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Page 1: Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016saintanthonysberwick.org/documents/March 6, 2016... · Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303

Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303 Associate: Fr. Craig Cameron Kentville Residence: 902-678-3519 Deacons: Rev. Mr. Paul Lannan, Rev. Mr. David Hasler, & Rev. Mr. Jerry Clement

Mass Schedule…this week! Saturday March 5 4pm – Hantsport & Canning Sunday March 6 9am – Wolfville & Berwick 11am – Windsor & Kentville 5pm – Kentville Monday March 7 9am – Kentville Tuesday March 8 9am – Kentville Wednesday March 9 9am – Kentville Thursday March 10 9am – Kentville Friday March 11 9am – Kentville Saturday March 12 4pm – Hantsport & Canning 6pm – Manning Chapel, Acadia Sunday March 13 9am – Wolfville & Berwick 11am – Windsor & Kentville 5pm – Kentville

Please remember to notify one of the parish offices, Fr. John or Fr. Craig directly, if you or a loved one are in hospital or home bound and would like either Holy Communion or Holy Anointing.

No Scents Makes Good Sense Please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne to Mass.

When Attending Mass at other churches in the area: Please note that if you place your envelope in the weekly collection at any of the churches (Berwick to Windsor) the envelope will be returned to the church stated on the envelope.


Christian Meditation will recommence on March 8th, and every Tuesday at 2pm in the chapel of the Valley Regional Hospital. Drop-ins welcome. Enquiries: 902-582-3828 The Refugee Committee Our first sponsored family consists of parents and 4 girls ages 6 to 14. They have had a very busy first week in Canada. They have been to the doctor, had their first day of school, registered for English classes and opened bank accounts. Please continue to pray for them as they make the adjustment to life here.

Readings for the Week Monday March 7 Is 65:17–21 Jn 4:43–54 Tuesday March 8 Ez 47:1–9, 12 Jn 5:1–16 Wednesday March 9 Is 49:8–15 Jn 5:17–30 Thursday March 10 Ex 32:7–14 Jn 5:31–47 Friday March 11 Wis 2:1a, 12–22 Jn 7:1–2, 10, 25–30 Saturday March 12 Jer 11:18–20 Jn 7:40–53 Sunday March 13 Is 43:16–21 Phil 3:8–14 Jn 8:1–11

Healing Mass (with Anointing of the Sick)

Wednesday, March 9, 6:30pm - Wolfville

Reconciliation Service (with Individual Confession)

Wednesday, March 16, 6:30pm - Kentville Weekend of Grace for Women – “By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope…” 1 Peter 1:3-9 - The 10th Annual Weekend of Grace for Women, with keynote speaker Andi Oney will be held April 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2016 at the Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Andi has spoken at the Women’s Regional Conference in Louisiana and at the Women’s Day of Refreshment in Metairie, Louisiana. She has also been part of a team presenting Life in the Spirit seminars for Seminarians at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA. In 2013, Andi had the privilege to attend the International Prophetic Consultation gathering of leaders in the Charismatic Renewal in the City of Bread (Bethlehem, Israel), where she had a profound experience as she prayed in the upper room with leaders from all over the world for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As a result of Andi’s upper room experience, she is now writing her first book on the power of praise! Attendance through pre-registration only and registration is now open. Visit www.weekendofgrace.com for more information.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The stewardship message in the parable of the prodigal son is that it is never too late to become a good steward. Blessed is the elder brother who had been a good steward all along, but blessed, too, is the prodigal, who had to lose all he had in order to understand the value of what he’d been given.

Page 2: Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016saintanthonysberwick.org/documents/March 6, 2016... · Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303

St. John’s, Windsor / St. Mary’s, Hantsport

Pastoral Staff & Volunteers Secretary: Helen Bartlett - 902-798-2341 Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 8am-1pm Email: [email protected] Religious Education: Michelle Mailman 902-684-0170 Organist: Elizabeth Ferguson - 902-757-3005 Our choir is always ready to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining a choir please call the office or speak to a choir leader before or after Mass. Responsible Ministry Coordinator: Anna Allen

902-798-2059 Maintenance: Jerone Cleveland - 902-798-4355 KOC GRAND KNIGHT: Keith AuCoin 902-798-2963 CWL PRESIDENT: Brenda Allen 902-798-3694


Religious Education: Sunday 9:45-10:45am

Thursday 9:00am Prayer Cenacle

VISITATION OF THE SICK Contact: Eleanor McKiel, 902-791-5130

It is not too late to be part of this ministry! STATIONS OF THE CROSS AT ST. JOHN’S: Every Friday at 7:00pm and will continue for the Lenten Season. ENVELOPES: There are still a number of parishioners who have not picked up your envelopes, please do so. Please remember to include your name on the envelope to help us keep an accurate record of donations. FIRST COMMUNION: Students need to have a copy of their Baptismal Certificate in the office as soon as possible. If your child was baptized here, all we need is the date. Thanks.

