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Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-19 [p...

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THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY tfOVEKBEfc 18 1910 9 rT CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW WASHINGTON AND ITS VICINITY Notices for these columns should reach The Herald office bv 9pm Friday f i I r EPISCOPAL BT THOMAS 18th st near Duixnit Circle between P End Q t S m Holy CfemmunioD 11 m Sermon by rector The three judgments of row In response to moral request the Mrrico at 415 Magnificat Tours in F Xuric Duulttla- iToura in F anthem after Third Collect 0 for a Closer Walk with God by M Foster offer- tory anthem Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace by C U William procwekmal hymn 514 No sermon N RAn ors n recital begtrming U 315 p ra precedes the abore secure ST CHURCH 23d at near Washington Circle RCT Hobert Talbot and Rev George W Atkinson clergy Hnly Camrannloa 730 and Full choral treasons 8 oclock Tho ladies of parish will hold their bazaar on Tuesday Noreaj ber 22 in the parish Suppers will be sened CHURCH OF TIlE ASCENSION Mai are and 12th tt nw Rev J Htnnlns recto Sirrices 8 and U a m and 415 and 8 p m The rector will preach at 11 a m and 8 p m TRINITY CHURCH 3d and 0 rots nw Rev Rich- ard P Williams rector Services 11 8 The rector will preach Thanksgiving flag 730 and 11 THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY G at be- tween Uth and 14th Ret Randolph H MeKirn D D wtfflr Sertlees 8 and 11 a ra 4 and p m Sunday school 920 a ra and 3 p m The childr n annual Thantwgiiing service will ba fcrid at 4 oclock All Invited The rector will preach at 11 a m- ST ANDDJOWa CHURCH cor Hth and Corcoran sts nw Ren J J Dimen rector Ret W M D curate Secures 733 limy Coin mouton 930 Sundar school 11 morning jerrico and ttrmen 8 craninc wnice anti serroeu The rector will preach at both terriers PHESI1YTERIAK CHURCH OP THE COVENANT Connecticut ate N ts Chubs Wood minister Stuart Bready assistant minister Harry Bamnere Angus minister of Dock Chapel 11 a m Preaching by the paster Musical Mrrfee led by church quartet from 330 to 4 oclock p m Preatbteg by patter subject Th Ethic Jli H 8 p m PrwchiHs by pester subject The rfwpln- siaMfice of friewdihljw Thursday li a ra TboikfeiTiRff mice preceded by a half hours ganrice subject Tie ittant repto spirit of American oifffltaHoH Musical serriee from 70 to 8 oeteck- Cantau Song of Th Hb girfnff ren dewd br St Choir Sunday scbttol at 9iS a m Chriktlas EadeaTor wiling 5 p m Thursday craning at fi mIdweek GUNTOXTBMiLB Mth sd R rta C Brerriit Qranger poster wilt preach at Ua ra and 6U n at Subjwu Mpreiiiff Sp ritr erei i ff n as a U- H S 930 a TO C 6iS p a Prenantory and Tk i Hitg in the ciwpl 7H5- Vedwsdaj eieain- gFinSTTh S mncva Sabbath n B Jehn Mar shaH pL nw Domkl C MacLeed minister 11 a in wbiKt Hisfc HTtog 715 n m The ma t ry enHrantH nt S S 9S9 A ra C K 815 p ra AH are w ieera NEW YORK AVE rRESBYTERIAX CHURCH aye 11 and ISth its Dr Wallace Had ciiffe paMor 11 a M iwMk Twship Mrroon by the pMtnr 7 p m OJd Grejfriara nits rf avid hirtorr Music kd by quartet choIr 9 a m Bibfe school J a m adult cto e 615 ix Christian Society masks siring DayS 11 a m iwbttc wonWp BAPTIST GRACE BAPTIST 9th sod D se F W Jrtmwn- ptutor Robert Chirm an e BSttet of note jWMcfctft at 11 awl f and every Hfcfct Dr F B Meyer the treat LoftdM- preaefcer KeommendA him Doat ntaa Wra Pint Tfcit to Wathtostoa in revival work THE QUKSTION OF HELL UM f irtli IB series on Tiw tomorrow of lire will be John K Briosft auhj et at Fifth BapttH Chore Sunday 7 ML Reriral iMettosB begin Sunday Differoat p 4 n will at M UM Ttwnk gi K night when Will D Uptbaw of Attenta will on A TlMiriuKiftes Bwewiee and each nisbt foHowinc for tell days All wohMM E HEZ SWEil EXPLAINS SHOULP WASH iujrtcwfana Marry More Thee Once Sunday Might S oe Pr chiBe 11 a m subject A Clwfctiaa 403 M st ww Itmte Main SI TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Ifch awl N Its Ir J J Hr p ter gOTrkse U m- Spolte of gr ce 7 The fathers BiU achoel a m C K 7 a METHODIST EPISCOPAL METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL M E GHURCH John MtNfcaH place and 0 at nw Reid M tar At U a m The AmiiiwiM truths w need At 4 i us The worlds great eat ewB liM Jolts W rfey His doe trines ami today woMd of series on Geds modern prophets and ThunfefciTinK service oit Thursday at 11 a M subject Thy patha drop tetMM Smtday school sad MetrapoiitaB 50 Bpworth League 6 FOUNDRY M B CHURCH l h sad Church nw Rev W R Weddenfeoa D Ut jsstor 9 JO a w Svafey nchool 11 a m P r dtriltd sake 7 a m League 8 p m A mighty leader Strangers weteome CONGREGATIONAL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH career l th and G sts nw Rev Sanwel II Woodrow D D paMar R r a R Swift assistant pastor 11 a M wortliip wit tfraMin bjr the jNkitct ennirtMMatM Mnrie Ujr the sod cboroi ohoir 9S a m Swtday school 648 p a Y P a C B 8 p ra lec- ture ay the peeler wibieet JodMia capbtrtos- Jerieto MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL HeY Prank J Geodwta mhttoter Morning sendee 11 semiOR by the miateter j t The 6f will in bribe S oclock semen by tw Miakter nikfeet The purdMM pilce Sa d y Kbool ISO a Adalt- cteteest 10 a M Otrittlan meMiotr CHRISTIAN VERMONT AVENUE CHRISTIAN F I lwwcr awl U r Wflfl y 1rmchteg 11 a m sad fflfl p ra by Rev Earle WHfley d S a a w C B C38 p Seats free Come NINTH ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH h sts George A Miller pastor BIWe 93 a w MmraiBS Mrriae 11 BreiiJiig service t5 MhHet of serra a Jaeab the third Ht a seriea of Mfaoat m lllbte caaradwi All Ire ALL SOULS CHURCH earner Hth and L eta Ulrsfe G B Pierce D D nUnlster 9sW a Sunday setort dave for the Cnn ratiw Sttidy of RcHsWfl and Uwlty Study dan 11 a m mor tHtr terriee sernoK br the mlahtftr it KJudfrwrtCH dHrinc the of Hwralitff worship 730 p m Youn Peoples Religions Unioa Ualoo Thanksgiving serricu Thursday at 11 a m public invited to all serviees NEW CHURCH NEW CHURCH l th awl GoKoran Us w The Her Pnak Sewall D D pester wilt at 11 a au TIM Uwpal and the labor qaeatfen Matt xx Swday school lll Vcspera p ra with brief address THANKSGIVING DRY Kerrke and MrmM at 11 oekclc All are oonH rb Inrited l te lean library of the writings ef SIre denborg Free tracts in the restibule PEOPLES CHURCH Jra 6miBUt r Serrlces at 11 a wbjeet sarrke B1W study data at W a ra A Mnlial iaritatloa is exteed d ADDRESS TO JUDWB SBLDBN P SPENCER Of St Leeds Adarea Men n odw c ToMerrew Afternoon Nor 3 goparn awl Orchestra Made Yea ore etrdklly tented GOSPEL 3IISSIOX GOSPEL MISSION 1230 Pa aye Capt charles H Stanley the coBTerted will spook used slug every night next week Ills tome to- night A nw Terrtwi f the MII Mr 3 W Somerville of California and Mbs Jennie Smith the rollwad wl ako SPeak Allday Geepel jerrtcei will be kid Tha kjgT Das axfcL a turkey dinner will be enid poor and friendlftss from 1 to 6 p tu The public ia touted to all services 110 will bo choral h1t1n i PAUl S 11 the hell elms 730 II 4 and Slh I mud l 1Ia ers at nice tile UGly ss E rice of ew 3 m Endeavor bat OIIGl the Peeler steak uzs 181 JrJiOIIIGe a land 38 Joke 8ha MOB I Christian t BIble CIa E Worth Itt pas- tor q rut It clark rise reM eve lg m 611 Do I Pastors Rev Jt1 II school 4 U1ITAllIA m hour TIM prea S S THE IJHOPfUS ommeu lUlInTemllJe IG12 54 lt4wiH U ed lEN wilt nUSrESSJ1 worm OF OOD TUKNI1EU 3 Soles J evangelist fog the a a 1 fully 1ooetona1 3O FetUs D Jon s MEMORIALS cty t york 1ss 4 grtatae UUtit 4u- ss1rAtijftvri 4 V nw l6 ee iowa ate Endeavor Nail JS and sue welealir There aloe e tIt Itey es 4 AND THE tt NflSS NATIONAL < < < < ¬ > > = Y W O A VESPER SERVICES YOUNG WOMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Hth and F SK nw Vosper snrlce Sunday 133 Loader Mary E Johnson a missionary Subject India UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF OUR FATHER 13th and L its nw Rev John VMS Schalck Jr pastor 11 a m morning service 9 a m Sunday school T- Pt ra E C U Union Tliankwirinff at All SoulS Ghureh Thursday 11 a m LUTHERAN LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas Circle Uayd C Douglas Public worship 11 and l t t in insurance Free seats The public wel ocracd CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 15th and K ate inc Services Sunday 11 a m and 8 p m Subject SOUL AND BODY Sunday school 11 a in Wednesday evening meeting 8 oclock Public cordially invited AU seats frt Free reading room 601 Colorado Bldg EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE UHUKUH- Pjthian Temple 1012 9th nt nw Services at H a ra Bishop 8A1UN will deliver a lecture upon the subject of How to heal the sick All are invited Boats free NATIONAL NEW THOUGHT CENTER MRS JACKSON OP BOSTON will speak Wednes- day at 8 p ra Daily noon uteetiecr ltd by Dr Bicker at Lean sad Trust Bldg rev F and 9th IaWIo iarited SPIRITUALIST FIRST SIHRITUALIST CHURCH PjtbUn Tom Ute sajBnd flaw 112 9th at nv 720 p m start adiireawa on Gratitude hy Mr Kates and Mr Terry Messages by Mrs Katos AU invited THEOSOPHV HOW WE MAY RECOVER THE MEMORY OF PAST LIVES Lecture by Dr W W BAKER Sunday 11 a m- At Theasaphie lIeu 1R7 U st nw- Mn Nlectims by Mrs Allbter Cockranc from Tmnnbaiwar e cordially invited QUESTION MEETING HEADQUARTERS WASH iBgtoa Lttlgf Tbeteophical Society 22 A st se ftwdiy Nettmfcer SO 8 p ra Ihiblte invited TIlE SECULAR LEAGUE TIlE GOOD OLD DAYS by Mr Qnmt- RaraweU Ceae sad wjoy them jthtan Tern lOiS 9th K nvr 3 p ra MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALING MRS SEATON WILL GIVE A SERIES OF talkssubject Selfhearing and healing ethers at her office Apt 202 Farragut Uth and I ate nw every Tuesday 818 p m Public invited Patients treated weeks beginning October 10 WHITE RIBBONERS INVADE CAPITAL Delegates Bold Memorial Service for WilJard Nearly 1300 delegates to the Womans Christian Temperance Union convention in session at Baltimore came to Wish lard whose statue stands In the Capitol rotunda The party arrived in Washington at 9 oclock and headed by the local re- ception committee marched in a body to Capitol After being photographed they entered the building and went to Statuary Hall whore the services took place The statue hat been banked with flowers by the local chapter and tho ceremonies wore opened with singing Mrs Emma Sanford Sholton president of the local body welcomed the visitors MIst Anne Gordon a lifelong friend of the founder of the W C T U and one of Its lending workers made tho prin cipal address extolling the work ot Fran- ces E Willard After the ceremonies The visitors made a tour of the Capitol and the Library of Congress A reception was held at the local headquarters In the afternoon The local reception committee which had charge of all arrangements was composed of Mrs W J Cnrothon chair man Mrs Annie Grlgsby Miss Mary GuiUord Miss Jane Pidgeon Miss Bertie- Zellers Miss Mabel Thomson Mrs Thom- as J Wilson Mrs Maxim Miss Eleanor Walker Mrs Jane G Thompson Mrs L Prewitt Mrs M C Hull Mrs M G Copeland Mrs C H Burnett Mrs F J Wilson Mrs A C Giles Mrs L M Ebert Miss Jennie Smith Mrs A P Hensen Mr and Mrs Christian Mrs Kramer Mrs G T Shinnick Mrs Ben jamin A Llneback and Mrs Charles P Granfleld A rally which jvas attended by several hundred persons was held in Grace Church last night by the Young Peo- ples Branch of the W C T U Mrs Emma S Sheldon district president greeted the visitors with a short address The principal address was made by Miss Rhona E G Moshor national secretary of the Young Peoples Branch She gave- A detailed description of W C T U work throughout foreign lands and In the United States Mrs Francis Graham sang several selections The delegates returned to Baltimore last night OBJECT OF PEOPLES CHURCH Rev Edwin Evans Explains In First us Pastor A Rev Edwin Evans preached his first mon as pastor of the Peoples Church of Washington last Sunday He said the sec- tarianism and unprogresslvgness of estab- lished churches had forced radical thlnk social reformers to organize themselves under a nonsectarian and un limiting name for the worship of God and the advancement of social righteousness The object of the Peoples Church Is the service of humanity To this end It will seek to draw the thought and heart of man to righteousness to bring life indi- vidually and collectively Into harmony with Its requirements and to establish society In the love and practice of jus- tice Special Thanknglvliiff Service The Church of Our Father will unite with All Souls Church Fourteenth and L streets for union Thanksgiving service Thursday morning at 11 oclock Rev Dr John Van Schalck Jr will preach j and there will be special music The pub- lic Is cordially invited Dr W F Gatchell Laid ntRe t The body of Dr William Forrest Gatchell who died hursday 3 burled yesterday afternoon in Congressional Cemetery Services were held at the family residence 155 Eleventh street northeast under the direction of Lebanon Lodge No 7 F A A M ami Lafayette Chapter No 5 R A M The owner of department stores in New York nnd Philadelphia has Installed less apparatus in both go that patrons on vessels approaching do their shopping they land Y aRm 8 Themes A study and bad invest It cal it pie Free The I Jngton ptlt4rJJri to f the lI- E Sermon r oro wlre port can MISS service oil Public Jll to tiiojnemory 6 VVF1flCOS E and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EPISCOPAL CHURCH NOTES When the office ot Bishop of Washing- ton was vacant one df the names men- tioned as suitable election was that of the Archdeacon of Richmond In the Dlo cose we had almost written archdiocese of New York Rev Dr Charles S Burch The archdeacon has now been elected suffragan bishop for Now York this bolng the first election of the kind held In the country New York Is thus the first diocese to t ke advantage of the new for suffragan bishops The election was almost unanimous on the first ballot and was made unanimous by a rising vote As In event of the election of any other bishop the election must be confirmed by the standing committees and the bishops of the church The Rev Paul F Hoffman lately In charge of Grace Church Baltimore dur ing the absence of Dr Powell the rector has become assistant at St Pauls Church Baltimore Rev Dr icinsolvlng rector Tomorrow being the Sunday next be fore Advent sermons will be preached In very many of our churches on the work of the Church Temperance Society t The work of the society Is necessarily a long and arduous one Habits prejudices and social customs are all as so many Intronched fortresses and it Is earnestly desired to enlist the active cooporatlon of every patriotic citizen In the organ ized campaign now being carried on by this society Practically all the bishops have given their names as approving the work and wishing It success In their several dioceses Whenever the naw Memorial Guild Hall of St Albans parish Is bulltand Its erection and completion are expected at no distant day the rector Rev Dr has been given a promise of all the chairs which may be needed and a piano besides This proposed guild tall Is to be a very beautiful one design was prepared by Mr Frederick- A Kendall and Mr Arthur B Heaton- It will be built of Potomac and In diana and will cost furnished completely equipped 20000 The main hajl will be SO feet long by 35 feet wide giving ample space for the Sun day school for lectures and for social gatherings for the people of the neighbor- hood In addition provision is made for the choir