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How to Be a Successful Tennis Player

Christian Bastian


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How to Be a Successful Tennis Player

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Target AudienceAthletes of any age who want to learn the game of tennis.

Required Entry Level Knowledge/SkillsLearner must have passed a medical physical given by a doctor. The course includes running, swinging a racquet, jumping, and throwing a tennis ball. No prior knowledge of the sport is necessary for learners.

Delivery Method/Instructional StrategiesSome lecture, group activities, partner activities, multiple demonstrations, role play, and practice activities.

Course LengthThis will be a 2 hour training course.

Class SizeThe class will be between 10 and 15 learners.

Classroom Set-UpThe tennis court will have visible boundary lines as well as a net at proper height and tension. There will be a projector that is laptop compatible and easily viewable by the learners.

Course Goal (Terminal objective)At the completion of training, the tennis players will be able to play tennis successfully using the 5 steps listed in the guidelines.

Enabling Objectives Given a tennis racquet and a tennis court, the tennis players

will be able to identify the parts of the racquet and the rules of the game as stated in the guidelines.

Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a groundstroke over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.

Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will serve the ball within the boundaries of the opposite service area and with correct hand and foot placement.

Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a volley over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court while holding the racquet with correct hand placement.

Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a backhand shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.

Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit an overhead shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.

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5 Minutes Introduction/Icebreaker SAY:

Welcome to today’s lesson in How to Be a Successful tennis player. At the completion of training, you (the tennis players) will be able to play tennis successfully using the 5 steps listed in the guidelines.


To get to know each other better, we’ll do a small ice breaker activity. Starting with myself, I’ll give a brief introduction, including my name, experience, favorite athlete or sports team, and expectations for the day. Then I’ll pass the ball to one of you and we’ll continue this until everyone has gotten a chance to introduce themselves.



Tennis Ball

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Beginning with yourself, give a brief introduction while holding the tennis ball including your name, experience, your favorite athlete or sports team, and your expectations for the day. Lightly toss the tennis ball to another player and have them repeat the process until everyone has spoken.


Now that we all know each other a little better, I’ll tell you a little bit more about what we will learn today. We’ll first start with a simple overview of the rules and regulations of the game, the positions on the court, and the different parts of your racquet. Given a tennis racquet and a tennis court, the tennis players will be able to identify the parts of the racquet and the rules of the game as stated in the guidelines.

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Next we’ll move onto the groundstroke. The groundstroke is the basic swing that is used most often when playing tennis. Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a groundstroke over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.


We’ll then move onto the serve and the volley. Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will serve the ball within the boundaries of the opposite service area and with correct hand and foot placement.Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a volley over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court while holding the racquet with correct hand placement.

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Lastly, we will learn the backhand shot and the overhead shot. Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a backhand shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit an overhead shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.


By the end of this course, you will be able to successfully play tennis using the guidelines that we learned today, and with practice you can continue to improve and develop your skills even further.

10 minutes Given a tennis racquet and a tennis court, the tennis players will be able to identify the parts of the racquet and the rules of the game as stated in the guidelines.


To begin, I’ll tell you the rules of the game and how it can be played, and then we’ll move onto the parts of the racquet.


Demonstra-tion with Props

Guided Note Taking


Tennis Racquet

Quiz Handouts




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Pass out a clipboard, a pen or pencil, and blank white lined paper to everyone so that they may take notes on each term and rule that you are going to review. Refer to page __ of instructor guide for a list of each term that should be defined in writing by learners.


Use the materials I have just given you to take notes on everything I am going to go over. You may use these notes on the short quiz we will be taking afterwards and on a writing task that will conclude the module.


In tennis, when playing at the non-professional level, there are no referees, so you are responsible for calling your own penalties or “faults.” A match is the overall number of games played, which are made up of 2 sets of 6 games. This is what causes the phrase “Game, Set, Match.”

Writing Task

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Tennis can be played at the singles level or the doubles level. Singles is played 1-on-1, while doubles is played 2-on-2. When playing singles, the inner boundary lines are used, making the court smaller. When playing doubles, the outer boundary lines are used because more room is used for 2 players.


