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Page 1: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · Page 3 600 Annunciation Parish Annunciation Parish Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes resume today, Sunday, October 20, 2019 at JWMS from 8:30AM – 9:15AM.


29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 20, 2019

Saint Mar y Church 626 Wil lard Avenue

Newington, CT 06111

Phone: (860) 666 -1591

Fax: (860) 666 -5720

Saint Mar y Mass Times

Saturday Vigi l : 4 :00 pm

Sunday: 8 :00 am, 10 :00 am, 11 :30 am


Saturday: 3 :15 - 3 :45 pm

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9 :00 - 4 :00 pm

www.AnnunciationNewington.com & on Facebook

Church of the Holy Spirit 183 Church Street

Newington, CT 06111

Phone: (860) 666 -5671

Fax: (860) 666 -9784

Holy Spir i t Mass Times

Saturday Vigi l : 4 :00 pm

Sunday: 7 :30 am, 9 :30 am, 12:00 pm

Dai ly Mass Times

Monday - Saturday: 9 :00 am


Saturday: 3 :00 - 3 :45 pm

Office Hours

Monday - Fr iday: 9 :00 - 2 :00 pm

Page 2: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · Page 3 600 Annunciation Parish Annunciation Parish Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes resume today, Sunday, October 20, 2019 at JWMS from 8:30AM – 9:15AM.

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Parish Priests

Rev. Shawn Daly, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Joshua R. Wilbur, Parochial Vicar

[email protected]

Rev. Lawrence Bock, Senior Priest

Msgr. James Kinnane, In Residence


James Tanguay, Pastoral Associate

[email protected]

James Blanchette

Michael J. O’Toole, Senior Deacon

Bruce Thompson, Senior Deacon

Music Ministry

Elizabeth Trainer Famularo

Saint Mary Church, Director of Music [email protected]

David Dyson

Church of the Holy Spirit, Director of Music [email protected]

Rectory Office Information

Mary DesRoches

Saint Mary Church, Secretary [email protected] Phone: 860-666-1591, ext. 2

Kimberly Marchetti

Church of the Holy Spirit, Secretary

[email protected]

Phone: 860-666-5671

Rectory Office Information, cont’d.

Kristyn Figbie, Office Manager

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 4

Nancy Samulenas, Business Manager

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 5

Religious Education Office

Susan Skipp, Director of Religious Education

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-3562

Terri Hermann, Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-3562

Sacramental Ministries


To schedule a Baptism, please contact the rectory for an

initial meeting and a parent preparation session.


Please call the rectory at least six months in advance.

Couples meet with the priest for an initial pastoral

conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do

not make other plans until a date has been confirmed with

your parish.

For the Sick

We are happy to visit with the homebound. If you or a

loved one would like a home visit, Holy Communion or

the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the rectory office.

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 20, 2019

Welcome To Annunciation Parish, The Roman Catholic Community of Newington

Whether you are a long-time parishioner, a returning parishioner, a new parishioner, or a visitor, welcome to our

community. We are glad that you are here and hope that you feel at home. If you are not already a member of our

parish, please consider joining us. If you are a member of our parish already, please consider joining one of our


The Catholic Church welcomes new members of all ages. Children are welcomed into our faith through the

sacrament of Baptism. Adults can either join our faith, or complete their sacraments of initiation through our

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or our Adult Confirmation program. If you are interested in any of

these programs, please contact Deacon Jim Tanguay at [email protected],

or call (860) 666-1591, ext. 3.

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Annunciation Parish

Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes resume today, Sunday, October 20, 2019

at JWMS from 8:30AM – 9:15AM.

Grade 7 – 9 meet this week according to their schedule.

First Reconciliation Parent / child meeting is Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 6PM in the

Holy Spirit Church hall.

Grade 10 meets Sunday, October 27th for 12 Noon mass at Holy Spirit church and

immediately to church hall for seminar. Dismissal is at 2PM.


Build faith through love in your

marriage by attending a Worldwide

Marriage Encounter Weekend.

