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Page 1: BASILICA of ST. STANISLAUS, B.M. - eChurch Bulletins

Served by the Conventual Franciscan Friars, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph and the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi

“Let the Church always be a place of MERCY and HOPE, where EVERYONE IS WELCOMED, LOVED and FORGIVEN.” (Pope Francis)


Parish Office: 40 Cyman Drive Friary: 566 Front Street

Chicopee, MA 01013 (413) 594-6669 www.ststansbasilica.org

Follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/ststansbasilica/ Sign up for our free Parish App at: myparishapp.com/appstore

Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday - Friday: After the 6:30 a.m. Mass 10:45 - 11:45 a.m. Saturday: After the 7 a.m. Mass; 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.; 4:00 - 4:55 p.m. Other times for Confession by Appointment

Monthly Devotions First Sunday - Divine Mercy - 2 p.m. Second Sunday - Our Lady of Czestochowa - 3 p.m. Last Sunday - Our Lady of Guadalupe - 2 p.m. First Saturday - Padre Pio - 9 to 11 a.m.

Pastoral Staff Fr. Joseph Bayne, OFM Conv. - Pastor Fr. Paul Miskiewicz, OFM Conv. - Parochial Vicar Fr. Mieczyslaw Wilk, OFM Conv. - Parochial Vicar Deacon Joseph Peters

Sr. Cecelia Haier, FSSJ - School Principal Sr. Agnesa Negru, FMSA - Ministry of Care Sr. Andrea Ciszewski, FSSJ - Rel. Ed. (K - 8) John Makselon - Music Director

Agnes Olbrys - Parish Bookkeeper Izabela Ziobro / Gladys Les - Secretaries James Duggan - Cemetery Foreman Karl Hammond - Administration and Finance Manager

Weekend Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning: 7:00, 9:00 (Polish) & 11:00 a.m.

Weekday Masses (English) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 6:30 & Noon Thursday: 6:30, 8:45 a.m. (School Mass), Noon Saturday: 7:00 a.m.

Weekday Masses (Polish) Wednesday & First Friday: 7:00 p.m.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 12 noon First Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. First Saturday: 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Recitation of the Rosary Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m., 8:15 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Sunday: After the 9:00 a.m. Mass (Polish) National & Legal Holidays Mass at 9:00 a.m. only. No other services.

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From the Desk of Friar Joe November 29 /30

We enter the Holy Season of Advent wherein “we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Christ the Lord.” Advent is not Lent, so it’s not so much a penitential season, as one of watch-

ing, waiting, anticipation, and preparation. This year more than ever, let us not get caught up in the mania, the commercialization, the rush and stress. We have enough of that. Let’s intently pray, reflect, and make our way slowly with faith towards the Manager of Bethlehem. Friar Thom-as of Celano in his First Life of St. Francis wrote: Francis was intimately united with Jesus—Jesus always in his heart, Jesus on his lips, Jesus in his ears, Jesus in his eyes, Jesus in all the other members of his body….Often when he was on a journey, meditating or singing about Jesus, he would leave the road and start inviting all creatures to praise Jesus.”

Tuesday, December 8, is the Solemnity of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of Ameri-ca, and a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. Vigil Mass is Monday, December 7, at 7:00 P.M. Masses on December 8 are 6:30 A.M., 8:45 AM. (School), 12:00 Noon, and 7:00 P.M. Our Confirmation Class will join us at 7:00 P.M. that Tuesday. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you! New Missalettes and new Polish “Pan Z Wami”, that begin this weekend, are available for each fami-ly, but you must take them home each time, as still nothing can be left in the pews. Ushers will assist you.

CHRISTMAS EVE: 3:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M., 10:00 P.M., 12 Midnight (POLISH) CHRISTMAS DAY: 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M. (POLISH), and 11:00 A.M.

