, and this manual must be read iri conjunction with the instruction manual supplied with the seat/mating ring and the instruction manuals for both the pump and any ancillary equipment.

    If the seal is to he used for an application other than that originally intended or outside the recommended performance limits, John Crane must be contacted before its installation and use.

    Any warranty may be affected by improper handling, installation, or use of this seal, contact the Company for information as to exclusive product warranty and limitations of liability.

    If questions or problems arise, contact your local John Crane Sales/ Service Engineer or the original equipment manufacturer, as appropriate.

    Forew ord (cont'd)John Crane mechanical seals and seats/mating rings are precision products and must be handled appropriately. Take particular care to avoid damage to lapped sealing faces and flexible sealing rings. Do not excessively compress the seal before or during installation.

    Safety In stru ctio n s

    1. The following designations are used in this instruction manual to highlight instructions of particular importance:

    NOTE: Refers to special information on how to install or operatethe seal most efficiently.

    Refers to special information or instructions directedtowards the prevention of damage to the seal or its surroundings.

    Refers to mandatory instructions designed to prevent personal injury or extensive damage to the seal or its surroundings.

    2. Installation and removal of the seal must be carried out only by qualified personnel who have read and understood this instruction manual.



    3. The seal is designed exclusively for sealing rotating shafts. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for use of the seal for purposes other than this.

    4. The seal must only be used in technically perfect condition and in conjunction with a suitable seat/mating ring, and must be operated within the recommended performance limits in accordance with its designated use and the instructions set out in this manual.

    5. If the pumped fluid is hazardous or toxic, appropriate precautions must be taken to ensure that any seal leakage is adequately contained. Further information on sealing hazardous or toxic fluids should be obtained from John Crane prior to installation.

    6. PTFE and fluorocarbon components should never be burned or incinerated as the fumes are highly toxic. If fluorocarbons are accidentally heated above 400C they can decompose, and protective gloves must be worn when handling as hydrofluoric acid may be present.

    S to ra ge and TransportInstructions for the handling, packaging, storage and transport of sealunits and seats/mating rings are given in the John Crane InstructionSheet ref. I-Storage-E. available on request.

    C h e c k in g the Equipm ent

    Successful operation and life of this seal is dependent on acceptable equip- NOTE:ment dimensions, alignments, and finishes. Before installation of the seal, the following checks should be made with respect to the seal housing and the shaft, especially (where marked ') at the seal position. The usual equipment to measure these features would include a micrometer and dial indicator.

    Shaft/Sleeve Outside Diameter ' Refer to Dimension Tables

    Seal Chamber Bore Diameter Refer to Dimension Tables

    Shaft/Sleeve Finish t______________ 0.8 to 1.2 urn Ra (Machined)

    Shaft/Sleeve Ovality/

  • Typical Type 2 1 0 0 S ea l A rrangem ent

    P a r t N a m e ________________________ _________________________

    1 Bellows_______ 4 Face/Primary Ring______________2 Drive Band______ 5 Seat/Mating Ring and Seat Ring'3 Spring_______________________________________

    Rofor to scat/mating ring instruction manual

    Type 2 1 0 0 In ch R an ge D im ensional D ata (inches)