The outer boundary areas used in doubles are referred to as “alleys.” The alleys are a key addition to doubles play because they are an effective area to hit the ball in and win points.


Show the players these lines on the court as you explain, as shown on page __ of instructor guide. The visual reference will help them remember and retain the information as you go through the rules.

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When hitting the ball in tennis, it is often called a “shot.” When I use the term “follow-through” in this training, it means that your racquet will move all the way across your body when hitting. A “feed” is when someone is hitting easily returnable balls at you so you can work on your technique.


All of these terms will be used throughout today’s training, and you can refer to the notes you have taken at any time or ask any questions if you are confused about anything I’ve said.


Tennis is played in individual points. This means that a serve will start out each point, and when a player does not successfully return a ball within the boundaries, the point is over and is awarded to the winner.

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The points go by quirky intervals, starting with 15. From 15 you move to 30, and from there 40. When someone has no score, it is called “love.” For example, if I am winning a tennis match 30-0, I would say “30, love.” The score is called out by whoever is serving before the point begins.


Does anyone have any questions so far about the rules of tennis?


Once a player reaches 40 points, they have to get one more point to win, unless the match goes into deuce. Deuce is when both players are tied at 40 points, and the game continues play until there is a winner.

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During deuce, if the server wins the next point, it is referred to as “Advantage-In.” If they lose that point, it is referred to as “Advantage-Out.” Whoever wins the advantage point is the winner, but if the player who doesn’t have advantage wins the point, the game goes back to deuce and these steps are repeated until there is a winner.


Individual games can often go on for long periods of time because of this scoring process, going back and forth from Deuce to Advantage multiple times.

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When serving to begin a point, your feet must be behind the back line of the tennis court, which is called the baseline. The ball must be hit into the left or right service boxes, which are the two smaller squares at the front of each side of the tennis court. If you are serving on the right side of the court, you hit into the left service box, and if you’re on the left side, you serve into the right service box.


Does anyone have any questions about the serving position?


Next we’ll go over the racquet parts. The racquet handle is also called a “grip.” The triangle space above the grip is called the “throat,” and the round area with the strings where you hit the ball is called the “head.” These are important to know in today’s lesson.

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Review all of the defined terms that the players should have taken notes on during your explanation of the rules and racquet parts, as shown on page __ of instructor guide. Do not move forward until everyone has these terms defined in writing.


To ensure that everyone has successfully learned the rules of tennis, we will take a short quiz that covers everything I went over. You will have 5 minutes to complete the quiz and I will go over them when you are finished. You may use the notes you have just taken during the quiz.


Refer to page __ of instructor guide for a copy of the quiz with correct answers. Allow 5 minutes for players to take the quiz, collect them, and review them shortly after everyone is finished. Do not proceed in the training until everyone has completed and reviewed their quiz.

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Now that we have gone over and reviewed the quiz, we will complete a short writing assignment involving three short questions that you will answer about what we have just learned.


After everyone has finished answering the questions, I will ask for answers to them from volunteers before proceeding with the training.


Pass out copies of writing assignment listed on page __ of instructor guide and allow every player time to complete this assignment. Assist individuals where needed and review all answers before proceeding in the training program.

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Now that we have completed and reviewed the quiz, does anyone have any questions about the rules of tennis or the parts of the racquet?

20 minutes Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a groundstroke over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.


Demonstrate each of the following steps while explaining to learners.


To begin this module, everyone first put their racquet in their dominant hand. Hold the racquet tightly, leaving a half inch of space between your hand and the bottom of the racquet handle.


Your racquet should be held horizontally, with the strings pointed towards the net. Your strings should not be pointed towards the sky or the ground when hitting a groundstroke.



Rotating Discussion

Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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Does everyone have their hand in the correct grip position?


Make sure that every learner has their hand in the correct grip position. Refer to page __ in instructor guide for correct grip positioning. If some do not, adjust their hand to make sure it is correct and show them the right position.


While playing tennis, the racquet should always be held in what is called the “ready position.” This means that with your hand still gripped on the racquet, it should be held out in front of you, ready to hit an incoming ball.

