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© 2012 IBM Corporation

IBM PureSystemsA new family of expert integrated systems

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© 2012 IBM Corporation2

On a Smarter Planet, technology innovation redefines industries


Traffic Control



© 2012 IBM Corporation3

As IT moves to the strategic center of businessThe model must shift to Smarter Computing

Traditional Computing








Technology Innovation

Smarter Computing

Smarter with:• Built-in expertise

• Ability to sense and anticipate

• Systems of engagement

© 2012 IBM Corporation4

You experience the barriers of time, cost and risk todayAligning IT and business goals

Getting Up and Running• 2-3 months to specify and procure • 2-3 months to integrate, configure

and deploy

Development Operations• 3-6 months to go from

development to production

Ongoing Effort• 1-3 months to troubleshoot and tune• Ongoing effort and downtime to

maintain, scale and upgrade

IT Reality

Business Goals

Typical Results: • 34% of new IT projects (US) deploy late• 55% experience application downtime for

major infrastructure upgrades once deployed

• Driving business innovation• Make new markets• Respond to competitive

threats• Enhance the customer


Grow top and bottom line by:

From a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM

© 2012 IBM Corporation5

Only 1 in 5 can allocate more than half their IT budget to innovation

Least efficient data centersUse of new technology:43% first and fast technology adoption1% move virtual machines to meet desired

outcomes21% use storage virtualization3% use a storage service catalog (tiered




New projects

Maintaining existing infrastructure


Most efficient data centersUse of new technology:86% first and fast technology adoption58% move virtual machines to meet desired

outcomes93% use storage virtualization87% use a storage service catalog (tiered




53%New projects

Maintaining existing infrastructure

Source: 2012 IBM Data Center Study: www.ibm.com/data-center/study ( http://www.ibm.com/data-center/study )

© 2012 IBM Corporation6

Clients have tried various approaches to close the gap

Client-tunedSystems Appliances Cloud


SimplicityRapid Deployment


Time and Expense Required

Single PurposeShared


What if you could have the best of all three?



© 2012 IBM Corporation7

The time has come for a new breed of systemsSystems with integrated expertise and built for cloud

Integration by DesignDeeply integrating and tuning hardware and software – in a ready-to-go workload optimized system

Built-in ExpertiseCapturing and

automating what experts do – from

the infrastructure patterns to the

application patterns

Simplified Experience

Making every part of the IT lifecycle easier - with integrated management of the entire system and a

broad open ecosystem of optimized solutions

© 2012 IBM Corporation8

The world’s first family of expert integrated systems


© 2012 IBM Corporation9

Infrastructure System: Expert at sensing andanticipating resourceneeds to optimize yourinfrastructure

Platform System: Expert at optimallydeploying and runningapplications for rapid time-to-value

Announcing the first two members of the IBM PureSystems family

© 2012 IBM Corporation10

IBM PureSystems integration by design








Optimizes the complete solution stack:

• All hardware and software components factory integrated and optimized

• Single point of unified lifecycle management

• Integrated monitoring & maintenance

• Integrated and elastic application and data runtimes

• Application patterns allocate system resources for optimal performance, security and reliability

• Fully virtualized and built for cloud

• Storage tuned to data needs

© 2012 IBM Corporation11

Patterns of Expertise: Proven best practices and expertise for complex tasks learned from decades of client and partner engagements that are captured, lab tested and optimized and then built into the system

IBM PureSystems “patterns of expertise”

Patterns deliver superior results:

• Agility: Faster time-to-value• Efficiency: Reduced costs and resources• Simplicity: Simpler skills requirements• Control: Lower risk and errors

Through unmatched expertise in:• System design• Infrastructure management• Application deployment• Data management• Datacenter management• Application management

• High availability and scalability

• Security• Storage optimization• Networking• Cloud

© 2012 IBM Corporation12

IBM PureSystems “patterns of expertise”Example: Web Application Deployment Pattern

Captures:• IBM’s decades of experience in helping clients design, build and

deploy new business applications

What is it?• Codified best practices for presetting configuration options by type of selected

Web application (e.g., high availability, high security, etc.)

