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外经贸英语口语 - 晋安区图书馆

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21 世纪高职高专新概念 ( 财经类) 系列教材 总主编 王宗湖 外经贸英语口语 刘祝明 副主编 范云霞 对外经济贸易大学出版社

21 世纪高职高专新概念 ( 财经类) 系列教材

总主编 王宗湖


主 编 刘祝明

副主编 范云霞


( 京) 新登字 182 号

图书在版编目( CIP ) 数据

外经贸英语口语 /刘祝明主编. —北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2006

( 21 世纪高职高专新概念( 财经类) 系列教材)

ISBN 7-81078-705-5

Ⅰ. 外. . . Ⅱ. 刘. . . Ⅲ. 对外贸易 - 英语 - 口语 - 高等学校: 技术学校 - 教材

Ⅳ. H319. 9

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字( 2006 ) 第 082686 号

� 2006 年 对外经济贸易大学出版社出版发行

版权所有 翻印必究


刘祝明 主编

责任编辑: 单晓晖

对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社

北京市朝阳区惠新东街 10 号 邮政编码: 100029

邮购电话: 010 - 64492338 发行部电话: 010 - 64492342

网址: http: / / www. uibep. com E-mail: uibep@126. com

唐山市润丰印务有限公司印装 新华书店北京发行所发行

成品尺寸: 185mm× 260mm 12 印张 299 千字

2006 年 8 月北京第 1 版 2006 年 8 月第 1 次印刷

ISBN 7-81078-705-5

印数: 0 001 - 5 000 册 定价: 19. 00 元


《外经贸英语口语》是一本中级口语教材, 主要对象是从事或即将从事外经贸活动的人

员。它既可以作为外经贸类专业学生的课堂口语教材, 同时为有意培养和提高外经贸英语口



本书共有二十个单元 , 内容涵盖 : 1. 迎接外商 2. 住宿与宴请 3. 安排日程 4. 观光

5. 外商辞行 6. 出国商访 7. 产品的展示与推销 8. 新老客户的询盘 9. 报盘与订货 10. 价

格、折扣与佣金 11. 品质与数量 12. 包装与商标 13. 支付 14. 运输与装运 15. 保险 16.

成交及签订合同 17、投诉与索赔 18. 仲裁 19. 代理 20. 其他贸易方式。每单元包括“背

景知识”、“情景对话”、“词汇表”“注释”、“实用句子”和“会话小贴士”, 并配有大

量练习 , 以帮助读者掌握和巩固本单元内容, 举一反三, 灵活运用。

一、背景知识 成功的口语交际不仅取决于说话者的语言基础知识, 而且还取决于说话


开始, 介绍与本单元有关的背景知识, 以利于读者对外经贸活动中相关环节有基本的认识,

真正融入语言环境, 从而进行有效的外经贸英语口语交际。

二、情景对话 选用外经贸活动中的精彩英语会话实例, 对话新颖简短, 实用性强, 易


三、词汇表 汇总对话中有关词汇, 便于读者学习与掌握。

四、注释 提供本单元中相关的关键词汇和难点的说明并举例, 为读者扫除会话的语言


五、实用句子 根据不同业务环节与交际功能列举若干实用句子, 教会读者灵活运用,


六、会话小贴士 介绍各业务环节的谈判技巧、各情景对话中有关的交际技巧及要注意

的中、西方文化差异问题, 使读者掌握成功进行外经贸英语口语会话的小秘诀。

七、练习 包括句型操练、英汉互译、情景对话、命题小演讲等。句型操练与英汉互译

目的是训练读者快速、灵巧的口语反应能力; 情景对话提供了贴近实际的场景, 要求读者开

展并完成一定的交际任务; 命题小演讲则要求读者就所给话题组织语言, 进行口头叙事、说


本书由刘祝明任主编, 范云霞任副主编。其中, 第 1、2、3 单元由吴荣希编写, 第 4、

6、7、8 单元由范云霞编写, 第 5、11、16、18 单元由刘祝明编写, 第 9、10 单元由陈淑霞

编写, 第 12、15、17 单元由卢成东编写, 第 13、14 单元由陈沧渊编写, 第 19、20 单元由


在编写过程中, 我们参考了有关专家、学者的著作论文和有关教材的内容, 在此表示


由于编者的英语水平和业务经验有限, 加上外经贸活动内容广泛, 书中难免存有疏漏和

不足, 恳请专家、同行和广大读者指正。


2006 年 6 月

21 世纪高职高专新概念 ( 财经类) 系列教材编委会

总主编: 王宗湖

副主编: 于声涛 魏 敏 鲍仕梅

编 委: ( 按姓氏笔划为序)

王 勇 马瑞萍 任继文 池小平 陈国生

严国辉 杨东进 杨振科 张 卿 武 红

庞鸿藻 姜玉霞 倪 荣 黄志平 符海菁

雷 震

总 序

当今世界, 科学技术日新月异, 知识经济初见端倪, 国力竞争日趋激烈。针对这一

知识化、信息化、全球化的时代特征, 世界各国正在酝酿进行一场深刻的教育改革, 以


随着市场经济体制的逐步完善和对外开放的不断扩大, 我国经济正逐步融入世界经

济体系之中, 而教育水平的高低与经济的发展密切相关。作为我国高等教育的全新组成

部分, 职业教育应确立怎样的培养目标来适应时代要求, 已成为人们普遍关心的问题。

教育部在关于《面向 21 世纪教育振兴行动计划》有关问题的回答中, 对高职的培养目


旨, 建立以基本素质和技术应用能力培养为主线的教学体系⋯⋯专业课应加强针对性和

实用性, 实践教学要以培养学生专业应用能力为主⋯⋯时间可占总课时数的 1 /3 以上,

至多可达 50% ⋯⋯”可见, 高等职业教育的培养目标, 主要强调能力的培养和技术的应

用, 它要求我们的教育能够不断造就基本功扎实、操作能力强, 又具有较高知识、技能


教材作为“整个教育系统的软件”, 不仅反映社会发展的要求, 同时在某种程度上

还直接决定受教育者的培养质量, 因而, 世界各国都非常注意教材的开发和建设。但目

前, 我国职业教育教学和管理模式受传统教育思想和教育模式的影响较深, 以能力为本

位的教育观念还未能在教学领域完全形成, 课程改革和教材开发还远远满足不了形势发

展对高职教育的要求。因此, 要适应 21 世纪知识经济时代发展和我国现代化建设的要

求, 高等职业教育必须加快课程体系改革和教材建设的步伐, 建立符合时代特征和具有

我国特色的职业教育新思想、新模式、新课程体系。有鉴于此, 对外经济贸易大学出版

社为适应教育发展的新形势, 并努力推动高职高专院校的教材建设, 委托我们组织全国

职业院校的教师及具有企业工作经验的业务骨干, 编写这套高职高专新概念 ( 财经类)


管理、电子商务等九大专业 76 门课程。

为使教材编写尽量适应高职教育的特点及时代发展的新要求, 我们在编写过程中,

尽可能把最新的研究成果吸收渗透到教材中来, 在内容安排、教法选择、编写体例等方

面也进行了较多的改革, 甚至是新的尝试, 使本套丛书具有以下特点:

1. 在内容安排上, 突出了“能力培养”和“创新教育”, 加大了技能训练的比重

本套丛书各册教材, 在基础理论讲授之后, 每篇均加列“技能训练”专章, 通过采

用案例分析等形式, 引导学生对本篇的重点、难点内容进行分析、讨论、练习和模拟训

练; 每章结束后针对本章重点内容设计了个案分析、关键名词、讨论与思考等项目, 以



培养”和“技能训练”等新内容, 约占整本教材篇幅的 1 /3, 基本上达到了国家对职业

教育改革的要求。这种编写体例的运用在目前经济类课程的教材中还较少见, 希望这种

新的尝试能经日后的教学实践验证, 成为一种“能力培养”和“创新教育”的有效方


2. 在编写体例上, 积极探索模块教学, 使学生容易理清教材的知识体系, 迅速系统


本套丛书各册均采用“篇、章、节”的结构, 每篇开始之前, 均有一段概括性文

字, 对本篇内容的重点与难点、目的与要求加以说明, 使学生在学习之前能对整篇主要

内容有所了解; 每章之下又提出了具体的学习目标及应掌握的难点, 以便学生明确具体

的学习任务。这样, 每篇作为教材的大模块, 包含着“章”这样的小模块, 小模块又通

过具体的学习任务的确立映衬着大模块, 既使大模块之间篇篇相连, 又与小模块环环相

扣, 组成系统的“知识链”。这种先将一本教材中的相关知识切块“溶解”, 最后又串

联起来的编写思路及形式, 符合人类的分析综合的思维特点, 有利于学生在学习过程中


3. 在教学方法上, 注意吸收国外流行的教学理念, 并尝试教学改革与教法创新

模拟教学、案例教学和启发式教学, 源于国外, 现在是我国经济专业比较流行和推

崇的教学方法。在本套教材的编写过程中, 我们注重了上述教学方法的综合运用, 旨在

增强学生主动参与意识和创新意识, 提高学习的功效。同时, 我们进一步借鉴了培养

MBA 的教学经验, 在本套教材的编写方法上尽量运用提示、启发、引导、讨论和模拟

等方法, 其目的是使学生运用所学知识在进行初步的分析、综合、比较、分类后, 达到

将知识、技能抽象概括和具体化, 提高学生灵活分析和解决问题的能力。这样, 既与国

家对高职教育培养的目标相吻合, 又适合学生的学习思维特点, 并容易激发学生的学习

兴趣, 所以, 较之传统的教学方法有了较大的改革与突破。

4. 在学科建设上, 积极探索和建立综合型、技能型、实践型的新科目

江泽民同志在第三次全国教育工作会议上指出: “职业教育和成人教育要使学生在

掌握必要的文化知识的同时, 具有熟练的职业技能和适应职业变化的能力。”可见, 现

代职业教育呼唤综合型、应用型、技能型的新学科的设立。为反映这些要求, 我们在每

个专业都增设了“综合技能训练”课程, 以此为基础编写了经济管理类各专业实践课的

应用教材。该科目在内容上以各专业的主要业务为线索, 将骨干核心课程的知识高度浓

缩、有机串联, 并将主干课中没有系统讲授而实际工作中必然牵涉到的知识纳入其中,

弥补了原来系列教材的欠缺与不足。同时, 该系列教材大量采用模拟教学和案例教学,

让学生以“业务员、经济师、总经理”的身份参与学习与训练, 独自策划交易, 进行经

济活动等, 刻意营造一种仿真情境, 让学生在“训练”中学习, 在“情景”中增长才

干和积累经验, 有效地将知识转变为专业性的技能技巧, 提高其解决和处理实际问题的

综合能力。总之, 各专业“综合技能训练”课程的设立, 是按照教育部“要多增加综合

课”的要求而设立的新型试验科目, 其主要目的是通过运用灵活有趣的模拟训练及案例

教学等方法, 启发诱导学生的立体思维, 全面提高其独立操作经济业务的综合实践能



力。鉴于是初次尝试, 希望大家多加以关注, 并提出指导性的建议。

本套丛书的编写, 得到了有关学校领导和学者、教授的大力支持, 并引用了有关作

者的部分资料, 在此一并表示谢意。

本套丛书无论从体例安排到内容设置, 从知识点的归纳到教法的运用, 都进行了大

胆探索和尝试, 意欲为我国财经类高职高专教材的编写与探索尽微薄之力, 但由于水平

有限, 疏漏和不足甚至是错误在所难免, 希望广大教师、读者多提宝贵意见, 以便日后


21 世纪高职高专新概念 ( 财经类) 系列教材编委会

2005 年 1 月


总 序

Unit 1 Meeting a For eign Business Friend ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One At the Customs ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two At the Airport ( 2)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Talking on the Way to the Hotel ( 3)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 3)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 4)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 5)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 5)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 6)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 2 Accommoda tion and Dinners ( 7)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 7)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 8)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One In the Hotel ( 8)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Dinner Party ( 8)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Business Lunch ( 9)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Supplement A Welcome Speech ( 10)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 10)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 11)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 12)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 13)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 13)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 3 Setting upon an Agenda ( 15)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 15)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 15)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Drafting an Agenda ( 15)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Discussing the Itinerary ( 16)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


Dialogue Three Inviting the Guest to Dinner ( 17)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four Arranging Recreational Activities ( 17)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 18)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 19)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 19)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 20)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 20)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 4 Sightseeing ( 22)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 22)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 22)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Planning the Sightseeing ( 22)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Climbing Gushan Mountain ( 23)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Visiting the Great Wall ( 24)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four At the Arts and Crafts Shop ( 25)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 26)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 27)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 28)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 29)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 29)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 5 Depar tu re of a Foreign Guest ( 31)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 31)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 31)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Making a Flight Reservation ( 31)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Saying Farewell ( 32)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Seeing off at the Airport ( 33)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 33)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 34)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 35)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 36)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 36)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 6 Going Abroad on Business ( 38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 39)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Advising Arrival in Advance ( 39)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Checking in the Hotel ( 39)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three A Business Call ( 40)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Dialogue Four A Barbecue Party ( 41)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Five Leaving the U. S. by Air ( 42)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 42)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 43)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 44)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 45)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 46)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 7 Presentation and Promotion of Produ cts ( 48)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 48)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 49)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One At Chicago International Home & Household Show ( 49)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Visiting a Showroom ( 49)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three A Visit to a Paper Plant ( 50)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 50)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 52)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 53)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 55)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 55)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 8 Inquir ies ( 57)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 57)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 58)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Asking for a Catalogue and a Price List ( 58)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two General Inquiries ( 58)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Specific Inquiries ( 59)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four Dealing with an Inquiry ( 60)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 60)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 61)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 63)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 64)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 64)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 9 Offer a nd Or der ( 67)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 67)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 68)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One An Offer on SONY Brand Camera ( 68)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two When Can I Have Your Firm Offer? ( 68)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Making a Trial Order ( 69)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Dialogue Four I Would Place a Large Order With You ( 69)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 69)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 70)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 72)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 73)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 74)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 10 Pr ice, Com mission and Discount ( 76)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 76)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 77)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One We Accept This Price ( 77)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Let�s Meet Each Other Half Way ( 77)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Asking for a Commission ( 78)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four Asking for a Discount ( 78)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 79)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 79)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 81)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 82)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 83)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 11 Qua lity a nd Q uantity ( 85)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 85)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 86)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One On Quality ( 86)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two On Quantity ( 86)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Sale by Sample ( 87)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four Talking about Inspection ( 88)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 88)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 89)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 90)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 91)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 92)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 12 Packing and La beling ( 95)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 95)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 95)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Consulting Packing ( 95)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Inner Packing ( 96)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Package for Shipment ( 96)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Dialogue Four Labeling ( 97)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 98)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 98)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 99)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 100)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 101)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 13 Paymen t ( 103)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 103)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 104)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Talking about the Terms of Payment ( 104)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Payment by L / C after Sight ( 105)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Opening the L /C ( 105)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 106)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 107)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 110)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 111)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 111)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 14 Tra nsportation and Shipment ( 114)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 114)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 114)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Asking for an Early Shipment ( 114)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Effecting Wrong Shipment ( 115)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Asking for Transshipment ( 116)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 117)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 118)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 121)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 122)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 123)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 15 Insur ance ( 125)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 125)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 125)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Asking What Major Categories of Risks PICC Underwrites ( 125)⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Consulting the Insurance ( 126)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Knowledge about Insurance ( 127)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 127)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 128)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Practical Sentences ( 129)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 130)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 130)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 16 Conclu sion of Business and Signin g a Contra ct ( 133)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 133)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 134)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Negotiating a Contract ( 134)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Checking the Details ( 134)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Signing a Contract ( 135)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

New Words & Expressions ( 136)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 136)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 138)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 138)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 139)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 17 Compla ints a nd Claim s ( 141)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 141)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 142)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Complaining about the Shortage of Weight ( 142)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Rejecting a Claim ( 142)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three Investigation and Compensation ( 143)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Four A Claim for Delayed Shipment ( 143)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 144)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 145)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 146)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 147)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 147)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 18 Arbitr ation ( 149)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 149)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 150)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One The Arbitration Clause ( 150)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Submitting the Case for Arbitration ( 150)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 152)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 152)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 153)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 154)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 155)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Unit 19 Agency ( 157)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 157)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 157)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Asking for Sole Agency ( 157)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two On Sole Agency ( 158)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Three On Agency Agreement ( 159)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 160)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 161)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 162)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 163)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 163)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Unit 20 Modes of Foreign Tr ade ( 164)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Background Knowledge ( 164)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Situational Dialogues ( 164)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue One Processing with Supplier�s Materials ( 164)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Dialogue Two Compensation Trade ( 165)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Words & Expressions ( 166)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Notes ( 167)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Practical Sentences ( 168)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Conversational Tips ( 168)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Exercises ( 168)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

References ( 170)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Unit 1

Meeting a Foreign Business Friend

【Tea ching Aims】

Through the study of this unit, the students will get acquainted with the procedures of the

customs and learn how to talk properly and be considerate when meeting foreign guests. The

sample dialogues will help them to make their own conversations in the given situations.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Going through the customs

2 . Recognizing and greeting a guest

3 . Being warm and considerate

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

customs and health declaration forms baggage declare receive luggage journey

sense of direction

Background Knowledge

在商务活动中, 无论是国外的客户还是合作伙伴前来洽谈, 还是有关部门前来考察, 都是

表示对你公司的兴趣和关注, 有进一步发展业务的可能。要想给客人留下良好印象, 机场接机

是较重要的第一步。着装应正式, 选择西装、套裙等, 展示公司、个人的良好形象, 这是迈向生

意成功的第一步。在介绍和问候后, 可以询问旅途状况来继续话题, 以表示对客户的关心, 拉

近双方的距离。作为接待人员, 应主动提出替客户拿行李, 使客户感受到你的热情。在去酒店

的路上, 主人可以介绍一些沿途的风景、城市的情况或变化, 不仅可以避免无话可谈的局面, 也

可加深客人对到访地的了解, 同时这也是基本的待客礼节。接待人员在将客户送到酒店后, 一

般不便上客人的房间, 以免打扰客人长途旅行后的休息和调整。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One At the Custom s

C: Customs Official B: Mr. Brown


C: May I see your passport, your customs and health declaration forms, please?

B: Yes. Here you are.

C: Thanks.

B: What�s your occupation?

C: I�m director of Jiaming International Trading Co.

B: You�re here on business, I suppose?

C: Yes. I�ve been invited to attend the Fair here.

B: How long do you expect to be staying in this country?

C: Two weeks.

B: How many pieces of baggage do you have?

C: Only these three.

B: Have you got anything to declare?

C: No. I�ve only got some clothes and things like that.

B: Okay. Here�s your passport and your customs declaration. I�ll keep your health declaration.

C: Is that all for customs formalities?

B: Yes, you may leave now. Have a pleasant stay.

Dialogue Two At the Air por t

Li Hua , who is from F ujian Textiles Import a nd Export Corpora tion, comes to meet Mr.

White at the airport.

L: Li Hua W: Mr. White

L: Excuse me, sir. but are you Mr. White from Britain by Flight 313?

W : Yes, I am.

L: Please allow me to introduce myself first. I�m Li Hua from Fujian Textiles Import and Export

Corporation. I am here to receive you.

W : How do you do, Mr. Li? I�m glad to meet you.

L: How do you do, Mr. White? We�ve been expecting you for quite some time. Now you�ve

finally come. Let me extend our warm welcome to you.

W : Thank you. It�s a pleasure to have an opportunity to come to Fujian.

L: The pleasure is all ours. We hope your visit will reinforce our business relations. Is this all

your luggage?

W : Yes, it is all here.

L: May I help you with it?

W : Oh, thank you very much.

L: How was the journey?

W : On the whole, it�s not too bad.

L: Anyhow, it�s a long way to China, isn�t it?

W : Yes, it is. But I�ll be all right by tomorrow and ready for business.

L: I wish you a pleasant stay here. If you need any help, please don�t hesitate to let me know.



W : Thank you.

L: Now, Mr. White, if all is ready, we�d better start for the hotel.

W : I�d like to. Let�s go.

L: This way, please. Our car is waiting outside.

Dialogue Three Talking on the Wa y to the Hotel

L: Li Hua W: Mr. White

L: Let�s put your baggage in this van. Terrific! Well, let me see. Mr. White, if I remember

correctly, you prefer to sit in the front.

W : That�s right. Sitting in the front gives you a broader view.

L: Right, please take your seat. I will sit at the back. Now, let�s get going.

( On the way to the hotel)

W : It seems Fuzhou is overwhelmed by a sea of green trees.

L: Yes, the government has made great efforts to make the city green by planting trees, flowers,

etc. And now you�ve seen the satisfactory result.

W : It is a great pleasure to drive in such a beautiful city. If only I could live here for some time.

L: Well, after our business talks, we can have some time for sight-seeing, I�m sure.

W : Good. Are we going in the north direction?

L: Yes, the airport is to the south of the city. Your sense of direction is amazing, Mr. White.

W : I used to be a pilot.

L: No wonder.

W : How far is it to the hotel?

L: About 50 kilometers.

W : Not very far. Half an hour�s drive, isn�t it?

L: Yes, if the traffic is normal.

W : Is the hotel downtown?

L: Yes. We�ve reserved a suite for you at Shangrila Hotel. It�s one of the best hotels in Fuzhou.

I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

Wor ds & Expr essions

customs [ �k�s t�mz ] n. 海关 ( D1)

passport [ �p��sp��t ] n. 护照 ( D1)

occupation [ ��kj u�pe i��n] n. 职业 ( D1)

baggage [ �b��id�] n. 行李 ( D1)

declare [ di�kl��] v. 声明, 申报 ( D1)

formality [ f���m�lit i] n. 手续 ( D1)

textile [ �te kst ail] adj. n. 纺织的, 纺织品 ( D2)

expect [ iks�pe kt ] v. 期待, 盼望 ( D2)


Unit 1 Me e ting a Fore ig n Bus ine ss Frie nd

extend [ iks�t end ] v. 给予, 延长 ( D2)

opportunity [ ��p��t ju�nit i] n. 机会, 时机 ( D2)

reinforce [ �r i�in�f��s ] v. 加强, 增援 ( D2)

terrific [ t��r ifik ] adj. 极好的 ( D3)

view [ vj u�] n. 视野, 景色 ( D3)

amazing [ ��m eizi�] adj. 令人惊异的 ( D3)

downtown [ �da unta un] a dj. 市区的 ( D3)


1 . on business 因公, 有事, 有明确目的

I am here on business.


类似的表达还有: on holiday / vacation 度假

2 . Have you got anything to declare?


decla re: to make a full statement of ( dutiable goods, for example) .

I don�t know what to do with my gold watch. Do I have to declare it too?


3 . Excuse m e


起”、“请问”、“劳驾”等。后常跟 but 以引出问题, 如:

Excuse me, but would you perhaps be Mr. and Mrs. Jones?

请问, 你们大概就是琼斯夫妇吧?

Excuse me, can I interrupt you for a while?

对不起, 可以打断一下吗?

4 . Let me extend our warm welcome to you.


exten d 给予

I should like to extend my thanks to you for your kindness.

对你的好意, 我表示感谢。

5 . on the whole 总的来看 /说

On the whole, I like the book very much.

总的来说, 我很喜欢这本书。

6 . sense of d irection 方向感

其他类似的表达有 sense of humor, sense of balance.

7 . no wonder 难怪

可单独成句, 也可放在句中使用, 如: No wonder you can speak Chinese so well, you have

worked very hard.



难怪你中文说得这么好, 都是努力的结果啊。

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 打招呼

How nice to meet you again.


It�s so nice / good to see you again, Mr. Simon. How are you doing?

很高兴再次见到你, 西蒙先生。最近好吗?

How do you do, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage.

你好, 史密斯先生, 请让我帮你提行李。

2 . 介绍

I�m from Fujian Textiles Import and Export Corporation.


I�ve come to meet you. My name is Zhang Hong.


I am Wang Fang from Jiaming International Trade Corporation. I�ve come to meet you.

我是佳明国际贸易公司的王芳, 我是来接你的。

3 . 询问旅途情况

Did you have a good trip?


How was the journey?


How was your flight?


I hope you�ve had a pleasant flight /trip /journey.


Conver sational Tips

1 . 确认客户

在机场迎接第一次见面的客户时, 可以手举写有客户姓名和公司名称的牌子; 如果没有把

握对方是否就是你要接的对象, 可以礼貌的方式询问对方以确认身份, 以免出错。例如:

Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Britain?

Excuse me, but aren�t you Ms. Beaver from American Express?

2 . 提供帮助

客人远道而来, 可能会有许多不便之处, 作为东道主, 应主动询问客人的需求, 适时地提供

帮助。但不要抢着替客人拿行李, 因为这种“助人为乐”的做法不符合西方人的习惯, 若要帮

客人拿行李, 一般应先征得客人的同意。你可以问:


Unit 1 Me e ting a Fore ig n Bus ine ss Frie nd

May I help you with your luggage?

Would you like me to take the luggage for you?

主动提供帮助时, 可以说:

If you need any help, don�t hesitate to ask me.

Exer cises

I . Patter n Dr ills: Make sentences according to the examples.

1 ) Excuse me, but are you Mr. Peter Wilson from the United States?

a. 对不起, 您是英国来的 Alexandra 小姐吗?

b. 对不起, 您是微软公司的史密斯先生吗?

2 ) I am Wang Lan, the secretary of Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation.

a. 我是张山, Exxon 公司的售后服务( after-sales) 部经理。

b. 我是李明, 兰州食品公司的采购部经理。

3 ) It is very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang.

a. 非常感谢您帮我拿行李。

b. 非常感谢您帮我叫了一部出租车。

II . Sentence In terpr eta tion

1 ) 请出示一下你的护照和海关申报表。

2 ) 假如我没弄错的话, 你是新西兰来的 Donald Dixon 先生吧。

3 ) 自上次在曼谷见到你, 我都记不清有多少年了。

4 ) 机场离市区约四十公里。

5 ) 希望您在这里过得愉快。

III . Role Play

1 . You are a secretary from Tianjin Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation. You

are to meet Mr. Anderson from the Harvard Industry Corp. at the airport. You are to greet the

guest and introduce yourself. You also arrange for the transportation and take the guest to the


2 . You are a businessman from the Harvard Industry Corp. This is your first visit to China and

you haven�t seen your host before. You are to greet your host and introduce yourself

appropriately. Feel free to ask your host questions.

IV. Fr ee Talk

It is no use crying over spilt milk. What do you think of this statement?



Unit 2

Accommodation and Dinners

【Tea ching Aims】

In this unit, the students will learn how to arrange accommodation and dinners as well as

business lunches. A welcome speech is important at a dinner party. This unit introduces to the

students conversational formulas in such occasions.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Checking into a hotel

2 . Proposing a toast

3 . Introducing dishes

4 . Giving a welcome speech

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

reserve fill in registration form hospitable stand on ceremony propose a toast

specialty on behalf of

Background Knowledge

得知外商来访的消息时, 应及时安排住宿、接待等有关事宜。安排酒店时, 应事先询问, 注

意对方是否有特别喜欢或常住的酒店, 比如有的客人是 Holiday Inn 的会员, 所以他出差时一

般均住该酒店。很多外国客商出差在外, 即使是同性同事同行, 一般都分开住, 这样可以有自

己的隐私。因此, 中国人与外国人同行时, 也应分开住。在宴会开始时, 一般由主人提议客人

干杯, 可以友谊、愉快、健康等为主题。一般宴席上都有一道或几道有特色的菜, 主人会特意向

客人介绍这些菜。商务午餐应选择工厂或公司附近的地方, 点菜吃饭应简单、迅速。欧美商务

人员通常视出差在外或有客人在时的午餐为工作时间的一部分, 餐桌上也以谈生意为主, 这个

时候最好不要带家眷或其他与工作不相干的人一起吃饭, 可充分利用这段时间与对方商谈业



Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One In the H otel

Mr. Wang and his guest Mr Smith are at the reception desk

A: Attendant W: Mr. Wa ng S: Mr. Smith

A: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?

W : I�ve reserved a suite for my foreign guest, Mr. Smith two weeks ago. It is room 702.

A: Just a moment, please. Yes, it is. Welcome to our hotel, Mr. Smith. And would you mind

giving me your passport and filling in this registration form?

S: Not at all. ( After filling in the form) Here you are. Is it all right?

A: Yes, thanks. Now, here is your passport and this is the key to your room, Mr. Smith.

S: Thank you.

( Coming into the room)

S: Ah, What a charming room! So bright and spacious!

A: The bell is on the bedside table. Just make a ring if you want room service.

S: OK. Thank you very much.

A: You are welcome. Good-bye.

S: Good-bye. ( Turn to Wa ng ) Thank you very much for your thoughtful arrangement, Mr.


W : Don�t mention it. You are my distinguished guest. Well, tomorrow morning will be for our

first business talk. In the afternoon, we�ll invite you to visit one of our factories. And in the

evening, the director of that factory will give a dinner party in your honor.

S: Sounds nice. When shall we meet again, Mr. Wang?

W : Nine tomorrow morning. Does that suit you?

S: Yes. See you tomorrow then.

W : See you tomorrow.

Dialogue Two Dinner Pa rty

H: host A, B, C & D: guests

H: Please be seated and make yourselves at home.

All: Thank you.

H: It is a pleasure to have visited your company.

A: You Chinese are very hospitable. Your reputation is really justified.

H: Please don�t stand on ceremony. Would you like wine or spirits? We have Min-Quan port

and Maotai.

B: We four would like to try a bit of Maotai. It�s too famous in the world.

C: Oh, just a little for me. I�m afraid it�s too strong. It�s said Maotai is stronger than either

brandy or whisky.



H: Yes, Maotai is pretty strong, but it doesn�t go to the head. That�s the beauty of it.

D: Really?

H: Yes. Now, everybody, I propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation!

A: To the success of our talks!

D: To your health, and to the health of all the gentlemen present!

H: Thank you. Bottoms up!

All: Cheers!

H: Help yourself to some ox tendon with prawn eggs. It�s a speciality of this restaurant.

B: Ox tendon? Hmm, incredibly tasty!

H: Here comes Mapodoufu, one of my favorite dishes. It�s a kind of bean curd cooked with

spicy sauce.

A: I like spicy food. Mm, it�s marvelous!

H: May I fill your glasses again? This glass is for your pleasant stay in China and for the success

of our business.

Dialogue Three Business Lunch

After John visits the fa ctory, the Manager, Mr. Li invites him to ha ve a business lunch at the

restaura nt. . .

L: Mr. Li J : John

L: You must be hungry by now.

J: Not really, I had a fairly heavy breakfast. And you?

L: Ah, very hungry. Let�s get a table. What would you like to drink, John?

J: I�d like a coke.

L: What would you like to have then?

J: Err, something quick.

L: What about salads with sandwich?

J: Sounds good, please order one for me.

L: Would you like anything else?

J: No, that�s fine. Thank you. Well, shall we continue our talk?

L: This is just what I�m thinking. Well, what did you think of our factories?

J: I was impressed very much with them and they are so modern while the workers are so


L: Thanks. Well then, what can I do for you? What exactly are you after?

J: I�d like to know more about the product. For example, the manufacturing materials, the

design and the position on sales.

After they finish their lunch. . .

L: Are you sure you don�t need a rest?

J: Of course not. I�m full of energy.

L: So we can go on with our further discussion at two this afternoon in our office.


Unit 2 Ac c omm oda tion a nd Dinne rs

J: That�s perfect.

Supp lement A W elcom e Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Tonight, it is a great honor for us to have the presence of Mr. Black, the General Manager

and his delegation here. First, On behalf of our company, I would like to say how delighted we

are to receive you in Guangzhou.

To promote the cooperation between our two companies, Mr. Black and his colleagues have

come all the way to China, and will provide their full assistance to help us to set up a new factory

in Zhuhai this time. And as far as our two firms are concerned, I�m pleased to say that the trade

relations between us have become more consolidated ever since we started trading with each other

10 years ago. Our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable and

worthwhile. I hope that through our joint efforts, the future trade between us will expand even

further , and I believe more and more business will materialize. To that end, may I ask you to

raise your glasses for a toast. Let�s drink to the success of our cooperation and the health of

everybody present here tonight. Cheers!

Wor ds & Expr essions

suite [ swi�t ] n. 套房, ( 一套) 家具 ( D1)

registration [ �re d�is�t re i��n] n. 注册, 报到, 登记 ( D1)

spacious [ �spe i��s] a . 宽阔的, 宽敞的 ( D1)

distinguished [ dis�ti��wi�t ] a . 高贵的, 著名的 ( D1)

hospitable [ �h�sp it�b l] a . 好客的, 招待周到的 ( D2)

reputation [ �re pju ( �) �t ei��n ] n. 名誉, 名声 ( D2)

spirit [ �spirit ] n. 酒精, 烈酒 ( D2)

port [ p��t] n. 葡萄酒 ( D2)

brandy [ �br�ndi] n. 白兰地酒 ( D2)

whisky [ �( h) w iski] n. 威士忌酒 ( D2)

propose a toast 建议举杯祝酒 ( D2)

ox tendon 牛腱 ( D2)

prawn [ pr��n ] n. 明虾, 大虾 ( D2)

speciality [ �spe�i��lit i] n. 特色, 特产 ( D2)

bean curd 豆腐 ( D2)

marvelous [ �m��v�l�s ] a . 奇异的, 不可思议的 ( D2)

diligent [ di�li�d��nt ] a. 勤勉的, 用功的 ( D3)

manufacture [ �m�nj u�f�kt��] v. 制造, 加工 ( D3)

position [ p��zi��n ] n. 立场, 形势 ( D3)

presence [ �pre zns] n. 出席, 到场, 光临 ( S)



delegation [ �de li��ei��n] n. 代表团 ( S)

receive [ r i�s i�v] v. 接待 ( S)

promote [ pr��m�ut ] v. 促进, 发扬 ( S)

consolidate [ k�n�s�lid eit ] v. 巩固, 加强 ( S)

worthwhile [ �w����( h) w ail] a dj. 值得做的, 值得出力的 ( S)

expand [ iks�p�nd ] v. 扩大 ( S)

materialize [ m��t i�ri�laiz ] v. 成为现实 ( S)


1 . suite 套房

luxurious suite 豪华套房

presidential suite 总统套房

adjacent rooms 两间相连的房间

a twin-bed room 双床间

a double room 双人房

a single room 单人房

2 . in one�s h onor 为欢迎( 某人)

We are going to give a banquet in your honor.


Tomorrow evening there will be a party in your honor.


3 . stand on cer em ony 讲究客套( 而不亲切) ; 客气

Don�t stand on ceremony, just feel at home.

请别客气, 就当自己家里一样。

4 . on behalf of 代表; 为了, 因为

On behalf of the company as a whole, I would like to thank you for all your work.


Unfortunately, Coco cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on her


很遗憾, Coco 今晚不能出席, 所以我很荣幸代表她领取这个奖项。

5 . I would like to say how delighted we are to receive you in Guangzhou.

I�d like to do sth. 句型常用在演讲稿中, 表示请求或个人的愿望、想法或看法。


I�m pleased to say that. . .

I�d like to take this opportunity to express. . .

I�d like to propose a toast to. . .

I would like to thank you. . . 等等。

6 . a s ( so) fa r as ( 表示程度、范围) 就⋯⋯限度, 尽⋯⋯所; 至于⋯⋯


Unit 2 Ac c omm oda tion a nd Dinne rs

as far as I know 就我所知

as far as possible 尽可能, 尽量

as far as I can tell 就我所能看出的

as far as it goes 就现状来说, 就其本身而言

She can go wherever she likes, as far as I�m concerned.

就我而言, 她想去哪儿都行。

7 . wor th while 值得的

这一词有两种用法: be worthwhile doing sth. 或 be worth one�s while to do sth.

This new book is worthwhile reading.


It�s worth your while to visit the factory.


8 . To that end, may I ask you to raise your glasses for a toast.

toa st 祝酒

In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well

as commercial ties!

最后, 我想请你们一起为了我们双方不断发展的友谊和商务联系干杯!

9 . Let�s drink to the success of our cooperation. . .

to 表示“为⋯⋯干杯”。

I�d like to propose a toast to our hosts, to your good health, and, of course, to our friendship

and mutual cooperation.

我想为我们的东道主祝酒, 为你们的健康, 当然, 也为我们的友谊和合作, 干杯!

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 询问客人喜好

What would you like to drink?


What would you like to have then?


How about Qingdao beer? It�s one of the most famous beers in China.

青岛啤酒如何? 它是中国最有名的啤酒之一。

What about a sandwich?


2 . 祝酒

Now, everybody, I propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation!

各位, 现在让我们为我们的友谊和合作干一杯!

I�d like to ask you to join me in a toast to the further development of our relationship.




Let�s drink to the successful completion of our first joint project.


To the success of our negotiation. Bottoms up!

为我们的谈判成功, 干杯!

3 . 祝贺语

I hope this gathering will help keep our harmony till the end.


Now, let us propose a toast on this happy occasion. Here�s to ABC!

现在, 在这欢乐的时刻, 让我们举杯庆贺, 为 ABC 公司干杯!

We take our hats off to you. Good luck and God bless your soul.

我们向您致敬! 祝您好运! 愿上帝保佑您。

May the friendship between our two countries be further developed and consolidated.


Conver sational Tips

1 . Bein g consider ate

商务人员将客户送到酒店时, 为避免影响客人休息和洗漱, 可以简单地询问客人:

I�ll call you tomorrow so that we can set up a schedule of appointments, is that all right?

这种礼貌的表达方式, 既考虑周到, 又可避免打扰客人休息, 给客人留下很好的印象。

其实商务会谈是很累的。商务午餐后, 有些商人有午睡的习惯, 作为一个有礼貌又体贴的

主人可以细心询问客人的身体状况, 也可视情况决定是否要继续会谈。常用的句子有:

Would you like to continue our discussion after lunch?

Would you like to break for a while after lunch?

2 . Business lunch topics

商务午餐的话题以公事为中心, 在客人视察工厂或公司前一天就应准备好相关的各种资料

作为谈话的依据, 这样才会在饭桌上有源源不绝的交谈话题。开始的话可以是:

What do you think of the plant?

