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Page 1: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling

Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MScDocklands Training Consultants Ltd


Page 2: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Who are we?

• We are a company that specialises in moving and handling training and consultancy.

• We work with health, social care, education and individuals with complex needs.

• We offer training, service management, training needs analysis, complex risk assessment and development of handling plans.

Page 3: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Where are we with moving and handling training?

• Less time to carry out the training?• Less frequency in training. Up to 3 years

between updates?• Competing with other mandatory training

subjects.• Can we justify that we need more time and

more frequent training because we are more important than other topics?

Page 4: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

How effective is the training that you provide?

• Are you truly assessing competency?• Is it a tick box exercise?• Is there a synergy between classroom and the

practice area, whether it be health or social care?

• How many of you issue a certificate of competence? Or is it just a certificate of attendance?

Page 5: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Some terms used

• Handler

• Patient

• Clinical area

Page 6: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Definition of competency

• The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

• Successfully –accomplishing a desired aim or result

• Efficiently - In a well organised and competent way

(Oxford English Dictionary)

Page 7: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Successfully and efficiently

• Immediately after the training?• When the handler returns to the clinical area?• Three months or six months after the training?

What if it is a technique that is not used often by this handler?

• Or another measurement?

Page 8: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Competency in relation to moving and handling

• Will not cause the patient any harm.• Will maximise patient dignity and comfort.• Will maximise patient independence.• Will not potentiate musculoskeletal

disorders in the handler by adopting poor postures during the technique.

Page 9: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Hoist ExampleIs the handler competent when1. They can assess if the patient is suitable for this handling

technique?2. They know how the hoist works and can check it?3. They can safely insert a sling and attach to a hoist?4. They can safely move the patient from one surface to

another?5. They can remove the hoist and sling safely?6. They maintain good posture and apply good principles of safe

handing?7. All of above and more?

Page 10: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

And more?

• With dignity and respect• Is the patient in a good functional position at

the end of the technique?• Did the patient experience any fear or anxiety?• Did the patient experience any pain and/or

discomfort?• If any of the above happened does the handler

know what action to take?

Page 11: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Your experience of hoist training

• How long was the session?1. Less than 30 minutes2. Between 30 minutes and 1 hour3. Between 1 hour and 2 hours4. More than 2 hours

Page 12: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Your experience of hoist training

• How often were you updated?

1. Yearly2. 18 months3. 2 years4. 3 years

Page 13: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Competency assessment “checklist”

• Part of Medical Devices Training

Look at assessment document in pairs and discuss

• Is it adequate or not?• Is there anything missing?• Any other comments?

Page 14: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Let’s look at the issue of competence more widely.

• I am going to introduce you to DiNO. Which is not a Pokemon character or a cartoon dinosaur.

Page 15: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

What is DiNO?

• A Direct Observation Instrument for Assessment Of Nurses’ Patient Transfer Techniques. (Johnsson, C et al (2004)).

• Observational checklist.

• Checking competent compliance.

Page 16: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Why DiNO?

• A tool that is easy to use.

• Encompasses moving and handling from a patient focus (maintaining safety and dignity) as well as a postural analysis aspect for the nurse.

Page 17: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Description of DiNO?

• 16 sections divided into 3 phases.

1. Preparation phase.

2. Actual performance phase.

3. Results phase.

Page 18: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

DiNO score sheet Name ...............................Ward/Dept......................Date................

Item Score

0 1 Information categories


Preparation phase

1. Is the patient encouraged to cooperate? No Yes

2. Is there enough room prepared for the transfer?

No Yes Already enough.Not possible to make more space.

3. Wheelchair, and other objects that the patient is transferred between, positioned and locked in the correct way?

No Yes Already correctNot possible to correctNot relevant

4. Is the height of the bed/trolley correct? No Yes Already correctNot possible to correctNot relevant

5. Use of the transferring aids(s)? No Yes No aids availableNot needed

6. Correct use of transferring aids (s)? No Yes Not relevant

7. Are there enough nurses? No Yes No more nurses are available

Page 19: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

DiNO score sheet Name ...............................Ward/Dept......................Date................

Item Score

0 1 Information categories


Actual performance phase

8. Good balance a Not at all fulfilled

Totally fulfilled

9. Good coordination a Not at all fulfilled

Totally fulfilled

10. Good economy of movement a Not at all fulfilled

Totally fulfilled

11. How is the load on the back and shoulders a High Low

12. To what extent are the criteria in communication and interaction with the patient fulfilled? a

Not at all fulfilled

Totally fulfilled

13. Is the patient allowed to participate according to her /his ability to perform voluntary movements? a

Not at all fulfilled

Totally fulfilled

Page 20: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Scale used in “Actual Performance Phase”

Bipolar rating scales from 0 to 4 with endpoints indicated in the table. Endpoint 0 corresponds to a score of 0, 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.5, 3 = 0.75 and endpoint 4 corresponds to a score of 1.

Page 21: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

DiNO score sheet Name ...............................Ward/Dept......................Date........

Item Score

0 1 Information categories


Results phase

14. Does the transfer technique chosen by the nurse cause any pain to the patient?

Yes No

15. Does the transfer technique chosen by the nurse cause any feelings of fear or uncertainty in the patient?

Yes No

16. Is the patient in a functional position at the end of the transfer?

No Yes

Page 22: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

External factors

• Organisational culture and climate

• Management expectations

Page 23: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Organisational culture and climate

• Culture can be described as the ground level attitudes, in this case, this is at clinical level. E.g. Pressures of workload, skill mix, feeling overwhelmed or alienated, etc.

• Climate is imposed by the organisation and includes interventions such as policies, procedures, training targets and compliance with regulatory bodies.

Page 24: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Management Expectations

• In interviews with managers over half expressed a preference for clinically based training.

• Reason being “Did not have to release staff from the ward for training”.

Page 25: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .






Comparing preferences by discipline for location of manual handling training.

Page 26: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Some other factors

• Clinically based training can be more costly as teaching time can be limited and often curtailed or cancelled.

• Alternatives to direct training in clinical areas such as key trainers can be affected adversely by staff turnover, lack of time and a willingness of staff to participate.

Page 27: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Some conclusions

• Becoming familiar with DiNO provided us with a user friendly and effective competency assessment tool.

• Training models need to be more flexible.

• Internal and external organisational pressures can have profound effects on training interventions.

Page 28: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

Any questions?Hamish MacGregor


Page 29: Competency assessment of healthcare workers in moving and handling Hamish MacGregor RN, BA (Hons), MSc Docklands Training Consultants Ltd .

References and acknowledgments

• Dr Mike Fray, Loughborough University.• Johnsson C, et al (2004). A Direct Observation

Instrument for Assessment Of Nurses’ Patient Transfer Techniques.

• Johnsson C, (2005). The Patient Transfer Task. Methods for Assessing Work Techniques.

• Hignett S, et al (2007) Competency based training for patient handlers.

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