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A Statistical Model for SimulatingSolar Intensity in New Jersey

Henry R. Chai

Advisor: Warren B. Powell

June 2014

Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Princeton University

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis.

I authorize Princeton University to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the

purpose of scholarly research.

Henry R. Chai

I further authorize Princeton University to reproduce this thesis by photocopying or by other

means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of

scholarly research.

Henry R. Chai



This thesis is concerned with the construction of a simulator for solar energy generation lev-

els at 24 solar generation plants in New Jersey as well as a comparison of the profitability of

grid-level and plant-level storage cells. The simulator is statistical in that it is based off of historical

data; specifically the simulator uses ARIMA and/or ARMA time series models to generate solar

energy generation quantities. The quality of the simulator is assessed by comparing the cumulative

distribution functions of the simulated and the actual total daily solar energy generations. The

simulator is then used to compare the profitability of two scenarios for the integration of storage

into the electricity grid: the first scenario considered is grid-level storage i.e. a single, massive

battery while the second scenario considered is generation plant-level storage i.e. a smaller battery

at every solar energy generation plant. The results of the simulation suggest that plant-level storage

is a more profitable investment than a single grid-level storage cell.



I would like to thank Professor Powell for guiding me through not only this work but

also for his guidance during my summer as an intern in his PENSA laboratory. His patience and

knowledgeable advice on how to progress proved invaluable to this work.

In addition, other members of the PENSA lab proved incredibly helpful along the way: Dr.

Hugo Simao helped me with this work and advised me closely during my time as an intern in

the PENSA lab; specifically Professor Simao helped me with accessing and processing the data

required for this work as well as helping me understand the way PJM functions. Dr. Belgacem

Bouzaiene-Ayari kept me on task by requiring weekly updates. The weekly updates proved to be

incredibly useful when it came down to writing the thesis and I am very grateful to him for his

weekly reminders.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my friends for helping me keep pace with my work and generally

keeping me sane during this whole process. They provided constant encouragement, useful

feedback and strong support when I was stressed out. I would like to thank Jess Hao in particular

for being infinitely supportive, proofreading this thesis and giving me lots of great constructive



To my Mom and Dad:

Thanks for Everything



1. Introduction 1

1.1. PJM and PSE&G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2. Renewable Energy and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3. Thesis Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Models and Methods 7

2.1. ARIMA and ARMA Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1.1. Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1.2. Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2. Dynamic Programs and Approximate Dynamic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.1. State Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.2. Decision Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2.3. Model Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2.4. Exogenous Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.5. Transition and Objective Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.6. Approximate Dynamic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. Sources of Data 14

3.1. Solar Energy Generation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2. PJM Local Marginal Price Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4. Solar Generation Simulator and Dynamic Program 16

4.1. Solar Generation Simulator Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.2. Solar Energy Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.2.1. Baseline Model Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4.2.2. Sample Offset Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.3. CDF Construction and Z-Score Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


4.2.4. ARIMA Model Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2.5. Conversion to Solar Generation Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.3. The Solar Energy and Storage Dynamic Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5. Results and Discussion 28

5.1. Solar Generation Simulator Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.2. Simulator Output Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5.3. Dynamic Programming Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6. Conclusions and Further Research 49

6.1. Physical Constraints of the Storage Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6.2. Refining the Solar Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6.3. Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

References 52

Appendix: Code Overview 54


List of Figures

1 US Added PV Capacity from 2010 to 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Estimated Technical Potential for Utility-Scale Photovolatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3 Example of Solar Farm on Unused Land in NJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4 Relationship Between Renewables, Storage and the Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5 Example Solar Generation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6 Summed Solar Generation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

7 Maximum Solar Generation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8 Calculated Offset Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

9 Cumulative Distribution Function of Offset Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

10 Calculated Z-Scores and Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

11 1-day Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

12 2-week Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

13 Simulated and Actual CDFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

14 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level Initial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

15 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level Initial) 34

16 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level Initial) . . . . . . 35

17 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level 2nd Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

18 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level 2nd

Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

19 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level 2nd Run) . . . . . 38

20 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level Both Runs) . . . . . . . . . . . 38

21 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level Both

Runs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

22 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level Both Runs) . . . 39

23 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level 3rd Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


24 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level 3rd

Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

25 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level 3rd Run) . . . . . 42

26 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level All 3 Runs) . . . . . . . . . . . 42

27 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level All 3

Runs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

28 Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level All 3 Runs) . . . 43

29 Simulated Profit in each Time Period under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level) . . . . . . . 44

30 Simulated Losses due to Forecast Error in each Time Period under Optimal Policy

(Grid-Level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

31 Simulated Storage Levels in each Time Period under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level) . 45

32 LMPs and Simulated Storage Levels in the 1st 8 Days under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level) 46

33 Simulated Profit and Storage Levels in the 1st 8 Days under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level) 46

34 Simulated Losses due to Forecast Error and Storage Levels in the 1st 8 days under

Optimal Policy (Grid-Level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


List of Tables

1 Fitted Arima Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2 Quantitative Assessment of CDFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3 Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios and the Baseline (Initial) . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios (2nd Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5 Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios (3rd Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


1. Introduction

Photovoltaic solar energy infrastructure in the United States has seen a drastic rise in the past

few years: in the three years between the third quarter of 2010 and the third quarter of 2013, the

amount of PV solar energy capacity added in the US grew by 520% (SEIA, 2013). As of 2014, the

PV capacity in the US surpassed 5 GW, putting the US above China in terms of PV capacity and

making it the country with the largest utility-scale PV capacity (Meza, 2014).

Figure 1: US Added PV Capacity from 2010 to 2013

Source: http://www.seia.org/research-resources/solar-industry-data

One interesting aspect of the distribution of PV capacity in the United States is that New

Jersey has the second highest capacity for solar PV energy of all the states, behind only California

(NREL, 2013). This is despite the fact that New Jersey is one of the states with the lowest potential

access to solar PV energy (Lopez et al., 2013). The anomaly that is the high capacity for PV energy

in New Jersey can partially be explained by New Jersey’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), a

piece of legislation enacted in 1999 and subsequently amended in 2001 which requires that by


2020, 20.38% of all electricity generated in New Jersey needs to come from a defined subset of

renewable sources (solar among them) as well as requiring that 4.1% of electricity generated in

the year 2027 comes from solar (DSIRE, 2013). In addition, the RPS established a solar renewable

energy certificates (SREC) market, a market where utilities providers are able to trade certificates

received from generating solar power so that all providers are able to meet their own specific solar

generation quotas.

Figure 2: Estimated Technical Potential for Utility-Scale Photovolatics

Source: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/51946.pdf

Although solar is a renewable source of energy, it does face some problems that make it less

desirable than conventional fossil fuels: solar intensity is difficult to forecast correctly and can vary

quite rapidly, changing from high output levels to low ones in the course of a few minutes. Because

of this volatility, it is difficult for grid operators to depend on solar energy as a reliable way of

meeting electrical demand. This same volatility poses a problem to solar energy providers as well

in that volatility makes it difficult to assess the profitability of a venture. Thus, one necessary step

in the introduction of solar energy into the grid is an effective means of forecasting solar intensity

on a small time scale. The perspective of this work will be that of the utilities provider interested

in selling solar energy into the grid. With that in mind, Section 1.1. will examine the relationship

between PJM Interconnections, a regional trasmission organization that supplies electricity to New


Jersey, and PSE&G a major utilities provider in New Jersey. Section 1.2. will explore the possibility

of solar generation in conjunction with electrical storage and potential efficiency gains. Lastly,

Section 1.3. will be an overview of the rest of this thesis.

1.1. PJM and PSE&G

Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland Interconnections (PJM) is the regional transmission

organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in the state of New Jersey.

PJM does not generate any electricity but rather takes electricity generated by utilities providers

and delivers it to demand nodes i.e. buses where electricity is drawn from the interconnection.

PJM operates under an unregulated bidding system where utilities providers submit supply offers

i.e. how much electricity they can provide and the minimum price at which they would be willing

to sell their electricity, both on an hourly basis. Luckily for renewable energy generators, the

operating cost for renewables is zero or negligible so they will always be selected by the RTO to

provide electricity. All the providers are then paid the price that PJM sets in order to guarantee

that they can meet forecasted demand i.e. the minimum price such that the sum of all pledged

generations at or below that price is equal to or greater than the forecasted demand. These prices

are called locational marginal prices or LMPs. Of course, as with any forecasting process, the

demand forecasting is not perfect and often PJM is forced to call upon quick response generators

to meet the gap, which in turn can result in LMP spikes. However, as this work is more concerned

with the perspective of the utilities provider, we will ignore the details concerning how RTOs match

supply and demand, an incredibly complex process.

Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) is a major utilities provider in the state of

New Jersey. One of PSE&G’s subsidiaries is PSEG Solar Source, LLC, a major player in the field

of solar generation in New Jersey. On May 29th, 2013, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

approved PSE&G’s $446 million plan entitled Solar 4 All (Friedman, 2013). A portion of PSE&G’s


Solar 4 All plan includes the construction of 42 MW of solar farms on top of unused land such as

landfills and brownfields; in a densely populated state like New Jersey, if solar generation is going

to play a major role in the electricity portfolio, an efficient use of unwanted land is necessary. The

data for this work is largely provided by PSE&G and consists of solar generation data at the 24

different locations PSE&G is using for their Solar 4 All program.

Figure 3: Example of Solar Farm on Unused Land in NJ

Source: http://pseg.com/family/pseandg/solar4all/index.jsp

As a utilities provider, PSE&G pledges the electricity generated at the power plants owned

by its subsidiaries to PJM Interconnections. This includes the electricity generated at the solar

farms owned by PSEG Solar Source, LLC. In essence, this work is focused on two major problems

facing a utilities provider, such as PSE&G, when considering a push towards increased solar energy

production: firstly, a good forecast model of solar intensity is required to forecast potential power

generation levels and assess the profitability of any solar energy generation projects. Secondly,

current technologies are generally not sufficient to make solar energy projects profitable unless

they are paired with electrical storage so it is necessary to develop an optimal strategy for utilizing

storage in conjunction with solar energy generation.