What do you do?• Bring your data and application code, select the type of application you

want and everything else is handled for you in the background

What do you NOT have to do?• Understand the interdependencies and connections between your database,

application server, management, security, and the rest of the middleware• Manually engage in the real-time management of your infrastructure

Result: Speed deployment of Web applications by 20-30x!

Clients have experienced 20-30x faster application deployments with IBM's patterns of expertise which are included in IBM Troy AS

© 2012 IBM Corporation13

IBM PureSystems extensible with “patterns of expertise”Including built-in cloud capabilities

Platform Patterns

Expertise across the middleware

and infrastructure

Infrastructure Patterns

Expertise across the compute


IBM PureFlex System

IBM PureApplication System

ProvisioningStorage optimization ScalabilityUpgradability

ProvisioningStorage optimization ScalabilityUpgradability

Built-in with flexibility

Available through PureSystems Centre

Cloud platform management

Application Patterns and

ImagesAvailable patterns images from IBM

and Partners

Web application deploymentDatabase deployment

100+ ISV business applicationsBusiness intelligenceBusiness process managementWeb experienceMore to come in 2012…

Images available for client tuning

Images available for client tuning

© 2012 IBM Corporation14

IBM PureSystems simplified experience

• Single product streamlines ordering, tracking, receiving, installing and running

• Factory installed, fully packaged solutions drive simple setup (pull it out of the box, plug it in and boot it up)

• Management integration across system

• Single point of contact for support

• Upgrade with zero downtime based onintegrated patches and system design

• PureSystems Centre – an online catalog of applications and patterns.

• A broad open ecosystem of optimized solutions

New client experience:

© 2012 IBM Corporation15

What does it mean for you?


• Get up and running in hours, cutting months off deployment time of new application projects.


• Deploy twice as many applications per square foot of data center space

• Accelerate industry capabilities with solutions from a broad open ecosystem • Manage all physical and virtual

resources from a single user interface


• Lower risk and costs with automated

• Maximize flexibility with choice of architectures, and open standards

• Intelligently manage cloud environments


• Avoid delays due to limited IT skills or complex integration with factory integration and built-in expertise

• Free up time from procuring, supporting, testing & deploying assets

• Reduce lifecycle maintenance and minimize downtime.

• Elastically adapt to workloadspikes without overbuying

• Maintain more quickly and easily with integrated system patches

provisioning and seamless scalability with security and resiliency

© 2012 IBM Corporation16


More efficiently consolidate systems and applications to reduce operating expenses


Better tune and automate systems and applications to improve application performance, scalability and reliability

Accelerate Cloud

Launch self-service applications efficiently in a secure, and integrated cloud environment


More rapidly deliver new applications and services to meet new business needs




IBM PureSystems enable multiple client initiativesUsing a consistent, standardized approach

© 2012 IBM Corporation17

Initiative Use Case EXAMPLE Troy Value

Consolidate infrastructure to a single infrastructure system

PureFlex System can deploy more than twice as many virtualized applications per square foot of data center

Support reallocation of compute, storage and network resources on demand

Improved agility to handle demand spikes across workloads and drive greater utilization

Deploy new web application

PureApplication System with web application deployment pattern of expertise can yield up to 20-30X faster deployment with reduced risk

Deliver IT servicesDeeply integrated Cloud deployment and application infrastructure and server virtualization can reduce time to provision from 45 days to minutes


Accelerate Cloud



Examples of IBM PureSystems use cases

© 2012 IBM Corporation18

IBM PureFlex System

IBM PureApplication System

Business Process as a ServiceSoftware as a Service

Business Process as a ServiceSoftware as a Service

Platform as a ServicePlatform as a Service

Infrastructure as a ServiceInfrastructure as a Service

DesignDesign DeployDeploy ConsumeConsume

20-30X faster deployment with application patterns expertise 

Accelerate adoption of private clouds with built-in virtualization and superior automation

Built for cloud

© 2012 IBM Corporation19

Extensibility from the broadest ecosystem is made easy

* Unix/Linux and Windows applications

New IBM PureSystems Centre:Gain access to a broad community

of IBM and certified partner expertise

Download optimized, deployable application patterns from 100+ leading ISV partners

Search by solution area, industry or system

Also run your existing applications today*

The SAP logo is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and several other countries and is reproduced with the permission of SAP AG. The SAP logo is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and several other countries and is reproduced with the permission of SAP AG.

