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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1846-10-13.€¦ · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.."g**** Welean» from tiic Xcw-Orleaas papers ibtt a liueil wasfour-fit ¡ri th-t». Cuy on tht« 2nd inn.

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.."g**** We lean» from tiic Xcw-Orleaas papers

ibtt a liueil was four-fit ¡ri th-t». Cuy on tht« 2nd inn. t e*

tweon Dr. Thorn*» nod Mr. T. P. Le Beau, both old and

/r»pttct«*d citizens. I»r. T. »as ...rioa-ly hnl not dan-«iirously wounded.FiRK-.The fore., topatatíag machine, &c. of W.

II. Myers Si Co. at EUinore. Clinton Co. was entirelyeomrained tiy ftrc on the nimhi ofthe 3d in**- Loss about|i,OC*0.insurance $ ,fX».\3T lu au atfrny in Tallapoosa «Co. Alabama, on

t ae 1-th u!t- _-cp«_d Poacher we.* killed by Bam. Kno._ ,

.-.tit*, ax the Stock Exchange.Mo*«oay.-..COON Ï 7», le-its ...l'.ri 10 Howard ini. Co... 3¿; .Out) Alabama «A b30 66 SO Ii_lem.(2 irtioJuilO Ohio il«, 60.... 93)100 do.si.. Tri'x

JO«) Morris Canal. Fi 7}¡450 df».52.10 OiiioTrust. DI i IVJ do.b-0 584

150 HeedingRiJ. 041|2OC Long Island...-s60 .'t150 do. Mil

8KC0.ÍD EOAtD.i.'-O Ha/kin.bl'/J 5'-l YJo do.s»0 *cl

-50 do.130 52 jaOO do. *-'-'


CLEARED.ship Adelaide, Adams, Havana, b'pu-uid. Tllestoa <v.

firi.'s Fleaoce, Lockhart, Windsor, Tbos W .run»-it»-..*r_b.Chisho'.m, Öt John«. NF, Thoa Wbudette; ,.. ta

belb, Thorn-.«, .*-t John* NF, G Sa T Laurie»: Au;-__t_,Sherwood, Savannah.Sehr Ellen, Fluart, Suiiolk, Va.

ARRIVED.rhip i'actolu*, Harding. Ill d» Im Havre, mdnC, to fox

¿i. Livingston. Vil »teeraçc passenger». 10th in»t. at 10A M in lat SO 'JO, lone 6_ VI, pa-sod »tcumship GreatWestern, hence for Liverpool. From the loti Us the!dßth Sept er.pcri'snced a very heavy gale from the West¬ward: lost jib-boom and had main-topsail blown away.Sailed in company with ship Harriet Si Jessie ¡or

Cbailestoa.Bremen bark Diana, Kullman,3. dsim Bremen, nidie

and 1WÎ pasaengcrs to order.Bark GaUilco. Blanoy. 3 di im Boston, in ballast. U>

order.Brig Angola, Ball, fin Mariianilla, Cuba, vu Boston,3

it. mdse. us Daniel Curtí». Jr.rlrij* litsaa*. Weeks, 1*. ds im Charleston, cotton and

rice to Ceo Buikley.Brig Stur, Hubbard, 15 ds Im St Kitt», rent. Sec. to A

liubbard Si Co. Left hr'm Ceo Henry, Makeley, hence,just arrived. The only American vessel in port.

Bchr Trumpet, Ames, 4 ds Cm Thomaston, lime, tomaster.Scbr Henry Clay, I'm an hlaatern ¡Kart, lumber.

KtJÑG->TcO(7GH CANDY«.Having l«een stronglyrecenimended by some kmd trien,!» lo iry C. II. Rinn'»

Cough Candy for a very severe fold. I «lid so. With, I iu«a«l

conte»», ffreat »cepllcl»iri a» lo il» virtue ; bat wh-n I f.miid,ir.-»flf »peixlllyi relieved and able iti attend lo liio»t* da-tie» from which 1 had soriou»ly feared to ba debarred, a

feeling of thaokfui_es», and u de».re lo benefit others,prompted me lo give -bo little Influence my name may jm,»-sasa in making ll:0 virtue* of thin remedy known to Hie ¡public, and impartiug a mile of liiit which ¡« proverbiallym im eel assistance lo the effect««!' medldne.namely, con-

),-..,.. SAMUEL I). HliKCH Alt-».l'a»!«,,- of Hou»!ou-»L Pre»byterliui Church, cor. Houston

and Thompson »t*.New-York, January M, lain. »19 im'Fot tale by C. EL lit NU, IIV Broadway, c«sr. John »L

17&7ÀÎE KAI.D'S I'ÎIKTA-fClT Kl' U It sow-»Mill..Mr. F.rMi,, Allow m« to »._'.»¦ t«» the pnblii

through your paper, that KilrseraW'*celebrated Mill is bowbeing exhibited at Hie Fuir in Cuslie Garden. It may be»»«n Inoperalloi, grinding wheat and com, every duv«nu il m 12 o'cuick in the morning aud from i tu o'clock

.ii Hi» afternoon. 1 am obliged 10 lmiii the work to Hi«: hoursspecified, hocau»»* il would require »ucli an enormous qimii-tlly of grain lo keep the milicoin-tanily running. Planler»,Farmer» and Mlllur», also Orocer« aud Urinrler» of driii-«-.c iffe«, »pice«, »all and loaf «ugar, are Invited loseelheope-r. tien ai the Fair. CHARLES ROSS, Mamiliciurer,ofi l»v* Elghth-sl near Sixth-avenue, N. V.

JX-3-B-T IÏÔGC« vi-t-uld re«p«-tfully Inform hi» friend«and the public generally, that he ta« laken the »tore No

:*,2 Broadway, (opposite the LycMUn Huililinp,) where bowill be receiving during the winter a supply or fresh Gar¬den and Karmin'1 Seed«, and lie will be thankful u> receive»uch order* for Seed». Korc»t and Fruil Tree«, &C ii« thepublic may be fijco»ed to favor lum with, lunuruig theminn every exertion will !>o male on his pwt logtv_ entire»ailsfacUon.He now ha» a very fine assortment ofHyacinth«, Tulip..

Narcissus, Jonquil», Crocussu», i.e. «vhlch »<e »»til O-lapoieof at Mich prices a* will do a«vay »vith the necessity ui at-'.. inilug aii,-i|,,n logetchcB), bulbs.

HiirjiieU of the very choicest flowers, ina.lt« up in the vn-ion» »l vie» »iiuiii'ie foi i»i, ¡nl, Dinner util Evening Par-lie» an«! ihe Upi'in. " I IB

'I'illM It. TU CKIITIKY thai the undersignedI have, purauanl to the provUlonoflhoRevUedSlalute*

t«f ih«, Slat»-,it New-Voik, formed u limilod partnership,under the name or linn of l)»vigln Johnson.that Hit- /-. li¬

erai nature of Hie business lo bo trans-Cl«»l is i« General(¡oiiimlislon and Produce Rúame»«, an«l the principalplace of bualne»» of the siiitl jinr!iu-rr.liip i» »Uiiatt'd In thecliy of New-York, tu the btain of New-York.and ihmDwlght Johnson, »»hose Place of te»idence is Iho city «¦!Hiouaij-ii, m the Sun«« oi New.York, m tu ceneral pati¬ner, and vaebal Worth.iBton, whose place ot residence Is..::. cuy of Cincinnati, m the Slam of Ohio, la Iho specialpartner.and that ihn »aid Vnchel üVonhlngloo hascon-tiituiteil the mitn o[ Twenty Thousand Dollars a*capitaltowaidalha common Block, and u o the aald pannorablpis lo commença on ihe lonlhday of September, A. D,oaethousand eight hundred and lbrty-«lx, and Is i«« termínale«m lb,- iiiiuli day of September, A. D. uue lhuu»aud eight.milred and forly-ii.iu«.Dated tin» ninth day of Soplomtter. A. I), one thousand

eighi hundred and foily-»L_. DU'IOHT JUllNstiN,«lOhw _V. '.VtlltTlllNUTUN.

IlIIRAKD'-.i'APKHS-BLlRNAi'ABAKCOl'K.No. 115 K:ill«'ii-M. offer for »ale a full a»«orlinenl ol Pa¬

per* manufactured by the M«'»*r«. liubbard, couipri»liigLedger Papers, blue and white Imperial, ^Supor Royal,

Royal, Medium. Demy and Flal Cup.Hank Kollo Peal, Dank Quurto Pi«»!, Exchange Cap.Hxtia Super Cut Cup, ruled and plum.Letter Paper, rule 1 and plain,n t'a.: assortmeuLTacket Post, Super and _l.\lra Super.Tinted Plate Paper- Colored ImperialsColored Royal«, thick aud thin.

I>«>. Mcxlliiin, do. do.Do. Double Cap, tlir copy book».

Kine (iiii/i'd Colored Mediums, Royal«, Ac. Ac.H. A B. have al»o on hand a very e\tt»n»ive -»»iirliueiil of

Writing Paper«, Book and New« Printing P»|>er», PlaiePaper», llartlv. are ami Wrapping Papei-. They are also»t«l« agent* of Ihe genuine Patent Envelop« Paper.

Printing Paper of any lixe and quality mude lu m Jer at»taorlnotice. \y'2t oayeod

Ttot"KNÍilNKKKS, Maaofaciurer», Patentee«, \f-Messra. COOPER PARKER, 7n Na»»«u-«t. N. Y.

ex«H;ule drawing» and »pecilicallons for patenis. ilia« Ing«and estímale» for mills, factories, steam engine*, wateiTrhsols. »halting, Stc. at the »holtest ¡lulice. Mr. P. havinghad many y«mr* experience as a practical Kngloeer, In.eine of Ihe iai'goal eatabllshiueiit» in EBglaod, and p««s-.raslns a ilm« u;ti knowledge ol every de»cripil««n ol tua-

rhhiery used In the manufacture of cotton, flax and wool,ihey Invli« panic» Interested In the above to call, confi¬dent that they can give »atisfacllon.Agent* foi the dl»po»al of manufacturing premise«,

»tram and water power, machinery, kc. o9 lui-

PIUM-MJ 1>K Manufactory.-The »iib.cnliërha« recently iittrodiiiisl »team power and Improvedmachinery into hi» manufactory »vhlch enable* him t,« t.n

nl*h hi* customer» «vith a very superior article. Pnnler»and merchant* who may have orden for Printer's Ink »»illftnd ihem promptly executed at iiuMeiiile prices, and maynsly ontHilng *upplie»l with Ink oi eicelleiu quality, andof unchangeable color. The subscriber manufacture» Ink«»fvartou* colora, vin retl.tilue, given, Vc. Ortler» di-lecletl to hi* manufactory,:*)!) Kiuu.-«t. between Monigom-cty *uid Ctoverueur »u. ihi.*_gh the Di«p»ich Post, »t i.i bepunctually allended t.i» Tht« pa«, _r ha» been printed byink from ihi» manufactory for several »ears.o« SmDfcW OEOROK MAT11KR.

CIM'INNATI !..->-> aud Uen-j_rÂgl»ûcy Utiice,Clnclnuall, Ohio..M. USboldoo would inform the citi-

»en« of Now- York, Uial he «Bill attend lo Ihe purchaae und«ale of every de*crlpiion of Real Ksiai« and Persona. Prop¬erty in the City ofCuictunati and in iho Western Stan»», wfilal*o collect hole«, bond» and morlgage». and ever»- »psvle*of claim» in Cincinnati or Louisville. Ai.y Merchant«, oioilier business men, having land» or other properly in llu»Weateru country '.hev »vlA lo dispose of for cash, or it« ex-cli-nge for cltv properly in CicciutiaU, are ln»i!ed !»> »end adescription of Hie »ame to hi» ottu-e in Cincinr.aii, where allbu«!»-*« en__*te«l to hi»can» will bo prvmpUv and faidi-fii-ly aitonded to, Addre»* bl. L. SHELDON,

We*i Kit"*»!:-*»*- ClncianaaRsrEBBNC--,.Dwter Barber, 9 CorÜand-»t-i J. Jack*

-»oe. «.. Wall «v. Wm. Inga»«, -i WalUt »7 «mood

PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER,i;* RASER'S PATENT DOOR PADS, f««r »--eluding windX and water from tue bottom« »«t door», t« imerusl into ihelowctr rail of ihe door, çoe* down to the «ill a» it close», andrise* within ihe rail a» tl open». They are health»-, becausethe under-cu-Teat »jfalr, which cannot be »varm._ hv aru-nclal mean«, I» excluded thev are comfortable, ¡«ècautethe leiiioeralun. I* equalUed and Hie teet are warm m any»»ai' of ihe i\..»n ; Ihey are economical, becau»e there i» nocold air admitted, and of cour»a le«» fuel required to k»-epwarm. Price $S »H« per devr, which in»-lud«.« putttoi in.-M_oufactuied by JOHN FRASERauiVtuu No. 1 Cha-h*_ni-KUB»f.Xe»v.Vou.

SMrrnn* uo.-.opatïuç r -.äemacy.«ssBroad»»»».corner«! Bri.»m*.«-»...J. T. S. S-MtTH hav-

tii), saved t r»»m the late fire much of hi» stock of I K.u.i,«pa¬ths«* m*jdiclne,tn anuniniuntlnaie. netiaMedto <*upp_oi der» and lurnlsh c»»c*. iic. \c a* heretofore.

lie has removed jo ihe above auuil.r »»heie ciav befound tanlly and other cases, atr.ica liucture. -mica plas¬ter, and a geucr*ta»»oil_icat of nie-liciue» at -»he I«.«! ma_a±_srM»VTT1-__»VSK. WITHCUJLVAJtt-ED Spring.The undersigned has tor »ale s-prmg M_ut-.*»ei, maa-ulactured in Ihe be»i manner, ana «jf üe moAiarprovedform*.TB« ni il le niuax oí ut«ce*»ity, evcitsx il» cvn»- e:i-.»«r-.Ce. fr««.«-

dcuB iront vermin. Us «ao»y veniilaiion, and unsurp«»>aS.ecotntori, »upei>«N.ic every thing else ot the kind.Order* received for HtJlel». Su»-_er». Packet Ship«, and

priva» rest-deuce*, at No« 62 Ye.-ev- n. S. K. HALSEY.O* The public, air»! Ihe medical facully in particular.