Having seen the show room and our company, what�s your overall impression?

Exer cises

I . Translate the following Chinese into English or ally:

1 . 明早 8 点我在饭店门口接你, 如果可以的话。

2 . 我们为您预定了一间朝阳的房间, 有私人浴室, 俯瞰大海。

3 . 我想 Nokia 公司已为我订了一个套房, 我的名字是 Roger Moore.

4 . 请允许我祝一次酒, 为二十一世纪我们两国的发展和繁荣, 干杯!

5 . 为我们顺利签约, 干杯!

6 . 这是鱼翅, 这家餐厅的特色菜。


Unit 2 Ac c omm oda tion a nd Dinne rs

7 . 如果您明天没有什么计划的话, 去逛逛本市怎么样?

II . Role Pla y:

Make a short dialogue with a parter. Once acts as a foreign friend and the other a hotel clerk

at the reception desk. The following statements should be mentioned in your dialogue:

1 ) Extend a welcome to the foreign guest.

2 ) A brief introduction to the hotel service, such as ticket reservation.

3 ) Refreshments and amusements in the hotel.

III . W or k in groups of four a nd pra ctice p roposing toa sts and responding to toast to the


1 ) health

2 ) a new job

3 ) progress in speaking English

4 ) the completion of a project

5 ) family

6 ) friendship

7 ) other things worth a toast

IV. W or k with a classm ate. You ar e hostin g a dinner for your pa rtner . Ser ve him / her with

food a nd expla in the following Chinese food to h im / her :

1 ) 怪味鸡 ( Specially flavored chicken)

2 ) 海鲜火锅 ( Seafood hot-pot)

3 ) 红烧明虾 ( Prawn cooked with soy sauce)

4 ) 清蒸河鳗 ( Steamed river eel)

5 ) 芙蓉鱼片汤 ( Egg-white and fish fillet soup)

6 ) 素火腿 ( Vegetarian�s ham)

Next, switch roles with your partner .

V. Make a speech b ased on the following situation :

You represent China National Technology Imp. & Exp. Corp. An American business

delegation of ten people are visiting your company to negotiate a power station project in Shanghai

Pudong District. They are scheduled to stay in Shanghai for four days. Now you make a welcome


VI. Fr ee Talk

How do computers change your life?



Unit 3

Setting upon an Agenda

【Tea ching Aims】

This unit is intended to present the students sample dialogues on drafting an agenda,

discussing it with the guests, offering suggestions and making changes. The students are supposed

to act out their own dialogues properly and fluently after study.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Drafting an agenda

2 . Discussing an agenda with the guests

3 . Making Changes

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

agenda clear up expire itinerary tentative get over schedule

Background Knowledge

接待外商来访, 为了有效地利用客人访问的时间, 事前应准备好必要的资料。首先应对接

待客人的工作日程做好详细的安排, 应提前至少两周拟定并知会对方, 如对方有其他安排, 也

可以有时间来调整自己的计划。会谈的内容也应逐项列出, 为使会谈有目的、有计划地进行,

该内容应与日程表一起通知对方, 以使对方了解并及时地反馈意见, 自己也作好相应的准备,


若时间允许, 可适当地安排一些娱乐活动, 让客人放松一下, 但要注意要符合对方心理需

要, 尽量使对方满意。这不仅是一种礼节, 也是密切双方关系的良好机会, 对生意的成功有重


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Dra fting a n Agenda

Mr. Frank a nd Mr. Black, two businessmen from Canada , will come to China to visit Star

Machinery Ltd. Miss Ya ng talks with Mr. Wa ng about the visit of the guests.


Y: Miss Yang W: Mr. Wa ng

Y: Mr. Wang, The Invitation Letter has been sent to Canada by express mail this morning.

W : Good. Now it is time for us to draft an agenda for the reception.

Y: Quite right.

W : They will arrive on April 10 . It�s Thursday. You and I will meet them at the airport. Let

them have a rest that afternoon at hotel. Then we will have a dinner party that evening.

Y: OK. Let me take down some notes. A dinner party on Apil 10.

W : We can start our talks on April 11. Mm. . . First, we should clear up the problems like the cost

of personnel training and spare parts.

Y: And the current contract is about to expire.

W : Right. Second, discuss a new contract. Third, discuss the possibility and feasibility of

founding a joint venture on Electronics.

Y: OK. I�ve taken them down.

W : The talks should be finished in two days. Then they will go to the Spring Fair to have a look.

That will take at least one day.

Y: Well, when will they visit our factory?

W : After they come back from the Fair. Can you accompany them and do some interpretation


Y: No problem. I will.

W : Well, how about some recreations? Could you arrange that?

Y: No problem. I think the activities should be arranged at the weekend. I�ll sort them out and

let you and them know.

Dialogue Two Discussing the Itinera ry

Y: Mr. Yang B: Mr. Brown

Y: How do you do, Mr. Brown?

B: How do you do?

Y: I�ve come to make sure that your stay here is a pleasant one.

B: Oh, thank you. I�m sure I shall enjoy it. The people here are very friendly. The hotel is

fitted up with modern comforts and conveniences and I like the food here very much.

Y: I�m glad you like it. Well, if you don�t mind, I�d like to discuss the itinerary with you.

B: Not at all.

Y: Good. Here are some copies of the tentative itinerary we drafted for you. Let�s go over it.

Please feel free to make changes wherever you feel necessary.

B: Okay.

Y: You�ll stay in China for six days, the first four days in Beijing, and the rest in Guangzhou.

B: Good.

Y: As you need a day or two to get over jet lag, you�ll have a light schedule for today and

tomorrow. If you want to go sightseeing, I�d be glad to be your guide.



B: I�d like to go out, but someone invites me to attend a symposium. ( Takes out a business card

from his briefcase. ) Here is his card.

Y: ( Reading) Wang xiangming, Manager, Beijing Textile Import & Export Corporation. .

B: Right. I met Mr. Wang last month in Washington, D. C. He was interested in our business

and wanted me to give a speech on salesmanship. I take this as an excellent opportunity to

publicize our corporation. So I�d appreciate it very much if you would help me arrange it.

Y: Sure. I will talk to Mr. Wang about it as soon as possible.

B: Thank you, Mr. Yang.

Dialogue Three Inviting the G uest to Dinn er

Y: Miss Yang B: Mr. Brown

B: Hello, Miss Yang. How nice to see you again. Do come in.

Y: How fresh you are looking! Did you have a refreshing sleep?

B: Yes, thank you. .

Y: How do you think of the room service and food here?

B: The room service is quite satisfactory and the food very delicious. This is a good hotel.

Y: I�m glad you find the hotel service satisfactory. After all, it is your first trip here and we�d

like you to feel at home.

B: It�s very considerate of you, Miss Yang. Thank you for the trouble you have taken.

Y: No trouble at all. Well, have you got anything special this evening?

B: Oh, nothing special. I happen to be at a loose end.

Y: Okay, as for this evening, We wish the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this

evening. Mr. Li, our manager, will host the dinner, and some other important people will

also be there.

B: It is very kind of you. I will be most delighted to go. But what time would you like me to


Y: If you can be ready by, say, 6: 30 o�clock, I�ll be at the hotel to pick you up.

B: That�s nice. It�s most thoughtful of you to do this, Miss Yang.

Y: You are welcome. Well, then, I�ll say good-bye.

B: Good-bye and see you tonight, Miss Yang.

Dialogue Four Arr anging Recr ea tional Activities

Mr. Ya ng is talking with his foreign guest Mr. Bush about arra ngement for recrea tional

a ctivities.

Y: Miss Yang B: Mr. Bush

Y: Mr. Bush, What do you have in mind for this afternoon?

B: I have some paper work to finish.

Y: So, you will stay in the hotel. And this evening?

B: Nothing special, I was thinking of watching TV.


Unit 3 Se tting up on a n Ag e nda

Y: Well, then, how about some other recreational activities?

B: What would your recommend?

Y: Are you interested in Beijing opera?

B: Yes, of course. In fact, I watch the Beijing Opera whenever I come to China, and I can

recognize the roles by the“painted faces”, though I don�t fully understand the play.

Y: So you�ve known a lot about the Beijing Opera.

B: Thank you. But this evening, I�d like something else for a change.

Y: Let me see. Ah, let�s go to“Tianju”Tea House.

B: A tea house? Good idea! I�ve heard that one is always immersed in a strong cultural

atmosphere in a traditional Chinese tea house.

Y: And“Tianju”is the most traditional one. From decoration to design, it is typically Chinese.

Besides, you can listen to the comic dialogues performed by famous actors while enjoying the

flavours of various kinds of tea.

B: That�ll be splendid!

Y: And we can have a taste of Chinese snacks at the“Dong�an”Street on the way back to the

hotel if you like.

B: That�ll be fabulous!

Wor ds & Expr essions

agenda [ ��d�end�] n. 议程, 日程 ( D1)

clear up 整理, 清除 ( D1)

personnel training 员工培训 ( D1)

spare parts 零配件 ( D1)

expire [ iks�pai�, e ks -] v. 期满, 终止 ( D1)

feasibility [ �f i�z��bil�ti] n. 可行性, 可能性 ( D1)

itinerary [ a i�t in�r�r i, i�t -] n. 路线, 计划 ( D2)

tentative [ �te nt�tiv ] a. 尝试的, 暂定的 ( D2)

get over 克服, 度过 ( D2)

jet lag 时差( 反应) ( D2)

sightseeing [ �sait si�i�] n. 观光 ( D2)

symposium [ s im�p�uzi�m, -�p�-] n. 讨论会, 座谈会 ( D2)

salesmanship [ �seilzm�n�ip] n. 推销术, 销售 ( D2)

publicize [ �p�blisaiz ] v. 宣传, 提高知名度 ( D2)

appreciate [ ��pri��ieit ] vt. 赏识, 感激 ( D2)

refreshing [ ri�fre�i�] adj. 提神的, 凉爽的 ( D3)

considerate [ k�n�sid�r it ] adj. 考虑周到的 ( D3)

loose [ lu�s ] a dj. 宽松的, 自由的 ( D3)

thoughtful [ ����t ful] adj. 体贴的, 关切的 ( D3)



recreational [ �rekri�ei��n�l, -kri�-] adj. 娱乐的 ( D4)

immerse [ i�m��s ] v. 浸, 陷入 ( D4)

flavour [ �fle iv�] n. 香味, 风味 ( D4)

fabulous [ �f�bj ul�s ] adj. 极妙的, 难以置信的 ( D4)


1 . Express Mail 快递

2 . personnel training 员工培训

3 . spare parts 零配件

4 . joint venture 合资企业

5 . the Spring Fair 春交会

6 . fit up 装备, 装置

to fit up one of the bedrooms as an office


7 . get over 克服; 熬过; 康复

It took me a long time to get over my cold.


Can we get over this difficulty?


You will be glad to get your operation over.


8 . I happen to be at a loose end.


be a t a loose end 无事可做。类似的表达还有:

be at a dead end 无法前进, 停滞不前

be at a standstill 处于停顿状态

be at a loss 茫然不知

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 询问计划

Have you made any plans for tomorrow?


Nothing special.


Have you got anything fixed up tonight?


Well, I was thinking of going to a Beijing opera.


Unit 3 Se tting up on a n Ag e nda

呃, 我在考虑去看京剧。

2 . 提供选择

You could either stay in the hotel or go out shopping, which do you prefer?

你可以留在宾馆里或外出购物, 你选择哪一个?

In order to sign the contract before you leave, you may have to stay till next Tuesday, or work

on it this weekend. It�s up to you.

为了能在你走前签订合同, 要么你下周二再走, 要么这个周末我们加班, 由你来定。

There�re the Ming Tombs and the Qing Tombs. You have the choice.

参观明朝还是清朝的陵墓, 由你来定。

Conver sational Tips

1 . Invitation

西方人在邀请别人时, 一般都先问一下对方有无时间, 然后再发出邀请。而且, 邀请时, 要

有明确的时间和地点, 否则就只是客套话而已。比如可以这样邀请:

What do you have in mind for this afternoon? As for this evening, we�ll hold a dinner in your

honor at Sichuan Restaurant.

I wonder if you�ve had any plans for tonight? We�d like to hold a dinner in your honor.

2 . Accepta nce an d Refusal

接受别人的邀请应明确并表示感谢, 拒绝则应婉转, 同时也应感谢对方的邀请。

如接受邀请, 可说:

I�ll be glad to. It is very kind of you.

I�d be delighted.

I�d love to.


I am afraid I have no time. Thank you for your invitation.

I�d love to, but I�ve something else to do that night.

Exer cises

I . Translate the following Chinese into English or ally:

1 . 各位今晚有计划吗?

2 . 各位周末有安排了吗?

3 . 我们计划下午去大使馆。

4 . —明天的航班有国际航空公司的 CA1265 和东方航空公司的 MU2154。你想坐哪个?


5 . —这儿最著名的乐团是中国交响乐团和北京交响乐团。你更喜欢哪个?




II . W or k in gr oups of four , asking each other ab out your plans for :

1 ) tonight

2 ) tomorrow afternoon

3 ) this weekend

4 ) this coming summer

III . W or k with a pa rtner . You ar e a Chin ese host a nd your pa rtner is a Can adian visitin g

client . O ffer him var ious choices a nd ask about his prefer ence for :

1 ) entertainment

2 ) food

3 ) sightseeing

4 ) other things the professor is interested in during his stay in China.

Next, switch roles with your partner.

IV. Role Pla y

Work with two partners. One of you is Wang Ping, the Chinese host and the other two are

American businessmen, John Smith and Mike Brown from a American business firm. You are to

work out a 4-day itinerary.

Wang Ping: The Chinese host. Do your best to please your guests.

John Smith: The marketing manager of the American company. Your major concern is whether a

new contract can be made during your visit. So, you should see to it that enough time is given to

the negotiations. As to other activities, you are quite open and flexible.

Mike Brown: The assistant of John Smith. This is your first visit to China. You�ll listen to your

boss when the arrangement for the negotiations is discussed. When it comes to recreation and other

activities during your visit, tell your host what your interests are.

V. Free Talk

Do you usually have an itinerary for your visiting relatives, friends or business acquaintances?

If you do, how is the itinerary worked out? What items are usually included in the itinerary?


Unit 3 Se tting up on a n Ag e nda

Unit 4


【Tea ching Aims】

This unit is intended to present the students sample dialogues on planning for an excursion,

visiting places of interest with foreign partners, guide shopping, and to help the students act out

dialogues made up by themselves in fluent and appropriate English.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Planning the sightseeing

2 . Visiting places of interest

3 . Buying souvenirs

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

excursion historical sites scenic spots route relax attraction souvenir traditional

arts and crafts be noted for

Background Knowledge

外国客商前来中国主要是洽谈生意, 但同时, 许多人都希望工作之余, 能就近参观中国的

名胜古迹, 欣赏中国令人惊叹的自然美景, 品味中国源远流长的传统文化。因此, 作为主人, 我

们可以根据外商的日程安排, 适当安排一些观光活动, 陪伴外商外出游玩, 沿途介绍景点, 轻松

闲聊, 殷勤招待, 宾主共同度过一段愉快的时光, 这样, 既体现了主人热情周到的待客之道, 又

满足了客人工作观光两不误的愿望, 给繁忙紧张的工作气氛加入一些轻松愉快的元素, 还能彼

此增进了解, 加深感情, 也许就在游山玩水之间已创造了商机。但是, 应尽量避免在游玩观光

时提及令人烦恼的工作问题, 因为多数西方人信奉那句老话“Work while you work, play while

you play”( 工作得卖力, 娱乐须尽欢) 。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Pla nning the Sightseeing

Miss You Lihua, sales ma na ger of the Ea st Electronics Import & Export Corp. , is calling


Mr. Parker to invite him to go on a n excursion.

Y: Hello, this is You Lihua, from the East Electronics Imp. & Exp. Corp. May I speak to Mr.


P: Speaking.

Y: Good evening, Mr. Parker. I am calling to invite you to go on an excursion this Saturday.

P: Wonderful! I believe there are many places worth seeing in this city.

Y: You�re right. There are some famous historical sites and scenic spots in and around the city.

What do you prefer?

P: I�d prefer to visit some historical sites.

Y: Then first, we will go to Gushan mountain to enjoy the scenery and visit a great old temple

called Yongquan. In the afternoon, we�ll go to Sanfang-qixiang, namely, three lanes and

seven alleys, to visit some ancient residential buildings. What do you think of this route?

P: Fine. I�m sure they will be rather impressive. Then, what about lunch? Need I bring a packed


Y: No, we can have a vegetarian meal at a restaurant in Yongquan Temple.

P: That�s a good idea. When shall we start our journey?

Y: We�ll set off at 7: 30 so as to climb the mountain when it is not so hot. Will it be all right for


P: Yes, I shall get things ready on Friday evening so that I won�t be in a hurry in the morning.

Y: Then I�ll come to your hotel to pick you up at 7: 25.

P: Fine. See you on Saturday, then.

Y: See you.

Dialogue Two Climbing Gushan Mountain

Guided by Miss You, Mr. Pa rker is climbing Gushan Mounta in in high spirits.

P: Look at those flowers in full bloom! How pretty!

Y: They are azaleas. And you�ll see various plants and flowers on the mountain.

P: It�s really a great place to visit. Oh, I feel a little hard to breathe.

Y: So do I. There is a pavilion over there. Why not sit there and relax a bit?

P: That�s a good idea. ( They sit down to take a rest. ) Have you seen those old people? They

appear to be seasoned mountain climbers, don�t they?

Y: Yes. Not a few old people in the city come in the early morning and climb the mountain every

day, taking it as a kind of exercise.

P: How I envy them! Let me take some photos of them.

( After a short rest, they continue climbing the mounta in. )

Y: Here we are! Yongquan Temple!

P: What a magnificent temple! Is it a Buddhist one?

Y: Yes. This temple consists of a group of halls. These two towers are called drum tower and

bell tower. This is the main hall. Behind the hall is the residence of the monks, and the rooms


Unit 4 Sig htse e ing

over there are their meditation rooms. Now let�s go to their kitchen.

P: My goodness! What a large pan!

Y: The huge bronze wok is one of the many treasures of the temple. It is over 900 years old,

0. 8m deep and 1. 67m in diameter . It is said to be able to feed over 1, 000 people at a time.

P: That�s really incredible!

Y: Aside from the temple, there are many tourist attractions on Gushan Mountain, for example,

the 180 rock carvings of calligraphy from different periods. Are you interested?

P: Yes, of course.

Y: Then we can go to Lingyuan Cave east of the temple. The walls there are covered with

calligraphic inscriptions.

P: OK, let�s go.

Dialogue Three Visiting the Great Wa ll

After a few da ys�hard negotiation, Zhang Daming, ma rketing ma nager of Dafa Garments

Co. , invites Mr. Richard White, purchasing manager of Willshire Fashion Inc. , to visit the

Great Wall for rela xa tion. Now they a re heading for the Grea t Wa ll.

Z: Would you like to know something about the Great Wall before you see it in person?

W : Of course. I�m eager to know about it.

Z: During the period of the Warring States, approximately the periods of Aristotle and

Archimedes , different kingdoms began constructing the wall at strategic points to protect their

territories. After unifying China in 221BC, the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty had various

sections of the wall joined up to keep the nomadic tribes in the north out of his empire.

Afterwards it was rebuilt in different periods. And the Badaling section, the wall we are

going to see, was rebuilt in the 16t h


W : It has really a long history. And how long is the Great Wall?

Z: Its total length is more than 6 530 km. ( They a rrive at the destina tion) Here we are at the

Great Wall!

W : The Great Wall looks really great! The wall is so high and solid.

Z: Averagely, the wall is 7 . 8 meters high, 6. 5 meters wide at the base and 5. 5 meters wide at

the top.

W : So wide! I thought it was very narrow, you know.

Z: It was designed to be wide enough for six horses abreast.

W : I just can�t imagine how it was build along the high and steep mountains without any modern


Z: That�s why it is regarded as one of the Ten Wonders of the world. Have you seen that small

earthen wall over there?

W : That castle-like tower?

Z: Yes, it is called beacon tower. In another word, signal tower. They were regularly

distributed on hill tops. People on watch in the towers used to give border alarms by smoke



signals or fire and warning shots, the number of which indicated the number of the enemy.

W : That�s a great idea.

Z: Shall we have a view from the top?

W : I can�t agree more. As far as I know, there is a famous Chinese saying: “He who hasn�t

been to the Great Wall is not a true man”. I just can�t wait to be a true man. Let�s hurry up!

Dialogue Four At the Arts and Cr afts Shop

Through several rounds of friendly negotia tion, the business between Mr. Bush a nd Mr. Mo

has come to a successful conclusion. Mr. Bush wa nts to buy some souvenirs before he returns

home. He goes to the Arts a nd Cra fts Shop together with Mr. Mo.

B: With your kind help, I have enjoyed the splendid sights and cuisine here in Fuzhou so much

that I can�t help wanting to stay here. Thank you very much.

M: It�s my pleasure. Have you had a good time today?

B: Yes, I�ve had a fairly restful time, and I feel as if I had been in a different world, leaving all

my work behind me.

M: I�m glad to hear that. Anything else I can do for you?

B: I�m thinking of buying some souvenirs, preferably local handicrafts, for my wife is

particularly interested in Chinese arts and crafts.

M: You�ve come to the right person. I know exactly where to find superb and tasteful local

handicrafts. Let me take you there. ( They come to a local arts and cra fts shop)

B: What a beautiful variety of arts and crafts! All of them look so delicate and charming! I�m

quite at a loss what to buy.

M: What about the bodiless lacquerware? They are noted for their small weight and durability in

addition to their graceful shape, pattern, color and luster. Look at the tray with traditional

Chinese paintings of flowers and birds. This will surely make a wonderful present.

B: Yes, it�s pretty. I�ll take one. I�m sure my wife will like it.

M: These carved stones are called Shoushan Stone Carvings. Have you noticed their fine texture

and clear and transparent colors?

B: Yes, are they natural?

M: Yes, formed by the volcanic eruptions tens of millions of years ago, Shoushan stone is made

up of lava and the minerals around it, which were gradually congealed into this colorful,

crystal-like ore.

B: So they are the creations of both marvelous nature and exquisite craftsmanship.

M: You said it. Depending upon the size and complexity of the work involved, it can take from a

few days to a couple of months for an experienced craftsman to complete the carvings of these

strangely shaped, variegated rocks.

B: I was really amazed to see their beauty and delicacy. Is this a traditional seal?

M: Yes, and you can have your name carved in it if you like.

B: Good idea! I�d like to buy two, one for my wife and the other for myself.


Unit 4 Sig htse e ing

Wor ds & Expr essions

excursion [ iks�k����n ] n. 远足, 游览, 短程旅行 ( D1)

route [ ru�t ] n. 路线, 路程, 通道 ( D1)

a packed lunch 午餐便当 ( D1)

vegetarian [ �ve d�i�t��r i�n ] n. & a . 素食者, 食草动物, 素食的 ( D1)

azalea [ ��z eili�] n. [ 植] 杜鹃花 ( D2)

seasoned [ �s i�znd] a . 经验丰富的, 老练的 ( D2)

magnificent [ m���nifisnt ] a . 华丽的, 高尚的, 宏伟的 ( D2)

Buddhist [ �budis t ] n. & a . 佛教徒, 佛教的 ( D2)

residence [ �re zid�ns] n. 居住, 住处 ( D2)

meditation room 禅房 ( D2)

wok [ w�k] n. 锅( 尤指中国式的) , 炒菜锅 ( D2)

diameter [ dai��mit�] n. 直径 ( D2)

incredible [ in�kred�b l] a . < 口 > 难以置信的 ( D2)

calligraphy [ k��li�r�fi] n. 书法 ( D2)

calligraphic [ �k�li��r�fik ] a . 书法的 ( D2)

inscription [ in�sk rip��n ] n. 题字, 碑铭 ( D2)

approximately [ ��p r�ks im�tli] adv. 近似地, 大约 ( D3)

strategic [ s tr��ti�d�ik] a . 战略的, 战略上的 ( D3)

territory [ �t er it�ri] n. 领土, 版图, 地域 ( D3)

nomadic [ n�u�m�dik ] a. 游牧的 ( D3)

abreast [ ��bres t ] a dv. 并肩地, 并排地 ( D3)

beacon [ �bi�k�n ] n. 烟火, 灯塔 ( D3)

distribute [ dis�t ribj u( �) t ] v. 分发, 分配, 散布, 分布, 分类, 分区 ( D3)

souvenir [ �su�v�ni�] n. 纪念品 ( D4)

cuisine [ kwi( �) �zi�n] n. 厨房烹调法, 烹饪, 烹调风格 ( D4)

preferably [ �pre f�r�b li] adv. 更适宜, 更好 ( D4)

handicraft [ �h�nd ikr��f t ] n. 手工艺, 手工艺品, 手艺 ( D4)

lacquerware [ �l�k�w��] n. [ 总称] 漆器 ( D4)

bodiless lacquerware 脱胎漆器 ( D4)

durability [ �dj u�r��biliti] n. 经久, 耐久力 ( D4)

luster [ �l�st�] n. & v. 光彩, 光泽; 有光泽, 发亮; 使有光泽 ( D4)

texture [ �t eks t��] n. ( 织品的) 质地, ( 木材, 岩石等的) 纹理 ( D4)

transparent [ tr�ns�p��r�nt ] a . 透明的, 显然的, 明晰的 ( D4)

eruption [ i�r�p��n] n. 爆发, 火山喷发 ( D4)

lava [ �l��v�] n. 熔岩, 火山岩 ( D4)

congeal [ k�n�d�i�l] v. ( 使) 冻结, ( 使) 凝结 ( D4)



crystal [ �krist l] n. & a . 结晶状的水晶, 水晶饰品, 结晶, 晶体 ( D4)

exquisite [ �e kswizit ] a . 优美的, 高雅的, 精致的 ( D4)

complexity [ k�m�pleks it i] n. 复杂, 复杂的事物, 复杂性 ( D4)

variegated [ �v��r i�eit id] a . 杂色的, 斑驳的, 多样化的 ( D4)

delicacy [ �de lik�s i] a . 微妙, 精美 ( D4)


1 . I am calling to invite you to go on an excursion this Saturday.


I a m calling to do sth. /a bout sth. : 可以用来直接说明打电话的意图, 如:

I am calling to tell you that shipment of your order has already been made.

我打电话来是想告诉你, 你方订货已装船。

I am calling about the trip to the factory tomorrow.


2 . na mely 即, 也就是

The first three items appeal to me most, namely, T-shirts, men�s shirts and blouses.

我对前三种商品感兴趣, 也就是, T 恤、男式衬衫、女式衬衫。

3 . During the period of the Warring States, approximately the periods of Aristotle and

Archimedes, different kingdoms began constructing the wall at strategic points to protect their


在战国时期, 就是大约亚里士多德和阿基米德时期, 各诸侯国为了保护他们的领地, 在战


4 . to be at a loss 困惑, 不知所措

I was at a complete loss as to how to get the loan in time.


He was at a loss for words at that time.


5 . to be noted for 以⋯⋯而著名

This city is noted for its fascinating beach.


6 . Yes, formed by the volcanic eruptions tens of millions of years ago, Shoushan stone is made

up of lava and the minerals around it, which were gradually congealed into this colorful,

crystal-like ore.

是的, 寿山石是几千万年前由火山爆发形成的, 内核是火山岩, 外层是矿物质, 逐渐凝结而


7 . Depending upon the size and complexity of the work involved, it can take from a few days to

a couple of months for an experienced craftsman to complete the carvings of these strangely

shaped, variegated rocks.


Unit 4 Sig htse e ing

根据寿山石的大小和工艺的复杂程度, 技艺精湛的工匠把这些形状各异、色彩斑斓的石头

雕刻成形, 得花上几天到几个月的时间。

8 . I was really amazed to see their beauty and delicacy.

它们真是精美绝伦, 令我大为惊叹。

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 简要说明本市观光优势

This city enjoys a long history and a splendid culture.

本市历史悠久, 文化灿烂。

Xiamen attracts an increasing number of visitors with its enchanting island scenery, pleasant

subtropical climate and splendid history and culture.


There are some famous historical sites and scenic spots worth seeing in our city.


There are quite a few wonderful lakes and caves around this small tropical town.


2 . 途中行程建议

How about making a quick tour on the hill first, and then going to the garden?

先上山浏览, 再去花园, 怎么样?

Shall we do a leisure tour in the ancient academy first and then climb the lovely mount?

我们先慢慢游览这座古代书院, 然后爬那座漂亮的小山, 好吗?

Let�s elevate to the top of the tower and make a bird view of the city.


Why not take a rest at that small pavilion?


Let�s visit the ten scenic spots here one by one.


3 . 选购纪念品

I suggest you buy some embroidery. It�s easy to carry.

我建议你买些刺绣品, 易于携带。

These handicrafts are typically Chinese.


According to Chinese traditional thinking, jade is always the symbol of the holy and noble.

根据中国的传统观念, 玉向来是圣洁高贵的象征。

This will surely make a wonderful present.




Conver sational Tips

1 . 一个城市吸引人的景点很多, 或以自然景观见长, 或以历史、文化等特色取胜。因此, 安排

行程时, 如时间有限, 最好事先弄清客户对哪种景点最感兴趣。我们可以直截了当地问:

What are you most interested in?

What kind of places do you prefer to visit?

2 . 如果出游时间长, 途中应适时建议休息, 以免客户过于劳累。比如说:

Shall we take a rest in the shade?

There is a bar over there. Let�s get something to drink.

但是, 应避免说:

You must be tired. / You are old.


3 . 带客户参观旅游景点, 自己应尽可能地“预习”该景点的有关情况, 以便向客户介绍。否则

一问三不知, 路上也无话可聊, 怎么可能尽兴?

Exer cises

I . Patter n dr ills.

1 . I�d like to invite you to

an excursion

visit Lushan National Park

cruise Lijiang River

climb Mount Tai

this Sunday.

2 . Now we can take a fine view

on both sides of Xiangjiang River.

of the old city.

of the small village.

of these ancient buildings.

3 . It�s a great place

to visit!

to view the city.

to spend holidays.

to enjoy the magnificent sights along the river.

4 . It�s said that there are many

historical sites

beautiful gardens

interest attractions

limestone caves








Unit 4 Sig htse e ing

5 . I had a

fairly restful time.

good time.

pleasant time.

wonderful journey.

6 . This is a typical Chinese garden, with its arbors, pavilions, ancient cypresses and pines, rare

flowers, rocks of strange shapes and rockeries.

This is an old village of the south of Changjiang River, with its pretty bridge, flowing river

and fishing boat.

This is a typical Victorian garden, with the buildings of western style, small ponds and water

lilies in full bloom.

II . Tr anslate the following sentences.

1. 这座城市拥有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

2. 香山以秋天的红叶著名。

3. 我知道, 你对建筑很感兴趣, 我想参观天坛可能大有裨益。

4. 参观这些山洞真是一次奇妙的经历。

5. 这是本市最繁华的街道, 也是本市的商业文化中心。

6. 我们快到山顶了。

7. 我更喜欢参观历史古迹, 你能给我推荐几个吗?

8. 怪不得人们认为长城是一个人造奇迹。

III . Compose a dialogue based on the following situa tion.

You have just concluded a transaction with your customer, Mr. Jenkins after hard

negotiation. Both of you feel you deserve a relaxation. Since this is Mr. Jenkins�first trip to your

city, you are showing him the scenic spots and historical sites in and around your city. Introduce

the place you visit.

IV. Fr ee Talk

Do you travel a lot? If your answer is yes, in what way do you think you benefit from

traveling? If not, what are the major problems or difficulties that prevent you from traveling?



Unit 5

Departure of a Foreign Guest

【Tea ching Aims】

The purpose of this unit is to provide the students with sample dialogues on what we will do

and say when a foreign guest is leaving, and help the students learn some practical words and

sentences so as to enable them to compose dialogues according to the given situations.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Making a flight reservation

2 . Saying good-bye at the office

3 . Seeing off at the airport

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

vacancy attend to flight reservation lay / put stress on convey thoughtful maintain


Background Knowledge

达成交易后, 外商即将离开回国或前往他处。此时, 切不要认为业务已经结束, 万事大吉。

实际上, 如何做好送别外商工作对于保持长期的业务关系是十分重要的。所以, 在外商辞行

时, 应一如既往地表现出友好、倾注热情, 既可以举行告别宴会, 也可以给外商送一些具有当地

特色的纪念品, 然后, 把外商送到机场或车站, 道一声:“旅途顺利! ”

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Ma king a Flight Reser va tion

The da y before Mr. Rance leaves China , he receives a message from the hea dquarters,

a sking him to a ttend to some business affairs in Los Angeles before he returns to France. Mr.

Wu, his Chinese host, offers to book an air ticket for him. Now he is making a flight reservation

on the phone. .

Air China: Air China. May I help you?


W : Yes. I�d like to book a ticket on your Tuesday flight to Los Angeles.

C: You mean June 21st?

W : Yes.

C: I�m sorry. The flight is booked up.

( Mr. Wu tries United Airlines. )

U: United Airlines. Good morning. What can I do for you?

W : I�d like to book a seat from Beijing to Los Angeles next Tuesday.

U: Sorry, I�m afraid there aren�t any direct flight. You will have to change in San Francisco.

W : That�s all right. But will I have enough time to go through the immigration and the customs?

U: Don�t worry. The plane will land at San Francisco at 10 am and there is a connecting flight to

Los Angeles at 11: 55. There will be plenty of time left.

W : Then do you still have vacancies on your Tuesday flight?

U: Which class, please?

W : Business class.

U: Let me see. Sorry, but they are all taken. What about the first class?

W : That�s OK.

U: Your name, please.

W : The ticket is for Mr. Sigmund Rance. S-I-G-M-U-N-D, R-A-N-C-E.

U: One way or round trip?

W : One way.

U: Very well. Please come and pick up the ticket either today or tomorrow.

W : All right. I�ll come for the ticket this afternoon.

U: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Dialogue Two Saying Far ewell

Mr. Smith, a businessman from Austra lia , comes to Mr. Chen�s office to say good-bye.

S: Hello, Mr. Chen. I�ve come to say good-bye to you. I must be leaving tomorrow.

C: What a pity that you are leaving so soon! It seems that you had just come here for one or two

days. How time flies! It�s time for you to go back to Australia. I really hope you can stay

here for a few more days.

S: I�d like to, very much indeed, but I have some important business to attend to.

C: To be frank, Mr. Smith, I�m very glad we�ve concluded this transaction. Trade between our

two companies has doubled during the past two years.

S: It�s the result of our joint efforts. In fact, it�s been a pleasure doing business with you, as you

always lay stress on maintaining your commercial integrity.

C: I also appreciate your attitude of honoring contract. I wish your successful visit would be

helpful to expanding the trade between us.

S: Now that we�ve got to know each other better, I�m certain we can do more business to our

mutual benefit.



C: Well, Mr. Smith, before your leaving here, I�d like you to accept this Shoushan stone carving

as a going-away token. The Shoushan stones are famous for their fine texture and clear and

transparent color .

S: Thank you. How nice it is!

C: I�m very glad you like it. By the way, when will the plane take off , Mr. Smith?

S: Three o�clock tomorrow afternoon.

C: OK. I�ll go for you at one o�clock and see you off at the airport.

Dialogue Three Seeing off a t the Air por t

Mr. Liu is seeing Mr. Anderson off at the airport.

L: Here we are at the airport.

A: Thank you very much for coming to see me off , Mr. Liu.

L: It�s my pleasure. It�s a pity that you have to go so soon. Is there anything I can do for you?

A: No, thanks.

L: I�m sorry we haven�t done much to help you during your stay here.

A: I do appreciate what you have done for me. I�ve certainly had an excellent time here. During

this visit, I�m deeply impressed by what I have seen and heard, especially by your hospitality

and thoughtfulness. I really don�t know how to express my thanks to you.

L: Don�t mention it. It�been a great pleasure to have you with us. I�m sure your visit will help

promote the friendship and understanding between us. I hope you�ll come here more often in

the future.

A: Of course I will. Well, Please convey my best regards to your manager, Mr. Huang and tell

him I appreciate his warm reception very much.

L: I�ll do that. I hope you have a good journey.

A: Thank you. Good-bye.

L: Good-bye and happy landing.

Wor ds & Expr essions

vacancy [ �veik�ns i] n. 空白, 空缺 ( D1)

headquarters [ �hed�kw��t�z ] n. 总部, 总局 ( D1)

attend to 照料, 处理 ( D1)

Los Angeles [ l�s��nd��l�s ] n. 洛杉矶 ( D1)

reservation [ �rez��vei��n] n. 预订 ( D1)

San Francisco [ �s�nfr�n�sisk�u ] n. 旧金山 ( D1)

immigration [ �imi��re i��n ] n. 移居, 移民 ( D1)

maintain [ mein�t ein ] v. 维持, 维修, 保持, 维护 ( D2)

commercial [ k��m����l] adj. & n. 商业的; 商业广告 ( D2)

integrity [ in�t e�r iti] n. 诚实, 正直 ( D2)


Unit 5 De pa rture of a Fore ign Gue s t

hospitality [ �h�spi�t�liti] n. 好客, 殷勤 ( D2)


1 . a ttend to 照料、处理

I may be late—I have got one or two things to attend to.

我也许会迟到, 我有一两件事要处理。

We�ll be pleased to attend to your requirements and to give you after-sales services.

我们将会乐意处理你的要求, 并提供售后服务。

2 . fligh t 飞行; 航班; 班机

direct flight / non-stop flight 直达航班

domestic flight 国内航班

international flight 国际航班

regular flight 定期航班

charter flight 包机

connecting flight 联运班机

flight number 班次

flight schedule 航空时刻表

Are the flights to Hawaii non-stop?


We�ll take the morning flight.


3 . go thr ough the immigration and the customs 办理入境和通关手续

4 . vaca ncy 空房间; 空位; 空缺

“No vacancies”, the sign read.


Judge Smith is to fill the vacancy on the US Supreme Court.


5 . la y / put stress on 强调; 重要性在于

Stress is laid on the quality of your goods.


The dean of our department laid particular stress on the need for discipline.


6 . token 象征; 标志

Please accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation.

区区薄礼, 略表谢意。

7 . convey vt. 运送; 转达

We convey the goods to the market in a truck.




