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High Performance Working:designing the workspace

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sources• Smart Working: Creating

the Next Wave

• co-facilitate Johnson Controls Global Mobility Network

• work with senior execs nationally & internally - transition to new strategic positions

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what’s the story? • learning is crucial for high


• workplace design is vital

• already know a lot about high-performance – not enough happening

• so got to create the future

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why new ways of working?

“We won’t just go down, we’ll go down big time if we don’t watch out.

We have to think of the clever new ideas and be ahead of the game while we have the affluence...

That includes the way we work.”Professor Cary CooperDirector Magazine, 2005

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creating conditions for

learningknowledge creationknowledge-sharing

high performance work systems

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high performance work systems

CIPD / CAP Gemini:

• a philosophy of empowerment

• investment in skills development and talent enhancement

• high levels of employee engagement

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high performance work systems

Tamekin et al (2008) 4A Model:

• access (recruitment, roles, succession planning)

• attitude (engagement, involvement and motivation)

• ability (skills, learning and development)

• application (strategy, structure, work environment)

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Guest’s core components (2006):

• workforce competence

• creating environments and jobs that provide people with opportunities to contribute and learn continually

• workforce motivation for continuous learning, and organisational commitment

high performance work systems

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design of physical and virtual workspace must support conversation and dialogue:

• physual




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Dr Kjetil Kristensen: http://www.kristensenconsulting.com/

physical and virtual - how?

Steelcase: Mediascape http://www.steelcase.com/en/products/category/workspace/freestanding/media-scape/pages/overview.aspx


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adaptablecuriosity discovery sharing

creative spaces must be adaptable by users:

“designers design for; cannot design in”

Harrison, S. and Dourish, P. Re-placing Space: The Roles of Place and Space in Collaborative Systemshttp://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=240193

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making it happen

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referencesCIPD / CAP Gemini: How Smart is UK plc? http://www.cipd.co.uk/NR/rdonlyres/62401E9E-0160-4B71-A477-3366BD1405DB/0/smartworkingguide.pdf

Cooper, C. 2005. The shape of things to come. Director Magazine, 58(6)

Tamkin, P., Cowling, M. and Hunt, W. 2008. People and the bottom line. Institute for Employment Studies [Online: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills]. Available at: http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/corporate/migratedd/publications/d/dius_iip_448.pdf

Guest, D. 2006. Smarter ways of working: the benefits of and barriers to adoption of high performance working. SSDA Catalyst [Online: October 2006]. Available at: http://www.ukces.org.uk/assets/bispartners/ukces/docs/publications/ssda-archive/ssda-catalyst-issue-3-smarter-ways-of-working.pdf


Teresa Amabile and Steve Kramer 2011. The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Workhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Progress-Principle-Ignite-Engagement-Creativity/dp/142219857X

Mistakenly said she is from MIT; from Harvard. Was thinking of Sherry Turkle, who is at MIT. Her book Alone Together also highly relevant to workplace designhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Alone-Together-Sherry-Turkle/dp/0465010210

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thank you!

Anne Marie McEwanThe Smart Work Company Ltdwww.thesmartworkcompany.cominfo@thesmartworkcompany.comTwitter: drmcewan

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