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Wedbmdtv Sep'. 13 1944 No. 40 News Items of Boys in Service News and Items Coaeeralng Our Bojrs Who Are Serving in ihe Armed Service The Sept. Court Term OUR DEMOCRACY -by Mat OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sept. Term of Court Convene* Ou The 23rd. The Docket U Very Light The September term of court con- WlLUAM HOLMES Mc€UFFEV -1800-1687- PtOMCER AlUtnetCAN EPUCATOft/GRADED* HIS PUPOfi IN A CLEARING WHERE THEY SAT ON FELLED LOGS - COMPETED FOR HIGHEST , HONORSftVTRYING TO GET TO THC**t* END* ^ AND+IOLD IT AGAINST ALL Mrs. Madge Jack. Opdyke ha* received tuuuur uews oi ner hus- yens on the 28rd but the jury is not buuu, varies, WHO is m an i^ngusu ' called until later. 11 criminal CAMS nuapiuu. ae was injured oauiy in June listed but 6 of these cases are- 1 feugiajui by uie explosion oi a xuoo* I of colored people who broke into bwiiu, some oi lus nod bejxig crush- ] cottages around Brighton. The crinvj e<i ai etc.., but ne is now getting inal cases are- People vs. Win. Lutes. along nicely. (appeal; People vs. Horace Bassett, »*uiu woo j.-aceired ixere x'ncay of | larceny from auto; People vs Larry the death oi Jack litaiicnuru, son of Derries, larceny from auto; and thej Harvey iiianchard oi pae^uuniu *i I following are charged with breaking! an fcngiish hospital. He was So yeais and entering- Dan Hawkins,, Elea- old ana enlisted in the mei-cnam' nor r reeman, Vivian Lee, Bertha marines a year ago. He is trie o*uest J one*, Harold Seeger, Prank Abra- son oi Harvey Lianchar<i auu leaves nam and John Causey. a wile and son, besiues a sister, The issue of fact jury cases are Eleanor and two brotners Harvey jr. Wm. Landis, vs Harold Gates and v and J? red. He operated a bus line John Teller, assumpsit, Harry Barn- through here lor a number of years ard vs Fred Sirnms, appeal; Roy and also concessions and novel ties. [ iiathburn vs Glenn Murray, appeal. A memorial mass will be held for '* ne issue -ol fact non-juiy cases him at £>t. J osepn s churcn, Dexter, i are Citizens Mutual Auto Ins. Co.! Saturday. ' vs Mori is Sunders, assumpsit. Mich. PPC iiert Wylie brought back Unemployment Commission vs. Ray a relic irom tne Aleutians. It is a Coons, assumpsit. * Jap gun, lormerly the property Oi'j The Chancery cases are Georgia' a'deceased Jap. ; vs. Wm. Glenn, bill to enforce lien; 1 Pic Grant Cass ia home on a fur- lioy Day vs Oscar Carlson, bill to lough. He now goes to the B-24 correct right of way, J. Gleason vs. school at Romulus lor. 5 weeks. Lloyd Bernert, bill to correct sight Pvt. Edward Uemiett who was of way; Francis Kline vs Leonard wounded in the North African camv Kroczek, Jessie Mitteson vs Virgil paign ' has received a medical dis- King, Wnu Barker vs. Josephine Bar- chai^e from the U. S army. '. ker and Lloyd Grandy vs. James Pic Eugene Milliken former res- 1 Miller, ail injunction. The following ident lias received the bronze medal Quiet Title cases k *st. d- Alphouse for gallantly in Italy. Kemper vs Keyes Child, Clivj Uy I Ambrose Kennedy son of Sheriff mer vs David Guile, Roland Steuben Kennedy who has just returned irom \h Trancis. Hoben, Foi'd Be ih'w „n *b 27 mouths in the service most of Jum*. Hiscock. M; rgaret Soule vs which was spent in the Aleutian is- F. J. Lee; Patrick Sharkey vs Wm.| lands will be married Thursday night Linden, Wheeler Martin vs John ! at St. Joseph's rectory ,Howell to Grayson,Charles Lieberman vs James Miss Marian Twitchell formerly of Pearson. J Whitmore Lake I The following are the divorce Howard Read who recently retur- cases- Alida vs Arthur Karus, Harry ned from service in Guadalcanal and' va liessie Bui bridge, Carl vs Mary New Guinia is at Quantico Va., ami' VanValkenburgh, Versiiel vs Helen last week had dinner with his" bro-i Harvey, Leslie vs Lillian Pardee, Wm. thei, jRlussell, in Washington D. C* vs Kathleen Davis, Agnes vs James AS Gerald Clinton has finished rielyea, George Wm. vs Mary Mejer, his aviation course at Curtis Field iiWtrice vs Lloyd Cook, Josephine vt Brady. Texas and been sent to Ma- Wm. i3acher, Liliilred vs David Reed, jW»P Pietd, Greenville Texas for, C narles vs Rita Battle, U n w vs Mark advanced training. ' }L>>kin, Frieda vs Max H?ii-»cl, Betly George Aschenbienncr who joined' vs Dotiald Park D r, Albert VH Ruth the navy last spring and has been James, Thelma vs. Harold Richer,| The high school classes have a attending>jchool at Norman Oklahoma Mary vs. Edward Kile, Merrifield vs| record enrollment of 104.' According has now been placed on sea duty we Marjorie AtWell, Hazel vs Zearl to the o]d recorc j s o f a numbep cf are informed. ; i.ioore, Robert vs Francis Peach. yea rs past this is the highest ever Jawies Bell writes that he is on ————^- Oahu island in Hawaii. SEPTEMBER JURY LIST The friends of Alger Lee gave him a farewell party at his home last Michigan Mirror State Newsl URRENT OMMEN I State Newt Over ihe Gathered from State of Michigan Al a <ey \<m Mew Tlu a may be news to soane folk 1 i There's going to be un election in Michigan November 7. With Generals Ike Eisenhower,B!ood & Gut a Patton, Omar Bradley and a millun or so Vanks on the victorious! mauli in France, Belgium and Ger-| .New, a to the Jewish problem .aid Li. n. Suuui is so anx— „ solve, W. i\. Kti.ey, Oetroit cominentatoi i;ays mere is no Jewibn prooiem. ii^ auu that if .smiUi i^ »o aiixiou^ to son e the prob- em why dues he not go to New iork where 4o percent oi tlie jews in that country live. Michigan on y has 1.57 perceni. Air. Keisey concludes Smith- S 4 Wfa-ig*™^^ '^SJ^^U^ FnOM 80CH EARL* "CLASSES* TO TODAYS GREAT MODERN EOUCATIONAL SVSTEM t THfi VOUNG PEOPLE OF AMERICA HAVE HAD UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITV FOR SCHOOLING, IN CHARACTER SUILOING AS WELL AS IN BOOK LEARNING • many nespap^r headlines have been' thinus there are more foow in Michi- donuinited by hap»y war news. Ap--j«:an. ihe Anti-Jewisii persecutions be- prv>ath of V DHJ in Europe hiu i-ut'^an way back in the dark ages when don o.stit- affairs into total eclipse. Winn uo we celebrate? ***.«• •• \7£2n*il'!>}L>. ?. i'^JCftitMM A OEMOCRACy OCMAMOS AN INPORMCO AND SCLF-ftCLIANT CITIZCNRy. News Items of Local School Items of Interest Concerning The Pinckney School and Its Doings. recorded. , The Senior class have started The following jurors were drawn fo their maf?azille drive , The share of ST. MARY'S CHURCH Roe Preocis KKi«p&v 8& Mary's Church > Sun. Sept. 17- is the 17th Sunday "after Pentecost and the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Fanccis.. Sunday masses ae at 8 and 11 o'clock. It is communion Sunday the September term of court. i the proc6 eds win be used" to -defray for „ V 16 , youn £ ,ad . ies * >2/^n/^/\l «lMl/i*in«' - *i expenses. Save your magazine subscriptions for them. Wednesday night. He received many ^ an dy-Marjorie House, Delia West- claas nice gifts. phal . Billie Myer is now at Camp Robin Hartland . . w.D. White, George Arth , , . ^ . , , son, Arkan-^s. ur Mxss Denise Ledwidge who attend Hovell-Isabel'le Frykman Chas. Coll ** 0t - «*"^P"» ^caUoiuy, ^unaii m ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Howeil-Gadys Marshall, Jeanette Ashman and junior year is agaii, School children's catechism class meet after the 8 o'clock Mass Sun- day and Saturday at 10 A. M. Noven Devotions F/iday at 7:45, followed by confessions. F'riViay is the 8th Friday of the 26th Novena, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Read announce Houghton M S ^ t t " * - 1 2 3 ^ ¾ 1 ¾ ¾ ^ M £ J « h.r fomny to g-aauau h ^ .a'th^ Seven Sorrow, of Our Lady. Wuri.l history is rusmng past with areath taking speed. i'-' *'U a prospect oi .1U years* rm^- icii. by one president at the White .iuL.se something we would not con-i older serious! in normal times scarcei i> evokes more than a mild discussion 1 from the man on the street. It's the war, war. war and a ferv- ent hope for a quick victory that we- re thinking about this September, 1 ( J 44. When you go to the polls November 7, yuu will leceive a presidential ball ot and a general election ballot for state and local canidaU'.s. This change in voting was author ueu by the Michigan state legislat- ure at the suggestion of the Repub- lican legislative leaders who suspected that too many people were in the hab it of ritting piesiclenial landslides. To put the stale ticket on its "owm feet'* tree Irom t'.ny influence of aj national political trend,legislatcrs pio ! vid< d for a seperate ballot that listed iiOf ninee.s for i resident and ior V ice- President. Now the Republicans are beginn in<* U. wonder Pi the first place, will the av, r••:<•>• vote) remember to mark both tickets instead of one The Democrat column on the stati' ticket will carry as its party insignia the picture ol President Roosevelt. Nervous Republicans wonder if Joe 1 Douks will mark an N X" along side of Roosevelts picture thinking that they aro voting for Mr. Roosevelt. If enough people do this then anj advantage enjoyed by Governor Kelly a.^ tlin incumbent at Landing might be! nullified a. goes the reasoning. \t* a! I-' h;jr,i to siren., \<m. won'yin^ 'M<' far, but sum is tlie honfst case ofj one Republicai non'inee on the fed-; era! ballo*. H I .Secondly there is the much-dicu,-sed heiroit News opinion pol^ known as Detroit Speaks. Conducted along the estabished methods of the Gallup polls whereby a cross section of population is used by 11.lined interveiwers to determine mass trend,- the Detroit study has re- vealed a <)•!.."i4 percent preference for •Rooeovelt aai a f>7.fi percent piefer- ence for tiovernor Kelly among metro an .>ome monarchs in need ol money for warj etc, preferred charges against the Jews, imprisoned them and took away their wealth which tney hud ac- cumulated by frugality and simple living and shrewdness. The main chaige against the Jews has always been that they crucified Christ. This is not borne out by facts. Christ was tried by a Roman judge who pronoun cod the death penalty and the ex- lion was carried out by Roman sold- iers. It is true that the Jewish church preferred the charges against him and asked his execution but they composed but a small part of the Jewish nation.There were no papers or radios then ami it is doubtlul if the majority of the Jews even knew of his execution. Nevertheess the Jew isii issue finds ready believers to this day and both Hitler and Mussil- mo climbed to power bj their persec- ^ utions of the Jews whom they mass- acred by the thouiumds. The Republican governors nave been oroaUcaaung lor i/uiM'j a.e L«jing reiened to as oe\eli Lliaiiie iVlcL'ai thys. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schosser Ann Arbor at Tonopah, Nevada. ^of Dankers j Ocela-Alta CorbeU, Herbert Filkins. 3 enrofreu m fiucuaiey lugn Jcnoo! ! with intention for peace and for the politan Detroit citizens who have , ( She will be the fir-t girl member boys in services. It is the Feast of opinion of her family to graduate hei her sisters finishing at Adrian. , The school is grateful to Mr. and . _ ^ ^ Putnam-Bert Hicks, Mae DaUer J Mrs. A. A. VanSlambrook lor the NOTICE • • • • Tyrone-Pauline Trollman, Frank;y u Ql a piano> lhere arg now ftye Those living in the hudson Com- Stevsjns. . . _ 1 pianos in the school, ers school district will register for Unadilla-Hasel Steven^osephine DJT-/ . Iv • * 1«« iw^Wc a + the Pinck- er. The elections of class officers is ^l i r «liTT^ B r i ^ ™ City-June Mitchell, George' B6t for Friday and we understand that l*te M . v , x f . , . , , »ey school Thuisday, Sept. 14 from g , ^ ^ ^ ^ campaiguin ^ is ^^ &* Living, Fr d.y for the Jar., hd E * m> Winifred Aberdeen Brighton Twp-Mrs. B. Buaon Jerry, ^ne. w,rd Singer, Saturday for the u.ico ARTHUR R. BELL Arthur R. Bell, 53, better known as ''Rickey" died at his home at Bir- MRS. GERALDINE KENNY Jawely Cohoctah-Fanny Koseris Conway-Allan Diebach. Mrs. G«raldine Kenny died at the r> e rfield--Kathryn Harris. Osteopathic Hospital m Highland Park Qenea-Mrs. Beryl Richards. Sunday. She had lived at Rush Lake Green Oak-William Lietzau. for a number of years where sho and Hamburg-Agatha Harvey, her husound downed a home. Surviv- . ine are her husband, Edward Kenny, Jd two sisters. The funeral will be SERVICE MEN'S GIFT held Thursday at the Schnieder Fun- COMMITTEE DANCE era) Home, 16600 Harper in Detroit wi tU burial there. NELSON MOWERS This Saturday night, Sept 16, the Service Men's Gift Committee will hold their dance at the high school A * tka ,-«. 0 auditorium to raise funds to send son of the late v _,^_ t _„,,__, ., M The hot luncn program is expect- ed to start about October 1. Among intentions in the holy mass Sunday for the Mass of Thanksgiv- ing, and sons in service of Mr. and Mss. Wm. LaPod, both of whom are overseas. Monday for the inten- k e tt near Portage Lake Thursday tion of the sick, Tuoday for the He was bom in 1*'.»U in Dexur town-, intention of donor. Wed. for the sn ip being the son of the late Mark, rs. Margaret'Kuhn, Thurs. Tor an<1 "Helen Fletcher Beil. In l:>2o he " married Margaret Au*tm oi Owosso who survives him with a son.Nonnan. tier of a donor. Also three nisters, Mrs. Ray Cuihane. Your prayers are requested for the C ;h c iseu, Mrs. Ha. old Wheeler and GOSPEL MISSION -,. « , , j ». , ., LaProd's. On Sept. 6 Mrs. Durocher The Senior class elected the foil- obgerved her 8 2nd Natal Feast Day. owing officers Tuesday night.Pi es.„ Jack Haines; Vice Pres., Garth Mey- er; Sec, Shirley Rockwell; Treas Pa- tricia StackaWe. The lootbali team is working out Ewa Beaehey ...—-- Pastor hard. Present indications are that the Marvin Shirey .- ...... - ..... -- Supt. team this year will not be very Sunday School ...... «~ ....... -— - 10:00 heavy. It will be built around some Young People*! Meeting 7:30 William and James are dead. The funeral was held Sunday at the Gorman Funeral Hone in Dexter Rev. Wm. Johnson oftidating, liuriai was in Forest Lawn cemetery. RENEWAL OF A GASOLINE BOOKS who Gov. the 'ihe cause lor this is that the Republican national conuniUee reiea»eu their spefciies to the pi c»s oeioie tney were made an<i uie.se lailtd to corr- espond to the onc.^ tney actually de- uemejed. lioth speik-Jies to have heeii de:i\eied by t.osernors Warren ol Culifonia and Saltonstall ol Mass- achusetts contained scatliing aitacks on Sidney Hiliman and the C.l.O.As ooih >valien auu Saltonstall of Mass enjoyed considerable C.I.O.suppOit in the past Lbey deleted thus [tart of or condensed it into a few lmos,lt now appears tjie C.I.O. gave ^>b00O to Gov Dc.veys campaign fund the last linn, he ran for states attorney. i'Jie Detroit Fiee 1 ress has refused to back down on its editorial scath- ii.x tne Duke and Duchess of Windsor l>eii'u>e the Duchess had ten hospi- tal rooms and 6 nurses for an appen- dicilis operation, ihe Free Press sayij this was an Associated Press report an<j although the Duke and the doc- loi have denied the report the AJJSOC* Associated Press has not. The Duke atid Duchess were hailed as the lov- eis of the ages when he gave up his throne and she ditched her husband so they could get married. They went to Kurope but on account of his pro- .sa/i liiendships the British govern- ment did not consider it sale to have him there and took him out of circul <tion by making him govei nor of the tiny sandy Bahama Island.-.. Still the fiequent visits of this royal couple to tin states make good copy as the/ m- »aiiaby pull something foolish. eeeieeeeeieeie^eeejMBk For a long time we have wanted to write something on origin of fafnily names. Back in Bibilicai times per- had one name such as John Mark. Mary, Sarah etc. ivilized countries the true today. This worked an right until the increase in popula- tion rendered it hard to distingush a person by one name. In many cases incy took the rentes of their occupa- tions, John, 'he miller, becim^ J» hn Miller John, the carpenter, John Cai- pr nter and John the blacksmith, Joi.n Smith. This account* for the numer- ous Smiths as there were numerous -•- A~ ^ a.._.;.~.,~ o*o his wueiner you go or not. «> igW for 40 year*. Surviving are his ' ghou]d wife, 8 sons and 2 daughters and a patronized. ' sister. Mrs. Frank •Johnson ^of Pin- £> committee wanta every boy Salt Lake City, U 1 ^ The funerai a boy in the wr- waa not held until Friday to permit &"' *_%/ m ^_ W! __ u ^u ^.,„- ^- a son in the aumy to be present. Mrs. vice call Mrs. .Elizabeth Colone the wSk ioh^on of tU. pWe a lB o .t- « ^ U r y » » * make n . he w f f l >hedule ,, f0 So^r the funeral which wa. held »»» *• ov«riooked. g^ 22 . Hartl«»d here. it Mueha* Sons Funeral H«ne,Man coMMUWICATlOM W . SO - Ann Arbor Be~rves thare. - " " f i ^ ^ L r r T ^ JJ^J church officiating. Burial was m ^ ^ ¥| __ f ^ _ «- t ^_ M mtt Oct. 20 Applicants for the new A books,, sm jths or tradesmen. Take the name in the Pinckney area, may obtain' p a i„ ier . The dictionary says a palmer their new books at the Pinckney Hight ^ w a person wh0 visited the Holy Sept. 19_and L a nd, back in the midde ages and wai priviligcd to wear sprig of palm loaf old in his hat to denote the fact. The or- contests a3 p r e s e r v e s are very £ ?££*;'**** 7:¾ A * ^ * ^ ^ £ ^ £ ^ ^ U ^ ^ J S ^ S t ^ht.-The f ^ ^ - ^ 2J- The public is cordially invited to be also t u - m ho.r T j e ^ ^ A ^ b y ^ t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ have already ^ J ^ * * present at this service. ^ * £ Wftit untn ^er Oct- IuliaTl( lrish , A s h , Greek and c i t e more will be booked if possible. Of _ obe r , and then apply at his local COUntri ' e8 but undoubtedly every name rationing board. 'was derived from some occupation, AoDlication will be accepted by the locality or event as perusal of the Nelson Mowers, 7 6 . . ^----^ X mas gifts to all the local boys from g V x "seniors who"havehad"thr"ee" y^ars Worship and Children^ Stady 11:00 .David and Mary Mowers' of Pinck here in ^ m w d forc€g ^^ wfl . Th ^ ^ MA.ROU Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed. .7:30 £ p t d t H?hetTh? S M f a ^ when - s t over $400 a*i this dance, to for ^ Jack Hales, Jim Doolittle ^ L E . Burkhart accompanled School^ymin«^ •" W £ » S? P; . i « r L - T SrmitiB- in this vie- ** Purpose of raising funds. On this r^n Griffith and Garth Meyer. They hv lluHeg auartet ffom Goshen Sept. 20 from 1-00 f. n. ™ J STty ^^J^!*^*^^ 1 y °» 8h ° UW ^j'L.X"* h8 - to b ^ the brUnt ° f ** CoH a eg ! t : s h ^ n L n a , m wiIl^oeak AppUcaiiU mu^pre-ent th • ^ ' f o r 4b v e a i Surviving are his w " ethcr you go or not. Judgmg by conte8to therreserves are very «_,*..' 1«- *~> ,.,-7..A A book cover at that time these frames all but one win be at S n ? k n T The only game away is COMMUNITY CONG'L CHURCH the night game at Ann Arbor. The X ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * * rural-schools acting as issuance «ites d}ct i 0 naries of these cotmtrie, wo«W Choir DiHetor /on Wednesday, September 20th and WQyiit Manton. NOTICE! ln There will bo a special commimica. , St0 ckbridge here. I T V u U ^ ^ ¾ . fcJ 15 Oct. 25 , Brighton here [& A X on Friday night, Sept. 15 , ft rj-4t«r here {be conferred. All .members of the - w Sunday School 11 00 Choir l^factise Wed. night. Rev. James Cullen of Lansing will preach here Sunday. Village taxes are now due and canrFellowcraft team are asked to be' m - c - . ^j. be paid at my shop. present Refreahmonts served TfoUow- Miss Virginia Allen of Ann Arboe Miss ,5vs CwtJ of Ann A^rr W C ^ V I I U W Treasarer. Ing d ^ work. tpent the week end at the Herbei* WM a Saturday night dinner r»t jtfARJUACE UCEf«ES - P. W. Curlttt, See. Palmer homo. n u m Jean Clark. new A books will be mailed the foil ov/ing day. One person may act as agent for many car owners to secure new A books. This in many -vill save driving. cases COUNTY O.E.3. ASSOCIATE! Tne COUIK;. JES Association earn* consisting of Chapters frojri* Howaft, Brighton and Fowlerville and ckney meet at the Pinckney Bom to Mr. and Mrs. William hall on Tuesday, Sept. 19, both *$» Lamb, (Willa Meyer) Saturday at ternoon and evening. All dinner i*> St Josephs hospital, Ann Arbor, a servations must be in by Sat. f;, laughter, Jeri Noreen. , Bonnie Henry, W. HV \T ;vft^ A<