Breiaeiied to çnli and «»xamine iliem. aui.'- it

TBEI__EVI_-¿S~WHITE 1*EAI>.HE subscribe.-* are re«7cmng from ihe factory of Rei!<*-vlllet, N. J. their regular »upp-e* of ihi* aapnior Lead,

dry and tn oil, pm up yj ca*ks and keij*. Which ihev war¬rant equal la quality u> My heport-si .raad. K<jr»*-einlota «It one ton aati upwartl». '..».

r. . .RV ;VTT-CAMPBELL X CO. l*à Frval-sLA.«».--r»tvl l.«_-a»l. Llihwxe. iLrtd Oraajce Miustral »II Sm*

G. A. -a H. WITTE.Iie.p»»-.rr»_f beeche«. SS J t»hn-*I.

MSDOK-A .-.IIMNt; CO.-P.VNX-TTC-.. Sur .n-or..Not!». 1* hereby si»en lo ihe Shareiioidei»

Cempacy. th»l an assessment ot one dollar a ..*r« i« re-eatred, pavable at the oSce ol Ihe understg-Betl, Uurtydav» after dale. Bv onler of Iba Trj»tee*. **

WM. li. MORÖAN, .-.«x.-y. l»> W-te«^New«York. Sep*. 23. l»-iti._»IMSuw'im

«NKWa-KaBä-BY COPPKK ORE.-i-or «ale. *1^ ton« ofCoppe.- Ore it.ray suiphurM) from Üie Kleminj.jonM-ie» Apply lo E. B. HART,

Jy4 tfcNo. 4\ Han»»» er»*t-

lUnV.VKUST-tis-Tt--.-, American Consul at Ge» in», requests all hi« irieni* aod correspondsn»» to

fhrwikid their c.r.i.i.an.cï'.i»*!!» to tiui itrousU Harcdi-sa tCo.'* Expie.«», Wi:i-»t-pr«t-p-«d ortliev *ru* _a»t be for»vded. Ot» tl«

o v i r t: t a L.

L1ST0E LETTERS.»._-_.al ¡'/.O lit Thr. tiiar-r. .y ________ ¿: îoi.m __..-T.

11. And _r -t farther <*.___,.* *

And oll -.dverli_._i_i.ts mude ander Ihe ..rdri»of ü» Posi»ni_a.er-Ger.er_l, in a newspaper or ..ewjpaper», of le_u*rsuiiCaij-d for in ar.y Post Office, »hail be inserted ta tie papeeor pipers, of ___*; town or piact where the o£Ece odvert.s-._i_;may b& simóle, haxtugthe largest circulatum-

(.Vea. Pott fjfiu __-_. paatd. _-___-«_- 3. 1-_c_

Li-t of Letter» Remainioçin the.*.. Ï. Post Office.Satnrday, Octob-r 10 :

_[__»?. Pítate attrition the Darn of (Ai Lui in uhich theyate. tzUertised LADIES' LIST:

Krioff- Mra BeoieLittle, _Ui«e Ann

... in M:7_:Lai met,H .

AH. HI** Jnlie., Mr- Mary

i _-__J use

A».i_-»» i. M*«'Bleecker-stArine«. Mi» " CA .- -.. Mi* r

Miss M AM.-» A ''._r

a- kettle, Misa,'. -.:.-.'-..¦. M -- r ci ¦¦

Hrtidly, ..list« Ann'.. M r» _r._rk.-_sBreedon, Mis» SallvBarry, :.!.-» Biillr__>-. ( .;

Kerry, Widow MaryY, i ._¦-.-. Un 'Sa-»_u-»D

.Mr. PhoebeBanuan, Eliza .«-'liBrennen, .*.'.- E.-/.-)i. -. .Mrs l.ttrii.-!

Mrs ElizabethBlake Mis» Laura A¡1 .'.!-. .-»»»ri

Mrs Margaretfc.-.-'-r. Mr» Marjrorct¡,-...-, Mis«Eli»abeth;. .--. M-s ABnckingbaan, Mis» EllenB eh, Marybim», AnneBiustle, Mrs FrancosBrown. S'isa.'iK..-..:.-..',!,.. Lydia WBrown, Ek-uor

H r« Abby VVBoyle, Mrs Alexandrine

-. BridgetBoanean, Miss E. /aBrown. VxXtt Jane MariaBrown, Mrs A WBurch, Mi-» r.}'.' '¦-'.-. Mr» ;... Georgia

.:-. Mr*JoannesL_r..n. Mi»* Mary

... Mis« Anër.ta*:.¦'-.'¦' th V- -2

ii» Ann¦l Hanab

Lyon«. Margaret' I .'.! aria

Mra MaryM.-» Isabel!

Lo-"-!'-. A¡-i -.. ".-1. idl >..». li'.r-. Mary>liin¡»¡i. CatharineMercnanl. Mr« iTnt-ty-pliMaslers«-..'.la- Un, Miss MariaMiii'.in-y. MaryMrs Mary AnaH_j«ba_l, .*.!.-» MaryMarr.n. »Mr« Harnol AMerr.arri. Mi*i C.aruaMayhew, Miss .Sarah EMares, Miss MariaMattl ass ». Elisa Jon.Merroy, Mr* Ju.ia AnnMerrill, Misa OHv«Mari-.». Mrs AnnMason, Mis« HenriettaMadden. Misa Csiharut.Mann. Mr» Mary AnnMaloy, Mra SarahMarauall. Mi»» MMaiming, Mr» Msrin DMarshall,Mrs C MiMarsden, Miss Susi*i

M_nd«_l,M -- !':.--...- A.¦.!"¦.,:¦.¡i.ery. Mist Mar_-retl-Muriey, IsabellaMoore,Miss Mary '» me

Cra*.rford_.-t-j- Martha M-_k_er,MaryMr- Emilia

rasa ford, Miss MaryCarow, MrsMary.SCorhart, Ja_eC rniiane, Johanagii

Mrs IraCorley, M.»t FannyCelly.Mri CatharineCavonagh, BridgetCarroll, M.S» Elizabc!..Cartwnght, Mr»Carpenter, Catharine

M rs Mary WMr- MartinMr» Fanny

Claridge. M rsCroa -r, Mr« pb.beCrow, AnnCox, Mrs AdelineCrowtoy, Hannah

.lei Mrs MCor «.»«. Mr* SarahCook, Mrs MaryCrummelL Mrs C M

Mrs Catharinet .won, Mr« MaryC!o_tcr..Mi»_ II'fChristian, Mrs Eli.abetb

MrsC » -.y. AnnCoates, M i «« MarthaDavis, .Ira Clnrii IIDawkon, Mlos Mary Ja:ieDakm, Mr« SarahDraper, !fenri"liaDavcnpor'. Ml«* Aiiñ'JsiaDaniels, Mit» M EDalley, Mrs Margaret..Dunn, AnnDwyer, MaryDoyle, MaryDu.ernav, Madama FanieDnffey, JuneDuffy, MaryDoran, AnnDonahue, Widow fluteDonnoara, Miss EllenIn::, .«.-.i. M..«* MogoretDonne, Mr» HiramDodge, Mr» Eliza.''¡.i',.-.in. Anna MailaDodge, Mi* Margaret Ei.»-;«. .'Inry AnnEll in«;» i....I, Mrs (White-.»ill .num. SarahKin'ii-b. MiM HEdwards, Mrs JaneElliott, Mrs France«i iron Misa Emmaill..-t. .Mi»l-'iiiiclt» .sir». AliceI.mix-, CatherinePorrino, Mi»» Mary AnnFarrell, ElizaFiulcber, Mi*« Kii.-nFrtd_ll,Mi«a CatharineKlxiin. MissFoi I, Mi» i GFlnehout, Mi»» CathariniFord, Miss Hüllen

Mr»Forraeder, MaryFoolo, Miss KalhrineFlizpalrlck, Mi»s EllenPegan, Ma. v

(»urrir, MaryGalloaao, Mr» Eli/al.etliGraham Ml»« EstherGreen, Mis» Elisabeth Eii.tllHl.fr. Mis» (Teiitli-si)

Moo ..nan, Ai.nMitchel, Mary AnnMulbem, MaryMooney. MaryMurry, CaiiiorineMoore, Mary or HonorsMurray, Bart,araMoloney, ElizabethMoore, CarolineMoore, M rs DelightMurphy. M¡»« EB__obetb.2Montgomery, Elizabeth Ann¡Nelll*, aintCNoten. Mrs EUzaANicholson, Mr» Mary...NUant, Misa MargaretNongle.Miss t'.aiaNelson, Mr» ».unieO'Neill t'atlinrliieCFBryne, Miss Mary AnnI'nll", >li*.H Eva'Perham, E!i_o¡'.-rrv. Mr-Ciisrl'-tleAPratt, Mrs Marx-

id, Mrs (DresiLnelier)Penfiel.Peck, Mrs J FPerslvle Margaret[Price, M:-s AngelinaPrindle. Mary MP....*, MissSà.lvPowers, MlMMaryWPower«. Miss Eli/aiProthroe, Mia« ElizabethIPyan, Mi« MaryU-icAsile _,-U_«si .llsirtliaMcCaddotn. Miss AnnMcColuli. ElleniMcCoflery, MorgotetMcDennolt, Miss JaneMcDonald, Mi»s Helena¡McFaden. Miss L'uily[McRoy, i! .-.-

McOrah. Sara!.iMcLaughlin, AnniMcGlnnis, M:s» MaryMi Glnnl«, Miss SutanMcLal Mra ElizaMcKlnaey.MUa Murj .«r«*t

McEvoy, Noncvk Bridget¡McMulleii. Luke[Meliean, Mr« Catharine. «

McKenna, Iln.lgel1/1. ill. Hll.lH.I

iJiintif.-ies, Mrs MargaretGray, Mrs EmmaGrant, Mr» SarahGray, M las ElizaGorman, M_ryOilman, Mr» JHi nia-», Miss NancyCorner, SusanUilmuie, Miss Mary«.run. Mrs Elizabethlutterson. Mis Maiiallnr.lv. Air» .SluryIli'lliU'lsi'Il. _lllt*UuHart, Catharine11.i. in. Mi*s Matildallarii-ll. Mrs MaryUunigon, EatbreuHarvey, huaanll.-ii.v". M.*» AHand, MUsBrldfiolHaines. Mi»» Joua ItHart, Miss Julia AnnHunbridge, Mrs Mary CHaver, Mi«Hall. Misa Am. MI!..Han I. .Mxrx Juin»Hunt, Mrs T (Pearl-st)Hill, Miss Mary .)Iloxt, Mis» VaiohneHowloy, MissMaryHitchcock, Mra HenrySli.pi-, MlM Small HHumphries, Mr« Mayll.ibar, M ». Caillai luHusbands. Mr« Adale Annllulcliliii'K. Mr»Ri.t«TiJohn .in. ¡Minn II ItJohnson. Miss Lucy wJ».i«!aii. Miss LucyJacques, Mr» John.lain,'-. Mi»* H ManaJone», Mi» M S ix EJackson. Mrs MaryJones, Mts OeO Andón, '*.

Misa BetseyJackson, Miss L«nance EJohnson, Mi»s HetyJohnson, Mrs CaihatineJone», MariliaKenn, .MiirvKellj Hint.-,-;Kennedy, MargoretKre!.», Mis« ElizabethKelly,Sarah A..:Eeanon, Mit» ResmarCeotíi g,Mr«. Hai_a._iMKirk MaryJana


Kaynor, .Hr». A _k- All..k.-»:i,,»x, M..I -ui'-tRetan, Ann MarioRedcy, SellnalUcl.a'rds, Mi.CRies, Mrs JacobRobertson, Misa '__¡e»i!na ARoll, Ml» Pli.'ileRoxvo. Mr» Jain.'*Roiindv. Mi» lli'n)i"tiaRoper. Mr» iR.-i.l-*!)Rose, Misa CatharineU..»<\ Mi» JoliiiRussell, Mis« Cordelia...Russell, Miss H ¡«tiny .1Sidziiinii. Him¦iuik. Mi Carol ne MorrisStakem, Mi-» Il se

ir.Mrs Ih-nrySprague.MraA MSoul, Mi- Virginia Dtrawbridge, Anntawart, Mr» iloxaiinalèvent, Mr» E W...'tcvens Mi« G w

Stevenson, Miss RebeccaSnarls, Mrs Jane Bhepnrd, Mrs Almiia

Sinclair, Mis» E«uSlmiiion*. Mrs Ann«luck, Misa Einilv.»inner. Mi» M À

ncbcuinb. S.n.iiiSmith, Misa Mary RSmith, Mi»sliarol:ne CSmith, Mlas Margaret

Misa ElizabethiSpoonei. Miss L AugustaStrong, JaneStorm Mr- Eleantha¡Scully; Catharine ConroySiuarl, Mis Small'I'liiiuyiiiu-, t ¡itlmline,Talmadge.Mlsa AbbyTaylor,MisaSarah JTaylor, Mi» c 1!Ti Mr» Robert WTeirny, Mi».» Marx-r-1, Eyck, Mr» Petei GTi .:..-». Miss JessieToiles. Mis« Julia A'1 bomps.Mi»» Mary AnnThon!)'..Misa Elizabeth ETompkins, Misa Jane

jTo «xusen.!. Mis» S T.-'iTiill'.i-, M »» JoannaTurner.Misa Marx- B

itiit-luui, .Hi».»; (nth» an N.'»», Mis« ('alhar)iieVollmer, M;«» MargrethaAVtil _i, NancyWard,Mrs HarrietWarren, Mra I) n OSWal»»'ii, Mi» EviWeek«. Mr« Maria LVVctmore. Miss Mary 1,H ercan, Mrs Elizabethw tng, M.» JuiiaAWilson, RachaelWlghu,M_asaWri-.-h'. Mary AnnV. ilUams, Mrs DavidSWilson, Miss MaithoWilson, Ann'.» ¡. MissSaiohWhlulesey, Mis« SutwiWiiktna.tii, Mus MaryWilt _i. Mr»White, Mis» Krancis \Wightmon, CorijellaVVood, Rosalinda S\ .-mi. t !:n lim [,-


AdriS-BCe.»W Borllell, Wni ¡Rrown.JohnAdain», Rosiolphus Bortleti. Edword Bostxvick. Chas JAl.rain«. Samuel Barnev. Geo H Brown. _" ,irAcker.Jacob Barr, E D B»>»», FrancisAckrell, John Batker, John Brown,WmJAbbott.I'npiLol... Bauou. TUos 'Brottn. Jasue» PAbeU, Henry K B__i»h, John A B_.»_._u. J AAddaiu». Charles Bate«, Alfred A Buckley, JamesAtieiit for AUebasi Baxter¡Samuel Buck, GeoCMedicines Bates, Tito.« Jr ¡Buckley. Dr A L

i Richard C Behrend, Charles Buckley.'Capt..». Do Bechi_d_MoirisonjB__am,C_-sYgnada Ben, ¡i Bullock, James

Ant.«-::. JsmesK Bearaslv, Samuel Bush,GeoAldea. Henry A Beers. Èaward Bu!_uen. JamosAienande.'. Gcs.»r_;e Beacli. J PAir-Sander, John Beach, Geo

B»!.-, Geo wBc.*l!ioll.Ja_ HBerhaurd, DrBeiu. Hear.Beiger. Mr

Ambrwe. iiiv.«.An - i'.i»«-tAllen .» TaylorAm,.. George BA mold. S .- A BAnder») ii.t_i.ii aü BlUsln, HughAndrew. A Beliuotic. La. »»-.v. AlbertA Beany. GeoAi.iii.iJ«'. l.e«x is

Askew,M SAii.irvx» ». Ti-.i'iAnders, n, Wm

Burgen, WmKantien. Geo W

JBu___r,M M

__W'____OoBurk, Ja.no»Burr. E ..Burton, EdwardBurgman. J__i_._¡

i. CoB___U_CaM J A Ber..ir.;. Janiea GBenders, Ed G.._ B_r_.e. TjosBenedict, tiow» K_i'....v'_..laiue*bridge Bullan!, Gardner......-, ._ ,...«Kv- uu.aiu. '.»IL'lia..