1.2. Renewable Energy and Storage

The usage of energy storage to deal with the variability of renewable sources of energy is

well documented (Kim & Powell, 2009, Scott & Powell, 2012 and Costa et al. 2008). However, a

lot of these sources deal specifically with the conjunction of wind energy and storage. That being


said, solar suffers from many of the same problems that wind does in terms of variability. NREL

suggests that the degree of variability from both sources is similar, although certain aspects such as

sunrise and sunset make solar slightly more predictable; in addition, the variability of both sources

can be reduced if the generation of many plants is aggregated (NREL, March 2013). Thus, the

ability of storage to arbitrage in the PJM market is equally applicable to solar as it is to wind.

Figure 4: Relationship Between Renewables, Storage and the Grid

Source: http://energysystems.princeton.edu/

A more concrete example of arbitrage with a battery can be given using the PJM LMPs:

the average LMP between January 5th, 2013 and July 21st, 2013 was around $44/MW while the

maximum price in that time period was around $693/MW; if one were able to buy low and sell

high, there is clearly the potential to make a great deal of money. Unfortunately, in practice, one

cannot implement so-called offline algorithms, algorithms with perfect knowledge of the future

prices and thus, a more subtle technique will be required to profit from this opportunity. Another

key function of storage when combined with renewables is its ability to compensate for some of the

renewable source’s variability. Because energy suppliers need to make hour-ahead commitments

of the amount of energy they are willing to supply to PJM, storage allows suppliers of renewable

energy to make commitments despite the variability of renewables as the storage will potentially

make up the difference between their commitment and their actual generation if they fall short.


This work will make two simplifying assumptions concerning the behavior of batteries: firstly,

the amount of power provided by the renewable energy supplier is negligible relative to the scale

of the market into which it is selling. This implies that the RTO in question, in this case PJM,

will always buy all of the energy pledged by the renewable energy supplier. In addition, this

implies that if the energy provider’s commitment exceeds the amount of energy available from

both solar and storage, they can purchase energy from the grid at the spot price to meet their

commitment. The second assumption concerns the physical properties of the battery. There are

complex physical processes associated with the storage of electricity: stationary lead-acid batteries,

a common existing form of electrical storage, have round trip efficiencies of 70%, which means

that 30% of the electricity put into the battery is lost in transit. In addition, stationary lead-acid

batteries have self-discharge rates of 2% per month and have limited discharge rates (Brunet, 2011).

For this work, we will only consider the capacity limitations and the efficiency losses, as the other

factors, though relevant, are beyond the scope of this work.

1.3. Thesis Overview

This work first describes the relevant models and mathematical tools used here in Section

2. Section 3 describes the datasets used in this work. Section 4 details the utilization of the

mathematical tools and models in the context of a solar energy provider with access to storage

looking to optimize their performance while Section 5 contains the results of the analysis performed

in Section 4. Lastly, Section 6 gives conclusions about the results from Section 5 and possible areas

of future research.


2. Models and Methods

This work largely relies on two major concepts, one from the field of statistics and the other

from operations research. The first portion of this work is devoted to constructing a model that

simulates the amount of solar energy, measured in kilowatt hours, that is generated every minute at

each of 24 locations in New Jersey corresponding to 24 locations selected by PSE&G for their Solar 4

All program. This portion relies heavily on autoregressive (integrated) moving-average (AR(I)MA)

time series models. The second part of my thesis will focus on developing an application of the

simulator built in the first part, namely a comparison of the profitability of grid-level storage versus

the profitability of storage cells paired with each individual solar power generation plant. This

portion will utilize the concept of a dynamic program and approximate dynamic programming as

a means of solving dynamic programs.

2.1. ARIMA and ARMA Models

An autoregressive (integrated) moving average model (AR(I)MA) is a time series model

wherein the next element in the series is affected by a finite number of previous values in the series.

More specifically, an ARMA(p,q) model combines an AR (autoregressive) model with p parameters

and an MA (moving average) model with q parameters. The general equation for an ARMA(p,q)

model is:

St = µ +p


φi(St−i − µ) +q


θjεt−j + εt

where St is the amount of solar energy produced during the tth time period, µ is the expected value

of St, {φ1, ..., φp} are the parameters of the AR model, {θ1, ..., θq} are the parameters of the MA

model and ε1, ..., εt is a white noise process with mean 0 and variance σ2ε i.e. WN(0, σ2

ε ). An ARIMA

model differs from an ARMA model in that, under an ARIMA model, the time series is differenced


a number times in order to convert it from a non-stationary to a stationary stochastic process,

i.e. one whose joint-probability distribution is constant over time. The differencing operator is

defined as ∆St = St − St−1. Depending on which type of time series model better fits the data,

an ARIMA/ARMA model will be used to simulate z-scores of the errors used as a part of the


2.1.1. Literature Review

The original work on ARIMA and ARMA models was done by the statisticians George Box

and Gwilym Jenkins in their work, Time Series Analysis: Forecast and Control (1976). As for the

application of ARIMA and ARMA time series to modeling renewable energy sources, there is

precedent: Huang et al. used ARMA models at UCLA to model solar generation data directly from

historical values (2012). Jin used ARMA/ARIMA time series to model forecast errors, a concept

used here as well, although Jin’s work was related to modeling wind energy generation (2013).

Kavasseri and Seetharaman used fractional ARIMA (f-ARIMA) models, ARIMA models with a

fractionally continuous differencing parameter d ∈ (−0.5, 0.5), to model wind speed; although

fractional ARIMA models display some encouraging characteristics such as slower decay in the

autocorrelation function, making it an attractive option to model time series with long range

correlations (2009); the application of f-ARIMA models in this context is beyond the scope of

this paper. Beyond the precedent for their application, ARIMA/ARMA time series models make

intuitive sense in this context as solar energy generation values are likely to demonstrate some

dependency on previous values; if it is currently cloudy, one would expect it to get either a little

more or a little less cloudy in the next time period, not a sudden jump to maximum sunlight or no


2.1.2. Model Selection

One key component in the utilization of ARIMA/ARMA models is a systematic method of

choosing between different models i.e. determining which set of parameters (p,d,q) results in the

best fitting ARIMA model. In general there are two methods of determining the goodness of fit of


a particular model: Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC).

Both of these information criterion try to balance how well a model fits the sample values and how

complex the model is; by balancing these two aspects, these criterion attempt to avoid the selection

of overfitted models i.e. models that fit the noise associated with the underlying data values as

opposed to fitting the signal. The specific formulation for the AIC and BIC values of a given time

series model are:

AIC = 2k− 2ln(L)

BIC = 2ln(k)− 2ln(L)

where k is the number of parameters in the model, L is the estimated model’s maximized likelihood.

An ideal model would have a high maximum likelihood value and as few parameters as possible

so the objective of the fitting process is to minimize either the AIC or BIC value across a range of

possible ARMA/ARIMA models. Another possible criterion for model selection is the AICc, which

is effectively AIC but with a correction that arises to compensate for finite sample sizes:

AICc = AIC +2k(k + 1)n− k− 1

where n is the sample size. Note that as n increases, AICc approaches AIC. Brockwell and Davis rec-

ommend the use of AICc specifically for the purpose of fitting ARMA models to time series (1991).

In addition, the ARMA fitting command in R outputs AICc as the default criterion for time series

fitting so that is what this work utilizes as the basis of choosing an appropriate ARMA/ARIMA



2.2 Dynamic Programs and Approximate Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming, most generally, is the practice of recursively breaking down a large

complex problem into a series of decisions made over multiple time steps. The methodology for

constructing and solving a dynamic program used in this work is taken from Powell’s Approximate

Dynamic Programming, in which he outlines the five components of a dynamic programming

problem: a state variable, decision variables, exogenous information, a transition function and an

objective or contribution function (2010). Recall that the problem that this work is seeking to solve

is the profitability of a single large storage cell versus many smaller storage cells paired with each

individual solar generation plant. Thus, two separate dynamic programs will be run, one for the

scenario involving grid-level storage and another for the plant-level scenario.

2.2.1. State Variable

From Powell’s work, a state variable is the minimally dimensioned function of history that

is both sufficient and necessary to compute the remaining aspects of the dynamic program, the

decision variables, the transition and the objective functions (2010). For this problem the state

variable can be defined as:

St = {R, Rt, pt, ρI , ρO}

where R is the maximum capacity of the battery, Rt is the amount of charge in the battery at

time t, Dt is the demand for electricity at time t, pt is the price of electricity at time t, ρI is the

percentage of energy lost when energy is put into the battery and ρO is the percentage of energy

lost when energy is pulled out of the battery; as percentages, both ρI and ρO are ∈ [0, 1] and, from

our simplifying assumption above, ρIρO = 0.7. Another further simplifying assumption made in

this model is that ρI = ρO and thus ρI = ρO ≈ 0.85. Note that for the plant-level scenario, the

variables R and Rt are vectors where each plant’s storage cell will have a value.


2.2.2. Decision Variables

The decision variables are the values that the dynamic program is trying to optimize over. For

this problem, the decision variables can be mathematically expressed as:

Dt = {Fτ+1, EBGt , ESB

t , ESGt }

where Fτ+1 is the commitment made by the utilities provider for the next time period, G represents

the grid, B represents the battery, S represents the solar power and EAA′t is the quantity of

electricity transfered from location A to location A’ during the tth time period. Both ESBt and ESG


are constrained to be non-negative while EBGt can be either positive or negative, with negative

values indicating a transfer of electricity from the grid to the battery i.e. buying electricity. Note

that PJM requires utility providers to make hour ahead commitments about the amount of energy

they are able to provide in the next hour so the quantity Fτ+1 is indexed by a different value, τ not

t, because the time steps for the other variables in this problem are in five minute increments.

