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Page 1: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan

Hana mirac

Page 2: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan
Page 3: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan
Page 4: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan

Target Ramadhan ku: 1. Bangun sahur

sendiri 2. Khatam Baca Qur’an

2x 3. Sedekah tiap hari 4. Ajak Mengaji



Page 5: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan
Page 6: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan

Start doing extra prayers from now, start revising and regularly reading Quran,

get used to being generous and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

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Page 8: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan

The Prophet (pbuh) used to say: “The best amongst you are those who have the

best manners and character.” (al-Bukhari)

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Page 10: How to Prepare Yourself for Ramadan

Hana mirac

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