Wedbmdtv Sep'. 13 1944 No. 40

News Items of Boys in Service

News and Items Coaeeralng Our Bojrs Who Are Serving in ihe Armed


The Sept. Court Term


OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sept. Term of Court Convene* Ou

The 23rd. The Docket U Very Light

The September term of court con-



Mrs. Madge Jack. Opdyke ha* received tuuuur uews oi ner hus- yens on the 28rd but the jury is not buuu, v a r i e s , WHO is m an i^ngusu ' called until later. 11 criminal CAMS nuapiuu. a e was injured oauiy in June listed but 6 of these cases are-1

feugiajui by uie explosion oi a xuoo* I of colored people who broke into bwiiu, some oi lus nod bejxig crush- ] cottages around Brighton. The crinvj e<i ai etc.., but ne is now getting inal cases are- People vs. Win. Lutes. along nicely. (appeal; People vs. Horace Bassett,

»*uiu woo j.-aceired ixere x'ncay of | larceny from auto; People vs Larry the death oi Jack litaiicnuru, son of Derries, larceny from auto; and thej Harvey iiianchard oi pae^uuniu *i I following are charged with breaking! an fcngiish hospital. He was So yeais and entering- Dan Hawkins,, Elea-old ana enlisted in the mei-cnam' nor r reeman, Vivian Lee, Bertha marines a year ago. He is trie o*uest J one*, Harold Seeger, Prank Abra-son oi Harvey Lianchar<i auu leaves nam and John Causey. a wile and son, besiues a sister, The issue of fact jury cases are Eleanor and two brotners Harvey jr. Wm. Landis, vs Harold Gates and

v and J? red. He operated a bus line John Teller, assumpsit, Harry Barn-through here lor a number of years ard vs Fred Sirnms, appeal; Roy and also concessions and novel ties. [ iiathburn vs Glenn Murray, appeal.