WEEKEND OF February 28, 2016

Envelopes (63) $2251.00 Loose 64.75 Post Dated Cheques (2) 160.00 Pro-Life Assistance (3) 35.00 Development & Peace (2) 40.00 Formation (9) 175.00 Heating/Fuel Recovery (1) 20.00 Hantsport Food Bank (1) 20.00 Initial Offering (1) 5.00 Railway Children (1) 20.00 HST Refund 1445.08 T0TAL $4225.83

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK: Saturday 4:00pm Hantsport

For the Parishioners Sunday 11:00am Windsor

For George Kenny by Clara Blanchard INCOME TAX RECEIPTS: We want to thank everyone who has been supportive of our parish by giving of your time and talent as well as to our treasury. The income tax receipts for 2015 are at the back of the church. If there are any changes to your civic and/or mailing address, please advise the office or make the changes on your envelopes.

Page 3: Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016saintanthonysberwick.org/documents/March 6, 2016... · Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303

St. Francis, Wolfville / St. Lawrence, CanningOffice Assistant & Contact for Visitation Ministry of Pastoral Care: George Henry: (O) 902-542-3074 or (H) 902-678-7947/670-9661 [email protected] or [email protected] Mass Intentions for the Week March 5th Sat. 4pm Canning: Souls in Purgatory March 5th Sat. 6pm Acadia: For the People March 6th Sun. 9am Charles James Henry, Jr., (d) by N. & G. Henry Pastoral Council: Meets: Tues., Apr. 12 @ 7:15pm in the hall. Hospitality at St Francis: After mass, if announced. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (902-542-9499) meets the 4th Wed., Parish Centre, 7pm. Pres.: Phil Kenny. All are welcome. Wolfville Area Inter Church Council open, monthly meetings, 2nd Wed. at 7pm at Acadia’s Manning Chapel. www.waicc.org. First Friday Rosary at 730pm at 79 Sherwood Drive, Wolfville. For information telephone 902-697-2346. Meet Your Feet: Free foot care by C. Manzer, LPN, 1 to 3pm, second Thursday monthly, SF Parish Hall. For information or transportation call 902-698-9781.

Today we prepare for Solidarity Sunday, March 13th. We place symbols in recognition of those people and what can happen when we work for the common good. Pease be generous next week with your donation to Development and Peace. There are envelopes in your boxes or put money in an envelope marked Development and Peace and be sure to include your name and address so that your donation can be properly receipted. Thank you.

Canning and Area Inter Church Council LENTEN LUNCHES SCHEDULE:

Mar. 11 St. John's Anglican, Church St. assisted by St. Lawrence. Mar. 18 Emmanuel United, Kingsport Homemade soups and bread will be served from 11:30am - 1:00pm with free will offering in support of the Emergency Relief Fund. Do you want to know what the Parish Visitation Ministry is all about? Contact Deacon Jerry Clement ([email protected]) or George Henry [email protected]

GOOD NEWS FROM INDIA Fr. Abhi has bought a suitable house in Varanasi as a “Safe House” for the railway children! [For years now, he and Sr. Manju have been caring for the kids

in a borrowed house, whose owner now needs it back.....] The new place cost $350,000 Canadian; this was raised in 3 years by supporters in Belgium, Spain and

Nova Scotia. Folks from over a dozen parishes in Cape Breton, the North Shore and our Annapolis Valley (including Yarmouth!), both parishioners and others, have been steadily and very generous. In fact, Nova Scotians contributed 1/3 of the total! Fr. Abhi and Sr. Manju have asked us to thank you very much for your help. Please mark Friday evening, April 8 on your calendar: there will be a benefit concert for the Safe House at the Wolfville Baptist Church at 7:30. Let's fill every pew, and help get the new House off to a good start!

