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Page 1: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Children’s Programs pg 1

Still Learning pg 2

Worship Steps & Schedule pg 3

Hand Chimes, Attendance pg 3

A Good Tired pg 4

UMW Road Trippin’ pg 4

Women’s Ministries pg 5

Football Dinners pg 5

UM Women & Men pg 5

Christian Education News pg 6

VBS pg 6

Youth Ministry pg 7

Announcements & Events pg 8

Church and Society pg 9

SPRC pg 9

Mission Moments pg 9

Prayers and Celebrations pg 10

Birthdays pg 10

SUMC Finances pg 11

Old Gold Diner pg 11

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. King James Version (KJV).

Vacation Bible School 2017 VBSis almost here! The real fun begins at our Family Life Center (sorry, for this week it’s not the FLC, but rather it’s transformed to our Maker Fun Factory. VBS 2017 gets underway July 31st and goes thru August 4th, with each day starting at 9 and wrapping up at 11:30 am. For the finale, our VBS Singers will be performing for the con-gregation during the 10:15 service on August 6.

You can still register your child for this week of learning and fun by going to our website at http://soloniaumc.org/files/2017/06/SOLON-VBS-Registration-Form-2017.pdf or pick up a form at the church. Last minute registration is also possible on Monday morning from 8:30 to 9:00 am, but we encourage you to get your registra-tion turned in as soon as possible, so we can better plan for the number of kids expected.

Due to generous donations received this year of money and supplies, we are able to offer the VBS experience to all of the kids participating at no charge! A BIG Thank You to everyone who donated!

STAY TUNED... We will have information about our fun adventures with Decker the Dec-orating Crab and all of his friends in our September newsletter.

And, coming soon is the fall session of Trailblazers, our afterschool program for K—4th grade. Don’t for-get to register so you can be a part of these fun after school activities starting Wednesdays in September!

In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist Church

Page 2: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

School bells will soon be ringing, as the summer draws to a close and the school year begins. That means that we will return to the “school year” schedule with church activities, as well! Handbells and choir members will once again gather to work diligently in preparing music that will open our hearts and minds and bring us to a sa-cred space where we can spend time with God in wor-ship! Children, youth and families with gather to share fellowship and a meal on Wednesday nights. It’s been great to have some time for my husband, Scott, and I to move to our new home in Solon and start unpacking; but I can hardly wait to see what Wednesday night looks like at Solon United Methodist Church when everyone comes back from vacations and summer travels and we return to regular weekly worship & Christian education!

As I think about the students returning to school, I am also reminded that we are all called to continue learning about God – that school is never out for us! In the Christian faith, we are considered students of Jesus and called disciples. The word “disciple” comes from the Greek word “mathetes,” which means pupil of a teacher, an apprentice to a master craftsman, a learner or the more common English word student. We are called to be “life-long learners” in growing our faith and being formed by God.

“Discipleship” & “following Christ” are often used synon-ymously. We are called to follow in the steps of Christ or to follow a practice of life that Christ teaches. Just as we emphasize the need for our children and youth to “not be conformed to this world” but must “be transformed by the renewing of their minds” – we also must continue to learn what is good and acceptable according to God’s word and will.

We face decisions every day! The goal of our learning is complete devotion to God. Have you reached this goal yet? Probably not many of us have. That’s why we need more school! Think about it: What have you learned about God lately? Where have you seen God active in your life or in the world? When was the last time you had a conversation with God? Do you have any ques-tions for God to answer? Join us on Wednesday nights and enjoy the community of faith God has formed in this place. Join a small group study on Wednesday, Sunday morning or another time. Come play a handbell or sing in the choir to express your love to God. Participate in the craft group, knitting or crocheting group, have coffee on Wednesday morning, join a breakfast group . . . or start something new!

I recently read that when we grow closer to each other, we grow closer to God. And when we grow closer to God, we grow closer to each other. That’s what it’s all about – growing closer to God and one another! Let’s continue learning how to be faith disciples! So ring that bell, open that book and renew your mind, in the love of Christ!

Serving Christ Together!