2.2.3. Model Constraints

The two main constraints that the decision variables are subject to can be called the capacity

constraint and the commitment constraint: the capacity constraint dictates that the battery cannot

hold more than its capacity, R, at any time step while the commitment constraint says that the total

electricity sold to the grid in any hour must be greater than or equal to the commitment made at

the beginning of that hour (recall that one of the simplifying assumptions stated above is that due

to the small size of the renewable provider relative to the market, all excess generation can be sold

at the spot price). These constraints can be modeled mathematically as the following equations:

R ≥ Rt + ρI ESBt − EBG

t ∀ t

Fτ ≤12τ



i ) ∀ τ


2.2.4. Exogenous Information

The exogenous information in a dynamic program contains the values that arrive after each

time period and affect the state of the problem. For this problem, the exogenous information can

be expressed as:

Wt = {St−1, pt}

where pt is the change in the price of electricity from the t− 1th time period to the tth time period

and St is the amount of solar energy generated in the tth time period.

2.2.5. Transition and Objective Function

The transition function is a set of functions that maps the individual elements in the state

variable at time t to their respective elements in the state variable at time t+1. Using this notation,

the transition function for this problem can be expressed as the following series of equations:

Rt+1 = Rt + ρI ESBt + EGB


pt+1 = pt + pt+1

Lastly, the objective function for this problem is to maximize revenue across a finite time horizon

of T time periods and can be expressed as such:




pt(ρOEBGt + ESG

t )−T/12



(Fτ −





2.2.6. Approximate Dynamic Programming

Due to the complexity of most dynamic programs, it is often necessary to use additional tools

to simplify them and come up with an approximation of the optimal solution. The practice of

doing so is called approximate dynamic programming. One commonly used tool for this purpose

is a policy function approximation (PFA), which Powell describes as a function that maps states to


decisions without any optimization or forecast of future exogenous information (2010). Generally,

PFAs come with tunable parameters which can improve the performance of the policy. The PFA

that this work uses can be described as follows: commitments are made based on applying the

simulator developed in the first part and simulating future solar generation values. As for the

decisions made at the five minute increments, if the LMP is above a threshold Pss, then the policy

is to sell all solar energy generated and all electricity in the battery. If the LMP is less than Pss

but greater than Ps, then the policy is to sell all solar energy generated. If the LMP is less than Ps

and greater than Pb, then store electricity generated by solar until the battery is full and sell the

rest to the grid. Lastly, if the LMP is below Pb, then the policy stores all generated solar energy

into the battery and if the battery is still not full, buy electricity from the grid until it is. Because

commitments are made at the hour level, if at the time period immediately proceeding the end

of an hour the total electricity sold to the grid in that hour is less than the commitment, then

electricity is bought from the grid at the current spot price to make up the difference.

In the PFA described above, the tunable parameters are Pss, Ps and Pb, which can be adjusted

to improve the policy’s performance. This method is called approximate dynamic programming

(ADP) as it attempts to approximate the solution to the dynamic program as opposed to running

an optimization program over the problem itself because in general, dynamic programs are difficult

to optimize directly. In its most general form, ADP implements policy improvement in an outer

loop while running policy evaluation for a fixed policy in an inner loop over the fixed time horizon,

selecting the policy at the end that performed the best.


3. Sources of Data

The major data sets used in this work are historical solar energy generation values and PJM

LMPs. The solar generation data is provided by PSE&G while the LMP data is provided by PJM.

The data sets are described in greater detail in Sections 3.1. and 3.2.

3.1. Solar Energy Generation Data

The main source of solar generation data for this project is a data set provided by PSE&G, a

major utilities provider in New Jersey with numerous solar power plants operating around the

state. The data set consists of solar energy generation values for 24 different solar power plants

across the state. The values in the data set are at the one minute level and in units of kilowatt-hours.

The data set spans one year, beginning on September 1st, 2012 and going to October 31st, 2013. The

data set described above will be used in the construction of the statistical solar energy simulator.

There were some issues with the raw data: certain days would have their entire output summed

up in a single entry at the beginning of the day or certain days would have a constant, non-zero

output throughout the entire day. These issues were taken care of manually with some amount

of preprocessing; days that were marked as outliers were replaced with the values from the day


Another consideration necessary to make when utilizing this dataset is the units of the other

dataset; the next data set is in five minute increments with units of price per MW, which means

that it is necessary to first aggregate the data into increments of five minutes by summing up all

the generation values in each five minute interval. Lastly, the generation values are converted from

kWh to MW by multiplying by a factor of 0.012.


3.2. PJM Local Marginal Price Data

This thesis also relies on a data set provided by the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland (PJM)

Interconnection LLC, which contains the local marginal prices (LMPs) for electricity in the PJM

electricity market, including the PSE&G zone within the PJM region. This data set contains all

of the LMPs in New Jersey at five minute intervals, with units of USD per MW, between January

1st, 2013 and July 22nd, 2013. This dataset will be used in the dynamic programming portion of

this work as the grid price of electricity portion of the exogenous information variable. As noted

above, the data in this dataset are incredibly volatile; although the average LMP during the time

period above is around $44/MW, the maximum of the dataset is around $693/MW. The PJM data

set also contains data on the demand for electricity at five minute intervals for each distribution

node i.e. the load, another statistic which could be used to refine or contextualize the dynamic

programs used to model electrical storage. However, it is assumed by this work that the demand

for electricity far exceeds the amount of energy supplied by solar generation and therefore, the

demand is irrelevant to the dynamic programs’ construction.


4. Solar Generation Simulator and Dynamic Program

As initially noted, the first goal of this work is to construct a solar energy generation simulator

using historical data. The second goal is to utilize this simulator to determine whether grid-level

storage i.e. a single, large battery which stores energy relative to the production of all 24 solar

generation plants is more profitable than storage cells paired with the individual generation plants.

Thus, this section will first begin by describing the methodology of constructing the simulator and

then describing the set up of the dynamic program.

4.1. Solar Generation Simulator Methodology

This work first tests various hypotheses in order to get a high-level understanding of the data.

Below is a plot of the energy (in kilowatt hours) generated at the Barringer High School solar power

plant in Newark for the five days between September 1st, 2012 and September 5th, 2012:

Figure 5: Example Solar Generation Data


The figure shows some interesting trends: there is of course a predictable trend of increasing

generation up to the point during the day when the solar radiation reaches peak intensity at which

point we see a decrease in the energy generation. However, there is a great deal of noise, both

within a given day and across multiple days. It is reasonable to conclude that the large decreases in

energy generation during a given day occur due to cloud cover, as cloud cover decreases the solar

intensity, which in turn limits the amount of energy that can be produced via photovoltaic cells.

One interesting hypothesis that was explored briefly is the possibility that summing the data

from all data sets would have a smoothing effect on these plots. Underlying this hypothesis was

the assumption that the generation levels at the different solar power plants followed some sort of

temporally delayed correlation; if the sky above one particular plant was cloudy during one part of

the day, then it is reasonable to assume that the cloud would trace a path over the other plants

throughout the day such that when one plant was suffering from reduced energy generation due to

cloud cover, the other plants would be relatively cloud free and therefore, the summation of their

generations would be smoother than the individual generation levels. The plot below shows the

result of summing up the energy generation values at the 24 different solar plants for the five days

between February 1st, 2013 and February 5th, 2013 as well as the generation at the Barringer High

School plant during those five days for comparison purposes:

Figure 6: Summed Solar Generation Data


As the figure shows, although summing the data does make the generation values within

a given day smoother, there is still a great deal of variance across the days. The smoother days

suggests that there might be some temporally delayed correlation between energy generation at

different locations. In addition, significant variance across multiple days suggests a great deal

of correlation on the scale of days; when generation is low for an entire day at a given location,

it seems that generation is low at all the locations for that day i.e. if it remains cloudy over one

location for an entire day, this implies that the cloud cover is significant enough to span the entire

area that contains the 24 different plant locations and diminish generation levels at every location

for that day, regardless of how the cloud cover might shift during the day. The concept of summing

the data to decrease variability was mentioned above and will be returned to when discussing the

benefits of grid-level versus individual plant level storage.

4.2. Solar Energy Model

The solar energy generation simulator will consist of two components: a baseline estimate

of the solar energy and a statistical error generator. A model similar to this was used by Jin to

simulate wind energy (2013). For the baseline, this work uses a model for the amount of solar

energy that hits each location on a sunny, cloudless day. Specifically this baseline model will be

the maximum energy generated at each minute over the previous 21-day period as given by the

dataset itself. Then the offset error for each measurement can be modeled as a value between 0

and 1 that represents the fraction of the baseline model that is the simulated value. These errors

are the sample values that will be fit to an ARIMA or ARMA model. However, again building off

of the work done by Jin in the field of wind energy simulation, instead of directly simulating the

error values themselves, the quality of the simulation can be improved by constructing cumulative

distribution functions (CDFs) for the errors, evaluating the z-scores of each sample offset error,

fitting the ARIMA model to these z-scores and then converting the simulated z-scores into offset


errors by using the CDF constructed before. This method more accurately captures the behavior

of the errors because it is effectively sampling from the distribution of known errors as opposed

to guessing at the error’s distribution. Lastly, the simulated errors are multiplied by the 21-day

maximums to create simulated solar energy generation values.

4.2.1. Baseline Model Construction

After experimenting with various physical models of solar energy and intensity with various

considerations such as latitude, time of day and date, it was concluded that the best approach was

to use the dataset itself to determine a potential baseline model for the maximum solar intensity.