Please convey my thanks to your manager for his hospitality.

对你们经理的好客, 请转达我们的谢意。

8 . thou ghtfulness n. 考虑周到; 体贴; 关心

Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness.


thou ghtful a dj. 想得周到的; 体贴的; 关心的

You�ll like Paul. He�s very thoughtful.

你会喜欢保罗的, 他非常体贴人。

thou ghtless adj. 欠考虑的; 不为他人着想的; 自私的

It�s so thoughtless of John to smoke when there�s a baby around.

约翰真是不为别人着想, 旁边有一个婴儿, 他竟然还抽烟。

Pr actical Sentences

I�m afraid I must be off / leaving now / tomorrow.

恐怕现在 /明天我得走了。

I must say good-bye to you and all the friends present.


We�ll be sorry to see you leave.

你要走了, 我们很遗憾。

What a pity that you can�t stay here for a few more days!

你不能在这儿多呆几天, 真是遗憾!

What I have seen and heard here has left deep impression on me.


Thank you very much for all the trouble you have taken.

给你们增加了许多麻烦, 太谢谢了。

Thank you for your warm reception and hospitality.


I�m really satisfied with your thoughtful arrangements.


How long will it take from the hotel to the airport?


Just have your things packed up and wait in the room. I�ll come to pick you up around 8 : 00.

你把行李整理好, 在房间等我。我八点钟左右来接你。

It�s been a pleasure to help you / work with you.

帮助你们 /与你们合作是件令人愉快的事。

It�s very kind of you to come to see me off. I really enjoyed my stay here.


Pleasure remember me / give / convey my best regards to Mr. Smith.


Unit 5 De pa rture of a Fore ign Gue s t


Have a nice journey /a good trip! / Happy landing!


Take care, bye.

多保重, 再见。

Conver sational Tips

1 . 我们在与外商进行商务洽谈之余, 往往会和外商聊天。根据英美人的习俗, 绝大多数英美


因此, 下列英语句子或其类似的句子要慎用:

How old are you? / What�s your age?

Are you married or single? /how come you�re still single?

So, you�re divorced. What was the reason? Couldn�t you two get along?

How much do you make? / What�s your income?

How much did that dress cost you? / How much do you pay for the car?

Do you go to church? / What�s your religion? /Are you Catholic?

Are you a Republican or a Democrat? /Why did you vote for. . . ?

2 . 如果你想向英美人提一些问题, 但不知该不该问, 或者先是问了, 后又感不妥, 该怎么办?


I have a question to ask you, but I�m not sure if it�s a personsal one for you.

I�d like to ask you a question, but I�m not sure if it�s considered personsal in your culture.

Would you mind if I ask you a personal question?

I hope you don�t mind if I ask you this question.

I have a question to ask you, but please don�t answer if you don�t want to.

I have asked you a personal question, I�m sorry. In my culture, people ask this question all the


Please tell me if I�m asking any questions that are too personal.

I hope you don�t mind that I asked you that question.

Exer cises

I . Translate the following into English or ally:

1 . A: 真遗憾, 你就要走了。

B: 我希望自己能多呆一些时间, 但是国内有许多工作要做。

A: 你说得对。对于一个商人来说, 工作总是放在第一位的。

B: 但我期待着再次来访。

A: 希望不久的将来能再见到你。

2 . A: 谢谢你来机场送我。我在这儿确实过得很愉快。



B: 你没有足够的时间游览厦门所有的名胜, 真是遗憾。

A: 出差从来就没有很多的时间可以去观光。

B: 也许下次你来这儿, 我们可以加以弥补。

A: 希望如此。

II . Tr anslate the following into Chinese:

1 . Please give my best regards to your General Manager Mr. Wang and tell him I appreciate his

reception very much.

2 . I want to take this opportunity to thank our host for making our visit a successful one.

3 . The purpose of my visit here is to discuss with various parties concerned the possibilities of

expanding business with China.

4 . Remember to give me a ring if you�re ever in our way.

5 . Please allow me, on behalf of my colleagues, to say a few words to our Chinese hosts. We�re

very glad to have this opportunity to visit your beautiful city. Your friendship, your working

attitude and efficiency have all impressed us a great deal. I�m sure this successful visit of ours

will pave the way for the future business between us.

III . Role Play: com pose dialogues a ccor ding to the situa tions given .

a) Mr. Johnson�s business trip is about to over. He is leaving for home tomorrow. He comes to

say good-bye to you.

b) You make necessary arrangements for his departure.

c) You�re going to pick him up at the hotel and see him off at the airport.

IV. Fr ee Talk

There have been increasing complaints of today�s environmental problems. What do you

think of this question, especially the overuse of natural resources?


Unit 5 De pa rture of a Fore ign Gue s t

Unit 6

Going Abroad on Business

【Tea ching Aims】

Through the study of this unit, the students will get acquainted with the important activities

when going abroad on business, know how to advise the business partner of the arrival, check in

the hotel, make a business call, behave in a right way at a barbecue party and board the plane,

and then talk fluently and properly in the above different situations.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Advising arrival in advance

2 . Checking in the hotel

3 . Making a business call

4 . Attending a barbecue party

5 . Taking a flight abroad

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

due arrange reserve check in hotel service appointment barbecue

Background Knowledge

从事外经贸工作不仅要“请( 外商) 进来”, 有时也要自己主动“走出去”, 出境进行商务活

动, 如参展、考察、拜访客户等。出境参展需要先向该展览的组委会申请邀请函, 以便向主办国

领事馆预约签证, 办理必要的出境手续。如果参加由国际商务会展服务公司组织的团队, 那么

从预订展位、参展人员的出入境、住宿到展品的运送、清关等都可以交给展览公司统一办理, 只

须按要求提供必要的资料, 将展品送至国内指定地点即可。如果不是组团出境, 最好事先预订

好往返机票、酒店( 或请客户帮忙预订 ) , 及时通知要拜访的客户将讨论的事宜与到达时间。

当然, 如果主人盛情款待, 邀请你参加舞会或共进晚餐, 你也要知道这些社交场合如何才能应

付得体。记住一句话: Do as the Romans do when in Rome ( 入乡随俗) 。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Advising Ar rival in Advan ce

Mr. J iang He, genera l manager of Xiamen Southwell Group Co. , is ca lling his business

partner, Mr. Allan Wilson in Melbourne.

J: May I speak to Mr. Wilson?

W : Speaking. Who�s calling please?

J: This is Jiang He from Xiamen Southwell Group Co.

W : Oh hello Jiang. Nice to hear your voice again. I�m looking forward to more dealings with

you, for, you know, your last shipments were so well received here.

J: Thank you, Allan. As a matter of fact, we are planning to expand our business in the

international market. That�s why I�m going to attend Melbourne Gift Fair next week.

W : Good news for me. So we may meet and discuss business face to face during your stay here.

J: That�s exactly what I have in mind.

W : When are you arriving?

J: The Air China flight I�m taking is due in Melbourne at 11: 15 a.m. on Jan 20 , that is, the

day before the fair.

W : Shall I pick you up at the airport or book a room for you?

J: No, thank you. Our Expo. Com. have had everything well arranged and we�ll be taken to

Duxton Hotel directly after arrival. Thank you all the same. Err, the fair lasts till the 24t h

, so

what about meeting on the 25th


W : Let me check my diary. Oh, I won�t be free until 3: 00 p. m. Is that too late for you?

J: Not at all. Let�s make it 3: 00 p. m. on the 25th, then.

W : And why don�t you have an excursion if time permits? I�d like to be your guide, as you did

when I was in China.

J: Great! I have been dreaming of seeing kangaroos in the wild for long.

W : Then we can go to Grampian National Park. I�m sure you�ll enjoy a day of nature and

wildness there.

J: Terrific! Hope I won�t spend the night sleeplessly. Thanks for your kind thoughtfulness.

W : You�re welcome. Do call me after your arrival. See you!

J: See you!

Dialogue Two Checking in the Hotel

Ms. Fa ng Rumei a nd her a ssista nt, Xia o Jia n have just arrived at the hotel they have made a

reservation with. Now they a re at the reception desk.

Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you?

X: Yes. I reserved two single rooms with bath in your hotel two days ago. My name is Xiao

Jian. Xiao is my family name.


Unit 6 Going Ab roa d on Busine ss

C: How do you spell your last name?

X: X-I-A-O.

C: Just a moment please. Let me check up. Ah, yes, there it is. Mr. Xiao Jian of Modern

Stationery, Beijing, China. Two single rooms for eight days, right?

X: Yes. What are the room numbers?

C: Rooms 505 and 507. They face the garden and have a lovely view. Could you fill in this

form? And I also need your passports.

X: Here you are.

C: Thank you. And how will you be paying, Sir? Cash, traveler�s check, or credit card?

X: Master card. Err , how much is the rate?

C: Ninety-seven dollars each, including tax and service charges. Would you please sign here?

Thank you. Here are your keys.

X: Thank you. When is the check out time?

C: Check out time is 10 a. m. But if you want to stay longer, there is no problem.

F: By the way, where can we have meals?

C: We have a coffee shop and a restaurant on the fourth floor. And if you like, you may call

room service. There is also a nice Chinese restaurant just a few blocks away.

F: Great. Is hot water available at night?

C: Of course, it�s 24 hours at service.

F: Do you offer morning call service? I�d like to be called at 7 every morning.

C: No problem. And you may find from the information card in your room all the information

about our hotel service, including meals, laundry, telephone, television, fitting room and

swimming pool.

X: Thank you very much for your help.

C: You are welcome. Do you need a porter?

X: No, we don�t have many bags. Thanks anyway.

Dialogue Three A Bu siness Call

Miss An Lan pa ys a visit to Mr. Irving by appointment. His secretary is receiving her.

S: Good morning, ma�am. Can I help you?

A: Yes, please. I�d like to see Mr. Irving, your purchase manager.

S: Do you have an appointment?

A: Yes, I�ve made a ten o�clock appointment with him.

S: Then, you must be Miss An Lan from Gaoke Instrument, China.

A: Yes, I am.

S: Just a moment please. ( She speaks to Mr. Irving via an intercom) Miss An, Mr. Irving says

he�ll be ready in a few minutes. Won�t you take a seat and have something to drink while you


A: OK, a cup of tea please.



( After a while)

S: Mr. Irving can see you now. This way, please.

I : Hello, Miss An. Glad to see you again. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I was tied up just


A: It doesn�t matter. It�s not a long wait.

I : Did you have any difficulty in finding the place?

A: No, not a bit. Your direction led me here without any trouble. Ah, you certainly have a nice

place here. I�m really impressed.

I : Thank you. It�s simple but comfortable. Why don�t you take a seat over there?

A: Thanks. Shall we get down to business now?

Dialogue Four A Bar becue Par ty

Mr. Li Ya ng ha s accepted a n invita tion from Mr. Cla rk Carlson to his home for a barbecue

party on Saturday afternoon.

C: Hello, Li Yang, so nice to have you here.

L: It�s very kind of you to have invited me. Oh, what a lovely house!

C: Thank you. We bought it two years ago. Maggie, here is our Chinese friend, Li Yang. My

wife, Maggie.

L: How do you do, Mrs. Carlson?

M: How do you do, Li Yang? Welcome to our home.

L: Thank you, Mrs. Carlson.

M: Just call me Maggie. Clark has told me a lot about you and I feel we are already friends. So

make yourself at home.

L: I will. Here is a small gift for you, a piece of Suzhou embroidery.

M: ( unwra pping it) What a delicate work! Thank you so much.

L: I�m glad you like it.

C: Now, I�d like you to meet some of my friends and my family. ( After brief introductions, they

go to the backyard for the ba rbecue)

L: It tastes so good. Thank you. I�d like to have a try myself. ( He drives a stick through the raw

beef, then places it above the heat, turns it a few minutes later, and roasts the other side for

a nother few minutes. He a lso covers it with barbecue sauce a couple of times. )

L: Now it�s done. Doesn�t it look inviting? The sauce also tastes marvelous. Was it bought from

a shop or made by yourself?

M: I made it myself .

L: ( turn to Clark) How I envy you, Clark. You are so lucky to have such a chef as your wife.

C: I know.

M: Ladies and gentlemen, today we�re honored to have with us the greatest singer in the world,

Alice King. Here she is. ( Everyone present gives the four-yea r-old gir l a lot of cheers for her

performa nce. )


Unit 6 Going Ab roa d on Busine ss

M: Now I�d like to present you a great Peking Opera singer. Here is Li Yang.

L: Oh, sorry. I�m not prepared.

C: Come on, Li Yang. No one expects a professional singer at a barbecue party. Just for fun.

I�ll play the guitar next. Come on.

L: All right.

C: Now let�s give Mr. Li a big hand.

Dialogue Five Leaving the U. S. by Air

Mr. Sun is leaving the U. S. by air a fter a week�s stay. Now he is checking in a t the a irport.

Clerk: Next in line please. Good morning! Can I have a look at your passport and ticket?

S: Sure, here you are.

C: Thanks. Do you want a window or aisle seat?

S: A window seat, and non-smoking section, please.

C: OK. Your seat is 10A, non-smoking, window, in the economy-class cabin. Any baggage

to check in?

S: Yes. I have two cases.

C: Would you please put them on the scale? Thank you. It�s just below the limit. Here are

your baggage checks, ticket, boarding pass and passport.

S: Shall I go to the Customs for clearance?

C: Yes, it�s over there.

( At the Customs Desk)

Customs Official: Anything to declare?

S: I have some personal effects in my carry-on suitcase. And this is a laptop.

O: Please fill out this Customs Declaration Form.

S: All right. . . . Here you are.

O: Thank you. Have a nice trip.

( At the security check)

Security Officer: Please go through the metal-detecting gate. All right, Cleared. Here you go.

Your flight is boarding at Gate 6. Have a pleasant flight.

S: Thank you.

Wor ds & Expr essions

in advance 预先 ( D1)

Melbourne [ �melb�n] 墨尔本 ( D1)

expand [ iks�p�nd ] v. 扩张, 使膨胀 ( D1)

Air China 中国国际航空公司 ( D1)

Expo [ �e ksp�u] exposition [ �eksp��zi��n ] n. 博览会 ( D1)

diary [ �dai�r i] n. 记事本 ( D1)



kangaroo [ �k�����ru�] n. 袋鼠 ( D1)

make a reservation 预订 ( D2)

stationery [ �s tei�( �) n�r i] n. 文具 ( D2)

traveler�s check 旅行支票 ( D2)

credit card 信用卡 ( D2)

morning call = wake-up call 早晨唤醒 ( D2)

by appointment 按约定 ( D3)

intercom [ �in t�k�m ] n. 对讲机, 内部通话装置 ( D3)

barbecue [ �b��bik ju�] n. & v. 烧烤 ( D4)

roast [ r�ust ] n. & v. 烤肉, 烤 ( D4)

chef [ �e f] n. 厨师 ( D4)

aisle [ a il] n. 过道 ( D5)

economy-class cabin 经济舱 ( D5)

baggage checks 行李票 ( D5)

clearance [ �kli�r�ns] n. 清关, 结关 ( D5)

personal effects 个人物品 ( D5)

carry-on suitcase 手提箱 ( D5)

metal-detecting gate 金属探测门 ( D5)


1 . face to fa ce 面对面

This is the first time I�ve met her face to face, though we have had several talks on the phone.

这是我们第一次见面, 但我们在电话中交谈过几次。

2 . tr aveler�s check 旅行支票

credit car d 信用卡

Master car d 万事达信用卡

3 . morning call / wake-up call 早晨唤醒服务

4 . a rr ange v. 安排

I�d like to arrange a business loan.


a s arr anged 如所约定

He arrived at three o�clock as arranged.

三点钟, 他如约而至。

a rr ange to do sth .

I�m going to arrange a business talk with your marketing manager this weekend.


a rr ange for sb . to do sth. . .

The assistant manager has arranged for a window cleaner to come on Tuesday.


Unit 6 Going Ab roa d on Busine ss


a rr ange for sth.

Our company will arrange for a car to pick you up at the airport.


a rr ange how /when /wher e etc.

We still have to arrange how to dispose of the waste.


5 . via prep. 经过, 取道; 通过( 某人或某机器等) 传送

We are going to fly to Tokyo via Shanghai.


I have sent a letter to them via their Fuzhou branch.


6 . be tied up 忙得脱不开身; ( 钱, 资金等) 被占压, 不能动用

I can�t see you tomorrow—I�m going to be tied up all day.


Our money will be tied up if we can�t sell this lot within two months.

如果两个月内无法把这批货卖掉的话, 我们的资金就会被占压。

7 . get down to sth. / doing sth. 开始做( 需要花费很多时间和精力的事)

If you don�t mind, I�d like to get down to ( discussing) business right now.

如果你不介意的话, 我想马上开始谈生意。

It�s time I get down to some serious work.


8 . be / feel hon ored to do sth . 做某事深感荣幸

I felt honored to meet the President and Mrs. Bush.

能和布什总统和他的夫人见面, 我深感荣幸。

9 . board v. / n. 上( 船、火车、飞机)

Customs officials boarded the ship in the harbor for inspection.


on boa rd 在船( 火车、飞机) 上

board ing pa ss 登机牌

10. go to the Customs for clear ance 前往海关办理结关手续

Customs clea ran ce 海关清算, 结关

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 询问、通知到达时间

When are you arriving? 你什么时候到?

What�s the arrival time? 几点抵达?

My flight is due at 9: 30a. m. . 我的飞机上午九点半到。



The BA flight I�m taking is due to arrive in Manchester at 4: 00 p. m. .


2 . 预订旅馆、入住与结账离开

I�d like to make a reservation for two nights for a single room with bath

我想预订一个带浴室的单人房, 住两天。

Can I have a room with two single beds?


Is there any discount for company booking?


I believe you have reserved a room for me. My name is Benjamin Carson.

我相信你们为我保留了一个房间, 我的名字是本杰明·卡森。

Please fill out this form: name, address, and passport number.

请在表格上填写: 姓名、地址、护照号。

When is the check out time? 结账退房的时间是几点?

I have to check out now. My name is Zhang Yu. I was in room 202.

我想现在结账。我的名字是张禹, 我住 202 房。

3 . 预约与赴约

I�d like to see you / have a meeting with you while I stay here.


I�d like to make an appointment with. . . 我想约见⋯⋯

Can I see you on Wednesday morning? 我能在周三上午与你见面吗?

Shall we make an appointment, say, at 2 o�clock this afternoon?

让我们约好下午见面, 比如说, 两点好吗?

I have an appointment with. . . at 9 o�clock. 我和⋯⋯约了九点见面。

I�m here for an appointment with. . . 我来这里赴约与⋯⋯见面。

Conver sational Tips

1. 英语国家人的姓名次序和中国人的正好相反。因此, 预订国外旅馆后或登记入住时, 告诉

对方自己的姓是非常有必要的, 因为旅馆的房间预订通常是按照预订人姓名的字母顺序登

记的。为了避免不必要的麻烦, 要及时说明:

My family name is Xie. That is, X-I-E.

2. 应邀前往英美人家做客, 要“赞不绝口”、“谢不绝口”, 方显礼貌。如:

—Thanks for your kind invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。

—Quite welcome. The pleasure is ours. 不用客气, 你能来我们深感荣幸。

Everything tastes delicious. And it looks great too. 每道菜吃起来都那么香, 样子也好看。

What a tastefully decorated house! 这房子布置得真大方啊!

It has been a marvelous evening. It was very kind of you to invite us.



Unit 6 Going Ab roa d on Busine ss

Good night. And thanks again. 晚安。再次谢谢你们。

Exer cises

I . Translate the following conversations.

1 . ———早上好! 我能帮你什么?

———早上好! 我跟销售经理林华约好在十点见面。



———稍等, 我看看, 有了, 布朗先生, 请坐, 我去告诉林小姐你来了。


———你好,林小姐,布朗先生来赴十点钟的预约了。好的。布朗先生, 林小姐马上就来见你。



———你好, 我是林华。



2. ———下午好! 我能为你效劳吗?

———是的。我在这预订了房间。我叫苏小如, 苏是我的姓。



———哦, 是中国上海来的苏女士。这儿有您订的单人房, 住三个晚上。




———您的房间是 628 号, 这是钥匙。

———顺便问一下, 房间里有电视吗?



———有, 就在你身后。


———没有, 不过有游泳池。

II . Com pose a dialogue“ Making a Reser va tion with the Centra l Hotel”which is pr ior to

Dialogue Two“Checking in the Hotel”.

I II . Make a dialogue with the given words or ph rases a ccor ding to the following situation .

Mr. Chen Bin, together with his assistant is invited to a dinner at the house of his Canadian

partner, Mr. Carpenter. Mr. Chen gives a small gift to the host and hostess, who offer them



something to drink before dinner. In the course of the dinner, the guests praise the quality of the

food, especially the main dish—lasagna. They part with some remarks on the wonderful evening.

lasagna 意大利卤汁宽面条 rum 朗姆酒 gin 杜松子酒

Scotch 苏格兰威士忌 wine 葡萄酒 a gin and tonic 杜松子酒加苏打水

ginger ale 姜汁汽水 a Scotch on the rocks 加冰块的苏格兰威士忌

IV. Fr ee Talk

Western fast food has become popular among young people and children in China. What are

the factors you think that contribute to its popularity in China? Are there any problems with it?


Unit 6 Going Ab roa d on Busine ss

Unit 7

Presentation and Promotion

of Products

【Tea ching Aims】

Effective presentation can arouse interest of the prospective clients in the products and is thus

conducive to sales promotion. This unit introduces to the students various ways to present and

promote products on different occasions, and provides relative exercises serving as an oral training

to the students.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Presentation and promotion of products at a fair

2 . Presentation and promotion of products in the showroom

3 . Showing the client around the factory

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

fair showroom present exhibits practical impressive supply reliability be assured

of staff quality control

Background Knowledge

在市场竞争日益激烈的今天, 不少客户并不完全信赖商业广告宣传, 他们秉持“眼见为

实”的原则, 注重实际使用的效果, 因此, 产品的展示与推销对于达成一笔交易起到了越来越

重要的作用。应该说, 展示是推销的手段, 推销是展示的目的。展示与推销的重点在于激起客

户对产品的兴趣, 增强客户对产品销售前景的信心, 从而引起客户的购买意愿。所以, 在展示

与推销过程中, 外销员应注意做到: 1. 优先考虑客户可能交易的项目; 2. 耐心进行示范操作

使用, 使客户了解产品的性能与特点; 3. 详细说明产品的优点, 适当提及已取得的销售业绩,

增强客户的信心; 4. 介绍公司或厂家的情况, 使客户产生信赖感。外销员可以利用客户参观

交易会展台、样品间或工厂的机会, 进行有效的展示与推销。当然, 外销员自身必须熟悉产品,

具有丰富的专业知识。此外, 对自己的产品也要显示出十足的信心才能有足够的说服力。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One At Chica go In terna tiona l Home & Household Show

Ms. Ma , sales representa tive of Rongjia ng Textiles Compa ny, is showing the products to

Mr. Brown from a Canadia n firm.

M: Would you like to have a look at our exhibits?

B: Yes, I�d love to.

M: Look at this graceful cloth. As you can see, this rose and heart design would lend a gay,

festive air to any party.

B: Yes, it looks like it would.

M: And yet, this cloth gives the most practical service.

B: Does it?

M: Sure. You know, this cloth is an easy-to-care-for blend of cotton and tetoron. It offers not

only extra strength but drip-dry laundering ease.

B: How is that?

M: You can simply dip it in suds, rinse and allow it to drip dry. Of course, it dries quickly and

smoothly without a wrinkle. So you never need to iron it.

B: Ah, I see.

M: Besides, this charming cloth is economically priced, and so practical for family use.

B: That�s rather impressive. May I have a copy of your sales literature?

M: Sure. Here you are.

Dialogue Two Visiting a Showroom

Mr. Jackson, representa tive from an American firm, is visiting a bicycle showroom. Mr.

Fa ng accompanies him.

F: Mr. Jackson, what do you think of these racing bicycles?

J: Oh, they really look smart.

F: You said it. They are so cool that they have become a great favorite with the young people.

And they are much lighter than other models.

J: How much do they weigh?

F: 16 to 17. 5 kg.

J: That�s great. What�s your model range?

F: We have bicycles for both gents and ladies size 19, 21, 23, 25, and 27. And the colors vary

according to the client�s requirement. Do you think they have a chance on your market?

J: Mm. . . they may interest our end-users. But as you know, our buyers are rather

discriminating. What they appreciate most is a reliable machine.

F: That�s true. But you can be assured of reliability of our bicycles. It�s just our strong point.

Our bikes have been sold to many countries and proved satisfactory to users abroad.


Unit 7 Pre s e nta tion a nd Prom otion of Prod uc ts

J: Mr. Fang, I�d be willing to give your racing bicycles a try, but you have to guarantee

continuous production, and adequate supply of spare parts.

F: You needn�t worry about that.

J: I think I still need more information. Do you have any pamphlets that can tell me about the

factory�s organization and production?

F: Here are some publicity brochures. Or you like to make an inspection tour to the factories?

J: Yes, if it wouldn�t inconvenience you. Anyway, first hand information is more valuable than

reading pamphlets.

Dialogue Three A Visit to a Paper Plant

Mr. Chen introduces the factory while showing Mr. Hughes from Holland around.

C: Let me introduce our factory while I show you around, OK?

H: Good idea.

C: First of all, our organization. At present, we have about 1 000 employees. About 700 in the

plant, 100 or so in the general affairs section, handling administration and accounting, and

the rest in our technical department. They are responsible for maintenance, quality control and


H: You�ve really got a large number of technical staff.

C: We believe technology is the key to development.

H: What�s you annual output?

C: About 600 , 000 tonnes.

H: Does it all go for packaging?

C: No. Only about 1 /4 is used for packaging. The rest is sold through normal sales and

distribution channels. We have sales outlets throughout our country.

H: Can you assure us of delivery on time?

C: No problem.

H: How do you ensure quality control?

C: It�s done by quality control department. Another thorough inspection follows before delivery.

And that�s why the percentage of inferior goods is so low, only 3. 9% .

H: That�s fantastic.

C: Having seen our factory, what�s your overall impression?

H: I�m favorably impressed. I think we may be able to do business together in the future.

C: I�m glad to hear that. I�m sure you won�t be disappointed if you decide to use our products.

Wor ds & Expr essions

graceful [ �greis ful ] a . 优美的, 雅致的 ( D1)

festive [ �fes tiv ] a. 欢乐的, 欢庆的 ( D1)

practical [ �pr�kt ik�l] a . 实际的, 实用的 ( D1)



easy-to-care-for adj. 易于照料的 ( D1)

blend n. & v. 混合; 混合物 ( D1)

launder[ �l��nd�, �l��nd�] a. 洗熨 ( D1)

wrinkle [ �r i�kl] n. 皱纹, 褶皱; ( 使) 起皱; 皱起 ( D1)

iron [ �ai�n] n. & v. 熨; 熨斗 ( D1)

charming [ �t���mi�] a . 迷人的, 好看的 ( D1)

economically [ i�k��n�mik�li] a dv. 经济地 ( D1)

racing bicycle 比赛用自行车 ( D2)

favorite [ �fe iv�r it ] a . & n. 最喜爱的( 人; 事物) ( D2)

model [ �m�dl] n. 型号; 式样 ( D2)

range [ reind�] n. 范围 ( D2)

vary [ �v��r i] v. 相异, 多变 ( D2)

according to 根据 ( D2)

end-user [ �e nd�ju�z�( r) ] n. 用户 ( D2)

discriminating [ dis�krimine iti�] a. 有鉴别能力的 ( D2)

reliable [ ri�lai�bl] a . 可靠的 ( D2)

reliability [ r i�lai��b iliti] n. 可靠性 ( D2)

guarantee [ ���r�n�ti�] n. & v. 保证 ( D2)

continuous [ k�n�t inju�s ] a. 持续的, 连续的 ( D2)

adequate [ ��dikw it ] a. 适当的, 足够的 ( D2)

spare parts 零部件 ( D2)

publicity brochure 宣传小册子 ( D2)

inspection tour 视察之旅, 考察之旅 ( D2)

inconvenience [ �ink�n�vi�nj�ns] n. & v. ( 使) 不方便 ( D2)

pamphlets [ �p�mflit ] n. 小册子 ( D2)

employee [ �e mpl�i�i�, im�pl�ii] n. 雇员 ( D3)

plant [ pl��nt ] n. 工厂 ( D3)

handle [ �h�ndl] v. 处理 ( D3)

administration [ �dm inis�t re i��n ] n. 管理, 行政 ( D3)

accounting [ ��ka unti�] n. 财会 ( D3)

technical department 技术部门 ( D3)

be responsible for 为⋯⋯负责 ( D3)

maintenance [ �meint in�ns] n. 维持, 维修 ( D3)

technical staff ( 全体) 技术人员 ( D3)

annual output 年产量 ( D3)

packaging [ �p�kid�i�] n. 包装 ( D3)

sales and distribution channel 配售渠道 ( D3)

sales outlet 销售点 ( D3)

at full capacity 全力 ( D3)


Unit 7 Pre s e nta tion a nd Prom otion of Prod uc ts

percentage [ p��sent id�] n. 百分比 ( D3)

inferior [ in�f i�r i�] a. 差的, 次的 ( D3)

fantastic [ f�n�t�s tik ] a. 极好的, 吸引人的 ( D3)


1 . Chicago International Home & Household Show 芝加哥国际家庭用品博览会

2 . As you can see, this rose and heart design would lend a gay, festive air to any party.

正如你所看到的, 这种玫瑰和心形的图案会给任何宴会增添愉快欢乐的气氛的。

3 . And yet, this cloth gives the most practical service.

另外, 这种桌布还有最经济实用的效益。

4 . You know, this cloth is an easy-to-care-for blend of cotton and tetoron.

你知道, 这桌布是易于处理的特多龙和棉的混纺织品。

5 . It offers not only extra strength but drip-dry laundering ease.

它不仅特别坚韧, 而且洗涤晾干也很容易。

6 . You can simply dip it in suds, rinse and allow it to drip dry. Of course, it dries quickly and

smoothly without a wrinkle.

你只要把它浸入肥皂水中, 冲洗一下, 让它自行滴干即可。当然, 它干得很快, 而且平滑, 一


7 . Besides, this charming cloth is economically priced, and so practical for family use.

此外, 这种好看的桌布价钱经济, 因此很适合家庭使用。

8 . What they appreciate most is a reliable machine.


a pprecia te v. 欣赏; 感激; 理解

Her capabilities are not fully appreciated.


Your close cooperation will be highly appreciated.


We shall appreciate it if you could send us your samples by air.

如蒙寄来样品, 将不胜感激。

I don�t think you appreciate his position.


9 . But you can be assured of reliability of our bicycles.

但对我们自行车的性能, 你尽可放心。

be a ssured of sth . 对⋯⋯有信心

I�m assured of your success in the field of baseball.


You may rest assured that. . . 请放心⋯⋯

You may rest assured that our terms are most favorable.



请放心, 我们的条件极为优惠。

10. . . . proved satisfactory to users abroad.


prove v. 证明是; 被发现是; 显示出是

The data have proved to be useful.

这些数据( 被发现) 是有用的。

11. but you have to guarantee continuous production, and adequate supply of spare parts.

但你们得保证有连续的生产, 对零部件有足够的供应。

guar antee n. v.

We can guarantee our regular supply.


Banker�s guarantee is necessary.


12. About 700 in the plant, 100 or so in the general affairs section, handling administration and

accounting, and the rest in our technical department.

工厂有 700 名, 100 名左右在行政部门, 处理行政业务及会计, 其余的在技术部。

13. They are responsible for maintenance, quality control and research.

他们负责维修, 质管与研究。

be responsible for 为⋯⋯负责

In my opinion, the shipping company should be responsible for the loss.

依我看, 船运公司应为此损失负责。

14. Though heavily committed, we are working at full capacity according to our reasonable

production schedule to ensure punctual delivery.

尽管订单很多, 但我们正根据合理的生产计划安排全力生产, 以如期交货。

comm it v. 承诺, 约束, 使负有责任( 商业上常指接受订货)

heavily committed ( 要履行的) 订单很多

15. We have step-by-step quality control for the entire manufacturing process

整个生产过程中, 一个步骤连着一个步骤都有品质管理。

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 推介产品

Because it�s good for health, it has become more and more popular.

由于对健康有益, 它越来越受欢迎。

We are supplying a full range of silk products to various countries. And silk garments are our

best selling goods.

我们正向世界各国输出全系列的丝织品, 其中真丝服装最好卖。

This new product of ours has just been awarded a gold medal at an international expo.



Unit 7 Pre s e nta tion a nd Prom otion of Prod uc ts

It�s easy to handle. All you have to do is to push this button with just a soft touch. Look, it

has started working.

这很容易操作。你要做的就是轻轻按下这个按钮。看, 开动了。

All our garments are poly-cotton, which is stronger, needs little ironing, and allows variation

in pattern.

我们的服装都是涤棉料的, 质地坚韧, 不用熨烫, 并且花样繁多。

2 . 了解工厂情况

Do you export all your products?


What�s the total annual output of your factory?


What raw materials do you use? And where are they from?

你们用什么原材料? 来自哪里?

Do you spend a lot on research and development each year?


How do you ensure quality control?


3 . 接待来访者

Let me show you our sample room / workshops /exhibits.

我带您看看样品间 /车间 /展品。

This is our newly-developed computer. Let me demonstrate it.

这是我们新开发的计算机, 我来演示一下。

You are welcome to have a try.


We have sales outlets throughout our country.


We guarantee world-standard in quality.


There are totally nine departments in our company: Administration, Accounting, Production,

Sales, Research and Development, Legal, Personnel, Transport and Purchasing.

我们公司共有九个部门: 行政管理部、财会部、生产部、销售部、研究开发部、法律事务部、人


The workshops are highly automated.


We have established a maintenance center in your country.




Conver sational Tips

1 . 怎样推销产品呢? 首先可以就产品明显的优点加以发挥, 引导客户的注意力。如:

Look at this graceful cloth. It goes very well with a candle light dinner.

接着进一步说明, 让客户了解其实际效益。如:

This product gives the most practical service.


2 . 一个优秀的推销员要学会推销适合大众消费( mass consumption) 的产品, 所以, 别忘了灵活


This item is economically priced, and so practical for family use.

3 . 外商 要求参观工 厂是很常 见的。在解 说时, 我们 往往会提 到员工 人数 ( number of

employees) 、年产量( annual output) 、配销渠道 ( sales and distribution channels ) 、质量管理

( quality control) 等。

4 . 一切参观活动结束之后, 一定要问问对方印象如何。如:

Having seen our factory / samples, what�s your overall impression?

如果得到对方的肯定, 说明你的辛苦没有白费, 可以考虑下一步的商谈了。

Exer cises

I . Substitute the underlined pa rts.

1 . Ours is a plant with cotton cloth as its main products.

1 ) company, textiles, line

2 ) factory, desk lamps, goods

3 ) firm, electrical appliances, line

4 ) living organism, tableware, goods

2 . Our products have been widely sold in a number of areas abroad.

1 ) are readily salable

2 ) are well received

3 ) have enjoyed wide popularity

4 ) have met with favorable reception

3 . You can rest assured that there will be good prospects for the sale of our cutlery.

1 ) our products are most competitive

2 ) delivery can be made within four weeks after we receive your order

3 ) all necessary arrangements will be made in time

4 ) we�ll get the required goods ready within three months.

4 . What about quality control?

1 ) its function

2 ) spare parts and after-sale service


Unit 7 Pre s e nta tion a nd Prom otion of Prod uc ts

3 ) something to drink

4 ) the workmanship

II . Tr anslate the following sentences.

1 . Do you have any catalogues available that have rather comprehensive data and technical details?

2 . Can you get the machine to start working?

3 . We have a symposium over there and I can give you a quick demonstration.

4 . Just try and test the merits of our new product, and also its own wonderful mobility.

5 . We have been engaged in this line for more than twenty years.

6 . 请看这个, 这是本公司刚刚开发出来的一种革命性的包装。

7 . 你可以亲眼看看这产品有多么了不起。

8 . 请问您从事何种行业?

9 . 这种机器的优点之一就是能快速吸起各种微粒。

10. 由于品质优良, 价格适中, 加上本公司的诚实交易, 这些产品获得了极好的赞誉。

III . Make a dialogue ba sed on the following situa tion.

Mr. Frank, a businessman from New Zealand, is visiting the exhibition with the intention to

purchase some electric fans. Mr. Liu, an exhibitor from Huiye Trading Co. , is trying to persuade

him to buy a quality product of theirs.

IV. Fr ee Talk

Describe your studying /working envioronment. What are the major problems with it?



Unit 8


【Tea ching Aims】

Although an inquiry has no legal effect on the two sides, it is often the beginning of trade and

plays an important role in both import and export. The purpose of this unit is to provide the

students with sample dialogues on inquiries, to show them how to make inquiries orally and how

to deal with them, and thus enable the students to talk on this topic fluently and properly.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Asking for a catalogue and price list and the appropriate response.

2 . Making general inquiries and dealing with them

3 . Making specific inquiries and dealing with them

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

inquiry catalogue price list sample general inquiry specific inquiry for your

reference stock

Background Knowledge

询盘是交易一方欲购买或出售某种商品时, 向另一方发出的探询买卖该商品及有关条件

的一种表示。询盘既是联系客户的一种方式, 又可帮助询盘者直接取得商品的有关资料, 了解

对方对交易条件的意见以及对交易的诚意, 因此, 尽管询盘对询盘者与被询盘者并无法律约束

力, 也不是合同磋商的必经步骤, 但它往往是买卖双方正式接触进行交易的起点, 双方均应对



取样品、商品目录、价目表等。询盘一方应清楚表达自己想获得的信息与交易条件, 以便对方

能完整而迅速地做出答复; 被询盘方也应立即反应, 热忱相待, 掌握商机。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Asking for a Cata logue a nd a Price List

Mr. Wa ng Ha iming, Sa les mana ger of Dongsheng Ga rments Co. , Shanghai, is receiving a

Canadian mercha nt, Mr. Jack Thompson, at his stand at the Ea st China Fair .

W : Good afternoon, Sir. What can I do for you?