    Code01 D3 D4 L3

    0.375 0095 0.375 0.787 0.856 0.591

    0.500 0127 0.500 0.945 1.024 0.591

    0.625 0158 0.625 1.024 1.102 0.591

    0.750 0190 0.750 1.260 1 339 0 787

    0.875 0222 0.875 1.417 1.496 0.787

    1.000 0254 1.000 1.535 1.614 0.787

    1.125 0285 1.125 1.654 1.732 1.024

    1.250 0317 1.250 1.811 1.890 1.024

    1.375 0349 1.375 1.929 2.008 1.024

    1.500 0381 1.500 2.126 2.283 1.181

    1.625 0412 1.625 2.205 2.362 1.181

    1.750 0444 1.750 2.402 2.559 1.181

    1.875 0476 1.875 2.520 2.677 1,181

    2.000 0508 2.000 2.598 2.756 1,181

    2.125 0539 2.125 2.717 2.874 1.181

    Type 2 1 0 0 S ea l Installation D im ensions

    Type 2 1 0 0 Inch R a n ge D im ensional Data (inches cont'tr,



    CodeD1 D3 04 L3

    2.250 0571 2.250 3.031 3.189 1.299

    2.375 0603 2.375 3.150 3 346 1.299

    2.500 0635 2.500 3.268 3.465 1.299

    2.625 0666 2.625 3.465 3.661 1.299

    2.750 0698 2.750 3 504 3 740 1.299

    2.875 0730 2.875 3.780 3.976 1.299

    3.000 0762 3.000 3.898 4.094 1.575

    3.125 0793 3.125 4.055 4.252 1.575

    3.250 0825 3.250 4.094 4.291 1.575

    3.375 0857 3.375 4.252 4 488 1.575

    3.500 0889 3.500 4.409 4.606 1,575

    3.625 0920 3.625 4 488 4.685 1.575

    3.750 0952 3.750 4.646 4 882 1.575

    3.875 0984 3.875 4.803 5.000 1.575

    4.000 1016 4.000 4 882 5.079 1.575

    Pressure/V/elocity (PV) L im its H ousing S q u a re n e ss to Shaft

    P re ssu re (bar g) P re ssu re (psig!

    1-------- 10 .8 1 .6 2.4 3 .2 4 (inchesl

    S e a l S iz e

    The m axim um operating p re ssu re s show n ap ply under the follow ing conditions carbon graphite face/prim ary r n g running a ga in st a s ilico n carb id e or tungsten carb id e seat/m ating ring, with a lubricating sea led fluid at 8CTC/1 '/S' F.

    M axim um static/test p re ssu re s should be taken a s the relevant m axim um operating pressure multiplied b y a factor of 1.5.

    A xia l R u n -O u t (mm) F.I.M. A x ia l R u n -O u t (In ch e s) F.I.M.

    0.24 0.009








    1000 2000 3000 4000

    S h a ft S p e e d (rpm)

  • The seal must be installed to its correct working length L3. Setting procedure is described with respect to the shaft, but is equally applicable toa fitted sleeve.

    | A T T E N T I O N | II L3 is overlength, the seal will be undercompressed and will leak: If L3 is underlength, the seal will be over- compressed and this will cause dry running and high wear of the seal faces.

    Find the true seal abutment position as follows:

    1. Refer to the appropriate seat/mating ring instruction manual to obtain dimension 'X' from the face of the gland plate to the seat mating surface (Figure 1).

    2. With the shaft in its working position, mark the surface at 'Y' in line with the seal housing end face, and mark the shaft again a t ' T the obtained distance away from the face position (Figure 2). This second mark is a datum for the seal working length L3.

    3. From the dimension tables, find the dimension L3 for the size of seal being fitted, and measure the distance back from position ' T (Figure 3). The new marked position is the point on the shaft where the back of the seal is to be located.

    Settin g the Seal

    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    Figure 3


    Lead -O n C h am ferFor ease of installation, the lead-on edge of the shaft or sleeve should be chamfered as shown.

    p Seal sizes up to 25 mm /1.000" Above 25 mm to 63 mm/

    5.0 mm

    1.000" to 2.500" 6.5 mmAbove 63 mm /2.500" 8.0 mm

    Q 10

    R 1mm Radius

    In sta llin g the Seal

    Before starting the installation, read the following instructions carefully, both to be aware of special information, and because the fitting sequence may be different depending on the construction of the pump.

    NOTE: II is essential to use a suitable lubricant when filling the seal. The recommended lubricants for elastomeric bellows are soft hand soap and water, or glycerine, do not use washing-up liquid, liquid soaps, or hand cleaning gels. Light mineral oil may be used sparingly with nitrile and fluorocarbon.

    | A T T E N T I O N | Do not use hydrocarbon-based liquids on ethylene propylene bellows, and do not use grease (including silicone grease) on any elastomer bellows.