Pope Francis’s Message of Mercy I am always struck when I reread the parable of the merciful father; it impresses me because it always gives me great hope. Think of that younger son who was in the father’s house, who was loved; and yet he wants his part of the inheritance. He goes off, spends everything, hits rock bottom, where he could not be more distant from the father. Yet when he is at his lowest, he misses the warmth of the father’s house and he goes back. And the father? Had he forgotten the son? No, never. He is there, he sees the son from afar; he was waiting for him every hour of every day. The son was always in his father’s heart, even though he had left him, even though he had squandered his whole inheritance, his freedom. The father, with patience, love, hope, and mercy had never for a second stopped thinking about him, and as soon as he sees him still far off, he runs out to meet him and embraces him with tenderness, the tenderness of God, without a word of reproach: his son has returned! And that is the joy of the father. In that embrace for his son is all this joy: he has returned! God is always waiting for us; he never grows tired. Jesus shows us this merciful patience of God so that we can regain confidence, hope—always!

Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4

Page 4: Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016saintanthonysberwick.org/documents/March 6, 2016... · Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303

St. Anthony’s, BerwickFinance Chair: Chris Palmer 902-847-9800 Pastoral Council Chair: Jacinta Harvey 902-538-7110 Responsible Ministry: Kathy Fleiger 902-679-4523 Website: www.saintanthonysberwick.org (Bulletin Announcements: Monday by 6:00pm) Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:00am-3:00pm

NEW Evangelization! Parish Registration Forms: available as you enter Church or at the Hospitality Table House Blessings and Home Visits: Contact Office Prayer Group: Tuesday 9:30am (Helen or Rose) Food Bank Sunday: 1st Sunday of each month Rosary Prayer Group at GVM: every other Thursday …. At 10:30am (contact Rose or John R.) Prayer and Music Ministry at Kings Rehabilitation: … Contact Rodina



Mass Intent ions Sunday March 6th for

Shawn Currie by Anita and Leo Currie and Dawn MacLachlan (Living) by St. Anthony’s Parish

Sunday March 13th for

John Hiltz by Mary Ann Harrington and Alfred Laing by Anne Laing






There will be Stations of the Cross every Friday evening during Lent beginning at








N e x t S unda y , Ma rc h 1 3 th, i s S o l ida rity S unda y , the f i f th S unda y o f Le nt , a nd the

S ha re Le nt c o l le c t io n. P le a s e be g e ne ro us !!

BUNDLES FOR BABIES "It's time to begin gathering donations for Bundles for Babies! Diapers, receiving blankets, sleepers and bibs will be gifted to new Moms and babies at

Valley Regional Hospital. Last year our Sewing Group was able to purchase enough fabric so each

of the 33 bundles was wrapped in a receiving blanket and had bibs and burb cloths included.

Should you wish to make a cash donation, please include your envelope number. With the generous help of our parish, we look forward to

another great year!!"

Le nte n P ra y e r S e rv ic e a nd S o up Lunc he o n Eve ry We dne s day in Le nt

All s e rv ic e s w il l be he ld a t the Ang l ic a n Churc h a t 1 2 :1 5 pm a nd the s oup lunch will be he ld ne x t door a t the B e rw ic k U nite d Churc h Ha ll imme dia te ly fo l lo w ing

the praye r s e rvice




If you have not picked up your 2016 Envelopes, they can now be picked up in the Office.







Pastoral Council Meeting scheduled for March 16

Welcome If you are new to our parish, registration forms

(census and ministries sign up) are available from the office, or as you enter the

church or at the Hospitality table in the Parish Centre. You may place your completed form in the collection

basket during Mass.

Page 5: Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016saintanthonysberwick.org/documents/March 6, 2016... · Fourth Sunday of Lent March 5/6 2016 Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson Kentville Office: 902-678-3303

St. Joseph’s, Kentville

Office Hours for March 7 to March 11 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9:30 am – 12noon & 1:00-4:00pm (Closed on Thursday)

Low Gluten Hosts (gluten content = 0.0017%) available from the Eucharistic Minister at back of the church near the Confessional.