ALL OF OUR CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES WILL RE-QUIRE REGISTRATION AND TICKET TO ENTER THE BASILICA. For you, the faithful who attend regularly, we offer an early printed registration form for you to make a first and second choice of Christmas Mass Preference. The registration forms are availa-ble at all Weekend Masses this Thanksgiving Weekend. Only one form is needed for a family. These paper regis-tration forms will be due in the Parish office by Friday, December 4, at 5:00 P.M. After that day Christmas Mass Registration will be done on-line via our St. Stanislaus Basilica Web Site to be coordinated on-line by Krystian Jurkowski, our Web Master at www.statansbasilica.org Special thanks to Sr. Andrea and Sr. Agnesa who will coordinate the initial paper form registration. You will receive an actual Entrance Voucher in the mail. For the On Line Registration, Krystian will send your entrance voucher via your email or via your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation. We MUST DO THIS for safety and occupancy protocols. Please tell those who may not see the bulletin or web site, as ENTRANCE TO THE BASILICA FOR CHRISTMAS MASSES WILL ONLY BE WITH A VOUCHER. WINTER WEATHER POLICY: Remember, if St. Stanislaus School is closed due to snow, ice, inclement weather, the 6:30 A.M. Mass will be celebrated privately in the Friary, to allow for snow/ice removal and to assure safety for all. The 12:00 Noon Mass will be held as usual. Please use good judgment, if the weather is very bad, stay home! Be safe! Jesus will smile on you!

DRIVE THRU Spaghetti Dinner will take plane on Saturday, December 12, 3:00-6:30 P.M. in the School Parking Lot. Raffles and purchase of Polish Foods are part of the celebration - see page 6 for more information. SUPPORT YOUR BASILICA. Thanks to the dedicated committee and volunteers.

Peace and all good!

Friar Joe

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Weekly Stewardship Report

We are the servants of God, each with his or her own task. We will be judged good stewards if, at His coming, He finds us ready and conscientiously pursuing the tasks to which we have been called.

Collection Totals for the Weekend of November 21/22 will be posted in Next

Weekend’s Bulletin.


This Week - Vestibule / Lower Basilica Improvements

Next Week - Maintenance & Repair

Please continue to be generous.


TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 ...Confirmation Classes - (Grades 9 & 10) - 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. - Upper Basilica WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 ...Polish Prayer Group Mass - 7:00 P.M. - Upper Basilica THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 ...School Liturgy - 8:45 A.M. - Upper Basilica FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 ...FIRST FRIDAY - ALL DAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - until 7:00 P.M. - Upper Basilica ...Polish Mass - 7:00 P.M. - Upper Basilica SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 ...Religious Education Classes - (Grades K-8th) - 9:00 - 10:00 A.M. - School SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 ...Making of Pierogi - 9:00 A.M. - School

OUR DEEP GRATITUDE IS EXTENDED TO Virginia Bauch, Roma Wilk, Mary Blanchette and Bob Buckley for preparing our Annual All Souls' Liturgy and Remembrance Table. Their ef-forts helped us pray for and honor our parishioners who entered Eternal Life.

FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION - December 4 is the first Friday of the month, our day to pray in reparation for sin, both personal and communal. Our day of prayer begins after the 6:30 a.m. Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and concludes with Mass cele-brated in Polish at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to spend some time in prayer and reflection be-fore our Eucharistic Lord.

"The Minister Provincial, Very Rev. James McCurry OFM Conv., expressly exempts Fr. Paul Miskiewicz, OFM Conv., for reasons of age, health, and medical vulnerability from ministering Holy Communion on the tongue, as long as the pandemic continues." The Pastor must make this known to the parishioners and simply instruct those who plan to receive Holy Communion on the tongue to approach a different Minister of the Eucharist. SO, if you insist on receiving the Holy Eucharist on the tongue, at Liturgy, where Fr. Paul is the presider, please go to Communion to the Deacon or Eucharistic Minister, if present! This exemption is fully in compliance with Bishop McManus' decree. He indicated to me that an announcement could be made before every Mass that those who wish to receive communion on the tongue can be instructed to wait until the end of the communion line or join a specially designated line. Respectfully, Fr. Joseph Bayne, OFM Conv., Rector/Pastor

Due to the Red Status of Chicopee and upswing in cases, the following COVID 19 PRECAUTIONS are implemented immediately for the Basilica:

NO ALTAR SERVERS until further notice as it increases contact with books, vessels, etc. Lectors, please check your materials quickly in the Sacristy, and then go immediately to your seat

near the pulpit. We must reduce the number of folks crowded in the Sacristy. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation. Blessings and Peace! Friar Joe Bayne, OFM Conv., Rector/Pastor