Pastor Lisa ([email protected],

Cell 319-325-4566)


Page 3: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

We are beyond delighted to have our handchime octaves filled out thanks to the gen-erous donation received from the Darrell Grecian Memorial. Judy has been a longtime member of our Celebration Bells and we are excited to share this wonderful addition of handchimes with our congregation. Their sound will add another musical di-mension to the sound of our bell choirs.

Our "Back to Bells" practices will start after Labor Day... Looking tentatively at Wednesday, Sept. 6th.

Youth Bells practice starts at 5:30pm

Celebration Bells practice starts at 6:30 pm

Performances are:

Youth Bells: 2nd Sundays of the month @ 8:00 am service

Celebration Bells: 2nd Sundays @ 10:15 am and 3rd Sundays @ 8:00 am

If you are interested in joining either of our bell choirs, please contact Mary Kucera, Bell Choir Director, at 389-4125 or email: [email protected]

This three week mini-series in Romans 10-12 describes a different kind of step Christians are both called and empowered to make in our walk with Christ, both individually and as a congregation. Many of us are either getting in a last vacation of the summer or starting a new school year, this series is not designed with the expectation that everyone will be present every week.

Step 1: Step Out...Into Faith__ Pastor Scott

Step 2: Step Toward…Your Siblings in Abraham__ Pastor Scott

Step 3: Step Forth...in Your Spiritual Gifts__ Pastor Lisa

Let’s step together in our Christian walk!

Page 4: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

It was a pleasure to spend time on this year’s Youth Mis-sion Trip! Here is a story that sums up my experience:

I recall some years ago in a church I was visiting on a Sunday afternoon, a van pulled up in the church parking lot, and a bunch of young people got out. They looked like thirteen, fourteen, maybe up to eighteen years old. I think there were ten or twelve young people who belonged to that church. They got out with bedrolls. It was the awfullest looking bunch of kids you’ve ever seen, something like the cats would drag in. They were really in bad shape. I said, “What is this?”

They had just returned from a work mission. They named the place where they went. In one week, those young people, along with other young people, had built a little church for a community. They were beat. Aw, they looked terrible.

They were sitting on their bags out there waiting for their parents to come. I said to one of the boys, I said, “You tired?” And he said, “Whew—am I tired!” Then he said, “This is the best tired I’ve ever felt.”

(Fred B. Craddock. Craddock Stories. 94.)

What a glorious opportunity to serve alongside our youth & adult leaders! A big thank you to all the congregation for their support through prayers, well wishes and finances!


The Best Tired I’ve Ever Felt

Twelve United Method-ist Women travelled to Iowa City for a tour of The Bird House - Hospice Home of Johnson Coun-ty. “The Bird House is a community-based not for profit dedicated to providing compassion-ate, dignified end-of-life-care by focusing on the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of our guests and their loved ones in a peaceful, home-like environment.”

This home provides five separate bedrooms for patients with all the amenities of a home. It is located in a peaceful country setting. The home allows for room for family members to be with their loved ones during a most diffi-cult time. They are the only non-hospital based hospice care in Johnson County, and the only one of its kind in Iowa.

Following the tour the women headed to the new Ledi Family Restaurant in North Liberty to enjoy a meal and fel-lowship. A good time was had by all who attended.

For more information on the Bird House you can visit their web site: http://

Page 5: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Join us every Saturday morning at 6:00 am at the Family Life Center. The SUMC men are studying the Bible.

If you would like to attend, call Mike Turner at (319)624-2061.

July 18th was UMW ‘s Annual Road Trip, see pg 6. One of our mission projects is creating pillows for cancer patients, and on July 25th Verlee and Shirley delivered 119 pillows to St. Luke’s American Cancer Society in Cedar Rapids. There will be NO UMW Meeting for August, but UMW will sponsor Bingo at the Care Center on Aug10 at 1:45 pm All are welcome to attend. Cookies to be provided by Phyllis & Roma.

Sisters of Strength (S.O.S.):

We’ve taken a break for most of the summer, but will meet again starting August 21. We’ve ordered 10 copies of each of our study books to have available.

The schedule for the rest of 2017 is:

August 21-October 30:

“Ten Women of the Bible” by Max Lucado

November 6-December 4:

“Not A Silent Night” by Adam Hamilton

Our meetings are Monday nights at 7pm in the choir loft.

