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WkT EST wm irriwwwiwwwiafcft...,..,.!i.., "twnBHMM 'UQ """"------liHbw,bm- M I THE MEMPHIS DATLY APPEAK H ' BY BENJAMIN F, DILL. MEMPHIS, TEX. FEIDAY, FEBRJARY -- 1866 yOLUMXYL-NTJMBE- B MWraiTiPm MIBCELLAHEOW. M H S?r:irri n. 'ZX MZZknrAc idTc-O- T IWTICB TO CflTTO- - SHIPPERS. I"".. pTTj tittttS I H POBUIBSB BAIEY WEEKLY fST-- uU, H, never 11 S2S 52551 WneEO'?Sl ' CLAY BUILDING j H H --ar- ... . Ing the thai i. arrested upon a charge of'murder Exetanve ly Whoteol Dealers In . M1,M""' TJ"'-- . Jnur ". ' X . IH'P1 .'iim-lksi- in MfWhanfa ILLH ! V i. J?,.Lf.,..tJJiMi,. once exinted of tiic adiuiss on ol ' liieTen- - He was brouirht licfore Hon. Thos. Kd- - mMXll 3 iiiUreSS reiffllt 1C Tv mMM BENJAMIN F. DILI- - "'" CUnFC AMR HITS r&r.wTriSS MM Xo.22t. MAIN STREET. No. 229. MA To whom ail Letter suould be AWrwwi. ' V. .. ,.r f his adn, i M ,,t o.i grtm. Hut wherever the faull mav lie, I County Court for trial, on Friday, Feb- - DUU 1 0, OnULO BltU nRIO, month all! ne mowed upou an ,lM' g. HHl --- have been . N'jl allied as the ealeii ieel considerable curiosity to h now who ruary the second. The Commonwealth OFFItE REMOVED To Ju.it i corporate year aud ending VJ EJ TOM, EI T O . f ' ' ' iW ofW Jnw4 and watchful the "olcurc twelve" who have not being ready for trial, asked aonMa. 208 Main St., Webster Block, t&& aMV MBeVmMHRM policy , , , , wrought o much mischief, in an at- - uattce by lU attorney, J. B. r. Daviess, MEMPHIS. rL.VNN-AS- K. MO 1 STRKET. yaar. r. WAHNKlt, PHILADELPHIA, T PA. Ily Mavo.. peraonom : : : : fWJ jauj .,..,,-,- -. ,,Rpr r7r B H 5E hianiii-n- ae and fo'sUhemscives ' the third. A RE Reiving a .rge Slock of Boots, Shose -- .oau, Mainpt.u. IS ""iS - - - . JcnaB. a M. Jtraaa JZJSX? " : ewmo"",eniw are 'reniarkable for throw- - The Court met at ten o'clock, bru- - ana UaU for the SPRIMO TRADE. Bare now prepared to roil PREM COT- - ni, liirSaS?' 0-X. H oP,Jun'ul"'urm'umin iM t" the ra 'C men o!.- - :iry the third, t propeeii with the exam- - w.gei oar Good, from Manntur.r..d jZ, Ora ill Hrn'm ' B fcr.i.uu-on.- a.o I ZfrA I soure. nrf while many ihese .d,le .nation. The defendant mm t!S3SSXVSti C" DRAKE'S HMH BITTERS. f wrBriVMTllW. flair ,ner c.i 1U1 lc were ihe exhibit the nol.lest character- - ,u"'it,?, tllt- - ('re f H" Jsnl'M' '''T -- ELL TO THE TRADE OWLY. U"- - ImpoxMr. an. Daai. i UHODKS .PARK.SB,; WALKTU 1. H 1 ::'' hoSofH.V sheriff of Mercer county, brought , JOHX B. WVI.n. Agent. Th'r pnrify. .treogtben and iJUUS. (X CO.. l 05 ""el-'bSS-loaerUo- n : : i e iSii ' , ' n the case ot ,nt for in- - into Court by hi. IVjmty. Jurt at thi. CltT and Country Merchant lmiNrt.mt' til ' HWare, CuUeiJ, Sails, CAsUllgB, Z&l!Zl5FSZS& " wmm m H - - two week m. Ootidloe, of the iraiCierS Bi Main street, JiJ.L out of anv- - "tnc. manv others an of the mush- - moment . I aEr t!T d" iVSSfiaSsL or XToK-lSs?JB- - - -"-- - iron, steel, Cotton BuyeP- -, SZTlt: " H irg3CSS5 ToMetoronr MEMPHIS & EASTERN CITIES. Bx-k- . Horse Shoes, Boat Splkw, -- 17 tnTTuT FANCY AND STAPLE -- "i?25" SlT.: mOemXMtXmM W; ,CH Wntm OLAM. Trb,, H Hri r.w . rn... Zr r: i n i 't Z Vht Utidcf ; "e olwervaut Sifflcw oommanding the detachment an Th.uroat Brcai aa. (iARDEN SEEDS, ThSfS! TIT?V iTrOOTaG iBH Bf tV.wlU SeU Fall and Winter Good. LOW. TbJJ iSiVhS1- - lWJJJa, S ltt"tte 6w Fssd H aH - -- T --- T- CultT, Belting aft Parkins J-S"- .'!, MrTrHKLi .. l- - h H1"Te"ir terry a mrt. .. cag. aaH beert m lr;.uT PS aeri into tl e rtT of Union caliber, who, bavrUtf apSBt MJm 0" . I. now open and runnlnatwo dally fut ex- - an w"1 Pnoil ih.twe iv nomtton m mVllu,l"'u"l th9 "F1 H aw T.ruw odwr!ueieai Muf h paid r J t".,', Tll Slate I the vain effort to impose ihemsclvcs You will at on.-- c relieve the civil an- - jo, Ti xz. K,rm,-r;- 01 WhelanAOo. pre., train. fr,.m liiirlnaati to New York and Horse Powers our own atc-mu- toy piacingour-a- .a en- - lure., SaJ r4ww hr IIw SSSST I im VI .EVP tATtl.v alai lalH wtl?'J; 'lagaS. iff,1 Zn we shoulTh." thi'mSlT "' as unt l"''. Sytoo rewfd by ,n te the murder of a color-- g1 i.T'TlT'L! Mowing and Thraliing .i' ..H n- - 1 tTilitM nrr rl In tin l.T'l!,'' '..-- I 11 - " ' -- ' ' "" "' "'" ' f"-"- 1' """"""'"" or near the line, of Elegant Palace Wleeplug Can, .11 AT A r ' Beati and New York. It. P. llmr .,, ,, P:'.m'TJ TTTo'inCndS - aH waiy.wtjMffpjgu ....try this county, and pla.e him iu confine-- . MONROE, SMALTZ & C0n u? ta'daiiMiX 'iL'S'Sf MINES, --iiiJiL. rn, rnX 'Xa SuTISS? r L- - rt H P - r irl',,;; ' 5 r"! oxta east mad r,ous,. l?ffla3s? waafeiJ5,wrr 'who - . ;;!o -- .MrT Kr. ,MMuisn "ZZSZTZ iwmj.n p.h.draCo.. boots, mhoes. hats a ca. B the Romans, sallowed I vufu- - Tlie civil au- - JSUUlb dC SttOJb&K Tickets eau U ut a..d i, cbefSS No. STRKKT. . Park Row. .few York. v xk, ' ,a' " r ' n conquered lands, nusexl "r;J ttironsh at all principal Hnnthwmtern aronaelet. :EW oBHAJH never, even .I.orities of the nerson of James Poor ivu. laHft-- - ltagwWhe public buildings, in- - .:., f ,r:Ilm,ih- - (enmla ion too thoroughly, and the will of th( K.ir fnrtber iaJormatleo and tlekaS JH ..H rludiui: the Canitol, amat " " , fCl Ti l"r,i ,7T.T, tru!v . l.nai ami puuloti.' ma.ves is ai- - 1" I him under a guard of colored o. 501 Market SI reet, apply u. uauisy HAiwfTAj), nor Sm MEjlPiiw. TFNNiwsfiK. Tii. .. Bobmn t Co., J-- m affaflffst ciasse .lir - lr.Miiw, and in a few moments he was on Agent Ill.i'en. Railroad ii su.-et- , Al-- j fl ..tibial I'fe is .i.v iAamoei.sk the .loor-- le.i ..n-- .uerera. bat ara of the rhoel of Tfa- - iPwr" rreaaeoye, aetr in (, Netaon Ho 'ar as tam PHILADELPHIA, PA., or to & h. hyi.not.in. fldlTAN VkPWVUV ' H3 second ..treet. mrmpuia ifl " n'P hBS of befbre the termiiiatioii danger ending Agent 3ihko and st. i.;,i, tuitroad, no. u OOlLiJlaUi) BBB edtotkoawto Whoeathe Invitati.o- - had ' TkTh.3UraJil. . f "a "lF txMWI HanOS they personal conduct of Capt Coodloe and (Continue linan. at the old iajid ofllonroe Madiasa aUeet, Mempula, Tenu. Or CottOll Facto "kBoftrtllpen Mid Jobbers ef k atalH lli ii " ii mtrton. i ho officer (oiumandlng the detachmetit malu, and invite di.i.ii'.i. .f liu; ers io 8!I)NrETtiOOK. -- aieu ,;;f spnngstociL, Memphis & ohio railroad ,.,,07 READY wade clothino, bH iSi 3S "rirdlfJwrTJ TaZZ ST their ! niewNeg of,,. u..-.u.uiKin- ni. MAeiSnyBSTb.H..i-- S to; .il,.ni 'pohim iuieiitSd con S ..: , i y ;la n- -. ' th." case w this : A white man is ar- - We mi uHUERB with dUpstch and fidelity. Wmrajl X . Buy Spring Cation Factorj on let Pabraarr --,,- -.. W IWIT DMlimai. BH bbbI InvitSon htwl been extended, wh.. were g?lwM' ve tjmlam,e (lf ,,,,..,.,(,, rested upon the charge of having kllle. If OFCICE op OEN b buperintendrst.) Febrnarynh 'lig. m dVw-- m 1 bbIbH condnetna ba aeaa aaaigi.c-- to IWtn. i UUf which 's''-- the close of the first week of the a "egn. man, and brought before the. drU Mifuh. February imh. im. j T8 Hitnated in the southern ilorderof TUho-- . bbII nf rl,. All bLI The Pnealdent of the ni:.-.- i U" ,K ?,",, "nd present I have at auti.orit s of the Htate for trial. Whilst t 1. 31 ( V --A. L . 4liTiii.Ura toPaiMn""" """" of lo' " a..Aajw. iou.u., - -- a, " "" w 10 alH 1 fn.nt of ,!,.- - -- . -.- . JTLtdT fy two ho.s a half o m lielbreen thaTnennradeka lntoehof..'he Sheritr and m the Police 10 Shippers Of I MhU un";" l' ' J"""-"- - AUUA tt0 MALrNO-L1A- - il BLaK the Chief Juatiee an. vo,; to uuneous the rtth would be ad- - presence "i the Court, he , by order t JOS. 8. LEVETT. L rt) Mays, Allen Jt Latv, WHO Ml HALE K I T E BBBaH ih, r,s rf s r- - ii "1"'r" l'liu" , 1? ' mittai at anw rate not until altar ' aU Cie naedmen's Bureau, taken from the section of Land, covered wttb pine timber. A toilet delight t Ties ladles' and Baaaal Baaaaai . aii.iio-r- ', If'1 '"v'd I HPACIOOB WftOi.K- - One Large I mine Ilwa, by u ' gentlemen'. boTm! Tha Uubc7 BBaaS (eet, v a. ,..vi. l MUMl ,,..s an d nt to Camn Wl- - Wbelelal and BbtaU aid BBbIH " TT, to fa efclBlIr Eveiy sentenaaaf at Ia th tegadatlou on the siiojeei -- t SAldi D RETAIL W.UlEKtKJilS, THE Meraphi. and Ohio Railroad 1, now re- - ' SLJ "" quantity. manufaord ir?S. h At Plioea eompeUna with E.VJfTER" 5tAE- - 1 Baslaai the t . the auditorv men- - " Uich might be deemed nece- - '.n, ainilitarj wt, and eeutualt to be , "ln"" Humboldt lor tfce iran.portation n? ff!""' fi1IK. 'tberu Magnoii Vnmi for batbm tba taea KETBL Ike beads of Bepartmenik w r. .ho! - , m r-...n li -- "ry to the comiort and Weil Wiuk of nod by a military commission. Mr. a- - Wa,n "VJeTrff'riv OaSKSSS BtaffiSS orrahoa UTOCGrS, t SCtOrS, sanat.aaandaaeanaa,, p.rti Pnrrt Oood. from ua. wia has, .1 iN' r h!"' ': m ' ! steal ljiT th 1885 3 aaaaaaaaal u;de.l aeatt near Vhe ? ,1 '"" '". " rW .I,'";.w" 111 lk' " Wl" u "w' ' l""' - .iKUteLiSd,'' Sa kl Unna I :tigof our BLH President, ok the fcft of ftkiikel. 1 tvt -'r- ed-over the President's veto if '"el nile.i States, nor was Uie murdered men, of Two .uoieaou. ior o,rativc., paag. ' COMMISSION iSERCHANTS, " "JSr" t odor of pataan. Meaf. Of the aaavv aG;' F.mV'To,.. tn !. remove, redne- -. urn. blotchy etc. RETAIL DEPARTMENT aH n army "!' the authorities 111 UtO Mn U DnUUIinO This fXHBpuy HT i'2SJ wntehJda.'lmL L ' .;"!" tl". ircumstanees. that they military any way, nor Agfs at all Station. u mmmm u latm. .noersn-e- d seats , iigjedic! I;e admitted indiscriminate; STthe JS Herie ' H.r.r'J.m.nn . ; HadOtO.. Wba-M- Ut. FUy and Plautatlon Supplier Jg .de..o-heo- . OMM ra. H BBBBBBBal Supreme Cour on the nght of the .p.ak-- ! withdrew when I eimes-- d.-- gallon are ai! loyal men, !'r an can be suited at a glance ui our atoe. If "ad f onneeUatHamboldl with Mobile one Saw Mtli with Vo. .'.' flf Strert 11 a subdued land laaUng term of all Goods, and wh:-- h - the .rren BBBBBal er'stable . -- ".eh with an individual reeord to ewdusive jurisdiction 01 the military wean a Utile abova onr eotniMtliora. a reduc- - and Ohio Rall.d f.r t'orlnth. Jackson. Wn- - Bssldes Owellin. Hoik Htoldes Ths ate. i It eoras nrasqo.lo Mteaand slTnga .rf laaasta ""Jf ' ,,WHl 'LALE ..a . - bbbbbbbI ri n 'h' ' o .r.ler. admission was not authorities Mr. Poor had been a soldier '"n l Ti:N ITIU rnt. win reduce us to a i . Oily, coiomlaw. Padneal.. and all with the F.oesi Waier P..war lu tht .stlteot' Gayw Ji'or!;, MEMPHIS, TEXX. -- ':uui tajaitoua to the akla. U-- h all. oaktra purdiaa.ua bbbbbbI Prewentatives seats on xfr. anhlirne, of Illinois, offered S "1 ir of the fnite.1 1bwL Bemember and examine fur yrmrsalvea StaUoi.s on that Hinal ; at Hlg HaUiiie Kail- - MlvjlvUtipl ; and i Aeueaaas aad atnaara. "w6ata BBBBB1 either side of the nail, in tlw rear of those waa adooted. onlv consistent with sound poUcy, but u Uie army States, but had jos. n. leVktt. "'ad Brldae tor UoUvar and all laudlnga ..n the WaeSaaaiiS levir i ,lli, f0Khrnoiet.aoiicito,i ml,urdi.n " what every lady aaoedd have. HoMesSry. WALEEB Btton a i , . .H ...H invi-ed- . K.rrows of seats on either -- ids u" 1 Z'nls of t B Ti?.. oeiuanded bv every eonsideratam of 'f J atter three years service honorably Next door to Mcivimbsa Co.'sllardware House, "ig Hatcnto River. riiaaV!,e JEJH p M .tea Oar aMdiaa. (alaH BBH of the mam ai-- - fr Senators in a.!.- :- g ri constitutional 'Hsehlirgetl. Memphis. m, lsat JauSOlm 1) feet high, of aoU.i rock. Ihe bed or itto.n a. a snuthwick is with this house, sod asks water aiteraard iarfoniryt or toilet ygrr -- Xr ImmmM LbbbbbbS .tuusV i Bauer..!'. .0. t11eappr.1pr.ate theii U also aotld rock; la tact it is a solid rock canal, j hie friends to call thorr, r.ii ;m i Jllat Llls.il. BBM BBBBBB tion to thtv mentioned, -.- idresa delivsred by him on the hfe and luamj , auu tne prospects 01 w- - av JIumnhrevs " FfPlPnt. Tminu Pun Ptrnrtr ' ''rive foPr to ten thimaanii OEMAS Trr;. . -- Kf Abraham Lmcolnarequene cim - lZdZ red irZV AXES, LIQUORS, ETC. DZJ gjjg in a healthy locahty. w.th good road. Uowardf FreMton 4 Barrett S.!?;.,. H fh.copyofthe-ai- : r U fheirn ThU Company la prepared to SSS O OTTO M ' lH and Oeonretown, the Chief J a d 1 rv.nTnrrM fresh courage to the Itadical element V cnargen Having been broken l:p .,v the 1 om- - bbbbbbI bbbbbbbI TiHmTVTrri i .rr, nf ri.imT .Td The t h.airman of t.ie Joint hnmaof aarlw roago- - erof three negroea near Monticello, Al( T V 1X11 T T tin, rJio -- aud- WJ HAVi! had ENwl'iH . Huial;" i oa Memorial Exer-is- e were, hr.s-t.-- TnSlra l.awr.-n.-- county laatjanuarv. ' Transport AU Freight Offered Them EmM prefer to alii onffiriSeris ISikX TOBACCO FACTORS, wi ntu SS IIf! ..bbbbI n t 1. let Justices and l..e neads ot ci.mm ui...a;-!.-M- i' . iian.T.i: the lore- - ' on in U) t((1 lnvw,twl , i:mm aad if de- - Havk RtI.1T, ; Baaaaan BBhH - Departments, and others. m mnawar It ls a gr.-a- i 111 101 lime to the people of T.AnP RI T A II Mnsl wUl remain and superintend the me: Ma a) Ma, bbBB BbbbbbbV b EetiL-Oe- iirant entered the rh',;, 'nd o tJ -- akie u. Tennessee and the friends of liberality . AjVj-XhX- . . a--a 11 Frcghi to J.end Trains on ;;r wiU give it up to the i.ty purcudngute j BH ery arith ladies he was greeted , hranr .' justice everywhere. !,e deprived of FOUNDRIES. ux or oh.oaurd. a sp.endid opening tor cauiu. to n.caWa..N wl go Bt?BtgS BbBBBBbI apr4an. The House then adiourned. the laoors and influen.