A memorial mass will be held for '*n e issue -ol fact non-juiy cases him at £>t. J osepn s churcn, Dexter, i are Citizens Mutual Auto Ins. Co.! Saturday. ' vs Mori is Sunders, assumpsit. Mich.

PPC iiert Wylie brought back Unemployment Commission vs. Ray a relic irom tne Aleutians. It is a Coons, assumpsit. * Jap gun, lormerly the property Oi'j The Chancery cases are Georgia' a'deceased Jap. ; vs. Wm. Glenn, bill to enforce lien;1

Pic Grant Cass ia home on a fur- lioy Day vs Oscar Carlson, bill to lough. He now goes to the B-24 correct right of way, J. Gleason vs. school at Romulus lor. 5 weeks. Lloyd Bernert, bill to correct sight

Pvt. Edward Uemiett who was of way; Francis Kline vs Leonard wounded in the North African camv Kroczek, Jessie Mitteson vs Virgil paign ' has received a medical dis- King, Wnu Barker vs. Josephine Bar-chai^e from the U. S army. '. ker and Lloyd Grandy vs. James

Pic Eugene Milliken former res-1 Miller, ail injunction. The following ident lias received the bronze medal Quiet Title cases k*st. d- Alphouse for gallantly in Italy. Kemper vs Keyes Child, Clivj U y I

Ambrose Kennedy son of Sheriff mer vs David Guile, Roland Steuben Kennedy who has just returned irom \h Trancis. Hoben, Foi'd Be ih'w „n *b 27 mouths in the service most of Jum*. Hiscock. M; rgaret Soule vs which was spent in the Aleutian i s - F. J. Lee; Patrick Sharkey vs Wm.| lands will be married Thursday night Linden, Wheeler Martin vs John !

at St. Joseph's rectory ,Howell to Grayson,Charles Lieberman vs James Miss Marian Twitchell formerly of Pearson. J Whitmore Lake I The following are the divorce

Howard Read who recently retur- cases- Alida vs Arthur Karus, Harry ned from service in Guadalcanal and' va liessie Bui bridge, Carl vs Mary New Guinia is at Quantico Va., ami' VanValkenburgh, Versiiel vs Helen last week had dinner with his" bro-i Harvey, Leslie vs Lillian Pardee, Wm. thei, jRlussell, in Washington D. C* vs Kathleen Davis, Agnes vs James

A S Gerald Clinton has finished rielyea, George Wm. vs Mary Mejer, his aviation course at Curtis Field i iWtr ice vs Lloyd Cook, Josephine vt Brady. Texas and been sent to Ma- Wm. i3acher, Liliilred vs David Reed, jW»P Pietd, Greenville Texas for, C narles vs Rita Battle, U n w vs Mark advanced training. ' }L>>kin, Frieda vs Max H?ii-»cl, Betly

George Aschenbienncr who joined' vs Dotiald ParkDr, Albert VH Ruth the navy last spring and has been James, Thelma vs. Harold Richer,| The high school classes have a attending>jchool at Norman Oklahoma Mary vs. Edward Kile, Merrifield vs | record enrollment of 104.' According has now been placed on sea duty we Marjorie AtWell, Hazel vs Zearl t o t h e o ] d r e c o r c j s o f a n u m b e p c f

are informed. ; i.ioore, Robert vs Francis Peach. y e a r s past this is the highest ever Jawies Bell writes that he is on — — — — ^ -

Oahu island in Hawaii. SEPTEMBER JURY LIST The friends of Alger Lee gave him

a farewell party at his home last

Michigan Mirror State Newsl


State Newt Over ihe

Gathered from State of Michigan

Al a <ey \<m M e w

Tlua may be news to soane folk1 i There's going to be un election in Michigan November 7.

With Generals Ike Eisenhower,B!ood & Guta Patton, Omar Bradley and a millun or so Vanks on the victorious! mauli in France, Belgium and Ger-|


• a to the Jewish problem .aid Li. n . Suuui is so anx—

„ solve, W. i\. Kti.ey, Oetroit cominentatoi i;ays mere is no

Jewibn prooiem. ii^ auu that if .smiUi i »o aiixiou^ to son e the prob-em why dues he not go to New iork where 4o percent oi tlie jews in that country live. Michigan on y has 1.57 perceni. Air. Keisey concludes Smith-

S 4

Wfa-ig*™^^ '^SJ^^U^


many nespap^r headlines have been' thinus there are more foow in Michi-donuinited by hap»y war news. Ap--j«:an. ihe Anti-Jewisii persecutions be-prv>ath of V DHJ in Europe hiu i-ut'^an way back in the dark ages when don o.stit- affairs into total eclipse. Winn uo we celebrate?

* * * . « • •• \7£2n*il'!>}L>. ?. i' JCftitMM


News Items of Local School Items of Interest Concerning The

Pinckney School and Its Doings.


, The Senior class have started The following jurors were drawn fo t h e i r m a f ? a z i l l e d r i v e , T h e s h a r e o f

ST. MARY'S CHURCH Roe Preocis KKi«p&v

8& Mary's Church> Sun. Sept. 17-is the 17th Sunday "after Pentecost and the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Fanccis.. Sunday masses ae at 8 and 11 o'clock. It is communion Sunday

the September term of court. i t h e p r o c 6 e d s win be used" to -defray f o r„ V16 , y o u n £ , a d . i e s

* >2/^n/^/\l « l M l / i * i n « ' - *i expenses. Save your magazine

subscriptions for them.

Wednesday night. He received many ^ a n dy-Marjor ie House, Delia West- c l a a s nice gifts. • p h a l .

Billie Myer is now at Camp Robin H a r t l a n d . . w .D. White, George Arth , , . ^ . , , son, Arkan-^s. u r

M x s s Denise Ledwidge who attend — Hovell-Isabel'le Frykman Chas. Coll ** 0 t - «*"^P"» ^caUoiuy, ^unaii m

ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Howeil-Gadys Marshall, Jeanette ™ A s h m a n and junior year is agaii,

School children's catechism class meet after the 8 o'clock Mass Sun­day and Saturday at 10 A. M.

Noven Devotions F/iday at 7:45, followed by confessions. F'riViay is the 8th Friday of the 26th Novena,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Read announce Houghton

M S ^ t t " * - 1 2 3 ^ ¾ 1 ¾ ¾ ^ M £ J « h.r fomny to g-aauau h ^ . a ' t h ^ Seven Sorrow, of Our Lady.

Wuri.l history is rusmng past with areath taking speed.

i'-' *'U a prospect oi .1U years* rm^-icii. by one president at the White .iuL.se something we would not con-i older serious! in normal times scarcei i> evokes more than a mild discussion1

from the man on the street. It's the war, war. war and a ferv­

ent hope for a quick victory that we­re thinking about this September, 1(J 44.

When you go to the polls November 7, yuu will leceive a presidential ball ot and a general election ballot for state and local canidaU'.s.

This change in voting was author ueu by the Michigan state legislat­ure at the suggestion of the Repub­lican legislative leaders who suspected that too many people were in the hab it of ritting piesiclenial landslides.

To put the stale ticket on its "owm feet'* tree Irom t'.ny influence of aj national political trend,legislatcrs pio !

vid< d for a seperate ballot that listed iiOf ninee.s for i resident and ior V ice-President.

Now the Republicans are beginn in<* U. wonder

Pi the first place, will the av, r••:<•>• vote) remember to mark both tickets instead of one

The Democrat column on the stati' ticket will carry as its party insignia the picture ol President Roosevelt. Nervous Republicans wonder if Joe

1 Douks will mark an NX" along side of Roosevelts picture thinking that they aro voting for Mr. Roosevelt.

If enough people do this then anj advantage enjoyed by Governor Kelly a. tlin incumbent at Landing might be! nullified a. goes the reasoning. \t* a! I-' h;jr,i to siren., \<m. won'yin^ 'M<' far, but sum is tlie honfst case ofj one Republicai non'inee on the fed-; era! ballo*. H I

.Secondly there is the much-dicu,-sed heiroit News opinion pol^ known as Detroit Speaks.

Conducted along the estabished methods of the Gallup polls whereby a cross section of population is used by 11.lined interveiwers to determine mass trend,- the Detroit study has re­vealed a <)•!.."i4 percent preference for

•Rooeovelt a a i a f>7.fi percent piefer-ence for tiovernor Kelly among metro


.>ome monarchs in need ol money for warj etc, preferred charges against the Jews, imprisoned them and took away their wealth which tney hud ac­cumulated by frugality and simple living and shrewdness. The main chaige against the Jews has always been that they crucified Christ. This is not borne out by facts. Christ was tried by a Roman judge who pronoun cod the death penalty and the ex-lion was carried out by Roman sold­iers. It is true that the Jewish church preferred the charges against him and asked his execution but they composed but a small part of the Jewish nation.There were no papers or radios then ami it is doubtlul if the majority of the Jews even knew of his execution. Nevertheess the Jew isii issue finds ready believers to this day and both Hitler and Mussil-mo climbed to power bj their persec-

^ utions of the Jews whom they mass­acred by the thouiumds.

The Republican governors nave been oroaUcaaung lor i/uiM'j a.e L«jing reiened to as o e \ e l i L l ia i i i e iVlcL'ai thys .

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schosser Ann Arbor at Tonopah, Nevada.

^of Dankers j Ocela-Alta CorbeU, Herbert Filkins.

3 enrofreu m fiucuaiey lugn Jcnoo! ! with intention for peace and for the politan Detroit citizens who have , ( She will be the fir-t girl member boys in services. It is the Feast of opinion

of her family to graduate hei her sisters finishing at Adrian.

, The school is grateful to Mr. and . _ ^ ^ Putnam-Bert Hicks, Mae DaUer J Mrs. A. A. VanSlambrook lor the

NOTICE • • • • Tyrone-Pauline Trollman, F r a n k ; y u Q l a p i a n o > l h e r e a r g n o w ftye

Those living in the hudson Com- Stevsjns. . . _ 1 pianos in the school, ers school district will register for Unadilla-Hasel Steven^osephine DJT-/ . Iv • * 1«« iw^Wc a+ the Pinck- er. The elections of class officers is ^ l i r « l i T T ^ B r i ^ ™ City-June Mitchell, George' B 6 t for Friday and we understand that l*te M . v , x f . , . , , »ey school Thuisday, Sept. 14 from g , ^ ^ ^ ^ c a m p a i g u i n ^ i s ^ ^ &* Living, Fr d.y for the Jar., hd

E* m> Winifred Aberdeen Brighton Twp-Mrs. B. Buaon Jerry, ^ n e . w,rd Singer, Saturday for the u.ico


Arthur R. Bell, 53, better known as ''Rickey" died at his home at Bir-

MRS. GERALDINE KENNY Jawely Cohoctah-Fanny Koseris Conway-Allan Diebach.