The next Weekends are Nov 1-3, 2019 in

East Windsor, CT and Nov 8-10, 2019 in

Huntington, NY. For more information, call

Pat & Mary Jo McLaughlin at 860-315-2127 or

visit them at https://wwmectw.org/.


God will answer the prayers of those

who cry out. Ask for men and women to

respond to the call to service as priests

and religious.

To respond to the call, contact Fr. Michael

Casey, Director of Vocations, Pastoral Center,

860-761-7456, e-mail [email protected], or

visit the web at www.hartfordpriest.com.



Monday: Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75; Lk 12:13-21

Tuesday: Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17; Lk 12:35-38

Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-3, 4-6, 7-8; Lk 12:39-48

Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6; Lk 12:49-53

Friday: Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94; Lk 12:54-59

Saturday: Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9

Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14


Now is the perfect time to join Music Ministry!

Adult Choir: Rehearses Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m., sings Sundays at 10:00 Mass.

Cherubim Choir: Rehearses Tuesdays 4-5:00 p.m., sings at monthly Children's Masses (10:00).

Teen Choir: Rehearses Thursdays 6-7:00 p.m., sings once monthly at 11:30 Mass.

Please contact Elizabeth Famularo, Director of Music, for more information or to join!

[email protected] (860) 666-1591 ext. 6

Page 4: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · Page 3 600 Annunciation Parish Annunciation Parish Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes resume today, Sunday, October 20, 2019 at JWMS from 8:30AM – 9:15AM.

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Mass Intentions/In Loving Memory/Wedding Bells/Banns/Sanctuary Lamp

Saturday, October 19th

9:00am Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rooney Sr. & Diane Rooney,

By the Rooney Family, H/S

4:00pm Bob Peloquin, Anniversary Remembrance,

By David, Karen & Emilee, H/S

4:00pm Girard LaFlamme, Birthday Remembrance,

By his Wife, Simone LaFlamme, S/M

29th Sun. Ordinary Time, Oct. 20th, Laity Sunday, World Mission Day

7:30am Mrs. Teofile Slivinskas, By Carol Ann & Al Slivinskas,H/S

8:00am Earl & Shirley Daley, By their Family, S/M

9:30am Lillian Marchetti, 2nd Anniversary,

By her Husband & Family, H/S

10:00am San Pio, By the Colangelo Family, S/M

11:30am Margaret and George Ciganik & Natalie Rozewski

and Stefan Rozewski, By their Family, S/M

12:00pm George Blesso, By Ginger & John Linnick, H/S

Monday, October 21st

9:00am Gregoria Pacifico, By Cora Pacifico & Family, H/S

Tuesday, October 22nd

9:00am Elsa Fuentas & Sara Alvarez, By Clara Suarez, H/S

Wednesday, October 23rd

9:00am Walter Szot, By his Family, H/S

Thursday, October 24th

9:00am Francis X. Murray, By Michael & Lisa O’Shea, H/S

Friday, October 25th

9:00am Christopher Zapor, By his Parents, H/S

Saturday, October 26th

9:00am Amelia Nagle, By her Family, H/S

4:00pm M/M John & Doris Lyons, By Jack Lyons & Family, H/S

4:00pm Paul Cianci, 7th Anniversary, By his Family, S/M

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 27th, Reformation Day

7:30am Jim Reilly, By his Wife, Kathy, H/S

8:00am Stasia & James Zalewski, By Daughter, Elizabeth, S/M

9:30am Frank & Mary Tirabassi, By their Family, H/S

10:00am Michael Milardo, 20th Anniversary, By their Family, S/M

11:30am James & Stasia Zalewski, By Family, S/M

12:00pm Italo Pizzoferrato, By his Wife, H/S



OCTOBER 12-19, 2019

In Memory Of:

Beth Lojko Donovan

By Tony & Dolores Davanzo


We pray for:

Patricia Brooks

Patricia Castelhano

Salvatore Montenieri

And for the consolation

of their family & friends.

Eternal rest grant unto

them, O Lord; let your light

shine upon them.



Mark Shuman


Angela Visconti


Congratulations to:

Nicholas Bessette


Jessica Cast

who were married in

Holy Spirit Church on

October 11, 2019.