The approach taken by this work is as follows: for any given day and power plant, look three

weeks into the past and find the maximum value for energy generation at that power plant for

each minute. A plot of the maximum values, calculated using the approach described above, at

the Barringer High School solar plant over the 21 days preceding September 22nd, 2012 is shown

below, along with the actual energy generation levels on September 22nd, 2012 at the Barringer

High School solar plant for comparison purposes:

Figure 7: Maximum Solar Generation Data


The search for maximum values was limited to three weeks behind to avoid running into

severe seasonal variations; the idea behind finding a baseline model was that it ought to resemble

the maximum possible sunlight that hits a given location based off of geographic and seasonal

factors. The assumption underlying this approach is that there should be at least one sunny,

cloudless day in every three week period. Thus, using the maximum value for each individual

plant across a short horizon should provide a reasonable estimate of our desired baseline model

for the maximum potential generation.

4.2.2. Sample Offset Calculation

After the rolling maximums are calculated for each day (beyond the 21st day because for the

first 21 days, there is insufficient historical data to calculate rolling maximums), the next step

was to calculate the offset errors, evaluated for each sample generation value by dividing the

actual generation at the given minute by the maximum generation value for that minute across the

previous 21 days. The figure below shows the offset errors for the five days between September

22nd, 2012 and September 26th, 2012 at the Barringer High School solar energy generation plant:

Figure 8: Calculated Offset Errors


In theory the offset errors should be between one and zero, but as the figure above shows,

there are instances where the the offsets spike above one. This is because the calculated maximums

exclude the given day so on certain days, the generation values spike above the maximum genera-

tion values in the previous 21 days. In the figure above, it is interesting to note that some of the

days have offsets that resemble the actual generation values; this makes sense because on sunny

days, the ratio of the actual and maximum generations should hover around one, with the only

potential significant differences occurring around the timing of sunrise and sunset, which are seen

in the figure as the ramps up and down visible in some of the days.

4.2.3. CDF Construction and Z-Score Calculation

The next step in constructing the simulator was to calculate the cumulative distribution

functions (CDFs) for each set of 21 days. The figure below shows an example of a constructed CDF.

Specifically it is the CDF constructed using the first 21 days, between September 22nd and October

12th, worth of offsets calculated at the Barringer High School solar plant:

Figure 9: Cumulative Distribution Function of Offset Errors


An empirical CDF is a function that maps values to the proportion of values in the sample

that are less than or equal to that value. The CDFs are limited to only 21 days again because

seasonal variations are still trying to be avoided. The CDFs are constructed using the 21 previous

days and for the first 21 days of historical data, where there is an insufficient amount of previous

days to construct a CDF, the first 21 days themselves are used as the empirical sample.

The figure above indicates that approximately half of the values in the sample are zero, which

is because all the times where both the maximum and the actual generations were zero are set to

zero for the purposes of improving the ARMA/ARIMA model fits. Using the constructed CDFs

for each day, the offsets for that day are converted into empirical z-scores. An empirical z-score

or standard score is a dimensionless value that gives the number of standard deviations above

the mean that each value is. In order to calculate these z-scores, first each offset is mapped to a

percentile value, p, according to the constructed CDFs and then that percentile p is plugged into

the following formula to calculate the corresponding z-score:

p =∫ z




2πdx => z = er f−1(2p− 1) ∗


where er f−1 is the inverse error function and is defined as the inverse of the following function:

er f (z) =2√π

∫ z



In addition to the transformation above, the z-scores are arbitrarily capped at 4 and -4 in order to

ensure a better ARMA/ARIMA fit and also because z-scores that are greater than 4 or less than

-4 can be assumed to be outliers. A value’s percentile is the proportion of samples that the given

value is greater than or equal to and thus, because of the high density of zeros in the set of offset

errors, every zero will have a percentile of around 0.5, resulting in non-zero z-scores for those data


The following figure shows the effect of performing the transformation described above to

the offsets by plotting both the offsets and the z-scores on the same axes. The data in the figure is


drawn from the five days between September 22nd, 2012 and September 26th, 2012 at the Barringer

High School solar energy generation plant:

Figure 10: Calculated Z-Scores and Offsets

4.2.4. ARIMA Model Fitting

The next step after calculating the z-scores is to fit an ARMA or ARIMA time series model

to the z-score time series. The fitting methodology is largely guess-and-check using the corrected

Akaike information criterion (AICc) as a method of selecting the optimal model. A fixed portion of

the z-score time series (for the purposes of this work, five days worth of values were used as the

input) was fit to ARMA/ARIMA models with between one and five AR and MA parameters and

with up to one degree of differencing. The model that produced the best results at a given solar

energy generation plant, as dictated by their AICc metric, was selected as the time series model for

that specific plant. The following table shows the ARMA/ARIMA models that were fit to each

plant’s z-score time series as well as the AICc metric for the goodness of fit (recall that ARIMA

models are generally expressed as ARIMA(p,D,q) and if D = 0, the model is an ARMA(p,q) model):


Location p D q AICc

Barringer HS 5 0 4 -4585.172302

Bayonne 5 0 5 -4290.237233

Black Rock 4 0 5 -1491.516279

Camden St 5 1 5 -3117.241017

Central Division HQ 5 1 5 -1143.361542

Edison Training Center 5 1 3 -1721.843756

Food Bank 5 0 4 -5508.33283

Hackensack 5 1 3 -8140.637761

Kearny 3 1 5 -3638.469002

Linden 5 1 5 -3292.461891

Matrix 45 Stults Rd 5 1 5 -1308.750923

Matrix Building A 3 1 5 -2209.354248

Matrix Building B 4 0 5 -3434.730153

Metro Division HQ 5 1 5 -5335.06367

Mill Creek 5 0 3 -5020.160835

New Central HS 5 1 4 -3412.537469

Park Elementary 5 1 5 -3762.775919

Raritan 5 0 5 13308.57653

Rider 5 1 5 -3263.256164

Silver Lake North 5 1 4 -2807.118245

Silver Lake South 3 1 5 -2324.742334

Thorofare 4 0 5 -1869.061419

Trenton 4 0 4 -3206.121393

Yardville 5 0 5 -3849.462099

Table 1: Fitted Arima Models

4.2.5. Conversion to Solar Generation Values

After the appropriate models are selected for each of the plants, 344 days worth of z-scores at

the one minute interval level, or 495,360 values, are simulated from each of the time series models.


These simulated values are then put into the inverse of the formula used to calculate the z-scores:

∫ z




2πdx = p

The percentiles calculated in this manner are guaranteed strictly between 0 and 1 because:



2π> 0 ∀ x and 0 ≤

∫ z




2πdx ≤

∫ z




2πdx = 1 ∀ −∞ ≤ z ≤ ∞

The percentiles output for each of the simulated z-scores are then converted back into offset

errors using the perviously constructed CDFs for each of the generation plants. This is done by

calculating the inverse cumulative distribution function which takes as input a number between

0 and 1 and returns the smallest value from the original sample that is higher than the input

proportion of values in the original sample. Lastly, the errors are multiplied by the 21-day

maximums calculated in the first step to create simulated solar energy generation values.

4.3. The Solar Energy and Storage Dynamic Program

Moving on to the second portion of this work, the question being answered is whether a single,

large battery which stores and releases energy in conjunction with the total output of the 24 solar

generation plants associated with PSE&G’s Solar 4 All program is a more profitable venture than

an individual, smaller battery with each of the 24 solar generation plants that stores and releases

energy based off of its associated plant’s generation. The initial hypothesis of this work is that the

scenario involving individual batteries will be more profitable because the flexibility associated with

having many batteries operating under independent policies ought to be a sufficiently beneficial

factor to compensate for the larger battery size of the grid-level storage scenario.

The decisions to be made are characterized by the decision variables described in Section 2.2.2.

Thus, the first step to defining this dynamic program is determining the number of time steps that

define the problem; the limiting factor here, in terms of data availability, is the amount of pricing


data. As mentioned in Section 3, the pricing data is in LMPs at five minute intervals between

January 1st, 2013 and July 22nd, 2013 meaning that there are 57000 data points.

After determining the number of time steps in the problem, construction of the dynamic

program continues with the simulation of two separate sets of solar generation values of 285000

solar generation values. Note that the number of solar generation values is a factor of five greater

than the number of LMPs available because the solar generation values are simulated at the one

minute interval. Two sets are generated as one of the sets will be the set from which the hour-ahead

commitments are made while the other set will be treated as the actual generation values and used

as a portion of the exogenous variable in the dynamic program. Note that a set of solar generation

values entails independent runs of each of the 24 solar generation plant’s simulators.

At this stage, it is important to note that there are two different dynamic programs being

constructed by this work, one for the grid-level storage cell and another for the individual plant

storage cells. The size of the grid-level battery is defined as twice the sum of each solar generation

plant’s maximum observed generation at the five minute level from the dataset while each of the

individual batteries has a size equal to the maximum observed generation at the five minute level

of its associated solar generation plant. In terms of the values from the data set, this means that

the grid-level battery will have a storage capacity of 5.1652 MWh while the total capacity of all

the individual, plant-level batteries is 2.5826 MWh. These values are well within the realm of an

operational possibility: the DOE database of energy storage project lists multiple examples of

operating storage facilities, utilizing chemical batteries, with capacities on this order of magnitude.

These include the Laurel Mountain storage facility located in Elkins, West Virginia that utilizes

a lithium ion battery with a 8MWh capacity, the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facility

in Fairbanks, Alaska that uses a Nickel Cadmium battery with a capacity of 6.25MWh and the

Kahaewa Wind Power Project, located in Maalaea, Hawaii that uses an advanced lead acid battery

with a capacity of 7.5MWh (SNL, 2012).