Anderson, (..en AJ- Betbone, Norman B.siee.i. Richordex..: B,-t«»dy, Brvan

A__er»üii. Capí _-eI__i_. WùiAutlla, \Y R 8uu. R.chaniAtwoicr. Jo___.ni J Btgeiow, Kair-AademocDewuiC Birch, JohnAndrews k Smith Birge.CC.«ikley, Ja« M 6.s¡.o.\Jbfstí. Judge Jno B__..._!_*iiaeB»ac_.wc__. Jo_n Birch, Sbabe«..,.. Caarles Brisloll.WmBbroumer. JohnB.ancnaid, JohnBaker, John HBland. BeverlyBanr-a. Jame»K:__i.U

Buiss. Waii.r».vni. A ».

Brvan, HardvOiillut.O«-¦»._. C-as

; Cane. Pa;Cantwc-l. PatrickCannon. JobaCa. ¿x» el_T_»-x-_or9Carrera. LuisD

BUänger, i..\-E C Cally.JohaB_i__.Ki__ic_» C Cad«»«-.....B;__iop. N C C_awfj_, WmB.-o-k. Re« ti...» i_bamplaltt, E GSrockxvay. Elipha- C-.

__w_a.orv.__-D gg«t Jam« t __ds-*__¿__ bb.Pr.indt. t A _>mCk_Aun__|_________» ». ... . . .

Bla-lcvGexoA Bodn.li.EV_ .^. .^.a Gganta..\ m hodu.. T S___b__V,MLBailey. Key» A Boardman, A W Chase, Hearvl'-r_:»ied. Jacob Jr Br«*x*. r.Sin.-.x>iiL«_ Ca____»r,2toin BBalds, EdwardBtoke, Aaroc.Baker, E".o_Bland. Jocv-bBaUs. l.ot-ei i MBa_l. FêterBalle v. J noW beat

Bamuiîi. DsiiielBarber.Wm CBarren. Jota LBartwr, Nelson JBordwç_ RNRBarclay, Ja_-.esBarrett. Ge»»Banset, c hBariow, Dav H

Brooks, N k__-_as (_______, d' mBrociíis. Henry iC__-*_cter.'Da_i_t!l_?o»'l__». James Ca__f, Jame.«BoU X Fraser Cary, i.e\« ¡» _iBonn_n_cas_le. Li C__Sf_B____ _V_qJohn Ct_app-Q._l-kDli

Brook». Chas V_ Clari. CharlesBolmer.Manuel Í _______¦¦¦_.Boi«b_»_ie, Edisr Clark. G«fo ABonne. G«*«» L C»>e. Capt W PBcurbm, James Clark. J__iie_Bovie» Peiter CorTOll. JotaSoitwick, L A Clark. Dr J oha EBrows, Jno L Clark. JoiiaBoyce, J oîmW Ca______er, John SB.-ownel,JohnR !C_s_tev.ChasCSr-wri, A B Caraey, Henry

Kr^-ctU^« s gi_ï__*W_O.S{Car_ai-W.WfcH5-,. j. susosj &te,yr^ fuy^t j cooptjau,. >¦»- E

Rer Cha*Gai .-.-.-. IVmHGard'¡5MC,«i i'Gcaai, lames


.'..lu'jzi. Joseph.jray. Car*. W*r."«ray, O»car B«3re*n, PatGregory. John E

«r.ari«**'- .-

GTesrry, T CGreene.Goo>-'.-.. Edward II

A ill W

«":.!_ S

.'. rn B'.'

R z. Y(

¦. rig '¦ L A


-. I a »A."

I .-

.. -.. .'aine*Gocdrich. Jar«n E

rer John: ..

Gordon, P»Goldrafor.WID-dn'>im«-r. J «- r. 11Gould, r.'.'Aah AGlover, T JamesGow, ¡;


SFJBall,jumenfl-mnan. y.-rt.-.ri

J i"«'.-.n

er. Chasí; I

Hall uiiverHall, RichardMa... E I»Bandley. JamesHandy, ManriceBalipeniBam.Abn«Han !...-.-. Sie -

Halste-, BHHager, -.Charle* H

Hailock, Rev .1er!«Hall. Cin

1 Cara--. R^iert( *r_. H«"_.-( v. GW --CoCiar*. E r.-"-

: Cas-*v. M*

CL**»"-<-¦'.'- -»'ose*Qu-raicta-el, Dr.James A '

- J RCanses T-Clara. Jeremía.-.C-_.e. Josiah DCarv B 3Cvr.Tt.os S

tiara. !VaChape;*-. D WC.s.r-«--. r '¦¦ -


Castens (Alex

Case P BJ- haJJ

i PCremer.

¦.-. j Jl: c acy.M

-. ;.t«

-, îno* S

: -.il

,- Jotra(

lia". -¦¦

IS, »Vrn A.-.-.Jame»

.. ..'mnable, John

Mylea| Conine. J'jIi.i< ..«. F. W il

Henry ST

Coehrane, Tir LCollin». Daniel( ¦-.r-..aa, lohnColborne, AlpheusCoe. PerryHenry(.os, Jordan JrConine. James CCombines. G

r «-...-.' 't«. la JrIoni«-.. islames

.-. Ca;:li nul« », Francis


Cool-y. J MÍ Copian«!, A.-xCastell», Charles

i Cook, Mrforrero, Dr Rafae

-..-.. NathanCortón, P« i:

on, John-. J Mper, Samuel 6

Mr. .2<"."o¡<. HiCope, John*

-as R! Corcoran, Henry

III DN<¦,-.».. :. w. 2Com :--r. Co!Curir.i-i.-iia'-J nijWCer.aca. Fill

ingnsm.WmJCitnnineham, GeoCuriis, L SCurry, .1<'.¦'¦ », JohnChurchill.Cap; UyCuahman, AlexCum«, Chu. .--i MCuiler, DavidIlrnko. Win IIDa Le*.A G JH«..'.m. I*Davit. Cap! ADavi*. John FDart, HenryDavis, JohnDavis. HenryDavies, John SDayton, LymaoDarcanlel, Charle»; Ha'lhawáy, KDankel. Cornelius! Haven, J^rohF ..'

l*\ Silva, JosDiin¡«»I». FrancsDavis, TDavis, Kit-hardI) i-.-i-.GeoUnibv, JoiinDehue, F FDe Forrest, John JDeboice, SamuelDelobin, AdolphDegruff, SimonDelandei. StephenDi'Hi.. .¡«.ImDemoore, JohnDe »aux, F

¦'.: benDowoy, Alex

Jame» IDa Quemada, DR ....¦;

DeMelleJotoMariaDemon, RichardDe Soto, CorloD niel, B IVD« w ..»-. Willi*Di MichaelDewitt, Ephraim11. Dslor, ."tin IDemon, S CDlckurson, .la-ouDickson, Jame*Dwlgbl, lleurv CDivine, Joseph MDolond.Wm PDoffin, James JrDormedy,Jamoslioughertyjameí..'Doncervií, HenryDow, Win FruncísDowney, JiunusDoughty. Q EDoocy. JolmDonnell, Rufas 11Doremos RoDoocey, JohnDunn. John., tU,nui. Heu FDunn, CharlesDike. JohnDuiilop. John LDugas,LF Kl)rummond,ChasilH .\:l. WillH inlop, J SDumondWorlhlng*ion C

Drummond, Johnliver Capí Scott«EiUell, Jn.u» .tuts, Edwardr ..:-, .»:. Thoa.E. :. Ctias \VKuhn. PatrickEaton, F. DEa»!»v_rdHo_T.osB

Ely,JosephEarie, S

F-C- J

Laree, M Bla-aver.*Leach, ComLr*..«. Hem AbnerL*__erafc.G-*orç»;Lemon, J.-r.nLeochs-J WLeoCBrd, W-Z jLeroy, i. »

Leowoh LLeos. Joss paLevy. Re_.._L.z-ri. CharlesLi .'ivisgsioaSre-i-Lockw«y_L«<¿e. AtxT. >,,

.:-. Dew - 2.- r. A

-. '.'.-

.alonaV. J 1Î:¦'.. I'.' - lift E D...



Ma Sis Lai* ea.-- ,Wii .tuu

May, Jac'jt.

Edwardwe JamesW

Matbesoa. AlesMee l.*BWelea - epbenMey« -. MariiriMead, Samuel LMerritt,James M


Mi --. Benjamin*.! lar, Austin¦¦

,.- -¦-

*.'. ¦-¦.... L--.t ..- »V.--. ChasH

.'.;.-' -... CriasMichell. JH:a«*r. Henry J¡Miller, John GMi 1er, Jon D.*.* II*. il'jiieriM'XKiy. AndrewMoore, J W': re,J DMould, H.-amMonel SMoule ..-i.ery. Bca-

Morris,JMoss, H SMorgan. BsnisonMoore. Thorns*

*.rew JMorion. HiramMood; i. DakmMor.»on, John CMoss, D NMontgonierv. MsjC P

M rriiM E

Balmiion^enry N Mogo .líi-.-vOco 1-Harvey. Frar.ci« Moore,J D

Bardymnn, Thos M ss»wleo I ¦'] J';i''5

.:¦ ..-. c m- ¦:¦ '¦'¦¦',.Morgais. NalhanjMurre»-. Francis

rodoreMurray Lew

!¦ indI t>bn

Harivi:/. M »rillHarvey, JohnHar»-ev J«,'«n nuinj ,.-.«.

Barris, tv.n '.' -*-1 Tre}r,»TIittB-*Bardlng.J I. Mnlr.VV RBardlojLl L Mann, Jesse BBarwooaj» J " :- «- «P-,u.:li

Freeman M trphy, D k .-on

Harris.Thomas G l>|ui-gee, MiHon CHa" W C ¦'' f-hristianBanrey.WU L,0otÍ__. t

Barry. Otho Marphy.JohnBarerave. Wm WlMuntro**, DrRen-Han W ''euHarihan. H Muuroe DrThoma.Havdock(lr"nv.;;,- >eill. llobcrt

.-,-:.-. K'-v ..*(¦:->..-'; ",'.j»a .-. v. loi .> ni E

Haworth, Wade, H¡-N¿-v ïorltWesteniHays. Gen A L ,JranPortaücn Co

IE |N-i.. WUlianiNelson, neo ESeeit. William

Uayncir wTirr»c P -N"'v "*«!-« J ,'". L

lU'liiitvav,Charle» . ,lmito.

Hawkins, David C g CP0Í*> '- P~Heddenberg.CJ ä'ch« .¦"U-J T

Sand S ¦';...--."...«Il. .¦ .-. MT v"-rth,C C.i .a .. »rlei

11 «re,ReubenHenry, JohnHenry,Mr(of Ches¬

ter. SC)..aHenderson leo RHerlehey, Frank

IV i. CoBewlet, PB. :u res a CoHill, l.II...!.¦«. ¡I Si"Biggins, II' onBiggins, Michaelllillin-ti

Noyes, Tlmmas J¡fol ii Th .ma».aNugent, TI.lasOrchard,TbosOgle, Wil.iuiii< Neil, Jhiii«.»O'Brion, D«snlsii Brien, i'-.'i«.«Hai-, Jame*llmsted.Geo TO'DounaOliver, I, .-» i*.Iwons, Tboma*laman, Joiepb

Oxford,Bickev.CuptJosh* }''.¦."*..:., >".".«nu W

llll.llllllll l«all :Hlnchman, W Aii ndn an, U inlloeun. lohnH,i!.:,.«t,v.Jos -'Boltou, Kuiiicis CHoylo, CharlesHolmes DanielHolly, O I»II..1I..Mm WHolt, John Wllofiimtin. Ti.rli NBoSstetiei JacbHopkins, AI.ramBopkin, wHoist, JohannH..»», AdolphHooker. ThosII.I, H JHurst, i.i EugeneBorn, W SB«nivi'i, Wm |*Bo-igBbereer,Ds.lHorn.-. J \VII.«[«kins. J««lin II

bum, John SHoward xSimili ;¿Co

How«.. i;.'.« wI!«.!, bk -i. SamuelBougbton, Rt.'vd.