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B I U L E T Y N Parafialny

29 LISTOPAD - I NIEDZIELA ADWENTU Kolejny Adwent w moim życiu, kolejna dana mi szansa na to, abym w końcu dostrzegł co naprawdę się liczy, co naprawdę jest najważniejsze? Bóg po raz kolejny wychodzi naprzeciw człowiekowi i szuka go z troską. Znowu pozwala się ujrzeć i zbliżyć, a jedynie ode mnie samego zależy, czy Jego wysiłki będę uwieńczone sukcesem, czy po raz kolejny zmarnuję daną mi szansę? Adwent to nie tylko czas oczekiwania na Boże Narodzenie, ale to przede wszystkim czas przygotowania na przyjście Boga-Człowieka, na spotkanie go w moim życiu. A może warto by było obudzić się z letargu i uśpienia? A może warto by było zrobić rachunek sumienia i zobaczyć, jak to naprawdę jest z tym moim życie pełnym samozadowolenia i faryzejskiego uznawania się za lepszego od innych, a jednocześnie pełnym kantów, szwindli i nieuczciwości? A może trzeba by było poprosić: "Obyś rozdarł niebiosa i zstąpił"? A może warto w końcu wyprostować swoje ścieżki życiowe i wyrównać drogi? Sklepy pełne są już świątecznych i mikołajkowych prezentów, pomału rozpoczyna się szaleństwo przedświątecznych zakupów. I szkoda, żeby znowu te cztery tygodnie Adwentu utonęło w przedświątecznej szamotaninie i drugorzędnych przygotowaniach. Będą przecież -w niejednej parafii- adwentowe rekolekcje, będą Msze św. Roratnie, będą okazje do spowiedzi i do rzetelnego przygotowania się do prawdziwego Bożego Narodzenia, a ja ... czyżbym znowu miał to przespać lub -okazję do spotkania Boga- zaprzepaścić w szaleństwie mikołajkowych i gwiazdkowych zakupów? I czy moim dzieciom z całych świąt ma pozostać jedynie bardziej lub mniej tandetny prezencik pod choinką? Panie, obym się przygotował na dzień Twego przyjścia nie tylko zewnętrznie. KAZIK

W środę, 2 grudnia zapraszamy na MSZĘ ŚW. w j. polskim o godz. 7:00 PM. Po Mszy św. wystawienie Najświętsze-go Sakramentu.

PIERWSZY PIĄTEK MIESIĄCA- 4 grudnia - na zakończenie całodziennego wystawienia Najświętszego Sakramentu Msza św. w j. polskim o godz. 7:00 PM.

Z powodu pandemii, dystansu społecznego i ograniczonej liczby miejsc, będzie potrzebna REJESTRACJA I BILET na wszystkie Msze św. w WIGILJĘ I W DZIEŃ BOŻEGO NARODZENIA. Dla wiernych, którzy regularnie uczęszczają na Msze św. zaoferujemy wydrukowany formularz rejestracyjny po wszystkich Mszach św. w ten weekend, abyście mogli dokonać pierwszego i drugiego wyboru preferencji Mszy św. Dla rodziny potrzebny jest tylko jeden formularz. Termin rejestracji w biurze parafii do dnia 4 grudnia. Po tym dniu rejestracja odbędzie się on-line za pośrednictwem naszej strony internetowej Bazyliki. Bilet wstępu otrzymamy pocztą, e-mailem (do wydrukowania) lub telefonem komórkowym. Rozkład Mszy św. - Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia: 3:00, 5:00, 10:00 PM , 12:00 o północy (PASTERKA) a w Święto Bożego Narodzenia: 7:00, 9:00 (w j. polskim) i 11:00 rano.

We wtorek, 8 grudnia obchodzimy uroczystość NIEPOKALANEGO POCZĘCIA NAJŚWIĘTSZEJ MARI PANNY, Patronki Ameryki. Jest to święto obowiązkowe. Msza Wigilna w poniedziałek, 7 grudnia o godz. 7:00 wieczorem a Msze św. 8 grudnia o godz. 6:30, 8:45 (szkolna Msz św.), 12:00 w południe i 7:00 PM.

Nowe książki do modlitwy „PAN Z WAMI” które rozpoczynają się w ten weekend, są dostępne dla każdej rodziny, ale za każdym razem trzeba je zabierać do domu, ponieważ w ławkach nadal nic nie może pozostać. OPŁATKI – na święta Bożego Narodzenia można nabyć u naszego organisty, Pana Janka Makselona lub w biurze parafialnym.

Prosimy o składanie ofiar na KWIATY by udekorować Bazylikę lub na posiłki dla ubogich na święta BOŻEGO NARODZENIA. Specialne formularze na ten cel znajdują się na stronie 5-tej naszego biuletynu.

W sobotę, 12 grudnia w godz. 3-6:30 PM odbędzie się SPAGHETTI DINNER oraz wysprzedaż „Polskich Dań” i loteria fantowa na parkingu szkolnym. Bilety można zakupić po Mszach św. 5/6 grudnia i w biurze parafialnym.