The battery size here is seemingly arbitrary but all that is necessary for the purpose of

comparison is that the size of the battery used in the grid-level scenario be larger than the sum of


the sizes of the individual batteries; if the size is equal to the sum of the sizes of the individual

battery, then the question of which venture is more profitable is trivial as the set of all policies that

could be implemented using the single larger battery is contained in the set of all policies that

could be implemented using the smaller, individual batteries and therefore, the plant-level scenario

is guaranteed to be at least as profitable as the grid-level scenario. One important underlying

assumption of this model is that the cost of electrical storage is linear in the capacity of the battery.

This assumption is validated by Brunet as he estimates the cost of stationary lead-acid batteries as

$300 per kWh of capacity (2011). The linearity of costs relative to capacity is justified because in

practice, storage on this scale is just a collection of smaller batteries. This assumption is important

in that it allows us to calculate the profit as opposed to just the revenue of the policies.


5. Results and Discussion

This section will discuss the results of the both the simulator and the dynamic program.

Specifically, it will first examine the results of the simulator and suggest one manner of more

rigorously assessing the quality of the simulators output. Next, this section will examine the results

of the dynamic program, comparing the profitability of grid-level storage versus plant-level storage

cells. In addition, the optimal policy for operating a storage cell in conjunction with solar energy

generation will be elaborated in this section i.e. the optimal policies arrived at given the PFA

described in Section 2.2.5.

5.1. Solar Generation Simulator Results

An example of a simulated run of the solar energy generation simulator for the Barringer High

School solar plant, as well as the actual generation for September 22nd 2012, is shown in the figure


Figure 11: 1-day Simulation


As the figure above shows, the behavior displayed by the simulator is very similar to the

actual generation at the Barringer High School plant. The overall shape is similar in that there

is a clear sunrise, peak and sunset; however, there are some random spikes downward in the

simulation which are similar to the downward spikes in generation visible in the actual time series,

an encouraging qualitative observation.

In addition to this single day plot, it is also worthwhile to examine longer trends in order to

examine the long term behavior of the ARIMA/ARMA models and how they stack up against the

actual generation values. The figure below contains 14 days worth of simulated values as well as

the first 14 days of actual generation values, September 22nd 2012 through October 6th 2012, at the

Barringer High School solar generation plant:

Figure 12: 2-week Simulation

Although the figure above is slightly unclear, it is definitely possible to discern significant

similarities between the simulation and the actual values. All of the simulated days show the

desirable behavior of having similar sunset and sunrise times to their actual counterparts as well as

peaking behavior around midday. There is also a sufficient amount of randomness in the simulation

with a few days exhibiting ”cloudy” behavior i.e. a lack of a distinct peak similar to some of the


generation values on actual cloudy days. However, in general, the simulated values are slightly

higher than the actual values, which follows because the simulated values are based off of 21-day


5.2. Simulator Output Assessment

Of course, all of the above observations are qualitative assessments of the model’s quality.

A more quantitative measure of the ARMA/ARIMA model’s fit quality is a comparison of the

cumulative distribution of daily total solar energy of the simulation versus the actual daily total

solar energy’s cumulative distribution. The daily total solar energy is the summation of each

minute’s solar generation over the course of a day. The following figure is a plot of the daily total

solar energy CDFs for both the simulated and actual generation values over the course of an entire

year, from September 22nd 2012 to August 31st 2013, for the Barringer High School solar generation


Figure 13: Simulated and Actual CDFs


The daily total solar energy is a relevant metric of comparison because measuring the

similarity between the forecast and the actual values at the smaller scale of minutes is both difficult

and can be thought of as measuring the overfitting in the model, a metric that is not relevant when

determining the model’s overall quality of fit. As can be seen from the figure above, although the

CDFs do not line up perfectly, they are relatively similar. Qualitatively, the only major difference

seems to be that the slope of the simulation’s CDF is smaller than the actual CDF, which indicates

that the simulation had a higher occurrence of both lower and higher total daily solar generation

values. If a forecast’s daily deviation is defined as the forecast’s prediction minus the actual

generation at each minute summed across a day then the difference in CDFs can be quantified by

examining the total daily net deviation (ND) over the course of a year, the average deviation (AD)

per day, the total absolute deviation (TAD) i.e. the summed absolute value of the deviation over

the course of a year and the average absolute deviation (AAD) per day. These values are shown in

the following table:

Location ND (MW) AD (MW/Day) TAD (MW) AAD (MW/Day)

Barringer HS -0.53 0 2.22 0.02

Bayonne -3.43 -0.03 10.75 0.09

Black Rock -3.85 -0.03 10.8 0.09

Camden St -1.01 -0.01 2.24 0.02

Central Division HQ -0.58 0 2.75 0.02

Edison Training Center -0.6 -0.01 2.47 0.02

Food Bank -0.7 -0.01 3.09 0.03

Hackensack -0.4 0 7.01 0.06

Kearny -3.08 -0.03 13.13 0.11

Linden -7.25 -0.06 21.3 0.18

Matrix 45 Stults Rd -3.78 -0.03 11.37 0.1

Matrix Building A -2.41 -0.02 5.98 0.05

Matrix Building B -1.6 -0.01 3.98 0.03

Metro Division HQ -0.93 -0.01 2.35 0.02

Mill Creek -2.66 -0.02 21.69 0.18


Location ND (MW) AD (MW/Day) TAD (MW) AAD (MW/Day)

New Central HS -0.62 -0.01 1.38 0.01

Park Elementary -0.53 0 1.2 0.01

Raritan -3.51 -0.03 6.97 0.06

Rider -0.68 -0.01 3.44 0.03

Silver Lake North -1.06 -0.01 5.19 0.04

Silver Lake South -0.6 -0.01 3.36 0.03

Thorofare -0.64 -0.01 3.25 0.03

Trenton -1.1 -0.01 6.02 0.05

Yardville -5.97 -0.05 19.33 0.16

Table 2: Quantitative Assessment of CDFs

As the table shows, all of the average deviations are small on the scale of days. It may be

worthwhile to devote more time to improving the quality of the simulation but for the purposes of

the dynamic program, the current quality is sufficient.

5.3. Dynamic Programming Results

After establishing the size of the battery, the next step is to run each of the dynamic programs

multiple times, varying the tunable parameters {Pb, Ps, Pss} with each different run. The parameter

Pb is initially varied between $0 and $3 at the dollar level, the parameter Ps is varied between the

average LMP, rounded to the nearest dollar minus $2 and the average LMP, rounded to the nearest

dollar plus $2 at the dollar level while the parameter Pss is varied between the 90th percentile of

LMPs, rounded to the nearest dollar minus $2 and the 90th percentile of LMPs, rounded to the

nearest dollar plus $2, again at the dollar level. In mathematical terms if R:R→ Z is the rounding

function and Lx is the 100xth percentile of the LMPs then the initial parameter values tested by

both dynamic programs can be expressed as:

Pb ∈ ~Pb = {0, 1, 2, 3}


Ps ∈ ~Ps = {R(L0.5)− 2, R(L0.5)− 1, R(L0.5), R(L0.5) + 1, R(L0.5) + 2}

Pss ∈ ~Pss{R(L0.9)− 2, R(L0.9)− 1, R(L0.9), R(L0.9) + 1, R(L0.9) + 2}

These choices of initial parameter settings are justified qualitatively in that one would reason-

ably expect the optimal parameter values to be around the ones chosen here. In order to maximize

profit, a battery operator should attempt the proverbial ”buy low and sell high” strategy: clearly if

the current LMP is below zero, then electricity should be bought as it pays to do so, but it may

be optimal to buy electricity at LMPs slightly higher than zero. Likewise, the battery operator

ought to wait until the price is sufficiently high before selling off stored electricity; in this instance,

sufficiently high is defined in terms of the historical data i.e. around the 90th percentile. Each set

of parameter values is used 10 times in each dynamic program i.e. with 10 different simulated

solar generation values and the profits are averaged together. In addition, a run of the model

without storage is included in order to give a baseline to which results can be compared. The

results of running both dynamic program over these initial policies are depicted both graphically

and numerically below (note that the units of the values in the table are USD):

Baseline Model Summed Generation Individual Generations

Maximum Profit 5415900 4876500 6988900

Table 3: Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios and the Baseline (Initial)


Figure 14: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level Initial)

Figure 15: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level Initial)


Figure 16: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level Initial)

First note that although the profit for the baseline seems to be higher than the grid-level

scenario’s profits, this does not mean that storage is not profitable. The baseline’s profit is higher

because the grid-level scenario’s profits include the one-time cost of the storage cell, approximately

$1.5 million, so after the initial one-time cost of the battery has been compensated for, the actual

revenue generated under the grid-level scenario is higher than the baseline’s. Indeed a brief analysis

of the profits shown above suggest that after less than 2 years, the revenue generated under the

grid-level scenario would be sufficiently greater than the baseline’s to overcome the cost of the

storage cell; because 2 years is much less than the lifetime of a solar generation plant, it can be

concluded that the grid-level scenario, in the long run, would be more profitable than the baseline


In the figure with all the different plants’ profits, the trends of the individual plants are difficult

to ascertain so an individual plant’s profits, the Barringer High School plant’s, are shown as well.

In addition, the x-axis translates the policy being implemented into an integer according to the

following method: the value of Pb was varied in the outermost loop, the value of Ps was varied

in the middle loop and the value of Pss was varied in the innermost loop. Thus, the values of the


parameter given an iteration value k ∈ [1, 100] can be expressed as:

Pb = ~Pb(a) such that a =



⌉, Ps = ~Ps(b) such that b =

⌈k mod 25


Pss = ~Pss(c) such that c =

k mod 5 if k mod 5 6= 0

5 else

As both the graph of grid-level storage profits and the Barringer High School solar generation

plant’s profits suggest, the optimal value for the parameters seem to be outside of the initial range.