. II!ln>!. MilBoye, PelerHunier. J WHugho*, John

bai I, Mi '.v.-rnev Ht Law

Hubt.anl. I. GeoCBuffo, WiUiamHuntei JohnHill"». PatrickHumboldt, DiHughes, Jin»H.iiii; r.rev. Cat

[tuiREl.re, Capt ü MiHatcblnsoo, usaKill», Geo VVElliott. AbrelEldred, Geo IIE-s'.land.T BEastwood, Wm SEilet, Charle»Ellis, Wm MEwing, J ohnEvan», David

-. JesseEverett, Sammi 11English, Dr (' «.'.Enos, AlonxoEoot, W C Jrtitmi». Re»- Bonj'mEverett, FranklinDBverson, A CEmmon*3ylve(ierEvarts, Samuel ilEmersvB, S HEvans, Pa» :JFruiik««, JohnFlannagan, Jaane«!Fairlee, MichaelFrancis. Win JiKay, Micîiae!Farrell. JohnFa»atdo. Nichola»Fanning. BarclayFabre, wmFanninj. I) !iI lanagan CFa,'an. WinFianklin, H LFreeman, AlpbeoFreeman ( CKretierick. AlbeitFreeman. James EFearther,A_gustoFrademboi_. MFerns, Fe.ixFencolent. JohnFertroton, DavidKit-;, Cre,. U inFerrer.Dr E igenia

.- G AFields,!- EFischer, MarcFish.Wm 11K.ii^. D.lie!Filch x CoFitch, Ac» -v

Fisher. S FFisher, J Kfa:::.-:

randsF -, e». J MK .."Vlr.FUh, PhilaiaocFinn. BernardFlock-.on. H«^:.-yFoot«, Mr.Folger. Thos JFroslRFro»:. R»«l..."..._Fo*ier. Ttio» FForbes, E B

..'-.. SamurFowler. Joèepi TFrost, S OFlo»»er, Geo \VF.-nr.laine, ^*, WF.,.-d. EFoster. W;.; LFtoote.Chas Br.«iti.!..'v Al&ed iiFox. S WF ar_á Otle

Le»»-,i- -..er. Gen A¿-aslFlyi;_. John

Izo CFy;e.. Ja.-iie»

**"»"*_Fuaivsi, Samueltlladnin.WBOia-i-iin». Geo HGUítellí Ccmel;.!Ga-aaway. Nicic--

_-. AGardner. N SG.-_at,Soto._o_ WGiiOrailh, JohnGaiiius», Racl^irdNeale

Ga:e,G«Mc?-_-.-. j _-.->«;

Hnxhlett. Garrettll'iiLeii. I» «!Hunt, lliarles Bllvne, Charles SBubbard, D BButcbinga, John

Huiiiies. T .-

Hughes, « -tilI llil ll It III. .Ill III!liuiii.;, Jonalsham,C ipt Fleurv

.,- CDie.CoIvison. llenrvves. EJin-obi. *. MJackaoïi. GeorgeJackson. Thos JI alisen. Eçl «.«:

Jamison, J FWm C

Jen:.», tl H-..: is, h t

.1.1 wJohu*cE. Jno Ed-lMcEward ¡McNJohn»oii, Aniei N lMcS«Vi¿eyTerance

Johnsion. Re»- J TIMcGlaty, AnthonyJohnson. Robert McGregor,Jotai

McElioy, \V-UamMcKenaa, TUoma»|McGlangb_tB, Wm


Palmer, Henryr i*r, Elliot I'Parker, Thos H¡'. .-. Pi kmPatten, \iberl TPalon, \\Pratt, Cap: Wml'util. Ji.tin Butler!.¦¦:..-... .i».-.-Pelrce, T S \ «',>Peau, ALford II1'earl. Jaunt VVPhelps. Prof 7. MPeabody,S WPeach, ¿aptBenj.JPetti», Simonr.'1-i. Prr«-,.-. LadviePenis, Joseph I!Peppasly, John DI'etlv, DPerry, RoberlPenaleton, John sPUte, ShihiicI JrPardee, J SPari it, i baríes IIi'lirki-r, ll.-,.i_e WPiloue, StiPriest, JustaliTill..Mrl'ut». Satniie! KPiepno, CharlPomero»Pi '¦." v. il in. Ui'ons.Kedcrii oPolbeams,J D I.Pollak, JoscpbPowell, «in H JiPool, !!. nry CPotter, J DPctter, John SPryor,G WPucband *». Col'ar»oll». Win IIPurves, Andre»»- JPurser,Haï le ;.

Purdy, II-Purple, NalllanielI'liliiam. A!b»«rtl«Clnr«-,\V J

McDouou^h, Mithew L

McDonald, Jam- »

McBride, PatrickMi Con :k. JohnMcCassen. JohnMcCord, w ...i.tinMcCarren, PatrickMfCaltiiiion.JamesM.-l'.in.ke». WmMi C»U, ii-M W JMcConncll Mr(Wa

1er It)-IcCormaek, Jonsa ii George

McAllv. JamesMcDowaU,!Met tusky, Patricky. Ruiu»McXamara, James


Johnson, EllJohnson. Jame.Johnson,MJone» CoJoyce, MJi'iies, James ¡àJoues, ReJtT.es. WKay lor. AlferdKasbOW, Nair;Kasse'.mann, "tiKt'ilv, ARehoe, ThomasKeeler.Capl rKeiler. TKeenan, Ha.-:..-»e.:_.-. Mid »t-ir-.-..-. ft ....i.:i¦« Junes H¦».-.ting, _l CKenned. :.

Kenny, Pal..2Kenny. L*»»reaceKeys.'John

T VKey» ici. PatrickKrnnev. ftl.iamKenuW.: :_::!¡».»¦a.-.. .».:-(» a»Brother

Knight. -t-i .« GKiep!. W CKJBlght, Pre_-_<s D

MrK.r.í, L'ivid CKirfy, John"»'.'S. J.-..".K_rk.JohnKtechen, GeoKirnead, JamesKing, MrrfisBBm, ii--«jKj_-.:V.-nicht, F(ofNorth

Ca.-"li -_.

K~'.»-.-y. HK.i:u ¿ce.taiai-Küo»vie-, f¡.an-ie.-.A H-siÄ.NLark. JnoLay, T-OS ll.r.ryLa..«.e. Jo__iDlVm-.i-.-i--1»'-honùe

Lackev, Abrsiuuap y{

Lawless. DichariiALziz.x-.a. 3Laznben»Fi-.»'iRLalha_. EdwardLaiy, Lo-.-.»Lazuhen. EdwrsrdLaw-ver. J, GLsnica.r. tlrruzLi_i,:'^'n. DavideUw-cce A

M«_.inney, C::»s JMcGhas B «.-yMc.MahonHano'verMclnersey, JamesMcNoe, Jo.-i-iMcTaf.^i D

- BnghMcIatyre,CaptJaaMcGnuh, O» eay. Gregor, G BMcLauchlîn, Stew-

ariMcKlney, irles

ri J» MMcVev, PatrickMcNally, Johnliadway. li GRan la CyrusRamsey, C:s.-:->Rantbo", lieobRal a:-» JamesReed, i_ FReed MRea.T_oa-»sRewcsstle. WRe;»!. John HKc.-. LReynolds, Capujor«.ri-e.. StephenRichardson, J andBrother*

_::.-. CoR.c-u-i». A 3ili.ey, Fejc er la»

.zasalley. Jts_n

J CRietet». «.'¿r-^Ja_»e» H

Rights BR ei rr-:.:

.-. A-AZZSe ia

gets, A BRoi ert, C

C G»akM

Koc-ecB, Georn üz. Bjzv

DavidR. ..in-t.-'r.ii.irr ll

c j..:u..e. Mr

lil_-'._. Wi"i»-*s.Ra-hi^soc. EdwisRoke-souzh. SsailH

Sobii-ii.Ceiis(ierRobinson, C CRcber_co D A-. :¦:..-.

______», Lit M



Isaac A

r_-____l.J_.v_hu-»-.i. F C______ Ge ce..y«-...jachafer.Ilpnrj;-x .-:--¦

Semr-> StXB_.-. C

-J CJ p.F N

>_!."'n. George¦*7_i_-,E.:>«--'¿J>_oi__. Ja»_'*» M

______ He-ry

Van Horn. C,r_..-

¡Von Gäulen. J L

J otan

rogner. David-r,n W_ll__,TD

-__:__. sv.,___ B warr-n.E i

.- - TP iWotytelder, r.

-.;:.:" R*ertA ¡Waieíuld. O WSa.u Cast C

¦_>»od'»'e WagnerJ.HenxyStaü, S C- arfes WaSm, Oüw LScr-hle.AW ;V\ orne-. IsodoreSsow.Jo«:»h l^."*'";«1;' __BlleI ri

WUBam tVan_,J bn... j »ari.-VkB.

,-, w '¦ -- as, Lewi_«_.Simon S. ¦'¦¦ «3 ^^"ó , ,., »

Chris .-. Se reLC P £.*"U**1,*Bî:w ¡sco;-.J.-*n-- ,', -':':-J,/_.

¦1.1 F S__-i. Be_i F

- .-:¦>.. Win 1C F

.'.uses F:: A

'.'-'Si*.-*. :


'.'. DavidWfe ..:' -7' -i»...

unes PGeo Ei..'

-"- B_W :r. :.

J eue»


. V.Sulivan, Jrunes

T ¦____ ¡' Saj der, a '»Sha«*-. ;-i -- 1er. WilliamSneR, Walker a

¦»_».. Si ir_e-». J'¦:..':S ¡y. rl-i'-s S

w c.. É

invar GTiioma«

iteeta, W.

'.'. .'::

Sherry, PsinckIsaac

S'.'-rn. Edward:. Cha»«

.-er er, F Ai. Co_*_»ta_. James í.Scbenck. Rev W.\-

-. 1-1I. A r,1, CharleeDr Fred*


Stev art, NaihaaStevens, Jam- «

- ¦¦¦ ensG

Stewart, JamesSeverin, MonsiiSherwoo 1. George


DJ, J Cir. Chas

Stetson, v» :.. ¡'-

Sill H CSinclair, S

_-...'-S: ._-.--. Capí Jas

j WEdwin N

Simpson, Keaedv(

Moriz.»» -EbenezerHazard

Sückney, LorenzoM

Sur.*. Orr., I!...'S... :.. M

I.'»--..el F

lev, J PWe) .'ri. H:Wc>___. FnuKisMWest, ilWet !'.»\ :. r.V. -. Petery. ..-in. D.r!n».-iLWilliams, S JW .« r¦-. Carter i.

'¦- ¦'»

T--...or.Ca* ¡ C sa »'.

Taylor, Eldard1. Y '!

Travers, PTalbot. Ixi àTa.or. WTmi-ert. ATaylor, >'. ---

7- rry, .».-iLnr_mes

Tefr. SETem-le. J.ii.r. ATiman,Wm

.- -ii_i'is VT...ir.an. J W

nsou.JVVi iaht. Cr.ar.esWWilkin», ThosWiles, Thomas..'. leu J _oh SWilson, Ales

iliinson Jere-¡niiah

HiramW ». Geo

leo \v'¦'. James

¿1White. Jol:nWing,.!

Tnpp. J-- r. y liten. Edward7 :. et, Peter l VI - '¦'-

... ; u W bhnej U:. '¦'.

... '.\ ...- ,- a

.¡Whitlock, Abi>A A

7 irp Wm '¦'¦ odoreF-- VV hitney, James H

W ittlesey, H PAlfred Wim,-. Peter

... -... fr»-1 Wordungton, An-F J

«.GooWood, B Jr

N Woodward, E F_d,Jethew

... Wood. ATrull,Robert 'A .irufT. Ja-* WTrv.m.G K W Iman, dpiTurner. Jume-1. Billings..-!

S Alex... W EzraTx«nn. Rnmond ¡Woodward,JamesI flnri! H I, [Wood .-- AVi'ttoy. .Slnther Wood, i'

i.'r Wm Wyatt, Joshua G> oidor, aenh Wyeh ". L wsr

Vandyke.John jVñiinir.J It.(.John AlVonng, D v. Co

t 1- er, John Yates, Itlarkar, Leon'dl _Ts_es,W S

(Van Beuren, Jsa S rotes, RevWm B...n Brunt. N R IVo-ry, PeterRflRKRT R. MORRlfi. P. >I.


THE KMl'KEItnOI'KEI- F:ro Insurance C ñi¬

pan; (late the Mutua.i of New-York.Capital ____0,000.0?ir" _»o. 6-1 Wall-st..The Legislature of lin» State at itslaie session passed an acl cliar.i*insr the corporate home ofthe old " Mutual Insurance Coinranv "f the Cily of Now-York." to Die Knickerbocker Fir«» Insurance Company ofNew-York. All future business of ihat Corporo'.ion willtherefore be tron«acied under it» new name.

It may be »v»'.! :o odd, by way of explanation, that the old" Mutual," notwithstanding íw wie. wo« in foct o M.x-kComponv. bavin* capita! ail paid in and securely Investedoi.d tost the change of tion-.a was obtained to pru.-ent mis-smirehensiun on that point.This Company contmnea to insure oçalnst loss or damageby :.._ ou o» fovoraale term« a» similar injiuuiioc« tn th.»rirv. DIRECTORS.George Ireland, John Gray, . L. C. llaiu.-rsley,J ..i.i. is.''.:....... Bolus Moore, Cha_.P. Levei. \- ilarius, R.'i.'i C. We'.niore.H.'iij. De Fore»!,Robert Benson, Edw-ard Cook, Wm Tncker,John Campbell, AnthonyLamb, Asber Riley,Ge(>r.c Conklin, Adam Sorrle, Alex'r Loxvrpr.ce,Joshua Brush, Robert Kenn.;. W_m.E.Deaa,RobertI_Stuart, Antiiotiv Chardon, William Browning.

GEORGE 1HELA.ND, PresidentA. !'.. McDonald.Secretary.New-York,Moy I : ¡& _ell) ..-odtf

I TNITED STATES Fire Ir.-.iranco Company, urhreI :».- 69 Wall-«-.This Company continue to insurea_mii»i !..»« ai.! damage by ñre on merchandise, »inps in

dlding«, househo d furnii ire.... sa i othei persouaiproperty, oi the usual ra'.1» of ¡-¡.-ni; un.

DIRECTORS.lohnL Bowne, Morris Ketchum. D. A. Cushmsn.Silos Hicks. J.- ia__UnderfailI, Charles Hillshurgf

.»-i. iiinii: Corl es, Chas. T. Cromwell, William H. Titus,Lindley Murray, Charles Kneeland, Robert 1. Murray,llv. II. Lavs i,-;,r-, Robert R. Minium, S..:..mon Gurten,Mi-|i ¡i. Van W rck.Thos. \s Pearsall. Orlando ALBogart,It.'bsTt D Wi¦'._., GeorgeD Post, fêter R. Rouneit,i. n VV.i. Al '-"it Woodbull, J .sepli N. Lord,Benjamin Strong, Samuel C Poison, Robert 1_ Cs .-.

Hussey, Caleb Barstow. Henry S. Terbell,l'i ..«!i K.i'ni ¡"-ni'-.. Samuel L.Mitclicll, George J. Cornell,Eb'n'r. Couldweii, Jaiiie« Marîh.

J.L. BUW.NE, PresidentJsMts WitKiK, Secretary. jylOSmeodDTDAL RES>:FITT____~ insurance C«mrp__iy.(OfficeNa 11 Wall-sL) issued duiina the nioiiili oí

.luiv i su nexv Policies, viz ¡

To Slercli_-il»aiid Trad«'rs_'»liT«. Professor».Planters ond Farmerslerks. '.'

Clergymen. ¦>

phystciaus. iI,a»» yets.1*Mechanics.18MhJiiifa, tur.'ia."

Nex»- Policies i««'N»-»v Policies Issued iu tin*

hr-l quarter of the year145, viz:

May.»¦Jti.io. MJuly.TJ


Ladle«. SMember of Congress..Scc*ry of Ins.Co. I<_H.-h.-r. IA.ents.7Studenls.3Other occupation.».H

-.! m .Inly. IS46.II'INexv Policies issued in the

lir»l quarter of .;o yearl.'l', viz.May. 207li:ii".181July. I Hi

Toial.r^il'.- ofPolicies Issued during 1 year..IT"!Total Poli, les .u months..___¿

tv* Issued ¡n Ai .- -i 139 «a» policies[T7- Itoucd in Sei lembés IS6 ss »x Pollcle»

ROBT. I- PATTERSON, PrealdentB..NJ. C. Mit.i i R. S-'crvlary.