    1. Remove the proleciive packaging Irom the seal; check lor any damage, and wipe clean.

    2. Fit the scat/mating ring into the gland plate as described in the appropriate seat instruction manual. Check that the gland plate O-ring or gasket is in position and will not be displaced during fitting, and then position the gland plate on the shaft clear of the seal location.

    [ A T T E N T I O N | Installation of the seal unit to its working length should be complete within 15 minutes to ensure that the elastomer bellows is correctly positioned before the neck of the bellows permanently grips the shaft.

    3. Clean the shaft, and lightly lubricate the shaft and the neck of the bellows.

    NOTE: Fit the seal by applying a steady pressure directly to the tail of the bellows, preferably using a closc-fitting shaft sleeve with the seal spring and spring locating ring temporarily removed.

    5. Wipe (he lapped surface of the seal face perfectly clean. Install the pump casing/seal housing; loca(e the gland plate squarely on the seal housing studs, and pull on the plate to compress the seal spring as necessary to fit the retaining nuts.

    6. Tighten the nuts in the manner recommended by the pump instruction manual and to its recommended torque.


  • Before C o m m issio n in g the Equipm ent M aintenance

    1. Ensure that the gland plate nuts are evenly tightened according to the pump manual torque setting.

    2. Complete the assembly ol the pump, and turn the shaft (by hand, if possible) to ensure free rotation. Check for correct alignment of the coupling and driver.

    3. Consult all available equipment instruction manuals to check for correctness of all piping and connections, particularly seal recirculation/ flush, heating or cooling requirements, and services external to the seal.

    |ATTENTION | This mechanical sea is designed to operate in a liquid so that the heat energy it creates is adequately removed, and therelore the following check should be carried out, not only after seai installation, but also following a period of shut-down.

    4 . Check that the seal chamber fluid lines are open and free of any obstruction, and ensure that the seal chamber is filled with fluid and fully vented.

    Dry runningoften indicated by a squealing noise from the seal areawill cause overheating and scoring or other damage to the sealing surfaces, resulting in excessive leakage or a much shortened seal life.


    During operation, periodic inspection of the seal should be carried out.A measure of seal condition is the level of leakage, and as no maintenance is possible while installed, the seal should be replaced when leakage becomes unacceptable. It is recommended that a spare seal unit and seat/mating ring are held in stock to allow immediate replacement of a removed seal.

    D eco m m issio n in g the Equipm ent

    1. Ensure that the pump is electrically isolated.

    A If the equipment has been used on toxic or hazardous fluids, ensure that the equipment is correctly decontaminated and made safe prior to commencing work. Remember that fluid is often trapped during draining and may be present inside the seal chamber. The pump instruction manual should be con suited to check for any special precautions.

    2. Ensure that the pump is isolated by the appropriate valves. Chock that the fluid is drained and pressure fully released.

    After Unit h a s Run

    1. Ensure that the pump is electrically isolated.

    A If the equipment has been used on toxic or hazardous fluids, ensure that the equipment is correctly decontaminated and made safe prior to commencing work. Remember, fluid is often trapped during draining and may exist outside the seal. The pump instruction manual should be consulted to check for any special precautions.

    2. Ensure that the pump is isolated by the appropriate valves. Check that the fluid is drained and pressure is fully released.

    M aintenanceNo maintenance of a seal is possible while installed, therefore, it is recommended that a spare seal unit and mating ring be held in stock to allow immediate replacement of a removed seal.

    It is recommended that used seals are returned to a John Crane Seal Rebuilding Center, as rebuilding to as-new specifications must be carried out by qualified personnel.

    , . It is the responsibility of the equipment user to ensure that any ' ' parts being sent to a third party have appropriate safe handling

    instructions externally attached to the package.A

    Rem oving the S ea l

    1. Referring to the pump instruction manual, dismantle the equipment sufficiently to expose the gland plate and seal housing.