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To get into the ready position, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping on the balls of your feet. Keeping your grip that we established in the previous step, bring your racquet out in front of you with your elbow bent at a 90 degree angle.


Bring your non-dominant hand onto the racquet, putting it just above your dominant hand and keep the racquet held upward in this manner before moving to the groundstroke position.


Does anyone have any questions about how to get into the “ready position?”


Do not move forward in the training until everyone is successfully in the ready position. Refer to page __ in the instructor guide to ensure every player has correctly met the guidelines.

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Now that everyone has the correct grip on their racquet, we can begin the basic swing motion that is the groundstroke. To start, place your feet so that your non-dominant foot is facing forward with your dominant foot in back.


Make sure that every learner’s feet are in the correct position before moving forward. Refer to page __ in instructor guide for correct positioning. You should also be demonstrating each step with the learners as you are explaining it.


Next, bring your racquet back until it is almost completely behind your body. While bringing the racquet back, rotate your upper body until the shoulder of your non-dominant arm is facing forward.

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Swing your racquet low-to-high in an upward angle motion towards the shoulder of your non-dominant arm. Continue the swinging motion and follow through until the racquet is over the shoulder of your non-dominant arm. Rotate your back foot counter-clockwise with the swing of your racquet.


After hitting a groundstroke, you should return to the ready position waiting for the next shot. This ensures that you will be prepared for every shot that comes towards you.


Does anyone have any questions about how to perform a groundstroke?

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Continue to practice this movement while I go around and check your swing motion individually. After everyone has successfully completed the motion, we will go around and each say how we thought the first module went.


Once questions have been answered, make rounds to each individual learner to make sure the groundstroke motion is correct, referring to page __ in instructor guide for correct motion. Do not move on if learners did not successfully complete objectives.


How did everyone think the first module went?

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Allow for a rotating discussion among learners and yourself, reflecting on the first module. Give feedback to what the learners say and provide any additional help for learners with additional questions. Continue the rotating discussion as you ask the remaining questions.


What would you have liked to see done differently in the module, if anything?


Does anyone have any final questions about this module before moving forward?

20 Minutes Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will serve the ball within the boundaries of the opposite service area and with correct hand and foot placement.


Now that we have learned how to hit a groundstroke, let’s learn how to serve a tennis ball. First, let’s break into groups for this next portion of the demonstration.

Group Demonstr-ation


Role Play

Group Discussion

Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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Break learners into groups of 4 or 5 depending on the size of the class. Demonstrate each of the following steps while explaining to learners.


Now that we are all in our groups, let’s start with the correct grip you should have on the racquet when serving. Every racquets grip is shaped like an octagon, so it has corners. Hold the racquet in your dominant hand so the corner of the grip lines up with the first knuckle of your hand (bottom of pointer finger).


The easiest way to do this is by placing your open hand over the top of the racquet handle and lining it up with the corner, then closing your hand to make sure it is lined up correctly.

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Does everyone have their hand in this position on the racquet?


Ensure that all players have the correct grip as stated on page__ of instructor guide. Do not move onto the next step until all players have correct grip.


During this module, I will start by merely demonstrating the serve motion. I will not say anything or explain what I am doing until afterwards. I will serve the ball three times, and I want you to watch what I do in your groups before asking questions.


Demonstrate the serve motion as stated on page __ of instructor guide giving no instruction or commentary. Serve the ball three times before moving on.

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Now that I have demonstrated the serve, in your groups discuss what I just showed you. I will give you 2 minutes to discuss, and afterwards I will break down each step of the serve with an explanation.


Give the groups 2 minutes to discuss, then explain in detail while demonstrating each individual portion of the serve motion as explained on page __ of instructor guide.


When serving the ball, you should be facing sideways in regards to the court. So instead of your toes pointed forward towards the net as in the ready position, your toes should be pointed either to the left or right side.


Your lead foot during the serve will be your non-dominant foot. This foot should always be behind the service line, which is the back line of the tennis court, while serving.