11«. Loan, tirent.J.x>. Stkxx»_,M. D. Medical Eiaiiiiuer, N'.> t._l Br.iad-

woy- oui Jnieislo»

MIT! AI» BENEFIT Life Insurance Company,Office No. il W ....

The Company offers _l,e following advantages to thepill.iiCLives only insured st the !«xt t-st rates of premium.The prt-Siium .1 over _¦¦«. tuav !*.. paid J In rash ond Jib*

li iteat 12months,-eating6percentiuterestorit iiiKv be pa.d monthly or quarterly.

N.. person ¡-1 able beyond the amount of bis premium.A married woman may Insure i!¡.: Ufe oí her _»-.»*»__ii*i fiée

from any dernat: !» .: Us creditors.T::'-re will be annual division of protir«. payabl« in Snip

Certificate«, beat ng Interest ni S per cent, which Interest¡- ible annually In cash.

DIRECTORS.Low, Rol.'l. L. Patlersoc.

ii.ii..nuine Merle, Wm. 11. 1!Ott,W i". A. K. l''-:.'z. Edward Anthony,Lewis C. Graver, John L Onderwood,Henry McFnrlan. Chas. S. Mocknett,Wm."M, s__np-..n. Thos. B. Segur,

R03T. PATTERSON. Pr.-.LBt.Nj. c. Mtt.i.ca, Sec'y.Jos. 1_ Loan, AjjenLC. EL M- Ni-, s. St) (-Agent, SW llu Isotwt cor. SpringJt.ME» Sn n «ut. M. I). (_.____ ßr"id w ay. Medical Ex

Sir.::.er. A: the .¦:' - :-..: ft :: 2 '.. tfcloA o! .dxvif

Coal.PEACTH ORfHAKD COAL-Thirieentb-st. Yord-

Pestch Orchard Cool..The __ib_c_ber has juit opened a

yard as above, and ho» now on hand o choice lot of RedAsh C«»is. selected from the most eelebtated .-....:_» o_d of

.«:i-.»'»_-s. viz. Broken E^i*. Stove and Nut. for»a.e at lowest market price«. Als»), Lehlph. While Ash,Liverpool and Cum_.r._.i.i Co'.l» n band. All of lie abovefor sole from vard or vessel. A;?lv toT. STOKEs DICKERSON, 6» llih-n. near 6th-avenue,

md 10. Anthony*«*, near Broadway.N. B. .Lefc:*h and .V_.:i_ Ash Lump Coal by me carco



(^ L.UHEK1.AN O COAI»-The Echar. Coai-Wn; m»./charge ¡n o ton day » a cargo of the above coa!, fresh

from the cotnoonv mines, in ¿rood order, oil lumps, ot thefoot of I-__rt-__l___. N. R. For sale loxv forcajm applySo T. STOEES DICKERSON. No. Taineenih »LxZit near ri'.h-tver.ue. and IT Anlh»"!»-«*- near Broadway.A DCTIOM NOTICE..The 5-_-«<_iber re»r*__'_..y__L i. lie« (be onep.iion u! cash r^rcha-ers of Boon andSb.-__ :.' h.- pul le Sides, x» ..icü xx ;.. tase place a_ follows:

Tbursdav, Ocl 15, at _; o t'osck. A. M.-Csj coses Boot«, ¿hoes and Br. ¦

I -.'-day. Ot'- .. at ..; o'clock. A M..uvs Boots,¿hoe» and Sr_>__üS.

Tbursdav. Oc- IS. a: o'clock. A. M.¦.I'ca_e» Bo «s, Shoes and Bro.-sn«.

Tha.-»ddv.No7. 5, at__ «»'clock. A. M.eT* cases Bool*, si:.>.?_ and Br-J_;_-i»-

Ttn_T_rt»y. ^o-.-.i xz *_ t'ci«x_k, A.6D0 case« SoOia.'Shoei sad Bro_ca*_s.Each of th_ anox-» ¿ale» x _11 cotnrnse o large ___on-

mem cf fresh and fastuonable gooi»- Cash p-rcl-__»eriwill £¡_d it for their ¿ater_»t to otiend. a» no «¿dit will be?:..-¦_. iS-lN'.w.l A. CLAPUN. £->J Pear.-»_. _p stair».

TO BAKERsT-F-r sal- the Bakery new baking Î1t__r_s per wec¡_ There ire o httl raie boise. wo_*on

s__d hsmias a>'¿l'.fln via.-»' lei-e. and ever-.- *______._ co__-,-.ei_. l_.;.;rr o_ :__ rr_!____<-». corner of TSTh «t, «¦-.*. 9_h-

or _7 _«_________. of Mr. McADA.- Crotón water

..PACI.E _______________ M-.-.¿Company -N_-_ce isAjtc-rs-hy giren thai an sees -oCaroaeoehla » Corn-

z-ze 2nd payaui.e in "he Ü. day ofNo-en_i-.ai my oôce. By order .Í '.-.-¦ trusts»«ypï-N"DÔTÏjSecyandTreas -..

DR. GREGORY __rva__a Us ___.n O-Bom -rxc'.n-airely _o__e_r_a______t and curs f P -1 -narv coc-

samprioiir ase so __>_£ ler.l i» be of fazcen ill tu* E.r__-.ch---. :. i__; :.-..» w¡_ag to waia*all _._;____ fat

.-r=-ie__. _3.c-r: _K xAzAczzes periurtned. H_sres__e___ _,: ___, 3 s.oo_ev-lu o_r door irx-ci C__:ha~i-_l

-on In\VRIT1NG I>'K of auperii r c,__:¡'.y."vi:*Ta_i_ed to re-* * -*-- .-..:.¦¦ -i;-' c-_.._- Francis'» C:0-

ised by ill xvh¿ _r.i.-e a ¿_«_! anideili Sow freely frozi'lie pen. 5-.-Í wholesale ici ré-tau by uie m ¦i'ir'_r"-_..*er_.

FR._NCIS k LOfTBEL,77 Ma____D____e_D-aler. s-pp_,_d a: a _il?e.--l discocat-_ ol_ la

FIR-MTLI-E WANTED m e____i__i;- for board,for p_.-.or eUnr new or seco-d-hacd..Tüe hoc»« i«¿oisss-y s-,-_.__»i ta * í-- -*\¿Y


".. S--t ;r_-. a boat¦ '¦ --» »>._.. <_ <_kM__ »rai ae arm, jlcZZl*zA2i COt c_.Jscica -j. AiiÀttt J. >. B. t_i_s ___». *r__ ose«. 01. & '

patent iHcöiriitcs.GREAT AMERICAN EEMED.'.

oa u.c. vjxous s j_cvEiir;is_ii.Nr roa '..-I'«.

Xii tirant .ne- --. tauft Kesnttmsle Lnht-ar jirrptsc Misture.


1 into Europe me East and West Icuie».S^ulh Amerita.

¦oda iii-r ears oi le.e g.o'nê. wheredisease exist* b_ n:yform. Tie (jailed States azd -.he Cacad*.» hav-> ¡or the rast

made ibem-el r» merry ov-w tlie "new htiwihog, Bmf, tart have posted a» a»

and mote oí observoe stamped this REMEDY --.-¦.

...I- - ITS... ». » .1


-_.-a«* the pre* wyes-

tiled, azd llialxt-b va- .- »- » Wl - --

;... lions of er» l ¦.¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦< they: the «rfSecl «.«.' »

--.,..-.-- i e on*. Ta-School" now open their eyes. T -' *-¦*"- --.*-.**

the mr»m- tg .:-'.. fiy before oftruth, ami c.«iri:i!-«n.. -a .t» a r'.-u.l to I:-« wax. Instead «.!

is eye* and bebaçled. The truth of me ¡-upon which this anide ... si state»!

.;..«_-. most-.nphaiicaIterated .-.- tatdacint wiZl *rèt«e from, the ted» eat

t Vil -1 ".ill-..-...*. «Ii«.»»CO-»l.-i.-.'-i « :

mhteh con exist. If bone and muscle amain. _i,j meriunne it'lliptrfi .<¦ :' - II t.'.ii:-'.. Meeding

...... The proof daily pree« it g.-. THi'-RY. :.» a prop ont of

structure,w -a imblet, ipele**c«.» oi mceand docenäon.

l».» «¡¡.«. reeort at once to this medicine. It Is»«-- :iljVacrrxB-C Kbmkov, 'oar own soil.acorn-Ip..iind «.: tweniy-tw litferenltagTe<_e_t_ EachroolbaaUs peculiar pan of the system !,« act upon, and this acüon

is a.-.»av.« product*«'..us effect apon the v-holc syste*.meà sidyapparent Tetimonyofthe highestcharacter Is

he ,-r iprietor. full of truth, arm ». ¦» illa!*»av» see names, piacès sad date*. Not a partide o< Usa

.... ;, ._..-.. ; g the pan of this Gbkai c«*»t-.»h..Tl ¦¦ ::. ist careful peruia: of ihe pampfa el is sired. :i

gives the character of ail the secondary complaints whichprevaiLaad whichhave been cared by ihisartida» Evtdence of cures in tome of the most dreadful cases ofline*

»ringe il ha» been Hie fortin-.- of any ii.--.ii-dne to cope »vuh. i» found.cases which have been left todie. H__M_red» In every large «-.:». .-: our union and theCanada» have ink this irtlde for their lives, and fo

.i thi ;. Bs .v.:. r» _*. the possession oí the proprietor will»how.7 « G BEAT Ml .:¦¦» ink wülenre DROPSY, mr*«rr*/-iajr:

GRA» r".L. ar¦'. a .ut«-y ofeaa*-tnts of the Kjp.tEYS. Treaknessofthe back : ífc".M..LE

i.V. El ".! L.VRIT1 ES immediate.¡i cheered, xr.d x bealthy lone»teat. Leteveo Femaleai once n to

this taje medicine and ase DO Other. IH«<ua.l . tztr, bads-gestion. Rûtrrus Complaints, ¡ly-pepo- QJtantly relieved;K»*-umrtíLt-Ti. Gout, tic. produce 1 y ir.acilon of the blood,will always find relief; I.Luned íioagt, C.«u»'h. even Con-

.-'unless the patiem» and their medica] advisersweredecdved, :.»- «¦¦ n ,-ar«-i !.>. this medidne; SCROF¬ULA, -nanti Eruptive Diseases, Pile*, Erjsripeiat, bxjUtttmst*lion of the EyO, Palptttttian oftne llea't. Sick Heailae'ne. Jaun.diet, Freer and Ague.the whole catalogue might be named.seek ihi» Remedy fmy n» »tier.

Put up ¡c 30 oz. bottles, ai S.I 12 o_. bottles, Si each.Re carerui tvtt : ,'t art rit ttniHsseú upon, t'.verv bollle

has the words .....:¦ sYep '.¦w .-.ass.tlie »vriuen signature .,!' «'.. ('.

'» - .-. i1-.- directions, end G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo.t ed on the cork. Non* other are genuine.Prepared by Dr. Q. c. VM.-r.rtN. an«', sold at the princlpd

A.'-r-ry. 183 Usln-Sl. Bot-llO, Ill wholesale R7-1 reiail. towhom all commnnicBl H e me post-paid.

<¦fices de.toted ei-lii.'-.e'.-j :¦. tie tale »f :\u .Vsiiiinr, atwfaoleaale and retail N M.V.YORK CITY, lli'J N IS-SAÜ-ST., H. M. LAKH. Salem.Mass. 293Esses st Thos.P. Chase: Cincinnati, Ohio. J. H. Birce. on J-!-sl 11 doorfrom Walnut: St Loóla, Mo. J. Walker. At wholesaleand rei-.:i by Mrs. E, Eidder, 100 C«»urt-»'.. Boston, andr«»lail by respectable D.i.-a':-.i», a» advertised tn Ihepaper». Cha». II. Ring, 192 Broadway; E. M. Galon. 1.7B rery; VVyaiA.Ketchum, i_i Kulton-sLi J. :» S C '-

Bndsoo-S-t Mrs.Have», ¡35 Fultou-»L. Bre««k-lyn; L. Willlani*. l,iô Grand-su VvUuamsbiirs, au'J"« 3ra


VCURE FOR LlKià SECURED!.Dr. CPHAM'Si-ilrrnui Remedy tor ihe cure of Piles. T'ie \'t£ttablt

Put Electuary,Invented by Dr. A. I.'phain, a disiin¿uish-ed physician of New-Yoracny, l» ihe only real.y «tic-cessftil remedy for that dancerou« and distressing complaintthe Piles, ever olfered to the Aiu-rican public.The E.«.*«-Iiiarv ctii'.am« no .*»imr-r«ii .*i/*-riirirw. no Aloes.

Coloeynta. Hamho-e.or other pinverfu! and irrilalinc purga¬tive. No fear of lakinc cold »vh-.le under it» influence* nochange in diet necessary. If lakeu according 10 d'.recliOESa cure for life «J guarantied.

.tnnthei CcrtifttmU added 10 the hundreds that have al¬ready been received, of the efficscy of Dr. Dpham's Elec¬

tuary. Ncw-Yobk, August 2b. is*».Messrs. IPyatt ft hs^chUnt.Gents : K.«r several y«-urs past

I have ¡wen troubled with Pile», a very costive stale ofthe bowel*. ladigeMlon and weakne*» of the »yttem. Hutmy complaint not belnc s«» »overeas to dlaable me frombusiness, am! a«lrea«i I had ««( phyaidaa* and pai«*nt med¬icines, mai ontli this Spring never u»e.| any medidne or

:.« a physician í« relief. The Piles then being »..severe ihm I allowed »«'»-eral operations to l-.- performed,«vitliout any benefit. Determined" efter this to try othermeans, I remt an advertisement of acure guarantied bylbe u»e of Dr. L'pliam's Electuary. I purcba*ed iiir»«*ebox-» ai your »tore, and from the use ot which foundmyself entirely cured of the Pues am! my health much

ed. 1 remain, Sir«, your much Indebted friend.TI ai writer ofth* above, from motive» of delicacy, de

clines having hi* name u«« _i but authorise* u» to refer t«.him or show the «ir¡»;ii¡ttl Certificate to those »*!io maydoubl ii » authenticity.

iherfact lu relaüun i.« ihoefficacy o< Dr. (Jpbam'af. .iry I'llti tini.nii t S«'i".. ', I-..