-- here of such y WOULD respectfully call the attention ol on .'ourt street. "a p7 jVfErt, ' 'nvestui the lat National Itsuk. New orlea.... La. . '. P. WE Do Boej ." The armv and r.avv officers were in T" to tleir ,Jlen Patterson, fowler. Maynard. A Merchants and Dealers, that I am weekly tell 2w General supenr.tendent. , orn-- . I.s.. ashler KirslNalkal Hank. Men aBBBBn uniform.. The dipMnatic corps ap- - ."aS . UNION IRON WOBXB ISSSfSfi'! "IhoTbTIVTI. Hneht Water Power in Ihf hOUllh TO MAK MONEY. bHbbbbbI cilueaa dreea. luen hk' themselves who sit with folded TO makk money. bbbbbbbI peare-- j in - ten Hear, I can v-- -.. ; Horne waa called tn order at Sll mIM handa, awattingjwgjni. I tr)mw- - an- d- ' B "BDt 06 383 r,Jp-- " r. axxiaaa TOMiot mone,. nrayvS'.vn TTiklrt ef S.C Kerxnett Ale and Porter, C01T0N SHIPPERS! SMft 8. M. WEBB & CO., MAGNOLIA BALM M,maH H I HSrTr1" ' "toih'eim- - MACHINE SHOP, rnl up in half bam-l- All of which 1 warrant COtton Factor e'dgete a- T-i Sffi BV Bancroft, be printed for the use of Uie "11'""1 u, keep sweet in this donate tor months. f n t 'ouud oninai.emiat all tlmej. banal faceand hanX.niari;: SB M alnl hi acknowledgements nr lOe 1nv1tal1.11 - , Almost an endless variety of proposi- - lalao have for w' ' --Ajtd- -1- 1 eaut& imparting tne marble punty fBBBal fl tlJ-itS- W SSt pS-aftS- g -s- 3Wra. IBsrifeHaS43 BrSlS- - -- iOonuniion Merd:SSHH2EiS3awS Bbbb1 beaith fbmade h: attendance on ..Knve mentioned wih reference to tJ.e "mate tound street. Front Street leaving th. complexion ireah. transparent and bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbI ng national remoniea. Tiie ZZZ,. ,Iw2t S.tarFiMto asil TL-i- - one or the other Houses of Congress, and JUlllill.l aSc Gr lmn. l01 B Lihrary Building, near Post office roitlsflF-iss-r- rnTTn, " ' ootii 11 contain aouiaterial injurious to bbbbbbbbI aBBBBBBaB Cabinet- - Mr -- ewari ;.o.e p have been r mw copy. JaeS Schttuel, Between JeDamin and Adama, tjeekm. Patron laad by Actress and Opera m? SHAVH 3 CLOSE. BBBBBal me sous w.re eacepung osentative Washbnru. Chairmen of tr.p ery tiireaiening It !s wuat every iady should have WE sH.irE Co3E. nnn BBBBBaaal pre- - wnit leai-ne- .loulitiess nKeii.leu to nunni-'- nvl sm f rjr.T.V. Holo every where, lleiail l.nre, its E sHtva it BBBBBBBBI bbB Senator Do,,:- kteorar J ZllT (80oceor to Watt c. Baanrom,) TQ TU C T D I J C lTrMZ Dealers m "TaJfor-n,- - 1 the day to a seat at tne tain.- - . f the 4, . Pnnident to the negro del- - i II L Ml H t I ! 11 c,. m. W'' ; rW"' formeriy ,,f Auguata, - WTf. t.vrr vn Riag-- BH BBasH Clerk ot the House. When th Seng- - I infer that he hi 0t Would Inform tha """" OtOTeS, linWare. tliailtalS. G.; Geo. P Kootes. Late of Oordoa AtaJaAS BAR1TBS A CO., WE T AKE BaaH tors. tent and bis Cabinet- - and . - materjiLfiy ftiahtened. and that the keek I KSJftJLSS. jggghfeet 'StSSIholu .'i 50 rr bale. ,uk nt. W Mo. new Tone wk TAJsg jg Slag: lH supreme c " niVniE 'wvrni oi-nas- a ' i.id schemes of Uie radicals to drive h;.u . i.nh..n V;'inXI? lSS, htn onle"l- - n,w - Crates, Catting., and iUlite, Kerr & Mootes, Jl - .... th on the floor ms to their fee: and v Hts.i. .:s(M grn om the position in which sense of ':aa of turn bni flrat-ela- ss WHISKY! samples Patches 2 - - V " ( " ly ' m. wb rxsyor ArToRB rr. H9 IB - . House Frni8hin (8,1" ,1 .... most ar.ient i.ieu.i oi uib ret.rg.iiii- - New Bagging to whule " f.fneral ComiTll?sion Hit Forward i BBn9 cover Bale. 2W , tig i 1. 1. ,h. Bemsr-si- w Urtia ' - ,,n,.v otil.i - And Manufacturers of "inn mr lmy'T v. t,- - Hi v3tT.. tefe.- - WHISKY! Sl, Mt h m ( fe, vas: iJ'a 5!ISi?H H Hon. La: tili.nhier is ik-- . '( views of the President have as yet been rr o -i .ns. etc., etc., solicited, and fl orders UmW HbH tiBBt iV.-Th-e Anciente offam- - P'k-l''lo- their fim UCh SurP drht SIIHs ASmmtCPS TO TT -- XT f SOUTfl-WESTER- l. flAfRESS CO. NO 821 MAIN STREET, promptly !T.in H many, in pursuance of its tim- - h.-- r"7 apparently hesitating to pi- e- an W All? A, I . Memphis, . . . Tenarossee or. Jons, u sArraan. TnTLOR M EWEH DUKE & CO. wrrit WTTH small m all HrcSt H ustalms, will celebrate the battle of New iK which may prannftato a ruptnre always on hawd. NoUoo to Merchante. with small kSpene. H reoed this angost asaeni' atTaaamanyl between the administration and the na-j-ot. Wor proapUy attended to. H :,. y Lt:)j. M.,,;,ia..-- . J.iu-.i:ir- e,i,t. eigh- - ruling party in Congress. Hut its .he snspiantatlon and Steamboat repai-sw-- Pir 500 BBLS Unlfk Time and Low Tariff. iOottOXX Paotors in we watth THE MARKET H 11. t.eu hundi-e- ami si:v-i,at.-ixo-- yesterday nahk executed. .n, 4TT T ?i Tl ft Si I ' -- "- wi watch thb sakkct. H U ' . rfi.A.n. VoH2f no.Tow Order your Good, from New York by A I til I Uil. LAlllhO' ' CoiUmirXSiort MeivhlUl tH. JJ R Y GOODS YK WATCH THE MARKI.r. plee her It Is not unreasonable to infer a H Since the of the society I meWtree, fliTR flWW PPfTTPTP H am . hat whatever elermiued nTTTPeT A A W T?nnTiiTfV " AliUJN 'iUt-netU- rn kspreii Compuny. I J Jefferson strret, f we wnrDT toi-- e intbbbbA- -. M H uda whieh had so hal, th.rse events in the iilam will e. .e made, and all parties "UAUIirlOrl Tt rUUilXAX CET TH 5 BEST. Commemial HoteL BOOT- - tND SOOEB, we srnif wrs ("SJg H long hung heu. . over our hislorv of 011- - countrv w'i'.-- aiomatc wiU have an Oliaortiini'. v ol i inining aan We offl-- r unsurpassed factllties forregnlarand sWAre prepared to make Liberal Advaneea W E ail DT - ol B H ihrief ;,, r,r,n; f or ami ...eir recourse o. a.,...,,. TTArlB"m ,.r.oAaoa. ,. e,obeT nS jnwptg- - - gL ft WC RRflflERTr.!, H H P ..UK.ii-m-.uil- i,- ..ngUu-- tlie.r dev,,ii..n to our L''a.rious The h n s Bureau Hill, ;iit-- o- UCmvr S messengers.aud we guarantv ss nlficK SS 'm HKVl-Hls- . rK.x.veaaKK vliUini-sIT- , f WB s-r- OUB own too H shine gladdened the eye-a- nd heart.- - ..f ,.,, 'iu.-e- by Mr. I -- . h. an. I pa---- .i bv HMK la transit, as any other reliable 1 11 TJ33jF'' i we aniDT oub owit mo' Bi ;,. .!:s., t;;;.;,';,,;.,,ri: hi. ., ,.., .. E. Rmulfe & Co., C. H. Ebbert & Co., ss& mtxhuyh, Wllmer&Vo.. nn.-a.n- n. BBB great victorv which saved our south wen-- with sliulit modiflcaUons ; but as it is. desiring go.-- is thipped i.y ...ir line, J,J7!mit8$' w ir . . ,n vir aJI BBBi The hearts of the dt v.... and plunder. elhmed tBt the f IMLBt d fl Other ll!!lrsl IVIuchestir Sis.. Wholesale Dealer. In i: pi.ase ,.;t.-- ..rden. to tbat ea.-- t to than tALr e KFFr Ba l'iundre.1 rUes reganle Bnrenu l n,e form muLmm' 0UMioiiUm1 Pktata Fsllj Supplies, wl ,U God of hatties and of natie,ns that the Und twelve In a Btial to" tha C0er protoctian ot Ml I I 1D DOytM ,, , , 1 , 1(11 ORS. duval HE rr Agents. OUI NEW il.TrlT Forthsieof bbLB rebellion i The nent civil strife has given rfee to the freedgesn far some flme I Kne, it is .0 f Caning and 0 ' office No. 42 Madison s, Memphis. Tenn., FOR wee. . waiKRALLT, wb deliver what yof mn BH B . in the opiswing geeonsol presumed that U10 material unlargement aiacnie aorA a- - No. B Broadway, New York. TTTQ1rrT"t otton, Ifibacro, Etc.. and for the Por- - wb Deuveb what yoc buy. tM H aphetu-t- iy crushed ahd our country ,jUr Cnion which are desi toe "f the powers of that Bureau will not a- wuim id to Railroad. eHeamboat j feb-l- chase of Merchandise WB DELIVER what YOU aU'i H ::t:f I;Ui. aSSSa .o. Rectifyers of Whisky, ad iS Raiinntd. "Ench elastic spring, A!, At. tb; an. I L. T.l. roKMm,AiP5- S- BH .u.er important ren.a.n as 77l ZTT. To Seroni Strert Tll6 wlTatet DlSPOVerj .. II I l PVK MUTUAL PBOPIT ' rf5f ldic'Uour' -,r to at, yet in abeyance, no: rapronnd ' Of b. age. and th. tatct mven.10. of the White Lahor for the South, Commission Merchants H rT-dd- ent, to a vote, in their original form, in more practical CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'argest manufacturers of Cnnoune in the! HlBl H and bon.ired a- - were, y can ever dim, nod which than one branch of Coimn-ss- . LOCKSMITH SAFE MAKER. World. The Vo. 40 md 4'i Bromhrny, wp H bbbB ; ' - reunited brethren iu portion of K'v-- it the franchise bill for the Distri.-- t FlirtPrS & ",d "r wkdnwdaj me sth instant CROWN SKIRTS Xo-- York for the SALE op WEsEFK ToCR tRaiu . BH ml any, had be foolly murdered ur can cele&ate with of Columbia mav now be regarded as MACHINIST, "",.., tut aims, road annates will run ion the DAILY, Memphiand.harie.ton as follows. nail- - Havercpa So-- r u, mwm L ., ,, , , , ..H H haereetr".T'' ''. j -'-- I'.r.;-i.- ref- - ASD QENK&AI UtOlT WORKKR, JUST RECEIVED. rv WE opTKH PTXL LINSBL O V T TA ! us Hpirtt, and with a promi foordial irenee to that mBnre In hh. q 1 of No. in jairewon nt. Between Third and Eastward Trains. iSSSttt "y1.ine ieu ib-o-?i,V ,.-- . : f "rai.am l. Hughes, uteot ml" lu. - wk JH bbbbI rur- - W tr --arris from extreme Joy to welte, that the Sons of Tarn vesterday, and an attempt mav made Fourth streets. .70 bankets fflne, Piprr Heidslrli. -- yZi shirt ,mped Viib a. hown up lew im Wn mm PBLA. ndg BbbI profound sorrow was never more si.i.I.ii Mt.. v.,u avoid that issue by abolishing the rau- - I a-- it. aP.a' P"'"' . 50 do- - (liarles lleidslrk. Leave Memphis at MO p.m the band. None are genuine without if -- Aim- BH and universal. Had it been pttesubie f. llun of the great victor, . then, liciindffoven t entirely and pi. .Z!:: 4j bOxeaC.plw r.rre. jjSSS tmti??9ZZ' T-- n - COUNTRY PRODUCE. PV ooow AND shobh. V a stranger l.norant of the truth to have j,er wb., tiUed the world With the feme the rulinc power in tb fcMd. f m- - l8" amanlike manner. Casks Rngllsh ami Hdlnbarr Ale SDd Arrive at Decatur i.m No.5 lommercial Street DKH lis a.m. -- HolA H BBaai toeked oeer the la, he would have op-- of Jaerican vaku-- , and devoted hh. ub- - I miirsion, t.. bv the President, w?t,?i!nV.TJ!4 - m'"Ti !" Porter, pts. and .Is. Arrive at stcvems.u -- tua BOULEVARD dky oooin and sHobs. Bi posed tiun there had come upon us som - j fel.. .j... .talisUrieiit and with the advice and oonseol i 10 qo.rttT casks Sherry. T. A. 4k Jf. Andernon, L s ,,f :!,e Almfehtv. no leas dr.a.i-- . ....... ..!!,!1,ut...,M.l hts-r- . v. We ha v.. ii.e Senate, --a pro,Kl tion to that .licet WESTERN FOU7nTRV 10 "narter rlw,t 5,elr- - Wo.tward Trains. S5i,lZ!!!v Eo. ''r street. f PBT OflODB EWTSB. 1 1. rTHIN.. an;. HATS. M .nan that which fell on an-ie- nt the h. r ... u. v,)Ur j,, , baping already been introduced into the 0 oclatos Pinnt-t- , tastllllon d Ol.rd Leave, Stevenson... BMaja !nl.;gl.t"re.nX NW ORLEANS, LA (Old Standi 2B Main iEreat. cTH nc n IvS BBEH Egypt-- After being gazed upon by jobn T HofTman, Aagnat Belaont, House. 4 Kr.'tndtrs. Arrive at Decatur 30 pm the Antilles it la hailed wuh .iiis'.t. Mod lar- - T. A. AntJerMnt A Co., ssuua.mo,uihi.i unrn , H BBBBi :ads of living under the dome 1 ri. Chrm,i.!r which his of hit..' -- Aim- . - P s rure Hnllnnd bin. Arrive at Connth 1:24 a.m ther and farther oa towards the Southern Hem- - No. Mo Front street, BBBBBBB 'fTZ. .' . John o. Arrive at Orand JuucUou .'.:: the echo comes i..r loa H Vsn naiioj. Upere calling W, ."" St st, -- ppM BB inieent Caplu.i l li'rT.s. amused all who have a sense of the !u- - 3aX-l.Ol.l- XO Sbop I pipes Pure Hwan bin. Arrive at Memphis mm BnTTTlPVA.ri mmphib.t.nn. aortWnl YANKEE n..t.,,ns. Ltc. BBH of oar neslllent were borne m well developed, bv its gigantic ;0 cases I uraroa. flOTTfiV Pi TTARS ! YANKEE NOTI" 'N K', H na ,usjh our cities, towns and j a. . n. i..r. ,flbrfet cam- - the organization poi- - 25 cases Annisette. The Connection by this) Ronte Ladies of Amend it is a talisman! lu m iJJJ icy of the President 2- cases Masf bin., nod nroyii nevJ'srTi. oft Axes, Plows, Etc. bbH i:Rur-.- n, on one shotder, Absynth. oiVawas ta bbbLI - t ..a.-- . ..f profound and hear.. ;.,..,';., Staren A Co., "m- - A- - ROBINSON A CO 11) rases hunshine Wine. Complete. ee.wiu5ld- u2? .. A? whSlkSale SixuSivS.: 1..9 B f.lt grief, to their flu. - j wah."i VJVs- "ilier, pubi,eh. the sivse-- h of the Pree- - 5 bbls. Apple Brandy, warraott. ill tII Da1I ln ft .T1CIVC BOCI.EVAKD. ommliesioii .vierrlinnta. at wholesale xclSivly. Bfl BbbB i.e caplUI! of his ow-- n s..ate J here be : . - ;, dent without Bote or nnBIBIBBt, bat years Hid. ALL n.ilL A.ill .111 A1A.1.1H, and lha CoasIgnmenU solicited to aU the above DOZEN BEST t.E!. i BBBai ' rly. embalmed ta the tear. . rn A Enanaanjjlnof Quinby Robinson, III rasks Irish and Scotch Whiskies. erSa, rmm S 3.i. i. i.n27n '20 and only fob cash. 'i;h- -- ir.rr "s-ar- L .T . . Than by Any Other Route. " mabti' navruA' BBH by In is day, the Doc Tavxob, 8. r. row's issue is Uiked to with curious la- - aT Order bollrltcd from tb Trade.'i taiu inventor. a. , Bales Hay. TxTm H Si Ta Peea.dea.-- s Kepi, bu Ladlta wili find the new train for l8i iS ' DnOOre UO., bBI -- riv been seJected. Kn eminent Cit- - Exarcnva Mxjsbtos. 1 the maximum l.ren.ltl. hiCil the . A TrR ""spendou of bualnea for nearly no. 344 Second Street, JAS. Q. MOFFATT, s. U 1 ION 1 ACTORS, ! Bs-- t n '"cans n.,. i :.,s Jan. i lssti. '.',' :.' riMars, we again coma beiore the pub-- Trains on the Mississippi Central Railroad V7T. - '.' JS. Sugars. .! BBEi una. 4,4.1,11' e ana ser- - ' shoulders of the Hon. Mr. r ornev are ic,s,.n -- itinga sh aref patronage in the above opposite Tin: opfr a house :oav. ..rami .luncti.n on Tuesday, Timtaday No. w. Main street, south of Union, Excelsior oMvissiov ..m, j Kbis. w htte sugars. j, i aain aempuii, ieso. ytatatatatatat BBai vices in high and res.pos.blo public po-- r: 1 take p.eastir.