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With the racquet still in your dominant hand and a tennis ball in your opposite hand, point your lead foot at an outward angle. The inside of your foot should move slightly away from you when making this movement.


Refer to page __ in instructor guide for correct foot placement while serving. Do not move forward in the training until every player is in the correct position according to the guidelines.


While still holding your racquet and ball, touch the ball to the strings out in front of your body, keeping your elbows at a 90 degree angle similar to the ready position. Bring both the racquet and ball up in front of your body.

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Begin to pull your racquet away from the ball, bringing your arm back as if you were running (elbow first). While bringing the racquet back, begin to throw the ball in the air in front of your body so its highest point is where the racquet reaches at its highest point.


Before we move on, let’s practice these movements that I just taught you. In your groups, take turns practicing the motions of the serve without hitting the ball. Catch the ball after the toss and continue to practice the movement.


Everyone gets three tosses for this practice session. While you are tossing the ball, your other group members will observe and give feedback while I observe as well to ensure correct form.

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During this exercise, give the groups 5 minutes to complete their tosses. Refer to page __ in the instructor guide to ensure that all tennis players are performing the serve motion according to the guidelines. Do not move on until everyone has met the guidelines.


Does anyone have any questions about the motion of the serve?


Now instead of letting the ball drop once it is thrown, we will learn how to hit it instead. While the ball is in the air still moving upwards, bring your racquet over your shoulder until it touches the middle of your back between your shoulders. While doing this, also slightly bend your knees.

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When the ball is at its highest point, bring your racquet up and over your body, swinging down over the ball. While swinging the racquet, spring your knees up and straighten your legs. Make sure the serve lands in the front square opposite of the side of the court you’re standing on, and you hit the ball over the net.


This should all be one, fluid motion. Bring the racquet and ball up in front of you, bring the racquet back while throwing the ball, continue to bring the racquet back as the ball is moving upwards, and swing the racquet when the ball is at its peak height.


Does anyone have any questions about the rest of the serving motion?

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In your same groups, practice the full serve motion. Each person gets three serves, with one person serving at a time and the other group members on the other side of the court attempting to return the serve using the groundstroke motion we learned earlier.


Allow another 5 minutes for this role play exercise. Refer to page __ of instructor guide to ensure tennis players have successfully met module requirements. Do not move on until everyone has met the requirements. After everyone has met requirements, provide a brief water break for players before starting the next module.


How does everyone think this compared to the groundstroke exercise we started with?

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What would you have liked to see done differently in this module, if anything?


Does anyone have any final questions regarding serving before we continue to the next module?

20 Minutes Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a volley over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court while holding the racquet with correct hand placement.


Demonstrate each of the following steps while explaining to learners.


Next we will learn the volley. This move is used when the tennis player is at the net and returning a shot. To start, position yourself so that when your arm reaches out fully with your racquet in hand, the top of the racquet just touches the top of the net.


Partner Demonstr-ation


Partner Discussion

Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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While at the net, stay in the ready position. Racquet held out in front of you with both hands, keeping on the balls of your feet ready to hit a ball.


Is everyone in this position before we move forward with the volley movement?


Consult page __ of the instructor guide to see if all tennis players have the correct positioning. Do not proceed with training until every tennis player has met the listed guidelines.


While facing forward, bring your non-dominant foot in front of you one step. Simultaneously bring your racquet outward while keeping your wrist and elbow locked, and hit the ball using your entire arm in one quick motion. Do not bring your racquet all the way across your body.

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Your whole body should rotate slightly at the waist while hitting this shot, in order to get as much power as possible. You should also be stepping as you hit the ball, to keep everything in one solid motion.


This is called a “punch” at the ball, and is the move that is used while at the net hitting a volley. The groundstroke is not used here because it is too powerful of a hit and the ball would not make it in the boundaries of the court.


The easiest way to know if you are doing the “punch” motion correctly is if you can feel your abs tighten. Getting your upper body into the shot will ensure accuracy and also help hit a harder shot.

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After a volley is hit, again return to the ready position. The volley punch is one quick motion, with one step outward and a quick arm thrust or “punch” to hit a powerful but accurate shot over the net.