© 2012 IBM Corporation20

• 19 years as top U.S. patent recipient

• Since the beginning of 2000, we’ve spent nearly $70 billion in research and development

• 250k technical experts worldwide

• Market leading systems and software

• Global financing with flexible payment options

• Commitment to open standards

• Broad open ecosystem of 120k partners

100 years of experience delivering essential IT

© 2012 IBM Corporation21 © 2012 IBM Corporation

Take the next step….

Prove the value and begin your

journey with IBM PureSystems:

Visit www.ibm.com/puresystems to learn more

Join the conversation about this new category of computing:

Twitter: @IBM PureSystems

Hashtag: #IBMPureSystems or #expertintsys

YouTube Channel: expertintegratedsys

Blog: expertintegratedsystemsblog.com

© International Business Machines Corporation 2012 International Business Machines Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 IBM, the IBM logo, PureSystems, PureFlex, PureApplication and ibm.com are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml All rights reserved.

© 2012 IBM Corporation

© 2012 IBM Corporation22

© 2012 IBM Corporation23


© 2012 IBM Corporation24

Smarter Planet opens a new era for Information Technology

Process-Centric era Information-Centric era

Business processes automation Focused on bottom-line improvement

through SG&A reduction Typically long business cycle Terabytes of largely structured data

Real-time pattern based action Focused on top-line growth through

revenue acquisition Reactive for shorter product cycles Zettabytes of largely unstructured data

© 2012 IBM Corporation25

IT Needs• Deliver new

capabilities faster• Shift resources from

maintenance to transformation

• Control growing complexity

What are today’s pressures and realities

Business Demands• Address opportunities

more quickly• Drive business

innovation• Leverage technology

more strategically

Consumerization• Mobility• Social business• Iterative solutions

© 2012 IBM Corporation26

Clients struggle to overcome barriers of time, cost and risk

Phase Time (days) Budget

Specify/design 73 - 96 14% - 16%

Procure 57 - 112 19% - 21%

Implement 74 – 93 12%

Configure/test 74 – 80 10% - 11%

Cluster & HA 66 – 104 11% - 12%

Backup 44 – 108 10%

Tune 89 – 98 9% - 10%

Management 67 – 110 9 – 10%

Typical IT Project Time and Budget Top Causes of Project Delays


Troubleshooting and tuning production environment

Integration, configuration and testing of the infrastructure

Installation, cabling and network access for the environment


Integration, configuration and testing of applications

Integration, configuration and testing of middleware

Configuration, build and deployment of applications







34% of new IT projects (US) deploy late

From a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM

© 2012 IBM Corporation27

Specify/DesignTakes 2-3 months for an IT infrastructure system

ProcureSoftware & hardware ordered separately taking 1-3 months

IntegrateComponents arrive as “bag of parts” requiring months of integration, configuration & optimization

DeployCan take weeks to months

Customize/TuneMeeting SLAs requires customization and

ongoing tuning

ScaleLack of dynamic elasticity results in

cumbersome re-allocation of resources

ManageManaging and monitoring with multiple

tools is time consuming

MaintainSeparate fixes require separate testing

UpgradeMonths to plan, procure and test with the

potential for hours or days of downtime

Building custom systems is difficultUp & Running

Ongoing Effort

Development Operations

ProvisionUp to a month or more for a development or test environment

ConfigureConfiguration and customization of pre-packaged components is error prone and can take months

*Durations take from a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM

© 2012 IBM Corporation28

Expert integrated systems:

Combine the flexibility of a general purpose system, the elasticity of cloud and the simplicity of an appliance tuned to the workload

Fundamentally changing theexperience and economics of IT

The time has come for a new breed of systemsSystems with integrated expertise and built for cloud

1 of 2 that would replace single chart in base flow

© 2012 IBM Corporation29

Expert integrated systems have unique attributes

Integration by DesignDeeply integrating and tuning hardware and software – in a ready-to-go workload optimized system

Built-in ExpertiseCapturing and automating what experts do – from the infrastructure to the application

Simplified Experience

Making every part of the IT lifecycle easierIntegrated management of the entire systemA broad open ecosystem of optimized solutions

2 of 2 that would replace single chart in base flow

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