This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the profits increase to the edge of the tested range of

parameters. Thus, the next step is to test a different range of parameter values. The next range of

parameter values tested by this work was:

Pb ∈ ~Pb = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Ps ∈ ~Ps = {R(L0.5), R(L0.5) + 1, R(L0.5) + 2, R(L0.5) + 3, R(L0.5) + 4}

Pss ∈ ~Pss{R(L0.9), R(L0.9) + 1, R(L0.9) + 2, R(L0.9) + 3, R(L0.9) + 4}

Again, each set of possible parameter values is run on 10 different sets of solar generation

simulation values with the profits averaged. The results of running both dynamic programs with

the second set of parameter values described above, as well as side-by-side comparisons of the

results with the results from the previous parameter values are shown in the following table and

figures (note that the units of the values in the table are USD):

Summed Generation Individual Generations

Maximum Profit 4903300 7777200

Table 4: Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios (2nd Run)


Figure 17: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level 2nd Run)

Figure 18: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level 2nd Run)


Figure 19: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level 2nd Run)

Figure 20: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level Both Runs)


Figure 21: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level Both Runs)

Figure 22: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level Both Runs)

Note that the iteration value can be translated into parameter values in a manner identical

to the one described above. This second run of both dynamic programs contains some encouraging


results: from figure 17, it is possible to see that a seeming optimum for Pb, at least given the ranges

of Ps and Pss, has been found to occur at Pb = 6. This statement is justified in that holding Ps and

Pss constant at any value in their respective parameter ranges, Pb = 6 maximizes the profit under

the summed generation scenario. Thus, in the ongoing search for the optimal parameter values,

the 3rd run of both dynamic programs consists of holding Pb constant at 6 and increasing Ps and

Pss in the following ranges:

Ps ∈ ~Ps = {R(L0.5) + 5, R(L0.5) + 6, R(L0.5) + 7, R(L0.5) + 8, R(L0.5) + 9,

R(L0.5) + 10, R(L0.5) + 11, R(L0.5) + 12, R(L0.5) + 13, R(L0.5) + 14}

Pss ∈ ~Pss{R(L0.9) + 5, R(L0.9) + 6, R(L0.9) + 7, R(L0.9) + 8, R(L0.9)

+9, R(L0.9) + 10, R(L0.9) + 11, R(L0.9) + 12, R(L0.9) + 13, R(L0.9) + 14}

Because Pb has been fixed at a certain value, the range over which both Ps and Pss can be

increased without drastically affecting the dynamic program’s runtime. However, this does affect

the way in which parameter values are calculated from an iteration value k:

Ps = ~Ps(a) such that a =



Pss = ~Pss(b) such that b =

k mod 10 if k mod 10 6= 0

10 else

The following figures and table show the results of running the dynamic programs using the fixed

Pb and Ps, Pss in the ranges described above (note that the units of the values in the table are USD):

Summed Generation Individual Generations

Maximum Profit 4930900 7825200

Table 5: Maximized Profits under the two Scenarios (3rd Run)


Figure 23: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level 3rd Run)

Figure 24: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level 3rd Run)


Figure 25: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level 3rd Run)

Figure 26: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies (Grid-Level All 3 Runs)


Figure 27: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at Barringer High School (Plant-Level All 3 Runs)

Figure 28: Simulated Profit Under Different Policies at all plants (Plant-Level All 3 Runs)

As the figures and table above indicate, there does appear to be a local optimum for the

dynamic program modeling the grid-level storage problem while unfortunately, there does not


seem to be a local optimum for the plant-level storage dynamic program. The local optimum of the

grid-level dynamic program appears at iteration value 83, which translates to the parameter values

Ps = R(L0.5) + 12 and Pss = R(L0.9) + 7, along with the fixed value of Pb = 6. To better visualize

the operation of the PFA utilized by this work, the following figures show the profits during each

time period using these parameter values, the storage levels in the battery and the losses dueto

forecasting inaccuracies, as well as overlapping plots of smaller portions of the battery’s storage

level with the LMPs, the battery’s storage level with the losses and the battery’s storage level with

the profits, all for the grid-level scenario:

Figure 29: Simulated Profit in each Time Period under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)


Figure 30: Simulated Losses due to Forecast Error in each Time Period under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)

Figure 31: Simulated Storage Levels in each Time Period under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)


Figure 32: LMPs and Simulated Storage Levels in the 1st 8 Days under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)

Figure 33: Simulated Profit and Storage Levels in the 1st 8 Days under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)


Figure 34: Simulated Losses due to Forecast Error and Storage Levels in the 1st 8 days under Optimal Policy (Grid-Level)

The plots containing all the data points for the entire time interval of the dynamic program

are a little unclear but they show some degree of periodicity i.e. the profits and losses spike at

regular intervals. The profit spikes are explainable in that no profit is made during the evenings,

when the sun is not shining. The losses having a periodic trend can be explained in that the

ARIMA models used in generating the forecasts can result in increasingly inaccurate forecasts as

the simulated values and the forecast values in one time period will tend to be approximately

equal to the simulated values and the forecast values in the next time period.

The plots showing fewer time periods result in a clearer picture of the relationship between

profits and storage levels as well as between losses due to forecast errors and storage levels. The

profit spikes are correlated with some of the downward spikes in storage levels as well as the

upward spikes in the LMPs; the only discrepancy occurs when the storage is empty due to forecast

losses. This is suggested by the fact that the high LMP spike occurring slightly before the 1000th

time interval is not associated with a profit spike, but rather a cessation of the losses due to forecast

errors. In addition, there is a clear correlation in the downward spikes in storage levels with losses

due to forecast errors, which follows in that the battery needs to be drained to meet commitments


that exceed the actual generation and will need to stay drained for as long as the forecast exceeds

the simulated generation values.

At this point in the analysis, it is worth noting that despite the constant improvements of

both dynamic programs, the maximized profit of the grid-level dynamic program in each run is

always much less than the maximized profit of the plant-level dynamic program, with the grid-level

dynamic program’s maximized profit hovering around 63% of the plant-level dynamic program’s

maximized profit. Thus, it can be said that the profit attainable under the particular policy function

approximation used by this work is greater for the scenario consisting of many smaller batteries,

each associated with a single solar generation plant than for the scenario consisting of a single

larger battery, despite the fact that the single battery’s capacity is much larger than the total capacity

of all the smaller batteries. The flexibility associated with independent policies for each smaller

battery appears to be a sufficiently beneficial factor to overcome the size differential.


6. Conclusions and Further Research

The results of this work suggest that the optimal strategy for utilities providers interested

in utilizing storage in conjunction with solar energy generation is to pair smaller storage cells

with individual solar generation plants as opposed to employing a single, larger storage cell. The

added benefit of allowing for the independent operation of the batteries opens up more complex

strategies that result in higher profits. This is of course constrained to the very specific operation of

the particular type of battery concerned in this work as well as operation in accord with the PFA

described in Section 2.2.6. However, the size of the gap in maximized profits suggests that even out-

side of these specific constraints, the plant-level scenario will still outperform the grid-level scenario.

6.1. Physical Constraints of the Storage Model

The model of electrical storage used in this work is very basic: of the relevant physical con-

straints that batteries are subject to, this model only considers the capacity constraint and the round

trip efficiency factors. In addition to these, the physics of chemical storage also adds restrictions

on the minimum percentage to which a battery can be safely discharged as well as the maximum

possible rate of electrical discharge and a self-discharge rate i.e. the rate at which electricity is

lost from the battery overtime. Brunet states that for a stationary lead-acid battery, the battery

should never be discharged below 20% of its maximum capacity and the self-discharge rate is

approximately 2% of its maximum capacity per month while its maximum discharge rate is the

battery’s maximum capacity divided by 10 hours.

In addition, the constraints described above and the constraints used by this work only apply

to the commonly utilized stationary, lead-acid battery. These values would be different for more

advanced, less common types of batteries. Thus, one potential extension of this work would be to


apply this analysis to other types of batteries, using all of the constraints available in order to better

model real-world conditions. Another interesting question that could be examined in future works

is: does there exist a battery capacity for the single battery in the grid-level scenario such that it

outperforms the plant-level batteries with fixed size and if so, what is that capacity. This problem

could be approached practically or theoretically, with the practical approach utilizing PFAs as done

in this work while the theoretical approach would look at the maximum possible profit achievable,

potentially utilizing an offline as opposed to an online algorithm.

6.2. Refining the Solar Model

Concerning the quality of the solar model, there is certainly room for improvement. As figures

29 and 30 suggest, the losses due to forecast errors represent a small portion but significant portion

of the profits, somewhere between 3 and 4% of the profits. Thus, any possible improvements in the

forecast will result in a more profitable optimal policy. The most obvious room for improvement

lies in the construction of the baseline model portion of the solar generation value simulator.

Recall that the simulator used in this work uses historical data to construct a baseline model

for the solar intensity on a clear, sunny day i.e. the rolling maximums described in Section 4.2.1.

A potentially better solution would be to use physical model for the baseline solar model as

opposed to a statistical model. Such a physical model would need to take into account each

location’s longitude and latitude, time of year and day as well as elevation. Because the model is a

physical one and not a statistical one, it ought to result in a more physically realistic result. Further

implementations of solar generation simulators ought to consider using physical models for solar

intensity, provided the quality of the physical model themselves are of high quality.

One last modification that could be considered would be to introduce some correlation into the

model between the solar generation values at different plants. Given the geographic proximity of

the solar generation plants in question, there is almost certainly some degree of correlation between


solar intensities at each location. As the models being simulated are time series, the inclusion of

correlation would no doubt employ the estimation of cross-correlation functions and then factoring

that into the simulation of generation values. The consideration of correlation between locations

could allow for a more realistic simulation.