T: Good afternoon. My name is Jack Thompson. I�m from Toronto, Canada. Here�s my card.

W : Glad to meet you, Mr. Thompson. I�m Wang Haiming, sales manager of Dongsheng

Garments Company.

T: Glad to meet you, too.

W : Sit down, please.

T: Thank you.

W : Would you care for a cup of tea?

T: Yes, please.

W : Could you tell me what items you are most interested in?

T: I�m thinking of importing some embroidered shirts.

W : That�s just our line of business. We�ve got some more samples here. Would you please take

a look at them?.

T: I�d love to.

W : Our embroidered shirts enjoy high popularity in both Europe and the U. S. for their superior

quality and novel design. I�m sure they�ll find a ready market in your country.

T: They�re indeed impressive. Are they embroidered by hand or by machine?

W : By machine. You know, not many people prefer to buy the hand-embroidered, for they are

much more expensive.

T: You�re quite right. But before I place an order, I�d like to look into your products closely.

Could you give me one copy of your catalogue and latest price list each?

W : Sure. Here you are. And all the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.

T: I see. I�ll come again in a few days after studying your catalogue and price list.

W : You�re welcome at any time. Here�s my card.

T: Thank you. Goodbye.

W : Goodbye.

Dialogue Two General In quir ies

Mr. Clive from a company in Australia comes to a Chinese computer hardware plant for the

prices of computer chips. Mr. Ya ng is meeting with him.

C: I�m very glad to have the opportunity of visiting your company. You have been recommended

to us by Freeman & Co. Ltd. , Australia, as a supplier of computer chips. And I hope we can

do business together.



Y: It�s a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Clive. Now what do you think I can do for you?

C: We shall be pleased if you can send us by airmail the catalogues, sample books and all

necessary information about the chips.

Y: No problem. I�ll get them ready for you in a couple of days.

C: Thank you so much. Meanwhile, please quote us your lowest prices on CFR Sydney basis and

state the earliest time of delivery.

Y: I�ll see to that.

C: And I�d like to know whether you are able to allow us a special discount, say, 5% , for the

initial order.

Y: Well, it depends on the size of your order. If your purchase exceeds an amount of US $

100 , 000, we agree to give you a discount of 5% .

C: I see. What about payment terms?

Y: We usually require payment by irrevocable L /C at sight.

C: But if our order is large enough, would you consider accepting any payment terms other than

L /C?

Y: You may rest assured of that.

Dialogue Three Specific Inqu ir ies

Mr. Smith wa nts to make a n inquiry about electric fans. He is now having a talk with Mr.

Wei Qingyun, sales representa tive of Micea .

S: Hi, Qingyun. How are you?

W : Fine, thanks. And you?

S: Very well, thank you. You are as strong as before. How is your business recently?

W : Pretty good, thank you. So you�ve come for electric rice cookers again, I guess.

S: Indeed, your cookers have been well received on our market. But this time I�m here for your

electric fans, for which our New York branch has asked us for a quotation.

W : You�re right in coming here. We can supply electric fans of all types and, of course, of high

quality. Here are our catalogue and the latest price list for your reference.

( after a while)

S: We intend to place an order for Art. No. B 50, Art. No. B 62 and Art. No. B 64. Can

you quote us your lowest FOB prices for 3, 000 sets each? The prices listed here are on CIF


W : That can be done easily. I�m sure you�ll find our prices most attractive.

S: Good. Then when can we expect shipment?

W : For such a large order, we usually make delivery within two months after receipt of the

relative L / C.

S: So you ask for payment by sight L / C as usual.

W : As you know, that�s our usual practice.

S: Well, I�ll call again after I study your price list.


Unit 8 Inq uirie s

Dialogue Four Dea ling with an Inquir y

Mr. Young, a French importer , is having a talk with Miss. Li from Yuxi Light Industrial

Products Import & Export Corpora tion after visiting the showroom.

L: Now you have seen our exhibits in the showroom. May I know what particular items you�re

interested in?

Y: I�m particularly interested in your bicycles. I think they will be readily marketable in our

country. Here�s a list of our requirements.

L: Thank you for your inquiry. Could you give me an indication of the quantities that you require

as well as the time of delivery?

Y: We need 1, 000 to 1, 200 pieces each for shipment in August.

L: Thank you. Now, Item 1, Item 3 and Item 4 are available and can be supplied immediately.

Y: Great. I�d like to have your best prices, CIF Marseilles, for 1, 200 pieces each.

L: All right. But Item 2 is out of stock for the moment. Could you accept delivery in October?

Y: Oh, we can�t wait that long. Can you arrange for just 500 pieces to be delivered in August?

L: I�m afraid that can�t be done either. If you are in such urgent need of the goods, why not try

some of other brands? Perhaps you�d like to glance through our catalogue.

Y: Fine.

L: May I draw your attention to Art. No 18, the 26″Magic Deer?

Y: Can you supply 1 000 pieces from stock?

L: We�ll surely meet your requirements to the full.

Y: Quite good. And we�ll place an order with you if your quotations are right.

L: I�m sure you�ll find our prices worth accepting.

Wor ds & Expr essions

embroidered shirt 绣花衬衫 ( D1)

line of business 经营的产品 ( D1)

sample [ �s�mpl] n. 样品 ( D1)

enjoy high popularity 流行, 深受欢迎, 畅销 ( D1)

superior [ sj u��pi�ri�] a . 上乘的 ( D1)

novel [ �n�v�l] a . 新颖的 ( D1)

impressive [ im�pre siv ] a. 令人印象深刻的 ( D1)

catalogue [ �k�t�l��] n. 商品目录 ( D1)

price list 价目表 ( D1)

subject to 取决于, 以⋯⋯为条件 ( D1)

confirmation [ �k�nf��me i��n ] n. 确认, 证实 ( D1)

computer hardware 计算机硬件 ( D2)

computer chips 计算机芯片 ( D2)

recommend [ �re k��mend ] v. 推荐 ( D2)



sample books 样品本 ( D2)

workmanship [ �w��km�n�ip] n. 工艺 ( D2)

place an order 下订单 ( D2)

quote [ kw�ut ] v. 报价 ( D2)

CFR( Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 ( D2)

time of delivery 交货期 ( D2)

discount [ �diskaunt ] n. & v. 折扣 ( D2)

initial order 首次订购 ( D2)

purchase [ �p��t��s ] n. & v. 购买 ( D2)

exceed [ ik�s i�d] 超过, 多于 ( D2)

payment terms 付款条件 ( D2)

irrevocable [ i�rev�k�bl] a. 不可撤销的 ( D2)

L /C ( letter of credit) 信用证 ( D2)

for your reference 供你方参考 ( D3)

intend to do something 打算做某事 ( D3)

shipment [ ��ipm�nt ] n. 装运; 船期; 船货 ( D3)

delivery [ di�liv�r i] n. 交货 ( D3)

after receipt of 收到⋯⋯后 ( D3)

showroom 样品陈列间 ( D3)

quantity [ �kw�nt iti] n. 数量 ( D4)

available [ ��veil�b�l] a . 可用的; 可获得的 ( D4)

arrange [ ��re ind�] v. 安排 ( D4)

be in urgent need of 急需 ( D4)

glance through 粗略地看, 浏览 ( D4)

draw one�s attention to 提请某人注意 ( D4)

to the full 完全地 ( D4)


1 . inquir y( enquir y) n. 询盘, 询价

to make an inquiry for sth. 对( 某物) 询价

to keep the inquiry on file 把询盘记录存档

inquire v. 询价

to inquire for sth. 对( 某物) 询价

to inquire about sth. 询问某物

2 . And all the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.


subject to 取决于, 以⋯⋯为条件

This offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before June 30th.


Unit 8 Inq uirie s


3 . We want to study the material and workmanship of your supplies before we place any order.

我们想对你方所供货物的材料和工艺进行研究, 然后再提交订单。

supply n. v. 所供货物; 供应

As you may have known, supply exceeds demand on our market.

也许你知道, 目前供应大于需求。

We can supply electric fans of all types and, of course, of high quality.

我们能供应各种型号的电风扇, 当然, 质量也很好。

supplier n. 供应商

4 . order n. 订单 v. 订购

to accept an order 接受订单

to cancel an order 撤销订单

to confirm an order 确认订单

to fulfill an order 履行订单

to place an order( with sb. for sth. ) ( 向某人) 订购( 某物)

a back order 未执行( 过期) 的订单

an initial order 首次订购

a trial order 试购( 订单)

a large order 大订单

order sth. 订购某物

5 . Meanwhile, please quote us your lowest prices on CFR Sydney basis and state the earliest time

of delivery.

同时, 请报你方成本加运费至悉尼最低价, 并说明最早交货期。

q uote v. 报价

q uotation n. 报价

Please let us have your lowest quotation CIFC 5% Los Angeles.

请报成本加运保费含佣 5 % 至洛杉矶最低价。

6 . a vaila ble adj. 可用的; 可获得的

We have no stock available at the moment.


We�ll contact you as soon as it is available.


7 . stock n. 库存

in stock 有现货的

out of stock 无现货的; 脱销的

supply( sth. ) from stock 供应现货

The item went out of stock just before Christmas but came back into stock in the first week of


这项商品在圣诞节前脱销, 可是一月份第一个周就有货了。



8 . It�s of the same high quality as Item 2 and with an even better finish.

它和第二项商品的质量一样好, 而加工更加完美。

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 买方询问价格

We are primarily interested in your silk scarves. Would you please let us know about your

price? 我们主要对你们的真丝围巾感兴趣, 你能让我们了解一下你们的价格吗?

Could you give me some idea of your prices?


Could you give us your lowest quotation, CIF Hamburg?


Could you let us have your quotation on FOB basis?


We wish to have your CFR price for 100 sets of your products for August shipment.

希望得知你公司产品 100 套的成本加运费价, 船期为 8 月份。

2 . 买方索取商品目录、价目表、详细资料与样品

We are interested in your products and shall be pleased to have a catalogue with a price list.

我们对你方产品很感兴趣, 并将很高兴得到商品目录与价目表各一份。

Please send us full details of your goods and give us your earliest delivery date.


Please let us know what you can offer in this line as well as your sales terms, such as mode of

payment, time of delivery, discount, etc.

请告知可供产品及销售条件, 如付款方式、交货期、折扣等等。

We shall be glad if you could send us the sample you have in stock.


3 . 卖方答复询盘

Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the



We can supply this item from stock.


Sorry, this item is not available for the time being.

很抱歉, 这种商品目前无货可供。

We�d like to point out that we usually settle our acounts on D /P terms.


We can guarantee delivery within four weeks after receipt of your order.


We usually allow a quantity discount for orders over 1 000 sets.


Unit 8 Inq uirie s

对于 1 000 套以上的订单, 我们通常给予一定的数量折扣。

Conver sational Tips

1. 我们所接到的询盘, 都是建立业务关系, 做成生意的机会, 所以要认真对待, 一定要迅速而

全面地提供给对方所要求了解的有关交易的各种信息; 对于某些重要信息, 即使对方并未

提出要求, 我们也应该主动告诉他们, 这对促成一笔交易的成功是极为重要的, 因为这至少


May I remind you that we allow a quantity discount if your order is large enough?

能否提醒你: 如果你方订单足够大, 我们能给予数量折扣?

2. 没货怎么办? 不要简单地说句“Sorry, it�s out of stock”了事, 要多动动脑筋, 采取更积极主


1) 表示已记下这个询盘, 有货时再联系:

We�ll keep your inquiry in mind and contact you as soon as it is back in stock.

当然, 真有货的时候, 可别忘了与他联系, 说话是要算数的。

2) 如果暂时无货, 还可以在交货期上做文章, 问他迟些交货行不行:

What do you say to delivery in December?

3) 可以推荐类似产品, 也许东方不亮西方亮:

Maybe you�ll be interested in Item 15, a similar product of the same high quality.

也许你会对第 15 号货感兴趣, 这是有着同样高质量的同类产品。

Exer cises

I . Substitution dr ills.

1 . We

are interested in

are delighted with

have confidence in

your products and

are thinking of placing an order.

are planning to place an order.

intend to place an order.

are prepared to place them in our market.

2 . May I know what particular items

you are interested in?

you are keen on?

you think may interest your end-users?

3 .

We have great interest in

We are particularly interested in

We are in the market for

There is a great demand for

Art. No. 17.

Item 4.

men�s shirts.

white cement in our market.

4 . If

your price is competitive enough,

terms are favorable enough,

date of delivery is acceptable,

we shall

place a large order with you.

buy a large quantity.

purchase from you.



5 . I can�t tell you for sure now, for

we have many orders on hand.

there is a short supply of this item.

the stock level of this item seems to be getting low.

6 . Please make your quotation on

CFR Shanghai

CIFC 5% Vancouver



II . Tr anslate the following into Chinese.

1 . Are these commodities available right now? We�d like to see the samples first.

2 . For this particular product, there are many models. Which model do you want?

3 . If necessary, we may take special orders according to your requirement.

4 . This product is of the same high quality as what you required, except for different


5 . How much discount can you give me if my order is over 8 000 dozen?

6 . Usually delivery is made within one month after receipt of your L / C.

III . Tra nsla te the dia logues into English .

A: 我想你一定已经研究过我们的销售说明书, 你觉得我们的产品怎么样?

B: 我觉得不错, 它们可能在我们市场会有销路。

A: 是的, 我们的产品销往世界许多地方, 并深受欢迎。

B: 你能给我们报你们的最低价吗?

A: 当然, 不过在我们报价之前, 你能告诉我你们准备订购的数量吗?

B: 我们订购的数量取决于你们的价格。要是你们的价格有吸引力的话 , 我们将下大的订


A: 你希望我们报什么价?

B: 最好你们报 FOB 价。

A: 好的, 如果你不介意等的话, 我可以马上把它算出来。

B: 没关系, 请慢慢算。

A: 好了, 这是我们的 FOB 价。

B: 谢谢。顺便问一下, 你们给折扣吗?

A: 如果数量超过 5 000 件, 我们给 3 % 的折扣。

B: 明白了。谢谢。

IV. Answer the qu estion

What can you do if the item a prospective client inquires for is not available?

V. Make a dialogue according to the following situa tion.

At the Frankfurt Exposition, Mr. Black shows interest in men�s shirts and jeans and is


Unit 8 Inq uirie s

inquiring about them. Mr. Gao, a sales clerk of Jingjiang Garments Imp. & Exp. Corp,

receives him at his stand. They talk about quantity, specification, time of delivery and payment


VI. Fr ee Talk

How often do you use the short message service( SMS) ? What do you do with it?



Unit 9

Offer and Order

【Tea ching Aims】

After the buyer makes an inquiry, the seller usually makes an offer for it, or sometimes the

buyer should make an offer actively. If the buyer is satisfied with the price, they would place an

order with the seller. The aim of this lesson is to learn and apply the language and skills of making

an offer and placing an order.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Some differences between firm offer and non-firm offer .

2 . Making firm offers and dealing with them

3 . Making an order with the seller and dealing with them

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

firm offer non-firm offer unit price head office make an offer for be subject to a

trial sale regular supply place an order for export item

Background Knowledge

报盘( offer) , 也叫报价, 是卖方主动向买方提供商品信息, 或者是对买方询盘的答复, 其


还盘( counter-offer) 也叫还价, 是贸易往来中对价格的磋商 ( negotiation) 过程。还盘可以

是还价, 也可以是改变其他交易条件, 如改变支付条件、改变贸易术语、提高佣金和折扣等, 使

各种交易条件对我方更有利。当买卖双方, 不能接受对方所提供的某项贸易条件时, 可以通过

还盘说明原因, 表示遗憾, 或建议对方给予一定让步。

报盘与还盘的这个过程称之为交易磋商即谈判。谈判为双方能接受, 客户才会给之订单

( order) , 与之签订合同 ( contract) 或销售确认书 ( sales confirmation) 。此时, 交易双方之间的

陌生感已消除, 可以说已经渡过了接触障碍和难关。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One An O ffer on SONY Brand Camera

An old customer of SONY Camera, who ma de an inquiry a few days ago, is here to get the

offer .

A: I�ve come to hear about your offer for your“Sony”brand camera. Have you received our


B: Yes, we got it the day before yesterday. We have the offer ready for you now.

A: All right. What�s the unit price?

B: well, here it is, 1 000 sets of SONY Camera Model DCR-IP210 E at 8 000 U. S. dollars per

set, our loading port is Tokyo.

A: How long is this offer valid?

B: The offer is subject to your reply within two days.

A: Good, I�ll have to consult my head office before I can give you a definite reply.

B: All right.

A: Thank you very much.

Dialogue Two W hen Ca n I H ave Your Fir m O ffer ?

A ma ssage cha ir dealer is visiting the Guangzhou Tra de Fair , and is now having a talk with

a Chinese businessma n.

A: Nice to meet you. I�m Zhang yang. Please have a seat.

B: Thanks, Ms Zhang. I�ve come here to have a look about the massage chair. Here�s my list, I

hope you�ll give me your best offer.

A: I�ll try my hardest.

B: Thanks. If your prices are moderate, I�ll place an order with you right away.

A: It�s very nice of you to say so. As a matter of fact, many of our products have caught up with

advanced world levels.

B: Glad to hear that.

A: At the same time you�ll find our prices most attractive. The massage chairs have gone up a lot

in recent years, but our prices haven�t changed much.

B: Fine. When can I get a firm offer?

A: We�ll have it worked out by this evening and let you have it tomorrow morning. Would you

be free to come by then?

B: Fine, I�ll be here tomorrow morning at ten. How�s that?

A: Perfect. See you tomorrow then.

B: Bye!



Dialogue Three Making a Tr ial Or der

A sales ma nager from a n Australian company is visiting Mr. Wang�s compa ny; he is

interested in a new product in the show room. Now they a re talking a bout it.

A: Welcome to our company. It�s a pleasure to meet you.

B: The pleasure is all mine. I�ve been interested in your washing machines.

A: I�m glad you like it.

B: ( look at a sample of washing machine) Is this type of washing machine a new product?

A: Yes, it is. This is the newest export item for this year.

B: I�d like to order 1 000 sets first for a trial sale. If the first lot is good, we�d like to repeat the

order and have a regular supply.

A: Very good. You�ve bought really nice machines, and I�m sure you�ll sell them fast.

Dialogue Four I W ou ld Place a La rge Or der W ith You

Mr. Green received an offer from Mr. Zhang yesterday, but he found the price quoted is on

the high side. Now he is trying to persuade Mr. Zha ng to reduce the price.

A: Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang, we received your offer about the sweaters yesterday. But we

found the price is 10 % higher than that of the previous year.

B: Well, as the costs have risen greatly, we have no choice but to increase the price of the


A: I understand your reasoning. But your price is still too high. If you would like to decrease

your price by 4% , I would place a large order with you.

B: How many pieces do you want?

A: Say, 5 000 pieces this time.

B: well, I don�t have much choice, do I? In view of long-term cooperation, I accept.

A: Thanks, we will place more orders in the future.

Wor ds & Expr essions

inquiry [ in�kwa i�r i] n. 询问, 询盘 ( D1)

offer [ ��f�] v. 出价, 报价 ( D1)

unit price 单价 ( D1)

loading port 装运港 ( D1)

valid [ �v�lid ] a. 有效的, 正当的 ( D1)

consult [ k�n�s�lt ] v. 咨询 ( D1)

head office 总公司 ( D1)

definite [ �de fin�t] a . 确定的, 一定的 ( D1)

massage chair [ �m�s���] n. 按摩椅 ( D2)

dealer [ �di�l�] n. 经销商, 商人 ( D2)

moderate [ �m�d�r it ] a . 中等的, 适当的 ( D2)


Unit 9 Offe r a nd Ord e r

advanced world level 世界先进水平 ( D2)

go up 上升 ( D2)

washing machine 洗衣机 ( D3)

sample [ �s�mpl] n. 样品 ( D3)

export item [ �e ksp��t ] n. 出口产品 ( D3)

lot [ l�t ] n. 一批的货 ( D3)

regular supply 连续的供货 ( D3)

sweater [ �sw et�] n. 毛衣 ( D4)

increase [ in�kri�s ] v. 增长 ( D4)

decrease [ di��kri�s ] v. 减少 ( D4)

cooperation [ k�u��p��re i��n] n. 合作 ( D4)


1 . ma ke an inquiry v. 询问, 询价

ma ke an inquiry ab out / for sth . 对⋯⋯询价

I�d like to make an inquiry about the sweater .


2 . I�ve come to hear about your offer for your“Sony”camera.

我来的目的是想知道你方对 SONY 牌照相机的报盘。

I�ve come to = my purpose of coming here is to 我来的目的是

I�ve come to tell you the good news.


My purpose of coming here is to make an inquiry about the product.


3 . We have the offer ready for you.


4 . unit price 单价 total amount 总金额

5 . loading por t 装货港 port n. 港口, 避风港

uploading port 卸货港 port of shipment 装运港

port of destination 目的港

You may choose Tianjin as your loading port.


6 . The offer is subject to your reply within two days.


be subject to 以⋯⋯为准

The firm offer is subject to your acceptance within 5 days.

实盘以你方 5 日内接受为准。

7 . H ead office 总公司 branch office 分公司



8 . When Can I Have Your Firm Offer?


fir m offer 不能撤消的发盘, 这种发盘也被称为“实盘”, 或称为“确盘”。

报盘, 可以分为两种: ( 1) 虚盘( non-firm offer) ( 2) 实盘( firm offer)

9 . I�ll try my hardest = I�ll try my best 我会尽力的。

10. I�ll place an order with you right away.


place a n order with sb . 向某人订货

Will you place a large order for this type of lamp with us? 这种灯你会向我们大量订购吗?

11. Many of our products have caught up with advanced world levels.


catch up ( with sb ) . 赶上

You start first, walk on and I�ll catch up with you later .

你们先动身, 往前走, 我等一会儿会赶上你们的。

12. be fr ee to do sth . 有空做⋯⋯

I wonder whether you are free to help me tomorrow.


13. your prices are modera te 价格适中。moderate adj. 中等的, 适中的。( 形容价格)


your prices are attractive / reasonable /competitive

价格有吸引力 /合理 /有竞争性

14. wor k out 做出来, 制作出来

15. a trial sale 试销

tr ial adj. 试验性的, 尝试性的。如:

a trial flight 试飞

16. the pleasure is all mine 我也很高兴

17. the first lot 第一批的货

lot 指一批的货。如: sell by lots 分批出售

18. repeat the order 连续定货。repeat 表示连续, 再

19. sell sth. fa st 很畅销, 销路好。 = sell sth. well / find a ready market / be popular

20. have no choice but to do 没有别的选择, 只能⋯⋯

21. say 大约, 比方说 = let�s say

There were, say, 500 people present.

大约有 500 人出席。

22. in view of: 鉴于, 考虑到 = in consideration of

in view of the present situation 鉴于目前形势


Unit 9 Offe r a nd Ord e r

Pr actical Sentences

1 . 要求报盘

I�ve come to hear about your offer for Black Tea.


Would you give me an offer for Item No. 8?


Could you offer us F. O. B. prices?


Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract.


What�s your offer for Green Tea?


I�d like to have your lowest quotation, CIF New York.


I�m waiting for your offer .


Would you please let us know about your price?


2 . 报盘, 报价

We are in a position to offer tea from stock.


We�ll let you have our firm offer next Sunday.


Our offer is RMB 300 yuan per set of tape-recorder, F. O. B. Tianjin.

我们的报价是每台收录机 300 元人民币, 天津离岸价。

We�ll make you an offer in the next few days.


We have the offer ready for you. The offer is valid for 3 days.

我们已经为你准备好报盘, 报盘三天有效。

As your prices are too high, we have to decline your offer.

由于价格太高, 我们只能谢绝你方报盘。

We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery

date acceptable.

如果你方报价具有竞争性, 交货期可接受的话, 我们愿意向你方订货。

The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.




3 . 订购, 下订单

I�m interested in your washing machines; I�d like to order 1 000 sets.

我对贵方的洗衣机挺感兴趣, 我想订购 1 000 台。

If you can guarantee that we will be able to receive the goods within three months, I can place

the order with you.

你若能保证我三个月内收到货, 我现在就可向你订货。

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your further orders.


What�s the minimum order for this product of yours?


We can reduce our price by 3 % if you order more than 1 000 cases.

如果您订购超过 1 000 箱, 我方可降价 3% 。

How many pieces of this pure silk women�s blouse do you intend to order?


4 . 试订单, 试订购

We�ll decide whether we�ll repeat orders for your goods according to this trial sale.


Can we just place a small order first? If they do sell well, we�ll come back for more orders.

我们是不是先订购几台, 如果确实好销, 我们再来订更多。

Last year we ordered 3 000 pieces of this kind of skirts and they sold well; so we would like to

order another 3 000 pieces of them this year again.

去年我们订购了 3 000 件这样的裙子, 销路不错; 今年我们想再订 3 000 件。

We will submit further orders, if this one is completed to our satisfaction.

如果这次订单的完成情况使我们满意, 我方将继续订购。

If the goods sell as well as we expect, we shall send further orders in the near future.

如果货物的销售情况像我们预料的一样好, 我们不久将继续订购。

Conver sational Tips

1 . 外贸英语中的报盘有两种, 即实盘和虚盘。

实盘( firm offers) , 也称确盘, 它规定有效日期, 实盘一旦被接受, 报盘人就不能撤回。虚盘

( non-firm offers) , 即无约束力的报盘。一般情况下, 多数报盘均为虚盘, 虚盘不规定报盘

的有效日期, 并且附有保留条件, 如:

The offer is subject to our final confirmation.


2 . 贸易谈判中, 如何报价是其中很重要的一个环节, 当客户嫌你的报价比别人高怎么办?


1 ) 以强硬的口气, 肯定产品的质量, 表明产品已经是最低价了。如:

I�m sorry, we�ve kept the price close to the costs of production and don�t allow further


Unit 9 Offe r a nd Ord e r


很抱歉我们已经把价格压到生产成本的边缘了, 因此无法再减价了。

2 ) 以暗示的方法, 表示自己还有还价的余地。如:

Of course, this is not our final price.


3 ) 征求客户的意见, 看他们什么样的价格可以接受。把主动权掌握在自己的手上。如:

What�s your opinion of price?


这种情况在外贸中经常碰到, 客户说你的价格比别的价格高, 不一定是实话, 因此运用


3 . 在报价结束后, 卖主可以略施压力, 订出“最后期限”, 来刺激原本无心购买或犹豫不决而无

法下订单的买主, 这样可以促使交易的达成。如:

Unless you order in February, we won�t be able to deliver in April.

除非您在二月就下订单, 否则我们无法在四月交货。

The special price will be effective until April 30.


Exer cises

I . Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1 . If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place large orders of men�s shirts.

2 . We are pleased to make you an offer for our shoes.

3 . We cannot renew our offer except at a higher price.

4 . Here are our latest price sheets. You�ll see that our prices are most competitive.

5 . The quality of our products is good and the prices are reasonable, so we are confident that

you�ll accept our offer.

6 . Our minimum quantity of an order for this product is 2 000 cases.

7 . If you want to purchase this product, we are able to supply as much as you require.

8 . We hope that this will be the first of many orders we will be placing with you.

9 . But if your price is too high, we�ll have to turn to other suppliers.

10. Since that is the case, we�ll order a few more sets.

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into English:

1 . 此报盘为实盘, 以你方在本月底前复到有效。

2 . 鉴于我们长期的贸易关系, 特报此盘。

3 . 目前市场价格上涨, 相信我方的报价是最好的。

4 . 我来听听你方关于台布的报价。

5 . 购买你方此产品的起订量是多少?

6 . 我建议你把订单的数量削减一半, 怎么样?



7 . 我方欲订购以下产品: ⋯⋯

8 . 歉难接受贵方订单, 因我方目前订单已满。

9 . 一般地说, 最少 300 台以上才能接受订货。

10. 国外订单不断地来, 我们已经有些供不应求了。

III . Compose dialogues in the following situations:

1 . Mr. Zhang, a representative from National Company, makes an offer for Chinese lychee but

refuses a 5 % commission.

2 . You have come with an inquiry for Nike shoes with Mr. Green. You would like to have an

idea of unit price CIF New York. He just wants to make an FOB offer because your order is

very small. Therefore you have started bargaining.

3 . An American businessman wants to place an order for 50 metric tons of peanuts from you. You

explain your company�s minimum order to him, which starts from 100 metric tons. Begin with

an inquiry, and proceed to commission or discount. Settle these issues with your customer.

4 . A Canadian businessman wants to buy 3 000 boxes of fat reducing tea ( 减肥茶) from you.

Both sides agree upon the price. The Canadian businessman asks for a 5% quantity discount.

You agree to a 2% quantity discount. The Canadian takes it and the business is done on the

usual terms.

IV. Fr ee Talk

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Sometimes it is better not to tell the

truth? Support your answer with specific reasons and details.


Unit 9 Offe r a nd Ord e r

Unit 10

Price, Commission and Discount

【Tea ching Aims】

In the foreign trade, the seller wants to sell goods at a higher price to get more benefits,

while the buyer wants the seller to decrease the price or to give some discount and commission for

the goods. So this unit aims at helping you acquire some skills in the negotiation of price and

apply the language of price.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . some language, knowledge and skills of price

2 . how to ask for a commission or discount

3 . how to negotiate with each other about the price.

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

ruling price skyrocket total value commission discount push the sale of meet each

other half way indication of price favorable

Background Knowledge

在对外贸易中 , 价格是取决双方交易是否成功的一个关键因素。因此 , 在达成一笔交

易之前 , 卖方与买方总是会就货物价格问题进行一番讨价还价。买方总是想方设法压低商

品的价格 , 以期通过低进高出赚取差价; 而卖方总是努力提高商品的价格以赢得更多的利

益。双方最终谈判的结果往往都是各自做出一些让步( to meet each other half way) , 以促成


佣金( Commission) 是指卖方或买方支付给中间商代理买卖或介绍交易的服务酬金。

折扣( Discount) 是卖方给予买方的价格减让, 是一种优惠。国际贸易中所使用 的折扣种

类较多, 除一般折扣外, 还有为扩大销售而使用的数量折扣 ( Quantity Discount) , 现金折扣

( Cash Discount) , 以及为特殊目的而给予的特别折扣( Special Discount) 。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One W e Accept This Pr ice

Mr. Smith is going to import a quantity of children clothes, but he finds the price quoted by

Mr. Zha ng on the high side, so he tr ies his best to persua de Mr. Zhang to reduce the price with

good rea sons. In the end, business is concluded. .

A: I�m afraid your prices are 4% higher than those of many other suppliers, Mr. Zhang.

B: How can that be? As an old client of ours, Mr. Smith, you know perfectly well that our

quotations come in line with the ruling prices in the world market.

A: But we have another offer for a similar one at a much lower price.

B: I can assure you that our price is most favorable. Besides, when we compare prices, we must

take the quality of goods into consideration, must we?

A: Sure we must. But the difference in price should, in no case, be so much as 8% .

B: To be frank with you, there are many other customers who have approached us with some

higher prices. If it weren�t for our good relationship, we�d hardly be willing to make you a

firm offer at this price.

A: Still it would be difficult for us to make any sales. Will you consider cutting down your price

by 2% ?

B: That�s more than we can promise you. But to comply with you, we are prepared to reduce our

price to $19 per piece. We can�t go any further.

A: All right, Mr. Zhang. In order to get the business, we accept this price.

B: I�m glad we�ve settled the issue of price at last.

Dialogue Two Let�s Meet Each O ther Ha lf W ay

Price is one of the most sensitive fa ctors in the negotia tion of business. The following is a talk

a bout the price of digital cameras. At last both the seller a nd the buyer meet each other ha lf

way. .

A: It�s difficult for us to push the sale of your digital cameras nowadays.

B: what seems to be the problem?

A: Price. Frankly, Your price is on the high side.

B: As you may have noticed, the price skyrockets in raw materials, so we�re forced to adjust our

prices accordingly.

A: I�m sorry to say we can�t close business at that price. Aren�t we old friends? We�ve had a

very good business relationship over the past years. I suggest you make an appropriate


B: Well, in view of our good cooperation over the past years, let�s meet each other half way; I�ll

make a reduction by 3% .

A: It�s still too high. Can you drop another 2% ?


Unit 10 Price , Com miss ion a nd Disc ount

B: Well, that�s the best we can do. I�m afraid we cannot go any further.

A: Hmm. . . I appreciate your efforts and sincerity in this transaction. As a token of our

cooperation, we accept this price.

B: Thank you, let�s call it a deal.

Dialogue Three Asking for a Commission

The following is a situation in which the buyer comes to visit the seller�s compa ny and asks

for a commission for his products.

A: I�m glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial

business with you.

B: It�s great pleasure, Mr. Green, to have the opportunity of meeting you. I�ve made out the

offer for you.

A: That�s very kind of you. Would you give me an indication of price?

B: Yes. Here are our FOB price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.

A: Do you allow commission in your offer?

B: Our prices do not include any commission in general.

A: But we usually get a 3 % to 5% commission for each deal. Can you add it to the price?

B: Well, we may quote you either FOB or CIF plus 3% commission, if you prefer.

A: I�d like you to do it this way. Thanks for your cooperation.

Dialogue Four Asking for a Discoun t

A businessman from Engla nd is in negotia tion with the seller about a certain business. He is

satisfied with the products except the problem of price. He asks for a 10% discount, a s his order

is big enough. The seller fina lly agrees to a 5% qua ntity discount.

A: I�d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.

B: Shoot. I�d be happy to answer any question you may have.

A: Your products are good in quality. But I�m a little worried about the prices you�re offering.

B: You mean we�re asking for higher price?

A: Well, that�s not exactly what I had in mind. I just want you to give us a 10% quantity

discount. You see we�ll place a large order.

B: How large will your order be?

A: Let�s say, a total value of US $200, 000.

B: It�s worth considering. As usual, we grant a quantity discount of 3% for the total value of US

$200, 000, but for an order of US $400 , 000, we can allow a discount of 6% .

A: Could you give me a 5% discount for this order? If this lot sells well, we�ll place more orders

with you.

B: Well, in view of our future business, I have no choice, do I? I agree to a 5% discount as an


A: Thank you.



Wor ds & Expr essions

supplier [ s��pla i�] n. 供应商 ( D1)

client [ �klai�nt ] n. 客户, 顾客 ( D1)

perfectly [ �p��fikt li] a dv. 完全地 ( D1)

ruling price [ �ru�li�] n. 目前的价格, 市价 ( D1)

favorable [ �fe iv�r�bl] a . 优惠的, 有利的 ( D1)

approach [ ��pr�ut�] v. 联系 ( D1)

be willing to 愿意 ( D1)

digital camera [ �did�it l] [ �k�m�r�] n. 数码相机 ( D2)

frankly = to be frank with you a dv. 坦白地说 ( D2)

notice [ �n�utis ] v. 注意到 ( D2)

skyrocket = soar up [ skai�r�kit ] v. 猛涨 ( D2)

token [ �t�uk�n ] n. 标记, 表示 ( D2)

substantial [ s�b�st�n��l] a. 实质的, 真实的 ( D3)

indication [ �indi�kei��n] n. 指示, 指出 ( D3)

price list 价格单 ( D3)

shoot [ �u�t ] v. 洗耳恭听 ( D4)

total value 总值 ( D4)

discount [ �diskaunt ] n. 折扣 ( D4)

commission [ k��m i��n ] n. 佣金 ( D4)


1 . come in line with : 与⋯⋯一致

Our price comes in line with the prevailing market. 我们的价格与此地市场的行情一致。

be out of line with 与⋯⋯不一致

2 . I can assur e you that. . . = you can be assured that. . . 我们保证⋯⋯

3 . our price is most favorable / moderate / reasonable and practical / competitive.

我们的价格是最优惠 /公正 /合理和实际, /有竞争力的。

4 . take. . . into considera tion / account 把⋯⋯考虑进去 take the consideration of. . .

We�re not prepared to take the agency into consideration for the time being.


5 . in no case 决不

You should, in no case, make friends with the person like him.


6 . if it weren�t for . . . we would . . . 要不是⋯⋯我们也⋯⋯

If it weren�t for our long-term relationship, we�d not reduce the price.


Unit 10 Price , Com miss ion a nd Disc ount

要不是因为我们的长期关系, 我们也不会降低价格的。

7 . comply with 遵守, 服从, 顺从

comply with the rules 遵守规则

8 . push the sale of 推销 trial sale 试销

9 . Your price is on the high side / much too high / unworkable / beyond our reach

你方价格偏高 /太高 /不可行 /行不通

10. you make a r eduction 降低价格 reduction n. 减少 reduce the price v. 降低价格

11. meet each other half way 各让一步

go fifty-fifty and close the gap

fill the gap by compromise

go half way to meet each other

12. I appreciate your efforts and sincerity 我很欣赏你的努力和诚意。I appr eciate 我欣赏

I appreciate your cooperation. 感谢你方的合作。

13. token 标记, 象征

We shook hands as a token of our friendship. 我们握手, 以表示我们的友谊。

14. call it a deal 成交

close the deal / business

conclude the business

put the deal through

15. indica tion of pr ice 估计价格, 估价

16. FOB ( Free O n Boand ) —一个常用的缩写词, 意思指船上交货价, 或离岸价, 如 FOB

Shanghai 指的是上海离岸价; FOB Hongkong 指的是香港离岸价。

CIF( Cost , Insur ance and Freight ) —一个报价的商业惯用语, 意思指包含成本、保险费、


如: CIF London 成本加运保费至伦敦价。

17. get the ball r olling 字面上的意思是“让球滚动”, 引申为“开始行动”

= press the start button

We really need to get the ball rolling on this project if we are to complete it in time.

如果我们要及时完成这个计划的话, 我们真的得开始行动。

18. Your products are good / high quality = your products are of good / high quality


19. that�s not exactly what I had in mind. 我没这么想。

have. . . in mind 有⋯⋯想法

Do you have anything in mind about where to go on weekend?

周末去哪玩, 你什么主意吗?

20. give / allow / gr ant sb . a discoun t 给某人折扣

21. let�s make a move on both sides 大家让让步吧 = let�s meet each other half way

22. . . . as a n exception 破例, 作为特殊对待

I�ll reduce the price as an exception. 我将破例降低价格。



Pr actical Sentences

1. 降低价格

With a view to a long-term cooperation between us, we can consider a price reduction.

