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61 9 - Forgotten Books

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papn{ou ; 03 1 9 61 9 safiueqo Teoxuqoaq Jaqqo [exaAas ° maq3 qqym

aouemzoguoo oqu ; qqfinozq su yaq axe saIn J aqq go suozqzodJaqqo aqq at q‘ sabueqo asaqq go ne p qzodJogem aqq smous g g


09z uog qoas‘

3u9 1 6 stqq

J apan pepun; saq q oe quamdoIaAap ggeqs sun 30 usedmx aqq Mous on 3 9

3 59 8 qxau aq q no suxsaq squampuamv pasoaozdaqq go qxaq {Tug aqm


u0149 01 1 qndJo; epuabe Kzoqetnbax IOOZ Ktnp aqq paqq qns

Kouafie aq q 1 3 33? £9 9 aqq 09 1 can ; paubxs sem g z-zs‘

V'd zasneoaq sepuabe

Kzoqernfiax quaoaz qsom z aqq go Jaq qxa no papntou y qon sen buxxematnz

atqeor xdde JON

a ' aqsxasaInx

on passaxppel KIIeoy uoz qoar e paqq qns aq osre Kem squammog

' aouemxogxadBuxpeax ,squapnqs go Buxqzodaz pue quamaxnseam

,sqo; 1 ;sxp no; squamazxnbaz aq q pasueqo oste pue (mezfioza quezs

nooxg quamao dmI bu r peaa) epoo Iooqos aq q go I g'

g—z uor qoas zapun bu r pun;

1 0; 3 1 9 9 001 1 9 axe qaqasar q xqoe aqq U 1 sabueqo 3 9 9 0 now qeqm'


sxqq go aunp g ; paqoeua sen qay um‘SZ-Z6 qov sxtqna quamatdmp squampuame



E—Z/S $301 $01 = K4¥ q 1 nv Klonnzens (v

on ao¥ nou S1 u430 uoxneot rqndan:30 SKQp gv u ¥q q paqq qns sq 59 m squammoo U841 1 1M : 5u 1 xemaTn J pasoaoza

° aq uem 349 1 9 e afizetua JO

mexfioxdquamao dmI Su p peau q edaq q go Su g peaH (I



squapnxs xo q oxb Buxpeax aqx go xuamaxnseam xpmxadqeq q spoqqam asn ox

maqq axxnbax sa5ueqo s,xeaK st qm'

ssaxfioxdxpaqx moqs o; asn on asodoxdAaqq spoq qam aqx xog pxeoa axeqs aqx mox; Ie xdde xaas on paxpnbax

a xe Kaq q pue H‘ ssaxfioxdaouemxoxxadu Su y xem a xe Kequ qeq q aqexqsuomap xou

Op Aaq q 3 1 bu t pun; panu y quoo xo g arqxfig tau r a xe sqog xqsxp‘8661 u ; paxoeua

safiueqo 8A?1 9 IS¥ 5B I oq ana ' aouemxo;xadBuxpeax ,squapnqs bu y xnseam

go spoqxam xog squamaxr nbax aq q aqxxosap qeqq sarnx aqx go suopqxodaqq u ;

Kruxem papaau a x e safiueqo 'peaqsu 1


satnx aqx u; paxeadax xou axogaxaqqa x e pue met aqq u; naA1 6 a x e suoy xeoxg y oads otxemmexsoxdasaqx TIV


sxe 1 xaxem_6u 1 peax mooxssero xo; pa sn aq Rem

sa aoax qoq sxp e s pun; aq q go xaxxenb—auo °mexfioxdaq q my sxaqbeax aq qx0; Buguxexx 6u ;05-ao ap po d ox pue aog qoexdqsaq pue qoxeasax oxgxquay os

no paseq aq on uot qetsrfiat Mau aqq Kq paxp nbax a x e ‘9 q6noq g sapexfi

U1 asoq q 1 0; 1 0 squapnxs 6uno£ AxaAxo; xaq qaqm‘xxoddns go smexboxdTIV


sxaqoeax xo; xuamdoIaAap Ieuoxssaxoxdno s e {Tam s e ‘ say qtnozxxrp Suppeax

q q squapnqs go uoxqeoy xy quapx At xea aq q pue uoxqua aqu ; Buxpeax KT xea

ao paoeIduaaq seq sxseqdma axow°

paxaxte uaaq seq mexboxdaq q go snoo;aqq

‘9_x. sape 1 6 u; pa sn aq { 1 1 35 Kem mexsoxd SI QQ J apun spun; qbnoqqtv







PART 260


of Appl i cat i ons

AUTHORITY : ‘Implement i ng andautho riz ed by Sec t ion 2 of the School Code[1 05 ILCS

SOURCE : Eme rgency rules adopted at 9 I l l . Reg . 1 5967, e f fec t i ve Oc tobe r 2,1 985, for a max imum of 1 50 days; adopted at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 7757,ef fect ive Apr i l29,1 986; amended at 14I l l . Reg . 20714,ef fec t i ve December 14, 1 9 90; amendedat 1 6


I 1 1 . Reg . 141 96,ef fec t i ve Septembe r 8,1 9 92; amended at 22 I l l . Reg .

1 9763,e f fec t ive Oc tober 30, 1 9 98; amended at 23 I l l . Reg . 7083,ef fect i ve June2, 1 9 9 9 ; amended at 26 I l l . Reg . ef fec t ive

Sect i on El ig i bleAppl i cantsEl ig ib le appl i cants ar e publ i c school d i st r i c t s,char ter schools,andpubl i cun iversity laboratory schools prov i d ing inst ruc t i on i n g rades K—6. Commenc ingw i t h F i scal Year 2002,e l i g ib le appl i cant s shal l be only t hose t hat have madepe r formance prog ress as requ i red by Sec t i on 2 of the School Code (seeSec t ion of t h is Par t ) .

(Sour ce : Amended at 26 I l l . Reg . ef fec t ive

Sec t ion Procedu re andCr i te r ia for Approval of Appl i cat ions

a) T he S tate Boar d of Educat ion shal l prov i de appl i cat ion forms andshal l

not i fy each el ig i b le appl icant of the max imum amount of it sent i t lement pu r suant t o Sect ion 2 of the School Code . Eachappl i cat i on form shal l requ i re the appl i cant to prov i de1 ) a total g rant request equal to or less t han the amount for wh ich



the appl i cant -is e l i g i b le

2) assu rance t hat , the appl i cant w i l l comply w i t h the prov isi ons of

Sec t i on 2 of the School Code andt h i s Par t ;i nformat ion i dent i fy ing t he purposes for wh i ch the appl i cant

plans to use the funds prov i ded pu rsuant to t h i s Par t ; and

(Sour ce : Amended at 26 1 1 1 . Reg . e f fec t i ve

Sect i on El ig i b i l i ty for Cont i nued Fund i ng

Sec t i on 2-3 . 51 _of the School Code provides t hat dis tricts not demonstr atin gp er f orman ce p r ogr ess usin g . an app r ovedassessmen t me thodshall not be eligibl efor


f undin g in the thirdor subsequen t y ears un til such p rog r ess isestablished. Each appl i cat i on for fund ing under the Read ing Improvement Block

Grant prog ram shall in cl ude a p rop osedassessmen t me thodor me thods for

andthe i nformat i on cal led for i n Sect i on 260. 55 (a) t hroug h (glfdioft h i s Par t .

Appl i cat i ons must be subm i t ted to the State Boar d of Educat ion by the

date spec i f ied on the form . Th i s date w i l l be dete rm i ned so t hat al l

e l i g i b le appl i can t s w i l l have at least 30 days to complete andsubm i t

the form . An appl i cant 's fai lu re t o comply w i t h t h i s requ i rement w i l l

delay its rece i pt of prog ram assi stance pu r suant to Sec t i on of

t h is Par t .

Informat ion prov i ded in the appl i cat ion w i l l be rev iewed by Stat e

Boar d of Educat i on staf f to determi ne t hat the i nformat i on

demonst rates compl iance w i t h Sec t i on 2 of the School Code andt h i s Par t .

S tate Boar d staf f shal l not i fy appl i cant s of any requested informat ion

t hat is m i ssi ng f r om the appl i cat ion . An appl i cat ion shal l not be

approved for fund i ng unt i l i t is complete .

g rowth in r eadin g st uden t -r eadin g -skill s and'

shal l be subm i t ted by the

dead l ine announced by the State Supe r intendent of Educat i on .

a) Each . appl i cat i on shal l l i st or desc r i be the me t hod or met hods t he

appl i cant proposes to use to measure student s ' read ing sk i l ls . Such

methods may in cl ude the readin g p or tion of the I llinois gtgggg gggachievemen t testin g Geals—and-Assessmen t Prog ram (Sec t i on 2 of

the School Code ) .

1 ) I f a proposed assessment inst rument is a standar d i zed or

comme r c ial ly avai lable c r i te r i on— refe renced test, the appl i cant

aq I t?“ queortdde ue —L ; ea&— {ooqas-eeeg — g eeg 00°

sgunome uor geooITe pue K g r t r q r b r ra

xr aqx go §T6605§ stooqos Axogexoqet Ag r sxaAr un or rqndpagoagge pue sxor xxsr p TI? Kg r qou pue suor geoot t e guexb agetnoteo

oiguapuaqu r xadns aqe gs aq g xog K g r ssaoau aq q og aup‘gxed slu g

0; guensxnd xeaK Iooqos paxoag ge aq g xog atq r blta aq asr mxaq go p t nom

g r qo r um oispung gue l b Kue g ragxog {Teqs uor qseg Kramr x e uisg t nsax

bu r peax go xxodax sq; g rmqns oq st reg gq gueor tdde uv°


{eoot s,gorxqsr p e go burmr g aq q og amp guapuagu r xadns agegs

aq g Aq paquexb sr au r rpeap aq g go uor suagxa ue ssarun‘guapuagu r xadns

aqegs aux Kq par tddns aq og mxog e ao I xaqmaAoN uq xaget ou

bu r peax sir uofxeonp g go guapuagu r xadns age gs aq g oigxodax KT Ienuue

{q s gueor Idde qana—Az eafi— {eeqas—eeeg —eseg-aqq—qq;M -6u g auammes gaea (68°

Ie xdde sir xag ge poqqam aq g guamatdmr og qor qm ut su r emax

amr g se buot os poq gam pasodoxd 9 1 ; go Ie xdde xaas pue asrAaxKem gueor rdde uv

uol goas sr q g go squamaxr nbax aq g q g r m aoue r xdmooogu r poq gam pasodoxdsir bu rxq p r nom gq suor geor g r pom Kue go

pue Ie xddesr p aq g xog uoseax aqigo pal g l gou aq I q s gueor tdde aq g

Ie xddesr p e go aseo aq g u I° asuodsax sr q g go gdr aoax s,iueor tdde

na Ketap Kem'

xauuem Kramr g e ui Atdde oiaxnI r eg°

pao ddesr st t r xs bu r peax .sguapn gs bu r xnseam go poq gam pasodoxdsir xaq gaqm

gueor tdde gaeaAg l qou {q s guapuagu rxadns agegs aq gl suor geor rdde

xog paqsrtqe gsa agep aup aq g lag ge sAep 09 uq xaget on (gB°

u0?4oas SI R? 30 ( 94T57qfinOI q q(e ) suol goasqns q g r m sar tdmoo uol geor tdde aq q g r pasodoxdspoq gam

lo poq gam aq g ao dde T teqs uor geonpg go guapuagu r xadns ageig aqm (ag°

(s ) poq gam guamssasse pasodoxdaq g go g l ed mxog

gq st e r xagem xaq go xo suol gsanb isaq go axnsotos l p age r xdoxddeu rxuaAaxdog Al essaoau aq Aem se saxnseam qons axeg T I I M gueor tddeaq g gq guapuagu r xadns aqexs aug axnsse T t eqs uol g eor tdde uses (95

' apem aq ueo suos r xedmooAxessaoau aq g moq gnoqe

uor gemxogu r ol g r oads pue abueqo pasodoxdaq g xog aIeuol gex e ap e xd{ reqs uor gdr xosap sr q q

lgxau aug og l eaK auo moxg xag g r p spoq gam

pasodoxdan; 3 1°

u0iqoas sina 30 ( q; TTT uoxnoasqns U? veal xap

se ssaxboxdaouemxogxadagexgsuomap og gueor tdde aq g g lmxad I T I M

spoq gam xc poq gam pasodoxdaq g moq aq r xosap T Teqs uor qeor tdde gaea°

ssa; Bead—aqe g qsuomap — eq —moa— e-uiJog — paasaq- : o-paqsa4-g sed-pue —aid-aq-I em- _sauapnqs —ape : E— qqanog






Je -4ssaxboxdagexgsuomap oiapexb q g g rg aqg uipagsagax aqKem apexb q nog aq g uipaxnseam sem aouemxogxadasoqm squapngs‘ atdmexa xog


gat ed -ames-aqq- qe-squapnqs—ge-sdnc; 5_aag esaaans3A{OAU; — KON — JO sxaaxeo Ieuor qeonpa xraq g ui sxu rod{exaAasge squapngs go sgxoqoo paioagge aAIOAUI Lem {q s guamaxnseaw

L S;{nsaz

go__5u ; qzodaJ -u; — papa;av g —aq —;snu -smooz sse{o —paqaagge

g {e —u; — squapnqs —aqq —{ ge — Laz ; s -sse{a -Jame { — eg — pasn-ase

spuag —me;Se ga—anamaAexdmf -Bug peaa— g p -Aagdmexa- xoa '


aq { teqs squapngs paqoag ge T Ie‘mexboxd guamao dmI

bu r peaa aq g xapun saorAxas go uor se d aq g Kq pagoagge

squapngs go sdnoxb Aruo aAIonu l on s; guamaxnseam g l (3‘

S 1 0 8

89 9 1 5 U? aiam 5 3 943? [V9‘

E—Z/S SOT I_SOI ] 3 903 TOOHOS 903 30

p g'

g— z uor xoas og guensxndguamssasse age gs aq g go uol gxodbu r peax aq g u r agedr or gxedox paxr nbax aq p Inom oqm squapngs

aq q I I? gseat ge apntou r gsnm (s ) poq gam pasodoxdaq g

Kq passasse st aouemxogxadasoqm squapn gs go uor getndodaq g‘ sr seq ap tmgorxgsl p e ao pagonpuoo aq 04s t guamaxnseam g I (V

‘ mexboxd SI Q4 Japun saorAxas go uorse xdaq g Kq'

pagoag ge

axe q sguapngs aq g Ktuo aAIOAUI Aem xo (sxapex5_q nog

{ Te" 6° a) sl seq ap r m gor xgsrp e no pagonpuoo aq Kem

guamaxnseam‘ ssaxboxdaouemxogxadbu l gexg suomap go sasodxnd 1 03 (I


paxnseam aq I I IM aouemxogxadbu r peaxasoqm sguapn gs go uol getndod' aq g aq l xosap Tteqs uorgeor tdde qoea


p xepuegs paqsr tqe gsa ue bu r gaam xc axoos bu r ssede

bu rAar qoe sguap ngs go abe guaoxadaq g se qons‘ smxag a e l g t guenb

ar passaxdxa aq gsnm (s ) poq gam pasodoxdaq g go sg InsaH‘ aseo aq g sl sl u g gq uor sntouoo

aq g ge paArxxe g ge gs s . queor 1dde aq g qor qm Kq spoq gam

aq g go uor gdr xosap e bu r pnIour'sg Insax guag sr suoo pTar K oi

pagoadxa aq ueo pue axnseam oipapuagu r sl g r geum saxnseam

guamnxgsu r aq q xq guapuagu r xadns ageig aq g og Kg r gxao (a

pue zaxnseam

g q no aouemxogxadgo pxepue g s a e gdaooe aqq ageol pu r (v

{ q s gueor tdde aq g'uasoqo

xo padoIaAap Ar teoor sr guamnxgsu r guamssasse pasodoxde g I


pagexodxoou l axe spxepuexs asau l go suor g r pa xo

0? siuampuame 1 61 9 1 ON)‘

96002 ‘




oozr ‘ UO l ne l oossv I E O I BOq ofiédneat l amv sun Kq paQS l lqnd(9861 )bu r gsam Ieor botoq sdpue Ieuol geonpg xog spxepue gs u ; q og

gas Ag r t e l Iax pue Air p l IeAgo spxepue g s pagdaooe Ar t exauab aq g

sgaam guamnxgsu r aqg gq guapuagu l xadns agegs aq g axnsse {q s





el i g i b le for cont i nued fund ing only i f it s assessment resu l ts on the

approved measu re (s ) for the preced ing year ind icate t hat i t made"per formance prog ress

" as requ i red by Sec t ion 2 of the School

Code .

"Pe r formance prog ress“ means any of the fol low ing

1 ) A h i ghe r pe r centage of st udent s scored at or above the local ly

establ ished standar d on the approved measu re (s ) of read i ngper formance ach ieved passi ng scores, g rade

— level

equ ivalent s, c r i ter i on re ference po int s, or local benchmar k s )t han i n the preced i ng test ing cyc le .

2) T he ave rage score ach ieved by student s on the approved measu re (s )rose i n compar i son to the ave rage for the preced i ng test i ngcyc le .

3 ) A h ighe r per centage of students scored in the top two quar t i les

on the approved measu re (s ) t han i n t he preced ing test ing cyc le,or a lowe r per centage of student s scored i n the bot tom quar t i le .

4) An increased percentage of st udent s moved int o a h ig he r quar t i le

t han was the case i n the preced ing test ing cycle .

5 ) T he deg ree by wh i ch student s fel l shor t of meet ing the

establ ished standar d on the approved measu re (s ) lessened in

compar i son to the preced ing test ing cycle .

6) A lowe r pe rcentage of student s i n g rades h i g he r t han t hose se rved

by t h i s prog ram requ i red ongo i ng remed ial se rv i ces t han i n the

preced ing year .

7) An appl i cant w i t h 90% or more of scores at or above the

establ i shed standar d mai ntai ned its pe r formance i n compar i son to

the preced i ng test ing cycle .

ii) Beg i nn ing w i t h the 2001 —2002 school year,the State Super intendent

shal l not i fy any appl i cant whose resu l t s on its approved measu re (s ) of

read ing pe r formance cont rad i c t its State assessment scores i n read ingfor e i t he r g rade 3 or g rade 5 . No later t han 30 days af ter rece i pt of

such not i f i cat i on, the appl icant shal l prov i de t o the Stat e

Supe r intendent an analysi s of t h i s d i screpancy andthe appl i cant 's

rat ionale for conclud ing t hat i t has never t he less made pe r formance

prog ress .

Ej ) An appl i cant may appeal e i t her d isapproval of its proposed'


me t hod (s ) or a determ inat ion t hat i t has fai led to make pe r formance

prog ress . In the lat te r case,the appl i cant may appeal e i t he r on the

g rounds t hat i t has made per formance prog ress or on the g r ounds t hat

the fac tors t hat ledto such fai lure were beyond the appl i cant 's

cont rol .

1 ) T he supe r i ntendent or ch ief admi n i st rator of an el i g ib le

appl icant may request a conference at wh ich representat ives of

the appl i cant w i l l have *an oppor tun i ty to d iscuss the issues

i nvolved w i t h representat ives of the'

State Boar d of Educat i on .

2) I f a conference is hel d andthe areas of concern ar e not

resolved, the school boar d may subm i t an appeal by adopted boar d

resolu t ion . T he appeal must i dent i fy the ways i n wh i ch the

proposed met hod mee ts the requ i rement s of Sec t ion 2 of the

(Sour ce : Amended at 26 I l l . Reg .

Sec t ion



e f fect ive

In or der to pe rm i t compl iance w i t h subsec t ion (a— lS) of Sec t ion 2

of the School Code, rec i p i ent s of funds unde r t h is prog ram shal l

annual ly repor t t o the State Boar d of Educat i on,on a form suppl ied by

t he State Boar d,regar d i ng t he i r uses of the funds prov i ded andt he

resu l t s ach ieved i n te rms of improv ing the read i ng sk i l l s of students

i n g rades k i nde rgar ten t hroug h six . Annual repor ts shal l add ress 9 3

funds such—ar eas-as

of the g rades K t hrough 6 ser ved

i ntervent i on or suppor t t he—numbe r s-of-t eache r s-invalv ed;

leve ls any-t r ansitional—g r ades-cr eat ed

the—impact -of—r eductions—ia—class— siz e ; and

ge ) the natu re of staf f deve lopment prov i ded .

School Code andt h i s Sec t ion,the way i n wh ich the i nformat i on

subm i t ted demonst rates t hat pe r formance prog ress has been made,or the exte rnal fac t ors t hat ledto its i nab i l i t y to makepe r formance prog ress,as appl i cable .

T he appl i cant W i l l be g i ven an oppor t un i ty to present i nformat i on

relevant to the i ssues appealed . T he State Super intendent of

Educat i on w i l l consi der the appeal and i ssue a f inal wr i t ten

dete rm inat ion .

An appl i cant ‘s e l ig i b i l i ty for fund ing shal l not be i nter rupted

for fai lure to make per formance prog ress i f the State

Supe r i ntendent de term ines t hat such fai lu re was beyond the

appl i cant 's cont rol andt hat the appl i cant plans to take spec i f i c

steps i n the immed iate fu tu re to enable i t to resume mak ingpe r formance prog ress .

rooz Kinr

atqeol tdde o

abed xxau aux uo su r Baq saInx pasodoxdaux go gxax { Ing auL

: paz l xemmns sem Bu r xematnisl u g uolum no epua Kxogetnsaa

ssgnu GESOdOHdso E DILON


arqeor tdde o


auoN : paioag ge suor xexodxoo

Sl sKIeuv K 1 ¥I¥Q¥ XaldK3039 1 0588 lelxl UI


eqSIasaa = 1 1 9 m- 9 osse-zsr (r l z )LLLZ9 S I OUI II I

‘plal ;BU¥1ds

xaaxqs 45 1 1 3 union 001uol xeonpa 30 9 1 9 08 839 38 SI OUI II I

xoxeu l pxooo satna Kouabw

IBOA5 1 1 9 8

on asl zou S I Q1 30 He l xeor lqndauxgo sKep g p uruxt m paxg lmqns aq Kem squammoo nag ge

' agepuem age gs e abxetua xo

axeaxo gou T I I M bu r xemaxnx SI QL zsaAr xov o Kol todap l magexs go guamaxexs

VOOZ‘T Kinr BU¥UU¥6aq

spxepuegs asaqino paseg aq I I I M uor geol g r gxao aAr aoax og xapxo u r ssed

ox paxr nbax aq II IM Kauiabpatmouxiagxem goafqns go sgsax aux se ‘ sptar gasaqiu r uot xeol g r xxao bu r xaas sagep rpueo ox Krdde oste 1 1 1 m spxepuexs



gooz ‘ I Krnp go se uor xeorg rxxao aAr xexqsr u rmpe og bu r peaI smexboxduor xexedaxdgo Ie xdde aux

‘ oxArdde T I I M geug spxepue g s aug u gxog sxas

xxea mau



1 1 V/S 83 1 1 901 =K 1 1 1 0uxnv Kxoxn ge gs

uor geol g r xxao aArxexxs l u lmpv xog spxepue gs zgxedaux go Bu r peaH


NOILVDHGE soaavoaalums













Sec t ion

Purpose andEf fec t ive Dates

I l l ino i s Professi onal School Leade r S tandar ds

, Ch ie f School Busi ness Of f i c ial

Pr inc ipal

Super intendent

AUTHORITY : -Implement ing Ar t i cle 21 andau t hor i zed by Sec t i on 2 of the

School Code [1 05 ILCS S/Ar t . 21 and

SOURCE : Adopted at 26 1 1 1 . Reg . ef fec t ive

Sec t i on Pu rpose andEf fec t ive Dates

Th i s Par t estab l i shes the standar ds -t hat shal l apply to the i ssuance of

adm in i st rat ive ce r t i f i cates and the endor sement s avai lable on t hose

cer t i f i cates . T he standar ds set for t h in t h is Par t shal l apply bot h to

cand i dates for t he respec t ive endorsement s andto the prog rams t hat prepare

t hem” That isa) beg i nn ing Ju ly 1 ,2003,approval of any preparat i on prog ram or cou r se

of study i n any f iel d covered by t h i s Par t pu rsuant t o the State

Boar d 's rules for Ce r t i f i cat ion (23 I l l . Adm . Code 25, Subpar t C )

shal l be based on the cong ruence of t hat prog ram's or cou r se '

s content

w i t h the relevant standards ‘iden tifiedi n t h i s Par t ; andb ) beg i nn i ng on July 1 ,2004,the exam inat i on (s ) requ i red for issuance of

a, cer t i f i cate endor sed i n any f ie l d covered by t h i s Par t shal l be

-based on the relevant standar ds set for t h here i n

Sect ion I l l ino is Profess i onal School Leade r S tandar ds

T he standar ds set for t h in t h i s Sect i on shal l apply to all cand i dates for the

adm in i st rat i ve cer t i ficatea) Fac i l i tat ing a V i si on of Learn i ng A school admi n i st rat or is an

educat ional leader who promotes the success of all students by

fac i l i tat ing the development, ar t i cu lat i on, implementat i on, andstewar dsh i p of a v i si on of learn ing t hat is shared andsuppor t ed by

the school commun i ty .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cator T he'

adm i n i st rat or has knowledg e andunderstand ing of



A ) learn ing g oals i n a plu ral i st i c soc iet y .

B ) the pr inc iples of deve lop ing and implement ing long —term

plans .

C ) t heor ies of educat i onal leade r sh ip .

D ) i nformat ion.

sou rces, data col lect i on, anddata analysi s

st rateg ies .

E ) e f fec t i ve commun i cat ion .

F ) e f fec t i ve consensus-bu i l d ing andnegot iat ion sk i l ls .

G ) the ph i losophy andh i story of educat i on .

2) Pe r formance Ind i cator T he adm i n i st rat or fac i l i tates processes

andengag es i n ac t i v i t ies ensu r ing t hat

A ) the v i si on andm i ssi on of the school ar e col laborat ively


B ) t he v isi on andm i ssi on ar e e f fec t ive ly commun icated t hrough

the use of symbols, ce remon ies, stor ies, andsim i lar

act i v i t ies ref lect i ng the d i ve r si ty of the school commun i ty .

C ) the core be l ie f s of the school v i si on ar e modeled .

D ) prog ress t owar d the v is i on andm i ssi on is commun i cated to

eve ryone .

the school commun i ty is i nvolved i n school improvement

ef for t s .

F ) the v i si on andm i ssi on shape the educat ional prog rams,plans,andac t i ons of the school .

G ) data relat ed to student learn i ng ar e used to develop the

school 's m i ssi on andgoals .

H ) re levant demog raph ic data pe r tai n ing to student s andt he i r

fam i l ies ar e used in deve lop ing the school 's m i ssi on and

goals .

I ) an implementat i on plan is developed i n wh i ch ob j ec t i ves andst rateg ies for ach iev ing the v i s i on andg oals ar e clear ly

ar t i cu lated .

J ) bar r i er s to ach iev ing the v is i on, m i ssi on, andgoals ar e

i dent i f ied,c lar i f ied,andadd ressed .

K ) f inanc ial, human, andmate r ial resou r ces ar e soug ht andob tai ned to suppor t the implementat ion of the school ’


m issi on andgoals .

L ) the v i si on, m i ssi on, goals, and'imp lemen tation plans ar e

regular ly mon i t ored,evaluated,andrev i sed“

School Cu l ture andInst r uc t ional P rog ram A school adm i n i st rator isan educat ional leade r who promotes the success of all student s by

advocat ing, nu r t u r ing, and sustain ing -a school cul tu re andi nst ruc t i onal prog ram conduc ive to students ’ learn ing andstaf f '


professi onal g rowt h

1 ) Knowledge I nd i cat or T he adm i n i st rator has knowledge andunder stand ing of

A ) school cu l tu res .

B ) the cont inuum of students '

g rowt h anddevelopment .

C ) appl ied learn i ng t heor ies

xoxexxsl uxmpe Ioouos v sar xr unmmoa pue sal r rmeg uxin uolxexoqet too°

pau r exu l em pue paxeaxo sr xuamuoxrAua

{oouos bu r seatdKr reor xauxsae pue l uea ‘ages e (o°AIa xoag ga pue

‘ Ktxuar or gga

‘ KIIeBaI‘At teor uxa pabeuem axe Ioouos aux go saoxnosax aux (N


suoxxexadoIoouos abeuem ox Kbotouuoax go asn aAr xoag ga s; axaux (w

° pasn

axe sIl s bu lAIos—matqoxd pue bu rmexg-matqoxdaAr xoag ga (q‘Axr t r qexunoooe

pue dlusxaumo az r mrxem ox paxeus sr e t r suodsax (x°

papaau se par g r pom

pue sr seq Bu ldbuo ue uo paxoxl uom axe smaxsxs Ieuoy xe z r uefixo (p°

stoouos go st eos aux ox paub r te axe saoxnosax (I° xauuem Kramrx e u r paAIOSB J pue


‘par g r xuap r axe sal xr unxxoddo pue smatqoxd Ie r xuaxod (H



Ieuor xez r uebxo go xuamu r exxe az r mr xem ox pabeuem st amrx (3' KIaAr xoag ga pue

‘ Ktxuar or g ga‘ Ktages

axexado smaxsKs xxoddns pue‘xuamdr nba '

xuetds,Ioouos aux (3


pa6euem KtaAr xoag ga axe Ioouos'

aux ox paxe tax

sxuamaaxbe Ienxoexxuoo xauxo pue bu l u r ebxeq aAl xoaIIoo (a° aoetduiaxe Ioouos aux go steob

pue uor srA aux aAaluoe ox saxnpaooxdpue sueId{euor xexado (a° axe r xdoxdde

se par rdde pue‘par pnxs

‘paz l ubooax axe spuaxx bu l bxama (3

° 5u l uxeat xog sar xr unxxoddoaz rmr xem ox pabeuem pue paubxsap axe saxnpaooxdIeuol xexado


suor sl oap xuamabeuem axem ox pasn sr

xuamdoIaAap l sxuapnxs pue‘ buxuoeax

ibu r uxeat go abpaImoux (v

xeux bu l xnsua sar xrAr xoe u r sa6e6ua pue

sassaooxdsaxexr r r oeg xoxexxsl u rmpe aux xoxeor pu I aouemxogxaa (z'

suor xoung Ie r xabeuem xxoddns xeux sar borouuoax xuaxxno (H'

suor xexado Toouos bu l xoagge sanssr refiat (5' aoeds go asn

aux pue sar xr t r oeg Ioouos ox bu r xetax sanssl pue sardr ou l xd (g'

xuama6euem Toouos

u l suor xexado Ieosr g ox bu r xe tax sanssr pue satdl ou r xd (a°saoxnosax uemnu go xuamdoIaAap pue xuamabeuem (a

-e xnoas

pue Axages Toouos ox bur xe tax sanssr pue satdl ou r xd (3°

saxnpaooxdpue salol rodIeuol xexado IeooI (a°

xuamdoraAap Ieuor xe z l uebxo

go satdr ou r xdaux pue suor xe z r uebxo go stapom pue sar xoaux (3

go bu r puexsxapun

pue a6patmoux seu xoxexxsl u r mpe aux xoxeor pu I abpaxmoux (I°

xuamuoxrAua bu l uxeat aAr xoag ga

pue‘xualor gga

‘ ages e xog saoxnosax pue‘ suor xexado ‘ uol xez r uebxo



aux go xuamabeuem bu l xnsua Kq sxuapnxs {Te go ssaoons aux saxomoxdoum xapear Ieuor xeonpa ue sr xoxexxs r u r mpe Ioouos v xuamabeuew


sar r rmeg xr aux pue sxuapnxs

go spaau aux xaam ox padoIaAap axe smexboxdIauuosxad I r dad (I°

paKoIdma axe stapom uor xenIeAa pue Axosl adns snol xeA (s°

sxuapnxs pue ggexs

Kq pasn axe aouemxogxadbu r pxebax exep go saoxnos atdr xtnw (a'

sanb l uuoax

go Kxar xeA e Buism passasse sr bu r uxear ,sxuapnxs (O'

suor sr oap axem ox pasn axe uor xemxogu r go saoxnos aIde nm (a‘

sr seq

bu lobuo ue uo passasse axe axemr xo pue axa no s,Ioouos aux (o'

l unmmoo

aux go spaau aux pue‘ sal xal oos pauxear Kq padoIaAap

sp xepuexsluoxeasax ao paseg axe mntnol xxno xnoqe suolsroap (N


pau r gax pue‘

paxenIeAa ‘paxuamatdmr ‘

paufir sapaxe smexBoxde nor xxno-exxxa pue

‘ xe tnol xxno-oo‘e nol xxno (w


ssaoons xog paub r t e pue paz r uebxo st Toouos aux (q°


I re ox arqet r eAe axe uxeaT ox saxxr unxxoddo atdr xtnm (x°

paz r ubooax axe sxuamusr xdmoooe s,ggexs pue ,sxuapnxs (p‘ 5u r uxeat pue bu luoeax u ; pasn axe salfiorouuoax axe l xdoxdde (I

' aouemxogxads,ggexs pue

‘ sxuapnxs‘g Ias xog suor xexoadxa ub ru go axa no e S; axaux (H


patapom pue pabexnooua sr bu l uxeat 6u01 _ag r t (9°

saoual xadxa bu r uxeat bu ldoIaAap ar paxap r suoo sr e sxaAr p (g“passaxppe pue

‘par g r xexo

‘par g l xuap r axe bu l uxeat l sxuapnxs ox sxar xxeq (a


pa6paIMouxoe axe

Tenp rAr pu r uoea go suora r xxuoo pue sal xr xl q r suodsax aux (a°

panTeAaxe g gexs pue sxuapnxs (3‘

SIQOD pue UOI SIAs,Ioouos aux uxr m xuaxsr suoo bu r uxeat

,sxuapnxs no snoog e saxomoxdxuamdoIaAap Ieuol ssagoxd (a'


‘e ub r pissauxl eg uxin paxeaxx axe

srenp rAr pu r I I? (V

xeux bu r xnsua sar xrAr xoe uisabebua pue

sassaooxdsaxexr t l oe g xoxexxsr u rmpe a xoxeor pu I aouemxogxad (z'

xuama6euem mooxsseto (x'

uxhox6 {sreuor ssagoxdpue bu r uxeax ,sxuapnxs bu r xomoxdu l Abotouuoax go atox aux (p


pue‘ suor xez r uebxo

‘ smas s xog ssaooxdabueuo aux (I'

stapom xuamdoIaAap Ieuol ssagoxdpue bu l uxeat xInpe (H'

smexboxdIeuol xeonpaxog bu l ueam sxl pue'

l sxaAr p (s'

sal baxexxs xuamssasse pue‘ uol xenTeAa ‘

xuamaxnseam (g°

saol xoexdxsaq pue uol xonxxsu r aAl xoagga go satdl ou r xd (a°


puel uol xenIeAa ‘ uoxxexuamardmr l ub l sap mnt nol xxno (q



is an educat ional leade r who promotes the success Of all student s by

col laborat i ng w i t h.fam i l ies andcommun i ty membe r s, respond ing t o

d iverse ,commun i ty i nte rest s andneeds, andmob i l i z i ng commun i ty

resou rces .

1 ) Knowledge I nd i cat or T he adm in i st rat or”

has knowledge andunder stand i ng ofA ) eme rg i ng issues andt rends t hat potent ial ly -affec t the

school commun i t y .

B ) the cond i t ions anddynam i cs of the d i ve r se school commun i ty .

C ) commun i ty resour ces

D ) commun i ty re lat ions andmar ke t ing st rateg ies andprocesses .

E ) successfu l mode ls of school,fam i ly,bus iness,commun i t y,

government,andh i g her educat i on par tner sh ips .

F ) h ie rar ch i c re lat ionsh i ps andpol i t i cal or gan i zat i ons .

2) Per formance Ind i cator T he adm i n i st rator fac i l i tates processes

andengages in ac t i v i t ies ensu r ing t hat

A ) v isib i l i ty, i nvolvement, andcommun icat ion w i t h the lar g e r

commun i ty ar e pr i or i t ies .

B ) re lat ionsh ips w i t h commun i ty leade r s ar e i dent i f ied andnu r tu red .

C ) i nformat ion abou t fam i ly and commun i t y concerns,

expec tat ions,andneeds is used cont inuously .

D ) t he re ar e relat i onsh ips w i t h busi ness,rel i g i ous,pol i t i cal,

andse rv i ce agenc ies andorgan i zat ionsi nd i v i duals andg roups w i t h d ive r se values andOp in ions ar e

t reate d equ i tab ly .

the school andcommun i ty se rve one anot her as resou r ces .

G ) par tne rsh ips ar e establ i shed w i t h area busi nesses .

i nst i tu t ions of h i gher educat ion,andcommun i ty g roups t q

st reng t hen prog rams andsuppor t school goals .

H ) commun i ty resou rces andsoc ial se rv i ces are i nteg rated ’0

enhance bot h common goals andeducat ional goals .

I ) mul t i-cu l tural awareness, gender sensi t i v i ty, commun i ty

col laborat i on, -andrac ial ande t hn i c apprec iat i on ar e

promoted andmodeledJ ) med ia relat ions ar e deve loped andmai ntained .

K ) a comprehensi ve prog ram of commun i ty relat ions isestabl i shed andimplemented .

L ) Oppor tun i t ies for staf f to develop col laborat ive sk i l ls ar e

provided .

Act ing w i t h Integ r i ty,Fai rness,andin an Et h i cal Manne r A school

adm in ist rator is an educat ional leade r who promotes the success Of all

st udents by ac t i ng w i t h integ r i ty,fai rness,andi n an et h i cal manner .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat or T he adm i n i st rator has knowledge andunder stand ing Of

A ) . the pu rpose of educat i on and the r ole Of leader sh ip in

mode rn SOciet yB ) var ious et h i cal f ramewor k s andper spec t i ves on et h i cs .




C ) the values andchal leng es of the d i ve r se school commun i ty .

D ) professi onal codes of e t h i cs .

2) Per formance Ind i cat or T he adm in i st rat or

A ) exam i nes per sonal andpr ofessi onal values .

B ) demonst rates a pe rsonal andprofessi onal code Of et h i cs .

C ) demonst rates values,be l ie fs,“andat t i t udes t hat i nsp i re

Ot he rs to h i g he r levels of pe r formance .

D ) se rves as a r ole mode l .

E ) consi de rs t he impact Of his or he r adm i n i st rat i ve prac ticeson ot he r s .

F ) uses the i nfluence Of the Of f i ce to enhance the'

educationalprog ram .

G ) t reat s people fai r ly, equ i tab ly, andw i t h di gn i ty andrespec t .

H ) protec t s t he r i g ht s andconf i dent ial i ty of ot her s .

I ) demonst rates apprec iat ion for andsens i t iv i ty to t he

d ive rsi t y in the school commun i ty .

J ) recogn i z es andrespec ts the leg i t imate aut hor i ty of ot he r s .

K ) exam ines andcons i de rs the prevai l i ng values Of thedi verseschool commun i ty .

L ) expec t s t hat ot her s i n t he school commun i t y w i l l demonst rate

i n teg r i ty andexe r cise .ethica1 behav ior .

M ) Opens the school t o publi c sc ru t iny .

f ul f i l l s legal andcont rac tual Ob l i gat ions.0) appl ies laws and procedu r es fai r ly, w i se ly, and

consi derate ly,P ) demonst rates the impor tance of equ i ty i n a democ rat i c

soc ie ty .

T he Pol i t i cal,Soc ial,Econom i c,Legal andCul tural Context A schooladmi n i st rat or is an educat i onal leader who promotes the success Of al l

student s by unde r stand ing,respond ing to,andinf ldencing the lar ger

pol i t i cal,soc ial,economi c,legal,andcul tu ral context .

1 ) Knowledge I nd i cator T he adm i n i st rator has knowledge andunder stand i ng Of

A ) pr inc iples Of representat i ve gove rnance t hat unde r g i r d the

system of Amer i can school s .

B ) the r ole of publ i c educat i on i n develop ing andrenew i ng a

democ rat i c soc iety andan econom i cal ly produc t ive nat i on .

C ) the law as related to educat i on .

D ) the pol i t i cal, soc ial, cul tu ral,andeconom i c systems andprocesses .

E ) mode l s andst rateg ies Of change andconf l i c t resolut i on as

appl ied to the lar g er pol i t i cal, soc ial , cu l tu ral,andeconom i c contex ts of school ing .

F ) g lobal i ssues andforces af fec t ing teach i ng andlearn i ng .

G ) the dynami cs of pol i cy development andadvocacy unde r our

democ rat i c pol i t i cal syst em

2) Per formance I nd i cator T he adm i n i st rator fac i l i tates processes

xor xxsrp {oouos aux uo xoedmr aux sxoafoxdpue anuaAax Ieoot

pue axexs go saoxnos xueorg r ub r s aux saurmexa pue sarg rxuap r (3°

xol xxsr p uoea u ruxrm smexboxdpue sxaxuao xsoo

go smxax u r xor xxsr p Ioouos OIa de xog saxnxr puadxa auxbu lxg rxuap r pue bu r xemr xsa xog sanb ruuoax SUO I J QA sar tdde (g

° S I8A8I Iexapag pue‘axexs

‘Ieoot aux xe sxoouos ortqnd

xog anuaAax go saoxnos xofem aux sazKIeue pue sar g l xuap r (V


ssau ra {oouos galuo xuaxadmoo aum sxoxeorpu I aouemxogxad (z° aoueu l g {oouos go sardrourxdaux spuauaxdmoo Ieror g go

ssau ra'

{oouos garuo xuaxadmoo aum xoxeor puI a6parmoux (I' aoueu r g

{oouos go satdrourxdaux saxexxsuomap pue spuexsxapun Ie r or g go

ssaura Ioouos garuo xuaxadmoo aum aoueu r g Toouos go satdr ou r xd°

(6u l xoexxuooqns bu r pntour ) saO rAxas Axet t roue pue‘ uorxemxogu r

‘ Kxxadoxdpue e t r oeg‘ aoxnosax uemnu

‘aoxnosax Ie r oueu l g

bu r pnxour‘ sptarg xuamabeuem go xaqmnu e ox aAr e ax met

aseo pue Kxoxnxexs xueol g r ub r s sxuamatdmr pue sazfiteue Ierorg go

ssau ra {oouos gar uo xuaxadmoo auL xoxeor pu I aouemxogxad (z‘


or tqndgo uor xexxsr u rmpe Iexauab aux bu r pxebax AxrxouxneIeuor xnxrxsuoo pue Kxoxnxexs axerxdoxdde spuexsxapun (a

°maxsKs uol xeonpa or tqndaux u ruxrn stenp rAr pu r ox KIddexeux sxub r x Ieuor xnxr xsuoo Iexapag pue axexs aux spuexsxapun (V


ssaura {oouos garuo xuaxadmoo aum sxoxeor pu I abparmoux (I°drusxapear Ieuorxeonpa go sxoadse Iebar aux sar tdde pue spuexsxapun

Ieror ggo ssaura {oouos gar uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoadsv Tebag°

suor xor psr xn f IexuamuxaAobIeoot xauxo pue

‘ saxnxersrbat axexs ‘ sxuamuxaAob Iedrorunm‘ spxeoq {oouos IE DOI : sar xr xua Bu r mot tog aux go sassaooxdaAr xetsr bat pue Ieorxrtodaux saz r sauq s pue sat eue Ie rorg go

ssaura roouos garuo xuaxadmoo aux xoxeor puI aouemxogxad (z-KorIOdxol xxsr p ao dde

cum asoux aouant gu r ox e xl qe xr aux pue (xor xxsr p {oouos

e u r uxr m ) sdnoxb xsaxaxu r Ie r oads go atox aux spuauaxdmoo (a

xuamuxaAOB Iexapag aux pue‘ saxnxersr bat axexs

l uor xeonpa

go spxeoq axexs‘ uorxeonpa go spxeoq Ieoor go saxox

pue sar or todaux t de pue xaxdxaxul ox mou spuexsxapun (v

1 9 1 3 1 330

ssau ra toouos gar uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeor puI abpatmoux (I°

suorxe 1 ax IexuamuxaAobxaxur pue Kol todora d go sar xoaux sartdde pue spuexsxapun {e r or ggo ssaura {oouos

garuo xuaxadmoo aum suor xetaa IexuamuxaAofixaxux pue Kor xodD Ia d-sue {d Aouaburxuoo pue

l saouanbasuoo atq r ssodl suorsroap

xadoxd ‘ suor xntos axeuxaxte axexauab ox uorxemxogu r

go sad SUOI I QA saxenTeAa puel sazKIeue

‘ sxoat too (a°

exep xueAaIax go uor xuaxax pue‘ uor xemxogu r 6u r z rxobaxeo



{e r st xxo ssau r sna toonas xaruo OI I'

GZ uorxoas



‘ 6ulpuxg xoeg‘ sanbxuuoax buluolxsanb ar sxxr xs sxl q luxa (a


xolxguoo go sasneo aq ssodbu r z r ubooax pue‘ uor xemxogul

xueAaxax bu l xnoas ‘ smaxqoxdbu tfig l xuap l u r sxxlxs sxr qxuxa (3°asn aoxnosax pue Iauuosxad

az lmr xem ox sxsex axeu rpxooo ox sanb l uuoax buxxnpauos sasn (g°

sa xoafqo pue sxeob or g loads usl xdmoooeox saoxnosax pue xauuosxadbu r ub l sse go spouxam saz r xxxn (V


ssau la Ioouos garuo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxogxad (z'

sxapom dxusxapeax Ieuol xe z xuebxo snoxxeAspuexsxapun {elolg go

ssau la {oouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux xoxeolpux abpaxmoux (I°

sxapomdrusxapeaxxeuor xez r uebxo snorxeA saxexxsuomap pue spuexsxapun Ie ror g go

ssau ra Toouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux uor xexxsr u r mpv pue uor xezxuebxo (q°

xuapnxs aux go xuamdoxaAap{e loos pue

‘Ieuol xoma

‘Ieor sfiud ‘

Iexnxxno‘ oxmapeoe aux

xog e q lsuodsax s,xoouos aux sxxoddns pue sas eue Iexoxg go

ssaura Ioouos gaxuo xuaxadmoo aux xoxeoxpux aouemxogxad (z° axdoad{ Te ox uol xeonpa

ue go xub l x aux Buxaaxuexenb sxov aAr e sr bax spuauaxdmoo (3'

sxoouos axeAxxdgo Bulpung pue xuamdoxaAap aux spuexsxapun (a'


paxxoddns—xex l

q nd go xuamdoIaAap aux ox axexax Kaux se

uol xeonpa go suoxxepunog oxxoxsxu aux xnoqe axqeabpaxmoux s; (V

1 9 1 3 1 330

ssau la xoouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux abpaxmoux (I’sxoouos go

suotxepunog xeuor xeonpa aux xnoqe axqeabpaxmoux sx xe l or g go ssau ra{oouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoouos go suor xepunox xeuorxeonpg (e

”41 9 8 SI“? 30 OOI'

6Z uoxxoas U? 9 3 1 0; 363

asoux ox uol xr ppe u l uorxoas s lux u l uxxog xas spxepuexs aux xaam ox'


aq {xeus xuamasxopua s,xexol g go esaala Toouos gar uo aux xog axepxpueo uoeg

-l unmmoo {oouos aux ap l sxno

sxaxem-uol sr oap uxxm padoxaAap axe uorxeolunmmoo go sau l x°

sxuap nxs

xog uorxeonpa e xenb ap l xdox padeus sr Kar xodoga d°

sar xr xouxne

Iexapag pue‘axexs ‘

Ieoor Kq paxoeua suolxexnbax . pue‘ smex

‘ salor xodgo xxomamexg aux uxuxxm sxxom e unmmoo xoouos aux'

sdnox6Axl unmmoo asxaAl p go

sa xexuasaxdax uaamxaq pue uxl m anboxe r p bu robuo s; axaux' axexado sxoouos uor um

ux .xuamuoxlAua aux u ; sa6ueuo xe l xuaxodpue ‘ sanssx ‘ spuaxx

buluxaouoo l unmmoo Toouos aux u luxrm sa OO uol xeor unmmoo

xeux bu l xnsua salxrAlxoe u l sabebua



of incr eases .or dec reases in t hese sour ces .

D ) recogn i zes sign i f i cant soc ial, demog raph i c, andeconom i c

changes .

Budge t ing andF inanc ial Plann ing T he competent ch ie f school busi ness

Of f i c ial unde r stands andappl ies the var i ous approaches to publ i c

school budget ing .

1 ) Knowledge Ind icator .T he competent ch ie f school business

Of f i c ial understands the pr i nc iples Of pub l i c school budget ing .

2) Pe r formance Ind i cators T he competent ch ie f school business

Of f i c ial

A ) prepares a budget calendar to meet the t ime const raint s of

budget preparat i on .

B ) analyzes the var ious approaches to enrol lment andpersonnelpro j ec t i ons .

C ) forecasts ant ic i pated revenue by sour ce .

D ) forecasts ant i c i pated expend i tu res by prog ram .

E ) i dent i f ies var i ous met hods for budget analysi s andmanagement .

F ) appl ies stat i st i cal process control techn i ques for budgetary

analysi s

G ) appl ies the legal requ i rement s for budget adopt i on .

H ) prepares a school i nst i tut i on budge t based on hypot het i caldata


I ) prepares revenue pro j ec t i ons andest imat es Of expend i tu res

usi ng appropr iate andvar ied techn i ques .

J ) i dent i f ies and i nterprets i nte rnal andex ternal i nf luences

on the budget .

Account ing,Aud i t i ng,andF i nanc ial Repor t ing T he compe tent ch ief

school busi ness Of f i c ial unde r stands anddemonst rates the pr inc i ples

of account i ng,aud i t i ng,andf inanc ial repor t ing .

1 ) Knowledge I nd i cator s T he competent ch ief school busi ness

of f i c ial

A ) unde rstands how to present fai r ly andw i t h fu l l d i sc losu re

t he f inanc ial posi t ion andresul t s of f inanc ial Operat i ons

Of the funds andaccount g roups Of the school d i st r i c t i n

compl iance w i t h general ly accepted account ing pr inc i ples .

B ) unde rstands the use androle Of an i nternal aud i tor .

2) Per formance Ind i cators T he compet ent ch ief school busi ness

Of f i c ial

A ) prepares appropr iate i nter im andannual f inanc ial statements

andrepor t s of f inanc ial posi t ion andOpe rat i ng resu l t s .

B ) prepares revenues andexpend i tures by fund (usi ng the

appropr iate State char t Of account s, e lec t ron i c data

processi ng,C ) fac i l i tates management

's cont rol of all f inanc ial Operat i ons

andfunds usi ng appropr iate technology .

D ) estab l i shes andver i f ies compl iance w i t h f inance—re lated

legal andcont rac tual prov isi ons .



E ) develops andmai ntai ns all f i xed asse t s i n a General F ixed

Asse t Accoun t '


F ) commun icates how the budg e t andavai lab le resou rces of t he

school d ist r i c t suppor t the i nst i tu t ion 's prog ram .

G ) analyz es bot h mont hly andannual f inanc ial statements andrepor t s .

H ) develops spec i f i cat i ons for the employment of an i ndependent

aud i to r .

I ) appl ies the appropr iate bases of account ing (mod i f ied

acc r ual basi s of account i ng,acc rual basi s Of account i ng,or .

caSh basi s of account ing ) i n measu r i ng . f inanc ial p osi t ionandOpe rat ing r esul t S u

Cash Manag ement, I nvestment s, andDebt Management T he competent

ch ief school busi ness Of f i c ial under stands and‘

implement s cash

management, i nvestment,and‘ deb t management procedures .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cator s T he competent'-ch ief ‘ School - business

Of f i c ial

A ) under stands how to develop spec i f i cat ions for the se lec t i on

of“bank i ng serv i ces andthe concept of compensat ing

balances .

B ) comprehends procedures andlegal const rai nt s for cash

col lect ion anddi sbu rsements .

C ) unde rstands the r isk s andcal culates the y ie l ds on var i ous

i nvestment Opt i ons avai lable to a school d i st r i c t .

2) Per formance Ind i cator s T he compe tent ch ief school businessOf f i c ial

A ) appl ies var ious met hods of cash forecast ing .

B ) nees the appropr iate types of Shor t fl term f i nanc inginst ruments avai lable to school d ist r i c ts .

C ) analyzes the'

legal const rai nts andmet hods of i ssu inglong

— te rm g ene ral -Obl igat i on bonds, inc lud i ng the - bond

rat i ng process andthe role of rat i ng serv i ces

D ) prepares a cash f low analysi s for a hypot het i cal school

d i st r i c t .

E ) implement s the concept of appropr iate fund balance

manag ement .

Per sonnel andBenef i t s Adm i n i st rat ion'

T he competent ch ief school

busi ness of f i c ial unde rstands andimplements human resou r ce managementprocedures for non—i nst ruct i onal per sonnel .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat or T he competent ch i ef school busi ness

Of f i c ial under stands fac tor s i nvolved in formulat i ng pol i c ies andprocedu res related to the management Of non-i nst ruc t i onal

personne l .

2) Per formance Ind i cators T he compe tent ch ief school bus i ness

Of f i c ial

A ) demonst rates appropr iate sk i l ls related to the rec r u i tment,se lect i on, or ientat i on, evaluat ion, andassignment of

non- i nst ruct i onal pe rsonnel,i nclud i ng the c reat i on of job

{oouos xenxoe xo paxexnml s go suol srAxp aoueuaxulem

xog suexd xamoduem sdoxaAap pue‘ Sxaxuao {oouos xog

sxabpnq Kbxaua _sau rmxaxap ‘ suoxxeooxxe Iexpoxsno saxndmoo (v


ssau la {oouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxogxad (z°

sxue 1 6Abxauaaxnoas pue AxaAr xoag ga pue Axxual ol gga uol xdmnsuooAbxauaabeuem ox paxr nbax saxnpaooxd pue xoooxoxdspuexsxapun (a

° aoueuaxu l em xe l pamax pue aAt xuaAaxdpue saorAxas xexpoxsno au r xnox ubnoxux ages pue neexo

stoouos daan ox paxr nbax saxnpaooxdpue xoooxoxdspuexsxapun (V


ssau la xoouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux a6paxmoux (I°

saxnpaooxdsuor xexadopue aoueuaxu l em axe r xdoxdde sxuamaxdmx pue spuexsxapun xe r or g go

ssau la xoouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux suor xexado pue aoueuaxu r ew°

Oxa tsbu r pxl nq saxenxeAa zsanssr puoq go uol xe z r xxome

sazAreue zsuol xeoxg l oads xeuor xeonpa sdoxaAap tsuor xoafoxduor xexndodsaxedaxd zspaau paxexax-sal xr xr oeg xog snexd (9


ssaooxdaux u l saxox xr aux pue sar ouabe axexs pue Iexapag

SRO I JQA aux pue paxexado pue‘paxonxxsuoo


sal xl xl oeg Ioouos uolum uxuxl m xxaxuoo xefiax aux sazAxeue (g'


xexuamuoxrAua puelAxages ‘ Kbxaua go xoedml aux buxpxebax

sanssr pue'saorxoexdxuaxxno

‘uoxeasax aux saxenxeAa (a

'drusuemxxom xOOdpue ‘ axnxl e g

xonpoxd ‘ Koxdnxxueq xoxoexxuoo ox puodsax ox mou smoux pue

sxoexxuoo uol xonxxsuoo bu r beuem pue'6u r pxeme

l bu t slxxaApe

go sar xr xl q l suodsax aAr xexxs l u lmpe pue xebax aux sazAxeue (a°

saxxs xoouos buxxoaxas xog saxnpaooxdpue sxoooxoxdsar xdde (3'

suol xeoxgxoads xeuor xeonpa bu r sn

pue Ou rdoxanap u p paATOAUI saxnpaooxdpue sxoooxoxdsat xdde (a°

sal xl xq suodsaxpue saxox xr aux spuexsxapun pue sxeuor ssagoxd xauxo

pue‘ sxoxoexxuoo xexauab

‘ sxabeuem uol xonxxsuoo‘ sxabeuem

xsl x"sxaau l 6ua ‘ sxoaxr uoxe gO saO l as xeuor ssagoxd

aux bu l sn pue bu r xoaxas xog saxnpaooxdaxe l xdoxdde sdoxaAap (v


ssauxa xoouos gaxuo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux aouemxogxad (z°

sassaooxduol xoaxa puoq pue

‘ ssaooxdbu l xex aux‘ sbu l xex puoq bu l pnxoux

‘ uor xonxxsuoo

xoouos ox paxexax sanssr pue saoxnos bu l pung spuexsxapun (a'

saxxl xr oe g xog nexdoxbaxexxse doxaAap ox Kxessaoau Saxnpaooxdpue sdaxs aux sal g l xuap r (v


ssau la {oouos garuo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux abpaxmoux (I°

saxnpaooxduor xonxxsuoo

pue buxuuexdAxxxl oe g axe r xdoxdde sxuamaxdml pue spuexsxapun ( e lor ggo




ssaula xoouos gal uo xuaxadwoo aux uol xonxxsuoa pue buxuuexa°

sxesodoxdxxgauaqabu l xg pue Kxexes go sxsoo aux buxssasse xog sxapom sas eue (a


sa6exoedxl gauaq abu l xg pue saxnpauos Axexes sdoxaAap (a°

saa&oxdma xol xxsr p pue xuamabeuem uaamxaq sdlusuoxxexaxaux bu l xdml xog saxnpaooxd axe r xdoxdde salxdde (3


suor ssas uoxxe l xobau bu l xonpuoo

xog sar baxexxs pue meax uol xexxobau s,uoxxeonpa go pxeoq

aux gO xuamdoxaAap aux xog saxnpaooxdaxe r xdoxdde saxxdde (a°

suol xe l x06au aAI xoaxxoo bu r pxebax

saxnxexs axexs pue sar ol xoduol xeonpa go pxeoq sas eue (V


ssauxa xoouos gaxuo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux aouemxogxad (z'


buxuxebxeq aAr xoaxIOO/suor xexax xoqex spuauaxdmoo Ie r oxggo

ssau ta Ioouos gar uo xuaxadwoo aux xoxeol pux a6paxnoux (I°

sanssl buxuxeb xeq a xoaxxOO/suoxxexax

xoqex sassaxppe pue spuexsxapun xe lol g go ssauxaxoouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux bu l u l ebxea aAl xoaxxog/suol xexau xoqeq


g gexs xeuoxxonxxsu l -Uou

xog mexboxd xuamdoxaAap g gexs aAl suauaxdmooe go uol xexxsl u lmpe aux xog sxxl xs axe l xdoxdde aux salxdde (a


xuamdoxaAapg gexs xog ssaooxdxe r xuanbas

‘ aAr xoag ga ue go uoxxeaxo

aux oxu r bu l uxeax xxnpe gO sxuauodmoo xofem aux saxexodxooux (v


ssau la {oouos gal uo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxog xad (z°

smex50xdxuamdoxaAap g gexs

go xuamabeuem aux xog saxnpaooxdaxe l xdoxdde saxg r xuapx (3°


xuamdoxanap g gexs go ss xeue

xsoo saxaxdmoo pue mexboxdaux xog sxapom saxg r xuapx (a°

Sal xxxol xdxuam IaAap g gexs saxg l xuap l (V


ssau la xoouos garuo xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux abpaxmoux (I‘

Tauuosxadxeuol xonxxsu r_uou

xog saxnpaooxd xuam IaAap ggexs sxuamaxdmx _pue spuexsxapun

xe r ol g go ssau la xoouos gar uo xuaxadmoo aux xuamdoxanaa g gexs°

sapoo axexs pue xexapag bu l sn l smexboxdxxgauaq abu r xg

go saouanbasuoo xex pue sxuamaxr nbax xebax aux sazAxeue (a“xauuosxadox paxexax smex xexapag

pue axexs se Tram se ‘ sal ol xodpxeoq xxe go uol xexuamaxdmlaux xog suolxexoadxa aux buxpuexsxapun u r saxeu l pxoqns speax (a

IauuosxadIeuol xonxxsu l -Uou

go uol xeu r mxax puelxuamub l sse 'uol xexual xo

'uol xoaxaslxuauixlgnxoax aux xog saxnpaooxdxebax aux sar xdde (3


smexboxdxr gauaq abuxxg buxbeuem puel bu l xenIeAa

l buxxoaxas‘ 6u l pp l q xog saxnpaooxdsaxexxsuomap pue sazAxeue (a


suol xdl xosap




d i st r i c t s .

B ) c reates anduses s imulat ions of mai ntenance andOperat i onfunc t i ons t hat perm i t

“dec i si ons re lated t o resour ce

al locat i on .

Purchasi ng T he compe tent ch ief school busi ness Of f i c ial unde r stands

andimplement s appropr iate pu r chasing procedu res .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat or T he competent ch ief school bus i ness

Of f i c ial unde r stands appropr iate pu rchasing procedures .

2) Per formance I nd i cat ors T he competent ch ief school bus i ness

Of f i c ial

A ) appl ies‘g ene ral ly accepted account ing pr inc i ples and

procedures i n the b i dd ing andpur chasi ng processes .

B ) i ncorporates l egal andet h i cal consi derat i ons i n t he b i dd ing

andpu rchasing processes .

C ) ut i l i z es computer i zed management systems for t rack ing

requ isi t ions, pu r chase or der s, de l i ver ies, i nvo ices,payment s,andthe status of the budget .

Supply andF i xed Asse t Management T he competent ch ief school

business Of f i c ial unde r stands andimplement s appropr iate supply andf ixed asset manag ement procedu res .

1 )"Knowledge Ind icat or The competent ch ie f school busi ness

Of f i c ial comprehends appropr iate supply and f i xed asset

management procedu res .

2) Per formance Ind i cators T he compe tent ch ief school business

Of f i c ial

A ) manages andcont rols i nventor ies .

B ) plans andimplements a prog ram for the mai ntenance andrepai r of equ i pment .

C ) prov i des,produces,anduses the f inanc ial analysi s of l i fe

cycle costs andqual i ty cont rol me t hods .

D ) appl ies the proper procedu res re lat i ng to t he legal

evaluat ion andd i sposal of surplus prope r ty .

E ) u t i l i zes amor t i zat i on techn iques per tai n ing to the pur chase

of new and/or replacement cap i tal equ ipment .

Real Estate Management T he competent ch ief school busi ness Of f i c ial

under stands and implements app r Op riate real estate management

procedures .

1 ) Knowledg e Ind i cat or T he compe tent ch ie f school busi ness

Of f i c ial under stands appropr iate real estate management

procedures .

2) Per formance I nd i cat ors T he competent ch ief school busi ness

Of f i c ialA )


appl ies legal procedu res i n acqu i r ing andd i sposi ng Of land,bu i l d i ng s,andequ ipment .

B ) col laborates ' w i t h ot her governmental agenc ies regar d ing

zon ing i ssues,long-range land use plann i ng,andthe impact

of comme r c ial andresi dent ial development on schools .

C ) appl ies proper real estate management pol i c ies, procedu res,



andprac t i ces .

D ) u t i l i zes a compute r prog ram or se rv i ce to manage the f ixed

asse t s of a simulated or ac tual educat i onal inst i tut i on .

St rateg i c Plann i ng T he compe tent ch ief school busi ness Of f i c ial

unde r stands andimplement s st rateg i c plann i ng procedu res .

1 ) Knowledg e Ind i cator T he compe tent ch i ef school business

Of f i c ial under stands st rateg i c plann i ng procedu res .

2) Pe r formance Ind i cators T he competent ch ie f school bus iness

Of f i c ial

A ) fac i l i tates adm i n i st rat ive andemployee teams i n the

i dent i f i cat ion of shor t andlong—term goals i n all aspect s

Of school d i st r i c t ac t iv i t ies .

B ) develops a st rateg i c plan t hat w i l l move the d i st r i c t towar d

ach ievement Of its m i ssi on andgoals .

Prog ram Evaluat ion T he compe tent ch ief school busi ness Of f i c ial

under stands andimplements appropr iat e prog ram evaluat ion procedures

for non—i nst r uc t i onal prog rams .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat or s T he compe tent ch ie f school busi ness

Of f i c ial

A ) under stands the component s andsk i l ls needed to evaluate

prog rams andbusi ness ser v i ces .

B ) i dent i f i es var ious econom i c andcost fac tors i nherent i n

prog ram evaluat i on .

2) Per formance Ind i cator s T he competent ch ie f school bus iness

of f i c ial

A ) develops a procedu re for the systemat i c evaluat ion of

non—i nst r uc t i onal prog rams .

B ) analyzes anddevelops al te rnat ive met hods of measur ingprog ram ou tcomes .