6.3. Final Remarks

The results of this work show that solar energy can be profitably integrated into the PJM

market. One of the major reasons why the current penetration of renewables in electricity grids is

low is because of imposing start-up costs and the low profitability of renewable energy ventures

due to the volatility of renewable resources. The coupling of renewables with storage as well as

refinements in forecasting techniques will encourage greater utilization of renewables in the future,

a necessary task as the limited fossil fuel resources of Earth are used up. Both of these aspects are

explored in this work but of course, there are many possible improvements that can be made to

refine the analysis done here, some of which are described in this section. In conclusion, the results

of this work suggest that it is more profitable to utilize many smaller batteries than a single, larger

battery in conjunction with renewable energy production.



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Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE). ”New Jersey: Incentives/Policiesfor Renewables & Efficiency” U.S. Department of Energy ,28 Mar., 2013. http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/incentive.cfm?Incentive Code =NJ05R

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Jin, Yinzhen. ”A stochastic model of errors in wind forecasts” Dissertation, PrincetonUniversity, May 2013.

Kassaveri, Rajesh and Krithika Seetharaman. ”Day-ahead wind speed forecasting using f-ARIMAmodels” Renewable Energy 34.5 (2009): 1388-1393.

Kim, Jae Ho, and Warren B. Powell. ”Optimal energy commitments with storage andintermittent supply” Operations Research 59.6 (2011): 1347-1360. Web. 20 Sep., 2013.

Lopez, Anthony and Billy Roberts, Donna Heimiller, Nate Blair, Gian Porro. ”U.S. RenewableEnergy Technical Potentials: A GIS-Based Analysis” National Renewable Energy LaboratoryJuly 2012. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/51946.pdf

Meza, Edgar. ”US surpasses 5 GW of utility-scale solar capacity” PV Magazine, 14 Jan., 2014.http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/us-surpasses-5-gw-of- utility-scale-solar-capacity 100013933/#axzz2tvEb04cP


National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). ”Open PV State Rankings” 2013. https://openpv.nrel.gov/rankings

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Appendix: Code Overview

There are two major uses for code in this work: the simulation of solar generation val-

ues and the running of the two dynamic programs. The code written to convert the raw data into

the z-scores used to fit ARIMA/ARMA models was written in Matlab, the simulator code was

written in R while the dynamic program code was written in Matlab.

Note that only the relevant code has been included in this Appendix. The excluded code

includes code run to preprocess the raw data, the code used to run multipler iterations of the

dynamic program and averages the results as well as the code run to generate the figures included

in this work. All of the figures in this work were generated in Matlab using calls to the built in

Matlab plot function.


Page 1 of 2/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/generrors_edit.mSaved: 4/8/14, 1:46:59 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

# genErrors.m1# preprocess the raw data into the maximums, offset errors and z-scores2

3filenames = {'Barringer_HS';'Bayonne';'Black_Rock';'Camden_St';4! ! ! 'Central_Division_HQ';'Edison_Training_Center';'Food_Bank';5! ! ! 'Hackensack';'Kearny';'Linden';'Matrix_45_Stults_Rd';6! ! ! 'Matrix_Building_A';'Matrix_Building_B';'Metro_Division_HQ';7! ! ! 'Mill_Creek';'New_Central_HS';'Park_Elementary';'Raritan';8! ! ! 'Rider';'Silver_Lake_North';'Silver_Lake_South';'Thorofare';9! ! ! 'Trenton';'Yardville'};10cd('PSEGSolarData');11for i=1:length(filenames)12 m = csvread(char(strcat(filenames(i),'.csv')),2,1);13 14 mins = size(m,1);15 days = size(m,2);16 maxes = zeros(mins,days-21);17 zscores = zeros(mins,days-21);18 offsets = zeros(mins,days-21);19 20 # finds 21-day rolling maximums and calculates offset errors21 for j=22:days22 vals = m(:,j);23 for k=1:mins24 maxes(k,j-21) = max(m(k,j-21:j-1));25 if maxes(k,j-21) == 026 offsets(k,j-21) = 0;27 else28 offsets(k,j-21) = vals(k)/maxes(k,j-21);29 end30 end31 end32 33 # calculates z-scores for the offset errors34 for j=1:days-21 35 values = [];36 if j >= 2237 for k=j-21:j38 values = cat(1,values,offsets(:,k));39 end40 else41 for k=1:2242 values = cat(1,values,offsets(:,k));43 end44 end45 [f,x] = ecdf(values);46 for k=1:mins47 for l=length(x):-1:148

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if x(l) == offsets(k,j)49 p = f(l);50 break;51 end52 end53 z = erfinv(2*p-1)*sqrt(2);54 zscores(k,j) = z;55 end56 end57 58 cd('Maximums');59 csvwrite(char(strcat(filenames(i),'Maxs.csv')),maxes);60 cd('../');61 cd('AmplitudeErrors');62 csvwrite(char(strcat(filenames(i),'Errs.csv')),offsets);63 cd('../');64 cd('Zscores');65 csvwrite(char(strcat(filenames(i),'Zscs.csv')),zscores);66 cd('../');67end68


Page 1 of 2/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/fitArima.RSaved: 4/8/14, 1:56:28 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

# fitArima.R1# This code fits ARIMA/ARMA models to the z-scores2

3fitArima <- function(days,pmax,Dmax,qmax) {4! filenames=c('Barringer_HSZscs.csv','BayonneZscs.csv',5! ! ! ! 'Black_RockZscs.csv','Camden_StZscs.csv',6! ! ! ! 'Central_Division_HQZscs.csv',7! ! ! ! 'Edison_Training_CenterZscs.csv','Food_BankZscs.csv',8! ! ! 'HackensackZscs.csv','KearnyZscs.csv','LindenZscs.csv',9! ! ! 'Matrix_45_Stults_RdZscs.csv','Matrix_Building_AZscs.csv',10! ! ! 'Matrix_Building_BZscs.csv','Metro_Division_HQZscs.csv',11! ! ! 'Mill_CreekZscs.csv','New_Central_HSZscs.csv',12! ! ! 'Park_ElementaryZscs.csv','RaritanZscs.csv',13! ! ! 'RiderZscs.csv','Silver_Lake_NorthZscs.csv',14! ! ! 'Silver_Lake_SouthZscs.csv','ThorofareZscs.csv',15! ! ! 'TrentonZscs.csv','YardvilleZscs.csv')16! for (f in 1:length(filenames)) {17! ! setwd('/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PSEGSolarData/Zscores/')18! ! filename = filenames[f]19! ! data = read.csv(filename,header=FALSE)20! ! vals = c()21! !22! ! # smaller number of days used to fit ARIMAs because too much input 23! ! # causes the fitting to run slower and occaisionally break24! ! for (i in 1:days) {25! ! ! vals = c(vals,t(data[i]))26! ! }27! ! metric = 10^1028! ! for (p in 1:pmax) {29! ! ! for (D in 0:Dmax) {30! ! ! ! for (q in 1:qmax) {31! ! ! ! ! fit <- arima(vals,c(p,D,q))32! ! ! ! ! if (fit$aic < metric) {33! ! ! ! ! ! Op = p34! ! ! ! ! ! OD = D35! ! ! ! ! ! Oq = q36! ! ! ! ! ! Ofit = fit37! ! ! ! ! ! metric = fit$aic38! ! ! ! ! ! print(c(metric,p,D,q))39! ! ! ! ! }40! ! ! ! }41! ! ! }42! ! }43! !44! ! # save ARIMA/ARMA model that performed best in terms of AICc value45! ! out = t(c(filename,metric,Op,OD,Oq,c(Ofit$coef[1:Op]),46! ! ! c(Ofit$coef[(Op+1):(Op+Oq)])))47! ! location = strsplit(filename,'Zscs.csv')[1]48

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! ! setwd('/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PolicyEval')49! ! write.csv(out,paste(location,'.csv',sep=''))50! }51! setwd('/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PolicyEval')52}53fitArima(5,5,1,5)54

Page 1 of 1/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PolicyEval/genSims.RSaved: 4/8/14, 1:40:46 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

# genSims. R1# simulates solar generation values at each solar generation plant2

3filenames = c('Barringer_HSZscs.csv','BayonneZscs.csv','Black_RockZscs.csv',4! ! ! 'Camden_StZscs.csv','Central_Division_HQZscs.csv',5! ! ! 'Edison_Training_CenterZscs.csv','Food_BankZscs.csv',6! ! ! 'HackensackZscs.csv','KearnyZscs.csv','LindenZscs.csv',7! ! ! 'Matrix_45_Stults_RdZscs.csv','Matrix_Building_AZscs.csv',8! ! ! 'Matrix_Building_BZscs.csv','Metro_Division_HQZscs.csv',9! ! ! 'Mill_CreekZscs.csv','New_Central_HSZscs.csv',10! ! ! 'Park_ElementaryZscs.csv','RaritanZscs.csv','RiderZscs.csv',11! ! ! 'Silver_Lake_NorthZscs.csv','Silver_Lake_SouthZscs.csv',12! ! ! 'ThorofareZscs.csv','TrentonZscs.csv','YardvilleZscs.csv')13

14prices = read.csv('ElecPrices.csv',header=FALSE)[,2]15

16# reads in ARIMA/ARMA model parameters from .csv file17fits = read.csv('Arimas.csv',header=FALSE)18l = length(prices) * 519for (f in 1:length(filenames)) {20! setwd('/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PolicyEval/PSEGSolarData/Zscores/')21! filename = filenames[f]22!23! # read parameters in from the csv file and create an ARIMA/ARMA model24! model <- list(order=fits[f,1:3],ar=fits[f,4:(3+fits[f,1])],25! ! ! ! ma=fits[f,(4+fits[f,1]):(3+fits[f,1]+fits[f,3])])26! model <- as.data.frame(model)27!28! # simulate the correct number of generation values29! sims <- arima.sim(model,n=l)30! location = strsplit(filename,'Zscs.csv')31! outfile = paste(location[[1]],'Sim.csv',sep='')32! setwd('/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/PolicyEval/PSEGSolarData/Simulated/')33! write.csv(sims,outfile)34}35