Mrs. G«raldine Kenny died at the r>erfield--Kathryn Harris. Osteopathic Hospitalm Highland Park Qenea-Mrs. Beryl Richards. Sunday. She had lived at Rush Lake G r e e n Oak-William Lietzau. for a number of years where sho and Hamburg-Agatha Harvey, her husound downed a home. Surviv- . ine are her husband, Edward Kenny, J d two sisters. The funeral will be SERVICE MEN'S GIFT held Thursday at the Schnieder Fun- COMMITTEE DANCE era) Home, 16600 Harper in Detroit wi t U burial there.


This Saturday night, Sept 16, the Service Men's Gift Committee will hold their dance at the high school

A* t k a ,-«.0 auditorium to raise funds to send son of the late v _,^_ t _ „ , , _ _ , . , M

The hot luncn program is expect­ed to start about October 1.

Among intentions in the holy mass Sunday for the Mass of Thanksgiv­ing, and sons in service of Mr. and Mss. Wm. LaPod, both of whom are overseas. Monday for the inten- kett near Portage Lake Thursday tion of the sick, Tuoday for the He was bom in 1*'.»U in Dexur town-, intention of donor. Wed. for the s n ip being the son of the late Mark,

rs. Margaret'Kuhn, Thurs. Tor a n < 1 "Helen Fletcher Beil. In l:>2o he " married Margaret Au*tm oi Owosso

who survives him with a son.Nonnan. tier of a donor. Also three nisters, Mrs. Ray Cuihane.

Your prayers are requested for the C;hciseu, Mrs. Ha. old Wheeler and


-,. « , , j ». , ., LaProd's. On Sept. 6 Mrs. Durocher The Senior class elected the foil- o b g e r v e d h e r 82nd Natal Feast Day.

owing officers Tuesday night.Pi es.„ Jack Haines; Vice Pres., Garth Mey­er; Sec , Shirley Rockwell; Treas Pa­tricia StackaWe.

The lootbali team is working out E w a Beaehey . . . — - - Pastor hard. Present indications are that the Marvin Shirey . - . . . . . . - . . . . . -- Supt. team this year will not be very Sunday School......«~.......-— - 10:00 heavy. It will be built around some Young People*! Meeting 7:30

William and James are dead. The funeral was held Sunday at

the Gorman Funeral Hone in Dexter Rev. Wm. Johnson oftidating, liuriai was in Forest Lawn cemetery.


who Gov.

the 'ihe

cause lor this is that the Republican national conuniUee reiea»eu their spefciies to the pi c»s oeioie tney were made an<i uie.se lailtd to corr­espond to the onc. tney actually de-uemejed. lioth speik-Jies to have heeii de:i\eied by t.osernors Warren ol Culifonia and Saltonstall ol Mass­achusetts contained scatliing aitacks on Sidney Hiliman and the C.l.O.As ooih >valien auu Saltonstall of Mass enjoyed considerable C.I.O.suppOit in the past Lbey deleted thus [tart of or condensed it into a few lmos,lt now appears tjie C.I.O. gave >b00O to Gov Dc.veys campaign fund the last linn, he ran for states attorney.

i'Jie Detroit Fiee 1 ress has refused to back down on its editorial scath-ii.x tne Duke and Duchess of Windsor l>eii'u>e the Duchess had ten hospi­tal rooms and 6 nurses for an appen-dicilis operation, ihe Free Press sayij this was an Associated Press report an<j although the Duke and the doc-loi have denied the report the AJJSOC* Associated Press has not. The Duke atid Duchess were hailed as the lov-eis of the ages when he gave up his throne and she ditched her husband so they could get married. They went to Kurope but on account of his pro-.sa/i liiendships the British govern­ment did not consider it sale to have him there and took him out of circul <tion by making him govei nor of the tiny sandy Bahama Island.-.. Still the fiequent visits of this royal couple to tin states make good copy as the/ m-»aiiaby pull something foolish.


For a long time we have wanted to write something on origin of fafnily names. Back in Bibilicai times per-

had one name such as John Mark. Mary, Sarah etc. ivilized countries the

true today. This worked an right until the increase in popula­tion rendered it hard to distingush a person by one name. In many cases incy took the rentes of their occupa­tions, John, 'he miller, becim^ J» hn Miller John, the carpenter, John Cai-pr nter and John the blacksmith, Joi.n Smith. This account* for the numer­ous Smiths as there were numerous

- • - A~ ^ a.._.;.~.,~ o*o his wueiner you go or not. «> i gW for 40 year*. Surviving are his ' g h o u ] d

wife, 8 sons and 2 daughters and a patronized. ' sister. Mrs. Frank •Johnson ^of Pin- £> c o m m i t t e e w a n t a every boy

Salt Lake City, U 1 ^ The funerai a boy in the wr-waa not held until Friday to permit &"' *_%/m^_ W ! _ _ u ^ u ^ . , „ - ^-a son in the aumy to be present. Mrs. vice call Mrs. .Elizabeth Colone the wSk i o h ^ o n of t U . p W e a lBo . t - « ^ U r y » » * make n . he w f f l > h e d u l e , , „ f 0 „ S o ^ r the funeral which w a . held »»» * • ov«riooked. g ^ 2 2 . Hartl«»d here.

i t M u e h a * Sons Funeral H«ne,Man coMMUWICATlOM W . SO - Ann Arbor Be~rves thare. - " " f i ^ ^ L r r T ^ J J ^ J

church officiating. Burial was m ^ ¥|__f ^ _ «-t ^_ M mtt „ Oct. 20

Applicants for the new A books,, s m j ths or tradesmen. Take the name in the Pinckney area, may obtain' p a i „ i e r . The dictionary says a palmer their new books at the Pinckney Hight ^ w a p e r s o n w h 0 visited the Holy

Sept. 19_and Land, back in the midde ages and wai priviligcd to wear sprig of palm loaf

o l d in his hat to denote the fact. The o r -

contests a3 p r e s e r v e s are very £ — ? £ £ * ; ' * * * * 7 : ¾ A * ^ * ^ ^ £ ^ £ ^ ^ U ^ ^ J S ^ S t ^ h t . - T h e f ^ ^ - ^ 2 J - The public is cordially invited to be also t u - m ho.r T j e ^ ^ A ^ b y ^ t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ have already ^ J ^ ™ ™ * * present at this service. ^ * £ W f t i t u n t n ^ e r Oct- I u l i a T l ( l r i s h , A s h , Greek and c i t e more will be booked if possible. Of _ ober , and then apply at his local C O U n t r i ' e 8 but undoubtedly every name

rationing board. 'was derived from some occupation, AoDlication will be accepted by the locality or event as perusal of the

Nelson Mowers, 7 6 . . ^ - - - - ^ X m a s gifts to all the local boys from gVx"seniors who"havehad"thr"ee" y^ars Worship and Children^ Stady 11:00 .Dav id and Mary Mowers' of Pinck h e r e i n m w d f o r c € g ^ ^ w f l . T h ^ ^ MA.ROU Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed. .7 :30

£ p td t H ? h e t T h ? S

M f a ^ when - s t over $400 a * i this dance, to for ^ J a c k H a l e s , Jim Doolittle ^ L E . B u r k h a r t a c c o m p a n l e d S c h o o l ^ y m i n « ^ •" W £ » S ? P ; . i « r L - T SrmitiB- in this vie- ** Purpose of raising funds. On this r^n Griffith and Garth Meyer. They h v l l u H e g a u a r t e t ffom Goshen Sept. 20 from 1-00 f. n. ™ J

S T t y ^ ^ J ^ ! * ^ * ^ ^ 1 y°» 8h°UW ^j'L.X"* h 8 - to b ^ t h e b r U n t ° f ** CoHaeg ! t : s h ^ n L n a , m w i I l ^ o e a k AppUcaiiU m u ^ p r e - e n t th • ^ ' f o r 4b v e a i Surviving are his w " e t h c r you go or not. Judgmg by c o n t e 8 t o „ therreserves are very « _ , * . . ' 1«- *~> , . , - 7 . . A A book cover at that time

these frames all but one win be at S n ? k n T The only game away is COMMUNITY CONG'L CHURCH

the night game at Ann Arbor. The X ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * * rural-schools acting as issuance «ites d } c t i 0 naries of these cotmtrie, wo«W Choir DiHetor /on Wednesday, September 20th and WQyiit

Manton. NOTICE!

l n There will bo a special commimica. , S t 0ckbridge here.

I T V u U ^ ^ ¾ . fcJ 15 Oct. 25 , Brighton here [& A X on Friday night, Sept. 15 „ , ft rj-4t«r here

{ b e conferred. All .members of the - w

Sunday School 11 00 Choir l^factise Wed. night. Rev. James Cullen of Lansing will

preach here Sunday.

Village taxes are now due and canrFellowcraft team are asked to be' m - c - . ^j. be paid at my shop. present Refreahmonts served TfoUow- Miss Virginia Allen of Ann Arboe Miss ,5vs C w t J of Ann A^rr

W C ^ V I I U W Treasarer. Ing d ^ work. tpent the week end at the Herbei* W M a Saturday night dinner r » t jtfARJUACE U C E f « E S - P. W. Curlttt, See. Palmer homo. n u m Jean Clark.

new A books will be mailed the foil ov/ing day. One person may act as agent for many car owners to secure new A books. This in many -vill save driving.


COUNTY O.E.3. ASSOCIATE! Tne COUIK;. J E S Association earn*

consisting of Chapters frojri* Howaft, Brighton and Fowlerville and

• ckney meet at the Pinckney Bom to Mr. and Mrs. William hall on Tuesday, Sept. 19, both *$»

Lamb, (Willa Meyer) Saturday at ternoon and evening. All dinner i*> S t Josephs hospital, Ann Arbor, a servations must be in by Sat. f;, laughter, Jeri Noreen. , Bonnie Henry, W. HV




# »


" I f - : ' • ~ ; - > * : *?5- :^ ; * * -..«':^

w*T' •v>'




SjIvan Theatre S nejSrMba Jeaiaai ^ ^ I NOIES OF 25 YEARS AGO ^ ^ ° ^ COLUMN


Fri. , Sat., S e p t 15, 16

I UP IN MABELS ROOM" Comedy Starring


CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD j Car toon Newt Madri Gras

Sun., Mon. t Tue*., Sep t 17, 18 19

* UP IN ARMS" A Musical Comedy

In Technicolor Starring


| MATTHEWS Cartoon "Happy Go Nut ty*

(Sunday Show* - .3 :00, , :500,7:00,9:00

Wed, Thur. , Sept. 20, 21 Double Feature



GRAY and I K E N L , RYAN Plus




Fri., Sat.. Sept. 15, 16

IN OUR TIME" A Story of Poland in 1939 Starr ing

JDA LUPINO PAUL HENR1ED Cartoon ' I ' v e Got P'enty of Mut ton"

Sheriff Miller has been busy gath- ' S u a u u g ^xi week in this paper eung in law v i o l a t e s the par t f<vv W J U u e uie case ox the Kea &wea-

\ \»ceks. Of the moonsaiiiers lUvid i V. allenmaier of Pleasant Valley, '

p.dd #50 and costs, John and Nick' Cute of I ' inckney $100 each and '

Gri i i i tns . For iu r ther wuiiiia Coon.


ai.d costd^ Dun Rotar, Theodore Du-1

» . # ^ J n i ; i s a n < j p e t 6 r p o p i i 0 f Pu tnam $200

iue*. , sept l / , Itt '. aad costs each^ Mick Zick and Mack I tiiU f a U H l l N U S i L A r f t J E o *-2rich, Brighton 75 and costs each. ^*ti« w t me r^avy tn^iiurers, ai-arrib,, Mr- a n d M r s » Lemon connected with j u n r t W A h ^ t S U O M N I I M Y W A M ; I t ] - e thievery of many autos pled not

*nd U t H i . ' a U K £ L » - t guilty, as did also John Peach of New* ca r toon "Jungle D r u m . ' G ^ e n Oak charged with " I v o Man Submar ine ' rtere C o m e J s t o l e n a u t o *> L ° u i s ^11 accused

the same case pled guilty The county road co/nmission has

taken over the road running through I lnckney from Leslie to Detroit .