for the various societies- an office for the administration work of the parish and a kitchen The guild hall will be In memory of several parishioners who have entered Into rest chief among them being Mlss Mary Nourse and Miss Rosa Nourse whose legacies to St Albans parish en- abled the work o be begun Thursday Bishop Harding was In Christs Church parish Chnptlco whose rector Rev Mr Wright was for a short while assistant minister of St Johns Georgetown but who soon hoard the call of tho country congregation to come back to them and be their rector again Tomorrow the bishop will bo In St Mary County He will officiate at 11 a m In All Faith Chureh Mechanlca yUle and at 480 p m will be In Dent Memorial Chapel at Charlotte Hall one of the handsomest church edifices in the country parts of this diocese The bishop of the diocese has asked the clergy to send to him the names of the vestrymen of the parishes and ten other representative laymen that he may place them on his mailing list The Incarnation Church bazaar opens Thursday December 1 at li a m and closes Friday December 2 at 6 p m Immediately following the closing of the bazaar t Natlounl Rifles a Play lecture will begin at 8 BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Interesting of progress were brought out in the meeting of the Bap- tist convention weok The Columbia Association of Baptist Churches re- ceived during the past year 2 additions- of which AVI were by baptism The to- tal membership of the association Is now 7710 The number enrolled In Sunday schools Is 6878 Tho contributions dur- ing the past year from all Baptists in the association was 13997497 The Second Baptist Chureh was chosen as the place for holding the meeting of the associa- tion next year Various churches have requested the assistance of the associa- tion The Metropolitan Church desires 1000 toward a new building and the following churches wish assistance for the support of pastors Congress Heights Randle Highlands Italian Mission Chevy Chase and Emmanuel Rev John Compton Ball was designated as chair- man of the executive committee having charge of city missionary work A committee consisting of Rev John E Grigg Dr Samuel H Greene S Woodward Rev Hugh T Stevenson George E Truitt J J Darlington and Charles K Warner was appointed to consider the reorganization of the board on modern lines also to aid the commit tees on cooperation of the Northern and Southern Baptist conventions and for an aggressive movement of Bap- tists In the District Rev Dr H T Musselman national secretary of the Baptist Publication So ciety is conducting at Bethany Church overy Monday evening a teachers train ing course which by the courtesy of the Bethany Church is made open to all churches of the city who are Interested Among the topics taught will be Pupils and how to treat them Modern Sun day school methods and religious ped agogy- A reception was tendered the new pas- tor of the Hyattsville Church Rev A I Nasmith last Wednesday Mr Na smjth is under appointment as missionary- to China but will serve the Hyattsville church until such time as he will leave for the Orient TEACHERS NAMES REQUIRED Clilldreiib to Plncc Signs Above Schoolroom Doors Superintendent of Schools Stuart has an requiring that the name of each teacher and the grade of the class be placed over each classroom door In the public school buildings This will remove the necessity of asking the name of the teachers or the location tof rooms which has caused much annoyance The signs will be made by the pupils of the seventh and eighth grades who are taught lettering ajid will tack them above the doors of their classrooms M J Gen ElllIoU Retired Orders were Issued nt the Navy De- partment yesterday placing MaJ Gen George F Elliott commandant of thj Marine Corps win the retired list on No- vember 30 His successor has not been selected honors to Sweilenhorg Today Is the day fixed for the sol- emn unveiling in the Cathedral of Upsola of the Swedenborg sarcophagus erected by vote of the Swedish Parliament at an expense of 10000 kroner Among those receiving Invitations to the cere- mony Is the Rev Dr Frank Sewall of this At the recent international Swedenborg Congress in London his maj esty King Gustav of Sweden lent his pat ronage and Count Wrangle the Swedish Ambassador took part in the opening ceremonies up representing the Swedish HoAie of Nobles of which Sweden borg was far many years an active highly esteemed member tot th9 Drat nahl The Jlm tone and last rJnory Passlog this is V body and as- a pro- vision C facts vis- itors cty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ oclock under the auspices of the Church of the Incarnation Mrs Harriet E Munroe Is to be the lecturer Rev William Watsorf of Mexico work ing under Bishop Aves Is to be in this city this coming week While here he will preach at Trinity ChurcJ and also ut Chriat Church Georgetown They are about to try the merits of a rummage sale at Grace Church South Washjngton as a means of raising money for their church expenses At Grace Church the financial problem is yearly becoming more acute On December 7 Bishop Harding is to meet the congrega tion to talk over the situation It is to be hoped that this old parochial organi- zation one of the oldset in the District can be maintained Intact though it may be found advisable to change the present location The Diocesan Mission Study Class con- ducted by Mrs George H McGrew will hold Its first meeting Monday November 21 at 230 p m In Epiphany Parish Hall The book Stewardship and Missions win be used as a studr book will be meetings on the tour fol- lowing Mondays at 230 oclock The course promises to he unusually interesting and the Sunday school teach- ers of the dloceso will do well to attend the sessions Bishop McKlm Bishop of Tokyo Japan who was to have addressed the St Thomas branch of the Womans Auxiliary- on Tuesday next has telegraphed that owing to his plans having been changed by an earlier sailing ho will have to can- cel his engagement along with some others of a similar nature The first regular meeting of the Sunday School Institute for this season was held November 115 at Epiphany Parish nail with Rev H Scott Smith D D first vies president In the chair The meeting was fairly well attended and the ad dresses given aroused much interest and drew forth some spirited discussion Mr Kramers subject The interest of th child Securing and retaining attention came on first He defined interest as mental attraction and pointed out that one of the most Difficult but essential things In teaching a Sunday school class was to get all the scholars attention at- one and the same time Rev G Freeland Peter made a com- parison of Sunday school attendanco to day with that of the past He thought that there Irad been no material Increase for the past ten years Rev C E Buck Rev C Whltmore Rev E M Mott and Rev H G England all took part in the discussion which seemed to take Mr Peters statements for granted and only sought to know where the responsibility question of extreme difficulty Rev J Townsend Russell of the Dio- cese of Long Island II at the Highlands for the winter He has a son at the National Cathedral School for Boys Thursday night the popular Bishop of Alaska Bishop P T was at the Cathedral School for Girls giving an address about his work Last year the girls gave the bishop a day which they named the National Cathedral School for Girls The bishop probably short- ened the name in common use but just how he did It we have not heard On Thanksgiving Day liberal offerings- are asked from the faithful of churches for the superannuated and dis- abled clergy of Washington This will probably be the last occasion on which offerings Vlll be asked in this form the local fund about to be