- in aekm.w !!- - pbie of attaining We shall doubl'esa "fanehes ..f business in our new buildings, on and Saturday, at 2 o'clock p.m. Trimming Kmparluin, and .) lugs ( orrea. ! mtA, Wh- o- pen ff ,,1 y th. tfe -- fri2Taw! MEMPHIS TENN. 2$ uMT-SI- - P- - ""! Forw;rinK Merchant!,, io claMa'rSim and . Ornca Broadway. N. Y. laa BBnR "a instructed the presenkage lu m. uuniani u. an o n.-- bel-ve- . u the Preside, t aud ""' 1. all kinds of Castings for lalR 3m at 9 pan. and North at 8 am. Have made arrangement for the above Oooda .i"i. Bi BbbH of b country to future age. ' ... ,,',., -- ' "- -- At tcat.ir rcgnlai ,.,. ion; are Awls with THOMSON, LANODON A CO., " Jn"on str"et' lag gn og Pxna, n AT WHOLESALE H BjpH . cal.icol .New Orleans. w, f w .. ( , t;vlhe aUd IJeatur for Nvtlle, Muknraandlten.ee, UP Stairs. MEMI'H.'S. TENN. la W. Mess Pork. 1 " gHH adl-A-ou-r-. Applause.) It would aTord me s.ucere gra irtea ufflcieut importonce to neAUate a U,SZKg& MISCELLANEOUS. sfsiviuson con nccUon, are made with SM. Broadway , New York. Jaa27 lm 'S ? BbbED " Ihunaott, who W sitting between Uie prices ..iall r as low as theexpense trains on the Naihviiie and Chattanooga iUii- - ASK THOMSON'S 4! BEI ' lrTIAr; ',A Ten-- ' are made with FRENCH EISTIC SKIRT. ""SSnTSS, 'o I SFSLo NORTH. the ,,PPIMIMD-nMHM1M.- w . , n!l2va.5 n Frank F,er;r.. Florence. A... 1.rr.nr,o,hes,K,v.o,,-.U,.o- ,d Arm a, HrTTTTWV H dress. of the Stated, and won for himself eudu- - of toee belone .'..ooy . of tleorgia, south and North Carolina, Virginia SADDLERY HARDWARE Darin, Allison & Co., juarvt -- . X . H The orator -- Urn", TOSkJE LoR. M. EWEN. DUKB Ct. Wheynstly -- e?p.S5S?Sf ' tick.,, and further informati.n. St :;,durwG bTtTS nndm k. aur. ttc .aSui sK-,i- -a- nd- ..J. & mason, :rsPmgPrcet rvi, S --leLic. i. inr of event to ZJt ' ir ,T iffr j Mnph, w.ika ffglL S ;'Sfe a.n COftCh TtH TTI i Tl No. is Jeflbrson streetMemphla, Tsuaasssn 3B 3 T B Let billot reform remove the nor which, as you ,iustiy remark, reunited ,.,,., v,., im,,',','..' BBb aud G6ral Krelht and Ticket Agent ITI I gOa 4 LI.ITOE PAVI. Macmrin. -- net, New 333 SeCOnd Street. H ::VJ;;e,.fc LXLr eral Land Agents. ZUed jgji Sp Cloths, ''';";tE!;i:: ' ,,. or T7T- - -- ? 0TICK TO sHIPPEKs. WHiMfX DATOEJr. !- - fob balb bt rTrtrn1BTMpu. nurrCt i: W NOTI- - Importen and Manufacturers, " " by --- l. . p. xan ? Co.; fj1 T ts-- a -,- - , , that of the w.s-k.n- g class of "' "7.fi",lilt" rVJ-"- . ,' '"'"r' -- r.i...- ... .ny of the pvx. or Sale Maccabe, The MempiUS and 0Tle8t0n WMU(1 , .h.att.tlon of th. pohue to lr,r.rprP,s,, H j ::'r-,hr..!ti:.;- ..i : rA REAL ESTATE AOENTS 't-W"Ttl.- 3li RROa0 sorted OOTTONJACTOR8,rnMCU nd Other Buyers, . ::.. :.:;..-- : .Wv,,in !:r;rrt!!r:: UK aunsa pl,M,8ll,l,t 0,1 ' 11 1 Saddlery Hardware & Coach COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ISiWr--. mm mm mttmnm m The crator-- contrast of lUnnUm an., pmity. was ia H.ve for sale or ' SSmamtS SPt " M"' ornca. ie and : rH SSTm- - ' 'r yerF fe? ?S &. - TT" Trimmings. H111I nm-iiili- -Ai nTs-f- e FANCY GOODS. H ; of r.,i... be. , "'c Dlr-t- or. r a simply rei.tYn .racti 8ome"ine! corn aBBfH usage, T" A.!0,, ''.f,1.-'"- ' of the Memphis -- Aide- sheileia. stock ...e gra vs. of Wx and C1tl-- -, bu El ' ' " ASl,i.wTh-BJB- E the reason for whi.-- It a- - - d "li iS.i- -!. jpHy 'il"-- . "at.f 't Br'"'li tM". VumwV Plain and SB-- American and .panlA (UpSUlBj MEMPHIS, TKSN. Axea, Tracer Woal and itheTw-- a. --an- latter to I remembered through all B., JnB!5 Va Braaa, -- dn ...... saving long -- in.c pasand awy. Ph. box Kand dbu.,r ,h" m i gwddlea. W1,, , TAYLOR, McEWEN, DUKE a CO. NonTH HH S ,,. .ylthe V...kO-,- . sa;;a,u iron safedivided into U.r REAL, -3-- TwT. ,hac-iV,- V g-- SST PJjmdcAul.ud Id-.'.- M-, and Boys fflSMtS aovAMm SI. . and Ad.non Sygjgg BBBH v ' - feoelved with partmeuU, two tor - ...-- r one for P" ""o ' .'or tn. Saulsoury. Decatur Junction, Hm", HOIM and MU" acarefulwatchfulnesHof all Interesu commit- - Bi i r. - ...id. It is nrcured by three Intricate ncaraa macl. wn. n. aaaro SS-- B VTS -- e.!?. MiddietoV. Hnmsviiie, rdiT-- M ' '- -. - merit .liberai.h.n.f pub- - 3 A f XT4TF : M WlI.I.vaN Burnsvills, Bellefout., leather. Skirting, Pad Skins, etc Ki S ,; snoreos re--1 sons - ;?vv-- r wen 'U::;.:.;":.;';1':--- box : "hf-- y r1",1-- ,; V,: (ha Ixjx e . ,r--HK- "' w..H. ,.. veM""' sV&zh; k-t"--- !.! w- - READAD-cura,J- M- Blanks nubiLiti, MAisoNt" H and White t Urey t NORTH MCRPHY H fernng to the einati '.patioi, j.roclama- - tody of the military autorll- -s for ab..dt a ,,, U1,ui, sii.atler tuau now, and Uie rTAVE for,,fi 'args list of Valuable CITY THE MKMPHIS roiwrs ENGLISH COACH VARNISn, Lucas, TltOtnaH Jt Co.. BUaoliwl and Brown jWalia atdaaonddtna. BB H two, sdid theuttera. m Lisa- - year pass, AMgl ll with "at tainiii.- .- v often as four times in J,1 8b'BUBBANTHoPEliTY. Also. Pine ft EBt A lams stock of which may always b. firaad at lne Pi. ka?a PTii'J?" . i 7Jinl V,i, Murphy John i. Paras M.lchel. 4 vear. Th'e method of examination ,s umooaf d nnu Saddle 811(1 Harness Manufactory, I slolon "' COTTON FACTORS FSSL'SaJ-- ?"' "Tv,"ock H Har 22 Madison And of H ithnunestreepon- - Lapeii u i i 1. H -- have aM follw. Street, 2-- S.d 24 Ealn RlraeL Ladles' Fin. aoaka An " "f:-i- h '";;n'rr ''H,'; The mas, of gold nd 41ver eolAS An. na, raiv,. r . jfti.ipi Cettfrol fi,. Hood, ctvcinvati 7o A!,I" ?an. d -- cu!i T T " "7" "P ! --' H " S ."if.:'"T WhilO FTAVIVJr"n''".une at the old nand. Aafollows: --LJ ' CODimiSSiOn Merchants Me".'.Pte- - --l s, or anu .a. ou -- i KUSa, baasa the luelal of eacll Ulllg A2tOE?MIS. Ilo-e- r5i ,UKOlJS Com- - prepared lo furnish our old UiHttOllltiOH. WORTH , MURPHY 4 MASON'S H ctoaing her porta against the wa- r- - South, and little- - w aa known h. ie ,, , v and A customers and the public we did Bolivar, Winona. Spen. era, Tnmmlngs, etc.. esc. A.1 Jaa Straw. H H aud of the -. ir anteoedenta, Whatevel is ti.eii .tT,, (iowlman .t- - ",',,1U We ke" sntlyyon ,. v'Tn- - pHEpartners.tp heretofore existing between 5fo. 288 1-- 2 Front Street, Oenu'Unr Boots anoho TsLi... .: pu-- t nerrtll, .,rimei,t oi Haddlea, HarneBrldle HoUyjiprlncs, West' rha ..iidersigned under th. arm name style Wmwm Uie HUSSiaii .snnis... a as evt-- 1 tS JUKti !.rgo MUn ,Hlf" ingot, and n.li.si into a long and narrow Wh'P5' ' "Uais, urf?,ra: Ooodman, of John B. field Co., is this day dls,lvedi.y iaie !m MEMPMX. TKX.VKiHF.B. r.AYLOB, McEWEN DCEEACO 1 vLy-T- "' ?" I t'.'Jl to boat pia.o aoout the ukan of a shilling 38 New Street MMWWQMX, uV- -I Jxaf!frd.Vai,ey" llm"u'1'- - johnb-rei- d nn Bnn. (old nand). .tire pfoM-- ni bus,- - fr.rrh1:;,at;.:,,!i!: s ASO-sitsfi- -'r .nrri'j;e- - safir M.ph.Tm . - notions, H MH - '''VTolZ ..no ',7'r un.n TtedV ''t I: tie fixed in hot i:'1 i-- f1"1- A '.VOV ,;' 2m' T 1-- 7" IV,.Al!rnt' SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF' agen,whlch necessitate, - - p- - JJ??o HIDES. Baanrsa. a. mrHTdM M. Ilimni atreat. H - rog-- vaoU) to extract and dissolve the SnS. iU Sif. ' ""tff MnUnuie Lavlnge of . b.iu frht Vorluch pelMem t'OTTOX A.HD TOBACCO P1CT6K. AJID ). , B mm ,,n the very int. rees of tha luvestiea ullnv Th line , .1.1 an.) .11. remain Freight for points on .Miaus-p- pi ( eutral Rail- - i.w r I K.Tt. Itouz.-- i I. IM. 9MMMMMMM mf ,ttT I b Going to Pari, for new Oooda She haa road, goe. through without of deneraU omniisslon t rrnanis,. Wryl ii T change at and those, of car. a.h. le OOiana men, n nera, tliA ery dMHrinui inK 1. accurately determined, and viaoi. v. Mooaa ';" m t Hair and many Fancy Aruc- l- at greaUy aran.fJcncUon. TTAVINO purchased the entire stock of John i South Main Street, (Merchants' Exchange Dried Apple Featb.ra BIT-IM- S & VlLESS TRI Il B who served our cause a seWlafS, bo' n for t he charges on w h ich the Pro- - thus the all.. v in tlx,- whole coinage ha reduced j.rices. to close out her present stock .lopping to points on Mobile and Ohio M b. lie id A Co., No l second street, Adams Block,. Jeans, Socks. niw -- .I.ln. H itshould be done bv the .tales them - .w til to older r- trial is 0011- - XTnttre Whim. .1.1 t. Sili.? .r,"'-0- 1; hr ?.ew bade tviaOnlh, must arrange lo receive and Block, will conunue the Wholeaale Hry uoods an LOUIS, Mo. Daer Aklns, dry. Cotton Basketa. Al HOBTH. MCRPHY a MASON'S. - -- ' Bayner, Kngerhntt SS-W2- ias .?tcC l-- tf SS!S?SSa LM was greeted With appiau-e- . am. ol Tne iu.vmg 8608 711. M JmM WSKMi, nTTTr o,'Uur-n8- fJ S?Wp!li. rat-- toV to"v"rR!f.rbrsr J5-rFJ- BT TAYLOA MoEWEE. DUKE oa ts- - as was also tlie remark that la aopoint- - a - ; !. party wi... 111,1 .uvolved .itaeased the proceee, take ,.u-- i johs oxobgk, -r- son a Bro, Agenu Memphis and (.arlon nova XET"F E-- T Jb-JH- tL . H iy the bead of r.1.::.' ''1.'.'.'..''-".- ' TITUS' WAREHOUSE MnSSS.,! am. a Bnwnw. ti'- - SaWL'Mt. CottOD Fftttor ftlld tomnilSSiOB CWTTOxl Jcuphy H RH Hi wogesofef avnatag. in th Goidssntth on l., foot w annni Mo.aatladO. a ""Eth, amasaint Exchange st. H Many eyes were at U point dn ecu-- , rson, bookkeeper for hm. The ttBie hd been when all ' ' XOUIUJ, MOOre dt Co., Referring to the above card we return nacere Mopehnnl rr totton shipped ten. m good boat. second m. mm againatfeen. (.ranL X? tfer h w" '"" cumbrous prexrauaon had some show of MEMPHIS, -- -- TENNESSEE. IMPORTERS A MAN.F ACT TJRERS HSlSlPPl 4 Tennessee ilailroad. route.Uln. .n A i - "' : SfcSSS -"- --- ' -- soemro-- " gs--Mk-jaw- g " .urheststa- - Secretary ol Wa- r- to -- sc.. aliy U.-iiiu'-- Sth leouired of the jouii.evmau PHIhAEPMIA. 0ENCIE8 have been established at WANTED, Good Salesmea la every townla . ! H lion, t his Ctne by in vojving b employer this Yallobusha c. Mi. Particular attanuon paid to lha ailing of or- - A Phis, Hernando, ciawster. Como,sar- -i, y the s..th lor our New and proved WOTICE. Aipl-i- W-.. H of ixuunn - home- - observance as. 1. sa.xkb for , ,"'.u,tn ..' which TTVril1tnndtLLl--- Memphis, Tenn. dan. ja5 ,1m Rilesvillc, Oakland and Oreuada, to which srtlel. of BMlag, prepared ready H K ah, -- 1,;1.TVV as the national III asuspiuon 7 he dial, l P. have for wia. No. 17 Maiiso "r,.? l-l- Ai xU kSJMD BY-I-.W- S a athn WSI not OUt qfpiOOe. custom , . , ... . . points Prelghu can he without Pn- - tue or shipmenu u 1 V TjKEHCHIEFS. H T.-S-'n- -r -- srrivJ9.- ri.:; nis: si; ""''' Aw-iee- tpi. .wsaS-HSS- CH Vi,ffi-aTi- rac ATr.T.aT. euiuci EiwooDCEir. H a mail irenlle t.i all A. 10 u thn " a.ll.4 . J. . ... AadIalKrsin Freights aa fatt as possible, and a r -- STABLtHHED w,me ees ht months ago, an H ? 1 ii , . ln,teT 1ul1 7rr,n!pr for h ha. ut out DAii.Yor th. law Seek, but AT. T.usteo Seles. Administration ,tiTi m rvti '"' ' 111 : LuiCt1' - 11. rf"1 V.11.18 m an aotoftheHrstyesrol LU V flATR RRAM FTP Cnah Capital 9230,000. -- iiii u is not sumcient to meet th. d.manda u'R have in sum, on conngnm.nt. for Sales, and oth-- r Heal Be- - notwio.luigth.w-bdmwoi.- i- ! MmW& the hnaasMSt num 1 ever knew. The I lug dated about the lime 01 tne.Closing i,,7ard ill which dir it u be done "R I , liUrin. I O, DltMn, L I L., u uh no t in which tt. receive and store V Sale V uIos tvy guard, from the gates. Pper toimrs. B habit ol LU miud were of meditation of testimouv in his , AU4 before the ";ooiin to aoeiM, r , o 'Pi... freight, andbut allnHtedsupplyulroUlngstock, 1,000 packages soond A irglnla Manufactured parties visiting tbaw grounds mod obtain a soBTH MURPHY a MA80n Mn aud inward ra'lier his case oould have been iai'..i.r., ."" . 1JJ Cor. StOOUd Inlon SU.. Insuns agalnn all aeddanta wecannot do u ouj.ncs. w dch Is now oiler- - To-- co, from mwilum w lst grades. pwiailRED to - made by .w or other partlw. Permit, or otherw- l- may wlU not be admitted At ctn H iu ll.odghl lLau actiou. pioosu.ug . pnor 10 thia of the nine- - mg, nUafactonly tt. ihe public. Every exertion totti poonds genuine Kllllcklnia Smoking U aia most nspaotfnlly advised to make ih.m within the lncl.wnn. H tie excelled m logical eU..iuet more I revieweu. Uciitn ultimo was in wi,. i,i,,ir, soOOO Policy one year with 6 weesiy com- - has beau and will aonunue to be made, to la- - Tobacco. Tickets be had at all times at J. C Hoist MyUyUyUyUywMM " abditv lie and flftv-fo- MEMPHIS, TENN. peusatlon-Preinlu- i... . cre-a- the amount which 1, shipped, but we lowi pound "Bob Smoking, very so perioi A I T. HE ARCADE, a Co Mdn slreei: W. .Smith CO. 'a, Mon- - Hi. ' reasoueu with a T.i'S, I'"1?'."".1 ni"l ln cannot do mon than the facilities of the Road article. As our stnsU an now too narrow for aoe- - na sina't; oweo smith, orner of Oayoao and Waal all tuam, kespa BEilBKBTOCE than H IBB ckTiy. reflecUon Juomeute-w- aa Dr Cau.-i- . Misa, was vudted . - Ba asaSs par day. PoU- - allow. Which wa will nil aslow to the trade two maaan. Looash arp: Room auough or all. uaooa-itre- M. and.ruara. a ba mund at any af ta. Boaara Cttisa or I"01 $ purpoaes were fixed, but eonsiderabl. fall ef mow on bundav, and Appreciation of one's own jokes , , ....., . a . A. i LJVERMOBE, b. bought la Virjni freights added OATCB, HEARD CO., FamUy ticker, can bespat all tlmaa at tha y?tcyiil awdnuy mviu dOCTH B9H k th. Kaa-- et of ou); Wwlil ha. no. Pn .joying , fr,,,,- - make. on. . hom. happy. w ,- b- Ad-.e- e. , fptf$2m AAlgftS. , iw"--.- . -- -' "SfnTit. g'

