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Week14taylorstitch Ppoint Ebus-bsbebu501a

Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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BSBMKG502BAdvanced Marketing

Lesson 4

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 Assessment 5: Taylor Stitch Case Study (2.5mins)

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 Assessment 5: Taylor Stitch Case Study

1. Identify and exlain at least fi!e (5) or"anisational culture chan"e issues that are li#ely to ha!e been faced by this

comany from its incetion as a bric#s n mortar store to transitionin" to an e$business.

This is about the eole side of chan"e (not the hysical ie: soft%are etc)

&ain ideas from:'otters * Stes to chan"e'+hy eole resist chan"e

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage 4

Kotter’s 8 Steps

Step 1 – Create Urgency

Why do you thi! "e eed to #$eate the %e%e

that #hage i% u$get&y eeded'

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage 5

Step 2 – Form a PowerfulCoalition

What "ou&d happe i( oe o( the o"e$%)e*e#%

"a% ot o +oa$d "ith a #hage'

Need po%itioa& po"e$, e*pe$ti%e, #$edi+i&ity, &eade

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage -

Step 3 – Create aVision

What i% !ey to #$eatig a good i%io'

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage 7

Step – Communicate t!eVision

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage /

Step " – #emo$e%&stacles

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Step ' – Create S!ort()erm *ins

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage 10

Step + – ,uil- on C!ange

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tafebrisbane.edu.aupage 11

Step 8 –

.nc!or C!anges intoCorporate Culture

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+hy eole resist chan"e

' Discomfort it! "ncertaint#$fear of t!e "nknon

' %erceived negative effects on t!eir on interests (lose somethin")

' Attac!ment to t!e esta&'is!ed a#s of doing t!ings (li#e thin"s the %ay the are)

' Lack of conviction t!at c!ange is needed (dont see need)

' Be'ief t!at t!e (ro(osed s(ecific c!ange is ina((ro(riate (%ron" solution)' %oor e)(erience of c!ange management in t!e (ast (cynical)

' *ear of not &eing a&'e to 'earn +Learning An)iet#,

' *ear t!e# i'' 'ose t! eir -o& +S"rviva' An)iet#,

Think about this change – it’s a move from low tech to more high tech culture, so what other factors could affect this change?

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 Assessment ,: Taylor Stitch Case Study

2. -roduce a basic chan"e lan to mana"e emloyees %ho are resistin" the mo!e to eusiness or ne% technolo"y by identifyin" and exlainin" rele!ant strate"ies and/or actions that

%ill minimise resistance and/or "ain accetance for chan"e.

0o% to ans%er:

 Aly a frame%or# e": otters * Stes or e%ins , Stes

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urt e%ins odel

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urt e%ins odel

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urt e%ins odel

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 Assessment ,: Taylor Stitch Case Study

Steps .ction (list one or two points)C$eateu$ge#y

o&d a #opay eetig %#a$e peop&e a+out ot#hagig

6o$ apo"e$(u&#oa&itio

Se&e#t a %a&&, %pe#i# tea to #hapio the #hagead #oui#ate po%itie% ($e8uet&y

C$eate ai%io

9%! the #oa&itio to #$eate a i%io %tateet th$ough#o%u&tatio


Kotter’s mo-el e/ample0

ewin’s mo-el e/ample0

Steps .ction (list one or two points)

:($ee;ig Coui#ate the #hage ad "hy it<% eeded

=otiate ep&oyee% "ith e" >PI% ad i#etie%

=oig =oito$ >PI%, #e&e+$ate i#etie% a#hieed T$aiig

Re($ee;ig Chage $e#$uitet ad t$aiig p$a#ti#e% to %uppo$te" %tatu% 8uo

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 Assessment ,: Taylor Stitch Case Study

/2. %S *3 %ASSG

' :%e a ta+&e (o$at %o it<% ea%y to $ead' =a!e %u$e you hae %ee$a&, $e&eat

poit%)a#tio% ude$ ea#h %tep o( you$ +a%i#

#hage p&a' 9pp&y it to Tay&o$ Stit#h ad to the %#ea$io

o( a #opay oig ($o &o" te#h to highte#h

' 9%%ue the #opay i% 8uite +ig &ot% o(ep&oyee%, &ot% o( age% ie? ot @u%t 3 guy%

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 Assessment ,: Taylor Stitch Case Study

. dentif# and e)('ain at 'east t!ree +, !ardare and t!ree +, softare

re6"irements for a#'or Stitc! to im('ement t!eir eB"siness strateg#

What ha$d"a$e Aphy%i#a& #oputig a%%et%B doe% the o$gai%atio ee1.2.3.

What %o(t"a$e doe% the o$gai%atio eed'1.2.