merged in general fund v hich cares for the of the whole church JUDGE SPENCER TO SPEAK tending Inivyer of Capital Will Attend Y M C A Meeting Leading Jurists and lawyers of Wash- ington will attend the mens mass meet- ing at the Now National Theater tomor- row afternoon to hear Judge Selden P Spencer of the Eighth judicial circuit of Missouri discuss the relationship of the Bible to modern business men and conditions He spent several days in Washington as president of the Y M C A Interna tional convention held here in November 1807 He is a native of Erie Pa a graduate of Yale and in 106 was Repub lican candidate for Senator from Missouri receiving sixtyfour votes on Joint ballot CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES- At Mount Pleasant Congregational Church tomorrow evening at 630 Wash- ington Endeavorers will hold a model prayer meeting as planned by Field Secretary Karl Lehmann Bruce Cleve- land president of Mount Pleasant so- ciety will assist Mr Lehmann- A farewell to Mr and Mrs Lehmann will be voiced Monday evening at Calvary Baptist Church when tho field secretarys three weeks campaign in Washington will close with a banquet Diplomas will be presented to the members of the C E School of Methods who have attended as many as seven of the nine sessions and examinations Tho diplomas will bear the signatures of Dr Francis E Clark president of the United Society of Chris- tian Endeavor Karl Lehmann C E Inter state field secretary and the president and secretary of the District of Columbia Christian Endeavor Union Whitney Avenue Christian Knox Me- morial United Presbyterian and Columbia Heights Lutheran churches will hold a union service for young people tomorrow evening at 8 oclock In the former church The pastors will participate and Field Secretary Lehmann will speak Tomorrow afternoon at 330 a C E mass meeting for colored societies will be held at Peoples Congregational Church Northmlnster Presbyterian Society will prepare a Thanksgiving Day dinner for a poor family Next Friday evening a social wijl be hold at the church for which plans are being made by a com- mittee led by Miss Wilson Next Saturday Dr Davis and his wife of Westminster Presbyterian Society are to start for East Africa to Join a tatlon there and tomorrow evening goodbye will be said to the society President E P Gates of the District Union will speak the parting wishes VIRGINIA WANTS TEACHERS Normal School Graduates Play Pill Vacancies Arising Although unassigned AO schools the hopes of the forty graduates of Normal School No 1 were cheered yesterday by reports from Virginia that more teachers were wanted there Miss Anna Goding principal of the school received a letter from W T Hodges superintendent of schools In Alexandria County Va saying that Washington graduates had given the best Of satisfaction and that he wished that more could be obtained Charles C Maphls staff Inspector told Mr Hodges that several vacancies now existed and requested him to see t Washington girls could be secured Miss Coding will inform the unemployed graduates by mail this afternoon laya Rowe the being the v have obtained satisfactory grades In the I mission I I their ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MIDWEST EXPRESS I THROUGH NIGHT TRAIN- TO THE WEST VIA PITTSBURGH AND BEGINNING NOVEMBER 27 1910 Leave Washington 845 P M Leave Baltimore 752 Arrive Pittsburgh 340 A M Arrive Cleveland 730 A M Arrive Cincinnati A M Arrive Toledo A M Arrive Chicago 200 P M Arrive St Louis 525 P M DINING OAR TO HARRISBURG ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT NO COACHES FOR THE BENEFIT OF BALTIMORE AND WASHING I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SLEEPING CARS TO 4 CLEVELAND I TOLEDO CHICAGO ST1 P M 10 25 I t 1120 i f I CINCINNATI LOWS I < SPECIAL SERVICES BEGUN Cnpt Stanley Speaks Nifflitly at the Gospel 3Ilsslnm Special evangelistic services at the Gospel Mission wore Inaugurated last Thursday night Capt Charles H Stan- ley of Los a converted comedi- an commenced a weeks sodas of gogpol services with a talk on Down the J rloho road lion of the prodigal son Services tomorrow at 3 and S p m will also be addressed by Capt Stanley who will sing at each service during the week The workers of the Gospel Mis- sion are preparing for Thanksgiving Day Allday services will be held in the Mis- sion luau and a great turkey dinner will be served to homeless and friendless men and women in the hall above from 1 to 6 p m Priest Named Probation Officer Rev Michael Gallagher has been desig- nated a voluntary probation officer by the District Supreme Court Father Gallagher has been assigned by Cardinal Gibbons to work among the penal Institutions of District Bird DolcKnte Dcpnrt Every outbound train from Union Sta tion carried among Its paswnsers yes- terday delegates to the American Ornitho Angeles He speak tonight on A new the will vet ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ logical Tnion which has concluded Its annual session here The members were entertained at the National Zoological Park yesterday morning by Dr Frank Barker director of the park WIDOW SOLE BENEFICIARY Will of John Tvriiifie Leaves an of 12OOO By the terms of the will of John Krause dated October IS 1937 and filed for probate yesterday his personal prop- erty ia left to his widow Harriet Krauze She to also given life Interest In his real oitaU which at her death goes to hi three children In equal shares The widow is named as executrix The estate Is estimated at 12410 The will of William Swan dated September 150S was filed for probate yesterday A bequest of 209 is made to his wifes daughter Clara Stewart The remaining estate is left to the United States Trust Company in trust for his widow Martha J Swan and his daugh- ter Alice E Swan Orvla By the will of WHIfom P Worcester dated September 11 last M X3 proceeds- of his life insurance Is to be Invested for his wi during her life and at her death fund is to b paid to his daughter Mrs Mary C Mattingjy His interest in property in Holmoad Mfmor- IP to be sold and the proceeds paid to hta daughter Philip H Mattingly Is named a executor Estate a D 2 thp ¬ ¬ < CAPPS GOES TO PHILIPPINES Former Chief Constructor AV111 Look Over Navy Yards Washington L Capps senior member of the Naval Board on Hull Cttaagec was yesterday detached from his present duty and ordered to proceed to the Phil lupine Islands to investigate the general repair facilities of the navy yards at avite and Olongapo Mr Capps was formerly chief con- structor of the navy and he was de posed because of lifferences wiUl Secre- tary of the Navy Meyer ovar Mr Meyers reorganization of the department- Mr Meyer has personally visited every yard in this country but wa not able to go to the Philippines Mr Cappi trip is Intended to supplement lnft rma tfon obtained by the Secretary SCHOOL BOARD CITED Father of Unvxtcclnnted Pupil Be- gins Court Action Carl Harris being barred from the Adams Public School on account of not being vaccinated his Dr G W Harris yesterday instituted mandamus proceedings tq compel the board of edu cation to admit the nineyearold boy Arguments were heard by Justice An- derson The AntlVacclnatkm SocIety Is taking advantage of this to test the legality of the b xds order to exclude tmvaoelnated ohlkjran the father mao ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Merchants and tradesmen relatives and friends near or far are all at your elbow if you have a Eighty million users nearly fifty thousand cities and towns make seven billion calls each year TheChesapeake Potomac Ik Sw L Call Main 9000 M for rates Housewives Attention Telephone in J- t t t Telephone Company r I S VV VV 4 1 1 I Bell V1 VV iIi14XI L9iITn C I r fl flTiThTh L fl 1T 4 1 i i I ric2 S CATED J