1 There a re many vacancies in the , teaching staffs of the county and the * school commissione. Hugh Aldrich,

would like to hear from all former teachers wishing to teach

The Pinckney high school football

i. XL,

iiiuier" *iVlynery broadcast"

vuiUUji- ^v*iuk Out tiie b u l u e i '

I^LiUiaJiOKl^v* i 7 J 4 J ~ T

J^VJUJ U U > I > L ' I ^ OX l i i i C i U i c y i s i U i l

ja UIL' iiicubaioi iu .uottc i.»o.-±JKui uiiu uuiiit uit-ej>. xiv weltjiieu 4 IOS. u i j t e a m will go to Lansing tomorrow toi O i l I H . . - 1 - - - T „ - . _

m e iuncia l of Liuurgo Adams 6'i, W U i UC'lU vtl Lilt* J,' O k U c i ' v i i l e i.il. 1^.

t i i^n'u wnii mc 4.uacuaj iii cnargx-l ie was a oi'utuui' v± iux-iu.pVo:sc'iiiu iivi- ^ lawless 1'. Auaiasoi noweu.

ihu r u i» iei'Wiic iiOiioi' l u a wus uc-dicaieu ounuay vviui lie v. W ilium i a i punier oi i^anaing ao speaker^

*in:>& Luuiii ..ue^uis WHO giauu^iitdi t'runi MocKuriU^e ingn Mmuui m VJ*z

UH'\ by Don details see

AastbiuiH iaup(.nnu.uaciit, "Din Willie ' 16 iryiu t , iu muiiai' up enougn com age to u~.» u ce^wui >o^ng visiting bumut i lor a Ucite. If he wjuiu m>uic i his chatis with Lee at a more convenient place, Uie neigii-uoi > wouiu be less uibiuibed.

The iniiotlLyii, ba^ i ' u l , i^*l shy . . • Ho'liis has become girl conscious.

..._ , 1 g ' t uu id it be that he is in the snarket for a date?

The ace drumnnqrman, Gooley, has at last l'ailen for something other than a dram. For this little girl of his dreams he has even taken up Latin so he can translate her last name. Goojey, for your benefit, the word "amo" means "1 love'^

The seniors are again haunting the lowiispL-opje^ for magazuie subs­

criptions. Their goal is to raise over

jplay Lansing Central", last year ' s ! * b U ° *° t h e i w U r e 4 U l y ^ ° . l ° ^ ° ' stiite champions. j ^ o m c ' f u n c y stepping to reach it.

The typewrit ing class now nujnbers fcvuybudy's support will be greatly

Coming-'-A Song of Nevada'4 "Wing and a Prayer'* 'T Love a Soldier"

^•ipCt. Juuii v^roiuut oi rowlervJUe hao been awarded tne uistinguished Service Cross lor gallantry in Italy. n o i. a tail gux.ner on a L.-iJ'i.

23, 45 non-resident pupils hafe en- appreciated. rolled here this year. I Sunday evening a poor little Chev-

The 10th grade have organized l o l e t w , L n a n u ^ s e t y t o m u c h s l o w ' witli tne following officers; Pres ' , ^ chugged up the backroads ot Olah Docking; See., Stanley Hall; l Chilson. The weak, bald tire suddenly Treas., Vrera Shipley. 'J to go onl> on three so one nosily

The ball games at the Fowlerville} b i t ' w u ^ ' T h e l o U Z ' 0 C C U U i i n l i i c o u l d

Fair this year are 'Siockbridsr*1 v s ' Wl l> DVrand and Howrell vs Fowlerville. | *•

Born to Leo Glenson and wife of( Howell on Sept. 23 a son.

Louis Monks sold Buick cars last week »o Elda Kuhn and Harlow Mun-

[ soil of Gregory.. , A total oi o.„oZV b a b i c wee born! George Lavey has gon« to Florida)

six month , ! to manage a cafeteria. .,., ,.f Born to Martin Anderson and wif

monk's ^ i j , , . Sunday a son.

book stoi

•>..• , *r l ingers and hope .-.(i reach their destination

.Next week there will be inform­ation about the class officers, stu-dtfit council, sports and a few of the new romances.

in Michigan in uie lir^t of l tU4. In Uie iirdt six iViiS '6i.d\)(j were born.


STATE OF MICHIGAN The Circuit Court for the County of

Livingston in Chancery Tuna Smith, Plaintiff


Wee Th Reckless,



I .-;o(l, now' living near Dansviiie is re ported ntL-Miig in acuon o\er Ger­many. I

'1 lie New •'Hudson school will not ' open until Sept. 1<S.

Although Ann Arbor schools will, open on Sept. 10. the other sidiools in.

brought in on the next forty to it. Coons are niyncrous this year. G5

trap.- wtre rcen'dy sot along the Kal­amazoo river and 44 coons were livetrappcd. I

England is way ahead of us in

Defendants At a session of said court held at

the Courthouse in the City of Howell in said county on the 8th day of September, 15)44

Present : Hon., Joseph H^ Collins,

S a t , Sept. 16 Matinee

the county do not open 18th. ,

until Sept.







fighting soil erosion according to Dr. circui t Judge. i Dui ward Allen who recently re turn- U u r c a d i n g and filing the sworn J ed from there. The numerous hedge- b i l l ot- c o t U p i i a n t in said cause from

„ ^ — — ~ . t . . f r o w s f o u n « i t h ( ' r c a r e Ihw J 1 1 0 ^ ef- w h l c l l i t satisfactorily appears to the N O T E S O F 4 7 TTLAK A U < . jfect.ve weapon. , ' c o u r l , h a l defendants above named

Charles Bowman has opened a In order to lind out whether c o m - ' o r t h e i l . u n k n o w n heirs, devisees, le-meat market in his new store at the meniial fishing in the Groat Lakes is g . a t e c 6 and assigns are proper and corner oil Main and Mill streets. His helped bj planting hatchery reared ^ c e ^ a r y parties defendant in the

t cutter is George Sweet of Urigh.. t rout L.OOOU fingerling t rout were < i b ( V C entitled cau;.c. and l l l l ' u

ton. j jr . C L . Sigler is building a

shed on his home. Julia Benedict has gone to

Arbor to study Renography. ) Charles i leury I*- moving into

l i i i i lipped and planted in Lake Mich wood

[Sun. , Mon. Tu#«., Sept. 17, 18# 19 Continued Matinee



4 IN SOCIETY' with



igan near Fox island. Any fisherman . cp.tching one of thesctrout wi'l! be

Ann paid .$2. ,' j Bird hunting is expected to bo'

his spotty this fall as few birds have been1

,-een in their usual habi ta t ions ' this

j The fondness of deer for carrots is of threatening a venture in Arenac

no'inty. Growers wh o are preparing of muck land

Cartoon WeTT

Selected Shorts

newiy purchased home, C. P.Sykes is putting a steam heat-- summer,

ing plant in John Cad well's home. UrviLle VVilianis will take care

i;r Sigier's horses this winter. Thh second nines of Pinckney and several square nules

Givgoiv payed ball Thursday, Pinck- fo onions raise i-arrots for a year or ney winning 31 to G. , t v / 0 t o d r i v e u u t l h o w i r e ^ o r m s who

A'-ain a railroad from Ypsilanti to do not like carrots. Deer nave been 1 Hiring via Dexter, Portage Lake comming D miles to eat tne carroes. Pinckney and Dansviiie i* being ag.t-1 17'.* permits were issuct . to farm-i»tud L. C. Cha.-.c of Dansviiie is the era up to Sept. 1 to shoot pheasants

i " " ' " ' I who wore damaging crop?. i promoter. ' 0 . A n , . . , , ' * • j - - ; , . , . . his 2400 pheasants raised by inmaates

Thur.% Fri., Sept. 20,21,22 It's the Show of Shows



is remodeling J; nine.-.

Lyle Martin and Wirt Barton ^arc high school.Sam

of Southern Michigan prison will be ' released this week. ' f

Ground water levels fell six-tenths

i And it further appearing that af­ter diligent search and inquiry it can-no: b<; aoCwtnincd and is not known whether or not said defendants arc living or dead, or where any of thqm may reside if living, and if dead, whether they have any personal rep-pre:-fcntatives or heirs living or where L..<:y or some of them ma., . . . . farther that me present whereabouts oi' said defendants are unknown, and thafc the names of the persons who a le included therein without being na, ..ed but who are embraced l u c e -m under the title of unknown heirs, dc. i. ec.-, legatees and assigns, c a n ­not be ascertained after diligent switch and mquirj .

On motion of Hirajin Ii. Smith, at­torney lor plaintiff, it is ordered that ' tne said defendants and their un-knovvn hens devisees, legatees and assigns, cause their appearance fo be

tcred in this cause vvitnin three attending Pinckuoy ...,, . Wilson and Fred are at Howell high o f " f ° o t ™ A u ^ > a ^<>rd decline

. . a n d fifty percent more than normal. .. 4. ., , . - .. . , school. I 1 months i rqm the date oi tins order

George Black and Lucius Wilsonj • left the first of the week for a trip to

Cart Scenes

Authentic Batt le ' N i a g a r a F a n s u n d points cast.

oon News

Coming- 'The Girls in the ' O l d Barn Dance"

The Christian Endeavor has elected the following officers: Pres-.Edith

/ W o o d ; Vice Pros., Frank Coleman; I Sec, Florence Marble; Cor. Sec,Nora I 'Durke; Treas. , Kittie Hoff. j

Miss Maude Hinchey died a t the j homo of her aunt , Mrs. Lucy Hinch--j ey Sunday. The funeral va* held on I

! Tuesday, Rev^ McMahon officting, • I Mr. and Mrs, Gershom Swar thouv ( celebrated their "oHnn -wedding o:.'

Sept l i t n with the aid of some 4o guests.

Guy Teeple is attending Olivet college,

I Jul ia Murphy. M'/mc Brady and I.clia Monks are '•ari.,...,, ^., i^»^e

, Lake A four year old child of Mr. am

Mrs Charles Young of Hapibuij I Junct ion died Sunday | Pinckney and Stockbridge playc< [bal l here Fr iday i J - ! - - - • i A -

And this be our motto

Admission 10c.