Page 1 of 3/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/Thesis Document/Code/GridPolicyEval.mSaved: 4/8/14, 3:57:17 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

% GridPolicyEval.m1% This code evaluates a policy for the grid-level scenario given parameter 2% values as input3

4function [C,Rt,Profit,Loss] = GridPolicyEval(Pss,Ps,Pb) 5 filenames = {'Barringer_HS';'Bayonne';'Black_Rock';'Camden_St';6 ! ! ! 'Central_Division_HQ';'Edison_Training_Center';'Food_Bank';7 ! ! ! 'Hackensack';'Kearny';'Linden';'Matrix_45_Stults_Rd';8 ! ! ! 'Matrix_Building_A';'Matrix_Building_B';'Metro_Division_HQ';9 ! ! ! 'Mill_Creek';'New_Central_HS';'Park_Elementary';'Raritan';10 ! ! ! 'Rider';'Silver_Lake_North';'Silver_Lake_South';'Thorofare';11 ! ! ! 'Trenton';'Yardville'};12 price = csvread('ElecPrices.csv',0,1);13 cd('PSEGSolarData');14 cd('Forecasts');15 16 % Aggregates generation values in 5 minute intervals and calculates 17 % battery size by summing maximum generations at each plant 18 BatSize = 0;19 solar = csvread(char(strcat(filenames(1),'Fcst.csv')));20 svals = [];21 for j=1:size(solar,2)22 for i=1:(size(solar,1)/5)23 svals = cat(1,svals,sum(solar((5*i)-4:(5*i),j)));24 end25 end26 BatSize = BatSize + max(svals);27 for i=2:length(filenames)28 m = csvread(char(strcat(filenames(i),'Fcst.csv')));29 ms = [];30 for j=1:size(m,2)31 for k=1:(size(m,1)/5)32 ms = cat(1,ms,sum(m((5*k)-4:(5*k),j)));33 end34 end35 BatSize = BatSize + max(ms);36 if length(svals) > length(ms)37 svals = svals(1:length(ms)) + ms;38 else39 svals = svals + ms(1:length(svals));40 end41 end42 43 % Reads in the forecasts and aggregates at the hour level44 cd('../')45 cd('Predicted')46 preds = csvread(char(strcat(filenames(1),'Pred.csv')));47 for i=1:length(filenames)48

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p = csvread(char(strcat(filenames(i),'Pred.csv')));49 if size(p,2) > size(preds,2)50 p = p(:,1:size(preds,2));51 preds = preds + p;52 else53 preds = preds(:,1:size(p,2));54 preds = preds + p;55 end56 end57 pred = []; 58 for j=1:size(preds,2)59 for i=1:(size(preds,1)/60)60 pred = cat(1,pred,sum(preds((60*i)-59:(60*i),j)));61 end62 end 63 64 R = 2 * BatSize;65 T = length(svals);66 Loss = zeros(1,T);67 Profit = zeros(1,T);68 Rt = zeros(1,T+1);69 C = 0;70 EBG = 0;71 ESB = 0;72 ESG = 0;73! Shour = 0;74!75 for t=1:T76 St = svals(t);77 Pt = price(t);78 if Pt > Pss79 EBG = Rt(t);80 ESB = 0;81 ESG = St; 82 elseif Pt > Ps83 EBG = 0;84 ESB = 0;85 ESG = St;86 elseif Pt > Pb87 EBG = 0;88 ESB = min(St,(R - Rt(t)) / 0.85);89 ESG = max(0,St - (R - Rt(t)) / 0.85);90 else91 EBG = (Rt(t) - R) / 0.85;92 ESB = 0;93 ESG = St; 94 end95 Shour = Shour + ESG + EBG * 0.85;96

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97 % Check that commitment constraint has been met98 if mod(t,12) == 1199 ! Ft = preds((t+1)/12);100 ! if Ft > Shour101! C = C - Pt * (Ft - Shour) * 12 / 1000;102 ! Profit(t) = Profit(t) - Pt * (Ft - Shour) * 12 / 1000;103! ! ! end104! ! end105! !106! ! % Transition function i.e. update storage quantity107 Rt(t+1) = Rt(t) - EBG + 0.85 * ESB;108 Profit(t) = Profit(t) + Pt * (0.85 * EBG + ESG) * 12 / 1000;109 C = C + Pt * (0.85 * EBG + ESG) * 12 / 1000;110 end111 112 cd('../');113 cd('../');114end115

Page 1 of 2/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/Thesis Document/Code/PlantPolicyEval.mSaved: 4/8/14, 4:00:22 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

% GridPolicyEval.m1% This code evaluates a policy for the grid-level scenario given parameter 2% values as input3

4function [C,Rt,Profit,Loss] = PolEval(Pss,Ps,Pb,filename)5 price = csvread('ElecPrices.csv',0,1);6 cd('PSEGSolarData');7 cd('Forecasts');8 9 % Aggregates generation values in 5 minute intervals and calculates 10 % battery size by finding the maximum generation at 5 minute level11 m = csvread(char(strcat(filename,'Fcst.csv')));12 svals = [];13 for i=1:size(m,1)/514 for j=1:size(m,2)15 svals = cat(1,svals,sum(m((5*i)-4:(5*i),j)));16 end17 end18 19 % Reads in the forecasts and aggregates at the hour level 20 cd('../');21 cd('Predicted');22 p = csvread(char(strcat(filename,'Pred.csv')));23 preds = [];24 for i=1:size(p,1)/6025 for j=1:size(p,2)26 preds = cat(1,preds,sum(p((60*i)-59:(60*i),j)));27 end28 end29 30 cd('../');31 cd('../');32

33 T = length(svals);34 Loss = zeros(1,T);35 Profit = zeros(1,T);36 R = max(svals);37 Rt = zeros(1,T+1);38 C = 0;39 EBG = 0;40 ESB = 0;41 ESG = 0;42! Shour = 0;43!44 for t=1:T45 St = svals(t);46 Pt = price(t);47 if Pt > Pss48

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EBG = Rt(t);49 ESB = 0;50 ESG = St; 51 Loss(t) = 0;52 elseif Pt > Ps53 EBG = 0;54 ESB = 0;55 ESG = St;56 Loss(t) = 0;57 elseif Pt > Pb58 EBG = 0;59 ESB = min(St,(R - Rt(t)) / 0.85);60 ESG = max(0,St - (R - Rt(t)) / 0.85);61 Loss(t) = 0;62 else63 EBG = (Rt(t) - R) / 0.85;64 ESB = 0;65 ESG = St; 66 Loss(t) = 0;67 end68 Shour = Shour + ESG + EBG * 0.85;69 70 % Check that commitment constraint has been met71 if mod(t,12) == 1172 ! Ft = preds((t+1)/12);73 ! if Ft > Shour74! C = C - Pt * (Ft - Shour) * 12 / 1000;75 ! Profit(t) = Profit(t) - Pt * (Ft - Shour) * 12 / 1000;76! ! ! end77! ! end78! !79! ! % Transition function i.e. update the current storage quantity80 Rt(t+1) = Rt(t) - EBG + 0.85 * ESB;81 Profit(t) = Profit(t) + Pt * (0.85 * EBG + ESG) * 12 / 1000;82 C = C + Pt * (0.85 * EBG + ESG) * 12 / 1000;83 end84 85end86

Page 1 of 1/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/Thesis Document/Code/GridPolicyIter.mSaved: 4/8/14, 3:57:49 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

% GridPolicyIter.m1% This function is the outer loop of ADP that runs policy iteration for the2% grid-level scenario3

4function [Cs] = GridPolicyIter(Pbs,Pses,Psses)5 Cs = (1:125);6 for i=1:length(Pbs) 7 for j=1:length(Pses)8 for k=1:length(Psses)9 [C,Rt,Profit,Loss] = SumPolEval(Psses(k),Pses(j),Pbs(i));10 Cs(25*(i-1)+5*(j-1)+k) = C;11 C12 25*(i-1)+5*(j-1)+k13 end14 end15 end16!17! % This generates new simulated values and forecasts for the next run18 executed = system('env -i R CMD BATCH genSims.R');19 if executed == 020 genForecast();21 end22end23

Page 1 of 1/Users/Chai/Desktop/Thesis/Thesis Document/Code/PlantPolicyIter.mSaved: 4/8/14, 3:13:33 PM Printed For: Henry Chai

% PlantPolicyIter.m1% This function is the outer loop of ADP that runs policy iteration for the2% plant-level scenario3

4function [Cfile] = RPolEval(Pbs,Pses,Psses)5 filenames = {'Barringer_HS';'Bayonne';'Black_Rock';'Camden_St';6 ! ! ! 'Central_Division_HQ';'Edison_Training_Center';'Food_Bank';7 ! ! ! 'Hackensack';'Kearny';'Linden';'Matrix_45_Stults_Rd';8 ! ! ! 'Matrix_Building_A';'Matrix_Building_B';'Metro_Division_HQ';9 ! ! ! 'Mill_Creek';'New_Central_HS';'Park_Elementary';'Raritan';10 ! ! ! 'Rider';'Silver_Lake_North';'Silver_Lake_South';'Thorofare';11 ! ! ! 'Trenton';'Yardville'};12 Cfile = zeros(length(filenames),125);13

14 for f=1:length(filenames)15 for i=1:length(Pbs) 16 for j=1:length(Pses)17 for k=1:length(Psses)18 [C,Rt,Profit,Loss] = PolEval(Psses(k),Pses(j),Pbs(i),19 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! filenames(f));20 Cfile(f,25*(i-1)+5*(j-1)+k) = C;21 end22 end23 end24 end25 26! % This generates new simulated values and forecasts for the next run!27 executed = system('env -i R CMD BATCH genSims.R');28 if executed == 029 genForecast();30 else31 Err = 'Error: Failed to Run genSims'32 end33end34


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