Page 5: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · Page 3 600 Annunciation Parish Annunciation Parish Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes resume today, Sunday, October 20, 2019 at JWMS from 8:30AM – 9:15AM.

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Annunciation Parish

† Holy Hour Tuesdays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, H/S

Join us for this “mid-week check - in with the

Lord,” either for the whole hour, or for as

much time as you are able to give.

Sunday, October 20th @ 4:30 pm, S/M

Sandwich Ministry Collection in the St. Mary

School parking lot.

Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 26/27, H/S

The Parish Nurse Ministry will hold Blood

Pressure Screens on Sat., Oct. 26 following

the 4:00pm Mass, and Sunday, Oct. 27 after

all Masses, H/S Hall. Upcoming dates will be

Nov. 16/17.

Saturday – Sunday, November 2 & 3

Newington Food Pantry Collection: Donations

of non-perishable food items & wide bottom

recycle shopping bags may be left at the

Main Entrance of both Churches

Monday, November 4th, 7pm, H/S Hall

Annunciation Women’s Guild Executive

Board Meeting.

Tuesday, November 12th, 7pm, S/M

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Lower Rectory.

Tuesday, November 12th, 7pm, H/S Hall

Annunciation Women’s Guild - General

Membership Meeting, with speaker.

Wednesday, November 13th, 7:30pm, S/M

The Men’s Club meets every second

Wednesday of the month, Lower Rectory.

Thursday, November 21st, 12:30 pm, H/S Hall

Prayer Shawl Ministry. New knitters are





The Annunciation Women's Guild general

membership meeting for November will be

held on Tuesday, November 12th

at 7:00 pm in Holy Spirit Church Hall.

Our speaker for the evening will be

Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, Vicar for Religious,

Archdiocese of Hartford. She will discuss

“Life as a Religious in Today's World”.

Please join us as we come together as one

Parish Women's Guild, to promote friendship

and fellowship in our spiritual, social and

cultural activities.



The Food Pantry is in desperate need of wide bottom

recycle shopping bags for their Thanksgiving

Program. The next collection is the first weekend of

November at the main entrance of both churches.

Thank you for living your faith by helping others!

For The Week of October 13, 2019

Total Weekly: $ 12,220

Capital Improvements: $ 4,333

Total On-Line Giving: $ 2,949

Total Combined: $ 19,502

We are grateful to all who continue to support

Annunciation Parish by your prayers and

financial contributions.



and much more


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Thursday, December 5th

Christmas Show, Radio City & Dinner @Carmines

$ 189

For informat ion and reservations,

cal l John Rocco @ (860) 666 -5061.


Collecting now until November 15th, 2019

On November 11, 2018, Americans throughout the world commemorate Veteran's Day, a day set

aside to thank the nation's veterans for service given and sacrifices made to protect the freedoms

of this great land. Our Funeral Homes have teamed up with the Chief of Volunteer Services at

the Newington VA Hospital for “Sweaters for Vets.”

Running NOW through Friday, November 15, 2019. Our Funeral Homes are collecting new or

gently used sweaters and gloves to donate to veterans in VA Hospitals or veterans who live in

veterans’ homes.

We hope this small gesture of collecting sweaters and gloves for these men and women will help

everyone remember the sacrifices they have made in the name of the United States of America.


November 9, 2019

Northwest Catholic High School

West Hartford, CT)

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. “Coffee and” and lunch

are included!

Keynote: Sarah Hart

For more information please visit our website:



or contact Nicole Perone

at 860-242-5573 ext. 2677.


Indian Summer BBQ Bash

Sat. November 2nd / 6-11pm

St. Mary’s School Auditorium

BBQ Buffet

Yummy BBQ chicken & ribs, pulled pork,

sides, dessert!

Live Music Raffles & DoorPrize

Jamie’s Junk Show Win Patriots & Red Sox/Yankee


Tickets Sold in Advance Only

$50 per person or $350 table of 8 (BYOB)

Net proceeds benefit at risk youth and veterans:

The Autism Center and Fisher House Connecticut

Visit www.gncsociety.org

or call (860) 989-2534


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