鉴于我们长期的合作, 我们可以考虑减价

Your price is 3 dollars higher than those of your competitors.

你们的价格比竞争者高出 3 美元。

Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say, 3% , we would place a trial order with you.

若你方愿意降低价格, 比方说 3% , 我们愿向你方试订此货。

This is our rock bottom price. We can�t lower it any further / go any further .

这是我们的最低价格, 不能再降了。

As you don�t agree to reduce your price, we will have to purchase the goods elsewhere.

由于你方不同意降低价格, 我们只好到他处订货。

The utmost( best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2% .

我们最多能减价 2% 。

2. 论价

You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of computers.


How about making a further concession so that business can be concluded.

能不能各方再让一步, 生意就能成交了。

It would be impossible for me to push any sales at such high prices.

价格如此之高, 我们无法推销。

We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer , even to meet you halfway.

很遗憾, 即使各让一半, 我们仍难以接受你方还盘。

We regret to say that your price is out of line with the prevailing market at this end.

遗憾地说, 你方价格与此地市场行情不一致。

It seems there is nothing more I can do but accept this price.


Your offers are higher than some of the quotations from your competitors in other countries.


3. 要求佣金

What commission terms do you offer?


We shall book a trial order with you, provided you give us a 3% commission.

假如你方给 3% 的佣金, 我们将向你试订一批货。

We don�t give commission in general.


We�re usually paid with a 5% commission of the amount for every deal.


Unit 10 Price , Com miss ion a nd Disc ount

对每笔交易的成交量, 我们通常付给 5% 的佣金。

In that case, we may consider allowing you a 3% commission.

那样的话, 我们可以考虑给你 3% 的佣金。

Commission transaction will surely help to push the sale of your products.


4. 要求折扣

We usually don�t grant any discount for small quantities.

通常情况下, 对于小额订货我们是不给折扣的。

We�ll give you a special discount of 2% as an exception.

作为例外, 我们给你 2% 的折扣。

We are satisfied with the 10% discount and intend to place regular orders with you.

贵方给 10% 的折扣, 我方非常满意并想和贵方定期订购。

We will certainly take advantage of the discount you offered for prompt settlement.

你方给予即付的折扣, 我方肯定会好好利用。

Can you give us a discount? 可以给我方折扣吗?

Conver sational Tips



( 1 ) 谈判中应当尽量使用委婉语言, 这样易于被对方接受。如:

Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 10% , we might come to terms.

如果你方愿意减价, 譬如说减 10% , 我们也许能达成交易。

这句话是在讨价还价中常用到的句子。在双方的谈判中, 婉转地提出自己的意见可以使


又如, 在否决对方要求时, 可以这样说:“您说的有一定道理, 但实际情况稍微有些出入

(“What you said is reasonable, but the fact is that—”) 然后再不露痕迹地提出自己的观

点。这样做既不会有损了对方的面子, 又可以让对方心平气和地认真倾听自己的意见。

( 2) 谈判中要灵活应变, 对一些意想不到的尴尬事情, 要有灵活的语言应变能力, 巧妙地摆脱

困境。如当遇到对手逼你立即做出选择时, 你若是说:“让我想一想 ( let me have a

think) ”,“暂时很难决定( it�s difficult to make a decision) ”之类的语言, 便会被对方认为

缺乏主见, 从而在心理上处于劣势。此时你可以看看表, 然后有礼貌地告诉对方:“真对

不起, 我得出去接个电话, 请稍等五分钟 ( I�m sorry, but I have to answer a telephone.

Please wait for 5 minutes) 。”于是, 你便很得体地赢得了五分钟的思考时间。



Exer cises

I . Va ria tion of expression s

1 . Your price is( much) too high / rather on the high side

is quite out of line with the world market level.

is skyrocketing! / rather stiff

is far off the international market level.

has shot up / soared up / gone up a lot.

2 . I think your price is acceptable / reasonable / workable / moderate / worth considering /

favorable enough / competitive.

3 . a. This is our lowest price.

b. This is our rock-bottom price.

c. This is our bed-rock price.

d. Our price is much lower than that you can get from elsewhere.

e. Our price compares favorably with those of other suppliers.

4 . Market is rising / going up / advancing / strengthening.

Market is falling / going down / weakening / dropping.

5 . Market is strong / firm / steady / active.

Market is easy / weak / dull / gloomy / sluggish.

6 . May I suggest( that) we go fifty-fifty and close the gap.

we fill the gap by compromise

we go half way

we go halfway to meet each other.

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into Chinese:

1 . We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough.

2 . Price can�t be taken separately from quality.

3 . There�s little possibility of concluding business at such high prices.

4 . Your price is far beyond our expectation.

5 . If you order a large quantity, we�ll consider reducing our price.

6 . It looks like your price is too low; we can�t make a deal this time.

7 . We don�t pay any commission on our traditional products.

8 . It�ll be all right even if you give us a two or three percent commission.

9 . A high commission means a large quantity of goods ordered.

10. The discount you asked for is far more than we offer to any of our customers.

III . Tra nsla te the following sentences into English :

1 . 价格毫无再减的余地了。


Unit 10 Price , Com miss ion a nd Disc ount

2 . 这个价格很难说服客户。

3 . 我们的价格还是优惠的, 你们再考虑考虑。

4 . 我是说我们双方是否都可以让一点?

5 . 这是我们的最低价。

6 . 即使我们把质量考虑进去, 你方价格仍然偏高。

7 . 我最多只能给你 3% 的佣金。

8 . 一般来说, 佣金多少由订货量决定。

9 . 我想和你谈谈折扣问题。能否给我方 10 % 的折扣?

10. 抱歉, 一般来说我们的报盘不打折扣。

IV. Comp ose dia logues in the following situations:

1 . Your are going to import some toys from a supplier from Dutch. But you find their price is on

the high side. You try your best to persuade him to reduce the price with good reasons. At last

he agrees to make a reduction.

2 . Mr. Green, a businessman from Cambodia( 柬埔寨) , wants to place a trial order for 200 pairs

of your Peak shoes( 匹克运动鞋 ) . Your offer is $30 FOB Xingang. But his counteroffer is

$28 a pair. So you begin a price haggling with each other.

3 . An American businessman wants to buy 5 000 sets of camera from Chinese Export Company.

Both sides agree upon the price. But the American businessman asks for a 6% quantity

discount. Chinese Export Company agrees to a 3% discount. The American takes it and the

business is done on the usual terms.

4 . A buyer plans to place an order with you. But he asks for a 5 % reduction in the price. You

refuse to consider any reduction, but give him a 3% commission. Finally you conclude the


V. Free Talk

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Self-confidence is the most importa nt

fa ctor for success in school or a t work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your




Unit 11

Quality and Quantity

【Tea ching Aims】

Quality is a factor affecting not only the price but also the sales and reputation of goods.

Quantity is an indispensable part of a business deal and is important to both sellers and buyers.

This unit is intended to show the students practical sentences and dialogues on quality, quantity,

sale by sample and commodity inspection, and to enhance their ability to deal with these problems

in fluent and appropriate English.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Discussing quantity and quality

2 . Exchanging views on sale by sample

3 . Talking about inspection

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

quality quantity design sale by sample special orders minimum return sample

appeal to inspection short-weight disqualification certificate

Background Knowledge

商品的品质指的是商品的内在和外在质量, 如化学成分、机械性能、生物特征、造型结构、

色香味、技术指标等等, 在国际贸易实务中, 品质可以由以下方式表示: 凭样品 ( sample) 、等级

( grade ) 、标准 ( standard ) , 凭品牌或商标 ( brand name or trade mark) , 凭产地名称 ( origin

name) , 凭规格说明书( specification) 等。商品的品质非常重要, 它不但影响到价格, 而且对其

销售及信誉也有影响。因此, 在当今激烈的竞争中, 重视品质是提高企业自身竞争力的重要手

段。同时, 企业对商品买卖的数量十分关注。有些国家的商法规定, 如果发出的货物数量与合

同规定不符, 则买方有权拒绝接受货物。

因此, 在谈判时必须明确商品的数量和品质, 并在合同条款中做出详细的规定。通常, 商

品必须由双方同意的机构进行检验, 并出具检验证书 ( certificate of inspection) 。鉴于可能出

现各种不可预测的情况, 双方还必须就相关的赔偿问题进行协商。


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One O n Q uality

Mr. Liang( B) , sales ma nager of Guangming Tra ding Company, and Mr. Ha nks( A) who is

from New York Tra ding Company are going to negotiate the contra ct terms of quality.

A: Hello, Mr. Liang. Nice to meet you again.

B: Hello. How was your visit to Gushan Mountain yesterday?

A: It�s great, thank you for your considerateness in arranging for a good guide. Now let�s talk

the business. I�m going to discuss quality, quantity and other particulars of the goods with

you today.

B: So, you must have received the samples and pattern books of our hand-embroidered silk

products we sent last week.

A: Yes, we studied them carefully after receipt.

B: Do you have any questions?

A: Oh yes. We find that your silk scarves are satisfactory, but the quality and design of the silk

handkerchiefs are not suitable. To be frank, we don�t like them at all.

B: Really? As far as I know, there can�t be any problem with the quality of our silk

handkerchiefs. As you know, silks are one of China�s traditional exports. They enjoy high

popularity for their quality. In fact, they�re selling well in European markets. As regards

patterns, could you please tell me in detail?

A: The patterns with animals are not popular with Americans and I�m afraid that they may not be


B: Not salable? Are you joking? Anyway, it�s easy to solve that problem. Here are our latest

designs. You can choose what you like.

A: These designs are lovely indeed. I believe they�ll appeal to the most selective consumers. I�d

like to order two of them: Silk Handkerchief No. 8—4 000 dozens; No. 16—2 000 dozens.

B: Ok, no problem.

Dialogue Two On Qua ntity

A is a representa tive from Smith & Son Co. , Ltd. He is trying to place a n order with B,

manager of export department of Dakang Medicine Imp. & Exp. Co.

A: I�d like to order some Yunnan White Medicine Spray and Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule from

you. Would you please quote us CIF New York?

B: That�s good! Please let us know the quantity you require so that we can arrange the production

and shipment date.

A: I�m going to place an order for 2 000 dozen of Yunnan White Medicine Spray and 100, 000

packets of Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule.

B: Frankly speaking, Yunnan White Medicine Spray sells well all over the world and production



falls behind demand. We can only supply you with 1 000 dozen at most. The quality of our

Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule is quite good. Why don�t you order more?

A: It seems that 1 000 dozen of Yunnan White Medicine Spray are far from enough. Can you

give us additional 500 dozen? As for Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule, the price is high and it is

not in line with the consuming standard in our country.

B: We�ll try our best to provide you with another 500 dozen of Yunnan White Medicine Spray.

As to Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule, our offer is quite realistic, because the prevailing price of

Vitamin E has gone up recently in the international market.

A: Thank you. We will place a larger order with you next time if Vitamin E Skin Oil Capsule is

welcome in our country.

Dialogue Three Sale by Sam ple

Mr. Ball, a n America n shoes importer , visits Wu Ming, hoping to establish business

rela tions with Tia nhua Co. Ltd. which Wu represents. They ha ve exchanged a few words a bout

their companies.

B: May I have a look at your products?

W : Certainly. There are many samples on display in our showroom. This way, please.

B: Thank you.

W : What do you think of our products?

B: They�re quite good. I think some of them may find a ready market in our country.

W : I�m very glad to hear you say that. Could you tell me what in particular you�re interested in?

B: I�m especially interested in your sports shoes. But I wonder if you take special orders. That

is, do you make shoes according to our designs and patterns?

W : Yes, if the order is a sizable one.

B: Then what�s your minimum quantity requirement for a special order?

W : No less than 2, 000 dozen.

B: I see. Can I have some discount?

W : We usually allow no discount on a special order . But we may give you a 5% quantity

discount if your order is over 3, 000 dozen.

B: That�s good. When can we expect delivery?

W : For special orders, delivery is usually made two months after receipt of the covering L / C.

B: Another thing. How long does it usually take to send us your return sample?

W : About two weeks. We�ll pass your sample on to the manufacturer as soon as we receive it.

The manufacturer may usually need a week or so to complete the return sample. Then we�ll

send it to you for confirmation. Once we have got your confirmation, we�ll inform our

manufacturer and they will start the production.

B: Thank you very much for your help. I�ll come back to discuss it in greater detail with you.

W : Please feel free to call me anytime if you have any other questions.

B: Thank you. Goodbye!


Unit 11 Qua lity a nd Qua ntity

W : Goodbye!

Dialogue Four Talking a bout Inspection

A: There�s still a minor point to be cleared up.

B: Yes?

A: You remarked yesterday you sell on shipped quality, quantity and weight.

B: So we did. The goods will be inspected by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

It will then issue a certificate of quality and certificate of weight. These will be taken as final

and binding.

A: But in the case of short-weight or disqualification?

B: I assure you that it is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before

the Inspection Bureau releases them.

A: I know your products have a good reputation. But what if there is short-weight or


B: In that event I don�t think the responsibility should rest with us. The goods may be spoiled or

the weight gets short during transit. It would then be lodged with the insurance company.

A: What you said stands to reason. Another thing, Mr. Li, as our transaction involves Frozen

Broilers, we have to make sure the sanitary standards are up to the requirements of the French


B: Mr. Smith, our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that

the shipment is in conformity with export standards.

A: Thank you. Mr. Li, the last thing, however, is that we should like to have a copy of each of

the certificates in German.

B: As a rule, our certificates are made out in Chinese and English.

A: Oh, I see. A copy in English would do as well. And the certificate will be signed by the

commissioner of your Bureau. I take it.

B: Our certificates are made valid through the official seal and personal chop of the commissioner.

A: I see. Well, thanks for everything, Mr. Li.

B: Don�t mention it. Glad to have been of help.

Wor ds & Expr essions

popularity [ �p�pju�l�rit i ] n. 流行, 普及, 受欢迎 ( D1)

salable [ �se il�bl] adj. 有销路的, 适于出售的 ( D2)

capsule [ �k�psj u�l] n. 胶囊 ( D2)

sizable [ �sa iz�bl] a . 相当大的 ( D3)

minimum quantity 最小量 ( D3)

pass on to 转交 ( D3)

in detail 详细地 ( D3)



Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 进出口检验检疫局 ( D4)

issue [ �is j u�] v. 出具 ( D4)

binding [ �ba indi�] a dj. 有束缚力的, 有约束力的, 附有义务的 ( D4)

short-weight 短重 ( D4)

disqualification [ dis�kw�lifi�ke i��n ] n. 不合格 ( D4)

release [ r i�li�s ] v. 发出, 发表 ( D4)

spoil [ sp�il] v. 破坏 ( D4)

lodge [ l�d�] v. 提出( 索赔) ( D4)

sanitary [ �s�nit�ri] adj. 卫生( 上) 的 ( D4)

Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医检验证书 ( D4)

in conformity with 与⋯⋯一致 ( D4)

valid [ �v�lid ] adj. 有效的 ( D4)

seal [ s i�l] n. 印, 图章, 戳记 ( D4)

chop [ t��p] n. 图章, 戳记 ( D4)

commissioner [ k��mi��n�] n. ( 某些地方或机构的) 长官 ( D4)


1 . satisfa ctory adj. 令人满意的, 称心如意的

His behavior is anything but satisfactory. 他的行为实在不能令人满意。

Your prices are not satisfactory to our clients. 你方的价格不能让客户满意。

satisfa ction n. 满意, 满足

satisfy v. 满意, 满足

2 . a ppea l( to) v. 对⋯⋯有吸引力

These pictures do not appeal to me. 这些画不合我意( 我不欣赏) 。

3 . pr ovide v. 提供, 供应

ABC company provided these goods for us. ABC 公司为我们供应了这些货物。

ABC company provided us with these goods. ABC 公司供应了这些货物给我们。

4 . find a r ea dy mar ket 找到销路

类似短语有: be readily salable, meet with favorable reception, be widely sold, enjoy great


5 . take a special or der 接受特殊订单, 也就是根据来样生产

We also take special orders. That is, we can design machine tools for special purposes.

我们也接受特殊订单, 即我们可以为顾客设计特殊用途的机床。

Do you take special orders? I mean, do you make furniture according to the specifications we

set forth?

你们是否接受特殊订单? 我的意思是你们是否可以根据我们提供的规格制造家具?

6 . r etur n sample 回样, 又称对等样, 即 counter sample, 一般说来, 国际货物买卖中的样品, 大

多由卖方提供, 称为“凭卖方样品买卖”( sale by seller�s sample) , 但凭买方样品成交的也不


Unit 11 Qua lity a nd Qua ntity

少, 称为“凭买方样品成交”( sale by buyer�s sample) 。实际操作中, 卖方通常根据买方的来

样仿制或选择质量相近的样品提交买方, 即提交回样或对等样请买方确认, 而并不按买方

样品成交。在以买方来样作为交接货物的质量依据时, 为避免发生意外纠纷, 一般应在合

同中明确规定: 如发生由买方来样引起的工业知识产权等问题时, 与卖方无关, 概由买方负


7 . There�s still a minor point to be cleared up.


8 . But in the case of short-weight or disqualification?


in the case of 就⋯⋯而言, 至于⋯⋯, 提到

in case of 万一, 如果

in no case 决不, 无论⋯⋯也不

in this( that) case 既然这( 那) 样

9 . In that event I don�t think the responsibility should rest with us.

如果那样, 我们认为责任不在我方。

10. What you said stands to reason.


Pr actical Sentences

1. 关于质量

Our necessities are of superior / excellent / fair /high /best / supreme quality.


Our goods are produced under rigid quality control.


If the goods of inferior / bad / poor quality are delivered, we will not place our order with you


如有劣质货物交达, 本公司就永远不会再下订单了。

Please be sure to attach a quality inspection certificate.


We require a guarantee of quality for a period of one year on all the goods you sell.

本公司要求贵方销售的所有产品, 要有为期一年的品质保证。

The goods supplied shall be marked with“ passed-quality ” by some authorized export

inspector .


2. 关于数量

Please give us your quantity available.


We will have an additional quantity of 10 sets for this order.



这笔订单我们打算追加 10 台。

There is a shortage of quantity of 10 dozen from the contract.

比合同上的数量少 10 打。

For regular purchases of fair quantity, we are prepared to let you have a further 10% discount

off our listed price.

对于定期的大量采购, 我方准备从所列价格中另外给你 10 % 的折扣。

Concerning this order, we�d like you to grant us the option of shipping 10% more or less on

the contract quantities with the difference to be settled at contract prices.

对于此订单, 希望能给予合同数量 10 % 的装运误差, 差额按合同价格处理。

3. 根据客户要求生产

The articles can be made specially according to your own specifications.


We can produce shoes modeled after the fashions of different markets or according to buyer�s


我们能根据不同市场的流行款式或客户来样, 制作不同款式的鞋子。

We always make our products according to what our customers need, want and like.


The designs and colors of our products will almost exactly match your needs.


Please submit specifications, preferably with illustrations.

请告规格, 最好附有图样说明。

Conver sational Tips

1. 如果合同是以按出口地交货的价格成交, 如 FOB, CIF, 除非有特殊规定, 通常是以装船品

质、数量为准, 出口国的官方检验机构所出具的品质检验证书、数量( 重量) 检验证书是议付

的最终有效的依据, 所以, 出口方可以说:

We sell on shipped quality, quantity and weight( terms) .


The inspection certificates of quality and quantity issued by our inspection bureau are final and



但是进口方也可以要求货到后进行复检, 其检验报告可作为索赔的依据。

We have the right to ask a recognized surveyor to make the re-inspection after arrival of the

goods. And the Surveyor�s report will serve as the basis for lodging a claim.

我们有权在货到后, 请一家公认的检验机构进行复检, 其鉴定报告将作为索赔的依据。

2. 在磋商中, 如果能巧妙利用质量与数量条件, 可能会促使对方下决心尽快购买或大量购买。


Our products command good sales not because of their low prices but because of their superior


Unit 11 Qua lity a nd Qua ntity

quality. So I believe you will agree that they are of excellent value for the price considering

their high quality.

我们的产品一直销售良好, 并不是因为价格低廉, 而是因为品质优良。我想如果考虑到它

们的高质量, 你也会同意, 它们是价有所值的。

We may give you a discount of 15 % if your order is over 30, 000 dozen.

如果你的订单超过 3 万打, 我们可以给你 15% 的折扣。

As the stocks of this article in the market are limited, we suggest you stock your requirements

without loss of time.

因为市场上这种商品的现货有限, 建议你方预先储备所需, 以免错失良机。

Exer cises

I . Patter n dr ill

1 . Our products are

up to

equal to

the same as

the standard quality.

2 . You may rest assured that our products will

tally with

correspond with

be up to

the sample.

3 . We have to refuse to take delivery of your goods because

they are



quite different from the sample cutting.

of lower quality.

4 . The articles can be made specially according to

your own specifications.

your sample.


habitual tastes of different nations.

II . Tr anslate the following sentences.

1. 我们要求花色与所附色卡完全一致。

2. 质量必须达到合同所规定的标准。

3. 即使要求很高的市场, 对于不同种类的产品, 也需要有各种层次的货色和价格。

4. 希望能允许合同数量 5% 的装运误差。

5. 请告知你方最优惠折扣的最低数量。



6. 我们按装船品质条件 ( Shipped Quality Terms) 而不是按卸货品质条件 ( Landed Quality

Terms) 出售。

7. 请务必在所交货物上标出品质标志( the quality marks) 。

8. 装船前我们会严格执行质量检验的。

9. 由于订单太多, 我们最多只能供应 100 台。

10. 由于我们存货不断减少, 请从速购买。

III . Tra nsla te the following dia logue in to Chinese.

Z: Shall we go down to the question of inspection this morning, Mr. Brown?

B: All right. Careful and proper inspection is an indispensable part to ensure the quality of the

goods to be purchased.

Z: First, we should specify the inspection right. The exporter should have the goods

inspected before shipment, and the importer should have the goods re-inspected after their


B: Mr. Zhang, would you tell me how and by whom the commodity inspection is conducted

before shipment?

Z: Our exports inspection is to be conducted by China Administration for Quality Supervision and

Inspection and Quarantine ( 中国商品质量监督检验检疫局 ) , which enjoys international

reputation for impartiality( 公平, 公正) .

B: When will the inspection be conducted?

Z: Usually inspection is conducted within 5 days before shipment.

B: How do they make test and analysis of this item?

Z: They always use the standard and method laid down in the contract.

B: But when should the re-inspection be made?

Z: For this item, it�s international practice that the re-inspection should be made within 10 days

after arrival. Claims which fall within the responsibility of shipping company and underwriters

shall not be entertained.

B: When re-inspection is made , can we appoint any authentic surveyor w ithout your


Z: In order to carry out the contract smoothly and avoid unnecessary disputes, it�s best to name

the inspection agency which shall be approved of by both sides and be stipulated in the


B: What if the results form the two inspections do not coincide with each other?

Z: We�ll have a seminar( 研讨会, 论坛) of specialists and surveyors from both sides to clarify

which is correct.

B: After this conference, I suppose we can resolve the differences through friendly consultations,

without submitting the case for arbitration.

Z: I wish so.


Unit 11 Qua lity a nd Qua ntity

IV. Comp ose a dia logue ba sed on the following hints.

Mr. King meets Mr. Wei for the first time for the purchase of sports shoes. He is satisfied

with the materials and workmanship, but he doesn�t like the style much. He also inquires about

the possibility of quantity discount. Mr. Wei promises to make some changes in the style

according to Mr. King�s requirements and indicates the minimum quantity for a discount.

V. Free Talk

What do you think of killing animals for commercial purposes? If you are against it, what do

you think can be done to prevent such things happening again?



Unit 12

Packing and Labeling

【Tea ching Aims】

Packing is one of the most important problems to merchants engaged in foreign trade, because

proper packing not only prevents or minimizes the damage to the shipment but also helps promote

sales, especially in the area of household consumer goods and similar goods. In this unit, the

students are exposed to different ways of packing and relative expressions, and required to practice

talking on the topic freely and correctly.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Methods of packing

2 . Inner packing and outer packing

3 . Discussing labeling

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

packing labeling contain wrap package stand seaworthy label mark

Background Knowledge

在国际商贸实务中, 包装和标签是很重要的一个环节。它不仅保证了商品在运输过程中

保持品质完好, 数量完整, 而且对保护商品, 美化商品, 宣传商品及提高商品在消费者心目中的


的要求。同时, 还应遵守进口国的相关法律法规, 尊重其民族文化, 宗教信仰等。包装条件一

般都由买卖双方议定后, 在合同中做出明确的规定。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Consulting Packing

Mr. King, a merchant from Germa ny, is consulting the ma tter of packing for the shirts he

bought from Mr. Liu.

L: Nice to see you again, Mr. King. How are you?


K: Pretty good, thanks.

L: Take a seat please.

K: Thank you. I�m here to talk about the packing of the shirts. You know, Germans have great

respect for the quality of your products.

L: Yes, our products are rather competitive in the world market.

K: I see, but I think you products should be competitive not just in price and quality but in

packaging as well, so I�m quite concerned about your packing of the shirts.

L: Actually, we keep making improvements in our method of packing in order to meet the needs

of keen competition in the world market.

K: I hope so.

L: Packing effects the reputation of our products so we pay close attention to it. Now, please have

a look at our packing. I think you will be satisfied with it.

K: Um, that�s beautiful.

Dialogue Two Inner Pa cking

Mr. Friedman, a businessman from South Africa , brought up the subject of packing with

Mr. Hu of China Hua yi Stationery Compa ny.

F: Good morning, Mr. Hu, shall we get down to the matter of packing?

H: Of course.

F: I wonder if you could tell me something in your mind.

H: Sure. Pens are to be packed in exquisitely designed paper boxes, each containing 10 of

different colors, and the boxes are to be wrapped in transparent plastic sheets, ready for the


F: May I see any samples?

H: Yes. Here it is.

F: Good. They look beautiful. But I think it is better to have each box contain a dozen. It fits

our way of packing better. Meanwhile, I hope you can make some improvements in the

design. You know, a well-designed package helps selling the goods.

H: Right. I believe our new packing will meet your demands.

F: Thank you. What about the outer packing?

H: We usually use standard export cartons.

F: But you should make sure the cartons should be strong enough to stand rough handling.

H: Sure.

F: Very good.

Dialogue Three Package for Shipment

Mr. Rodgers is discussing with Mr. Jin the packing of 500 tons of soybeans .

R: Hi! Mr. Jin, I�ve come to discuss with you the questions of packing of the 500 tons of




J: No problem.

R: What would you like for the inner packing?

J: Cardboards will do, I think.

R: You know, our goods will be transported by sea, and I don�t think cardboards are quite


J: Don�t worry. Each cardboard is lined with waterproof paper, so that they can�t be spoiled by

dampness or rain.

R: Then that�s Ok. And what about the outer packing?

J: We will use wooden boxes.

R: You should make sure the boxes are strong enough to stand rough handling.

J: Sure, we will use metal straps to reinforce the outside.

R: Good. Thank you very much.

Dialogue Four Lab eling

Mr. Johnson from the U. S. A wants to import some porcelain from a Chinese compa ny. But

he is not quite sa tisfied with the former labeling. Now he is meeting Mr. Zhang in Guangzhou,

trying to smooth things out.

J: Good morning, Mr. Zhang, I�m here to talk with you about the matter of labeling. I think we

need some changes.

Z: Why? Our“ Dragon” label has been accepted by most of our overseas customers and has

gained a strong footing in the world market.

J: Yes. But dragon makes different senses in Chinese and American cultures. I�m afraid your

products will not be accepted by the customers in America with that label. Would you consider

just having the products unlabeled? Our associated company in Hongkong will do the job.

Z: I don�t think you need to worry about that. Our products have been accepted worldwide. And

we don�t feel like considering changing our brand. We are responsible for the brand labels of

the products.

J: In that case, we�d like you to make some changes in the labeling. Would you use traditional

Chinese scenic paintings instead of the picture of the dragon in the label?

Z: Your requirement sounds reasonable. We might probably consider it.

J: Besides, we require that only Chinese and English be printed on the principal display panels on

the label.

Z: No problem.

J: One more thing. The word“Fragile”should be marked in the panels.

Z: That can be easily done.

J: I�m sorry to cause you so much inconvenience, but we have to meet the demands of the


Z: If we can do anything to help you, we shall always be glad to do so. I will inform our

manufacturers of the changes right away.


Unit 12 Pac king a nd Lab e ling

J: Thanks.

Wor ds & Expr essions

consult [ k�n�s�lt ] v. 商讨, 向⋯⋯请教, 查阅 ( D1)

competitive [ k�m�pe tit iv] a . 竞争的, 比赛的 ( D1)

keen [ ki�n ] a. 锋利的, 敏锐的, 强烈的 ( D1)

reputation [ �re pju ( �) �t ei��n ] n. 名誉, 名声 ( D1)

wrap [ r�p ] v. 覆盖, 包围, 裹, 包 ( D2)

plastic [ �pl�s tik , �pl��st ik] a . & n. 塑料的, 塑料 ( D2)

meet one�s demand 满足某人的需求 ( D2)

standard [ �st�nd�d ] a . & n. 标准的; 标准 ( D2)

carton [ �k��t�n] n. 硬纸盒, 纸板箱 ( D2)

outer packing 外包装 ( D2)

inner packing 内包装 ( D2)

cardboard [ �k��db��d ] n. 厚纸板 ( D3)

transport [ tr�ns�p��t ] v. 运输 ( D3)

seaworthy [ �si�w���i] a . 适于航海的, 经得起风浪的 ( D3)

waterproof [ �w��t�pru�f] a. & n 防水的; 防水材料 ( D3)

spoil [ sp�il] v. 破坏, 腐坏 ( D3)

dampness [ �d�mpnis ] n. 潮湿( 湿度, 含水量) ( D3)

rough [ r�f] a . 粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗野的, 粗暴的 ( D3)

metal strap [ st r�p ] 金属条 ( D3)

reinforce [ �r i�in�f��s ] v. 增援, 加强 ( D3)

label [ �leibl] v. & n. 标签, 签条, 商标; 贴标签于, 指⋯⋯为, 分类 ( D4)

porcelain [ �p��s lin, -lein ] n. 瓷器, 瓷 ( D4)

associate [ ��s�u�ieit ] 联合, 联想 ( D4)

principal [ �p rins�p ( �) l, -s ip-] a . 主要的 ( D4)

display [ di�sple i] n. 显示, 陈列, 炫耀 ( D4)

panel [ �p�nl] n. 嵌板, 仪表板 ( D4)

fragile [ �fr�d�ail] a . 易碎的, 脆的 ( D4)

manufacturer [ �m�nj u�f�kt��r�] n. 制造商 ( D4)


1 . Germans have great respect for the quality of your products.


ha ve gr ea t respect for 对⋯⋯评价很高

Customers have great respect for our product.




2 . I believe our packing will meet your demands.

我相信, 我们的包装会满足你的要求。

meet one�s dema nd 满足某人的要求

I think our products can meet the customers�demands.

我想, 我们的产品会满足顾客的要求。

3 . stand v. 忍受; 经受

He can�t stand hot weather .


I can�t stand him interrupting from time to time.


4 . rough handling 野蛮装卸, 粗鲁搬运

5 . Cardboards are not quite seaworthy.


sea worthy adj. 适合于海运的

He made a damaged ship seaworthy again.


I don�t think this kind of goods is seaworthy.


6 . smooth something out / away /ba ck / down 使某物光滑, 平坦, 平静, 顺利

smooth down one�s dress 熨平某人的衣服

smooth the dispute down 平息争端

7 . infor m somebody of 通知某人

We informed him of our decision.


I was informed of the good news.


8 . gain a stron g footing 打下牢固的基础, 站稳脚跟

footing 基础

The enterprise is now on a firm footing, and should soon show profits.

这个企业基础稳固, 很快就会赢利。

Pr actical Sentences

1. 包装

We have take measures to improve our packing for the plastic toys.


Since cardboard package is out of the question, we decide to use waterproof packing instead.

既然硬纸盒包装是不可能的, 我们就改用防水包装材料。


Unit 12 Pac king a nd Lab e ling

Please attach a clear marking to each package of your cargo.


Now, let�s pass onto the discussion of packing charges.


The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling.

包装必须适合海运, 足够牢固, 经得住野蛮搬运。

Defective condition of packing should be avoided as much as possible.


Your packing must be improved.


What do you think of our new packing?


Nice packing helps finding a market.


We will use metal straps to reinforce the outside of the cartons.


2. 标签

I�m here to talk with you about the matter of labeling.


We�d like you to make some changes in the labeling.


Each package should be marked with“Fragile”.


No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside containers.


There are only Chinese and English descriptions printed on the principal display panels on the



Conver sational Tips

1 . 包装问题协商主要包括以下几个方面:

包装材料问题。如: We often use cartons / wooden boxes. 我们通常使用纸箱 /木箱。

包装方式问题。其中包括 inner packing; outer packing; selling packing ( 销 售包装 ) ;

transport packing ( 运输包装) ; small packing; immediate packing( 直接包装) 。


Let�s pass onto the discussion of packing charges.


We are afraid that we shall have to charge you much more for the requested packing.



但如果使用你们所要求的包装, 恐怕我们得向你收取高得多的费用。

2 . 在商讨标签过程中客户可能会要求你在标签上作一些改动, 如:

We�d like you to make some changes in the labeling.


有时可能还有一些特殊要求, 如:

Each package should be marked with“Fragile”.


Exer cises

I . Substitution dr ills:

1 . As usual, we use—.

—cardboard boxes

—wooden cases

—cloth /plastic bag

—jute / gunny bag

—plastic drum

2 . The packing is strong enough to stand—.

—long sea voyage

—rough handling

—a lot of jolting


3 . —helps finding a market.

—A nice packing

—A well-designed package

—A unique design of the packing

—A beautiful wrapping

4 . The goods are to be packed in—.

—wooden cases containing 20 dozen each.

— double kraft-paper bags, each containing 50kg.

—paper boxes, 10 pieces to one box.

5 . We would like you to—.

—make some changes in labeling

—change the color of the letters

—change the brand name

—mark“Handle with care”on the panel

II . Tr anslate the following into Chinese:

1 . Do you have any specific request for packing?


Unit 12 Pac king a nd Lab e ling

2 . We hope that the design and the color will suit American tastes.

3 . I�m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for the transport by sea.

4 . We hope the packing will be more attractive.

5 . We can replace paper packing with plastic packing for reinforcement.

6 . With the spread of the supermarket, there is a trend for small package.

7 . The characteristics of a people, their custom and tradition play a very important role in the

packing of goods for consumption.

8 . Colored pictures of the trade mark should be attached to the face panel side of the cases.

9 . Please remember to print“Keep Dry”and“Do not Turn Over”, and other necessary marks on

the cartons.

III . Make dia logues according to the following situa tions:

1 . Mr. Smith from a British import company is discussing with you about the packing of the toys

he bought from your company. First, you might introduce the usual ways of packing for toys.

Then ask for some suggestions. Finally, show him some samples.

2 . After settling the issue of packing, you go on to discuss the matter of labeling. Mr. Smith

wants some changes in the label. Talk with him.

IV. Fr ee Talk

What elements should be considered when talking about packing and labeling?



Unit 13


【Tea ching Aims】

Payment is a very important procedure of international business. It concerns not only the

buyer�s but also the seller�s benefit and is also more complicated than that in domestic business.

The most generally used terms of payment in international business is L / C, which is very safe and

sound for both the buyer and the seller. Still some other terms of payment, such as D / P and D /

A, are also used in international trade. Through the study of this unit, the students will get a clear

idea of the various terms of payment and put them into practice.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . L / C

2 . D / A

3 . D / P

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

terms of payment letter of credit commission discount sight L /C D / P ( documents

against payment ) down payment sight draft = draft at sight D /A ( documents against

acceptance) shipping documents to draw( a draft) on sb.

Background Knowledge

支付方式( Terms of payment) : 在国际贸易中, 货款的收付直接影响双方的资金周转和融

通, 以及各种金融风险和费用的负担, 所以这是关系到买卖双方利益的问题。因此买卖双方在

磋商交易时, 都力争约定对自己有利的支付条件。货款的结算主要涉及支付工具、付款时间、

地点及支付方式等问题, 买卖双方必须对此取得一致的意见, 并在合同中做出明确的规定。国

际贸易中的主要支付工具有汇票、本票和支票; 汇票从不同角度又可分为: ( 一 ) 银行汇票与商

业汇票( 二) 光票与跟单汇票( 三) 即期汇票与远期汇票。支付方式主要有三种: 汇付、托收和

信用证。汇付是进口人通过银行将货款汇给出口人, 它有信汇、电汇和票汇三种方法。托收是

出口商在发出货物并开具汇票之后, 连同全套货运单据委托出口地银行通过它在进口商所在



收; 在跟单托收情况下根据交单条件的不同, 又可分为付款交单和承兑交单两种; 按付款时间

的不同, 付款交单又可分为即期付款交单和远期付款交单。而国际贸易中普遍采用的一种主

要的支付方式是信用证付款; 信用证是应进口商要求, 由开证行开出, 以出口商为受益人的一

种保证付款凭证; 可根据其性质、期限、流通方式等特点, 分为以下几种: ( 一) 跟单信用证和光

票信用证, ( 二) 不可撤销信用证和可撤销信用证, ( 三) 保兑信用证和不保兑信用证, ( 四 ) 即

期信用证和远期信用证, ( 五) 可转让信用证和不可转让信用证, ( 六) 循环信用证, ( 七) 对开

信用证, ( 八) 对背信用证, ( 九) 预支信用证, ( 十) 付款信用证、承兑信用证与议付信用证, ( 十

一) 备用信用证。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Talking a bout the Terms of Payment

Mr. Chen, ma na ger of the Export Department of the Oriental Import& Export Company in

Shangha i, , is talking about the terms of pa yment of an interna tiona l business transa ction in

Gua ngzhou Fa ir with Mr. Smith from America .

C: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Shall we go on with our business talk?

S: Sure, Mr. Chen. Let�s go ahead. There is another thing we have to talk about. That is terms

of payment.

C: When dealing with a new customer, we usually require payment by confirmed and irrevocable

letter of credit, payable against shipping documents.

S: No doubt that payment by L / C is the safest method, but too complicated.