WkTESTwm irriwwwiwwwiafcft...,..,.!i.., "twnBHMM 'UQ """"------liHbw,bm- M



MWraiTiPm MIBCELLAHEOW. MH S?r:irri n. 'ZX MZZknrAc idTc-O- T IWTICB TO CflTTO- - SHIPPERS. I"".. pTTj tittttS IH POBUIBSB BAIEY WEEKLY fST--uU, H, never 11 S2S 52551 WneEO'?Sl ' CLAY BUILDING j H

H --ar- ... . Ing the thai i. arrested upon a charge of'murder Exetanve ly Whoteol Dealers In . M1,M""' TJ"'-- . Jnur ". ' X. IH'P1 .'iim-lksi-

in MfWhanfaILLH ! V i. J?,.Lf.,..tJJiMi,. once exinted of tiic adiuiss on ol' liieTen- - He was brouirht licfore Hon. Thos. Kd- - mMXll 3 iiiUreSS reiffllt 1C Tv mMM

BENJAMIN F. DILI-- "'" CUnFC AMR HITS r&r.wTriSS MM Xo.22t. MAIN STREET. No. 229.MA To whom ail Letter suould be AWrwwi. ' V. .. ,.r f his adn, i M ,,t o.i grtm. Hut wherever the faull mav lie, I County Court for trial, on Friday, Feb- - DUU 1 0, OnULO BltU nRIO, month all! ne mowed upou an ,lM' g.