    2. Evenly slacken and remove the gland plate nuts, and carefully slide the plate off the studs.

    3. Remove the seal housing, clean and oil the shaft, and then complete the removal of the seal and the gland plate assembly in the reverse order to installation.

    NOTE: Although the original seal position may be marked on the shaft or sleeve as a reference point before seal removal, the location must be checked even if the same seal and seat/mating ring specification is intended as a replacement.

    A seal unit should always be serviced after removal from duty. It is recommended that used seals are returned to a John Crane Service Centre, since rebuilding to as-new specification must be carried out by qualified personnel.

    A lt is the responsibility of the equipment user to ensure that any parts being sent to a third party have appropriate safe-handling instructions externally attached to the package

    J o h n C ra n eEngineered Sealing System s

    Eu ro p e , M iddle E a s t, A fricaSlough, UK

    Tel: 44-1753-224000Fax: 44-1753-224224

    N orth a n d L a t in A m e rica

    Morton Grove. Illinois U SA

    Tel: 1-847-967-2400 Fax: 1-847-967-3915 1 - 8 0 0 -S E A L IN G

    II ihe producis featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or hazardous process, your John Crane representative should he consulted prior to their selection and use. In the interest o f continuous development. John Crane Com panies reserve the right to alter designs and specifications without prior notice. It is dangerous to sm oke while handling products made from P TF E O ld and new PTFE products must not be incinerated

    A s ia P a c if icSingapore

    Tel: 65-222-9161 Fax: 65-223-5035

    J o h n C ra n e S e alo l*Cranston. Rhode Island U SA

    Tel: 1-401-463-8700 Fax: 1-401-463-6198

    Jo h n C ra n e S a fe m a tic*Muurame. Finland

    Tel: 358-14-600-611 Fax: 358-14-600-600

    e 1998 John Crane Print 11/98 w w w .joh ncran e.co m IS O 9001 Certified

    J o h n C ra n e F lexibox*Manchester. U K

    Tel: 44-161-8722484 Fax: 44-161-8489812


    ICB 50-32-1607 2 0 0 .1 A 6 1 0

    Rev. 1

    ( =

    = dt:

    i * !J





    J i30

    H kannje nach Motorerzeuger variieren H peut varier selon le constructeur de moteur H may vary depending on actual motor supplier

    G ... Gewicht fur Pumpe ohne Motor in kg G ... Poids de la pompe sans le moteur en kg G ... Weight for pump without motor in kg

    Toleranzen entsprechend DIN EN 735 Conforme aux tolerances DIN EN 735 Tolerancing to according DIN EN 735

    Maf3e in mm / Dimensions en mm / Dimension in mm


    co pr

    d4 16

    D K L DN C d D K LAh


    cC la j

    ds 1 5(

    D) RF

    K L

    DN, X 50 20 102 165 125 4x19 2 20 92 165 120,54x19DNn X 32 18 78 140 100 4x1 1 1/2 18 63,5 140 89 4x16

    IEC - M otor Bm ax g i ~ H h U n4 n5 w ~ G80 119 15 408 176 - - - - 31

    X 90 119 15 457 176 - - - - 31100 144 15 530 216 - - - - 37

    112 144 15 539 216 - - - - 37

    132 150 35 666 216 20 - - - 37

    160 175 60 771 251 45 210 180 206 43

    Order no.: SJ/CH/85/03 Type: ICB 50-32-160 S1V V 2-222 Ex Date: 30.4.2003

    Custom er: E JK SP.Z.O .O :

    Serial no.: 8 ,581.512 Item no.: - S ign :

    < & r S V E iITT IndustriesE n gineered fo r life

  • Tech












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    ITT IndustriesE n g in e e re d fo r life


    Bauart i _ _C o n stru ctio n | ( B D esign

    No S 740-400

    Ausfuhrung: Einzel-GLRD, nicht entlastet (DIN 24960, l1k / EN 12756, Ausf. K, Form U), Laufrad mit Ruckenschaufeln Execution: Garniture mecanique simple, non compensee (DIN24960, l!k / EN 12756, modele K, forme U), roue de

    roulement avec ailettes dorsales Design: Single mech. Seal unbalanced (DIN 24960, l,k / EN 12756, design K, form U), impeller with back vanes