Notices for these columns should reach The Herald office bv 9pm Friday



BT THOMAS18th st near Duixnit Circle between P End Q tS m Holy CfemmunioD

11 m Sermon by rector The three judgmentsof row

In response to moral request the Mrrico at 415

Magnificat Tours in F Xuric Duulttla-iToura in F anthem after Third Collect 0for a Closer Walk with God by M Foster offer-tory anthem Thou Wilt Keep Him in PerfectPeace by C U William procwekmal hymn 514No sermon N RAn ors n recital begtrming U315 p ra precedes the abore secure

ST CHURCH 23d at near WashingtonCircle RCT Hobert Talbot and Rev George WAtkinson clergy Hnly Camrannloa 730 andFull choral treasons 8 oclock Tho ladies ofparish will hold their bazaar on Tuesday Noreajber 22 in the parish Suppers will be sened

CHURCH OF TIlE ASCENSION Mai are and12th tt nw Rev J Htnnlns rectoSirrices 8 and U a m and 415 and 8 p mThe rector will preach at 11 a m and 8 p m

TRINITY CHURCH 3d and 0 rots nw Rev Rich-

ard P Williams rector Services 11 8 Therector will preach Thanksgiving flag 730 and 11


tween Uth and 14th Ret Randolph H MeKirnD D wtfflr Sertlees 8 and 11 a ra 4 andp m Sunday school 920 a ra and 3 p m Thechildr n annual Thantwgiiing service will ba fcridat 4 oclock All Invited The rector will preachat 11 a m-

ST ANDDJOWa CHURCH cor Hth and Corcoransts nw Ren J J Dimen rector Ret W M

D curate Secures 733 limy Coinmouton 930 Sundar school 11 morning jerricoand ttrmen 8 craninc wnice anti serroeu Therector will preach at both terriers


CHURCH OP THE COVENANTConnecticut ate N ts

Chubs Wood ministerStuart Bready assistant minister

Harry Bamnere Angus minister of Dock Chapel

11 a m Preaching by the pasterMusical Mrrfee led by church quartet from 330 to

4 oclockp m Preatbteg by patter subject Th Ethic

Jli H

8 p m PrwchiHs by pester subject The rfwpln-siaMfice of friewdihljw

Thursday li a ra TboikfeiTiRff mice precededby a half hours ganrice subject

Tie ittant repto spirit of AmericanoifffltaHoH

Musical serriee from 70 to 8 oeteck-Cantau Song of Th Hb girfnff ren

dewd br St ChoirSunday scbttol at 9iS a mChriktlas EadeaTor wiling 5 p mThursday craning at fi mIdweek

GUNTOXTBMiLB Mth sd R rtaC Brerriit Qranger poster wilt preach at U a raand 6U n at Subjwu Mpreiiiff

Sp ritr erei i ff n as a U-

H S 930 a TO C 6iS p a Prenantoryand Tk i Hitg in the ciwpl 7H5-Vedwsdaj eieain-

gFinSTTh S mncva Sabbath n B Jehn MarshaH pL nw Domkl C MacLeed minister 11

a in wbiKt Hisfc HTtog 715 n m Thema t ry enHrantH nt S S 9S9 A ra C K815 p ra AH are w ieera

NEW YORK AVE rRESBYTERIAX CHURCHaye 11 and ISth its Dr Wallace Had

ciiffe paMor 11 a M iwMk Twship Mrroon bythe pMtnr 7 p m OJd Grejfriara nitsrf avid hirtorr Music kd by quartet choIr9 a m Bibfe school J a m adult cto e615 ix Christian Society maskssiring DayS 11 a m iwbttc wonWp


GRACE BAPTIST 9th sod D se F W Jrtmwn-ptutor Robert Chirm an e BSttet of

note jWMcfctft at 11 awl f andevery Hfcfct Dr F B Meyer the treat LoftdM-preaefcer KeommendA him Doat ntaa Wra PintTfcit to Wathtostoa in revival work

THE QUKSTION OF HELL UM f irtli IBseries on Tiw tomorrow of lire will beJohn K Briosft auhj et at Fifth BapttH ChoreSunday 7 ML Reriral iMettosB begin SundayDifferoat p 4 n will at M UM Ttwnk gi Knight when Will D Uptbaw of Attenta will

on A TlMiriuKiftes Bwewiee and eachnisbt foHowinc for tell days All wohMM

E HEZ SWEil EXPLAINS SHOULP WASHiujrtcwfana Marry More Thee Once Sunday MightS oe Pr chiBe 11 a m subject A Clwfctiaa

403 M st ww Itmte Main SITEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Ifch awl N Its

I r J J Hr p ter gOTrkse U m-

Spolte of gr ce 7 The fathersBiU achoel a m C K 7 a


METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL M E GHURCHJohn MtNfcaH place and 0 at nw Reid

M tar At U a m The AmiiiwiMtruths w need At 4 i us The worlds greateat ewB liM Jolts W rfey His doetrines ami today woMd of series on Gedsmodern prophets and ThunfefciTinK serviceoit Thursday at 11 a M subject Thy pathadrop tetMM Smtday school sad MetrapoiitaB

50 Bpworth League 6FOUNDRY M B CHURCH l h sad Church

nw Rev W R Weddenfeoa D Ut jsstor9 JO a w Svafey nchool 11 a m P r dtriltdsake 7 a m League 8 p m Amighty leader Strangers weteome


FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH careerl th and G sts nw Rev Sanwel II WoodrowD D paMar R r a R Swift assistant pastor11 a M wortliip wit tfraMin bjr the

jNkitct ennirtMMatM Mnrie Ujr

the sod cboroi ohoir 9S a m Swtdayschool 648 p a Y P a C B 8 p ra lec-ture ay the peeler wibieet JodMia capbtrtos-Jerieto

MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL HeYPrank J Geodwta mhttoter Morning sendee 11

semiOR by the miateter j t The6f will in bribe S

oclock semen by t w Miakter nikfeet ThepurdMM pilce Sa d y Kbool ISO a Adalt-cteteest 10 a M Otrittlan meMiotr


VERMONT AVENUE CHRISTIANF I lwwcr awl U r Wflfl y 1rmchteg11 a m sad fflfl p ra by Rev Earle WHfleyd S a a w C B C38 p Seats freeCome