C: That is our usual practice. You know, a confirmed irrevocable L /C gives the exporter the

additional protection of the banker�s guarantee. That�s why we always require L / C for our

exports. And the other way round, we also pay by L /C for our imports.

S: The point is that to open an L /C with a bank, I have to pay a sum of deposit. This would

increase the cost of our import and what�s more, tie up our funds. To avoid having our funds

tied up, could you bend the rules a little?

C: I am sorry that I can�t be of help. Our company only allows us to do business by irrevocable

L /C .

S: If that�s the case, could you accept a time L / C and allow us to delay payment, say, 60 days

after sight?

C: Payment by sight L /C is quite usual in international trade. But to encourage more orders, we

would consider your request.

S: Thank you. You have been most helpful. By the way, when must I open the L /C if I want

the goods to be delivered before Christmas season? You know, Christmas is the selling season

at our end.

C: A month before the date of shipment.

S: Could you possibly arrange an earlier shipment, as I expect to receive the goods well before

Christmas season starts?



C: Getting the goods ready, making out the documents and booking the shipping space, all this

takes time, you know. You can�t expect us to effect shipment in less than a month.

S: All right. I�ll have the L / C opened by fax as soon as I get home.

C: When will that be?

S: Early next week. Meanwhile, please get everything ready and try to dispatch the goods

immediately after you get our L / C.

C: You may rest assured of that. We�ll meet your requirements and inquire for the shipping space

right away, so that shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receiving your

L /C .

S: That�ll be fine. Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Chen.

Dialogue Two Payment by L /C a fter Sight

After setting the price, commission and discount with Mr. Chen, mana ger of the Export

Department of the Oriental Import& Export Company in Sha nghai, Mr. Stephen from ABC

Compa ny in Lagos is trying to persua de Mr. Chen into a ccepting pa yment by L /C a fter sight.

C: Since we just start our business with you and this is comparatively a large deal, I hope we can

trade with you on customary terms, i. e. , a letter of credit available by sight draft.

S: I understand your position. But at the moment, we do have a lot of difficulty. Could you

make us an exception, say, to accept D / P?

C: I would like to bend the rules a little if possible, but we accept D / P only if the amount is

under USD 3, 000. This is not the case now. We could only accept confirmed and irrevocable

L /C .

S: As you know, payment by L / C is a bit complicated and expensive. Let�s make it like this: if

you can reduce the price by 3% and give us two months to raise money, we would be willing

to give you a 10% down payment.

C: And the balance by 60 days L / C?

S: Yes.

C: I�m afraid I�m not in a position to give you a definite answer. I�ll have to consult my head

office. ( Making a phone ca ll to the head office) Well, my head office says the best we can

do is to accept 30 days L /C.

S: 30 days? OK, anyway.

C: But we wish to point out that it is only with a view to encouraging future business that we give

you this accommodation.

S: Thank you very much. We sincerely hope we can do more business with you in the future.

Dialogue Three Opening the L / C

Mr. Cao, the ma nager of the Export Depa rtment of New Century Import& Export Company

in Gua ngzhou, is ha ving a business talk with Mr. Stephen from ABC Company in Lagos in

Gua ngzhou Fa ir . They a re talking a bout when to open the relevant L/ C a nd what documents Mr.


Unit 13 Pa ym e nt

Cao should provide.

S: Now, Mr. Cao, when must we open the relevant L / C?

C: Generally, the L / C should be opened by the buyer 15 to 30 days before delivery so that the

seller can make the necessary arrangement. Therefore, could you send us the L / C 30 days in

advance, that is, 30 days before shipment is made?

S: Sure, no problem. How long should the L / C be valid?

C: That we can go according to conventions. Since you are paying by a 30-day L / C, let�s say the

L / C expires 15 days after the 30-day duration is due, OK?

S: That�ll be fine, we�ll open the L / C according to your requirement within the designated time.

C: Thank you. By the way, could you tell me what documents we should provide?

S: A complete set of bills of lading, three invoices, six packing lists, an export license, an

insurance policy, and a certificate of inspection. Oh, yes, a certificate of origin must also be

provided. Otherwise I have to pay more duty when clearing the customs.

C: I see. I know your country can reduce the duty on goods from China.

S: That�s right.

C: You can be assured that all these documents will be provided in line with your requirements.

S: That�s terrific. Thank you very much indeed, Mr. Cao.

Wor ds & Expr essions

terms of payment 付款条件 ( D1)

deal with 处理 ( D1)

confirmed [ k�n�f��md ] a . 保兑的, 习惯的, 积习的 ( D1)

irrevocable [ i�rev�k�bl] a. 不能唤回的, 不可撤销的, 不能变更的 ( D1)

letter of credit 信用证 ( D1)

shipping documents 装船单据 ( D1)

guarantee [ ��r�n�t i�] v. & n. 保证, 担保 ( D1)

the other way round 同样地 ( D1)

deposit [ di�p�zit ] n. & v. 存款, 定金, 堆积物; 存放, 堆积 ( D1)

tie up funds 占压资金 ( D1)

sight L / C 即期信用证 ( D1)

Sales Contract 销售合同 ( D1)

dispatch [ dis�p�t�] v. 派遣, 发送 ( D1)

rest assured of 对⋯⋯放心 ( D1)

book one�s order 卖给某人⋯⋯ ( D1)

shipping space 舱位 ( D1)

persuade. . . into doing. . . 说服( 某人) 做( 某事) ( D2)

customary [ �k�s t�m�r i] a . 惯常的, 习惯的 ( D2)

make an exception 破例 ( D2)



bend the rules 破例 ( D2)

raise money 筹款 ( D2)

D / P( documents against payment) 付款交单 ( D2)

down payment 预付款, 定金 ( D2)

balance [ �b�l�ns] n. & v. 平衡, 差额, 余额; 平衡 ( D2)

consult [ k�n�s�lt ] v. 商讨, 向⋯⋯请教, 查阅, 询问 ( D2)

accommodation [ ��k�m��de i��n] n. 照顾, 通融 ( D2)

delivery [ di�liv�r i] n. . 交货, 递送, 交付, 分娩 ( D3)

in advance 事先, 预先 ( D3)

valid [ �v�lid ] a. 有效的 ( D3)

expire [ ik�spai�, e ks -] v. 过期, 期满, 失效 ( D3)

convention [ k�n�ve n��n ] n. 常规, 惯例, 大会, 协定 ( D3)

bills of lading 提单 ( D3)

a commercial invoice 商业发票 ( D3)

an export license 出口许可证 ( D3)

an insurance policy 保险单 ( D3)

a certificate of origin 原产地证 ( D3)

a certificate of inspection 检验证 ( D3)

duty [ �d ju�t i] n. 关税, 责任, 职责 ( D3)

clear the customs 清关, 结关 ( D3)

in line with 根据, 按照 ( D3)

terrific [ t��r ifik ] a. 极好的, 非常的, 极度的 ( D3)


1 . pa yment n.

partial payment 部分付款

full payment 全部付款

place of payment 支付地点

mode of payment 支付方式

means of payment 支付工具

date of payment 支付日期

time of payment 支付时间

currency of payment 支付货币

bill of payment 支付票据

terms of payment 支付条件

payment term 支付期限

payment instrument 支付凭证

progressive payment 累进付款


Unit 13 Pa ym e nt

immediate payment; prompt payment 立即付款

2 . deliver v. 交付

As a rule, we deliver our goods within one month after receipt of the covering L / C.


delivery n. 交货, 送货

time of delivery 交货时间

make delivery 交货

What is the time of delivery about our orders?

关于我们这批货, 什么时候交?

May I ask how long it takes you to make delivery?


3 . order n. 订单, 订货

We plan to place an order with you for twenty tons of“Portland”cement.

我们打算向你方订购 20 吨“波特兰”牌水泥。

v. 订购

We have ordered the above-mentioned goods from elsewhere.


repeat order 续定订单

duplicate order 重复订单

4 . effect v. 使发生, 引起

effect shipment 办理装运

effect insurance 办理保险

effect delivery 交货

5 . ma ke out the docum ents 缮制单据

6 . the selling season = the shopping season 销售季节

7 . enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能做某事

Your early delivery of our goods will enable us to catch the brisk demand at the start of the

selling season.


8 . meet one�s requirements 满足某人要求

We�ll meet your requirements and establish the relative L / C as soon as possible.


9 . book the shipping sp ace 订舱

Recently we have got all your goods ready and will book the shipping space as you requested.


10. down payment 定金

We�ll accept your terms of payment on condition that you give us a 20% down payment first.

如你方先付 20% 定金的话, 我们将接受你方的付款条件

11. a letter of cr edit 信用证



1) 信用证是可数的普通名词, 单数为 letter of credit, 复数为 letters of credit, 但在商业书信

中常大写—单数为 L /C, 复数为 Ls/ C。此外, 有时也用 credit 一词表示信用证, 复数为


2) 即期信用证的表达方法是“ letter of credit available /payable by / against sight draft /draft

at sight”, 常简称“ sight L /C”。

3) 远期信用证的说法为“usance L / C; time L / C; term L / C”。

以见票三十天议付的信用证为例, 可说成:“30 days( usance ) L / C; ( time) L /C at 30

days; ( term) L /C at 30 days after sight; L / C available by draft at 30 days after sight”。

4) 各种信用证的表达法:

Documentary L / C 跟单信用证

Irrevocable L / C 不可撤销的信用

Transferable L / C 可转让的信用证

Divisible L / C 可分割的信用证

Confirmed L / C 保兑的信用证

Back to back L /C 背对背信用证

Reciprocal L / C 对开信用证

Revolving L /C 循环信用证

Stand-by L / C 备用信用证

12. draft 汇票

sight draft = draft at sight 即期汇票

to draw( a draft) on sb. 向开汇票

at. . . days after sight 见票后⋯⋯天付款

drawer 出票人

drawee 受票人

bearer / holder 持票人

to honor a draft 支付汇票

to dishonor a draft 拒付汇票

13. D / P( docum ents against payment) 付款交单

14. D / A( documents aga inst accep ta nce) 承兑交单

15. in a position to 可以, 能够

We�ll let you know immediately we�re in a position to take in fresh orders.

我们一旦能接受新订单, 马上告知你们。

16. with a view to 打算要, 有意要, 希望, 为了

with a /the view to = with a /the view of

With a / the view to /of saving trouble, we�ll pack the goods in cartons lined with plastics.

为了省却麻烦, 我们将货物装在塑料衬里的纸箱中。

17. expire 终止, 满期

We would like to remind you that the L / C expires on October 11.

我们想提醒你方该信用证于 10 月 11 日到期。


Unit 13 Pa ym e nt

18. in line with 与⋯⋯一致

The price you offered is not in line with the prevailing market.


Pr actical Sentences

1. 话题切入用语

—Now let�s get down to business.


—Yes, let�s start.

好, 我们开始吧。

—Shall we start / make a start?


—Yes, we�d better start.

对, 我们最好开始吧。

—Shall we go on with / continue the business talk?


—Sure, let�s go ahead. / Yes, let�s go ahead.

当然, 继续吧。

2. 其他实用句型

—It takes time to get the goods ready /to make out the documents / to book the freight

space. . .

备妥货物 /缮制单据 /订舱⋯⋯是要花时间的。

—We should be very much obliged if you effect the shipment in time / open the relative L / C

promptly /give us this accommodation. . .

如你方及时装运 /及时开立相关信用证 /给我方予照顾⋯⋯, 我们将不胜感激。

—I feel it very difficult to meet your requirements / accept your terms of payment / take in new

orders. . .

我觉得很难满足你方要求 /接受你方付款条件 /接受新订单⋯⋯

—Could you be so kind as to find some way to solve the problem / to arrange the shipment in

time /to help us to raise the money. . .

您能否想办法解决问题 /及时安排装运 /帮我们融资⋯⋯

—Could you make us an exception, say, to accept D / P /to allow us a discount / to give us a

commission of 2 % . . . .

您可以破例接受付款交单的条件 /给我们折扣 /给我们 2 % 的佣金⋯⋯吗?

—It is only with a view to encouraging future business that we give you this accommodation.

正是为了促进将来业务, 我们才给你方这种优惠。

—That we can go according to conventions.




—Together with the draft, we�ll send you. . . . .


—We propose to pay by 30 days L / C or by D / A

我们建议用 30 天期的信用证或承兑交单的方式付款。

—Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable L / C for the

full invoice amount.


Conver sational Tips

国际商务谈判中应注意的语言技巧( 一)

1 . 合理使用模糊语言

由于受谈判场合的制约, 有时参加谈判的人员必须避免直言, 以防伤害对方。在这种情况

下, 含糊其辞是最有效的。如:

I don�t think we would accept your terms of payment. We are not playing in the same ballpark

on this basis.

我觉得我们很难接受你方的付款条件, 以这个条件我们是谈不到一块了。

Considering this is a new product, we may offer you an allowance on a sliding scale in order to

open up the new market.

考虑到这是一种新产品, 为了开拓市场, 我们可以给你浮动折扣。

2 . 正确使用礼貌语言

正确使用礼貌和体谅语言对谈判的效果有很大的促进, 并能加速谈判目标的实现。用于表

达礼貌的语言形式和方法很多, 在此列举其中两种。

( 1) 将命令式改为请求式, 即将祈使句改为以“will”或“would”开头的疑问句。如:

Would you please make your lowest quotation CIF San Francisco?

请您报 CIF 旧金山最低价。

Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer?

请您告知你方所需数量, 以便我方算出报价。

( 2) 使用过去时形式的虚拟语气。像“would ask”、“should be”、“might make”、“could effect”


We would ask you to make a prompt shipment.


We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC.


Exer cises

I . Substitution dr ills. Make sentences with the following italicized expr essions:

1 . We should be very much obliged if you could effect shipment before September.


Unit 13 Pa ym e nt

Now you try:

a. 如你方能接受我们的贸易条件, 我们将十分感谢。

b. 如你方能将价格再降低 2 % , 我们将十分感谢。

c. 如你方能满足我们的要求, 我们将十分感谢。

d. 如你方能允许我们分期付款, 我们将十分感谢。

2 . Well, as is clea r , there are only two wa ys to tackle this problem.

Now you try:

a. 很清楚, 他们无法解决他们的资金问题。

b. 很清楚, 他们已从别处购到所需货物。

c. 很清楚, 你们的条件谁也无法接受。

d. 很清楚, 我们只能接受即期信用证付款。

3 . As you know, payment by L/ C is a bit complica ted and expensive.

As you are aware, the cost of raw materia ls has gone up tremendously.

Now you try:

a. 如你所知, 这种新产品在国际市场上需求很大。

b. 如你所知, 信用证在国际贸易中是普遍采用的正常付款方式。

c. 如你所知, 最近电脑的价格已下降了很多。

d. 如你所知, 错过了销售季节就没法赢利。

4 . I a m not in a position to give you a n immediate answer.

Now you try:

a. 由于大量承约, 我方目前无法接受新订单。

b. 很遗憾我们无法接受你方的价格。

c. 我们不能供给你方所要求的如此众多数量的衬衫。

d. 我们无法接受你方的 D / P 付款方式。

II . Tr anslate the following short d ialogues:

1 . A: I wonder whether you can make delivery at the beginning of January?

B: 恐怕要到三月底。你知道准备货物, 开出单证以及订购船只舱位都要花时间。

2 . A: Delivery should be made before July; otherwise we are not able to catch the season.

B: 我们将和厂方联系, 尽力将交货时间提前, 以确保你方在销售季节前提货。

3 . A: Could you possibly make delivery more promptly?

B: 请放心, 我们马上去订船只舱位。这样, 在收到你方信用证后的两个星期内就能启运。

4 . A: So we hope this time you�ll accommodate us by accepting D / P or D /A?

B: 按照你方要求, 我方破例接受即期付款交单方式。但这不能作为先例。

5 . A: You see, we�ve got a cash flow problem for the time being, would you allow us to

postpone settlement of your account?

B: 由于你方信守合同, 我们打算允许你方延期付款。

6 . A: What do you think of the terms of payment?

B: 由于这次我方订货量很大, 我方希望能以分期付款的方式支付。



7 . A: Can you accept D / P or D / A for this transaction?

B: 对不起, 我们只接受即期信用证付款。

8 . A: Can you be a bit more flexible and bend the rules a little?

B: 如果可能的话, 我们愿意通融。但在付款方面, 我们只接受不可撤销信用证。

9 . A: Is it possible to consider payment by D / P?

B: 我已经一再说明, 这批货不行。

10. A: With your open policy, I thought you might have adopted more flexible ways of doing


B: 我们已经采取了一些灵活做法。

III . Tra nsla te the following sentences into English :

1 . 我们希望你方能在付款条件方面通融一些。

2 . 在付款方面, 我们可以接受保兑的、不可撤销的信用证。

3 . 我们将开立以你方为受益人的信用证, 以美元结算。

4 . 合同签定之日后 30 天内预付合同金额的 20% 。

5 . 只有金额不超过 2, 000 美元的生意, 我们才接受付款交单。

6 . 我们要求在 30 天之后付清, 如果预付现金则享有 15% 的折扣。

7 . 如果单据跟合同不符, 你们可以拒付。

8 . 鉴于我们长期友好的贸易关系, 我方同意付款交单的交易条件。

9 . 关于支付, 我方要求按发票金额的百分之百, 凭保兑的, 不可撤销的信用证, 允许分批装运

和转船, 凭即期汇票付款, 并凭出示全套装运单据给我方议付有效。

10. 我们已通过中国银行向你方开出金额为 58, 000 美元的即期汇票, 并指示该行在你方兑付


IV. Comp ose a dia logue a ccor ding to the situation given:

One company from Brazil has sent John to your factory for an order of 300 vacuum cleaners.

John tries in various ways to make you accept D / P or D / A payment. You insist on L / C payment

since you are not so sure of their credit position. John agrees to L / C payment and therefore you

both agree to sign the contract.

V. Free Talk

What do you know about E-commerce? What benefits can we get from E-commerce?


Unit 13 Pa ym e nt

Unit 14

Transportation and Shipment

【Tea ching Aims】

Transportation and shipment play a very important part in international trade. Prompt

shipment helps the buyer to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the selling season in their

market while delayed shipment usually causes great loss. Shipment involves the time of shipment,

loading and destination ports, shipping documents, means of conveyance and so on. Through the

study of this unit, the students will be able to get an idea of international shipment.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Asking for an early shipment.

2 . Partial shipments and transshipments

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

to effect shipment partial shipment transshipment customs formalities shipping space

direct shipment call at on-carrier loading port port of destination optional port

Background Knowledge

一笔生意成交之后, 卖方就应尽快按照合同规定的时间、地点和方式将货物交付给买方,


航空运输、邮政运输、联合运输等方式, 而海洋运输最为重要。多数货物运送中, 一般涉及三

方: 发货方, 收货方及承运方。在国际贸易中, 如果发货方( 出口商) 未能按与收货方( 进口商)

商定的条款中所规定的日期及装运方式来运送货物, 这样的行为通常被认为是违背了合同。

因此, 在就销售合同所涉及的货物运送进行协商时, 应认真考虑装运日期、运输方式、运费支付


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Asking for an Ea rly Shipment

Mr. Anderson is an interna tiona l businessman from BOK Company in New York. He has


been doing business with Mr. Bai Ya ng from Tianjin Import& Export Company for ma ny years.

They are talking on a n importa nt transa ction. After settling the terms of pa yment, Mr. Anderson

is trying his best to ask Mr. Ba i for a n early shipment in order to meet the ma rket dema nd.

A: Now that we�ve settled the terms of payment, is it possible to effect shipment during


B: I don�t think we can.

A: Then when is the earliest shipment we can expect?

B: By the middle of October, I think.

A: It�s too late. You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our

customs formalities are rather complicated.

B: I understand.

A: Well, the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple

of weeks. So, after shipment it will probably be another four to five weeks before the goods

can reach our retailers. So the goods really ought to be shipped before October, or we won�t

be ready for the season.

B: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are

placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter .

A: Mr. Bai, you certainly realize that time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us. If

we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their

goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out.

B: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous

years. I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery.

A: I�m sorry to hear that. I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration.

B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer,

particularly an old customer like you. But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a

heavy backlog on their hands.

A: But can�t you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery? Make a

special effort, would you? A timely delivery means a lot to us.

B: All right, Mr. Anderson. We�ll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to


Dialogue Two Effectin g W r ong Shipment

A couple of months ago, Mr. Wang, an exporter of our country sold a consignment of goods-

1 , 000 pieces of shirts to Mr. Ja mes, a n American client. After shipment was effected, however,

our exporter discovered the goods a ctually loa ded were not 1, 000 pieces, but 10, 000 pieces. In

great dismay, he called his American client immedia tely. He was trying his best to persuade the

American client to a ccept the total.

W : Hello. Mr. James. This is Wang Bing calling from Hangzhou, China.

J: Oh, Mr. Wang. It has been several months since we parted at the Guangzhou Fair. What


Unit 14 Tra nsp ortation a nd Ship me nt

can I do for you?

W : Mr. James. I�m terribly sorry to disturb you, but it�s urgent.

J: What is it?

W : The total amount of the shirts shipped to you is messed up. There should have been 1, 000

pieces, but owing to a clerical error in the documents, we�ve loaded ten times as much.

When we found out that, the vessel had left and right now it�s on its voyage. We had no

choice but to call you and hope you could accept the entire amount. I�d appreciate your help

very much.

W : The entire lot? Oh, we don�t need that much.

J: I know. But if you can take the entire consignment, we can allow you a reduced price.

J: Wait a minute. Let me figure out the total cost.

W : OK, take your time.

J: ( A moment later) Mr. Wang, I�d like to help you very much, but I can�t take the entire

consignment at the contracted price. You know what I mean, don�t you?

W : Yes, I know. How much do you want me to take off? 5% or 10% ?

J: No, 50% . That�s the only way I can do.

W : 50% ? Are you kidding? That�s really too much.

J: Ok. Regarding our long business relationship, the best I can do is 40% off.

W : Mr. James, this is not fair, you know. The cost is much more than that. You�re taking

advantage of our difficulty. You�re not friend.

J: But we simply cannot find the market for such a huge amount of shirts. The best I can do is

to keep the surplus shirts here until there is a market for them or ship the surplus shirts back

to you with everything at your expense.

W : OK, I�ll take the first one because shirts are low value goods, and it will cost more than they

are worth for us to take them back. Thank you just the same.

J: You are always welcome.

Dialogue Three Asking for Tra nsshipment

Transshipment usually will prolong the delivery, a nd cause damage to goods and additional

expenses. So the buyer will usually not a llow transshipment if there are direct stea mers to their

port. But sometimes it would be very difficult for the seller to book the shipping space. Under the

circumsta nces, tra nsshipment will a lso be accepta ble. In this dialogue, Mr. Huang, the seller , is

a sking Mr. Smith, the buyer, to allow tra nsshipment owing to the great difficulty in booking

shipping space.

H: Mr. Smith, we were just informed that lately there has been much congestion in shipping.

Direct steamers to your port are very few. So is there any chance that transshipment is


S: Well, transshipment will prolong the delivery and cause damage easily. So, we still hope a

direct shipment could be arranged.



H: Now the trouble is that it is very difficult to book shipping space. I�m afraid we can do little

about this.

S: You surely know the transshipment adds to the expenses and sometimes may delay the

arrival. If the goods could not be put on the market on time, good quality, competitive

price, everything would mean nothing.

H: Yes, we really understand your position. Anyhow, we�ll try. We�ll see whether we could

have another cooperation with China National Chartering Corporation. It has a good

reputation for meeting the clients�varied demands.

S: Thank you very much indeed! But could you let me know the result as soon as possible?

H: No problem.

S: All right. We are expecting good news from you.

( A moment later)

H: Mr. Smith, I was just informed by China National Chartering Corporation that liner space

for America up to the end of October has been fully booked. I�m afraid the goods really have

to be transshipped if you insist on October shipment.

S: We prefer direct shipment, of on course, but if you can�t get hold of a direct vessel, we

may agree to have the goods transshipped at Hong Kong. As far as I know, the Royal

Shipping Agent Ltd has a liner sailing from Hong Kong for America around mid-October. If

you could manage to catch the vessel, everything would be all right.

H: It�s very difficult for us to accept a designated on-carrier. There are so many factors that

might make the goods miss the intended departure. Besides, are you sure the vessel will call

at San Francisco? And is she already carrying a full load?

S: Let�s hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If the worst comes to the worst, please

ship the goods to Los Angeles. How about Los Angeles as an optional port of destination?

H: Good. Then, what would you say if we put it like this:“Shipment by first available steamer

in October. Port of destination in San Francisco or Los Angeles. Transshipment at Hong

Kong allowed. ”

S: Fine. It seems I have no alternative. Thank you, Mr. Huang. I�m sorry if the arrangements

cause you a lot of inconvenience.

H: Oh no, we�re only too glad to help you in any way we can.

Wor ds & Expr essions

to effect / make shipment 装船, 装运 ( D1)

by the middle of October 到十月中旬 ( D1)

customs formalities 海关手续 ( D1)

the red tape involved 繁琐的公文程序 ( D1)

retail [ �r i�te il] n. & v. 零售 ( D1)

retailer [ r i��t eil�] n. 零售商 ( D1)


Unit 14 Tra nsp ortation a nd Ship me nt

have a heavy backlog on hand 目前订单积压很多 ( D1)

take off 减去( 与 deduct 同义) ( D2)

congestion [ k�n�d�es t��n ] n. 充满, 拥塞, 拥挤, 充塞 ( D3)

transshipment [ tr�n��ipm�nt ] n. 转船, 转运 ( D3)

prolong [ pr��l��] v. 延长, 拖延 ( D3)

China National Chartering Corporation 中国租船公司 ( D3)

reputation [ repj u( �) �te i��n] n. 名声, 声誉 ( D3)

liner [ �la in�] n. 班轮 ( D3)

sail [ se il] v. 航行, 启航 ( D3)

designate [ �dezi�neit ] v. 指定 ( D3)

optional [ ��p��n�l] a . 可选择的, 任意的 ( D3)

destination [ des ti�nei��n ] n. 目的地 ( D3)

alternative [ ��l�t��n�tiv ] a. & n. 两者择一的

选择, 选择余地, 二者择一 ( D3)

inconvenience [ ink�n�vi�nj�ns] n. & v. 不便, 困难

使⋯⋯感不便, 使⋯⋯感困难 ( D3)

in great dismay 惊恐之中 ( D3)

disturb [ dis�t��b ] v. 打乱, 打扰 ( D3)

What is it? 什么事? ( 这一问句的口气并不客气) ( D3)

mess up 弄糟, 弄乱, 弄脏 ( D3)

on its voyage 在航程之中 ( D3)

to be fully committed 订货已经全部接满 ( D3)

place orders for 订购⋯⋯货 ( D3)

kid ( someone about something) 取笑, 开玩笑 ( D3)

profitable [ �pr�f it�b�l] a. 有利( 可图) 的, 有益的 ( D3)

take advantage of 利用⋯⋯, 占⋯⋯的便宜 ( D3)

previous [ �pri�vj�s ] a . 以前的, 先前的 ( D3)

take one�s word for it ( that) 相信某人的话 ( D3)

see one�s point 明白某人的意思 ( D3)

You may take it from me ( that. . . ) 请相信我的话, 我敢保证 ( D3)

the last thing we want to do. . . 我们决不会⋯⋯, 我们最不愿意做的事⋯⋯ ( D3)

get in touch with 与⋯⋯联系一下, 与⋯⋯取得联系 ( D3)


1 . effect shipm ent 装船, 装运

effect 办理 如:

effect insurance 办理投保

effect payment 办理支付



effect delivery 办理交货

shipment 装运 如:

arrange shipment 安排装运

expedite shipment 加速装运

extend shipment 延期装运

advance shipment 提前装运

2 . customs form alities 海关手续

customs 意为“海关, 关税”, 多用复数形式。作“海关”解释时还要大写, 作主语时后面所跟


It took us only four minutes to get through the Customs.


The Customs has detained the shipment.


The customs were paid.


3 . r etail n. & v. 零售

retailer n. 零售商

wholesale n. & v. 批发

wholesaler n. 批发商

4 . sea son 季节

the shopping / selling season 销售季节

high /hot / peak / busy season 旺季

low / dead / dull /slack /sluggish season 淡季

5 . qua rter 季度

the first quarter 第一季度

the second quarter 第二季度

the third quarter 第三季度

the fourth quarter 第四季度

last quarter 上一季度

next quarter 下一季度

6 . lose out 受损失, 亏本, 输给

The firm lost out on the deal.


We�ll lose out by selling on a falling market.

市价下跌, 我们销售会亏本的。

If you fail to pack the goods in a more attractive way, you�ll lose out to others.

如果你们不能把货物的包装搞得更漂亮些, 你们就会输给别人。

7 . get r ound 说服

He is very stubborn. You will find it very difficult to get round him to accept other people�s


Unit 14 Tra nsp ortation a nd Ship me nt


他十分固执, 你会发现说服他接受别人的意见很难。

8 . I t means a lot to us. 这对我们来说很重要。

mean 意为“有意义, 有价值”, 常和 a lot, much, little, a great deal, everything, nothing 等


This transaction means a great deal to us.


Early delivery means very much to us.


The high cost of living means nothing to some people.

对某些人来说, 高昂的生活费用算不了什么。

9 . mess ( up ) 弄糟, 弄乱, 弄脏

The late arrival of the train messed up all our plan.


10. kid ( someone about something) 取笑, 开玩笑

He likes to kid people.


Don�t get mad. I�m only kidding you.

不要恼火, 我只不过跟你开个玩笑罢了。

“Are you kidding?”是日常的习惯用语, 意为“你是开玩笑吧?”“哪儿的话?”类似的表达

法有“No kidding. ”“You�re got to be kidding. ”

—A: Ben called me last night.


—B: No kidding? What did he say?

———是吗? 他说什么来着?

Me? Get up at four in the morning? You�re got to be kidding!

我? 早晨四点起床? 这简直是开玩笑。

11. direct 直接的, 直达的

direct steamer 直达船

direct vessel 直达船

direct shipment 直达运输

12. shipping space 舱位

book shipping space 订舱

book space 订舱

13. add to 增添, 增加

Any delay in shipment will add to the cost for storing the goods up.


Can we add your commission to your price?




14. get hold of 找到, 弄到手

We�ll do our best to get hold of direct vessels to ship your goods.


If we can�t get hold of a direct steamer, will you consider allowing transshipment?

如果我们弄不到直达船, 你们会考虑允许转运吗?

15. sail ( vi. vt. n. ) 航行, 启航

sailing n. 开船

sailing date 开航日期

sailing schedule 船期表

16. call at 停靠, 停泊

The S. S.“Victory”sailing today will call at your port around October 11 .

今日起航的“胜利”轮大约将于 10 月 11 日停靠你港。

17. on-car r ier 二程船( 亦称为 second carrier)

18. hope for the best, but pr epa re for the wor st . 做最好的打算, 做最坏的准备

Let�s hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Now get everything ready.

让我们作最好的打算, 作最坏的准备吧。现在去准备好一切。

19. the wor st comes to the worst. 如果最坏的事发生的话⋯⋯

If the worst comes to the worst, we have to cancel the whole plan.

如果最坏的事发生的话, 我们只好取消整个计划。

20. port 港, 港口

optional port 选择港, 任意港

calling port 停泊港

destination port 目地港

ice-free port 不冻港

free port 自由港

loading port 装运港, 装港

unloading port 卸货港, 卸港

Pr actical Sentences

1. 货运通知

We would like to inform you that the above goods were already shipped out on the 8th August.

很高兴通知你, 上述货物已于 8 月 8 日运出。

We take pleasure in notifying you that the goods under S / C 128 have been dispatched by S / S

“Victory”sailing on July 18, 2002 for Hongkong.

很高兴地告知你方, 128 号合同项下的货物已由 2002 年 7 月 18 日开往香港的“胜利”轮运出。

The shipment of coal under Contract No. 123 will be effected by S. S.“May Flower”, which is

scheduled to leave here on October 1.

123 号合约项下的煤炭将由“五月花”号轮船运出, 该轮预计于 10 月 1 日离开此地。


Unit 14 Tra nsp ortation a nd Ship me nt

Enclosed please find copies of the bill of lading, the invoice and insurance policy covering the


随函附寄该货物的提单副本. 发票及保险单副本, 请查收。

2. 货运要求及答复

The goods we ordered are seasonal goods, so we hope you can ship them all at one time.

我们所订的是季节性货物, 因此希望一次性装完。

We hope that the goods would arrive in time for the new year rush.


We hope that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time.


3. 催运货物

Please take the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without further delay.


We are much in need of the goods. Please expedite shipment as soon as possible.

我们急需此货, 请尽快装运。

We are willing to pay an additional fee for immediate delivery.

如你方立即发货, 我们愿意支付额外费用。

4. 告知货物迟到后果

We might refuse the shipment if it doesn�t arrive on time.

若货物不能及时到达, 我们将拒绝接受。

We wish to point out that if you fail to effect shipment within the time specified, we shall not be

able to fulfill our contract with our clients.

我们想指出, 若你方不能在规定时间内办理装运我们将无法履行我们与客户的合约。

Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us.


Conver sational Tips

国际商务谈判中应注意的语言技巧( 二)

3 . 恰当使用逻辑语言

贸易谈判的目的是磋商交易条款, 为签署合同做准备。谈判是合同的基础, 涉及到买卖双方的

权利和义务。所以, 在谈判中, 语言必须准确规范, 具有很强的逻辑性, 因为它实际上是一种法


( 1 ) 使用正式的法律语言

在签署合同和协议的谈判过程中, 词语的选择必须准确规范, 要使用法律英语。如:

At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to assist Party B to install the equipment.

应乙方要求, 甲方同意帮乙方安装设备。

In processing transactions, the manufacturers never have any title either to the materials or to the

finished products.



在加工贸易中, 厂方对原材料和成品均无所有权。

( 2 ) 使用正确的表达法

选择准确的事实词语和数据, 不要言过其实或词不达意, 对谈判的成功与否至关重要。如:

This contract will come into effect from and including October 1, 2004.

此合同将自 2004 年 10 月 1 日( 含) 起生效。

The sample represents as nearly as possible what we can supply.


Exer cises

I . Patter n dr ills: Ma ke sentences with the following expr essions:

1 . You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer.

a. 我们一定会按合同规定装运货物。

b. 我们一定会在 6 月份办理装运。

c. 我们一定会尽最大努力满足你的要求的。

d. 我们最不愿意给你们带来麻烦。

2 . The last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer.

a. 让你们这样的老客户失望。

b. 给我们的客户造成麻烦。

c. 得罪我们的朋友。

d. 失信于朋友。

3 . I�m afraid the goods really have to be transshipped.

a. 你的价格太高了。

b. 七月份装船不太可能。

c. 这是我们的最低价了。

d. 我们的用户对此产品不感兴趣。

4 . What would you say if we put it like this?

a. 如果我们的价格降低 10% 。

b. 如果我们在香港转船。

c. 如果我们提早到十月份装运。

d. 如果我们建议将纽约作为一个选择港的话。

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into English.

1 . 六月份以前货物必须装船, 否则我们便不能赶上销售季节。

2 . 我们愿意接受你们的建议, 把装运港改成天津。

3 . 我们已在“胜利”轮上订好舱位, 该轮于 9 月 10 日在重庆启航。

4 . 延误装船的原因是你方信用证出人意料的迟到。

5 . 一俟收到你方的相关信用证, 我们将立刻安排装船。

6 . 我方至今未收到装船通知, 请告知是否已经装船。


Unit 14 Tra nsp ortation a nd Ship me nt

7 . 如你方无法得到直达轮, 我们同意在新加坡转船。

8 . 转船会给我们带来额外的费用, 有时还会造成延误。

9 . 我们只能装运 70 % , 其余的下个月装运。

10. 我们的客户要求分三批等量装运, 每一个月装一批。

III . Tra nsla te the dia logue into English.

A: 我希望你们能在九月底交发这批货物。我们想货物及时到达赶上圣诞节销售。

B: 圣诞节是快到年底的时候, 对吗?

A: 在英国圣诞节销售季节在十二月二十五日之前一个月就开始了。

B: 我们恐怕很难提前装运期了。现在我们的生产厂家已接满订货。

A: 我希望你设法让他们加快生产。

B: 由于新订单源源而来, 工人们已经三班倒来加快生产了。

A: 如果那样的话, 就没话可说了。

B: 对不起。

A: 那你说到底什么日期吧?

B: 我说到十月中旬吧。

A: 好吧, 我相信你的话。

IV. Situa tional dia logue: Ma ke a dialogue with your pa rtner ba sed on the followin g

situation :

Suppose you are having a talk with an American merchant about the time of shipment. He

asks you to make shipment in July because he wants to place the goods on the market in time so

that he can catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. Owing to the heavy commitment on

hand, you are not in a position to do so. The best you can do is in the middle of August.

V. Free Talk

Which do you prefer, reading or watching TV? Why?



Unit 15


【Tea ching Aims】

It�s customary to insure goods against perils or risks of the transport in international trade.

This unit is intended to give the students a clear idea of basic risks and extraneous risks together

with their varied coverage, and help them talk in the given situations fluently and properly.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Insurance claim practice

2 . Discussing insurance clause

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

FPA WPA All Risks Warehouse to Warehouse insure insurance coverage particular

average extraneous risks premium

Background Knowledge

货物在运输, 装卸, 存储过程中难免会遇到各种风险和遭受各种损失。买方为了保障货物

一旦遭受损失后能得到经济上的补偿, 因此要求对货物进行保险。卖方与买方 ( 客户) 在商谈

保险事项时, 究竟由何方对货物进行投保, 视买卖双方采取的价格条件而定。如双方商定采用

FOB( Free on Board) , 即装运港船上交货价或离岸价, 那么, 由买方负责投保越过船舷之后的

货物, 并支付保险费。如双方商定采用 CIF( Cost, Insurance and Freight) , 即成本加保险费加

运价, 或称到岸价, 那么, 由卖方代替投保货物, 并支付保险费。因此, 卖方与买方( 客户) 在商

谈保险时, 即要做到心中有数, 又要考虑到客户的要求, 以尽快确定由谁投保, 达成交易。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Asking W ha t Major Categor ies of Risks PICC Under writes

Mr. Liu, a manager from PICC is expla ining the ma jor categories of risks PICC underwrites

to Mr. Anderson a merchant from Ca na da .