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ADVENT GIVING TREE - During the Advent Season, we are inviting Parishioners and Friends to par-ticipate in our Annual Giving Tree. This project, sponsored by our Parish, will benefit the less fortunate of Chicopee. Please TAKE an ANGEL off the tree located in the vestibule and purchase the suggested gift. This gift needs to be NEW AND NOT WRAPPED, SO PLEASE PUT THEM IN GIFT BAGS with the appropriate tag tied to the bag. It is most important that the gift be RETURNED (As Soon As Possi-ble) so that Lorraine's Soup Kitchen can gather all the GIFTS and check that they have something for ALL the Children on their List!! MAY GOD REWARD YOU A HUNDREDFOLD FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!

OPLATEK - Experience the joy of sharing the traditional Christmas wafer, the Oplatek, while exchanging Christmas wishes with you family. The wafers can be obtained from our Organist John Makselon, before and after every weekend Mass or at the Parish Office. - Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. An explanation of this joy-ous tradition is available at the Parish Office.

Christm[s M_mori[l - R_qu_st Slips

Please use one request slip per memorial. For example, if you are giving 2 separate individuals ($20) use 2 slips. If you are giving one memorial ($10) for more than one individual, one slip should be used. If you choose to give a Meal and Poinsettia, please use separate slips designating your choice for the individual being memorialized. Please return slips as soon as possible by way of the collection basket or by mail. The suggested offering is $10.




Deceased person (s) remembered: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Living person (s) remembered: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Donor __________________________________________________________________________________________



Deceased person (s) remembered: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Living person (s) remembered: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Donor __________________________________________________________________________________________

With gratitude we acknowledge the following donation…

ST. STANISLAUS BASILICA FUND $100 from Patricia A. Laszewski $100 from Donald J. Deshaies $30 from Alfred Kendall In memory of +Alice & Stanley Chmura $100 from Nancy M. Chmura, $100 from Thomas Chmura In memory of +Dorothy Alexopoulos $50 from Alexopoulos Family

MINISTRY OF CARE In memory of +Sr. Norberta Petrucci, FMSA $25 from Alexopoulos Family In memory of +Frances Morawiec $40 from Irene Stanek For a Special Intention Known to God $10 from Anonymous Donor

TAKE & EAT MEAL MINISTRY $5 from Jean Anderson

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For our next event, we will be selling “Spaghetti Dinners to Go” and “Polish Food to Go” on Saturday, Decem-ber 12th from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm behind the school. THIS IS A DRIVE-THRU EVENT. YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE. We will have volunteers to bring your order to your car. The dinner tickets will be on sale for $ 10.00 each and may be purchased in the following manner: at the Parish Office, by placing an order in an envelope and dropping in the collection basket or by mail (please use the order slip below), or through the parish website at www.ststansbasilica.org - please see the drive-thru spaghetti dinner link. Orders placed on the web-site will be reservations only. You will need to pay for those tickets at the event. There will only be 400 tickets sold, so we suggest that you buy your tickets early. The dinner will consist of: Spaghetti, Sauce, 2 Meatballs, Sal-ad, and Garlic Bread. Special Raffle - We will be selling raffle tickets for $ 5.00 each for the following prize: Christmas Sleigh with $ 75 of lottery scratch tickets and $ 25 cash. These tick-ets will be sold at the Parish Office, or order with the slip below through the col-lection basket or from the volunteers at the event as you are picking up your meals.

Tickets for both the Dinner and the Raffle will be sold after Masses the weekend of December 5th/6th.

On the same day, we will be selling “Polish Foods to Go”. Volunteers will go to your vehicle to take your order. You can purchase your pierogi & golumbki for Christmas. Prices are as follows: Cabbage Pierogi $ 7.50 dz., Cheese & Potato Pierogi $ 8.00 dz., 4 packs of Golumbki $ 10.00 ea., & a limited number of Quarts of Kapusta $ 5.00 ea.

Please support this event. We really need your help to make this event a success!