NINTH ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH hsts George A Miller pastor BIWe93 a w MmraiBS Mrriae 11 BreiiJiig service

t5 MhHet of serra a Jaeab the third Ht aseriea of Mfaoat m lllbte caaradwi All Ire

ALL SOULS CHURCH earner Hth and L etaUlrsfe G B Pierce D D nUnlster 9sW aSunday setort dave for the Cnn ratiw Sttidyof RcHsWfl and Uwlty Study dan 11 a mmor tHtr terriee sernoK br the mlahtftrit KJudfrwrtCH dHrinc the of Hwralitffworship 730 p m Youn Peoples ReligionsUnioa Ualoo Thanksgiving serricu Thursday at11 a m public invited to all serviees


NEW CHURCH l th awl GoKoran Us w TheHer Pnak Sewall D D pester wilt at11 a au TIM Uwpal and the labor qaeatfenMatt xx Swday school lll Vcspera p rawith brief address THANKSGIVING DRYKerrke and MrmM at 11 oekclc All are oonH rbInrited l te lean library of the writings ef SIredenborg Free tracts in the restibule


Jra 6miBUt r Serrlces at11 a wbjeet sarrke B1Wstudy data at W a ra A Mnlial iaritatloa isexteed d



Adarea Men n

odw c ToMerrew Afternoon Nor 3goparn awl Orchestra MadeYea ore etrdklly tented


GOSPEL MISSION 1230 Pa aye Capt charlesH Stanley the coBTerted will spookused slug every night next week Ills tome to-night A nw Terrtwi f the MII Mr3 W Somerville of California and Mbs JennieSmith the rollwad wl ako SPeak

Allday Geepel jerrtcei will be kid Tha kjgTDas axfcL a turkey dinner will be enidpoor and friendlftss from 1 to 6 p tu The public

ia touted to all services

110 will bo choral h1t1n i









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YOUNG WOMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONHth and F SK nw Vosper snrlce Sunday 133Loader Mary E Johnson a missionarySubject India


CHURCH OF OUR FATHER 13th and L its nwRev John VMS Schalck Jr pastor 11 a mmorning service 9 a m Sunday school T-

Pt ra E C U Union Tliankwirinff atAll SoulS Ghureh Thursday 11 a m


LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas CircleUayd C Douglas Public worship 11 and

l t

t in insurance Free seats The public welocracd


FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 15thand K ate inc Services Sunday 11 a m and8 p m

Subject SOUL AND BODYSunday school 11 a in Wednesday evening

meeting 8 oclock Public cordially invited AUseats frt Free reading room 601 Colorado Bldg


EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE UHUKUH-Pjthian Temple 1012 9th nt nw Services at Ha ra Bishop 8A1UN will deliver a lecture uponthe subject of How to heal the sick All areinvited Boats free


MRS JACKSON OP BOSTON will speak Wednes-day at 8 p ra Daily noon uteetiecr ltd by DrBicker at Lean sad Trust Bldg rev F and 9thIaWIo iarited


FIRST SIHRITUALIST CHURCH PjtbUn TomUte sajBnd flaw 112 9th at nv 720 p mstart adiireawa on Gratitude hy Mr Kates andMr Terry Messages by Mrs Katos AU invited



Lecture by Dr W W BAKERSunday 11 a m-

At Theasaphie lIeu 1R7 U st nw-Mn Nlectims by Mrs Allbter Cockranc fromTmnnbaiwar e

cordially invited

QUESTION MEETING HEADQUARTERS WASHiBgtoa Lttlgf Tbeteophical Society 22 A st seftwdiy Nettmfcer SO 8 p ra Ihiblte invited


TIlE GOOD OLD DAYS by Mr Qnmt-RaraweU Ceae sad wjoy them jthtan Tern

lOiS 9th K nvr 3 p ra


MRS SEATON WILL GIVE A SERIES OFtalkssubject Selfhearing and healing ethersat her office Apt 202 Farragut Uth and Iate nw every Tuesday 818 p m Public invitedPatients treated weeks beginning October 10



Delegates Bold MemorialService for WilJard

Nearly 1300 delegates to the WomansChristian Temperance Union conventionin session at Baltimore came to Wish

lard whose statuestands In the Capitol rotunda

The party arrived in Washington at9 oclock and headed by the local re-ception committee marched in a body to

Capitol After being photographedthey entered the building and went toStatuary Hall whore the services tookplace The statue hat been banked withflowers by the local chapter and thoceremonies wore opened with singing

Mrs Emma Sanford Sholton presidentof the local body welcomed the visitorsMIst Anne Gordon a lifelong friend ofthe founder of the W C T U and oneof Its lending workers made tho principal address extolling the work ot Fran-ces E Willard

After the ceremonies The visitors madea tour of the Capitol and the Library ofCongress A reception was held at thelocal headquarters In the afternoon

The local reception committee whichhad charge of all arrangements wascomposed of Mrs W J Cnrothon chairman Mrs Annie Grlgsby Miss MaryGuiUord Miss Jane Pidgeon Miss Bertie-Zellers Miss Mabel Thomson Mrs Thom-as J Wilson Mrs Maxim Miss EleanorWalker Mrs Jane G Thompson MrsL Prewitt Mrs M C Hull Mrs M GCopeland Mrs C H Burnett Mrs FJ Wilson Mrs A C Giles Mrs L MEbert Miss Jennie Smith Mrs A PHensen Mr and Mrs Christian MrsKramer Mrs G T Shinnick Mrs Benjamin A Llneback and Mrs Charles PGranfleld

A rally which jvas attended by severalhundred persons was held in Grace

Church last night by the Young Peo-ples Branch of the W C T U MrsEmma S Sheldon district presidentgreeted the visitors with a short addressThe principal address was made by MissRhona E G Moshor national secretaryof the Young Peoples Branch She gave-A detailed description of W C T Uwork throughout foreign lands and Inthe United States Mrs Francis Grahamsang several selections

The delegates returned to Baltimorelast night


Rev Edwin Evans Explains In Firstus Pastor A

Rev Edwin Evans preached his firstmon as pastor of the Peoples Church ofWashington last Sunday He said the sec-tarianism and unprogresslvgness of estab-lished churches had forced radical thlnk

social reformers to organizethemselves under a nonsectarian and unlimiting name for the worship of God andthe advancement of social righteousness

The object of the Peoples Church Is theservice of humanity To this end It willseek to draw the thought and heart ofman to righteousness to bring life indi-vidually and collectively Into harmonywith Its requirements and to establishsociety In the love and practice of jus-tice

Special Thanknglvliiff ServiceThe Church of Our Father will unite

with All Souls Church Fourteenth andL streets for union Thanksgiving serviceThursday morning at 11 oclock RevDr John Van Schalck Jr will preach j

and there will be special music The pub-lic Is cordially invited

Dr W F Gatchell Laid ntRe tThe body of Dr William Forrest

Gatchell who died hursday 3 burledyesterday afternoon in CongressionalCemetery Services were held at thefamily residence 155 Eleventh streetnortheast under the direction of LebanonLodge No 7 F A A M ami LafayetteChapter No 5 R A M