/'. i';',.un I'ea. Sir: About five v.irs m^o 1 »»Ha af-filcted wilh whal was called Chronic Dysentery. 1 hav«suffered with il ever since, and physicians have told ut"iliti my liver was affected, and lhal my bowel* were ulcer¬ated, lor blood,and pas, attended wiln a peculiarly putrid¦melt, «a.il««- froquonl dlacbitrcea. A »hurt lime »mee Iiiitt'io a visu to Ma»*BchnseiiB, n, hopes ««i benefit from u

chance of air, '",t suBered more severely than ever before,.V I. le there a phj «i.-ian offered to cute me for $40,hi ihre«months. Happily, In the midst ,,f Intense pain, occasion¬ally relieved by Ittutlati'im, I »a»v m a wrapper oi yourElectuary a perfect descnpnon of my compla at, together»vitb many certificates of cares. This gave tat great eon.fidenco In ihe medidne, ant I purchased a box, and nina,!,is*-s of which ha< apparently cureit mo. ami am prepar¬ed to say every thing in It* favor, ot renderany service 1can !«« humaiiily by subscribmi; to tu met II ».

Respectfully yours, BENJAMIN PERC1VAL,So. South Slxth-sL

Pfipnetor'» office IDtl Rmvery. Sold, wholesale ant! i^

tall !,y WYATT k KETCHAM. 121 Fu!tO_-»L N. Y. an«lC Stoane. 184 Fnlton-sL Brixiklvn. Priceâl _g fim*



1.IIS MEDICINE, a pmr-, vegeta.réparation,as its name imports, is reality a delightful cordial,

a n most sootbini; Influence over ihefti.tllons «1 .¦

.t .¦ »ysiem,diminishing i-»i-it«.-in«.-nt when exceaslalia] ag i, .i.tiiHi. «..i.-«i«--» »«il l'uni, mi'! gently but «

talul) producing a bealthy natural action In the stomach,liver, kidneys, lung* and skin, regulating the secretion«-' I excretions, thus restoring Ü.luillbriuni ,.t thecir-culatl«.i,and speedily Imparuog renewed vigorand elaa-ticity !«« tlie fraiiie. That tin» is Ihe most i->.'rt._n and ,-t!,-,--iu-1 remedy »..-. uif.-r« ,1 :.« the pub ic for air. disease of theluugs, ii.'.oi. ».T. »mu. .«..-. the following lesllmonlals, -.¦.

lecied from a vail numbei of »like kind whteb bave convolunta.ly sent lu the proprietor* of thl* medicine, willfully snow. This is nonew or untried remedy; u wasfirstprepared by Dr. Shecut, an eminent physician of SouthCarolina, who, himself a vicüm toa dlsc_*e ol the lu gsinherited from lus purent», waa enabled by it* use ... savehimself tr««m the very margin «,i the iii-ve, and hundredswho bave bean proooonced incurable have likewise beenrestored to » new life and l,«-t_th by iu use. All tii«: sab-joined extracts fiota certificates are geimiae, and the per-!««M» who have "given them have -.¡¡.*-iru-.i t¡>--ir do-lire to te.tit'v. on personal application, much more fullv'.,, the efficacy of this great remedy. The Rev. S. c..¦.¦..pastor o! the t*ourth-*L hapt.s'. Church, »vas cuicd by usu»e of

Brcmoliiû.L. F. Green, 176 Pront-sL Brooklyn, has «iven a certirt

rme. sworn to before Rafu* C,a.-a*'-n. Conunlssioner o

Deeds, of bis «>»»'i cure of a xñaltai ctugh of ten yean'ttastdiste,»» wdl a« the core of bis wife of Enduenza.Mr. T-J.Cro*» .i ami stationer, car. 1

way and Blcecker-st. »v_i cured by it» us».- ol i--. mi .: ob¬stinate

F.riipti-.e Disease of the Sksn.The wife of Arthur B-Bauptman, painter, cor. Broad¬

way and Houston-**, »vn.» ,-iir.-,! by it* u»e ofDisease of the Lungt.

after having triedevery suggestion oi eminent physician»,and all Ihe popular rt.-uit.-dle» of tli" id g Tay¬lor"» Balsam of Livern or:. \c.; she raised alarge quantity of

m-! »»_s given up by her husbandads.

VV, ii. Smith, <*or.Sixth_venae and _*o_.h-st wn- curedby .is ose of re..

" Blttdir. g of the Lungs"ol long sundiaj. S. Robert, of Troy, N. Y. was cured byta use of

/. I e of the Liier.arising from reiterated aiiacao of Fever and Airue. Su-saaiiac Grice. 1 Varickittreet, »»as cured by us u*u of

General Dropsy.John M. llo»ve, dentist, 3n5 Gran'1-.L bears testimony inhis own case. Benny Gamo, cor. li«.;__t-st- and Third-areo-ue, was cured ol"

.y-rfion of the Lnngi.These certificates, with rery i.-._:.y odien of like chai-

acier, are proprietors, and tore_t ot L'ie -jfiicled. they have been published in a pa:f.jrm, and may be obtained of any persons gra:uilou*lywho sell ::...> meiicin«-.Also, the ceiebraied and much-praised

..Southcr-n Halm Rids.''The«.- ?... : r many y-aars in «.-veryfomj of disease, a.-isin» from an impure »ut:_ of ti.e bloo-i

and other ..uids, and bx-e proved «» s 'nie and eS«::--- ISer, removing morbid matter £r tn the stomach and bo-»»

¦¦-¦---'--- ¦- md apanissvigor to the system.For farther pamcnlars tat to ^¡e:r beneficial effects, seepamphlets. Pre- 1-- «-en_! per box, ccnlu.5o,r_.em Bairn, il per bottle.rorsale a: ilae whoirsa.e depc'i Allcick 2». C-... 609 Broad-

a -ner cf Housion-st. and by moi-t of l^e r«-s::ectahlea. stain the dtyand coantry. ., ¡me -.


Dc-tor KoiX . I'lOphjiic-.ic Sijrup or Prtrusreafor all G&romc

^HE GRE..T POWER oTtHIS VALUABLE SYRL'PA being now fully est*£>._.hed by the many cures :i haseffected of Co-Suedí-oc, Br'anchiiis, ScrofiU-, Glaaand Liver Disease. riip-Join: aiecuon, Rteu-uatic. SyphU-ilic. acd a_ I'tllBllflifs of a.<i o.ijod, has »uiücienlly provento ihe public, in »uper.cr Panaceal power above txll not-U_n_» now in _«.

Dr. Rcse's Coc _h Svac? for Diseases of the L«m;rs,Catarrh, ¿ru_c_a:is. Ajthui_. Crjus. Hooping Ceogh, 4.0

Dr. Rosl'i To.Mt: Ja.TL.-a.ri-c Vir,iTü:__ p», «

Dr. Rcse's Patent totri-tTVtc Ban.iTHi>¿ Tvfcí.Dr. Host's VKuezxtzi '. _r**ifl<;x..Ttisccmpou-_ it**

been us-.«-i in practice ior 36 vears.Dr. R¿>__ U a ceieoraied physician is Philadelphia, and

h__ fr-cuceü In that City Íbr3fl reara. Hi. Medicine jiberafiBea no -foackery, oa; ihe i-es». M«.-«_.tiiie ever -_--ed ¡aca?es ol CozszzzTtii--.

¦¦ .:_,.. be understood that Panacea, the P.-o--;,-r_-, n confined lo '.be L'iztZi alisze: cumeious

C-._.-.c_:e» «J! cj&r*, 0f D.sea«.«; Z-.z-.. S ..-«ai'-a.a. o! iilp-Joint -ie-r-ion, of Carosac Eryaipelas, ofChrome Cfnlcers,uf Chrcnic^ Sore Eyes, of Liver Diseases, c: Spin. Dis-eates, oi Seucttigm, cs_ be p.";nl_ced :r«)-2 lue ha/ieitaa-.a-or.;;.- :_ pruv- :_« great -'aperior.lv is a-a ot ihetss.

Dr. Eost's Laboeozerr No. IS S..-_-_-E!a*±'..*i-«*- PLiladel-7...-. Aa. of Dr. aose-'s _e_c_s car. be had at IV. H.G5.U-.tMS. Tr.i.-.:.e E... :..-.-. Sew-Toric »17 tfieod

R-r*. CARROLL-'- Medicaied Vapor and SaiphurB-ih», 131 Fixdou-et. opposite CBurcb-su A cer'_i.ac_re for Cäds, Coughs, BiBiirnatism, Sore Thro-a, aix aliIr.-1-rnstory diseases incident to the chan^eabie rtvjj ofize WKUlher. The Sulphur Vapor Baih is particuiajW re-»i-iiiieiaied by our ¿r»t physician* a* a care for ail «rrap-'Auzs tzzi si*e«»e* of the »kin. Ones frent 6 o'clock i,-: theg-or-n» till 1. o-dock at high'._ ol»* tw-

FIG 1ÛOX-1* ua _-_,'* Sndïe, Na i, tot s___.Uli J0i^o_.TCCl£_-l-UA!SW.s«î./

Seal (Estait.MVOR SALE.TS¡* boose and lot _»__o___t_ to use

subscriber, «>n W-__,-v-avenue. This property u

walk of lb» Pi:S;i.- Green. Tbe house -

l%«.. .-.,-.......: |jg ... .... . .... ...... ... ,.¡:«.¿e.being44 ft. by 47. with hall UmMgfe the tiMidl«. slidingd.»»»r«, marble mar.els. ¡.-rales, kc Atoa a «rim r.'ula»tuii^kitcl-wn. Pan'.n«**.x»oier from x«ell ard c «ter*i. «imabove. The lot measures IS3 ___¦ -, by u» d.-ep, -

WMm_f a**frrrrmio HtTftwnw srrnne The groundsare ornanienit'»!'»;'..i ., ,_ ¦»_-.« valua-

.ery o! Ta.-..xus kind«. The itardei .» .-; 4 1 i»hsmm of cultiva »--..»... .

descriptions, on i s ..__:_ le assortment of grape*, a goodbarn oiid nihrr out-bouses are attached :.. toe pre« «

I «¦. .-UUI- I» «>ue

ibecitvf For tern» apply toJOHN NORTHorHENUYEED.New-Uav« ... !«. HENRY M NI .. :.

New-1 rk._»1 am', _*

ÂT_irIÎIVA"Tl'ir«<iÂI.E.Tue :;.'".-. it.'u-\ and I

.» .! E.-*iit_i ¡ni-' Ninth «... ... ..* mer,

e number >*i .. ¦.-

iralors apply s«

AM'UOTilY J- BLEECKER, And oneer,So. «

MTO GKOCEK5». x:;' rate Sale.The i-V .

East corner of Rlvtaçton andsta.be igasrery le»irablelocsuioo, 1fitted up expressly for UseGracerv bus esa s\ :..¦ -..,

low ifapplied for sotta Ooe-haliof"use pu)in retain on boud and morltitgts, F.-r pa.-

licularsapp y lo ROYAL ORMSBY,itJ ; » S3 Tompki) s »u

MTO LET..The new »t,.:e o dwi nie NS ¡¡ne.betweenE *-¦¦.¦. ) ;N ictcethsta." i stone is ..; ,- .- ;- .-... . - on a.« _»»«<d

» cation for a dry good« irockery. bootand sboe dealer,or anv s: inii.tr business, a.« cat befonnd in this rti

The dwelling part of lb. -.. . ¡-..¦ .. *.» I) rx.iih.» modern bnprovema is ; Crotón Water, kc.

leíate to a .*.»«»1 tenant App ri¦: WASHINGTON SMITH.".M We«fl-'i!i-»L

i KOR "»..I.E.- I''¦'¦.' -hice sl.irv bit«*'«, bull.!::!.* anda loi m the S -""

"-U.. . '. dltl-.-- -. i ...... to

¦- n ,. Ill U per .-.'ill on theiii«-.'_ Apply:.» S S HiNMaN.t Kassa

f.s'.'tsi to fnati cm Mortgage on improved cityin v u :¦.-..- s. Apply as ia" . -

MTO BE LET mol «rears, a gente«te situai ¦.! In the

\\ u T tere - i »« .-. .' ST IRC11FACTORYoi - whichareexli

-.,».-- , -, . ia dis .- ..xiil- MIC \!.and manyother k --¦ P.»ion given Imme-dialely. Impure of GEOROE W. MILES, No. 183 Brx»*.'..way. corner ofJohn-st._o I «*«»'¦ ti

FOR «¡ALE.-The Machinery (watch is new andof the most approved kind) In a small Cotton Fa. toi v.

to^ei'.-r x» ¦:!:'..:¦" !.-:i»>'. xx'¡¡.-.i 1, a xt'.-y favorableone-, iltnaled «boat ó hours' sail from the City of New.'. rk. For particulars apply to Messrs.

DOREMUS .V NIXONai i^¡'.f C.'m.'rof Nassa'i and Lil-erty >1«. N. York.

l. LOT KO It SALE-A valuablu Lot fronting pn,..- \ \\ «i corner of ÜOth-st..dimeu*...v feet by 60 For particulars, inquire of J.

i¦. i' and D ¡> r A SergeantJ» Son, 1 vv all-si «.i1 i

~.\T VIt 1 V.\TE SAW »

South side, a one hundred mi»! liny feeteTI rd ivenne. For particular» apply

ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, Auctioneer,\2 l«vNo 7 Brou.I -'

AT IMUVATK _*ALE-Th<* LofÑÜTJt Charles»t. with the buildings tbei Size f Lot 25x100 (t

-...,.:.. ....,- partie ilars apply toANTHONY .1. BLEECKER, Auctl.

u'l IxvNV 7 Broad-«!.