Commun i cat i ons T he compe tent ch ie f school busi ness Of f i c ial

unde r stands anddemonst rates commun i cat i ons procedures .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cator T he compe tent ch i ef school busi ness

Of f i c ial comprehends ef fec t i ve commun i cat i on st rateg ies andtechn i ques re lated t o mass andi nterac t i ve commun i cat i ons (oral,au ral,wr i t ten,andnonverbal ) .

2) Pe r formance I nd i cat or s T he competent ch ief school busi ness

Offi c ial

A ) ar t i cu lates i deas c lear ly,conc i sely,andef fect ively .

B ) develops a plan for a posi t i ve school—commun i t y relat i ons

prog ram for the busi ness Of f i ce .

C ) develops procedu res for the management of publ i c informat i on

prog rams anddepar tment s t hat relate to busi ness ser v i ces .

Management Informat i on Systems T he competent ch ief school busi ness

of f i c ial under stands andu t i l i zes manag ement informat i on systems .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cator T he competent ch ie f school busi ness

Of f i c ial under stands the func t ions of management informat i on

systems .

2) Per formance Ind i cator s T he competent ch ief school busi ness



E ) under stands e f fec t ive commun i cat i on .

F ) understands ef fect i ve consensus— bu i l d i ng andnegot iat i on

sk i l l s

G ) has knowledg e of the ph i losophy andh i story Of educat ion .

2) Pe r formance I nd icator s T he competent pr inc i pal

A ) des ig ns'

cur r i cula w i t h consi de rat i on for ph i losoph i cal,soc i olog i cal,andh i stor i cal foundat i ons,democ rat i c values,and the commun i ty '

s Values, g oals, soc ial needs, andchang i ng cond i t i ons

B ) fac i l i tates the deve lopment andimplementat i on of a shared

v i si on andst rateg i c plan for the school or d i st r i c t t hat

focuses on teach ing andlearn ing .

C ) analyzes,evaluates, andmon i tor s Ope rat ional plans andprocesses to accompl i sh st rateg i c goals usi ng prac t i cal

appl icat ions of organ i zat i onal t heor ies .

D ) sol i c i t s anduses f inanc ial,human,andmate r ial resour ces

to suppor t the implementat ion Of the school 's m i ssi on and

goals .

E ) i dent i f ies andc r i t i ques several t heor i es of leade r sh i p andt he i r appl i cat ion to var ious school env i ronment s .

F ) conduc t s needs assessment s anduses qual i tat ive andquant i tat ive data to plan andassess school prog rams .


G ) analyzes andi nterprets educat ional data, i ssues andt rends .

H ) uses -appropr iate i nte rper sonal sk i l l s and appl ies

appropr iate ande f fec t ive commun icat i ons st rateg ies when

usi ng wr i t ten,verbal,andnonve rbal commun i cat i on .

I ) engages in e f fect i ve consensus-bu i l d i ng and d i splays

ef fec t i ve negot iat i on sk i l ls .

J ) f rames, analyzes, and resolves problems usi ng appropriateproblem—solv ing techn i ques anddec i s i on—mak ing sk i l ls .

K ) analyz es school problems w i t h an under stand ing Of maj or

h i stor i cal, ph i losoph ical, e t h i cal, soc ial, andeconom i c

inf luences in a democ rat i c soc ie ty .

School Cu l ture andInst ruc t i onal Pr og ram T he compe tent school

adm in i st rator is an educat ional leade r who promotes the success Of al l

student s by advocat i ng,nu r tu r ing,andsustai n ing a school cu l tur e andi nst ruct ional prog ram conduc ive to student s ' learn i ng andstaf f '


profess i onal g rowt h .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat ors T he compe tent pr inc ipal

A ) has knowledg e andunde r stand ing of school cu l t ures .

B ) unde r stands the cont i nuum of student s '

g rowt h anddevelopment .

C ) knows the procedu res used in the assessment of the learn i ngenv i ronment

D ) unde r stands appl ied learn i ng t heor ies .

E ) unde r stands cu r r i culum des i gn, implementat i on, evaluat ion,andre f i nement .

F ) recogn i zes the components of a spec ial educat i on evaluat ion .



G )

H )

I )

J )

K )

L )


unde r stands pr inc iples of e f fec t ive i nst r uc t ion andbestprac t i ces .

comprehends measu rement, evaluat i on, and assessment

st rateg ies .

unde r stands d i ve r si ty andit s mean ing for educat ional

prog rams .

is fam i l iar w i t h adu l t learn ing andprofessi onal development

mode ls .

unde r stands the chang e process for Systems, or gan i zat ions,andi nd i v i duals .

recogn i zes the r ole Of technology i n promot ing st udent s '

learn ing andprofessi onals '

g rowt h .

under stands c lassroom manag ement .

Pe r formance Ind i cator s T he compe tent pr inc i pal

A )

B )

C )

D )

E )

F )

G )

H )

I )

J )

K )

L )



c reates w i t h teache r s, parent s, andstudents a posi t i ve

school cu l tu re t hat promotes learn ing .

promotes an i nc lusi ve educat i onal cul t ure .

ar t i cu lates the d i st r i c t ’s or school '

s v isi on,m i ss i on,andpr ior i t ies tothe commun i ty andmed ia.

bu i l ds commun i ty suppor t for a d i st r i c t 's or school '


pr ior i t i es andprog rams .

promotes an env i ronment whe re al l i nd iv i dual s ar e t reated

w i t h fai rness,d i gn i ty,andr espec t .

develops a cu l tur e of h i g h expec tat ions for sel f,st udent s,and staf f '

s per formance whe re accompl i shment s ar e

r ecog n i zed .

appl i es the pr inc i ples Of st udent s '

g r owt h anddevelopmentto the lear n ing env i ronment andthe educat ional prog ram .

u t i l i z es procedures in the assessment of the learn ing

env i r onment .

deve lops col laborat ive ly a learn i ng organ i zat ion t hat .

suppor t s inst ruc t ional improvement, bu i lds an appropr iate

cu r r i culum,andi ncorporates best prac t i ce .

deve lops col laborat i ve ly cu r r i cu lum and deve lopmental ly

appropr iat e i nst ruc t i on for var ied teach ing andlearn i ng

st yles as we l l as spec i f i c needs Of student s, cons i de r ing

gende r, e t hn i c i ty, cu l tu re, soc ial class, andexcept i onal i t i es .

analyz es var i ous staf f ing pat te rns,st udent g rouping plans,c lass schedul ing forms,andschool or gan i zat i onal st ruc tu res,

andfac i l i tates des i gn processes to suppor t var i ous teach ing

st rateg ies anddes i red out comes for st udent s .

assesses students ' prog ress usi ng a var ie ty of appropr iate

techn i ques .

bases cu r r i cu lar dec i si ons on resear ch, appl ied t heory,i nformed prac t i ce,the r ecommendat i ons of learned soc ie t ies,andS tate andfede ral pol i c i es andmandates .

al i g ns cu r r i cu lar goals andOb j ec t i ves w i t h State learn ing

‘ sxub l x .sxuaxed ssaxppe xeux sar xl xoe u ; sabebua (a


e unmmoo xoouos aux UO xoedmxxl aux auxmxaxap ox spuaxx pue sanssl buxbxama sassasse (v

xedlou r xdxuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux aouemxogxad (z'

sdxusxauxxeduol xeonpa xaubxu pue‘xuamuxaAob ‘ l unmmoo

‘ ssau la ‘ l ueg'Ioouos go sxapom Ingssaoons gO axeme S I (3


sassaooxdpue sal baxexxs Bu r xaxxem pue suor xexax l unmmoo spuexsxapun (3


saoxnosax Axl unmmoo gO abpaxmoux seq (0'Axlunmmoo xoouos

aSI GAI p aux go solmeq pue suoxxt puoo aux Spuexsxapun (3-meaxdHI

aux Kq uor xenxeAa xeux gO asn aux pue uoxxenxeAa xuapuadapu lue ox xubxx aux bu l pnxou ;

‘q b ,sxuaxed spuauaxdmoo (a

° Kxxunmmoo xoouos aux xoagge

Xxxe l xuaxodxeux spuaxx pue sanssl Bu l bxama saz r ubooax (V

xedr ou l xdxuaxadmoo aux sxoxeor pux abpaxnoux (x°

Saoxnosax l unmmoo

buxz r xl qom pue spaau pue sxsaxaxux e unmmoo asxaAl p ox buxpuodsax‘ sxaqmam Axxunmmoo pue saxxxmeg uxl m bu l xexoqexxoo Aq sxuapnxs

{ Te go ssaoons aux saxomoxdq xapeax xeuoxxeonpa ue sx xoxexxsxu r mpe

{oouos xuaxadmoo aux sat xxunmmoa pue sal xt meg uxxm uoxxexoqexxoa°

saxnpaooxdssau xa‘

pue xuamabeuem

xoouos xog saxboxouuoax xuaxxno sassasse pue sal xdde (H° 5u l xxas xeuol xeonpa ue u l saxnpaooxd

pue sxuamaxxnbax xenxoexxuoo pue xebax uommoo sar xdde (a‘


bu xuxaAob suol sr oap {e l ol pn f pue suor sl xd Axoxexnbaxpue Axoxnxexs xeoox pue axexs

lxexapag Spuexsxapun


saxxl xol xdxoouos Kq uaAp st xeux ssaooxdbu r uuexdxabpnq xaAax-bu l pxl nq xuar oxgga ue sxuamaxdm; Pue s IaAap (a


sal xl xeuor xdaoxa pue‘Axr sxaAr p

(Axr nba go sanssx ox uoxxuaxxe uxl m‘

Iauuosxadgo uot xexedaspue

‘ uoxxesuadmoo ‘o xonpux‘ uol xoaxas

lxuamxl nxoax aux

xog sassaooxdpue ‘e l xaxr xo

‘ sal or xodaxe r xdoxdde saz t xxxn (a°

g gexs xeuot xonxxsnr —UOU

pue xeuol xonxxsux xog xesl exdde aouemxog xadpue ‘ sanb xuuoax

Axosl adns ‘ saxnpaooxd S l sfixeue_qof aAr xoagga sar xdde (3° Kxat oos l exoomap e u l saouanxgu r

oxmouooa puelxexoos


xeol xoxslu

xofem go buxpuexsxapun ue uxl m smaxqoxds,xoouos e sazAxeue (a'

UOI S IAs,xoouos aux aAaluoe ox sal xxme g pue‘q apnxs


g gexs axeAxxom xeux suol xl puoo axeaxo ox sal xoaux sar xdde (v

xedxou l xdxuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxogxad (z‘

suoxxoung s,xuama5euem

xxoddns xeux sal boxouuoax xuaxxno go abpaxmoux seu (H‘

Suor xexado xoouos ox bu l xexax sanssr xebax saz l ubooax (9' aoeds go asn pue sal xxxl oe g





Toouos ox buxxexax sanssr pue saxdxou l xd Spuexsxapun (g°

xuama6euem xoouos ar suor xexap l suoo

Ieosxg ox bu l xexax sanssx pue saxdxou l xd spuauaxdmoo (a‘


uemnu go xuamdoxaAap pue xuamabeuem go abpaxmoux seu (a‘Axl xnoas pue

Axages IOOuOS ox buxxexax sanssl pue saxdr ouxxd“Spuexsxapun (3


saxnpaOoxdpue sal ol xodxeuol xexado xeoox go axeme sr (g°

xuamdoxaAap xeuol xe z xuebxo go sadou l xdaux pue suoxxe z r uebxo go sxapom pue saxxoaux Spuexsxapun (V

xedxou l xdxuaxadmoo aux sxoxeog pux abpaxmoux (x°

xuamuoxxAua bu l uxeax aAl xoag ga pue

‘xual ol g ga

‘ ages e xog saoxnosax pue‘ suol xexado ‘ Uol xe z xuebxo aux go

xuawabeuem buxxnsuaAq sxuap nxs { Te go ssaoons aux saxomoxdoum xapeax

xeuoxxeonpa ue SI xoxexxsl u lmpe xoouos xuaxadmoo aux xuamabeuew‘ axegxam pue uxxeau axomoxd

pue xuamuoxr nua {oouos ag es e ap l xdxeux saxnpaooxdpue sar oxxodpadoxaAap Axa xexoqexxoo sxuamaxdml pue sasn

' 6u l uxeax

pue buxuoeax anoxdml ox sxapom AxosxAxadns gO Axal xeAe sasu (z°

smaxsKs uoxxemxogux Aboxouuoax xol xxsl p

pue Toouos xog suexdabuex— buox sxuamaxdmx pue sdoxaAap (x'

uor xonxxsu l pue mnxnor xxno uoxxua ox

smas s uor xemxogu l pue‘ suor xeor unmmooaxax

‘ Kboxouuoax sash (x°Axessaoau se sdaxs uoxxoe mau

bu l xexnmxog pue sxuamxsnfpe bu l xem‘ sal xlAl xoe go ssaxboxd

aux sassasse pue sxoxr uom pue a xoadsxadsmaxsKS e sal xdde (M'

saxxoaux xeuol xe z l uebxo go suoxxeol xddexeol xoexdBu l sn se O O l baxexxs usr xdmoooe ox sassaooxdpue suexdxeuol xexado sxuamaxdmx pue sas eue

‘SdoxaAap (A


xuamanoxdml xoouos xog suol xeoxxdm l xxaux azfixeue ox exep

otudexbomap pue‘

uoxeasax xueAaxax ‘ saoxxoexdxsaq sal pnxs (n'

smexboxd{oouos ssasse pue uexdoxexep aAI xexxxuenb pue aAr xexl xenb bu r su Aq sxenp l pu l pue

‘ suor xe z xuebxo‘ smaxsKs xog ssaooxdabueuo aux saxexxxxoeg (x


g gexs xog suexdxuawdoxaAap -gxas go uol xexnmxog

aux u r xuamssasse pue sar baxexxs buxuxeax xxnpe saxexodxoouxpue xuamdoxaAap xeuoissagoxd xog spaau sal g l xuap l (s

° axa nO xeuol xeonpa aAl snxou l ue saxomoxd (a'

smexboxdToouosssasse pue nexdox exep aAl xexxxuenb pue aAl xexr xenb sasn (0

° 5u l uxeax pue buxuoeax ao dmI ox

sxapom Axosl adns go Axal xeAe saxexodxoou I pue saol xoexdxsaq pue smexboxdxeuoxxonxxsu l xxoddns ox saoxnosax sasn (a


xuamao dml snonu l xuoo

xog smexboxdxexnol xxnoexxxa pue‘I Q I RO I J I H O— OO

‘ xexnol xxno

go uor xenxeAa pue‘ uoxxexuamaxdwl ‘ UOxsap aux saxexl xl oeg (o


sp xepuexs



inc lud i ng the r ig ht t o an i ndependent evaluat ion andthe use

of t hat evaluat ion by the student 's IEP team .

C ) analyz es commun i ty andd i st r i c t power st ruc tu res andi dent i f ies maj or Op in i on leade r s andt he i r re lat ionsh ips to

school goals andprog rams .

D ) i dent i f ies andanalyzes t he maj or sou rces of f i scal andnon—f i scal resour ces for schools

E ) deve lops and implements an e f fec t ive staf f commun i cat ion

plan andpub l i c re lat i ons prog ram .

F ) ar t i culates the d i st r i ct 's or school '

s v i si on,m i ssi on, andpr i or i t ies to the commun i ty andmed ia andunde r stands how to

bu i l d commun i ty suppor t for the d i st r i c t 's or school '


pr i or i t ies andprog rams .

Act ing w i t h Integ r i ty,Fai rness, and i n an Et h i cal Manne r T he

compe tent .adm in i st rator is an educat i onal leader who promotes the

success Of al l student s by act ing w i t h integ r i ty,fai rness,andi n an

et h i cal manne r .

1 ) Knowledge Ind i cat ors T he compe tent pr i nc i pal

A) unde r stands the purpose Of educat i on and the r ole of

leadersh i p in mode rn soc iet y .

B ) recogn i z es var i ous et h i cal f rameworks andpe r spec t i ves on

e t h i cs .

C ) unde rstands the values andchal lenges Of the d i ve r se school

commun i t y .

D ) is aware of professi onal codes of e t h i cs .

2) Pe r formance Ind i cators T he compe tent pr inc i pal

A ) analyz es a school 's prob lems w i t h an unde rstand ing of maj or

h i stor i cal,ph i losoph i cal, e t h i cal, soc ial, andeconom i c

inf luences i n a democ rat i c soc ie ty .

B ) man i fest s a professi onal code Of e t h i cs andvalues .

C ) bases dec i si ons on the moral andet h i cal impl i cat i ons Of

pol i cy Opt i ons andpol i t i cal st rateg ies .

D ) promotes the values andchal leng es of the d ive r se school

commun i ty .

E ) commun i cates e f fect ive ly w i t h var ious cu l tu ral, e t hn i c,rac ial, andspec ial i nte rest g r oups andot her d ive rse

populat i ons in the commun i ty .

F ) t reat s people fai r ly,equ i tably andw i t h d ign i ty andrespec t

andprotect s the r i g hts andconf i dent ial i ty of ot he r s .

G ) encou rag es ot he rs i n the school commun i ty to demonst rate

i nteg r i ty andexe r c i se e t h i cal behav i or .

T he Pol i t i cal,Soc ial,Econom i c,Legal andCul tural Contex t T he


school adm in i st rat or is an educat i onal leade r who promotes

the success Of al l students by unde r stand ing, respond ing t o, andi nf luenc ing the large r pol i t i cal, soc ial, econom i c, legal, andcul tural contex t .

1 ) Knowledge I nd i cator s T he competent pr i nc ipal

A ) comprehends pr inc iples of representat ive governance t hat

t he



Sec t i on Supe r intendent

Each cand i date for the super in tendent's endor sement shal l be requ i red to mee t

standar ds se t for t h i n t h i s Sec t i on i n add i t i on to t hose set for t h in

Sec t i on Of t h i s Par t .

a) Fac i l i tat i ng a Vi si on Of Educat i onal Exce l lence T he compe tent school

supe r int endent is an educat ional leade r who promotes the success of

al l st udents by fac i l i tat ing the development, ar t i culat ion,

B )

C )

D )

E )

F )

G )

H )

I )

unde r g i rdthe system of Ame r i can schools .

recogn i z es the role Of publ i c educat i on i n develop i ng andrenew ing a democ rat i c soc i e ty andan econom i cal ly produc t ive

nat i on .

unde r stands t he law as re lated to educat ion .

unde r stands S tate andfede ral requ i rements regar d ing the

least rest r i c t ive env i r onment (i nc lud ing placement based on

the st udent 's Ind i v i dual i z ed Educat i on Prog ram (IEP ) or

Ind iv i dual i z ed Fam i ly Se rv i ce Plan (IFSP ) ) for student s f rom

b i r t h t hroug h 21 year s Of ag e .

has knowledge of t he pol i t i cal, soc ial, cul tural, andeconom i c systems andprocesses .

unde rstands mode l s andst rateg ies of chang e andconf l i c tresolu t ion as appl ied to the lar g er pol i t i cal, soc ial,cul tu ral,andeconomi c cont ext s of school i ng .

knows abou t g lobal i ssues andfor ces af fec t ing teach i ng andlearn ing .

recogn i zes the dynam i cs of pol icy deve lopment andadvocacy

unde r our democ rat i c pol i t i cal system .

unde rstands federal, S tate and local stat utory andreg ulat ory prov i s i ons as we l l as j ud i c ial dec i si ons

gove rn i ng educat ion .

Pe r formance I nd i cators T he compe tent pr i nc i pal


B )

C )

D )

E )

F )

G )

cons ider s the g ene ral charac te r i st i cs of i n ternal andex ternal pol i t i cal systems as t hey apply to school se t t ings .

i nf luences policy deve lopment at the fede ral, State,d i st r i c t,andschool—si te leve l .

appl ies knowledge Of common legal andcont rac tual

requ i rement s and'

p r ocedur es i n an educat i onal se t t i ng .

analyz es appropr iat e proce du res and re lat ionsh i ps for

wor k ing w i t h local gove rn i ng boar ds

develops l i nes Of commun i cat i on wit h dec i s i on make r s ou t si de

the school commun i ty .

f rames,analyz es,andresolves problems usi ng _model s andst rateg ies of change andconf l i c t resolu t i on as appl ied to

the lar g e r pol i t i cal, soc ial, cu l tu ral, and econom i c

cont ex t s Of school ing .

bases dec i si ons on the moral ande t h i cal impl i cat i ons of

pol i cy Opt ions and-pol i t i cal st rateg i es .

axemlxo e doxaAap xeux SG I QIAIJOP up sa6e6ua pue saxexl xxoeg (V

xuapuaxu l xadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxogxaa (z


' Kxoaux buxuxeax

xxnpe pue sxapom xuamdoxaAap {euoxssagoxd spuexsxapun (H° aouemxogxad.sxuapnxs bu r xenxeAa

pue Buxssasse xog spouxam go Kxal xeA e spuexsxapun (s°mex60xdxeuol xonxxsut

pue buxuxeax aux aoueuua xeux sxuapnxs pue‘ggexs

‘ sxoxexxsxu rmpe xog suoxxeolxdde Kfioxouuoax spuexsxapun (g‘

uol xonxxsux oxdtusuoxxexaxxr aux pue ” saxxoaux bu l uxeax pue uol xxufioo spuexsxapun (g


sassauxeam pue suxbuaxxs axqexedwoo xl aux pue

saxboxopouxam uoxeasax xeuol xeonpa go Kxal xeAe spuexsxapun (q°

ssaooxdabueuo xeuoxxeonpa aux Spuexsxapun (3‘ aouemxog xads,g gexs pue l


ox salxdde xx se axeml xo {oouos go xdaouoo aux spuexsxapun (g‘ mexboxdxeuol xonxxsu l

pue xuamuoxlAua xoouos aux ox uoxxeolxdde xl aux pue

xuamdoxaAap pue uxmoxb uemnu go saxdr ou l xdaux spuexsxapun (w

xuapuaxu lxadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeor pux abpaxmoux (I'

xuamdoxaAap xeuoxssagoxdpue ‘Axoaux Bu r uoeax pue

buxuxeax‘xuamdoxanap mnxnol xxno go saxdl oulxdpunos Kxxeuol xeonpa

uodn paseg mexboxdxeuolxonxxsux ue pue xuamuoxrAua bu l uxeaxBu l xdml Xxxuexsuoo e Bu l xnxxnu pue bu l e OApe Aq sxuapnxs xxe

go ssaoons aux saxomoxdoum xapeax Ieuoxxeonpa ue s; xuapuaxu l xadns{oouos xuaxadmoo aux mexboxa xeuoxxonxxsux pue xuamuoxxAug bu r uxeaq

°Axxexn6ax suexduoxxexuamaxdmx pue‘ sxeob

‘o ssrm ‘ UO I SIAs,xol xxs r p aux asa x pue‘axenxeAa

‘ xoxr uom xeux saxxxAxxoe u p sabebua pue saxexl xxoeg (q‘

SIE OD pue‘ uoxssxm

‘ HO I SIAs,xol xxsl p auxaz l xeax ox saoxnosax xe r xaxem pue

‘ uemnu‘

xexoueuxg az xuebxo

pue u r exqo xeux saxxxnxxoe u; sabebua pue saxexl xxoeg (x°

sxe06 puel uor ssgm

‘ UO I S IAaux buxnaxuoe ox sxal xxeq ssaxppe pue‘ Kg r xeto

‘4xr xuap x neun saI xIAI xoe u? safiefiua pue 9 849 1 ¥ I ¥09 3 (r° 5uxuxeax .

sxuap nxs ox paxu rx pue paxexnoxxxe Kxxeaxo

axe sxeob pue‘ uor ssxm ‘ HOI S IA s,xoxxxsl p aux aAaluoe

ox saxbaxexxs pue saAl xoafqo uoxum ur nexduoxxexuamaxdmxue doxaAap xeux saxxxn gxoe u r sabebua pue saxexxxroeg (I



pue‘ UO I SSIm ‘ uol sxAs,xoxxxs l p aux p xemox ssaxboxdssasse

ox ‘ aouemxogxadxuapnxs UO exep bu l pnxou l‘ uoxxemxogu l

go Kxal xeA e go srs eue pue uol xez xuebxo‘ uor xoaxxoo

aux xoag g e xeux sal xxAl xoe u l sa6e5ua pue saxexr xl oeg (H°

sdnox6 pue sxenp r nxpu r xog uol xoaxl p

pue asodxndadeus xeux sxeob pue‘ uoxsslm ‘ UOI SIAxuamaxdml

pue mxog xeux saxxl xoe ux sabebua pue saxexxxl oeg (9‘

sxeob pue‘ uol sslm ‘ UOI S IAs,xol xxs l p aux az l xeax ox



suol xoe pue‘ snexd‘ saloxxodl smexboxdIeuor xeonpa xuamaxdmx

pue mxog xeux sal xxn lxoe ar sabebua pue saxexr xl oeg (g°

sxeob pue‘ uol ssxw ‘ UO I S IA

s,xol xxsxp aux aAaluoe ox suoxxoe saxex pue saxeol unmmoo

AxaAl xoag ga pue xor xxsl p xoouos aux go sgarxaq axOO {apom

pue axexnol xxe xeux sal xIAxxoe u ; sabebua pue saxexlxloeg'

sxaqmam Axl unmmoopue

‘ sxuaxed ‘ sxaqmam pxeoq- 'sxoxexxsl u lmpe


ggexs xxoddns ‘ sxauoeax buome sxeob pue UO I S IA doxaAapAtaAr xexoqexxOO xeux sal xxAI xoe u l sabebua pue saxexr xxoeg (a°Axl unmmoo {oouos aux goAxl sxaAl p aux bu l xoaxgax sal xlAl xoexexlml s pue

'saxxoxs‘ saxuomaxao ‘ sxoq s go asn aux

ubnoxux axeml xo pue axnxxno buxmxog xad—ubxu pue buxxnxxnu

e xxoddns xeux sarxl xoe u ; sa6e6ua pue saxexl xxoeg (3'

ggexs pue

sxuapnxs {Te xog aouaxxaoxa pue xobxx oxmapeoe axe l xdoxddeaxomoxdxeux saxxl xoe u p sabebua pue saxexl xloeg


xxaxuoo xexnxxno pue



xe looslxeol xlxodxabxex aux burouanxgux

pue‘ Ox bq uodsax ‘ buxpuexsxapun Aq sxuapnxs T I? go ssaoons

aux axomoxdxeux saxxxAlxoe u p sa6ebua pue saxexl xloeg (v

xuapuaxuxxadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeol pux aouemxogxad (z‘

SIE OD pue‘ uol ssxm '

HOI S IAs .xoxxxsl p aux go uol xe z l xeax aux xxoddns pue xuamaxdmlox papaau saoxnosax Iexoueuxg pue uemnu spuexsxapun (p


uoxxenxeAa pue

xuamssasse Ieuol xeonpa. go sarxoaux pue smas s spuexsxapun (I'

sal xxunoo

1 9 9 30 909 VSfl 9 9 1 UP 001 39 3 09 3 30 SUC I l I PQ I J IQO I QI IOdpue

Ieoludosoxlud ‘xexom

' ‘

xeol xoxsxu aux Spuexsxapun (H‘


uol xe l xobau pue bu l pxr nq—snsuasuoo aAr xoag ga spuexsxapun (3°Axxunmmoo aux pue

‘ sxuapnxsl sxuaxed

g gexs‘ uol xeonpa go pxeoq aux ox sxeob pue

‘ seap r‘ snexd

buxxeol unmmoo xog expam-pue stauueuo axe l xdoxdde spuexsxapun (g


sal baxexxs sxsflxeue

exep pue‘ uol xoaxxoo exep

‘ saoxnos uor xemxogux spuexsxapun (a°dlusxapeax xeuol xeonpa

pue Ieuoxxez luebxo no uoxeasax pue go sal xoaux spuexsxapun (a°

saexdmxax—buox buxxenxeAapue

l bu l xuamaxdmr ‘ 5uxdoxaAap go saxdl ou l xdaux spuexsxapun (3° 6uxuxeax

pue buxqoeax go sar boxopouxam pue sal xoaux spuexsxapun (g' Kxaloos

OI QS I xexnxde u ; sdnoxb xuaxag gxp go spaau aux spuexsxapun (V

xuapuaxu l xadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux abpaxmoux (x'Axl unmmoo Toouos aux Kq paxxoddns pue paxeus sx xeux

aouaxxaoxa Ieuol xeonpa go uolst n e gO dluspxemaxs pue‘uor xexuamaxdmx

B )

C )

D )

E )

F )

G )

H )

I )

J )

K )

L )


N )




t hat is suppor t ive of cont inuous improvement of the

i nst ruct i onal prog ram .

fac i l i tates'


engages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat apply the

pr inc i ples Of human g r owt h anddevelopment .

fac i l i tates andengages i n act iv i t ies t hat syst emat i cal ly

des ign and implement procedu res -and i nst rument s for

evaluat ing the i nst r uc t ional prog ram .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t i es t hat systemat i cal ly

suppor t staff development to enhance the learn ingenv i ronment andt he i nst ruc t ional prog ram .

fac i l i tates_ andengages i n act iv i t ies t hat use best

pract i ces andsound educat i onal research to i nform changes

i n i nst ruct ional prac t i ces andcur r i cular mate r ials .

fac i l i tates andengages‘

i n ac t iv i t ies t hat promote

ref lec t ive prac t i ces among adm in ist rat or s, teache r s,andstaf f .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat promote an

env i ronment t hat encourages respons ib le r i sk-tak i ng .

fac i l i tates andengages i n act iv i t ies t hat prov i de a c l imate

i n wh i ch t reatment of all i nd iv i duals w i t h respec t,d i gn i t y,andfai rness is valued .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat promote the

appropr iate use Of technolog y to enhance student s ' learn ingandprofess i onals '

g rowt h .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat promote h ig h

expec tat i ons for se l f,staf f,andstudents .

fac i l i tates andengag es i n ac t iv i t ies t hat deal w i t h the

amb igu i ty andunce r tai nty t hat accompan ies the changeprocess .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat resul t in

systemat i c assessment Of and response to i nd i v i dualstudent s

' academ i c pe r formance, repor t ing on t hat

per formance,andevaluat ion Of the i nst ruct ional prog ram .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat connec t

educat ional standar ds t o the inst ruc t ional prog ram .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat coor d inated ist r i c t staf f andou tsi de agenc i es i n de term in ing andenforc ing educat i onal standar ds .

fac i l i tates andengag es i n act i v i t ies t hat foste r l i felonglearn i ng .

Management T he compe tent school‘

supe r intendent is an educat i onal

leader who ,p romot es the success Of all student s by ensu r ing managementof the organ i zat ion,Ope rat i ons,andresou rces for a safe,ef f i c ient,andef fec t ive learn ing env i ronment .

1 ) Knowledg e Ind i cator s T he competent super intendent

A) has knowledg e andunder stand ing Of a var ie ty of pract i cesandmode l s for the management Of t he school d i st r i c t as anor gan i zat ional system .



C )

D )

G )

has knowledge andunde rstand ing of pr i nc iples Of human

resou r ce management and deve lopment to maxim i ze the

e f fec t i veness of al l const i tuent s of t he school d i st r i c t .

has knowledg e andunder stand i ng Of pract i ces,pol i c ies, andprocedu res for Ope rat ing andmai ntai n ing the school

d i st r i c t 's fac i l i t i es,equ ipment,andaux i l iary serv ices .

has knowledge andunder stand ing Of pr inc iples of f i nanc ial

plann i ng andmanagement for ef f i c ient f i scal Operat ion i n

suppor t of t he School d i st r i c t 's v i s ion,m i ssion,andg oals .

has knowledge andunde rstand i ng of school d i st r i c ts '

Ope rat i onal pol i c ies andproce du res t hat enhance student

learn i ng .

has knowledge andunde r stand ing of prac t i ces andprocedu res

t o ensu re safe andsecu re schools f or student s,parent s,staf f,andcommun i ty membe rs .

has knowledg e '

andunde r stand i ng Of pract i ces andprocedu res

to ensu re t hat school d i st r i c t s ' manag ement func t i ons ar esuppor ted by cu r rent technolog ies .

Per formance I nd i cator s T he compe tent supe r intendent


B )

C )

D )

E )

F )

G )

fac i l i tat es andengages i n ac t i v i t i es t hat use core

organ i zat ional processes (i nclud i ng plann i ng,commun i cat ion,dec i si on mak ing, prob lem solv ing, and informat i on

management ) for Ope rat ional e f fec t iveness andorgan i zat ionaldeve lopment .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t ivit ies t hat empower al l

const i t uents of t he school d i st r i c t staf f,students,andparents ) as leaders to suppor t change ef f or t s t hr oug h

the use Of de legat i on, col laborat i on, and col leg ial

st rateg i es .

fac i l i tates and engag es i n act iv i t i es t hat employ

supe rv i sory andper formance apprai sal t echn i ques to'


anddevelop the knowledge andsk i l ls O f inst ruc t ional andnon— i nst r uc t i onal staf f .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat suppor t andfac i l i tate profess i onal deve lopment ac t i v i t ies for al l

const i tuent s Of the school d i st r i c t, focusi ng on the

improvement of teach ing andlearn i ng out comes

fac i l i tates andengag es i n ac t iv i t ies t hat use core human

resou r ce processes (i nclud ing recr u i tment, select ion,i nduc t i on,andnegot iat i on ) to suppor t an e f fect i ve learn ing

env i ronment .

fac i l i tates andengages i n act iv i t i es t hat ensu re the

phys i cal plant is access i ble,we l l mai ntained,func t ional,secu r e,andconduc ive to the suppor t Of the ful l range O f

the school d i st r i c t 's cu r r i cular and ex t racu r r i cular

prog rams .

fac i l i tates andengag es i n ac t i v i t ies t hat prov i de ef f i c ient

del ivery of core aux i l iary se rv i ces (i nc lud i ng heal th and


teuoxxeonpa go Axanxxap axomoxd ox suor xez luefixopue suosxadgo Kxal xeA e uxtm sdrusxauxxedxeuoxxeonpaxaxsog xeux saxxtAxxoe u p sabebua pue saxexxxt oeg


snsuasuoo pxa oxAxl q e

aux axexxsuomap xeux sar xlAl xoe ul sa6e5ua pue saxexxxr oeg°


xuamao dmx {oouos u ; Axl unmmoo pue uotxezxuefixo xoouos

aux BAIOAUI xeux sar xxn xxoe u p sa6e6ua pue saxexlxxoeg'

sxapxouaxexs SHO I J EApue xoxxxst p aux uaamxaq

xor xguoo axerpam xeux saxxl xoe ur sabebua pue saxextxxoeg'

epuaxagax pue bu t pung xoouos xnoqe Axtunmmooaux axeonpa xeux sal xl xoe ul sa6e6ua pue saxextxloeg

° 6u l xem uol sl oap s,xoxxxsl p aux up xuamuoxrAuaKxxunmmoo aux u luxr n sxsaxaxu l Ieoxxr xodSDOIJ EAxap lsuoo

pue Ag t xuapx xeux salxxAtxoe u p sabebua pue saxexxxl oeg'

SI I I XS,dIuSJapeeI

dnoxfiaxexxsuomap xeux sar xlAl xoe u; sabe6na pue saxexxxloeg°

sxxr xs buxuaxsl x Iemxogut pue {emxogaxexxsuomap xeux saxxrAr xoe u; sa6e6ua pue saxexxxloeg

° Kxxngaoxog pue Kxxeaxo

uaxods pue uaxxxxm axe xeux xol xxsl p aux moxg suol xeol unmmoo

apxnoxd xeux sat xrAtxoe ux sa6e6ua pue saxexxxl oeg'


axdl xxnm moxg uol xemxogux xemxogu r pue xemxog go AxalxeAe Buxz xuebxo pue bu l xoaxxoo Kq buxxem uol stoap s,xoxxxsxpaux mxogul xeux sar xtAxxoe ux sabebua pue saxextxloeg

l unmmoo aux

xnoubnoxux suolxez r uebxo pue sxenp t put uxlm uoxxeol unmmoo

aAl xoag ga ap l xdxeux sal xlAl xoe u; sa6e5ua pue saxexl xxoeg‘

saIxIJOIJds .xO¥JxSI p

aux xog xxoddns Axxunmmoo pxlnq Ox SII IXS pue saxnxonxxs

xeoxxl xodasn xeux saxxlAl xoe u; sabebua pue saxexlxloeg°

sxapxouaxexs axdg xxnmox sxeob pue

‘ uot sstm‘ UO I SIA s,xor xxsl p aux axexnol xxe

Axxeaxo xeux sal xlAt xoe u ; sabebua pue saxextxtoeg

xuapuaxu l xadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeoxpux aouemxogxaa‘saxexado waxsKs {eolxl xodaux Mou pue stoouos

go axnxeu xeoxxxxodaux go bu l puexsxapun pue abpaxmoux seu'

uoxxeonpa xaub tu

pue‘ saxouabe xuamuxaAOB ‘ Sdnoxb Axxunmmoo "SB SSB UIa

‘ sal xlmeg pue sxoouos xoxxxsxp uaamxaq sdlusxauxxedgo sxapom Ingssaoons go buxpuexsxapun pue a5paxnoux seu

Ioouos aux go uot ssr m

aux pue Axl unmmoo xoouos aux xoag ge xxxexxuaxodxeux spuaxx

pue sanss t buxbxama go bu l puexsxapun pue aspaxmoux seu°

sassaooxdpue sal baxexxs bu l xaxxem pue suoxxexax

Axl unmmOO-xoouos go Burpuexsxapun pue abpaxmoux seu





















301 1 33 ¥P 1 00909 aux 30

sxeob pue‘ uoxssxm ‘ UOISIAaux xxoddns xeux SB OIAI B S ap gaoxd

xeux saoxnosax Axlunmmoo go bu l puexsxapun pue abpaxmoux seu°

l unmmoo aux goAxlsxaAr p atmouooa—Oxoospue

‘ snot bxxax‘ O t xsxnbu l r

‘ ol uuxa‘Iexoex aux go soxmeuxp

pue suoxxxpuoo aux go bu tpuexsxapun pue abpaxmoux seu'Axlunmmoo aux u ruxxm suol xe z l uebxo go saaxoxdma

pue‘ sxaKedxex xauxo

‘q apnxs

‘xuamuxaAob Axunoo pue

xeoox‘ suor xez l uebxo aOtAxas ‘ Kxxsnpu l pue ssaula ‘ sdnoxb

snoxfilxax ‘ sxuaxedox paxlmlx xou S I a sapnxou r HOEHM

l xunmmoo Ioouos aux asl xdmoo xeux sdnoxfi.sxapxouaxexs

axdtxxnm aux go Buxpuexsxapun pue abpaxmoux seu




xuapuaxulxadns xuaxadmoo aux sxoxeor pux abpaxmoux (I°

saoxnosax Kxxunmmoo

buxz txlqom pue spaan pue sxsaxaxuxAxl unmmoo asxaAtp ox bu l puodsax‘ sxaqmam Axxunmmoo pue saxxxweg uxlm bulxexoqetxoo Aq sxuapnxs I I?

go ssaoons aux saxomoxdoum xapeax xeuol xeonpa ue st xuapuaxulxadnsxoouos xuaxadmoo aux salxxunmmo3 pue sal xlmeg uxxm uol xexoq IO3


xuama6euem xolxxslp Ioouos u p Aboxouuoax go asn

xuat oxgga pue a xonpoxdaux axnsua ox maa x pue buxuxexxbuxobuo ap oxdxeux saxxtAxxoe u ; sabefiua pue saxexl xloeg

° Kboxouuoax bursn pao dmr aq ueo xeux suolxoung xuamabeuem

Ag rxuapx xeux saxxrAtxoe u p sabebua pue saxexlxr oeg° 5uxuxeax xuapnxs xaxsog xeux

sxuamuoxxAua xoouos buiseaxdKxxeol xauxsa pue‘ ueaxo

‘ ages‘axnoas uxexutem xeux satxtnxxoe uisa6e6ua pue saxexxxtoeg

‘ Kta xoag ga pue‘ Kxxualotg ga

'&Iages‘ Kxaxnoas smaxsKs xxoddns pue

'xuamdxnba '

xuexdxoouos axexado xeux saxxxAtxoe u r sa5e6ua pue saxexxxtoeg

SIE OD bua tuoe ox a xexax Kxxrxqexunoooe

axebaxap pue‘ suol xoung ufixsse ‘

satox au l gap ox sanb tuuoax

xuamabeuem asn xeux sal xlAr xoe u; sa6e6ua pue saxexlxtoeg°

uoxxexuamaxdmlAotxod axnsua ox smas s bulxoxruom teuol xe z ruebxo

asn xeux satxtAl xoe ur sa6e6ua pue saxexxxxoeg'sxe06 pue

( uoxsslm‘ uoxsxn S,xol xxsl p

toouos go xxoddns u ; saxnpaooxdpue suexd[euoxxexadoaxeaxo xeux sal xlnxxoe ux sebabna pue saxexxxxoeg

(bu l xoxl uom

pue‘6u r xunoooe

‘xuamaxnooxd( bu l xabp nq

l bu l uuexdbu l pnxou l )sassaooxdxuamabeuem {e loueuxg axoo ubnoxux saoxnosax

xeosxg az tmtxem xeux satxl xoe U I sabebua pue saxexxxloeg°

sal xr xol xdIeOB pue se B

s,xorxxsl p Toouos aux ox Buxp xoooe uoxxeooxxe xuanbasqns xog

maux axxnboe pue saoxnosax pue sxasse xe t xaxem pue . xe roueuxgKgxxuap l xeux sal xl xoe u p sa6e6ua pue saxexrxxoeg

-(l xnoas

Ioouos pue‘xuamabeuem xsl x

‘ uolxexxodsuexxdnd'uoxxlxxnu












Knowledge Of Laws,Regulat ions andP rofessi onal Et h i cs T he competent

school super i ntendent is an educat i onal leader who promotes the

success of all students by under stand ing andapply ing knowledge Of

laws,regulat ions,andprofessi onal et h i cs related t o schools andch i l dren .

1 ) Knowledg e I nd i cat or s T he competent supe r i ntendent

A ) has knowledg e and'

under stand ing of cur rent legal,regu lat or y,andet h i cal i ssues af fect ing educat ion .

B ) has knowledge andunder stand ing of the legal r i g ht s'

andresponsi b i l i t ies of st udents,staf f,andpar ent s/guardians .

C ) has knowledge andunder stand i ng of fede ral andState

educat ion laws andregulat ions .

D ) has knowle dge andunde r stand ing Of the legal aspec ts of

school adm in i st rat i on .

E ) has knowle dge andunder standi ng of the system of pub l i c

school g overnance i n I l l ino is .

F ) has knowledge -andunder stand ing Of the r eSpon sibilitieS andfunc t ions Of school comm i t tees andboar ds . _

G ) has knowledge and under stand ing Of‘

procedu res for

formulat ing andimplement i ng boar d pol i c ies andOperat ingprocedu res .

H ) has knowledge andunder stand i ng of the moral andet h i cal

responsib i l i t ies of schools andmembers of the school

commun i ty .

I ) has knowledge andunderstand ing of how to estab l i sh andimplement pol i c ies t hat promote et h i cal behav i or andh i g h

profess i onal standar ds'

t hr oug h col laborat i on.

w i t h

stakeholder s .

J ) has knowledge andunde r stand ing of how the I l l ino i s andU. S.

Const i tu t i ons, a d i st r i c t ‘s pol i c ies,andlaws (statutory,

common,andcase ) reg ulate the behav i or of st udents,staf f,andadm i n i st rat ors i n the schools .

K ) has knowledg e andunder stand ing of the role of publ i c

educat i on in deve lop i ng andrenew ing a democ rat i c soc ie ty

andan economically '

p rOductive nat ion ;

L ) has knowledge andunder stand ing of mode ls andst rateg ies of

change andconf l i c t resolu t i on as appl ied to schools .

2) Per formance Ind i cator s T he compe tent supe r intendent

A ) fac i l i tates and'

engages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat ensure an

ongo ing d ialogue w i t h andamong representat i ves of d i ve r se

commun ity g r oups .

B ) fac i l i tates andengages i n act iv i t ies t hat lead the school“

commun i ty to Operate wit h in the f ramewor k Of pol i c ies,laws,and regu lat ions enacted by local, State, andfederal

aut hor i t ies andprofess i onal et h i cal standar ds .

C ) fac i l i tates andengages i n act iv i t ies t hat foster a

board/superin tendent work ing relat ionsh ip t hat promotes andac tual i zes the d i st r i c t '

s v i si on,m i ssi ons,andgoals .



fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat shape publicpol i cy to prov i de h ig h

—qual i t y education ' for students.

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat prov i de c lear

d ist inc t i ons between boar d pol i c ies and Operat ingprocedu res .

fac i l i tates andengages i n ac t i v i t ies t hat base dec isi ons on

t he legal,moral,ande t h i cal impl i cat ions of pol i cy Opt i ons

andpol i t i cal st rateg ies .

fac i l i tates and engages i n ac t iv i t ies t hat C reate a

col laborat ive relat ionsh i p w i t h staf f to implement pol i c ies

t o promote behav ior andprofess i onal prac t i ces cons i stent

w i t h h ig h e t h i cal standar ds .




CHAPTER 1 3 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Col laborat i ve Re lat i onsh i psSUBCHAPTER b = PERSONNEL Ref lec t ion andP rofessi onal Growt h

P rofess i onal Conduc t andLeade r sh ipPART 26

STANDARDS FOR CERTIFICATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND IN“ AUTHORITY : Implement i ng Ar t i cle 21 andau t hor i zed by Sec t i on 2 of theELEMENTARY EDUCATION School Code [1 05 ILCS 5/Ar t . 21 and2


SUBPART A: STANDARDS FOR CERTIFICATION IN EARLY CHILDHOODPurpose andEf fec t i ve Dates Of S tandar ds i n Subpar t A EDUCATIONCur r i culum : General

Cur r i cu lum : Eng l ish Language Ar t s Sec t ion Pu rpose andEf fec t i ve Dates of Standar ds i n Subpar t ACu r r i culum : Mat hemat i cs

Cu r r i culum : Sc ience

Cur r i culum : Soc ial Sc ience

Cur r i culum : Phys i cal Deve lopment andHeal t hCur r i culum : F ine Ar ts

Human Deve lopment andLear n ingD i vers i ty

Plann ing for Inst ruc t ion

Learn ing Env i ronment

Inst ruc t i onal Del i ve ry

Commun i cat i on


Col laborat i ve Re lat i onsh ips

Ref lec t i on andP rofessi onal Growt h

Profess i onal Conduct andLeader sh i p


Purpose andEf fec t ive Dates of S tandar ds i n Subpar t BCur r i culum

Cu r r i culum : Eng l i sh Language Ar t sCu r r i culum : Mat hemat i cs

Cur r i culum : Sc i ence

Cu r r i cu lum : Soc ial Sc ience

Cur r i culum : Physi cal Development andHeal t hCu r riculumz‘

F ine Ar ts

Human Deve lopment andLear n i ngD iversi ty

Plann ing for Inst ruc t ionLearn i ng Env i ronment

Inst ruc t i onal Del ivery

Th i s Subpar t A establ i shes the standar ds t hat, toge t her w i t h the standar ds set

for t h in Standar ds for Al l I l l i no i s Teache rs (see 23 I l l . Adm . Code shal l

apply to the i ssuance of teach ing ce r t i f i cates i n ear ly ch i l dhood educat i on

pur suant to Ar t i c le 21 of the School Code [1 05 ILCS S/Ar t . T he standar ds

set for t h i n t h i s Subpar t A shal l apply bot h to cand i dates for ce r t i f i cat i on i n

ear ly ch i l dhood educat i on andto the prog rams t hat prepare t hem . That isa) beg i nn i ng July 1 ,2003,approval of an y teacher preparat ion prog ram or

cou r se of study in ear ly ch i l dhood educat ion pu r suant to the State

Boar d 's r ules for Ce r t i f i cat ion (23 I l l . Adm . Cdde 25,Subpar t C )

shal l be based on the cong ruence of t hat prog ram's or course '


cont ent w i t h the standar ds i dent i f ied in t h i s Subpar t A ; andb ) beginn ing Ju ly 1 ,2004,the exam inat i on (s ) requ i red for i ssuance of a

ce r t i f i cate i n ear ly ch i l dhood educat i on shal l be based on the

standar ds i dent i f ied in t h i s Subpar t A .

The competent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r unde r stands anddemonst rates the cent ral

concept s,t ools of i nqu i ry,andst ruct u res of the content areas andc reates andi nteg rates mean ing f ul learn i ng exper iences t hat deve lop ch i l d r en '

s compet ence

ac ross all deve lopmental areas andcontent areas .

a) Knowledge Ind i cat ors T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 ) demonst rates cu r rent knowledge of i nteg rated learn ing exper i ences

for ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hrough g rade t hree andunder stands the

cent ral concept s andt ools of inqu i ry in each of the fol low ingcontent areas : language andl i teracy (Eng l ish lang uage ar t s )mat hemat i cs; sc ience ; heal t h, safet y, nu t r i t ion, andmovement

(physi cal development andheal t h ) ; ar t,musi c,andd rama (f ine

ar t s ) ; andsoc ial sc ience .

2) unde rstands conceptual ly sound and‘

mean ing ful cu r r i cu lum for

ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree .

q smosfio; pagers ] ssxnpsQOJdpue ‘ S I T I ES ‘ sq ouoo spue qs 1 spun (p‘

uor qexsmnu pue uor qeqndmoo ‘ ssuss q mnu

‘q mnu oq pagers : SB I UPGOOJdpue ‘ SIT I HS

‘ sq ouoo SPUQQSIapun (g°

suor qenq r s AspK JsAs sqefir qssAu r pueI smstqozd

BAIOS ‘ sssp r Ieor qemsuqem sqeor unmmoo pue sJoIdxs 03 pssn sq ueo

qeuq (Abotouuosq pue‘ uor q r uboosz uxsqqed‘ 6u r tspom sArq ndruem

‘uqem {squem

‘ uor qemr qss ) ssuosozdde SUO I I QA spue qs 1 spun (z°


Ieor qemsuqem pueqsz spun pue sqeb r qssAu ro; ssn Aem us I ruo qeuq ssuoeoxdde Bu rAIos_msrqozdspueqsxspun (I

Jsuoesq pooup t r uo KI Jes qusqsdmoo sum SJoqeor puI‘

sfipsTmoux (e'

suor qenq r s go q r JeA9 uiS I T I E S Bu r xu ruq Ieor qemsuqem gonz qsuoo

pue‘qszdfsqu r ‘ t ds Asuq se saxuq spexfioq uqxr q moz; uszp t r uo go ssr q r t r qe

sun ssqomOJd pue te r qssre pue‘ q t r qeqozd‘ sor qsr qeqs

‘qusmsz nsesm

‘Az qsmosfi‘ ssuss q mnu ‘ smsq s q mnu spnTou r qo r um ‘ sor qemsuqem go sssssoozdBu r uoseszpue

l sa psQOJd‘ sq ouoo Jofem suq ssqeor unmmoo pue spueqsz spun {sor qemsuqem

go ssn suq u r Aous r or gozdssqexqsuomsp I suoesq pooup t ruoAT I QG qusqsdmoo sum

sor qemsuqew zmn tnor j zno 0€I°

9Z uor qoss

° K601 0uuosq

ubnoxuq seeor sqeor unmmoo oi-ssr q r t r qs s,us 1 p t r uo ssqomozd (6°

sesp r sqeor unmwoo pue‘ smstqoxd

aAIOS l suorissnb JsMsue on ssa os SUO I I EA moz; uor qemzogu r

ssn pue‘ sz r ueB Jo ‘ sqsoot on us I r uo Jo; ssr q r un qxoddo ssp rAOJd (8

sqxsquoo Ie r oos . pue Axe zsq r t quszsg g r p pue qsxspun

on q I r qe sun pue‘ suor qssnb oq puodssJ pue use on q r r qe

suq‘ uor sususidmoo pue uor ssnosr p

‘ sssodJ ndsnor I eAJo; Bu r xesdspue Bu r usqsr t sqomoxd qeuz ss rfisqe z qs pue S I T I ES ssqeq r t r oe; (L

° K 1 1 sodpue ‘ sreuxnof‘ szsqqsr

‘ ssr zoqs se usus ibu r q r zm go smzo; snor J eA u r paAIOAUIsuor qusAuoo bu r q r xm ssn on squspn qs Jo; ssr qr unqxoddo ssp e zd (9


s69 n6uet usqir zm pue { 9 1 0 uo paseq ssr q rAr qoeGu r sh qu r zdgo sq ouoo or seq Bu rdorsAsp ui squspnqs sqsr sse (g

' 5u r nrim pue 6u r pes 1 sAr qoexsqu rpue

psp r nslpaxeus Bu r pntou r

‘ sqze sbenbuer r ho; suq fiuome pus

u r uq qusmdoIsAsp q so; pue uor sususidmoo Bu r usqsr t pue OU I PE G I

sqomozdqeuq ssrfisqe z qs sie r xdoxdde_sbe go q r zeA e ssr rdde (p°

ssu r z ebem pue'sxsdedsmsu

l ssrfiorouque ‘u sxooq fir q" ‘ szspesz bu r uu rfisq Jo; psub r ssp sxooq

‘(uor qor guou pue uor qor g ) suooq spe z n

l sznie zsq r t s,us 1 p t r uo

go sxouqne pue ssJusb snorieA Bu r pntou r'Aoexsq r t . 5u r qomozd

Jo; ste r zsqem go q r JeA e sssn pue‘ ssqenIEAs ‘ ss r g r qusp r (g


qusmdoTsAspKoe zsq r t ar squsuodmoo sbenbuer snorieAgo uor qeibsqu r ssqom01d (z


s1 xsquoo go q r xeA9 u r bu r uesm go uor sususxdmoosqomoxd qeuiSII I XS s r sKIeue piom pue AJeIa OOA sssn (I

Jsuoesq pooup r r uo KI I QO qusqsdmoo sum sxoqeor pux souemiogisd° 5601 0uuosq



9 1 1 V abenfiueq usr rfiua



zmnt nor xxna OZI’

9Z uor qoss

ubnozuq sesp r sqeor unmmoo o; ssr q rmr qe s,us 1 p 1 r uo spue qsxspun


sesp r sqeor unmwoo

pue‘ smsmqoxd OAIOS ‘ suor qssnb z en sus 0; 8801 008 snor zeA

m0}; uor qemzogu r ssn pue‘ sz r ueB Jo ‘ sqeoot 01 mou spueqsxspun

sqxsquoo Te r sos pue K r e zsq r r qusisg g r p pueqszspun

oq Aq rmr qe suipue ‘ suor qssnb on puodssx pue use on Aq r t r qesud‘ uor sususldmoo pue uor ssnosr p

l sasodxndsnor zeAJo; bu r xesdspue bu r usqsrm sqomOJd geqissr bsqez qs pue smmr xs spueisxspun

° K 1 1 sodpue

‘ smeu 1 nof ‘ sxsqqst‘ ss rioqs se usus ‘ bu r q r zm go smzo; snor JeA

u r psAIOAu r suor qusAuoo sun 30 ssn sie ridozdde suq spueqszspun


qu r zdgo sq ouoo sissu suq puel sfienbuem

usqqr zm‘ sbenbuem { 9 1 0 Buome sdrusuor qemsz


suq spueqsxspun

° 6u r q r zm pue

bu rpesz sAr qoeisqu r pue'psp r n6

‘psxeus bu r pnmou r

‘(6u r q r 1 m pue

‘6u r pes 1‘6u r uesds ‘ 6u r usqsrm) size sfienbuem xno; su; buome pue

u r uq r m qusmdomsAsp q so; pue uor sususidmoo 5u r usqsr m pue bu r pesx

sqomoxd qeuiss r bsqexqs sqe r zdoxdde_s69 go q r J EAe spueqsxspun


ssu r z ebem

pue'SJsdedsMsu ‘ ssr bomouque

‘usxooq fir u“ l sz spesz bu r uu r bsq Jo;

psufir ssp sxooq‘ (uor qor guou pue uorior g ) sxooq ape z q

‘ sin qszsq r ms,us I ruo go Siouqne pue ssJusB SHO I I QA Bu r pnmou r

‘Aoezsq rmbu r qomoxd Jo; sme r xsqem goAqe eAe 30 sbpsrmoux ssqe z qsuomsp


(s 1 xsquoo

Te r sos u r SXIOM sfienfiuem mou) sfienfiuem go qosdse or qemfiéldsuq se Imam se £(uossds go siz ed pue sz nqon z qs sousquss )

xequfis pue { (Bu r uesm ) sor quemss'

£(sp zom go sized Ing6u r uesm

pue sp r om ) ssmsudiom £(s69 n6uem sun 30 spunos ) ssmsuoudqusmdoIsAsp Koéxsq rm u r squsuodmoo abenbuem snor J eAspueqszspun


sqxsquoo go AqsrieA9 um Bar usem go uor sususxdmoosqomoxdqeuq smmr xs sr sxr eue p JOM pue Azema QOA spueqsxspun









J suoesq poouptruoAr ies qusqsdmoo sum sxoqeor pum sbpsmmoux

“v qiedqns s ruq U ; uq ; ass sp xepueqs

suq qosmgsz uor um ssousr xsdxs DUI UJ E B I go Aqsr z eA e ssa oniqs°

ss 1 uq speifiubnoxu; uqir q mo}; us I r uo no; ssousrisdxs Bu r uxesm Ingbu r uesm

Ipunos At tenq ouoo fpsqexbsqu r ssqenTeAs pue

‘ squsmsmdmr ‘ suemd



J suoesipooup t r uoAr z es qusqsdmoo sum S loqeor pum souemzogxsd°

sp Jepue qs I CUO I SSB JOIdpus‘ sor qoe zdqssq

'ub: esss 1 qusJ Jno go bu r pueqsz spun ue ssqsz qsuomsp (E


suor qenq r s puel sq ouoo ‘ ssxusb qusxsg g r p Kusm on STT I HS bu r xu r uq

pue sbenfiuem Kmdde Asu; se ssiuq spexb ubnoxuq uqz r q moz; us T r uo go ss r q r r r qe

suq ssqomozd pue {bu r usqs r m puel bu r xesds ‘ 6u r q r xm

'6u r pes 1 u r ssAr qos Jsdpus

‘ uor qemxogu r‘ sesp r ssqeor unmmoo pue spue qszspun {usr mfiug usnzr zm pue

go ssn suq u r Kousr or goxdssqe zisuomsp Jsuoesq pooupmruoAI J E G qusqsdmoo sum




andspatial re lat i onsh i ps .

5 ) unde rstands concept s, sk i l l s, and procedu res re lated to

measu rement of at t r ibu tes such as leng t h,we i g ht,volume,andtemperature .

6) unde r stands concept s,sk i l ls,andprocedu res needed to col lec t

andanalyze data.

7) under stands concept s,sk i l ls,andprocedures related t o e xplor ingconcept s Of chance .

8) under stands anduses pat te rns andre lat ionsh ips to analyze

mat hemat i cal si tuat i ons .

Pe r formance Ind i cator s T he competent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 ) prov i des Oppor tun i t ies for st udents to apply p rob lem‘ solving

st rateg ies i n or der to i nvest igate andunde r stand mat hemat i cal

content .

2) uses'

var ious approaches (est imat ion,mental mat h,man ipu lat ivemodel ing,pat te rn recogn i t i on,andtechnology ) to assi st student s

as t hey'

explore andcommun i cate mat hemat i cal i deas, solve

problems,andi nvest i gate eve ryday si t uat ions .

3 ) prov i des Oppor t un i t ies for ch i ldren to learn andapply number,numbe r sense,computat i on andnumerat ion i n eve ryday si t uat ions .

4) prov i des oppor tun i t ies for ch i ld ren to learn andapply geomet ry

andspat ial re lat i onsh ips i n eve ryday s i t uat i ons

5 ) prov i des _oppor tun i t ies for ch i l d ren to learn andapply

measurement s such as leng t h,we ig ht,volume,andtempe ratu re in '

ever yday si t uat i ons

6) prov i des Oppor tun i t ies for ch i ld ren tolearn andapply procedu res

needed to col lec t andanalyz e data i n everyday s i tuat ions as t hey

use g raph i ng andest imat ion .

7) prov i des Oppor t un i t ies for ch i ld ren to lear n andapply concept s

Of chance in everyday s i t uat i ons .

8) prov i des Oppor tun i t i es for ch i l d ren to learn andapply pat te rns

andrelat ionsh i ps to analyze i n t he i r analysi s of eve r yday

si tuat i ons .

Sec t ion Cur r i culum : Sc ience

T he compet ent ear ly ch i ldhood teache r unde rstands the inter re lat ionsh i ps amongsc ience, technology,andsoc ie ty ; unde r stands andappl i es fundamental concept s

re lated to ear t h andspace sc ience,the l i fe sc iences,the physi cal sc iences,andt he env i ronmental sc iences ;


andpromotes the sc ient i f i c ab i l i t ies of

ch i ld ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree as t hey acqu i re new knowledge t hr ough

the use Of sc ient i f i c t h i nk ing, reason i ng,andi nqu i r y .

a) Knowledge I nd i cators T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher

1 ) understands the process of sc i ent i f i c inqu i ry andt he

i nter re lat ionsh i ps among sc ience,technology,andsoc ie ty .

2) unde r stands the pr i nc iples Of ear t h andspace sc ience, the l i fe

sc iences, andthe physi cal sc iences andt he i r i nte rconnectedness

i n eve ryday env i ronments .

Sect ion Cu r r i culum :



Soc ial Sc ience

Per f ormance Ind i cat or s T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 ) promotes andencourag es ch i ld ren 's i nnate cu r i osi ty abou t ob j ect s

andevent s, respec t for l i v i ng or gani sms,andapprec iat i on of the

env i r onment .

2) prov i des Oppor tun i t ies f or ch i l dren to conduct expe r iments,solve

prob lems,apply the sc ient i f i c process, and i ncorporate safe t y

prac t i ces du r ing all i nvest i gat ions .

3 ) implement s ac t i v i t ies t hat foste r ch i l d ren 's appl i cat i on of the

pr i nc i ples Of ear th/space, l i fe, andphysi cal sc iences andexplorat i on Of t he i r i nte r connectedness i n ever yday

env i r onment s .

T he competent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r understands the i nte r re lat i onsh ips among

the soc ial sc iences; uses h i stor i cal,. g eog raph i cal, econom i c, andpol i t i cal

concept s andmodes of i nqu i ry ; andpromotes the ab i l i t ies of ch i ldren f rom

b i r t h t hroug h g rade th ree as t hey beg i n to expe r ience,t h ink abou t, andmake

i nformed dec i si ons as member s Of a cul tu ral ly d ive r se,democ rat i c soc ie ty andinte r dependent wor ld .

a) Knowledge Ind icat ors T he compe tent ear ly childhood_t eache r1 ) under stands the basi c concept s of and i nte r re lat ionsh i ps among

the soc ial sc iences and the ways i n wh i ch geog raphy,h i story,c ivics, andeconom i cs re late to eve ry day situat ions andexpe r iences .

2) under stands geog raph i c concept s andphenomena. .

3 ) unde r stands the maj or i deas, eras, t hemes,deve lopments,andtur n ing po ints i n the h i story of Ill i no i s,the Un i ted States,andthe wor ld

4) under stands the r i g ht s andresponsi b i l i t ies Of c i t i zensh ip in the

Un i ted States

5 ) unde rstands the bas i c concepts of econom i c systems,w i t h emphasi s

on the Un i ted S tates .

6) under stands concept s re lated to the st ruc tur e andorgan i zat i on of

human soc i e t i es and re lat i onsh i ps among soc ial, econom i c,

cul tu ral,andpol i t i cal act i v i t i es andi nst i t ut i ons .

b ) Pe r formance I nd i cat ors T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher

1 ) prov i des oppor tun i t ies for ch i l d ren to deve lop beg i nn i ng

concept s,sk i l ls,andd i spos i t ions wh i ch focus on how. g eog raphy,

h i st ory, c iv i cs (par t i c i pat ion andc i t i z enshi p ) ,andeconomi cs

re late to everyday si t uat i ons andexpe r iences .