For more information on our group, or to express your ideas Contact Becky Lighty [email protected].

C3 (Crafts, creativity, and Christ)

We generally meet the First Thursday of each month, but August is an exception, we’re meeting on Saturday, August 5 and road trippin’ to a craft shop—

The Create Exchange at 98 16th Ave SW, Cedar Rapids.

The Create Exchange is about more than just craft supplies. They also have many fine handmade items from talented Iowa makers such as: jewelry, unique home decor soaps, and dolls, just to name a few. We’ll be meeting at the church at 9:30 on Saturday, August 5th and leaving from there.

Come join us for a great time of fun and fellowship.

Questions- —Contact: Jenn Moore at [email protected]

Football Dinners— A tradition at SUMC! First game this year is September 2!

Every home football game the SUMC comes together to serve the traditional favorites of tenderloins, church burgers, chicken

noodle soup, baked beans, and home made pies and desserts. It’s one of our

primary fundraisers and is also a good time to get together with friends and

other members of the congregation for fellowship and of course to root for the

Hawkeyes! Watch for the sign-up sheets coming soon to a clipboard near you!

There’s a planning meeting Aug 9 at 7 pm, so if you are interested in learning

more, or submitting new ideas for consideration, please plan on attending.

Page 6: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Mission Trip 2017—New Orleans— What An Experience!

27 youth and 6 adults had the privilege of traveling to New Orleans on July 8th and returning on July 15th. We stayed at a Methodist Church in Memphis on the way down and Hope Church of Memphis on the way back home. While we were in New Orleans, we worked in an Urban Garden, a Sports Camp, the YMCA, an Adult Day Center, the ARC, and served many meals to the homeless. We learned a lot about what has been rebuilt since Katrina, but noticed that the communities and relationships of the city are still in need of help!! We also experienced other parts of New Orleans, like the French Quar-ter, ate beignets at Cafe Du Monde, enjoyed radical hospitality while worshiping at a Baptist church, and built new rela-tionships with other churches from Illinois and Arizona. We saw God at work in so many beautiful ways on this mission trip. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve Him and help others to know more about his amazing grace and love through us. We know and believe that God is Good, ALL THE TIME! The Youth Group would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all who supported our trip to New Orleans. We had many opportunities to serve the people of New Orleans because of our generous congregation. We are thankful for your prayers and support in what God has planned for us!

Beef Days Luncheon Fundraiser See more of our mission trip experiences

Beef Days was a huge success thanks to the youth, their parents and the many contributions made by the people of SUMC! You answered the call for more baked goods as well and we had many wonderful desserts! THANK YOU! We are excited to go on another mission trip next year and we know it's made possible by the Beef Days luncheon and our other fundraisers through out the year. Thanks again for your help and contributions!

Get Involved…. Be Inspired Sami McAtee, Middle School Youth Director Jenn Stiegelmeyer, High School Youth Director [email protected] [email protected]

A New School Year of Fired Up! Youth!! Awaits with fun games, guest speakers, lessons, sharing joys/concerns, & great community building. This is going to be a wonderful year growing in our faith as a community and individuals! Come check it out if you haven't! We encourage you to go online soon to the church website to register for youth group this Fall, so we’ll have a better idea of the numbers to expect. We will be starting in September! And Fall will be here before we know it!

No meetings in August, but Youth Group Resumes on Wednesdays in September!

Spark 56 (6:30-8:00 pm) FLC - Led by Sami McAtee/Cash Turner

Ignite 78 (6:30-8:00 pm) FLC - Led by Sami McAtee

Game station—Led by Rick Havel

Fired UP! (6:30-8:00 pm) FLC - Led by Jenn Stiegelmeyer

56 Ignite 78

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Mark Your Calendar—Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 10th during the

Christian Education hour, 9-10 am. To register your child, simply fill out the form on our

website, or pick up a paper copy from the bulletin board at the church.