M TO LET.A »mull Wooden House, J" Vandewaier»»L Apply SO Chalbam-st. otii_if

A KAR..1 KOlt SA LE.-A splendid fur in ior »alein the townof Huntington, three mues from iteamboMlanding at Northport, miles from railroad at D«'«r-

park, consisting of ISO acres.*' of which «recovered withwood. The form Is beautifully situated and In a high «tat«of cultivation, producing grain of allkinds. The Fwcll ashouse and out'bti ¡dlngsau good Prultofall kinds and 100grape vines In tall beartng,and the besi of water. For par¬ticular». Inquire ofTHOMAS McELRATH, Tribuno-Office.

iei_ 2aw_m

g»TO LET OR KOK MALE, and possession gtxanmtm Immediately, the Farm au-.l premises lately occupied

!»«. John Gray, Esq. on Stuten (»land, about two milesW«-»r i Port Richmond, and nearly »¡ipn»ii.« E'-._Eattf.li-i'ort. Ti-..^r" .i..».it eighty seres of land, Including wood'itiid am! » .'¡! meadow. There is a nexv. !ari'e and commo¬dious mansion lions.'«iid a Bood barn, and new and con¬venient ouilio¡i»es on the premise*. Apply to

CHARLES KÖHLER,near ill" premises, toolOtf QEQ, BOWMAN, No. I Hanover-at N. York.£ I'd It SALE.A beautiful C.iunlry-S.'a!, with iibotit

m nc re« of land, near Next-Wind »or. I miles soul h ofNewburgb, on which are excellent buildings ».¡.I ¡m-

proveinenis; also,(hilt and ornamental trees, fish-pond, lieA ... a valuable Farm of 11«> acres, superior for main

»r grazing. Good buildings and conveniences for Milkbnsincs«. Tue iiuiiiI.it of seres with either of tb» ali.voplaces »X ill be Increased or diminished mil purchasers.Inquire of LEONARD. HONE l-ICOLL, 10 Phi« iL

_or of E L. F.VNCHER, :. Jolin-st._»-I Im*

ffj>.\ _______ i'tiK -*\l.r. Sluuue on the Rond fru. x R ¦¦ ..." VVbHePlslns.aboutequUlislantfn

"."each, containing 150 ACRES OF LAND, all of wUIu !','¦.» Land, excepting Ten Acres, which Is Woi Loadri .' place I- divided by a lane, and is laid oui Into COHvenient lots for cultivation. AU the fences a... of stone,_.'o.l order, nn.t the ground in a high stale of cultivation.Tlte buildings -.11 .>!' good character and In order. ForTERMS apply to S.S. KENYON, on the premisos, or of

r-.r ADRi IV.:. .. John »i. New York.

SA FAKitl MUt > VI.M m '¡.'- town of Harrison,Wesi bester county, on the 11 »--¦.- *_ road from Rye toWhite Plain..1> miles Sroin Rye. I* from VVblte

Plains, 2] from steamboat landing, and _1 from Mamar*oneck.containing about 60 acres, Builslinga and fencesin good order. Situation very fine ami land ina high state"I i-iilllx'Olion. For l.'rins kc apply to E. I>. BIlOlVN, 310Grniid-I. "i JOHN PAI.MF.K. on ¡he preiiii.«»'». 06 If

SFOR HiVJLE.A Porto of 34 acres, In i!..- bighemstalm of <:..¡Mvallon Inül tre,-M of all kind«.one milelioin ICinderhook, and the same distance from Ex-

Prealslent Van Buren's. Buildings and fences new, with-.-dar posts. Each lot «veil watered. Inqjilra of A. IS.Vanderpool, No. m Furals's Bmidini!, W«ii-«l or oi JohnS. I'mlmr-rli, )ij So'iili-sl. or |.«'.'l»t»t._»I..-'in'

S1 « 1.. 01 iNt.xv Y"!»!», s. Ki.i,«,'» Orrsce, IA1.11AS.V. July .1. 1846. I

r|iu.rsii.-riri uftltii s ,iv .ni County "i K'>'-> ....k si.I .Noll. .' :» I..-'.-'.-, ¡.'i '.'II. thill Hi 111'' lll'M ller'.'i-.'». M,e.-

11 in, i" !". held on Ihe Tuesday «ucceetline the Brsl Mon¬day of November next, the following officers are to beelected, to wil A Governor and Lieutenant Governor ofthis State T.«" Canal Couiinisslonera, tu supply Ihsplaces of Jonas Earll, Junior, and Stephen Clark, whoseterms of service will expire on the last .l.«v "i Decembernext. A Senator for the Kir .1 Senatorial Ulstricl, to sup.c the vacancy xx bli h »x 111 accrue by il»' expiration of theterm ol serviced John \. LtHton the last day of Decem¬ber next. A Representative In the :;»ili Congress nf theUnited State«, !..« the Third Congressional DUlrict, consist'Ing of the 1st, 3d, Id, Ith ami '-!i Wards ol .;,.- cuy _rNew v.-rk. Also, a Representative In Ihe said Congressfor ihe F.-urlli l.'..n.'r.-»»i..ria! Dis'ii. 1. .-oii-i-'nitr of !!:.*. th7th, IntliHiul litli Wan!» ..! -uni City. A If" 1« ReprésentativeIn the sold Congress for tho Fifth Congressional Districtconsisting of the Bill, 9th and lith Vvards »f said City.And ai-o a R.-pie_»*iiliilne tn the so)d Congress for dieSixth Cirogresslonal District, consisting of toe llih, Itih.I.'itli, Iiith, 17th ond l«th Wards of ««id City.Also it.« following oilii-er» for the »aid County, to wii.

16 Members of Assembly, a .- herIffIn the piar.* .i WilliamJune», whose term of service will expire -m the last day ofDecember next A County Clerk In the place "f Jamo»Conner, whose r.'iiti ol service x» ill .-j«p:r" oil the .»l uayof December Be «t, and a Coroner in the place of EdmundG. Rawson whose term of service will expire onlhelaslday of D'.'ceuilM.*rne.\t. Your», respeeuully,

N. S. BEI-TON, Secretary of Statis,Sheriff'» Office,New-York,August Id, ¡in.

The above i» published pursuant to tb« noticeofthe Secre¬tary '.f S:a:.; and the requirements of the statut« in »_cbcisne made Ipi ivided for. WM. JONES.

Sheriff ol tli« City and County of -t'.w-York.Ct'* All the public newspapers In Ihe County xviii publish

llie a!-..-.-« mice in each week until election, and llieti hand:.. Ihelr !'il.» for advertising Uun »lira«, «o tliai th«*y moy be.a.-: before the Board of Supervisor«, and po**ed for poy.ui'iil.Se« ilevl«ed Statutes, vol. 1, chap. vL liile -U«i. article M

.port ! «t. pair« 140. a:, l lawtaDWSWIi V

«^IlilHIFK 19ALE..By virtu« of several wriu of* i fadas tome directed and deltsrered,! wiUexposeirsale at the vestibule of the City Hall, In the City of New.

York, on the 17th day of November next, ¡it l- o'clock.Ma.l the rieht, title ami tntsreatof Sarnu-l S. Wandel!,xvhich he ha.! on the ¿\*t day of April. 18-ki. or ai any time¡l/lerward, in wliose band« ooever th.; »ame may be, Of, Inand to all that certain lea«« of four lota of land, »ltuaied,¡ringand being on Thirty-lhird-«iret(l. on the Souther.yside eotnmenctng one hundred feel West of the We»t_r-ly side of ihu Niiitli-aven.ie. r.ir.nin:' itntaci: alonz tbe.southerly line ofThlrty-thlrd-streetone hundredfe<

.i« hundred feet aquare,be the aamemoreor ..-

with all and aingulrtbe appurtenances and hereditament«l!.ereuf¡' n i any xvi»e.'ipper'.a_ln'.ni;, aaid .-.-.

0 years from the dato thereoL.>' ;-.v-1 .'.-.-., October '.. ; a..

WM. JONES, .Sh.-nrf.W. W. Lvus. Ds.'p'ity Shcriif.__-i laxt.xvILtil-JFK'ÜS .-»»\"LE.-Bv v¡rtue ol ...-/era! writ» ofSerlfaetas tome directed and delivered,1 -nil expo»«:

to »aie on Y riday, tbe o'.h day ol Nox-fcml>er nem. at 10 o'¬clock, A. M- at :;ie Vestibule of the City Hall of the City of

and ir.iereet of Henry AvisatbeKKLrthday of January,A^D. litó, orerward, of. in and to a.l inat ce**-._.

- .¦- T n .i WaiNew-York, fronting on tne f-rst-avenue. on the

Weaterly »Id« thereof, and being tbe «-cond lot fron theN'-.-r'_ixve__erly comer of «aid Firsi-avenu<; and H0UStC_(formerly North street, a» laid down on a certain mopmade by L". Freemar., City ourveyor, bounded Easterly Infront by the Flrsl l N ¦' -¦ :¦' and Southerly by landnow cr formerly oTCorneUus Dubois, and Westerly, inK_r. iiy ItiKi now or formerly oTSatmtel M»..-»in. eontain-ia< m oreadth. In from ana rear, twenty _t_i Ceet, and in

depth on the Southerly forty-eignt fe*rr. «ever, triches, andon the Nortberiy s:d r.:_y-.jc»j ie-:i ei^h! :.ici.e», he the

:.¦'. i.tnenaions more or le«, being tiie sonic lot which.»-l- conveyed to Iheaadd HenryAv_ by derdofcoveyocc«made and «.tecnted bv Corn .im» Dubois and wife, bearingdale the Uli, doy cf January. A D. 13_5, and reeorded in

Register of C.ty and County of New-York.ter lî4 of conveyance», paire 42*1, on the Dr.'n day of

Jor-uary, A. D. U25, U/getner trtih the herestitarnea _s ond_...ices thereunto beionjring or »pperiaicin/. Dsted

New-York, Sept. 22.13-ï*.. WILLIAM JONE-. IberfalFkanEaiCK L. VuLTSt, D«pu:y Sheriff. Kid !»x_.w

BY OKOER or' Robert W. ¡_i'*_n^«ton, E«t- siptenzeCourt '. v..:¡..--. i.«.-. r.'jLee .a hereóy .'l'en thai an at-

ie»l a^aintl ¡ie ev'Ato at A.ex.'__'l..-rY. -..- a r........-..:.it debtor, on due proof made lo iho»-.-r Supreme Ca__rt Cl-mmissioacr pizt-zez.: to the:.u_j >,r .:.¦; zAAi.z .¦.¦jnc-rz.in^ " Aitachmenis against ab-scundin,;, concealed and lent debtor«,'' aad that

e sold for the puyiu.ii'. i ..» debts, unies«it»« ii-.i A.exaader Yoiazí xype*t end auchar^e such al-:nr'ntreat accordi.__r to law wiüiia nice months from the¿r»i publicaiion of ihi» notice, and that the payment uf nay

¡: sy re*A*m* of thji Sla-e an-i"-:¡»_- ''...-.. --'yto him or for his use of any property within ten Staus be*longing to »aid debtor, ar.i the transfer by him of »ny«"-'-fcproper-.-, »re ¡'.'.'hi.iden by lv _. and or»? void. Doled Aw-gust Yh: O. KEIXOGO, Ally, foraiil- l.-ijis Ali_cii:nj Cr._li'.i,r. E,iza.'-e'.i.:o«»a. N. Y

S BARKER, *2ä1 Grand-»!, has jast opened an -c. :_'e newitock ofDryGocds.adapie. to IhoFalltrs-le,

eotztU'dng of Silks, Shawls, Me.-inoe«, Cas-ni-ire», Sf. D .-

hmes, kc to which he would invite ihe an_*aiicu cf p-:..--c-asera._s!4 if

GJ.klNDr»TONE.*-i-N-''a *«)__» sr,d .!ew___,_!._. of ills iu.es feed la Sly (juantiiy. tc »uilpurciiaser«. bysi. \'AVcv ¡f. i..*Jí..0i_. » Weiv-st. up ¿-.v.---

Pnbtic Cont-cnauccs, *&c.*. jjjjr^ a. l'KMl-I.H*- LINK -STÏ-À-îaOîrî

1 M. Ir«-ot ihe -i«-«

rea «Cm iy »t*. Suratioai.-. K-ICKERBO, S.» R.Capt, .It'--«.) H«-»i_i_i-.

win kaveoaMonda* Wednesday and Kiiday «mK_Tai 6 o'clock. .«.¦

Steamboat ISAAC newton, capt WB-ûa H p.-..Will :-!«.( ou rnosdsy, T-msday and Saturday «-a»^;-il S o «-.«.«ck. ¦'.'

* v SI all dmes ari.veat AlbanyiaHSa um ior tlie *tiornin¡: Traaa ofCars lor the E«_t o, \y~¿

Freight tabeo ai c-denue laie-», m-1 bou. :it,*e a_>T_:* M "**-

lit pers-j'isare .'««riil.t ui.«-.ir¿ *..t »>f tùe BoaUatii,¦» '« ii,_i IM CapOj.* or VoJTTLn>-. .» i.ti.t-l a»» nom !l¡e Capí«.ru or Ae-**_*

_¦ .- :.*,'.»'-. .«r freight, Bpply oo N«an! ihe BowsJaíí:P. t.. SCUI .'/¦»...- «-«.-i

CNIT!- »STATES HAIL LINKAt K:.-« <-'t.,« «, i*. M. -1. i.-i.. .. ai li.-tcft_-*»ii*ie f_-«-

'. .t."^

.:.".. »Mr RI< '« i A. H Fiiiry,*»«-«leave on M..«-*.». \V«a..»u-,. ,..». an« Suada» *__L.ut-....


Slt._.i:.',l mst\ < \- - Capl B «*.«

¡*aye »»nTues.Baal Salardar aftaoM««_?* » .-. »

^T"*^tU_«lTUiK -«, xli, LINE -...

£¿S5U*'"" ¦*-. New-York, by IM ixu »ai

lx, \V,' »HODS

T: 'N .¦ ¦i-i*.iiande.tbeC»pl.S";ht*BT.er. and BilUDL IbLAND. conunanded by Copt M»¿»-*-¿.ter, will run throughout u'ie »,-a..-n ttota the fii»idaT<iiAl*:.l. -II««"-. ». BadPlOTiJoMand B,*-i.'ii ni.1 Pnjvideoce Raihroads, lee» *,...» ¡ t

.. :: i'., r No. | y ,-_ . , ,

.' *. « i' M - - ' ¦¦»...*. 1* M _rup¿aUn* arriva .'«: « «. «aTbc*« »:.- «.,:. t» are an*mrpa*aed la speed, splendor tosd

coi i.'it. Ms .¦. '.¦>. b oi'lhem .« :.*¦:- cotuniodiiou» i .i»»t«state-room*, and berths for 9*-!» penóos, beaides tars« art«vale -,-»»<ii* for t'u.iulie« an«! p*i tie*,Tne »teamen «. o;i.-,-,i i » the raoetexp-K-tasced mea,

».".i v..i. ihorten the passage between Ne»»-\ork »nd tt»»».lonfhHne :« to . o ira, ill« i> :«» arri» ag In ampU dma faall the ¡in«'» from Boston, North aa«i Cast,The OREGON will leave New-York.Tuesday.Tba»

Ja» and Siiiurd.-»»-.LenveSioalncton.M «day, »\ «dne*«lav Bad PitdatT'ie RHODE ISLAND »». ,» S.-nV.'.-i-W

j .». IVednesd «v r-.i Krtday,Leave Ston ;' 7 **l_y and Saturday,N. B..Passenger», .-i the arrival «1 ."!,«» »teas»-* M

Sloaingtoa, pi .¦¦¦¦' in -«i:- »..-.:.¦¦»¦ Inlhetplend 1RS.oadetiv in Providence and Boston, without any deb» and»Ba*¿a*e Master accompaa es each train u« Bc-»:.«n i0 tak»cbitrge ofthe baggage.