HHl --- have been . N'jl allied as the ealeii ieel considerable curiosity to h now who ruary the second. The Commonwealth OFFItE REMOVED To Ju.it icorporate year aud ending VJ EJ TOM, EI T O .

f ' ' ' iW ofW Jnw4 and watchful the "olcurc twelve" who have not being ready for trial, asked aonMa. 208 Main St., Webster Block, t&&aMV MBeVmMHRM policy, , , , wrought o much mischief, in an at- - uattce by lU attorney, J. B. r. Daviess,



Ily Mavo.. peraonom : : : : fWJ jauj .,..,,-,--. ,,Rpr r7r BH 5E hianiii-n- ae and fo'sUhemscives ' the third. A RE Reiving a .rge Slock of Boots, Shose -- .oau, Mainpt.u. IS ""iS - - - . JcnaB. a M. JtraaaJZJSX? " : ewmo"",eniw are 'reniarkable for throw- - The Court met at ten o'clock, bru- - ana UaU for the SPRIMO TRADE. Bare now prepared to roil PREM COT- - ni, liirSaS?' 0-X. HoP,Jun'ul"'urm'umin iM t" the r a 'C men o!.- - :iry the third, t propeeii with the exam- - w.gei oar Good, from Manntur.r..d jZ, Ora ill Hrn'm 'B fcr.i.uu-on.-a.o I ZfrA I soure. nrf while many ihese .d,le .nation. The defendant mm t!S3SSXVSti C" DRAKE'S HMH BITTERS.f wrBriVMTllW. flair ,ner c.i 1U1 lc were ihe exhibit the nol.lest character- - ,u"'it,?, tllt- - ('re f H" Jsnl'M' '''T -- ELL TO THE TRADE OWLY. U"- - ImpoxMr. an. Daai. i UHODKS .PARK.SB,; WALKTU 1. H1 ::'' hoSofH.V sheriff of Mercer county, brought ,

JOHX B. WVI.n. Agent. Th'r pnrify. .treogtben and iJUUS. (X CO..l 05 ""el-'bSS-loaerUo- n : : i e iSii ' , '

n the case ot ,nt for in- - into Court by hi. IVjmty. Jurt at thi. CltT and Country Merchant lmiNrt.mt' til ' HWare, CuUeiJ, Sails, CAsUllgB, Z&l!Zl5FSZS& " wmm m H- - two week m. Ootidloe, of the iraiCierS Bi Main street,JiJ.L out of anv- - "tnc. manv others an of the mush- - moment .

I aEr t!T d" iVSSfiaSsL or XToK-lSs?JB- - - -"-- - iron, steel, Cotton BuyeP- -, SZTlt: "H irg3CSS5 ToMetoronr MEMPHIS & EASTERN CITIES. Bx-k- . Horse Shoes, Boat Splkw, --17 tnTTuT FANCY AND STAPLE--"i?25" SlT.: mOemXMtXmM W; ,CH Wntm OLAM. Trb,, H

Hri r.w . rn... Zr r: i n i 't ZVht Utidcf ; "e olwervaut Sifflcw oommanding the detachment an Th.uroat Brcai aa. (iARDEN SEEDS, ThSfS! TIT?V iTrOOTaG iBHBf tV.wlU SeU Fall and Winter Good. LOW. TbJJ iSiVhS1- - lWJJJa,S ltt"tte 6w Fssd HaH - --T --- T- CultT, Belting aft Parkins J-S"- .'!,MrTrHKLi.. l- - h H1"Te"ir terry a mrt. .. cag.aaH beert m lr;.uT PSaeri into tl e rtT of Union caliber, who, bavrUtf apSBt MJm 0" . I. now open and runnlnatwo dally fut ex- - an w"1 Pnoil ih.twe iv nomtton m mVllu,l"'u"l th9 "F1H aw T.ruw odwr!ueieai Muf h paid r J t".,', Tll Slate I the vain effort to impose ihemsclvcs You will at on.-- c relieve the civil an- - jo, Ti xz. K,rm,-r;- 01 WhelanAOo. pre., train. fr,.m liiirlnaati to New York and Horse Powers our own atc-mu- toy piacingour-a- .a en- - lure., SaJ r4ww hr IIw SSSST I im VI .EVP tATtl.v alailalH wtl?'J; 'lagaS. iff,1 Zn we shoulTh." thi'mSlT "' as unt l"''. Sytoo rewfd by ,n te the murder of a color-- g1 i.T'TlT'L! Mowing and Thraliing .i'..H n-- 1 tTilitM nrr rl In tin l.T'l!,'' '..-- I 11 -

" ' -- ' ' "" "' "'" ' f"-"- 1' """"""'"" or near the line, of Elegant Palace Wleeplug Can, .11 AT A r 'Beati and New York. It. P. llmr .,, ,, P:'.m'TJ TTTo'inCndS - aHwaiy.wtjMffpjgu ....try this county, and pla.e him iu confine-- . MONROE, SMALTZ & C0n u? ta'daiiMiX 'iL'S'Sf MINES, --iiiJiL. rn, rnX 'Xa SuTISS? r L- - rt H

P - r irl',,;; ' 5 r"! oxta east mad r,ous,. l?ffla3s?waafeiJ5,wrr 'who - .;;!o -- .MrT Kr. ,MMuisn "ZZSZTZ iwmj.n p.h.draCo.. boots, mhoes. hats a ca.B the Romans,

sallowed I vufu- - Tlie civil au- - JSUUlb dC SttOJb&K Tickets eau U ut a..d i, cbefSS No. STRKKT. .Park Row. .few York.v xk, ' ,a' " r 'n conquered lands, nusexl "r;J ttironsh at all principal Hnnthwmtern aronaelet. :EW oBHAJHnever, even .I.orities of the nerson of James Poor ivu.laHft-- - ltagwWhe public buildings, in- - .:., f ,r:Ilm,ih- - (enmla ion too thoroughly, and the will of th( K.ir fnrtber iaJormatleo and tlekaS JH..H rludiui: the Canitol, amat " "

,fCl Ti l"r,i ,7T.T, tru!v. l.nai ami puuloti.' ma.ves is ai- - 1" I him under a guard of colored o. 501 Market SI reet, apply u. uauisy HAiwfTAj), nor Sm MEjlPiiw. TFNNiwsfiK. Tii. .. Bobmn t Co., J-- m

affaflffst ciasse .lir - lr.Miiw, and in a few moments he was on Agent Ill.i'en. Railroad ii su.-et- , Al-- j fl..tibial I'fe is.i.v iAamoei.sk the .loor-- le.i ..n-- .uerera. bat ara of the rhoel of Tfa- - iPwr" rreaaeoye, aetr in (, Netaon Ho 'ar as tam PHILADELPHIA, PA., or to & h. hyi.not.in. fldlTAN VkPWVUV ' H3 second ..treet. mrmpuia ifl" n'PhBS of befbre the termiiiatioiidanger ending Agent 3ihko and st. i.;,i, tuitroad, no. u OOlLiJlaUi)BBB edtotkoawto Whoeathe Invitati.o- - had ' TkTh.3UraJil. .f "a "lF txMWI HanOS they personal conduct of Capt Coodloe and (Continue linan. at the old iajid ofllonroe Madiasa aUeet, Mempula, Tenu. Or CottOll Facto "kBoftrtllpen Mid Jobbers ef katalH lli ii " ii

mtrton. i ho officer (oiumandlng the detachmetit malu, and invite di.i.ii'.i. .f liu; ers io 8!I)NrETtiOOK. -- aieu

,;;f spnngstociL, Memphis & ohio railroad ,.,,07 READY wade clothino,bH iSi 3S "rirdlfJwrTJ TaZZST their ! niewNeg of,,. u..-.u.uiKin- ni. MAeiSnyBSTb.H..i-- Sto; .il,.ni 'pohim iuieiitSd con S ..: , i y ;la n- -. ' th." case w this : A white man is ar-- We mi uHUERB with dUpstch and fidelity. Wmrajl X . Buy Spring Cation Factorj on let Pabraarr --,,- -.. W IWIT DMlimai. BHbbbI InvitSon htwl been extended, wh.. were g?lwM' ve tjmlam,e (lf ,,,,..,.,(,, rested upon the charge of having kllle. If OFCICE op OEN b buperintendrst.) Febrnarynh 'lig. m dVw--m


bbIbH condnetna ba aeaa aaaigi.c-- to IWtn. i UUf which 's''-- the close of the first week of the a "egn. man, and brought before the. drU Mifuh. February imh. im. j T8 Hitnated in the southern ilorderof TUho-- . bbIInf rl,. AllbLI The Pnealdent of the ni:.-.- iU" ,K ?,",, "nd present I have at auti.orit s of the Htate for trial. Whilst t 1. 31 ( V --A. L . 4liTiii.Ura toPaiMn""" """" of lo' " a..Aajw. iou.u., - --a, " "" w 10 alH1 fn.nt of ,!,.- - -- . -.-. JTLtdT fy two ho.s a half o m lielbreen thaTnennradeka lntoehof..'he Sheritr and m the Police 10 Shippers Of I MhU un";" l' ' J"""-"- - AUUA tt0 MALrNO-L1A- - ilBLaK the Chief Juatiee an. vo,; to uuneous

the rtth would be ad- - presence "i the Court, he , by order t JOS. 8. LEVETT. L rt) Mays, Allen Jt Latv, WHO Ml HALE K I T EBBBaH ih, r,s rf s r- - ii "1"'r" l'liu" , 1? ' mittai at anw rate not until altar' aU Cie naedmen's Bureau, taken from the section of Land, covered wttb pine timber. A toilet delight t Ties ladles' and BaaaalBaaaaai . aii.iio-r- ', If'1 '"v'd I HPACIOOB WftOi.K- - One Large I mine Ilwa, by u ' gentlemen'. boTm! Tha Uubc7 BBaaS(eet,v a. ,..vi.l MUMl ,,..s an d nt to Camn Wl- - Wbelelal and BbtaU aidBBbIH " TT, to fa efclBlIr Eveiy sentenaaaf at I a th tegadatlou on the siiojeei -- t SAldi D RETAIL W.UlEKtKJilS, THE Meraphi. and Ohio Railroad 1, now re- - ' SLJ"" quantity. manufaord ir?S. h At Plioea eompeUna with E.VJfTER" 5tAE- - 1Baslaai the t . the auditorv men- - " Uich might be deemed nece- - '.n, ainilitarj wt, and eeutualt to be , "ln"" Humboldt lor tfce iran.portation n? ff!""' fi1IK. 'tberu Magnoii Vnmi for batbm tba taea KETBL

Ike beads of Bepartmenik w r. .ho! - ,m

r-...n li -- "ry to the comiort and Weil Wiuk of nod by a military commission. Mr. a-- Wa,n "VJeTrff'riv OaSKSSS BtaffiSSorrahoa UTOCGrS, t SCtOrS, sanat.aaandaaeanaa,, p.rti Pnrrt Oood. from ua. wia has, .1iN' r h!"' ': m ' ! steal ljiT th 1885 3aaaaaaaaal u;de.l aeatt near Vhe ? ,1 '"" '". " rW .I,'";.w" 111 lk' " Wl" u "w' ' l""' - .iKUteLiSd,'' Sa kl Unna I :tigof our

BLH President, ok the fcft of ftkiikel. 1 tvt -'r- ed-over the President's veto if '"el nile.i States, nor was Uie murdered men, of Two .uoieaou. ior o,rativc., paag. ' COMMISSION iSERCHANTS, " "JSr" t odor of pataan.Meaf. Of the aaavv aG;' F.mV'To,.. tn !. remove, redne- -. urn. blotchy etc. RETAIL DEPARTMENT aHn army "!' the authorities 111 UtO Mn U DnUUIinO This fXHBpuy HT i'2SJ wntehJda.'lmL L '.;"!" tl". ircumstanees. that they military any way, nor Agfs at all Station. u mmmm u latm.

