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Project Report

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International IT Institutes


Project Title: Payroll System

Student Name: Pham Hong HaGroup 3: Pham Hong Ha

Tran Thanh Tung Nguyen Van Vinh

Group Project Number: 3Project Number: Case Study 3Quarter: 5Coordinator: M.Sc Nguyen Truong Giang

May, 2008

Page 2: Payroll System

Project Report

Table of Contents

Part 1 – Introduction Payroll System

I – What is a Deezy Corp.?

II – What is activities list for Payroll System ?

III – Architecture Diagram for Shell Script

Part 2 – Code for the Shell Script in the Payroll System

Part 3 – Project File Details

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Project Report

Payroll System

Batch Code: Start date: May 1, 2008End date: May 22, 2008Name of the Coordinator: M.Sc Nguyen Truong GiangName of Developer: Pham Hong HaDate of Submission: May 23,2008

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Project Report



This is to certify that this report titled Payroll System embodies the original work done by Pham Hong Ha in partial fulfillment of their course requirement at NIIT.

Coordinator:M.Sc Nguyen Truong Giang

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Deezy Corp. is a company associated with auction business for the last ten years. The company is known for providing transparent and secure auctions. Deezy Corp. has its offices in different cities of the US of America. The number of branch offices and employees is constantly increasing with the growing volume of its customer base. In the existing system, Deezy Corp. has different departments, Stores, Accounts, and Maintenance.

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Activities List

The following tasks have been performed to meet the specifications of the project scenario:

1) Create a script file as mainmenu.sh. This file contains the code to display the main menu

2) Create a script file as file_manager.sh. This file contains the code to change information and delete an employee from employee_master file.

3) Create a script file as file_search.sh. This file contains the code to search employees have joined the company in the current year, their date of retirement in the current year and department-wise total number of employees needs to be identified.

4) Create a script file as print_payslips.sh. This file contains the code to generate pay-slips for each employee in the format.

5) Create a script file as print_da.sh. This file contains the code to generate deduction and allowance details report for all grades.

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Architecture DiagramMAINMENU.SH




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Project Report

Architecture Diagramfile_manager.sh





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Architecture Diagramfile_search.sh

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Architecture Diagramprint_payslips.sh








ManagerAcounts Department

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Architecture Diagramprint_da.sh

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Project Report

Code for the mainmenu.sh file

#!/bin/bashget_return(){echo -e "Press return \c"read xreturn 0}get_confirm(){echo -e "Are you sure? \c"while truedoread xcase "$x" iny | yes | Y | Yes | YES )return 0;;n | no | N | No | NO )echoecho "Cancelled"return 1;;*) echo "Please enter yes or no" ;;esacdone}mainmenu(){OPT=0while [ "$OPT" != "5" ]doclearechoechoechoecho -e "\033[30;1m MAIN MENU \033[0m"echoecho " 1. Manager Employee Informations"echo " 2. Search Employee Informations"echo " 3. Generate pay-slips for Employees"echo " 4. Generate Deduction and Allowance Informations"echo " 5. Quit"echo echo -n " Please enter choice then press return: "read OPTcase $OPT in"1") . file_manager.sh ;;"2") . file_search.sh ;;"3") . Print_payslip.sh ;;"4") . print_da.sh ;;

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Project Report

"5") exit;;*) echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tInvailid Input" echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tPress <Enter> key to continue...\c" read;; esacdoneecho "Option chosed: [$OPT]"return $OPT}mainmenu

