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Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    who went through interrogaons in B(C$.(" 

    and Tawla Bet and are waing to be ocial5


  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



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    interrogaons,” says Amha. “And what is

    worse is aer having gone through painful

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    walk free,” he adds.


  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016




    t was January 1978, the height of -$./#: 

    Red Terror campaign. At 21, I was a last

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    of the Addis Abeba University (AAU).-$./#:  campaign of terror was targeng

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



    Tells from “Chambers of torture”

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    Wabela was taken to his cell at

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    That these tradional leaders lack poli5

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



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    are a means to sustain power,” according

    to Branch and Mapilly.

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    T88O(( commiee and Q$C$&$ ocials.

    Although the Oromia regional state o5

    cially dismissed the commiees of T88O((  

    in 2008 and put 5#,%% commiees under62/.(16 '(" .;.1,&())$

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    terrorist organizaon), has had no physicalpresence in Oromia in any organizaonal

    4%/=0 +%,- ,-. /.32=. (16 ,-. F]A 2,".)4

    equally insisted - for their own polical

    gains - that the OLF has been funconing

    through underground polical cells. (The

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    State-of-the-art AmericanCenter for Ethiopians

    U.S. Ambassador Patricia M. Haslach, and

    Minister of Culture and Tourism Engineer

    Aisha Mohammed ocially inaugurated the

    new state-of-the-art Col. John C. Robinson

    American Center at the Naonal Archives

    and Library Agency (NALA).

    “The Center was named aer African-Amer5

    ican Col. John C. Robinson, who was apioneer ight engineer and the father of

    Ethiopian modern aviaon”, a statement

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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    of repression, exploitaon, and religious

    conicts created by Menelik’s conquests,

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    the me. However, the elite of the polit5


  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    The migraon deal that Turkey and the European Union

    reached in March received heavy cricism. It was

    ")(==.6 4%/ 32;213 &1(4/%= MYYf ,%

    2014) and the leader of the party prior to his elecon as

    9/."26.1, 21 !&3&", MYSV7

    Bruised by this decision, Davutoğlu went on to address

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    W2,- )."" ,-(1 ,-/.. =%1,-" ,% 3% +.4%/. ,-.

    mid-July summit of the African Union (AU) in Ki5

    gali, Rwanda, candidates have started vying for

    the posion of the chairperson of the AU Com5

    mission (AUC). The post has been occupied by South African

    polician Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma for the last four years.

    81 ,-. 9(",0 ,-. !ZB

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    ment of the commission and the eecveness of the AU. These in5

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



    In mid-April, as key meengs and forums on security took

    place in Ethiopia - The Munich Security Conference and,-. ?(1( `23- ].;.) A%/&= %1 G.

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


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  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016


    Mr. Holmes is a brilliant lm, but the major reviews(e.g., in the Chicago Tribune and New York Times) have=2"".6 2," 21"23-,7

    Inially, I grew bored as I watched the lm, seeing onlyan aging, increasingly senile Holmes’ struggle to stch+(

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016



     Addis hosts frst Nordic Film Festival

    N."1#( d.'&1

    The Embassies of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Swe5

    den in collaboraon with the Yellow Movement, a student associaon at the

    Addis Abeba University (AAU), and Goethe-Instut have organized the rstNordic Film Fesval between the 9th – 13th of May 2016.

    The Film Fesval with the theme “Women’s empowerment” was held at the

    Goethe-Instut starng from 6.00 PM local me every night. “The Fesval

    2" %/3(12K.6 '2,- ,-. (2= ,% -23-)23-, ,-. 2=9%/,(1

  • 8/16/2019 Welcome to The Ethiopian Wide Web - Addis Standard Vol 6 Issue 61 May 2016




    AIRLINESBMI 011 662 08 51Djbouti Airline 011 663 37 02Egypt Airways 011 156 44 93Emirates 011 518 18 18Ethiopian Airlines 011 665 66 66Kenya Airways 011 551 84 00KLM 011 552 54 95Lufthansa011 551 56 66Turkish Airlines 011 662 77 81Sudan Airways 011 551 56 66Yemeni 011 551 50 76