A: Good morning Mr. Liu. This is my first business deal with a Chinese company. I�d like to


have a talk with you over the question of insurance, if you don�t mind.

L: No, not a bit. Go ahead, please.

A: Fist of all, could you please tell me what major categories of risks PICC underwrites?

L: PICC can provide a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport, such

as, Free from Particular Average ( FPA ) , With Particular Average ( WPA ) , All risks and

Extraneous Risks.

A: What about the scope of their insurance coverage? I mean, where does it start and where does

it end?

L: We adopt the Warehouse to warehouse Clause, which is common in international insurance.

In other words, the coverage is in effect when the cargo has left the consigner�s warehouse

and all the way through transit to the consignee�s warehouse.

A: Oh, I see. And what about the insurance claim? How do I go through that when something


L: It may sound complicated, but actually it�s not. You begin by applying and obtaining in

inspection from your claim settlement agent designated in your insurance policy. Then, with

all your documents like insurance policy, bills of lading, invoice, packing list and a list of

your claim, you present your formal claim in writing to PICC.

A: Thank you very much, Mr. Liu.

L: You�re welcome.

Dialogue Two Consulting the Insur ance

Mr. Bai, a sa les manager, is consulting what kind of insurance they should cover on the

goods to Mr. Al, his client.

A: Do you mind telling me what kind of insurance we�ve got for this order of goods?

B: Sure. Our deal is based on CIF clause. We�ve got it covered under WPA. Is there anything

you would like to know or. . .

A: No, not really. I was just wondering if the breakage of goods is included in the WPA or not.

You know this consignment is easy to be broken.

B: Actually, the damage of the goods belongs to the Risk of Breakage. We could add this item if

you wish.

A: I suppose we must bear the cost for the additional risk coverage.

B: Yes. I think we can change to All Risks. If so, we don�t have to pay extra for the Risks of

Breakage, for the insurance of All Risks has that item under coverage already.

A: I think the premium rate will be a little higher.

B: Yes. But the safety of the goods is more important. Do you think so?

A: Yes, absolutely.

B: Ok. I�ll change WPA to All Risks for 110% of CIF invoice value, then.

A: Thank you.



Dialogue Three Knowledge about Insur ance

Mr. Smith, who ha s suffered great losses for not covering the right insurance, is a sking Mr.

Luo for some informa tion about insura nce.

A: Good morning, Mr. Smith

B: Good morning, Mr. Luo. I�m afraid I�ll have to tell you a piece of bad news. The June

consignment arriving in New York is seriously broken.

A: I�m sorry to hear that. We only insured WPA. It does not cover the risk of breakage. It seems

that we can do nothing about it in this case.

B: I thought the risk of breakage was a particular average.

A: Not every breakage is a particular average. Only breakage resulting from natural disasters or

maritime accidents belongs to a particular average.

B: I�m a layman as far as insurance is concerned. What shall we do if we want to get claim like


A: We should insure Extraneous Risks beforehand.

B: What are Extraneous Risks?

A: They include TPND, Fresh or Rainwater Damage, Risk of Shortage, Leakage Risk, Clashing

and Breakage Risk, War Risk and so on. But as a rule, we don�t cover them unless the buyer

wants to. And it is the buyer who will pay for the extra premium.

B: I see. I have to learn a lesson from this. Now could you let me know how to calculate the

insurance premium?

A: The premium is to be calculated in this way. First, find out the premium rate for the goods,

that is x% . And second, consider what risks are covered. Then calculate the total value you

are insuring. Usually we cover the insurance for 110% of the invoice value.

B: Thank you. You are very helpful. I�ll be careful next time. But this time, we ourselves will

be liable for the losses.

Wor ds & Expr essions

client [ �klai�nt ] n. 客户 ( D1)

PICC 中国人民保险公司 ( D1)

category [ �k�ti��ri] n. 种类; 类别 ( D1)

underwrite [ ��nd�rait ] v. 承保 ( D1)

coverage [ �k�v�r id�] n. ( 保险契约中) 承保范围; 承保险项 ( D1)

Free from Particular Average ( FPA) 平安险 ( D1)

With Particular Average ( WPA) 水渍险( 单独海损险) ( D1)

All risks 综合险 ( D1)

extraneous risks 附加险 ( D1)

scope [ sk�up] n. 范围 ( D1)

Warehouse to Warehouse Clause 仓至仓条款 ( D1)


Unit 15 Ins ura nc e

in effect 开始生效 ( D1)

transit [ �tr�ns it ] n. & v. 运输 ( D1)

consigner [ k�n�sa in�( r) ] n. 发货人 ( D1)

consignee [ k�nsa i�ni�] n. 收货人 ( D1)

claim [ kle im] v. & n. 要求; 索赔; 声明 ( D1)

apply [ ��pla i] v. 申请 ( D1)

obtain [ �b�t ein ] v. 获得 ( D1)

inspection [ in�spe k��n ] n. 调查 ( D1)

claim settlement 受理索赔 ( D1)

insurance policy 保险单 ( D1)

bills of lading 提单 ( D1)

invoice [ �inv�is ] n. 发货票据 ( D1)

in writing 书面 ( D1)

consignment [ k�n�sa inm�nt ] n. 交付; 托付物 ( D2)

Risk of Breakage 破损险 ( D2)

bear n. 负担 ( D2)

additional [ ��di��nl] a. 附加的; 额外的 ( D2)

premium rate [ �prim j�m ] 保险费率 ( D2)

CIF clause 到岸价条款 ( D2)

insure [ in��u�] v. 投保 ( D3)

disaster [ di�z��s t�] n. 灾害; 灾难 ( D3)

maritime [ �m�ritaim ] a . 海上的; 海事的; 有关海上的 ( D3)

layman [ �leim�n] n. 外行; 门外汉 ( D3)

TPND 偷窃提货不着险 ( D3)

Fresh or Rainwater Damage 淡水雨淋险 ( D3)

Risk of Shortage 短重险 ( D3)

Leakage Risk 渗漏险 ( D3)

Clashing and Breakage Risk 碰损, 破碎险 ( D3)

War Risk 战争险 ( D3)

calculate [ �k�lkj uleit ] v. 计算 ( D3)

liable [ �lai�bl] a . 有责任的; 有义务的 ( D3)


1 . What major categories of risks PICC underwrites?


underwrite 负责保险

to underwrite any kind of risk 负责投保任何险种

underwriter 承保人; 保险商



2 . The coverage is in effect when the cargo has left the consigner�s warehouse and all the way

through transit to the consignee�s warehouse.

当货物离开发货人的仓库时保险即开始生效, 直至运输全程完毕当货物抵达收货人的仓库


be in effect 生效

Our contrast will be in effect next month. 我们的合同将在下个月生效.

3 . You begin by applying and obtaining an inspection from your claim settlement agent designated

in your insurance policy.


claim settlement agent 索赔受理经纪人

4 . The breakage resulting from. . .

r esult fr om 由⋯⋯造成的

The loss resulted from the storm.


The mistake results from his carelessness.


5 . It seems that we ourselves will be liable for the losses.

be lia ble for 有责任的, 有义务的

You should be liable for damages due to your own negligence.


Pr actical Sentences

1. 商讨保险事宜

The goods are ready for shipment. We wish to cover insurance for the cargo.


I�d like to cover the risk of Breakage for this lot of goods.


We have concluded the business on a FOB basis, so this insurance should be effected by you.

这批货是以离岸价成交的, 所以应由你方投保。

But as a rule, we don�t cover them unless you want to.

不过, 按照惯例, 除非你方要求, 否则我们是不投保这些险种的。

We suggest this cargo be insured against partial loss.


Do you provide insurance for shipment from Guangzhou to Tokyo.


You must bear the premium for this sort of special coverage.


We can cover the insurance of the goods on 110 % of the CIF value.


Unit 15 Ins ura nc e

我们可为这批货物以到岸价格的 110% 投保。

2. 咨询保险公司

May I ask you a few questions about insurance?


The insurance company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.

只要在保险责任范围内, 保险公司就应赔偿。

What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?


There are conditions under which the insurance company is not liable.

在有些情况下, 保险公司是不负责赔偿的。

Would you please tell me what the difference is between WPA and FPA.

请问, 水渍险和平安险有什么区别?

WPA does not cover the risk of breakage.


Conver sational Tips


1 . 投保前充分理解各险种的保险范围, 选择适合货物特点的险种。如:

Does WPA cover the risk of breakage? What does All Risks mean?

2 . 根据交易方式确定保险费付款人。如:

You should cover the insurance yourself .

3 . 按惯例, 额外险的保险费多由买方支付, 也可协商决定。如:

I suppose the buyer must bear the cost for the additional risk coverage.

Exer cises

I . Patter n Dr ills

1 . Our deal is based on CIF Clause and we�ve got it covered under. . .



—All Risks

—Risk of Breakage

2 . WPA does not cover. . .

—the Risk of Breakage


—Risk of Shortage

—War Risk

3 . We suggest this cargo be insured against. . .





—Leakage Risk

4 . You must bear the premium for. . .

—Extraneous Risks.

—War Risk

—All Risks.


5 . Since . . . is a special coverage, the premium is therefore higher.

—Risk of oil

—Risk of grease

—Risk of hooks

—Risk of breakage

6 . The buyer is usually required to bear. . .

—the cost of additional coverage.

—the cost of insurance on FOB terms.

—the cost of special coverage under fire.

—the cost of taking out a special insurance.

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into Chinese:

1 . We would like to insure the goods against FPA.

2 . CIF includes the expenses of transportation and those of insurance.

3 . Which side will bear insurance expenses against shortage risk and risk of breakage?

4 . As our usual practice, the coverage is 110% of the invoice value.

5 . Could you explain the differences between WPA and FPA?

III . Tra nsla te the following sentences into English :

1 . 我们已为货物投保了水渍险、偷窃和提货不着险。

2 . 根据你们的惯例, CIF 价格条件主要投保哪些险别?

3 . 请问水渍险和平安险有什么区别?

4 . 货一旦发出, 我们就会立即投保的。

IV. Comp ose dia logues in the following situations:

1 . You are a manager from a foreign trade company, and don�t know the differences between

WPA and FPA. Telephone a friend from PICC, ask him the question.

2 . You sell glassware to a client from Sweden. Your sale is based on CIF. Talk with him / her

about the insurance.

3 . A businessman from USA has ordered a total of $70, 000 worth of Oolong tea ( 乌龙茶) , on

FOB San Francisco. He is a layman about insurance. Talk about it with him, telling him what


Unit 15 Ins ura nc e

kind of coverage he should insure, and how to do it.

V. Free Talk

Do you agree“One is never too old to learn”? Why or Why not?



Unit 16

Conclusion of Business and Signing aContract

【Tea ching Aims】

Before signing a contract, which is intended to create a legally binding relationship between

the two parties, both the seller and the buyer should make sure the contract gives all the terms

and conditions agreed upon, of which both parties have identical understanding. The purpose of

this unit is to enable the students to talk fluently and properly before and when signing a contract

based on their understanding of the sample dialogues and command of the given practical


【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Conclusion of business

2 . Discussing the details of the contract

3 . Signing a contract

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

draft a contract make out sign the contract original copy version terms and

conditions in conformity with clerical mistakes

Background Knowledge

在进出口贸易中, 买卖双方经过磋商 , 一方的发盘被另一方有效接受, 交易即达成, 合

同即告成立。但在实际业务当中, 买卖双方都要签订书面合同 , 将各自的权利和义务加以


我国的进出口合同主要有两种形式: 一种是条款较完备、内容较全面的合同, 如进口合同

( Import Contract) 或购买合同( Purchase Contract) 以及出口合同( Export Contract) 或销售合同

( Sales Contract) ; 另一种是内容较简单的简式合同, 如购买确认书 ( Purchase Confirmation) 和

销售确认书( Sales Confirmation) 。



1 . 约首( Head) : 包括合同名称、编号、订约日期、订约地点、双方当事人的全称和地址以


2 . 本文 ( Body) : 包括各项交易的条件或条款, 如品名、品质规格、数量、单价、总金额、



3 . 约尾( Tail) : 包括合同使用的文字及其效力、合同的份数、附件效力及双方签字等。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Negotiating a Contra ct

Mr. Huang, mana ger of Fujian Textiles Imp. &Exp. Co. , is ta lking about signing a contract

with Mr. Smith, a businessma n from Ca nada.

H: Mr. Smith, can we sign the contract today?

S: I�m sorry. As some points concerning the contract have not yet been settled, negotiation has

to be continued before the contract is signed.

H: If my memory serves me, it seems we have covered all the important points.

S: Yes, you�re right. But I contacted my home office this noon, and they told me that we need

to make changes on some points.

H: What are they?

S: First, the specifications. This morning, we stated that the specifications of the men�s shirts

were:“Blue, yellow and white equally assorted, S /2 , M /6 and L /4 per dozen”. Now,

we�d like to change the assortment of the sizes, that is, S /3, M /6 and L /3 per dozen, is it


H: No problem. Anything else you want to change?

S: The time of delivery.

H: Yes?

S: I wonder if it�s possible for you to advance the shipment by one month.

H: I�m sorry it�s really out of the question. As a matter of fact, our manufactures have been

speeding up production, but they still have a heavy backlog on their hands.

S: Well, in that case, I have to take things as they are.

H: If you have nothing else to bring up, I�ll have the contract made out this evening and sent it to

your hotel for signature tomorrow morning at 9 o�clock.

S: That�s fine. Thank you.

Dialogue Two Checking the Deta ils

Before drafting a contract, Mr. Darvin a nd Mr. Zheng examine the details together .

Z: I�m very glad that we come to an agreement on all the terms and conditions of the contract.

Shall we prepare the contract accordingly?

D: Let�s examine the details before drafting the contract.



Z: OK. Under this contract, we will supply you with 2 000 metric tons“ Parrot”Brand W hite

Cement at £30 per M / T CFR Genoa for shipment in October / November. Payment is to be

made by confirmed, irrevocable sight L / C, accompanied by a full set of shipping


D: Right.

Z: As for packing, they will be packed in 6-ply craft-paper bags of about 50 kilos net each.

D: Yes. But what I�m concerned about most is the time of shipment.

Z: We can assure you that we will ship the goods in two equal monthly quantities within the time

limit stipulated in the contract. But there is also one point I�d like to stress.

D: What is it?

Z: You must open the relative L /C at least one month before the shipment, otherwise we won�t

be able to catch the ship.

D: No problem. I�ll have the L / C opened as soon as I get back. .

Z: I�m very glad we have reached an agreement. I�ll make out the contract tomorrow.

D: Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally


Z: Naturally. Each of us keeps one original and two copies.

D: good.

Dialogue Three Signing a Contra ct

The contract is ready. Mr. Anderson checks the contract a nd then signs it.

L: Mr. Anderson, I asked Miss Ye, secretary of our company, to draft a contract yesterday.

Here it is. Would you please go over it and see if it contains all we have agreed upon during


A: ( Reading the contract) Let me check all the terms listed in the contract and see if there is

anything not in conformity with the terms we agreed on.

L: We both should make everything clear so that we can perform our promises written down in

the contract smoothly.

A: Mm. Don�t you think this clause should be improved? You see, it�s stipulated in the contract

that all the blouses shall be packed each in a paper box and then in cardboard cartons. It�s all

for blouses, but it�s unnecessary for accessories, is it?

L: No, it isn�t. Accessories ought to be packed separately.

A: And the contract does not allow partial shipments and transshipments, although they are

agreed on during our negotiation.

L: Yes, you are right. It must be clerical mistakes. Let�s correct it.

A: Here�s another point. A few words should be added to the“Force Majeure” clause. We

should say“IF the‘Force Majeure’cause lasts over 45 days, the Buyer shall have the right to

cancel the contract”.

L: Agreed. Is there anything else?


Unit 16 Conc lus ion of Bus ine ss a nd Signing a Contra c t

A: That�s all.

L: Then we can sign it after a few revisions. Please wait a few minutes. I�ll have the contract

revised immediately.

( Five minutes later)

L: Here�s the modified contract. Would you please sign your name here?

A: With pleasure.

Wor ds & Expr essions

assort [ ��s��t ] v. 分类 ( D1)

assortment [ ��s��tm�nt ] n. 分类, 混合物, 各色俱备之物 ( D1)

backlog [ �b�kl��] n. & vi. 积累( 积压待办事项) , 把⋯⋯积压起来 ( D1)

signature [ �s i�nit��] n. 签名 ( D1)

accordingly [ ��k��di�li] adv. 因此, 于是, 相应地 ( D2)

parrot [ �p�r�t ] n. 鹦鹉 ( D2)

cement [ s i�m ent ] n. 水泥 ( D2)

accompany [ ��k�mp�ni] v. 陪伴, 带有 ( D2)

version [ �v����n] n. 版本, 译本 ( D2)

secretary [ �sekr�t ri] n. 秘书 ( D3)

conformity [ k�n�f��mit i] n. 适合, 一致 ( D3)

accessory [ �k�se s�ri] a dj. / n. 附属的, 辅助的; 附件 ( D3)

clerical error [ �kle rik�l] 笔误 ( D3)


1 . concer ning prep. 关于

Police are anxious to hear any information concerning his whereabouts.


concer n n. 商号, 企业; 关系 vt. 对⋯⋯有影响; 与⋯⋯相关

We hope there will be close cooperation between our two concerns.


We have no concern in this matter.


The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than small businesses.


This is an insurance case, with which we are not concerned.

这是一件保险案例, 与我们没有关系。

concer ned adj. 有关的( 放在被修饰的名词后)

We�ll take up the matter with the department concerned.




be concer ned about 对⋯⋯关心

Buyers are much concerned about the prices of the product.


2 . If my memory serves me 如果我没记错的话

The goods will be shipped in December, if my memory serves me ( well / right / correctly) .

如果我没记错的话, 货物将是在十二月份装运。

This clause is not the one we agree on, if my memory serves me.

如果我没记错的话, 这不是我们双方一致同意的条款。

3 . a ssor tm ent 搭配

We have to draw your attention to the fact that the size as well as colour assortment of the

article is specially designated by you, thus incurring extra expenses.

我们必须指出该货的尺寸和颜色搭配系你方特别指定的, 因此增加了额外费用。

4 . speed up 加速

We shall do our best to speed up shipment of the goods.


In order to speed up communication, please write directly to our corporation.


5 . but they still have a heavy backlog on their hands


6 . br ing up 提出

We�ll bring up the matter for your consideration.


Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?


7 . As for packing, they will be packed in 6 -ply craft-paper bags of about 50 kilos net each.

至于包装, 它们将被装入六层牛皮纸袋, 每袋净重约五十公斤。

As for 至于

As for prices, there is a wide gap.

就价格而言, 差距很大。

Nick can stay, but as for you, you can get out of my sight.

尼克可以留下来, 至于你, 你可以从我的眼前消失。

8 . Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally



9 . Force Majeure clause 不可抗力条款

10. be added to. . . 被补充到⋯⋯

add vt. 增加; 附带说明

Sometimes a seller requires a confirmed L / C. In this case, the correspondent bank usually


Unit 16 Conc lus ion of Bus ine ss a nd Signing a Contra c t

adds its confirmation and becomes the confirming bank.

有时卖方要求保兑信用证, 在这种情况下, 往来行通常自己保兑, 成为保兑行。

I�d like to add that any delay in shipment will involve us in great inconvenience.

我想补充说一下, 任何装运延误都会给我们带来极大的不便。

Pr actical Sentences

1 . Would you please check up the particulars and see if everything is in order?

请你检查一下各条款, 看看是否都无差错。

2 . Your L / C must reach us one month before the time of shipment.


3 . Allow me to repeat the points that we have agreed upon.


4 . We hope this initial transaction will mark the beginning of long and stable business relations

between us.


5 . Anything else you want to bring up for discussion?


6 . I think our contract should have such terms as Guarantee of Quality.


7 . We have come quite a long way, but there�s still a fair few points left over to clear up.

我们取得了不小的进展, 但是还有几点须进一步澄清。

8 . We can�t agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract.


9 . If one side fails to honour the contract, the other side are entitled to cancel it.

如一方未能履约, 另一方有权终止合同。

10. We�ll have the contract amended in a couple of days and sign the contract next Monday


我们将在一两天内将合同修改好, 在下周一上午签字。

Conver sational Tips

1 . 外贸谈判面谈前的准备工作

a) 客户调查。主要是弄清对方的资信情况。即客户的信誉、资金等。b) 商品调研。主要了解

客户对商品的要求、价格、运费等。c) 谈判方案。根据对方可能提出的和接受的条件, 以及我

方认定的最高可接受的交易条件和最低可让步的界限, 结合客户的具体情况和国际市场行情

的发展趋势, 制定几套谈判方案, 并做好比价准备工作。d) 谈判成员。主谈人必须是精通外


2 . 外贸谈判技巧



a) 谈判主题要明确, 在谈判中逐步推向预定的谈判目标。b) 谈判开始以贯彻我方的草案为依

据。c) 搞清对方意图。d) 分析对方的条件, 哪些可以同意, 哪些不可以同意。e) 注意说话方

式, 不要简单的用“行”或“不行”来回答对方, 可以解答为什么“行”或“不行”。用专业的行话

来说明, 这样能起到事半功倍的效果。f) 注意底价保密, 尽量不要让对方知道; 对于对方的杀

价, 不要用简单的“不可能”来回答, 要问清楚对方说的这个价格包含什么备件, 什么样的质

量, 什么样的标准⋯⋯找出对方杀价的漏洞, 给予对方说明情况, 这要求主谈人必须精通专业


Exer cises

I . Put the following dia logues into Chinese:

A: Do you have any comment on this clause?

B: I think this clause suits us well, but the time of payment should be prolonged, say, two or

three month.

A: We�re accustomed to payment within one month, but for the sake of friendship, let�s fix it at

two months.

B: No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity.

A: One of our principles is that contracts are honoured and commercial integrity is maintained.

Anything else you want to bring up for discussion?

B: Yes, one minor point to be cleared up. Who will conduct the commodity inspection?

A: Fuzhou Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine. The decision

made by it is final and binding upon both parties.

II . Put the following sentences into English:

1 . 坦率地说, 我们无法接受你方分期 /延期付款的要求。

2 . 这是我根据会议纪要所草拟的合同文稿, 请过目, 看看是否有什么不妥。

3 . 合同细节只有在双方同意的情况下才能加以修改。

4 . 我希望这笔首次交易会带来更多的交易。

5 . 在签订合同之前, 我想看看是不是双方谈妥的所有条款都写进合同当中了。

6 . 由于我们的谈判已经包括了交易的各主要方面, 我认为你们现在可以着手准备合同了。

7 . 除非货物在九月一日前抵达目的港, 否则买方有权终止合同。

8 . 请立即修改信用证以便我们及时安排装运。

9 . 请把你的名字签在这儿。祝我们的这笔交易圆满成功。

10. 我们已经给你们寄去了销售合同一式两份, 请签退一份。

III . Compose a dialogue according the situ ation given below:

Mr. Bowen, a businessman from Boston Trading Co. , Ltd, is going to import 1, 000 dozen

“Hero”brand fountain pens from you. Now you begin your hard bargin with him. You start from

the price, offer and counter-offer , method of payment, delivery date, packing, insurance and


Unit 16 Conc lus ion of Bus ine ss a nd Signing a Contra c t

signing the contract.

IV. Fr ee Talk

1 . Do you think dishonesty is unavoidable in doing business? Why?

2 . When scrutinizing an L /C , what factors do you have to pay great attention to?



Unit 17

Complaints and Claims

【Tea ching Aims】

The purpose of this unit is to provide the students with sample dialogues on claims, to show

them how to make claims orally and how to deal with them according to different situations, and

thus enable the students to talk on this topic fluently and properly.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Complaining about the shortage of weight

2 . How to reject a claim

3 . Talking about investigation and compensation

4 . Discussing the responsibility of delayed shipment

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

lodge / file a claim reject a claim survey report enjoy high prestige inspection

certificate consult due to submit

Background Knowledge

在国际贸易中, 当卖方未能执行合同或者未能完全按合同中的条款执行时, 从而给买方

( 客户) 造成损失时, 会引起客户投诉和提出索赔。如何正确处理好客户的抱怨及索赔要求以


抱怨, 首先应认真听取, 如确实系己方过错应真诚地道歉, 并对事情经过进行认真的调查, 及

时反馈。对于索赔要求要耐心、冷静处理。如无过错, 也应耐心进行说理。总之, 在处理这类

事件时, 冷静有理是应对的最好方法。而在应对由于对方过错而造成损失时, 也应沉着冷静

地进行交涉, 摆事实, 讲道理, 避免冲突。同时, 根据协议提出合理的索赔。保持良好的商务



Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Com plaining about the Shor tage of W eight

Mr. Simon, a merchant from New York, is complaining to Mr. Ma a bout the shorta ge of

weight of the goods.

A: Mr. Ma, I�m afraid I have a complaint.

B: Really? I�m sorry to hear that. But would you please tell me what�s the matter?

A: I regret to tell you that the goods you sent us are not in conformity with the specifications of

the contract.

B: Can you explain in detail?

A: As soon as the consignment arrived at our port, we had it inspected. To our disappointment,

there is a difference of 20 tons between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. I�m

afraid we have to lodge a claim against you for short weight.

B: Is that so? We had it inspected before shipment. No shortage was found. Maybe it happened

en route. Therefore, we can�t entertain your claim as it has nothing to do with us.

A: You are wrong here, Mr. Ma. As the goods were sold on CIF terms, you are responsible for

the shortage.

B: Well, do you have any evidence?

A: Yes, Here is a survey report issued by our General Administration of Quality Supervision,

Inspection and Quarantine. It shows that there is absolutely no traces of tampering with the

cartons containing the goods.

B: Well, we have no reason to deny the survey report. What do you suggest for a settlement?

A: We want 20% reduction in price.

B: In view of our good business relations, I agree.

A: Thank you.

Dialogue Two Rejecting a Cla im

Mr. Webb from American Import and Export Company is lodging a cla im, but Mr. Chen

rejects it.

A: Good morning, Mr. Chen, This is Jack Webb from American Import and Export Company.

B: Good morning, Mr. Webb. What can I do for you?

A: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you.

B: Go ahead, please.

A: I�m afraid that we have to lodge a claim with your company, Mr. Chen. The ceramic

handicrafts of the October consignment are damaged so seriously that they become unsuitable

for the requirement of this market.

B: Mr. Webb, I�m sorry to hear that, but I�m sure that all the goods were well-packed before

shipment. They must be damaged in the course of transit.



A: Do you reject a claim?

B: Yes. You should refer the claim to the carrier or the insurance company, for our deal was

based on FOB. I don�t think we should be liable.

A: To my regret, we fail to cover the Risk of Breakage.

B: I�m sorry we couldn�t be of any help.

Dialogue Three Investigation a nd Compensa tion

Mr. Wu is dealing with a complaint from his client Mr. Jones. He made an investigation and

promised to compensate the losses.

A: Good morning, Mr. Wu. I think you received the fax from our headquarters yesterday.

B: Yes, The fax says that this lot of goods is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract.

The apples we provided are too small.

A: Yes. It is too serious to be overlooked. So that we find we must file a claim on you.

B: Do you bring the inspection certificate?

A: Yes. How can you explain that?

B: As you know our products enjoy high prestige in the world, there must be something wrong.

I think I�d better make an investigation and inform you as soon as possible.

( A few days later)

B: Mr. Jones, the problem has been settled.

A: What�s the matter?

B: I telephoned the farm that provided the apples. The workers there mistook different grades of

apples. We�re really sorry for this and we�d like to accept your claim on it. We�d like to

reduce the price by 30% .

A: I can not give you a reply before consulting our manager.

B: I�m expecting your reply, Mr. Jones.

Dialogue Four A Claim for Dela yed Shipment

Mr. Nash from ABC Company is a sking for compensa tion for the delay in shipment.

A. Hello. Is that Mr. Zhou speaking?

B: Yes.

A: This is Joe Nash from ABC Company.

B: Oh, Mr. Nash, it�s good to hear your voice again. What can I do for you?

A: The consignment we ordered was expected to arrive here in Liverpool last week. But as far as

I know the shipment has not been effected even up to now. What do you say?

B: I�m sorry for that.

A: You know, because of your delay in shipment, the market price for this kind of goods has

dropped and our buyer has changed his mind. We suffered great losses. I think you must

compensate us.

B: But Mr. Nash, that�s not our fault. The delay in shipment is due to your delay in opening the


Unit 17 Com pla ints a nd Cla ims

letter of credit. Your L / C arrived only yesterday.

A: I must admit what you said is true. But both of us have faults. So I think you at least must

pay 50% of the losses.

B: I don�t think so. It is not we who dishonored the contract first. We are not liable.

A: You mean you want us to waive the claim?

B: Yes.

A: Then I can only submit the case to an arbitration organization.

Wor ds & Expr essions

( in) conformity ( with) [ k�n�f��miti] 依照, 遵从; 符合, 一致 ( D1)

specification [ �spe sif i�kei�n] n. 规格; 指明, 载明 ( D1)

contract [ �k�nt r�kt ] n. 合同 ( D1)

inspect [ in�spe kt ] v. 检验, 检测 ( D1)

landed weight 到岸重量 ( D1)

invoiced weight 发票上开出的重量 ( D1)

lodge a claim 提出索赔 ( D1)

en route [ ��n�ru�t ] adv. 在途中 ( D1)

entertain your claim 受理你方索赔 ( D1)

evidence [ �evid�n s] n. 证据 ( D1)

survey report 检验报告 ( D1)

issue [ �i�u�] v. 发行, 颁发 ( D1)

General Administration of Quality Supervision,

Inspection and Quarantine 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 ( D1)

ceramic handicrafts 陶瓷工艺品 ( D2)

be / become unsuitable for 不适合⋯⋯ ( D2)

requirement [ r i�kwa i�m�nt ] n. 要求, 需求 ( D2)

transit [ �tr�ns it ] v. & n. 运输 ( D2)

reject [ r i�d�ekt ] v. 拒绝 ( D2)

carrier [ �k�r i�] n. 承运人 ( D2)

headquarters [ �he d�kw��t�z ] n. 总部 ( D3)

fax [ f�k s] n. 传真 ( D3)

stipulate [ �st ipj uleit ] v. 约定, 规定, 讲明 ( D3)

overlook [ ��uv��luk ] v. 忽视 ( D3)

file a claim 提出索赔 ( D3)

inspection certificate 检验证明 ( D3)

prestige [ pre s�t i��, -�ti�d�] n. 威望, 声誉 ( D3)

make an investigation 调查 ( D3)

inform [ in�f��m ] v. 通知, 告知 ( D3)



consult [ k�n�s�lt ] v. 请教, 咨询 ( D3)

shipment [ ��ipm�nt ] n. 运载, 装船, 发货 ( D4)

compensate [ �k�mp�nse it ] v. 补偿 ( D4)

due to 由于 ( D4)

letter of credit ( L / C) 信用证 ( D4)

admit [ �d�mit ] v. 承认 ( D4)

waive [ weiv ] v. 放弃 ( D4)

submit [ s�b�mit ] v. 提交, 递交 ( D4)

arbitration [ ��bi�t re i��n] n. 仲裁 ( D4)


1 . in conform ity with 符合⋯⋯; 和⋯⋯一致

The shipping date is not in conformity with our contract.


2 . lodge a cla im 索赔

lodge v. 提出 ( 申诉、抗议等)

He lodged a complaint against his boss with the authorities concerned.


Workers lodged protest against the government.


3 . file a cla im 提出索赔

file v. 提出( 请求, 诉讼)

I plan to file an application with the government.


He filed a suit against the murderer .


4 . reject a claim 拒绝赔付

right of claim 索赔权

meet a claim 满足索赔要求

settle a claim 解决索赔

5 . enjoy high prestige 享有很高的声誉

Our product enjoys high prestige in the world.


6 . due to 由于; 因⋯⋯而产生

The accident was due to careless driving.


Due to heavy demand for electric fans, we are not in a position to supply for the present as

many pieces as you require.


Unit 17 Com pla ints a nd Cla ims

由于对电扇需求甚殷, 我们无法供应贵方所需的数量。

7 . Then I only submit the case to an arbitration organization.

那么, 我只有把这个案件提交给仲裁机构了。

submit 提出; 提交

To submit the case to the court 向法院提出诉讼

To submit a plan 提出一项计划

Pr actical Sentences

1. 提出抱怨、索赔

I�m afraid I have a complaint.


We have to lodge a claim against you if we lose money due to your failure to deliver in time.

如果我方由于你方不按时交货而遭受损失, 那我们就得向你方提出索赔。

I want to return this.


We have to ask for a compensation of US $1 000 to cover the loss incurred.

对蒙受的损失我们要求赔偿 1 000 美元。

2. 接受抱怨或索赔

We decide to compensate you 2% of the total value and you should bear the inspection fee.

我们决定赔偿你方总额 2% 的损失, 商检费应由你方负担。

If we were at fault, we should be very glad to compensate for your losses.

如果是我方失误, 我们会乐意地赔偿贵方的损失的。

We�d like to accept your claim on it. We�d like to reduce the price by 30 % .

我们很愿意接受你们索赔要求, 我们愿意降价 30% 。

3. 拒绝索赔

We can not entertain your claim.


Do you have any evidence?


You should be responsible for the loss.


You claim should be referred to the insurance company.


I regret very much we can�t bear you to file a claim on us.




Conver sational Tips

1 . 当客户向你抱怨时, 你应该对他提出的抱怨表示关切和加以解决的诚意。如:

Please tell me about it. / I�m sorry to hear that.

2 . 当对方提出索赔时, 冷静有礼的应对是明智的做法。如:

I�m sorry. We will check it and call you as soon as possible.

3 . 遇到情绪易激动的客户应尽力使他平静下来。如:

Could you tell me what has happened? We�ll try our best to help.

4 . 对于毫无道理的抱怨也应给予理解。如:

I�m awfully sorry I couldn�t be of any help.

Exer cises

I . Patter n Dr ills

1 . We are lodging a claim for. . .

—inferior quality


—the damage of goods

—the delay of shipment

2 . We have to claim on you for. . .

—US $800

—2 % of the total deal

—our losses

3 . We find that. . .

—the percentage of the goods of inferior quality was too high.

—the goods you provide are under the standard.

—the goods were damped.

4 . You should lodge the claim with. . .

—the insurance company.

—the carrier.

—the factory.

5 . We�d like to. . .

—accept the claim.

—pay for you losses.

—reduce the price by 20 % .

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into Chinese:

1 . I promise I will check into these problems and find out if they were our fault.


Unit 17 Com pla ints a nd Cla ims

2 . I�m afraid that we have to file a claim with your company.

3 . So far we haven�t had any complaint of this kind.

4 . We feel that the percentage of the goods of inferior quality was too high.

5 . We will look into it and inform you as soon as possible.

6 . As the goods were sold on CIF terms. You must be held responsible for the shortage.

7 . You mean you are rejecting the claim?

III . Compose dialogues in the following situations:

1 . You company has signed a sugar contract with a company in the Middle-east on FOB. When

the goods arrive in the destination, they find it is 20 tons less. The client telephones you to

complain and lodge a claim. Make a dialogue and solve the problem.

2 . You represent China National Cereals, Oil & Stuffs Imp & Exp Corp ( 中国粮油进出口总公

司) . You have imported 200, 000 metric tons of wheat from a company in the USA. After the

consignment arrives in Shanghai, you find the wheat is not in conformity with the

specifications of the contract. You telephone to complain and file a claim.

IV. Fr ee Talk

If you buy something worse than you have expected, would you complain? How?



Unit 18


【Tea ching Aims】

The sellers and the buyers tend to make the arbitration clause part of their contract in case

possible disputes and claims can not be settled through friendly negotiation. Through this unit, the

students will acquire some common knowledge about arbitration and arbitration clause, and thus be

able to talk properly in relative situations after finishing the exercises as requested.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Talking about the arbitration clause

2 . Submitting a case for arbitration

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

dispute arbitration arise in view of survey concentrate on reiterate invoke

Background Knowledge

在国际贸易中, 存在着交易双方因为各种交易风险而引发的异议和索赔。因此, 买卖双方

往往在订立合同时, 即在正本合同的背面写入仲裁条款。仲裁主要有以下几个特点:

1 . 任何仲裁机构都不受理没有仲裁协议的案件, 因此, 仲裁协议必须在争执发生之前或


2 . 双方当事人一经签订仲裁协议之后, 一般就排除了法院对该争议案的管辖权。换言

之, 法院对该争议案就不再进行司法管理。

3 . 仲裁的结果是不可改变的, 对买卖双方都具有约束力。如败诉一方拒不执行仲裁结

果, 另一方则应请求法院强制执行。

4 . 仲裁地点有买卖双方在签订仲裁协议时事先商定。为了公平起见, 通常设在买卖双方

的第三国。但不论在哪一国仲裁, 都应按该国仲裁机构的规则办理。

在我国的仲裁实践中, 仲裁委员会对有调解可能的案件, 都尽量进行友好协商与调解。

如双方不能和解或任何一方不愿意继续调解, 那么, 仲裁委员会就会按仲裁程序对案件进



Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One The Arbitr ation Cla use

After a week�s negotiation, Mr. Carlos and Mr. Tang ha ve agreed on all the business terms

of this transa ction a nd are ready to sign the contra ct.

T: Mr. Carlos, I am very delighted that we have agreed upon everything about this transaction.

Shall we sign the contract now?

C: Oh, wait a moment, please. Involving about US $1, 050, 000, this transaction is

comparatively a big one, thus making it different from our previous ones. In view of this, I

suggest adding an arbitration clause to our contract in case disputes may arise.

T: Fine. As a Chinese saying goes,“ There�s no harm in keeping our powder dry”. We also

attach great importance to the arbitration clause, though I believe any disputes can be solved

through amicable negotiation since we are old friends.

C: Yes, arbitration is the last means we would employ to solve disputes.

T: Then, where shall we have the arbitration held?

C: To seek a fair and equitable solution to the problems, let�s adopt the international practice that

arbitrations are conducted in a third country.

T: Sounds reasonable. What about the arbitral organization?