If the weather is inclement on Saturday, December 12th, the event will be held on Sunday, December 13th. Sincerely, Drive-thru Spaghetti Dinner Committee


2020 Drive-thru Spaghetti Dinner tickets Please complete the information below and your tickets will be mailed to you.

Name: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone # _________________________ # of Tickets @ $ 10.00 each _________ Total enclosed $ ___________


2020 Special Raffle Christmas Sleigh with $ 75 of Scratch tickets and $ 25.00 cash

Your tickets will be placed in the Raffle bin. Name:___________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone # __________________________ # of Tickets @ $ 5.00 each __________ Total enclosed $ ___________________

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Saturday, November 28 5:00 p.m. +Wlodzimierz Dziedzic, on 5th Anniversary of his Passing, from Wife & Family ST.HYACINTH +Stanislaw Podraza from Friends, Henry & Malgorzata Zyla Sunday, November 29 - First Sunday of Advent 7:00 a.m. +Krystyna Zielinska from Son Mariusz & Family 9:00 a.m. +Marian Wojcik from Anna & Casimir Kruzel 11:00 a.m. +Philip & Irene Brodacki from Daughter Claudette & Family ST.HYACINTH +Maria & Franciszek Tarnawski from Daughter Alicja & Family Monday, November 30 - St. Andrew, Apostle 6:30 a.m. +Deceased Brothers, Sisters, & Benefactors of the Order 12:00 p.m. +Zofia Wojcik from Anna & Casimir Kruzel ST.HYACINTH +Joseph & Mary Kowal from Stella Kowal Trust Tuesday, December 1 - Bl. Charles de Foucauld 6:30 a.m. - Living Brothers, Sisters & Benefactors of the Order 12:00 p.m. - Parishioners of St. Stanislaus ST.HYACINTH +Aniela & Kazimierz Wos from Wos Family Wednesday, December 2 - Bl. Rafal Chylinski 6:30 a.m. +Leonarda Randzio from Hania & Joe Chmielewski 12:00 p.m. +Marian & Melvin Baker from Family 7:00 p.m. (Polish) - For the Eventual Opening of the Cause for Beatification of Fr. Lucjan Krolikowski, OFM Conv., if it be God’s Will ST.HYACINTH - Blessings for Colette Delagrange from Daughter, Agnes Thursday, December 3 - St. Francis Xavier 6:30 a.m. - Health & Blessings for Parishioners & Benefactors from Al Kendal 8:45 a.m. +Mary Mawaka from Gladys Stokowski 12:00 p.m. +Bronislaw & Zofia Bernat from Remian Family ST.HYACINTH +Wladyslaw & Wladyslawa Wilk from Zofia & Zbigniew Wilk & Family Friday, December 4 - St. John Damascene 6:30 a.m. +Wlodzimierz Amerski from Zofia & Jozef Gasior 12:00 p.m. +Dorothy A. Alexopoulos from Husband & Family 7:00 p.m. (Polish) +Gosia Federkiewicz from Elzbieta & Witold Bogdan ST.HYACINTH - Birthday Blessings and Guidance of the Holy Spirit for Philip from Parents


WE PRAYERFULLY RE-MEMBER all the faithful de-parted parishioners of St. Stanislaus Parish. In particular, our deepest sympathy and

prayers go to the family and friends of those who have gone recently to their eternal reward. May they, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2020

Saturday, December 5 - St. Sabas 7:00 a.m. +Radoslaw Grochocki from Grzyb Family 5:00 p.m. +Stanley & Rose Stonina from Daughter & Family ST.HYACINTH - Birthday Blessings for Thomas Ricardi from Mom & Dad Sunday, December 6 - Second Sunday of Advent 7:00 a.m. +In Memory of Antonia Evales from Roqueza Family 9:00 a.m. +Maria & Wladyslaw Czarniecki from Family 11:00 a.m. +Stanislaw Nocon from Brother & Family ST.HYACINTH +Robert Rajpold from Sister, Ania

BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE this week is burning for the Greater Glory of God and in memory of +Ronald Cierpial and was donated by his Wife & Family.

ANNIVERSARY EDITION OF FR. ŁUCJAN KRȮLIKOWSKI’S BOOKS - A set of 4 books in the Polish language -“Skradzione Dzieciństwo”, “Pamiętnik Sybiraka i Tułacza”, “Abba – Ojcze” and “Miłość mi Wszystko Wyjaśniła”, – is available at the St. Stanislaus Basilica Parish Office for a donation of $40.00 . This makes a great gift for Thanksgiving or Christmas for someone who speaks Polish. The entire donation will go to the Franciscan missions in South America, Africa and Ukraine. Learn about Fr. Lucjan’s life, struggles and accomplish-ments and sup-port our mis-sions! For addi-tional infor-mation, please contact the Par-ish Office at (413) 594-6669.