Does anyone have any questions about how to perform a volley?


I will now partner you up for this next game. One person will toss the ball at their partner while the other lightly hits a volley back to them. Your partner should be no more than 10 feet from you when throwing the ball, and each of you will get 10 volleys until you switch.

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Allow 5 minutes for this exercise and refer to page __ of instructor guide for correct guidelines on how to perform a volley. Do not move on with the training until all players have successfully met the guidelines.


With your partner, discuss how you think this module went and what you liked or disliked. Then we’ll have each pair share what their thoughts were.


How did having a partner to work with make this module different?


What would you have liked to see done differently in this module, if anything?

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Does anyone have any remaining questions about how to perform a volley before moving onto the next module?

20 Minutes Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit a backhand shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.


Next we will learn the shot that is similar to the groundstroke, this is called the backhand. I will review the backhand and then we will view a short video demonstration on proper technique.


Demonstrate each of the following steps while explaining to learners.


As with every hit, begin in the ready position. From there, bring your racquet across the opposite side of your body (whatever side your non-dominant hand is on).


Volunteer Demonstr-ation

Subgroup Demonstr-ation





Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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Instead of keeping the racquet on your dominant side and hitting with the front strings, we move it to the opposite side and hit with the back strings of the racquet. Bring your dominant foot one step forward as you bring your racquet across your body.


Swing through with the same motion as a groundstroke, only moving the racquet from the opposite side of your body to your dominant side. Keep both hands on the racquet while swinging through.


Your racquet should move in a low-to-high motion while also moving forward to ensure the ball goes over the net, without sailing out of bounds.

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Your back foot should also rotate slightly as you swing through. Unlike the volley, in this shot you have to follow through and bring the racquet fully across your body, similar to the groundstroke.


As with all of the previous hits learned today, return to the ready position after swinging through, to ensure that you are ready to return the next shot.


Does anyone have any questions about the backhand motion so far?


Before you get a chance to practice this on your own, let’s view a short clip of someone performing a successful backhand shot. Afterwards, I’ll have a volunteer come up and practice the move and we’ll critique them as a group while you practice as well.

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Show the tennis players the video clip referenced on page __ of the instructor guide. Explain what is happening in the video while it is being shown to reinforce learner retention.


Now that we’ve had a chance to see a successful backhand shot, can I have a volunteer who wants to show us a backhand shot in front of everyone?


If absolutely no one volunteers, try and call someone up to show what they learned without making anyone uncomfortable. If no one wants to volunteer, simply demonstrate the move yourself.


Now that we’ve seen multiple examples of how to perform a backhand, everyone try it on their own as I go around and make sure everyone is performing it correctly.

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Refer to page __ in the instructor guide to ensure every learner is performing the backhand hit correctly. Do not move on until every tennis player has met the guidelines.


What differences did you see with this compared to the groundstroke, which is a very similar shot?


Was this shot easier to learn than the groundstroke because of your prior knowledge? Explain.


What would you have liked to see done differently in this module, if anything?

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20 Minutes Given a tennis racquet and tennis balls, the tennis player will hit an overhead shot over the net and in the boundaries of the tennis court.


This next portion of the training will be our last module. We will learn how to hit a successful overhead shot, which is similar to the serving motion, but with no set up.


The overhead shot is used anywhere on the court, when the ball is hit too high to use a groundstroke, backhand, or volley. If hit correctly, this shot can be very powerful and effective in winning points.


Demonstrate each of the following steps while explaining to learners. While explaining, use the pictures on a flipchart found on page __ of instructor guide to give the learners a visual reference to what you are teaching them.



Practice Activity

Go Around

Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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As always, begin in the ready position. This will ensure that you can prepare for the shot effectively and get the ball over the net with enough velocity.


The key to hitting a successful overhead shot is timing. The ball cannot be too high or too low when swinging, otherwise you will miss completely or the ball will hit the net.


From the ready position, your dominant hand holding your racquet back over your dominant shoulder, using the same motion described earlier in the serve module. Using your non-dominant hand, point at the ball as it is high in the air to ensure accuracy.