2) prov i des Oppor tun i t ies for ch i ld ren to use maps andsymbols,

Obse rve and desc r i be physi cal charac te r ist i cs Of local

commun i t ies,ande xplai n the i nte r dependence of people, places,

andreg i ons

3 ) c reat es Oppor t un i t ies for ch i l d ren to deve lop beg i nn ing

h i stor i cal concept s i nvolv i ng people, cul tu res, fam i l ies,

f ol k lore,andr elated event s .

age r xdoxdde Kmmeingmno pue At tenuamdomsAsp uBnOJug pagomozd sr pue‘ uor goung

‘guaguoo aug spue gszapun Jsuoeaq pooupmr uoAr i es gusgadmoo sum

aazuq apezb u6n01 ug ug g r q mOJ g gusm IaAap u r eJq mou spuegszspun (g° orgsuqsae pue

‘Or gsrnfiur m ‘ an rg rufioo l

Ieuor goma sg zv aura zmnmnorizno 0L1°

gz uor qoas‘

Ieroos‘Ieor sxud guamdoIaAap go esJe uoea soueuua pue

g Joddns qeuq sar g r ungxoddo bu r uzeat sp rAOJdog Mou spueqszapun (z° K rteor gsugsse pue

‘ KIIeor gsrnbu r t‘ KTaAr g r ufioo ‘ Ktreuor goms

‘ Kmteroos lAtIeor sKuddOIaAap a ug spe 1 5 u5noxug un q moxg uazpmruo mou spue gszspun (I

Jauoeaq pooup r ruo KI Jes gusgsdmoo sum sxogeor pum s6psmmoux (e°

ss1 ug spezb u5nOJug ugxrq

moi g uaJpIruo {me go gusmdoIaAsp reor sxudpue ‘Ieuor goma

‘Ie r oos


ren gos1 1 aguraug g JOddns geug sar g r un gxoddo bu r UJeaI sap rAOJdpue u zeat pue

‘dotaAsp( me g s smenp rAr pu r mou spue gsg apun nausea; pooupmruo KI I E O gusgadmoo sum

Bu r uxesq pue guam IaAsq newun 031°

9 z uor goas


sgie sug Buome

sdr usuor gemax su rmexa og nam iua Jog ssr g r un g zoddo ssp rAOJd (g° miog 1 adpue ‘

gaidxsgu r ‘ sgeazo Keu g se ‘ Kfiomouuoag Bu rpntour‘ smooq snor JeA Krdde o; US I p I I QO Jog ssr g r un gioddo sap rAOJd (p


sesp r ageor unmmoo 01 pue sgxaguoo goAgar zeAe

u r aouep pue emexp B JOIdxa og usz pmr uo Jog sar g r un g zoddo ssp rAOJd (g' or snm uBnOJug

sar gogs pue'ssouar 1 adxa ‘ seeor sgeorunmmoo pue sgxsguoo go

Age eAe u r or snm sJOtdxs oiUB Jp I IqO Jog ssr g r un gxoddo ssp rAOJd (z°

ssriogs .pue‘ saouar g adxa

‘ seap r Surgeor unmmoo Jog ageor unmmoo 01 ssssaoozd puel sanb r uuoag

‘ e r psm sJOIdxs oiuag pmruo Jog sar g rung g oddo SE PIAO Id (Inausea; pooupmruoAr ies gusgsdmoo sum sgogeorpum souemxog g aa (q


eme 1 p pue‘ souep

‘ Or snm ‘g : e IensrAgo squamama aug spue gszspun (9

' Kgar oos gussaJdpue gsedu; suor ge guassidazI r aqi pue sgie aug go drusuor getaixsgu r aug spue gszapun (g


g Je go suzom bu r mxog zadpue l bu r zxteuel 6u r geazo Jog

'Kfiomouuoag Bu r pnrou r‘ smoog SOOII QA spueg SJspun (p


smiog ir e Jaugo pue souep pue eme zp usamgaq sdrusuor gemagiagu rpue

‘ souep pue emeI p go uor suamr p {e I n g Ino sun‘ saneo pue

emeip oipagers : sme r xaqem pue‘ sanb r uuoag

‘ sgdsouoo spueg szspun (g°

smzog g Je Jsugo 03 1 9 8H PU? guam IaAaa I E OI SKQd zmnt nor zxno 09I‘

9Z 0014038pue or snm uaamgaq sdrusuor gemaz g agu r aug pue

‘ orsnm go suor suamr p

Iexn gmno sug‘ sishu og Bu r puodssipue ‘ O g 6u r uagsrt

‘ 6u r onpozdJog ste r zsgem pue

‘ ssnb r uuosg‘ sgdaouoo aug spue gszspun (z


sm1 0g ar e Jaugo pue sgie IE USIAsug ussmgaq sdrusuor qemaziaguraug pue

‘ sixe IQnS IA aug go suor suamr p Iexn g tno sug‘ siie

IensiAsug gO ste r g sqem pue‘ sanb r uuosg

‘ sgdsouoo sug spue gsxspun (IJauoeag pooupt r uoAt z ea gusgsdmoo sum sxoqeor pum sbpstmoux (e

“sir e aug u6n01 ug saAIssmsug ssada Ksug se asJug speJB ubnozug ugirq

mog g uam ruO go sar g r t r qe aug ssgomOJdpue gufir su r pue‘ K z r nbur

‘ uor geor unmmoo

Jog e r psm Azemr gdse n e TENS I A pue‘ eme zp

lor snm ‘ aouep go squamsAaruoe

saunaassoaoua go HDILON sauna GESOdOHdso sermon



sgxaguoo go Kge eAe uiaqe g sdooo pue‘ KTaAr g r sodageor unmmoo

‘ sgormguoo aAIOSOI og uag pmruo Jog sar g r unqg oddo sap IAOJd (g°

sgxaguoo go Kgar g eAe at sar g rAr goeguamaAom agomdxa og usg pmr uo Jog ssrg rung goddo ssp rAOJd (p


saor goe gdpue sgdaouoo ssaug r g teor sxudpageIaJ -ugmeau sarmdde (g‘Agages pue ug reau J r sug aouanmgur K IaArg r soduorum suorsroap

sxem pue sgdsouoo agomdxa og uaJ p I ruO Jog ssr g runqzoddo sap rAOJd (z‘ KJ n fu r pue sssutmr go gusmgeag g pue uor guaAs

sug bu r pnmou r ‘a ges pue ug teauAg r unmmoo pue‘Ieuoszadgagu r

‘IeUOSI sd go saor goe gd pue ssmdr ou r zd orseq sarmdde (I

g suoeag pooup t r uoAr ies gusgadmoo sum sgoieor pum aouemgog g sd (q° K g rAr goe Ieor sxudu r a6e6us us I ruo ag aum

sfiu r g gss um us I ruo buome saouag ag g r p sgoadsag pue spue gsg spun (9°6uraq- Imam pue ugmeau

pue sgormguoo go uor gnmosax ussmgsq dr usuor gemag aug spuegsg apun (g°

gusmdoIaAapIogom go Ag r nu r guoo pue

‘ ssfiegs ‘ ssseudaug spuegSJapun (p°

smagsKs Apoq pue ssaug r guasmgsq sdrusuor gersg g agu r pue smsgsfis Kpoq uemnu spuegsxapun (g

-Ag n fu r pue ssaummr go gusmgesg g pue uor guaAaJdaug Burpntou r

‘ Kgsges pue unmeau K g r unmmoo pue‘

Ieuosg sdzagu r'Ieuosg sdgo ssor goe gd pue ssmdr ou r gd orseq spue gsgapun (2


uor goe g agu r me t oos pue'uor ssagdxa_gmss

‘ sbusI Ieuo‘gusmfiofus ssoueuua usipmruo go bu raq— Imam

Ieuor goma pue‘me r oos

‘meor sfludaug uorum u r sKem spue gszspun (Ig suoeag pooup r ruo 5 1 1 9 8 gusgsdmoo aum sgogeor pum abpammoux (e


sg r m go Kn aub soueuus pue unmeau poob o; agnq r g guoo geqismmr xs sor goeid pue dOIaAap Kaug se ssgug ape 1 6 u6nogug ug z r q moJ g uszpmr uo

go sarg rmrqe sug sagomogdpue zsamxgs G J I T Kug resu‘ sAr goe og Iexguao squamats

se Ag rAr goe meor sxud pue gusmsAom uemnu go amo z sug spuegsg apun taagug ape 1 6

u6nogug un q mOJ g usg pmr uo go Bursq-Imsm Ie r oos pue‘Ieuor goms

‘Teor sq



go sin geu aAr suauagdmoo aug spue gsg spun g suoeag pooupmr uoAr ies guagadmoo sum


suor gn g r qsu r pue sarg rAr goe meor g rtodpue

‘Ie g n gmno ‘ ormouoos ‘

Te r oos Oi pue szaugo Oi gmas go

drusuor gemag sug puegsg apun Oinam iua Jog sar g r un g zoddo ssgeaxo°

ss 1 npsoozdpue 'uor gemgogu r

‘ sgdaouoo ageor unmmoo og Abomouuoag asn Oi pue e gep gagdiagu rpue

‘dem ‘ sz r uefigo ‘ JaugefiOiuaJpI ruo Jog sar g r un g g oddo SSp IAOJd'

8AI I am uor um u r pI JOM sug uisa JB

pue smenp rAr pu r go samo : sug pue amdoadBuome sdrusuor gemsg zagu raug sJOIdxs og usipmpuo Jog ssr g run g goddo SGp IAOJd


5 )




9 )



learn ing expe r iences

under stands how ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree d i f fe r in

t he i r deve lopment andi n t he i r approaches to learn i ng .

under stands how to suppor t“

the deve lopment andlearn ing Of

ind iv i dual ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t h ree .

understands the developmental consequencesof st ress andtr auma

on ch i l d ren andt he i r fam i l ies, i nc lud ing protect i ve fact or s andres i l ience .

unde r stands the development of mental heal t h andthe impor tance

Of suppor t ive re lat ionsh ips .

unde r stands the basi c heal t h, nu t r i t i on, andsafety needs of .

ch i l dren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree, includ i ng spec i f i c

procedures re lated t o heal t h,safety,andnu t r i t ion for i nfant s

andtodd le r s .

under stands ap p r Op riate procedu res for respond ing to ch i ldhood

i l lnesses andcommun i cable d i seases .

Pe r formance Ind i cator s T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher

1 )



5 )


appl ies knowledg e Of development andi nd iv i dual d i f ferences when

desi g n i ng deve lopmental ly andcul tu ral ly appropr iate learn ing

expe r iences for ch i ld ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree .

analyz es andevaluates learner s ' per formance i n or der to desi gn

and fac i l i tate learn i ng exper iences t hat ar e responsi ve to

ch i l d ren 's i nte rest s,developmental leve ls,andlearn ing styles .

exam i nes the deve lopmental consequences Of st ress andt rauma on

ch i ld ren andt he i r fam i l ies andr esponds by desi gn ing lear hihgOppor tun i t ies t hat promote resi l ience andsuppor t st udent s


we l l—be i ng .

appl ies knowledge Of mental heal t h andsuppor t i ve re lat ionsh i ps

when prov i d ing lear n ing Oppor t un i t ies for ch i l d ren'

f rom b i r t h

t hroug h g rade t hree .

fol lows appropr iate procedu res anddesi gns learn ing Oppor tun i t ies

t hat ar e respons i ve t o the heal t h,safe t y,andnu t r i t i onal needs

of ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade three, i nc lud ing spec i f i c

procedu res and learn ing Oppor tun i t ies re late d to the heal t h,

safe ty,andnu t r i t i on of i nfant s andtodd le r s .

fol lows appropr iate procedu res when respond i ng to ch i l dhood

i l lnesses andcommun i cable d iseases .

Sec t ion D i ve rsi ty

T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher under stands how ch i l d ren andfam i l ies

d i f fe r in t he i r pe rspec t ives andapproaches to learn ing andc reat es

Oppor t un i t ies for g rowt h andlearn ing t hat ar e developmental ly andcu l tu ral ly

appropr iate andar e adapted for ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree .

a) _ Knowledge I nd icator s T he compe tent ear ly chil dhood teacher

1 ) unde rstands cond i t ions t hat af fec t ch i l d ren 's deve lopment and

learn ing,i nc lud ing r i sk fac tor s,developmental var iat ions, anddeve lopmental pat te rns of related to spec i f i c d i sab i l i t ies .



Sec t ion “Plann i ng for Inst r uc t ion

T he competent


3 )


unde r stands cul tu ral and l i ngu ist i c d i ver si ty and the

si gn i f i cance Of fam i l ial,soc io— cul tu ral,andpol i t i cal contexts

for deve lopment andlear n ing .

recogn i zes t hat ch i l dren ar e best unde rstood w i t h in the'


of fam i ly,cu l t u re,andsoc iet y

unde r stands the func t i on Of t he home lang uag e i n the deve lopment

Of young ch i l d ren andthe i nte r re lat ionsh i ps among cu l tu re,language,andt houg ht .

Pe r formance I nd i cator s T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher

1 )


3 )


5 )

c reates andmod i f ies env i ronment s andexper i ences wh i ch mee t the

i nd i v i dual needs ’ of all ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t h ree

and t he i r fam i l i es, i nclud i ng ch i l d ren w i t h 'd i sab i l i t ies,deve lopmental de lays,andspec ial ab i l i t i es

respect s andaf f i rms cu l tu ral ly andl i ng u i st i cal ly d i ver se

ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t h ree andt he i r fam i l i es .

suppor t s home lang uag e prese rvat ion and c reates learn ingenv i ronments andexper iences t hat ar e f ree of b ias .

demonst rates sens i t i v i t y to d i f fe rences i n fam i ly st ruc tures andsoc ial andcu l t ural backg rounds .

wor ks e f fec t i ve ly over t ime w i t h ch i l d ren of d iver se ages

(i nfants, toddler s, prepr imar y andpr imary student s ) , w i t h

ch i l d ren Of d i f fe r i ng ab i l i t ies, andw i t h ch i l d ren r ef lec t i ngcul tu ral ly andl i ngu i st i cal ly d iver se fam i ly systems .

ear ly ch i l dhood teache r under stands i nst ruct i onal planning anddes igns learn ing Oppor tun i t ies based on knowledge of the ch i l dren, t he i r

fam i l ies,andt he i r commun i t ies andof content areas andcu r r i cu lum goal s

Knowledg e I nd i cat ors T he competent ear ly ch i l dhood teache ra)

b )

l )


3 )


unde r stands how to plan deve lopmental ly andcul tu ral ly

appropr iat e cu r r i culum .

unde r stands the rat i onale for developmental ly andcul tural ly

appropr iate prac t i ce .

understands how to deve lop shor t andlong- range i nst ruc tional

plans based'

on play, Open—ended inqu i ry, and long— te rm

i nvest i gat ion .

under stands how to use and i nteg rat e appropr iate technology

technolog i cal resou r ces -i n to classr oom i nst ruct i on .

Pe r formance I nd i cator s T he competent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher

1 )


3 )

plans” implement s,andevaluat es deve lopmental ly andcul tural ly

appropr iate cu r r i cu lum andi nst ruc t ional prac t i ces t hat ar e based

on knowledg e of i nd i v i dual ch i l d ren,t he i r fami l ies,andt he i r

commun i t ies andOf cont ent areas andcur r i cu lum goal s .

i ncorporat es a var iet y Of i nst r uc t ional st rateg ies when des i gn i ng

learn ing exper i ences t hat promote ch i l d ren 's physi cal,-soc ial,

emot i onal,aest het i c,l ing u i st i c,andcog n i t ive deve lopment .

develops, implement s,andevaluates an i nteg rated cu r r i cu lum t hat

e r pamr g rnm pue Aborouuosg sgusmsmdmr ~

pue‘ sagenmeAs ‘ sgostss (g


sa1 u g ape JB u6n01 ug ug g r q mo g g uaipmr uo Jog Bu r uem—uor sr oap

pue‘ 6u rAmos-mamqogd ‘ Kg r sorino Iengoammagu r go qusmdoIaAap sug

agomozdgeuq sarfiage g gs teuor qonz gsur sagenIeAa pue sguamardmr (z'

sa1 uq ape g b u6nog ug ugxr q mo g g uaipt ruo Jog saouas dxa Kz r nbu r

pue‘ Bu r u g eam aAr ge dooo ‘fiu rAmos—mamqogd ‘ uor ssnosr p dnog s

‘ bur uor gsanb papua-nado ‘ sgos Jddnog s I tems‘ KemdBu r pnmour

‘ sarfiage g gs meuor gong gsur goAqe eAe sagenIeAs pue sgusmatdmr (Igauoeag pooupmruo KI I E B gusgsdmoo sum sgogeorpum souemiog g sa (q


saiqiape g b qbnogug ugxr q mog guam r uo Jog (sdam) sme g boga uor geonpa paz rmenp rAr puI pue (sdsgm)snema sorAJas Amrmeg paz rmenp rArpuI go guamdorsAsp aug ar pue

KJaArmsp meuor gon g gsur ar smagsKs pue sau rmdr osr p ardr gmnm mo g gsar 6sgeg gs pue afipammouu Bu r z r r r gn go aoue giodmr sug spue gsg apun (V



Ieroads ug r m uag p t r uo Jog ssr bomouuoag aAr g srsse Burpnmou r‘ aagug

spe 1 6 uBnOJug ug g r q mo g g us I ruo ug r m ssog nossg e r psmr gmnm pue

Abomouuosg gusmsmdmr pue‘ age gfiagu r ‘

gostas og mou spue gsg spun (g“aagug ape 1 6 u6nogug

ugxr q mo i g usg pmruo go Buruem-uor sr oap pue‘ 6u rAmos_ma OJd

‘ q sor g no Ien goamrsgur aug aoueuus oi mou ~ spue gs1 apun (z°

sa1 ug speibu6nOJug ug g rq mo g g us Iruo Jog saousr g sdxs K g r nbur pue

‘ Barn g est

sAr ge dooo ‘ bu rAIOs-matqogd ‘ uorssnosr p a g b ‘ 5u r uorgsanb

pspua-nado ‘ sgoafogddnog b I tems ‘ KemdSu r pntour‘ sarfiage g gs

{euor gong gsur go Kie eA e 1 0; ateuor gez aug spue gsg spun (Igauoesg pooupmruoAr g es_gusgsdmoo sum sxogeor pum sbpammoux (e


SI I I XS souemiog g sdpue ‘ 6urAros-mstqogd‘ 6u r uu rug reor g rio go guamdomsAsp .sguspn gs a6e 1 noous og sarfisge g gsIeuor gong gsu r go Agar JeA e sasn g suoeag pooupmr uo s ea guagadmoo sum

K JaAr Iaa Ieuor gon g gsum ozz°

9 z uorgoas

‘Ag runmmoo aug pue‘ sarmrmeg J r aug

'us1 pmr uo Jog gusmuoe ua

5u r u 1 eamAg rmenb-ufiru e axnsua og uor genTeAa me g bogdsAr gemmnspue sAr gemgog mOJ g paurefiuor gemg ogu r sarmdde pue sgs Jagur

° aa1 ug

spe gfiubnoxug ug xr q moJg us mruo go Bu r uxest pue guam IaAapsug Bu r gomogduaum suor g r sue g g pue

‘ sau r gnog ‘ sarnpauos‘ sfiu r g gas

meor sxudage r gdogdde I r reguamdotsAap go Bu r pue gszspun ue sarmdde°

ss 1 ug spe gfiubnog ug ug g rq

mo g g uag pmruo Jog sguamUOg rAua buru g eat sAr gonpOJdpuelfiugresu

‘ ages At tesr bomouoxsd pue Arrearsfiudsu r egu r em pue sufir ssp°

sa1 u g apeJB

u6n01 ug ug g rq mo g g usg pmr uo u r msagss-gmas pue'uor geAr gom-gmss

‘mog guoo-gras {euoszsd doraAap pue‘ uor gnmossg gormguoo

agomogd ‘ uor goe g sgu r {e r oos aAr g r sodaBeJnooua ‘ sdrusuorgersgaAr g g oddns pue aAr g r soddomsAap geug sar bsge g gs Bu rAmos-mamqogd



gusmUOJ rAua Su r u g eaq or z ‘

gz uor goas



pue aouep r nb a g B pue Ienp rAr pu r sarmdde pue sage zbagur (g°

saog nosa1

Ieorfiomouuoag pue‘guamdr nba ‘ smerzsgem age r gdozdde Krmexngmno

pue I r reguamdoIaAap age zfiagu r pue apnmour geug se g u g apeg b

u6nogug ug g r q mozg uaJpI ruO Jog squamuog rAua bu r u g eat sub r sap (z‘


Ie r osds pue‘ sKeIsp q usm IaAap ‘ ssr g r t r qesrp ug rm uszp t r uo

Bu r pnmou r ‘ se g u g speJB ubnogug ug g rq moz g us T ruO go spaau

Ienp rAr pu r aug gsam og sgusmuog rAua bu r u g esm sarg rpom pue ssqeag o (IJsuoeag pooupt ruoAr ies guagadmoo sum sgogeorpum aouemzog gad (q

° Kg runmmoo aug pue

‘ sart rmeg J r sug‘ usipmruo Jog guamuog r nua buru g ear Airmenb-ub r u

e a sus og uor genIeAa me I BOJdaAr gemmns pue sAr gemgog ubnozug

paureb uor gemzogur Kmdde pue gaJdg sgur og Mou spuegsg spun (9°

sa1 u gape gfiubnogug ug g r q mo g gdgip t ruo no suor g r sue g g pue

‘ sau r gnog

l amnpauos‘ 6u r g gss meor sxudaug go aousnmgur aug spuegsg apun (g


sguamuoe ua

Bu r ug eam aAr gonpogd puel Kug Ieau

‘ ages Ar reorfiomouoxsdpue firmeor sfludure gu r em pue ub r sap oi mou spuegsgapun (p

°as1 ug spe gfiubnogugug g rq mo g g uazpmruo {me go sg sagsgu r pue spaau Ieuorgeonpa

aug g goddns geug squamUOJ rAua BurUJeaI ufir sap og mou spue gsg apun (g°

sar g rmr qe me r oads JO ‘ sxemap meguamdoIaAap ‘ sarg rmrqesrp

ug r m asoug Surpnmour‘ se g u g apeg b ubnogug ug z r q mo g g uag pmruo I I?

go spaau or g r oads sug gssm og ssr bageig s gdepe oimou spue gsgapun (z°

guamuog rAua Buruzesm aug

u r uorsnmou r Jog Ksorouuoag pue gusmdrnbs ‘ sIe r Jagem-agerJdOJdde

I r regusmdomsAsp agenIeAs pue‘goaras

‘ agesJo og mou spue g szapun (I

Jsuoeag pooupmr uoAries gusgadmoo sum sgogeorpum a6pammoux (e°maagsa-g{as

pue‘ uor geAr gom or su r g gu r

‘ Buru g ear u r gusmafiebua aAr goe ‘ uor goe zagu r

me roos sAr g r sodsafie g nooua geug gusmuog rAua Bu r u g ear e ageaxo og spaau

pue SIaAGI {e gusm IaAsp s,ua1 pmruo go se Imam se g orAeuaq pue uor geAr gom a JB

pue Ienp rAr pu r go Burpuegsg spun ue sasn Jauoeag pooupmruoAr ies guagadmoo sum


sar gogs pue‘ sesp r

‘ sgufinoug go uor geg gsnmmr aug pue‘ uor geor unmmoo

‘ 6u rAmos-mamqogdJog bu r uuemd'

Ieuor gon g g sur u r (smoog Bu r me g p‘ sezameo

Ieg rbrpl stoog Bu r g rim ‘ sme g bogd Eu r xu r ug Teor bom ‘ samz z nd

saog nosag Ieorfiomouuoag sge r gdozdde sage g bagu r pue sasn°

snerdIeuor gong gsu r

sug ogu r guamdr nba pue ster gagem ager gdozdde Atre g ngmnopue I r reguamdomaAap sage godgoou r pue

‘ sagenmeAa ‘ sgoatas‘ sageag o


smou ge ssouar g adxs s.ua1 pmruo pue guaguoo panIeAKmmezn gmno

gunoooe o gu r saue g pue sgss gur pue spasu s,ua1 pmruo uo sasnoog




resou rces andac t iv i t ies for ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h'

thr qug h g rade

t h ree andis ab le to i nclude andadapt assi st ive technolog ies for

ch i l d ren w i t h spec ial needs

makes dec i si ons,regar d ing i nte rvent i on st rateg ies anddai ly

ac t iv i t ies t hat incorporate knowledge andst rateg ies f rom

mul t i ple d isc i pl ines, i nclud i ng heal t h andsoc ial se rv i ce

systems,for ch i l d ren f rom b i r t h t hroug h g rade t hree andt he i r

fam i l ies w i t h IFSPS andI EPs .

Sec t ion Commun i cat ion

T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r uses knowledge of e f fec t ive wr i t ten,verbal, nonverbal, andv i sual commun i cat ion techn iques t o foste r ac t i ve

i nqu i ry,col laborat i on,andsup por tive . in te r action i n t he c lassroom .

a) Knowledge Ind i cator s T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 )


3 )


under stands commun i cat ion t heory,languag e deve lopment, and the

role Of language i n learn ing .

under stands how cul tural,gende r,andsoc ioeconom i c d i f fe rences

can af fec t commun i cat i on i n the c lassroom .

unde rstands the i nte r re lat ionsh i ps among cul t ure, lang uag e andt houg ht andthe func t ion of the home language i n the deve lopment

of young ch i ld ren .

unde r stands t he impor tance of aud ience andpu rpose when select ing

ways to commun i cate i deas .

b ) Per formance I nd i cators T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 )


3 )


5 )

5 )



mode ls accu rate,ef fec t ive commun i cat ion when convey i ng i deas andinformat ion andwhen ask ing quest i ons andrespond ing to student s .

uses e f fec t i ve quest ion i ng techn iques andst imu lates d i scussi on

in d i f fe rent way s for spec i f i c inst ruct i onal pu rposes .

c reates var ied Oppor tun i t ies for al l student s to use e f fect ive

wr i t ten,ve rbal,nonve rbal,andv i sual commun i cat ion .

commun i cates w i t h andchal leng es st udents i n a suppor t ive manner

andprov i des student s w i t h const ruct ive feedback .

uses a var ie t y Of commun i cat ion modes to commun i cate w i t h a

d ive r se student populat i on ef fec t ive ly .

pract i ces e f fec t ive l i sten ing, conf l i c t resolu t i on,l

andg roup

— fac i l i tat ion sk i l ls as a team membe r .

uses a var ie ty'

Of commun i cat ion tools to enr i ch learn i ng

Oppor tun i t ies

uses i nd iv i dual andg roup gu i dance andprob lem— solv ing sk i l l s to

develop pos i t i ve andsuppor t ive relat i onsh ips w i t h ch i l d ren, to

encou rage posi t ive social .. in teraction among ch i l d ren,andtodeve lop ch i ld ren '

s pe rsonal se l f—cont rol, sel f—mot ivat i on, andse l f—esteem .

Sec t ion Assessment

T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood t eache r understands var i ous formal andi nformal


Sec t i on Col laborat ive Re lat ionsh ips

T he compe tent ear ly ch i l dhood teacher unde r stands the r ole of the commun i ty in

educat ion and deve lops andmai ntai ns col laborat i ve re lat i onsh i ps w i t h

col leagues, par en ts/guardians, andrepresentat i ves Of commun i t y

ag enc ies in or der to suppor t ch i l d ren 's learn i ng andwe l l— be i ng .

se rv i ce

assessment st rategies anduses t hem to suppor t the'

cont inuous deve lopment Ofal l ch i ld ren

a) Knowledg e Indi cator s T he compe tent early ch i l dhood teacher

1 )


3 )


5 )

unde r stands assessment as a means of evaluating . how ch i l dren

lear n,what t hey know andar e able to do i n re lat ionsh i p'


nat i onal, State, andlocal standar ds, andwhat k inds Of

expe r iences w i l l suppor t t he i r fur t he r g rowt h anddeve lopment . _unde r stands the pu rposes, characte r i st i cs, and l im i tat i ons of

d i f fe rent k inds of assessments

under stands measu rement t heory andassessment- related i ssues such

as val i d i t y,rel iab i l i t y,b ias,andscor ing .

unde rstands how to use the resul ts Of assessment to re f lec t on

andmod i fy teach i ng .

under stands how to se lect, const ruc t, anduse assessment andevaluat i on st rateg ies and i nst rument s for d iagnosi s andprescr i pt i on .

b ) Pe r formance I nd i cators T he competent ear ly ch i l dhood teache r

1 )


3 )


5 )




uses a var ie ty of assessment resu l ts to d iag nose students '

learn i ng anddevelopment, deve lop a student prof i le,al ign andmod i fy i nst ruc t i on,anddesi gn teach i ng st rateg ies .

mai ntai ns usefu l,accurate,ande t h i cal recor ds of student s ' wor kandpe r formance


andcommun i cates abou t student s ' prog ress

knowledgeably andresponsi bly to st udent s,parent s,school,andcommun i ty .

uses assessment resu l t s for the purpose Of plann i ng appropr iate

prog rams, env i ronment s, and i nte ract ions andadapt ing for

i nd i v i dual d i f fe rences .

par t i c ipates andassi st s ot he r professi onals i n conduc t ingfam i ly—cente red assessmen t sl

se lec t s, evaluates, and i nte rpret s formal, standar d i ze d

assessment inst rument s andi n format i on used in t he assessment Of

ch i ld ren andi nteg rates au t hent i c classroom assessment data w i t h

formal assessment i nformat i on .

commun i cates assessment resul t s andi nteg rates assessment resu l ts'

f rom ot he r s as an ac t ive par t i c i pant in the deve lopment andimplementat i on of student s '

I E Ps andIFSPs .

i nvolves fam i l ies i n assessi ng andplann ing for i nd i v i dual

ch i l d ren, i nc lud ing ch i l d ren w i t h d i sab i l i t ies, deve lopmental

delays,or spec ial ab i l i t i es'

uses appropr iate technolog ies to mon i t or andassess students '

prog ress .



adm in i st rat i on, or gan i zat ion, andoperat i on of ear ly ch i l dhood

prog rams,i nclud i ng supe rv i si on Of staff andvoluntee r s andprog ram evaluat ion .

recogn i zes signs Of emot ional d i st ress,ch i l d abuse,andneg lec ti n young ch i l d ren andunder stands the responsi b i l i ty andprocedu res for repor t i ng known or suspec te d abuse or neg lec t to

appropr iate au t hor i t ies .

commun i cates ef fec t i vely w i t h ot her professi onals concer ned w i t h

ch i l d ren aDdw i t h ag enc i es i n the larg er commun i ty to suppor t

ch i ld ren 's development,lear n i ng,andwel l-be i ng .

fol lows school pol i cy andprocedu res,respec t ing the boundar ies

of professi onal responsi b i l i t ies, when wor k ing w i t h student s,col leagues,andfam i l ies .


Sec t i on Pu r pose andE f fe ct i ve Dates of Standar ds in Subpar t B

Th i s Subpar t B estab l i shes the standar ds t hat,toge t her w i t h the standar ds set

for t h in Standar ds for Al l I l l i no i s Teachers (see 23 I l l . Adm . Code shal l

apply to the i ssuance of teach ing cer t i f i cates in e lementary educat ion pu r suant

to Ar t i c le 21 of the School Code [1 05 ILCS 5/Ar t . T he standar ds se t for t h

in t h i s Subpar t B shal l apply bot h t o cand i dates for cer t i f i cat i on i n

elementary educat i on andto the prog rams t hat prepare t hem . That isa) beg i nn ing July 1 ,2003,approval Of any teacher preparat i on prog ram or

cour se Of study in elementary educat ion pu r suan t to the State Boar d 's

rules for Cer t i f i cat i on (23 I l l . Adm . Code 25, Subpar t C ) shal l be

based on t he cong ruence of t hat prog ram's or cour se '

s content w i t h the

standar ds i dent i f ied i n t h i s Subpar t B ; andb ) beg i nn ing July 1 ,2004,the e xam i nat ion (s ) requ i red for i ssuance of an

elementary ce r t i f i cate shal l be based on the standar ds i dent i f ied in

t h i s Subpar t B .

Sec t ion Cu r r i culum

T he competent e lementary teache r unde rstands anddemonst rates the cent ral

concept s, tools of i nqu i ry,andst ruc tu res of content andc reates mean i ng fu l,integ rated learn ing exper iences t hat


deve lop all st udent s ' competence i n

sub jec t mat te r andsk i r ls for var ious deve lopmental levels .

a) Knowledge Ind i cators T he compe tent elementary teacher

1 ) unde rstands the connect i ons among var i ous content areas andisable t o analyze i deas,p r obIems,andreal-wor ld si tuat i ons w i t h in

andac ross content areas .

2) unde rstands the connec t ions among var ious content areas andisable to interpret andcommun i cate i nformat i on, reason ing,concepts,andprocedures w i t h i n andac ross content areas .

b ) Pe r formance Ind i cator s T he competent elementary teacher

1 ) uses teach ing techn i ques t hat demonst rate analys is of i deas,



problems, andreal-wor l d s i t uat ions w i t h in andac ross contentareas

2) I nterpre t s andcommun i cates i nformat i on,reason i ng,Concepts,andprocedures w i t h i n andac ross content areas .

Sec t ion Cu r r i cu lum : Eng l ish Languag e Ar ts

Sec t i on Cu r r i culum : Mat hemat i cs

T he competent elementar y teache r demonst ratesmat hemat i cs; understands, commun i cates, andprocedures, and

prof i c iency i n the use of

connec ts the maj or concept s,reasoning processes Of mat hemat i cs,i nc lud i ng numbe r systems

andnumbe r sense,geome t ry,measu rement,stat i st i cs,probab i l i t y,andalg ebra;and promotes al l student s ‘ ab i l i ty to apply, i nte r pre t, andconst ruc t

T he compe tent elementary teache r demonst rates prof i c i ency i n the use Of oralandwr i t ten Eng l i sh ; under stands andcommun i cates i deas, informat i on,andper spec t i ves in read ing,wr i t ing,speak ing,andl i sten ing ; andpromotes allstudents ' ab i l i ty to apply lang uage and t h ink i ng sk i l ls to many d i f fe rentg enres,concept s,ands i tuat i ons .

a) Knowledg e Ind i cators T he competent elementary teacher1 ) unde rstands phonolog i cal, wor d analys i s, and vocabular y

st rateg i es .

2) understands sk i l ls andst rat eg ies i nvolved in read i ng for var iouspurposes : fact ual i nformat i on, per sonal response, l i te raryappreciat i on,c r i t i cal analysi s,andsoc ial i nterac t i on .

3 ) under stands a d iver se body Of work s,aut hor s,andmovements i nO . S. andwor l d l i te ratu re, l i te ratu re for ch i l d ren and-youngadu l ts,andcharac ter i st i c feat u res Of var i ous l i terary genres .4) under stands sk i l l s andst rateg ies i nvolved i n wr i t in

g for var iouspu rposes andaud i ences, i ncorporat ing knowledg e of Eng l ishg rammar andmechan i cs,andthe c r i t i cal analysis of wr i t ten workin te rms of or gan i zat i on,clar i ty,andstyle

5 ) understands . sk i l ls andst rateg ies i nvolved i n l i sten ing forvar ious pu rposes : fac tual informat i on, pe rsonal response,l i te rary apprec iat i on,c r i t i cal analysi s,andsoc ial inte rac t i on .

6) under stands sk i l ls andst rateg ies i nvolved in Speak ing toaud i ences for var i ous purposes : i nformat i on, persuasi on, andenter tai nment .

7) understands t he resear ch process andstudy sk i l l s .

b ) Per f ormance Ind i cat or s T he compe tent elementary t eache r1 ) demonst rates prof i c iency in the use of oral andwr i t ten Eng l i sh .

2) teaches the read i ng,wr i t ing,speak i ng,andl i sten ing processes .

3 ) teaches usi ng a d ive r se body of work s,au t hors,andmovement s inUSS. andwor l d l i terat u re, l i te ratu re for ch i ld ren andyoungadul ts,andcharact e r i st i c featu res Of var ious l i te rary genres .4) selec t s anduses a w i de rang e of i nst ruc t i onal resou r ces andtechnolog ies to suppor t read i ng,wr i t ing,andresearch .


suor srosp psmgogu r suem og Air nbu r go sspom pue K gogsr u sash (z‘

sous ras re r oos go ssrdrou r Idsug u r Kousror gogdsage I gsuomap (rIauoeag n gusmara gusgadmoo sum sgogeor pu r souem: og : ad


sa : 6 ssog oe pue Ur ug rm‘ uor sauoo se r rsm se

‘ K g rsg sAr p pue aDen su r e : ngr no go suorgeor rdmr sug spue gSI spun (L°

uor goe 1 agu r

re r oos pue uor gez r re r oos go sasssOOJd pue ssr gs r oos nemnu

go uor ge z r uebzo pue ag n gong g s sug og pagers : sgdsouoo spue gSIapun (9‘



no goedmr J r aug pue eusmousudpue sgdaouoo D rude gfioafispue gsg spun (g‘

1 U8mUOI IAuaI r aug pue

”ardosdussmgaq sdrusuor geraJ I agu r sug spue gsg spun (p‘

PI JON sun PU?‘ 9 849 1 9 Pal IUO GE? ‘


go KJOgs r u aug ar sgu rod bu r n g n g pue‘ sguamdoraAap ‘ samsug

'se : a gueor g rufir s sug saAr gos I sdardr grnm mo: g spuegsgapun (g“pr zom sug pue

‘ ssge gs

psg r un sug‘ srou r r r r u r sguamdorsAap K : e : odmsguoo pue reor log sru

og drusuor gera: J r aug pue smagsKs pue‘ sgdsouoo ‘ sardrou r gd

reor g r rodpue ormouooa go sdr usuor geraJ Jagu r aug spue gsgapun (z°

sg r r orAr O u r uor gedr or g Jedrngsssoons JogAJesssosu sapng r g ge pue‘ a6psrmoux

‘ sr r r xs aug pue sage gs pag r unsug ur dr ususz r g r o go sar g r r r q r suodsa: pue sguDr : aug spue gsg apun (r

: suoesg Ag eguamara guagadmoo sum sg ogeor pur a6parmoux‘

p I I OM

guapusdsp g agu r pue Agar oos or ge g oomap‘aszaAr p Ar re g n g rno e go suaz r g ro se

suorsrosp pam: ogu r axem og Ag r r r qe lsguspn gs r re ssgomO Idpue s oroaeuoze pue

'A60rOuOs 'K60rodog ugue 'A50roroos ‘ souar as reor g r rod‘ sor mouooa ‘Audegfioafi‘ K gogs ru og sge r :do:dde K g r nbu r go sapom pue sgdsouOO sasn fissouar os re roosaug Duome sdrusuor ger sg g agu r sug spuegsgapun Jauoesg K ze guamsrs guagadmoo sum

sousros re r oos : mnrnor : 1 n3 og g °

9z uor goas

° 5u r u 1 ear org r gusr os g JOddns og ssr borouuosg

pue sao: nosa: reuor gong gsu r go abue : ap r m e sasn pue sgoarss (g' 6u r uosea:

pue Due Iul or g r guaros go asn sug u6nog ug sbparmoux mauDu r g rnboe u r sguapng s a6e6us og sar 6sge 1 gs sasn pue sage g gsuomap (z

° aousr os go ssor goe gdpue

l sar : oaug‘ sgdaouoo sug sageorunmmoo pue sage g gsuomap (r

Jauoeag Kie guamsrs guagadmoo sum sgogeor pu r souemgog Jaa'

smarqo:daAros pue sguamr g adxa gonpuoo og saousr os aug ssozoe sr r r us

K z r nbu r pue uor gefir gsanur or g r gusros go asn sug spue gSI spun (v'

euamouaudreI ngeu go suor g euerdxadoraAap og sassaOO Idpue srr r xs Kir nbu r go uor geor rdde aug pue suor geDr g saAu ror g r gusr os go uor g e guamardmr pue ufir sap sug og pagers :

‘ ssor goe IdK gages Ou r pnrou r

'ss : npsoo:d pue sardr ou r gd spue gSI spun (g'

euamouaudu r erdxa pue‘ azKreue

‘gsgdg agur og






: mnr nor : : n3 opc'

g z uor goas

asn : r sug pue sonaros soeds pue ug : es pue‘ saouaros re guamUOJ rAus

aug‘ ssousr os reor sfiudaug ‘ ssouar os sg r r aug go suorgosUUOOI sgu r

pue‘ ssrdr ourJd ‘ sgdsouoo re guamepung aug spue gs: apun (z


sgxaguooAJe JOdmsguoo pue reor : ogs ru u r Kgsroos

pue‘ Kborouuoag

l souar os Duome sdr usuor gers: : sgur aug spuegs: apun (r

Jauoesg KJegusmsrs guagsdmoo sum s : ogeor pur a6psrmoux (e' 5u r uoses: pue Bu r xu r ug or g r gusros gO asn aug ubnO Jug abparmoux msu

Ou r I r nboe u r sguspngs r r e s5e6ua og sarDsgn s sash pue zsaousr os re gusmu01 rAusaug pue

‘ ssousr os reor sfiudaug‘ ssousros sg r r aug

‘ aouar os aoeds pue

ug Jes go sgdaouoo re gusmepung aug spue gs: apun zfigar oos pue‘Aborouuoag ‘ aouaros

Duome sdrusuor gers : : sgu r aug spue gs : apun : suoeag K I eguamara guagadwoo sum


sor gemsugem

go Du r UI esr aug g : Oddns og sar borouuosg pue‘ sso: nosa:

r euor gOD I gsu r‘ ssAr gerndr uem go s6ue : sp r m e sash pue sgosrss (g‘

e : qa6re pue‘ Kg r r r qeqo:d'sor gsr ge gs

‘guamsI nseam

‘ K : gsmoa6 ‘ asnas : sqmnu pue smsgsfis : sqmnu og pagers :

sasssOOJdOu r uoses: pue‘ Saa aOOId ‘ sgdsouoo : O fem sauoesg (z


sor gemsugem go asn aug u r Kousror go:dsage I gsuomsp (r

I suoeag AI e guamsrs guagadmoo sum s: ogeor pu 1 souem: og : sd (q°

suor gen g r s pr I Om-res : u r asn : r aug pue suor ge gosdxs/Kg r r r qe Jdog pag ers: ss : npaoo:d pue

‘ sr r r us‘ sgdsouoo spue gs : apun (g


suor gen g r s pI I OM- I ESI u r asn : raug pue sr sKreue e gep/sor gsr gegs

og pagers : sa: npaoo:d puel sr r r xs

‘ sgdsouoo spue gs: apun (L°

suor gen g rs pr : OM_r es : u r asn : rsug pue guams : nsesm

og pagers: sa: npaoo:d pue‘ sr r r xs

‘ sgdsouoo spue gs: apun (9'

suor gen g r s pr : OM-res : u r asn : r aug pue suor goung/suor gers :

or q abre og pager s : ss : npaoo:dpue ‘ sr r rxs‘ sgdaouoo spue gs: apun (g


suor g en g rs p r I OM-rea: u r asn

J r sug pue sdrusuor gers : re r geds pue K : gsmoa6 reor gfireue/or gaugufisog pagers : sa: npaoo:d pue

‘ sr r r xs‘ sgdaouoo spue gs : apun (p


suor g en g rs pr : om_rea: u r asn I r aug pue uor ge : smnu pue‘ asuas

: sqmnu‘ (s : sqmnu res: pue

‘reuor ge :

re : ngen pue s: s6agu r " 6° a)

s : sqmnu og pagers: ss : npaoo:dpue ‘ srr rxsl sgdsouoo spueg s: apun (g

ss : npsoo:dpue

‘ suor georrdde ‘ sgdaouoo ‘ 6u r uosea: ‘ uor gemgogu r reor gemaugem

sgeor unmmoo pue gs:d: agu r og (Afiorouuosg pue‘ uor g r uDoos :

u : ag ged or q sB re/O r I gsmosD/r eor I amnu‘ Du r rapom sAr gerndr uem

‘ sor gemaugem re guam‘ uor gemr gsa) pssn sauo Jdde spue gs : apun (z


suor gen g r s

p r : om_r ea: ageDr gssAu r pue‘ smsrqo:daAros ‘ sesp r r eor gemsug em

szKreue og (Aborouuoag pue l uor g r uDoos : u : ag gedar e : qa6re‘ 5u r r spom aAr gerndr uem ‘ sor gemsugem

regusm ‘ uorgemr gsa) pssn sauo Jdde snor I eA spue g s : apun (r

: auoeag n gusmsrs gusgadmoo sum s: ogeor pu r s6psrmoux (e‘

suor g eng r s goAgar I eAe ur srr rus Du r xu r ug reor gemsugem



uses l i teratu re for ch i l d ren andyoung adul t s to suppor t learn ingi n the soc ial sc iences .

uses soc ial sc ience processes, sk i l ls, andconcepts

gat her ing , organ i z i ng, mapp ing, i nterpret ing , andanalyz i ngi nformat i on ) .

models andteaches the r ig ht s andresponsi b i l i t ies Of c i t i zensh ip

in a democ rat i c soc ie ty .

se lect s anduses a w i de range of i nst ruc t ional resour ces andtechnolog ies to suppor t learn ing i n the soc ial sc iences .

Sect i on Cu r r i culum : Physi cal Deve lopment andHeal t h

T he compe tent elementary teacher understands the comprehens i ve nat ure of

students ' physi cal,emot ional,andsoc ial wel l-be i ng ; unde rstands the role of

human movement andphy si cal act iv i t y as e lements cent ral t o act i ve,heal t hy

l i festyles; andpromotes al l st udent s ' ab i l i ty to develop andpract i ce sk i l ls

t hat cont r ibute t o good heal t h andenhanced qual i ty Of l i fe .

a) Knowledge Ind i cator s T he competent elementary teache r

1 )


3 )


unde r stands Concept s related to movement, spor t s, andteam— bu i l d ing sk i l ls .

under stands human body,t he systems Of the human body,physi cal

f i tness concept s andprac t i ces, and i nter re lat i onsh i ps be tween

f i t ness andbody systems .

under stands basi c pr inc i ples and prac t i ces Of pe rsonal,inte rpe rsonal,andcommun i ty heal t h andsafe t y .

under stands conf l i c t resolu t ion and' it s relat i onsh i p t o heal t h

andwe l l—be i ng .

b ) Pe r formance Ind i cat ors T he compe tent e lementary teache r

1 )

2)3 )


5 )

uses commun i cat i on and dec i si on—mak i ng sk i l ls t o promote

personal, i nterper sonal,andcommun i t y heal t h andwe l l—be i ng .

promotes andadapt s sk i l ls t hat cont r i bu te to heal t h andsafe ty .

prov i des Oppor tun i t ies for ind iv i dual and team physi cal

act i v i t ies .

mode ls, teaches, andpromotes conf l i c t resolu t ion andit srelat ionsh i p t o heal t h andwe l l—be i ng .

select s anduses a w i de range Of i nst ruc t ional resou r ces andtechnolog ies t o suppor t physi cal development andheal t h .

Sec t ion Cur r i cu lum : F i ne Ar ts

T he competent e lementar y teache r under stands the educat ional,commun i cat i ve,andaest he t i c value of dance,d rama,music,andv i sual ar t andthe role f ine

ar t s play i n ref lec t ing h i story andcu l tu re andpromotes all st udents ' ab i l i ty

to express t hemselves c reat ively .

a) Knowledge Ind i cat ors T he competent elementary teacher

1 ) under stands concept s,techn iques,andmater ials of the v i sual

ar t s ; cul tu ral d imensi ons Of the v i sual ar ts; andi nter relat i onsh i ps among the v i sual ar ts andthe ot he r ar t forms .



Sec t i on Human Deve lopment andLearn ing

Sec t ion D ive rsi ty


3 )


unde rstands concept s, techn i ques,andmate r ial s for produc ing,l isten ing to, and respond ing to musi c ; cul tu ral d imens i ons of

musi c ; andi nte r re lat ionsh i ps among musi c andt he ot he r ar t

forms .

unde rstands concepts,techn i ques,andmate r ials related to d ramacul tu ral d imensi ons of d rama; andi nter re lat i onsh i ps among d ramaandthe ot her ar t forms .

under stands concept s,techn i ques,andmate r ial s related to dance ;cul t u ral d imens ions Of dance ; andi nte r relat i onsh ips among dance

andthe ot he r ar t forms .

Per formance I nd i cat or s T he compe tent e lementary teache r

1 )


promotes ar t i st i c deve lopment,apprec iat i on,andp e r formance .

teaches the use of var i ous tools, i nclud ing technology,fOrcreat ing,analyz i ng andpe r form ing wor k s of ar t .

T he compe tent elementary teacher understands how i nd i v i duals g r ow,develop,andlearn andprov i des learn i ng oppor tun i t ies t hat suppor t al l student s ' cogn i t ive,soc ial,emot i onal,moral/ethical,andphys i cal deve lopment .

a) Knowledge Ind i cat ors T he compe tent elementary teache r

1 )


unde r stands t hat physi cal, soc ial, emot i onal, moral/ethical,cog n i t ive,andl ingu i st i c deve lopment inf luences learn ing anduses t h i s under stand ing when plann ing cu r r i cu lum,del ive r ingi nst r uc t i on,andconst ruc t i ng assessment .

unde r stands human andcogn i t ive development, learn ing t heor i es,andthe rang es of ind iv i dual var iat i on w i t h i n each developmental

domai n .

b ) Per formance I nd i cator s T he compe tent e lementary teache r

1 )


T he compe tent

assesses i nd i v i dual andg roup per formance i n re lat i on . to

cogn i t i ve, soc ial, emot ional, moral/ethical, andphysi cal

deve lopment .

recog n i z es andrespec t s d i f fe rences anddesig ns i nst ruct i on so

all student s can lear n .

elementary teache r unde rstands how st udents d i f fer i n t he i r

approaches t o learn ing andc reates i nst r uc t ional Oppor tun i t i es t hat ar e adapted

to d ive r se learne r s .

a) Knowledg e I nd i cator s T he competent elementary teacher

1 )


3 )

unde rstands charac te r i st i cs of g i f t ed andtalented student s andthe charac te r i st i cs Of students w i t h var i ous d isab i l i t ies .

unde r stands the process Of second-language acqu i si t ion andst rateg ies t hat suppor t the learn i ng of st udent s whose f i rst

language is not Eng l i sh .

unde rstands how student s ' learn i ng is i nf luenced by i nd i v i dual

expe r i ences,talents,andpr i or learn ing as wel l as language,

og sauo Jdde A: eu r rdros r p : sgu r pue K : eu r rdr os r p aug spue gs : apun (p°

sao: nosa: pue sre r : agem go Kge eAsp r m e go asn aug a O Iug 6u r u : esr soueuua og mou spue gs: apun (g


ssr 5sge 1 gs reuor gOR J gsu r

snO r JeAug rm page r oosse ssnb r uuoag pue sardr ou r :d spue gs: apun (z' 5u r u : ear

go spu r u snOI JeAug r m page r oosse sasssOO :dsAr g ruboo spuegs: apun (r

I suoesg K : egusmars gusgsdmoo sum s : ogeor pu 1 s6psrmoux (e°

sr r r xs aouemgog I sdpue ‘ 6u rAros-marq01d‘ 5uruurug

reor n O go gusmdorsAsp .sguspn gs r re s6e : noous og ssr bsgeI gs reuorgon 1 gsu r

go Kgsr : eA e sasn pue spue gs: apun Jauoesg Ag eguamsrs gusgadmoo sum

KJsAr rsa r euor gon : gsu 1 ozp °

9z uorgoas

SNse g aAr gonpOJdu r sguspn gs go guamsDeBus arqe g rnbs pue sArgoe sp rAO Idog soedsreor sxudpue

‘ sr e r I sgem‘ su r g sabeuem pue

‘ ssgeoor re'saz r ue6: o (g


: sugoue auo Jog

g : Oddns pue‘gosdss : ren gnm u6no: ug NI OM aAr gonpO Idu r gusmsbefius

pue uor geArgom l sguspn gs‘ sdrusuor gera: re r oos ssgomo:d (z


sdno: 6 Duru : esr

sAr ge : s OO u r pue Kr guspuadapu r XJOM pue‘ 6u r xem-uorsrosp

u r sgedrorg Jed ‘ s : sugO pue ssArasmsug 1 0g Ag r r rqrsuodss:axe g sguspn gs qorum ur Ag r unmmoo Bu r UI ear e seges : o (r

: suoesg K : e gusmsrs guagsdmoo sum s : ogeorpu r souem: og : ad (q°

psgeAr gom- g ras smoosq sguspn gs drsu og nou

pue gusmsfiebua pue uor geAr gom sousnr gu r gau g s : ogoeg spue gs: apun (v°

sa : 6 u r ArsAr gonp01dpue ArsAr ge I sdooo u: om sguapn gs drsu og MOu spue gs: apun (g

‘ Kgsr oos u r uor goung sa JD mou pue‘ srenp rAr pu r aousnrgu r

sa JD mou‘ sa JD sousnrgur srenprArpu r mou spuegs: apun (z



moo: ssero sAI gosg ga : Og ssrbsge 1 gs pue go ssrdr ou r Idspuegs : apun (r

I suoesg K Jegusmsrs gusg sdmoo sum szogeor pu r asparmoux (e°

uor geAr gOm-graspue

'6u r u : esr ar guama6e6us sAr goe ‘ uor goeIagur re r oos aAr g rsod ss6e : nooua

geug gusT UOJ rAus Du ru : ear e ages : o og 6urpuegs: apun gau g sash pue : orAeusqpue uor geAr gom a : 6/renp rArpur spue gs : apun : auoeag K I e guamara gusgsdmoo sum

gusmUOJ rAua bu r UJesq or p °

9 z uor goss



pue sso: noss : reuor gon 1 gsu r go s6ue : sp rm e sasn pue n aras (9'

ses: e gusguoo srdrg rnm age : 6agur geug

pue A: eu r rdrosrp : agu r s : e geug 6u r u : esr og sauoeogdde ssgea: o (g°

saousr 1 adxsu: om pue : ss : eO s : n gng og pue ssoue adxs sg rr .Sguspn gs aug og

sge ra: geug ssor goe 1dreuor gOD J gsu r ogu r ssousr 1 adxs ssge : od: oou r (v



uor gon 1 gsu 1 Jog Buruuera oov'

gz uor goas




sapom souem: og : sdpue sarKgs 6u r u : esr

lsguapngs ur uor ge r JeAJog mor re og ssrg rAr goe Buru : ear sages : o (g


uor gon : gsur

pue mnrnorJ J DO Du r uuerduaum aousnbss pue sdoos raAar-KJ eguamsrauo paseq suerdmIag-Duor pue s6ue I - g : ous srq r xsrg ssges : o (z


sd3 1’

6u r pnrour‘ spssu .sguspngs pue

‘ssr : osug

6uru : ear‘ s6parmoux gusguoo ‘ sp : epue gs 6u r u : esq srourr r r

aug no paseq sre r : sgem Du r UJesr sgosrss pue sreOD sausr rqe gss (r: suoesg K J eguamars guagsdmoo sum s: ogeor pur aouem: og : sd (q


uor gem1 0gu r s6euem

pue ageoor og sroog reor borouuoag snorJeAasn og mou spuegs : apun (9'

uor gon : gsur moo: ssero ogu r ‘ K50rouuoag aAr gsr sseBu r pnrou r

‘ ss r borouuosg ag e 1 6agu r pue agenreAa og mou spue gs: apun (g° aAr aoa: Kaug uor gonJ g su r aug og agers : (sear )

sme I BOJduor g eonps psz rrenp rAr pu r .sguapn gs mou spue gs : apun (p' mnrnor : : no

aug ogu r sssua: eme : saJeO age 1 6sgu r og mou spuegs: apun (g°

ssr : oaug Du r UJearpue

‘ Kg rsg aArp .s: su : ear‘ sreOD mnrnor : : no ug rm gusg sr suoo

sner d a5ue : —6uor pue - g : ous srq rxar g dorsAap Og Mou spuegs: apun (z“853 1 Du r pnrou r

‘ spsau guspn gs pue‘ ssr : osug 6u r u : esr

‘ abparmoux gusguoo‘ sp Jepue gs 6u r u : esq srou r r r r aug spueg s: apun (r

: suoeag K : eguamars gusgadmoo sum s: ogeorpur sbparmoux (e'

sre06 mnrnor 1 1 n 3

pue‘ Kg r unmmoo ‘ sguspngs

‘ su r rdr osrp aug go asparmoux nodh paseg uor gon : gsu r

sufirssp pue Buruuerdreuor gOD I gsu r spuegs: apun : suoeag K : e gusmara guagsdmoo sum


spssu 6uru : ear reuor gdaoxs ug r m sguspngs gsr sse

og ssOJ noss : : O saorAI ss sge r :do:dde go asn ssxem pue ssrg r gusp r (9°

spssu guspn gs aSIaArp gaam

og ssrfiorouuosg pue sar6sge 1 gs r euor gOR J gsu r go s6ue : ap r m e sasn (g'

uor gon: gsu r uor 1 ua

og saouar Iadxa guspngs r enp rAr pu r pue Kg r s : aAr p re : n grno sasn (p°

ssOuar Jadxa.sguspngs og uor gon I g su r Bu r goauuoo : Og sr seq e se ssr g r unmmoo

pue‘ ss: n g r no

‘ ssrr rmeg .sguapn gs gnoqe uor gem: ogu r sasn (g'

sguspngs r re

: Og (sspom asuodss : pue‘ uor geor unmmos

‘psub r sse suseg


saoue gsmno: r o pue su r g go sm: ag u r ) suor se gdsge r IdOJdde ssxem (z°

pagoadss: s : e Kg r s : aArp re : n g rno pue

saousI sg g r p renp rAr pu r qorum u r Kg r unmmoo Du r UI esr e ssgeg r r r oeg (r: auoeag AJeguamara guagsdmoo sum s : ogeorpu r aouem: og : sd


sapom asuem: og : sdpue ‘ ssouafir r ragu rsrdr grnm l sarAgs 6u r u : ear gus : agg r p Durpnrou r

‘ souem: og : adpueBurUJ ear og sauoeo:dde u r saous: ag g rp ssr g r guap r pue spuegs: apun (p


ssnreAAg runmmoo pue‘ Kr rmeg

‘ a: n g rno



learn ing andhow t hey relate to l i fe andcaree r exper iences .

Per formance Ind i cators T he compe tent e lementary teacher

1 ) uses mul t i ple teach ing andlear n ing st rateg ies and var ied

resour ces to promote t he development of c r i t i cal andc reat ivet h ink ing sk i l ls .

2) mon i tor s andad j ust s st rateg ies i n response to learne r s '

feedback .

3 ) var ies his or her role i n the i nst ruc t i onal process as

i nst ruc t or,fac i l i tator,coach,or aud ience i n re lat ion t o the

content andpu rposes Of i nst ruc t i on andt he needs Of student s .

4) uses a var ie t y of clear, accurate presentat i ons andrepresentat i ons of concepts; uses al te rnat i ve e xplanat i ons; andpresents d i verse pe rspec t ives .

5 ) present s cu r r i cu lum t hat demonst rates an i nte r connect i on amongsub j ec t areas t hat w i l l re f lect l i fe andcareer exper iences .

6) selec t s anduses a w i de range Of inst ruct ional resour ces andtechnolog ies to suppor t learn i ng .

Sect ion Commun i cat i on

T he Competent elementary teacher uses knowledge of e f fec t ive wr i t ten, verbal,nonve rbal, andv isual commun i cat ion techn i ques to foster ac t ive i nqu i ry,col laborat i on,andsuppor t i ve i nteract i on .

a) Knowle dge I nd icator s T he compe tent e lementary teache r

1 ) under stands commun i cat i on t heory,language development, andthe

role of language i n learn ing .

2) understands how i nd iv i dual, cu l tu ral, l ing u i st i c, andgende rd i f fe rences can af fec t commun i cat ion i n the c lassroom .

3 ) under stands the soc ial,i ntel lect ual,andpol i t i cal impl i cat i ons

Of language use .

4) unde rstands the impor tance of aud ience andpu rpose when

commun i cat ing i deas .

b ) Pe r formance Ind i cator s T he compe tent e lementary teacher

1 ) models accurate,e f fec t i ve modes Of commun i cat ion anduses a

var ie ty of commun i cat ion t ool s, i nclud ing technology .

2) uses ef fec t ive quest ion ing techn i ques andst imu lates d i scussi on

i n d i f ferent ways for spec i f i c inst ruc t i onal pu rposes .

3 ) c reates var ied Oppor tun i t ies for al l st udent s to use ef fec t ive

wr i t ten,ve rbal,nonve rbal,andv isual commun i cat ion .

4) commun i cates w i t h al l students i n a suppor t i ve manner .

5 ) prac t i ces e f fec t ive l i sten ing, conf l i c t- resolu t ion, andg roup

—fac i l i tat ion sk i l ls asa team membe r .

Se c t ion Assessment

T he compe tent e lementary teache r unde r stands anduses var i ous formal andi nformal assessment st rateg ies to suppor t the learn ing Of all students .

a) Knowledge Ind i cators T he compe tent elementar y teache r



Sec t ion Col laborat ive Re lat i onsh i ps

l ) . under stands assessment as a means of evaluat ing how student slearn ; what t hey know andar e able todo i n re lat i on to nat ional,Stat e,andlocal standar ds; andwhat k i nds Of e xpe r iences w i l lsuppor t student s ' fu tu re g rowt h anddevelopment .

2) unde r stands the pu rposes, charac te r ist i cs, andl im i tat ions Of f

d i f ferent k inds of assessment s .

3 ) under stands measu rement t heory andassessment—re lated i ssues suchas val i d i ty,re l iab i l i ty,b ias,andscor i ng .

4) under standshow to selec t,-const r uct, anduse assessment andevaluat i on st rateg ies and i nst rument s for d iagnos i s andpresc r i pt i on for the learner .

Pe r formance I nd i cators T he -competent e lementar y teacher1 ) uses assessment resu l t s to d iagnose st udent s ' learn ing,deve lop a

student prof i le, al i gn andmod i fy inst ruc t i on, and desi gnteach ing st rateg i es

2) deve lops anduses a var iety Of formal andi nformal assessments t oevaluate the prog ress andpe r formance Of student s .

3 ) i nvolves student s i n sel f—assessmen t, re f lect i on, andgoal—set t ing .

4) mai n tains usef ul,accurate,ande t h i cal recor ds of student s ' wor kandper formance andcommun i cates regar d i ng student s ' prog ressknowledgeably and respons ib ly to st udents,parents,school,andcommun i t y

5 ) se lect s anduses appropr iate i nst ruct i onal resou rces'

andtechnolog ies to mon i tor andassess student s ' prog ress .

T he compet ent elementary teacher unde rstands the role of the commun i ty i neducat ion anddeve lops and-mai ntai ns col laborat i ve relat i onsh ips w i t h

col leag ues,par en t s/family ,andthe commun i ty t o promote the cog n i t ive,soc ial,emot ional,moral/ethical,andphysi cal g r owt h Of all learne r s .


b )

Knowledg e I nd i cator s T he compe tent e lementary teache r1 ) unde r stands school s as or gan i zat i ons w i t h in t he lar g e r commun i ty

conte xt .

2) unde r stands the bene f i t s of, bar r ie r s to, andtechn iques for

wor k i ng col laborat ive ly w i t h par en t s/family , commun i ty,col leagues,spec ial i st s,suppor t pe rsonnel,andadm i n i st rators .

3 ) unde r stands school andwor k—based learn i ng env i r onment s and t he

need for col laborat i on w i t h busi ness organ i zat i ons in the

commun i t y .

Pe r formance I nd i cat ors T he compe tent elementary teache r1 ) i n i t iat es . and c reates s i t uat ions for col labo rat i ve

dec i si on—mak ing andproblem— solv ing w i t h par en t s/family andot herprofessi onal s, i nc lud ing col leagues, spec ial i sts, andsuppor t

pe rsonnel, to fac i l i tate student s ' prog ress andadvocate for

st udent s ' needs .