Mass Intentions for this week: March 6 to Mar. 13 Sun, Mar. 6 – 11am; Ian McKie (d) by wife Teresa Mon, Mar. 7 – 9am; Denis Bonnenfant (d) by Anthony & Mary-Jane Walsh Tue, Mar. 8 – 9am; Diane Little (d) by Helen & Michael Walsh Wed, Mar. 9 – 9am; Intentions of St. Joseph’s CWL Thu, Mar. 10 – 9am; Barbara Brown (d) by Rose Scrivens Fri, Mar. 11 – 9am; Bill Pierik (d) by Dept. Staff Sun, Mar. 13 – 5pm; Jack MacDougall (d) by the MacDougall Family Noah’s ARC (Activity & Recreation Centre); Childcare for children 4 & under during the 11am Mass! For info contact Alison at 902-680-8797 / [email protected]


Faith Sharing Groups: Small groups of 10 or fewer people. Scripture Study, DVD Club & Book Club: For info call the office at 678-3303.

Rosary Prayer Cenacle: Tuesdays at 7pm in Rm 208.

Women’s Fellowship Breakfast: held 8am on 2nd Saturday of the month (March 12th) at Callister’s, Coldbrook.

Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory: Next meeting Jan. 27 at 7 pm in the Chapel.

Knights of Columbus: meet 1st Wednesday of month at 7pm. 4th Degree Knights: meet 4th Wednesday of month at 7 pm.

Catholic Women’s League: meet the 2nd Wed. of the month. Reminder that the 2016 Membership Dues ($20) are being collected. The regular monthly meeting of St. Joseph's CWL will be held in the Chapel on March 9th. Social time 6:30 -7:00 pm Meeting starts at 7 pm. Everyone welcome.

A Prayer Vigil for Unborn Children: Fridays! Meet in St. Joseph’s parking lot following 9 am Mass.

Music Ministry There is practice at 7pm on Thursday for 11am singers and a usual 4:20 meeting of the 5pm group on Sunday, March 13th. Email Michelle at [email protected] or the office can provide a phone number.

There will be a Music Workshop on Saturday, March 12th from 1-3pm. This will include an opportunity for new psalm singers to practice their

skills at the ambo and will include the learning of a piece that will be used in the Easter Season, a Gloria that we will add to our repertoire and a new piece for Ordinary Time. All musicians are welcome, as well as anyone curious about music ministry. Just email or call Michelle in advance. Wrapped in LoveGranny Square Challenge... Our group is working on knitted and crochet projects. We are doing a 6 x 6 crochet granny square project together. Learn to make a square or come help others with theirs. Join us Tuesdays at 7pm. For more info. Contact Cyndi Southall.

Sunday School News Classes for grades P-5, 10:00-10:45am today, March 6th. There is no class next week due to March Break! Children’s Liturgy at the 11am Mass. Children’s Liturgy is for children 4 years old - Grade 3 Little Lambs begins at 10:15am in the M-P Room. If you have a little one who is not in Sunday School, feel free to join us for some crafts, stories and friendship.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine [email protected]

Community Hour - immediately following the 11 am Sunday Mass each week. Join us at Cafe Joe's for soup, sandwiches, tea, coffee and more... Free will offering to support the YOUTH TRIP to Steubenville. If you are interested in preparing food for Community Hour contact Kate Trevors at 902-681-7692. There will be also be family activities each week about Lent. We hope to see everyone participate in these activities. RELIGIOUS ITEMS FOR SALE: Today at Cafe Joe's in the multipurpose room after the 11 am Mass the CWL will have religious items for sale. Cards, pins, medals, rosaries and more. Come check out the table to find something for yourself or a gift for a friend.

RETURN: It's the half way point! This week's Guest Speaker presentation is Leah Darrow "Why

the World Fails to Satisfy. Lesson 6 Equip yourself and Lesson 7 Plant the Seeds. Join us Monday March 7th at 7 pm in the Chapel. Hope to see you there. For more info. Kate & Jeff Trevors 681-7692.

Youth News

Youth Group TONIGHT March 6th at 7:30pm.

Middle School Youth Group (gr. 6-8):

TONIGHT - March 6th Please join us for tons of FUN!

Don’t forget what fun the retreat was!

CONFIRMATIONCandidates Class tonight Sun March 6th

Steubenville 2016 Registration is now underway! Parents and Youth

You can still register by paying the $50 non-refundable deposit. Bring your deposit to Confirmation class or Youth

Group on Sunday. Join the awesomeness! Stage Prophets Update: We are well underway with Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! We are looking for assistance with some construction projects. If you have the talent and the time we would love you to join our Stage Prophets family. Also, Stage Prophets is in need of some large 100% cotton sheets to dye. We also need cowboy boots also to be dyed so non-returnable! Please contact Karen Purves at [email protected]. Thank you!

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