Wow, seems like the summer just began and here it is almost August and in a few more weeks school starts again. Jill is in the midst of planning for our next Sunday School year, and we still have a few open-ings for teachers and helpers. The goal is to have 3 teachers for each class/grade, to provide some flexibility, so no one person has to teach every week. There’s really not a lot of prep time needed, as the materials provided spell everything out and make it easy. So if you like being

around the kiddos and would like to participate in our Sunday School program, whether it be as a co-teacher, substitute or working with our music program ministry, PLEASE let Jill know, or add your name to the sign-up sheet on the clipboard, and Jill will call you to find out your age preferences and answer any questions you may have.

Jill Weetman—SS Supervisor [email protected]

Beads, beads and more Mardi Gras beads were sorted while working with adults with

special needs at the ARC

making meals for the homeless

We spent time planting peppers, herding goats, pulling weeds & making T-shirts at the urban garden. putting in a new floor

by the pool at the YMCA

Here’s more of the New Orleans Mission Trip 2017

Page 8: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Do you have an announcement to share in the bulletin or the monthly newsletter, the Circuit Rider? Please contact our Office Administrator, Deb Sheets, at (319)624-2288 or [email protected].. Bulletin announcements are due by Thursday at Noon, news-letter announcements are due by the 20th of each month. Thank You.

The youth Beef Days fundraiser was a suc-cess again this year. Thanks to all who donated food and money so that more proceeds can go toward next year’s youth mission.

A big THANK YOU to all who made dona-tions of cash and supplies for Vacation Bible School—your generosity helps to defray costs and make VBS the best it can possibly be.

Old Gold Diner dates to remember:

July 31—Duane’s last day

August 1—DR Miller at the helm

August 2—August Birthday Bash!

August 8—City of Solon Rep speaks

August 9-sponsor-Sam’s Main St Mkt

August 23– Steve Morris on drums

Summer Music—If you or your children play an instrument or would like to sing for us during worship this summer, we have a congregation who loves to hear new melodies. Please sign up on the list on the piano for a Sunday in August.

Nursery Changes— We have refreshing new paint on the walls, decorated with sun and billowy clouds and colorful quotes about God. Yet to come is new shelving and better more organized en-vironment for our youngest to sit and play as well as learn. Come check it out!

Thanks to all who came in and sat for pho-tos for our new directory. It will be real-ly nice to have this reference with more current photos of our congregation. Thanks to all who acted as hosts, and a BIG thanks to Julia for all of her efforts in organizing and scheduling this!

Renee Update: Her Last chemo was June 25th. The PET scan of 7/13 revealed she still has a small piece of cancer left (1 cm). Her doctor is optimistic that her good cells will eat away the bad. She has another scan in 2 months. She will re-turn to work August 2nd. She wants to thank everyone for all their support: cards, e-mails, meals ministry & prayers

VBS Setup and decorating is July 30 at 3pm, FLC. The more the merrier, so if you’re available, just show up at the Family Life Center gym, 3 PM, and join in the fun! We’re also still looking for

helpers for July 31-Aug 4, 9-11:30. Questions: contact Katie Deike:

[email protected] or Kate Gor-don: [email protected] Thanks!

SUMC Sunday Flowers: Is there a special person or day you want to recognize? Or would you simply like to share some of the flowers from your garden to bright-en up the altar on Sunday morning? You can sign-up for a Sunday on the flower poster across from restrooms or just call the office (319)624-2288.

Confirmation—Attention 8th graders & older— you are invited to join the Confirmation Class for 2017-2018 year for 12 class sessions starting in September. See the registration form on the SUMC website. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Scott 624-2288 or [email protected]

What goes on behind the scenes:

There’s much that happens around our church that may go unnoticed. This month we had the broken window in the sanctuary replaced, and a new storm window installed on the West side. There are other repairs and maintenance that happens on a regular basis. The flowers that adorn the gardens around the church and Family Life Center require upkeep. Every week day the Old Gold Diner provides affordable meals and ac-tivities for seniors and others. On Mondays the food pantry operates out of the basement of our church for those in need, and our church vegeta-ble garden that is tended by Rick Havel, Marilyn Hansen and others supplies fresh produce for them, while Dave Frisbie (Table to Table) and oth-ers collect donations from Hy-Vee, New Pioneer, and more. Sometimes it’s the small unnoticed things that can make a big difference! There’s always something going on, and it takes a lot of work by a lot of people to keep up with all of the needs. Take time to notice and thank those you see taking care of the small things — we couldn’t do without them!