2) deve lops relat ionsh ips w i t h par en ts/family andot he r commun i ty

“suor gez ruefigo K g r unmmoo

ug r m go/ons ‘ suor gez rue6: 0 reuor sssgo:dug r m‘rsAsr r eoor aug

ge gusmdorsAap pue u6r sap Kor rodu r ‘age r :do:dde se ‘ sagedr or g I ed'

suor gez r ue6: o guspn gs pue‘gusmdorsAsp

gge gslgusmdoraAsp mnr nor : : no ar Kr sAr goe ssgedr or g 1 ed


sme 1 60: d pue sgos Idr euorgeonps sdorsAsp pue sager g rur'

ssr r rmeg pue‘ sanfiearroo

‘ sguspn gs ug rm 6u r x: om usum ‘ ssr g rr rq r suodss : reuor ssn IdgO

sar g epunoq aug bu r goadss: ‘ ss : npsoo:dpue Kor rodroouos smor rog'

ssAr gos: r p re6sr gus: : no ug rm aouep : oooe u r sgoe°

uorsssgo:daug og

Bu r UJesr pue Du ruoesg gnoqe ssr g : adxs pue a6psrmoux sagnq r : guoo

: auoeag K I eguamsrs gusgsdmoo sum s : ogeor pu 1 souem: og : sa'

suor gez rue6: o re r ssn IdardruSI spesr pue uor gedror g I edaAr goe go soue g : odmr aug spuegs: apun











uor geonps u r sanssr rebsr spuegs: apun (p'

sa: npsoo:dpue sar or rodroouos spuegs: apun (g'

sge : ado pue paz r ueBJO s: e smagsKs roouos Mou spue gs: apun (3

0g Kradee se uor geanpa gO sor ge agOe : euO anb r un aug



s: ogeonpa

sug suor ge : sp rsuoo reoruga aug pue uorsssgo:dspuegs: apun (r

: suoeag K : e gusmsrs gusgsdmoo sum s : ogeor pu 1 sbpsrmoun (e° 6u r sq-r rsm pue 6u r u : ear .sguspn gs sAO :dmr og drus: apesr sap rAO :dpue

‘rapom aro:

‘ uor ssn Id Q

sAr g r sode se ssA: ss ‘gonpuoo reuorssago:dgo sp : epue gs su r egurem

se uor geonpa spuegs : apun : suoeag K : e guamsrs'

guagsdmoo sum

druSJapeaq pue gonpuoo reuorssn Jd0L7'

9Z uor goss

ugnOJQ reuor sssgoxa pue uor gosrgsu 097-9 3 uor goas




sp : epuegs/ssu r rap r n6 reoor pue

‘ sge gs‘reuor geu og pager s : uOI esss : gus: : no go s srmoux ssrrdde (p


gusmdorsAspumo : su : O sru g : oddns 0g Su r UI esr snonu r guoo ar

sagedror g : ed (g'

xoeqpasg burAr b pue Du r xsas

pue‘ ssoue sdxs 6u r : eus

‘ sesp r msu bu r ge usD ‘6u rArOs-msrq01d: Og sso: nosa: se sreuor sssg01d : augo QQIM sage : oqerroo (z

“aor goe :dgo uor srAs : pue‘ uor genreAs ‘ uor gosrgs :

sAr goe : og ssOI nos se uo: eass : pue‘ a6parmoux rearfiofiepsd

‘ sguspngs gnoqe uor geT JOgu r‘ uor geAJssqo moog ssero sasn (r

: suoeag K I egusmsrs guagsdmoo sum s: ogeor pu 1 soueT JOg Jad (q°

uO: essa: paseq—uor goe

: 0g ssI D psOO Idpue‘ sar g r ung goddo gusmdoraAsp reuor ssn Id

‘ suor ge r oosse reuorssn Jd ‘a ge I sg r r reuorssn Id bu r pnrour‘guamdorsAsp reuorssagOJd : 0g ssOJnoss: : Ofem spue gs : apun (g


sar6age : g s burAros-msrqOJdpue guamssssse-gras

go Kgar : eAe 1 0; ap rAO :d geug'

K : rnbu r go spougam spue gs : apun (z‘

uor gOD J g su r go guamsAOJdmr pue ugMOJB

reuOrssagOJd go g : edre : 6agu r ue sr uor gosr gs: geug spuegs : apun (r

: suoesg K Je gusmsrs gusg sdmoo sum s : ogeor pur abparmoux (e°Ar reuor ssagogdM01 5

og ssr g r un g JOddO sxsss KraAr goe pue Ag r unmmoo Du r UI ear aug u r sr euor ssn Jd: su go pue

‘ SguaJed ‘ sguspn g s gosgge suor goe pue ssorouo-mou sagenreAs

Ar renur guoo oum : auor g r goe :dsAr gosrga: e sr :auoeag A: e gusmara gusgsdmoo sum


sar g run g I OddO : ss: eo

a: ordxa og sguapngs : og ss r g r ungioddo sp rAO :dog pue Du r UJesr

.sguspngs soueuus og sso: noss: Ag r unmmoo sasn pue sar g r guap r (p


suor gen g r s Kg r unmmoo pue samou ss: aAr p mO : g Kg r unmmoo

aug go s: sqmsm : su go pue Kr r meg/sguaI edug r m KraAr gosgga sx: om (g°

roouos aug go sp r sgno

ssArr .sguapngs aug go Du r pue gs : spun ue ag rnboe og : sp : o u r

arqeg r nbs pue : r eg sr geug : auuem reuor sssgo:de u r sreuor ssagOId



4) Statu tor y Au t hor i t y : Sec t i on Of t he I l l ino i s Housi ng Development Ac tt ration Grant Pro ram

1 ) Headin of Par t . Accessible Housing Demons 9[20 ILCS

I l l . Adm . Code 355

involve .the adm in ist rat ion of the af for dable housi ng tax c red i t prog ram .

Yes,t hese same ru les ar e s imu l taneously be i ng proposed on.an eme rgency

basi s .

Statement Of S tatew i de Pol i cy Ob j ec t ive s : Th i s proposed rule does not

c reate,expand or mod i fy a S tate mandate .

proposed r ulemaking : I nterested par t ies may subm i t comments,data,v iews

or argument s conce rn ing t h i s r ulemaking i n wr i t i ng to

T he Aut hor i ty w i l l cons i de r al l wr i t ten comment s rece i ved at the above

add ress w i t h i n 45 days of the date Of publ i cat i on on t h i s not i ce.

corporat ions af fec ted : T he proposed r ules w i l l have a favor ab l

impact on small to m i dsi z e real estate deve lope rs andcont ract ors . .

NO new requ i r ement s .

professi onal sk i l l s needed .

was not i ncluded on e i t he r Of the 2 most recent reg ulat ory agendas

because : i t was not ant i c ipat ed .





corporat ions af fec ted : Th i s amendment af fec t s char i table ARTOrganizations t hat conduc t Bing o .




AUTHORITY : . Implement ing andau t hor i z ed by the B i ng o


Sec t i on Regu lar L i censes

Def i n i t i ons

Regu lar L i censes

L im i ted L i censes

Sen ior C i t i z ens Rest r i c te d L i censes

Suppl ie rs L i censes

Prov i der s L i censes

Inel ig i b i l i ty for L i cense

Rest r i c t ions andL im i tat i ons on the Condue

Imposi t i on of Tax ; Re tu rns

Recor ds; Aud i t s

Den ial,Suspensi on,or Revocat i on Of LicenC iv i l Penal t i es

SOURCE : Adopted August 31 , 1 971 ; amended at 2 I l l .

Ju ly 22, 1 978; amended at 3 I l l . Reg . 1 8,p .

amended at 4I l l . Reg . 38,p . 21 3,e f fec t ive Sept

amendment at 6 I l l . Reg . 901 2,ef fec t i ve July 23,days; cod i f ied at 6 I l l . Reg . 14688; Par t repealed,Reg . 61 00)


ef fec t ive June 1 ,1 983 ; amended at 1 5

July 1 0,1 9 9 1 ; amended at 1 6 1 1 1 . Reg . 14688, ef fec

amended at 1 8 I l l . Reg . 1 2539,ef fec t i ve August

e f f ec t ive

El i g ib i l i t y . To be e l i g i b le for a regular

must have been or gan i zed in I l l ino i s,andper i od preced i ng appl i cat i on must have hadengag ed in car ry ing out -it s ob j ect s .

requiremen t shall be reducedto two y ears iis af filiatedwith andchar te redb y a na

meets the five y ear requiremen t . (Sec t"char te red" by a nat ional organ i zat i on,anhave a document i ssued by the nat io

aut hor i z i ng the establ i shment Of the I

or ganization must be conduc tedon a not

p e rsonal p r ofit in urin g to an y one as

(Sec t i on 1 of the Ac t ) In add i t ion, the or g

tsue; ssss-Ofiur q-sT ussg ez rueBJO-sugur -uor gedr or g : ed-Og — Jor Jd-sAsp-9 9-g sesr-g e-Jog -uor g ez r uesao

aug -og_— pafiuoraq -sAOu—_szsqmsm-_pag e; r —aug -g eug -£g r g zas

g snm -uor gez r u9 61 0 -sug - gO -sog eg s - : O- : asr g gO—Bur p r sa:d_w(m: og uor geor rdde aug no umous s: e sameu esoun

aug ueug : su go ) suor ssss Obu r q aug ge s: au: om sq r r rm

oum (uor g ez r ue5: O-Bu; JosuodS-aug-go-s: aqmsm— gO —sasnods -s : e

sasquam -ssoun__gO-r re-Kr r er guegsqnsg—uor g ez r ueBI O-Aae r r r xnesug-pue-uor g ear UOSJO-aug — gO—Ssaqmam SGOSIEH aug go sameu sum (3

:uor geor rdde Du r psosgds : esK 5 aug

: Og ssAr gOafqo sg r gnO Bu r K I I PO usaq seu uor ge z r ue5 : 0 aug

geug sAO :dp rnous (uor ge : od: oou 1 go ssror g : v pue‘re r I sgem

reuor gomOJd‘ sbu r gssm gsedgo sagnu rm ‘I sg I euO

‘ uor gn g r gsuoo

‘ smer-Kq ) uor ge gusmnoop uons° aAoqe (e ) uor goasqns

go sgusmaJ rnba: Ag r r r qrb r rs aug sgsam uor ge z r ue61 0

aug geug nous og gusrorg gns souap rAa K Je gusmnooa (v

m: og uorgeorrdde psgsrdmooaug og uor g r ppe u r uor gem1 0gu r Bu r morrog sug g r mqns gsnm

‘ ssusor r aug go remaua: : 0g uor geor rdde sgsrdmoo Ar re r guegsqnse go gusmg I edaa aug Aq gdr aos: aug og Jor :ds rdxs gau g ssuaor r: ernfis: e prau seu qo r um uor gez r ue61 0 us : 0 ‘ su r g gs: r g aug : Og

ssusor r : er nfis : e : Og Bu rxrdde uor ge z r ue5 1 0 uv°

suor geor rdde MON°

ssusor r : ern6s : e : 0g uor ge z r ue61 0

aug go Kg rr rqrbrrs panu r guoo aug usr rqegss og K : esssosu

sr qor um guamg : edaq aug Kq pagssnbs: uor gem: ogu r : su go Kuv (3

1 suor ssss-Osur q-sT uor g ez r ues: O-sug

ur -uor g edr a§4J ed—sq—J Or z d-sfiep-ee-g sear-g e-aog-uor gez r ueBJOsug -Og — pafiuorsq —sAeu -s: squam -psg s; r -aug —gaug -£g r g : sa

g snu-uor g ez r ueBJO-sug -go-sog eg s -JO -J sar ggO -5ur p r saad-e

(m: og uor geor rdde aug no umous s : e sameu ssoum “s : oge : adoaug ueug : su go ) suor ssss Obu r q aug ge s: ax: om sq r r rm

oum 4no; g ez r ueSSO -5ur Josusds—aug—go_s : sqmam-gO-sssnods-aJ Os: squsm— ssoun_go -uor g ez r uesg o -£I er rrxne

aug —pue— uor gear uesao-aug -gO-saaqusm SUOSISH aug go ssmeu sum (3

uor goas ass)°

g : Oda: aug Kq psI sAOO por I sdaug Ou r I np

Oburq mo: g paAs p spssOO Idsso: 6 aug go uor g r sodsr p aug : og

Bu r gunoooe‘ m: og s,gusmg : edsa aug no pagssnba: uor gem: ogur

ames aug su r e guoo qOr um ‘gosJaug ar rmrsoeg arqeuoses:

e no 1 0 guamgiedaq aug Kq pap rAOIdm: og e no 'g : oda: v (V

uor gem: ogur Bu rmorrog aug Kq psr uedmoooe sq gsnm asuaor r : ernbs:

gus: : no e go remaua: : og uor geor rdde uv°

suorgeor rdde remauau (r° morsq paq r : ossp uor gem: ogu r aug Kq paruedmoooe gou s : e qo r um

: O ‘ sgsrdmoo Kr re r gue gsqns gou s: e qo r um suor geor rdde : sp rsuoo gou

rr r m gusn edaq sum°

snusAau go guamg : edaq srou r r r r aug og srq ed: ap : O Kauom : O xosuo psr g rg : so e go miog aug u r OOZS go sag ssusor r

e Aq ps r uedmoooe sq gsnm pue‘gusn edsq aug Kq psq r : osa:dm: og

aug uo apem sq gsnm ssusor r : ern6a: e : og uor geor rddv '

suor geor rddv





(now an: 30 I U0¥ 1 088):

s: aqwaw JO

s: eg ram aqg go uor gOW OJdaug sq g snw uor g ez rueég o aqg go asodJ ndfiz ee dsum

°fig r unwwoo aqg go ag r r aqg 0g Du r g nqrg g uoo pue

fiousror g g ns—g ras Durureg u r ew ar fig rnor gg r p sn eq’gos: aqg g rnsa:

e se’

q pue psg rwr r firaJaAas : O arqer reAeun s: e ag r r fig r unwwooar uor g edror g l edp ue g uawfiordws : og sarg r ung J OddO woqm Jog pue gs

g o afie aug Du riesu s: e oum J O': ap ro 1 0 she go s: eafi5g s: e q

srenp rAr pu r s : e r re firre r g ueg sqns qor qm g o sz sqwaw go pse dwoouor g e roosse J O uor g ez rueOJ O as : uor g ez r ueéio susz rg rg Jor usg

: uor geJ R p sg r u r gsp go uosess e u r ug r m

Ag rAr gOe or gsruge ue ar bu rgedr or g JPdar rum uasgsu ru smoosq

uor gez r ue5 : o aug Kq pan I ss sugnoK ssneosq Kg r r r q rfir rs sg r asorgou saop asuaor r : ernDa: e : Og srq r b r ra asrm: augo uor g ez rue61 0

or gsruge ugnOK v°

sar g rAr goe orgsruge Su r p rAOIdpue 6u r gomo:dsq og paI sp r suoo s : e sd: OO arbnq pue mn : p pue spueq Du ruo: ew

(gov aug go r uor goss)° Jap un p ue g r pabe qg nofi: og sar g rAr goe

or gsrqg e g o uorsrAOJdp ue uor gowogdaqg asodxnd aAr sn roxssg r se bu rAq uorg ez r ueOJ O as : uor g ez ruefizo or garq qg nom

£(nov an: 30 I UO I goas)suor g ednooo aAr gosdsa: J r sqg ar fiauaror gga g o a Bap : aqfir q 9 g o

g uswdorsAsp sqg pue g r nSI ndqons ur pa5e6ua asoqg g o suor g r puoa

aug go g usW J sg gsq go sAr gosfqo sqg qg rm psz rueél o sz sxzom

: o suor un Joqer go pasodwoo uor g ez rueég o as : uor gez r ueégo Joqeq

¢ (1 0V an: 30 I uor goes) arJauaq or rqnde : sg uoo og se hen e qons ar or rqndre : aus6 aug og soueg srsse

ap rAOJd0g p ue SJaqwsw sg r g o s: eg ram sqg sgoword0g 3 ; qor qm

g o GSOdl ndfig ewr rdsqg’sue : agaAgo s: emop rm : O

‘SMOp rM


: O suer agsAs: e q srenp rArpur s: e r re fir re r g ueg sqns qor qm

go sxaqwaw go pae dW OO uor g ez ruefizo as : uor g ez r uefilo suel agsA(40V 9 G; 30 I U01 1 3 9 8)

s r seq gusg sr suoo pue B u r nu r g uoa e no O r rqndreg auséaug g rgauaq

oipue sxsqwsw sg r go s: eg rsm sqg sgow01d0g firsAr sn roxs pag ez sdopue psz r u9 61 0

g sszag u r uowwoa e Ou rAeq ‘suor g ez r ueézo or q a

Bu r pnrou r’suos: adgo uor g ez r uebzo ue : uorg ez rueégo reuz sg ez g

f (1 0V an: 30 I UO I JOGS)drqsxom snorfir rs: g o ssodl ndsqg : og papanog uor g ez ruefil o: O

’figaroos ’uor g e6s: 6uoo


qo: nqo flue : uorg ez r ueb lo snorfir rsg: sssusor r

: ernbs: : Og srq r brrs gou s : e sgor : gsr p roouos pue sroouos orrqnd(gov aug go


r uor goss)‘

srooqos pag g oddns xeg ar psg usss fipngsg o ssz noo sqg qg rm fig r sasg u r pue adoas : r sqg ar firqezon eg ag edWOOqar um Du r UJ ear g o suor g ng r g su r pue srooqos og uowwoo spoqgsw fiqBu r UJ Psr g o ssqoue1 q rng ssn .ur uor gonig su r org ewsg sfis ap rAOJdog

psg PJ sdo pue psz r ueb l o uor g ez rueég o as : uor g ez r ue5 1 0 [euor g eanpg

“govaug go r uor goas) or rqndaug g o : aqwnu ag r u r g spu r ue g r gauaq og

pag ezado pue psz r ueég o uor g ez r uefil o ue : uor g ez ruebzo arqen eqoSar gobageo Bu r morrog aug go



C ) Any ot he r i nformat i on requested by the Depar tment wh i ch isnecessary to estab l i sh the e l ig i b i l i ty Of the organ i zat i on

for a reg ular l i cense

D ) T he appl i cat ion must also be accompan ied by a bond equal to

the appl i cant 's ant i c ipated ave rage quar te r ly tax l iab i l i ty,

bond may be a bond f rom a su re t y company or may be a bank

cer t i f i cate Of deposi t made payable to the D i rec tor Of the

Depar tment . T he bond may also be a pe r sonal su re t y bond

s igned by two pe rsonal su ret ies who have f i led,w i t h the

Depar tment,sworn statements d i sclosi ng net asse t s equal to

at least t h ree t imes t he amount of the bond to be requ i red

Of such appl i cant . T he Depar tment w i l l requ i re an

add i t i onal bond wheneve r the bond al ready posted does not

cove r the l i censee 's averag e quar ter ly tax l iab i l i ty,or i f

i n the Depar tment 's j udgment the amount Of bond or ot he r

secu r i t y is not su f f i c ient t o protec t the State agai nst

fai lu re to pay the amount wh i ch may become due f rom the

l i censee . I n de term in i ng whet he r t o requ i re the fu rn i sh ingOf


add i t i onal bond or ot her secu r i t y by a l i censee,theDepar tment w i l l consi der payment h istory,g eneral f i nanc ial

cond i t ion, andany ot her fac tors wh i ch reasonab ly ind i cate

i nc reased r i sk of nonpayment Of the l i censee 's tax

l iab i l i ty .

Each regu lar l i cense shal l be val i d for one year f rom it s date Of

i ssuance . I t is the pol i cy of the Depar tment to mai l a renewal

appl i cat ion to each regu lar l i censee at least 30 days pr i or to the

exp i rat ion of the l i cense . However, fai lu re to rece i ve a renewal

appl icat ion does not excuse a l i censee Of its Obl igat ion to subm i t a

substant ial ly complete renewal appl icat i on p r ior t o the exp i rat i on Of

its cur rent l i cense . I f t he l i censee fai ls t o f i le a substant ial ly

complete renewal appl i cat ion pr ior to the exp i rat i on of it s l i cense,i t must cease b ingo ac t iv i t ies unt i l a renewal l i cense is i ssued

Spec ial Operator 's pe rm i ts (spec ial perm i ts ) . A regular l i cense

ent i t les t he l i censee to Obtai n up t o two spec ial perm i t s each l i cense

year . A spec ial permi t au t hor i zes the l i censee to conduc t one sess ion

per day for up to seven consecut i ve days on prem i ses ot he r t han t hose

used by the or gan i zat ion for b ingo unde r it s regu lar l i cense . A

l i censee may conduc t b ingo at the I l l i no i s State Fai r or. any county

fai r hel d in I l l i no i s du r ing each day t hat the fai r is i n e f fec t .

Such b ingo games t here i n conduc ted shal l not requ i re a spec ial

Operator's_per mit .

T he l i censee must,howeve r,not i fy the Depar tment in wr i t i ng 30 days

before the desi red star t ing date Of the days the b ingo w i l l be

conduc te d andthe locat ion .

1 ) To apply for a spec ial pe rm i t a l i censee must subm i t a request

for the pe rm i t, i n wr i t ing, to the I l l ino is Depar tment of

Revenue, Of f i ce Of B ingo andChar it able Games,Post Of f i ce Box



(Sou r ce : Amended at 26 I l l . Reg . ef fect i ve

Sec t i on Rest r i c t i ons andL imi tat ions on t he Conduct ing of B ingo

T he fol low ing rest r i c t i ons andl im i tat i ons on the conduc t ing Of b i ngo apply to

1 9480,Spr ing f ie l d,I l l ino is 62794. T he request must state the

proposed dates deters) ,beg i nn i ng andend i ng t imes,andlocat i on .

of the sess i ons to be played under the spec ial pe rm i t . I f the

pe rson or organ i zat ion prov i d i ng t he prem i ses for b i ngo under the

spec ial perm i t has a prov i der 's l i cense i ssue d by t he Depar tment,

the prov i de r 's l i cense numbe r must be i nc luded i n the request,

anda C opy Of an y lease or rental ag reement must accompany the

request .

2) Request s for spec ial perm i t s should be rece i ved by the Depar tment

at least 30 days be fore the desi red star t ing dat e for the spec ial

pe rm i t . T he Depar tment w i l l approve or deny such request s no

later t han one week pr i or to the des i red star t ing date . Requests

rece i ved by the Depar tment less t han 30 days be fore t he desi red

star t ing date w i l l be accepted,andthe Depar tment shal l makeeve r y reasonable e f for t t o approve or deny the request before the

desi red star t i ng date,but in no case may any l i censee conduct'

spec ial b i ngo sessi ons w i t hout hav ing i n it s possessi on a spec ial

perm i t i ssued by the Depar tment,or w i t hou t hav ing been informed

by the Depar tment t hat the request has been approved .

3 ) An organ i zat i on may not conduc t b ingo unde r bot h its reg ular

l i cense anda spec ial perm i t on the same day .

A regu lar l i cense aut hor i zes the l i censee to conduc t b i ngo only at the

locat ion, on the day , anddu r ing the t ime pe r i od stated on the

l i cense .


I f a l i censee w i shes to change the locat i on,day or t ime'


it s b i ngo,i t may do so by request ing,i n wr i t i ng,an amended l i cense .

NO add i t ional fee w i l l be charged for the f i rst amended l i cense i n anyone l i cense year . Second andsubsequent request s for changes i n the

locat ion,day or t ime Of b ingo w i l l be t reated as appl i cat i ons for a


l i cense, andmust be accompan ied by an appl i cat i on fee of $200.

T he Depar tment w i l l not pe rm i t a l i censee t o conduc t b i ngo on any dayot he r t han the day stated on t he l i cense when the chang e is requested

because a hol i day fal ls on the day stated on -the l i cense . When

i nc lement weat her (weat he r wh i ch is not conduc ive to the conduct i ng of

games, e . g . , bl i z zar d, t ornado warn i ng s,severe t hunderst orms ) has

caused a l i censee to cancel a schedu led game,the game may be made up

on aday of the week ot her t han the day aut hor i z ed by the l i cense, i f

the l i censee notifies/the Depar tment i n advance of the rescheduled

day . An Of f i ce r of the l i censee must not i fy the Depar tment by

telephone of the new date andt ime, as we l l as the reason for

reschedul ing, i n advance of the rescheduled game . T he same Of f i ce r

must t hen ver i fy t h i s i nformat i on in a le t ter to the Depar tment .

sr s : sug usr um : Og saz r :dusesuou Kruo p : eme‘ ssuas r r : O g r m: sd

usns Kq pamor re suor sesso renuue On g aug go suo se ‘ Kem asussr r

pag r mr r e : O g rm: sds,: oge : sdo re rssds e Su r prou uor gez r ueDJO uv

{(v ) z7sz 052]'

3U9 T 9Ar n59 say 1 0

05 9 3 OOS$ passxs 300 { TEES 59 W 7QI W I I OSZ



bweB hue Bu r p n rsu r7swe6 auo flue : og psp l eme se d

sq: {T'

semefiIeuor gippe 1 0; XI I Ienb‘

Pms ear 30 an: PU?‘ ss r gunos : r era °

gs pue sO : uow ‘ uosr pew° 5ep-sr5ur s

e-ar-egaieg-psssxs-ssa-éew-pspxeu e-sssr ad-r r e—g s -saf eA-sqg -pue

pauses: asag seq g rwr r 053 3 aug : agg s psgsnp uos sq flew sswe6




g usse fpe pUe Bu r u rofe qons go sr rw auo u r qg rm pue sg ueg r qequr

a: ow : o aos'

g b u rAeq ofig r redr s r unw flue ar pue

‘aseg g sr ug ar

ss r g unos z ueug a: ow gou go regog e og g usse fpe s: e p ue ss r gunos

6u r u rofp e qsns g o : sqg r s og g usse fpe s: e qs r qm ss r g unos ar pue‘

qsea sgueg r qequ r aoa’n og ooo


ooz Ou rAeq sar g unos B u r urofp e

flue u r g eug gdssxs ’


z$ psasxs gou fiew uor ssss oéu r q flue ar

psp g eme ssr pueqsz sw J O sse dr re g o sn reAr r egs: sg e6s1 66e sum



ssz rid(


s : e rrOp sAr g : Og sp : es xrs : o : er rop e : og p I es auo ' 6'


‘gunossr p smnrOAe og anp sr sp : es go se daug u r ssuaIag g rpaug s um ssses u r Ardde gou saop uor ge gss : sr um : n N°

p : es guss 09 e no Ofiu r q e : og se dsug se s6: e r se as r mg sq Kem

p : es : er rOp auo e no Obu r q e : og az r :dsum°

sguas 0g : 0 : er rOp

auo : sug r s : og sp : es : ernDs : er ras uor ge z r ue6: O UV :ardmexg )°

renbs s : e saz r :dpue sse d aug go so r ge : aug geug pap rAO :d‘ sse d gusJagg r p : 0g srq rb r rs sq Aem sse d gusI sgg r p : ogpros sp : es geug gdasxs ‘ smefigeug u r pasn p : es : su go Kue se se dames aug : og arq rfir rs sq gsnm p ies e ‘ smeD e : 0g "p r reA" sq om

° uses sguss 05 go mnmr xem e : og pros sq Kem sp : es ames

re r sads '

same5 : ernbs : r re : og p r reAsq gou paau qo r um sp : es

smeb : e rnfia: r ras‘g rm: ad: O asussr r usus Kq psmor re suorsesso

aug go auo no ‘ Kem ssuasr r psg rmr r e : O g rm: sds,: oge : ador er ssds e Ou r p rou uor g ez ruebio ue : sAsmOH °

uor ssss Ofiu r q e u r

ssmeb : er nbs : r re : Og p rreAsq gsnm p: es : e r nbs : uses pue‘ sssrde

: er rop auo go mnmr xem e : og pros sq Kem sp : es smeb : ernfisa'

S¥0U¥ II I

Ur p rsu : r eg Agunos Rue 1 0 : r eg agegs srou r r r r aug ge psgsnpuos

Obu ra og Krdde gou r reus g rmrr ssme6 re r ssds sAr g sum°


sp : es Ofiu r q aug : Og pa6: eus sq Aem geug se dmnmr xem aug Kq

Kr uo sameb : er nfis: mo: g pausr nfiu r gsr p s : e ssmefir e r ssds °

u sameb

re r ssds n

-psgeusr sap sq Kem sameD sAr g gO mnmr xem V °

srqesr rddesxemr e sr saz r :daug ao g rmrr K : egsuom K I Ognge g s sum


s rou r r r r

u r p rsu : r eg K gunos Kue : 0‘

: reg age gs srou r r r r aug ge pagsnpuos

Obu r q og Krdde gou r reus uor ge gsa: ameb g z aug' : sug : ng


g z passxa Rem sameb gO : sqmnu aug qo r um goAep uses Ou ra ‘ sAepsAr gnsssuos z go mnmr xem e : Og Ofiu r q gsnpuos

‘g rm: sd : O ssuas r r

usus Kq psmor re suor sesso aug go auo se lfiem asuss r r pag rmrr e : O






g r mg sds,: oge : sdo re r ssds e Durprou suor gez rueDJO gdasxa ‘ uor ssss

Obu r q e Dur g np ssmeb gz usu g a: om gsnpuos gou Rem uor gez r ueOJO uv (r'

p : es Ofiu r q e uo Sq mnu go su : sg gedpsu r m: sgsps:da: om : O auo go uor gsrdmos sug Aq psu rmIagsp s: e s : suu rm

a: om : O auo r r gun‘gusmsserds : gnoug rm amr g e ge auo ‘ sAr g-AguaAss

og sudmoI g s: sqmnu go Du r r res aug go sgsr suos ameD Ofiu r q V °

ssme9 (q°

(ass—savd—Ase—4q 9 — 1 I6sr —ssvss-éAas-ér II430V I I E J I E INJI E O I JOV GHQ 30 E E UO I QOES U? PaUIJOP 5 ? m: sg JE HT

se : r eg K gunos Aue ge : O 4gefir -Ar65r — L g egs-zAsaI I I ) gov J I P: 61 843 an: 30 s vornoes 0: guensz nd

sg n g rne DV go gusn edsa srou r r r r aug Kq psgsnpuos : r eg age gs

aug ge ofiurq gsnpuos og sasussr r psg r mr r : O sg rm: sdre r ssds og

Krdde gou r reus uor ge gsa: sr ug‘: sAsMOH °

sssrms 1dsmes sug no

psgsnpuos uorssas Jor Jde gO uor snrsuos aug : ag gs s : nou on g usu gssar Bu r uurfisq uor ssss Obu r q Kue'

: og psnss r sq r r r m ssuasrr ON (g°

psgesor sr s : sqwnu aug Du r r res

uos : sdaug qo r um u r ea: e aug u r psKerdsr p sq r reus ssuss r r

aug sses usus uI'

psnssr sr ssuss r r sug qo r um : og sssrms augno ses: e age : edas a: om : O on g U r psgsnpuos sq Kem uor ssas Obu r q


06u r q g snpuos os 5 1 g r az sqm ea: e sqg ar

aserdgusu rw01de H; ssuss rr ssr fierds r p [ reqs uor g ez r uefiiofig an g (z°

psAross : se Jsugo

sr gssgo:daug r r gun : O ‘gsagO Jdaug uo uorsrssp aAr ge 1 gsr u r mpe

reu r g e ssnssr gusmg : edsa aug r r gun gsag ga u r snur guos

r reus ssussrr ps: rdxs sug‘o5r °og p uor gsss u r pap rAO:dse re r usp

s,guamg : edsa aug sgssgo:duor ge z r ueDI O aug pue‘ uorges r rdde

remsua: aug sarnap gusn edsa aug g r°

ssussrr ps : rdxsaug go ageo uor ge : rdxs sug Ou rmorrog sgep sug aq r reus ssussr r

psmsus : aug go ssuenssr gO sgep aug‘ uor ges r rdde remsus : aug

saAOIdde guamg : edaa aug g r'

uor ges r rdde r emsus : aug UO uorsr ssp

aug go uorgez rue6: 0 aug ssrg r gou gusmg : edsa sug r r gun gssggs

u r'

snu rguos r reus ssussrr pa: rdxs s,uor ge z r ue6: o aug pue‘ Obu r q

gsnpuos 0g snu r guos Kem uor gez r ue61 0 augf sgep uor gee xs aug go

se ssussr r psmsus: aug psnssr gou seu g h q'ssuss r r : ern6s: e go

uor ge I rdxa aug 0g : OrJd-uor geT I Ogu r Du rfiuedmosse pue uor gesr rdder emsus : sgsrdmos Kr re r gue gsqns e paAr sss : seu gusn edsa

3 1 UO I QOES U? PB PFAO JdSE psz rreuadsq I TEMSl ssuss r r sg r go uor gee xs aug : sg ge sKep og u r ug r m uor gesrrdderemsus : agsrdmos Arrer gue gsqns e sg r mqns qo r um ghq

‘ ssusguss

6u r psss:daug ur uor gs r : g ss : aug ssgerorAqs r um uor gez r ueDJO uv


0I I'

0£v 001 1 083 30 (a) one sucr goasqns Kq PaJ I nbaJ

uor gem: ogur sug pue uor gesr rdde remsus : sgardmos Krre r gue gsqns

e psArssa: seu gusmgiedsa sug sssrun ssuss r r sg r uo umous sgep

uor gee xs aug : sg ge obu r q gsnpuos og anu r guos Aem uor gez r ueDIO

ON ‘

gusmg : edsq aug Kq . psnssr ssuas r r or r eA_e uor sssssodsg r u r Du rAeu gnoug rm OOu r q gsnpuos hem uor gez r ueDI O ON (r

ssuss r q (e'

uor g ez r ue6: O pssuss r r Rue Aq pagsnpuos uor ssss Obu r q Kue



no mone tary retai l value l im i t imposed,prov i ded t hat the retai l

value Of noncash pr i z es for any s i ng le game shal l not exceed

$1 50. There is no m i n imum pr i ze requ i rement .

3 ) T he ag g regate retai l value Of al l mer chand i se,cash,or b i ngo

car ds awar ded in any b i ngo sessi on as door or at tendance pr i zes

may not exceed $500, andshal l be consi de red par t of the

appl i cable max imum l im i t i n pr i z es or mer chand i se t hat may be

awar ded i n any b ingo sess i on . I n games conduc ted pu r suant to a

spec ial Ope rator 's pe rm i t or a l im i ted l i cense,andawar d i ng only

noncash pr i z es,the pr i ze awar ded for an y one game may not exceed

a retai l value Of $1 50. There is no m in imum pr i ze requ i rement .

Management andOperat i on of B ingo

bena~ —fide —member —ef —ehe —Iicensed—ar ganizatien —er -a—bsna—fidemember —sf -an —auxiliar g—sr ganizaeisn -{substan téaiig—si} —sf ~ -whese

member s —ar e —sp euses—sf —member s—ef -the—sp enserin g—er ganizatien}

may fpar tieipate—in —the —managemen t-er —ap er atisn —ef -the -bin gs

session ; e i t he r as an Operat or or a wor ker . Par t i c ipat i on in the

management or Operat i on of the b ingo sess i on inc ludes se l l i ngcar ds, cal l ing numbe r s, conf i rm ing andpay ing w inners, andhand l ing or count i ng the proceeds f rom the sale of car ds wh i le

the sessi on is i n prog ress .

A ) Operat ors ar e the pe rsons d i rec t ly responsib le for manag i ngand—Oper ating the game7—fiTing — r et ur ns—end-paying4—t he —tex7andwho have signe d the appl i cat ion for l i cense or amended

stat ement t here to . I n—edditisn7—Oper etor s —must -heve —been

bone -fide -member s —Of —t he -or g eniz etion7—Or —an-auxiiier yor ganization7-fsr -et —ieast -one —year —immediate -pr ecedingt he —dates —

upsn~ —which —t hey—¥ er e —desig net ed—as—eper etar s?

Howeve r7—t he -pr esiding -Of ficer -end—Secr etar y —

Of —the

or ganization —ar e —deemed -to—be-Oper ator s—wit hout —r egar d-tot he—Ieng t h

—of —t heir —member ship —ia -t he —or ganization7 NOb ingo sessi on may be conduc ted unless an Operat or ispresent .

B ) Worke r s ar e any pe rson57-ot her —t hen—Oper ator 37par t i c i pat ingi n the manag ement—endOperat i on of a b ingo sess i on . They

must —heve-been—bone-fide-member s—Of—the-Or ganiz etien7-Or -en

auxi}iar y -or ganizationé—for -et —ieast —SB— deys-prior —to—t heirpar ticipation—in—t he—management -end-Oper etisn—ef —the —bingosession : The i r names must appear on t he l i st of worke rs,or

any amendment s t hereto, accompany i ng the or gan i zat ion's

appl i cat i on, as prov i ded i n Sect i on Sectionsand andSec t i on

NO p erson may r eceive an y'

r emune ration or p r ofit for

3 )

par ticipatin g in the manag emen t or Op er ation of the game excep tthat if an organization licensedunder the this Act is associatedwith a school or other educational instit ution, that school orinstit ution may r educe t uition or f ees for adesignatedp upilbasedon par ticipation in the managemen t or op er ation of the gameb y an y member of the or ganization .

"Assoc iated w i t h" i ncludesorgan i zat i ons wh i ch ar e . or gan i zed andope rated t o promote t he

wel fare of the school or educat i onal i nst i tut i on (e . gfi, PTA or'

qual i fy ing booste r clubs ) . The ex ten t to which tuition andf eesar e r educedshall r elate p r op or tionatel y to the amoun t of timevol un teer edb y the member ,as de ter min edb y the school or othe reducational in stitution . [230 ILCS Meals prov i ded to

Ope rator s or for — bingo wor ker s on the day t hey par t i c i pate i n the

management or Operat ion of a b ing o game andan annual banquet or

par ty for t hem bingo—wor ker s do not const i tu te "remune rat i on or

prof i t“,prov i ded t hat the p er cap i ta value of such meal s or

par t ies is not so g reat as to const i tu te a si g n i f i cant i nducementto par t i c i pate i n the management or Ope rat i on of t he

organ i zat i on 's b i ngo game .

No per son may par t i c i pate i n the management or Ope rat ion of the

b i ngo sessi ons of more t han two l i censed organ i zat i ons .

I l legal Gambl i ng andRaf f les1 )


3 )

Unl i censed raf f les or ot he r forms of gambl ing proh ib i ted by lawshall not be conduc ted on the prem ises where b i ng o is be ingconduc ted . I l legal gambl i ng i nc ludes, but is not l im i ted to,gambl i ng among t hose i n at tendance at the bi ng o sessi on .

Bona f i de raf f les, i nclud ing the sel l ing of chances andthe

de te rm in i ng of w inne r s, l i censed pu rsuant to the Raf f les Ac t

[230 IBCS 1 5 ! fI t l7—ReV7—Stat v — l 9 9 l7—ohv —857—par 87—236i—et —seq7}may be conducted at b ing o sessi ons . (Note t hat raf f le l i cense sar e i ssued by the gove rn ing bod ies of count ies and‘

mun i c i pal i t ies ; the Depar tment does not l i cense raf f les . ) A"bona f i de

"raf f le is de f i ned as one i n wh i ch, i f the raf f le is

conduc ted ent i re ly du r i ng a b i ng o sessi on, the g ross rece i pt sf rom the sale of chances approx imates the retai l value of


pr i z es awar ded,andthe rece i pt or pu r chase of raf f le chances orthe dete rm i nat ion of t he raf f le w inne rs ar e i n no way cond i t i oned

upon par t i c ipat i on in the b ingo sessi on Of any l i censed

or gan i zat ion,e i t he r as 'a playe r or as a wor ke r .

Pul l tabs and jar games conduc ted unde r the I l l ino i s Pul l TabsandJar Games Act [230 ILCS 20] may be conduc ted . Pr i z es awar ded

i n t hese games shal l not be i nc luded i n the b ingo pr i z el im i tat ion .

Mi scel laneous P rov i si ons1 )


The en tire net p roceeds f rom bin go must be excl usivel y devo tedtothe lawf ul p urp oses of the licensedor ganization . 1230 ILCS

Al l adve r t i si ng by a l i censed or gan i zat ion regar d i ng the

ss;epuew s;e;s bu r ;sr xs Kue Ag r pom ;r saop I OU ‘ s;epuew s;e;s e

s;esio ;ou saop bu t qemsrnisiqL : ssAr ;oq o Kor toa spins;e;s go ;usms;e;s

I IVZ I° Baa '


I Is‘ 663

I I I sz

ON anoagse


psseq 3 1 ndsem K;1 sdoxd{suosxadstqrbue; sq;

qorqm moig Jar r e;sisq; go uor ;eoor sq; ;e srqeortdde s;e : sq; ;e‘ xe; sq;

piedsAeq p t nom ist r e;sisq; ;eq; mio; smes sq; u ; ‘ snp qasq sAeq p t nom

;eq; xe; sq; Kedo; sAeq { 1 1 m isse Jndsq;‘ uor ;dmsxs sq; Jo; Kg r renb

;ou saop psmr eto q asq seq uor ;dmsxs sq; qor qm Jo; A;Jsdo;dIeuos 1 sdstq r bue; ;eq ; ;usAs sq; uI sq; u p pap IAOIdse srou rI I I uipsio;s Kt r I E JOdms; sq I I IM srou r II I uipsAr sosiA;1 sd01dIE UOSI edstq rbue;

sq; ;eq; uor ;eor ;r ;iso e q;in sxsr tddns s rou rII I J r aq; ap IAO Id;shu

sxsptoq ;rm1 sdl uor ;du1sxs sq; mists om‘ 6ur;rim up ;usm;Jedsa sq; o; t da

;eq; SJsKedxe; burxg r tenb o; s;rm1 sdgo souenssr sq; Jo; sp rAOJdSB IUI


xe; sates moig ;duaxs st "s;e ;s sr q ; sp r s;no Ktstos psmnsuoo I O

pssn is;;esisq; pue s;e;s siq; sp r s;no ps;iodsu9 1 ; sq o; &;1 sdozd{suosxadstq r bue; isq;o o;ur ps;ezodioou r 1 0 ‘o; psqoe;;e

‘o;u r psin;oe;nuemJO ‘

ps;eoriqe; ‘

pssssooxdbu r aq go ssodind sq; 30; (I?) 1 0 s;e;s

siq ; sp r s;no KIsIos is;;es 1 sq; uor ;dmnsuoo I O ssn 1 0; 61 9 1 3 Stu? sp r s;no

;r 6u r ;1 0dsuez; Kt ;usnbssqns go ssodindsq ; 1 0; (r ) stoutt rx up K;Jsd01dsq; sio;s At rialodms; ‘ srouI II I u? K;1 sdo;dsq ; go ;drsosi uodn ‘


oqm srou I I I I u ; ss r ;rAr;oe bu r se Jndpsz r 1 9 1 ;uso u; psbebus JsKedxe; e Kq

I B I I9 1 8 1 srou I II I ue moig psseqozndK;1 sdo:d{suosxsdstq r bue; go ssn sq ;‘zooz ‘ I K l enuer no 6n?UU 1 56[q lu seq; SGPIAOIdsevo—as ‘

V'd ‘



go SUO I SIAOIdsq ; ;usms1dmr o; OI E'

OSI spoo°mpv


I I I 98 spasme bu r qemsrni

ss—c/sor $3 1 1 98 =K 3 1 1 0u4nv K lonnneqs

nuampuamv 0T €'


xem asn sq; go Burpesu






sAr ;os;;s° 688

T T I 98 49



pspusmv : soz nos)



m r96r 51° IPUI W I I D elm 5 ° 83 afar-71 V JO Hom erom

e 1 0 fluorsg 9 g o ps;orAuoo ussq seq q uosz sdflue fiq sssrwsidsq; go ;iedflue o;u r 61 ;us sq; ; rw1 sdfiréu rmoux f reqs


bu r sq s; uor ssss obu r q e sr r qm’;ay sq; J apan sssusor z ON


;OV sq; Jspun pssusor t

uor;ez r uebio I O UOSIad e moz g neq ; 1 sq;o ;usmdr nbs JO ssrrddnsobu r q Rue ssesq I O sseqoxnd{q s uor ;ez r uebio pssusor t ON


ue r pien6 J O ;usiedq J O sr q fiq ps r uedWoooeuq firuo psfierdbu r sq s r ob u r q s qM esie sq; urq; rm sq fiews: esfi8I g o sés sq; J spun uosz sdhay '

06u r q go 6a;;onpuoo sq;

u; s;edror ;iedI O Herdflew 5 1 9 9 6 at g o sbe sq; J spun uosr sdON°

spies oburq go sseqoindsq; 0; se pssodmr sq

;usms 1 r nbs 1 mnmr urm Kue Kem iou ‘ps;onpuoo sq O; Si obu r q qor qm

uo sssrmsido;uo soue z ;us Jog psbieqo sq Kem ssg uor ssr mpe ON°

suor ;ez ruebio

pssusor t q ;o q;in bu r s r ;isApe ;u ro£ u ; s;edr or ;ied ;ou

Kem suor ;ez ruebio pssusor q°

uor ;ez r uebio sq; go q mnu ssusoitobu r q pue smeu sq; uie;uoo { reqs suor ssss obu r q s;r go 6u r ;onpuoo



TITLE 86: REVENUEp roposed r ulemaking : Per sons who wish to submit comment s on t his proposed

CHAPTER I : DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEr ulemaking may subm i t t hem i n wr i t i ng by no later t han 45 days af te r

publ i cat i on of t h i s not i ce t o


corporat i ons af fec ted : Th i s amendment could af fec t all of t hese

organizat ions i f t hey ar e engaged i n cent ral i zed pu r chasi ng .


NoneSec t ion

Gene ral De f i n i t i ons



Sec t i on

Desc r i pt i on of the Tax

Rate andBase of Tax

How To Compu te Deprec iat i on

How to De term ine Ef fec t ive Date

Ef fec t ive Date of New Taxes

Relat ion of Use Tax to Retai ler s ' Occupat i on Tax

Account i ng for the Tax

How t o Avo i d Pay ing Tax on Use Tax Col lec ted From the Pu r chaser

C ross Refe rences

Ef fec t of L im i tat i on t hat Pu r chase Must be at Retai l F rom a Retai ler

tobe Taxable

Inte r im Use andDemonst rat i on Exempt ions

Exempt i ons to Avo i d Mul t i —State Taxat ion

Non— resi dent Exempt i ons

Mean ing of "Acqu i r ed Out si de Th i s State"

Char i table,Re l i g i ous,Educat i onal andSen ior C i t i z ens Rec reat i onal

Or gan i zat i ons as Buyer s

Gove rnmental Bod ies as Buyer s

Pe rsons Who Lease Tang i b le Pe r sonal P rope r ty to Exempt Hosp i tal s

Persons Who Lease Tang i b le Per sonal Prope r ty to Governmental Bod ies

Game or Game B i r ds Pu rchased at Game Breed ing andHunt i ng Areas or

Exot i c Game Hunt ing Areas

Fue l Broug ht i nto I l l i no i s i n Locomot i ves

Food,Drug s,Med i c ines andMed i cal Appl iances When Pu rchased for Use

by a Per son Rece i v i ng Med i cal Assi stance unde r the I l l i no is Publ i c

A i d Code





TABLE A Tax Col lec t ion Bracket s

AUTHORITY : Implement ing the Use Tax Ac t [35 ILCS 1 05 ] andau t hor i zed by

Sect ion 2505—90 of t he C ivil Adm i n i st rat ive Code of I l l ino i s [20 ILCS

SOURCE : Adopted August 1 ,1 955 ; amended at 4I l l . Reg . 24,p . 553, ef fect i ve

June 1 ,1 980; amended at 5 I l l . Reg . 5351 ,e f fec t i ve Apr i l 30,1 981 ; amended at

5 I l l . Reg . 1 1 072, ef fec t ive Octobe r 6,1 981 ; cod i fied at 6 I l l . Reg . 9326;

amended at 8 I l l . Reg . 3704,e f fec t i ve March 1 2,1 984; amended at 8 I l l . Reg .

7278, ef fect ive May 1 1 ,1 984; amended at 8 I l l . Reg . 8623,e f fec t i ve June 5,

1 984; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 6275,ef fect ive Mar ch,203 1 987; amended at 14I l l . Reg . 6835, ef fec t ive Apr i l 1 9, 1 9 90; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 5861 ,e f fec t ive Apr i l 5,1 9 9 1 ; emerg ency amendment at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 14889, ef fec t i ve

September 9,‘

1 9 92, for a max imum of 1 50 days ; amended at 17I l l . Reg : 1 947,ef fect ive Feb ruary 2,1 9 93 ; amended at 1 8 I l l . Reg . 1 584,e f fec t ive January 1 3,1 9 94; amended at 20 I l l . Reg . 701 9,e f fec t i ve May 7,1 9 96; amended at 20 I l l .

Reg . 1 6224, ef fec t i ve Decembe r 1 6, 1 9 96; amended at 22 I l l . Reg . 21 670,ef fectiy e November 25,1 9 98; amended at 24I l l . Reg . 1 0728,e f fec t i ve July 7,2000; amende d at 25 I l l . Reg . 9 53, e f fec t i ve January 8,2001 ; emergenc y

amendment at 25 I l l . Reg . 1 821 ,ef fec t ive Januar y 1 6,2001 ,for a maximum of

1 50 days; amended at 25 I l l . Reg . 5059,ef fec t ive Mar ch 23,2001 ; amended at 2'

I l l . Reg . 6540,ef fec t ive May 3,2001 ; amended at 25 I l l . Reg . 1 09 37,ef fectiv .

August 1 3, 2001 ; amended at 26“

I l l . Reg . effectiv .


Sect i on Exemp t i ons t o Avo idMul t i—State Taxat i on

To prevent ac tual or l i kely mul t i—state taxat i on,the tax shal l not

apply to the use of tang i b le pe r sonal prope r ty in t h i s State unde r

the fol low ing c i r cumstances

1 ) T he use,i n t h is State,of tang i b le per sonal proper ty acqu i red

ou ts i de t h i s State by a nonres i dent i nd iv i dual andb roug ht i nt o

t h i s State by such ind iv i dual for his or he r own use wh i le

temporar i ly w i t h in t h i s S tate or wh i le passi ng t hroug h t h i s

S tate

2) the -use, i n t h is S tate,of tang i b le pe rsonal prope r ty by an

i nter state car r ier for h i re as r ol l i ng stock mov ing i n

inte rstate comme r ce ; or by lessor s under a lease of one year or

longer execu ted or in ef fec t at the t ime of pu rchase of tang ib le

pe r sonal prope r t y t o inter state car r iers for h i re for use as

rol l ing stock mov i ng i n i nte r state commer ce as long as so_used

by such inter state car r ie rs for h i re . When tang i b le per sonal



solel y outside this State . | 35 ILCS 1 0543—55 gj ) |

andwho t emporar i ly st ore t hat tang i ble pe rsonal p r ope r ty in

proper ty is pu r chased by a lessor,under a lease for one year or

longe r,execu ted or i n ef fec t at t he t ime of pu rchase . to an

i nter state car r ie r for h i re, who d i d not pay Use Tax to the

retai le r,such lessor (by the last day of the mont h fol low ingthe calendar mont h i n wh i ch such prope r ty reve r t s to the use of

such lessor ) shal l f i le a re tu rn w i t h the Depar tment andpay the

tax upon the fai r mar ke t . value of such prope r ty on the date of

such rever si on .- For more detai ls conce rn i ng t h i s exempt ion,see

86 I l l . Adm . Code of the Re tai le r s ' Occupat i on Tax

Regulat ions; the same pr inc iples apply for Use Tax pu rposes;the use,in this State,of tan gible p er sonal p r op e r t y that whichis acquiredou tside this State andcausedto b e b rought in to thisState b y a p er son who has al r eady paida tax in ano the r state inr esp ect to this sale,p ur chase or use of that such p rop er t y, to

the ex ten t of the amoun t of gg g such tax p r op er l y due andpaidin399 such other state ; for t h i s pu rpose,"state" i nc ludes the

D i st r i c t of Columb ia | 35 ILCS 1 0543-55gd) |the temporar y storage, i n t h i s State, of tang ib le pe r sonal

prope r ty wh i ch is acqu i red ou tsi de t h i s S tate andwh i ch,subsequent to be i ng b roug ht into t h is State andstored he re

temporar i ly, is used solely ou ts i de t h is S tate or is physi cal ly

at tached to or i ncorporated i nto ot he r tang ib le pe rsonal proper ty

t hat is used solely ou tsi de t h i s State, or is al tered by

conver t ing, fab r i cat i ng, manufac tu r ing,pr i nt i ng,process i ng or

shap ing,and,as al tered,is used solely outsi de t h i s State ;

the temporary storag e i n t h i s State of bu i l d i ng mate r ials andf i x tu res wh i ch ar e acqu i red e i t he r i n t h i s S tate or ou tsi de t h is

State by an I l l i no i s reg i st ered comb inat i on retai le r“ andconst r uc t i on cont rac t or,andwh i ch such pu rchase r t he reaf te r uses

ou tsi de t h i s S tate by i ncorporat ing such proper t y i nto real

estate located ou t si de t h i s StateL

sAr;osggs ° 6sa ‘ I I I g z ;e pspusmq : soznos)


su01 ;e 1 n6sa xem uot;ednooosq; 30 0I 9

OSI UO FQOBS 3 85‘S I OUIII I spis;no “01 3

A;Jsd01d{eUOSJsdstqibue; sq; buiddxqs usqm KJI I IQP II xem uor ;ednooo.SJGIIQJSH inou r ;ou op 1 0 op SJ B I IGS usqm 0; se uor ;emioguiJog


uoi;oesuei; smes sq;

u p I B IIB S sq; go ;Jedsq ; uo KQI I I QQ I I xem uor ;ednooo .s1 st r e;sa ou

s; aiaq; ;eq ; Ken e qons u ; isse J Ddsq ; Kq srou g t tx sp r s;no psir nboes; K;is JdIeUOSJsd stq r bue; sq ; usqm ;dsoxs t de ;ou pInom aAoqe(p ) pue (g ) suoi;dmsxs ‘ siogsisqm

‘ KJI I I QQ I I xem ssn sr paAIOAUI sq

pInoo ;eq; K;1 1 1 qe 1 1 xe; Atuo sq ; qog qm u ; ssseo o; t de ssousisgszsq ; sxem o; sem s;e;s SIR? ap r s;no K;1 sdoxd IeUOSJsdstq r bue;

go uor ;t s;nboe sq ; o; ssousisgsiaseq; u; uor;us;ut sA1 ;eIsrbsT sq;

;eq; ssAst Isq ;usm;1 edsq sq;l uor ;oesue 1 ; smes sq; uo xem uor ;ednooo

.s1 sr re;sa Jog grssmt q ssa mr si o; xem ssn 6u r ;ost too Atsism SI

J GII B S sq; se Jegosur sasodxndxem asn Jog ;s r xs suor ;dmsxs sq ; ;eq;

Res 0; asodxndou sAJss siogsisq ; p y nom ;r sou r s pue‘psuxsouoo 9 ? xem

uo;;ednooo ,SJsI r e;su sq; se J eg se ;s;xs ;ou op AsAoqesou ps




s5eJo;s KJeJodms; pspuedxs go s;eoig r ;1 so


q mnu ;;m1 sa sBeio;s Kieiodmsm

srq 1 5ue; isq ;o o;ui ps;eiodioou r 1 0 ’o; psqoe;;e7o;u 1



l )



9 )



Head ing of the Par t : Pay Plan

Statutor y Aut hor i ty : Au t hor i zed by Sec t ions 8 and8a of the Pe rsonnel Code

[20 ILCS and8a]

A copy of the adopted amendments, i nc lud ing any mate r ial incorporated by

reference, is on f i le i n the agency's pr inc ipal of f i ce andis avai lable

for publ i c i nspect i on .

Not i ce of P roposal s Pub l i shed in the I l l i no i s Reg i ste r : May 4,2001 ,I ssue

# 1 8,25 I l l . Reg . 5774; June 8,2001 ,Issue #23,25 I l l . Reg . 7008; andJuly 20,2001 ,I ssue #29,25 I l l . Reg . 89 1 1

ef fec t? Yes (25 I l l . Reg . 9 336)

Amend 25 I l l . Reg . 1 1 958,

1 5 )



Summar y andPu rpose of Amendment s : In Sec t ion Des ignated Rate,two Pub l i c Serv i ce Adm i n i st rator posi t ions (3701 5—25-61 - 140— 90—01 and3701 5— 1 6-23- 1 20—00-01 ) we re added w i t h the annual salar ies of and

at the request s of the Depar tment of Revenue and the Depar tment

of Ch i l d ren andFam i ly Serv i ces,respec t ive ly .

I n Sec t ions (Implementat i on of Pay Plan Chang es for F i scal Year

(Ef fec t i ve Date ) , (Implementat i on ) and(Annual Me r i t Inc rease Gu i de-char t for F i scal Year the dates were

rev i sed to ref lec t the new f i scal year 2002

In Sec t ion Ou t-of—State or Fore ig n Serv i ce Rate, the salary

rang es for t he Ou t-of—State t i t les we re upg raded to mai ntain the same

d i f ferent ial above the rev i sed Schedule of Salary Grades andMe r i t

Compensat ion .

In Append ix B, the salar y rang es for the Schedule of Salar y Grades were

upg raded by w i t h a m i n imum of $1 00 p er mont h . T he new Step 8 w i l l

become effec t i ve Januar y 1 ,2002

In Append i ces C,D andG,the salary rang es for the Med i cal Adm in ist rat orRat es,Me r i t Compensat i on System Salary Schedule andBroad-Band Pay Rang e

Classes Salary Schedule We re upg raded to re f lec t an inc rease of for

F i scal Year 2002.

Mr . M i chael Mu rphy

Depar tment of Cent ral Management Se rv i ces

D i v i s i on of Techn i cal Se r v i ces

504Wi l l iam G . St rat ton Bu i l d i ngSpr ing f i el d,I l l ino i s 62706(217) 782—5601

(sssAoIdmg isguoa pue ;ssw ‘ S UO I 1 3 8 1 1 03 )(ss g ;tAi;ov p tvdJQ IOOI J J R OE JQXS

gesa go szsqoesm)

(LE I ‘

39 80 30 S lauoeam)(psIesdsa) (nxgs

l sssKordmg ssor ;oeia ;usmKoIdm3 1 1 9 3 )

(awasg q ‘SJsxioM soueus;u r ew Tenpissa)

(d l‘ szonoadSUI neew)







(HdJI ‘ sssKoIdmgJUGNGOJOJUE M9 ; pue £ 1 039 6: ;saxu 1 Ieuog ssagoade zed)

(HWDSJV ‘ Saaflotdma SSOIAJ B S uemnH I 9 UOI888301d9 1 9 5 )(Ewosav ‘

1iun Iebsq Ieuor sssgoxa)(sbpoq so r roa uo; ;eAissuoa)


(VNI ‘ ssSJ nN psis;s t 6sa)(awgsg v ‘ sssKoIdmg IQO I J B ID )

(ENDSSV ‘ sssKoIdmg(awasg v ‘ sssKoIdmg suor ;os 1 1 03 )

(d l‘ sor ueqoew 9AI 1 0mo;nq )(g z# Ieooq s : e;smesm)

(oes# Teoog s : e;smeem)

(gn Ieooq Sis;smesm)(pateadau ) (awosg v ‘ sxenq5 ¥ 361 1 3 )

(pervadaa) (D IE S S I OUI I I I‘069 0¥uo Joqeq Jo quaq edaa)

(SI GGUIOUH 6u 1 ;e 1 sdo ‘ SJ GSUI BUH soueus;u r ew ;uetd)(Sis;smesL l ssOJnossH Tein;eN go ;usm;1 edsq )


















go s;e;s SB O IAI OS ;usms6euew Ie 1 ;us3 go ;usm; 1 edsq ) O6I—EHAea go ss;ea ps;e r ;obsN

(pateadau ) best‘ I Kinr

sAi;osggs ‘ms;s&s uor ;esusdwoa ;;s uissbuq Aea g gst J esx

{ 9 93 zooz Jeax Ieosrg Jog ;ieqospin9 ssesiou l ;1isw Ienuuv

uor;e;usmstdm1s;us{eAg nba KtinoH JO KI r eq 0; 5 1 9 1 9 5 sseg go UO I SJ GAUOQ

s;;un polJadKedo; Kietes ssea go UOISIaAUODSUOIJIUI JBG

ssssetg s6ueaAea puPfl—p E OJH

SUO I SIAO JdKea 1 sq;oAedut sssesiosa

nuemnsnfipvsssesg ou I Aedisq ;o

(psTesdsg ) suoz ;rzsw

ssesiou I ;tiswSGSE B I OUI ;risw Ienuuq Bu r u r mis;sa Jog sa psOOJa

sInpsqos KI QIQS uor ;esusdmoo ;1 1 sw

3 3 ¥ 1 1 I I QI SUOdSB HseAt noafiqo


SLNEwaNzwv asmaouv so HDILON
















OI£(psIesdsa) s;ea sssseIg pspnIOxg

suoi;osrg go p xeoq s;e;s'Jo;os 1 1 a sA1 ;nosx3

Jo;osira sAr ;nosx3 Jog ssbuea uo; ;esusdwoo {enuuq

s;e& ;sr teiosds ueioisqOIO-UH PU? 890—38 1 0; stnpsqos 1 039 3 093

s;ea SO IAJGS ub r siog 1 0 s;e;s-go-;nos;eu ps;eu6;ssa

s;ea ps;oe 1 ;u03 pue ps;eIs;5sq

s;eH ssuiezms;eH s;emu 1 pue ;usi;ea ‘

q msws;eu AT JDOH

s;eH ssorAiss Ierosds KI JR OH Jo Ktieq swim— ;Jedaueu 9 839 I3058Ns;ea bu r r r eAs

uo; ;onpoz ;u 1

(eateedeu ) V861’I Ktnr

sAt ;osggg ‘ sspeis Kietes go sr npsqos u; ssbueqo Kea 9 951 Jesx {eosr g

(paresdsa) SSSE B JOUI Kiet es spe is u;q;rM go

9490 9A1 1 03 333uetdAedgo uor ;eor tddv pue uor ;e;s 1d1 s;u 1

{ 9 95 2662iesx {eosr g gog ss6ueq3 ueta Kedgo uor ;e;usms1dm1SUO I SIAOJdfled1 sq;oAea uisssesiosqRea u ; sssesJOUI

s;usIeAt nb3 KI I HOH go Kt teq o; Kietes ssea go UO I SJaAUODs;r un porisa Keao; Kietes sseg go UOI SJ GAUOQ

suot ;t u r gsq

sstnpsqos Keg

uog ;oipsi1 npssr ;t t r q t suodssu pue Kar Iod



RC-062 (Techn i cal Employees,AFSCME )RC-063 (Professi onal Employees,AFSCME )RC—063 (Educat ors,AFSCME )RC—063 (Physi c ians,AFSCME )

Schedule of Salary Grades Mont hly Rates of Pay for F i scal

Year 2002 288iAPPENDIX C Med i cal Adm i n i st rator Rat es for F i scal Year 2002 288iAPPENDIX D Mer i t Compensat i on System Salary Schedu le for F i scal Year 2002

288iTeach i ng Salary Schedule (Repealed )Phys i c ian andPhysi c ian Spec ial i st Salary Schedule (Repealed )Broad—Band Pay Range Classes Salary Schedule f or F i scal Year

2002 288}

AUTHORITY : Implement i ng . andau t hor i zed by Sec t i ons 8 and8a of the Pe rsonne l

Code [20 ILCS and8a] .

SOURCE : F i led June 28, 1 967; cod i f ied at 8 I l l . Reg . 1 558; eme rgency amendment

at 8 I l l . Reg . 1 9 90,e f fec t ive January 31 , 1 984,for a max imum of 1 50 days;amended at 8 I 1 1 . Reg . 2440,e f fect i ve February 1 5,1 984; eme r g ency amendment

at 8 I l l . Reg . 3348,e f fec t ive March 5, 1 984, for a max imum of 1 50 days

eme rgency amendment at 8 I 1 1 . Reg . 4249, e f fec t ive Mar ch 1 6, 1 984, for a

max imum of 1 50 days; emer gency amendment at 8 I l l . Reg . 5704, ef fect ive Apr i l

1 6, 1 984, for a max imum of 1 50 days; eme rg ency amendment at 8 I l l . Reg . 7290,ef fec t ive May 1 1 ,1 984, for a maximum of 1 50 days ; amended at 8 I 1 1 . Reg .

1 1 29 9, e f fect ive June 25, 1 984; eme r g ency amendment at 8 I l l . Reg . 1 261 6,ef fec t i ve July 1 ,1 9 84,for a maximum of 1 50 days ; eme rgency amendment at 8

I 1 1 . Reg . 1 5007,ef fec t i ve Aug ust 6,1 984,for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended

at 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 5367,e f fec t ive August 1 3, 1 984; emer gency amendment at 8 I l l .