.noersn-e- d seats , iigjedic! I;e admitted indiscriminate; STthe JSHerie'

H.r.r'J.m.nn . ; HadOtO.. Wba-M- Ut. FUy and Plautatlon Supplier Jg .de..o-heo- . OMM ra. HBBBBBBBal Supreme Cour on the nght of the .p.ak-- ! withdrew when I eimes-- d.-- gallon are ai! loyal men, !'r an can be suited at a glance ui our atoe. If "ad f onneeUatHamboldl with Mobile one Saw Mtli with Vo. .'.' flf Strert 11 a subdued land laaUng term of all Goods, and wh:-- h - the .rren BBBBBaler'stable . -- ".eh with an individual reeord to ewdusive jurisdiction 01 the military wean a Utile abova onr eotniMtliora. a reduc- - and Ohio Rall.d f.r t'orlnth. Jackson. Wn- - Bssldes Owellin. Hoik Htoldes Ths ate. i It eoras nrasqo.lo Mteaand slTnga .rf laaasta ""Jf ' ,,WHl 'LALE ..a . -

bbbbbbbI ri n 'h' ' o .r.ler. admission was not authorities Mr. Poor had been a soldier '"n l Ti:N ITIU rnt. win reduce us to a i . Oily, coiomlaw. Padneal.. and all with the F.oesi Waier P..war lu tht .stlteot' Gayw Ji'or!;, MEMPHIS, TEXX. --':uui tajaitoua to the akla. U--h all. oaktra purdiaa.ua bbbbbbIPrewentatives seats on xfr. anhlirne, of Illinois, offered S "1 ir of the fnite.1 1bwL Bemember and examine fur yrmrsalvea StaUoi.s on that Hinal ; at Hlg HaUiiie Kail- - MlvjlvUtipl ; and i Aeueaaas aad atnaara. "w6ataBBBBB1 either side of the nail, in tlw rear of those waa adooted. onlv consistent with sound poUcy, but u Uie army States, but had jos. n. leVktt. "'ad Brldae tor UoUvar and all laudlnga ..n the WaeSaaaiiS levir i ,lli,

f0Khrnoiet.aoiicito,i ml,urdi.n " what every lady aaoedd have. HoMesSry. WALEEB Btton a i ,. .H...H invi-ed- . K.rrows of seats on either -- ids u" 1 Z'nls of t B

Ti?.. oeiuanded bv every eonsideratam of 'f J atter three years service honorably Next door to Mcivimbsa Co.'sllardware House, "ig Hatcnto River. riiaaV!,e JEJH p M .tea Oar aMdiaa. (alaHBBH of the mam ai-- - fr Senators in a.!.- :-g ri constitutional 'Hsehlirgetl. Memphis. m, lsat JauSOlm 1) feet high, of aoU.i rock. Ihe bed or itto.n a. a snuthwick is with this house, sod asks water aiteraard

iarfoniryt or toilet ygrr -- Xr ImmmMLbbbbbbS .tuusV i Bauer..!'. .0. t11eappr.1pr.ate theii U also aotld rock; la tact it is a solid rock canal, j hie friends to call thorr, r.ii ;m i Jllat Llls.il. BBM

BBBBBB tion to thtv mentioned, -.-

idresa delivsred by him on the hfe and luamj , auu tne prospects 01 w-- av JIumnhrevs " FfPlPnt. Tminu Pun Ptrnrtr ' ''rive foPr to ten thimaanii OEMASTrr;. . -- KfAbraham Lmcolnarequene cim- lZdZ red irZV AXES, LIQUORS, ETC. DZJ gjjg in a healthy locahty. w.th good road. Uowardf FreMton 4 Barrett S.!?;.,. Hfh.copyofthe-ai- : rU fheirn ThU Company la prepared to SSS O O T T O M ' lHand Oeonretown, the Chief J a d 1 rv.nTnrrM fresh courage to the Itadical element V cnargen Having been broken l:p .,v the 1 om- - bbbbbbI

bbbbbbbI TiHmTVTrri i .rr, nf ri.imT .Td The t h.airman of t.ie Joint hnmaof aarlw roago- - erof three negroea near Monticello, Al( T V 1X11T T tin, rJio --aud- WJ HAVi! had ENwl'iH .

Huial;" i oa Memorial Exer-is- e were, hr.s-t.-- TnSlra l.awr.-n.-- county laatjanuarv. ' Transport AU Freight Offered Them EmM prefer to alii onffiriSeris ISikX TOBACCO FACTORS, wi ntu SS IIf! ..bbbbIn t 1. let Justices and l..e neads ot ci.mm ui...a;-!.-M- i' . iian.T.i: the lore- - ' on in U) t((1 lnvw,twl , i:mm aad if de-- Havk RtI.1T, ; BaaaaanBBhH - Departments, and others. m mnawar It ls a gr.-a- i 111 101 lime to the people of T.AnP RI T A II Mnsl wUl remain and superintend the me: Ma a) Ma, bbBBBbbbbbbV b EetiL-Oe- iirant entered the rh',;, 'nd o tJ --akie u. Tennessee and the friends of liberality . AjVj-XhX- . . a--a 11 Frcghi toJ.end Trains on ;;r wiU give it up to the i.ty purcudngute j BHery arith ladies he was greeted , hranr .' justice everywhere. !,e deprived of FOUNDRIES. ux or oh.oaurd. a sp.endid opening tor cauiu. to n.caWa..N wl go Bt?BtgSBbBBBBbI apr4an. The House then adiourned. the laoors and influen.-- here of such y WOULD respectfully call the attention ol on .'ourt street. "a p7 jVfErt, ' 'nvestui the lat National Itsuk. New orlea.... La. . '. P. WE Do Boej ."

The armv and r.avv officers were in T" to tleir ,Jlen Patterson, fowler. Maynard. A Merchants and Dealers, that I am weekly tell 2w General supenr.tendent. , orn-- . I.s.. ashler KirslNalkal Hank. Men aBBBBnuniform.. The dipMnatic corps ap- - ."aS . UNION IRON WOBXB ISSSfSfi'! "IhoTbTIVTI. Hneht Water Power in Ihf hOUllh TO MAK MONEY.

bHbbbbbI cilueaa dreea. luen hk' themselves who sit with folded TO makk money. bbbbbbbIpeare-- j in - ten Hear, I can v-- -.. ;Horne waa called tn order at Sll mIM handa, awattingjwgjni. I tr)mw- - an- d- ' B "BDt 06383 r,Jp-- " r. axxiaaa TOMiot mone,.

nrayvS'.vn TTiklrt efS.C Kerxnett Ale and Porter, C01T0N SHIPPERS! SMft 8. M. WEBB & CO., MAGNOLIA BALM M,maH HI HSrTr1" '"toih'eim- - MACHINE SHOP, rnl up in half bam-l- All of which 1 warrant COtton Factor e'dgete a- T-i SffiBV Bancroft, be printed for the use of Uie "11'""1 u, keep sweet in this donate tor months. f n t 'ouud oninai.emiat all tlmej. banal faceand hanX.niari;: SB M alnlhi acknowledgements nr lOe 1nv1tal1.11 - , Almost an endless variety of proposi- - lalao have for w' ' --Ajtd- -1- 1 eaut& imparting tne marble punty fBBBalfl tlJ-itS- W SSt pS-aftS-g -s-3Wra. IBsrifeHaS43 BrSlS-- -- iOonuniion Merd:SSHH2EiS3awSBbbb1 beaith fbmade h: attendance on ..Knve mentioned wih reference to tJ.e "mate tound street. Front Street leaving th. complexion ireah. transparent and bbbbbbbbI

bbbbbbbI ng national remoniea. Tiie ZZZ,.,Iw2t S.tarFiMto asil TL-i- - one or the other Houses of Congress, and JUlllill.l aSc Gr lmn. l01 B Lihrary Building, near Post office roitlsflF-iss-r- rnTTn, " ' ootii 11 contain aouiaterial injurious to bbbbbbbbIaBBBBBBaB Cabinet- - Mr --ewari ;.o.e p

have beenr mw copy. JaeS Schttuel, Between JeDamin and Adama, tjeekm. Patron laad by Actress and Opera m? SHAVH 3 CLOSE. BBBBBalme sousw.reeacepung osentative Washbnru. Chairmen of tr.p ery tiireaiening It !s wuat every iady should have WE sH.irE Co3E. nnnBBBBBaaal pre- - wnit leai-ne- .loulitiess nKeii.leu to nunni-'- nvl sm f rjr.T.V. Holo every where, lleiail l.nre, its E sHtva it BBBBBBBBI

bbB Senator Do,,:- kteorar J ZllT (80oceor to Watt c. Baanrom,) TQ TU C T D I J C lTrMZ Dealers m "TaJfor-n,- - 1the day to a seat at tne tain.- - . f the 4, . Pnnident to the negro del- - i II L Ml H t I ! 11 c,. m. W''; rW"' formeriy ,,f Auguata, - WTf. t.vrr vn Riag-- BHBBasH Clerk ot the House. When th Seng- - I infer that he hi 0t Would Inform tha """" OtOTeS, linWare. tliailtalS. G.; Geo. P Kootes. Late of Oordoa AtaJaAS BAR1TBS A CO., WE T AKE BaaH

tors. tent and bis Cabinet- - and . - materjiLfiy ftiahtened. and that the keek I KSJftJLSS. jggghfeet 'StSSIholu .'i 50 rr bale.,uk nt. W Mo. new Tone wk TAJsg jg Slag:lH supreme c " niVniE 'wvrni oi-nas- a

' i.id schemes of Uie radicals to drive h;.u . i.nh..n V;'inXI? lSS, htn onle"l- - n,w - Crates, Catting., and iUlite, Kerr & Mootes, Jl - ....

th on the floor ms to their fee: and v Hts.i. .:s(M grn om the position in which sense of ':aa of turn bni flrat-ela- ss WHISKY! samples Patches 2- - V " ( " ly ' m. wb rxsyor ArToRB rr. H9IB -. House Frni8hin (8,1" ,1.... most ar.ient i.ieu.i oi uib ret.rg.iiii- -

New Bagging to whule " f.fneral ComiTll?sion Hit Forward i BBn9cover Bale. 2 W , tigi 1. 1. ,h. Bemsr-si- w Urtia' - ,,n,.v otil.i - And Manufacturers of"inn mr lmy'T v. t,--Hi v3tT.. tefe.- - WHISKY! Sl, Mt h m ( fe, vas: iJ'a 5!ISi?H HHon. La: tili.nhier is ik--. '( views of the President have as yet been rr o -i .ns. etc., etc., solicited, and fl orders UmW HbHtiBBt iV.-Th-e Anciente offam- - P'k-l''lo- their fim UCh SurP drht SIIHs ASmmtCPS TO TT --XT fSOUTfl-WESTER- l. flAfRESS CO. NO 821 MAIN STREET, promptly !T.inH many, in pursuance of its tim- - h.-- r"7 apparently hesitating to pi- e- an W All? A, I . Memphis, . . . Tenarossee or. Jons, u sArraan. TnTLOR M EWEH DUKE & CO. wrrit


m all HrcSt Hustalms, will celebrate the battle of New iK which may prannftato a ruptnre always on hawd. NoUoo to Merchante. with small kSpene.H reoed this angost asaeni' atTaaamanyl between the administration and the na-j-ot. Wor proapUy attended to. H

:,. y Lt:)j. M.,,;,ia..-- . J.iu-.i:ir- e,i,t. eigh-- ruling party in Congress. Hut its .he snspiantatlon and Steamboat repai-sw-- Pir 500 BBLS Unlfk Time and Low Tariff. iOottOXX Paotors in we watth THE MARKETH 11. t.eu hundi-e- ami si:v-i,at.-ixo-- yesterday nahk executed. .n, 4TT T ?i Tl ft Si I' --"- wi watch thb sakkct. HU '

. rfi.A.n. VoH2f no.Tow Order your Good, from New York by A I til I Uil. LAlllhO' ' CoiUmirXSiort MeivhlUl tH. JJ R Y GOODS YK WATCH THE MARKI.r.plee her It Is not unreasonable to infer a HSince the of the society I meWtree, fliTR flWW PPfTTPTPH am . hat whatever elermiued nTTTPeT A A W T?nnTiiTfV " AliUJN 'iUt-netU- rn kspreii Compuny. I J Jefferson strret, f we wnrDT toi-- e intbbbbA- -. MH uda whieh had so hal, th.rse events in the iilam will e. .e made, and all parties "UAUIirlOrl Tt rUUilXAX CET TH 5 BEST. Commemial HoteL BOOT- - tND SOOEB, we srnif wrs ("SJg Hlong hung heu. . over our hislorv of 011- - countrv w'i'.-- aiomatc wiU have an Oliaortiini'. v ol i inining aan We offl-- r unsurpassed factllties forregnlarand sWAre prepared to make Liberal Advaneea W E ail DT - ol B H

ihrief ;,, r,r,n; f or ami ...eir recourse o. a.,...,,. TTArlB"m ,.r.oAaoa. ,. e,obeT nS jnwptg-- - gL ftWC RRflflERTr.!, HH P ..UK.ii-m-.uil- i,- ..ngUu-- tlie.r dev,,ii..n to our L''a.rious The h n s Bureau Hill, ;iit-- o- UCmvrS messengers.aud we guarantv ss nlficK SS 'm HKVl-Hls- . rK.x.veaaKK vliUini-sIT- , f WB s-r- OUB own tooH shine gladdened the eye-a- nd heart.-- ..f ,.,, 'iu.-e- by Mr. I -- . h. an. I pa---- .i bv HMK la transit, as any other reliable 1 11 TJ33jF'' i we aniDT oub owit mo' Bi;,. .!:s., t;;;.;,';,,;.,,ri: hi. ., ,.., .. E. Rmulfe & Co., C. H. Ebbert & Co., ss& mtxhuyh, Wllmer&Vo.. nn.-a.n- n.