The owner of department stores in NewYork nnd Philadelphia has Installedless apparatus in both go thatpatrons on vessels approachingdo their shopping they land


aRm8 Themes A study and bad invest



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When the office ot Bishop of Washing-ton was vacant one df the names men-tioned as suitable election was that ofthe Archdeacon of Richmond In the Dlocose we had almost written archdioceseof New York Rev Dr Charles S BurchThe archdeacon has now been elected

suffragan bishop for Now York thisbolng the first election of the kind held Inthe country New York Is thus the firstdiocese to t ke advantage of the new

for suffragan bishops The electionwas almost unanimous on the first ballotand was made unanimous by a risingvote As In event of the election ofany other bishop the election must beconfirmed by the standing committees andthe bishops of the church

The Rev Paul F Hoffman lately Incharge of Grace Church Baltimore during the absence of Dr Powell the rectorhas become assistant at St PaulsChurch Baltimore Rev Dr icinsolvlngrector

Tomorrow being the Sunday next before Advent sermons will be preached Invery many of our churches on the workof the Church Temperance Society t Thework of the society Is necessarily a longand arduous one Habits prejudicesand social customs are all as so manyIntronched fortresses and it Is earnestlydesired to enlist the active cooporatlonof every patriotic citizen In the organized campaign now being carried on bythis society Practically all the bishopshave given their names as approvingthe work and wishing It success In theirseveral dioceses

Whenever the naw Memorial GuildHall of St Albans parish Is bulltandIts erection and completion are expectedat no distant day the rector Rev Dr

has been given a promiseof all the chairs which may be neededand a piano besides This proposed guildtall Is to be a very beautiful onedesign was prepared by Mr Frederick-A Kendall and Mr Arthur B Heaton-It will be built of Potomac and Indiana and will cost furnished

completely equipped 20000 Themain hajl will be SO feet long by 35 feetwide giving ample space for the Sunday school for lectures and for socialgatherings for the people of the neighbor-hood In addition provision is madefor the choir for the various societies-an office for the administration work ofthe parish and a kitchen

The guild hall will be In memory ofseveral parishioners who have enteredInto rest chief among them being MlssMary Nourse and Miss Rosa Noursewhose legacies to St Albans parish en-

abled the work o be begun

Thursday Bishop Harding was In

Christs Church parish Chnptlco whoserector Rev Mr Wright was for a shortwhile assistant minister of St JohnsGeorgetown but who soon hoard thecall of tho country congregation to comeback to them and be their rector again

Tomorrow the bishop will bo In StMary County He will officiate at 11

a m In All Faith Chureh MechanlcayUle and at 480 p m will be In DentMemorial Chapel at Charlotte Hall oneof the handsomest church edifices in thecountry parts of this diocese

The bishop of the diocese has askedthe clergy to send to him the names of thevestrymen of the parishes and ten otherrepresentative laymen that he may placethem on his mailing list

The Incarnation Church bazaar opensThursday December 1 at li a m andcloses Friday December 2 at 6 p mImmediately following the closing of thebazaar t Natlounl Rifles a

Play lecture will begin at 8


Interesting of progress werebrought out in the meeting of the Bap-

tist convention weok The ColumbiaAssociation of Baptist Churches re-

ceived during the past year 2 additions-of which AVI were by baptism The to-

tal membership of the association Is now7710 The number enrolled In Sundayschools Is 6878 Tho contributions dur-

ing the past year from all Baptists in theassociation was 13997497 The SecondBaptist Chureh was chosen as the placefor holding the meeting of the associa-tion next year Various churches haverequested the assistance of the associa-tion The Metropolitan Church desires1000 toward a new building and the

following churches wish assistance forthe support of pastors Congress HeightsRandle Highlands Italian MissionChevy Chase and Emmanuel Rev JohnCompton Ball was designated as chair-man of the executive committee havingcharge of city missionary work

A committee consisting of Rev JohnE Grigg Dr Samuel H Greene SWoodward Rev Hugh T StevensonGeorge E Truitt J J Darlington andCharles K Warner was appointed toconsider the reorganization of the boardon modern lines also to aid the committees on cooperation of the Northernand Southern Baptist conventions andfor an aggressive movement of Bap-

tists In the DistrictRev Dr H T Musselman national

secretary of the Baptist Publication Society is conducting at Bethany Churchovery Monday evening a teachers training course which by the courtesy of theBethany Church is made open to allchurches of the city who are InterestedAmong the topics taught will be Pupilsand how to treat them Modern Sunday school methods and religious pedagogy-

A reception was tendered the new pas-tor of the Hyattsville Church Rev AI Nasmith last Wednesday Mr Nasmjth is under appointment as missionary-to China but will serve the Hyattsvillechurch until such time as he will leavefor the Orient


Clilldreiib to Plncc Signs AboveSchoolroom Doors

Superintendent of Schools Stuart hasan requiring that the name

of each teacher and the grade of the classbe placed over each classroom door Inthe public school buildings

This will remove the necessity ofasking the name of the teachers or

the location tof rooms which has causedmuch annoyance

The signs will be made by the pupils ofthe seventh and eighth grades who aretaught lettering ajid will tack themabove the doors of their classrooms

M J Gen ElllIoU RetiredOrders were Issued nt the Navy De-

partment yesterday placing MaJ GenGeorge F Elliott commandant of thjMarine Corps win the retired list on No-

vember 30 His successor has not beenselected

honors to SweilenhorgToday Is the day fixed for the sol-

emn unveiling in the Cathedral of Upsolaof the Swedenborg sarcophagus erectedby vote of the Swedish Parliament atan expense of 10000 kroner Amongthose receiving Invitations to the cere-mony Is the Rev Dr Frank Sewall ofthis At the recent internationalSwedenborg Congress in London his majesty King Gustav of Sweden lent his patronage and Count Wrangle the SwedishAmbassador took part in the openingceremonies up representing the SwedishHoAie of Nobles of which Swedenborg was far many years an activehighly esteemed member



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oclock under the auspices of the Churchof the Incarnation Mrs Harriet EMunroe Is to be the lecturer

Rev William Watsorf of Mexico working under Bishop Aves Is to be in thiscity this coming week While here hewill preach at Trinity ChurcJ and alsout Chriat Church Georgetown

They are about to try the merits of arummage sale at Grace Church SouthWashjngton as a means of raising money

for their church expenses At GraceChurch the financial problem is yearlybecoming more acute On December 7

Bishop Harding is to meet the congregation to talk over the situation It is tobe hoped that this old parochial organi-zation one of the oldset in the Districtcan be maintained Intact though it maybe found advisable to change the presentlocation

The Diocesan Mission Study Class con-

ducted by Mrs George H McGrew willhold Its first meeting Monday November21 at 230 p m In Epiphany Parish HallThe book Stewardship and Missionswin be used as a studr book

will be meetings on the tour fol-lowing Mondays at 230 oclock

The course promises to he unusuallyinteresting and the Sunday school teach-ers of the dloceso will do well to attendthe sessions

Bishop McKlm Bishop of Tokyo Japanwho was to have addressed the StThomas branch of the Womans Auxiliary-on Tuesday next has telegraphed thatowing to his plans having been changedby an earlier sailing ho will have to can-

cel his engagement along with someothers of a similar nature

The first regular meeting of the SundaySchool Institute for this season was heldNovember 115 at Epiphany Parish nailwith Rev H Scott Smith D D firstvies president In the chair The meetingwas fairly well attended and the addresses given aroused much interest anddrew forth some spirited discussion MrKramers subject The interest of thchild Securing and retaining attentioncame on first He defined interest as

mental attraction and pointed out thatone of the most Difficult but essentialthings In teaching a Sunday school classwas to get all the scholars attention at-

one and the same timeRev G Freeland Peter made a com-

parison of Sunday school attendanco today with that of the past He thoughtthat there Irad been no material Increasefor the past ten years Rev C E BuckRev C Whltmore Rev E M Mott andRev H G England all took part in thediscussion which seemed to take MrPeters statements for granted and onlysought to know where the responsibility

question of extreme difficulty

Rev J Townsend Russell of the Dio-

cese of Long Island II at the Highlandsfor the winter He has a son at theNational Cathedral School for Boys