.-, freight, Inquire .-n i-.»«r ! ,«r is« boat ualei No. 3 N- It or ofOEU v.. KVIIU'HlLt). No» 1}iV-ii.-, or ofJOHN H. RICHMOND. ProvMenca. i-.

P «-« t.-0 '.'.¦ I'wTlie ne»» and fast saiim.* »teaintvat MKp.

=s£AA10R-_, Cant P. II. Siii.'.h.»»;.. leave ta*"""""¦"i':«'« .',,. t of warren »t- Monday, We-ine«.

day end Friday at 6j o'dodl A M. Returning, leave ....

;' ..¦..',.»..' rhucsdayand Satnrday.Passent, r» taking this bosi arrive in Albany in time for

ilie inun «.: can going North and West. l>r«-ak:'ai.t».'ijdinner «hi board.For freight or passât board, or of Andliw

Clark. c«,r. West niitl Warren Its.Kare to Van C.<rii..ti,u» Dock :.»--.«. Pokeepsla J«)ca.

II :-.:'. 7.« cts. All.an» 7:1»» liu

- tITB,B"*a*>i'^»'K'>***KNT «H'lMlMTlUV¿{3BgÇTbt. ... wit t la .1.1.11 --Net»-York and*a_»B-___-__iv^ .., M (> r **,, _.TlK. tlmjlmBELLE, Ca lain Samuel Schuyler. »»ill leave New«Yoik!.«.- l.'a.-i» et,«,»- Mou.lay, \X «slues.la»and ritlav. landin-ut llaiii'iii'iul »u ti em the foot of Roblnson-st. The Bell»is fitted up »»iih splendid itato-rooms, and f,«r speed,«Ma«forta t sal itj is aot sarpas*«}d by any boat on tiieHuilsotriver. Passengen laainj; the Beue will ani»-.« :u AlbanyIn ample time for the moraine cars East orWset,s_3packet boat» North. Kor freight or pa»«ai*o larjulre cmb»»n«d.


- JCm*m S.-I .tl.HKU AKKA>«EU_.Nf. RJ______.._-_ Tlie N .¦ »v V oi k and Krte RailruadiO|attrnltratrr-^tzsaa^ _. ..... A, .-.ui-.ttliarlheriloltt-f."*.-t» run dally (Su tdaysexcopted) between the city ofMsw.\'..i it an«l Middlelown, ij.islien, and iu'.ei iiiediat» plactf*,ufo'.lit».

F««r Passengers.Leave New Y>-tk at 7 A. M. an.t iP.M.-,eav»MlddletowBat6)A.M.aod-ifJ|

Kun« rednced to 41 S9 to Middletown-.way tn pr«.>por,lion. Breakfkst, dinner, »upper and berih» can b» bid oblb«» .»leattiU-i;.Kor I'ri-lchl. Lea»'«« New-York alb P. M.

.Leave Middlelown al 12 M.The tiHiti«'» ,«f i'ie consignee, and of 1*10 slalloa »vher«? 'a

i«- left,uiuslbedistinctly iiisike.l ipon each asílele »htppíiFrelghtnoi r«-,-.'!v.».i irter . P. M. In New-York.Apply .¦.> .1. K. CLARKSON, «Agent, si iMOOce,cor, ot

D.i.«:-«« and West »i«. H. C. SEYMOl.'R. SupetintentlenuMarch-'Htli. ,f..

fi?" Stages run «tally (rum Miil.ll»ti,«vn. «>u the arrival oíilie afternoon Iraln, to Milfonl, Carboodale,HooMdalf,Uonlrusa, Tow anda, Dt» o««» «u.l U'««»l Also, to Monitcel-lo. Winds« 1, Blngbainlon, Ulis«*a, i.«*. A^eal ou board.


»ioumm; BOAT FOR ALBANY\M) I'lttlY Passage $1.--BreakfsslandDinner ««-i board iM Boat. Pastees*«*

taking this Boat will arrive 111 lime i«> lake ihn Kveran^Trit.n ut Can from Troy »»e»t to Dutfulo, and tiorih in sir-atoe««, muí Lake Oe .r .««.

Th.-»lean.it NIAGARA, Capt W'm. Kllsworth, w«llleave Monday, Wednesday and Vmlay. ai 7 o'ctock, A. M.fToui the Pier t""i of Barclay.*!..returning on ,ip|Huit*!,.- ¡*7"K..i PassagOOl Krolcbl apply ou board, or toK ll'llill at lb« Ofl¡(.11 Hi" Wharf. aiiliif

-rr*««' w>Ti:A.MItOATUlUSON. Tliestes-B-¦ il_*l__ "TT-T'""" '" "S|)V* *'."" w"i. H.Mel!.bav.'Bw^MmK3t^.¡t (..,.. oTcrhauled, is now in dial rale m-der.will In fu ire run on her ok! route to Hudson direct,without Stopping at 111'' IM'.-ime.ll «le ¡..n.l.i:.-«. le«vlBi;from thofool ..t Cedai -i. Ne»v-Y'ork,at5o'clock,e»»»yMonduv Wednesday anil Friday evening*, muí HikIkmi

ry Tuesday, Thursday ami Sunday evenings at 6 u'clock,i. the Kinvni of ike Can from ihe Ku»t.Km passage apply on board. Tickets ihrongh 10 Pitis-

h«-l«l-rJ Si: Wi IStockbridge $l 75; ami Clmthani |1 SO.Tin« Boat his » larga number ofState-Rooin*. h-íü

OR »TATET. ISLANn.-OiTsadfierTuesday iba l«9th day ol Septembn¦'»itiie 1..1.H »»ill run as follows! Les**

Slitii'ii Islitml «it 8,8, in, it A. M. ami .'. 1,6 I'. M- l.e»»«Now-York hi 7, .>. 11 A. M. and I, 3, b.i P. M.

All i;«it»ls at tin, ri»k .«I ilui owner* Iberio:. »M

FALL ARRANGEMENT.. -IT'^ik PIONËEB ASM EX--BB-Bbbbbbbbb-BB v ¡_ ,. _.-, tnd CMttiKi'iui Philadelphia '.« Plltsburgb. The «1««,»« line 1» nuw

m lull operation. Passenger» leave Philadelphia everymorning at 7j o'clock, in Ibebesl nn«l most cnifortahledf-script!.I car» for Uarrlsburg, where iln-y embaik 00

the l't. kel 11.Tin» Isoneol the most agreeah.Um thai is i" be found

m ttie country. The scenery on the Su»«ioehfl_BB »n<IJ«alula river» Is uosurpaased foi beauty and »aiiely.lir '-.." .,« Philadelphia, tin. .'71 Mmltl ,t.rir Passengers ihould .arefol not to pay their ht*

m New*York farther than I'lulailolphia, a» Ihere is nop«t-.««.ii in that city authorized t«« »«.11 tickets foi ibis line.

A II. 1 TMMl.NiiS. Anent|.',l«.(). «. I I« oil tf

Xi, Uli 11. KATION TO t Al.l KO KM A aadiÍT-\rji.n. The .«il«», iiber will «lispau-h «1 vessel (in «f*_i,.11 the 16th ol October next for ih<« BayofSsfl

Francisco and Astoria. Applications for freight or bss-s,i.',«, sad ali u«'««-ssury Information, by letter, post-paid,!*ibe subscriber at New-York, will be promptly alten<led la-


win:öi.1[HEJUFF'iS atALE. ."¦« ¡Tn.Tñ »»ni of fie»..fa, |a* to Die directed and delivered, I will expose tciale

on T«i«-_ iv. !,«. ßlieenlh «luv ofSeptember ne»i,*t ilievfvit 1,h..-..i ii;.'- «'i;y Hail oftheCltynl N«*w.York,atlS'/<t<-xk

forenoon, «ill ilie right, llile and interest of HenryWilke», »» hldi l«e l«*l ««,i t!,«« bfthilay ni December, Iritb.mttany inn« afterv/ard,of,in ami 1,1 tin-folio«* liigdi'scnbedpf*-p»'rty, r,i v»ii all those fit.en certain lot», pieces or p»rcw»of iiiu-L lituale, l-, m.- and hiring m the Twelfth Warrl oftlwCity ofNew York, and known and distinguished untetr-..«.-i map entitled Map «if thoTblrd-avenue Tract, foraw-ly i!««- |.ri,'«,-ny .fit. I'. Benson and Dr. Van Art-la!*, «so*by J K. lindi-es, I'tlv Survey.ir ,ut.«,l Sept,tiib«-r, IWS.'and now 1», lilolntbe oiti<-.o ofReglstei .¦: the C.ivttA

of New-York, by tbo number» J«, 27, 32.34, eLt*,II. 16, 1". 17, 10-, 1.2,1 Sai«! |.,UHf.!.iiiialed_Bdl*ilBgbetween the Kirst and Second avenues and beiweea lawsan.l lir-ith street». Also, all thoieSI lots and r»"'""f'ou>f land sitúala in Manhananville In the i.'th Ward of ib*city of Ne»v-Y«irl«, dUlingulahed «m the map «f Mas-liatLan-.Ule, sors.¦'.¦! and laid «"it by Ailoléhus I/"*"»City Surveyor, on the lilli Sept. I80d, by l«.t» NOS. I!»- *tAll7onManhattsj.Mreet; Nos, liu, 112, ill, 132, 134. I>»», l."'. 141. 148. », li2, 154, 156, l/»7, 158 l.V>, l»,<l, nil, 1<«A

I..I, ¡«,l. I«.., :.¦ 161 .«, I-.), 17u, 171, I7J.I7.1,171. 175,1,*.177 and 178 on Scble_el-.*treel, Nos. 12. 34, W, W, 4«, *¦¦.1, 16, W, 50,52, -.1 and !M on Byrd-stra»>l, logetber »»- u¡appurten-nces lla-reunin belonging or appi-riaitilnf. Dated,New-York, Angus! 1, Ihw. WfLLIAJ. JUNKS, Si***-.

I» Kiiiimu.K L. Vli.tk, Deputy Sheritf. aiil lawiwlul*The sale ofthe above described properly 1» hereby post¬

poned until Xue»»lay, iho 27th «lay of Oeioher next, al 4S.ame time and WILLIAM JO.N-lS.Sber-tFar-bnntoK !.. VtTLTE, !)«'puly Siieiilf.Dated, New V .. Sept .'. mw._s_i6 l*wsrls_BV OHI-K1- of ll.ii. Edward Qninn,SkspsV-SCjCsatn

1 tiriten ibatan*íWB'ment n«_> issued against the eslale ol áaiiiuei B-ardt'ee uti

¦¦¦ or late of Hornby. Sf-uben CwrttT,absei lebton, ondoe proofatstewaa

said Supreme C«,ur'. ConualasioMr. p'irsuant to tie «Jar*''Huri» «it I!.«: statute cow ¦.mini* .. Au_chrr.enl» against .*»conilin»; cnncea.e<l an«: niin-r-aulenl deblors," and IBH

li.e s-une t» ;.. be »old tot Ihe pavin«-iii of Iheir deOU. s>

-.-, the said .Samuel BeariUle« and Ells* Bear1«l«r«.- i.K.l.iner.i accordin,: w ww

three m«,mi- !'r«.tii the i..-»t publication of «-bisB«**«>>>and that the payment of any debt», and the delivery of Uyproperty belonging to the »aid «lebwr», to item or for tnsir

use. and Ihe transfer «-»f any property by lh«m iur.ulTi^lpose wti&lever are forbidder by .aw, and are void. Dsaa

Sepi-imber 1st, 1846. L. N. B. VAN DEHLIP.»3 !aw3ia _a*i_?_-l:_ '"' '¦----.¦¦''.'.g Cf ._..-

BY~OÏiDËtt of Morris fotdtck, F.tc,. a Suprece CoatiCommlsBioaer.Nodcels«bereby taten, thai an u/Star

M issued -,'air.»l the causis: of Tbocias John'-ori, atauon-r»-».d»-rjt tl..-ói«ar, and lb-it Ibe «axne will be sed for ine

!,._ ri.Ai-o, iir.l.-». be -pjwar nnd äischarge »neíBtiacfamenl accordia^ to law, within nine moi'bt tvra be

first publication of this noilce i and that the payment ot*v>debts due to him by r.«idents of this State, and IbeMveryt«j h.iu, or for hi» use, of any properly wiibin thlt b'tazt be-

longing 10 him. and the transfer of any euch ptoperij'rfhim are forbidden oj law. and are void. Doted April .««.»

l¡-»_ WELLS B-.OOKS, Any. for AU*iblnK Cr«-di!«r,a-1 lawOtn_SpringvUie, Eric fAnit&l^IN PUJCHDAMCl of an order of the Surrogate of d*I C .«.-ly of Nevs-York-Nouce u hereby gfr-*OjosB{g»or.» havi-i* claims ae*m»i Patnck Nolan, Ule of the C»Jof Ne-A-YoVa,/rucer, deceased, to pressmt the »sine, wva

the 7«»uc!.er» ther-of to the »ubscr.ber at his residence, .¦»£221 Mad-SOO-sC m ib« City of Ne»v-York, on oe helot» tta

ei¡rhüi.iayof January next^-Daied New-York, the tÜJ¦1 v of July. ¡MB. THOMAS DOLAN,Jy7 lawim Admlnistrai-ir with the will acnes»'-"-tVEW-YOKK AND ERIE KAILKOAD CoatII pany..NOi'lCl-.TLe Siuc*lit-,ier» of Ibe New-»«'*and Erie BaiirtM-i C«uapaay are hereby notified, .b** *??annual elecuon for Directors of the «Comp*ny. wilt be t**-<*ai th« once. No. to Wall-,!, m the clly of New-York, jj5Tue»«lay ibe lath day ofOctober next!, from 10 o'clock A.»to S o'clock P. ¿1. , . ... , «_-,The Trsntfer Books wiU be closed from the ¿id of -*P*

until _M day a. .er ihe eiecuoa.By order of the Beard of Director».

NATHANIEL MARSH, S-eittsrj.New-York. 5--H- 12. ¡ä-fe_sU tO»_

P'~JUM_I-}60B.T MO_n_ of «70 and -¡¿reit, for ">.drawn by Egber. Hedge, printer, laie of .i-**0*__5S_*

Joarr^l, tad now in the etnp-oy of Mr. Minor's FoKVtaawC'._ii.3cy. This note was two» fide siven for rent pa.« "J

tne *. citrity w the landlord of hoa*e No. 22J WooswrHji--( Apr y :>. Sraací* ñst'^óo W:i:«a-_-»_ up stair*, oe !.*_.! ÍVÍ£At'FiÑ_r_UPKU-¿-'»>ir*r^*íor *k*ff,t T .3» 2w CïAUS W. FÎÏLD, 9 Bwiiani*

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