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Tabel 1. Poison syndromes


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the primary enzyme responsible for biosynthesis

certain other autocoids.

this disruption product the side effects reported with therapeutic use, such as gastrointestinal irritation, reduced renal blood flow and platelet dysfunction. NSAID analog have been developed that are move specified for the inducible form of (COX 2 isoform) vs the constitutive form, the COX 1 isoform.

These drugs attempt to minimize or

reduce the occurrence of therapy-associated adverse effects.

Overdose of the more selective COX-2 inhibitors (celecoxib

[Celebrex]) is treated no differently than for nonspecific COX

inhibitors (ibuprofen) because at higher doses, COX-2 selective agent lose their COX inhibitory selectivity. ibuprofen, the primary NSAID used in pediatrics, is well tolerated, even after overdose.


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