    O rder no.: SJ/CH/85/03 T yp e: ICB 50-32-160 S1V V 2-222 Ex Date: 30 .4 .2 003Custom er: E JK SP.Z.O .O :

    Serial no.: 8 ,581.512 | Item no.: -

  • No S 740-400 Seite 2 - No S 740-400 page 2 - No S 740-400 page 2

    Nr. Teilbezeichnung Nom enclature Index o f Parts

    102 V Spiralgehause Volute Volute casing161 Gehausedeckel Couvercle de corps Casing cover183 ***) Stiitzfuss Bequille Support foot183P **) Pumpenunterlage Cale de pompe Pump alignment210 Steckwelle Arbre Stub-shaft230 Laufrad Roue Impeller341 Antriebslaterne Lanterne - support de moteur Motor lantern400 Flachdichtung Joint plat Gasket412.21 O-Ring Joint torique O-ring433 Gleitringdichtung Garniture mecanique Mechanical seal502.11 *) Spaltring Bague d' usure Wear ring527 **) Stellring Bague d' arret Fixing ring554.41 Unterlegscheibe Rondelle Washer554.42 Kugelscheibe Rondelle frein Bevelwasher554.43 ***^ Kegelpfanne Coussinet Bevelcup554.44 Unterlegscheibe Rondelle Washer681 Schutzblech Protecteur Guard plate801 Flanschmotor Moteur a bride de fixation Flange motor901.11 Sechskantschraube Vis a tete hexagonale Hexagon head bolt901.31 **) Sechskantschraube Vis a tete hexagonale Hexagon head bolt901.42 Sechskantschraube Vis tete hexagonale Hexagon head bolt901.43 Sechskantschraube Vis a tete hexagonale Hexagon head bolt902.41 Stiftschraube Goujon Stud904.11 *) Gewindestift Vis d' arret Grub screw904.31 Gewindestift Vis d' arret Grub screw904.41 Gewindestift Vis d' arret Set screw904.42 Gewindestift Vis d1 arret Set screw912.11 Entleerungsstopfen Bouchon de vidange Drain plug920.41 Sechskantmutter Ecrou Hexagonal nut922 Laufradmutter Ecrou de blocage de roue Impeller nut940.31 Passfeder Clavette Key

    *)... optional**)... nicht bei alien Ausfuhrungen - pas pour tous les modeles - not for all designs

    ***)... nur bei lEC-MotorbaugroBe: 160MA, 160M, 160L, 180M, 180L, 200L, 200LAuniquement avec moteurs IEC de taille: 160MA, 160M, 160L, 180M, 180L, 200L, 200LA only for IEC - Motorsize: 160MA, 160M, 160L, 180M, 180L, 200L, 200LA

    G iilt ig fur Type: 50-32-160 80-50-160 125-80-160Valable pour type: 50-32-200 80-50-200 125-80-200Valid for type: 50-32-250 80-50-250 125-80-250

    65-40-160 80-50-315 125-100-20065-40-200 100-65-160 125-100-25065-40-250 100-65-200 150-125-25065-40-315 100-65-250 200-150-250

    Technische Anderungen vorbehalten! - Modifications techniques sans preavis! - This leaflet is subject to alternation without notice!