C: Let�s stipulate the Court of Arbitration of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce for our arbitral


T: I agree. Zurich Arbitration Court enjoys great prestige in the world for its impartiality.

C: The clause should be like this,“Any disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall

be settled in a friendly way. If no settlement can be reached through consultation and

conciliation, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by the Court of Arbitration of the

Zurich Chamber of Commerce. The arbitrator�s decision on the dispute is final and binding

upon both parties. ”

T: Good. But there is one thing to be mentioned. How is the cost of the arbitration to be


S: Generally speaking, all the fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless

otherwise awarded by the court. Is it agreeable to you?

T: It�s acceptable. But I hope we�ll never have to use arbitration.

S: So do I.

Dialogue Two Submitting the Ca se for Ar bitration

Ever-flourishing Imp & Exp Co. , China , signed a ca ndle export contra ct with Sweden

Helsingborg Schmidt & Brothers Co. on C&F basis. Two months after the shipment, the

buyer sent a fax to the seller , cla iming that the goods were bent a nd deformed and a sking the

seller to pay for the damage. After excha nging of numerous faxes a nd phone ca lls, the seller and



the buyer, represented respectively by Mr. Chu a nd Mr. Schmidt, finally come and sit by one

ta ble again, trying to solve the problem they a re fa cing.

S: It�s good to meet you again, Mr. Chu. It is our sincere hope that through this meeting, we

can solve once and for all the problem lingering so long.

C: Indeed. We share with you the desire to have the problem worked out soon.

S: Great. Let�s just concentrate on the key issues. First, as the whole consignment of damaged

goods can not be sold, we require you send us a new consignment. Second, with the candles

still being stocked in the warehouse, we have to pay a lot of money for the rental fees, and

therefore, we demand the amount of total claim should be increased; at the same time,

immediate actions are also required.

C: I think we should first focus our attention on the issue of where the damage took place so as to

find out whose responsibility it is

S: I agree. After re-inspection by our surveyor, it was found that all the candles had bends,

curves and twists to varying degrees. It�s their opinion that the candles had been damaged

during packing, in other words, they were packed before they were cool enough. Obviously,

you are responsible for it.

C: I�m sorry to hear that. Frankly speaking, I doubt whether the surveyor really understand the

process involved in manufacturing candles. Actually, packing is not proceeded with

immediately until a whole process of technical treatment is completed. Therefore, their

statement that the goods were packed before they were cooled is absolutely groundless. I�d like

to reiterate that the goods were in perfect condition when being packed and shipment being

effected, as shown in the inspection certificates issued by the Entry-Exit Inspection and

Quarantine Bureau, which is final and binding on both parties according to our inspection


S: But it is also stated that we have the right to re-inspect the goods, and the result of the re-

inspection serves as the evidence of claims.

C: You are quite right. But just as you know, candles will bend and twist when being subjected

to heat. The question is, however, when and where they were subjected to heat. On board the

ship, bends and twists are most likely to happen in a place close to heat pipes, or where the

ventilation fan does not work which causes high temperature inside the storage place. In our

opinion, the responsibility lies with the shipper and the undertaker. So we suggest you make

further contact with them for it.

S: Do you mean you will neither recognize our survey report nor accept our claim?

C: I am afraid we can not entertain your claim.

S: If so, we can only submit the case for arbitration.

C: It seems we will have to invoke the arbitration clause in our contract. What a pity!


Unit 18 Arbitra tion

Wor ds & Expr essions

dispute [ dis�pj u�t ] n. & v. 争议, 争端, 争论 ( D1)

comparatively [ k�m�p�r�t ivli] a dv. 相对而言 ( D1)

previous [ �pri�vj�s ] adj. 先前的 ( D1)

amicable [ ��mik�b�l] a dj. 友好的, 和睦的 ( D1)

equitable [ �ek wit�bl] a dj. 公平的, 公正的 ( D1)

award [ ��w��d ] v. & n. 判定, 裁定; 授予; 奖品, 奖赏 ( D1)

numerous [ �nj u�m�r�s ] adj. 许多的 ( D2)

once and for all 彻底地, 一劳永逸地 ( D2)

linger [ �li���] v. 逗留, 徘徊不去 ( D2)

concentrate on 集中在, 专心于 ( D2)

be subjected to 遭受, 经受, 蒙受 ( D2)

proceed with 继续进行 ( D2)

process [ pr��ses ] n. 过程 ( D2)

technical [ �t eknik�l] adj 工艺的, 技术的 ( D2)

groundless [ ��aundlis ] a dj. 无根据的 ( D2)

reiterate [ ri��it�re it ] v. 重申 ( D2)

ventilation [ �vent i�lei��n] n. 换气, 通风, 通风设备 ( D2)

invoke [ in�v�uk] v. 调用, 援引 ( D2)


1 . a rbitr ation n. 仲裁, 公断

The union finally agreed to go to arbitration as a way of ending the strike.


Let�s not submit our disputes for arbitration.


I think the arbitration clause in the contract is acceptable. We are preparing to accept it.

我认为合同中的仲裁条款是可接受的, 我们准备接受这一条款。

a rbitr al a dj. 仲裁的, 公断的 arbitr ator n. 仲裁员

2 . in view of 鉴于

In view of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction.

鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系, 我们可以考虑减价。

He will presumably resign in view of the complete failure of his policy.

由于他所推行的政策彻底失败了, 他很可能辞职。

In view of these facts, one specialized commission is appointed.

鉴于这些事实, 一个专门委员会被委任。



3 . a rise vi. 出现

Accidents often arise from carelessness.


Use this money when the need arises.


Problems may not arise, but there�s no harm in keeping our powder dry.

问题不一定会发生, 但有备无患并无害处。

4 . the Cour t of Ar bitr ation of the Zur ich Ch amber of Comm er ce 苏黎士商会仲裁院


China Interna tional Economic and Trade Ar bitr ation Commission


the London Cour t of Inter national Ar bitration 伦敦仲裁院

Amer ican Arb itr ation Association ( AAA) 美国仲裁协会

Arbitr ation Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Com mer ce 斯得哥尔摩商会仲裁院

5 .“Any disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled in a friendly way. If

no settlement can be reached through consultation and conciliation, the dispute shall be

submitted for arbitration by the Court of Arbitration of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce. The

arbitrator�s decision on the dispute is final and binding upon both parties. ”

任何因合同的执行引发的争议需通过友好的方式以解决。如调解失败, 双方达不成一致,

则可将此争议提交苏黎士商会仲裁院。仲裁人对争议做出的裁决为最终的, 并且对双方都


6 . survey n. & v. 调查, 鉴定; 审视; 勘测

Follow-up survey shows that the reoccurrence rate is only 5 % .

跟踪调查表明复发率仅为 5% 。

This survey is the work of a real professional.


Only children under five are excepted from this survey.


survey r epor t 检验报告, 鉴定书, 调查报告

surveyor 鉴定者, 检验机构

Pr actical Sentences

1. 关于仲裁与仲裁条款

Arbitration is the last resort when there is no alternative.


If the dispute can not be settled through conciliation, it will be referred to arbitrations in

accordance with the arbitration clause.

如果经过调解后, 争议仍无法解决, 就将根据仲裁条款提交仲裁。


Unit 18 Arbitra tion

Should the award not be carried out by one party, then the People�s Court in China can enforce it

at the request of the other party.

如果一方当事人不执行裁决, 中国人民法院可以根据另一方当事人的请求, 强制执行。

In case of a dispute, it shall be first settled through friendly negotiation, and if negotiation fails, it

shall be submitted for arbitration.

遇有争议, 首先应通过友好协商解决; 如果协商不能解决, 则应提交仲裁。

2. 认定责任( 不) 在于某一方

Manufacturers are liable for the defects in the equipment.


It is not the liability of either the shipper or the insurance company.

这既不是装运公司的责任, 也不是保险公司的责任。

We have to hold you responsible for the loss.


It has been proved that the responsibility lies with the shipper and the undertaker.


3. 商检与复检

The survey report, which is based on a random selection of 30% of the consignment, is final and

binding upon both parties.

对这批货物进行 30% 的抽样检查所得的检验报告是最终的, 对双方都有约束力。

As a rule, the inspection of the goods shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the methods

and standards stipulated in the contract or those accepted internationally.

通常, 对货物的检验应严格按照合同规定的方法和标准进行, 或采用国际上通用的方法和标


The buyer is entitled to re-inspect the goods within the contracted time and the re-inspection fee

shall be borne by the buyer.

买方有权在合同规定的时间里对货物进行复检, 复检费由买方承担。

Conver sational Tips

1 . 买卖双方尽管在订立进出口合同时通常会遵循国际惯例把仲裁条款写入合同中, 但在洽谈

时往往友好地表示如有可能, 更愿意通过协商和调解来解决贸易纷争, 而不是仲裁方式。


The provision for arbitration is really a matter of great concern to both of us, though I believe

any dispute can be solved through amicable negotiation since we are old friends.

提前做好仲裁的准备工作与我们双方都有很大的关系, 尽管我相信我们是老朋友, 任何纷


Arbitration is the last resort when there is no alternative.


I hope we will never have the occasion to invoke this arbitration clause.




2 . 在谈判开始时, 双方说一些表示友好的话, 往往可以帮助双方进入顺利的洽谈。例如,

I highly appreciate the good relationship of 20 years between our two companies.


It always pleases me to do business with my old friend again.

又能和老朋友做生意, 我总是感到很高兴。

We�ve heard much of your esteemed company, looking forward to a chance to serve your


久闻贵公司大名, 一直希望能有机会和贵公司合作。

Exer cises

I . Act a s interp reter between the seller and the buyer in the following dialogue:

A: 这是一份我们根据谈判结果所草拟的合同。请你过目, 看看还有什么东西应该写进合同。

B: ( After reading the contract) This is fine, but I�ve got one question related to the quality of

your product.

A: 是什么问题?

B: What measures do you usually take on quality control?

A: 在装运前, 我们的商品都必须根据合同进行严格的检验。它们只有在达到所要求的标准


B: I see. Suppose we have a dispute. How do we resolve the case when both sides hold different

opinions on the standard of the commodities? Is there an arbitration institution we can turn to?

A: 当然有了。你可以把争议提交给中国对外经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁。

B: If we want to summit the dispute to the London Court of International Arbitration for

arbitration, do you think that can be done?

A: 对不起, 我不能立即给你答复, 但我们会认真考虑。

B: Thank you.

II . Put the following into English ora lly:

1 . 在我们达成最后协议之前, 还有几个问题要澄清一下。

2 . 调解的第一阶段是找出问题并明确责任。

3 . 达成妥协后, 由仲裁委员会出具调解书结案。

4 . 由于证据不足, 我们不能接受你方的索赔, 如你方坚持, 我们想通过仲裁来解决。

5 . 如果两地的检验报告不一致, 买方应在复检后十五天内通过传真通知卖方。

6 . 我对合同本身没有任何异议, 只是想知道在发生争议的情况下, 中国哪一个机构受理仲裁。

7 . 任何因合同的执行引发的争议需通过友好的方式以解决。

8 . 仲裁裁决是终局的, 对双方都有约束力。


Unit 18 Arbitra tion

III . Role Play

Suppose it�s the first time for you to do business with a businessman from South Africa. He

knows nothing about our usual practice of inspection and arbitration, so now you explain to him

the relative clauses in detail.

IV. Fr ee Talk

When you are looking for a job, what are the most important factors you need to consider?



Unit 19


【Tea ching Aims】

A large amount of trade is handled by means of agency. Through this unit, the students will

have a good command of knowledge and skills covered in agency agreement, and then practice

talking about the issue of agency.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Asking for sole agency

2 . Talking about sole agency agreement

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

agency not in the least for the sake of to one�s liking qualification worthwhile

exclusive mature

Background Knowledge

在国际贸易中, 商业上的代理是指货主或生产厂商( 委托人) , 在规定的地区和期限内, 将

指定商品交由国外客户代销的一种贸易方式。其作法是由委托人与代理人签订代理协议, 授

权代理人在一定范围内代表他向第三者进行商品买卖或处理有关事务( 如签订合同及其他与

交易有关的事务等) 。当前世界贸易中有较大的比重是通过代理商这条渠道进行的, 我国在

进出口业务中也广泛地运用了代理方式。委托人通过代理方式, 利用代理人在国际市场上的

地位、销售渠道及其专业知识, 委派代理人去开拓市场, 组织销售和进货, 进行售后服务, 传播

信息等, 可避免因设立分支机构带来的人员、财务上的负担以及由此可能产生的法律等各种问

题。代理人则可得到一定的佣金。代理方式按委托人对代理人授权的大小, 可分为一般代理、


Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Asking for Sole Agency

Mr. Wang, ma nager of a Chinese ga rments company, is receiving Mr. Brown from Cana da .


They a re talking a bout the issue of agency for the garments.

W : How are you getting on with your business, Mr. Brown?

B: Not too bad, I should say. Our customers are quite satisfied with your garments. And the

demand has been rising rapidly in recent months.

W : Good to hear that.

B: Now Mr. Wang, I want to talk with you on the problem of agency for your garments.

W : Well, you mentioned it in your last letter . But I must say your proposal came as a little

surprise to us.

B: Wouldn�t you like to have an agent for the sale of your garments? Or, do you mean you

doubt our ability as an agent?

W : Not in the least, Mr. Brown. And we appreciate very much what you�ve done in pushing the

sales of our garments. But, as a matter of fact, we have had only one year of business

between us. We are now only at the getting-acquainted stage. So we don�t think it proper to

consider the matter of sole agency at present.

B: Mr. Wang, you must be quite aware that we have a wide connection in Canada as well as

much experience in business. And we would very much like to expand the sale of your

garments in the years to come.

W : We can still expand business without an agency agreement, can�t we? After we have tried out

a period of cooperation and come to know each other better, we may come round and discuss

the problem of agency.

B: All right, I hope it won�t be long.

Dialogue Two On Sole Agency

A, a foreign businessman, wants to be the sole agent of B�s company. They a re having a talk

on this.

A: In order to expand the sale of your products at our end, I wish to be your exclusive agent.

B: For the sake of pushing the sale of our products, we certainly wish to have a good agent.

Please let us know your market condition before we begin to discuss the matter of agency.

A: All right. We have our own distributive channel here. In these years we have really made

great efforts in pushing the sales of your T-shirts, thus your commodities are favorably

received by our end-users.

B: We appreciate your efforts in placing our goods in your market.

A: What we have done has paved the way for the further cooperation between us. As the demand

for your T-shirts will probably increase, I think that it is beneficial for both of us to enter into

a long-term agreement.

B: What kind of agreement do you suggest?

A: A three-year agency agreement.

B: Your suggestion merits our attention. But the conditions are not yet mature for us to come to

a three-year agreement. I think it is better to reach a long-term agreement when marketing



position is more solid. Besides there are some important points which should be made clear to

both of us, for instance, the annual turnover and the mode of payment.

A: Then what�s your opinion?

B: Well, how about a trial period of one year?

A: O. K. One-year agreement will do. But I hope the three-year agreement will be concluded at

an early date. The sooner the better.

B: Hope you will do more in pushing the sales, so that we can come to a long-term agreement at

an early date.

Dialogue Three On Agency Agr eement

Mr. Li, sales ma na ger of a Chinese company, is receiving a foreign businessman, Mr.

Smith, in his factory.

L: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Welcome to our factory. Take a seat and have some tea.

S: Thanks. Mr. Li, you have really got so many new products on show. Congratulations.

L: Thank you. Now what do you think of our products?

S: It is just to my liking. I�ve come to talk about an agency agreement.

L: What do you have in mind?

S: Your product has shown a great market potential. But I think you can do even better if you

develop a sales network there.

L: To tell you the truth, I was just thinking about it.

S: I believe we have the right qualifications to sell your product. We can achieve a large

turnover for you if an agency agreement is made between us.

L: We appreciate your offering help to win a sizable market for us. But I have to point out hat

we have never conducted any agency agreement with your company.

S: It�s well known that we are a well-established firm in this line, and we enjoy good relations

with all the wholesalers, chain stores and distributors in many countries. You�ll find it most

worthwhile to appoint us as your sole agent.

L: I see. I think an agency for marketing our product would be of considerable benefit to both of


S: Do you mean to say you accept the agency?

L: We�ll be glad to enter into such business relations with you. Now shall we have some figures

on the turnover?

S: What�s your opinion?

L: What do you think of the sale of $1, 000 , 000 each year?

S: $1, 000 , 000 each year? Well, we�ll try to attain that sales target. But we expect a 10%


L: Our agents in other areas usually get a 5 - 7% commission.

S: But things in our case are different. We need to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money on

the sales promotion. A 10% commission won�t leave us much.


Unit 19 Age nc y

L: That�s understandable. What duration are we talking about?

S: Let�s say three years. After that the agreement can be renewed if we both agree.

L: Let�s call it a deal.

S: I am so glad we�ve reached an agreement on the main points.

L: So am I. We look forward to a happy and successful working relationship with you.

Wor ds & Expr essions

sole [ s�ul] a . 单独的, 唯一的 ( D1)

agency [ �eid��ns i] n. 代理处, 行销处, 代理, 中介 ( D1)

be satisfied with 对⋯⋯感到满意, 使满足于 ( D1)

mention [ �m en��n] v. 提及, 说起 ( D1)

proposal [ pr��p�uz�l] n. 提议, 建议 ( D1)

Not in the least 绝不, 一点也不 ( D1)

appreciate [ ��pri��ieit ] v. 赏识, 鉴赏, 感激 ( D1)

at present 现在, 目前 ( D1)

expand [ iks�p�nd ] v. 使膨胀, 详述, 扩张, 张开, 发展 ( D1)

cooperation [ k�u��p��re i��n] n. 合作, 协作 ( D1)

exclusive [ iks�klu�s iv] a . 排他的, 孤高的, 唯我独尊的, 独占的,

唯一的, 高级的 ( D2)

for the sake of 为了 ( D2)

distributive [ dis�tr ibjut iv] a dj. 分发的, 分配的, 分布的 ( D2)

commodity [ k��m�dit i] n. 日用品 ( D2)

pave the way for 为⋯⋯铺平道路 ( D2)

beneficial [ �beni�f i��l] a . 有益的, 受益的, [ 法律] 有使用权的 ( D2)

merit [ �me rit ] n. & v. 优点, 价值, 有益于 ( D2)

mature [ m��tj u�] a . & v. 成熟的, 到期的, 充分考虑的, ( 票据等) 到期的

使成熟 vi. 成熟, 到期 ( D2)

conclude [ k�n�klu�d] v. 结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论

推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定 ( D2)

potential [ p��t en�( �) l] a . & n. 潜在的, 可能的, 势的, 位的

潜能, 潜力, 电压 ( D3)

qualification [ �kw�lif i�ke i��n] n. 资格, 条件, 限制, 限定, 赋予资格 ( D3)

wholesaler [ �h�ulseil�] n. 批发商 ( D3)

distributor [ d is�tr ibj ut�] n. 发行人 ( D3)

worthwhile [ �w����( h) w ail] a . 值得做的, 值得出力的 ( D3)

appoint [ ��p�int ] v. 约定, 指定( 时间, 地点) , 任命, 委任 ( D3)

commission [ k��m i��n ] n. 佣金 ( D3)

promotion [ pr��m�u��n] n. 促进, 发扬, 提升, 提拔, 晋升 ( D3)



duration [ dju��rei��n ] n. 持续时间, 为期 ( D3)

look forward to ( sth) 期望, 期待, 盼望 ( D3)


1 . Our customers are quite satisfied with your garments.

be satisfied with. . . 对⋯⋯感到满意

I wasn�t satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so I shall complain to the proprietor.

我不满意我们在那家旅馆受到的待遇, 因此我要向旅馆老板投诉。

We are quite satisfied with the work you have done.


2 . Wouldn�t you like to have an agent for the sale of your garments?

a gent n. 代理人

a gency n. 代理

We have already appointed a sole agent in that area.


3 . Not in the lea st 绝不, 一点也不

—Do you doubt my ability? 你在怀疑我的能力吗?

—Not in the least. I think you�re the right person to do this job. 一点儿也不。我认为你做这


4 . For the sake of pushing the sale of our products, we certainly wish to have a good agent.

for the sake of 为了

Never do wrong for the sake of money.


I stopped smoking for the sake of my health.


5 . The sooner the better 愈快愈好

The mor e. . . the m ore. . . 愈⋯⋯愈⋯⋯, 越⋯⋯越⋯⋯

The higher the tree, the stronger the wind.

树越高, 风越大。

6 . It is just to my liking.

to one�s liking 合某人意, 对某人胃口

It is just to my liking.


I hope our products will be to your customers�liking.


7 . I believe we have the right qualifications to sell your product.

qua lification n. ( 常用复数) 资格, 合格性

I believe we have the right qualifications to sell your products.


Unit 19 Age nc y


8 . You�ll find it most worthwhile to appoint us as your sole agent.

wor th while a dj. 值得做的, 值得出力的

It is worthwhile to spend time and energy in doing this.


9 . We look forward to a happy and successful working relationship with you.

look forwar d to 盼望; 期待

We are all looking forward to our holiday.


I�m looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.


Pr actical Sentences

1. 有关代理

We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our products.


We are experienced in marketing products similar to yours.

在推销类似你们的产品方面, 我们是有经验的。

I believe we have the right qualifications to sell your T-shirts.

我相信我们完全有条件推销你们的 T 恤衫。

Should you be prepared to appoint us as your agents, we would guarantee a turnover of

$100, 000 each year.

如果你们愿意委任我们为你方代理, 我们可以保证每年十万美元的营业额。

What�s the annual order you can guarantee?


What about the rate of commission you want to charge?


2. 表示欣赏

It is just to my liking.

这正合我的口味。( 或: 这正和我意。)

The styles and colours are very much to the taste of our market.


3. 表示祝贺

My hearty congratulations!




Conver sational Tips

1 .“会听”

要尽量鼓励对方多说, 向对方说:“yes”,“ please go on”, 并提问题请对方回答, 使对方多谈他


2 . 巧提问题

用开放式的问题来了解进口商的需求, 使进口商自由畅谈。

“Can you tell me more about. . . ”“what do you think of. . . ?”

对外商的回答, 把重点和关键问题记下来以备后用。

Exer cises

I . Translate the following sentences into Chinese orally:

1 . We would be very pleased to act as your agent if your terms and conditions are right.

2 . We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our products.

3 . We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency at the present stage.

4 . The duration is two years, and it is renewable for a further two years if we both agree.

5 . What about the rate of commission you want to charge?

II . Tr anslate the following sentences into English:

1 . 当我们之间的贸易发展到令双方满意时, 再来讨论这一问题。

2 . 我们经营这类商品很有经验也非常了解顾客的需求。

3 . 除非你增加营业额, 我们无法指定你为我方独家代理。

4 . 如果你们愿意委任我们为你方代理, 我们可以保证每年十万美元的营业额。

5 . 由于我们仅处于初交阶段, 我们目前无意考虑你方市场的包销问题。

III . Compose a dialogue according to the following situa tion:

A is a businessman from Canada. B is a manager of a company. A asks to be the sole agent

of B�s product.

IV. Fr ee Talk

Do you often surf on the Internet? Why?


Unit 19 Age nc y

Unit 20

Modes of Foreign Trade

【Tea ching Aims】

The purpose of this unit is to present the students sample dialogues on processing trade and

compensation trade, and also provide them with relative practical sentences followed by adequate

exercises, thus enable the students to talk on these two modes of trade fluently and properly.

【Main & Difficu lt Points】

1 . Talking about processing with supplier�s materials

2 . Discussing compensation trade

【K ey W or ds & Expr essions】

process assemble pricing assumption consist of in detail compensation trade

Products Buy Back Products Counter-Purchase

Background Knowledge


动, 包括对外商品贸易、劳务贸易和技术贸易三种类型, 由进口贸易和出口贸易两部分构成。


“三来贸易”, 包括来料加工贸易、来件装配贸易、来样加工贸易。优点: 投资少、时间短、见效

快, 风险小, 有利于充分利用我国丰富的劳动力资源, 扩大出口, 增加外汇收入。补偿贸易指我

方先以赊购的形式, 从国外进口机器设备和技术等, 待投产后, 用所生产的产品和劳务偿还货

款的本金和利息, 它既是一种贸易方式, 也是一种利用外资的形式。优点: 既利用了外资, 也扩

大了商品的销售渠道。补偿贸易与加工贸易结合, 通常称为“三来一补”。

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue One Pr ocessing with Supplier�s Ma ter ials

A, a manager of a Chinese company is having a ta lk with B, a foreign businessma n. B

intends to do business with A on the ba sis of processing.


A: I�m very glad to hear that you intend to do business with us on the basis of processing.

B: Yes. We have done such business with a company of Singapore. But the wages there were

high, which added to our cost.

A: We enjoy the advantages of low wages. As we want to fit our products to the needs of the

international market in respect of materials and styles, we are prepared to enter into

negotiations with you.

B: Good. Doing processing business will profit both of us.

A: I think so. Now I want to know for what products you require processing and what kind of

materials you are going to provide.

B: Colour TV Sets. I have an order of 10, 000 sets of colour TV.

A: Colour TV Sets are an important product we have handled for years.

B: I see. We�ll provide materials, components, necessary equipment and tools, as well as the

relevant technical data and blue prints needed for the processing and assembling.

A: We are willing to cooperate with you in this line. Now I�d like you know our pricing

assumption. Generally speaking, the price of the finished products consists of the cost of

your materials, making and handling charges.

B: Ok, I accept this pricing assumption. What about the payment of making charges?

A: The payment is to be made by sight L / C to be opened by you not later than 30 days before


B: I am quite clear about that. For the finished products, a letter of credit at sight is required.

A: Quite right. We�ll let you have the finished products six months after the materials and

components arrive here.

B: Six months? It�s too long. That will tie up my money. What about four months?

A: To make a go of this business, we accept it.

B: That�s very kind of you.

A: Well, it seems everything has gone smoothly so far. I suggest we go for a drink, will you.

B: Very good, thanks.

Dialogue Two Compensa tion Tr ade

Zhang Ming, the ma nager of a Chinese compa ny is talking with Mr. Smith, a foreign

businessma n. They are having a talk on compensation trade.

Z: Nice to meet you again, Mr. Smith.

S: Me, too.

Z: I think we might seek for a new foreign trade channel such as compensation trade.

S: I�ve heard about this new approach.

Z: Among our foreign trade modes, it emerges as one of the most popular means in promoting

foreign trade with our overseas partners.

S: But I have little knowledge about it. Could you tell me in detail?

Z: In short, we agree to use foreign patent techniques and equipment. In return, we pay back


Unit 20 Mode s of Fore ign Tra d e

the patent fees and equipment costs with the products produced by the equipment. This is the

main form of compensation trade.

S: I see. But how can we be assured that our investment will be protected?

Z: Compensation trade is a form of trade based on mutual trust. Payment is made by goods and

not by foreign exchange. On the basis of credit, it can be divided into two types according to

the method of payment.

S: Go ahead.

Z: One is known as“ Product Buy Back” and the other is known as“ Product Counter-

Purchase. ”

S: Can you explain the meaning of the former type?

Z: It is known as compensation by direct products. For example, when a foreign enterprise

provides us with patent techniques and equipment to manufacture products, we simply pay

back the patent fee and equipment costs with the products in installments.

S: How long will it take to have the payment completely made?

Z: The first payment commences immediately after the products are turned out by the imported

equipment. The cost of each shipment will be considered as a part of payment and deducted

from the cost of the equipment. The entire cost of the equipment and other fees will be paid

off in some time about 3 -5 years.

S: It sounds interesting. How about the second type?

Z: This compensation is effected by the indirect products of the same value through negotiation.

That is to say payment will be made by other products. It is actually a form of barter trade.

S: Now I have got some idea of the two types of payment for compensation trade. I�m sorry I

can�t stay here any longer, but I wish we could have a further discussion next time.

Z: All right. See you.

S: See you.

Wor ds & Expr essions

process [ pr��ses ] v. 加工, 处理 ( D1)

wage [ weid�] n. 工资 ( D1)

advantage [ �d�v��nt id�] n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 ( D1)

in respect of 关于 ( D1)

negotiation [ ni���u�i�e i��n] n. 商议, 谈判, 流通 ( D1)

component [ k�m�p�un�nt ] n. 成分 ( D1)

relevant [ �re liv�nt ] a . 有关的, 相应的 ( D1)

assemble [ ��semb�l] v. 集合, 聚集, 装配 ( D1)

consist of 由⋯⋯组成 ( D1)

compensation [ �k�mpe n�se i��n ] n. 补偿, 赔偿 ( D2)

emerge [ i�m��d�] v. 显现, 浮现 ( D2)



in detail 详细地 ( D2)

in short 简而言之 ( D2)

patent [ �pe it�nt , �p�t�nt ] n. & a . 专利权, 执照, 专利品

特许的, 专利的, 显著的, 明白的, 新奇的 ( D2)

in return 作为报答 ( D2)

assured [ ���u�d ] a . 确实的, 确定的 ( D2)

in installments 分期地 ( D2)

commence [ k��m ens] v. 开始, 着手 ( D2)

barter [ �b��t�] n. & v. 物品交换, 实物交易, 物品交换, 交换 ( D2)


1 . pr ocess v. 加工, 处理

We assure you that the materials will be carefully processed.

请放心, 这些材料将仔细进行加工。

They can process the supplied materials to your satisfaction.


2 . a ssemble v. 装配

We assemble the provided parts and components into a colour TV set.


3 . in this line 在这一行

We have been for many years in this line.


We are willing to cooperate with you in this line.


4 . pr icing a ssumption 计价方法 = pricing method

5 . consist of 组成, 构成, 包括, 由⋯⋯组成

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


His job consists of helping old people who live alone.


6 . That will tie up my money.


7 . Could you tell me in detail?

in detail 详细地

I will explain this question in detail.


Please describe your plan in detail.



Unit 20 Mode s of Fore ign Tra d e

8 . Pr oduct Buyba ck 产品回购

9 . Pr oducts Cou nter -Pur chase 产品互购

Pr actical Sentences

1. 有关来料加工

We shall be very careful in processing the goods.


We process with supplied materials, or according to supplied samples.


Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts play an important role in expanding

China�s foreign trade.


We note with interest that you intend to do business with us on the basis of processing.


We want to fit our products to the needs of the international market in respect of materials and



For the finished products, a letter of credit at sight is required.

关于制成品, 需要用即期信用证支付。

2. 有关补偿贸易

Compensation trade is a form of international trade based on credits.


The equipments can be quickly installed and put into operation and the factory can start repayment

within a short period.

设备可以很快安装并投入使用, 工厂会在短期内进行偿还。

We agree to use the products to offset the value of our equipments and technology.


Conver sational Tips

在磋商补偿贸易时, 对设备的技术要求以及其先进性和适用性等必须有明确规定:

1 . 明确设备安装的责任, 及设备的价格。

2 . 明确有关信贷的条件, 补偿产品的名称, 及作价办法。

Exer cises

I . Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1 . We have agreed to provide you with materials, components, necessary equipments and tools,



as well as the relevant technical data and blue prints needed for the processing and assembling.

2 . The processing and assembling charges for each set are $. . . and the payment is to be made

by sight L / C to be opened by you not later than 30 days before shipment.

3 . The seller shall have the right to cancel the contract and charge the buyer with any damages he

has sustained.

4 . Compensation trade is a form of international trade based on credits. It involves interests and

actually is a kind of long-term credit.

5 . In order to get competitive products, party A must provide new equipments and processing

technology; party B must offer these products as needed by his counterpart to repay for the

imported advanced technology and equipments.

6 . The price of counter sale products shall be determined according to the prevailing world market

price at the time of each shipment.

II . Tr anslate the following into English or ally:

1 . 来料加工来件装配是今年来我国最重要的引进外资的方式之一。

2 . 我们打算通过来料加工使我们的产品更加适应国际市场的需求。

3 . 你的意思是不是双方各自开出以另一方为受益人的信用证。

4 . 但是在中国如何进行补偿贸易, 我一点也不知道。

5 . 这也叫以“直接产品”补偿。

III . Make a dialogue according to the following situa tion:

A is a Chinese factory manager talking with B, a director of a foreign company who intends

to do business on the basis of processing. Your dialogue should include the following:

1 . A shows willingness to cooperate with B.

2 . A discusses with B the certain products, the payment terms, the pricing assumption and the

time of delivery.

3 . You agree on main terms and conditions. Both of you feel satisfied with the negotiation.

IV. Fr ee Talk

Do you often go shopping? Where do you usually go, big shopping centers, supermarkets or

small shops? Why?


Unit 20 Mode s of Fore ign Tra d e

R efer ences

1. 田翠欣、张付先编著 . 对外贸易口语手册 . 天津: 天津科技翻译出版公司 , 2002

2. 程中锐主编 . 饭店工作英语 . 北京: 中国旅游出版社 , 2002

3. 刘洪、陈祥国主编 . 国际商务英语口语( 修订本) . 北京: 中国商务出版社, 2005

4. 黎孝先主编 . 国际贸易实务 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 1994

5. 曾蕙兰编著 . 进出口实用英语 . 北京: 外文出版社, 2005

6. 龚龙生主编 . 经贸英语会话 . 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 , 2005

7. 刘醒吾、陈坚主编 . 经贸英语口语 . 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社 , 1994

8. 林大津著 . 跨文化交际指南 . 福州: 福建人民出版社 , 2002

9. 顾乾毅主编 . 商贸英语 . 广州: 华南理工大学出版社 , 2005

10. 浩瀚英语研究所编 . 商贸英语实用会话 . 北京: 中国石化出版社 , 2002

11. 杨文慧、周瑞琪编著 . 商务礼仪英语. 广州: 中山大学出版社 , 2003

12. 王正琪、蒋平、肖贵萍、喻永阳编 . 商务谈判 . 杭州: 浙江大学出版社 , 2002

13. 杨静宽主编 . 商务谈判英语 ( 初级、中级) . 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 , 2002

14. 丁衡祁、张静编著 . 商务谈判英语 . 北京: 新时代出版社 , 2003

15. 王乃彦主编 . 商务英语函电 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 2002

16. 李洪涛、林晓雯主编 . 商务英语沟通 600 句. 上海: 上海科技教育出版社 , 2002

17. 孙耀远编著 . 商务英语沟通制胜 . 大连: 大连理工大学出版社 , 2005

18. 齐伟钧主编 . 商务英语口语教程 . 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 , 1998

19. 陈良旋主编 . 商务英语洽谈与技巧 . 郑州: 河南人民出版社 , 2004

20. 刘洪、陈祥国主编 . 商务英语听说 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 2002

21. 陈准民主编 . 实用经贸英语口语 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 1997

22. 廖瑛主编 . 实用商务公关英语———口语 . 北京: 机械工业出版社 , 2005

23. 廖瑛等编著 . 实用外贸谈判英语 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 2004

24. 刘洪、陈祥国主编 . 外经贸实用英语口语 . 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 , 2001

25. 戚云芳编著 . 外经贸英语函电与谈判 . 杭州: 浙江大学出版社 , 2002

26. 秦川主编 . 外贸英语会话( 第三版) . 北京: 中国商务出版社 , 2002

27. 王乃彦主编 . 外贸英语口语 . 北京: 中国商务出版社 , 2005

28. 刘德胜编著 . WTO 经贸谈判全书 . 西安: 陕西旅游出版社 , 2002

29. 冯祥春主编 . 外销员英语词汇手册 . 北京: 中国商务出版社 , 2005

30. 叶淑霞编译 . 现代贸易英语会话 . 北京: 中国国际广播出版社 , 2001

31. 东方友人编著 . 洋话连篇商务英语 . 北京: 世界图书出版公司 , 2003

32. 杨铭涂编著 . 英语洽谈商务 . 北京: 中国商务出版社 , 2003

33. 浩瀚、李红梅主编 . 与老外做生意对答如流 . 北京: 机械工业出版社 , 2002


21 世纪高职高专新概念( 财经类) 系列教材

( 一) 基础科目

1. 管理学概论

3. 计算机文化基础

5. 会计学原理

7. 国际贸易理论与实务

9. 公共关系教程

11. 大学语文

13. 书法教程

2. 经济法基础

4. 政治经济学原理

6. 财经应用文

8. 宏微观经济学( 西方经济学)

10. 财经数学

12. 普通话水平训练与测试

( 二) 国际贸易专业

1. 国际贸易概论

3. 国际商法

5. 国际金融

7. 对外贸易综合技能

9. 国际结算与外贸单证

11. 进出口商品检验与通关

2. 国际贸易实务

4. 国际市场营销

6. 国际经济合作

8. 外贸运输与保险

10. 国际经贸地理

12. 国际货运代理实务

( 三) 会计专业

1. 基础会计

3. 成本会计

5. 审计原理与实务

7. 统计学基础

9. 税务法律与纳税处理

2. 财务会计

4. 财务管理

6. 会计电算化

8. 会计综合技能训练

( 四) 商务英语专业

1. 国际商务函电

3. 国际商务英语写作

5. 国际商务谈判

2. 外贸英语口语

4. 商务英语阅读

6. 英美概况

( 五) 企业管理与市场营销专业

1. 市场营销学概论

3. 商务谈判

5. 消费心理学

2. 网络营销

4. 广告理论与实务

6. 现代物流与配送


7. 商品学

9. 工商企业经营与管理概论

8. 市场营销综合技能训练

10. 现代企业管理案例精析

( 六) 金融与保险专业

1. 货币银行学

3. 国际结算

5. 保险原理与实务

7. 金融企业经营与管理

2. 财政与金融

4. 证券与投资

6. 商业银行经营与管理

8. 金融保险操作综合技能

( 七) 电子商务专业

1. 电子商务概论

3. EDI 实务与操作

5. 电子商务法律法规

2. 电子商务实用教程

4. 电子商务安全与支付

6. 电子商务综合技能

( 八) 旅游与酒店管理专业

1. 旅游学概论

3. 导游业务与技巧

5. 旅游市场营销

7. 酒店管理综合技能训练

2. 中国旅游地理

4. 旅行社经营与管理

6. 酒店经营与管理

8. 旅游心理学

( 九) 物流管理专业

1. 物流管理概论

3. 供应链管理

5. 物流管理信息系统

2. 物流企业管理

4. 物流技术与设施

6. 仓储与配送