Gustave Broderson and wife of De-j Arbor called a t the Clifford Van Horn home one day last week,

Sunday callers a t the Louis She han home were A. E. Webb and J - Mrs. Lora Burnet t Danek of Ann tn>it

.Kloy^i Weeks* and family are mov-Grand j

WISE the power that hath ma te and preserved us s nntionl

Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,

And this b» our mot to: 'In Rod is our t rus t ! ' "

Through the ages singing has been Instrument?! in arousing courage ai.d uplifting faith. Today amidst World turbulence people are being urged to sing more. Individually and collectively, therefore, they are par­ticipating fervently and frequen; In the singing of their nat.onal an them-

The deep spiritual significance o) the the Inst verge of the national an­them of the United States of America Is worthy of thoughtful meditatiop at this time, find serves to remind us of the wisdom of those words (Prov­erbs 3:5), "Trust in the Lord with «11 thine henrt; and lean not unto-thine own under^lanuing.M

AM through both the Old and the New Testament are accounts of vic» ' tories and rejoicings by faithful ones who put their trust in God when in need of a sustaining power greater thun their own limited human abil- ' Ities. Their faith that righteousness must prevail, and that their strength I

a*id in defauft thereof that said bill of compliant be taken a ; confessed by the said defendants, their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns.

It i s ' i u r the r ordered that within forty days plaintiff camx: a copy of this uiuer to be published in Pinck ney Dispatch a newspaper printed pubiisiied & circulated in atid county such publication to be continued there in once in each week for six weeks in succession.

Joseph H. Collins, Countersigned Circuit Judge John A. Hagman Clerk of Circuit Clerk ]

Take notice, th;--t this suit, u, •'»»',;tn r : , , ^ ,<, order was dulyj maot , ..wolves and is bought to quiet the title to)

above inspiring declaration in I the following described pieces or par­cels of land situate and being in the township of Putnam^ county of Livingston, State of Michigan, de-sc£led as follows, to-wit:

The north half of the northwest quarter of Section 15 and the no r th | half of the north half of the west quar ter and the north the northwest quar te r of t h e - n o r t h - [ a cast quai ter of Section 22 in town-J a ship one north of range . four east, Michigan.

service, sug&stiam mbout oookini, lighting and appliance*, and many other things oi interest and vahm will appear irom time to time in "Rdiaon Line*.* Make "Edison Una** a nading babitt

VANISHING JITTERBUGS... Jitterbugs may claim the center of attention on the dance floor, but an Edison power house is no place for large, heavy equipment to start doing a jig. When a huge fan mounted a hundred feet above the ground, or a turbo-generator weighing 500 tons, turns jitterbug, something has to be done about it. Excessive vibration may cause damage to the equipment or the building and cause interruptions to service. So one of our engineers goes to work with a remarkable vibration-meter, lo­cates the source of the trouble and measures the amount of vibration. Then he corrects the condition by balancing the equipment or isolating it from the building structure by suitable meant*

• - > * •

MEAT-POINT STRETCHER . . . Our Home Service Department offers this modern" version of an old Scotch recipe. It is easy on the radon bookt

Supper Pie

4 tb*p. minced onion ¼ tap. salt " * 1 tbsp. butter Vs tsp. pepper 1 lb. ground beef 1 can condensed tooaato tOUS; ,

Pie pastry for two-crust pie

Coofc onions in butter until soft. Add ground beef ami cook until barely brown; then add condensed tomato soup. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix well. Una 4 9-inch pie plate with short pastry, rolled Vs-Jnc/t thick. Moisten edges of crust with cold water. Fill pie shell with meat mixture. Prick top crust and p/*cr over pie, brush with melted butter and bake in moder, H oven, 375 F., /or one hour, or bake in a hot oven, 450 F., tor 13 minutes, and then decrease heat to 350 F. and bake 15 minutes longer. Ser\'es six.

SLIP COVERS FOR LAMP SHADES . . . If you have a soiled lamp shade and cannot obtain a new shade, try making a "slip cover" using patterned paper of a light color, or cotton cloth (gingham, percale, cham-bray). Lay the material on the lamp shade, and mark the shape to be cut out Then sew or paste the edges together and finish with a simple edging or trimming. Slip the new shade over the old shade. *&****— -

i ? * V

DUST STEALS LIGHT . . . Dust and dirt collecting on hmp bulbs, reflector bowls and fixtures will often absorb as much as 50 per cent of the light To get all the light you pay for, clean lamp bulbs and fixtures f-equently, also floor and table lamps, Wipe lamp bulbs and bowls with a damp cloth, and be sure lamp bulbs are dry before screwing back in socket A soft brush can be used for dusting lamp shades.

- lite Sefoatf Cditon G*.


SALVAGE SPELLS VICTORY Our . U A Vi ta l l , EauBta! Salvaf* Or*wtea t lem,


Horses $3 Cattlt $2 HOGS, CALVES AND SHEER

acoordinf to eise and eondieicMU



north-1 MIIIIIIIIIIIMIttlllllllllllPlllilllttllllillllllMllllltllllHIIIinillll half o f | = w • • — imaiiiiimuiiii

ing to Grand Rapids from u r a „ „ | o f ^ ^ ^ , - - ^ - ^ l Ledge on Sept. 15 where he win b e ' ultimate victory. I for three years superintendent the j erection of the new veterans hos-l pi tal . ' '« « *•*•>

On the b i s o g a e ef Italy, In the of th* JWltfle~~planes, tanks , !

m u s t m&H and fast : no to build roads or airfields.

's when our soldiers must un-hese "steel mattresses/' as you

<**» mem in this photo. Your War ' J*—•" pay tot them. V. S. Trtonrp Dif*rlm*at

. t

FDR Hup: E v e r y w o r k e r

should increase the

amount of bonds he

or she it buying.


Christ Jesus taught his disciplei and followers the importance of ree» omiizing and acclaiming God at Father of nil. His earthly ministry wns entirely devoted to urging all men to renew faith in God, to trust Him, and to seek on understanding of Him, and he proved through his

'j healing worl. that this understand r ing was vitally nece**ar* •* their jo?

and hnppinoss. . . . aV I The following elucidating delini J tion of God i* # v e n ° n pngo 587 oi ' the Chrislinn Science textbook, "ScJ

ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures ' by Mary Bak^r Kddy, ths Diicoverer sad Founder of Ghrietiaa


Hiram _R;. Smith Attorney for Plaintiff

Business Address Howell, Michiftar

| VERN PIERCE Vern Pierce^ salesman for the Dud

ley Paper Co. of Lansing who hat hecn making Pinckney, StockbrMjr DextcT and other towns n thi^ section for the psust 16 years died at Lansinr Sept 7, of a strep infection. He Uj sun ived by a wife and small daugh­ter. He ma,le many friends in 1< years visits here. His successor is •lack Nixon who says he was once a school mate of Charles Reason in Lansing, ^.-^^^ ^^^^UMiaWai


j Weekly Trips Made To Detroit




Frank Pfasko 'i




11NCKNEY D1SPA Wcdactdny Sep*. 13. 1944 ft*WPW


miMHunnimiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiituiiiimiuuI NNCXNEY DISPATCH


^ ^ ¾ ¾ .

Bntezpd at poetolfiee Ptockney, Mich

Vtoonel eltfM Letter. 3 ! Subscription %\2b a real = Paid ia Advawfc. ^QEV I





Mrs. Ray Duffy was a shopper Sat.

Howell School 700," soys 61 Joe I


wm t

— 'cause I know bow much is needed to keep me going

• . . they say it takes 81 tons of supplies a month

t o keep me fighting. That job takes mountains

of paper. All my stuff-down to the last button—is

r made or wrapperf-with paper. The old newspapers and magazines, brown paper

bags and wrappings, corrugated cartons and boxei—that's wax material and I need it ntw!

PAPER S Mrs. Thomj

visiting I

i; i working)

: - *

if i i S


"SO DO I, says Jack Tar —my life was saved when rations and medical Jors wrapped in paper w e e dropped co our ra f t . . . and by a paper supply parachute. Modern war uses up paper by the ton. But the waste paper supply is dangerously short. That's why we need your waste paper, every scrap of ii—r/gbt away/

Arbor Dell


2S Of





i Kennedy j * •HHlinilllHIIIIIHIIIHIIIHIMMIMIUIIUinilini|,!,J3;||,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,I|njl|!|,k|ni|I||


4-H Club Goes All Out in War Bond Effort


i'a* Thomas Shehan is relatives at Dexter Mich

_ll Mis. Gladys Cliuiuii is working 5 j at the rJlectrionica fuctoiy at De.wui. 5 ; Alger Lee and wile .spent several r dajs in Northern Michigan ia.-t wei g i Kenneth 1 readier of Ann 2 , spent last week at the John S1 home.

S | Louis Stackable a id wile of IX-5 | t"* i i called on Mrs. i.!eair».' Lc J-

wloge Sun.

In. W. C. Wylie and wife of Dex­ter called at the James Wyli V. eunesday. ,A. >.. liousner aiid Robert Gate Brighton were Friday dinner of Andrew Nisbett.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hell attended the funeral of his brother, Arthur Hell, at Dexter Sunday.

Le"o Garish and family of Det­roit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shehan Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. Ik-ache} who teach noai North Lake attended a teachers meeting in Ann Arbor Fri.

Mrs. Helen McGregor and children of Brighton were Saturday guests at the Wm. Mercer home.

Mi. and Mrs Marshall Slater and two children of Detroit were Sun. \ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brash. '

Mi. and Mrs. James Snapp aim chidren of Mason spent the week end with M.- and Mrs. George Mea-bon sr. J

The Past Matron's of Pinckney Chapter 145 0 . K. S. were entertain-:

^ f ed at die home of Mis. Lulu Lamb 5 i Monday afternoon. s ' Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stauffer of

Winchester, 111. are visiting their son-s j in-law an daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S , Iva Nay of Hi land Lake. •5 • Mis. Don Swarthout gave a shower 5 at her home Monday night fo.- Mrs. •5 ' Jack Reason. The guest of honor le-i gji.nvcd many fine gifts. S | TJK Mi.-..es Konerta McArtor and 5 Loreen Koch leJt Saturday for Lan-

^ J i s i n g where they ha\ e enrolled in the nurses coulee at Spanow hospital

T Mi. and Mrs. George Meabon spent Sunday with O. cur iiile I'ingree who is making a hug* ready for onions next year.

Ah a.-. Minnie Thompson of Detroit h'ev. J. Cull en and Mv>. Kngle of Lan.-ing were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo ili-Land Lake.

.(.i'. and Mrs. Andrew Nisbett spent out' day la. t week in Katou Jiapuis with Mr. /innd Mrs. Flank

Thrasher who are returing to Ki.-s-ini.nce, Florida, this month.

Mr. and Mrs. Cljiford VanHorn aituided the services at St. Steph­en, Kpiscopal Churctfh, Hay ^ >iyg,

Sunday commemorating its 100th ; anniversary. It is the second oldest

Fpn-copal church in Michigan. John McDonnell and son, Philip,

ieli Sunday for Wisconsin wliere Phillip will attend a military acad­emy Miss Lois McDonnell also left for Adrian to attend St. Joseph'* academy.

Mrs. Ursell Bently DeRarr who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs.

! Robert Pike has gone to Battle Creek j to live with her husband, Pvt. De-i Parr at Camp Custer. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Nash entertained at a wiener roast on the lawn Sat. night Mrs. Evelyn Nash and child ren, Mark Nash' and family, Mrs. Ruth ' Ritter and Tommic and Miss Isabel Nash.

Guests last week of Mr. and Mr-. Merwin Ctnpbell were Miss Eva yn Hughes and Miss Marian Car­

son of Dearborn and Mrs. A. J. Car-



Kennedy Drug Store?




jr . in



Alive Thompson of

HORSES $3 COWS $2 Farm AnimaJs Collected Promptly

modern Equipment Capable Me.