    ASSEMBLE/COMPYTER/OTHERDaylight AppliedSnap Trading and Industry 011 662 30 40Technologies Plc 011 551 40 41United Tebarek andFamily Plc 011 277 84 18

    AUTOMOTIVEELCO S.C. 011 550 44 16General Motors Co.(Eth)Ltd 011 123 53 36Hail & Alem Int Plc 011 662 59 80KK Plc 011 515 90 15Moenco 011 661 36 91National Motors Co. Plc 011 551 04 99Nyala Motors S.C 011 661 31 14

    BANKS & INSURANCESAbay Bank S.C 011 515 89 61Awash International Bank 011 277 24 84Bank of Abyssinia 011 277 92 07Berhan Bank 011 662 95 68CBE 011 551 50 04Development Bank of Ethiopia 011 553 68 54National Bank of Ethiopia 011 551 74 30Nib International Bank 011 277 00 74Wegagen Bank 011 278 11 77Zemen Bank 011 550 11 11Abay Insurance S.C 011 553 53 00Ethio - Life Insurance 011 663 12 86Ethiopia Insurance Co. 011 236 44 65Nib Insurance 011 275 81 81Nice Insurance 011 278 14 39

    Nile insurance company S.C 011 277 95 67Nyala Insurance 011 662 66 67Oromia Insurance 011 662 31 94

    CLINICSAddis Tana Higher Clinic 011 863 06 61Adwa Clinik011 156 30 85Africa Higher Clinic 1 011 275 13 60Bethzatha Clinic 011 551 44 70  011 553 34 53Blue & White Clinic 011 66162 29Brook Clinic 011 551 34 35Children Clinic 011 371 15 15Christian Clinic 011 515 20 20Dr Jonathan BanesClinical Psychologist 0911 07 16 84Ethiopia Higher Clinic 011 155 00 88

    Future Intl Consulting 011 277 00 64International ClinicLaboratories 011 552 92 52Marti Special Dental Clinic 011 618 12 62Meseret Higher Clinic 011 551 82 74Pediatric Clinic 0921 78 71 20Rank Clinic (Dermatology) 0911 23 74 10Santé Medical Centre 011 553 55 30Sun Optics Special Clinic 011 156 75 76Sunshine Clinic 011 124 22 95Swedish Clinic 011 371 07 68T/Himanot Higher Clinic 011 111 21 98Tesfa Major Poly Clinic 011 570 22 32

    DESIGN GRAPHICSAbro Printing & Advertising 011 850 02 51Afroow Advertising 0911 63 25 84Awash Printing Press Plc 011 554 52 70Antonio Fiorente -Photographer

    011 618 10 68Cactus Communication 011 554 49 01


    Courier 011 663 96 02DHL World Wide

    Express Ethiopia Plc 011 662 16 09

    Ethiopian Postal Service 011 551 50 11

    Fedex Express 011 661 62 35

    H.Mayler Plc

    011 662 13 08

    Mex-Aramex International

    Royal Express 011 551 08 08

    TNT 011 551 57 95

    HOSPITALSAddis General Hospital 011 213 28 60Addis Hiwot Hospital 011 618 04 49Alert Hospital 011 321 13 40Ambo Hospital 011 236 22 29Asegedech Hospital 011 662 20 50Balcha Hospital 011 551 32 05Black Lion 011 551 12

    11Emmanuel Hospital 011 213 15 16Grum Hospital 011 275 76 76Hayat Hospital 011 662 44 88Kadisco General 011 629 86 04/02Land Mark Hospotal 011 552 54 63MCM Medical Center 011 629 54 21/27M.M.D Hospital 011 646 42 50Menelik II Hospital 011 155 04 44St Gabriel G. Hospital 011 661 36 22St. Paulos Hospital 011 275 01 25St. Yared 011 155 30 66Wudassie Diagnostic Center 011 157 43 43Yekatit 12 011 155 3066

    HOTELSAddis View Hotel 011 124 97 66Adotina Hotel 011 467 41 01Africa Hotel 011 551 73 85Alexandria Hotel 0911 1038 57Atlas Resort 011 120 7662Atlas International Hotel 011 618 74 33Axum Hotels Plc 011 661 39 16Baderas Hotel 011 661 39 16Beshale Hotel 011 64781 81Bole Ambassador Hotel 011 618 82 84Capital Hotel & Spa 0116 19 20 00Classic Hotel 011 661 35 98Concord Hotel 011 465 49 59Crown Hotel 011 439 14 44Dagim Millennium Hotel 011 372 03 00Damu Hotel 011 550 98 28Desalegne Hotel No.3 011 662 45 24Dreamliner Hotel 011 467 40 00Extreme Hotel 011 155 37 77