Code for the file_manager.sh file

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Project Report

file_manager(){clearOPT=0while [ "$OPT" != "4" ]doclearechoechoechoecho -e "\033[30;1m Manager Employee Informations\033[0m"echoecho " 1. Add New Employees "echo " 2. Update Employee Informations"echo " 3. Delete Record's Employee Informations "echo " 4. Back"echo echo -n " Please enter choice: "read OPTcase $OPT in"1") add_em;;"2") update_em;;"3") delete_em;;"4") return;;*) echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tInvailid Input" echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tPress <Enter> key to continue...\c" read;; esacdonereturn $OPTexit 0}

add_em(){# Kiem tra File Employee_Master ton tai chuasort_id=`sort Employee_Master`echo "$sort_id" > E_id.txtset_id=`tail -1 E_id.txt`echo "$set_id" > E_id.txtfirstline=`cut -d : -f1 E_id.txt`

if [ -z "$firstline" ]then e_id="E001"else

numid=`expr substr $firstline 3 3` numid=`expr $numid + 1` if [ $numid -gt 1 -a $numid -le 9 ] then e_id="E00${numid}" elif [ $numid -ge 10 -a $numid -le 99 ] then

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e_id="E0${numid}" elif [ $numid -ge 100 -a $numid -le 999 ] then e_id="E${numid}" else echo "Data Invailid Input" exit fi


echo -e "Enter Employee Informations"echo -e "Enter First Name: \c"read F_nameecho -e "Enter Last Name: \c"echo -e "Enter Department: \c"read departread L_nameecho -e "Enter Date of Birth(D/M/Y): \c"read DoBecho -e "Enter Date of Joinning(D/M/Y): \c"read DoJecho -e "Enter Grade: \c"read gradeecho -e "Enter Basic Salary: \c"read basic_salarycase "$grade" in

SSK | ssk ) Gr_Sa1=$(($basic_salary*110));;HSK | hsk ) Gr_Sa1=$(($basic_salary*108));;SK | sk ) Gr_Sa1=$(($basic_salary*107));;SMSK | smsk ) Gr_Sa1=$(($basic_salary*105));;UNSK | unsk ) Gr_Sa1=$(($basic_salary*103));;esac

Gr_Sa=`expr $Gr_Sa1 / 100`if get_confirm ; thenecho "$e_id:$F_name:$L_name:$depart:$DoB:$DoJ:$grade:$basic_salary:$Gr_Sa" >> Employee_Masterelseremove_emfiecho -e -n "\t\tDo you want input more Employees (y/n)? : \033[0m"read ansif [ $ans == 'Y' -o $ans == 'y' ]thenadd_emelsereturn 0fi


# Find a Employee to update or Delete Information

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Project Report

find_em(){e_id=""echo -e "Enter a ID of Employee to search for in the Employee Informations"read SearchStrif [ "$SearchStr" = "" ]; thenreturn 0fi

grep "^$SearchStr" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtIFS=":"read E_id F_Name L_Name DoB DoJ grade Ba_Sa Gr_Sa < temp_file.txtIFS=":"if [ -z "$E_id" ]; thenecho -e "Sorry! Employee has ID is $SearchStr nothing found"return 0fiechoecho "ID of Employee: $E_id"echo "First Name: $F_Name"echo "Last Name: $L_Name"echo "Date of Birth: $DoB"echo "Date of Joining: $DoJ"echo "Grade: $grade"echo "Basic Salary: $Ba_Sa"echo "Gross Salary: $Gr_Sa"echoreturn 1}update_em() { if [ -z "$E_id" ]; then echo "You must select a Employee first" find_em n fi if [ -n "$E_id" ]; then

get_confirm && {grep -v "^$E_id" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtmv temp_file.txt Employee_Masterechoadd_em}

figet_returnreturn }delete_em(){if [ -z "$E_id" ]; then echo "You must select a Employee first" find_em nfi

if [ -n "$E_id" ]; thenecho -e "You are about to delete $E_id"

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get_confirm && {grep -v "^$E_id" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtmv temp_file.txt Employee_Masterecho -e "Employee Informations deleted"E_id=""}