Page 9: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

“Giving through the church is about more than money. It is about lives being changed. It is about never feeling lonely

or unloved. It is about helping others. It is about children and youth. It is about our personal salvation. It is about

what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.” -Don Joiner Creating a climate of Giving

July Missions: Promoted Food Bank Giving

Image No Malaria -Continued Support and Celebration of what has been accomplished with this initiative.

- provided 4 million life-saving bed nets - renovated 61 facilities - treated over 2.7 million people for malaria - protected over 175,000 structures with IRS(indoor residual spraying) - trained thousands of community health workers and volunteers

Upcoming Mission in August:

Habitat For Humanity - August 20th

July 25th the Church and Society Ministry Team welcomed guests from St. Mark's Methodist Church to discuss how they became a reconciling congregation, meaning that they openly declared their intention to serve all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity. The team and guests discussed the importance in offering opportunities for engagement, education, and discussion within the whole congregation before moving forward with a congregation wide welcoming statement. The pros & cons of having the ministry

team become a reconciling group first, versus moving forward directly to the full congregation were weighed.

Tools for this process were discussed, including an assessment to determine how ready the congregation is to move forward, more movie nights, welcoming auxiliary members to the team who wish to support reconciling, studies on scripture and sexuality, handouts on reconciling and a "booth" where Church and Society Ministry Team members can field questions or concerns from the congregation.

Further discussion involved the importance of visual cues to ensure it is clear we are ready to welcome LGBT+ individuals. This might include rainbow stoles; a gender free restroom; and reconciling logos on the outdoor signage, the PowerPoint before service, the bulletin, the newsletter, a banner near the front door, the web site as well as the Facebook page.

The next meeting of the Church and Society Ministry Team will be Tuesday, August 22, from 6-8 pm.

Mission Moments

SPRC Note: SPRC would like to welcome Lindy Hopp to our staff as our Nursery Coordinator. Lindy will be

working with our nursery attendants on scheduling, training, and procedures to ensure that our nursery con-

tinues to be a safe and welcoming environment for our little ones! There have been lots of changes in the nurse-

ry already – be sure to stop in and see the transformation!

We would also like to have a few more nursery attendants in our pool of available workers so that we have back

up and also so our youth aren’t working every Sunday and can participate in worship or Sunday school at

times. Applicants must be at least 14. Please contact Lindy Hopp, Sue Wilkinson or Deb Sheets if you’re in-


We continue our search for an accompanist/pianist for Sunday mornings and special services. Please help us

spread the word!

Blessings, Sue Wilkinson, SPRC Chair

Page 10: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Do you have a birthday in this month but don’t see your birthday listed? Contact the Church at [email protected].

Be sure to give your month, day, and year. We need your birth year to be able to enter in the software.

The SUMC family wants to support and encourage you throughout your time of need. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the Communication Card (located in the bulletin,) and place it in the offering plate during worship. If you would like to add your prayer request to our church-wide prayer chain, please

Wishing the best for Holly as she recovers from shoulder surgery on July 6.

Jenn Stiegelmeyer asks for traveling mercies for mission tripprs &prayers for a meaning-ful and productive mission helping others.

Prayers for Ed Haury living with constant pain, from Rheumatoid Arthritis, may he find the right treatment & some relief.

Victims of the Iowa storms, & cleanup efforts. Margaret Kunkel recovery from knee surgery. Penny’s active grandson, Tyler (8), facing

another summer with a broken bone. Kerkove’s neighbor, Nicole, recent stroke. Natalie Jacobson’s father-in-law who was

diagnosed with several health challenges. The children in Syria who have been orphaned

due to the war. Bess Telecky’s sister, Betty, as she goes

through some medical tests. Traveling mercies for Tina Hearn. Margaret Korpel as she continues her chemo

treatments thru October. Renee Masters as she has completed her

chemo and awaits the results. Liz Kroul recovering from lip cancer surgery. Prayers for the families of those who passed:

Katie Carmody, July 11th after short illness Jeanne Erhart’s Aunt Belle, the last of a generation, passed away July 1. Bill Matthes (80) Solon resident, July 15. Helen Findling, Jo Hunt’s sister, June 25th.