Thursday night the popular Bishop ofAlaska Bishop P T was at theCathedral School for Girls giving anaddress about his work Last year thegirls gave the bishop a day which theynamed the National Cathedral Schoolfor Girls The bishop probably short-ened the name in common use but justhow he did It we have not heard

On Thanksgiving Day liberal offerings-are asked from the faithful ofchurches for the superannuated and dis-

abled clergy of Washington This willprobably be the last occasion on whichofferings Vlll be asked in this form thelocal fund about to be merged in

general fund v hich cares for theof the whole church


tending Inivyer of Capital WillAttend Y M C A Meeting

Leading Jurists and lawyers of Wash-ington will attend the mens mass meet-ing at the Now National Theater tomor-row afternoon to hear Judge Selden PSpencer of the Eighth judicial circuitof Missouri discuss the relationship ofthe Bible to modern business men andconditions

He spent several days in Washingtonas president of the Y M C A International convention held here in November1807 He is a native of Erie Pa agraduate of Yale and in 106 was Republican candidate for Senator from Missourireceiving sixtyfour votes on Joint ballot


At Mount Pleasant CongregationalChurch tomorrow evening at 630 Wash-ington Endeavorers will hold a modelprayer meeting as planned by FieldSecretary Karl Lehmann Bruce Cleve-land president of Mount Pleasant so-

ciety will assist Mr Lehmann-

A farewell to Mr and Mrs Lehmannwill be voiced Monday evening at CalvaryBaptist Church when tho field secretarysthree weeks campaign in Washingtonwill close with a banquet Diplomas willbe presented to the members of the C ESchool of Methods who have attended asmany as seven of the nine sessions and

examinations Tho diplomas will bearthe signatures of Dr Francis E Clarkpresident of the United Society of Chris-tian Endeavor Karl Lehmann C E Interstate field secretary and the presidentand secretary of the District of ColumbiaChristian Endeavor Union

Whitney Avenue Christian Knox Me-

morial United Presbyterian and ColumbiaHeights Lutheran churches will hold aunion service for young people tomorrowevening at 8 oclock In the former churchThe pastors will participate and FieldSecretary Lehmann will speak

Tomorrow afternoon at 330 a C Emass meeting for colored societies will beheld at Peoples Congregational Church

Northmlnster Presbyterian Society willprepare a Thanksgiving Day dinner fora poor family Next Friday evening asocial wijl be hold at the church forwhich plans are being made by a com-mittee led by Miss Wilson

Next Saturday Dr Davis and his wifeof Westminster Presbyterian Society areto start for East Africa to Join atatlon there and tomorrow eveninggoodbye will be said to the societyPresident E P Gates of the DistrictUnion will speak the parting wishes


Normal School Graduates Play PillVacancies Arising

Although unassigned AO schools thehopes of the forty graduates of NormalSchool No 1 were cheered yesterday byreports from Virginia that more teacherswere wanted there

Miss Anna Goding principal of theschool received a letter from W THodges superintendent of schools InAlexandria County Va saying thatWashington graduates had given the bestOf satisfaction and that he wished thatmore could be obtained

Charles C Maphls staff Inspector toldMr Hodges that several vacancies nowexisted and requested him to see tWashington girls could be secured MissCoding will inform the unemployedgraduates by mail this afternoon






have obtained satisfactory grades In the































BEGINNING NOVEMBER 27 1910Leave Washington 845 P M

Leave Baltimore 752Arrive Pittsburgh 340 A M

Arrive Cleveland 730 A M

Arrive Cincinnati A M

Arrive Toledo A M

Arrive Chicago 200 P M

Arrive St Louis 525 P M









10 25I









Cnpt Stanley Speaks Nifflitly atthe Gospel 3Ilsslnm

Special evangelistic services at theGospel Mission wore Inaugurated lastThursday night Capt Charles H Stan-ley of Los a converted comedi-an commenced a weeks sodas of gogpol

services with a talk on Down the J rlohoroad

lion of the prodigal sonServices tomorrow at 3 and S p m

will also be addressed by Capt Stanleywho will sing at each service during theweek The workers of the Gospel Mis-

sion are preparing for Thanksgiving DayAllday services will be held in the Mis-

sion luau and a great turkey dinner willbe served to homeless and friendless menand women in the hall above from 1 to6 p m

Priest Named Probation OfficerRev Michael Gallagher has been desig-

nated a voluntary probation officer by theDistrict Supreme Court Father Gallagherhas been assigned by Cardinal Gibbons towork among the penal Institutions ofDistrict

Bird DolcKnte DcpnrtEvery outbound train from Union Sta

tion carried among Its paswnsers yes-terday delegates to the American Ornitho


He speak tonight on A new


will vet









logical Tnion which has concluded Itsannual session here The members wereentertained at the National ZoologicalPark yesterday morning by Dr FrankBarker director of the park


Will of John Tvriiifie Leaves anof 12OOO

By the terms of the will of JohnKrause dated October IS 1937 and filed

for probate yesterday his personal prop-

erty ia left to his widow Harriet KrauzeShe to also given life Interest In hisreal oitaU which at her death goes tohi three children In equal shares Thewidow is named as executrix The estateIs estimated at 12410

The will of William Swan datedSeptember 150S was filed for probateyesterday A bequest of 209 is made tohis wifes daughter Clara Stewart Theremaining estate is left to the UnitedStates Trust Company in trust for hiswidow Martha J Swan and his daugh-ter Alice E Swan Orvla

By the will of WHIfom P Worcesterdated September 11 last M X3 proceeds-of his life insurance Is to be Invested forhis wi during her life and at herdeath fund is to b paid to hisdaughter Mrs Mary C Mattingjy Hisinterest in property in Holmoad Mfmor-IP to be sold and the proceeds paid tohta daughter Philip H Mattingly Isnamed a executor









Former Chief Constructor AV111 LookOver Navy Yards

Washington L Capps senior memberof the Naval Board on Hull Cttaagecwas yesterday detached from his presentduty and ordered to proceed to the Phillupine Islands to investigate the generalrepair facilities of the navy yards at

avite and OlongapoMr Capps was formerly chief con-

structor of the navy and he was deposed because of lifferences wiUl Secre-tary of the Navy Meyer ovar Mr Meyersreorganization of the department-

Mr Meyer has personally visited everyyard in this country but wa not ableto go to the Philippines Mr Cappi tripis Intended to supplement lnft rmatfon obtained by the Secretary


Father of Unvxtcclnnted Pupil Be-

gins Court ActionCarl Harris being barred from the

Adams Public School on account of notbeing vaccinated his Dr G WHarris yesterday instituted mandamusproceedings tq compel the board of education to admit the nineyearold boy

Arguments were heard by Justice An-

derson The AntlVacclnatkm SocIety Istaking advantage of this to test thelegality of the b xds order to excludetmvaoelnated ohlkjran









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Eighty million users nearly fifty thousand citiesand towns make seven billion calls each year

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