Reg . 21 31 0,ef fect ive Oc tober 1 0,1 984,for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 8

I l l . Reg . 21 544, e f fec t ive Oc tobe r 24, 1 984; amended at 8 I l l . Reg . 22844,e f fec t ive Novembe r 14, 1 984; eme rg ency amendment at 9 I l l . Reg . 1 1 34,ef fect ive

January 1 6,1 985,for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 9 I 1 1 . Reg . 1 320,e f fect ive January 23, 1 985 ; amended at 9 I l l . Reg . 3681 ,e f fect ive Mar ch 1 2,1 985 ; eme rg ency amendment at 9 I l l . Reg . 41 63,ef fec t ive Mar ch 1 5,1 985,for a

max imum of 1 50 days ; eme rg ency amendment at 9 I l l . Reg . 923 1 ,e f fec t i ve May 31 ,1 985,f or a maximum of 1 50 days; amended at 9 I 1 1 . Reg . 9420,e f fec t ive June 7,1 985 ; amended at 9 1 1 1 . R eg . 1 0663,e f fect i ve July 1 ,1 985; eme rgency amendment

at 9 I l l . Reg . 1 5043,effective . Sep tembe r 24,1 985,for a max imum of 1 50 days;pe remptory amendment at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 3325,e f fec t ive Januar y 22, 1 986; amended

at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 3230,ef fec t i ve January 24,1 986; emer gency amendment at 1 0

I l l . Reg . 8904,ef fect ive May 1 3, 1 986,for a maximum of 1 50 days; pe remptory

amendment at 1 0 I l l . R eg . 8928,ef fec t ive May 1 3,1 986; eme rgency amendment at1 0 I l l . Reg . 1 2090,ef fect i ve June 30, 1 9 86, for a max imum of 1 50 days;peremptory amendment at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 1 3675,e f fec t ive July 31 ,1 986; peremptory

amendment at 1 0 1 1 1 . Reg . 14867,e f fec t ive August 26,1 986; amended at 1 0 I l l .

Reg . 1 5567,e f fect ive September 17,1 986; eme r gency amendment at 1 0 I l l . Reg .

17765, ef fect ive September 30, 1 986, for a max imum of 1 50 days ; peremptory



amendment at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 1 9 1 32, e f fec t ive Oc tober 28, 1 986; peremptoryamendment at 1 0 I l l . R eg . 21 097,e f fec t i ve December 9,1 986; amended at 1 1 I l l


Reg . 648, e f fec t ive December 22,1 986; peremptory amendment at 1 1 I l l. Reg .

3363,e f fec t i ve Febr uary 3,1 987; pe remptory amendment at 1 1 I l l. Reg . 4388,

ef fec t ive Febr uary 27, 1 987; pe remptory amendment at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg . 629 1 ,e f fect ive Mar ch 23,1 987; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 5901 , e f fec t i ve March 24,1 987; eme rgency amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 8787,ef fec t ive Apr i l 1 5,1 987,for amax imum of 1 50 days; emer g ency amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 1 830,ef fec t ive July1 ,1 987,for a max imum of 1 50 days; pe remptory amendment at 1 1 I l l

. Reg . 1 3675,ef fec t ive Ju ly 29,1 987; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 14984, e f fec t ive August 27,1 987; p er emp tor y


amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 5273,ef fec t ive Septembe r 1 , 1 987pe remptory amendment 1 1 I l l . Reg . 179 1 9,e f fec t i ve Oc tobe r 1 9, 1 987; peremptoryamendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 981 2, e f fect i ve Novembe r 1 9, 1 987; eme rg encyamendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 20664,e f fec t i ve Decembe r 4, 1 987,for a max imum of1 50 days; amended at 1 1 I 1 1 . Reg . 20778, ef fect ive Decembe r 1 1 , 1 987;peremptory amendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 381 1 , ef fec t i ve January 27, 1 9 88

peremptory amendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 5459,e f fec t i ve Mar ch 3, 1 988; amended at1 2 I l l . Reg . 6073,ef fec t i ve March 21 ,1 988; peremptory amendment at 1 2 I l l


Reg . 7783,ef fec t ive Apr i l 14,1 988; eme r g ency amendment at 1 2 I l l. Reg . 7734,

ef fec t ive Apr i l 1 5,1 988,for a max imum of 1 50 days; pe remptory amendment at 1 21 1 1 . Reg . 81 35,e f fec t i ve Apr i l 22, 1 9 88; pe rempt ory amendment at 1 2 I l l

. Reg .

9745,e f fec t i ve May 23,1 988; eme rg ency amendment at 1 2 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 1778,ef fect i ve Ju ly 1 , 1 988,for a maximum of 1 50 days; eme r gency amendment at 1 2

I l l . Reg . 1 289 5,e f fect ive Ju ly 1 8,1 988,for a max imum of 1 50 days; peremptoryamendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 1 3306,e f fect i ve July 27,1 988; cor rec ted at 1 2 I l l


Reg . 1 3359 ; amended at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 14630,ef fec t i ve Septembe r 6, 1 988; amendedat 1 2 I l l . Reg . 20449,ef fect i ve Novembe r 28,1 988; peremptory amendment at 1 2

I l l . Reg . 20584,e f fec t ive Novembe r 28, 1 988; pe remptory amendment at 1 3 1 1 1 .

Reg . 8080,ef fec tive May 1 0, 1 989 ; amended at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 8849,ef fect i ve May30,1 989 ; pe r emptory amendment at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 8970,e f fec t i ve May 26, 1 9 89

emer gency amendment at 1 3 I l l . R eg . 1 0967,ef fec t ive June 20,1 989,for a

maximum of 1 50 days ; eme rgency amendment exp i red on Novembe r 17,1 989 ; amendedat 1 3 I l l . Reg . 1 1451 ,ef fec t ive June 28, 1 989 ; eme rgency amendment at 1 3 1 1 1 .

Reg . 1 1 854,e f fect ive July 1 ,1 989,for a max imum of 1 50 days; cor rected at 1 3

I l l . Reg . 1 2647; pe remptory amendment at 1 3 I 1 1 . Reg . 1 2887,ef fec t ive July 24,1 989 ; amended at 1 3 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 6950,e f fect ive Octobe r 20, 1 9 89 ; amended at 1 3

I l l . Reg . 1 9221 ,e f fec t ive Decembe r 1 2,1 989 ; amended at 14 I l l . Reg . 61 5,e f fect i ve January 2,1 9 90; pe r emptory amendment at 141 1 1 . R eg . 1 627,ef fec t iveJanuary 1 1 , 1 9 90; amended at 14 I l l . Reg . 4455,e f fec t i ve March 1 2, 1 9 90;peremptory amendment at 141 1 1 . Reg . 7652,ef fec t ive May 7, 1 9 90; amended at 14I l l . Reg . 1 0002,ef fec t ive June 1 1 , 1 9 90; eme r gency amendment at 14 I l l

. Reg .

1 1 330, e f fec t ive June 29,1 9 90,for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 14I l l .

Reg . 14361 ,ef fec t i ve August 24, 1 9 90; eme rgency amendment at 14 I l l . Reg .

1 5570, ef fec t i ve Sept embe r 1 1 , 1 9 90, for a maximum of 1 50 days; emer g encyamendment exp i red on Feb ruary 8, 1 9 9 1 ; cor rec ted at 14 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 6092

peremptory amendment at 14 I l l . Reg . 17098,ef fec t i ve September 26,1 9 90;amended at 141 1 1 . Reg . 171 89,ef fec t i ve Oc tober 2,1 9 90; amended at 14 I l l


Reg . 171 89, e f fec t ive Oc tobe r 1 9, 1 9 90; amended at 14 I l l . Reg . 1 871 9,

K zozdmazad £6661‘1 z Jaqueadas 6A1 308338 ‘

ESOEI° 5au


I I I 82 39 papaau? £6661‘

VZ Jaqwandas 8A1 308339 ‘bO9ZI

' 588‘

I I I £2 39 Papuam? 5666I‘EZ isqms;dss

sA1 ;osggs 'gop z1

° bsa “1 1 1 g z ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd£66G I ‘

IZ q ms;dss8A1 1 06336 ‘

62821‘ 53 8

1 1 1 82 1 9 papuame £6661‘9 z nsnbnv 8A1 308338 ‘0201 1

' 6au‘

1 1 1 88 29 pepuame £849 9 051 30 mnm1 xew 9 1 0;‘6661

‘1 K1 nr aA1409 338 ‘

69I8° 6sa '

I I I gz ;e ;usmpusme Aousbisms 5666I‘g sunp sA1 ;osg gs ‘

g goz ‘ 5sa '


gz ;e pspusme : sKep OSI go mnm 1 xem e 1 0;‘6661

‘o; Kew sA1 ;osg gs l eg g y ° 6su‘

I I I g z ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms 58661‘5z isqmsosq sA1 ;osg gs ‘ogz

° 6sa ‘

I I I gz

;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd£666I‘ I Kienuep sA1 ;osg gs ‘

vgg° 6sa ‘

I I I g z ;e pspusme

8661‘9 1 I aqlflaAON 3A1 1 09 338 ‘ ISSOK

’ 588-'

I I I ZZ 39 pspusme 5866I‘9 q msAoN

sA1 ;osg gs .


° 6sa “I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd 58661

‘1 2isqo;oo

sA1 ;osggs ‘8V66I

' 6sa ‘

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd £866I‘og q ms;dss

sA1 ;osg gs ‘SOI6I

‘ 683‘

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Aio;dms1 sd5866I‘og q ms;dss


‘ 588'

I I I 88 39 pspusme 1 8661‘

1 ;sn5nv aAI QOQJJa ‘681 9 I

' bsa ‘

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme 5 : 0;dmsisd: sAep OSI go mnmy xem e Jog‘8661


zog zr° 6sa ‘

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Kousfiisms 4S6GI ‘OZ I I JdV BAIJOB JJB

'Z69 1

° 668°

1 1 1 22 1 8 nuampueme K londmalad£8661‘01 1 1 Idv 8A1 1 09 339 ‘ O Z E L

° 668°

1 1 1 22 49 nuampuame K londmaxad£8661‘1 1 1 Jdv 3A¥308339 ‘

8901‘ 668


1 1 1 1 8

;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd1 866I‘ZI qOJew sA1 ;osggs ‘

voz g ' 6sa '

I I I zz ;e pspusme

8661‘e qoxew aA1 1 08338 £

681 9° 668


1 1 1 zz 49 nuampuame K londmaxed £8661ly z


Kien1 qsg sA; ;osggs ‘gor g : OsH

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Aio;dmsisd£866Ilg;

Kieniqsg sA; ;osg gs ‘9zgp

° Bsa ’

I I I zz ;e ;Usmpusme Kio;dmsisd1 8661‘pt Kienuep

6A1408339 ‘o8g z° 588


1 1 1 zz 39 papuame £1 661‘zz J eqwaoea aA1408338 ‘

E6SI° 688

I I I zz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms1 sd3AG6I ‘6 q uesso sA1 ;osggs ‘

LQILI° bsa ‘


IZ ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd41 661 ‘p isqmsosq sA1 ;osggs ‘

g g p gt° bs3

I I I IZ ;e

;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd5L66Ils isqmsosa sA1 ;Osggs ‘

vvsgt' 6sg

II I { z ;e pspusme

L66I'01 isqmsAoN sA1 ;osggs ‘ogog r

° 6sa ‘

I I I { z ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd1 661

‘9 1 Jaqoaoo aA143 8338 ‘

s8sv1‘ 668

“1 1 1 1 8 1 2 quampuame K loadmexad£1 661

‘pr q o;oo sA; ;osggs ‘

1 921 1: OsH

I I I { z ;e ;usmpusme A: o;dmsg sd : sKep OSI

go mnmy xem e Jog‘AG6I lo 1 sqms;dss sA1 ;osggs ‘

6982I' 6su

II I { z ;e ;usmpusme

Kousbisms : sfiep 051 go mnm1 xem e Jog‘AGGI ‘

IZ K tnp sA1 ;osg gs ‘T 9OOT

° 6sa ‘


{ z ;e ;usmpusme Kousfiisms 1 1 66Ilg sunp sA1 ;osg gs ‘

BI IL° 6su

I I I { z ;e pspusme

1 661£9 1 Kew aA1 noaJJa ‘

vvv9‘ 688

I I I 1 2 38 papuame £1 661‘s1 1 1 Jdv aA1 noaJJa

‘vv1 s

" 688'

1 1 1 I2 39 papueme £1 661‘zz K l enuer 8A1 uoeg ga ‘

629 1°668

I I I 1 2 38

pspusme isKep OSI go mnmg xem e Jog‘LGGI

‘9 Kienuep sA; ;osg gs ‘

gzot ° 6sa °


{ z ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms £966I‘1 q msAoN sA1 ;osggs ‘

ZGOSI° 5sg

I I I oz ;e

;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd5966I‘L q msAoN sA1 ;osggs ‘

8IOSI° 5sa ‘

I I I oz ;e pspusme


pz isqms;dss sA1 ;osg gs ‘BOPCI

° 6sa ‘

I I I oz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms1 sd966I

‘S QSflfinV 9A1 1 3 9 333 ‘

IVSOI‘ 588

I I I OZ49 pspusme isKQP OSI 30 mnmr xem

e Jog‘9661

‘g t Ktnp sA1 ;osg gs ‘

EIZOI° 6su

1 1 1 oz ;e ;usmpusme Kousfiisms1 966I

‘OI RIPE 8A1 1 9 9 33 9 ‘

SZ66‘ 53 8

“I I I OZ49 pspusme 59661

‘92 sunp 3A1 3°3 33 9


‘ 53 8'

I I I OZ 3 9 pspusme 1 966I‘OZ sunp BAI QOB JJG ‘

1 9 98‘ 568

I I I 02

1 9 pspusme 59 G G I ‘ I I sung 8A1 1 03 333 ‘IOE8


’ 588‘

I I I OZ49 £9661‘VI KPN

sA1 ;osg gs ‘pg pz

' 6sa ‘

I I I oz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd£966I‘zz I I IdV sA1 ;osg gs

‘bg g g

° 5sa ‘

I I I oz ;e ;usmpusme Aio;dmsisd: sxep 09 1 go mnmy xem e 1 0;‘9551

‘LZ Kieniqsg sAy ;osg gs logo1y ' 6sg

I I I oz ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms 1 9661‘ ZZ

q msosq sA1 ;osggs loos °6sa ‘

I I I oz ;e pspusme £g 561‘82 q msAoN sAt;osg gs

‘09 I 9 I‘ 588

I I I 6I 49 pspusme fS66I‘ ZI isqo;oo 3A1 1 09 339 ‘

EOISI‘ 588






1 1 1 61 39 nuampuawe K londmaxad£9661‘61 Jaqwendas 6A1 33 8338 ‘

61 681° bau


1 1 1

61 ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd: sAep 09 1 go mnm1 xem e Jog‘9661

'1 ;sn6nq sA1 ;osg gs

VSGI I‘ 568


I I I 61 3 9 ;usmpusme Kousbisms 59661‘LZ B UUP 641 303 339 ‘

9606' 568


1 1 1 61 3? pspusme 59661‘ZI 800C 8A1 309 333 ‘

99 1 8' 538

I I I 61 1 9

9661‘1 sunp sA1 ;osg gs ‘

1 1 81' 6su


1 1 1 51 ;e pspusme 55661£1 Aew sA1 ;osggs


° bsa °

1 1 1 61 ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd1 9661£z I ew sA1 ;osg gs ‘

zg p g' 6sa

I I I 61 ;e pspusme £9661‘p 1 qog ew sA1 ;osggs ‘

971 9 ° 6sa '

1 1 1 61 ;e ;usmpusme

K londmalad£9661‘1 uoxew 8A1 1 08338 £

9 9 1 8° 6au


1 1 I 61 3 9 pepuame £9661‘LI Kieniqsg sA1 ;osggs £

gzog °6sa ‘

I I I 61 ;e ;usmpusme Aio;dmsisd59661‘1 1

K JeNJqsg sA1 ;osg gs ‘

1 888° bsu


1 1 1 61 ;e ;usmpusme K Jo;dmsisd39661‘pz Kienuep

3A1 1 03 333 ‘VZOI

‘ 568‘

I I I 61 1 9 pspusme 57661 ‘IZ q msAoN


9A1 303 333 ‘1 61 1 1

’ 588’

I I I 81 1 9 pspusme 31 661‘82isqo;oo 3A1 1 03 339 ‘

801 9 1‘ 53 8

I I I 81 1 9

;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd£1 55 1‘1 5 1 sqo;oo sA1 ;osggs ‘

9 p9 9 1' 6su

1 1 1 81 ;e pspusme

SKQP 09 1 30 mnm1 xem 9 1 0}‘1 661

‘6 isqms;dss 341 1 03 333 ‘

LI VVI‘ 59 8

I I I81 ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms $7661 ‘

1 1 ;sn6nv sA1 ;osggs ‘9Lp g 1


1 1 1 81 ;e

;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sdisAep 09 1 go mnm1 xem e Jog£p651

£1 A1 np sA1 ;osg gs ‘

6621 1° 6sa '

1 1 1 31 ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms 57661 '51 sunp sA1 ;osg gs ‘

z9 9 5‘ 6sa °

1 1 1 9 1

;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd51 661£1 z qoxew sA1 ;osg gs ‘

9 1 1 9° 5su


1 1 1 3 1 ;e pspusme

1 661‘81 Kienuep 8A1 1 09 339 ‘

1 01 1’ 588


I I I 81 49 pspusme 38661‘LI q msosa

9A1 1 03 339 ‘LZZ

‘ 588'

I I I 81 1 9 pspusme 48661 ‘SI q msosq 9A1 308338 ‘

bISZZ° 6sa '

1 1 1 1 1 ;e pspusme : sflep 09 1 go mnm1 xem e 1 0;‘8661

£1 q msosq sA1 ;osg gs

‘8981 2

° 6sa °

1 1 1 1 1 ;e ;usmpusme Aousbisms 1 8661£gz isqo;oo sA1 ;osggs

‘801 61

‘ 59 8‘

1 1 1 1 1 39 pspusme £5 5 9? 09 1 JO mnm1 xem 9 1 03‘6661

‘92 ;sn6nq

sA1 ;osggs ‘9 99 1 1

° 6sa °

1 1 1 1 1 ;e ;usmpusme Aousbisms : sKep 09 1 go mnm1 xem

e Jog‘8661

‘6 ;sn5nv sA1 ;osg gs ‘

681 81' bsu


1 1 1 1 1 ;e ;usmpusme Aousbisms£8661

£68 51 08 3A1 1 09 333 ‘

60V81° 588

1 1 1 1 1 49 papuame £9 588 09 1 30 mnm1 xew

9 1 0;‘

8661‘ 22 K 1 nr 9A1 1 03 339 ‘

00681° 668

1 1 1 1 1 1 8 nuampuawe Kauafil ama £8661‘

8 I I IdV 3A1 203 339 ‘I bb9

‘ 588’

1 1 1 1 1 49 pspusme 58661‘Z K I QH I QGJ 8A1 1 3 3 333

‘61 81

‘ 588'

I I I 1 1 49 pspusme 1 6661‘V K I QHUE P 8A1408338 ‘065

‘ 588’

I I I 1 1 1 ?

pspusme 52661‘81 isqmsosa sA1 ;osg gs ‘

861° 6su


1 1 1 1 1 ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd2661

‘EZisqmsosq 6A1 1 09 333 ‘

882‘ 568


I I I 1 1 1 9 pspusme fSKQP 09 1 30 mnm1 xem

e-iog ‘

2661‘p isqms;dss sA1 ;Osg gs £

zg pv1' 6sa ‘

I I I 9 1 ;e ;usmpusme Aousbisms53 59 9 09 1 30 mnmr xem 9 1 0;


‘61 JSHBOV 6A1 309 339 ‘09681

‘ 588‘

I I I 9 1 39

;usmpusme Kousbisms : z551£9 z Aew sA1 ;osg gs ‘

2888° 5sa ‘

1 1 1 9 1 ;e pspusme : sfiep051 30 W OW I X E W 9 ‘

61 5 9 W 9A1408339 ‘6828

‘ 538‘

I I I 9 1 3 9 JuamPUQW Q '

Aousbisms 32661loz 1 1 q sA1 gosg gs £

9 901“baa °

1 1 1 9 1 ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd8661

£1 1 uoxew aA1 1 08338 ‘

8909' 688


1 1 1 9 1 1 9 nuampuewe Al ondmazad£8661‘oz Kieniqsg sA1 ;osg gs ‘ogvg ‘ bsa °

1 1 1 9 1 ;e pspusme : sKep 09 1 go mnm1 xem e Jog‘1 661

‘9z q msosq sA1 ;osg gs ‘

1 1 1' 6sa '

1 1 1 9 1 ;e gusmpusme Kousbisms 41 661 £g z

1 sqms;dss sA1 ;osg gs ‘o1 zp 1 ' 6su°

1 1 1 9 1 ;e pspusme 51 661‘1 z ;su6nv sA1 ;Osggs

£08081‘ 588


1 1 1 9 1 1 9 papueme £1 661‘61 K1 nr 341409 333 £0801 1

‘ 588‘

1 1 1

9 1 48 papaau? £949 8 09 1 Jo MGM1 x9 m 9 1 0;£1 661


1 K1 nr 8A1 306336 ‘9 8v01

' 53 8‘

1 1 1 9 1 1 8 nuawpuame Kouefiiewa £1 661£8 1 1 Idv aA1 aoa;;a ‘

9 9 1 9’ 53 H


1 1 1 9 1 as

;usmpusme Kio;dms 1 sd1 1 661£oz qog ew sA1 ;osg gs £oo1 g ' 5sa °

1 1 1 9 1 ;e ;usmpusme

Axoqdmazad £1 661‘1 1 Rozew 3A1 33 3 333 ‘

1 ovv ’ 5aH°

1 1 1 9 1 1 8 papuawe £1 661‘1 1 Al enl qau 8A1406;Ja ‘

9688° 688

1 1 1 9 1 38 papuame £1 661‘1 K l enuer 9A1 309 333


g 9 9' 6s3


1 1 1 9 1 ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dmsisd 50661 ‘g 1 q msAoN sA1 ;osg gs

£p983 1

' 6sa °

1 1 1 71 ;e ;usmpusme Aio;dms 1 sd 30661 ‘51 q msAoN sA1 ;osg gs



amendment at 23 I l l . Reg . 1 31 32,ef fec t ive Oc tober 1 , 1 999 ; amended at 23 I l l .T he rate Of Pay for a spec i f i c posi t i on or c lass Of POSitiOD S W here i t is

Reg . 1 3570,effective Oc tober 25, 1 9 9 9 ; amended at 23 1 1 1 , Reg . 14020, deemed des i rable to exc lude such f rom the ot he r requ i rement s of t h is Pay Plan

e f fec t ive November 1 5,1 9 9 9 ; amended at 241 1 1 . Reg . 1 025,ef fec t i ve January 7, shal l be only as des ignated by the Gover nor .

2000; pe remptory amendment at 24I l l . Reg . 339 9,e f fec t ive Feb ruary 3,2000;amended at 24I l l . Reg . 3537,ef fec t ive Februar y 1 8,2000; amended at 24 I l l .

Reg . 6874, ef fec t ive Apr i l 21 ,2000; amended at 24I l l . Reg . 7956,e f fec t ive

May 23,2000; eme rg ency amendment at 24I l l . Reg . 1 0328, ef fec t ive Ju ly 1 , Annual Salar y2000, for a max imum of 1 50 days ; pe remptory amendment at 24I l l . Reg . 1 0767,ef fec t ive Ju ly 3,2000; amended at 24I l l . Reg . 1 3384, ef fec t i ve Aug ust 17,2000; pe remptory amendment at 24I l l . Reg . 14460,e f fec t ive September 14,2000peremptory amendmen t at 24 I l l . Reg . 1 6700, ef fec t i ve Octobe r 30,2000;peremptory amendment _at 24 I l l . Reg . 17600, e f fect ive Novembe r 1 6, 2000 Publ i c Informat i on Of f i ce r IV Annual Salar yamended at 24I l l . Reg . 1 8058,ef fect i ve December 4,2000; pe remptory amendment (POS NO 37004—42-00-005- 1 0-01 )at 24I l l . Reg . 1 8444,ef fec t ive Decembe r 1 ,2000; amended at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . 81 1 ,e f fec t ive January 4,2001 ; amended at 25 I l l . Reg . 2389,ef fect ive January 22, Publ i c Serv i ce Adm in i st rat or Annual Salar y

2001 ; amended at 25 I l l . Reg . 4552, e f fec t i ve Mar ch 14, 2001 ; pe remptory (POS NO ' 3701 5amendment at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . 5067,e f fec t ive Mar ch 21 ,2001 ; amended at 25 I l l .

Reg . 561 8,ef fect ive Apr i l 4,2001 ; amende d at 25 I l l . Reg . 6655,ef fect i ve May Publ i c Serv i ce Adm i n i st rator Annual Salar y

1 1 ,2001 ; amended at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . 71 51 , e f fec t ive May 25, 2001 ; per emptory (POS NO 3701 5-42-35- 140-20-01 )amendment at 25 I 1 1 . Reg . 8009,e f fec t ive June 14,2001 ; emer gency amendment at

25 1 1 1 . Reg . 9336,ef fec t ive Ju ly 3,2001 ,for a maximum of 1 50 days; amended Depar tment Of Human Se rv i ces

at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . 9846,e f fect ive Ju ly 23,2001 ; amended at 25 Reg . 1 2087,effectie e t mber 6, 2001 ; amended at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . ef fect ive Med i cal Adm in i st rator 1 ,Opt ion D Annual Salar y

NOVqfifilfi (Pos . No. 26401 — 1 0-79—006-00—21 )

SUBPART A : NARRATIVE Publ i c Se rv i ce Adm i n i st rator Annual Salary

(Pos . No . 3701 5- 1 0-23- 1 00—30—01 )Sect i on Imp lementat i on of Pay Plan Chang es for F iscal Year 2002 299 1

Sen i or Publ i c Serv i ce Admin i st rator Annual Salary

T he rates of pay for all employees occupy ing pos i t ions sub j ec t to t he Schedu le (P05 . NO 40070- 1 0-65-000of Salary Grades shal l be as set out i n Append i x B,Schedule of Salary

Grades Mont hly Rates of Pay for F i scal Year 2002 Sen i or Publ i c Se rv i ce Adm in i st rat or Annual Salar y

e 60(Pos . No . 40070— 1 0—81 - 920—00—21 )

(Source : Amended at 25 I l l . Reg . e f fec t i veNov20

Sect i on Ef fec t i ve Date P r ivat e Sec re tary I I Annual Salar y

(Pos . No . 34202-50— 1 9—000—00—01 )T his The

—effective —date —of—t his Pay Plan Nar rat i ve (Subpar t A ) ,Schedule of

Rates (Subpar t B ) ,andSchedule of Salary Grades (Append ix B ) ; shal l be Depar tment of Natu ral Resou r ces

Admi n i st rat i ve Assi stant I I

(Sour ce : Amended at 25 I l l . Reg . f r S ef fec t ive (POS NO . 00502 —20-01 )

Depar tment of Revenue


Sen ior Pub l i c Se r v i ce Adm i n i st rator Annual Salar ySec t ion DesignatedRate (PC S . NO . 3701 5


in Sec t i on of the Pay Plan .

(Sou rce : Amended


at 25 1 1 1 . Reg .

Sect i on Annual Me r i t Inc rease Guidechar t for F iscal Year 2002 29 9}

Categor y

Categq r y 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

Sou rce 5041159393335

Except ional

Accompl i shed

Acceptab le


at 25 I l l . Reg .

0% to

0% to

0% t o 3%

e f fec t i ve



Sect ion 3 1 0. APPENDIX B Schedule of Salary Grades Mont hly Rates of PayF i scal Year 2002 a9 9i

Salary Step Step S tep Step Step Step Step Step Step StepGrade 1 lh


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|


1 563 1 604 1 646 1 689 1735 1777 1 822 1 874 1 9 1 8 1 9 98 201 8

1 605 1 647 1 690 1735 1777 1 822 1 876 1 924 1 972 2053 2074

i .w m ig gl lm m z lifl fiz w w m l w

4 w w w w w g m w w w w

_s_ w m w w w fi w w w w w

é m w w lfla w w w w w w m

z w w w w w w m w w w w

a M w w w w w w fi w fi fi2 w w m w m m w w w fi zfiaQ w m w w w afl w w w m m

D m w w w w w w fi fi zfiiwa m m w m iw f gfiiifi lm w w w

lé w w w w w w w m w w m

14 w w w zfi w w zfl m w w m i

w w w w zw w m w w w w

lé w w w w fi w w w w w fl

u fi w w w m w w fin m m w


i_s w w w w m w w w m w m g

12 3006 3094 31 86 3282 3450 361 2 3780 39 38 41 03 4351 4395


HOCh N N 00 N OM(xN Q

\D N N U3 U

1 N (xQ



N Or—4mN HL

nNN N O\ r—4 N mmr

—fl N E H [xN \Om HCh

L0to d) (

I) m00 C

O\0Nm o

nmHm Om \0ONCD N ml\ N (


O\\D N mN toN VmInN MmH

2552 5533 g goz m6 O9V€ 8828 81 1 8 9008 0882 69LZ ?9 9? 269?

888? a8 ??Z? Eff


8? 2522 5223 zgfz Eff

888? mg $572 5533 3578? Z?Z? ?Z?? 8?

88 ?Z?? 888? 88

??Z? 8? 8?

??Z? 8? ?Z?? 888? 8?

8 Z 8 8? d? 5? apexs 8?

?ZZ? 8?


zooz 7? Kinr aAiioaJSRaTnp3a3§

aa6f3nafiaaf O E T Z GOT Z szoz 9LGI 9861 IL8I T8LI SE LI 069? L79 1 9 ?

888? 8?

??Z? ??Z? 8 Z 8 8? d? 5? 698 1 9


I§f§ 5265 Gig; 265; 665; 256? n f 652? gig? E—

fZOOZ 1 9 3AIQOS I J I O} KQd30 $ 61 9 3 Ktq quow

m m m m m m m m m m m a—z m m m m m m m m m m m



??Z? ?Z?? 9 9 98



221 9 2278




NCh (I)

(h wx





1 585

1 543

1 584

1 635

1 686

1 248

1 296

1 584

1 542

1 586

1 629

1 681

1 234

1 289

1 842

1 546

1 598

1 63 1

1 625

1 228

1 283

1 848

1 89 9

1 589

1 635

1 622

1 222

1 222

1 833

1 892

1 953

1 635

1 622

1 222

1 222

1 833

1 892

1 9 53


1 622

1 222

1 222

1 851

1 89 1 «

1 958

281 9


1 222

1 226

1 822

1 888

1 948



21 69

1 224

1 824

1 826

1 941





1 81 8

1 822

1 922

1 998


21 32

221 2


1 898

1 953



21 55




1 8

1 2

1 3

1 5

1 6

1 2

1 8

1 9







Schedu 1 e—of-Sa1 er y -Grades-1A1 t er netive—Retir ement—Pormu 1 a—on 1 y? —Mont h1 y—Rat es

1 861

1 929

281 8

21 88

21 82




261 2








41 88

1 9 14

1 984


21 68








51 52


551 2




1 968


21 26


251 5





29 1 5








2824 2896 21 24


21 82








31 63



323 1


421 2

423 1 4358 4489

eE—Pay-for -Piece1 -¥ear -2061

Se1 er y St ep Step

Gr ade

1 a




1 c

1 584

1 542

1 586

1 629

1 b

1 546

1 598

1 63 1

1 625

St ep

1 8

1 589

1 635

1 622

1 222

St ep


1 634

1 681

1 224

1 221

21 86





221 3



3 142


351 1

321 8


41 68





1 681

1 224

1 221

1 822








31 22

329 3




41 1 8




St ep


1 224

1 221

1 822

1 883






281 5








43 1 1




St ep


1 221

1 826

1 829

1 933






29 1 8






481 6


451 1


51 1 8


St ep


1 824

1 826

1 929

1 9 96



261 5




3 1 21





41 81




523 1

St ep


1 828

1 925

1 982













421 8

49 9 1




St ep


1 952






261 5



881 2


51 58


581 8



1 598





661 8

881 8




81 85




£81 2


1 898


61 88

9 1 88







89 1 8



1 861





861 1







21 52

21 1 2

1 562


281 8

1 1 1 2


1 861





81 82












561 8

881 8














81 1 8






881 8








69 98


£81 8







881 8






881 2




1 1 88

821 8



51 98

1 858


1 888

81 88

881 8





589 1



81 82



£1 88








1 51 8





989 1

1 291


821 2


1 828


581 8

9 968



9 988



1 561

1 681




289 1

229 1

865 1









1 888

81 88

61 1 8




1 281

889 1

889 1






ull1 8




“9 1





“1 1









W 1





1 21 5





9 598

1 928


1 81 8

1 868






£1 88

9 5 2 8 8 if 9 1

5949 daas daas dais daas does daas



651 5

1 282

£9 52



889 8


9 9 88

1 81 8




1 888

861 8

£1 1 8

8068—41 —51 9 9—34143 3 3383 {R 9 3 q9 5 -IQ§J GQOS—wnm§xnfl





981 2

81 68



81 88

851 8







81 88

881 8




261 2




£81 8




5 1 58

81 28

81 88

1 888

221 8



881 5

£882 .

61 5?

1 225





51 26








65 1 2






9 1 98




69 98





951 8











1 688


1 888





651 8








81 82




89 1 8


1 588



1 888


£81 8















51 68




51 88


981 8

1 288




9 1 9 903 9

daqs 53 °{Os

1 882

£1 58


85 1 8







89 1 8

£9 88


21 61


1 89 1

9 58

9 28

9 88

9 88

9 1 8

9 88

9 61

9 81

9 9 1

9 51

9 81

9 81

9 1 1

9 81

9 6

9 8


9 5



6 5443 51 9 9 5956 6335 Sect ion 3 1 0.APPEND IX c Med ical Administrator Rates for'

Fiscal Year 2002 28811 Reg . e ffect ive T i t le Min imum Midpo int Max imum


Med ical Administ rator I ! 9487 1 1 176

Médical Adminiét r ator I, 1 0445 1 21 82

Medical Administ rator 1 1 , 8427 1 0147 1 1 867Opt ion c

Med ical Admin ist rator I I, 1 1472 1 3268

1 0020 1 1 988 1 39 56

1 01 82 l21 50 141 1 8

1 0346 1 231 6 14286Medica17Adm1 nist r ate r —i7 251 6 1 8722-ep tion—e

Medicai—Administrate r —i7 8393 1 8867 1 1 141—6p tion—B

Medicai—Administ r ate r —ii7 81 22 9488 1 1438~ ~ 8p tien—e

Medicai—Administ r ater -iiT 9 326 1 1 857 1 2288-9 p tion—B

Medicai-Administ r ator —Eii 9658 1 1 555 1 3452

Medicaiifidminist r ate r -IV 1 1 21 1

Medicai—Administ r ator -V 99 1 2 1 1 821 1 9 1 1 8

T he rates of pay for physic ians occupy ing or appointed to a posi t ion in the

Med ical Admini st rator classes shall be as l isted in the above schedule . Allp rovisions '

of Subpar t C of the Pay Plan,Mer i t Compensat ion System” w ill apply

to the Med ical Admin i st rator posi t ions .



Section 3 1 0.APPENb G B road—Band Pay Range Classes Salary Schedule for F iscalYeaf 2002 29 9}

T i t le

Human Resources Rep resentat ive

Human Resources Spec ial i st

Resi dent ial Services Supe rvisor

S i te Supe r intendent

Human-Resour ces-Rep r esentative

Human—Resour ces-Specialist

Public—Se r vice—Administ r ator

Residential—Ser vices-Super visor

Senior —Public~Ser vice-Administ ratersite—Sup erint endent

(Sournev2bywfied at 25

239 9

9 9 99

29 9 9



49 95

9 9i6


ef fect ive

9 )


1 5 )



Head ing of the Part : Disabled Hunt ing Method Author i zat ions

Ado t edAct ionAmendment

Statutory Author i ty : Implement ing andauthor i zed by Sect ion of the

Wi ldl i fe Code [520 ILCS

A copy of the adopted amendment,includ ing any mater ial incorporated by

refe rence, is on f i le in the agency's pr inc ipal off ice andis avai lable

for publ ic inspect ion .

Not ice of Proposal Publ ished in Il l inoi s Reg i ster : September 14,2001 , 25

I ll . Reg . 1 1736

Ar e there any amendments pend ing on th i s Par t? No

Summary andPurpose of Rulemaking : Th is Par t is be ing amended to allow

Class A (permanent d i sab i l i ty ) stand ing vehicle permi t s to be i ssued to

ind iv i duals who ar e unable to ambulate,or who suffer f rom card iovascular

or lung d isease to the extent that they would otherwise be unable to hunt ;andClass B (temporary d i sab i l i ty ) stand ing vehicle permi ts to ind iv i duals

who ar e temporar i ly d isabled andhave rest r icted ambulat ion due to cast s,sur gery,i llness or injury .

d i rected to

Jack Pr ice

Depar tment of Natural Resources



physically —unable —to —wal k -due-to—a—t empor ar y—disabilit y7 — T he

licensed—phy sician —comple ting -the -medical —

por tion —o£ —the

app lication —must —p r ovide-an—app r oximation-ef-hew—long—it-will-bebefe r e— the—applicant-has-sufficient ly -r ecever ed—te—the—peint-t hathefshe—is-no—long er -phy sical ly —unable—to-walk

l i censed physi c ian ;

g) i l lness or injury .

3 ) For -t he —pur poses

-= o£ -this—Sectien T —“phy sicall y ~ unable—to—wal k“shall—mean—t hat—the—app licant—is—incapable-o£—walkin g—me r e—then—2steps

—fé-fee t )

Class A pe rmi ts i ssued under th i s Sect ion shall be val i d for a per iod

of 3 years f rom the date of i ssuance as spec i f ied on the permi t .

Class B perm i ts i ssued unde r t his Sect ion shall be val i d for a per iod

of not more than 90 days f r om the date of i ssuance as spec i f ied on the

permi t .

Loss of the stand ing vehicle hunt ing permi t shal l requ i re the holder

to reapply .

Reappl icat ion for a Class A pe rmi t _w i l l requ i re the appl icant to

cer t i fy‘

that he is st i ll suffer ing f rom a pe rmanent physical

d isab i l i ty t hat renders h im unable to walk . Reappl icat ion for a ClassB permi t requ i res the same documentat ion as an or i g inal appl icat ion

Stand ing Veh icle Hunt ing Rules1 ) Stand ing veh icle permi t holde rs ar e author i zed to shoot f rom a

vehicle that is totally immob i le w i th the eng ine turned of f .

When the veh icle is mov ing,guns must be unloaded andenclosed in

a case,andbow andar row dev ices unst rung,enclosed in a case or

othe rw ise rendered inope rable,in accordance w i th Sect ion z .a3 (n )of the Wi ldl i fe Code [520 ILCS Holder s of Stand ingVehicle Pe rmi t s, who ar e in the f ield legally hunt ing pheasant,quai l,Hungar ian par t r i dge or rabb i t,shal l be permi t ted to car ry

a loaded anduncased shotgun in or on a veh icle or conveyance inaccordance wi th the prov isions of 17I l l . Adm . Code

2) The stand ing veh icle permi t appl ies only on pr ivate prope r ty

where permi ssion of the landowne r has been obtained . I t does not

apply on publ ic roadways . Persons w ish ing to shoot/hun t f rom a

stand ing veh icle on Depar tment—owned or managed proper t ies must

obtain permission f rom the S i te Super intendent in accordance wi th17I l l . Adm . Code 1 1 0

3 ) Season dates,hours,daily _1imit s, possession l imi ts, andall

othe r requ i rements by law apply4) The issuance of a stand ing veh icle permi t does not exempt the

holder f rom the necessi ty of obtain ing hunt ing l icenses, stamps,or othe r pe rmi ts as requ i red by law

5 ) T he stand ing vehicle permi t must be car r ied by the hunter wh i leexerc ising th is pr ivi lege andmust be presented to any law

(Source :



enforcement author i ty upon request .

Amended at 25 I ll . Reg . 5 8 5 3 ef fect ive


ssqoqeiosKq psonpsisr siusiqus go isqmnu sqissstun 41 9 1 s on .psiirmisdion 9 ; aug see : 9 u r psisius usaq seq qor qm sSJoq v “sIQE 5FI3 05 TH“


psqsr tqeiss s: e q riq rfir rs 30 suorirpuoo u r eaxso

qor qm Jo;‘ soe: Surmg eto s neqiq io ‘ soei v soea souemot tv


sosi e ;o suorir puoo q qo pue sq r sM souemottv

-iesK sur pssoons

sq; go I”Kienuep mox; psuoxosisq Iteqs sfie ‘iesK Rue ;o isqmsosq

pus q msAoN u; uxoq $ 1 9 0; 1 0; : q oxs Bu r teo; go isaK- sqigo Kienuepgo Kep 3 5 1i; sq; m0}; psuoxosisq It eqs ssaoq e 30 s69 sqL “adv

soei pstnpsqos ixsu sq; sio;sq m9 1 601dBur ns: 9 Bu rinppsionpuoo sq oissoex I O see : e no Bus SeM Kuv "Bus SeM psoueApv

'asindsq; o; psppe s: e psAr sosisss; uorieietosppue soueiius II? qor qn up psissiuoo sq on s; i; qorqm u p JesK

smes sq; u r Bur soto soei sssur eq v "qusAg Bur sota£1 1 9 3 Ksuow psppv“


soei9 uibu r nisisio/pue uipsisius ‘oipsieurmou seeioq sq; go sienno sq; Kq piedsss;

snorien sqq oiuorie roosse Eur os: e Aq psppe Ksuom sq; "Ksuow psppv

SLGI 30 309 Bq sa sso S I OUI II I sq; "1 0V

9 00141 Uiiaa or or z uor zses

3A¥ 1 3 3 339 “Baa ‘

II I st 49 pepueme £9661‘r I aqonJQOZJAiiggiia


' Bau 9 papuawe tissr ‘ez Iaqwe n aArioassa ‘ Z ELLI ‘ 59 8


39 pspusme 5766I ‘IZ K I QUUQD 3AF3°9 333 ‘ ZLOZ

' 53 8'


sour 022] SL6I Jo new Bu r eauaso SIOUIII I sq; go (q ) 5

-uor qoss Kq psz rioqine pue Buriusmstdmx = I LIHOHIQV

suorq r u r gsa OI'











1 0909 SIOUPII I‘ofiet o

OOI—I I azins ‘udropueu isam 001

pxeoq buroeu srou r III

oz zg s orw


gog iisaar ssfiueqo sq : oisu t u r eiisdsuorqru r 3sp ssiepdn Bu rxemstnisrum : Bu rxemstng go ssoaind pue Kiemmns

ON ail edsr qiuo Burpusdsqusmpusme Kue sisqisxv

ssx aavop Kq psnssr siusmssifie sq; u; psieor pu r

suoN : uor ss taut; pue Issodozdussmqsq ssouszsgg ra



uoiqosdsu r or t qnd1 0;

B IQQI I EAE sr‘pue sorggo Iedrou rids,KousBe sqiu; ar r; no sr ‘ sousxsgsi

Kq psqeiodioour Te risiem flue Bu r pntour‘qusmpusme psidops sq; go Kdos v

(q ) 6/s $3 1 1 oez = K3 1 1 0q4nv Klonnieis

papuamv OI'


suorir u r gsa :iiea sqigo BurpesH





(I I





Appeal" A request for the Board to invest igate,consi der or rev iew

any dec isions or rul ing s of the off ic ials of a meet ing or the dec i sion

of the Board i tself .

Appl icant" A person who appl i es for an organ i zat ion or occupat ion

l icense in a spec i f ied category or categor ies .

Approximate odds" The probable rat io of the pay-out pr ice to a $1

wager in the win pool in a par i-mutuel system .

"Ar rears" All monies -owed by a licen see,'including subscr ipt ions,jockey _fees,forfe i tures,andany de faul t inc i dent to these rules .

"Assoc iation” A person or business ent i ty holding a l icense from the

Board to conduct . racing w i th par i—mutuel wag e r ing .

"Assoc iation Grounds" All areas used by a rac ing assoc iat ion in

conduct ing a race mee t ing .

Author i zed Agent" A person appointed


by an owner or t rainer in

accordance wi th Board Rules,the appointment to be desi gnated in a

document signed by the owner or t rainer,approved by the stewards,executed annually andf i led wi th the I l l ino is Rac ing Boar d .

"Bat te ry" Any bat tery,bu z zer,elect r ical,or mechan ical dev ice or

other appl iance, except for the ord inary wh ip,wh ich can be used to

st imulate or depress a horse or af fect it s speed in a race or workout .

' "Benef i c ial Inte rest" Prof i t,benef i t or advantag e result ing f rom a

cont ract or an ownersh ip inte rest in an estate as d ist inct f rom legal

t i t le or owne r hsip,i. e . ,an inte rest as a dev isee,legatee or donee

solely for his own use or benefi t andnot as holder of t i t le for use

andbenef i t of another .

"Bet t ing interest" Horse,ent ry or f ield .

"Bleeder" A horse that is examined by an off i c ial vete r inar ian

following a race or workout andsheds blood from one or both nost r i ls

or upon endOSCOpic examinat ion shows observable amounts of f ree blood

in the respi ratory t ract

nBl eeder —Bist“ -A—tabulation-oE—all—bleeder s—to-be—maintained-by —theBoard:"Board" I ll inois Rac ing Board

"Bookmake r" w A person who accepts wage rs on racers other than through

a par i—mutuel mach ine .



"Breakage" The odd cents by which the amount payable on each dollar

wagered exceeds a mult iple of

"Breeder" (Harness ) T he owner 'of a horse 's dam at the t ime of

breed ing ; (Thoroug hbred ) T he owne r of the horse 's dam at the t ime of

foal ing .

"Cance led T icket" A t icke t wh ich represents a wager which has been

canceled andwi thdrawn from the par i—mutuel pools .

"Car ryover" The total amount of non—d i st r ibuted pool money in a pool

wh ich is re tained andadded to a cor respond ing pool in accordance wi th

these rules .

"Cashed T icket" Any par i-mutuel t i cket wh ich is refunded or wh ich ispresented for payment of a winning wag er andis pai d .

"Cash ie r Account ing"

T he record of tel le r act ivi ty by t ransact ion

andt ime of t ransact ion .

"Cent ral Processing Uni t" T he main computer which cont rols andstores both prog rams anddata.

C iv i l Penal ty" A penalty imposed on a l icensee for a v iolat ion of

Board rules or the Act .

“Claim“ T he act of an -el i g ible owner request ing -the stewards to

order the sale of a horse in a claiming_ race to him/ber.

for a

prede termined amount ; To request a we ight al lowance ; To f i le a claim

in a claiming race ; To acqui re a hor se by claiming .

"Claimant" r A per son or rac ing interest meet ing one of the three

cr i ter ia for claiming el ig ib i l i ty .

"Claim Form" T he form upon which an el i g ible owner ag rees to

purchase a horse f rom a claiming race .

"Claiming Pr ice" T he prede te rmined pr i ce at which a horse in a

claiming race must be sold i f i t is claimed .

"Claim ing Race" A race in which any horse star t ing may be purchased

for a predetermined amount in conformance wi th the Rules andRegulat ions .

"Col t" (Harness ) An uncast rated horse under four years of age ;

(Thoroughbred ) An uncast rated horse under f ive years of age .

"Computer Log Library" A record of all Operator ini t iated act ions of


ps;;xm1 sds; bu risbem ou qor um uo soe i V “soeg uor ;g q r qxa


spun01 6 uo;;e r oosse sq; go I I? ssssedmoous pue

s; uoxsntoxs ue ‘ DUIIR J sq; u ; psr g r osds ssstun°

p g eog

Bu y oea e UI TI I sq ; go UO I QD IPSI I R C sq; ispun spunog b sq; JO spunoxfiuox;eroosse go ;iedI O {Ie mo i g DUI I JPQ go ;se sq; "UOIsno g


soe 1 e u r ssxoq e o; psqoe;;e I O Kq unom sms;r sq; ";usmdr nbg'

;ss1 s;u r 6u r ;;sq suo se

{sh;um-r ied go ssodindsq ; Jog pstdnoo s : e ;eq;‘I BUIE JQ sues sq; Aq

p GUI QJQ JO ‘ sg r m pue pueqa Aq JO ‘ s;qe;s sues sq; Kq psumol sssg oq

siom 1 0 on; : soe i e Jog pais;ua ussq seq ;eu; ssg oq V “Ki;u3


1 spoosp e ;noq;1 m ;eufiy s qons Bu rAr sosiuosg sdRueo; q ezxuboosiun pue q e qdr ospux sq o; steufir s qons ssneo os pue

Ieub y s sq; go ;us;uoo osp rA( eu rfirio sq; xsem o; sIeufirs {ensrA—or pnesq; go suor ;e;ndr uem q ;o g o Bu r rqme g os sq; uor ;d& 1 0u3

°6u 1 ;ssm soe i or g gosds e ;e soe i 0; u r dr qs o; pue B I BQMB SIQ s;qe;s

o; psAOIdde ussq seq IO : spunOJB uor ;e;oosse uo soeds ;Ie;s ps;ue g 6

ussq seq : Jsur ei; asoqm ss : oq e o; sg sgsa soea o; srqxbpta


soe i sq; su r psosidsxssm xrs

;ses; ;e ssoto ss;1 ;us qar qm o; soeJ sssu g eq V “soea Bu y sotg Atieg° K;r ;roeg bu risfiem qoei;- g s;u r sq ; u r q ;r m

s: o;;uom A; o; euus;ue DUIAI GOQ I sq; mo i g STE UDI S psAr sosigo isgsuei;o;uo: ;osts sq; sspntou; pue

l srou I I I I sp t s;no xoei; JO sssusoxt

uor ;ez g ue61 0 ue mo g g 5u; ;euems e;ep Jo/pue steufigs IensrA—oy pnesnosue;;nmr s BUIAIB OB I go stqedeo pue q;;m s;q r ;edmoo JsAr sosJ;eubgs {ensrA-or pne ue q;1 m pstdnoo euus;ue EUIAI GOQ I V “xurtumoq


ss;nisq ; go uor ;oeigurue o; snp psqsr u r g KIIen;oe ;1 neq ;

‘ soe i e u ; qsy u r g go ispioretorg go sq; u ; ‘ uor ;;sodI SMOI e u ; ssxoq e soeIdo; "Kg I Tenbsxa


sssod1 ndasind pue Bu r ;;sq Jog uor ;; sodBu y qsr u r gs;r 6u;1 s;1 e JO 5u ; ; 1 e;s mo r g ;r bu riieq go ;oe sq ;

‘ sSJoq e go

sseo sq; u; ‘soex e u r sSJOq e EUIAI I p JO 5u 1 ;1 e;s mo r g

Jo {e r or ggo

ue se bux;os mo g g uosg sde DUIJ I E Q go ;oe sq; “uor ;eor g 1 1 enb sr q


sIeub r s sq; go

;us;uoo I E UI DI IO sq; se GTQE ZI UDOOB I miog e o;u 1 e;sp Jo/pue sIeubxs

Tens1A_o;pne ps;dKious ;JsAuoo o; sueam io/pue sorAsp V uJspoosq

(qo;eios :mAuouKs) ‘

ss; 1 ;us go Bu y soto sq ; 1 s;ge soe i e



Jog pai s;ua ssxoq e go Ieme z pq;;m sq;‘

809 1 J E IROI JI Qde u r ssgoq e 5u ; 1 s;us go sssoogdsq; (sssuzeH ) “UOIJE J E ID SQ


8 1 1 9 U !su y r qsru g g sq ; ssor o sssgoq siom I O om; qor qm ar soe i V ";esH pesa

1 ufiiue¥w;e 6u 1 pus pue

‘ m ‘e I0= Z I ;e Bupuu r bsq pogisdinoq 73 V Keg


;us1 ed sIemsg sq; "meg “

sss ostV )°

sssodindBuxg sfiem Isn;nm— 1 ied Jog ;ssis;u r bu r ;;aq stbu t s e se ps;es1 ;

sie ;eq ; ;ss;uoo e u; s;ue;ss;uoo siom 1 0 on; “Ki ;u3 psIdnoo-se-s;usupusme -£ue-spn{au; -;ou-ssop-g { 9-La: sza

is} ar e ssasse asn IZ U1 9 94S¥ I aoue;sqns Kuv aouensqns pat rozauoo


;ss;uoo 9 ur ;uedr ot ;iedIenp rAr pu r uV ;ue;ss;uoa


ps;onpuoo s;

Bu risfiem Tsu;hu- r ied qq m uo ;usAs bu r oei sAr;r ;sdmoo V


uor;emiogu r sn;e;s Ioodsoe i ;usiino sKeIdsr p qor um io;p uom sn;e;s io;ez r re;o; sq; "sIosuoou


usmrosds su r in e u r s;1 q e;sm go Snip agg rosds e go sousssidsq; Ag 1 ;usp r o; pssn sinpsOOJdreor ;K;eue puooss V u ;ss; psmixguog


soe g ieInor;Jede ur psis;us sq

04 KQI T I QI 5 ¥ TG s.sszoq 9 su;m1 s;sp QQHQ SUOI JE OIJI IQHO SUOI QI PUOD


soe 1 Jetnor;1 ede 1 s;us o; J spio ur ;ssm ;snm sszoq e suo; ;1 puoo sq;

war m ‘ 5 1 9 361 063 buxoeu an; Kq uaiuilm ‘fiu r 1 8ir v ";eaus UOI qipuoo

psr g r osds KIsnorAsidKq psu g sAobsr K;r;1 q r 6r ;s K i;us qor qm o; ;usAs ;qfixuzsAo uV soeu psuor ;r puoa

(;ssqs : mxuoufis) '


go suor ;driossp pue ssSJ nd‘suo;;r puoo sq ; ;no s;ss qoxqm uo; ;exoosse

Bu r oei ps 1 qq6nozoq; e Kq psqsr tqnd ;s oog V llxoog uo; ;r puoa

SIOUI I II ur xoei; soe i e ;e oxtqndsq; o; BUIXJ EdI O s;ssqsdr; 'sme 1 601 d ‘ ssbeisAsq l poog ap IAO Id 1 0 {Iss 0; sip euopsssouooe se s;eisdo o; pssusog I sAr;e;usss s1


Ie6st JO ss;sn 1 ;‘ uor ;eiodioo ‘dr qSJsu;Jed ‘mi rg ‘

Ienp rAr pu r uV “sir euoxsssouoo

°iosss001d-uog ;oesuei; sq;





Exp i redT i cket" An ou tstand ing t i cke t t hat was not presented for

redempt ion w i t h i n the requ i red t ime pe r i od fo r wh i ch i t was i ssued .

Extended Par i—Mut ue l Mee t i ng" A mee t ing at wh i ch no ag r i cul t u ral

fai r is i n prog ress,of more t han 1 0 days annual ly, w i t h par i—mut uel

wage r ing .

F ield"

Al l the horses t hat compe te i n a race ; A numbe r of hor ses

g r ouped t oget her as an ent ry for the pu rpose of par i—mutuel bet t ing .

F i lly"

(Thoroug hbred ) A female hor se under f i ve years of age .

(Harness ) A female hor se unde r fou r year s of age .

F i nanc ial Interest" An i nterest t hat cou ld resu l t in d i rec t ly or

i nd i rect ly rece i v i ng a pecun iary gai n or sustai n i ng a pecun iary lossas a resul t of ownersh i p or i nterest in a horse or bus iness ent i ty ; oras a resul t of salary,g rat u i ty or ot her compensat ion or remune rat i on

f rom any pe r son . T he lessee andlessor of a hor se have f inanc iali nterest s .

F i n i sh L i ne"

A real or imag inary l ine,per pend i cu lar t o the racecou r se,t hat mar k s the endof a race . (Synonyms :


f i n i sh w i re,w i re )

Flat Race"

A race in wh i ch hor ses mounted by j ockeys run over acou r se on wh i ch no obstacles ar e placed .

Fore ign . Sub stance" Al l substances except t hose wh i ch ex i st

natu ral ly in the unt reated hor se of normal physi olog i cal

concent rat ions or substances, or me tabol i tes t he reof wh i ch ar e

contai ned i n equ ine feeds or feed supplement s bu t do not contai n an ypharmacodynami c and/or chemot herapeu t i c agents, or pharmaceu t i calai ds .


"An imprope r act comm i t ted by a j ockey or a hor se i n the

r unn ing of a race

Foul Claim"or "Claim of Foul" An ob j ec t i on,al leg i ng a foul,made

t o the stewar ds or t he i r des i gnee by a d r ive r, j ockey, owner or

t rai ner of a hor se i nvolved in a race .

For fe i t"

Money due f rom a l i censee because of e r ror,faul t,neg lect

of dut y,. b reach of cont rac t or a penal t y imposed by the stewar ds ort he Boar d .

Fut ur i ty (Harness ) A stakes race i n wh i ch the dam of the compet ing



an imal is nom i nated e i t her when i n foal or du r i ng the year of foal i ng .

(Thoroug hb red ) A stakes race,for horses not ol de r t han t hree year s of

age, i n wh i ch nomi nat i ons ar e made be fore the hor se becomes a

t hree—year old.

“Ge l d i ng" A cast rated hor se .

"Gende r andNumbe r " P ronouns of one gende r include -the other ;si ng u lar wor ds i nc lude the plu ral andv i ce ver sa; unless the contex t

c lear ly i nd i cates othe rw i se .

G imm i ck Race" Arace on wh i ch a f orm ~of mul t i ple wage r i ng isconduc te d,such as Dai ly Double,Qui ne l la,Exac ta,Per fec ta,Tr i fec ta,etc .

"Guaranteed Stakes" A stakes race w i t h a g uarantee by the par ty

of fe r ing' i t t hat t he sum pai d shal l not be less t han the amount named

(see S takes Race ) .

Guest Assoc iat i on" J An assoc iat i on t hat of fe r s l i censed par i—mutuel

wage r i ng on contest s conduc ted by anot her assoc iat i on (the host ) i n

e i t he r the same or anot he r state

Hand i cap (Harness ) A race i n wh i ch star t i ng posi t i ons ar e assi gned

on the bas i s of past per formance so as t o equal i ze the chance'

of al l

horses entered ; (Thoroughbred ) A race i n wh i ch the we ights car r ie d by

the ente red hor ses ar e assi gned by the Hand i cappe r for the purpose“


equal i z i ng t he i r respec t i ve chances of w inn ing .

"Hand i capper“ A pe r son who "assi gns we i ghts (t horoug hbred ) or post

pos i t i ons (har ness ) t o hor ses nom inate d to a hand i cap race .

“Handle" T he agg regate dol lar amount of al l par i-mut uel pools,exc lud ing r efundable '

wag er s .

Heat" One of two or more i nstal lment s of a race .

"Hor se" An al l encompassi ng term for an y equ ine of any age,i nclud ing col t, f i l ly, ge l d ing, ridgelin gy mare or stal l i on;Anuncast rated male hor se fiv e '

y ear s of age or ol de r .

"Host Assoc iat i on" T he associat i on conduc t ing a l i censed par i-mutue l

meet i ng f r om wh i ch au t hor i zed contests or ent i re prog rams ar e

simu lcast .

Hy poderm i c In j ec t ion" Any i n j ec t ion i nt o or under the sk in or

mucosa, i nc lud i ng bu t not l im i ted to int radermal in ject ion,subcutaneous i n j ec t i on,submucosal in j ec t ion, i n t ramuscular i n jec t i on,


suor ss;mmoo Kio;n;e;s pue

s;sbem stqepungsisss; saIes ;sxog ; ss01 5 go ;unome sq; “tood ;su


;usm;iedsp Isn;nm- 1 Jeds;; ssrAisdns o; sssusor ;

uor ;ez ;uebio sq; Kq ps;eub r ssp {e gor ggo BUID QJ sq; “isbeuew Ish ;uw

°ms;sAs Ish;um- 1 Jedsq; Aq Attenpxarpu r pst pueq

sq ueo ;eq; q unu sq; spssoxs s;ssis;u r go isqmnu Te;o;

sq; usqm sssodindBu risbem Ish;um— r 1 edJog ;ss ;u r 6u r ;;aq stfiu rse se pa;esi; s : e ;eq; ;ss;uoo e ur ssSJoq siom g o om; “p rs r g Isn;nw


Qiuom 1 2909 1 9 0 v uq quow


Tood ;eu sq ; bu r sridmooKsuom go ;unome sq; go sssoxs u r sr Sisbem bu r uuxm no

. ps;nqri;srpsq o; Asuom go ;unome sq; usqm Sinooo Ioodsun yu V “rooa snu rw


uss;usAss go s6e sq; I spun uosg sdKuV gou rw


pieog sq;

go IEAOIdd? Kq BUIOE I ;onpuoo o; psz rioq ;ne sr uor ;e;oosse ue qoxqm

bu r r up JeaK qoes ss;ep sAr snIou ; pue poxisdpsxgzosds sq; ubu r ;saw

° Ksuom neq; I sq;o s : e ‘Aueg r

‘ SB ZI Idsq; s qM pue ssg soue g ;us ou q;§m soe i V soea ssu 1 ;ew

SIaUMO J p sq;

Ag 0; pasifie suo; ;1 puoo ispun ssSJoq om; ussm;sq soe i V soea qa;em


Jsp to 1 0 she go sg esK BAT ; ss goq stemsg V (pssiq nOJq; )fir spIo JO s6e go sg esK inog ssgoq stemsg V (sssu g eH ) sg ew


SJsuu r muou'

o; ps;o; 1 ;ss 1 ;ss;uoo V soea usp r ew

° K J ;unoo Kue u r 6ur;ssm psz y uboosie ;e soe i ;eIge u ; ssr nde

. g suu g m e psu g es isAsu seq ;eq; ss goq V: psisggo sen asind e ;eq; Jog

‘;ie;s o; psis;us s; ;Ieb

sq ; ;e‘ soe i I O ;esq e uom JsAsu seq ;eq; ssg oq V (sssUI eH ) usp t ew

(sssusoy t uo; ;ednooo : mKuouKs)°

p 1 eog sq;

go uo;;or psr 1 n f sq; ispun Buroeiu 1 .s;ed1 0r ;g edo; ssusoy r uo; ;ednoooue psnss; ussq seq ;eq; K;t;us Iebs; I O UOSIadV sssusor q


;usmss1 5e

sses; Aq s; ssioq e u ; ;ssis;u r ssoqm J BUMO pssusoit V sassaq


stxm e go q;uss;x r s e neq ; is;ioqs ;ou

s;r uh u r soue;s; p ps;e;s sq; ;e unisq {;eqs ssoeu “soeg go q;6usq





sq o; s; soe i sq; siogsq sKep saiq; ueq; siom pue snasm xr s ueq; sss;

ssoIo ssri;us qq n o; ;unome psxxg e 1 0; soe i V soeu fiu p sorg s;eq

pieoa sq; Kq ps;oe 1 ;uoo Kio;eioqe 1 6u 1 ;9s;

;uspusdspu r ue JO Kio;eioqeq p g eoa Bar seu sy ou r II I sq; “Aio;eioqeq°

s5 1 0q soei ps 1 qq6nozoq; e go ispxiV "s oop

° £doo pieq e ssonpogdsu p qoem Bu y nssr ;sxoy ; sq ; qoxqm iog JsBem V ;sxor; psnss;


uot ;eIorASIH I stq y ssode o;u 1 ‘ spiems;s1 0 p xeoq sq; Kq ps;onpuoo

‘ uor ;eu rmexs JO KI IHDUI

° 6u ris6em ;seotnmr s

I O bu risbem xoe 1 ;1 s;u r go ;onpuoo sq; Jog sssusoy t uo;;eoo; Bu pisbemxoe 1 ; 1 s;u r I O uo; ;eoor bu risbem xoe 1 ;1 s;ur ue Kq psz ptx;n ;usmdr nbspue sin;on 1 ;s ‘ sssrmsid;eoy sflqdsq; "K;r ;roeg Bu risbem qoe 1 ;1 s;u 1


sssg oq I O ssgoq 6u r ;sdmoo Kue s;sni;sqo I O s; sdmeq ‘;oe;uoo Ten;se go

SSGTPI QDB I pue‘ ssymg sq;o I O ufigssp Aq qq n ‘

;oe KuV sousisgis;u 1


ss 1 1 1 meg DUI PUOdSB I I OO I IBQQ pue sfinip go sousssidsq; ssu rmis;sp qor qm bu r ussios sAr ;r suss V Bu yussios _Ie r ;r u 1

pieoa Buxoea SI OUI II I usq;

suesm ;1‘ pesu sr “pieoéu p iom sq ; JsAsuq "9 1 903 buxoea sgou r II I


soe i sq; go smy ; sq; ;e pue ; 1 e;s 0; ur s eIosp s; sszoq sq;

smr; sq; ;e srou y t tx go ;usp y ssie Kq psumo seioq V Ilpsumo s y ou r II I


S¥0U¥ II I Ur paddozp eszoq v “98 1 9 03 SI OUIIII


ps 1 q sem sI em sq ; qot qm‘

u r uosess

sq; Jog SIOUI I I I go s;e;s sq ; u r 6u 1 pue;s pue ;usp y ssg srou y t t l ue

Kq paumo uor r reas e Kq pait s asxoq v "XI I I J 1 0 41 03 Paid—S I OUI II I°

ss1 n1 sq ; Jspun K;1A1 ;oe 6u;oe 1 org y osdsu ; s;edr or;iedo; psr gxtenb ;ou uosg sdV "HOSJ ed srqxbtrsux


soe i ;eq; go suo; ;rpuoo'io sstnisq; I spun soeior g rosds

e' u ; s;edxor ;1 edo; ps y g r tenb ;ou sSJoq V llsso st b r tsu l

uog ;osfurJer nooei;u r Ies;nqe 1 ;u;

iet nor;ie-e 1 ;u ; ‘ uor ;os£u 1 ;es ;Je-ei;u ; l uor ;osfu 1 snousAe 1 ;u r





"Nom inator" T he per son or ent i ty i n whose name a horse is nom inated

for a race or ser ies of races .