    Finne Hotel 011 551 91 00Ghion Hotel 011 551 3222Global Hotel 011 466 4766Harambee Hotel 011 551 40 00Harmony Hotel 011 618 31 00Hilton Addis Ababa 011 517 00 00Holiday Hotel 011 661 20 81Hotel D’afrique 011 551 73 85Hotel De Leopol Int. 011 550 77 77Ibex Hotel 011 465 44 00Imperial Hoter 011 629 33 29I t ti t l H t l 011 550 50 66

    Queen Of Sheba Hotel 011 661 54 00Radisson Blu Hotel 011 515 76 00Ras Amba Hotel 011 122 80 80Rivera Int. Hotel 011 419 7755Saro-Maria Hotel 011 667 21 31Semen Hotel 011 155 00 67Sidra Int. Hotel 011 661 77 77Sheraton Addis 011 517 17 17

    Yordanos Hotel 011 551 57 11Wabi Shebelle Hotel 011 551 71 87

    PHARMACIESAbader Pharmacy 011 662 43 97Abbay Pharmacy 011 371 32 98Africa Drug Store 011 157 18 57Ghion Pharmacy 011 551 86 06Gishen Pharmacy 011 661 17 17Lion Pharmacy 011 155 18 93Pelical Pharmacy 011 552 17 90

    TOUR AND TRAVELAmazing Ethiopia Tours 011 554 55 35Forship Travel Agency S.C. 011 15514 93Green Line Travel Agency 011 55162 62

    Horizons Safaris 011 554 47 55Lambadina Tour & Travel 011 66215 95One More Tour & Travel 011 27591 04World Travel & Tours Plc 011 61813 57

    TRADITIONAL FOODElsa Kolo 011 275 42 28Hamza Sheriff She 011 654 45 90Tena Migib Producers Plc 011 43908 54


    Agnazio Mesina and Co. 011 550 50 13

    Ethiopian shipping Lines S.C.011 551 82 82

    Green International

    Logistic Services Plc 011 662 36 82

    MACCFA Transit plc 011 663 78 12

    Maritime & Transit Service

    Enterprise 011 551 06 66

    Trans Ethiopia plc 011 551 65 80

    VETERINARY CLINICBethel Vet Clinic 0911 66 58 30

    CASA – INCIS Clinic 011 551

    94 27

      0911 21 02 04

    HAPS 011 654 47 56

      0911 68 30 20

    Mobile Veterinary Clinic 0911 41 00 20

    Old Airport Clinic 0911 20 99 93

    Shalom Vet Care Clinic 011 629

    18 77


    011 111 63 34

      011 155

    09 22


    Betel Funeral Arrangements 046


    Information (Directory

    Enquiries) 997


    Antica Bar & Restaurant 


    Bole Road, near EU


    Next to Kaldi’s on Sheger Building,

    Beer Garden Inn Bar

    011-618 2595/91

    Behind Edna mall

    Black Rose

    Boston Partners Building

    Buffet de la Gare

    011 551 7888

    Next to the railway station

    Club Alize


    Bole near Moha headquarters at Wom-

    sadco Building

    Club Platinum


    At Bole Medhanialem In Jambo




    Olompia next to Delux

    Coffee House


    6kilo behind Egypt Embassy

    Fahrenheit Lounge

    Opposite Bole Medhanialem

    Gaslight (Sheraton Addis)

    011-517-17-17 Ext.6893

    Hari’s Cigar Bar & Lounge

    011 -553- 9995

    Wello Sefer Tebaber Berta Buld. 1st


    Liquid Lounge

    0913 08 04 04

    Kazanchis, Nigst Tower (near

    intercontinental hotel)

    Memo Club


    Off Bole Road , Behind Exhibition


    Piano Bar & Restaurant


    Abenus Bulding

    Signature Bar (Radisson Blu Hotel)