Refer to page __ in instructor guide for the correct set up of the overhead shot.

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Continuing to follow the ball with your non-dominant hand, let the ball come down to the same height as your racquet is with your arm fully extended. If necessary, you may let the ball bounce one time before swinging to prepare for a better timed shot.


When the ball is at the proper height, bring your racquet up and over the ball, using the same motion as the serve. Your racquet should make contact with the ball with your dominant arm fully extended. Follow through until your racquet is near your opposite hip.


While you swing through the overhead, bring your non-dominant foot one step forward. This will help you get power over the ball and is the same step-move that is used when hitting a volley.

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Return to the ready position after hitting an overhead. This shot often deceives players, as they think that they have won the point after hitting a good overhead. While this is sometimes true, it is still essential to return to the ready position to be prepared for the next shot.


To practice this exercise, we’ll play a game involving hitting overheads. You will line up single file on one side of the court, and I’ll feed high balls to you one at a time. You must hit an overhead back over the net, and move to the back of the line to wait for your next turn.


Everyone will get to hit three overheads successfully, and then we’ll move onto a game that encompasses everything we have learned today. Be sure to watch others as they hit their overheads and see how it looks from your perspective.

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Does anyone have any questions about how to perform an overhead shot before we begin the practice exercise?


Do not proceed in the training until everyone has had their questions answered about performing an overhead. During the practice exercise, continue to monitor the players and give them feedback and constructive criticism as they perform the shot.


To conclude this module, let’s have everyone say one thing they liked or disliked about learning the overhead. We’ll go around in a circle and everyone can say one thing about the module before moving to the next person.


Was this exercise helpful in getting you acquainted with the overhead shot?

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What would you have liked to see done differently in this module, if anything?


Does anyone have any final questions about hitting an overhead before we move onto the closing module?


Do not move on in the training until everyone has successfully completed the exercise in accordance to the instructor guidelines. Refer to page __ in instructor guide for correct overhead format to ensure all players have completed it correctly.

15 Minutes Closing SAY:

Now that we have covered the basics of tennis, let’s recap everything that we learned today.

Question and Answer

Group Discussion



Tennis Racquet

Tennis Balls

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First, we went over the rules of tennis, the different areas of the court, some tennis lingo that was used in today’s lesson, and the different parts of the racquet. Then we went over the groundstroke and the serve, the two most essential and maneuvers in tennis.


Then we moved onto the volley, which is used while at the net and involves a “punch” at the ball, and the backhand, which is like the groundstroke but on the opposite side of your body. We finished with the overhead, which is similar to the serve but is used during gameplay.


Does anyone have any final questions about anything we learned today?

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Now let’s play a game that encompasses everything we have learned today. The game is called Ruler of the Court, and will help you utilize each of the strategies you’ve learned today during each round. This is a fun and engaging game that helps you learn the techniques without even realizing it.


To play the game, we’ll start with one volunteer who stays on one side of the court, while everyone else stays on the other. They are considered the “Ruler.” The ruler starts out a game with a serve to one person from the other side, and if the other player wins one point, they are now the Ruler.

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All other players will line up single file on the other side of the court, and if one of the other players loses the point, the Ruler remains the same and the next player comes up for their chance to dethrone the Ruler. We’ll play this game for 10 minutes before moving onto the last activity in today’s training.


Ask for a volunteer to be the Ruler and begin the game. Continue to coach and give constructive feedback to players during gameplay and make sure to set a 10 minute time limit.

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To conclude this training session, let’s do the same activity as we did in the beginning. Using the tennis ball, one person will start and say how their expectations differed or were similar to what the actual training consisted of, what the most fun part of the training was, and if you think the training was helpful in teaching you the basics of tennis.


Allow everyone time to speak before stating closing remarks. Provide feedback to learners who may want any last minute pointers and be sure to answer any last minute questions before parting.


Thank you all for participating in today’s learning with me. I have enjoyed instructing you on the game of tennis, and I hope that all of you will use the skills learned today and have fun playing the sport with others, and maybe even teach them a thing or two.

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