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St. Stanislaus Friary ______________ 594-6669 Fr. Joseph Bayne Ext. 114 Br. Michael Duffy Ext. 121 Fr. Mieczyslaw Wilk Ext. 118 Fr. Paul Miskiewicz Ext. 116 St. Hyacinth Senior Friars Residence____ 557-6930 St. Stanislaus Convent_____________ 592-9113 Sr. Cecelia Haier, FSSJ Sr. Constance Santilla, FSSJ Sr. Andrea Ciszewski, FSSJ Parish Office 594-6669 Fr. Joseph Bayne Ext. 133 Religious Education Office Ext. 129 Ministry of Care Ext. 128 Izabela Ziobro / Gladys Les Ext. 110 Agnes Olbrys Ext. 127 Karl Hammond Ext. 131

St. Francis Convent, Holyoke______ 532-8156 Sr. Agnesa Negru, FMSA Telephone Numbers Parish Office 594-6669 School Office 592-5135 Parish Fax 594-5259 School Fax 598-0187 Deacon Joe Peters 561-3470 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday NO OFFICE HOURS Parish Website www.ststansbasilica.org Parish E-Mail [email protected] San Damiano Website ststansbasilica.org/san-damiano-group School Office Hours Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. School Website saintstansschool.org School E-Mail [email protected]

In keeping with our commitment to ensure ac-countability and prevent acts of abuse, the Dioce-san Misconduct Review Board can be reached at (413) 452-0624 or 1-800-842-9055 to report abuse or for more information.

Pastoral Staff Franciscan Friars Deacon Joseph Peters

Faith Formation Deacon Joseph Peters Sr. Andrea

Parish Pastoral Council William Zaskey John Tourigny Edyta Makusiewicz Helen Banas Paula Piela Ray Dziok Bernie Gelinas Marian Zielinski Sandra Peret Virginia Bauch Mason Kumiega Agnes Czarniecki

Support Staff Agnes Olbrys Gladys Les Izabela Ziobro Karl Hammond Br. Paschal Kolodziej

School Sr. Ceil Karen Shea Kelly Zacharie Rachel Keizer Cindy Conklin Bogdan Bryda James Maloney

Music John Makselon Margaret Bielin William Ferron Chris Marini Jacob Broer (San Damiano)

Ministry of Care Sr. Agnesa Mary Blanchette Dennis Bajek Gladys Les Roma Wilk

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John Michon Parishioner REALTOR®, CBR

20 Year Multi-Million Dollar ClubCell: 413.537.3452 Residence: 413.592.5017Email: [email protected]

Chicopee l Longmeadow l Northampton

Westfield l Wilbraham

Life Safety, Security


Communication Systems

637 Front Street

Chicopee, MA 01013

Tel 413-594-9916


Beata Tyminska, M.D., FAAP


299 Carew St., Suite 210, SpringfieldLocated at Mercy Medical Center

Affiliated with Baystate Medical Center732-5580 • Mówimy po polsku


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474-6281 474-6283Mowimy Po Polsku Mowimy Po Polsku


105 Exchange St.Chicopee

Tel: 413-592-1944

123 Academy Street

Chicopee, MA 01013

(413) 594-4520

[email protected]


Full Auto Service600 Front Street

Chicopee 413-331-4105


DUANE BENNETT413-233-8604


Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters!• LeafGuard® is

guaranteed never to

clog or we’ll clean it for FREE*

• Seamless, one-piece system keeps out leaves, pine needles, and debris

• Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to clean clogged gutters

• Durable, all-weather tested system not a flimsy attachment

Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration

CALL NOW 978-615-1406LeafGuard operates as LeafGuard of New England in Massachusetts under MA HIC registration number 191456 and in Rhode Island under RI Contractor Reg. #42097 Get it. And forget it.®

*Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we’ll clean your gutters for free.


LABOR**Does not includecost of material.

Offer expires 9/30/20.

Receive a $25 Lowe’s Gift Cardwith FREE in-home estimate!

All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product consultation will receive a $25 gift card. Retail value $25. Offer sponsored by LeafGuard Holdings Inc. Limit one per household. Company procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter

protection. This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or involved with a life partner, both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a photo ID, be able to understand

English, and be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of Company or affiliated companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous participants in a Company in-home consultation within the past 12 months and all current and former Company customers. Gift may not be extended, transferred, or substituted except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to the

participant via first class United States Mail within 21 days of receipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any

kind. Offer not sponsored or promoted by Lowe’s and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Expires 9/30/20.


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Richard J. KosAttorney

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Wills • Real Estate • AccidentsFor all your legal needs.

Consider RememberingYour Parishin Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.

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