BBB great victorv which saved our south wen-- with sliulit modiflcaUons ; but as it is. desiring go.-- is thipped i.y ...ir line, J,J7!mit8$' w ir . . ,n vir aJIBBBi The hearts of the dt v.... and plunder. elhmed tBt the fIMLBt d fl Other ll!!lrsl IVIuchestir Sis.. Wholesale Dealer. In i: pi.ase ,.;t.-- ..rden. to tbat ea.-- t to than tALr e KFFr Bal'iundre.1 rUes reganle Bnrenu l n,e form muLmm' 0UMioiiUm1 Pktata Fsllj Supplies, wl ,U

God of hatties and of natie,ns that the Und twelve In a Btial to" tha C0er protoctian ot MlI I1D DOytM,, , ,


,1(11 ORS. duval HE rr Agents. OUI NEW il.TrlT ForthsieofbbLB rebellion i The nent civil strife has given rfee to the freedgesn far some flme I Kne, it is .0 f Caning and 0 '

office No. 42 Madison s, Memphis. Tenn., FOR wee. . waiKRALLT, wb deliver what yof mn BHB . in the opiswing geeonsol presumed that U10 material unlargement aiacnie aorAa- - No. B Broadway, New York. TTTQ1rrT"t otton, Ifibacro, Etc.. and for the Por- - wb Deuveb what yoc buy. tMH aphetu-t- iy crushed ahd our country ,jUr Cnion which are desi toe "f the powers of that Bureau will not a- wuim id to Railroad. eHeamboat j feb-l- chase of Merchandise WB DELIVER what YOU aU'i H

::t:f I;Ui. aSSSa .o. Rectifyers of Whisky, adiS Raiinntd. "Ench elastic spring, A!, At. tb; an.I L. T.l.

roKMm,AiP5- S-BH .u.er important ren.a.n as 77l ZTT. To Seroni Strert Tll6 wlTatet DlSPOVerj .. II I l PVK MUTUAL PBOPIT'rf5f ldic'Uour' -,r to at, yet in abeyance, no: rapronnd ' Of b. age. and th. tatct mven.10. of the White Lahor for the South, Commission MerchantsH rT-dd-ent, to a vote, in their original form, in more practical CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'argest manufacturers of Cnnoune in the! HlBlH and bon.ired a- - were, y can ever dim, nod which than one branch of Coimn-ss- . LOCKSMITH SAFE MAKER. World. The Vo. 40 md 4'i Bromhrny, wp HbbbB ; ' - reunited brethren iu portion of K'v-- it the franchise bill for the Distri.-- t FlirtPrS & ",d "r wkdnwdaj me sth instant CROWN SKIRTS Xo-- York for the SALE op WEsEFK ToCR tRaiu . BHml any, had be foolly murdered ur can cele&ate with of Columbia mav now be regarded as MACHINIST, "",.., tut aims,roadannates

will runion the


as follows.nail- - Havercpa So-- r u, mwm L ., ,, , , , ..HH haereetr".T'' ''. j -'-- I'.r.;-i.- ref-- ASD QENK&AI UtOlT WORKKR, JUST RECEIVED. rv WE opTKH PTXL LINSBLO V T TA! us Hpirtt, and with a promi foordial irenee to that mBnre In hh. q 1 of No. in jairewon nt. Between Third and Eastward Trains. iSSSttt "y1.ine ieu ib-o-?i,V ,.-- . : f "rai.am l. Hughes, uteot ml" lu. - wk JHbbbbI rur- - W tr --arris from extreme Joy to welte, that the Sons of Tarn vesterday, and an attempt mav made Fourth streets. .70 bankets fflne, Piprr Heidslrli. -- yZi shirt ,mped Viib a. hown up lew im Wn mm PBLA. ndg

BbbI profound sorrow was never more si.i.I.ii Mt.. v.,u avoid that issue by abolishing the rau- - Ia-- it. aP.a' P"'"' . 50 do- - (liarles lleidslrk. Leave Memphis at MO p.m the band. None are genuine without if --Aim- BHand universal. Had it been pttesubie f. llun of the great victor, . then, liciindffoven t entirely and pi. .Z!:: 4j bOxeaC.plw r.rre. jjSSS tmti??9ZZ' T-- n - COUNTRY PRODUCE. PV ooow AND shobh.V a stranger l.norant of the truth to have j,er wb., tiUed the world With the feme the rulinc power in tb fcMd. f m- - l8" amanlike manner. Casks Rngllsh ami Hdlnbarr Ale SDd Arrive at Decatur i.m No.5 lommercial Street DKH lis a.m. -- HolA HBBaai toeked oeer the la, he would have op-- of Jaerican vaku-- , and devoted hh. ub- - I miirsion, t.. bv the President, w?t,?i!nV.TJ!4 - m'"Ti !" Porter, pts. and .Is. Arrive at stcvems.u -- tua BOULEVARD

dky oooin and sHobs. Biposed tiun there had come upon us som -j fel.. .j... .talisUrieiit and with the advice and oonseol i 10 qo.rttT casks Sherry. T. A. 4k Jf. Andernon, L

s ,,f :!,e Almfehtv. no leas dr.a.i-- . ....... ..!!,!1,ut...,M.l hts-r- . v. We ha v.. ii.e Senate, --a pro,Kl tion to that .licet WESTERN FOU7nTRV 10 "narter rlw,t 5,elr- -Wo.tward Trains. S5i,lZ!!!v Eo. ''r street. fPBT OflODB EWTSB. 1 1. rTHIN.. an;. HATS.

M .nan that which fell on an-ie- nt the h. r ... u. v,)Ur j,, , baping already been introduced into the 0 oclatos Pinnt-t- , tastllllon d Ol.rd Leave, Stevenson... BMaja !nl.;gl.t"re.nX NW ORLEANS, LA (Old Standi 2B Main iEreat. cTH nc n IvSBBEH Egypt-- After being gazed upon by jobn T HofTman, Aagnat Belaont, House. 4 Kr.'tndtrs. Arrive at Decatur 30 pm the Antilles it la hailed wuh .iiis'.t. Mod lar- - T. A. AntJerMnt A Co., ssuua.mo,uihi.i unrn , HBBBBi :ads of living under the dome 1ri. Chrm,i.!r which his of hit..' --Aim- .- P s rure Hnllnnd bin. Arrive at Connth 1:24 a.m ther and farther oa towards the Southern Hem- - No. Mo Front street, BBBBBBB'fTZ. .' . John o. Arrive at Orand JuucUou .'.:: the echo comes i..r loa HVsn naiioj. Upere calling W,."" St st, -- ppMBB inieent Caplu.i l li'rT.s. amused all who have a sense of the !u- - 3aX-l.Ol.l-

XO Sbop I pipes Pure Hwan bin. Arrive at Memphis mm BnTTTlPVA.rimmphib.t.nn.

aortWnlYANKEE n..t.,,ns. Ltc.

BBH of oar neslllent were borne m well developed, bv its gigantic ;0 cases I uraroa. flOTTfiV Pi TTARS ! YANKEE NOTI" 'N K',H na ,usjh our cities, towns and j a. . n. i..r. ,flbrfet cam- - the organization poi- - 25 cases Annisette. The Connection by this) Ronte Ladies of Amend it is a talisman! lu miJJJ icy of the President 2- cases Masf bin., nod nroyii nevJ'srTi. oft Axes, Plows, Etc. bbHi:Rur-.- n, on one shotder, Absynth. oiVawastabbbLI - t ..a.-- . ..f profound and hear.. ;.,..,';., Staren A Co., "m- - A- - ROBINSON A CO 11) rases hunshine Wine. Complete. ee.wiu5ld- u2? .. A? whSlkSale SixuSivS.: 1..9B f.lt grief, to their flu. - j wah."i VJVs- "ilier, pubi,eh. the sivse-- h of the Pree-- 5 bbls. Apple Brandy, warraott. ill tII Da1I ln ft .T1CIVC BOCI.EVAKD. ommliesioii .vierrlinnta. at wholesale xclSivly. Bfl

BbbB i.e caplUI! of his ow-- n s..ate J here be : . -;, dent without Bote or nnBIBIBBt, bat years Hid. ALL n.ilL A.ill .111 A1A.1.1H, and lha CoasIgnmenU solicited to aU the above DOZEN BEST t.E!. iBBBai ' rly. embalmed ta the tear. . rn A Enanaanjjlnof Quinby Robinson, III rasks Irish and Scotch Whiskies. erSa, rmm S 3.i. i. i.n27n '20 and only fob cash.

'i;h- -- ir.rr "s-ar- L .T . . Than by Any Other Route. " mabti' navruA'BBH by In is day, the Doc Tavxob, 8. r. row's issue is Uiked to with curious la-- aT Order bollrltcd from tb Trade.'i taiu inventor. a. , Bales Hay. TxTm H SiTa Peea.dea.-- s Kepi, bu Ladlta wili find the new train for l8i iS ' DnOOre UO.,bBI -- riv been seJected. Kn eminent Cit- - Exarcnva Mxjsbtos. 1 the maximum l.ren.ltl. hiCil the .A TrR ""spendou of bualnea for nearly no. 344 Second Street, JAS. Q. MOFFATT, s. U 1 ION 1 ACTORS, ! Bs-- t

n '"cansn.,. i:.,s Jan. i lssti. '.',' :.' riMars, we again coma beiore the pub-- Trains on the Mississippi Central Railroad V7T. - '.' JS. Sugars. .!BBEi una. 4,4.1,11' e ana ser-- ' shoulders of the Hon. Mr. r ornev are ic,s,.n -- itinga sh aref patronage in the above opposite Tin: opfr a house :oav. ..rami .luncti.n on Tuesday, Timtaday No. w. Main street, south of Union, Excelsior oMvissiov ..m, j Kbis. w htte sugars. j, i aain aempuii, ieso. ytatatatatatat

BBai vices in high and res.pos.blo public po-- r: 1 take p.eastir.- in aekm.w !!- - pbie of attaining We shall doubl'esa "fanehes ..f business in our new buildings, on and Saturday, at 2 o'clock p.m. Trimming Kmparluin, and .) lugs ( orrea. !mtA, Wh-o- pen ff ,,1 y th. tfe -- fri2Taw! MEMPHIS TENN. 2$ uMT-SI- - P- - ""! Forw;rinK Merchant!,, io claMa'rSim and . Ornca Broadway. N. Y. laaBBnR "a instructed the presenkage lu m. uuniani u. an o n.-- bel-ve-

. u the Preside, t aud ""' 1. all kinds of Castings for lalR 3m at 9 pan. and North at 8 am. Have made arrangement for the above Oooda .i"i. BiBbbH of b country to future age. ' ... ,,',., -- ' "- -- At tcat.ir rcgnlai ,.,. ion; are Awls with THOMSON, LANODON A CO., " Jn"on str"et' lag gn og Pxna, n AT WHOLESALE HBjpH . cal.icol .New Orleans. w, f w .. ( , t;vlhe aUd IJeatur for Nvtlle, Muknraandlten.ee, UP Stairs. MEMI'H.'S. TENN. la W. Mess Pork.1 " gHH

adl-A-ou-r-. Applause.) It would aTord me s.ucere gra irtea ufflcieut importonce to neAUate a U,SZKg& MISCELLANEOUS. sfsiviuson con nccUon, are made with SM. Broadway , New York. Jaa27 lm 'S ?BbbED " Ihunaott, who W sitting between Uie prices ..iall r as low as theexpense trains on the Naihviiie and Chattanooga iUii- - ASK THOMSON'S 4! BEI' lrTIAr; ',A Ten-- '

are made with FRENCH EISTIC SKIRT. ""SSnTSS, 'o I SFSLo NORTH.the ,,PPIMIMD-nMHM1M.- w . ,n!l2va.5 n Frank F,er;r.. Florence. A...1.rr.nr,o,hes,K,v.o,,-.U,.o- ,d Arm a, HrTTTTWVH dress. of the Stated, and won for himself eudu- - of toee belone .'..ooy . of tleorgia, south and North Carolina, Virginia

SADDLERY HARDWARE Darin, Allison & Co., juarvt -- . X . HThe orator -- Urn", TOSkJE LoR. M. EWEN. DUKB Ct.Wheynstly --e?p.S5S?Sf ' tick.,, and further informati.n. St:;,durwG bTtTS nndm k. aur. ttc .aSui sK-,i- -a- nd- ..J. & mason,

:rsPmgPrcet rvi,S --leLic. i. inr of event to ZJt ' ir ,T iffr j Mnph, w.ika ffglL S ;'Sfe a.n COftCh TtH TTI i TlNo. is Jeflbrson streetMemphla, Tsuaasssn 3B 3 TB Let billot reform remove the nor which, as you ,iustiy remark, reunited ,.,,., v,., im,,',','..' BBb aud G6ral Krelht and Ticket Agent ITI I gOa 4 LI.ITOE PAVI. Macmrin. -- net, New 333 SeCOnd Street.H ::VJ;;e,.fc LXLr eral Land Agents. ZUed jgji Sp Cloths,

''';";tE!;i:: ' ,,. or T7T- - -- ? 0TICK TO sHIPPEKs. WHiMfX DATOEJr. !- - fob balb bt rTrtrn1BTMpu.nurrCt i: W NOTI- - Importen and Manufacturers, " "

by --- l. . p. xan ?Co.; fj1 Tts-- a -,- - , , that of the w.s-k.n-

g class of "' "7.fi",lilt" rVJ-"- . ,' '"'"r' -- r.i...- ... .ny of the pvx. or Sale Maccabe, The MempiUS and 0Tle8t0n WMU(1 , .h.att.tlon of th. pohue to lr,r.rprP,s,, Hj ::'r-,hr..!ti:.;-


't-W"Ttl.- 3li RROa0 sorted OOTTONJACTOR8,rnMCU nd Other Buyers,.