    ITT IndustriesE n g in e e re d fo r life

  • Tech












    n te














    is su


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    L 7124-400

    A nschlusse - R accordem ent - Connections

    PM2 !



    k ' CP S :



    Qty.Anschlusse Raccordement Connections

    Lagertrager Corps de palier Bearing bracket 24 | 32,42,48

    0 PM1 1 Druckmessung Mesurede la pression Pressure measurement 1/4-18 NPT0 PM2 1 Druckmessung Mesure de la pression Pressure measurement 1/4-18 NPT0 C01 1 Zirkulation-Austritt Sortie de la circulation Circulation outlet 1/4-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT

    X S D 1 Entleerung (Gehause) Vidange (bortier) Drain (casing) 3/8-18 NPTX s DL 1 Entleerung (Lateme) Vidange (lanterne) Drain (Lantern) G 1/2

    0 Ql 1 Quench-EintrittEntree de transition supraconductrice

    Quench inlet 1/4-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT

    0 QO 1 Quench-AustrittSortie de transition supraconductrice

    Quench outlet 1/4-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT

    S = Standard; 0 = Option


    rder no.: SJ/CH/85/03 Type: ICB 50-32-160 S1V V 2-222 Ex Date: 30.4.2003jsto m er: E JK SP.Z.O .O :

    Serial no.: 8 ,581.512 Item no.: - Sign:

    ITT IndustriesE n g in e e re d fo r life

  • Tech












    n te











    is le


    t is



    to al













    a I'e





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    e si













    ly w





    CBT 701-400


    Zul. Stutzenkrafte und M om ente in A n lehnung an die EU RO PU M P-Em pfehlung fur Pum pen nach ISO 5199-1986La force et couple adm issib les selon recom m andations EUROPUM P d 1 ap res ISO 5199-1986 Perm issible loads and torques on pum p flan ges b asin g on su gge stio n s by EUROPUM P acc. to ISO 5199-1986 fo r pum ps

    Pum pengroBe G randeur de Pom pe

    Pum p sizeFmax [N] Fhmax [N] Mlmax[Nrn]

    X ICB 50-32-160 2500 1350 250

    ICB 50-32-200 2500 1350 250

    ICB 50-32-250 2550 1400 300

    ICB 65-40-160 2550 1400 300

    ICB 65-40-200 2550 1400 300

    ICB 65-40-250 2650 1400 300

    ICB 65-40-315 2750 1450 350

    ICB 80-50-160 2700 1400 350

    ICB 80-50-200 2700 1400 350

    ICB 80-50-250 2850 1450 400ICB 80-50-315 3100 1550 450

    ICB 100-65-160 3800 1750 650

    ICB 100-65-200 3500 1650 600

    ICB 100-65-250 3500 1650 600

    ICB 100-65-315 4100 1800 700

    ICB 125-80-160 4800 2050 950

    ICB 125-80-200 4500 1900 850

    ICB 125-80-250 4500 1900 850ICB 125-80-315 5100 2100 1050

    ICB 125-100-200 5600 2300 1200

    ICB 125-100-250 6400 2650 1400

    ICB 125-100-315 6900 2850 1550

    ICB 150-125-250 8900 3900 2200

    ICB 150-125-315 9000 3950 2250

    ICB 200-150-250 11700 5800 3045

    Unbedingt riickseitige Berechnung der Summationsbedingung beachten! Se conformer imperativement au calcul des conditions d'addition au verso! Attention, refer to calculation of summary condition on back side!

    O rder no.: SJ/CH/85/03 Type: ICB 50-32-160 S1V V 2-222 Ex Date: 30.4.2003

    Custom er: E JK SP.Z.O .O :

    Serial no.: 8 ,581.512 Item no.: - S ign :

    ITT IndustriesE n g in ee red fo r life

  • Zul. Stutzenkrafte und M om ente in A n leh n u n g an die EU RO PU M P-Em pfehlung fur Pum pen nach ISO 5199-1986La force et co u p le adm issib les selon recom m andations EUROPUM P d' apres ISO 5199-1986 Perm issible loads and torques on pum p flan ges b asing on su gge stio n s by EUROPUM P acc. to ISO 5199-1986 fo r pum ps

    Kraft- und M om entkom ponenten Com posante force et couple Load and to rq ue com ponents

    Druckstutzen - Bride de refoulement - On discharge flange

    Fxd. Fyd. Fjd M


    T 011-810

    Gultig fur Walz- und GleitlagerPour des roulements a glissement et des roulement a rouleaux For plane bearings and roller bearings