"Nom inee" A hor se nom i nated t o a stakes and/or hand i cap race .

"Nom inat i on" T he nam ing of a hor se t o a stakes and/or hand i cap race .

In a fu tu r i t y, the nam ing of a foal i n u ter o to a ce r tai n race or

ser ies of races,el i g ib i l ity to wh i ch is cond i t i one d on the payment of

a fee at the t ime of nam ing andthe payment of subsequent sustain i ng

fees and/or star t i ng fees .

Ob ject ion" A claim of fou l lodged w i t h the stewar ds or t he i r

designee by a j ockey of a horse i n a race immed iate ly af ter a race andbefore the race is made of f i c ial,or a c laim of fou l lodged w i t h the

pat r ol j udge

i n a star t i ng car ,by a d r iver Of a horse i n a race,

Odds ‘Board" A larg e sig n

—boar d st ruc t u re,located i n the i nf ie l d of

a race t rack, upon : wh i ch the approximate odds ar e p rom inent ly

d i splayed . (Synonym : Tote Boar d )

Of f Bel l" T he be l l, Operated by the stewar ds,t hat si gnals the

lock ingof t i cket-issu i ng mach ines; T he bel l t hat r ing s as a race

star t s .

Off i c ial Or der of F i n ish" T he or der of f in ish of the hor ses i n a

contest as declared of f i c ial by the stewar ds .

Of f i c ial S tar te r" T he of f i c ial responsi b le for d ispat ch ing hor ses

to beg i n a race .

Of f i c ial T ime" T he e lapsed t ime f r om the moment the f i r st horse

crosses the star t ing po int unt i l the f i r st hor se c rosses the f i n i sh

Of f i c ial Ve te r inar ian" A veter i nar ian employed by the Boar d or

employed by an organ i zat ion l i censee andapproved by the Boar d

"Of f T ime“ T he moment at wh i ch, on the si gnal of the of f i c ial

star ter, the door s of the star t i ng gate ar e Opened,of f i c ial ly

d ispat ch ing the hor ses in each contest .

"Of f—Track Stabl i ng" Any farm,any I l l i no i s race t rack not l i censed

by the Board i n t he cur rent calendar year,or any ot he r locat i on

designated andapproved for the purpose Of stabl ing hor ses t o be raced

at a race t rack unde r the j u r i sd i c t i on Of the Boar d .

“Organ i zat i on L i censee" Any per son or ent i t y rece i v ing an



organ i zat ion l i cense f r om the Boar d to conduc t a race mee t ing or

mee t ings .

Outstand ing T i cke t“ An uncashed w inn i ng or refundable par i—mutuel

ticket t hat was not redeemed du r ing the per formance for wh i ch i t was

issued andt hat must be cashed w i t h i n the statutory t ime l im i t .

"Over n ig ht Event " A contest for _which ent r ies close at a t ime set by

t he racing sec retary . (Synonym : Overn i g ht Race,Ove rn i g ht )

"Owne r" A pe rson or stable t hat has proper ty r i ghts i n a hor se or

hor ses,by owne r sh i p or lease Of a horse or hor ses .

"Paddock" T he bu i l d ing or enc losu re where horses ar e saddled for a

race . A rai led enc losu re i n wh i ch the horses ar e paraded for publ i cv iew immed iately before the post parade .

Par i—Mut ue l Aud i tor" An employee of the Boar d ’s Par i-Mut ue l Aud i t

Un i t .

Par i-Mutuel Aud i t Un i t" The S tate D i rector of Mu tue ls andthe

Par i—Mutue l Aud i tor s .

Par i -Mutuel System" T he manual,e lec t ro—mechan i cal,or computer i zed

system andall sof tware (i nc lud ing the total i zator} account bet t i ngsystem andOff—si te bet t ing equ i pment ) t hat is used t o recor d wage r s

andt ransm i t wage r ing data

Pat ron" A membe r of the pub l i c present on the g rounds of a

pari—mutuel assoc iat ion du r ing a mee t i ng for the pu rpose'

of wager ingor to Obse rve rac i ng .

"Payof f" T he amount of money payab le on w inn i ng wage rs .

"Person" Any ind i v i dual, par tne rsh i p, corporat i on or“

ot he r

assoc iat i on or ent i ty .

"Pharmaceu t i cal A i ds" Polye t hylene g lycol,polyoxyet hylene g lycol,poly alky lene g lycol,poly oxy alky lene g lycol,poly sor borates,sor bitansandt he i r analog ues andde r ivat i ves .

"Pool“ Total amount of money wage red upon all hor ses i n a race to

f in i sh in a spec i f i c posi t ion or posi t i ons .

"Post" T he place on a race cou r se f rom wh i ch the horses star t in a

race .

"Post Posi t i on" T he p r e—assigned posi t i ons f rom wh i ch the hor ses



Rac ing Ac t .

Rul ing" A wr i t ten dec isi on, dete rm inat i on, and/or or der of the

stewar ds .

"Satel l i te Transponde r" A leased space segment t ime of an

ear t h-orb i t commun i cat ion sate l l i te .

"Scor i ng" Prelim i nar y warm—up s by hor ses .

"Scratch" T he w i t hd rawal of a horse f rom a race af te r the closi ng Of

ent ries .

"Sc ratch T ime" T he t ime designated by the rac i ng assoc iat i on as a

deadl i ne for an Owne r or t rai ner to f i le a request for a sc rat ch .

“S imulcast” T he l ive aud io andv i sual t ransm issi on of a contest t o

anot he r locat i on for par i—mutuel wager ing pu rposes .

"S ing le P r i ce Pool" An equal d i st r i but i on of prof i t t o w inn i ngbet t i ng i nte rest s or w i nn ing be t t i ng comb inat i ons t hroug h a si ng le

payoff pr i ce .

S table Name" The assumed name or nom de cou rse under wh i ch a per son

or stab le races hor ses

"Stakes" Al l the fees pai d by subsc r iber s to a stakes r ace,wh i ch

may i nc lude the nom i nat ion, e l ig i b i l i ty, supplemental, ent ry or

star t ing fees or any fee t hat is requ i red by the cond i t i ons Of a race .

Stakes Race" A race t hat is c losed to nom inees more t han 72 hour s

before i t is run w i t h a pu r se t hat inc ludes all stakes payment s in

add i t ion to the money added by the rac ing assoc iation .

"Star te r" T he rac ing Of f i c ial whose du ty i t is t o get the hor ses

away to a fai r star t i n a race . Any hor se t hat par t i c i pates,i. e . ,star ts,i n a race .

S tar ter Race? An ove rn ig ht event, unde r al lowance or hand i cap

cond i t ions, rest r i c ted t o hor ses who have prev i ously star ted for the

designated c laim ing pr i ce or less,as stated in the cond i t ions of the

race .

State D i rec tor of Mu t ue ls" T he i nd iv i dual represent i ng the Boar d i n

the superv i si on andver i f i cat i on of the par i-mutuel wage r i ng pool

totals for each rac i ng day .



"S teeplechase Race" A contest i n wh i ch horses mounted by j ockeys run

ove r a cou rse on wh i ch j umps or ot he r obstac les ar e placed .

"Stewar d" Duly appo i nted t op of f i c ial at a race t rack w i t h the power

to f i ne,suspend,andr ule of f pe r sons l i censed i n rac i ng .

"StewardsflS tand" T he r oom,gene ral ly located on the r oof of a

~ racet rack g randstand or c lubhouse,f r om wh i ch the S tate state stewar ds

andassoc iat i on stewar ds obse r ve the runn ing of races .

"Subsc r i pt i on" T he nom i nat i on or ent ry of a hor se i n a stakes race

Sulky" A dual—shaf t,dual wheel rac ing veh i c le .

"Suspens i on" A penal t y i n wh i ch the r i g hts andpr i v i leg es Of -a

l i censee ar e w i t hd rawn for a spec i f ied pe r iod of t ime . An occupat i on

l i censee whose l i cense is suspended is proh ib i ted f rom engag ing i n anyl i censed occupat i on andis excluded f rom all g rounds under the

j u r i sd i c t i on of the Boar d,unless ot herw i se spec i f ied i n the ru l i ng or

or der (example : suspended f r om r i d ing or d r i v ing ) :

"Sweepstakes" A race whe re the owne r s of horses ente red or engaged

for the race cont r ibu te to a pu r se t o wh ic h money or any ot her pr i z e

may be added,. andnom i nat i ons to wh i c h c lose 72 hou rs or . more before

star t i ng

"Takeou t" T he t otal amount Of money,exclud ing breakage,w i t hhe l d

f rom each par i-mut uel pool,as au t hor i zed by statute or r ule .

"Test Leve l" T he concent rat i on of a fore i gn substance found i n a

test sample

"Test Sample" Any substance, i nclud i ng bu t not l im i tedto,blood or

u r i ne taken f rom a hor se or l i censee for the pu rpose of test i ng for

fore i gn or cont rol led substances .

"Threshol d Level" T he concent rat i on of a fore i gn substance found i n

a test sample .

"T i cket Issu i ng Mach ine" A mach ine wh i c h pr ints har d C op ies Of

wager s .

“Total i zator" An e lec t ron i c dev i ce t hat au tomat i cal ly reg i sters the

wager s made on each hor se or pool andpr int s or i ssues' a t i cke t

represent ing each such wag er or wage r s .

"Total i zat or System L i censee” Any person, corporat ion, company,assoc iat ion or any ot he r ent i ty wh i ch sel ls,leases,or Operates


rsA; ;Osg gs ° 6sa ’

T I I g z ;e pgguémVJjbsOJnos)'

JeaK Jepusteo V "g ee;

3 U?T “SI UI J 9 88 u eI IM

°s 1 suu1 m

s sp gsuOO sq {;eqs ssSJOq ssoq;‘;si1 g Jog ;esq peap e s; sisq;


;Si;g aug; qsgu y g sq; ssqoesissou ssoqm ss: oq sq; "I SUUIM

JeaK sq; go uosess pue‘ soe i sq; gO soue;srp

‘ xss ‘ sbe O; Burpioooe sssgoq {Sa AI PUI Kq pSI I I B O sq o; ;q61 sm

sq; ub r sse o; pssn 3 1 areas psxy g e qop qm u r soeJ V 66V Jog ;qfirsm“soe i e o; JOIJdOu r qfir sm

iog ssIeos go xisto sq; o; Asxoof e go UOIQQQUOSQJdsq; ";no-;q5 1 sm




soe 1 e is;ge buxqb gsm

Jog ssteos go s IQ sq ; o; Asqoof e go uo;;e;usssidsq; “u 1 -q5 1 sM"


xssm iepusIeO V


;ss1 s;u r sIfiu r s e o; Ouotsq Kaq;

g r sssgoq siom JO Om; ussm;sq sq Aem I OAOXIQM V °

soe 1 sq; go soue;s;p

sq ; ;e aS I nOO psqriossidsq; XI?“O; sszoq ;eq; DUIAE OI ‘ UMB JpQQIM

sie “soeg e u; suo ;nq sssxoq I I? qor qm u ; ;usAs uV iso IeM


uO;;eIn6sa {QUO I SSOJOJdgo ;usm;1 edsa s;ou g;1 1

sq; Kq qoms se pssusoy t Aieu pis;sA V "uegieu gis;sA°

sesie ps;ori;ss 1 u; ssgpue Jsm

isq;O JO ‘ ssr tddns stqe;s‘ uor;eo;psm

‘pssg gO I SIT B S V u


° 5u 1 ;ssm soe i oxg r osds e DUIa sesg e ps;or g ;ss 1

o; sssooe sssusogx sq; buxmotie q isq ; ‘ pi eo

s,sssuso; 1 sq; saiem ssr mg sq;o I O sdme;s Bu r gssm soe i e ;e soxggO

Eu p susort s,p 1 eoa sq; qorqm Aq sssOOJd 1 0 ;Oe sq; “uor ;ep ;IeA


Spiomssedo; sssooe pue'ss1 r g is;sem

go uo;;eor g r pom‘ ssde; meJBOidgo uq eoxtdnp se qons sxse; wiogisd

o; SiopusA is;ndmoo Kq psp rAOidsie ;eq ; swe JOOid'

xu r tdn sq ; ;e sq;

go uO1 ;eOOI sq; O; sinsotous DUI OE J e u ;q;r m mo i g steubxs {ensrA—n ne

gO Jsgsuei; oguog ;os1 s Rue sspntoug pue‘ ssr ousnbsig psIIOI;uoo— 333

uo e;ep io/pue sIeufir s I E R SIA—O I PD Q ;gmsueg ; o; pssn s; qog qm‘psxr g

1 0 sr r qom isq;sqm 'K;r 1 ;oeg 6u ; ;seopeog q uo; ;e;s q ;1 es uV “xugtdn'

;ss;uoo ;usnbssqns

e Jog &;1 ;1 q 1 61 1 s 6u r u rm1 s;sp go ssodindsq; Jog s;ed1 0; ;1 edsssgoq qoxqm u; s;ss;uOO go SG I I SS e go ;Jed “soeu I E I JL


uor ;e 1 sp y suoo e Jog sbueqoxs u ; ‘ sssodindbutisbemJog soe i e go smoo;no sq; s;sxpsidJO ‘ sssodindOUIJODEM Jog ssgoq

e go uo; ;ostss 6u 1 u 1 souoo uo; ;emgogu 1 ssqsr UJng q suosmos ";no; u


pssnoq s; is;ndmoo s,ms;s£s

sq; qaq u ; noe i ; soe i e ;e moo: sq; s;o;,l

° p 1 eoa sq ; Kq pssusoxr s; pue ;usmdpnbs Jo;ez r te;o;





1 ) Head i ng of the Par t : Ent r ies,Subsc r i pt i ons,andDeclarat i ons TITLE 1 1 : ALCOHOL,HORSE RACING,AND LOTTERY





4) Stat utor y Aut hor i t y : 230 ILCS 5/9 (b )

Ef fec t ive Date of Rulemaking : December 1 ,2001

A copy of t he adopted amendment, i nc lud i ng any mater ial incorporated by Rulereference,is on f i le in the agency

's pr i nc i pal of f i ce andis avai lab le for

publ i c i nspec t i on .

1 1 ) D i ff erences between proposal andf inal ve rs i on : None

1 5 ) Summary andPu rp ose of Rulemaking: Th i s r ulemaking updates the l i st of

med i cal reasons a horse is inel ig ib le to race .

Mi ckey Ez zo

Il l i no i s Rac ing Boar d

1 00 West Randolph,Su i te 1 1 —1 00

Ch i cago,I l l i no is 60601

(31 2) 814—5017

T he fu l l tex t of the adop ted amendment beg i ns on the next page

I0909 SI OUI II I‘ofieO I qO

OOI—I I earnsOOI—I I earns ‘ q opuea ;sam oor

LIOS pxeoq Eu r oeu SI OUI I I I

° Ki;snpu g sq; u; seeioqsoeigo ;usmsAom ‘Ieuox;eu 1 s;u 1

sq; se ;{sm se l s;e;sxs;u r go ss; ;r ;esi sq; q;I m {esp I e;;sg O;

pxeoq sq; ;gu iad { 1 1 m Bu r xemstnisr q;°

s6pstmoux pue so; ;oeidgo sp : epue;s

;usiino ;OsIgsi o; SSIUI OPINOSO I OJ pue SOTO ] KQI I IQISUOdSB I g su rei;;usiino sq; ss;epdn Bu r qemsrnisg q; : Bu yxemst ng go ssodina pue Kiemmns (9 ;

ON 5;1 edsr q; no Bu y pusds;usmpusme Kue sisq; sJV (v;



uor ;osdsu r OIa dJog GIQE IIEAQ sr pue sopg go Iedrouxgds,&ous5e sq ; u ; st y g no s; ‘ sousisgsiKq ps;eiodioou 1 Te r xs;em Kue 6u 1 pntour

‘ s;usmpusme ps;dOpe sq; go Adoo V


(q ) 6/s 9 3 1 1 car = K41 1 0qnnv Kzoanneis






.Ej g1 3751;I ° bsa ‘

IT I SZ 1 9sA; ;Osggs pspusmV fissinos)

KiI I I QI B I Iau I 1 0; suoseau Ivorpaw osz‘

trvr uor qoas

SOT I oez ]

SL6I ;0 ;ov Bu r eau aszou SI OH I I I I an; 30 (q ) 6 uoriaasAq paZI loqznv

Keg e ur ssoea'

go I sqmnN

s;eo; g r ;is3 a Q s oop go g sgsuei;5 949 0I 3 1 1 1 83 a O Kanoor











i60£I 3 903



II I I I sss ) s;ss; surfifioa BUI p I QBOI sstnisq; q;1 m Atdmoo ;Ou saop (qT5

L T UO I SIATemiou seq sKs isq;o sq; g r Kruo ;Je;s Aem sAs suO u ; pu r tq

sSq V°

ss5s q;og u ; psz xedm; AI SUOI I SS SI UOISIAssoqm JO pu r Iq s; (STEL ps;e{d —;Ou-s; 4;

LflpsqOO{q-sA: sun -ussq-seq (a

$7809 } 0; ps;;1 misdsq Kem ;ssg

siom- I O suo go xOOI;sg sq;';e ;Ou pue

‘Morsq sAI su Ie;;6r p 1 01 1 s;sodsq; uO psmiogisdKisB I nSOK I O JO Amo;osinsu e peq sAeq ;eq; Sssgoq

;eq; ;dsoxs : sAI su e uO psmiogisdAI OOI HSOKI O peq JO psAJsu ussq seq (pTS

L psqnq—esqoexq— ussq TKEOE§6563633


—fi§ seq (OTGAispssgq-umouq-e-s; ( q

BUI OE I punos ‘ OIQQOIAJOS u r ;Ou sr (e

q9 ; qn ;eq; OSIOq e

‘ps;1 e;s I O psis;us sq o; ssneO _Io T

;ie;s I O I s;us ;Ou I teqs ;sumo JO JOUI Q JJ V

tOBZf ‘ 338 aAIaoeJJG m‘

g 69 Sa‘ 69 3


II I sz 1 9

papuame r oz ‘I Al enuer aAinoagsa ‘

SLI'fiau °

I II sz 49 papuame foooz ‘I ;snfinv

aAI noesze ‘SZLZT

‘ 66u‘

II I t r 49 papueme 10002‘I KEN aAIaoazia ‘

VGEL‘ 69 3


II I vz 49 papuame it esI ‘82 q maAON 3A1 303 339 ‘

6vLLI'fiau °

II I 8I ;e papuame

v66I‘L KInr aAIioaiia ‘ ZI 9 I I

' 5au°

I I I SI 1 9 papueme $866I‘e Jaqmaoaa

sq ; ;osggs‘8V8IZ

' 5sa '

I I I LI ;e pspusme 1 866I‘

9 3 Ag enuep BAI QD OJJG ‘329;


II I LI 49 papuame £I66I‘9 Kzen l qaa 3A?1 3 9 333 ‘



II I SI ;9 papuawe

I 860I° Bau


I I I 9 49 eaI JI poo £I86I‘sz ;snfinv aAI uoeJIa ‘

II68' bau


s 49 papuewe £OS6I‘oz Kzenxqaa aAizoasza ‘


6° 66a '

I II 7papuame £LL6I

‘9 flew paI I ;


‘92 I I Idv papueme £9L6I

‘os ;snfinv paI I }‘9L6T


p eep? = 9L6I‘ez KInr paI I;


‘9 I KInr papuame £9L6I

‘6I aunr papueme £9L6I

‘z Jaq01 00 paI I ;


‘6I Jaqmaqdas papuame =SL6I

‘oz ;snbnv peII;‘SLGI


;snfinv papuawe fivLSI ‘6I ;snbnv paI I ;


‘cI ;snfinv p epueme fVLGI

‘zz KInr

paI I J‘VL6I

‘ ZI KInr pepuame vLsI‘I I aunr passed £VL6I

‘os I I ldv eArnoegza

pue paI I J‘7L6I ‘

I I I I Jdv papuame s eI‘I I KInr passed UI pea

;Ou s;ep IQUI OII O ) Bu t oea sSJOH go suoI ;e{n6sa pue ssInH u r psqsy tqna zagunos








PART 603


AUTHORITY : Aut hor i z ed by Sec t i ons 9 (b ) and36a of the I l l i no i s Hor se Rac i ngAc t of 1 975 [230 ILCS 36a] .

SOURCE : Adopted at 21 I l l . Reg . 3232,e f fec t i ve Mar ch 4,1 9 97; amended ‘

at 22

I l l . Reg . 2217, e f fec t i ve Januar y 1 , 1 9 98; amended at 22 1 1 1 . Reg . 3594,ef fec t ve ar y l,1 9 98; amended at 26 I l l . Reg . v 4 ef fec t i ve

{HT fl‘fifii’ W

Sect ion T raine r Respons ibil i ty

Pr e-Race Sal i va Test s

Rac ing Soundness Exam

Fore ign Substances andPharmaceut i cal A i ds Banned

Twenty—fou r Hou r Ban

Trai ne r Responsi b i l i t y

P r ima Fac ie Ev i dence

Permit ted Use of Fore i gn Substances andThreshold Leve ls

Fu rosem i de

Need les,Syr i nges andI n j ec tables

Drug s,Chem i cals andP resc r i pt ion I tems

Detent i on Barn

Test Samples

Re feree Samples

Laborat ory F i nd i ng s andRepor tsD i str ibu t i on of Pu rses andRetent ion of SamplesPost Mor temsPenal t ies

Veter i nar ian 's Recor ds

Carbon D i ox i de Tests

Each Ever y t rai ne r has the du ty to guar d or cause to be guar ded each‘

hor se t rai ned by him/her i n such a manne r as to prevent any per son,i nclud ing b i s/he r ve ter i nar ian,f r om adm in i ster ing to such hor se anyfore i gn substance in v i olat ion of t his Par t .

Each Ever y t raine r has the dut y to be fam i l iar w i t h the me d i cat ion

r ules Of the Boar d, andreasonab ly fam i l iar w i t h the fore i gn

substances he/she adm in i ste rs or d i rec ts his/he r employees t o

adm i n i ster, andt hat which ar e adm in i stered by hisgher such—t r ainer l sve te r inar ian .

e pssssu;1 m sqs7sq ;eq; Su r ;;im u ; s;ss;;e sxou g r t I go s;e;s

: SJnOOO Buxmor tog sq;

L s;esq-dn-mseA-JO-sqeO-AO{q-3 8§O: sxsu;-ssesus-O; -sq;-sAea;-O;-sss;Oq -£em -sp ; ens;s

sq; -;eq; -;dasz e -Asses —sq; -Jog —pssssuaeq- JO— ps;ppes-sq—O;— qsoppedsq;-o;-usqe;-s; —sssq;—u; sma; -;snm -seieq -e

sq; -u; —psoe{d-ssue -Bu;seH-sq;-£q-psu5§sse-sq -{f eqs

—sq; —L psas;es-s; —;sod-ps;npsqsssq;-O; -pseoa—sq;-&q -sq—oq— su; ;—e -;e -Aes; ee -se -pJ eOQ -e -u; -e-O;—psu6§sse

sq—qsnm-ssseq-;eq; -zapss{q -sq; -ao -psse;d_— s§ -sszoq -e -ssue


1 s;es 1 5 s; I sAsqoq


sKep 05 go mnmguxm e Jog (d aisBq JowsH K I euomIndpsonpu; ss;Os 3 ;eq; ssz r uboosx pxeoq sq; (e

sp y mssoxna 0L‘

EO9 uo;;oss° Eu 1 Kg 1 1 en5 slogsq s;ep

sA; ;Osg gs m

' 6sa ‘

I I I g z ;e pspusmV : sog nos)


666 989


II I I I q;;m souepioooe u r t;e;s K;1 1 noss psuDrsse s;r u r

I sq7m1 q Aq psurei; sSJoq qoes sAeq O; £;np sq; seq J GUIE JQAasag qoeg (O



;s; {-sq;-uosg-ssxoq-sq;-gO-;eaowsz

Jog -p; eog -sq; -O; -u; -qenm -q-sq;-gO-suo -eu4 -;s;f-zspssfq

sq; -moz g —psAomss -sq -ssaoq-e -sq;-uo-ssue—°HQ —°UO -KQ —3 Q —TIUHS —HQ§HM —3 9 §I

3 q4—u0 -9 3 9 0{d—3 q —49 59 —30—SSOp UfiOJ —AOSJoq—OUQ-iSUO§ JUU§ 3 3 33As;e;s -sq;-_gO -suO -£q —paw; § guOO -uq - z ;sez ; -sq;

u; - _poo{g -sa; 3 -gO—squnoue-s{q sasqO- psmoqs-ssaoq-sq4-gOO;dOOSOpus-ue-;sqq-ao -q;og — ;O -sue —mesg —909 IQ -3 9 1 3 -psqs

;Oeg-u;-p;p-asxeq-sq;-;sqq -sq;-q;;A-u; -;O -sue; z eu; ssq -s;e;s-sq;-go

sue -sspas{q -sq;-uo—psse;d_sszoq-sq;-sanq-pue -Auo; ;sssst HQ —u;_-peq;issaid-se -Auo;;equsunsOp -ssq;O-JO

sq;- gO_suO—woxg -e-u§e;qo-;snm

;O -as; eq —sq; —Laspss;q -sq; -gO -£ep -sse : -;Og-uge;qO-O;-z sp;o-u; - L eoes—s;; -5u§; ep-EU§pss{q-qusAssd-o;

Asp-sses-uO-ps;esa;-pue -; spssf q—sq;-uo-psse;d-sq-o; -s;

-ps{q-saeq—Oq—pueog-s; -JO — q;og-JO-suo-mez g—poo;gBu; ppsqs-aq_eq— punog—s; -LsS§sz sxs-qsns -;O -es; sz exs -5u; ; ep

;O -Assez_-eu; —io— sseJ -sq;-5u;z np-q 9 ; qm~isszoq-V -z sssez —u§

s;sdmos_oq— s;qe—pue-pueos-sze —xadoxd-q;;m-Aqs§qm-sfieqxzeusq;Oe; ; -;Os

-gO -smo;dm£s -;eq; -sasaoq



subsec t i on the stewar ds shal l impose a f i ne Of not

less t han 200 andnot more t han 1 500 andor sus endthe

pu rse money ear ned by the hor se .

Her ses -on -the —officiai-bleeder —iist—must -be-t r eated—wit h-fur osemide(Lasixi-ih-t he w manner —specified—by —subsection-(ii—Of—t his-Section

T f -dir ected —by—a —Board—

r epr esentative7-immedieteiy -p riOr -tot r eatment—and—as—a—cendition—for —app r ovai7—the-hor se-t rainer fmust

21 S ign ing a Furosem i de Ce r t i f i cat ion Af f i dav i t dif ect-t he-p ractieing-vet erinarian —t07—in —the -pr esence —Of —a

unifor med-securit y —guar d7-take-a—bTeod—sampie—f r om—the—hor se—in

t he—p r esence—Of—a—Board—r epr esen tative;—which-may —be—deiiver ed-to

the-Bear d*s-testing—iaborator y —for —eneiy sis



during—the-ten—day -period7 blow-ou t s or warm-up heats .

B; if—the—t r ainer —faiis—to—p r oduce-t he-cer tification —describedin —

subsection —(h) fSifBi—above7-t he—stewar ds—shaii-impose—a

fine —andfor —suspend—the —t r aineris —iicense —and—shaii

r edist ribut e~ the-amount—of—any —pur se-ear ned—by —t he—hor se4; I f—a—hor se—has-been—denominat ed—a—bieeder r —it —shati-r emain-on-t he

bieeder —iist —and—be—administ er ed—fur osemide-prior -to—its—r acesr egardiess—of—change—of—owner -or -t r ainer7 —Once —on —t he —bieederiist —a —hor se —shaii-be -r emoved—f rom -t he -iist—only—upon—thedir ection—of—the-State-veterinarian—who-shaii—cer tify-in — writingto—the—Board—his-r ecommendation—for -r emovai—of—the—hor se-f rom-thelist?

Ve ter i nar ian 's Responsi b i l i t ies Administ ration


the prope r t ime t o the p rope r horse .

andmed i cat i on samples andgor paraphe rnal ia use d to

adm i n i ster an med i cat i on t o a hor se . Sam les andor

test ing .

i) T f—a-hor se-has—been—piaced-on—the—bieeder ~iist t—it—shaii—r eceivea -fur osemide —administ r ation~ ~not —eariier ~ —t han —3—hoar s—and—45minutes;and—not—iater -t han-4-hour s-and—i5—minut es—p rior -to —


time —of —4the-r ace-in—which—it—is—ent e r ed7 —T he-Boar d—may—r equir e

that—hor ses-be—br oug ht —to—a—desig nat ed -faciiit y -for —fur osemideadminist r ation

2) A—iicensed-veterinarian—shaii—administ er —not —iess-t han-i59—mg—andnot —mor e —than—ese—mg

-of—fur osemide-int r avenousiy —to—t he—bieeder domest i c or fore i gn .

and—shati-immediately —note—on—Board—p r escribed-for ms—the—time -o£

administ r ation —and4-submit —such —for ms—to—the-st ewards—no—ister (Sou r ce AmfifidedI St 25 I l l . Reg .s I p e f fec t i ve

than—a—ife—hour s—prior —to—the—hor seis-seheduied—post—time7 2013 ) T he —t r aine r7-sr —his —iicensed—

empioy ee7-shaii—witness —t he

administ r ationPoiiowing —the -administ ration —of —fur osemide7—the —t r ainer -of-r ecor d-or —hisdesignee-shaii—r emain—with—the—Shor se —and—pr ovide -constant —sur veiiianee —inaccordance—with—ii—Iiir —Admr —eode—z29

j ) Secu rit y . Bieeder s

T he —bieeder —~ tiet —£or —the -r ace—meeting—shaii—be-post e d—in—the

Racing —Secr etar yis—of fice—and—in—t he-State—vet erinarianis -officeat-each-r ace—meetingT he—fir st—time—a—hor se—bieedS7—it-shaii-be-ineiigibie—to—r ace—fori9—days—ir r esp ective—of—the—dat e—of—ent r yA—hor se -which—bieeds-for -the-second—time-in—any —i2-mont h—periodshaii-be— bar r ed—f r om—r acing-in—iiiinois-for —a-minimum—of—Ge—daysA—hor se—which—bieeds—for -t he—t hir d—time-in -any

—ii-month —periodshaii—be —bar r ed —f r om —r acin g -in riiiinois-for —a-minimum-of—ii6day s

Af t er —t he—expiration—oféany -of-the —above-mentioned-periods7—no

hor se —may—again ~ —

star t -antii—it —has-been—appr oved—by —ther Stateveterinarian :T his—Section—shaii—aiso—appiy —to— hor ses -

shipped —in -f r om —otherr acing jurisdictions —which -have —

estabiished—differ ent —timer est rictions

LIos-vI8(zIe)Io909 SI OUI II I



udIoeuea ;sam OOI

p Jeog Bu r oeu sr ou 1 1 1 1oz zas orm


.ap Imasoxn3 .

q ;r m "xp set n pue “Jspsstq uSp JOM sq; ssoerdsi se {Ism se ssous gsJ

spog sq ; s;ssJ JOO Du g xemsInJ sr q; ;usmpusmV go asodxndpue KJemmns (g ;

ON é;J eds y q; uo Buxpusds;usmpusme Kue s q; sJV (VI



uox;osdsu r O Ia dJog OIQE I IBAP s; pue soxggo I EdI DUIJds,£ous6e sq ; u r st t g no 5 ; ‘ sousisgsJKq ps;e JOdJoou ; Ie ; 1 s;em Rue Duxpnrou y

‘ S;usmpusme ps;dope sq; go Adoo V

sesJV A;r 1 noss : ;Jedsq; go Bur pesH (I











Sect i on

Secur i ty Area

Secu r i t y Barn Locat i on (Repealed )San i tat i on,Hyg iene andHeal t hF i re andSafe ty Regu lat i ons (Repealed )Fenc ing andL ig ht ing (Repealed )Secu r i ty andBarn Of f i ces (Repealed )Penal ties


Repor t ing for S tal l Assignment s

I dent i f i cat i on Badges (Repealed )Repor t ing t o Secu r i ty Bar n S tal l Assi gnment s (Repealed )Proh ib i ted Equ i pment andSubstances

Trainer 's Respons i b i l i t y t o Guar d

Access to Secu r i t y Barn (Repealed )

Leav ing the Secu r i ty Barn (Repealed )

AUTHORITY : Aut hor i zed by Sect i on 9 (b ) of the I l l i no i s Horse Rac ing Ac t of 1 975[230 ILOS

SOURCE : Adopted at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 6304,ef fect i ve March 1 8,1 988; eme r gency

amendment at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 1 2944,ef fec t i ve August 1 6,1 9 9 1 ,f or a max imum of

1 50 days; amended at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 4520 ef fec t i ve Mar ch 1 0,1 9 92; amended at 251 1 1 . Reg .


L3 69 0ief fec t i veSect ion T raine r '

s Respons ib i l i t y to Guard

T he dut ies imposed ' upon t rai ner s i n 1 1 I l l . Adm . Code 5997269 w i l l

cont i nue to be in ef fec t wh i le a horse is i n the secur i ty area.



Al l hor ses on the fu rosem i de bieeder l i st shal l be t reated w i t h

fu rosem i de tiasixias prov i ded i n 1 1 I l l . Adm . Code 599796fe;.

(Sou r ce : Amended at 25 1 1 1 . Reg . ef fec t ive

or his desig nee shal l immed iate ly re tu r n t he hor se to .its assigned

stal l and shal l remai n w i t h t he hor se andprov i de constant

su rve i l lance i n accor dance w i t h Sec t i on Vi olat i ons of t h i s

subsect ion (b ) raie Shal l be penal i zed in accor dance w i t h Sec t i on

A S ign desi gnat ing the stal l as a "Secu r i ty S tal l" shal l be posted on

the horse 's stal l four —t 4; hou rs pr i or to t he post t ime Of the race

i n wh i ch the hor se has been ente red to race . V i olat i ons of t h i s

subsec t ion (c ) r uie shal l be penal i zed in accor dance w i t h Sec t i on


;usmdg nbsB OUQ II I GAI D S u ; ssoueApe ;eoxfiotouqos; spntou r o; Bug xemsTnJ sq;

s;epdn { T IM s;usmpusme pssodOJdsq; : s;usmpusmV go ssodJna pue Kiemmns (5;

ON 5;J ea sy q; uo Bu y pusds;usmpusme Kue s q; sJV (p;

ON s;ss;;e

ppe pue

Iooz ‘

vz ;snfinv


uoI ;Osdsu 1 D Ia dJog

q eI I eAe SI pue sO I g gO Tedr ou ridS,Kous6e sq; u; st r g no 9 ; ‘ sous gsJ

Aq ps;eJOdJOOU; {e ; Js;em Aue Bu r pntou r‘ s;usmpusme ps;dope sq; gO

-Kdoo V (8



SOT I oz ] S I OUI I I I ;0 epoo aAIiR IiSI UImDV '

I IAI O an; ;0 9 1 —5098 U0¥4088Kq paZI zouine pue [I I-SBOI/s SDT I SZL ] £961 30 al npeooza Ieu ImI IO 30 6903

an; 30 ;I —ssoI 0014088 Kq 9 621 1 0q4ne pue BUIiuawaIdmI = K 1 I 1 0q 1 nv Kzoqnqeqs

SIaO I JJO souetI I sAI ns{eu rmr Jo o;uog ;os;a go







PART 1 295




Def i n i t ions

Qualification,_Cer tification,andRecer t i f i cat ion Of f i ce r s

Revocat i on Of Cer t i f i cat ion-Recor d i ng andM in im i zat ion Standar ds

Documentat i on Requ i rements

Ev i dence Handl ing P rocedu res

Spec i f i cat i ons for Mater ials andEqu i pment

AUTHORITY : Implement ing andau t hor i z ed by Sec t i on 1 09B — 14 of the Code of

Cr im i nal P rocedure of 1 963 [725 ILCS 5/1 08B714] andaut hor i zed by Sect ion

2605— 1 5 of the C iv i l Adm i n i st rat i ve Code Of I l l ino i s [20 ILCS — 1 5 ]

SOURCE : Adop 3 1 1 1 . R eg . 1 856,e f fec t i ve Januar y 26,1 989 ; amended at

25 I l l . Reg . ef fec t ive Mg”21 299?Sect ion De f i n i t i ons

Unless spec i f ied ot he rw i se,all terms shal l have t he mean ing s set

ILCS 51 1 08B 1 .

nAN-AeT —r eiatin g —to —eiect r onic —

criminai—snr v eiiiancedevices—and—amending—act s-herein—namedn —tPubiic—Act — BS—i2037-eff ectivedanuar y —i7-i9 9 9;

b ) For purpose of t h i s Par t,the fol low ing add i t i onal def i n i t i ons apply

1 963 1725 ILCS 51 1 08B ] .

nAN-AeT — r eiating—to —eiect r onic — criminai

sur veiiiance —devices -and—amending -cer tain -act s—her ein—namedn(Pubiic-Act —85—i2037—ef fective-danuar y —iT -i989iv

Ch ief Execu t ive Of f i cer of a Law Enforcement Ag ency" means . a

ch ief Of pol i ce, sher i f f, d i rec tor, supe r intendent,or ot he r

t i t le t hat serves as the head-Of a law enfor cement ag ency .



"Depar tment" means the I l l i no i s Depar tment of S tate Pol i ce .

"D ialed Number Recor de r" means a dev i ce used to reg i ster

te lephone numbe r s,e i t he r d ialed or pulse d ialed .

"D i rec tor" means the D i rect or of the I l l i no i s Depar tment of State

Pol i ce .

"Elec t r on i c C r im inal Surve i llance Of f i cer Cer t i f i cat i on" re fer s

to reg i ste red c redent ials i ssued by the Depar tment andthe

I l l i no i s Locai—Gover nmentaiLaw Enfor cement Officer s T rai n ing

c r im inal su rve i l lance t hat the Of f i cer is au t hor i z ed to pe r form .

Elec t r on i c Cr im i nal Su rve i l lance Of f i ce r s Trai n ing Cou r se" means

a cou r se or se r ies Of cou r ses Of i nst ruc t i on prov i ded by the

Depar tment, i n coope rat i on w i t h the I l l ino i s Locai—Gover nmentai

prac t i cal,andtechn i cal aspec t s of the i nte r cept i on Of'

pr i vate


commun i cat i ons and related i nvest i gat i ve andprosecut ivet echn iques .

M in im i zat i on ? re fe r s to measu res i n i t iated to prevent t he

i nte r cept ion of p r i v i leged commun i cat i ons andto l im i t the

i nte rcept i on of conversat i ons wh i ch ar e i nnocent'

and lack

ev i dent iary or invest igat ive value .

"Techn i cal Se rv i ce Un i t is a component of a law enfor cement

ag ency -char ged w i t h the respons i b i l i ty for prov i d ing suppor t to

i nvest i gat i ve ac t iv i t ies by Ope rat i ng elec t ron i c su rve i l lance

apparatus, i nc lud ing elec t ron i c c r im i nal su rve i l lance dev i ces,alarms,commun i cat ions apparatus,v i deo equ i pment, photog raph i c

equ ipment,andn i g ht v i si on dev i ces .

(Sour ce ° n at 25 1 1 1 . Reg .


566 L,g effec t iveflux/Tiitfifi

Sect i on Qual i f i cat i on,Ce r t i f i cat i on,andRece r t i f i cat i on of Of f i ce rs

sq; MSIAOJ ;q s Jo;Os1 1 0 sq; sq; gO uorsntouoo sq; ;V°

suox;e61 ;ssAur

meq {e;usmuzsAos -;soog stou r t t l sq; Kg ;;ou {;eqs Jo;Osipq sq;°uog ;e6s1 ;e sq; s;e61 ;ssAu; ;{eqs Jo;Os 1 1 0 sq;

‘;Jedsxq; go UO I SIAOId

Kue 6u 1 ;etorAs; JO B OUPII I OAI D S {PUImIJO OIUOI QOOIG o; 5UI39 I 3 1 me;

Kue 6u;;e;orA s; JsOIg go aOUE I IIaAI nS ;eupmrJ3 or UOJ ;Osr3 ps 1 g 1 ;JsO

e ;eq; sOJnos Aue ' mo i g uo; ;e6stte ue SBAI B OG I Jo;OsJ ;q sq; g I

smot rog se sq {;eqs pusdsns Jo

sxOAsJ O; a psOOJdsq;'

;Jea q ; Jspun ps;ue 1 6 uo;;eogg g;JsO Rue pusdsns Jo

meg {e;usmq AOQ -;soog sy ou g ttx sq; go sousJ JnouOO sq; q ;rm‘ JO;OsJ 1 0 sq;

HOIJB OIJI JJao Jo U0I49 00A9 8 ov °

sszI UO I 33 3S

IUDZ1 8AUNsn ; ;osggs 9 3 9 §



' K;r Joq ;ne 3 ,1 60I330 qoes go ;us;xs

sq; Kg 1 ;usp 1 qor qm s;e r ;uss O DB I GJSIBG J psnss; sq ( ;eqs ;Jedsgq; q;1 m souepioooe u ; ps;g;;1 so 1 3 01 330 ;usmsOJogus me; qoe3


s;eun a s o; psKsAuoo uo; ;emiogu r pue so y do; {Te ssedmoousIIeus I I I 0333 one I I 0533 us 30 uorieoiiinzaoax 1 0; buIUIE JI

I I 0833 HP SE

uor ;eor g ;;JsO IOI Jdssiy nbsiI I I 0333 ue se'

1 0333ue se JOIJdss us I I 0333 ue se uor ;eo; g r ;Js3


sq;uou -uss;q5; s SIESK‘

Eu ; sn dxs ‘ UO I JE D I JIJJSOB I Kq psmsusJ ssstun 1 1 1


UOIQE OI JIQJGO I OSOE PU? I I 0833 Kq ps;ueJ6 5 1 8M0d I I“;sq; sAeq OS I E {;eqs 1 1 1 0333 uV


ssorAsp B OUE II I GAJHS ;euxmr g o

O;UOJ;osIs OUIAOT B I JO 'BurI Ie;su 1 go ssodJndsq; Jog q ;oue go K;Js Jd JO 'a ;OnJ;s

‘aIOIq Kue O;u r

Js;us KIsAxa ;qoun‘;Juo3 sq; Kq psz ;1 0q;ne usqm

‘ ueo (1 1 1 0333 )

1 1 1 Jsoxggo souer t gsAJns IE UINIJD OIUOJJD OIH ue se psgg 1 ;JsO

Jsor g go uV = I I I JGOIJJO GOUE II IOAI DS {QUINIJQ 01 UOJ;Os;3°SJesK (s) -sq ; 5 u; Ss dxs

Kq psmsusJ ssstun 1 1 0333’UOIQE OIJIQI SO 1

OSOE Aq 9 9 3U9 1 5 szemodI I“; an; aAeq OsIe Iq s I I osos uv°


sq; Kq psuxgsp se suo;;eoxunmmoo e m GQBAI Id6u;;dsOJs;u 1 up ssn

Jog pspus;u I Jo psufirssp SSD IAap B OUQI I I OAI D S I EUIW IJQ OpuOJ;Os;s

sAomsJ pue‘J I Qdal o; psz yioq;ne sq I reqs (1 1

0333 ) I I I OD I ;;0 SOUE IIIBAI DS ;eu Im1 1 3 O;UOJ ;OsI3 ue se psxg ;;JsO

Jsogggo uV = I I Jsoxg go B OUE II IBAI RS Ieu 1 m1 1 3 3 1 UOJ ;OsI3'

SJesK ( g -ss;q; ar se dxs ‘ uor;eoIg I;JsosJ Kq psmsusJ sssIun

I 0333°

suog;eSJsAuOO qons ;dsOJs;u; o; pssn

;usmdgnbs u;e;urem pue s;e do o; pue : suo;;eSJsAuoo qons mo i gpsAs p sousp gAs sz r r ; ;n pue

‘p Jenbsges

's ueq O; : suor;eSJsAuoo





II I g z ;e pspusmV : sOJnos)

go sq; ssxAJsdns pue 3d9 3 1 3 3U I o; : ;DV sq;

go SUOISIAOIdsq; q;1 m souep Joooe u; suo;;eo;unmwoo ;eJO OJBAIJd;dsOJs;u 1 O; K;; Joq;ne sq; Jog sJeds o; ps;;r s dsq

{;eqs (I 0333 ) 1 I B D IJJO GOUQIIIOAJRS {eu 1 m1 1 3 O;UOJ;OsI3 ue se


uog ;eoy g;;Jso go speJD sq; Jog psqxiosspugs q se snee; mion dO; pszxioq;ne sq I teqs pue ssr;Jsdxs go

Meg {e;usmussA09 -{ssoq sgouxt tx sq; pue sortods;e;3 srougt tx sq;

Kq ps;g r ;1 so sq {;eqs Jsor g go ue ‘ DUIUI E I Q go ssSJnOO ( g —aazq; sssq;

go suo Kue go uor ;sIdmOO Ingsssoons uodn °ssnb y uqos; uo;;nosSOJdpue

pa;staJ pue suo;;eo;unmmoo IE IO s;eAn gO uo;;dsOJs;u tsq; go s;ssdse ;eoy uqos; pue


Iebst sq; u r Duxu g ex; spntou r

I I?“s PU? OZLI 3 903’WPV




SIOUII I I sq; Kq ps; g r ;1 so sq {;eqs

Jog ssSJnOO OUI UI9 1 3 pue ssSJnOO buxu y ez; sssq; go qoe3 0333 )

I I I 1 9 3 1 330 30UQI I 1 3AI RS I E UI W I JO OI UO I QOG IH PU?‘(I I 0933 ) I I 1 3 01 330

B OUQIIIOAJHS [eu 1 m1 1 3 oguoz ;ost3 0333 ) I J B OI JJO souett g sninsI EUIMIIO oruOJ;OsI3 se ps;eubgssp sq Iteqs pep IAOJdsssznoo Duru geJ ;

go SIaAaI sq;°

;usm;Jedsa sq; Kq psp OJdsq {q s SOUPII IOAJ RS{QUImIJD OIuOJ ;OsI3 u; Duxu y eJ; go SIaAeI (e) sq ; uop;eo;g 1 ;Js3 (q

°uog;eor g 1 ;1 so

q /q o; ;usnbssqns ;y un qoms o; psufixsse sq II IM

s;ep g pueo sq; ;eq; pue ;r un B OUQII I OAI HS Ieo;uqos; e su;e;u 1 em

Koushe 6u 1 Josuods sq; ;eq; ;usms;e;s e '1 1 1 JOOI JJO OOUE TT I BAJnS

I E UIMI JD O;UOJ;OsI3 ue se uo;;eopg 1 ;JsO Jog OUIUIQJJ 1 03 (9°

ssr ;np pssodOJd/;usss pue

;usmub p sse go ;1 un s,s;ep rpueo sq; 6u ; ;os1 gsJ ;usms;e;s JB IJQ V (g°

soue 1 1 1 sAJns O;uOJ ;OsIs

go ssnb y uqos; sq; u ; uor ;onJ;su 1 psz y texosds Kue Du r pntou;'p JoosJ OOIAJSS pue OUIUI9 1 3 s .s;ep ;pueo sq; go s;sdouxs gs q V


Js01 g go

;usmsOJogus me; sm;;-;Ing e s; s;ep r pueo sq; ;eu; ;usms;e;3 (e°

(s) q meu Sisafififisuoq Is; pue sssippe sssura s,s;ep 1 pueo sq; (z'

q mnu Konabe pue

‘q mnu K;;Jnoss Ie y oos

‘q;J;q gO s;ep

'xas ‘ smeu s,s;ep IpueO sq; (I

spntour { [eqs psy tddns sq O; uo;;emJogu 1 q ;0°

Js3 1 g go sAr ;nosxsgsgqo sq; Aq s;ep g pueo sq; go uog;epusmmoosie spnroux {;eqs pue

sAxsosJ o; psn oq;ne s; s;ep rpueo sq; qoxqm

go IaAaI ogg xosds sq ; Ag r;usp 1 {;eqs qoms°

s;usss sJ s;ep t pueo sq; qoxqm Kousse ;usmsOJogus me; sq; go Jsogggo

sA;;nOsxs gsg qo sq; mOJg Jo;oe a sq; O; uo;;eo; tdde ue u r pspg gosdssq {;eqs s;sor ggo B OUE II I OAI D S T EUINI I O OIUOJJOB IO se uor ;eo;g 1 ;JsO

Jog ss;ep ; pueo ;Ie go sq; (e°

;Jea sy q; u ; ps;eJoq s SUOISIAOJdo; ;uenSJndOS Op 0; psz rioq;ne ssstun

';DV sq; u ; psq ossp

se uor ;eogunmmoo IeJO OJEAIIdgo sq; u p s5e6us {;eqs uOSJsdON



f i nd ing s w i t h the I l l ino i s Locai—Gover nmentaiLaw Enfor cement Of ficer s

I f the D i rec tor andthe I l l i noi s Locai-Gove r nmentaiLaw Enfor cement

intent i onal ly v i olated the law or has i ntent i onal ly v i olated the c i v i l

r ig hts Of any par t y,the Of f i ce r 's cer t i f i cat i on shal l be revoked and

his/her c redent ials impounded anddest r oyed . An Of f i cer whose

c redent ials have been rek ed shal l not be el ig i ble for cer t i f i cat i on

or rece r t i f i cat i on for a pe r i od of five s f 57year s .

I f the D i rec t or andthe I l l ino is Locai-Gover nmentaiLaw Enfor cement

v i olated any requ i rement of t h i s Par t, the of ficer 's cert i ficat i on

shal l be suspended andimpounded unt i l the Of f i cer has successful ly

completed a rece r t i f i cat ion t rai n i ng cou r se .

e ) T he D i rec t or shal l not i fy,w i t h i n t en—t 1 0) days Of such dec i si on, i n

wr i t ing the Of f i ce r andthe ch ie f execut ive of f i ce r Of the agency for

wh i ch the of f i cer is employed of any dec i si on to revoke or Suspend the

Of f i ce r 's cer t i f i cat i on .

(Sou rce d at 25 I l l . Reg . 6 e f fec t ive

Sect ion Recording andMi n imi zat i on Standar ds

Elect r oni c Crim i nal Su rve i l lance Offi cer s shal l comply w i t h the m in im i zat i on

standar ds requ i red by the Ac t andt h i s Par t


b )

Min im i zat i on requ i res t hat the i nte r cept ing Of f i ce r must use b i s/he r

j udgement andbackg round knowledge Of the c r im i nal i nvest i gat i on andits par t i c ipant s,tog et her w i t h fact s _andc i rcumstances t hat develop


the over hear d conver sat ions, t o ref rain f rom inte rcept ingnonper t i nent, i nnocent, or pr i v i leged conve r sat ions


as -t hey take

place .

Judgements concern i ng m inim i zat i on dec isi ons shal l be based on the

knowledge possessed by the inter cept ion of f i cer at the t ime of the

dec i si on . Examples of fac tors to be consi dered are as fol lows

1 ) The nat u re andscope of t he c r im inal act iv i t y be i ng i nvest i gated .

2) T he use of amb ig uous,g uar ded,coded,or fore i gn lang uage .

The locat i on Of the telephone or fac i lity .

The expectat ion Of the i ntercepted conve rsat i on contai n ing

statement s relat i ng to c r im inal conduc t .

5 ) T he l i kel i hood of t he inte r cep t ioncommun i cat ions .

Of f i ce rs au t hor i zed t o supe r v i se the inte r cept ion of pr ivate oral

commun i cat ions shal l,i f possi b le,asce r tai n the i dent i t ies andphone

number s of targeted consp i rators,spouses,at t orneys,c ler gymen,andphysi c ians . Such avai lable i nformat ion shal l be d issem i nated to all

Of f i ce rs charged w i th respons i b i l i ty for i nter cept ing the referenced

commun icat ions i n or der t o assi st i n i dent i fy i ng potent ial ly

contai n ing pr iv i leged



(Sou r ce : Amended at 25 I l l . Reg .

Sect i on Documen tat ion Requ i rements

T he fol lowi ng document s shal l be completed andmai ntai ned w i t h respec t

i nter cept i on of pr i vate oral commun i cat i on au t hor i zed by the Ac t

a) Mon i t or 's Inte r cept Log shal l be mai ntai ned .

(Sou rce: Amended at 25 I l l . Reg .

1 fi5 26 3

Sec t ion Ev iden ce Handl ing P rocedures

e f fec t ive

to any

I t shall i nclude the

e f fec t ive


pr iv i leged commun i cat i ons .

Mi n im i zat i on shal l be a simu l taneous process i nvolv ing the cessat i on

of aud i o i nter cept i on,mon i t or i ng andrecor d ing,andthe reg ister i ng'

of such i nformat i on on-t he-output—tape-of—the-diaied—number -r ecorder

fif —such —device —is -utiiiz edi. Al l such t ransac t i ons shal l be

documented on the I nte r cept Log .

Spot mon i tor i ng-Of apparent ly pr i v i lege d and nonper t inent

conve rsat i ons shal l be pe rm i t ted in or de r t o ensu re t hat such

conve r sat ions do not lose t he i r pr i v i leged andi nnocent charac ter .

Thi s process shal l be'

used to safeg uar d agai nst i nstances where

consp i rator s assume the i dent i t ies of pr i v i leged part ies to i n i t iate

nonpe r tinen t ‘

conve r sations to mask c r im inal commun i cat i ons . Al l such

spot mon i t or i ng shal l be ref lec ted on the I nte r cept Log .

case number ; the desi gnat i on numbe r of recordi ng med ia casset te

number ; the name of the sub j ec t ; the cou r t or de r number ; andfor each

cal l, i dent i f i cat i on Of‘

the cal l as ou tg o i ng or i ncom i ng andthecal le r andcal led par t ies; the star t andf i n i sh t ime of the cal l ; cal l

tag data the—tape-footage ; whet her the cal l was per t i nent ; whe t her anymi n im i zat i on was requ i re d ; i f any spot checks were made ; a summary of

the cal l ; andthe i n i t ials of the par t y mak ing the ent ry .

Mon i t or 's Post Log shal l be maintai ned .

I t shal l i nc lude the case

number ; the sh i f t and“

date ; the case i nvest igator ; andfor each

ind i v idual present at the mon i tor post,the pe r son 's name andagency

the t ime i n andt ime out of the mon i tor post ; the pe rson 's reason for

be i ng at the mon i t or i ng post ; andan acknowledg ement t hat the pe rson

is aware of all inst r uctions'

f rom j udges,pr osecu tor s,andsupe rv i singOf f i cer s conce rn i ng the execu t i on of the cou r t or der au t hor i z ing



i nter cept .

investigative —Repor t—by

-each—officer —par ticipating—in-t he—eiect ronic

sur veiiiance—shaii—t e-compiet ed7 —I t —shaii—inciude—the—times—and—dat esof-t he-of fice ris—sur veiiiance7-a—iist—of-the-caits —monitor ed—4by -the

officer —and—the-per tinent—infor mation—derived7-and—the—st eps—taken—tosecur e—and-safeguar d-the—evidentiar y-tapes-generat ed:

1 )


Head ing of Par t :


Accessi b le Housing Demonst rat ion Grant P rog ram

I l l . Adm . Code 355




9 )




Stat u tory Au t hor i t y : Sect i on of the I l l ino i s Housi ng Development Ac t

[20 ILCS

Date F i led w i t h the I ndex Depar tment : Novembe r 26,2001

A C opy Of the eme rg ency rule is on f i le i n the ag ency's pr inc i pal of f i ce

andis avai lab le for publ i c i nspec t i on .

Reason for Emergency : T he af for dab le housi ng tax c red i t prog ram'


au t hor i zed on August 23, 2001 . I f the rules do not go i nto e f fec t

immed iately,the af for dab le housi ng tax c red i t s for S tate fiScal ‘

y ear 2002

cannot be al located,t hus defeat i ng the pu rpose Of the leg i slat i on .

A Comp lete Desc r ipt i on of the Sub j ect s andI ssues Involved : These ru les

i nvolve the adm i n i st rat ion of t he af for dable housi ng tax C red i t prog ram .

S tatement of Statew i de Pol i cy Ob j ec t i ves : Th i s proposed r u le does not

c reate,expand or mod i fy a S tate mandate:

R i char d B . Mul le r

I l l i no i s Housi ng Development Aut hor i ty

401 N . Mi ch i gan Ave . ,Ste . 900

Ch i cag o IL 6061 1—5327



bugtssuno3 q SJ BUMO smoH —soue;s;ssV IeOq os; gov'

g g g

a: oddns BUI qexadoAONE DE EWE{ 9 1 3 11 89 pue B OUQQSISSV

[ E O IUUOGI,;O ;unomV U0 SUO I QQQI IHI'] L07‘

g g g

ADNESHEWEqgoddns Bu r ;e d0 ;e uss pue soue;s; ssV Ieoy uqss; Jo; ap r sv—Jas 90P






. ;uamaa1 6V aznqdeoau ;OV'



s;os Ja Su t snoH pa;sI ssv- I aKOId cow'


KONESHEWEsoue;sI ssV ;so3 BUI SOID pue ;usmKea UMOG ZOV




squame linbeu ;oagoidKI INPJ aIBUI S IOV‘



AONHDHHNHJosuods go uo; ;edrO I ;JedIe;1 s;ew ote


g gg


9 1 1 9 9 1 3 xem BUI SDOH a ePI OJJv ;o IaJSUQ I L GO E’



SUOI neuoa no UO I JPJImI T BOE'





AONEDEEWEKil adozdIeau me lfiold







AONEDHEWE;unOmV uog ;euoamnmy u tw EOE



KONHOHHWHsuo; ;euoa go UO I ;e6s 1 56V zog


g ge


suo;;euoq go ssdA; srqe;dsOOV Iog ‘

g g g



s;is 3 xe; 6u I snOH q ep JoggV go a ;deosu ot z'

g g g








KDNEDHEWEUO I QPOI JI QI B D pue uo; ;e;usmnooa ;Os ia SUISHOH stqep Jog gv BOZ



JONEDEEWEs;ssCOJa {e;uaa 1 0; ;uamaazfiv K loneInfiaa LOZ


JONEDEEWEuo;;edy or;1 ea Josuods goz '


JONESEENEKousBV Aq noiqoacau Jo Ie zddv soz


KONEDHEWEmarAau Kouafiv voa°




JONEDuEwssu y I t aQ

-g r psi3 xe; DuxsnoH q ep Joggv KOUBQV JO JaJSUP JL ZOZ









q mnN pue Jspus3 sor '

g ge






KDNE DHEWEssBJ eq3 pue sss3 90I


g g £

AGNESHEWEsq ; Jog sa psOOJa pue s O3 SOI


KONE DHEWEmeg Te ns3 q ;r m soue I IdMOO VOI


KONEDHEWEsuorg rn aa EOI



KDNESHENEssAr;osfq0 pue ssodJ nd5. 20I ‘




uo; ;oss





Ag ency Repor t s


AUTHORITY : Sec t i on of the I l l ino i s Housi ng Deve lopment ILCS

SOURCE : Adopted ~ by'

eme rg ency r ulemaking at 25 1 1 1 . Reg .

ef fect ive Novembe r 26,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days .


Sect i on Au t hor i t y

Th i s Par t is estab l i shed t o set for t h t he standar ds for the al locat i on of

Af for dable Housing Tax Cred i t s by the I lli no i s Housi ng Development Aut hor i ty

under Sect ion of the I l l ino i s Housi ng Deve lopment Ac t [20 ILCS

in connec tion w i t h the acqu i si t i on ; const ruc t i on,rehab i l i tat i on andf i nanc ing

Of,or the prov isi on of f inanc ing assi stance for ,af for dab le housi ng .

Sect ion Pu rpose andOb ject i ves

Th i s Par t is estab l i shed t o accompl i sh the pu rposes of Sec t i on of the

I l l ino is Housi ng Development Ac t andSec t ion 214of the I l l i no i s Income Tax Ac t

[35 ILCS andi n par t i cular the awar d ing -Of Af for dab le Housi ng Tax

Cred i ts in connec t ion w i t h the acqu i si t ion,const ruc t ion,rehab i l i tat i on andf inanc ing Of Af for dab le Housi ng Pro j ec t s for Low—I ncome Households .

Sect i on De f in i t ions

As used i n t h is Par t,the fol low ing wor ds or te rms mean

Ac t": T he I l l i no i s Housi ng Development Ac t [20 ILCS

Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t": A housi ng projec t t hat is e i t her



a rental pro j ec t i n wh i ch at least 25% of the un i ts t hat have

rent s (i nc lud i ng tenant—pai d heat ) t hat do not exceed,on‘


mont hly basi s,30% of the g r oss mont hly i ncome of a Household

ear n i ng the max imum income for a Low— I ncome Househol d in the

geog raph i cal area i n wh i ch t he Af for dab le Housi ng Pro j ec t islocated andt hat ar e occup ied by per sons andfam i l ies who qual i fy

as Low— Income Households; or

a un i t for sale to Low-Income Households andwho w i l l pay no more

t han 30% Of t he i r g ross household i ncome for mor t gag e pr inc i pal,i nterest, proper t y taxes, andprope r t y insu rance upon the

pu r chase of t he un i t .

Af for dab le Housi ng Rest r i c t ions": T he i ncome and occupancy

rest r i c t i ons for an Af for dable Hous i ng P ro j ec t requ i red by Sec t ion

andth i s Par t,or t hose set for t h i n the'

Appl i cat i on for the

Af for dab le Housi ng P ro j ec t,wh i cheve r ar e more st r ing ent .

Af for dab le Housi ng Tax Cred i ts": Af for dable Housing Tax Cred i ts,asau t hor i zed by Sec t i on of the Act andSec t i on 214of the I l l i no i s

Income Tax Ac t .

. Af for dable Housi ng Tax Cre d i t Ce i l i ng": T he ag g regate amount Of

Af for dable Housi ng Tax C red i t s avai lab le for Al locat ion in a State

f i scal year .

Agency": T he Aut hor i ty, the C i ty of Ch i cago or any ot he r

mun i c ipal i ty t hat may subsequent ly be des i gnate d by law as an agency

for the Al locat i on of Af for dable Hous i ng Tax Cre d i t s .

Agency Af for dable Housi ng Tax Cred i t Ce i l i ng": That por t i on of t he

tOtal amount Of Af for dable Hous ing Tax Cred i t s avai lable for

Al locat i on in a S tate f i scal year t hat is avai lab le for Al locat i on by

an Agency .

That amount is of the Af for dable Hous i ng Tax Cred i t

Ce i l i ng for t he C i t y Of Ch i cag o,and of the Af for dab le Housi ngTax Cred i t Ce i l ing for the Aut hor i t y .

Ag ency Head": T he Execu t ive D i rec t or of the Aut hor i t y or the Housi ngComm i ssi one r of t he .ci t y of Ch i cago .

Al locat i on": An awar d by an Ag ency of Af for dab le Housi ng Tax Cred i ts

i n connect ion w i t h an Af for dable Hous i ng P ro j ec t .

Appl i cant": T he Sponsor apply i ng for an Al locat ion .