Jared Donovan, motorcycle accident, 7/2. Mark Pence, talented local musician, 7/15. Jerry Naylor, 90 yr old pilot, plane crash7/1 Terri Nicol’s mother, Patricia passed away Marilyn Hansen’s cousin, Dawn Rouse 7/17. Richard Novak’s cousin, Francis, dealing with

health issues. Terri Nicol’s dad dealing with health issues. Lindy Hopp’s friends Tammy & Larry, dealing

with cancer diagnosis & evaluating options. Traveling mercies for Nancy & Nadine as they

go to Ohio to care for loved one. Michelle Gnida dealing with breast cancer. Susan Whetstine offering prayers for grand-

son, Elijah who is homesick.

Thanks from the Mission trippers to the con-gregation for their support and the oppor-tunity for this experience, and thanks from the SUMC for sharing some of their experiences and representing SUMC.

Brian and Emily Fitzpatrick celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary!

Celebrating Logan Gruber’s baptism. Joy that Doug and Connie, friends of Lisa, are

visiting from Cedar Falls. Bill Musgrave thanks all who helped with

Transform 2017 in Cedar Rapids Thanks to Marian sharing her talents on the

piano with us today. Alice Mally celebrating having her sister from

California visiting here. Celebrating Lisa Schroeder joining us as

minister of music & discipleship. Thanks to James McAtee’s message in song. Jon and Joan Lorence celebrating the birth of

their ninth grandchild 6/25—Lila Elizabeth Kline.

Holly Werning sends her thanks for all the cards and prayers.

Thanks to Duane McAtee for his service to the Old Gold Diner and helping out the commu-nity in numerous ways and for providing the new coffee pots.

Joy that Lisa & Scott sold their house and bought a new one in Solon!

Scott Stiegelmeyer—Happy Birthday to you.! Thanks to all who helped in the dining room

and with everything else from preparations to serving at the luncheon, all contributions of time & food helped to make it a success!

Thanks for the wonderful music that Cathy and Jacob shared with us today (July 23)!

July 15 thanks to Barb Kalm and mother nature’s Queen Anne.

July 23 from Kay Geguzis in memory of her mother, Beulah Iserman.

RECKER, Rylee 08/01 UTHOFF, Sarah 08/02 HERDLISKA, Linda 08/03 KUCERA, Rachel 08/03 MILLER, Joel 08/03 LIGHTY, Becky 08/04 MANIFOLD, Matt 08/04 BROWN, Nicholas 08/05 FITZPATRICK, Cameron 08/06 HOPP, Zane 08/06 ATALIG ORTEGA, Sofia 08/07 KESSLER, Julie 08/07 MCFARLAND, Connie 08/07 GORDON, Bennett 08/08 ROY, Adam 08/09 RYAN, Josie 08/09 SMIDT, Jolene 08/09 RICHARDS, Mary 08/10 FIALA, Dan 08/12 HANUS, Jared 08/12 MUSGRAVE, Casey 08/12 JOHNSON, Piper 08/13 MCATEE, Shirley 08/13 RECKER, Kaden 08/13 KERKOVE, Tanner 08/14 NOSKA, Catherine 08/14 SLEEPER, Wesley 08/14 SCHMITT, Kevin 08/15 JACOBSON, Natalie 08/16 LINDNER, Kale 08/16 NAUGHTON, Tyler 08/16 BOGARD, Maddyson 08/17 GERDIN, Clayton 08/17 JAURON, Adrianna 08/17 KALM, Barbara 08/17 KLEINSMITH, Zeb 08/17 LEWIS, Bailey 08/17 PETERS, Doug 08/17 ADAMS, Cameron 08/19 FISHER, Dawn 08/19 KRAL, Allison 08/19 CLEVENGER, Teresa 08/20 KNEZEVICH, Nick 08/20 STIEGELMEYER, Rylen 08/20 FULLER, Carson 08/21 KRUSE, Beckett 08/22 SHERMAN, Scott 08/22 GUINN, Elijah 08/23 HOPP, Lindy 08/23 HUEY, Orlane 08/23 LEIGHTON, Jean 08/23 SARGENT, Chris 08/23 ADAMS, Clayton 08/24 HAWKS, Jennifer 08/24 KLEINSMITH, Toby 08/24 STOTLER, Brady 08/24 CASTLE, John 08/25 MCPHERON, Spencer 08/25 HOWSARE, Grace 08/26 HOY, Benjamin 08/26 RUFF, Clarissa 08/26 RATHJEN, Joyce 08/27 SMITH, Ellis 08/29 SMITH, Kathy 08/29 BISHOP, Marcus 08/30 FITZPATRICK, Brian 08/30 GRUBER, Denny 08/30 KLEPPE, Michael 08/30 DURR, Delainey 08/31