', ^rk c A ^ i i ^ A * * n t P h o n e * * Wncknc-, ir.e FASTEST Dead Stock Service in Michigan

Central Dead ScockCo %vwrtt,V'. s v w v vw-i ^VYV^WAV^^AV.WAV w Mr. ami N\\*.

moved Oil town.

John the i r

i»"rg an,j rtUns fai-rn south of

Mis. Laura Hwte* of Ypsilanti spent a couple of days last week with A. L. Nisbett. ^

0< l iU l l ) t | | | | | | | i | | | . > M l ^ i | | | | i m | i m U j l | | | l | ( |

iFirat National 1

Mrs. Dida. Tupper and daughter, s Florence, of Flint called at the Wm. 5 .'iL'icer iionie Sunday. «S

We are informed that Walter Gir-»S ard has sold his tavern at L a k d a n d ^ to Detroit parties. 5

John Martin and wife were da> yuest.^ of Mr. and M) Martin at Ypsilanti.



Sun-^= John £


The Four-H Clubs of America, 1,700,000 strong, are iBaking a vital contribution to the war program helping in the gigantic problem of keeping the food supply line Strong and in buying War Bonds. Hers are some scenes tof 4-H boys and girls at their war work. No. 1 shows Glenn iWUtttnberg, of Hidalgo County, Texas, with his fine litter which will help the food supply. Glenn is putting his profits In War Bonds. No. 2 shows an ambulance purchased by the 37,000 members of the 4-H Club members of Virginia. * eating the Virginia Clubs in the picture is Clrolyn

Pairview, and Richard Fleming, of Brancsville. . Barnard Sobol, USA, is accepting the ambulance, Director M. L. V/Uson of the Extension Service

Bdward Kenny of Wyandotte spent tk* week end here. .

He. and Mrs. J. McArtor of De-were Sunday guests of Mrs,


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Read were in Detioit Friday.

H. D. Appleton and wife of De-trait we^e Sunday callers lit the' Clifford Van Horn horr.e. i

l b . and Mra. Ona Campbell, dau­ghter, and Rita Kennedy were in Chelsea Saturday.

; son of Green Bay, Wis. The j remained for a weeks visit. I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ledwidpa j have purchased a home in Koynl j Oak near the Stanton Line home. Mr. . and Mrs. Leonard Devereaux have also sold their home a*nd purchase! a larger one Whitehill Ave., Detroit.

S'mday guests at the Fish home 'were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert M. Atto | Mrs. Nelson Elian, Mrs. Gordon John-' stone and son David, all of Detroit,

Mr? Mable Isham of Howell, and Mrs. V. R. Reattie and children of

Mrs. Clare Miller spent several Lake Chemung, dayy in Detroit last week. Edward Spears, sr., PFC Edwird

' ' Spears, PFC Rett Wylie, JV<i=s JJV.W Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller called s r*ars and Mrs. Marv Eich»vin an

on Lynn Gardner in Iosco Sunday, i William Roche called on - Michae • Roche at the Veterans Hospita\

t I e y BTld y s p e n t S u n - Dearborn, Sunday and had dinner at the Howard O'Brien honie i n | i n Detroit with Mrs. Ada Eichman,

Mr. and Mrs. M. Darrow attended s the funeral of Corwin Adkins at Dri- ? ghton last Thursday. S

S M:\ and Mrs. Harry Lee and Mr. 5

Department of Agriculture, looking on. No. 3 shows Billy Fleming of Fairfax County, Virginia, helping Dad with the chores. Billy h putting his earnings into War Bonds. 4-H Club members own 90,000 head of dairy cattle. No. A—4-H Clubs make a mighty contribution to the poultry and egg supply, raising 9 million chickens in 1943. Here is Helen Wheeting, Brown County, South Dakota, with a couple oi her birds. She also buys War Bonds with her profits. No. 5— 4-H Clubbers are also Victory hardeners. Here is Jane Budderar of Frederick County, Maryland, in her gtrde**-These farm youngsters raised 5 million eushels of garde? produce last year. Back the Attack—Buy More Than Before

latter a n d Mrs game

M:\ (hi

Alger Lee attended the ball 5 in Detroit Sunday. g and Mrs. Hoi lis Wylie and 2

ren spent Sunday with Mr. and E



A Uank is a truly Democratic s institution, owned by stockhold- S (.i>, operated by men and wo- ** men like yourself conducted for 3 the benefit of all the people. 2 When we say This is your 3

-hank'", we mean just that. We 5 exist to serve you.You can bank 2 on this; —We want you to bank S with us. 5-

Mrs. Paul Ramsdell in Stockbridge, • Mrs. Rose Howard and Mi>s Eva £.

Melvin who have been working at '5 Ore Lake this summer have return- X ed home. S

Mr. and Mrs! Ray Ogle and Miss | SOME OF OUR SERVICES Isabel Fairrhild of Detroit were Sun- j *

of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 5

Hunker Hill.

Margaret Curlett returned to De-

day guests Aberdeen. w

Mrs. Alta Meyer has returned homo ^ fro»n Tampa Florida, where sho * accompanied Mrs. Cyrus AtLee and g daughter. 5

Mr^ Jofce Shier and son who 5 have been visiting at the Bob Tasch 5 home returned to Louisville, Ken* * tucky, Thursday. S

. . . . . . v Sunday callers at the W. J. Nash S M.ke ] 8 much better. ; hofve w e ^ M r s < R u s ^ n a n d d a u . |

The property and ctiment block p h t e r , Lillian, of Detroit and Mr. § budding formerly occupied by Chas.; a n d MrR>> H . D. Appleton |

Miss Elda Robinson who has been s staying at the Marvin Shirey home 5 nd working in Dexter returned to S

1. Sale of War Bonds.

2. Safekeeping of War Bonds. §

3. Rank Money orders a*, less than Post Office rates-

4. Demand Certificates of Dep­osit.


Claik's .Garage has just been .pur.' chafed by C. F. Hewlett, Watkin* Dealer, who will use it to store hi?'

Cashier Checks.

fl. Checking Accounts.

.8. Savings Certificates of Dep­os i t

We cordially invite you to use j

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Curlett were in Detroit to take Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauck home Sun.

m_ _ , .. Mrs. Madgfe Opdyke of Lansinjr — . « . . « 1 u u u a t «r Urn. Russell Read and daughter s p e n t ^ w e e k e n d w i t h M r a n d troit Sunday after a two weeks va-

^ ^ 1 6 1 ^*Tlt 8 l > 0 n t l M t W 6 e k a t M l ? - ^0^1^ Ackley. cation here and in Lansing. the B O M Read home. * Miss Rosemary Rtead left last week Mrs. Clara Kennedy and children

Mrs. Marvin Shirey and parent; w*i^ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schosser of of Detroit who have been visiting' . ,„ , w..r.i...* ... . ^ . . , . . wM ~ - We cordially invite you to use.<i Mr. and Mrs Bixel of Mio attended A n n A r b o r t 0 8 P e n t a w e e k i n T o P - M r s - E™™* Vollmer have returned*8t f>ck o f minerals and other Farmj Hillman Friday where she is a senior £ o f t h e 8 e services suited t o f the funeral of her grandfather at o n a ? 1 Nevada. home. | Line Products in. i n W]frh ^ o o L | y o u r n e e d i , f Flushing Ohio, last week. Week end jruests of Mrs. June Joe Griffith is planning to move; S 2 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Walter! ***s. Ella Wwman of Ann Arbor ." * *

' ' Lamb Popp were Mrs. Ray Popp and his barn on the lot on Mill St. next Barbour gave them a surprise mis-1. ^pftnt last week with Mr. nnd Mrs. While on his way home from work her son and r Mra. Russell to Roger Carrs and matte a house cellenneous shower Saturday niorht1' ]^n White md with them crdW «n

J^fiday from the Frank Tiplady farm Popp and daughter'of Detroit. of it. ! at the Ray Lavey home. Many boau-l Mrs. Pess Devereaux in Howell Sat.-' • c k Sheldon's car hit a tree doing Mrs. Andrew Campbell and child- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley AtLee (Betty! tiful gifts were received. Her parents! Rav Downing and wife have sold considerable damage to i t Some of "'on nnd Mr«, Thelma Kinesley and Isham) of Chelsea and Mr. and Mrs.) presented them with a cedar chest.I their hesne nnd furniture at Straw.

Edna daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Clay- Meirill Austin of Romulus spent the. Cards were played and a lunch of [berry l^ake to Bob Downing and wife — ^ *— Parmalee in Hillsdale.the first week end with Mrs. Mable Isham'cake, cookies and ice crem were s e r - l x h e Ray Downings are going t j

: , . 1 ^ ^ . . - . ^ a ^ ^ i ^ s M o s i Califoria, ^ . ^ g i s ^ l i ( « f « *od*y,

•* * > *

w " " » w w t p « 0 M1P11SWBJ

tte boys who stay Speow who we^s tesi«o4fomt,

with Mrs. with him wer* ton

J of last'week, ' .TWK M M .vtw* « u i o . aui

jwho it moving to fiowolU

twu m*' •MtwsMiiiiiiittMPiiiwtWiii»

The Lakeland Kings Daughters met with Mrs. Pete Rahig Thurs.

Alger lAtm and Billie Darrow w e l t inducted Into the service at Chfc'




- ^ 1 ^ 1 * - *

;:^jL*j-• >

1» *?:••••


DISPATCH Wedw*dav SeoM3 1944

General Hardware (Uassihed Want Ad


S * >

I Shelf and Builders Hardware

FOR SALE:—Pinball Machine. . | Edward Kenny, Rush Lake I



COLOR B O O K T ^ on how to achieve beautiful yet practical cofoT*<ttemes» This is a book every home owner should possess! It illus-* crates an attractive color scheme for every room in youfr home, the furniture in it, and the exterior, too. Printed ia full colors, this "Painting Guide" is published by BoydeU, one of America's oldest and most progressive paint manu> factuxers. Come in—and cake a book home with you. Nod* ing to buy; it's FR££.

S , FOR SALE- Grapes on Rush Lake ject to interpretation on many angles S | Rd. known as the Wm. Uler Farm, Is it because mor? people today know § | Fred Seymour Kelly than they do Edward Fry, nom

St FOR -SAL&Am wrecking Ford~Mod- inee of the Democrats? Perhaps they _ • el A Will sell parts cheap. Hugh Howe .would prefer Fry if they knew more

7500 Farley Road Phone 85F22 ! about him Such is the campaign spec 1 * \ ' ulation and time is a big factor

FOP. SALE-100 acres of land 1*'| Certainly the high command oft oniles from Pinckney. priced reason- Michigan repubicahs do not consider able, | that Michigan is in the bag polically.

? Phone 42 Lucius J. Doyle; Starting Sept. 19 Govenor Kelly —m— mm—m—. j ^ ^ Q n e o r ^Q other party candidates

FOR SALE A heating stpve# burns a r e & 0 j n g t 0 m a k e a i 300 jnnile swing coal., Phone Pinckney 114 • o f northern Michigan going as far FOR SALE -- Grapes. j west as lronwood Nominee Edward

512 Main St. Pinckney J p r y and other Democrats are rolling FOR 3ALE-.4 Holstei:fand Jersey up their beeves too for a vigorous Heifer and One Jersey Bull a Year' campaign hopeful that the voters will old. Russell Bokros f lend an ear long enough for present

c^lf' ation of the candidates messages A third ballot for Nov

Roosevelts popularity in Detroit is not surprising in view of the cities re­cent record of Democratic election majorites. In terms of votes we point ed out last week the Detroit swing would require an upstate majority for

1 Dewey of around 250,000 to put Mich igan safely in the Dewey column.

Kellys popularity in Detroit is sub'

nbokswy, /Of fiee jHones

StOOto 4*00 P. M. 7it0 to OtOO & ML


111¼ K.