::.. :.:;..-- : .Wv,,in !:r;rrt!!r:: UK aunsa pl,M,8ll,l,t 0,1 ' 11 1 Saddlery Hardware & Coach COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ISiWr--. mm mm mttmnmm The crator-- contrast of lUnnUm an., pmity. was ia H.ve for sale or 'SSmamtS SPt " M"' ornca. ie and : rHSSTm- -

' 'r yerF fe? ?S &. - TT" Trimmings. H111I nm-iiili--Ai

nTs-f-e FANCY GOODS.H ; of r.,i... be. , "'c Dlr-t- or. r asimply rei.tYn .racti 8ome"ine! corn aBBfHusage, T" A.!0,, ''.f,1.-'"- ' of the Memphis --Aide- sheileia. stock...e gra vs. of Wx and C1tl-- -, bu El ' ' " ASl,i.wTh-BJB-E the reason for whi.-- It a- - - d "li iS.i-

-!. jpHy 'il"-- . "at.f 't Br'"'li tM". VumwV Plain and SB-- American and .panlA(UpSUlBj MEMPHIS, TKSN. Axea, Tracer Woal and itheTw-- a. --an-

latter to I remembered through all B., JnB!5 Va Braaa, -- dn ...... saving long -- in.c pasand awy. Ph. box Kand dbu.,r ,h" m i gwddlea. W1,, ,TAYLOR, McEWEN, DUKE a CO. NonTH HHS ,,. .ylthe V...kO-,- . sa;;a,u iron safedivided into U.r REAL, -3--

TwT. ,hac-iV,-Vg--

SSTPJjmdcAul.ud Id-.'.- M-, and Boys fflSMtS aovAMm SI. . and Ad.non Sygjgg

BBBH v ' - feoelved with partmeuU, two tor - ...-- r one for P" ""o ' .'or tn. Saulsoury. Decatur Junction, Hm", HOIM and MU" acarefulwatchfulnesHof all Interesu commit- - Bii r. - ...id. It is nrcured by three Intricate ncaraa macl. wn. n. aaaro SS--B VTS --e.!?. MiddietoV. Hnmsviiie, rdiT--M ' '- -. - merit .liberai.h.n.f pub- -

3 A f XT4TF : M WlI.I.vaN Burnsvills, Bellefout., leather. Skirting, Pad Skins, etc KiS

,;snoreos re--1 sons

- ;?vv-- rwen

'U::;.:.;":.;';1':---box: "hf--

yr1",1-- ,; V,: (ha Ixjx

e . ,r--HK-"' w..H. ,.. veM""' sV&zh; k-t"---!.! w- -


Blanks nubiLiti,MAisoNt" Hand White tUrey t NORTH MCRPHYH fernng to the einati '.patioi, j.roclama- - tody of the military autorll- -s for ab..dt a ,,, U1,ui, sii.atler tuau now, and Uie rTAVE for,,fi 'args list of Valuable CITY THE MKMPHIS roiwrs ENGLISH COACH VARNISn, Lucas, TltOtnaH Jt Co.. BUaoliwl and Brown jWalia atdaaonddtna. BBH two, sdid theuttera. m Lisa-- year pass, AMgl ll with "at tainiii.- .- v often as four times in J,1 8b'BUBBANTHoPEliTY. Also. Pine ft EBt A lams stock of which may always b. firaad at lne Pi. ka?a PTii'J?" . i7Jinl V,i, Murphy John i. Paras M.lchel. 4 vear. Th'e method of examination ,s umooaf d nnu Saddle 811(1 Harness Manufactory, I slolon "' COTTON FACTORS FSSL'SaJ--

?"' "Tv,"ock HHar 22 Madison And ofH ithnunestreepon- - Lapeii u i i 1. H -- have aM follw. Street, 2--S.d 24 Ealn RlraeL Ladles' Fin. aoaka An

" "f:-i- h '";;n'rr ''H,'; The mas, of gold nd 41ver eolAS An. na, raiv,. r . jfti.ipi Cettfrol fi,. Hood, ctvcinvati 7oA!,I" ?an. d -- cu!i T T " "7" "P !

--'H " S ."if.:'"T WhilO FTAVIVJr"n''".une at the old nand. Aafollows: --LJ ' CODimiSSiOn Merchants Me".'.Pte- - --l s,or anu .a. ou-- i KUSa, baasathe luelal of eacll Ulllg A2tOE?MIS. Ilo-e- r5i,UKOlJS Com- - prepared lo furnish our old UiHttOllltiOH. WORTH , MURPHY 4 MASON'SH ctoaing her porta against the wa- r- - South, and little- - w aa known h. ie ,, , v and A customers and the public we did Bolivar, Winona. Spen. era, Tnmmlngs, etc.. esc. A.1 Jaa Straw. HHaud of the -. ir anteoedenta, Whatevel is ti.eii.tT,, (iowlman .t-- ",',,1U We ke" sntlyyon ,. v'Tn- - pHEpartners.tp heretofore existing between 5fo. 288 1-- 2 Front Street, Oenu'Unr Boots anohoTsLi... .: pu-- t nerrtll, .,rimei,t oi Haddlea, HarneBrldle HoUyjiprlncs, West' rha ..iidersigned under th. arm name styleWmwm Uie HUSSiaii .snnis... a as evt-- 1 tS JUKti !.rgo MUn ,Hlf" ingot, and n.li.si into a long and narrow Wh'P5' ' "Uais, urf?,ra: Ooodman, of John B. field Co., is this day dls,lvedi.y iaie !m MEMPMX. TKX.VKiHF.B.

r.AYLOB, McEWEN DCEEACO 1vLy-T-"' ?" I t'.'Jl to boat pia.o aoout the ukan of a shilling 38 New Street MMWWQMX, uV--IJxaf!frd.Vai,ey" llm"u'1'- -

johnb-rei- d

nn Bnn. (old nand).

.tire pfoM--ni bus,- - fr.rrh1:;,at;.:,,!i!: s ASO-sitsfi--'r

.nrri'j;e- - safir M.ph.Tm . - notions, HMH - '''VTolZ ..no ',7'r un.n TtedV ''t I: tie fixed in hot i:'1 i--

f1"1-A '.VOV ,;' 2m'T 1--


agen,whlch necessitate,- - p-- JJ??o HIDES. Baanrsa.a. mrHTdMM. Ilimni atreat. H- rog-- vaoU) to extract and dissolve the SnS. iU Sif. ' ""tff MnUnuie Lavlnge of . b.iu frht Vorluch pelMem t'OTTOX A.HD TOBACCO P1CT6K. AJID ). , Bmm ,,n the very int. rees of tha luvestiea ullnv Th line , .1.1 an.) .11. remain Freight for points on .Miaus-p- pi ( eutral Rail- - i.w r I K.Tt. Itouz.-- i I. IM. 9MMMMMMM

mf ,ttT I b Going to Pari, for new Oooda She haa road, goe. through without of deneraU omniisslon t rrnanis,. Wryl iiT change atand those, of car. a.h.le OOiana men, n nera, tliA ery dMHrinui inK 1. accurately determined, and viaoi. v. Mooaa ';" m t Hair and many Fancy Aruc- l- at greaUy aran.fJcncUon. TTAVINO purchased the entire stock of John i South Main Street, (Merchants' Exchange Dried Apple Featb.ra BIT-IM-S & VlLESS TRI IlB who served our cause a seWlafS, bo' n for t he charges on w h ich the Pro-- thus the all.. v in tlx,- whole coinage ha reduced j.rices. to close out her present stock .lopping to points on Mobile and Ohio M b. lie id A Co., No l second street, Adams Block,. Jeans, Socks. niw

--.I.ln.H itshould be done bv the .tales them - .w til to older r- trial is 0011- - XTnttre Whim. .1.1 t. Sili.? .r,"'-0- 1; hr ?.ew bade tviaOnlh, must arrange lo receive and Block, will conunue the Wholeaale Hry uoods an LOUIS, Mo. Daer Aklns, dry. Cotton Basketa. Al HOBTH. MCRPHY a MASON'S.

- -- ' Bayner, Kngerhntt SS-W2-

ias .?tcC l--tf SS!S?SSa LM

was greeted With appiau-e- .am. ol Tne iu.vmg 8608 711. M JmM WSKMi, nTTTr o,'Uur-n8-

fJ S?Wp!li. rat-- toV to"v"rR!f.rbrsr J5-rFJ-


TAYLOA MoEWEE. DUKE oa ts- -as was also tlie remark that la aopoint- - a - ; !. party wi... 111,1 .uvolved .itaeased the proceee, take ,.u-- i johs oxobgk, -r- son a Bro, Agenu Memphis and (.arlon nova XET"F E-- T Jb-JH-tL . Hiy the bead of r.1.::.' ''1.'.'.'..''-".- ' TITUS' WAREHOUSE MnSSS.,! am. a Bnwnw. ti'-- SaWL'Mt. CottOD Fftttor ftlld tomnilSSiOB CWTTOxl Jcuphy HRH Hi wogesofef avnatag. in th Goidssntth onl., foot w annni Mo.aatladO. a ""Eth, amasaintExchange st.H Many eyes were at U point dn ecu-- , rson, bookkeeper for hm. The ttBie hd been when all ' ' XOUIUJ, MOOre dt Co., Referring to the above card we return nacere Mopehnnl r r totton shipped ten. m good boat.

second m. mmagainatfeen. (.ranL X? tfer h w" '"" cumbrous prexrauaon had some show of MEMPHIS, -- -- TENNESSEE. IMPORTERS A MAN.FACT TJRERS HSlSlPPl 4 Tennessee ilailroad. route.Uln. .n A

i -"' : SfcSSS -"- --- '

--soemro-- "gs--Mk-jaw- g "

.urheststa- - Secretary ol Wa- r- to --sc.. aliy U.-iiiu'--

Sth leouired of the jouii.evmau PHIhAEPMIA. 0ENCIE8 have been established at WANTED, Good Salesmea la every townla . !H lion, t his Ctne by in vojving b employer thisYallobusha c. Mi. Particular attanuon paid to lha ailing of or-- A Phis, Hernando, ciawster. Como,sar- -i,

y the s..th lor our New and proved WOTICE. Aipl-i-W-.. Hof ixuunn - home- -observance as. 1. sa.xkb for, ,"'.u,tn ..' which TTVril1tnndtLLl--- Memphis, Tenn. dan. ja5 ,1m Rilesvillc, Oakland and Oreuada, to which srtlel. of BMlag, prepared ready HK ah, --1,;1.TVV as the national III asuspiuon 7 he dial, l P. have for wia. No. 17 Maiiso "r,.? l-l-Ai xU kSJMD BY-I-.W- S aathn WSI not OUt qfpiOOe. custom , . , ... . . points Prelghu can he without Pn- - tue or shipmenu u 1 V TjKEHCHIEFS.

H T.-S-'n--r

--srrivJ9.- ri.:;nis: si; ""''' Aw-iee- tpi. .wsaS-HSS-CH Vi,ffi-aTi- rac ATr.T.aT. euiuci EiwooDCEir. Ha mail irenlle t.i all A. 10 u thn" a.ll.4 . J. . ... AadIalKrsin Freights aa fatt as possible, and a r --STABLtHHED w,me ees ht months ago, anH ? 1 ii , . ln,teT 1ul1 7rr,n!pr for h ha. ut out DAii.Yor th. law Seek, but AT. T.usteo Seles. Administration ,tiTi mrvti '"' ' 111 : LuiCt1' - 11. rf"1 V.11.18 m an aotoftheHrstyesrol LU V flATR RRAM FTP Cnah Capital 9230,000. -- iiii u is not sumcient to meet th. d.manda u'R have in sum, on conngnm.nt. for Sales, and oth-- r Heal Be- - notwio.luigth.w-bdmwoi.- i- !

MmW& the hnaasMSt num 1 ever knew. The I lug dated about the lime 01 tne.Closing i,,7ard ill which dir it u be done "R I , liUrin. I O, DltMn, L I L., u uh no t in which tt. receive and store V Sale V uIos tvy guard, from the gates. Pper toimrs.B habit ol LU miud were of meditation of testimouv in his , AU4 before the ";ooiin to aoeiM, r , o 'Pi... freight, andbut allnHtedsupplyulroUlngstock, 1,000 packages soond A irglnla Manufactured parties visiting tbaw grounds mod obtain a soBTH MURPHY a MA80nMn aud inward ra'lier his case oould have been iai'..i.r., ."" . 1JJ Cor. StOOUd Inlon SU.. Insuns agalnn all aeddanta wecannot do u ouj.ncs. w dch Is now oiler- - To-- co, from mwilum w lst grades. pwiailRED to - made by .w or other partlw. Permit, or otherw- l- may wlU not be admitted At ctn Hiull.odghl lLau actiou. pioosu.ug . pnor 10 thia of the nine- - mg, nUafactonly tt. ihe public. Every exertion totti poonds genuine Kllllcklnia Smoking U aia most nspaotfnlly advised to make ih.m within the lncl.wnn.H tie excelled m logical eU..iuet more I revieweu. Uciitn ultimo was in wi,. i,i,,ir, soOOO Policy one year with 6 weesiy com- - has beau and will aonunue to be made, to la- - Tobacco. Tickets be had at all times at J. C Hoist MyUyUyUyUywMM" abditv lie and flftv-fo- MEMPHIS, TENN. peusatlon-Preinlu- i... . cre-a- the amount which 1, shipped, but we lowi pound "Bob Smoking, very so perioi A I T. HE ARCADE, a Co Mdn slreei: W. .Smith CO. 'a, Mon- -

Hi.' reasoueu with a T.i'S, I'"1?'."".1 ni"l ln cannot do mon than the facilities of the Road article. As our stnsU an now too narrow for aoe- - na sina't; oweo smith, orner of Oayoao and Waal all tuam, kespa BEilBKBTOCE than HIBB ckTiy. reflecUon Juomeute-w- aa Dr Cau.-i-. Misa, was vudted . - Ba asaSs par day. PoU- - allow. Which wa will nil aslow to the trade two maaan. Looasharp: Room auough or all. uaooa-itre- M. and.ruara. a ba mund at any af ta. Boaara Cttisa or

I"01 $ purpoaes were fixed, but eonsiderabl. fall ef mow on bundav, and Appreciation of one's own jokes , , ....., . a . A. i LJVERMOBE, b. bought la Virjni freights added OATCB, HEARD CO., FamUy ticker, can bespat all tlmaa at tha y?tcyiil awdnuy mviu dOCTHB9H k th. Kaa-- et of ou); Wwlil ha. no. Pn .joying , fr,,,,- - make. on. . hom. happy. w ,-b- Ad-.e- e. , fptf$2m AAlgftS. , iw"--.- . -- -' "SfnTit. g'