Appl i cat i on": An appl i cat i on t o an Agency for Af for dab le Housi ng Tax

Cred i t s subm i t ted by an Appl i cant i n connec t i on w i t h an Affor dable

Housi ng P ro j ec t, i nclud i ng the requ i redsuppor t ing document at ion .

sy q; u; q;JOg ;as K;;Joq;nV sq; go ssInJ sA1 ;e J ;sru;mpe sq; : "sstng

°meJBOJd;1 s 3 xe; Bug snon srqep JoggV stou g rtx sq; : “mQ JOOId'

s;;un {e;usJ sJom Jo OAI ; go s;e6sJ66e ue 6u r u ; e;uoo (ssousp tssa

t me3 B IDUI S ueq ; q ;o) s6u 1 p 1 1 nq siom Jo suo go pse dmOO;OsIOJa BUI SDOH a ep JOJJV uV ;OsEOJa Bu r snon Kt y meg 1 ;1 nw


(LEVI asn at ) LesI Jo ;ov BUI snon saneqs

ps;;un sq; go 9 uop;os3 go sssodJndJog ;usm IsAsq uq n pue DUISDOH

go ;usm;Jedsq ss;e;s ps;I un sq ; Kq amp ; 0; smr ; mo i g psut s;sp

sJe esie ;eoq eifiosfisq; Jog smoou; ue y psm pue smoou; ps;sn fpe qoms

se ‘ sz gs t meg Jog ps;en fpe‘;OsEOJdBu r snon q ep JOJJV s .p toqssnon

sq ; go esJe IQD IUdE I BOOS sq; go smoou; ue r psm sq ; go %OZI ueq; sea;9 ; smoou; ps;snfpe ssoqm ptoqssnOH V : “ptoqssnoH smoou I-s;e pow

° K;1 Joq ;nV sq; go Sq msw sq; : "Sq msw


JesK ;eq;

1 0; (;OsCOJa DupsnOH q ep JOJJV sq; u; s;ss ;ur q S I BUMO p roq ;ou Op

oqm ss1 ;1 ;us pue s;enp yAr pu r Duxpntoux) ss;;1 ;us JO s;enp rAr pux I I? Kq

;OsIOJa Du r snog q epioggV sq; Jog SOOIAI OS qons go UOISIAOIdsq; go

{re £1 1 e 1 ;ue;sqns SB OIAJOS go UOISIAOJdqons pue : ;os§OJdBu y shog q ep JOJJV as q ;1 m uoI;Osuuoo ur JesK qoes buxinp SJnoq oogueq; sJom Jog s; seq Ie;;ue;sqns pue

‘ snonu;;uoo‘I QIDOB I e uo SGOIAJ B S

I E UOSIadssp OJdK;r;us JO ;enp y pu y uV Ie;1 s;ew


(c I osn zv) L£6I 30 ;ov BUI SDOH sezens

ps;1 un sq; go 9 uog ;os3 go sssodJndJog ;usm IsAsa uq n pue BUISR OH

go ;usm;Jedsa ss;e;3 ps;r un sq; Kq aux; 0; sm;; mOJ g psu ;m1 s;sp sJe

esie IPOq QJfioafisq; _ Jog smoou ; ue r psm pue smoou; ps;sn fpe qons se

‘ sz r s At rmeg Jog ps;snfpe ‘;Os JdBUI SR OH stqepxog gv s .ptoqssnoH sq;

go esJe {eorqdeibosfisq ; go smoou; uexpsm sq ; go %09 o; ;enb s Jo ueq ;

sss; s; smoou; ps;sn fpe ssoqm p toqssnoH V : “p roqssnoH smoouI—moq


uoy ;nq ;s1 p Jog stqet xeAe spem sJ e spung sq ; pue';Os ia BugsnoH q epiog gV sq; Jog ssOJnos Du rpung sq; Kq psu ;m1 s;sp

se ';sm ussq sAeq ;OsLOJa Duxsnon sxqep JOJJv ue go Bu r pung sq;

Jog s;usms1 1 nbs 1 Tess; { Te qog qm uo s;ep sq; : “s;eq 6u;so;3 xe ; ;1 u 1


q ;s60;DUIAI I SUOSJsdps;e;siun Jo Kt rmeg

‘ UOSJsdsrfiugs V : “p toqssnoH

JOSUOdS sq ; go sssusdxs peq sAo Ie usB spnrou r Aem ;nql;os Jd

Duxsnon stqep JoggV sq; q ;1 M uo;;osuuoo u ; s J nOU1 KI;OsJ Ip s;soo

o; ps;rm1 ; ;Ou sJe s;soo 6u ; ;e g sdo : s;SOO 6u;;e do te neD S,Josuod3sq; go ;Jede 3 ; ;eq; ;OsEOJa OUISDOH stqepioggV ue q ;1 m uo; ;osuuoo

ur Josuods e Aq s Jnou; ;soo AuV : "JJOddns 6u;;e d0 ;e uss



’Spq asnOH

smoouI—s;e pow se Kg ptenb oqm sssxotdms o; ps;or J;ssJ

pue : soerdnJom qons Jesu Dursnoq o; ps;e r J;ssJ

: soeIdq m s,JsKoIdms sq; Jesu BuxsnoqBua oss u ; msq; ;sgsse o; sssKOIdms o; SJsKOIdms Kq pap IAOJd

sJe ;eq; suetdSOUIAPS ;unoooe ;usm IsAsp ;enp rAr pur Jo ‘ ssgp rsqns

{e;usJ'smeJDOJdss;ueJen6 s6e6;JOm

‘ ss6e6;Jom ;ss ;u r -psonps 1‘ soue;sgsse ;soo Du g soro pue ;usmxed umop SOAIOAUI ;eq;

;OsLOJdbu g shou a ep JOJJV uV :u ;osLOJd DugsnoH ps;srssV- Jsxotdm3


uo;;euoa e Buxxem K;1 ;us Jo Tea AI pUI uV : "I OUOG


;Osf0Ja BUI SDOH q epioggV;eq; q;r m uoI ;Osuuoo ur Josuods sq; go ;Joddns 6u;;e d0 Ie uss

Jo : ;os§OJa bu r snOH stqepiog gV ;eq; Jog soue;s;ssV Ieo;uqos;

{SI OSI Q IddQ pue

SJOKsAJns ‘ s;ue;unoooe's;os;IqOJe

'sKsUJo;;e Jog sssg Dugpntou;';Os£OJa BUI SnOH q epioggV ;eq ; Jog Bu youeu r g BUI p IAOIdJO

'6u r ;onJ ;suoo ‘ DUISQUQJHdq ;r m ps;e;oosse s;soo

Jog pssn 9 ; ;eu; pue ;Os JdDursnoH q ep JOJJV ue Jog Josuods e ;noq;;m pap IAOId9 ; ;eq ; &;Js JdI E UOSIad1 0 Tea; JO ‘ ss 1 ;1 1 noss

'Asuom uo;;euoa


;Jea sxq; go vov'

g g g uo; ;oss up pep IAOIdse ‘ ssseodp qsp JeH

pue'SJesK 3 sq {;eqs

pOI Iad souextdmo3 sq; sseO qog qm u;'sousp g ssaAr rmeg srburs

e Dupse Jndspq ssnoH smoou 1 _moq o; soue;sr sse ;soo Bu y soto pue

;usmfledumop SSp IAO IdJosuods e qozqn UI s;ssfoga At y me3 s1 6u 1 3

Jog ;dsoxs ’S I QSAor go mumy uru e sq {;eqs ;OsLOJd

Du r snoH q ep JoggV qoes Jog pos a soue r rdmo3 sq;'

;OsLOJdBUISR OHq epiog gV qoms Jog uor ;eOI IddV sq; u r q ;Jog ;ss se 'suox;or 1 ;ssaEUI SUOH stqep JOJJV sq; q;I m Atdmoo o; ps;ebrIqo s; ;OsQOJaButsnOH srqep JoggV ue qor qm Du ra pos dsq; : “pos a souettdmo3

UOT JPOOIIV an: 30 849 9sA; ;Osggs sq; s;e;s {q s s;eor g 1 ;Js3 sq;


;os Ja Du r snoH stqep JoggV

ue q;;m uo;;osuuoo u; s;1 s 3 xe; OUISHOH q epiog gV go uo; ;eoor tV

sq; bu yousp IAs KousDV ue Kq psnss; s;eoy g 1 ;Js3 sq;

;usmdoIsAsq BuxsnoH SI OUIII I sq;





Par t,as amended andsupplemented f r om t ime to t ime .

"Reservat i on": An Agency's cond i t i onal reservat i on of Af for dable

Housi ng Tax Cred i t s i n connec t i on w i t h an Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t .

A Reservat i on shal l be val i d for a per i od no long er t han 24mont hsf rom the date of the Reservat i on Let ter . I f the I n i t ial Closi ng Date

of the Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ect has not occu r red w i t h in t hat per iod,the Reser vat ion shal l exp i re andshal l not be renewe d .

"Reservation Le t ter": T he let te r f r om an Agency to a Sponsor

cond i t i onal ly rese rv i ng Af for dab le Housi ng Tax Cred i t s i n connec t i on

w i t h the Sponsor 's proposed Af for dable Hous ing P ro jec t .

"Sec t ion Sec t i on of the Ac t .

"S i ng le Fam i ly Pro j ec t“: An Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t consi st i ng of

the const ruc t i on of S ing le Fam i ly Resi dences; or

the rehab i l i tat i on of 2,3,or 4un i t bu i l d i ngs; or

t he rehab i l i tat i on Of S i ng le Fam i ly Resi dences,wh i ch ar e t hen

sol d or rented ; or

the f i nanc ing of S ing le Fam i ly Resi dences usi ng j un ior mor tgages

w i t h a below mar ket i nterest rate ; or

const ruc t ion subsi d ies to lower the pu r chase pr i ce of S ing le

Fam i ly Resi dences; or

Employer—Assi sted Housi ng P ro j ec t s .

"S ing le Fam i ly Resi dence": A house,condom in i um,t ownhouse or ot he r

resi dence“

used for occupancy by a si ng le Househol d as its pr imary

resi dence .

"Sponsor“: A not-for—prof i t organ i zat ion t hat is

organ i zed under the General Not For Prof i t Corporat i on Ac t of

1 986 [805 ILCS 1 05 ] for the pu rpose of const ruc ting or

rehab i l i tat i ng af for dab le hoUsing un i t s i n t h i s State ; or

organ i zed for the pur pose of const r uc t i ng or rehab i l i tat ingaf for dab le housi ng un i t s andhas been issued a ru l i ng f rom the

Inter nal Revenue Se r v i ce of the Un i ted States Depar tment of the

Treasu ry t hat the organ i zat i on is exempt f r om i ncome taxat i on

under prov i si ons of the Internal Revenue Code ; or



an organ i zat ion desi gnated as a commun i ty deve lopment corporat i on

by the Un i ted S tates Gover nment under T i t le VI I of the Econom i c

Oppor tun i t y Ac t of 1 964.

State": T he S tate of I l l i no i s .

Techn i cal Assi stance": Any cost incu r red by a Sponsor for

plann ing for an Af for dable Housi ng Pro j ec t,

assi stance w i t h an Applicat ion,or

counsel i ng serv i ces prov i ded to prospec t ive pur chasers of a

S ing le Family Resi dence in connect i on w it h a S ing le Fam i ly

P ro jec t,except as prov i ded i n Sec t ion of t h i s Par t

Ver y '

Low—I ncome Househol d": A Household whose ad j usted income isless than or equal t o 50% of the med ian i ncome of the g eog raph i cal

area Of the Household 's Af for dab le Housi ng P ro j ec t,ad j usted for

fam i ly s i ze,as such ad j usted i ncome andmed ian i ncome for the

g eog raph i cal area ar e de te rmined f rom t ime to t ime by the Un i ted

S tates Depar tment of Housi ng andUrban Development for pu rposes of

Sec t i on 8 of the Un i ted S tates Housi ng Ac t of 1 937(42 USC 1437)

Sec t i on Comp l iance wi th Federal Law

Notw i t hstand ing anyt h i ng i n t h i s Par t t o the cont rary,t h i s Par t shal l be

const r ued in conform i t y andcompl iance w i t h appl i cable fede ral law .

Sect i on Forms andP rocedu res for the P rog ram


An Agency may prepare,use,supplement,andamend forms,ag reements,andot her

document s andprocedures as may be necessary t o implement the Prog ram,all as

may be presc r ibed by the Ag ency Head .

Sect ion Fees andCharges

In connec t i on w i t h an Appl i cat ion,an Ag ency may col lec t a fee f rom the Sponsor

in an amount not to exceed $200,payable when t he Appl i cat i on is subm i t ted . In

connec t i on w i t h an Al locat i on,an Agency may col lect a fee f rom the Sponsor i n

an amount not to exceed $500,payab le on or before the date of the Al locat ion .

T he Al locat i on fee may i nc lude a c red i t f or the amount of the Appl i cat i on fee .

Sec t i on AmendmentEME RGENCY

LONHOHHNHnsrAsu KousfiV poz °

g gc uog ;os3


O;s‘ a;g s ;Os ia Du I snOH stqep JoggV

sq; go UOIQdI I D SOp Tess; e se qons'uor ;eor ;ddV sq; u r uo; ;emJogu r

sq; MI IJUOO o; Jsp Jo u r sipnbsi Rem AousDV sq; ;eq;

sq; u r pap IAO Iduor ;emJogu r sq ; go uo; ;e;usmnOOp ;euor ;;ppe KUV (O

pue : sBpstnoux

s,Josuod3 sq; go ;ssq sq; o; s;eJnooe pue a ; s; uo;;emJogu ;

Du rxuedmooge {Te pue uoI ;eor ;ddV sq ; u r psu;e;uoo uo; ;emJogu r

{Te ;eq; KoushV sq; o; 6u 1 £g x;1 so Josuods sq; m0J g UO I QQOI JI QJ OO V (u

: ps;ssnbsis;rs 3 xe; buxsnoH stqepioggV go ;unome sq;

59 3 3“sq I I I M QI QOI HM 1 0}

sssodJndsq; pue‘ Kue g;


ps;ssns soue;s;ssV Ieor uqos; .go ;unome sq; (Ifpssn sq I I I M ;1 qor qn Jog sssodJnd

sq; pue'Aue g r

‘ps;ssns ;Joddns Su r ;e d0 ;e uss go ;unome sq; (x

: uor ;stdmoo30 61 9 9 PaqedI OIJue an; Due e;ea BUI SOIO Ie I JI u r PaiedI O Iauesq; Duxmoqs ;OsLOJa Du r snoH q ep Jog gV pssodOJdsq; Jog stnpsqos V (I

;Os JdBu y snon q ep JOJJV sq; q ;IM ps;e r oosse s;soo

q ;O I I? pue GOUP I HSUI‘ sssg s . JoKsAJns ‘ sssg s,;ue;unoooe

‘ sssg .sAq o;;e

‘ sssg ,s;os;I qOJe ‘ ssAJsssJ ps;osfoid go ;unome

sq; go ;SOO sq;‘ uot ;g st nboe pue; go ;soo sq; Bu r pntou I

‘;OsCOJd Du r snoH q ep JoggV pssodOJdsq; go ;soo ;e;o; ps;emr ;ss sq; (I

Spq aSHOH smoouI-moq KisApue sptoqssnoH smoou I—moq Jog psAJsssJsq o; s;1 un go s6e;usOJsdsq;

‘;OeCOJa Du I snoH KIIme g r ;Inw e JOJ (q

: uo;;euoq ps;edo ;ue Jo pssodOJdsq ; go ;unome pue a ;eu sq; (6

£SI epU8I

sA1 ;Os OJdmOJ g s;usm;rmmoo Jo ;ss ;u ; go Sis;;s{ Duppnxoux';OsLOJd

Du r snOH stqep JOJJV sq ; Jog Bu y oueurg pssodOJdsq ; go ;unome sq; (g: spssu Bu y snoq {e t osds

q;Im suo;;e;ndod;ueus; pssodOJdRue 6u ;Kg r ;usp r pue‘ (srqeor tdde

g y ) ;OsCOJd Bu y snog q Pp I OJJV sq ; Jog stnpsqos ;usi e pue

s;r un . god; pue q mnu sq ;‘ s;r s sq ; o; ps;Im; ; ;Ou ;nq Du y pnrou;

‘;Os§OJa Bu g snog srqep gog gV pssodOJdsq; go uo;;dr g ossp s;stdmoo V (s

fiI E IHO I JI Edu ; Bursnoq smoou r -mo;

pue‘ Du r sa Bu rdotsAsp u; sousgisdxs s,Josuod3 sq; go AJo;sr q V (p

{UO I QE JQdI OOUIgo s;e;s sq; go {exor g go QUOI EAInba Jo s;e;s goAJe;sios3 sq ; Aqpsr g r ;JsO

'uo;;eJOdJOOUI go sstor;JV ;usJ Jno s,Josuod3 sq ; go Adoo V (O

: ;os§OJdOUI SHOH siqep Jog gVsq ; Jog ;ue;Insuoo pue Jo;oe J ;uoo ;e usD '

;Os;r qOJe‘;ue;unoooe

‘ KsUJo;;e sq;'umoux g ;


‘;Os ia Bu r snoH stqep Jog gV sq; go Jsumo

pssodOJdsq; pue Josuods sq; go q mnu suoq ts; pue sss pe'emeu sq; (q

{;ss Ja BUI SHOH srqepiog gV pssodOJdsq; go uo; ;eoor pue smeu sq; (e

uo; ;emJogu; Bu r mor tog sq ; e ns Aeu ;eq ; KousDV ue Kq p q I OSB Ids og no uor ;eo;;ddV ue Kq uoI ;eOOI;V ue Jog t de Aem Josuods V



IONHDHHNH9 88001duor ;eor {ddV {oz-555 uo;;oss

' KousDV q ;oue o;

JeaK Teosxg s;e;s ;eq; 1 0; 6u;1 1 s3 ;rs 3 xe; fiuxsnoH stqepioggV Kaus s;1 go

uo; ;Jode JO ;Ie JsgsueJ ; Aem KousDV ue ‘ JesK Teosr g s;e;s e go I qOJew Js;gV

IONHOHHNH6u 1 1 1 s3 ;r s 3 xe; fiu gsnon q ep JoggV KousBV go JsgsueJ; zoz °

g g g uo; ;oss


JesK ;eosr g s;e;s bu y pssoons Kue

u r ps;eooI Ie JO psAJsssJ sq ;Ou {;eqs pue B J Ia {;eqs JeaK ;eosrg s;e;s ;eq;

Bu yinp ps;eootte Jo psAJsssJ ;Ou sJe ;eq; Bu r 1 1 s3 ;rs 3 xe; BUI SOOH srqepioggVKousDV sq ; u; s;1 s 3 xe;

“Bu y snoH q ep JOJJV KUV

° 6u r t r s3 ;r ps1 3 xe;

DuxsnoH stqep loggv KousDV sq; pssoxs o; ;ou ;unome ue u; s;1 s 3 xe; DUI SHOH

srqep Jog gV s;eoot te JO/pue sAJsssJ Kem AousBV ue'JeaK Ieosxg s;e;s Kue 1 03

SJI paI O xem bu Isnos a E PJOJJV aJE OOI Iv 0; KJI zoqinv Ioz °

ssc UOIJoas



;xs; sq; go ;Jede ;ou sJe pue sous gsJ pue sousxusAuooJog pssn sie suor ;ossqns pue

'suo; ;os3's;Jedqn3 go suo;;deo pue ss{;r ;



SS£ uor uoas


e ns Aem ;xs;uoo sq; se q mnu Jo Jspus6 q ;o

Aue spnxou; o; pa ;suoo sq I teqs q mnu Jo Jspus5 suo Kue u r pssn ST Js; I IV

q mnu P“9 1 3 909 9 60I°

SS£ U° I 3°9 S


s spusJ s; ;usmspn f ;eq ; qq n 0; se ;Jedqns JO 'uo;;os3'uo; ;ossqns

'qde JBeJed ‘ sous;uss

'ssneIO sq; o; uor ;e do s;1 u r psup guoo ;nq

';Jedq ; go Jspu t emsisq ; s;ep r IeAu 1 JO ‘ I I EdmI ‘

;Osg ge ;Ou {;eqs ;usmfipnf;eq;

‘p I I EAUI sq o; uo; ;or pe n f ;us;sdmoo go ;Jnoo Kue Kq


psbpn fpe sr ;Jedq ; go ;Jedqns Jo 'uo;;os3

‘ uo; ;ossqns‘qde JBeJed 'sous;uss

'asneto Aue g I

JouzsazwsKJI I IqexaAas 80I




s;q6; J ;en;oeJ ;uooAue s;esJO JO s;n;1 ;suoo ;ou {;eqs ;Jea sgq;-met go

sUOI srAOJdq eoxrdde q ;o pue‘SZ


L uo; ;oss o; ps;;m1 1 ;ou ;nq buxpnrou ;';OV

sq;‘;Jedsr q ; q ;;m ;us;sI suoo su ;m1 s;sp Aem q ; se Jsuuem qoms u ; pue smx; 0;

ou r ; moJ g'Sq msw sq ; Aq ps;esdsJ Jo '

pspusme‘ps;usms;ddns sq Kem ;Jedsrq;





T he Ag ency shal l rev iew each comple te Appl i cat ion andapprove or re j ec t i t . T he

Agency ’s .rev iew of an Appl i cat ion shal l i nclude,bu t not be l im i ted to,thefollowing '

criteria (where appl i cable )


b )


f )

9 )


Sec t i on Requ i rement s . T he ab i l i ty of the Af for dab le Housi ngPro ject , t o mee t the requ i rement s of Sect i on andt h is Par t

t hr oug hou t the Compl iance Pe r iod ;F inanc ial Feasi b i l i t y . T he f inanc ial feasi b i l i t y of the Af for dable

Housi ng P ro jec t, tak i ng i nt o t he consi derat i on the ex i st ing housi ngfor Low— Income Househol ds i n the geog raph i cal area i n wh i ch the

Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t w i l l be locate d,the cost of the Affor dable

Housing Pro j ec t, t he pro j ec ted i ncome of the Af for dab le Hous i ngPro j ec t,andall sou rces Of f i nanc ing for the Af fordable Housi ngP ro j ec t, i nc lud ing owne r '

s equ i t y ;Sponsor '

s Ab i l i t y . T he ab i l i t y of the Sponsor to successfu l ly

const ruc t'

the Af for dable Hous i ng Pro j ec t andplace i t i n se r v i ce,tak ing i nt o consi derat i on the const ruc t i on or ot her schedu le subm i t ted

w i t h the Appl i cat i on,the Sponsor 's exper ience i n the development,

const ruc t ion and/or rehab i l i tat i on Of housi ng,andthe si ze andScopeof the Af for dab le Housi ng P ro jec t

S i te Cont rol . Ev i dence of si te cont rol,sat isfact ory t o the Ag ency,f or the Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t,wh i ch shal l inc lude,bu t not be

l im i ted to,apu r chase cont rac t,an Opt i on to pu r chase,or a le t ter of

i ntent f rom a prospec t ive Donor Of real proper t y or f rom a

g ove rnmental agency ;

Donat ions .


T he amount of the proposed or ant i c i pated Donat ion andtheSponsor '

s plan for Obtai n ing the Donat i on ;Locat i on . T he need for housi ng for Low—Income Households i n the

geog raph i cal area i n wh i ch t he Af for dable Housi ng P ro jec t w i l l be

located,based on census data, soc ial su rveys, publ ished data, or

on—si te inspect ions; andthe locat i on of ot he r Af for dable Housi ng“Pro j ec ts for wh i ch the Agency has al located or reserved Af for dab le

Housi ng Tax Cred i ts;Housing S tock . T he l i ke l i hood t hat the Af for dable Housing ‘Pr Oject

w i l l increase the qual i t y andquant i ty Of housi ng st ock andredeve lop

bl ig hted areas or prevent t he occu r rence Of slum cond i t i ons;Preservat ion . T he l i kel i hood t hat the Af for dable Housi ng Pro jec t w i l l

prese rve housi ng pro j ec ts i n dange r of be i ng lost as af for dab le

housing st ock ;I nvoluntary D i splacement . For Mul t i fam i ly Housi ng Pro ject s i nvolv ingrehab i l i tat i on,. the Sponsor must m i n im i z e i nvoluntary d isplacement of

cu r rent tenant s who ar e Low—In come Househol ds, , tak i ng i nto

consi derat i on t he i r safet y du r ing rehab i l i tat i on andthe Scope andnat ure of the proposed rehab i l i tat i on ;Spec ial Needs Populat i ons . T he avai lab i l i ty andaccessi b i l i t y of the

Af for dable Housi ng P ro jec t for spec ial needs populat i ons,i nclud i ng,bu t not l im i ted to,homeless or d i splaced ind i v i duals, pe rsons w i t h

phy sical fl mental or developmental d i sab i l i t ies,per sons w i t h alcohol'

or substance abuse problems, and. per sons w i t h AIDS andrelated

k )



d iseases;

Compl iance Pe r i od . Whe t he r the Compl iance Per i od of the Af for dable

Housi ng P ro jec t exceeds the m i n imum requ i rement s Of Sec t i on

Lower Income Households . T he ab i l i ty . of the Af for dable Housi ngP ro j ec t to se r ve Househol ds w i t h incomes less t han the max imum i ncomefor Low-Income Househol ds for the g eog raph i cal area i n wh i ch the

Af for dable Housi ng Pro j ect w i l l be located .

Sec t ion Ap proval or Re jec t i on by Ag ency

Sec t i on Sp onsor Par t i c i pat ion

T he Sponsor must have a Mate r ial Par t i c i pat ion in the development andOpe rat i on

Upon an Agency's comple t i on of it s rev iew of an Appl icat ion,the .

Ag ency shal l‘ not i fy the Sponsor in wr i t ing of its approval or

re j ec t i on of the Appl i cat i on

Upon the approval of an Appl i cat i on, the Agency shal l i ssue a

Reservat ion Let te r cond i t ional ly rese rv ing Af for dab le Housi ng Tax

Cred i t s for the Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t .


The amount of the

Af for dab le Housi ng Tax Cred i t s rese rved shal l be 50% of the amoun t Of

the proposed or ac tual Donat ion .

T he Reservat i on Le t ter shal l set for t h the terms and. cond i t i ons upon

wh ic h‘

the Af fordab le Housi ng Tax Cred i t s w i l l be al located to theAf for dable Housi ng P ro j ec t, i nclud i ng ,bu t not l im i ted to

1 ) Ful l compl iance by bot h the Sponsor andthe proposed Af for dable

Housing Pro jec t w i t h the requ i rements of Sec t ion andt h i sPar t ;

2) Cer t i f i cat i on f rom the Sponsor ce r t i fy i ng to the Agency t hat the

Sponsor andthe Af for dab le Housi ng P ro jec t w i l l be i n f ul l

compl iance w i t h the requ i rement s of Sec t i on andt h is Par t


w i l l cont i nue t o be i n compl iance du r ing the Compl iance

Per i od ;3 ) Cer t i f i cat i on f rom the Sponsor t hat t here w i l l be no change i n

the Sponsor, the Sponsor 's owne r sh i p st ruc tu re o r the st r uc tu re

of the Af for dable Housi ng Pro j ec t w i t hou t . the pr ior wr i t ten

approval of the Ag ency ; and4) Execu t ion of e i t he r a Regu lat ory Ag reement, as requ i red by

Sec t i on of t h i s Par t, or one or more Recaptu re

Ag reement s,as requ i red by Sec t i on of t h i s Par t

T he Sponsor shal l have 1 2 mont hs f rom the date of the Reser vat ion

Le t ter to Ob tain a Donat i on for the Af for dab le Housi ng P ro j ec t . Thi s

per i od may be ex tended for an add i t i onal per i od of up to 1 2 mont hs

upon wr i t ten request to the Ag ency,prov i ded t hat the Sponsor shows

ev i dence Of prog ress t owar d the I n i t ial Closi ng Of the Af for dable

Housi ng P ro j ec t .



T he amount of a cash Donat i on shal l be evidenced by a C opy of the check f rom

the Donor .

Sect i on Secu r i t ies


Donat ions Of stock s, bonds or ot her secu r i t ies shal l be documented by the

cer t i f i cate t ransfer r ing owne rsh ip Of the secu r i ty to the Sponsor ; the amount

of the Donat ion shal l be the mar ket value of the secu r i ty at the close of the

mar ke t on the day of t he t ransfe r .

Sect ion Real P rope r t y


Donat ions of real prope r t y shal l be ev i denced by a copy of the recor ded deed

convey ing the fee simple t i t le of the real proper ty to t he Sponsor anda t i t le

sear ch or equ ivalent documentat i on show ing t hat the donor hel d fee s imple t i t le

to t he real proper t y as of the date of the t ransfer . T he value of the real

proper ty shal l be determ ined by a cu r rent independent apprai sal of the prope r ty

done by a State—l i censed apprai ser . An Agency may , i n its d isc ret i on,have

anot he r appraisal done by a State—l i censed apprai ser ; i n such a case,the value

of the proper ty shal l be the lesse r of the two apprai sals . T he benef i c ial'

i nte rest in a land t rust shal l be consi dere d real proper ty .

Sect i on Pe rsonal P rope r ty

Donat i ons of per sonal proper ty shal l be valued at the lesse r of its fai r mar ket

value or its cost t o the Donor,andmay i nc lude costs i ncu r red i n mak i ng t he

t ransfer,such as del i ve ry cost s,bu t exclud ing sales tax .

Sect i on L imi tat ion on Donat ions


Funds used by a prospect i ve Donor to acqu i re an ownersh i p i nterest i n an

Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ect shal l not qualify as a Donat ion :

Sect ion T ransfe r of Af for dable HOusing Tax Credi tsEMERGENCY

A Donor t hat has rece i ved a Cer t i f i cate i n connect i on w i t h an Af for dable

Housi ng P ro ject may t ransfer t h i s Cer t i f i cate to anot her ind iv i dual or ent i ty

i f the t ransfe r is made to an i nd iv i dual or ent i ty t hat has pu rchased land for

the Af for dable Housi ng Pro j ec t or anot her Donor t hat has made a Donat ion to the

Af for dable Housing P ro j ect for wh i ch the Cer t i f i cate was i ssued . T he

Cer t i f i cate shal l i nd i cate the name of the or ig i nal Donor andthe name of the

ent i t y to wh i ch the Cer t i f i cate is t ransfer red .



Sec t ion Mate r ial Par t i c i pat ion of Sponsor


NO t ransfer of cash,secu r i t ies, real prope r ty or pe rsonal proper ty to a

Sponsor shal l be a Donat i on unless the Sponsor is comm i t ted t o Mater ial

Par t i c i pat ion in the Af for dable Hous i ng Pro j ec t for t he ful l te rm of the

Compl iance Pe r iod .


Se c t i on S ing le Fami ly Pro jec t Requ i rements


In each S ing le Fam i ly Pro jec t,ot he r t han Employer Ass isted Housi ng P ro j ec t s,al l of the un i t s or S i ng le Fam i ly Resi dences shal l be sol d or rented t o

Low—Income Households .

Sec t i on Down Payment andClos ing Cost Assistance


An Agency may make Al locat ions“t o Sponsors of Af for dable Housi ng P ro j ect s

prov i d ing only down payment andc losi ng cost assi stance only for Employe r

Ass isted Housi ng Pro jec ts .

Sec t ion Employe r—Assisted Housi ng P ro jects

of t he Af for dable Housi ng Tax Cred i t Ce i l i ng for a S tate f iscal year

shal l be rese rved for Employe r-Assi sted Housi ng P ro jec ts . I f t hose funds ar e

not rese rved for Employer—Assi sted Housi ng P ro j ec t s by January 3 1 of t hat S tate

f iscal year,the f unds shal l be avai lable for Rese rvat i on and' Al locat ion for

any t ype of Af for dab le Housi ng P ro j ec ts .

Sect i on Recap tu re Ag reement

Sec t i on Mu l t i fam i ly Hous i ng P ro je c ts

Each Household rece i v ing ass istance under a S i ng le Fam i ly Pro jec t i n connect ion

w i th the pu r chase Of a S ing le Fam i ly Resi dence shal l ente r i nt o a Recaptu re

Ag reement w i t h t he Sponsor . T he Recaptu re Ag reement shal l cr eate a l ien on the

S ing le Fam i ly Resi dence andshal l prov i de t hat, i f the S ing le Fam i ly Resi dence

is 't ransfer red du r ing the term of the Compl iance Per i od,ot he r t han by w i l l,i nhe r i tance or a t ransfe r by law to a j o int tenant owner,the Househol d _

shal lrepay to t he Sponsor a p r o

—rated por t i on of any funds prov i ded as a g rant or

subsi dy towar d the pu rchase of the S ing le Fam i ly Resi dence . In cases of

har dsh i p to a Low—Income Household, such as ser i ous i l lness or loss of

employment,an Agency may shor ten the Compl iance Pe r iod .

' Duxxssunoo OUIAI B OG I sp IOqssnoH suoouI-M03 go q unu sq;‘ SSOIAI OS

Bu y rssunoo q SIaUMO smoq Jog soue;sr ssV ;eor uqos; q;r n uor;osuuoo u; (s

pue : soue;sr ssV Ieo;uqos; pue ;Joddns6u; ;e d0 Ie uss ;eq; go ssn s,Josuod3 sq; pue

‘ soue ;sr ssV Teor uqos;

pue ;Joddns 6u r ;e d0 ;e uss Jog ps;eoor te JO psAJ sssJ s;;s 3 xe;

Du r snOH q ep JoggV go ;unome sq ;';Os ia DursnOH srqepioggV qoes JO3 (p

qoes u; smOOJpsq go q mnu sq;'s;os JdDu r snoH A;rmeg;;tnw Jog (g

pue £(spssu

{e r osds Jo KT Jss se qons ) psAJ ss sq o; sp toqssnOH god; sq;

Sp IOUB SDOH suoou I-moq AJsApue suoou I-M03

Kq psrdnooo sq o; ssousp r ssaAt rmeg st bu r s JO s;r un go q mnu sq ; (g: ;osCOJdOUISUOH stqep JoggV

sq; u I ssouspxssa KI Ime3 stfiu r s Jo s;I un go q mnu {e;o; sq ; (z

ps;eoor te

Jo psAJsssJ s;y s 3 xe; Bu r snoH q epiog gV go ;unome sq; (I

;OsLOJaOu t snoH srqepiog gV qoes JO3 (O

;Os JdDUISR OH stqepiog gV qoes go Josuods sq ; go sss pe pue smeu sq; (q

s;JodsJ ;se; sq ; gO s;ep sq; sou y s

ps;eoot te Jo psAJsssJ s;;s 3 xe; Bu y snoH stqepiog gV go ;unome sq ; (e

uor ;emJogu ; spntou ;

{;eqs ;JodsJ sq;'

Js;Jenb ;eq; Jog mQ I OOId sq; Jspun ssr ;rAr ;Oe s,&ous5Vsq; q;Jog 6u 1 ;;ss A;r JOq;nV sq ; o; s;JodsJ KI Js;Jenb ;I mqns {;eqs AousOV qoe3

LONE BHEWEs;Jodsu Kousfiv I09



'41 9dSIR? PUP SE’


uor ;os3 q ;r m soue xtdmoo Jog ;Os Ja OUI SDOH q ep Jog gV sq; go OUI JOQIUON sq ;

q;rM uo; ;osuuoo u r sJ I ns { ;eqs AousDV 6u ; ;eooIIe sq; se s;JodsJ 6u;;e 1 sdo pue

uo; ;emiogu r qoms qsr UJ ng {;eqs ;Os ia Su r snOH stqep JoggV qoes go Josuods sq;

JONESHENEuo; ;emJogu 1 6u r qsr u 1 n3 vog '

g g g uog ;os3


;Jedsr q; pue g z°

L uoI ;Os3 q;§m soue r tdmoo u r s; ;OstoJdBu r snoHstqep Jog gV sq; q ;sqm 6u ;u rm1 s;sp go ssodJnd sq ; Jog se ns KtqeuosesJ

KousfiV 6u r ;eOO;Ie sq; se ssmr ; qons ;e s;us5e Jo ssAr ;e;usss sJ pse oq;ne s;r

pue RousBV Bu r ;eoo;te sq; Aq SUI KdOO pue uor ;eu 1 mexs‘ Uop ;osdsu ; o; ;Osfqns sq

{ ;eqs Josuods s;r pue ;OeCOJa Bu g snoH stqep JOggV qoes go sp JoosJ pue sxooq sq;




sp xooau pue snoos £09'

ssc uor noas


LS‘ s;r uh oz ueq; sJom 5a;u r e;uoo s;ssfoga bursnoH

a ePJOJJV pue fOSIS‘ sq n OZ-OI 5UIU 1 94UOO suoafoza BUI snou a ePJOJJV fszs

‘ SQI UD 01 - 1 5u ;u p e;uoo s;ssfoza DuxsnoH a HPI OJJV tfiu y mortog sq; pssoxs o;

;ou ;unome ue u ; Du r JO;r uom soue r tdmoo Jog sag Ienuue ue s6Je fiem KousDV UV

xouzsuswzseas BUI JOJI UON z09


sse uor uoas

° 6u r snoq {e;usJ DUIp IAO Id;OsCOJdhu rsnOHstqepiog gV qoes go soue rtdmoo sq; Jo;r uom At t enuue I I IM AoushV 6u r ;eOOIIe sq;

IONHSHHNH6u ; 1 0;r uow soue g tdmo3 Tog °

g g g uor ;os3


SOO IAI SS sq; go UOI SIAOJdsq; go

s;ep sq; go se sp toqssnOH smoou I-MOq se Kn enb ;eq; sp toqssnoH o; pap IAO Idsq

{;eqs ssorAJss Duxtssunoo q SI GUMO smoq qons T IV'

;Os Ja EUI SHOH q ep JoggV

Jetnox;Jed e o; ps;esuuooun SSOIAI OS Ou r tssunoo q SJOUMO smoq ap IAOJd;eq ; ss r ;r ;us o; suo; ;euoq Jog soue;sr ssV ;eoy uqos; Jog s;y s 3 xe; Bu r snOH

stqep JOJJV s;eoot te II IM KousBV q JO sr q ;eq ; su gm1 s;sp Rem pesH KousDV uV

IONHOHHNHBurtssuno3 dt J sumo smoH -soue;s y ssV Ieo;uqos; 907°

g g g uo; ;oss


;osCOJdDu r snOH q ep Jog gV sq;

Jog uor;eOOIIV sq ; go go; ueq ; Js;esJ6 ;unome ue u ; ;Os JdBu y snoH srqep JoggV

sq; go Josuods sq; Jog ;Joddns 6u r ;e d0 Ie uss pue soue;sr ssV Ieo;uqos;

Jog s;y s 3 xe; Bu r snOH st qep Jog gV sAr sosJ { ;eqs ;Os Ja bu r snOH srqep JOJJV ON

AONHOHHNH;Joddns Bu g ;e do

{ e usa pue soue;s;ssV Ieoxuqos; go ;unomV no LOV’

SSE no g ;ass


;Joddn3 6u 1 ;e d0 ;e uss pue soue;sr ssV Teoxuqos; Jog psAJsssJ sq ;q s

1 9 9 5 I 9 5SI J 64943 e 1 0; BUI I I aO ;IPaIO e EUI SDOH a ePJOJJV an; 30 ooo'ooo'Is


;Joddns6u 1 ;e d0 Ie usa pue soue;s; ssV Ieoruqos; Jog sp r sV_;s3 907°

g gg uo; ;os3


sfiu r p r r nq Bu y snoq ;e;usJ A;rmeg r ;;nm go Jo uor ;onJ;suoo sq;


s;ssf01 3 DUI SHOH At y meg r ;;nw Jog suo; ;eoo;rV sxem Aem KousfiV uV






1 ) Head ing of the Par t : Publ i c Use of the Cap i tol Complex Fac i l i t ies

Code 2005

4) Statut ory Aut hor i t y : Implement i ng andau t hor i zed by Sec t i on 5 of the

Sec retary Of S tate Act [1 5 ILCS

Ef fect ive Date of Repealer : Novembe r 27,2001

Date Filed w i t h the Index Depar tment : November 27,2001

8) A copy of the emergency repeal e r, includ ing any mate r ial i ncorporated by

refe rence,is on . file i n t he agency's pr i nc i pal Of f i ce andis avai lable for

publ i c inspec t ion .

9 ) Reason for_ Emergency : T he emergency amendment s publ i shed in the

i ssue of the I llinois Register contai ned language t hat was not in f inal

form . Add i t ional changes ar e necessar y to c lar i fy the r ulemaking .

amendment be i ng repealed (ef fec t ive l l/7/01 andpub l i shed in the

Il linois Register ) rev i sed procedu res for secu r i t y at the Cap i tol Complex,i nclud ing rules for i dent i f i cat i on of employees,vendor s,andv isi tor s andru les for publ i c demonst rat i ons . A replacement emer gency r ulemaking was

adopted e f fect ive andalso appear s i n t h i s i ssue of the I llinoisRegister .

1 2) Statement of Statew i de Pol i cy Ob j ec t ives : Th i s r ulemaking w i l l not requ i re

any new expend i tures by un i t s Of local gove rnment .





PART 2005


Sect i on

Appl i cab i l i t y

De f in i t ions

Business Hour s andPub l i c Access

Proh ib i ted Ac t iv i t ies

Demonst rat i ons


Use of Bu i l d ing s for Non—Demonst rat i on Ac t iv i ty or Fund Rai si ng

D i st r i but i on of Leaf le t s andSol ic i tat i ons of Funds

Secretar y of State Pol i ce Depar tment

Seve rab i l i t y

AUTHORITY : Implement i ng andaut hor i zed by Sect i on 5 of the Sec retary of S tateAct [1 5 ILCS

SOURCE : Adopted at 14 I l l . Reg . 7282, e f fec t i ve May 1 , 1 9 90; emerg ency

amendment at 21 I l l . Reg . 6927,ef fec t i ve May 21 ,1 9 97,f or a max imum Of 1 50

days; eme rgency exp i red Oc tobe r 17, 1 9 97; -amended at 21 1 1 1 . Reg . 14563,ef fec t ive Oc tobe r 23, 1 9 97; eme r gency amendment at 25 I l l . Reg . 1 5259,e f fec t ive Novembe r 7,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days ; cy amendment

repealed by emergency r ulemakin g at 25 '

1 1 1 . Reg . ef fec t i ve

November 27,2001 ; eme r gency amendment at 25 I l l . Reg . e f fect ive

Novembe r 27,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days .

Sect ion Appl i cab i l i ty

Th i s Par t ' is appl i cab le t o the use of the S t rat ton Bu i l d i ng,the V i si tor s '

Center,the Supreme Cou r t Bu i l d i ng, the Cap i tol Bu i l d ing, the Wi l lar d Ice

Revenue Bu i l d ing, the Depar tment -of Dr i ver Serv i ces Bu i l d i ng,the Howle t t

CentenniaiBu i l d i ng, the State L ib rary andt he i r g rounds, the Arch i ves

Bu i l d ing ,Dr ive r 's L i cense Fac i l i ty Mechan i cal Se rv i ces Bu i l d i ng at 31 6 Nor t h

Kle i n, Kle i n andMason Warehouse, Powe r Plant at 3 1 5 Nor t h Kle i n,Cou r t of

Claims,Wate rways Building gAppellat e Cou r t at 201 West Monroe, Legisiative



Wi ncheste r Road,the Index D i v i si on at 1 1 1 East Monroe,the Eme r gency Se rv i ces

at 1 1 0 East Adam,the Secu r i t ies Depar tment at 900 Sou t h Spr i ng,t he-inspectorGener aifinter nai-Affair s-at —BBS—Sout h-Sp rin g T the Sec re tary of S tate Pol i ce at

East Cap i tol, t he—Pr oper ty—eont r oi—War ehouse-Museum—eoiiection—eent er —at—iithand—Ash— St r eet ; andthe P rop e r t y Cont rol[Piat e—Room-Faciiit yiLit eracy D iv i si on

at 4th andJackson, pur suant to Sec t i on 5 of the Secr etar y of State Ac t [1 5ILCS 305Z5 1 Tiit —Rev r —Stat v -TQ9?7-ch7-i247—par7—5f?7—(AN—AeT —to— r evise—t he -iawin— r eiation—to—the-Sec r etar y-of — Stat e;.

ef fect ive Novembe r 27,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days )

Sec t i on De f in i t i ons

Bu i l d ing" means the S t rat ton Of f i ce Bu i l d ing,V i s i tors ' Center, the

named in Sec t ion of t h i s Par t, i n Spr ing f ie l d, I l l ino i s .

Cap it ol Complex" means al l bu i l d ing s, g rounds, andpar k ing lot s

he re i n i dent i f iedw i t h boundar ies be i ng Wash ing ton S t reet, Th i r d

St reet, Cook S t ree t,andPasf ie l d S t ree t i n the C i ty Of Spr ing f ie l d,based upon Sect ion Of the Space Needs Ac t [25 ILCS 1 25

fiiir -Rcv r - Stat7-i98?7-ch7-637—par7"Comme r c ial Ac t iv i t y" means an ac t i v i t y whose pr imary pu rpose is to

ob tai n a pr of i t for the benef i t of an i nd i v i dual,or busi ness ent i t y

organ i zed for prof i t andshal l not i nclude the sol i c i tat i on of

donat i ons by anyone du r i ng a demonst rat i on, or for char i tab le

pu rposes, as def ined by t he Char i tab le Trusts Act [760 ILCS 55 | (Iiit

Char i t y Ac t An-Act —to-r eguiat e-soiicitations-and—coiiection—oi—fundsfor —charitabie—pur posesv [225 ILCS 460| f}iii—Rev r — Stat t —i9 9 37-eh—237par t —Siei—et -seg ti.

"Demonst rat i on" means demonst rat i ng, p i cket i ng, mar ch i ng , ral ly i ng,se l l ing non-comme r c ial


pr i nte d mat te r ' or mate r ial s, mov ing in

processi on,hold ing of v i g i ls,si ng i ng,chant ing, or shou t ing i n a

conduct ed in t he bu i l d ing,andal l ot he r forms of publ i c demonst rat ive

ac t iv i ty t hat i nvolve the commun i cat i on or expressi on oral ly or by

conduc t, of v iews or g r ievances,engaged i n by one or more pe r sons,the conduc t of wh i ch has the ef fect, i ntent,or propensi ty to d raw a

c rowd or onlooke rs w i t hin 1 00 feet of the bu i l d ings named in Sec t ion

of t h i s Par t or on the Cap i tol Complex g rounds,or Wi t h i n t he

bu i l d ing or the Cap i t ol . Demonst rat i on shal l al so mean demonst rat ing,parad ing, p i cke t ing,


speechmaki ng ,_hold ing of v i g i ls,sit—ins,or


e amoo q ia an; can t


TTV°sesie sssooe ps;e;J;ssJ pue sesJe xJOm

‘ sesie soy g go


IO p Jen6 K;1 1 noss sq; :o; ps;1 m; 1 ;ou

sie ;nq‘ spntou r pa;ssus sq Kem qq n u ; s sp psuoo

sq o; SJO;Oe3°SJnoq sssupa or tqnd sq; Js;ge usdo sq {;eqs

soueJ;us suo Ktuo°m °

e L sJogsq pue°m °dg Js;ge Buy p t pnq e go ;no

pue u; ufigs o; s xns sq { 1 1 m SUOSJsd( Te pue‘IOUUOSIadK;rJnoss

Kq pspuemsp sq Kem ‘UOSJadsq; go sq ; smoqs qogqm ;usmnoop

q ;o JO ssusoxt 8,1 8AI I p e 'p JeO UOTIESTgT333§f


;usmUJsAOB ‘ ssed sss e se qoms T suosg sd{ Te go IadOId'

UOIQOGS SIG? 30 (V ) 03 suo; ;ossqns

up pa;sr; tenp gAgpu; psn oq;ne ue Kq sog g go Jo Durp t pnq Kue

o;u; Js;us o; pa;ssus KTTESTgTSSHS s; oqm UOSJsdKue (9

pue : ssorAJss {eoy sxqa go ;usm;Jedsq sq;

Kq Jog ps6ueJ Je ussq sAeq qq n ss;;np Dum on d st q'ssKotdms

aOIAJaS q ;o JO JO;OeJ;uoo‘J B I IEdaI 'soueus;u 1 em psn oq;ne Kue (g

tBUIPI I nato;r de3 sq; u; ssoxggo sAeq q egpsm snsu go ssAr ;e;usss sJ (v

1 5UIPI I nq

sq; u; sJe ssoxg go asoqm s;usm;Jedsp sAr ;nosxs sq ; go sssxotdms (g:KtqmsssV Ie uss sq; go sssKOIdms (z

KtqmsssV ;e uss sq; go s;sqmsm (Iss;;np {e g orggo J Isq; ;no BUI K I I E O u; ssn J yaq;

Jog msq; o; psufiy sse sesJe sorg go O; ps;;1 mpe sq {;eqs q SUOSJsdBu r nor tog sq ; Jog ;dsoxs '

ps;r q;qOJds; uo;;os3 sxq; go (e ) uor ;ossqns

u ; ps;e;s ssmx; sq; ueq; q ;o OUIa Du r p r gnq Kue o; soueJ;u3'

ptsq s; uo;;oung sAr;e;s;5sIsq; buxpxa JsAs;eqm u; JO Bu y pt r ng Io;;de3 sq; ,q ; amp; buxsoro

sq; Jog ssnoq q ;1 s go uoxssss Jo 6u 1 ;ssm ss;;rmmoo ;se; sq; go

;usmUJnofpe sq; Js;ge Jnoq suo pue‘ smg; Dugusdo sq; Jog ashoq q ;rs

go uoxssss Jo 6u r ;ssm ss;;1mmoo ISB II J E Q sq; sJogsq Jnoq suo sq {;eqs

SJnoq ogtqndsq;‘ uo;;ossqns SIQ? UI paqsII s;;m;r sq; ueq; Js;eI



JO Jsuoos s; uoy ssss Jo 6u;;ssm sa;;1 umos e go ;Je;s sq; pue'uoxssss

u; s; AtqmsssV Ie uss sq; usqm' KIUO SJno; oy tqndgo sssodJnd

Jog' m 'd pue

° m '

e 6 ussm;sq sKep p toq pue spusxssm uo pue L49;Lied—Aesr — = q = —4£86r—Lanas—LAau—L r ti) —

6€T S I OUI II I 30

sno3 IIAIQ sq; go a; g g g-g uor;os3 o; ;uenSJndJoq Aossq; Aq s etosp sKep r q ;dsoxs 'Kep r 1 3 q6nOJq; Aepuow T °

u1°d 9


o;°m °

e L sJe sbuxpt y ng s dmO3 Io;rde3 sq; go SJnoq sssu ra OIa dsq;

sssOOV og tqna pue SJnOH sssuxsna og '

gooz uo;;os3

(sKep 0g; go mnmy xem e Jog‘IOOZ ‘

LZ q msAON sA;;Osg gs


r 8SS3-

E °6s3'

I I I 9 3 ;e Bu g xemstni KousbJsms Kq pspusmV : sOJnos)

sq; JO s dmO3 To;;de3 sq; u;q;;m A;Js Jds;e;s s;e;sAue go J IPdalJO ‘ 6u rtspomsJ Jog ;oeJ ;UOO s;e;s s;e;s e o; ;uens1 nd;I rnq 6u;q;&ue o; JsgsJ ;ou {;eqs s ; sxq;


uor ;eJ;suomsp e go ;Jedse JO ‘ souspxssJ

'Ke 1d9 1 p go sssodJndJog Jo Ie; 1 s;em Kue

go‘ SUOSIadJo UOSJsdKue Aq ;Iy nq

'6u r q;£ue uesu ;q s "sin;onJ ;3

° xs1dmo3 Io;pde3 Jo Bu y pta sq; go pue;

sq; uo Jo Bu r pxgnq sq; u; uo paI I JQO Bu r sq SGSIJd1 6308 {egogggo sq; go

uo;;oung AI Jsp Jo sq ; ;onJ ;sqo JO ‘;da ;p

‘ Jspu t q O; spus; a ;eu s;;

Kq qog qm ;onpuoo god; sq; uesu {;eqs Jo “s n ;u 1


s dmo3 Io;r de3 sq ; u r sesJe Oun edI I?spe;oxs pue

‘ sesJe usp Jeb‘ sesJ e sseJB sq; uesu I teqs "spunOJs

SIOUIII I go s;e;s go KJe;sios3 sq; go sor g go sq; go SGOIAI BS ;eoy sxqa

go ;usm;Jedsa sq; go Jo;Oe q 6u;;oV JO Jo;OsJ ;q sq; suesm “Jo;OsJ ;a



-snssr I EUOSIadJO oy tqnduo MOI A J g sq;

6u 1 u 1 souoo'srexor g go qoueJq sA;;nosxs q;1 M Jo 'uoy ssss GAI JE ISIOOI e

Du ra ssAr ;e;usss sJ ps;osrs q;r m SUOSJsdsJom Jo suo Kq uoxssnosr p

JO ;oe;uoo Ingsoesdsq; uesu uo; ;eJ ;suomsp e {;eqs Jou L ( z bas— ;s-;é{i1 9d—i69—4H9 —it 96I-i4945—iAaH-iI{I} ;ov U0I 38145 I 59 8;syfiqqoq sq; Aq psuxgsp se Bugxqqot JO s;srxqqot UJsAOD o; pa ;suoo

sq {Teqs uts q 6u 1 q;ou‘ JaAaMOH '

Js;;em q ;o JO snss; Kue sor;ou

oxtqndo;u r Bu r bu r Jq JO ‘ ssnss; O Ia d-UO MOI A e Bu rsss xs ‘ (gos q ;

use; sq; JO ) sso; ;oe 1dJO ssr ortod Ie;usmu 1 sA06 go IPAOIdGPSI p Jo

I EAO IddB 6u r ;eJ;suomsp go ssodJndsq; Jog ps;enpuoo'ssr ;1A1 ;Oe q ;O



Cap i t ol Complex .

hg ) NO banne r s banne r ,poster s,p lacar ds piacard,si gns or symbols may be

d i splayed for more t han two week s w i t h i n a six mont h per i od?

i h ) Nodi splays or st r uc t u res (i nc lud i ng tent s ) i n t he bu i l d i ng s or on the

gr ounds may be e recte d w i t hou t the pe rm i ssi on of the D i rec tor pur suant


5 H .

(Sou r ce : Amended by emerg ency rdlemaking at 25 I l l. Reg .

9 b 8

ef fec t ive November 27,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days )

Sect ion P roh ibitedAc t iv i t iesEMERGENCY

NO an imals, except g u i de dogs t o assi st hand i capped per sons,or dogs

u t i l i zed by pol i ce Of f i ce r s -in the per formance of t he i r.

Of f i c ial

dut ies,shal l be perm i t ted i n the bu i l d ing s i n the Cap i tol Complex .

NO per son or or gan i zat i on shal l camp,erec t a tent,monument (exceptas aut hor i zed by the Sec re tary of State to commemorate a .


publ i c Of f i c ial or a h i st or i cal event ) ,st ruct u re,por table to i let,plat form,si gn,or sim i lar dev i ce on the g r ounds of or w i t h i n the

State Cap i t ol, V isi t ors ' Center, the State L i b rar y, the Howle t tBu i l d ing,or the S t rat ton Bui l d i ng,except as prov i ded in subsect i on '

Lilfh) of t h i s Sec t ion .

No person . or or gan i zat i on shal l block, obst ruc t, or impede anydoorway,stai rway,cor r i dor,or elevat or i n the Cap i t ol Complex .

bu i l d in g .

No . banner s, poste rs,placar ds,si gns or symbols may be car r ied abovethe f i rst f loor of the Cap i tol Bu i l d ing . NO st i ck s,poles, o r ~lat hsmay be used t o car r y . any si gn or placar d into the bu i l d in

gs . NOchains or I opes may be -car r ied int o the bu i l d i n

gs,_except byaut hor i z ed wor ker s -andState employees,w i t h the pe rm i ssi on of theD i rec tor .

No per son or g r oup of pe rsons shal l use any elec t ron i c loudspeake r,bul lhorn,or ot he r ampl i fy ing dev i ce w i t h in the Cap i t ol .


bu i l d i ng s or g rounds, unless pr i or perm i ssion of the D i rec t or isObtai ned pu r suant to Sect i on 2005 . 50(d) of t h is Par t . Pe rm i ssi on w i l lbe g rante d for demonst ration .only

2 1 f or a maximum of 1 50 days )NO banner s,poster s,placar ds,si gns,or symbols may be af f i xe d i n anyef fec tive Novembe r 27' 00

way by any per son to the rai l i ng of the_second,t h i r d or fou r t h f loor

of the State Cap i t ol Bu i ld i ng . No banners,poste rs, placar ds, si gns Sec tion Demonst rations

or symbols for demonst rat ion pu rposes may be af f ixed in any way to thewal ls, rai l ings, f loors, or ce i l ings of


any of the bu i l d ing s i n t he

i f the d i splay st r uc t ure is par t of symbol i c e xpressi on in the

exe r c ise of f ree speech g uaranteed by the F i rst Amendment to the

Un i ted S tates Const i tu t i on andAr t i c le I,Sec t i ons 4andS’

of the 1 970I l l i no i s Const i tu t ion . No more t han 2 tent s or smal l st r uct ures _maybe erec ted at the locat i on desi gnated by the D i rec t or,wh i ch locat i on

w i l l not impede pedest r ian or veh i cu lar t raf f i c or substant ial ly

damage the Cap i t ol g r ounds i. e . , damage t o grass or g rounds wh i ch

would requ i re replacement . T he only locat i ons wh i ch ar e au t hor i zed

for st ruc t u res andd i splays shal l be the paved areas between the

Howlet t Build i ng andthe Cap i tol Bu i l d ing, i n the nor t h f r ont of the

Howlet t Bu i l d i ng andbetween the St rat t on Bu i l d i ng andthe Ar ch i ves

Bu i l d i ng . NO st r uctu res o r d i splays w i l l be place d on g rass areas

wh i ch have an under g round water ing system on t hem .

T he d i splay of comme r c ial sig ns, placar ds, or ot he r forms Of

adve r t i sement,or the sale,d i splay,or vend ing of comme r c ial produc t sor ar t i c les i n the bu i l d ings or on the g rounds is proh ib i ted, except

pur suant to cont ract w i t h the S tate Gove rnment .

T he no i se level f r om demonst rator s,p i cke te rs,andprotesters of any

g roup or g r oups,or as i nd i v i duals w i t h i n the Cap i tol Bu ild i ng r otunda

shal l not exceed a dec ibel leve l of 75dB(A) 85dBfA7. I f the no ise

leve l f rom t hese pe rsons exceeds t h i s l im i t,the D i rec tor shal l d i rec t

al l pe r sons to dec rease the no i se or t o reduce the number s of people

w i t h i n the Cap i tol Bu i l d i ng to lowe r the no i se leve l to the spec i f ied

leve l,wh i c h shal l not excee d 75dB (A) .

NO per son or organ i zat ion shal l damag e, dest r oy,remove,deface,de f i le,tarn ish,or in j ure i n an y way State_ proper ty w i th i n the

bu i l d i ng s or on the g rounds t he reof . Al l per sons andorgan i zat ionsengag i ng i n t h i s type of proh i b i ted ac t i v i ty w i ll be responsib le for

all cost s, expenses,damages,andl iab i l i ty result i ng f rom t he i r own

ac t i ons or the ac tions of per sons or or gan i zat i ons cont rol led Or

d i rected by t hem at the t ime of the damage to state proper t y .

No smok i ng i n the publ i c areas of al l bu i l d ing s, unless in ades i gnated smok ing area.

No skateboar d r i d ing,r ol lerblad ing ,or skat i ng is al lowed i n the

Cap i t ol Complex .



hal lway area in -f ront -of —the -cafet eria at the Depar tment of

Dr iver Ser v i ces Bu i l d ing at 2701 Sou t h D i r ksen Par kway .

3 ) Sales may occu r du r i ng the pub l i c business hou rs .

4) The D i rect or w i l l only approve appl i cat i ons to sel l subm i t ted by

not-for -prof i t organ i zat ions, who must subm i t a C opy of the

organ i zat ion's tax exempt number form; r eceived—f r om~ -t he -Unit ed

States—I nter nai-Revenue—Ser vice-pur suant-to—QG—GFR—ir 50fait2) 7-asin-effect—on—duiy —i7—i989—(no—subsequent-amendments-or -editions)NO organ i zat i on w i t hou t a tax ememp t numbe r w i l l be al lowed to

sel l i n the areas designated .

NO commer c ial act i v i ty,such as sel l ing real estate, automob i les, or

i nsu rance,is al lowed i n the bu i l d ings spec i f ied in Sect ion of

t h i s Par t .

No alcohol or alcohol i c beverages ar e al lowed to be sol d,consumed,del ive red,or used i n the bu i l d i ng s speci f ied in Sec t i on of

t h is Par t, except as perm i t ted by Sec t i on 641 5 of the L i quor Cont rol

Act of 1 9 34[235 ILCS 516—1 5 l tiiiv ~ Rev7 —Stat7 —i9877-chr —437-par


Al l Or gan i zat i ons t hat ar e perm i t ted to use the Cap i tol Complex

bu i l d ings or the bu i l d ings spec i f ied i n Sec t i on Of t h i s Par t

shal l i ndemn i fy t he S tate andthe Sec retar y of State f r om any i n j u ry

or damage caused by t he i r members ' or par t i c ipants ' neg l ig ence or

w i l l ful m isconduc t . T he membe rs who cause the damag e or i n j u ry ar e

pr imar i ly responsib le . Such or gan i zat ion shal l also rest ore the_used

areas to the i r p r e—use appearance andcond i t ion,less reasonable wear

andtear,andthe D i rect or shal l be the f inal dec i si on—make r on the

clean—up of the used area. Th is subsec t i on appl ies t o’ t hose

organ i zat i ons listed i n subsec t ion (a) of t h i s Sec t ion andany ot her

organ i zat ion rece i v i ng perm issi on f rom the D i rect or to use the

spec i f ied bu i l d ing s for meet ings or par t ies .

Al l Spec ial Event s f orms r eguesting r equests—to use 92the bu i l d i ng s

the proposed star t i ng t ime of the ac t ivi t y .

Not h ing i n t h is Sec t ion shal l g i ve the D i rec t or au t hor i ty ove r the use

of the Chambers, meet ing rooms,_ or comm i t tee rooms Of the General

Assemb ly . T he use of each'

room shal l be dec i ded accor d i ng to

leg islat ive ru les .

D iv i si on .



(Sou r ce : Amended by emer gency r ulemaking at 25 I l l . Reg

ef fec t ive Novembe r 27,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days )

Sec t i on D ist r ibut i on of Leaf le ts andSol i c i tat ion of Funds

(Sour ce : Amended by eme rgency r ulemaking at 25 I l l . Reg .

ef fec t ive November 27,2001 ,for a max imum of 1 50 days )

Sec t i on Sec re tary of State Pol i ce Depar tmen t


NO organ i zat i on, i nc luding charitable organ i zat i ons andpol i t i calpar t ies or cand i dates,Shal l d i st r ibu te leaf le t s to, or sol i c i t andcol lect f unds f r om,persons enter i ng or i n the bu i l d ings spec i f ied i n

Sec t i on of t h i s Par t,except f r om pub l i c s i dewalk s, walkways

w i t h in the Cap i t ol Complex, or on the nor t h plaza of the Howlet t

Cent enniaiBu i ld i ng .

No such d ist r ibu t ion or sol i c i tat i on shal l be al lowed i n any

au tomob i le _par k i ng area under the cont rol of the D i rect or i n

Spr i ng f ie l d or w i t h i n busi ness areas i n the bu i l d ing s spec i f ied in .

Sec t i on of t h i s Par t .

Ac t i v i t ies included i n subsec t ion (a) of t h i s Sec t i on shal l not be

al lowed w i t hou t the wr i t ten pe rm issi on of the D i rec tor, wh i ch shal l

not be w i t hhe l d i f the request per tai ns t o pol i t i cal act iv i ty or

char i tab le sol i c i tat i on .

Al l request s to engag e i n such ac t i v i t y must be subm i t ted i n wr i t ing

at least 48 hou r s i n advance of the ac t i v i t y,unless the c r i te r ia for

request s w i t h in less t han 48 hour s set f or t h i n Sec t i on 2005 . 50(a) of

t h i s Par t ar e met .

T he Sec retary of State 's Pol i ce Depar tment shal l enfor ce all laws

w i t h i n the Cap i t ol Complex andthe bu i ld ing s spec i f iedw i t h in Sec tionof t h is Par t

T he I l l ino i s statu tes appl i cable to the presentat ion of or der andpeace w it h i n the Spec i f ied bu i l d ing s i nc lude,bu t ar e not l im i ted to

if disorderiy —conduct—ia-the-Gener ai-Assembiy —(Section—ii—of—“AN-AOTto-r evise—the-taw-ia-r eiation-to—t he—Gener ai—Assembiy n —(Iiir -RevStat t -i9847—ch7—637—par7—iai)

1 2) c r im i nal damage to State state suppor ted prope r ty (see 720 ILCS

5121—4) tSection-ii-4—of —t he—eriminai—eode —of -i96i—

tt he-eodei

fiiir —Rev r —Stat r —i9837—ent —387-par7-2i37t he —unaut horiz ed -possession —of —fir ear ms —on —stat e —

p r op er ty

tsection—2i—5—of—t he-eodei734) t respass to State stat e lands (see 720 ILOS 5121

—5 ) fSection—Qi—Sof—the—eode ) ;

ssx a;JedStu? 0; Bu r pusds;usmpusme pssOdOJdAue s q; sJV (I I

IOOZ 'SI J eqmaAON zaoI JJO Iea u y zdS .