Page 11: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-

Just in the last month, our youth returned from New Orleans. They can share with you, their eye-opening experiences. They raised their own funds for this trip, thanks to their families and our church family.

Our VBS will be offered at no cost this year, and several donations specifically to that program will cut our costs substan-tially from previous years.

We have much to celebrate, please pray for our chuch and:

Consider your blessings and then give with a grateful heart.

—Penny (SUMC Treasurer)

SUMC Finances

The finance continues to struggle with how to best communicate with our congregation on financial reporting. Some people say they want to be in-formed and others say they don't want to hear doom and gloom. As you will see in the graph, our finances are not all bright and sunny for the year. Only one month, April, which included Easter, shows that our income has exceeded our expens-es. Last week alone we had to have a refrigerator and air conditioner repaired, but we are still serv-ing our members and community.

We are asking staff and leadership to cut budgeted spending, because our income isn't meeting our needs. Just like your personal finances, we are trying to find some solutions. You, as our church members obviously have a great impact on our income, while as a committee we can only regu-late the expenditures.

I would ask everyone to think of the things this church has to offer to you and our community.

Old Gold Diner

Duane McAtee has served as the site manager for the Old Gold Diners or Senior Dining for several years. Under Duane’s leader-

ship many seniors in the community are served lunch in their homes every day, and many come into FH for their week day lunches

or perhaps more so, come in for the fellowship and to play cards or just hang out with friends. There are special occasions every

month celebrating birthdays, holidays, City of Solon news, sometimes with live entertainment sometimes with 4th grade classes

from Lakeview visiting, and on and on. Duane does

a lot to ensure everyone feels special. Duane’s last

Day here is July 31st. His shoes will be hard to fill.

We wish him all the best. I’m certain he will still be

actively helping others and starting some new

endeavor or getting some new idea up and running.

If you have a card or note you would like to pass on

to Duane, you may drop it in the basket in the foyer

by the morning of July 31.

DR Miller will be taking over as manager come

August 1, so please offer him your support, and

see what new things he will bring to the program.

Page 12: In This Issue A Publication of Solon United Methodist hurchsoloniaumc.org/files/2017/07/August.CircuitRider.2017.pdf · “Discipleship” & “following hrist” are often used synon-


PAID Permit No. 4

Solon, IA 52333

8:00 & 10:15 AM—Worship 9:00 AM —Sunday School

9:00 & 11:15 AM – Fellowship

Church Phone: (319) 624-2288 Address: 122 North West St., Solon, IA 52333

Church Website: www.soloniaumc.org Church Facebook: Solon United Methodist Church—Iowa

Rev. Scott Keele Kober, Lead Minister

Lisa Schroeder, Minister of Music & Discipleship

Deb Sheets, Office Administrator

Jenn Stiegelmeyer, High School Youth Ministries

Sami McAtee, Middle School Youth Ministries

Open position, Accompanist

Mary Kucera, Director of Hand Bells

Penny Tompkins, Treasurer

Jon Lorence, Custodian

DR Miller, Security

Lindy Hopp, Nursery Supervisor with current staff:

Cassandra McPheron, Jeannie Jedlicka & Selma Kleinsmith

Making disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation

of our world

Return Service Requested

122 North West St., Solon, IA 52333

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