FOR SALE: 4 cows. 8 first heifers, 1 cow 5 years old.

Paul Adams, Phone 113F11


.VJI> S A L E - Beauty Bange Gas Stove, ta ajiie top^ aii white, black handles^ Cadillac sweeper, eiecn.. nearly nqw. Gustave Hannaman. 22 UadiUai W A N T E D

_ Extra good single and double buggies 5 J Write kind and condition-

Harry J. Schrock R. R. i. ii J

Offioe, 120 • Eveaiagn by




Phone 19P1S

Bond Hon* faapb Co. ROOTING SIMMS* md ASBEST04

"All WoelVi ats/ S WILLIAM DAVIS

1SS Meet* HeweB,




PRONE 71Fit 7 \vill con-

tain four proposed amendments to the state constitution.

Three were sponsored by the state legislatur as follows:

No 1 Permitting a municipality to] supply and to sell water to houses outj side the city limits.

No. 2 Permitting state legislators to run for state office and continue as members of the legislature The pres­ent law requires a resignation when a legislator becomes a candiate for Goshen, Indiana , «#*!„*

k I ________—— ,—=-: state off»ce. ! of hearing in the V^vn^r rw * 1. WANTED TO BUY-A Child's Tri-, N 3 I n c r e a s i n g the compensation

« » V newVpape? p r i S S J ^ S T S J S S S ^ ^ 1 ^ Ph<>ne ^ 6 0 ¾ 2 ' of sUte legislators from $3 to $5 per A . . said Conntv circulated in 1 F 0 R S A L E „ Dry hardwood Lyn Her, . At a session of said court, held at Wi L L I™, T„H # P U d e e- 1 L at would give home

*e Probate Off ice m the Citv ^ A ^ 1 ^ Lyn3> J u d ^ * ***** F Q T T & A L E - Peaches tre " ripened i Jc°t0 W a y n e county.

STATE. OF^ MlCTr!C . The Probate Court for th» C<



58-F3 MHbisjM


V*nWiukl% * V*»Wbk* Don W. VanWtaltU

C H N C. • « • * . » * Atta«sMye at LSte/

First Suto mm

P. H. Swartliout & Soi F7JNERAL HOME

. ... the City .iowell in said County on the 2 ia;: of. August A. u. i,b44.

ii-esei.^ Hon. Willis L. Vudge of Probate.

*f«- ^ « . u A . ....hall, Register of Probate C- R o b e r t s n™ P i n c k n e r H o w e n rd< \ Running an elec^on and runnmga , I - ^ - ^ a t € TO RENT- RooSTfe desirable parties war is double reeponaibity impoNd ( WrtB.Foa SALE- 1 dark Led ChinciUa I Mrs. Tda Mae Mowers | on American democracy this this fall.;

j coat, ¢5.00, 1 reversible rain «o«t 1 vT^—SAT.F..1* <r.m»> hammerless W public opinion polls 01

STATE OF MICHIGAN j The Probate Court for the County J T h* Probato Court for the County of

of Llvliscstoii. j Livingston I Ac session of said Court, held u£

At a session of said Court held at ' the Probate Office in the City of the Probate office in the City of How Howeil in said County on the 7th day eli m said County# on the 30th day of September, A.D. 1)4^. of August, A.D, 1944 j • resent N. n. Willi j L. Lyons, J udge

Presenjt Honorable Wittia L Lyons'of P r o b a t e -Judge of Probate.

recent' In the Matter of the Estate of

In the matter of the Estate of Bert Reason, Deceased

It appearing to the Court that the In the matter of the Estate of ' ZTL * ' \ r_fversible r a i n coat,! FOR SALE-12 guage hammerless ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ 3 , domestic issues Lucius E Wilson, Deceasei " | time for presentetion of claims again ord R. Lamb, Deceased. | 4^-n°ft°

; ^ e r a l dpesse« f r o m ¢1-50 to shotgun with box of shells Pice 15 • y^^t^ninierett to Amerian] It appearing to the Court that the 8 t s a i d e s U t e ^ ° ^ te U m i ^ " ^ Lulu V. Lamb having filed in said f ° r j " " ^ A°" £*H?nt C°ndi" * P h o n e 4 2 L u c i u s ^ Doyle. stiU are of ^ ' e

m a f f a i r s D e s . t i m e f o r presentation of claims a- that • time and place be appointed to her final udmini -^^J t l o n ' L a l 1 M r s ' Chas- Wiedman, 4791 PHP RAT.tt^TBroilers alive or dress . ! ? _ „ „ "_ lvcs t'venture into the wor gainst said estate should be limited, **ceive, examine and adjust all claims ;ourt ---^i^^-.^w^«w,K'^, i t aBBtI^4 i account, and her petition praying

or the allowance thereof and for he - assignment and\ dintribution of!

the residue of said estatet I It iS Ordered, liial the 18th'

day of September A. D. 1944 at ten' o'clock in the forenoon at said Pro ' • i Sate Office, be and is hereby ap L O S T - Yeailing steer, wt 600, black ointed for examining and allowing! a n ( i w h i t * f a c e- Wm« LaProd

-aid account and hearing said petit-' Patterson Lake

icemed primarily! and that a time and place be appoint- a n d demands against said deceased by

FOR SALE- Chrysler Air Flo. Good motoi $35.00. 1 pair Flemish Giant Rabbits $5.0() George Engquist

Kelly Road, Hi-Land Lake

' FOR SALE.- A heating stove Mike Pankof f. Wanted 3 or 5 rTT! Cafden tractor with attachments M. Hughes Rush

; Lake phone Pinckney 69f6 A White Pig, 6


LOST Finder return to Frank Tiplady farm.

months old. Philo Boettger

It is Further Ordered, That public otice thereof be given by publication

of a copy of this order, „ for three successive weeks previous to said day

l found Tokio newspapers are erowd-ed these days. Every time an American buys a War Bond; the Japs lose face. Boy yeoff 1#% evcrr nay dnir.

St|lllli||iTlf1llini1||||||A|||H||||i:,| •IHlTllllltlllllllllllllliMlllllllflTMlllllfllllilinHIIHIIIIIlTlIirillU


I pite our new* 'id oolitics were cont r - , - -* . , M .. ~

w«th thP thities which are im*nediately ed to receive, examine and adjust- «*n * « o r e •*»« Court: ' h t us which concern our daily all clais and demands against said It is ordered That all of the credit r • J Self interest remains the key deceased by aM before said Court « B of said deceased are required to t much of our thinking. | It.is Ordered, That^1 of the ere- present their claims to said Court

That bov who is oveibus, our gas- ditos of said deceased<%e required at said Probate Office on or before r rationing shorta - of sugar for to present their claims to said Court the 20th day of November A.D.,iy44

1 «nin«? overtime wages and food pric at said Probate Office on or before at ten o'clock in the forenoon, said ! ° ties* are part of our war time the 13th day of November. A. D, time and place being hereby appoint » es tnese v . ^^ a t t e n 0*ci0clc in the forenoon, e<! for ehe examination and ajustm-

FORSALE- New Modem all year u ^much will the war influence said time and place b^ng hereby ent of claims and demands against horn* and garage. 8798 Lake View Dr. o u r

nJ u d f f e m e n t o n November 7 .? ' appointed for the ?? m i n a t *°* ^ ^ - ¾ ^ ^ 5 ^ », ^, T W KV

Bush Lake ^ ^ _ _ A lot of Michigan candidates would justment of all claims and demands II is further ordered That public F O R - S A L E : 1 HORSE 6 1-2 yr. old \ A

t 0 k n o w t h e a n s w e r . j against said deceased' I notice hereof be given by publication ftlM radio LA Larue Stalker farm i11 . It is further Ordered that Public 0f a copy of this order once each we

MAKft 1 AGE LICENSES I notice thereof be given of a crpy of ek for 8 successive weeks previous M A K R ! this order, once each week for three to said day of hearing in the Pinckney

i g marriap,te licenses g u c c M giVe weeks previou* *• »id day Dispatch, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County.

_ ' were issued last week- Ernest Wines 0f "hearing in the Pinckney Dispatch^ S 39, Howell, Eva Jones, 40 of Lan- newf ,pnper printed and circulated lr

Ambrose Kennedy, 27,USA,Mar4 sai(j County. 5'ian TwiUiell, 22, Howell. g j sing;



WASTE FATS Th» United States Government

Needs them

for EXPLOSIVES Leave Them at this Store

Willis L. Lyons Judge of Probate* A true copy. Celestia Parshall, Register of Probate Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probata

A true copy. Mrs. Dorothy Assolder of Wright's j Celestia Parshall. Register of Probate

s i Corners is the new teacher at the, ^ 2 j Hick3 school which opened Monday.' pniLATHEA NOTES S i Joan Snooks entertained 1G guesta § at her home Satuixlay in honor of. Again on Sunday the Philathea and 2 1 , , M T®„ W ° f " ^ . T ? 1 * = her birthday. A fine time was en- Baraca groups joined for the lesson ^ ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ " ^ j T j S f f i f | joyed by all. study with Mrs. Peck teaching. For E ^ F 5 E ^ f L . ^ ^ ^ 5 ' James Shirey jr. of JJackson was next Sunday, September 17 the *ASTfi» «*el it take h< § here with his airplane Sunday and topic is "The Kingdom Strongly Es- " I ^ T ^ ^ - l I S ' t S

FOR ATHLETI1CS FOOT Hero's • Mffonot Treatment

Tiie germ grows deeply.to kill it you must reach it* Te-el solution is the on-

3Sc at



mom si



s made a landing on the Steve Mfroske tablished''. Samuel, Chapters 1 to 5. § farm on the Dexter road. I On this Wednefiday »the Class is s i Roy Reason and wife and dau- meeting with Mrs. W. A. Ketcham S ghter, Ann Shirley and Miss Leota at Silver Lake, for the usual after S Reason went to Grand Rapids Sun- noon meeting with potluck supper. 5 day where Roy played with the Attn — ^ g Arbor King-See^y soft ball team HELD IN VIRTUAL SLAVERY

I r n ? i ! ; e ? r & n d ^ t ^ m ' " " WW and Violet HTOon the famous S Ann Arbor team 1 « * J < « - » S i a ^ i Twins, reveal In the Amer-

g Mr and Mrs W C. Hendee £ e n t to T i m ^ ^ ^ .

I ^ ^ J ^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ware taken to Europe and now the£ I niter, Mrs, Ned C h u t * ^ ™d** were held m virtual slavery although S went an operation at Sparrow hos- ^ I >tal, Mr. and Mis. W. C. H^ndeewall ™ ^ ^ ^ I remain a week at the Dr. Cecil Hen- . ^ o £ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ¾ ^ . s dee home. < '


Eetdblbked 1883 181*

McPherson State Bank




Whffc the ww » *n and m**f commodftjes a n not available, p«t into a bank account the money yon do not need for ordinary living ex .

at tiw


There will come a time not too distant future chandUe of good quality and soluble fcriee may be Have y e w money ready £ r that ttoe rather than having to borrow money and pay interest

Save now for that new anji better radio, stove, refrigerator, ear or home. Savins; for entergeaciea is soft a bad ktea either.

Let us open an account for JSJB

MctamSiiiitiat Money te loam at

Interest pan a* Time Certifkanes jf



ifjM. 5-•&f*.