Code for the file_search.sh file

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Project Report

file_search(){clearOPT=0while [ "$OPT" != "4" ]doclearechoechoechoecho -e "\033[30;1m Search Employee Informations\033[0m"echoecho " 1. Search Employees joined the company in the current year "echo " 2. Search Employees have their date of retirement in the current year"echo " 3. Search Employees in same Depatment"echo " 4. Back"echo echo -n " Please enter choice then you need search: "read OPTcase $OPT in"1") search_join;;"2") retirement_em;;"3") department_em;;"4") return;;*) echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tInvailid Input" echo -e "\n\t\t\t\tPress <Enter> key to continue...\c" read;; esacdoneecho "Option chosed: [$OPT]"return $OPT}search_join(){clearyear_cur=$(date "+%Y")grep "$year_cur" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtread bien < temp_file.txtif [ -z "$bien" ]; thenecho -e "Khong co nhan vien vao cong ty trong nam nay"elsenum_join=$(wc -l temp_file.txt)echo -e "So nhan vien gia nhap cong ty trong nam nay: $num_join"echo -e ""echo -e "Danh sach nhan vien:"cat temp_file.txtfiecho -e ""

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Project Report

get_return}department_em(){clearechoecho -e " Enter Department"read departgrep "$depart" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtread bien1 < temp_file.txtif [ -z "$bien1" ]; thenecho -e "Phong ban go khong co trong cong ty"get_returnelsenum_join=$(wc -l temp_file.txt)echo -e "Tong so nhan vien trong phong $depart la: $num_join"echo ""echo -e " Danh sach nhan vien trong phong $depart gom:"cat temp_file.txtbien1=""get_returnfi}


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Code for the print_paysips.sh file

Print_payslip(){echo -e "Enter a ID of Employee to generate Pay-slip"read Strif [ "$Str" = "" ]; thenreturn 0figrep "^$Str" Employee_Master > temp_file.txtIFS=":"read E_id F_Name L_Name depart DoB DoJ grade Ba_Sa Gr_Sa < temp_file.txtIFS=":"if [ -z "$E_id" ]; thenecho -e "Sorry! Employee has ID is $Str nothing found"return 0fiecho ""echo " Deezy Corp, Pay-Slip"echo ""echo "Employee ID: $E_id F_Name: $F_Name L_Name: $L_Name"echo "Department: $depart Grade: $grade"echo "Basic Salary: $Ba_Sa Gross Salary: $Gr_Sa"echo ""echo " Manager"echo " Accounts Department"echo""get_return}Print_payslip

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Code for the print_da.sh file

print_da(){echo -e "Enter a Grade to Generate details report for Dedution and Allowance"read Strif [ "$Str" = "" ]; thenreturn 0figrep "^$Str" Grade.txt > temp_file.txtIFS=":"read grade deduc allow < temp_file.txtIFS=":"if [ -z "$grade" ]; thenecho -e "Sorry! Grade is $Str nothing found"return 0fiecho ""echo " Deduction and Allowance of $grade"echo ""echo " Grade Deduction Allowance"echo " $grade $deduc $allow"echo ""get_return}print_da

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Execute the Application

To execute the Payroll System shell script application:

1. Create a directory, ps, under your home directory and copy all the Payroll System realated shell script to the ps directory.

2. Issue the following command to change the permission of the shell script such that the current user has execute permission on them:$ chmod 744 ~/ps/*.sh

3. Add the PATH, $HOME/PS to the environment variable, PATH, of the current user in the file, .bash_profile, as shown in the flowing code: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/PSExport $PATH

4. Save file, .bash_profile and logout

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Hardware: PC compatible with a Intel Pentium- III processor, 256-MB RAM, and 10GB of hard disk.

Operating System:Server: Fedora Core 2 operating systemClient: Fedora Core 2 operating system

Software:Server: Customize Personal Desktop type of installation of Fedora Core 2 operating system with send mail server and print server configuredClient: Customize Personal Desktop type of installation of Fedora Core 2 operating system with pine and compress utilities installed.

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S.NO File Name Description1 mainmenu.sh Contains the code to

display the main menu.2 file_manager.sh Contains the code to

change information and delete an employee from employee_master file.

3 file_search.sh Contains the code to search employees have joined the company in the current year, their date of retirement in the current year and department-wise total number of employees needs to be identified.

4 print_payslips.sh Contains the code to generate pay-slips for each employee in the format.

5 print_da.sh Contains the code to generate deduction and allowance details report for all grades.

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