Koua5v uI PGI I J 8 1 90 (6 (sKep OSI ;0 mnmtxem 9 I O;‘IOOZ

‘Lz IaqmaAON eAI;06338

° 6s3‘

II I g z ;e Burxemstn r KousDJsms Aq pspusmV : sOJnos)

43 03I002 ‘ I q maadas aAinoaJJa 00

°ose‘vs 0; er e; —;O —Suosasod-BUPUt ONGJ —aq4—49 3 3in-40u—r r beS—BU$Proq-q = n8—iesrvAur -aq—oa


g gg‘gs 00

9LI ‘VS mo r g paSE S I OUI Bu rsq s; ;sr te y osdsA;sge3 I GI I OH sq; -;us;sdmoo-gO-;J noo—e —sq —ss;nJ-aseq;-go-;J ed -g;

Jog sDUeJ AJeIes KIq;uom sq;‘ (SJOXPNI OIIOH ) goo-33 3 q e; V xrpusddV °oxg

43II Iq9 1 3Aas 06'

sooz UOI ;oas

[9 8 Due 8/SIV SOT I oz ] 6903

IsUUOSJsa sq; go eg pue 3 suo;;os3 Kq pse oq;nV :K;1 Joq ;nV KJo;n;e;3 (g (sKep 05; go mnmgxem e Jog‘IOOZ

‘LZ q msAoN sA1 ;osggs .

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[(P) S-I/00I 83 1 1 s] ;ov aJnPaOOJdaAIueznst u Impv sIou I II I


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°4aPos—aq4-s0—6—sruosasasi Ie I O I JJO O ra d e Buru9 1 9 81 q; (erZ

pue 549 908—9 H4—90-66—U9i49 9 546—ZI s sour OZAaas aJnPaoozd IP ID I PH C a M eoualag lanur (69étapos—aqa-JO-is -steser ;30—ost qnd-qar M-aouazassaaus 49

ttapes—aqa—SO-se—uoraaas) ;onpuoo4I 1 69 1 08 1 ettapes—aqa-SO—ss-uosaoas4 UOI409 qom (96

1 (aPas—aqa—SO-s—as—uoraoas)9 z g 333 ; OZL sss ssn g sotdxs go uog sssssodpss oq;neun sq; (g?







1 2) Statement of Statew i de Ob ject i ves : Th i s amendment t o the Pay Plan

per tai ns only to S tate employees sub j ec t t o the Per sonnel Code anddoes

not set ou t any g u i del i nes t hat ar e t o be fol lowed by local or ot he r

j u r i sd i c t ional bod ies w i t h i n the S tate .


Mr . M i chael Mu rphy

Depar tment of Cent ral Management Ser v i ces

D i v i si on of Techn i cal Ser v i ces

504Wi l l iam G . St rat t on Bu i l d i ngSpr ing f iel d,I l l ino i s 62706(217) 782—5601

Ef fec t i ve


Assi stant


Pol i cy andResponsi b i l i t iesJu r i sd i c t i on

Pay Schedu les

Def i n i t i ons

Conver si on of Base Salary to Pay Pe r i od Un i ts

Conve rsi on Of Base Salary to Dai ly or Hou r ly Equ i valentsInc reases i n Pay

Decreases i n PayOt her Pay P rov i si ons

Implementat i on of Pay Plan Changes for F i scal Year 2001

I nter pretat i on andAppl i cat ion of Pay Plan

Ef fec t ive Date

Re i nst i t u t i on of Wi t h in Grade Salary Inc reases (Repealed )F i scal Year 1 985 Pay Changes i n Schedu le of Salary Grades,Ju ly 1 ,1 984(Repealed )

Int roduc t i on

P revai l ing Rate

Neg ot iated Rate

Par t—T ime Dai ly or Hou r ly Spec ial Serv i ces Rate

Hour ly Rate

Membe r,Pat ient andI nmate Rate-Trai nee Rate

Leg i slated andCont rac ted Rate

Desi gnated Rate

Ou t —Of—S tate or For e i gn Ser v i ce Rate

Educat or Sche du le for RC—063 andHR—OloPhysi c ian Spec ial i st Rate

Annual Compensat i on Ranges for Execut ive D i rec tor

Execu t i ve D i rec tor,S tate Boar d of Elect i ons

Excluded Classes Rate (Repealed )



amendment at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 21 097,e f fect i ve Decembe r 9,1 986; amended at 1 1 1 1 1 .

Reg . 648,ef fect ive Decembe r 22,1 986; pe remptory amendment at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg .

3363, ef fec t i ve Feb ruary 3, 1 987; pe remptory amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 4388,ef fec t i ve February 27, pe remptory amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 629 1 ,e f fec t ive Mar ch 23, 1 987; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 5901 ,ef fec t ive Mar ch 24,1 987; emergency amendment at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg “ 8787,ef fect ive Apr i l 1 5,1 987,for amaximum of 1 50 days ; eme rg ency amendment at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 1 830,e f fec t i ve July

1 ,1 987,for a max imum of 1 50 days; pe remptory amendmen t at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 3675,ef fect ive July 29, 1 987; amended at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg . 14984,e f fec t i ve Aug ust 27,1 987; peremptory amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 5273,ef fec t ive September 1 , 1 9 87;peremptory amendment 1 1 I ll . Reg . 179 1 9,ef fec t i ve Oc tobe r 1 9,1 987; peremptory

amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 981 2, ef fec t ive November 1 9,1 987; eme r gency

amendment at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 20664,ef fect i ve Decembe r 4,1 987,for a max imum of

1 50 days; amende d at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 20778, e f fec t ive Decembe r 1 1 ,1 987;peremptory amendment at ‘ 1 2 1 1 1 . Reg . 381 1 , e f fec t i ve Januar y 27, 1 988;

peremptory amendment at 1 2 1 1 1 . Reg . 5459,e f fec t i ve March 3,1 988; amended at

1 2 I l l . Reg . 6073,e f fec t i ve Mar ch 21 ,1 988; pe remptory amendment at 1 2 1 1 1 .

Reg . 7783,e f fect i ve Apr i l 14,1 988; eme rgency amendment at 1 2 1 1 1 . Reg . 7734,ef fect ive Apr i l 1 5,1 988,for a maximum of 1 50 days; p eremptory amendment at 1 2

1 1 1 . Reg . 81 35,ef fec t i ve Apr i l 22,1 988; pe remptory amendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg .

9745, ef fec t ive May 23, 1 988; emergency amendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 1 1778,ef fect ive Ju ly 1 ,1 988,for a max imum of 1 50 days; eme rg ency amendment at 1 2

1 1 1 . Reg . 1 2895,ef fec t ive July 1 8,1 9 88,for a max imum of 1 50 days; pe remptory

amendment at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 1 3306,ef fect i ve July 27,1 988; cor rec te d at 1 2 I l l .

Reg . 1 3359 ; amended at 1 2 1 1 1 . Reg . 14630,e f fec t i ve September 6,1 988; amended

at 1 2 I l l . Reg . 20449,ef fec t ive Novembe r 28,1 988; peremptory amendment at 1 2

I l l . Reg . 20584,e f fec t i ve November 28,1 988; peremptory amendment at 1 3 1 1 1 .

Reg . 8080,‘

e f fec t i ve May 1 0,1 989 ; amended at 1 3 1 1 1 . Reg . 8849,ef fec t ive May30, 1 989 ; pe remptory amendment at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 8970,ef fec t i ve May 26,1 989emergency amendment at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 1 0967, e f fec t i ve June 20, 1 989, for a

maximum of 1 50 days; eme rg ency amendment exp i red on November 17,1 989 ; amended

at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 1 1451 ,ef fec t i ve June 28,1 989 ; eme rgency amendment at 1 3 I l l .

Reg . 1 1 854,ef fec t ive Ju ly 1,1 989,for a maximum of 1 50 days; cor rec ted at 1 3

I l l . Reg . 1 2647; peremptory amendment at 1 3 I l l . Reg . 1 2887,ef fec t ive Ju ly 24,1 989 ; amended at 1 3 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 69 50,e f fec t ive October 20,1 989 ; amended at 1 3

I l l . Reg . 1 9221 , ef fec t ive December 1 2,1 989 ; amended at 14I l l . Reg . 61 5,ef fect i ve January 2, 1 9 90; peremptory amendment at 14I l l . Reg . 1 627,ef fect ive

January 1 1 ,1 9 90; amended at 141 1 1 . Reg . 4455, ef fec t ive Mar ch 1 2, 1 9 90;peremptory amendmen t at 14I l l . Reg . 7652,e f fect ive May 7,1 9 90; amended at 14I l l . Reg ; 1 0002,ef fec t ive June 1 1 ,1 9 90; eme r gency amendment at 141 1 1 . Reg .

1 1 330,ef fect ive June 29,1 9 90,for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 14 1 1 1 .

Reg . 14361 , ef fec t ive August 24, 1 9 90; emergency amendment at 141 1 1 . Reg .

1 5570,ef fect ive Septembe r 1 1 ,1 9 90,for a max imum of 1 50 days; emergency

amendment exp i red on Feb ruary 8, 1 99 1 ; cor rec ted at 14I l l . Reg . 1 6092

peremptory amendment at 14I l l . Reg . 17098, ef fect ive Septembe r 26, 1 9 90amended at 14 I l l . Reg . 171 89,ef fec t ive Oc tober 2,1 9 90; amended at 14I l l .

Reg . 171 89,e f fec t ive Oc tober'

1 9, 1 9 90; amended at 14 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 871 9,ef fect ive Novembe r 1 3, 1 9 90; peremptory amendment at 141 1 1 . Reg . 1 8854,



ef f

ec t ive Novembe r 1 3, 1 9 90; pe remptory amendment at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 663,

ef fect ive Januar y 7,1 9 9 1 ; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 3296,ef fec t i ve Feb r uar y 14,1 9 9 1 ; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 4401 , ef fec t ive Mar ch 1 1 ,1 9 9 1 ; peremptory

amendment at 1 5 1 1 1 . Reg . 51 00,e f fec t ive Mar ch 20, 1 9 9 1 ; pe remptory amendment

at 1 5 I l l. R eg . 5465,ef fec t i ve Apr i l 2,1 9 9 1 ; eme rgency amendment at 1 5 1 1 1 .

Reg . 1 0485,e f fec t i ve Ju ly 1 ,1 99 1 ,for a maximum of 1 50 days; amended at 1 5

I l l. Reg . 1 1 080, e f fec t ive Ju ly 1 9, 1 99 1 ; amended at 1 5 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 3080,

ef fec t i ve August 21 ,1 9 9 1 ; amended at 1 5 1 1 1 . Reg . 1421 0, ef fect ive September

23,1 9 9 1 ; eme rgency amendment at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 71 1 ,ef fec t i ve Decembe r 26,1 99 1 ,

for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 1 6 1 1 1 . Reg . 3450,e f fec t i ve Feb ruar y 20,

1 9 92; pe remptory amendment at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 5068,e f fect i ve Mar ch 1 1 ,1 9 92

pe remptory amendment at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 7056,.ef fect i ve Apr i l 20,1 9 92; emerg ency

amendment at 1 6 I l l. Reg . 82392e f fec t i ve May 1 9, 1 9 92,for a max imum of 1 50

days; amended at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 8382,e f fec t i ve May 26,1 9 92; emer gency amendment

at 1 6 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 3950,ef fec t ive August 1 9,1 9 92,f or a max imum of . 1 50 days;

emerg ency amendment at 1 6 I l l . Reg . 14452,ef fec t i ve Septembe r 4,1 9 92,for a

max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 17I l l . Reg . 238,e f fec t i ve Decembe r 23, 1 992,

peremptory amendment at 171 1 1 . Reg. 498,ef fect i ve Decembe r 1 8,1 9 92; amended

at 17I l l. Reg . 590,e f fec t ive Januar y 4, 1 9 93 ; amended at 171 1 1 . Reg . 1 81 9,

ef f

ec t ive Febr uary 2, 1 99 3 ; amended at 171 1 1 . Reg . 6441 ,e f fec t ive Apr i l 8,

1 9 93 ; eme rgency amendment at 17I l l . Reg . 1 2900,e f fec t i ve July 22,1 9 93,for a

max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 171 1 1 . Reg . 1 3409,ef fec t ive July 29, 1 9 93

emergency amendment at 17 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 3789,ef fec t ive August 9,1 9 93,for a

max imum of 1 50 days; emergency amendment at 17 I l l . Reg . 14666, ef fect ive

August 26, 1 9 9 3, for a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 171 1 1 . Reg . 1 9 1 03,

ef f

ec t i ve Octobe r 25, 1 993 ; eme rg ency amendment at 17 1 1 1 . Reg . 21 858,

ef fect i ve Decembe r 1 ,1 993,f or a max imum of 1 50 days; amended at 17I l l . Reg .

22514,ef fec t ive Decembe r 1 5,1 9 9 3 ; amende d at 1 8 I l l . Reg . 227, ef fec t ive

Decembe r 17, 1 9 93 ; amende d at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 1 07,ef fec t ive January 1 8,1 9 94amended at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 5146,ef fec t i ve Mar ch 21 , 1 9 94; pe remptory amendment at

1 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 9 562,ef fec t i ve June 1 3,1 9 94; eme rgency amendment at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg .

1 129 9,e f fec t ive Ju ly 1 ,1 9 94,for a maximum of 1 50 days; pe remptory amendment

at 1 8 I l l. Reg . 1 3476,e f fec t ive August 17,1 9 94; eme rgency amendment at 1 8

I l l. Reg . 14417,ef fec t i ve Septembe r 9, 1 9 94, for a max imum of 1 50 days ,

amended at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 6545,ef fec t ive Oc tobe r 31 ,1 9 94; peremptory amendment

at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 6708, ef fec t i ve Octobe r 28,1 9 94; amended at 1 8 1 1 1 . Reg .

171 9 1 ,e f fec t ive November 21 , 1 9 94; amended at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 1 024, ef fec t i ve

January 24,1 9 9 5 ; pe remptory amendment at 1 9 1 1 1 . Reg . 2481 ,ef fec t ive February

17, 1 9 95 ; pe remptory amendment at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 3073,ef fec t ive Feb ruary 17,1 9 95 ; amended at 1 9 1 1 12 Reg . 3456, ef fec t i ve March 7, 1 9 9 5; peremptory

amendment at 1 9 I l l. Reg . 5145,e f fec t ive Mar ch 14,1 995 ; amended at 1 9 1 1 1 .

Reg . 6452,ef fec t ive May 2,1 995 ; pe remptory amendment at 1 9 I l l . Reg . _6688,

ef fect ive May 1 , 1 9 9 5 ; amended at 1 9 1 1 1 . Reg . 7841 ,e f fec t ive June 1 , 1 9 9 5

amended at 1 9 1 1 1 . Reg . 81 56,ef fec t i ve June 1 2,1 9 95 ; amended at 1 9 I l l . Reg .

9096, e f fec t ive June 27, 1 9 95 ; emerg ency amendment at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 1 1 954,e f fec t ive Au

gust 1 ,1 9 95,for a max imum of 1 50 days; pe remptory amendment at 1 9

I l l. Reg . 1 3979,ef fec t ive Septembe r 1 9,1 9 9 5 ; peremptory amendment at 1 9 I l l .

Reg . 1 51 03, ef fect ive Oc tobe r 1 2, 1 9 95 ; amended at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 1 61 60,


;ooz ‘g ; q msAoN sA;;osg gs °6s3 53 ;e

;usmpusme KJO;dms d: ;00z‘oz q msAON sA;;osggs '

3 r i9 21”° 6sa g z ;e

Papueme tIooz ‘9 Iaqmaqdas aAI409 339 ‘

L80ZI° Sau Papueme tIooz ‘


KInr aAI noaise ‘9V86

' bau'

I I I 92 ;e papuame 1 949 9 09 1 ;o mnm em 9 1 0;‘IOOZ

'5 A;np sA;;osg gs '

9555' Dsa g z ;e ;usmpusme Kousfiisms £;ooz (

p; sunp

sA; ;osggs ‘5009

°6s3 53 ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d 'g z Aew sA;;Osg gs

’ISIL° Beu


I I I sz 39 Papueme tIooz ‘ I I 49 W 8A1 309 333 '9 9 9 9

° Bau'

I I I 92 ;e

Papueme = Iooz 'v II IdV aAIJoaJJa ‘

8IQS° Beu


I I I sz 49 Papuame fiIooz ‘IZ qoxew

sA;;osggs ‘Lgog ' Bsa 52 ;e ;usmpusme K JO;dms d '

p; qOJew sAr ;Osg gs‘ 29 97’ 538

II I 52 1 9 pspusme iIOOZ ‘ ZZ 4I E HUQL‘ 94I403 339 ‘6882

‘ 538'


g z ;e pspusme'p Kienuep sA; ;Osg gs ’I I8

° 6s3 g z ;e pspusme :000z

q msosa sA;;Osggs ‘vvvg;

°6sa ;z ;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d £0003 'p

q msosa sA;;osggs ‘3500;

° 6s3 72 ;e pspusme £000z ‘9; q msAoN sA;;osg gs

‘009LI" 538

II I 72 ;e Juampuame K londmal ad£0002‘oe Jaqouoo 34143 3 339 ‘00L9I


I I I 72 ;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d£000z 'p; q ms;ds3 sA;;osggs ‘ogpp; '6s3

I I I ;z 39 ;usmpusme KJo;dms d50002 ‘LI 1 9 05HV BAI406333 ‘

VBEEI‘ 538


;e pspusme £000z 'g K;nf sA; ;osggs ‘

L9LOI°6s3 ;z ;e ;usmpusme AJO;dms d

oooz ‘LZ q msAoN psirdxs KousBJsms : sxep 05; go mnm; xem e Jog

‘ooozK;np sA;;osg gs 1 0350;

° 5s3 ;z ;e ;usmpusme AousDJsms £0002 'g z Aew

BAI;08338 ‘996L

° Bau'

I I I t r ;e Papuame fioooz ‘IaI I Idv 8AI406338 ‘

bL89' 6au


I I I V2 49 5000Z ‘81 K I PH JQSJ 9AI409 339 ‘A8S8 ' 588

I I I 72 39 pspusme

0003 45 KJea s3 sA;;Osggs '

5555' Bsa 73 ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d :000z

‘L AJenuep sA; ;Osg gs '

szo; ' 6s3 9 3 ;e pspusme £555;'9 ; q msAoN sA;;osg gs

'ozovI ' Bau'

I I I 83 ;e Papuame 4666I ‘9z Iaqoaoo aAI noasse ‘







“I I I 82 1 9 pspusme 56GGI

‘ I q o;oo 9A1 33 9 339 ‘ Z E I E T “588“III CZ 39 ;usmpusme

41 04dm81 8d5666I‘LZ q ms;ds3 9A1409 339 ‘


“I I I CZ 39 PB PUQW Q 5666I

‘YZ q ms;ds3 3AI409 333 ‘

V09ZI‘ 58&

II I 82 3 9 pspusme 46661 ‘EZ q ue;das

sA; ;Osggs ‘g5pz;

' 6s3 gz ;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d £555;';z q ms;ds3

9AI409 333 ‘GZVZI

'fiau “I I I ez ;9 Papuawe 56661

'9z ;snfinv 8A1 308338 ‘0z0II

' 66u’

I I I sz 1 9 Papuawe £849 9 OSI 30 wa xem 9 1 0;‘666I

‘ I KInr aAtnoaJJa ‘69I8

° 6s3 52 ;e ;usmpusme Aousb Jsms £555;‘5 sunp sA;;Osggs ‘

S90L' 6sa

03 ;e pspusme £sKep 05; go mnm;xem e Jog'555;

'0; Kew sA; ;Osg gs ‘5559

°6sa53 ;e ;usmpusme KousB Jsms £055; (

53 q msosq sA; ;Osg gs ’OfL

° 6su 53

;e ;usmpusme KJO;dms d£555;4; AJenuep sA; ;osg gs ‘79 9 °6s3 gz ;e pspusme

866I’9I q msAoN 9AI403 339 ‘

I8SOZ' Bau

I I I 22 39 5866I’S q msAoN

sA;;Osg gs 'gopoz ° 6s3 zz ;e ;usmpusme Kio;dms d £055; ‘

LZ q o;oosA;;Osg gs ‘

gp55;° 6s3 23 ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d£055; '

05 q ms;ds3sA; ;Osg gs ° 6su zz ;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d £055; ‘

05 q ms;ds394I209 333 ‘

89 I 9 I“56H

“I I I 22 1 9 pspusme 5866I

‘L QSR BHV 341403 339 ‘

689 9 I°6sa“I I I 22 1 e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d£sKep 05; go mnm;xem e Jog

'055; 'z K;np

sA; ;osggs ‘LOQZI

' 6s3 zz ;e ;usmpusme KousDJsms £055; ‘oz ;;JdV sA; ;Osg gs‘ 269L

' Bau‘

I I I zz ;e ;uampuawe KJOJdmaJad5866I’OI I I Jdv aAI 1 °9 3§9 ‘

OZCL' bau


I I I zz 49 ;uempuame K londmal ad5B66I‘ I I I Jdv 8A143 8333 ‘

ssoz ° Sau“I I I . zz

;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d1055; 'z; qOJew sA;;osg gs ‘

poag ° 5s3 zz ;e pspusme

S6GI'E HOI PW 3A1 1 08333 ‘

67LS “588“I I I 2249 ;usmpusme 41 04dm9 1 8d5SG6I

lg z KJea sg sA;;Osggs ' 6s3 33 ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d :055; '


KJ ea s3 sA;;Osg gs '9zg;

° bsa zz ;e ;usmpusme K Jo;dms d1055; (p; Kienuep

sA; ;osg gs ‘0898' 668

“II I 82 1 9 pspusme ¢ L66I

‘ ZZ q msosa 9AI403 339 ’EGSI


zz ;e ;usmpusme AJO;dms d5L66I‘5 q msosq sA;;Osg gs ‘

L9 ILI°6s3

;z ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d£L55;‘7q msosa sA;;osggs '

5979; ' Bsa ;z ;e

;usmpusme AJo;dms d¢ L66I'5 q msosq sA; ;osg gs '

p p gg;' Dsa ;z ;e pspusme

L66I‘0; q msAoN sA; ;osggs 4

0505;'6su , ;z ;e ;usmpusme AJO;dms d

L66I‘SI Jeqonoo 9AI 1 03 333 ‘

689;I“59 8

“II I I2 1 8 ;uampuawe K londmalad ¢ L66I

'p; q o;oo sA; ;Osggs ‘

n v;° 6s3 ;z ;e ;usmpusme KJO;dms d: SKep 05;

go mnm;xem e Jog'L66I

'0 q ms;ds3 sA;;osggs ‘

5503;° 5s3 ;z ;e ;usmpusme

KousDJsms £s£ep 05; go mnm;xem e Jog‘L66I

‘;z A;np sA;;osggs °6s3

;z ;e ;usmpusme KousB Jsms £L55;45 sunp sA;;Osggs ’

SI IL‘ 6s3 ;z ;e pspusme

L66I‘SI 59 W BAI309 333 ‘7979 “53 8

“I I I IZ49 pspusme 5L66I


‘v s

' 6au“I I I ta49 Papuawe ¢ L66I

'zz Kxenuer 8AI408333 ‘

6Z9I' Bau


I I I Iz ;2

pspusme £s5ep 05; go mnm;xem e Jog‘L66I

'9 KJenuep sA; ;osg gs ‘

czo; °6s3

;z ;e ;usmpusme Aousfiisms £9 55;‘L q msAON sA; ;osg gs '

3505;' 6su oz ;e

;usmpusme K Jo;dms d£9 55;‘L q msAON sA;;Osggs ° 6s3 oz ;e pspusme

9 55;(p g q ms;ds3 sA; ;osggs 40075; ' 6s3 03 ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d

9GGT -'S QSUEHV GAT JOQJJa ‘ I780I “538“I I I OZ4? pspusme 4349 9 OSI JO mnm;xem

e Jog'955;

'5; K;np sA; ;Osg gs '

c;z0;° 5s3 oz ;e ;usmpusme Kousbisms

966I'OI AInf 341 1 09 339 ‘


“I I I OZ49 pspusme 1 966I

‘92 GURP 941 303 333


' 58H“I I I OZ 1 9 pspusme 3966I

‘OZ sunp SAI JOGJJB ‘AS9B “59 8


1 9 pspusme 5966I‘ I I sunp GAI QOB JJB ‘

TO ES“538

“II I OZ 1 ? pspusme 5966I

‘bI 59 W

sA; ;osggs ’VEVL

' 6s3 oz ;e ;usmpusme KJo;dms d£955;‘zz ;;JdV sA;;osggs

‘p geg

' 6s3 03 ;e ;usmpusme AJo;dms d£sKep 05; go mnmr xem e Jog‘9 55;

’LZ K Jea s3 sA;;osg gs '090;

' bsa 03 ;e ;usmpusme KousBJsms £555;‘32

q msosq sA;;osg gs ‘005' bs3 oz ;e pspusme £555;

'03 q msAoN sA; ;Osg gs



5 of Pay

ember l,2001 2800

t 25 I l l . Reg . ef fec t ive



Head ing of the Par t : Re tai ler s ' Occupat i on Tax

Date Proposal publ i shed i n I l l ino i s Reg i ster : May 26,2000,24 I l l . Reg .


Date Adop t i on publ i shed i n I l l i no i s Reg i ste r : May 1 8,2001 ,25 I l l . Reg .

651 5

Oc tobe r 1 2,2001 ,25 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 2896

Adop t i on Ef fec t ive Date : May 3,2001

Reason for Approval of Expe d i ted Cor rec tion : T he Agency requested an

exped i ted cor rec t i on to rest ore the om i t ted text ou t l i ned‘

below . A

r ulemaking ef fec t i ve' Oc tobe r 2, 2000 (proposed at 241 1 1 . Reg . 31 28 and

adopted at 24 I l l . Reg . 1 51 04) adopted t h is text, but over lapp i ngr ulemakings resul ted in the backg r ound text of the later adopt i on (25 1 1 1 .

Reg . 651 5 ) not i nc lud ing t hat adopted text

T he fol low i ng is restored to Sec t i on wh i ch l i sts exempt


F ) T he product i on or processi ng of food, i nc lud i ng the use of' bak ing

equ i pment such as ovens to bake b read or ot he r bake ry i tems,whe t he r

t hat bak ing is per formed by a cent ral bakery or a retai l g roce ry

store .

T he fol low i ng is rest ored t o Sec t i on wh i ch l ists non—exempt


J ) The use Of mach i ne ry or equ i pment used i n the last step of the retai l

sale . Examples ar e pain t m ix i ng equ ipment used by a har dware store,emb ro i der y or monog ramm ing mach ines used by tee—sh i r t retai ler s anda

sew i ng mach i ne used to hem garment s sol d by a clot h i ng store .

T he fol low i ng is rest ored to Sect i on l 30. 330(g )

4) In the case of a vendor who makes sales of qual i fy ing mach i nery or

equ ipment to a cont rac tor who w i l l i ncorporate i t in to real estate so

t hat he, the cont rac t or, woul d be the taxable user (see Sec t ions

and of t h i s Par t ) ,the pur chas i ng cont ract or should

Sec t ion

Sec t ion



Mean ing of Gross Rece i pt s

How to Avo i d Pay i ng Tax on S tate or Local Tax Passed on

Pu rchase r

Cost Of Do ing Busi ness Not Deduct ible

Transpor tat i on andDel i very Charg es

F i nance or Inte rest Charges-Penal t ies —D i scount s

T raded—In P roper t y

Deposi t or Prepayment on Pur chase P r i ce

S tate andLocal Taxes Ot her Than Retai ler s ' Occupat i on Tax

Penal t ies

Federal Taxes

Instal lat i on,Al terat i on andSpec ial Se rv i ce Charg es

Motor Veh i c le Leasi ng andTrade—Ih Al lowances


Mont hly Tax Ret u rns -When Due -Content s

Quar te r ly Tax Ret u rns

Retu rns andHow to P repare

Annual Tax Retur ns

F i r st Re t urn

F i nal Retu rns When Busi ness is D i scont i nued

Who May S i gn Ret u rns

Re tu rns Cover i ng More Than One Locat i on Under Same

Reg ist rat i on—Separate Retu r ns for Separate ly Reg i stered Locat i ons

Payment of the Tax,I nc lud i ng Quar te r Mont hly Payment s i n Cer tai n


Retu rns on a Transact i on by Transac t i on Basi s

Reg i st rants Must F i le a Ret u rn for Ever y Re tu r n Pe r iod

Fil ing of Ret u rns for Retai le rs by Suppl ie r s Unde r Cer tain

C i r cumstances

P repayment of Retai ler s ' Occupat i on Tax on Motor Fuel

Vend i ng Mach ine Informat ion Retu rns

Ve r i f i cat i on of Ret ur ns


Pre l iminary Comment s

Sales Of'

Proper ty Or ig inat ing i n I l l i no i s

Sales of Proper ty Or igi nati ng i n Ot her S tates


General I nformat i on on Ob tain i ng a Cer t i f i cate of Reg ist rat i on





Sec t ion

C i v i l Penal t ies

Inte rest

C r im inal Penal t ies


Sect i on

When Op i n i ons f r om the Depar tment ar e B ind ing


Sect ion

De f in i t i on of Fede ral Area

When De l i ve r ies on Federal Areas Ar e Taxable

No D i st i nc t ion Be tween Del i ver ies on Federal Areas andI l l i no is

De l i ver ies Outsi de Federal Areas


Sec t i on

Gene ral I nformat i on

Due Date t hat Fal ls on Satu r day,Sunday or a Hol i day

Procedu re“

i n D i spu ted Cases I nvolv i ng F i nanc ial Responsi b i lityRequ i rements

Procedu re When Secu r i t y Must be For fe i ted

Sub—Cer t i f i cates of Reg i st rat ion

Separate Regi st rat i ons for D i f feren t Places of Busi ness of Same

Taxpayer Unde r Some C i r cumstances

D isplay

Replacement of Ce r t i f i cate

Ce r t i ficate Not Transferab le

Ce r t i f i cate Requ i red For Mob i le Vend i ng Un i t s

Revocat i on of Cer t i f i cate

Sec t i on

Gene ral Requ i rement s

What Recor ds Const i tu te M in imum Requ i rement

Recor ds Requ i red to Suppor t Deduc t i ons

P rese rvat i on andRetent i on of Recor ds

P rese r vat i on of Book s Du r i ng Pendency of Assessment P roceed ing s

Depar tment Au t hor i zat i on t o Dest roy'

Recor ds Soone r Than Woul d

Ot he rw ise be Perm i ssi b le

buYQQOIO 30 9 1 3 1 1 943 3sqsrbbniq pue sqsr oemieqdpaiaisrbaa

saoeta quamasnmv or tqndS iemens-ainiord

suoabxns pue sueror sfiqaKiladoxdIeuoszaa etq r buem aorAJes ae Jaqqo I O J r edea q suosxad

sat poa q uamuiaAosoi Rizadoza Ieuosxaa atq r buem eseeq q suosxadoisates

steirdsonqdmaxg oiKiiadoxdIeuosxaaa rbueL aseeq q suosxadoisates


oiKixedoza IQUOSJadatqrbuem ;o asn aqq aseeq IQ iuaa q suosxadSIOOHOS “1 9 1 1 3 3 30 JIJaUGH 8QQ

: og squaAa 6ursrezpung ureqxaa qbnozqm paseqoznd KiradOJa teuoszaasasridzaqua aorAJes it;oxduoN Kq sates

s: eqmnu uorqeor g r quep l uorqdmaxgsuorqez r uebio quapnqs pal OSUOdS— I GQOE B L Kq sates

suosxadqons ;o sxartddns pue‘ sasseutsna sv peieiado sesr zdxaqua

JE IIW I S up pue sasr xdzaiua aorAJas q OJduoN ar pabebug suosxadsuoriez r uebio {ea rno JO s;JV 41 301 duon on 5 9 1 23

szartddns I IBQL pue'suoriednooo

‘ burqur Jd aq q at pebebua suosxadKil adoza {suosxadatq r buem Burz t teuoszedSiopueAqueiau ril pue sxaxmeH

‘ SIaIppads: exozqumed

suerorqdo pue sisriiemoidosxat tddns I q L pue aouega ;o sames 30 5 1 01 9 1 360

afllq an: PU? S led30 SI GTT BS

paqetea I O s;JV or qdezs

satieqoienuemKJasr nN pue sqsriotgsqqaq peg sioeiquoa

quamt 1 eqsu 1 sarouabv bu r puaq sar uedmoa eoueurg

steormaqoNI E Jssau ra qoedmI qe e on ste r z eqew burpt rna ;o sates

seuoz esr xdxaiugs;sriuea

”suor qe r oossv aAr q ado-oo

s: edoIeAeq eqeqsa Ieea pue sxoioeiquoa uorioniisuoaaiemigos Jaqndmoa

Sioioezdoxt qa pue sqqedoaiso ‘ sisr podOJ rqaSQI IW SXOE IH

sxoqexadodoqs Kineeg pue s : eqieqsquabv pue s: eeuorionv

satoriiv axrq pue sdmeqsabeisoa .szoqoat roa ‘suroa .s: oqoeIIoo ‘

xzoM 1 1 V'sotxna 'senb riuv

s: eonpozd{eznixnor zbvsqqea Butnetaon squabv UO I JIPPV

Iaq qo pue










Kauioq ;o Jamoa Jspun quabv Aq szadea ;o Bu r t r g

quaq edaa QQIMAauzoqiv ;o Jemod;o burt rg

U B A IS aq Kew Keuzoq ;o s: emodueqM


sqassv ssau rsng ;o sates ;o seariou : sates atna

nuns NI $0009 30 saq JO HOILON :omuvaans

uor qernbaa sat es xtng oiaa Jagaa ssozosseu r sna e ;o uor qenu riuoosrq Jq v pair nbau ion azv suzniaa usum

panurquoos ra sr sseu r sna e Jaqgv pairnbea axe suxniag ueqM



;oaiaqm szapIoH Aq epueiomawirpaio ;o uor q r sodsrqaa eoozd-suorieqrmrq -q r paza Jo; smreta

xviGIVdxqsnosnouaa HHAODHH or swxvqo =o muvaans


(pareadau ) 61 9 888 30 8 1 9 01 31 3 1 83 28XU9 T8

paureqqo moH pue pairnbau uaqm —Iaqmnu ateseu

(pateedaa) etesaa ;o saqeor g r qzeb Jo; squamexr nbeu

atesea ;o saqeor g r qzao Jo; squamez r nbau

Utenqo on KJI T I QFSUOdsafl S.IaIIas

81 9 3 an: ;0 GW I L aqn

Kirt rq r suodsau

pue 9 1 9 5 3 3 ;0

ie 3 1 9 3 sun ;0 1 3 1 021 9 q3 aug autmzaqaa oi


uorietnbau sr q q u; aessaq" pue "Jossaq" ;o burueaw

sasrmaza paseaq

no paqeiado ssau r sng Jo; uz nqaa at r g p Inoqs sasrmaxa ;o Jossaq ueqM

quaq edaq paseaq Jo; u r nqeaat rg ishm sasrmaid;o aassaq uaqM














0I 9I'




I09 I’









C€ Iuorqoes







rost 'ogtuorioes



Retai le rs on P rem i ses of the I l l i no i s State Fai r,County Fai rs,Ar t

Shows,Flea Mar ket s andt he L i ke

Sales andG i f t s By Employers t o Employees

Sales by Governmental Bod ies

Sales of Alcohol i c Beverag es,Motor Fue l andTobacco Produc tsSales of Automob i les for Use I n Demonst rati on (Repealed )Sales of Contai ners,Wrapp ing andPack i ng Mater ials ' andRe lated

P roduc t s

Sales To Const r uc t i on Cont rac tor s, Real Estate Deve lope rs andSpeculat i ve Bu i l der s

Sales t o Pu r chaser s Pe r form ing Cont ract s w i t h Gover nmental Bod ies

Sales t o Gove rnmental Bod ies, Fore i gn D i plomat s andConsular


Sales to or by Banks, Sav i ngs andLoan Assoc iat ions andC red i t

Un i ons

Sales to Rai l road Compan ies

Se l ler s of Gasohol,Coal,Coke,Fue l O i l andOt her Combust i b lesSel le rs of Feeds andBreed ing L i vestock

Sel ler s of Newspaper s,Magaz i nes,Books,Sheet Musi c andRecor d i ngs,andThe i r Suppl ie rs; Transfers of Data Downloaded Elec t r on i cal ly

Se l lers of Seeds andFer t i l i zerSe l lers of Mach i nery,Tools andSpec ial Or der I tems

Suppl ier s of Per sons Engaged in Serv i ce Occupat i ons andP rofessi onsTrad i ng Stamps andD i scount Coupons

Under takers andFuneral D i rec torsVend ing Mach ines

Vendor sl

of Cu r tai ns,Sl i p Cover s,Floor Cove r i ng andOt her S im i larI tems Made to Or de r

Vendor s of MealsVendor s of Memor ial S tones andMonument sVendors of S ig ns

Vendor s of S team

Vendor s of Tang i b le Pe r sonal P rope r ty Employed for P rem i ums,Advert is ing,P r i z es,Et c .

Ve teri nar iansWarehousemen

ILLUSTRATION A Examples of Tax Exempt i on Car ds

AUTHORITY : Implement ing the I l l i no i s Retai lers ' Occupat i on Tax Ac t [35 ILCS1 20] andaut hor i zed by Sect i on 39b 3 of

“the C i v i l Adm in i st rat ive Code of

I l l ino is [20 ILCS 2505/39b3 ]

SOURCE : Adopted Ju ly 1 , 1 9 33; amended at 2 I 1 1 . Reg . 50,p . 71 ,ef fec t iveDecember 1 0, 1 978; amended at 3 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 2,p . 4,ef fect ive Mar ch 1 9, 1 979 ;amended at 3 I l l . Reg . 1 3,pp . 9 3 and9 5,e f fec t i ve Mar ch 25,1 979 ; amended at3 I l l . Reg . 23,p . 1 64,ef fec t i ve June . 3,1 979 ; amended at 3 I l l

. Reg . 25,, p .

229, ef fec t ive June 17, 1 979 ; amended at 3 I 1 1 . Reg . 44,p . 1 93,ef fec t i ve



Oc tobe r 1 9,1 979 ; amended at 3 I 1 1 . Reg . 46,p . 52,e f fec t i ve November 2,1 979 ;amended at 4I l l . Reg . 24,pp . 520,539,564and571 ,ef fec t i ve June _1 , 1 980;amended at 5 I 1 1 . Reg . 81 8,ef fec t ive January 2,1 981 ; amended at 5 I l l . Reg .

3014,e f fect ive Mar c h 1 1 , 1 981 ; amended at 5 I l l . Reg . 1 2782, e f fec t i ve

November 2,1 981 ; amended at 6 I 1 1 . Reg . 2860,ef fec t i ve Mar ch 3,1 982; amendedat 6 I l l . Reg . 6780, ef fec t i ve May 24,1 982; cod i f ied at 6 1 1 1 . Reg . 8229

recod i f ied at 6 I l l . Reg . 8999 ; amended at 6 I l l . Reg . 1 5225, ef fec t i ve

December 3,1 982; amended at 7I l l . Reg . 79 90,ef fec t i ve June 1 5,1 983 ; amended


8 I 1 1 . Reg . 531 9,e f fec t i ve Apr i l 1 1 ,1 984; amended at 8 I l l . Reg . 1 9062,ef fec tive Septembe r 26,1 984; amended at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 1 937, ef fect i ve January

1 0, 1 986; amended at 1 0 1 1 1 . Reg . 1 2067,ef fec t ive July 1 ,1 986; amended at 1 0

I l l . Reg . 1 9 538,ef fect i ve Novembe r 5,1 986; amended at 1 0 I l l . Reg . 1 9772,e f fect i ve Novembe r 5, 1 986; amended at lf I l l . Reg . 4325,ef fect ive Mar ch 2,1 9 87; amended at 1 1 1 1 1 . Reg . 6252,e f fec t ive March 20, 1 987; amended at 1 1

1 1 1 . Reg . 1 8284, ef fec t i ve Oc tobe r 27,1 987; amended at 1 1 1 1 1 ; Reg . 1 8767,ef fec t ive Oc tobe r 28,-1 987; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 9 1 38, e f fec t ive Oc tober

29, 1 987; amended at 1 1 I l l . Reg . 1 9696,ef fec t ive November 23,1 987; amendedat 1 2 I l l . Reg . 5652,ef fec t i ve Mar ch 1 5,1 988; eme rgency amendment at 1 2 I l l .

Reg . 14401 ,ef fect ive Septembe r 1 ,1 988,for a max imum of 1 50 days,mod i f ied in

response to an ob j ec t i on of the Jo i nt Comm i t tee on Adm i n i st rat i ve Rules at 1 2

I l l . Reg . 1 9 531 ,e f fec t i ve November 4,1 9 88,not to exceed the 1 50 day t ime

l im i t of the or ig i nal r ulemaking ; emer gency exp i red January 29,1 989 ; amendedat 1 3 I l l . Reg . 1 1 824,e f fec t ive June 29,1 989 ; amended at 14 I l l . Reg . 241 ,ef fec t ive December 21 ,1 989 ; amended at 141 1 1 . Reg . 872,e f fec t i ve January 1 ,1 990; amended at 141 1 1 . Reg . 1 5463,e f fec t ive Septembe r 1 0,1 9 90; amended at

14I l l . Reg . 1 6028,ef fect i ve Septembe r 1 8,1 9 90; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 6621 ,e f fect ive Apr i l 17; 1 99 1 ; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 1 3542,e f fec t ive August 30,1 99 1 ; amended at 1 5 I l l . Reg . 1 5757,ef fec t i ve Octobe r 1 5,1 99 1 ; amended at 1 6

1 1 1 . Reg . 1 642, e f fec t i ve January 1 3, 1 9 92; amended at 17I l l . Reg . 860,ef fec t ive January 1 1 ,1 9 9 3 ; amended at 17I 1 1 . Reg . 1 8142,e f fec t ive October 4,1 9 93 ; amended at 17I l l . Reg . 1 9651 ,e f fec t i ve November 2,1 9 9 3 ; amended at 1 8

I l l . Reg . 1 537,e f fect i ve Januar y 1 3, 1 9 94; amended at 1 8 I l l . Reg .1

1 6866,ef fec t ive Novembe r 7L 1 9 94; amended at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 1 3446,ef fect ive September

1 2,1 9 95; amended at 1 9 I l l . R eg . 1 3568,ef fec t i ve September 1 1 ,1 9 95; amended

at 1 9 I l l . Reg . 1 3968,ef fec t i ve Septembe r 1 8,1 9 95 ; amended at 20 1 1 1 . Reg .

4428,ef fect i ve Mar ch 4,1 9 96; amended at 20 I l l . Reg . 5366, e f fect ive Mar ch

26, 1 996; amende d at 20 I l l . Reg . 69 9 1 ,ef fec t i ve May 7,1 9 96; amended at 20I l l . Reg . 9 1 1 6,ef fec t ive Ju ly 2, 1 9 96; amended at 20 I l l . Reg . 1 5753,ef fec t i ve December 2, 1 996; exped i ted cor rec t i on at 21 1 1 1 . Reg . 4052,ef fec t ive December 2,1 9 96; amended at 20 I l l . Reg . 1 6200, e f fec t ive December

1 6,1 9 96; amended at 21 I l l . R eg . 1 221 1 ,ef fec t i ve Aug ust 26,1 9 97; amended at'

22 I l l . Reg . 3097,ef fec t i ve January 27,1 998; amended at 22 I l l . Reg . 1 1 874,e f fect ive June 29,1 998; amended at 22 I l l . Reg . 1 9 9 1 9,e f fec t i ve Oc tober 28,1 9 98; amended at 22 1 1 1 . Reg . 21 642,e f fec t i ve November 25,1 9 98; amended at 23I l l . Reg . 9 526, e f fec t i ve Ju ly 29, 1 9 9 9 ; amended at 23 1 1 1 . Reg . 9898,ef fect ive August 9,1 9 9 9 ; amended at 24I l l . Reg . 1 071 3, ef fec t ive July 7,2000; emerg ency amendment at 24I l l . Reg . 1 1 3 1 3,ef fec t i ve July 1 2,2000,for a

max imum of 1 50 days ; amended at 24I l l . Reg ; 1 51 04,e f fect i ve October 2,2000



to take p i c tu res or expose f i lm ar e not el ig i b le as the

photOp rocessing beg ins af te r the f i lm is exposed . Retail/netpr ice calculat i on equ i pmen t andchem i cal rec lamat i on equ i pment

ar e not consi dered to be manufactu r ing mach iner y andequ i pment .

Mach i nery andEqu ipment1 ) T he law exempts only the pur chase anduse of "mach i ne ry" and

"equ i pment" use d i n manufac t u r i ng or assembl i ng . Accor d ing ly,no

ot he r type or k i nd of tang ib le pe rsonal prope r t y w i l l qual i fy for

the exempt ion, -even t houg h i t -may be used pr imar i ly i n the

manufact u r ing or assemb l i ng of tang i b le pe rsonal prope r ty for

sale or lease .

2) Mach iner y means maj o r mechan i cal mach i nes o r maj or components of

such -mach ines cont r ibut i ng t o a manufac t u r i ng or assembl ingprocess : incl udin g, machiner y andequipmen t usedin the gener al

main tenan ce or r epair of such exemp t machiner y andequipmen t or

for in —house man ufact ur e of exemp t machiner y andequipmen t3 ) E quipmen t in cl udes an y indep enden t device or t ool separ ate f r om

an y machiner y but essen tial to an in teg r atedman ufac turin g or

assemblin g p r ocess : in cl udin g comp uter s usedp rimaril y inop er atin g exemp t machiner y andequipmen t in a comp ut er -assisteddesign, comp uter -assist edman ufact urin g (CAD/CAM) sy stem; or an ysubunit or assembl y comp risin g a comp onen t of an y machin er y or

auxiliar y, adj un ct, or at tachmen t,par ts of machiner y,such as

tools,dies,jigs,fixt ur es,patt er ns andmolds, andan y par ts'which r equir e p eriodic r ep lacement in the cour se of nor mal

Op er ation . The exemp tion does not incl ude hand' tools, supp lies(such

‘ as r ags, sweepin g or cleanin g comp ounds) , coolan ts,l ubrican ts,adhesives,or sol ven ts, items of p er sonal appar el

(such as gl oves, shoes, glasses, gog gles,cover alls,ap r ons,masks,mask air fil ter s,bel ts,har nesses, or hols te rs) , coal,f uel oil, el ec tricit y, natur al gas, ar tificial gas, steam,r ef riger an ts or wat er . (Sec t i on 2—45 of the Ac t )

4) T he exempt i on i ncl udes the sale of mater ials to a pu r chaser who

manufac tu res such mater ials i nt o an exempted type of mach ine ry or

equ ipment or tools wh i ch such pu r chase r uses h imsel f in the

manufactu r ing of tang i b le personal proper t y or leases to a

manufac tu re r of tang i ble pe rsonal. prope r t y .


Howeve r ; such

pu r chaser must mai ntai n adequate recor ds c lear ly demonst rat ingthe i ncorporat ion of such mate r ials i n t o exempt mach i ner y andequ ipment .

5 ) . Mach inery andequ i pment does not i nc lude foundat ions for,or

spec ial pu rpose bu i l d ing s to‘

house or suppor t, mach iner y andequ i pment .

6) T he exempt ion i nc ludes chem i cals act ing as catalysts only i f t hey

ef fect a d i rect and immed iate change upon a product be i ngmanufact u red or assembled for sale

or lease . T he f ol low i ngexamples ar e i l lust rat ive

A ) Example 1 . A chemi cal ac i d is used t o et ch copper off the



sur face of a pr inted c i r cu i t boar d du r i ng the manufac tu r ingprocess . T he ac i d causes a d i rec t andimmed iate chang e upon

the produc t . T he ac i d qual i f ies for the exempt i on .

B ) Example 2. An alum inum ox i de catalyst is used in a catalyt i c

c rack ing process t o re f i ne heavy gas oil i n to gasol i ne . In

t h i s process,large molecu les of gas oil or feed ar e b roken

up in to smal le r molecules . Af ter the catalyst is i n j ec ted

in t o the feed andused in the c rack i ng process, i t is d rawn

off andreused in subsequent manufac tu r i ng processes . T he

catalyst qual i f ies for t he exempt ion .

Pr imar y Use

1 )


3 )

T he law requ i res t hat mach i ner y andequ i pment be used pr imar i ly

in manu fac t ur i ng or assembl i ng . Theref ore,mach inery wh ich isused pr imar i ly i n an exempt process andpar t ial ly i n a nonexempt

manne r wou ld qual i fy for e xempt i on . However,the pur chaser must

be able t o estab l ish t hroug h adequate recor ds t hat the mach i nery

or equ i pment is used over 50 per cent in an exempt manner i n or de r

to c laim the deduc t i on .

T he fac t t hat par t i cu lar mach i ne ry or equ i pment may be consi dered

essent ial to the conduc t of the busi ness of manufac t u r i ng or

assemb l ing because its use is requ i red by law or prac t i cal

necessi ty does not,of i tse l f,mean t hat mach i nery or equ i pment

is used pr imar i ly i n manufac t u r i ng or assembl ing .

By way of i l lust rat ion andnot l im i tat i on, the fol low ingac t i v i t ies w i l l gene ral ly be consi dered to const i tu te an exempt


A ) T he use of mach iner y or equ i pment to e f fec t a d i rec t andimme diate physi cal change upon the tang ib le pe r sonal

proper t y to be sol d ;

B ) T he use of mach i ne ry or equ i pment to g uide or measu re a

d i rec t and immed iate physi cal change upon the tang i b le

pe r sonal proper ty to be sol d,prov i ded such func t i on is an

i nteg ral andessent ial par t of tun i ng, ver i fy ing, or

al i g n i ng t he component par t s of such proper ty ;

C ) T he use of mach ine ry or equ i pment to i nspec t, test or

measu re the tang i ble pe r sonal prope r ty to be sold where such

func t i on is an i nteg ral par t of the produc t i on f low ;

D ) T he use of mach ine ry andequ i pment to convey,handle,or

t ranspor t the tang i b le pe rsonal prope r t y to be sold w i t h i n

produc t ion stat ions on the produc t i on l ine or d i rec t ly

between such produc t i on stat i ons or bu i l d i ng s w i t h i n the

same plant ;E ) T he use of mach i ner y or equ i pment t o place the tang i b le

pe rsonal prope r t y t o be soldi nt o the contai ne r,package,or

wrapp i ng i n wh ic h such proper t y is normal ly sold whe re such

mach i ner y or equ i pment is used as a par t of an i nteg rated

manufac t u r i ng p r ocessL .

p tnom iegiJauuem e U1 1 1 asn ;ou saop oqm aassat e on iuamdrnbaJO Kiau r qaem aq q asear q uanbasqns JossaI- Jaseqaxnde p tnoqs

-Ja1 nqoe;nuem-aassat

aqi oi Arioair p apem aiam ates aqi 3 1 uoridmaxaue ;Joddns pInom uraiaq paurequoo uoriem1 03u 1 aqipue aqeorg rizaouor qdmaxa paqardmooAr r adoxde m1 q oisap rAOJd JossaI- Jaseqoindaqipap IAOJdsqdr aoai$ 501 6 aq xeisrg moig sates qons apntoxaRem Jar xddns V ' xeq moig qdmaxa aq I T EM JossaI-xase J ndaqqoiates aui‘ Jauuem qdmaxa ue U 1 1 ; sasn oqm Jainioegnuem-aassate on quamdr nba JO Kiau rqoem ;eq; saseer Jaseqoind an;;1

' 6u 1 1 nqae3nuem U1 quamdr nba JO Aiau r qoem qdmaxa an; KoIdma ‘

;{asmrq iou paau Jaseqoindaq q'KIdde o; uoridmaxa $ 1 9 1 1 03 (I

sxainiaegnuew ;o SJossaq oisates'

uoridmnsuoo pue asn Jo; ueq; Jaqqeilasear I O atesJo; pau r qsap 8 1 9 Jauqoue JO ;Iasmrq J o; Jaqqra paonpozdspoob auise buot se sasn eu quamdrnba pue Aiaurqoem aqino xe; Jo; atqerraq ;ou 1 1 1 m

‘ SGOIAJGS srg Jo; Ktuo iatqmasse JO Jainqoegnuem aqisu r eiai oqm r emoqsno e : og xiom bu rieoriqe; IO Ktqmasse miogiadon 1 0 I Jaq qoue 1 0 ;tasmr q Aq aseat I O ates Jo; spoob aanpOJdoiquamdr nba pue Kiau r qoem sasn oqm Jarqmasse JO Jaznqoegnueme ‘ J BABMOH °a1 qexeia i 9 1 pue ates Jo; Ka dOJdIeuoszadatq r buei;o uor qonpOJdaqiU 1 pasn ;ou 5 1 ‘ burueato Kip se qons‘ GOIAJSS e ;o aouemiogiadaqiu r pasn quamdr nba pue Kl aurqoew


satoriie asoui;o ates aqi;o 1 0 Kir adOJdIeuosradatqrbueq ;o satoriie aqi;o uorqonpOJdaqi;o uoriiodI tems e Ktuo squasaidai uorsian r pqons pap r nozd ‘ates Jo; uor qonpordaq oipamaap aq ssataq aAau1 1 1 m

‘ates Jo; ar gun satoriie aui sxapuar qor qm bu r qsaiToriuoo Kir tenb ;o sqoafqns aug se JO satdmes sates se asn oi;oaiaq q Jainioegnuem aqq Kq paqzan r p 3 1 qor qm ;o uor qiode latesJo; KiJadOJd{euOSJadarq r bueigo saror qze ;o uorionpOJdaum


pamotreaq { 1 1 m iuamdr nba pue K rau r qaem ;o maq r Kue : o; uoridmaxate riiedou pue paqirmxadaq II I M asn Jo; indino pue asear I O

ates Jo; iudino uaamiaq Air b edeo uorionpOJd;o iuamuorqiodde on'iuamdr nba pue K rau r qaem iegino uoridmaxa aqimreto oiarq 1 61 1 aaq qou _II I M

‘Jatqmasse JO Jainqoegnuem e qaus oiiuamdr nba

pue Kiau r qoem idmaxa asr m1 aqio saseat oqm I OSSQI e 1 0 ‘asnqdmaxauou iaqio Kue I O uoridmnsuoo xeuxaiur Jo; zagir a ‘

quamdr nbaI O K rau 1 qaem sr u ;o iudino aqq ;o uor qiodqueorg r ubrs Kue sasnoqm Jarqmasse I O Jainioegnuem e 'Kt burpiooov ° aseat I O ates Jo;KiiadOJdIeuoszadatqrbueiaq ssaoozdbu rtqmasse JO bur znioe;nuemaqq ;o itnsaie se paanpozdianpozdaqiiegisa1 1 nba1 ainqeqs ea;


(Iasn ionpoxd

' apem sen aseqoxndJO ates aqq amrq aqiqexe; mox; papntoxa sen se quamdr nba I O Kiaurqoem aqq ;o B O I Jdaqq;o uoriiodqons no paioaIIOQ aq { 1 1 m xeq uons


uor s 1 aAuoo aqq ;oamriaqiie xeioiioafqns amooaq I I IM sasn idmaxauou KI IJQNI Id





paiiaAuoo sr

pasn os uaaq bu r neq pue bu r tqmasse JO bu rinqoegnuem U 1 KIIJENIJdS 1 41 1 9 141 U 1

ag r r Ingasn aui ;o g{eq-auo ueq; seat 1 0;

qo r um iuamdr nba I O Kiau r qaem 30 mag; uv°aioqs Eu r qioro e Kq pIos squamJ eB




T ’


‘ siuamqsrtqeqsa B OIAJ B S poo;‘ sau r qoem bu 1 puaA ‘ siuer neqsaz

' ° a°

1‘ates I r ena; Jo; Iat r eiai e Kq sabeiaAaq pue

poo; ;o uorqeiedaidaqiU1 ;uamdrnba JO Kiau r qoem ;o asn aqm (I£ssaoo:d5u 1 1 n;oe;nuem aq q Aq paz rnbaz ;ou

‘ uorieurmnt r r Ieiauab I O toxiuoa aiemr ro ‘ burtooo‘ bu r qeaq

‘ uor q r quaA{eiauab Jo; quamdrnba I O Kiau r qoem ;o asn aqL (H:met Kq pairnbaiaq Rem ;uamdr nba I O Kiau 1 qoem

qons qbnoq; uaAa p 1 e qsz r ; I O uorioaiOJd;uap r ooe‘ Kia;es

1 0; I O saxbbob pue'sIIeJaAoa ‘ SaAOID £ sqam1 aq

£ sxsem

aoe; ;uamdrnba aA1 1 3a1 01dse qons‘ saaKoIdma QOGQOJdo; 1 0

sair ; ;q5 1 ; JO iuaAaJdo; quamdr nba I O K laurqoem ;o asn aqL (9: 5u 1 u 1 e 1 1 I O uor qoatas

£quam1 1 nioa1 Iaq SJad1 0 £uoriom01d

pue uo1 1 1 q 1 qxa ionpozd ‘ bumiaxiem £ saIes'q inoas

;ueId'suorieor unmmoo IQ I GUGD£iuamabeuem Ieosr;

‘ buriunoooe'bu rAraoai'5u r seqoind‘ bura J xiom 'bu r tnpaqos uorionpOJd‘IOI QUOO AioquaAu r lanp r saz I O deias 'aisen ;o Iesodsrpbu r pnrou r sarirAr qoe Ieuor qeiadouou ‘ uorionpoxduou iaqioIO l sates ‘

Ie riabeuem u 1 ;uamdr nba JO Kiau r qoem ;o asn aqm (g

: squeIduaamqaql spoob paqs 1 u 1 ;1 mas JO ‘ ssaoozd

u 1 . xiom ;Jodsueiio; ;uamdrnba 1 0 Aiau r qoem ;o asn aqL


uor qonpOJdaq q ;o uoriatdmoa Ja;;e paseat I O p ros aq o;

KiiadOJdTeuoszadarq r bue; ;o sato1iie pausru r ; ;JodsueiiI O

aIpueq‘ KaAuoo 'aioqs o; ;uamdrnba IO Aiau r qoem ;o asn aqL (a

za Ko uorianpOJdaq; oiu r aoueiqua J raqq

o; 1 01 1dsar rqmasse-qns JO sir ed I O ste r zaqem ;Jodsuel q JO

arpueul KaAuoo 'aioqs o; ;uamdr nba Jo Aiau r qaem ;o asn aqL (o

zquamdr nba 1 0 'Kzau1 qoem'sanb r uqaa; uorionpOJd I O sqonpozdmau ;o ;uamdoIaAappue qoxeasai u r ;uamdrnba I O K r au r qoem ;o asn aqm

~ aqeqsa { 9 8 1 ;oiuamanozdwr JO £aoueuaqu 1 em £ 5u 1 1 1 eda 1l bu rar nias £6u 1 1 apoma1

‘ uorieiaite ‘ uor qoniqsuooaz'uorioniqsuoo aq q U1 ;uamdr nba I O Kiaurqoem ;o asn aqm (v

bu tinioe;nuemaq o; paiap r suoo aq ;ou KI IE I B UB D II IM sarirArioebu r motto; aq;

‘ uo14e41 m1 1 ;ou .pue uorieiqsntt r ;0 Ken Kg' aioqs Klaoozs I 1 eqa1 e 1 0



NOTICE OF FINE IMPOSED UNDERqual 1 fy d1 r ectly for the exemp t 1 on,the pur chaser—lessor w1 ll THE RES IDENTIAL MORTGAGE L ICENSE ACT OF 1 987become l iab le for the tax f r om wh ic h he was prev i ously exempted .

Exempt ion Cer t i f i cates

1 ) T he user of such mach ine ry or equ i pment andt ools shal l prepare a

cer t i f i cate of exempt i on for each t ransac t i on stat i ng fac ts

estab l i sh ing the exempt i on for t hat t ransac t i on andsubm i t the

cer t i f i cate t o the retai ler . T he cer t i f i cates shal l be retai ned

by the retai ler andshal l be made avai lab le to the Depar tment for

i nspec t ion or aud i t . The Depar tmen t shal l presc r ibe the form of

the cer t i f i cate . I f the user has an ac t i ve reg i st rat ion or

resale numbe r,t hat number may be g i ven in l ieu of the presc r ibed

cer t i f i cate

2) I f a manufact u re r or lessor pu r chases at retai l f rom a vendor who

is not reg i stered to col lec t I l l ino i s Use Tax,the pu r chaser must

prepare andretai n i n his f i les, the completed exempt i on

cer t i f i cate . T he exempt i on cer t i f i cate shal l be avai lable t o the

Depar tment for i nspec t i on or aud i t .

3 ) A_ vendor who makes sales of mach i nery or equ i pment t o a

manufac tu rer or _1 essor of a manufac t u re r must col lec t Use Tax,andw i l l owe Re tai ler s ! Occupat i on Tax,on t hat sale unless the

pur chaser cer t i f ies the exempt natu re of the pu rchase t o the

vendor as set out above . T he Summary Schedu le,RR—586, must be

subm i t ted i n l ieu of taxes at the t ime the taxes ar e due .

h ) Op in ions andRul ingsInformal rul ing andOp i n ion let ter s i ssued by the Depar tment regar d i ngthe coverage andappl icab i l i t y of t h i s exempt i on t o spec i f i c dev i ces

w i l l be mai ntai ned by the Depar tment in Spr ing f ie l d . They w i l l be

avai lable for publ i c inspec t i on andmay be cop ied or reproduced at

taxpayer 's expense .


Trade sec rets or ot he r conf i dent ial i nformat i on

i n such let ter s w i l l“be de leted pr i or t o re lease to pub l i c access

f i les

(Sou rce : Amended at 25 I l l . Reg f fective May 3, 2001 ; exped i ted

cor rect ion at 25 I l l . Reg . e f fec t i ve May 3,2001 )

Pur suant to Sec t i on 4—5 (h ) of the Resi dent ial Mor tgage L i cense Ac t of 1 987("the 205 ILCS —5 (g ) not i ce

lis he reby g i ven t hat the

Comm i ssi one r of the Of f i ce of Banks andReal Estate of the S tate of I l l ino i s

has i ssued a f ine of $500 dol lar s agai nst V intag e Mor tgage,I nc . , L i cense No.

5892,of Lombar d,I l l i no is a l i censee unde r the Ac t,for v i olat i ng the terms of

the Ac t andthe ru les andregu lat i ons adopted t hereunder,ef fec t i ve November

1 2,2001 .




De ar tment of Pub l i c Heal t h, Local

Heal t h Protec t ion Grant Rules (77 I l l

Adm Code 61 5 )

Sec retary"

of State,Un i form Commer c ial

Code (14I l l Adm Code 1 80)

Depar tment of T ranspor tat i on,S ign ing to

Traf f i c Gene rat ors and Motor ist s

Serv i ces (Repealer ) (92 I l l Adm Code


Depar tment of Ag r i cu l t u re, L i vest ock

Dealer L i censi ng (68 I l l Adm Code 61 0)

Depar tment of Ag r i cul t u re, I l l i no is

Pseudo rab ies Cont rol Ac t (8 1 1 1 Adm

Code 1 1 5 )

Depar tment of Ag r i cu l t u re, An imal

D i sease Laborat or ies Ac t (8 1 1 1 Adm

Code 1 1 0)

Depar tment of Ag r i cul t ure,Sw ine D isease

Cont rol and“

Erad i cat i on Ac t (8 I l l Adm

Code 1 05 )

Depar tment of Ag r i cu l tu re, D i seased

An imals (8 I l l Adm Code 85 )

Bov i dae and Cerv i dae Tuber cu losi s

Erad i cat ion Ac t (8 1 1 1 Adm Code 80)

Depar tment of Ag ricul tup g , L i vest ock

Auct ion Mar ket s (8 1 1 1 Adm Code 40)

Determin at i on of Unemployment

Cont r ibu t i ons (56 1 1 1 Adm Code 2770)

25 1 1 1 Reg

1 2331

25 I l l Reg


25 I l l Reg

1 2571

25 I l l Reg

1 1 685

25 I l l Reg

1 1 689

25 1 1 1 Reg

1 1 639

25 I l l Reg

1 1 694

25 I l l Reg

1 1 657

25 1 1 1 Reg

1 1 652

25 I l l Reg

1 1 679

25 1 1 1 Reg

1 2500



(23 I l l Adm Code 25 )


Ce r t

Ce r t






171 17171 81.“l 19 UOB W CI91303 MORRSW F‘UPV 991 01 99xapul 9 11591 9 111 111q sau mbul


paleadaiuaaq seq 18mam 8sawufim p mm on uaqumNansslpue Jaqumuued‘

Jaqumu Gnu Kq xapulsanssIamu;pals"am 67ansslu;nodu pawssalted
